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HHS, NCI, J Natl Cancer Inst, May 18, 1994 (1)

1994, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services;
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
J Natl Cancer Inst 1994; 86: 753-759
May 18, 1994
LENGTH: 3993 words
TITLE: Genomic Imprinting, DNA Methylation, and Cancer
AUTHOR: Shirley, Rainier, Andrew P. Feinberg <1>
Our basic concepts of segregation and assortment of two alleles of a gene have been shaped by the work of Gregor
Mendel [n1]. Similarly, our notions of genetic disorders were set more than 75 years ago by Garrod [n2], who distin-
guished patterns of inheritance that depended on whether one or both copies of a gene are needed for normal function.
Fig. 1 illustrates these classical concepts of mendelian inheritance of dominant and recessive genetic traits. There are
two important assumptions implicit in mendelian inheritance: 1) that the materially and paternally inherited alleles of a
gene are identical and 2) that two working expressed copies of a normal gene are always associated with normal function.
Genomic imprinting challenges both of these assumptions.
Genomic imprinting is defined as a reversible modification of DNA that causes differential expression of maternally
and paternally inherited homologous chromosomes or genes (Fig. 2). The nature of this modification is unknown but
must 1) involve the gone itself or the chromosome on which it resides, 2) occur during gametogenesis or shortly after
fertilization, 3) be heritable by somatic cells during cell division, and 4) be potentially reversible, as the imprint can be
changed during reproduction of the organism.
Genomic imprinting has been known to exist in lower organisms for many years, but it has attracted attention recently
because it is now known to be essential for normal development in the mouse and because a molecular mechanism, DNA
methylation, has been tentatively identified [reviewed in [n3]]. While there had been reasons to suspect that imprinting
was important for humans as well, only recently has molecular evidence for imprinting been reported in humans [n4-n8].
Evidence of Genomic Imprinting in Other Species
The greatest insight into mammalian imprinting tonics from several lines of experimentation in mice (Fig. 3). First,
androgenetic embryos (with two complete paternal chromosomal complements) fail to develop normal embryonic tissues
[n9], while parthenogenetic embryos (with two complete maternal chromosomal complements) fail to develop extraem-
bryonic tissues [n9,n10]. These experiments demonstrate that maternal and paternal genome complements are necessary
for normal embryonic development in the mouse. Second, mice harboring certain balanced translocations that result in
uniparental disomy (both copies of specific chromosomal regions are derived from a single parent) develop growth and
developmental abnormalities [n11]. A direct relationship of imprinting to the regulation of cell growth is suggested by
the flier that, for some chromosomal regions, paternal uniparental disomy leads to increased growth, and maternal unip-
arental disomy leads to decreased growth [n12]. These findings have led to the hypothesis of Moore and Haig [n13],
which suggests that imprinting evolved because of opposing paternal and maternal influences in the growth of the em-
bryo. These studies have also provided important mapping data for imprinted regions in the mouse and, by virtue of
comparative mapping, have suggested potentially imprinted regions in the human as well.
Work on transgenic animals, which contain a stably integrated foreign gene, has provided further evidence of im-
printing. Many transgenes are expressed only when inherited from a specific parent [n14]. This imprinting of the
transgene is also associated with specific differences in DNA methylation between the active and imprinted (inactive)
HHS, NCI, J Natl Cancer Inst, May 18, 1994
alleles [n15,n16], thus suggesting a role for DNA methylation in the control of imprinting. DNA methylation is the
enzymatic addition of a methyl group to the 5-position of the cytidine ring in genomic DNA by DNA methyltransferase.
Other examples of imprinting include the preferential inactivation of the paternal X chromosotne in kangaroos and other
marsupials [n17] and in the extraembryonic tissue of rodents [n18].
Finally, there is direct molecular evidence for imprinting of the following six mouse genes: 1) the insulin-like growth
factor 2 gene (Igf2), expressed only from the paternal allele [n19,20): 2) H19, expressed only from the maternal allele
[n21]; 3) the Igf2 receptor gene (Igf2), expressed only from the maternal allele [n22]: 4) Snrpn (small nuclear ribonu-
cleoprotein-associated polypeptide SmN), expressed only from the paternal allele [n23,n24]; 5) insulin 1 and 2, expressed
only from the paternal allele in the yolk sac [n25]: and 6) U2afbp-rs or SP2, expressed only from the paternal allele
[n26,n27]. Since genomic imprinting plays an important role in normal development in other species, it might play a
similarly critical role in humans.
