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Diet of radiotracked Musk Turtles, Sternotherus odoratus, in a small urban stream


Abstract and Figures

We used radiotelemetry to assess the diet of Sternotherus odoratus in Gin Creek, Arkansas, USA. Gin Creek is a small, frequently disturbed, urban stream in which the invasive Asiatic Clam, Corbicula fluminea, has attained high densities. Turtles foraged in small, well-defined home ranges within which we sampled the substrate for potential food items. The diet of S. odoratus, as determined by analysis of fecal samples, compared favorably to prey availability in the creek. The diet was similar to that found in previous dietary studies of typically omnivorous S. odoratus except that clams were eaten much more frequently. An Index of Relative Importance (IRI) revealed the most important prey in both the fecal samples and substrate was C. fluminea. We suggest the diet of S. odoratus in Gin Creek has shifted toward molluscivory as the result of a probable 40-year presence of C. fluminea.
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Herpetological Conservation and Biology 7(2):258–264.
Submitted: 27 April 2012; Accepted: 3 August 2012; Published: 10 September 2012.
Department of Biology, Harding University, Searcy, Arkansas 72143, USA, e-mail:
1Current address: Department of Biology, Missouri State University, Springfield, Missouri 65897, USA,
Abstract.—We used radiotelemetry to assess the diet of Sternotherus odoratus in Gin Creek, Arkansas, USA. Gin Creek
is a small, frequently disturbed, urban stream in which the invasive Asiatic Clam, Corbicula fluminea, has attained high
densities. Turtles foraged in small, well-defined home ranges within which we sampled the substrate for potential food
items. The diet of S. odoratus, as determined by analysis of fecal samples, compared favorably to prey availability in the
creek. The diet was similar to that found in previous dietary studies of typically omnivorous S. odoratus except that clams
were eaten much more frequently. An Index of Relative Importance (IRI) revealed the most important prey in both the
fecal samples and substrate was C. fluminea. We suggest the diet of S. odoratus in Gin Creek has shifted toward
molluscivory as the result of a probable 40-year presence of C. fluminea.
Key Words.– Corbicula; diet; invasive clams; Musk Turtle; radiotelemetry; Sternotherus odoratus; stream
The diet of bottom-feeding freshwater turtles often
reflects the composition of the benthic macroinvertebrate
communities where they feed, which in turn may be
strongly affected by the presence of certain bivalve
mollusks (Newell 2004). For example, the recent
invasion of North American streams by the Asiatic Clam
(Corbicula fluminea) often results in the clam being a
dominant community influence (McMahon 1982;
Karatayev et al. 2003; Karatayev et al. 2005).
Corbicula is thought to affect ecosystem nutrient cycles
and energy flow (Sousa et al. 2008), community
composition (Werner and Rothhaupt 2008), and
competitive interactions of native macroinvertebrates
(Kraemer 1979). It also may affect dietary diversity of
turtles (Lindeman 2006a). For example, map turtles
(Graptemys spp.) respond to high densities of invasive
clams (Corbicula, Dreissena) by feeding heavily on the
clams instead of other food items typically found in the
diet (Shealy 1976; Moll 1980; Lindeman 2006a, 2006b;
Ennen et al. 2007).
The Common Musk Turtle (Sternotherus odoratus) is
a widely-distributed freshwater turtle, which prefers
relatively shallow waters with abundant submerged
vegetation and woody debris; it rarely leaves the water
even under drought conditions (Gibbons et al. 1983;
Ernst et al. 1994; Rowe et al. 2009). Generally
considered a bottom-feeding omnivore, S. odoratus has
been reported to feed on crayfish, insects, mollusks, fish,
amphipods, arachnids, algae, seeds, and other plant
material throughout its range (e.g., Berry 1975; Marion
et al. 1991; Ernst et al. 1994; Ford and Moll 2004).
Gastropod mollusks have occasionally been reported as
frequently eaten. For example, snails were found in 96%
of S. odoratus stomachs in Oklahoma (Mahmoud 1968)
and constituted 94% of the dietary animal biomass in
Florida (Bancroft et al. 1983). When given a choice
among five prey types in the laboratory, S. odoratus
preferred snails (Mahmoud 1968). In contrast, rarely
have bivalve mollusks been dominant in the diet
(Patterson and Lindeman 2009).
Our objective is to describe the diet of S. odoratus in a
small, frequently disturbed urban stream in which
invasive Corbicula fluminea has attained high densities.
We reasoned that because the diet of a generalist
omnivore should reflect availability of food items in the
habitat, S. odoratus would feed heavily on the
Corbicula. Our methods were distinctive among dietary
studies of turtles in that we assessed diet by resampling
individual radio-tracked turtles. This procedure
permitted us to compare dietary food items with food
items available in the turtles’ home ranges to determine
if the food eaten was actively selected or simply
reflected what was available to turtles.
We collected turtles by hand from 12 May - 23 June
2010 in Gin Creek, White County, Arkansas, USA. The
entire 6 km length of Gin Creek is included in the town
of Searcy and provides the major drainage for the
southern part of the city (Anonymous 1975; Muncy
1976). We caught turtles in a 600 m section of the creek
located between 15S UTM 3901000 N, 616850 E and
UTM 3901600 N, 616850 E. Gin Creek at our study
Copyright © 2012. Caitlin E. Wilhelm. All Rights Reserved.
