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Effects of Lycopene Supplementation in Patients with Localized Prostate Cancer



Epidemiological studies have shown an inverse association between dietary intake of lycopene and prostate cancer risk. We conducted a clinical trial to investigate the biological and clinical effects of lycopene supplementation in patients with localized prostate cancer. Twenty-six men with newly diagnosed prostate cancer were randomly assigned to receive a tomato oleoresin extract containing 30 mg of lycopene (n = 15) or no supplementation (n = 11) for 3 weeks before radical prostatectomy. Biomarkers of cell proliferation and apoptosis were assessed by Western blot analysis in benign and cancerous prostate tissues. Oxidative stress was assessed by measuring the peripheral blood lymphocyte DNA oxidation product 5-hydroxymethyl-deoxyuridine (5-OH-mdU). Usual dietary intake of nutrients was assessed by a food frequency questionnaire at baseline. Prostatectomy specimens were evaluated for pathologic stage, Gleason score, volume of cancer, and extent of high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia. Plasma levels of lycopene, insulin-like growth factor-1, insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3, and prostate-specific antigen were measured at baseline and after 3 weeks of supplementation or observation. After intervention, subjects in the intervention group had smaller tumors (80% vs 45%, less than 4 ml), less involvement of surgical margins and/or extra-prostatic tissues with cancer (73% vs 18%, organ-confined disease), and less diffuse involvement of the prostate by high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (33% vs 0%, focal involvement) compared with subjects in the control group. Mean plasma prostate-specific antigen levels were lower in the intervention group compared with the control group. This pilot study suggests that lycopene may have beneficial effects in prostate cancer. Larger clinical trials are warranted to investigate the potential preventive and/or therapeutic role of lycopene in prostate cancer.
Effects of Lycopene Supplementation in Patients
with Localized Prostate Cancer
*Division of Hematology and Oncology, †Departments of Pathology, ‡Urology, and §Biostatistics,
Wayne State University, and Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute, Detroit, Michigan 48201;
¶Department of Medicine, McGill University and Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, Quebec H3T
1E2, Canada; +Joint Institute for Applied Nutrition, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,
University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742; and **Cancer Research Center of Hawaii,
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Epidemiological studies have shown an inverse association be-
tween dietary intake of lycopene and prostate cancer risk. We
conducted a clinical trial to investigate the biological and clini-
cal effects of lycopene supplementation in patients with local-
ized prostate cancer. Twenty-six men with newly diagnosed
prostate cancer were randomly assigned to receive a tomato
oleoresin extract containing 30 mg of lycopene (n = 15) or no
supplementation (n = 11) for 3 weeks before radical prostatec-
tomy. Biomarkers of cell proliferation and apoptosis were as-
sessed by Western blot analysis in benign and cancerous pros-
tate tissues. Oxidative stress was assessed by measuring the
peripheral blood lymphocyte DNA oxidation product 5-hydroxy-
methyl-deoxyuridine (5-OH-mdU). Usual dietary intake of nutri-
ents was assessed by a food frequency questionnaire at base-
line. Prostatectomy specimens were evaluated for pathologic
stage, Gleason score, volume of cancer, and extent of high-
grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia. Plasma levels of lyco-
pene, insulin-like growth factor-1, insulin-like growth factor
binding protein-3, and prostate-specific antigen were measured
at baseline and after 3 weeks of supplementation or observa-
tion. After intervention, subjects in the intervention group had
smaller tumors (80% vs 45%, less than 4 ml), less involvement
of surgical margins and/or extra-prostatic tissues with cancer
(73% vs 18%, organ-confined disease), and less diffuse involve-
ment of the prostate by high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neo-
plasia (33% vs 0%, focal involvement) compared with subjects
in the control group. Mean plasma prostate-specific antigen lev-
els were lower in the intervention group compared with the con-
trol group. This pilot study suggests that lycopene may have
beneficial effects in prostate cancer. Larger clinical trials are
warranted to investigate the potential preventive and/or thera-
peutic role of lycopene in prostate cancer.
Exp Biol Med 227:881
885, 2002
Key words: lycopene; prostate cancer; chemoprevention; treat-
ment; connexin; tomato carotenoids
pidemiological studies have shown an inverse asso-
ciation between dietary intake of lycopene and pros-
tate cancer risk (1). Possible mechanisms by which
lycopene may prevent cancer include 1) inhibition of
growth and induction of differentiation in prostate cancer
cells (2–6); 2) upregulation of tumor suppressor protein
Cx43 and increased gap junctional intercellular communi-
cation (7–11); and 3) prevention of oxidative DNA damage
(12, 13).
Lycopene increases gap-junctional intercellular com-
munication by increasing expression of gap junctional gene,
connexin 43 (7–9). This action correlates strongly with the
ability of lycopene and other carotenoids to suppress neo-
plastic transformation in model cell culture systems (9).
This action of carotenoids has been proposed to have
mechanistic significance by enabling the transfer of growth-
regulatory signals between normal growth-inhibited cells
and pre-neoplastic cells. Indeed, when neoplastic cells were
forced into junctional communication with quiescent nor-
mal cells, the neoplastic cells became growth arrested in
direct proportion to their extent of junctional communica-
tion (14). Progressive decreases with disease severity in the
expression of Cx43 have been reported in the human pros-
tate (15), and there is evidence in prostatic carcinoma cell
lines that some of this loss of junctional communication
may result from defects in assembly of Cx43 protein into
gap junctions (16). When functional communication was
restored in a human prostatic carcinoma cell line, cells had
more normal differentiation, reduced proliferation, and sup-
pressed tumorigenicity (17).
Insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) have mitogenic and
antiapoptotic effects on normal and transformed prostate
epithelial cells (18–20). IGF-1 is an important mitogen for
prostate cells. Insulin-like growth factor binding proteins
(IGFBPs) have opposing actions, in part by binding IGF-1
but also by direct inhibitory effects on target cells (18). In
recent epidemiological studies, relatively high plasma
To whom all correspondence should be addressed at Division of Hematology and
Oncology, 3990 John R, 5 Hudson, Detroit, MI 48201. E-mail: kucuko@karmanos.