Evidence for Genomic Imprinting in Humans
Compelling evidence for genomic imprinting in human disease comes from two disorders that show uniparental
disomy (Fig. 3): Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) and Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS). PWS involves either
maternal uniparental disomy for band 15q11-12 [n28] or visible cytogenetic deletion of the same region from the paternal
chromosome [n29]. PWS is characterized by short stature, mental retardation, and uncontrolled appetite leading to
massive obesity. BWS is characterized by prenatal overgrowth and an increased incidence of childhood tumors such as
Wilms' tumor, hepatoblastoma, and rhabdomyosarcoma. BWS involves paternal uniparental disomy of 11p15 in some
patients [n30]. Other BWS patients show balanced rearrangements involving the maternally inherited chromosome
[n31] or deletions involving the maternal chromosome [n32]. The genetics of both PWS and BWS imply that the ma-
ternal and paternal alleles of these genes are expressed differentially in normal development, and the disorder arises from
an abnormal dose of these genes (either decreased or increased). For example, if the BWS gene is maternally imprinted
(i.e., the paternal copy is expressed), then paternal uniparental disomy would result in a net increased dose of the BWS
gene. A gene has been isolated in the smallest region of deletion in PWS patients at 15q11-12, SNRPN [n33]. This gene
encodes a small nuclear RNA molecule that is maternally imprinted in mice [n23] and humans [n34]. The location and
imprinting of SNRPN suggest a role for this gene in PWS, although there is no direct evidence of its involvement.
The existence in the mouse of several imprinted genes, Igf2 and H19, in the region of mouse chromosome 7 ho-
mologous to the human BWS region [n11p15] has suggested a role for these genes in this syndrome [n13,n35,n36].
Moreover, genomic imprinting of these two genes in humans has recently been demonstrated directly in our laboratory
[n4] and in other laboratories [n5-n8] by examining RNA from a variety of tissues. Messenger RNA isolated from
normal kidney tissue was reverse transcribed into complementary DNA, amplified using polymerase chain reaction, and
restricted with an enzyme that recognizes a transcribed polymorphism, to determine which parental allele was expressed.
IGF2 was expressed from the paternal allele, and H19 was expressed from the maternal allele.
Several hereditary diseases, including Huntington's disease and fragile X syndrome, show variable penetrance, de-
pending on the parent from whom the gene is inherited, suggesting a role for imprinting in the disease process. However,
molecular investigation of these diseases has shown that these are special cases involving expansion of trinucleotide
repeat regions in genomic DNA [n37,n38]. In both Huntington's disease and fragile X syndrome, the two parental alleles
are not known to be differentially expressed normally. In Huntington's disease, the effect of the expansion of the trinu-
cleotide repeat is unknown. However, in fragile X syndrome, a mutant allele undergoes further mutation (additional
lengthening of a trinucleotide repeat) at a higher frequency when passed through the maternal gamete, resulting in the
inactivation of the FMR1 gene [n39]. This differential allele mutability, while loosely referred to as a form of imprinting,
does not represent differential allele expression.
Alterations in Genomic Imprinting in Human Cancer
The potential role of genomic imprinting in human cancer is suggested by several lines of evidence (Fig. 3). Two
unusual human tumors appear to arise from an abnormally imprinted genome. Hydatidiform mole, a uterine mass of
cysts resembling a cluster of grapes, arises from fertilization of an "empty egg," resulting in a totally androgenetic ge-
nome, i.e., 46 chromosomes all from the father [n40]. Conversely, complete ovarian teratoma, an unusual tumor that
presents as an ovarian cyst often containing teeth and hair, develops in nonovulated oocytes in the ovary, resulting in a
totally parthenogenetic genome, i.e., 46 chromosomes from the mother [n41]. Additional evidence for imprinting in
cancer comes from hereditary cancer syndromes such as hereditary paraganglioma, which is inherited exclusively from
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the father [n42], and possibly familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), which may show a preference for paternal inher-
itance [n43].