Herpetological Conservation and Biology
area varies in width from approximately 5.0–9.5 m with
riffles and pools ranging in depth from approximately 2–
100 cm. Riffle substrate is mostly hard clay whereas
pools contain unconsolidated sediments (silt, gravel,
organic debris) up to ~25 cm in depth. Emergent
vegetation is limited to narrow bands along shoreline
banks and isolated small islands. Pockets of submerged
woody and leafy debris are common. Suspended and
attached algae are seasonally common throughout the
creek. Muskrat (Ondontra zibethicus) burrows are
common in the creek banks.
Upon hand capture, we recorded location (UTM
coordinates), habitat (pool, riffle), water depth (nearest
10 cm), and substrate type (hard clay, soft mud, debris,
rock, leaves). In the laboratory, we determined the sex
of turtles and measured their mass (g) and carapace
length (CL) in mm. Because the diet of adult
Sternotherus minor may differ from that of juveniles
(Tinkle 1958), we used only adult S. odoratus (CL 79
mm; Tinkle 1961). We numbered each turtle on the
second costal scute and pectoral scute with a Dremel©
rotary etching tool. We adhered radio transmitters
(Model LF-1; L.L. Electronics, Mahomet, Illinois, USA)
to the posterio-lateral edge of the carapace of 17 turtles
(10 males; seven females) with Plastic Welder® and
released the turtles back into the creek at the site of
capture 24 h after attachment. Transmitter mass was <
6% of each turtle’s body mass. We tracked turtles daily
until 6 August 2010; we determined position coordinates
with a Garmin eTrex® GPS.
We collected each turtle every 14–28 days to obtain
fecal samples. Each turtle was brought to the lab and
housed in a one gallon jar with 50 mm depth of water for
48 hours (Parmenter 1981) to obtain fecal samples. We
strained fecal samples and dried each in a drying oven
for 24 hours at 50 ºC. We sorted and identified samples
under a dissecting microscope and grouped items into
one of seven categories: algae, seeds, unidentifiable
plant material, clams, snails, insects, and other (primarily
detritus, rocks, sand, and other inorganic matter). For
each category, we counted the minimum number of
items if possible and measured mass (g) and volume (ml
by volumetric displacement). Small Corbicula were
often ingested whole, facilitating counting and
measuring minimum shell length. We estimated the
number and maximum shell length of larger Corbicula
based on shell fragments containing a hinge. Seeds were
mostly fragmented thus preventing counting.
To determine food availability in the creek, we
established nine substrate sampling stations spaced ~50
m apart throughout home ranges of turtles. At each
sampling station, we took three substrate samples every
two weeks, one near each bank and one in the middle of
the creek. We used a bottomless 5 gal bucket to
circumscribe a 530 sq. cm area at each sampling site.
We collected the top 5 cm of the substrate using a small
shovel and suspended material from the water column
with a small net. Samples were processed as above. We
determined the number of Corbicula by counting living
individuals and/or complete shells of dead individuals.
Because we did not know precisely where individual
turtles fed, we compared fecal contents to a pooled
sample of all sampling stations.
In cases where the dietary mass was < 0.001 g, we
assigned the value 0.0005 g for quantitative analysis. We
assigned volumes too small to measure accurately a
value of 0.01 ml. Following Lindeman (2006b), we
calculated an Index of Relative Importance (IRI) for
each prey category i as IRIi = 100 ViFi / Σ (ViFi), where
Vi = mean percentage of total volume and Fi =
percentage frequency for each prey category. We
calculated home range length for each turtle as the linear
section of the creek that extended from the extreme
upstream telemetry location to the extreme downstream
location for that individual. Because turtle movement
was limited to the water channel, we calculated home
range area for each turtle by multiplying the home range
length by the average creek width. Average creek width
was calculated by averaging the widths of the creek at
each substrate sampling station. Distance moved each
day was the difference between successive daily
We used Systat® 13 (SYSTAT Software, Inc.,
Richmond, California, USA) for statistical analyses. We
checked for normality and homogeneity of variances
and, when necessary, log-transformed data to meet
assumptions of normality. We tested for sexual
differences in home range size and daily movement with
t-tests. We used Chi-square tests to compare habitat
usage on opposite creek banks and to compare sexual
differences in frequency of Corbicula in fecal samples.
We used ANCOVA with CL as the covariate to correct
for body size to test for sexual differences in fecal
composition of Corbicula by number, volume, and mass.
To assure independence, the data used in ANCOVA
consisted of a single mean value calculated over all
sampling periods for each turtle. Descriptive statistics
reported from ANCOVA analyses are least squares
means reported as mean ± SE. For all tests, α = 0.05.