Copyright © 2002 by the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine
IGF-1 and low IGFBP-3 levels were independently associ-
ated with greater risk of prostate cancer (21–25). Two- to
4-fold elevated risks have been observed for prostate cancer
in men in the top quartile of IGF-1 relative to those in the
bottom quartile, and low levels of IGFBP-3 were associated
with an approximate doubling of risk (21).
Despite the inverse association between lycopene in-
take and prostate cancer observed in epidemiological stud-
ies, no clinical intervention studies have previously been
reported showing the effect of lycopene supplements in men
with prostate cancer. We conducted a pilot study investi-
gating the effect of lycopene supplementation on the pros-
tate tissues and on serum levels of prostate-specific antigen
(PSA), IGF-1, and IGFBP-3 in patients with localized pros-
tate cancer. We hypothesized that lycopene supplementa-
tion would decrease growth and induce apoptosis in prema-
lignant and malignant prostate cells by up-regulating Cx43,
downregulating IGF-1 and decreasing the ratio of bcl-2/bax
in patients with localized prostate cancer.
Clinical Trial of Lycopene in Prostate Cancer
We conducted a randomized, two-arm clinical interven-
tion study in 35 patients with clinical stages T1 or T2 pros-
tate cancer who were scheduled to undergo radical prosta-
tectomy. Nine patients were excluded from analysis because
they had incorrect diagnosis (one patient), or dropped out
after randomization (two patients) or had previous hormone
therapy (six patients). Data were collected from 26 eligible
patients who were randomly assigned to the lycopene arm
(n 15) or the control arm (n 11) of the study. Detailed
description of the methodology and the results of this trial
have been published elsewhere (26).
Subjects were randomly assigned to either lycopene
supplementation or no intervention for 3 weeks before sur-
gery. Blood samples were collected and food frequency
questionnaires were obtained at baseline. Another blood
sample was obtained for biomarker studies after 3 weeks of
intervention before radical prostatectomy. Entire prostate
glands were resected and specimens were evaluated for
pathologic stage, Gleason score, the volume of prostate can-
cer as well as the extent of high-grade prostatic intraepithe-
lial neoplasia (HGPIN). Tissue levels of Cx43, bcl-2, and
bax were assessed by Western blotting in benign and ma-
lignant tissue samples. Plasma and tissue levels of carot-
enoids were measured by HPLC. Plasma levels of IGF-1
and IGFBP-3 were measured by enzyme-linked immuno-
sorbent assay. Peripheral blood lymphocyte levels of 5-hy-
droxymethyl-deoxyuridine (5-OhmdU) were measured by
gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.
Subjects randomized to the intervention arm were
asked to take a tomato oleoresin extract containing 15 mg of
lycopene (Lyc-O-Mato
, LycoRed Natural Products Indus-
tries, Beer-Sheva, Israel) twice daily. Subjects randomized
to the control arm were asked to continue their regular diet
and were given the NCI recommendations to increase daily
fruit and vegetable intake to five servings a day.
After 3 weeks of intervention or no intervention, all
subjects underwent radical prostatectomy with removal of
the entire prostate gland, seminal vesicals, and surrounding
soft tissues. Fresh tissue samples were obtained with the
exact anatomic source of each sample clearly indicated on a
specimen diagram for subsequent microscopic confirma-
tion. In cases where gross identification of the tumor was
difficult to establish, a frozen section slide of the suspected
area was generated and stained with hematoxylin and eosin
to guide the acquisition protocols. When possible,1gof
tissue from benign areas of the gland was kept frozen for
lycopene analysis. Appropriate tissue samples were taken
for Western blotting and for histologic examination. Tissue
samples obtained from benign and malignant parts of the
glands were stored at −70°C until biomarker studies were
performed. The specimens were then entirely embedded in
paraffin, step-sectioned, and microscopically examined by
the study pathologists.
Changes in clinical parameters are shown in Table I.
Mean plasma PSA levels decreased by 18% in the interven-
tion group whereas they increased by 14% in the control
group over the study period (P 0.22). In the intervention
group, 11 of 15 patients (73%) had involvement of surgical
margins and/or extra-prostatic tissues with cancer, com-
pared with 2 of 11 patients (18%) in the control group (P
0.02). Twelve of 15 patients (80%) in the lycopene group
had tumors that measured 4 ml or less compared with 5 of
11 (45%) in the control group (P 0.22). Multifocal and/or
diffuse involvement by HGPIN was observed in 10 of 15
subjects (67%) in the lycopene group compared with all 11
subjects (100%) in the control group (P 0.05).
Sufficient malignant tissues were available for analysis
in four subjects from the lycopene group and in four sub-
jects from the control group. The level of Cx43 protein was
0.63 ± 0.19 optical density (OD) units in the lycopene group
compared with the 0.25 ± 0.08 OD units in the control group
(P 0.13). The expression of cell cycle regulatory pro-
teins, bcl-2 and bax, were not significantly different be-
tween the two groups, although bax level of the lycopene
group (1.05 ± 0.29) was higher than the control group (0.68
± 0.18).
Tissue samples from benign parts of the gland were
available for biomarker analysis in eight subjects in the
intervention group and six subjects in the control group.
Cx43 level was 0.64 ± 0.12 in the lycopene group compared
with 0.51 ± 0.10 in the control group. The expression of
bcl-2 was 0.63 ± 0.04 in the intervention group and 0.58 ±
0.04 in the control group, and the expression of bax was
0.62 ± 0.10 in the intervention group and 0.79 ± 0.11 in the
control group. None of the differences in the biomarkers of
the two groups were statistically significant.
Plasma samples were available from 13 subjects in the
intervention group and 10 subjects in the control group.