Another major line of evidence is the preferential involvement of a specific parental allele in loss of tumor suppressor
genes. Molecular evidence for the loss of specific tumor suppressor genes comes from a decade of observations begin-
ning with two childhood tumors, Wilms' tumor and retinoblastoma. These tumors frequently show loss of heterozygosity
(LOH) of polymorphic markers on specific chromosomal arms. For example, in Wilms' tumor, using restriction frag-
ment length polymorphisms that distinguish the maternal and paternal chromosomes, one frequently finds LOH or loss of
one of the polymorphic markers of lip in a tumor, indicating that the chromosome arm has been lost and that it contains a
tumor suppressor gene that has also been lost [n44]. Subsequently, LOH has been found in a wide variety of common
tumors and has led to the localization and eventual cloning of a series of important tumor suppressor genes, such as DCC
and FAP in human colorectal cancer [n45,n46]. Interestingly, during the analysis of LOH in tumors, several neoplasms
have shown LOH that preferentially involves a specific parental allele. For example, maternal chromosome 13 was lost
in sporadic osteosarcoma [n47], paternal chromosome 7 was lost in acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) [n48], and
maternal chromosome 11 was preferentially lost in Wilms' tumor, rhabdomyosarcoma, and hepatoblastoma [n49]. These
results are consistent with unequal expression of two alleles, depending on the parental origin, with loss of the active allele
which encodes a tumor suppressor. Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) also showed strong indirect evidence for
genomic imprinting in carcinogenesis. In a recent study [n50], the Philadelphia chromosome translocation was shown to
involve exclusively the paternal chromosome 9 and the maternal chromosome 22. In summary, considerable indirect
evidence suggests that genomic imprinting may play an important role in a variety of human cancers.
The first direct evidence that abnormally imprinted genes may play a role in tumorigenesis was found by examining
imprinting of IGF2 and H19 in Wilms' tumors. We [n4] and others [n6] have shown that normal imprinting of IGF2 is
lost during tumorigenesis. In normal human kidney, the paternal allele of IGF2 is expressed and the maternal allele is
transcriptionally inactive. Seventy percent of Wilms' tumors show loss of imprinting (LOI) and thus express both the
maternal and paternal alleles (Fig. 2) [n4,n6]. Our laboratory [n4] also has shown that LOI of H 19 occurs in these
tumors but at a lower frequency (< 20%). LOI was present in the earliest stage of tumors as frequently as in later stage
tumors. Thus, LOI appears frequently in at least some human cancers and, of course, early in the development of ma-
lignancy. H19 is a gene that apparently encodes an RNA, the function of which is still unknown [n51]. The importance
of this gene in normal development was demonstrated in transgenic mouse studies [n52]. Overexpression or deregulated
expression of H19 in these transgenic mice caused embryonic lethality early in development. Therefore, LOI of HI9,
although not as common as LOI of IGF2, may also be an important step in tumorigenesis.
LOI is apparently not restricted to Wilms' tumor, since we [n4] have also demonstrated LOI of IGF2 in a rhabdoid
tumor of the kidney. Furthermore, Weksberg et al. [n53] and our laboratory (Rainier S, Feinberg AP: unpublished data)
have recently found that LOI is present in normal fibroblasts of BWS patients (Fig. 2). These patients have an increased
risk for Wilms' tumor and for other tumors. Thus, LOI may predispose these patients to tumor development.
What might be the potential effects of LOI in carcinogenesis? Fig. 4 summarizes some possibilities. The most
obvious potential effect is an increase in expression of the gene that has undergone LOI, namely from expression of one
copy to expression of two copies of the gene. Many other genetic alterations in cancer can cause abnormal expression of
normal cellular genes, such as DNA amplification of N-myc in neuroblastoma [n54] and MDM2 in sarcoma [n55] and
translocation of c-myc in Burkitt's lymphoma [n56,57]. LOI of IGF2 could be an important step in carcinogenesis by
causing increased levels of IGF2. That such a gene activation mechanism may be important is suggested by the role of
IGF2 as an important autocrine growth factor in a wide variety of tumors, including lung [n58-n60], breast [n61,n62],
colon [n63-n66], thyroid [n67], liver [n68,n69], and brain [n70,n71] tumors.