Movement.—Two of the 17 turtles fitted with
radiotransmitters moved out of the study area 100–800
m upstream within four days of release and remained
there for the duration of the study; they were not used in
further analyses. Of the 544 telemetry relocations on the
remaining 15 turtles (36 ± 3 relocations ea.), 95% were
located within the central 392 m section of the 600 m
study area (Fig. 1). These turtles established broadly
overlapping home ranges (Fig. 1), which averaged 176 ±
23 m in length and 0.15 ± 0.02 ha in area. Home range
Wilhelm and Plummer.—Diet of Sternotherus odoratus.
size did not differ between males and females (t = 2.06,
df = 13, P > 0.05). Turtles moved an average of 23 ± 2.5
m (max 279 m) per day, but frequently (41%) did not
move from one day to the next. Daily movement did not
differ between males and females (t = 0.21, df = 13, P >
0.80). All turtles moved within home ranges, consisting
mostly of shallow pools with mud, gravel, and detritus
substrates. Most (86%) relocations were within 1 m of
the creek bank, most often (72%) the west bank (χ2 =
156.6, df = 1, P < 0.001), which had denser vegetation,
more overhanging limbs and roots, more submerged
woody and leafy debris, and more muskrat burrows
compared to the southeast bank. In 30% of all
relocations, turtles were inside muskrat burrows. Of the
15 tracked turtles, 13 were located inside muskrat
burrows at least once. We did not observe turtles on
land. Movement, and presumably foraging, of each
turtle occurred in areas where the substrate was sampled
for food availability.
Diet.—The dominant food types in fecal samples were
mollusks and seeds, together constituting 89.2% by
volume and 97.8% by mass of the diet of S. odoratus
(Table 1). Mollusks, of which 72% were Corbicula and
28% were snails, were clearly the most important food
type in terms of frequency, volume, mass, and IRI
(Table 1). The mean minimum length of Corbicula in
fecal samples was 2.7 ± 0.30 mm (range 1–7 mm) and
FIGURE 1. Extent and overlap of home ranges in 15 radiotracked Sternotherus odoratus in Gin Creek, Arkansas, USA using UTM coordinates.
Black bars indicate males; gray bars indicate females. Vertical line on each bar represents the initial capture location for that individual.
TABLE 1. Dietary composition of fecal samples of Sternotherus odoratus and substrate samples in Gin Creek, Arkansas, USA. IRI = Index of
Relative Importance. Frequency is the percentage of turtles containing a particular food item.
Fecal samples Substrate samples
Food type IRI
Mollusks 71.4 2136 80.0 61.6 90.3 884 100 93.7 94.2
Corbicula 58.9 1535 56.7 58.3 -- 881 100 93.4 94.1
Snails 12.5 601 55.0 3.3 -- 3 2.7 0.3 0.1
Seeds 22.9 -- 48.3 27.6 7.5 -- 15.7 < 0.01 < 0.01
Insect parts 4.4 -- 53.0 4.8 0.8 -- 16.7 0.2 < 0.001
Plant parts 1.2 -- 31.7 1.9 0.5 -- 45.4 2.1 1.8
Algae 0.1 -- 8.3 1.0 0.4 -- 33.3 4.0 4.0
Other < 0.1 -- 48.3 3.1 0.5 -- 0.9 < 0.01 < 0.001
Herpetological Conservation and Biology
the mean estimated maximum length was 7.9 ± 0.49 mm
(range 3–14 mm). The frequency of fecal samples
containing Corbicula was similar in females (83%) and
males (75%; χ2 = 3.35, df = 1, P > 0.60). The number of
Corbicula in fecal samples ranged from 0–86, except for
female no. 26 who defecated 864 very small (1–2 mm)
clamshells. For comparisons of Corbicula feeding
between the smaller (85 ± 2.4 mm CL) males and larger
(104 ± 2.5 mm CL) females, we treated the no. 26
sample as an outlier based on the extreme number and
small size of the ingested clams. ANCOVA revealed
that CL affected the mass (F1, 13 = 5.49, P < 0.05) but not
the number (F1, 13 = 0.46, P > 0.50) or volume (F1, 12 =
3.19, P > 0.10) of Corbicula in fecal samples. Sex
affected the volume (F1, 12 = 4.87, P < 0.05) and mass
(F1, 13 = 7.77, P < 0.05) of Corbicula in feces, but not the
number (F1, 13 = 0.48, P > 0.50). Female feces contained
34× the volume (females 0.68 ± 0.155 ml, males 0.02 ±
0.210 ml) and 2.8× the mass (females 22.3 ± 2.64 g,
males 8.1 ± 3.67 g) of Corbicula compared to males.
Mollusks had the highest IRI in the diet with a value >
3× that of seeds, the next highest category (Table 1). For
all mollusks (clams and snails), summed IRI values were
females = 67.5 (Corbicula 59.2, snails 8.3) and males =
61.7 (Corbicula 36.6, snails 25.1).