Mean plasma levels of IGF-1 decreased by from 233 ± 21
ng/ml to 169 ± 23 ng/ml in the lycopene group (P
0.0002) and from 199 ± 20 ng/ml to 140 ± 16 ng/ml in the
control group (P 0.0003). Interestingly, IGFBP-3 levels
also decreased in both intervention and control groups dur-
ing the study period. Plasma IGFBP-3 levels of intervention
group decreased from 5230 ng/ml to 3924 ng/ml and control
group decreased from 5200 ng/ml to 4070 ng/ml, which
were statistically significant (P 0.0002 and P 0.0001,
In the intervention group, plasma lycopene level in-
creased in 5 of 11 patients, whereas only one of six subjects
in the control group had an increase (Fisher’s exact test, P
0.33). The level of post-intervention plasma lycopene
was 23.5 g/dl in the intervention group and 17.5 g/dl in
the control group (P 0.15). However, there was no sig-
nificant difference between the two groups with regard to
percent change of plasma lycopene level because of great
variability in plasma lycopene levels and small numbers of
subjects in each group. Prostatic tissue lycopene levels were
47% higher in the intervention group (0.53 ± 0.03 ng/g of
prostate tissue) compared with the control group (0.36 ±
0.06), which was a significant difference (P 0.02) despite
the small number of samples (n 8).
Peripheral blood lymphocyte levels of 5-OHmdU were
similar in both groups before and after intervention. There
were no differences between the groups with respect to
baseline intake of nutrients assessed by food frequency
Discussion and Conclusions
The results suggest that 30 mg of lycopene taken daily
for 3 weeks may be sufficient to modulate prostate cancer.
The microscopic extension of prostate cancer to surgical
margins and/or to extra-prostatic tissues appeared to have
decreased as a result of lycopene supplementation. This
finding has potential clinical implications as extension of
tumor to surgical margins identifies a group of patients with
poor prognosis. Patients in the lycopene group had a de-
crease in the plasma PSA level, which is a clinical param-
eter of prostate cancer burden. These results suggest that
lycopene may have an antitumor effect and perhaps be use-
ful as an adjunct to standard treatments of prostate cancer,
such as surgery, radiation therapy, hormones and chemo-
therapy. In addition, lycopene supplementation appears to
have reduced the diffuse involvement of the prostate gland
with HGPIN, which is a precursor of prostate cancer (27),
suggesting that lycopene may have a role in the prevention
of prostate cancer.
The mechanism of the clinical effects of lycopene re-
mains to be elucidated. Upregulation of Cx43 expression
would be a potential explanation. However, although there
was an increase in the expression of Cx43 in tumor tissue in
the intervention group, it did not reach statistical signifi-
cance, perhaps because of the small number of subjects.
When the results from all 35 randomized subjects (including
the nine subjects who were excluded from analysis because
of protocol violation) are analyzed, Cx43 expression was
significantly higher in the tumors from patients in the lyco-
pene group (P < 0.05). Increased expression of Cx43 and
increased junctional communication have previously been
shown to occur after treatment of human and murine cells in
culture with lycopene (8). Upregulated junctional commu-
nication has been linked to decreased proliferation in nor-
mal and pre-neoplastic cells (28). Therefore, our results sug-
gest that lycopene supplementation may decrease the
growth of prostate cancer, perhaps by upregulating Cx43.
However, because of small sample size, no definitive
conclusions can be reached. Clearly, larger clinical trials
are needed to determine the efficacy as well as the appro-
Table I. Change in Clinical Parameters in Intervention (n = 15) and Control (n = 11) Groups
Intervention Control P value
PSA level (mean ± SE, ng/ml)
Pre-intervention 6.89 ± 0.81 6.74 ± 0.88
Post-intervention 5.64 ± 0.87 7.65 ± 1.78 0.25
High-grade PIN (n)
Focal 5 0
Multifocal/diffuse 10 11 0.05
Gleason score
6 74
>6 8 7 0.70
Tumor volume (cm
4 12 5
>4 3 6 0.22
Surgical stage (n)
Confined to prostate 11 2
Not confined to prostate
4 9 0.02
SE denotes standard error.
P value is for comparing the change from pre- to post-intervention PSA in the two groups.
Resection margins are positive and/or extra-prostatic invasion is present.
priate dose and duration of lycopene supplementation in
men with prostate cancer or high risk of developing prostate
It should be noted that the lycopene preparation that
was used in this study was a mixture of tomato carotenoids
and other tomato phytochemicals (Table II). Although ly-
copene was the predominant carotenoid in the capsules,
there were significant amounts of phytoene and phytofluene
and other bioactive compounds. It is possible that the com-
bination of the phytochemicals present in the tomato extract
was responsible for the observed clinical effects rather than
lycopene alone. There are in vitro data suggesting synergis-
tic effects of lycopene with phytoene, phytofluene and beta-
carotene against prostate cancer cells (personal communi-
cation, Yoav Sharoni and Yossi Levy).
The differences observed in bioavailability and re-
sponse to Lycomato preparation in this study are not easily
explained because the preparation contains the natural to-
mato oleoresin present in tomato matrix in the Lyc-O-
Mato® capsules used in this study. Previous studies have
shown excellent bioavailability of lycopene from this prepa-
ration (29). However, it is possible that the fat and other
nutrients in the diet might have influenced the bioavailablity
of lycopene in our study population.
Future Directions
Dose–response to lycopene should be investigated in
subjects with localized and advanced prostate cancer. Clini-
cal trials should be conducted in patients with HGPIN or
elevated PSA but without a diagnosis of prostate cancer as
they are at a high risk of developing prostate cancer or
having occult disease. Lycopene could be compared with
other promising agents such as vitamin E, selenium or soy
in future clinical trials. We have found significant in vitro
(30, 31) and clinical activity with soy isoflavones (32). We
are currently conducting clinical trials investigating the ef-
fects of lycopene alone or in combination with soy isofla-
vones in patients with advanced prostate cancer. We plan to
investigate the effects of lycopene alone and in combination
with other tomato carotenoids in patients with prostate can-
cer. Lycopene should also be combined with vitamin E (33)
and selenium (34) in future clinical trials.
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... There are 31 studies focused on diet, 48.4% (15) of which were successful at improving oncological outcomes [67][68][69]71,73,84,85,[91][92][93]95,[97][98][99]102 and 51.6% (16) of which were not. 70 145 In other studies, the accuracy of NLR as a prognostic marker of disease progression in localised PCa or response to treatment (e.g., docetaxel, cabazitaxel or radium-223) in advanced PCa has been inconclusive suggesting the need for further study. ...