Possible therapeutic implications of LOI are suggested by the fact that the blockade of Igf2 by suramin at the insu-
lin-like growth factor 1 receptor (Igflr), the receptor that carries out the growth function of Igf2 [n72], causes growth
inhibition in vitro of human rhabdomyosarcoma [n73]. Clinical trials are under way to inhibit IGF2 at its receptor in
rhabdomyosarcoma. In Wilms' tumor, one proposed mechanism for the activation of IGF2 is mutation of the WT1 gene
on 11p13, a transcriptional repressor of IGF2 and other genes [n74]. However, the frequency of mutation of WTI in
Wilms' tumor is less than 10% [n75]. Thus, LOI may be a more common change leading to deregulated expression of
IGF2 in Wilms' tumor.
An alternative mechanism, first suggested by Sapienza [n76] is that abnormal imprinting could inactivate one copy of
a tumor suppressor gene. Thus, preferential LOH may be due to abnormal imprinting and inactivation of the retained
allele during early embryogenesis [reviewed in [n77]]. If the lost gene is a tumor suppressor gene, its inactivation may
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lead to cancer. For example, if H19 is a tumor suppressor gene, as is suggested by the recent report [n78], loss of the
maternal allele in Wilms' tumors would cause loss of the active copy of H19 and presumably decreased H19 messenger
RNA levels.
A third potential mechanism is a more complex interaction between neighboring loci that are reciprocally imprinted.
At least in the case of IGF2 and H19, one gene is expressed from the paternal chromosome and the other expressed from
the maternal chromosome. Thus, a change in imprinting of either gene could affect the expression of the other. In mice,
Igf2 and H19 map to a region of less than 90 kilobases; thus, a regulatory domain lying between them may act as an
allele-specific switch controlling the exclusive expression of Igf2 or H19 [n79,n80]. Hence, LOI of IGF2 may affect the
expression of H19. Therefore, LOH and LOI of IGF2 may lead to the same result, decreased HI9 expression. Whatever
the mechanism, LOI would be expected to lead to abnormal expression of imprinted genes in the cell.
Potential Molecular Mechanisms for Imprinting
What is the mechanism of maintenance of an imprint during normal development and LOI in tumorigenesis? DNA
methylation has been proposed as one possible mechanism [n14], and there are a number of studies [n81-n87] linking
DNA methylation with gene expression. Three lines of evidence suggest that DNA methylation may be at least in part
responsible for imprinting. First, imprinted transgenes often demonstrate hypomethylation of the transgene when
transmitted on the parental allele that is expressed, when compared with the parental allele that is not expressed
[n16,n88,n89]. Second, recent studies of Igf2r in mouse embryos with maternal duplication and paternal deletion of
distal chromosome 7 reveal a specific site of DNA methylation that distinguishes the paternal (active) and maternal (in-
active) alleles [n90], although it remains to be proven that DNA methylation controls the imprint. Interestingly, IGF2r is
not imprinted in humans [n91]: thus, there is not a complete correlation between imprinted genes in mice and humans.
Third, DNA methylation also appears to be an important mechanism in the regulation of genomic imprinting in plants, and
5-azacytidine (a DNA demethylating agent) relaxes these imprints, revealing previously masked variation in plant hybrids
Studies of X-chromosome inactivation in humans also suggest that DNA methylation plays a role in the inhibition of
transcription of genes on the inactive X chromosome. Many genes show differential methylation on the active and
inactive X chromosomes [n93]. The regulation of X-chromosome inactivation is complex and involves factors in addi-
tion to DNA methylation [n94]. Nevertheless, reduction in DNA methylation with 5-azacytidine can cause reactivation
of genes on the inactive X chromosome [n95]. Thus, if X-chromosome inactivation is used as an analogy, even if DNA
methylation is not the primary mechanism for genomic imprinting, altered DNA methylation might still be a factor in its
loss in cancer.