Substrate samples.—As in the fecal samples,
mollusks were the dominant food type in substrate
samples, constituting > 90% by volume and mass (Table
1). All substrate samples contained mollusks, of which
99.8% were Corbicula. Other dietary components were
each < 5% by volume and mass. The mean minimum
length of Corbicula in substrate samples was 10.5 ± 0.62
mm (range 4–20 mm) and the mean maximum length
was 23.8 ± 0.55 mm (range 19–32 mm). Density of
individual Corbicula (living individuals + complete
shells) in 36 substrate samples ranged 0–3,453 m-2
(mean 452.8 ± 95.8 m-2). Except for Corbicula, all
substrate dietary components constituted < 5% of
substrate samples by volume and mass; some
components, such as snails, seeds, and insects, occurred
more frequently in feces than in the environment (Table
Our results are largely consistent with previous
movement and dietary studies on S. odoratus. Data
from mark-recapture (Holinka et al. 2003; Smar and
Chambers 2005; Andres and Chambers 2006) and
radiotelemetry (Belleau 2008; Rowe et al. 2009) studies
of S. odoratus have shown that individuals are relatively
sedentary and move within discrete aquatic home ranges
to which they return if displaced. Our radiotelemetry
data indicated less daily movement and smaller home
ranges than radio-tracked S. odoratus in larger habitats
(Belleau 2008; Rowe et al. 2009). Small home ranges in
a small creek also characterized radio-tracked
Sternotherus depressus (Dodd et al. 1988). Having
small home ranges facilitated our sampling efforts as all
turtles foraged within well-defined areas of mostly
comparable habitat where we systematically sampled
potential food items.
Our dietary results are consistent with other dietary
studies on S. odoratus, with one notable exception. The
species has been described as an omnivore whose diet
includes crayfish, mollusks, insects, fish, amphipods,
arachnids, algae, seeds, and other plant material
(Mahmoud 1968, 1969; Berry 1975; Marion et al. 1991;
Ernst et al. 1994). A recent dietary analysis of a S.
odoratus population in a lake located within 250 km of
Gin Creek is generally typical of the species with a
Corbicula frequency of approximately 17% and a
proportion by volume of < 2% (Ford and Moll 2004).
The major dietary difference we found was a
pronounced frequency and proportion by volume of
Corbicula compared to previous studies, which indicates
a more molluscivorous diet. Our results suggest females
eat more bivalves than do males and males eat more
snails than females, as indicated by the IRI. This pattern
of sexual dimorphism in diet, as well as greater body
size and relative head width in females, has been
reported previously in Graptemys spp. (Lindeman
2006a, 2006b) and other Sternotherus spp. (Berry 1975),
but not in Sternotherus odoratus.
The methods of diet determination we used by
examining feces may have limited our data compared to
dissection or stomach flushing techniques. For example,
it may be difficult to detect soft-bodied organisms and
measure the original volume and mass ingested when
analyzing only feces (Marion et al. 1991; Lindeman
2006a). Despite these limitations, dietary results for S.
odoratus determined by fecal analysis (Marion et al.
1991), gut dissection (Berry 1975), and stomach flushing
(Ford and Moll 2004) have yielded similar qualitative
Our study provides interesting dietary results in a
small, frequently disturbed, urban stream in which
maximum Corbicula density (3,453 clams m-2) compares
favorably with maximum densities reported from other
localities such as Virginia (2,990 clams m-2; Hornbach
1992), central Europe (3,520 clams m-2; Werner and
Rothhaupt 2008), and the Iberian Peninsula (2,152 clams
m-2; Sousa et al. 2008). Because the composition of our
fecal samples tracked that of the substrate samples in
Gin Creek, the molluscivorous diet likely resulted from
the abundance and availability of Corbicula rather than a
physiological molluscan preference.
The recent invasion of North American streams by
Corbicula (McMahon 1982; Karatayev et al. 2005)
appears to have altered the diet of some populations of S.
odoratus as has been suggested for Sternotherus
Wilhelm and Plummer.—Diet of Sternotherus odoratus.
depressus (Marion et al. 1991) and some map turtles
(Shealy 1976; Moll 1980; Shively and Vidrine 1984;
Porter 1990; Lindeman 2006a). Similar results have
been reported for map turtles and the invasive Zebra and
Quagga Mussels (Dreissena spp.; Lindeman 2006b).
Corbicula was first detected in the Arkansas River in
Arkansas in the mid-1960s and was considered
ubiquitous in the Arkansas River by 1979 (Kraemer
1976; 1979). Corbicula seems to reach its highest
densities in highly managed harsh environments
(Kraemer 1979) such as Gin Creek, which has been
channelized and repeatedly disturbed since the early
1970s to facilitate urban runoff (Plummer and Mills
2008). Assuming Corbicula invaded Gin Creek (~70 km
northeast of the Arkansas River) in the early 1970s and
that its steady increase in density was reflected in the
diet of S. odoratus, it is possible that the diet of Gin
Creek S. odoratus has been influenced by the presence
of Corbicula for 30–40 years.