... In total for the 15 successful diet only studies, 5198 patients had localised (non-metastatic) disease, and only 34 patients had advanced disease. The dietary interventions included lycopene supplementation (for 3 weeks prior to surgery,67,85 for 3 months alone91 and with or without selenium or omega 3 fatty acids for 3 weeks prior to surgery 95 ); high phytoestrogens (soy and linseed for 24 days before surgery 68 ); soy and isoflavones supplementation (for 5.5 months in patients with rising PSA levels post treatment for localised disease [66%] or with advanced disease [34%] 69 or 3-6 weeks prior to surgery 102 ); combined supplementation of soy, isoflavones, lycopene, silymarin and antioxidants (for 10 weeks in patients with biochemical recurrence [BCR] post treatment 71 ); replacing animal fat with vegetable fat 73 ; green tea (for 1 month prior to surgery 92 ); polyphenol E (for 1 month prior to surgery 93 ); citrus pectin (for 12 months after primary treatment for localised disease 97 ); and pomegranate (up to 24 months after primary treatment for localised disease98,99 ). Oncological outcomes measured were PSA levels, PSA velocity, PSA doubling time, Free/Total PSA ratios, tumour size, surgical margins and cancer cell proliferation rates on surgical pathology, hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and VEGF levels as well as PCa-specific and allcause mortality.[67][68][69]71,73,84,85,[91][92][93]95,[97][98][99]102 ...
... The dietary interventions included lycopene supplementation (for 3 weeks prior to surgery,67,85 for 3 months alone91 and with or without selenium or omega 3 fatty acids for 3 weeks prior to surgery 95 ); high phytoestrogens (soy and linseed for 24 days before surgery 68 ); soy and isoflavones supplementation (for 5.5 months in patients with rising PSA levels post treatment for localised disease [66%] or with advanced disease [34%] 69 or 3-6 weeks prior to surgery 102 ); combined supplementation of soy, isoflavones, lycopene, silymarin and antioxidants (for 10 weeks in patients with biochemical recurrence [BCR] post treatment 71 ); replacing animal fat with vegetable fat 73 ; green tea (for 1 month prior to surgery 92 ); polyphenol E (for 1 month prior to surgery 93 ); citrus pectin (for 12 months after primary treatment for localised disease 97 ); and pomegranate (up to 24 months after primary treatment for localised disease98,99 ). Oncological outcomes measured were PSA levels, PSA velocity, PSA doubling time, Free/Total PSA ratios, tumour size, surgical margins and cancer cell proliferation rates on surgical pathology, hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and VEGF levels as well as PCa-specific and allcause mortality.[67][68][69]71,73,84,85,[91][92][93]95,[97][98][99]102 The diet only studies that were unsuccessful again consisted of mainly patients with localised disease70,75,76,80,87,88,96,100,101,[103][104][105][106] with only three studies on patients with advanced disease.89,90,94 ...
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Background: The mostly indolent natural history of prostate cancer (PCa) provides an opportunity for men to explore the benefits of lifestyle interventions. Current evidence suggests appropriate changes in lifestyle including diet, physical activity (PA) and stress reduction with or without dietary supplements may improve both disease outcomes and patient's mental health. Objective: This article aims to review the current evidence on the benefits of all lifestyle programmes for PCa patients including those aimed at reducing obesity and stress, explore their affect on tumour biology and highlight any biomarkers that have clinical utility. Evidence acquisition: Evidence was obtained from PubMed and Web of Science using keywords for each section on the affects of lifestyle interventions on (a) mental health, (b) disease outcomes and (c) biomarkers in PCa patients. PRISMA guidelines were used to gather the evidence for these three sections (15, 44 and 16 publications, respectively). Evidence synthesis: For lifestyle studies focused on mental health, 10/15 demonstrated a positive influence, although for those programmes focused on PA it was 7/8. Similarly for oncological outcomes, 26/44 studies demonstrated a positive influence, although when PA was included or the primary focus, it was 11/13. Complete blood count (CBC)-derived inflammatory biomarkers show promise, as do inflammatory cytokines; however, a deeper understanding of their molecular biology in relation to PCa oncogenesis is required (16 studies reviewed). Conclusions: Making PCa-specific recommendations on lifestyle interventions is difficult on the current evidence. Nevertheless, notwithstanding the heterogeneity of patient populations and interventions, the evidence that dietary changes and PA may improve both mental health and oncological outcomes is compelling, especially for moderate to vigorous PA. The results for dietary supplements are inconsistent, and although some biomarkers show promise, significantly more research is required before they have clinical utility.
... High-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia was detected in 67% of the patients in the intervention group compared to 100% in the control group. 115 Another study conducted between 2001 and 2002 assessed the effect of lycopene in patients with metastatic hormone-refractory PCa (HRPC). Twenty HRPC patients participated in the trial, receiving 10 mg of lycopene daily for 3 months. ...
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Prostate cancer (PCa) is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men and the second leading cause of cancer death among men worldwide. While the exact etiology of PCa remains unclear, various factors contribute to the onset of the disease. These factors include modifiable risk factors such as physical activity, diet, obesity, smoking, alcohol consumption, and exposure to environmental agents. In addition, unmodifiable risk factors such as age and ethnicity play a role, with men of African ancestry being more susceptible to the disease. Despite the availability of potential treatment options, prevention is of utmost importance in reducing the incidence of PCa. Researchers have turned their attention to carotenoids, which are natural compounds derived from fruit and vegetables such as citrus, tomato, and green leafy vegetables, due to their potential chemopreventive effects. Multiple phase II clinical trials have indicated a reduced incidence and progression of diagnosed PCa in patients. Laboratory studies on PCa cell lines have demonstrated that carotenoids induce apoptosis and reduce cellular accumulation and adhesion of PCa cells in a dose-dependent manner. In this literature review, we assess the chemopreventive potential of the most common carotenoids: α-carotene, β-carotene, lycopene, lutein, and β-cryptoxanthin, which are often found in a heterogeneous mixture. We also discuss their potential clinical use as well as challenges related to their safety and bioavailability. Overall, a better understanding of the etiology and pathophysiology of PCa will lead to the development of improved preventative strategies and treatments for the disease.