Since cancer may involve the deregulated expression of normal cellular genes and the loss of DNA methylation is
associated with gene expression, Holliday [n96] first suggested that a failure to methylate DNA could disrupt gene reg-
ulation and lead to cancer. Experimental studies of this subject, using cell lines, gave contradictory results [reviewed in
[n97]]. Feinberg and Vogelstein [n98] addressed this problem several years ago by comparing DNA methylation of
specific genes in primary human colon and lung cancers to that in the adjacent normal tissue from the same patient. With
the use of methylcytosine-sensitive restriction enzymes, substantial hypomethylation of a wide variety of genes was found
in all 23 tumors studied. These genes included gamma-crystallin, whose hypomethylation was surprising in these tu-
mors, since this gene is not expressed and fully methylated in the normal tissues [n98]. Subsequently, 10 premalignant
benign colonic adenomas, from which colon cancers arise, were found to be similarly hypomethylated [n99,n100]. In
addition, several cellular oncogenes are also hypomethylated [n101]. Thus, abnormal DNA methylation is an attractive
potential mechanism for LOI in cancer. The changes in DNA methylation that occur in normally unexpressed genes,
such as gamma-crystallin, may lead to a cryptic response [a change in the competence or stability of a gene without an
obvious change in transcription [n102]] due to the absence of factors necessary for expression. In contrast, changes in
DNA methylation of imprinted genes may lead to a more visible response [n102], deregulated gene expression, since the
transcription factors necessary for the expression of imprinted genes should be present in the cell expressing those genes.
Recently, normal DNA methylation has been shown to be essential for normal imprinting in mice [n103]. By ex-
amining imprinted genes in DNA methyltransferase knock-out mice. Li et al. [n103] found activation of the normally
silent paternal H19 allele and inactivation of normally active paternal Igf2 allele and maternal Igf2r allele. These studies
support the hypothesis that abnormal imprinting is related to abnormal DNA methylation in cancer.
Another proposed mechanism for maintenance of imprinting comes from studies of Drosophila heterochromatin
[n104], transcriptionally silent regions of the Drosophila genome, by virtue of its folding into a tight complex with spe-
HHS, NCI, J Natl Cancer Inst, May 18, 1994
cific proteins. At least two protein components essential for heterochromatin formation in Drosophila are known. A
normally active gene, when translocated next to heterochromatin, can be transcriptionally silenced. This silencing is
heritable. When one of the factors necessary for heterochromafin formation is limiting, it affects the scope of hetero-
chromatin formation and can release transcriptionally silenced genes from the silencing effects of heterochromatin
[n105]. Increasing the expression of this limiting factor can also increase the scope of heterochromatin formation and
can repress neighboring germs that are normally expressed in the cell. Therefore, there is a critical concentration of these
factors necessary to maintain heterochromatin and thus the normal expression of genes in these cells. One can envision
an analogous mechanism in humans. In fact, the human homologue of one of the components of Drosophila hetero-
chromatin (HP1) has been cloned [n106]. These observations in other organisms help to predict models and to design
experiments to explain the mechanism of imprinting in humans.
Recent work [n107] examining replication timing in imprinted genes indicated that there are large domains sur-
rounding imprinted genes that show early replication of the paternal allele. Unimprinted genes located within these
domains are also early replicating: therefore, early replication of the paternal allele does not correlate with allele-specific
expression of the imprinted genes. For example, H19 and Igf2 are expressed from different alleles, yet show early rep-
lication of the paternal allele. Therefore, the authors [n107] suggest a more complex mechanism for allele-specific
expression involving local trans-acting factors. Finally, another possible mechanism for imprinting derived from studies
in yeast is gene conversion, the transposition and substitution of one gene locus for another gene locus. In yeast, gene
conversion plays a role in controlling mating type [n108]. The region of the yeast genome that controls mating type
contains two genes, separated by a control or "switch" region. Only one of these genes is active in a cell, but a daughter
cell can switch mating types by inactivating the active gene and activating the inactive gene. The daughter cell can then
pass on the new phenotype to its progeny.
One of the most exciting aspects of the study of genomic imprinting and its role in carcinogenesis is its potential
therapeutic value. If the allele-specific information necessary for normal genomic imprinting is still present in the cancer
cell with LOI, it may be possible to manipulate these cells pharmacologically or genetically to restore the imprint.
Certainly, LOI is already important in cancer prevention, since LOI is seen in the normal tissues of patients with hered-
itary predisposition to cancer [n53]. It may become possible in the near future to perform screening for patients at risk for
cancer and possibly in the population at large.
Genomic imprinting and its role in cancer constitute an exciting new area of investigation that represents a conver-
gence of the fields of human cancer molecular genetics and mouse, plant, yeast, and Drosophila developmental genetics.