Being able to exploit rapidly invading exotic mollusk
populations could have favorable population
consequences for the mostly widespread and common S.
odoratus throughout its North American range and
possibly also in Iowa, Maine, Vermont, Quebec, and
Ontario, where it is of conservation concern
(NatureServe. 2012. NatureServe Explorer: An online
encyclopedia of life. Version 7.1. NatureServe,
Arlington, Virginia. Available from http://www.nature [Accessed 14 July 2012]). A
possible mechanism for this scenario is that the trophic
apparatus of various freshwater turtles (e.g.,
Sternotherus minor, Graptemys spp.) is known to
respond morphologically to a durophagous diet of thick-
shelled bivalves by increasing head width and jaw
breadth (Berry 1975; Lindeman 2006a). The
biomechanical changes involved in developing bigger
heads are known to increase gape and bite force in
turtles (Herrel et al. 2002; Bulté et al. 2008), which
could free a gape-limited predator to feed on larger,
energetically unfavorable prey (such as mollusks) and
thus increase energy intake. In turn, greater fitness could
be achieved through better body condition and greater
reproductive success (Bulté et al. 2008). Whether the
head morphology of S. odoratus from Gin Creek is
responding similarly to eating the hard and thick-shelled
(Cloe et al. 1995; Zhou et al. 2011) Corbicula is
currently under investigation.
Acknowledgments.—We thank Pat Brown, Steve
Cooper, and Nathan Mills for assistance in the field. Pat
Brown took the substrate samples. Hagen Atkins, Steve
Cooper, Ron Doran, Joseph Goy, and Nathan Mills
assisted in sorting and identifying food items. Peter
Lindeman and Nathan Mills commented on the
manuscript. This research was approved by the Harding
University Animal Care Committee and followed the
ASIH “Guidelines for Use of Live Amphibians and
Reptiles in Field and Laboratory Research”
( This research
was conducted under Scientific Collecting Permit
#020120101 from the Arkansas Game and Fish
Commission and was supported by a grant from the
Margaret M. Plummer Research Fund of Harding
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CAITLIN WILHELM recently received her B.S. in biology from
Harding University. Since then, she has radio-tracked Ornate Box
Turtles (Terrapene ornata) with the Colorado Reptile Humane
Society and is currently pursuing an M.S. in ecology and
evolutionary biology from Missouri State University. Her research
interests lie broadly in herpetology and conservation biology.
(Photograph by Mike Plummer)
MIKE PLUMMER is Professor and Chairman of the Department of
Biology at Harding University where he teaches biostatistics,
herpetology, and seminar. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of
Kansas and a M.S. from Utah State University. His research focuses
on the ecology and physiology of snakes and turtles. His publications
span more than 37 years. (Photograph by Sara Pilgrim)
... Additionally, there are numerous reports of invasive mollusc consumption by Sternotherus sp. (Ford and Moll, 2004;Patterson and Lindeman, 2009;Wilhelm and Plummer, 2012;Atkinson, 2013). ...
... The Eastern Musk Turtle (Sternotherus odoratus) has one of the largest geographic ranges of freshwater turtle species in North America. The species occurs in a variety of habitats such as swamps, streams, ponds, lakes, and freshwater spring systems (Newell, 2004;Ernst and Lovich, 2009;Wilhelm and Plummer, 2012). Within these habitats, S. odoratus has a broad diet that includes arthropods, molluscs, fish, algae, seeds and other plant materials, and carrion (Mahmoud, 1968;Ford and Moll, 2004;Wilhelm and Plummer, 2012;Munscher, 2016). ...
... The species occurs in a variety of habitats such as swamps, streams, ponds, lakes, and freshwater spring systems (Newell, 2004;Ernst and Lovich, 2009;Wilhelm and Plummer, 2012). Within these habitats, S. odoratus has a broad diet that includes arthropods, molluscs, fish, algae, seeds and other plant materials, and carrion (Mahmoud, 1968;Ford and Moll, 2004;Wilhelm and Plummer, 2012;Munscher, 2016). ...
... Eastern Musk Turtle (Sternotherus odoratus) is the widest ranging member of the turtle family Kinosternidae and is native to eastern North America (Ernst and Lovich 2009). It is rarely found far from water, and home ranges are often confined to a single waterbody (Ernst and Lovich 2009;Wilhelm and Plummer 2012). The use of multiple waterbodies has been reported, but they are often wet meadows or streams adjacent to a main waterbody (Ernst 1986;Rowe et al. 2009). ...
... Aquatic movements can exceed 1.5 km along waterways (Laverty et al. 2016) but terrestrial movements away from water appear to be uncommon. During one study, none of the radiotracked musk turtles were found on land (Wilhelm and Plummer 2012). The sporadic drying of relatively permanent wetlands can cause turtles to move to other wetlands; however, Eastern Musk Turtle is more likely to remain in drying wetlands than many other turtle species (Gibbons et al. 1983), and the maximum observed terrestrial movement from a seasonal wetland is only 48.7 m (Buhlman and Gibbons 2001). ...
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Eastern Musk Turtle (Sternotherus odoratus) is known to be a highly aquatic species, yet it is occasionally found away from waterbodies. If such movements are common, then road mortality may pose a substantial risk to the species. We examined iNaturalist Canada observations of Eastern Musk Turtle on roads and found 15 in which individuals were >25 m from water. The median distance to the nearest permanent waterbody was 100 m (range 30–330 m). All observations that were ≥100 m from the nearest waterbody occurred from mid-July onward, suggesting that the movements were not related to nesting activity. At least under some circumstances, Eastern Musk Turtle can move >100 m away from waterbodies increasing the risk of road mortality.