... Kucuk et al. [139] investigated the effect of lycopene supplementation on DNA oxidation in early stage localized prostate cancer cases. The treatment group consumed oleoresin extract containing 15 mg lycopene twice daily for 3 wk which raised plasma lycopene but did not cause significant changes in DNA oxidation measured as 5-hydroxy methyl deoxyuridine (5-OHmdU) in peripheral blood lymphocytes. ...
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Background: Accumulation of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) damage diminishes cellular health, increases the risk of developmental and degenerative diseases and accelerates aging. Optimizing nutrient intake can minimize accrual of DNA damage. Objectives: To (i) assemble and systematically analyse high-level evidence for the effect of supplementation with micronutrients and phytochemicals on base-line levels of DNA damage in humans and (ii) use this knowledge to identify which of these essential micronutrients or non-essential phytochemicals promote DNA integrity in vivo in humans. Design: We conducted systematic literature searches of the PubMed database to identify interventional, prospective, cross-sectional, or in vitro studies that explored the association between nutrients and established biomarkers of DNA damage associated with developmental and degenerative disease risk. Biomarkers included lymphocyte chromosome aberrations, lymphocyte and buccal cell micronuclei, DNA methylation, lymphocyte/leukocyte DNA strand breaks, DNA oxidation, telomere length, telomerase activity, and mitochondrial DNA mutations. Only randomized, controlled interventions and uncontrolled longitudinal intervention studies conducted in humans were selected for evaluation and data extraction. These studies were ranked for the quality of their study design. Results: In all, 96 of the 124 articles identified reported studies that achieved a quality assessment score ≥ 5 (from a maximum score of 7) and were included in the final review. Based on these studies, nutrients associated with protective effects included vitamin A and its precursor β-carotene, vitamins C, E, B1, B12, folate, minerals selenium and zinc, and phytochemicals such as curcumin (with piperine), lycopene, and proanthocyanidins. These findings highlight the importance of nutrients involved in (i) DNA metabolism and repair (folate, vitamin B12, and zinc), and (ii) prevention of oxidative stress and inflammation (vitamins A, C, E, lycopene, curcumin, proanthocyanidins, selenium and zinc). Conclusions: Supplementation with certain micronutrients and their combinations may reduce DNA damage and promote cellular health by improving maintenance of genome integrity.
... In one study, the lycopene group was compared to a placebo group; in four studies, lycopene groups were compared with a normal diet group; one study was compared with a standard regimen of kidney injury prevention; one study was compared with a controlled lycopene diet (≤5 mg from foods); and one was compared with regular diet and fruit and vegetable recommendations. One possible grade 2 gastrointestinal adverse event was reported in three studies (Grainger et al., 2015;Hackshaw-McGeagh et al., 2019;Kumar et al., 2008); two studies did not find any adverse events (Datta et al., 2013;Kucuk et al., 2001) and there was no available information about adverse events in three studies (Kucuk et al., 2002;Mahmoodnia et al., 2017;Paur et al., 2017;Puri et al., 2010). The intervention duration ranged from 24 to 72 hours until 6 months. ...
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Introduction Lycopene supplementation has been considered potentially useful as an adjuvant cancer therapy according to its anticancer properties. The present study aimed to investigate the effects of lycopene supplementation on outcome improvement in patients with cancer therapy. As a secondary aim, we conducted a meta-analysis to investigate the efficacy of lycopene supplementation on circulating lycopene concentration in patients with cancer therapy. Methods A systematic and comprehensive search was performed in electronic databases, including PubMed, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Web of Science, SCOPUS, EMBASE, MedNar, and OpenGrey up to March 2023. The inclusion criteria were randomized controlled trials conducted on patients under cancer therapy (i.e., radiotherapy, chemotherapy, surgery, etc.) supplementing with lycopene. Data extraction and analysis: two different evaluators screened and collected literature independently. Information regarding the study design, participants, intervention, and dependent outcomes was extracted, and the bias of the study was assessed. Additionally, separate random-effect meta-analyses were performed to examine the effects of lycopene supplementation on circulating lycopene concentration in patients under cancer therapy. Results The initial search retrieved 7 565 articles of which eight met the inclusion criteria. Lycopene supplementation did not modify cancer hallmarks in these studies. However, despite the heterogeneity between studies, we show that, compared with control, lycopene supplementation had moderate effects on circulating lycopene concentration in patients under cancer therapy (pooled mean difference, 0.1361; 95% CI [0.0574; 0.2148], P = .0007). Conclusions Our study shows that lycopene supplementation does not modify the main hallmarks of cancer, but it increases circulating lycopene concentration in patients under cancer therapy, which could have a positive impact on potential clinical and molecular outcomes in cancer patients.
... It is suggested that lycopene possesses the effect of cell proliferation inhibition, halting cell cycles and inducing apoptotic effect with in vitro models (Hwang and Bowen, 2005;Kong et al., 2010;Palozza et al., 2010;Peng et al., 2017;Pereira Soares et al., 2014;Rafi et al., 2013). However, the effect of the consumption of lycopene-rich fruits and lycopene extracts on the risk of prostate cancer has been a controversial and still a problematic subject in the field of dietary supplements (Key et al., 2015;Kucuk et al., 2002;Rowles and Erdman, 2020;Wang et al., 2016). Studies (Applegate et al., 2019;Wan et al., 2014) indicate that lycopene intake affects androgen regulation and also carcinogenesis by altering gene expression. ...
