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Mid-Trimester Endovaginal Sonography in Women at High Risk for Spontaneous Preterm Birth


Abstract and Figures

Although shortened cervical length has been consistently associated with spontaneous preterm birth, it is not known when in gestation this risk factor becomes apparent. To determine whether sonographic cervical findings between 16 weeks' and 18 weeks 6 days' gestation predict spontaneous preterm birth and whether serial evaluations up to 23 weeks 6 days' gestation improve prediction in high-risk women. Blinded observational study performed between March 1997 and November 1999 at 9 university-affiliated medical centers in the United States in 183 women with singleton gestations who previously had experienced a spontaneous birth before 32 weeks' gestation. Certified sonologists performed 590 endovaginal sonographic examinations at 2-week intervals. Cervical length was measured from the external os to the functional internal os along a closed endocervical canal. Funneling and dynamic cervical shortening were also recorded. Spontaneous preterm birth before 35 weeks' gestation, analyzed by selected cutoff values of cervical length. Forty-eight women (26%) experienced spontaneous preterm birth before 35 weeks' gestation. A cervical length of less than 25 mm at the initial sonographic examination was associated with a relative risk (RR) for spontaneous preterm birth of 3.3 (95% confidence interval [CI], 2.1-5.0; sensitivity = 19%; specificity = 98%; positive predictive value = 75%). After controlling for cervical length, neither funneling (P =.24) nor dynamic shortening (P =.054) were significant independent predictors of spontaneous preterm birth. However, using the shortest ever observed cervical length on serial evaluations, after any dynamic shortening, the RR of a cervical length of less than 25 mm for spontaneous preterm birth increased to 4.5 (95% CI, 2.7-7.6; sensitivity = 69%; specificity = 80%; positive predictive value = 55%). Compared with a single cervical measurement at 16 weeks' to 18 weeks 6 days' gestation, serial measurements at up to 23 weeks 6 days significantly improved the prediction of spontaneous preterm birth in a receiver operating characteristic curve analysis (P =.03). Cervical length assessed by endovaginal sonography between 16 weeks' and 18 weeks 6 days' gestation, augmented by serial evaluations, predicts spontaneous preterm birth before 35 weeks' gestation in high-risk women.
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Mid-Trimester Endovaginal Sonography
in Women at High Risk
for Spontaneous Preterm Birth
John Owen, MD
Nicole Yost, MD
Vincenzo Berghella, MD
Elizabeth Thom, PhD
Melissa Swain, RN
Gary A. Dildy III, MD
Menachem Miodovnik, MD
Oded Langer, MD
Baha Sibai, MD
Donald McNellis, MD
for the National Institute of Child
Health and Human Development,
Maternal-Fetal Medicine
Units Network
portant cause of infant morbid-
ity and mortality and compli-
cates 11% of all pregnancies in
the United States.
Most (80%) of these
births result from either spontaneous la-
bor or membrane rupture.
Since the de-
velopment of neonatal intensive care
units, most neonatal deaths associated
with prematurity occur in infants born
at less than 32 weeks’ gestation, but sig-
nificant morbidities including sepsis,
respiratory distress, and necrotizing
enterocolitis do not abate until 35 weeks’
gestation, after which neonatal out-
comes are generally good.
To date, a
prior preterm birth is one of the stron-
gest and most consistent predictors of
prematurity, and the risk of recurrence
is inversely proportional to the gesta-
tional age of the prior delivery.
Endovaginal ultrasound is a reli-
able technology for imaging the cer-
vix and lower uterine segment during
While there is ample evi-
dence that a shortened cervical length
is associated with preterm birth,
Author Affiliations are listed at the end of this article.
Members of the Maternal-Fetal Medicine Units Net-
work are listed at the end of this article.
Corresponding Author and Reprints: John Owen, MD,
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Univer-
sity of Alabama at Birmingham, 61919th St S, OHB
458, Birmingham, AL 35249-7333 (e-mail: johnowen
Context Although shortened cervical length has been consistently associated with
spontaneous preterm birth, it is not known when in gestation this risk factor becomes
Objective To determine whether sonographic cervical findings between 16 weeks’
and 18 weeks 6 days’ gestation predict spontaneous preterm birth and whether serial
evaluations up to 23 weeks 6 days’ gestation improve prediction in high-risk women.
Design, Setting, and Participants Blinded observational study performed be-
tween March 1997 and November 1999 at 9 university-affiliated medical centers in
the United States in 183 women with singleton gestations who previously had expe-
rienced a spontaneous birth before 32 weeks’ gestation.