... The eastern musk turtle (Sternotherus odoratus Latreille in Sonnini & Latreille, 1801) is a freshwater turtle native to eastern North America that is rarely found far from water (Ernst and Lovich, 2009). In one radiotracking study, none of the 17 eastern musk turtles were found on land (Wilhelm and Plummer, 2012). Home ranges of eastern musk turtles are typically confined to one body of water (Ernst and Lovich, 2009). ...
... Most movement and home range research on Sternotherus has focused on the S. odoratus with a few studies on the Razor-backed Musk Turtle (S. carinatus [Gray, 1856]) and the Stripe-necked Musk Turtle (S. peltifer Smith and Glass, 1947), the latter was formerly considered a subspecies of the Loggerhead Musk Turtle (S. minor [Agassiz, 1857]). Examination of the movement and home range of S. odoratus has shown it to typically exhibit limited movement in lentic (Andres and Chambers, 2006;Holinka et al., 2003;Smar and Chambers, 2005) as well as lotic habitats (Mahmoud, 1969;Belleau, 2008;Wilhelm and Plummer, 2012). Sternotherus carinatus also demonstrates limited movements, with a preference for lotic habitats (Mahmoud, 1969;Kavanagh and Kwiatkowski, 2016). ...
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Movement patterns of turtles can vary depending on natural and anthropogenic pressures and can correlate with sex, size, food availability, reproduction, territorial behaviour, seasonality, location, and habitat. We analysed the movements of Loggerhead Musk Turtles (Sternotherus minor) based on body size, sex, time between captures, and capture segments in Wekiwa Springs State Park, Florida, United States of America, over a period of six years using capture, mark, recapture sampling. To record turtle movements, we divided the 1 km spring-run into ten 100 m long segments. Individuals with two or more data entries of segment locations were used for this study, with each paired capture/recapture constituting one movement event. A total of 133 movement events were recorded, and the majority, 60.9% (81), showed no inter-segment movement; 88.0% (117) of the movement events were one segment or less, a maximum distance of 200 m. Using canonical discriminant analysis we found no relationship between the movement of S. minor and carapace length, sex, time between captures, and capture segments. More research is needed into the movement ecology of this species. Based on the observed paucity of movements, future work may focus around dividing the spring-run into shorter segments. The potential for territoriality and dominance hierarchies should also be examined. We strongly recommend the use of radio telemetry to learn more about the nuanced movements of this small turtle.
... Evidence for turtle-mediated seed dispersal have been recorded from both temperate and tropical biomes across the world (Moll and Jansen 1995;Corlett 1998;Varela and Bucher 2002). While less-studied in comparison, turtles associated with riverine ecosystems too have been shown to consume fruits and seeds (Moll 1976(Moll , 1989Wilhelm and Plummer 2012), suggestive of a similar dispersal role within flowing-water habitats. Most studies investigating a turtle's role in seed dispersal are conducted in tropical habitats; findings of such research confirmed the effective transport and viability of riparian plant seeds upon passage through the digestive tract (Kennett and Russell-Smith 1993;Moll and Jansen 1995;Elbers and Moll 2011;Johnston et al. 2015;Sung et al. 2016). ...
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Evidence from flowing-water habitats has confirmed a role of turtles regarding the effective internal transport and viability of riparian plant seeds. We assessed potential propagule dispersal by Eastern painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) within a small river in Massachusetts and factors that may influence the diversity and abundance of egested propagules. From August–October 2015 and June–October 2016, we captured 69 turtles (28 male and 13 female), recorded standard measurements (sex, size, mass, BCI), and collected their faeces from which we isolated propagules. Propagules, mostly seeds, were observed in a small (28%) group of individuals. Overall, 4808 seeds of four taxa and 62 tubers were recovered. Most turtles (58%) defaecated propagules of just one taxon and number of seeds per turtle was highly variable (1–1506, 253.05 ± 414.55 seeds). Taxon richness, abundance, and Simpson Index of propagules varied significantly by sampling year. Sex-year interaction was also a significant predictor of propagule abundance. No turtle-specific features (sex or BCI) have any significant influence on any of the seeds egested. While our study suggests a minor role for C. picta as mobilisers of river plant propagules, these highly vagile animals may still create intermittent links between spatially isolated populations within and between waterbodies.
... (3) Changes in biotic interactions, such as competition (Masters & Emery, 2016) and predator-prey relationships, that can lead to shifts in trophic position, as observed for fish (Lisi et al., 2018) and reptiles (Wilhelm & Plummer, 2012), as diet becomes more focused on non-native consumption. Such changes are likely to be prolific but remain largely unexplored. ...
Recent studies have highlighted cities as prime locations for the introduction, establishment, and spread of non‐native and invasive species. As the hydrological arteries of cities, urban river corridors have an important role to play in influencing species invasions. This overview examines existing literature to consider (a) how the landscape functions of urban river corridors (habitat, conduit, barrier/filter, sink, and source) relate to species invasions; (b) the organismal and geographical foci of research into non‐native species invasions along urban rivers; and (c) the need to more fully consider the roles that non‐native species may play in the recombinant communities of novel urban river ecosystems. The review ends with an identification of research priorities at the intersection of urban river corridor function and invasion biology.