In this study, it's aimed to develop prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) targeted niosomes with a multifunctional theranostic approach. With this aim, PSMA-targeted niosomes were synthesized by a thin-film hydration method followed by bath sonication. Drug-loaded niosomes (Lyc-ICG-Nio) were coated with DSPE-PEG-COOH (Lyc-ICG-Nio-PEG) and subsequently anti-PSMA antibody conjugated to niosomes (Lyc-ICG-Nio-PSMA) with amide bond formation. Dynamic light scattering (DLS) analysis showed that the hydrodynamic diameter of Lyc-ICG-Nio-PSMA was approximately 285 nm and it was found with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) that the niosome formulation was spherical. Encapsulation efficiency was 45% and %65 upon dual encapsulation of ICG and lycopene. The results of fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) demonstrated that PEG coating and antibody coupling were successfully done. In vitro studies showed that cell viability decreased when lycopene was entrapped into niosomes applied while the total apoptotic cell population rose slightly. When Lyc-ICG-Nio-PSMA was applied to cells, decreased cell viability and enhanced apoptotic effect were seen compared to those for Lyc-ICG-Nio. In conclusion, it was demonstrated that targeted niosomes displayed improved cellular association and decreased cell viability on PSMA+ cells.
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Cancer cells reprograms the signalling network of normal cells that are suited for their growth, division, proliferation, and invasion. The tumor microenvironment consists of an interconnected network of mesenchymal/stromal cells, fibroblasts, endothelial cells, immune cells, neural crest cells, and fat cells. All of these cells secrete factors such as cytokines, chemokines, extracellular matrices and matrix-degrading enzymes. The microenvironment undergoes complex changes as the tumor development progresses. Prostate cancer is predominant androgen-regulated cancer globally. Androgen signalling (AS) plays an important role in tumour growth and progression. The binding of testosterone/dihydrotestosterone initiates androgen signalling to the androgen receptor, a nuclear receptor in the cytosol, thereby translocating to the nucleus causing changes in several downstream pathways. AS promotes the progression and metastasis of prostate, breast, liver, bladder and kidney cancer. AS involves several signalling pathways, including PI3K/Akt, TGF-β, and others. Cancer stem cells escape host immune resistance by targeting mediators involved in these signalling pathways. In turn, these induce epithelial-mesenchymal-transition to promote cancer metastasis. In the present review, we will discuss the pivotal role of AS in prostate cancer, their stem cells and cross-talk with signalling pathways and regulation of AS by epigenetic miRNA, epigenetic and chromatin remodelling. The review will also highlight potential phytochemicals as therapeutics in the chemopreventive effects on prostate cancer.
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Aging and aging-related chronic disorders are one of the principal causes of death worldwide. The prevalence of these disorders is increasing gradually and globally. Considering this unwavering acceleration of the global burden, seeking alternatives to traditional medication to prevent the risk of aging disorders is needed. Among them, lycopene, a carotenoid, is abundant in many fruits and vegetables, including tomatoes, grapefruits, and watermelons, and it has a unique chemical structure to be a potent antioxidant compound. This nutraceutical also possesses several anti-aging actions, including combating aging biomarkers and ameliorating several chronic disorders. However, no systematic evaluation has yet been carried out that can comprehensively elucidate the effectiveness of lycopene in halting the course of aging and the emergence of chronic diseases linked to aging. This review, therefore, incorporates previous pre-clinical, clinical, and epidemiological studies on lycopene to understand its potency in treating aging disorders and its role as a mimic of caloric restriction. Lycopene-rich foods are found to prevent or attenuate aging disorders in various research. Based on the evidence, this review suggests the clinical application of lycopene to improve human health and alleviate the prevalence of aging and aging disorders.
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The aim of this review is develop to phytochemicals-based functional products against obesity and cancer management. Natural products have been made from reliable sources in past centuries. Phytochemicals are natural compounds that are available in vegetables, legumes, tea crops, fruits and various spices. Phytochemicals are known as secondary metabolites including carotenoids, phenolics, flavonoids, alkaloids, terpenes, saponins, cyanogenic glycosides, and glucosinolates. These phytochemicals are played direct or indirect role against several chronic diseases. However, these compounds have ability to act against various chronic diseases containing diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). The literature reports the different potential properties of dietary phytochemicals such as anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial activities.
18F-fluciclovine (Axumin; Blue Earth Diagnostics, Ltd, Oxford, United Kingdom) PET has shown value in detecting biochemical recurrent prostatic cancer. Lycopene, a plant-based carotenoid, is reported to have potential inhibitory effect on prostate cancer, as a complementary treatment. We report a case of biochemically recurrent prostate cancer showing treatment response to lycopene as seen on an 18F-fluciclovine PET/CT correlating with serum prostate-specific antigen response.
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Insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) is known to block IGF action and inhibit cell growth. IGFBP-3 is thought to act by sequestering free IGFs or, possibly, act via a novel IGF-independent mechanism. Supporting its role as a primary growth inhibitor, IGFBP-3 production has been shown to be increased by cell growth-inhibitory agents, such as transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β), and the tumor suppressor gene p53. In this paper, we demonstrate, for the first time, a novel function of IGFBP-3 as an apoptosis-inducing agent and show that this action is mediated through an IGF·IGF receptor-independent pathway. In the p53 negative prostate cancer cell line, PC-3, the addition of recombinant IGFBP-3 resulted in a dose-dependent induction of apoptosis.¹²⁵I-IGFBP-3 bound with high affinity to specific proteins in PC-3 cell lysates and plasma membrane preparations. These membrane-associated molecules may serve as receptors that mediate the direct effect of IGFBP-3 on apoptosis. In addition, in an IGF receptor-negative mouse fibroblast cell line, treatment with recombinant IGFBP-3 as well as transfection of the IGFBP-3 gene induced apoptosis, suggesting that neither IGFs nor IGF receptors are required for this action. Furthermore, treatment with TGF-β1, a known apoptosis-inducing agent, resulted in the induction of IGFBP-3 expression 6–12 h before the onset of apoptosis. This effect of TGF-β1 was prevented by co-treatment with IGFBP-3-neutralizing antibodies or IGFBP-3-specific antisense thiolated oligonucleotides. These findings suggest that IGFBP-3 induces apoptosis through a novel pathway independent of either p53 or the IGF·IGF receptor-mediated cell survival pathway and that IGFBP-3 mediates TGF-β1 induced apoptosis in PC-3 cells.