Observation Certified sonologists performed 590 endovaginal sonographic exami-
nations at 2-week intervals. Cervical length was measured from the external os to the
functional internal os along a closed endocervical canal. Funneling and dynamic cer-
vical shortening were also recorded.
Main Outcome Measure Spontaneous preterm birth before 35 weeks’ gestation,
analyzed by selected cutoff values of cervical length.
Results Forty-eight women (26%) experienced spontaneous preterm birth before
35 weeks’ gestation. A cervical length of less than 25 mm at the initial sonographic
examination was associated with a relative risk (RR) for spontaneous preterm birth of
3.3 (95% confidence interval [CI], 2.1-5.0; sensitivity=19%; specificity=98%; posi-
tive predictive value=75%). After controlling for cervical length, neither funneling (P=.24)
nor dynamic shortening (P=.054) were significant independent predictors of sponta-
neous preterm birth. However, using the shortest ever observed cervical length on se-
rial evaluations, after any dynamic shortening, the RR of a cervical length of less than
25 mm for spontaneous preterm birth increased to 4.5 (95% CI, 2.7-7.6; sensitiv-
ity=69%; specificity=80%; positive predictive value=55%). Compared with a single
cervical measurement at 16 weeks’ to 18 weeks 6 days’ gestation, serial measure-
ments at up to 23 weeks 6 days significantly improved the prediction of spontaneous
preterm birth in a receiver operating characteristic curve analysis (P=.03).
Conclusions Cervical length assessed by endovaginal sonography between 16 weeks’
and 18 weeks 6 days’ gestation, augmented by serial evaluations, predicts spontane-
ous preterm birth before 35 weeks’ gestation in high-risk women.
JAMA. 2001;286:1340-1348
1340 JAMA, September 19, 2001—Vol 286, No. 11 (Reprinted) ©2001 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
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is not known when this risk factor be-
comes apparent in pregnancy or
whether the adverse cervical ultra-
sound findings develop over time.
Moreover, most of the current data link-
ing cervical length to subsequent pre-
term birth have been collected beyond
20 weeks’ gestation.
tantly, most of the available data have
been collected either in unselected, low-
risk populations
or without phy-
sician masking, which means interven-
tions were applied on the basis of the
sonographic findings without a con-
trol group for comparison,
rendering the predictive value of the
cervical sonographic findings uncer-
tain. The importance of longitudinal
observations and the natural history of
cervical characteristics in the mid-
trimester have also not been well de-
Our objective was to determine
whether cervical characteristics visual-
ized with endovaginal sonography as
early as 16 weeks’ through 18 weeks 6
days’ gestation or longitudinally up to 23
weeks 6 days’ gestation would predict
spontaneous preterm birth in women
with a previous spontaneous preterm
birth before 32 weeks’ gestation. From
the standpoint of efficacy and other bio-
logical considerations, certain interven-
tions (cerclage) might be more effective
if applied early in gestation (ie, before 24
weeks). We hypothesized that endovagi-
nal sonography could identify women
whose cervical anatomy would make
them candidates for future mid-
trimester clinical intervention trials of
preterm birth prevention.
This study was performed at 9 univer-
sity-affiliated centers, all members of the
National Institute of Child Health and
Development, Maternal-Fetal Medi-
cine Units Network, between March
1997 and November 1999. Women
with singleton pregnancies who had ex-
perienced at least 1 prior spontaneous
preterm birth before 32 weeks’ gesta-
tion were eligible; funding was not
available to study a concurrent, low-
risk control population. If obstetric
records were not available, a history
consistent with spontaneous preterm
birth (preterm labor or membrane rup-
ture) and a birth weight of less than
1500 g were deemed satisfactory crite-
ria. Women with chronic medical or ob-
stetric problems that might result in an
indicated preterm birth (eg, hyperten-
sion, red blood cell isoimmuniza-
tion), a history of substance abuse, or
uterine anomalies were ineligible.
Women who received a cerclage be-
cause of a clinical history of cervical in-
competence were also excluded. The in-
stitutional review board at each center
approved the study and potential par-
ticipants who gave written, informed
consent could be enrolled as long as
their first endovaginal sonogram would
be performed between 16 weeks’ and
18 weeks 6 days’ gestation.