... While freshwater turtles are largely omnivores, seeds can either constitute a major proportion of their diet or a frequently consumed food item (Çiçek and Ayaz, 2011;Ford and Moll, 2004;Caputo and Vogt, 2008;Ayres et al., 2010). For instance, seeds were found to be a principal food type of Sternotherus odoratus by both volume and mass (Wilhelm and Plummer, 2012). Diet analyses likewise revealed a high frequency of occurrence of seeds among captured individuals of Pelusios castaneus (76%; Luiselli et al., 2004) and Glyptemys muhlenbergii (69%; Melendez et al., 2017). ...
Direct or incidental ingestion of fruits or seeds by freshwater turtles can facilitate seed dispersal within and between bodies of water. Here, we evaluate Chrysemys picta (Eastern painted turtles) as a dispersal mode for hydrophytes and aimed to determine: 1) factors that drive diversity and abundance of egested seeds, 2) if certain regionally-common seed taxa more frequently occur in feces, and 3) assess the viability of seeds that passed through the turtle digestive system. Close to half of the turtles captured were found to egest seeds with a high proportion of these seeds (85–94%) apparently unaffected by the digestive process. In all, 5859 seeds (ranging from 1 to 1081 per feces) were recovered representing four plant taxa. Most seeds recovered from either pond, in terms of overall quantity, density, and frequency, were those of the locally-common Nymphaea odorata, followed by Nuphar variegata, suggesting these items may be actively targeted as food items. Analyses indicate neither turtle sex nor health had an effect on overall seed number or seed richness of feces. While germination levels varied by turtle and locality, defecated N. odorata seeds were capable of germinating at high capacities. When compared to control, however, trials suggest C. picta ingestion has an inhibitory effect. Our evidence supports a complementary bi-modal dispersal system implicating the mobile C. picta with hydrochory to enhance the transport of aquatic plants like N. odorata. The seed treatment and high mobility afforded by C. picta makes it an effective vector to overcome interpond limitations of hydrochory and ichthyochory, and potential seed mistreatment by some waterbirds.
... We classified the invertebrate body segments to the lowest identifiable taxonomic unit. We used a Pearson's Chi-squared test (α=0.05) to compare sex and location differences in the number of food items observed per sample (Wilhelm and Plummer 2012). Due to frequent zero values for many of the food types, which invalidates most tests of categorical data, we only used the four most frequently observed items (plant material excluding seeds, seeds, beetles, and millipedes) in this analysis. ...
We tracked Bog Turtles (Glyptemys muhlenbergii) using radio-telemetry equipment to obtain fecal samples. We analyzed fecal samples to determine the identity of food items in both northern and southern populations in New Jersey, USA. Food items identified included: beetles, millipedes, ants, flies, caddisfly larvae, snails, and plant material, including seeds. While we found no significant differences between the diets of the two populations, fecal samples from the northern population contained more millipedes, caddisfly larvae, flies, and snails. Conversely, fecal samples from the southern population contained more beetles and seeds. This work adds to the basic life-history data on Glyptemys muhlenbergii, and may be valuable to conservation efforts.
Invasive alien species of the genus Corbicula (Bivalvia), originally from Asia, were introduced and spread over North and South America, Europe, and Japan during the 20th century. Dense populations established in the introduced areas have resulted in negative impacts on aquatic ecosystems and local economies. To raise public awareness about this issue, I have written two review papers on the alien Corbicula species: the first summarizes previously published data on taxonomy, native ranges, introduction routes, and dispersion pathways; the present (second) paper summarizes data on biological characteristics, including mode of reproduction, feeding behaviour, physiological tolerance to abiotic changes, impacts of established Corbicula populations on ecosystems and economies, and the response of native ecosystems to the introduced Corbicula species. Future measures and research tasks to resolve the problems associated with Corbicula are also noted. The successful invasive behaviour of Corbicula species can be explained by their reproduction/life-history traits (hermaphroditism, unreduced biflagellate sperm, androgenesis, ovoviviparity, r-strategy with rapid individual growth, early maturity, high fecundity, and high dispersal ability), plasticity in feeding behaviours (suspension- and deposit-feeding), and high filtration rates rather than by their physiological tolerance to abiotic changes (salinity, temperature, oxygen, etc.).
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Corbicula fluminea dominated the benthic community of Lake Nacogdoches, East Texas, composing 97% of the total biomass of benthic invertebrates. C. fluminea appears to be restricted to the littoral zone. Lower depths have lower oxygen, especially during the stratified period, which may restrict the distribution of C. fluminea. C. fluminea was found only down to a depth of 4 m and had and extremely patchy distribution. The greatest density within a patch was found at 1 m depth (35.8 ± 13.8 m-2) and the greatest biomass within a single patch was at 2 m (137.17 ± 69.21 g · m-2). C. fluminea density differed significantly among substrate types. The maximum density (43 ± 14 m-2) was found in sediments with dead C. fluminea shells and course detritus, and the lowest density (3.6 ± 3.6 m-2) was found in silt. The spatial distributions of C. fluminea and three species of unionids were similar both in depth and across substrates in the reservoir. We found no correlation between the densities of C. fluminea and other benthic invertebrates. Finally, we contrasted the effect of C. fluminea on benthic communities to what is known about the impacts of another invasive bivalve, the zebra mussel.