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Epidemiologic studies have suggested that vitamin E and beta-carotene may each influence the development of prostate cancer. In the Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention Study, a controlled trial, we studied the effect of alpha-tocopherol (a form of vitamin E) and beta-carotene supplementation, separately or together, on prostate cancer in male smokers. A total of 29133 male smokers aged 50-69 years from southwestern Finland were randomly assigned to receive alpha-tocopherol (50 mg), beta-carotene (20 mg), both agents, or placebo daily for 5-8 years (median, 6.1 years). The supplementation effects were estimated by a proportional hazards model, and two-sided P values were calculated. We found 246 new cases of and 62 deaths from prostate cancer during the follow-up period. A 32% decrease (95% confidence interval [CI] = -47% to -12%) in the incidence of prostate cancer was observed among the subjects receiving alpha-tocopherol (n = 14564) compared with those not receiving it (n = 14569). The reduction was evident in clinical prostate cancer but not in latent cancer. Mortality from prostate cancer was 41% lower (95% CI = -65% to -1%) among men receiving alpha-tocopherol. Among subjects receiving beta-carotene (n = 14560), prostate cancer incidence was 23% higher (95% CI = -4%-59%) and mortality was 15% higher (95% CI = -30%-89%) compared with those not receiving it (n = 14573). Neither agent had any effect on the time interval between diagnosis and death. Long-term supplementation with alpha-tocopherol substantially reduced prostate cancer incidence and mortality in male smokers. Other controlled trials are required to confirm the findings.
Insulin-like growth factor–I (IGF-I) is a mitogen for prostate epithelial cells. To investigate associations between plasma IGF levels and prostate cancer risk, a nested case-control study within the Physicians' Health Study was conducted on prospectively collected plasma from 152 cases and 152 controls. A strong positive association was observed between IGF-I levels and prostate cancer risk. Men in the highest quartile of IGF-I levels had a relative risk of 4.3 (95 percent confidence interval 1.8 to 10.6) compared with men in the lowest quartile. This association was independent of baseline prostate-specific antigen levels. Identification of plasma IGF-I as a predictor of prostate cancer risk may have implications for risk reduction and treatment.
Gap-junctional communication and expression of gap junction-forming proteins were investigated in normal human prostate epithelial cells and in several malignant prostate cell lines. In comparison with normal cells, gap-junctional communication in malignant cells, as assayed by the transfer of 443-Da fluorescent tracer Lucifer yellow, was either reduced or not detected. Malignant cells expressed mRNA transcripts for connexin (Cx) 43, whereas normal cells expressed mRNA transcripts for Cx32 and Cx40. In both normal and malignant cells, gap-junctional communication was enhanced twofold to fivefold by treatment with forskolin, an agent known to increase intracellular levels of cAMP. Immunocytochemical staining with a Cx43-specific antibody revealed that in malignant cells this enhancement correlated with the number of gap junctions and occurred without any qualitative or quantitative alteration in Cx43 mRNA or protein. Moreover, western blot analyses showed that both control and forskolin-treated malignant cells expressed only one form of Cx43. Our data suggest that gap-junctional communication in both normal and malignant prostate cells may be regulated by hormones that work via a cAMP-dependent signal transduction pathway. Thus, both normal and malignant cells offer a new experimental model system in which interactions between a hormonal form of cellular communication and intercellular communication mediated via gap junctions can be studied. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Epidemiological evidence and studies in whole animals and cell culture have indicated that carotenoids have cancer chemopreventive action. In mouse C3H10T1/2 cells, this activity is highly correlated with the ability of carotenoids to up-regulate gap junctional intercellular communication. Here, we report that in mouse cells, carotenoids increase the expression of connexin43, a gene that encodes a major gap junction protein. This effect appears unrelated to their provitamin A or antioxidant properties, since carotenoids with and without provitamin A activity increased levels of connexin43 mRNA and protein, whereas the antioxidants methyl-bixin and alpha-tocopherol were inactive. Moreover, the active carotenoid canthaxanthin did not induce the vitamin A-inducible gene retinoic acid receptor-beta. Connexin43 is the first carotenoid-inducible gene described in mammals. By indicating an additional pathway through which carotenoids function, these data provide a mechanistic basis for cancer chemoprevention by carotenoids and may lead to a re-evaluation of carotenoid physiology.
Insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) are potent mitogens that bind with high affinity and specificity to IGF receptors and IGF-binding proteins (IGFBPs). We studied the roles of these three groups of proteins in prostate epithelial cells (PEC) in primary culture grown under serum-free conditions. Affinity cross-linking of IGF-I and IGF-II to crude membranes prepared from PEC revealed an abundance of type 1 IGF receptors and no evidence of type 2 IGF receptors. Western ligand blots of conditioned media (CM) from PEC demonstrated the presence of two specific IGFBP bands similar to those previously demonstrated in seminal plasma, with approximate mol wt of 31 and 24 kDa. The 31-kDa band was immunoprecipitable with an antibody to IGFBP-2, and neither band could be deglycosylated with endoglycosidase-F. Northern blot analysis of poly(A)+ RNA prepared from PEC with cDNAs for hIGFBP-1, -2, and -3 documented the expression of mRNA for hIGFBP-2 only. Modifications of the serum-free conditions of PEC did not significantly alter the IGFBP profile of PEC CM. The ability of IGF-I, IGF-II, and insulin to stimulate clonal growth of PEC was examined. IGF-I stimulated PEC growth with an ED50 of 0.1 ng/mL. IGF-II and insulin, respectively, were 1 and 3 orders of magnitude less effective than IGF-I in stimulating the growth of PEC. Radioimmunoassayable IGF-I and IGF-II levels in PEC CM were below the assay detection levels. In conclusion, we suggest that IGFs are important growth stimulators of PEC in culture, that their actions are mediated through the type 1 IGF receptor, and that PEC produce hIGFBP-2 and a 24-kDa IGFBP which may modulate IGF action in these cells.