Fig. 4 summarizes just a few of the many questions to be answered.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: A. P. Feinberg, Departments of Internal Medicine and Human Genetics,
University of Michigan Medical School, and Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of Michigan.
<1> Affiliations of authors: S. Rainier, Department of Internal Medicine, University of MIchigan Medical School, and
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Correspondence to present address: Andrew P. Feinberg, M.D., M.P.H., Department of Internal Medicine, Johns
Hopkins School of Medicine, 720 Rutland Ave., 1064 Ross Bldg., Baltimore, MD 21205.
Manuscript received November 15, 1993; revised January 19, 1994; accepted February 18, 1994.
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GRAPHIC: Figure 1, Mendelian inheritance of dominant and recessive genes.; Figure 2, Inheritance pattern of a ma-
ternally imprinted gene and LOI in tumorigenesis and Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome.; Figure 3, Evidence for genomic
imprinting.; Figure 4, Cause and effects of abnormal imprinting.
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Newborn mice homozygous for a targeted disruption of insulin-like growth factor gene (Igf-1) exhibit a growth deficiency similar in severity to that previously observed in viable Igf-2 null mutants (60% of normal birthweight). Depending on genetic background, some of the Igf-1(-/-) dwarfs die shortly after birth, while others survive and reach adulthood. In contrast, null mutants for the Igf1r gene die invariably at birth of respiratory failure and exhibit a more severe growth deficiency (45% normal size). In addition to generalized organ hypoplasia in Igf1r(-/-) embryos, including the muscles, and developmental delays in ossification, deviations from normalcy were observed in the central nervous system and epidermis. Igf-1(-/-)/Igf1r(-/-) double mutants did not differ in phenotype from Igf1r(-/-) single mutants, while in Igf-2(-)/Igf1r(-/-) and Igf-1(-/-)/Igf-2(-) double mutants, which are phenotypically identical, the dwarfism was further exacerbated (30% normal size). The roles of the IGFs in mouse embryonic development, as revealed from the phenotypic differences between these mutants, are discussed.
DNA from 61 unrelated patients with adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) was examined for mutations in three genes (DP1, SRP19, and DP2.5) located within a 100 kb region deleted in two of the patients. The intron-exon boundary sequences were defined for each of these genes, and single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis of exons from DP2.5 identified four mutations specific to APC patients. Each of two aberrant alleles contained a base substitution changing an amino acid to a stop codon in the predicted peptide; the other mutations were small deletions leading to frameshifts. Analysis of DNA from parents of one of these patients showed that his 2 bp deletion is a new mutation; furthermore, the mutation was transmitted to two of his children. These data have established that DP2.5 is the APC gene.
In a clinical and cytogenetic survey of 39 individuals with Prader-Labhart-Willi syndrome (PLWS) (23 males and 16 females ranging in age from 2 weeks to 39 years), an interstitial deletion of chromosome 15 (breakpoints q11 and q13) was identified in21 cases and apparently normal chromosomes in the remainder. Studies of parental chromosome 15 variants showed that the del[15q] was paternal in origin, although chromosomes of both parents were normal. All chromosome deletions were de novo events. Possible causes for the chromosome deletion and the role of chromosome rearrangements in individuals with PLWS are discussed. Clinical characteristics of the, deletion and nondeletion groups were recorded and compared with 124 individuals reported in the literature. Individuals with the chromosome deletion were found to have lighter hair, eye, and skin color, greater sun sensitivity, and higher intelligence scores than individuals with normal chromosomes. Correlation studies of metacarpophalangeal pattern profile variables and dermatoglyphic findings indicate apparent homogeneity of the deletion group and heterogeneity of individuals with PLWS and normal chromosomes.
A new imprinted gene has been discovered in mice using the technique of restriction landmark genomic scanning (RLGS) with methylation sensitive enzymes. Eight out of 3,100 strain-specific NotI and BssHII spots were identified as imprinted in reciprocal F1 hybrids. Subsequently, we isolated a genomic clone for one locus on proximal chromosome 11 near the Glns locus, an imprinted region in uniparental disomic mice, and its corresponding cDNA clone. Expression of this transcript from the paternal allele was established using RT-PCR of reciprocal F1-hybrid mice. The amino-acid sequence deduced from the cDNA showed significant homology to the U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein auxiliary factor 35 kDa subunit.