Sternotherus odoratus is an omnivorous turtle inhabiting shallow littoral zones of lakes and swamps in the eastern United States. Previous studies have quantified the diet of this turtle, but few have addressed seasonal and sexual differences. Stomach and fecal samples were collected from June through October 1998. Although males and females consumed similar taxa, there were monthly dietary differences likely, in part, because of sexual differences in peak activity and reproductive conditions. Patterns of consumption suggest that Stinkpots are omnivorous but show some dietary preferences.
From June 1969 until October 1972 the natural history of the Alabama map turtle, Graptemys pulchra, was studied in southern Alabama. Over 500 specimens were collected, of which 286 were measured, marked, and released, and 91 were autopsied for reproduction and food studies. Graptemys pulchra was the most abundant turtle in the study area and its primary food item, the imported oriental mussel Corbicula maniliensis, was the most abundant macro-invertebrate. Large, mature individuals of G. pulchra were more abundant than juveniles. Home range was apparently more stable in males, but only females exhibited homing behavior. I found that females either returned to the home area or remained at the displacement site. Those returning to their original localities moved distances of 24 river channel km (15 mi) or more up- and downstream. Growth is rapid in juveniles but declines sharply at maturity and approaches zero shortly after maturity. Males reach sexual maturity in their third or fourth year, but females apparently do not reach maturity until they are approximately 14 years old. Maximum size in females is reached in about 23 years, and natural longevity probably exceeds 50 years. Sexual dimorphism with respect to size is pronounced, the largest male studied being about half the carapace length of the smallest female (120 mm vs 212 mm). Although sperm were present in the male reproductive tract throughout the year, mating behavior was observed only in autumn months, suggesting that sperm is stored in females. The male courtship sequence is similar to that described for other aquatic emydines, except that the "titillation tool" of the male is the snout, rather than elongate fore-claws. Elongate fore-claws are not characteristic of adult males. Predation probably resulted in the destruction of 95 percent of the natural nests during the study period, although some reproductive seasons were much more successful than others. The major diurnal predator on nests was the fish crow, and the major nocturnal predator was the raccoon. The only significant ehemies of adults are man and possibly the alligator snapping turtle, Macroclemys temmincki. Reproductive potential vafied from 7 to 71, depending on the size of the female, and averaged 29 eggs per season per female. An average of 4 (1-6) clutches were laid per season per female. Extra-uterine migration of ova was usual. Nests were located 1-20 m from the water's edge, usually on large, exposed sandbars. Coarseness of the sand seemed to be the major criterion on which nest site selection was based. Incubation required from 74 to 79 days at 29°C, the average nest chamber temperature in natural nests. Infertility of individual eggs and entire clutches was common. Males and females under 100 mm carapace length were primarily insectivorous, whereas juvenile and adult females in the study area subsisted almost entirely on Corbicula. Feeding generally began in May and ended in October. Since growth ceased in early September, food assimilated during September and October was probably stored for winter. The most significant determinant of seasonal activity was water temperature. Activity and feeding decreased sharply at water temperatures below 19°C (66°F). Complete inactivity (hibernation) of the entire, population during the winter was not observed. No significant interspecific competition with other turtle species was found.
Suspension-feeding bivalves serve to couple pelagic and benthic processes because they filter suspended particles from the water column and the undigested remains, ejected as mucus-bound feces and pseudofeces, sink to the sediment surface. This biodeposition can be extremely important in regulating water column processes where bivalves are abundant in coastal waters and in seasons when water temperatures are warm enough to promote active feeding. Bivalves under these conditions can exert "top-down" grazer control on phytoplankton and in the process reduce turbidity, thereby increasing the amount of light reaching the sediment surface. This has the effect of reducing the dominance of phytoplankton production and extending the depth to which ecologically important benthic plants, such as seagrasses and benthic microalgae, can grow. Nitrogen and phosphorus, excreted by the bivalves and regenerated from their biodeposits, are recycled back to the water column and support further phytoplankton production. In some situations, however, bivalves can also exert "bottom-up" nutrient control on phytoplankton production by changing nutrient regeneration processes within the sediment. Some of the N and P that was originally incorporated in phytoplankton, but was not digested by the bivalves, can become buried in the accumulating sediments. Where biodeposits are incorporated in aerobic surficial sediments that overlay deeper anaerobic sediments, microbially mediated, coupled nitrification- denitrification can permanently remove N from the sediments as N2 gas. Consequently, natural and aquaculture-reared stocks of bivalves are potentially a useful supplement to watershed management activities intended to reduce phytoplankton production by curbing anthropogenic N and P inputs to eutrophied aquatic systems. Environmental conditions at bivalve aquaculture sites should be carefully monitored, however, because biodeposition at very high bivalve densities may be so intense that the resulting microbial respiration reduces the oxygen content of the surrounding sediments. Reduction in sediment oxygen content can inhibit coupled nitrification-denitrification, cause P to become unbound and released to the water column, and the resulting buildup of H2S can be toxic to the benthos.