Gestational age was determined by
comparing a certain last menstrual pe-
riod (if available) with a sonographic
evaluation at or before 18 weeks’ ges-
tation. Concordance between the bio-
metric parameters and the menstrual
date of 7 days or less confirmed the last
menstrual period; otherwise, the bio-
metric data were used. After the initial
endovaginal sonographic evaluation, bi-
weekly visits were scheduled to end no
later than 23 weeks 6 days’ gestation
with a maximum of 4 sonograms per
All sonograms were performed by phy-
sicians, ultrasound technologists, or re-
search nurses who received uniform
training and certification before patient
enrollment. Each sonologist reviewed a
training videotape of 8 complete mid-
trimester endovaginal sonograms that
demonstrated all the required measure-
ments and subjective assessments. The
videotape was accompanied with a de-
tailed written description of each exami-
nation. Each sonologist independently
performed 10 endovaginal examina-
tions on unselected patients in the mid-
trimester. The primary investigator cri-
tiqued the videotapes and accompanying
data sheets to identify deficiencies. When
necessary, the sonologist was asked to
submit additional taped examinations
and data sheets demonstrating correc-
tion of any previously identified defi-
ciencies. From the videotaped examina-
tions, the primary investigator also
approved the ultrasound unit(s) at each
Each sonographic examination was
performed according to a defined pro-
tocol: patients were asked to empty their
bladder and then placed in a dorsal li-
thotomy position. The endovaginal probe
covered by a sterile, lubricated condom
was inserted and advanced along the
vaginal canal until an adequate sagittal
image of the cervix could be visualized.
The probe was withdrawn slowly until
the image blurred and then the inser-
tion pressure was increased only enough
to restore an adequate image.
An ad-
equate image for the measurement of cer-
vical length was defined as the visual-
ization of the internal os, external os, and
endocervical canal.
Cervical length was measured with
electronic calipers as the linear dis-
tance between the external os and the
functional internal os along a closed en-
docervical canal (F
IGURE 1). How-
ever, if the endocervical canal ap-
peared to be curved, cervical length was
also assessed as the sum of the lengths
of 2 contiguous linear segments, placed
Figure 1. Sagittal View of Anatomic
Landmarks for Endovaginal Sonography of
the Cervix
Internal Os
Amniotic Cavity
External Os
Cervical length (A) is measured from the external os
to the internal os or to the functional internal os when
funneling (B) is present. The sweep of the ultrasound
transducer is indicated by the highlighted area.
©2001 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, September 19, 2001—Vol 286, No. 11 1341
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along the endocervical canal, connect-
ing the external os and functional in-
ternal os. If the maximum deflection of
canal curvature (defined as the dis-
tance between a line connecting the
internal os and external os and the
maximum excursion of the 2 linear
components) was at least 5 mm, the re-
corded cervical length measurement
was the sum of the 2 linear segments
IGURE 2A); otherwise, the single lin-
ear distance measurement was re-
corded (Figure 2B).
Cervical length measurements were
performed 3 times. The sonologist as-
sessed the overall quality of the 3 im-
ages and recorded the cervical length
associated with the image that in his/
her opinion was associated with the
subjectively best image. However, if the
cervical length differed on images of
similar overall quality, the shortest ob-
served cervical length was recorded.
If a normal-appearing internal os could
not be recognized, the image was fur-
ther assessed for either funneling or a
poorly developed lower uterine seg-
ment. Funneling required prolapse of
the membranes through a dilated en-
docervical canal to the level of the func-
tional internal os. Funnel depth was
measured from the functional internal
os to its “shoulder,” visible more cepha-
lad toward the lower uterine segment
(Figures 1 and 2B). To be character-
ized as a funnel, the measured depth
had to be at least 5 mm.
A poorly developed lower uterine seg-
ment precluded a cervical length mea-
surement because the internal os could
not be visualized as a discrete struc-
ture. This subjective diagnosis was char-
acterized by the presence of an unusu-
ally long cervix (generally .50 mm),
an s-shaped endocervical canal, an in-
creased distance between the bladder
reflection and the amniotic cavity, 2 dif-
ferent echogenic areas in the cervix, and
an apparent internal os located appre-
ciably cephalad to the inferior edge of
the bladder reflection. For analyses of
cervical length as a continuous vari-
able, cases of poorly developed lower
segments were arbitrarily assigned a cer-
vical length of 62 mm, which was 1 mm
greater than the longest measured cer-
vical length (61 mm).
After baseline assessments were per-
formed, fundal pressure was applied for
15 seconds along the axis of the canal
by the sonologist
who maintained the
standard sagittal view of the cervix to de-
tect any fundal pressure–induced dy-
namic changes in the cervix. If the cer-
vix appeared to shorten, a funnel
developed (or increased in size), or if a
poorly developed lower uterine seg-
ment resolved as a result of the fundal
pressure, repeat measurements were ob-
tained. Sonograms lasted a minimum of
5 minutes to detect spontaneously oc-
curring dynamic changes, which also
prompted repeat measurements. Exami-
nations were videotaped for quality as-
According to the study protocol, the
results of each scan were not made
available to the patient’s managing phy-
sicians, except in cases of complete pla-
centa previa (placental tissue visual-
ized extending .1 cm on both sides of
the internal os) or fetal death. The rea-
son for any notification was recorded.