We have previously demonstrated that diverse carotenoids inhibit chemically induced neoplastic transformation in 10T1/2 cells. To address their mechanism of action, the effects of six diverse carotenoids, with or without provitamin A activity, on gap junctional communication and lipid peroxidation have been investigated. beta-Carotene, canthaxanthin, lutein, lycopene and alpha-carotene increased gap junctional intercellular communication in a dose-dependent manner in the above order of potency, whereas m-bixin was inactive at concentrations up to 10(-5) M. alpha-Tocopherol, a potent chain-breaking antioxidant, caused a marginal enhancement of junctional communication. The enhancement of junctional communication by diverse carotenoids showed a strong statistical correlation with their previously determined ability to inhibit methylcholanthrene-induced neoplastic transformation (r = -0.75). All carotenoids tested inhibited lipid peroxidation, but with differing potencies. alpha-Tocopherol was the most active inhibitor followed by m-bixin. The capacity of carotenoids or alpha-tocopherol to inhibit lipid peroxidation was neither consistent with their ability to inhibit neoplastic transformation (r = 0.30) nor to increase junctional communication (r = 0.12). Since junctional communication appears to play an important role in cell growth control and carcinogenesis, we propose that in this system carotenoid-enhanced intercellular communication provides a mechanistic basis for the cancer chemopreventive action of carotenoids. These data also imply that carotenoids function in a manner analogous to retinoids in the 10T1/2 assay system. Interestingly this activity appears independent of their provitamin A status.
The ability of diverse carotenoids to inhibit methylcholanthrene-induced transformation of 10T1/2 cells has been investigated. When delivered using tetrahydrofuran as a novel solvent, all carotenoids were absorbed by cultured cells. When continuously administered to methylcholanthrene-treated cultures 7 days after removal of the carcinogen, canthaxanthin, β-carotene, α-carotene and lycopene inhibited the production of transformed foci in a dose-dependent manner in the above order of potency. This activity was not associated with drug toxicity or antiproliferative effects. Renierapurpurin and bixin did not inhibit transformation at concentrations ≤10-5 M. Lutein was inhibitory at 10-5 M, but was inactive at lower concentrations. Because of differences in stability in culture medium (α-carotene < β-carotene < canthaxanthin < lycopene < lutein) and structure, cellular levels of drug differed up to 8-fold after administration of identical concentrations of compounds. Carotenoids with polar groups achieved highest cellular levels, however cellular uptake did not correlate with activity. For example, lutein, the most polar and most stable, reached the highest concentration in cells yet required a concentration of 10-5 M for activity in the transformation assay, while α-carotene, the least stable and least concentrated by cells, was comparably active at 3 × 10-6 M. α-Tocopherol, a potent lipid-phase antioxidant, was as active as lycopene in the transformation assay but at a 10-fold higher concentration did not approach the activity of β-carotene or canthaxanthin. Because the most potent of the carotenoids tested (i.e. β-carotene, α-carotene, canthaxanthin) all have the potential for conversion to retinoids (though this has never been demonstrated in mammals for canthaxanthin), it is suggested that these compounds have two components to their action; one related to their antioxidant properties, the other to their pro-vitamin A activities.
The growth of various chemically and virally transformed cell types in culture is inhibited when they are in contact with normal cell types. We show that this growth inhibition is contingent on the presence of junctional communication between the normal and transformed cells (heterologous communication), as probed with a 443 dalton microinjected fluorescent tracer. In cell combinations where heterologous communication is weak or absent there is no detectable growth inhibition; the inhibition appears when communication is induced by cyclic AMP-dependent phosphorylation, and only then. In cell combinations where heterologous communication is spontaneously strong, the growth inhibition is present, but it is abolished when the communication is blocked by retinol or retinoic acid. The cell-to-cell membrane channels of gap junctions are the likely conduits of the signals for this growth control.
Several human studies have observed a direct association between retinol (vitamin A) intake and risk of prostate cancer; other studies have found either an inverse association or no association of intake of beta-carotene (the major provitamin A) with risk of prostate cancer. Data regarding carotenoids other than beta-carotene in relation to prostate cancer risk are sparse. We concluded a prospective cohort study to examine the relationship between the intake of various carotenoids, retinol, fruits, and vegetables and the risk of prostate cancer. Using responses to a validated, semiquantitative food-frequency questionnaire mailed to participants in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study in 1986, we assessed dietary intake for a 1-year period for a cohort of 47,894 eligible subjects initially free of diagnosed cancer. Follow-up questionnaires were sent to the entire cohort in 1988, 1990, and 1992. We calculated the relative risk (RR) for each of the upper categories of intake of a specific food or nutrient by dividing the incidence rate of prostate cancer among men in each of these categories by the rate among men in the lowest intake level. All P values resulted from two-sided tests. Between 1986 and 1992, 812 new cases of prostate cancer, including 773 non-stage A1 cases, were documented. Intakes of the carotenoids beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, lutein, and beta-cryptoxanthin were not associated with risk of non-stage A1 prostate cancer; only lycopene intake was related to lower risk (age- and energy-adjusted RR = 0.79; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.64-0.99 for high versus low quintile of intake; P for trend = .04). Of 46 vegetables and fruits or related products, four were significantly associated with lower prostate cancer risk; of the four--tomato sauce (P for trend = .001), tomatoes (P for trend = .03), and pizza (P for trend = .05), but not strawberries--were primary sources of lycopene. Combined intake of tomatoes, tomato sauce, tomato juice, and pizza (which accounted for 82% of lycopene intake) was inversely associated with risk of prostate cancer (multivariate RR = 0.65; 95% CI = 0.44-0.95, for consumption frequency greater than 10 versus less than 1.5 servings per week; P for trend = .01) and advanced (stages C and D) prostate cancers (multivariate RR = 0.47; 95% CI = 0.22-1.00; P for trend = .03). No consistent association was observed for dietary retinol and risk of prostate cancer. These findings suggest that intake of lycopene or other compounds in tomatoes may reduce prostate cancer risk, but other measured carotenoids are unrelated to risk. Our findings support recommendations to increase vegetable and fruit consumption to reduce cancer incidence but suggest that tomato-based foods may be especially beneficial regarding prostate cancer risk.