As part of continuing quality assur-
ance, a sample of the videotaped ex-
aminations was selected from each par-
ticipating center proportional to its
enrollment. The videotapes and data
sheets were reviewed by the primary in-
vestigator in conjunction with an-
other subcommittee member blinded to
the pregnancy outcome. If any mea-
surements or subjective assessments
were deemed incorrect, the respon-
sible sonologist and study coordina-
tor were notified and asked to reexam-
Figure 2. Sagittal Views of Endovaginal Sonograms of the Cervix at 18 Weeks’ Gestation
Bladder Reflection
Bladder Reflection
Internal Os
Internal Os
External Os
Bladder Reflection
Internal Os
External Os
Normal-Appearing Cervix Cervix With Funneling
A, Normal-appearing cervix, note cervical length of 40 mm (the sum of the 2 linear segments, 28 mm and 12 mm) as the maximum canal deflection is 6 mm. Inferior
extent of bladder reflection is approximately at the same level as the internal os. B, Cervix with funneling at the internal os, cervical length measured from external os
to functional internal os is approximately 23 mm. Note asymmetric anterior and posterior “shoulders” cephalad to the internal os. Electronic calipers mark the endo-
cervical canal. Tick marks visible along the top of both images represent a 1-cm scale.
1342 JAMA, September 19, 2001—Vol 286, No. 11 (Reprinted) ©2001 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
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ine the videotape and make appropriate
corrections. Initially, examinations were
chosen at random. However, with in-
creasing experience we also devel-
oped criteria for selected reviews that
included all cases of funneling, cervi-
cal lengths less than 20 mm or greater
than 50 mm, poorly developed lower
uterine segments, spontaneous or fun-
dal pressure–induced dynamic changes,
and cases in which the physician was
Data Analysis
The primary outcome criterion for this
study was a spontaneous preterm birth
before 35 weeks’ gestation, defined as a
birth that resulted directly from either
preterm labor or spontaneous mem-
brane rupture before the onset of la-
bor. Deliveries effected for maternal or
fetal reasons were coded as indicated. As
part of the study design, we performed
a sample size calculation based on the
following assumptions. Since appropri-
ate mid-trimester sonographic pilot data
were unavailable, sample size was based
on data from the Preterm Prediction
which collected endovaginal
sonographic data at both 24 weeks’ and
28 weeks’ gestation. We assumed the fol-
lowing: spontaneous preterm birth rate
before 35 weeks for high-risk women
with a cervical length of 25 mm or
greater would be 10%; a cervical length
less than 25 mm would occur in 20% of
women; and the incidence of spontane-
ous preterm birth before 35 weeks would
be 30%. Considering also a desired ef-
fect size of a relative risk (RR) of 3.0 for
spontaneous preterm birth before 35
weeks (based on the presence or ab-
sence of a cervical length of ,25 mm,
2-tailed a =.05, b =.20), 170 patients
would have to be studied.
Data were analyzed using SAS ver-
sion 7.0 (SAS Institute Inc, Cary, NC).
Categorical variables were compared
using x
or the Fisher exact test, and
continuous data were compared with
the Wilcoxon rank sum test. Logistic
regression was used to model the rela-
tionship between cervical length and
spontaneous preterm birth control-
ling for funneling, recognition of
dynamic shortening, and the slope of
cervical length over time on serial evalu-
ations (as derived from linear regres-
sion models). Receiver operating char-
acteristic curves were used to compare
the performance of varying cervical
length cutoffs for the prediction of spon-
taneous preterm birth before 35 weeks.
Statistical significance was repre-
sented at P,.05.
Since serial examinations were per-
formed, we also compared spontane-
ous preterm birth either with cervical
length at the initial examination or the
shortest cervical length observed at any
examination. Similarly, we analyzed
cervical length before and after any dy-
namic shortening occurred. Thus, for
any given patient, up to 4 different cer-
vical lengths could be analyzed: (1) the
length at the initial evaluation before
dynamic shortening; (2) the initial
length after dynamic shortening and
considering the serial evaluations; (3)
the shortest observed length before
dynamic changes; and (4) the shortest
observed length after dynamic short-
From all the participating centers, 236
women were initially thought to be eli-
gible for this study based on their stated
obstetric history. A total of 24 patients
were found to be ineligible on review
of their records. An additional 19 pa-
tients declined to participate, plus 6
more patients verbally agreed to par-
ticipate but did not keep their first sono-
gram appointment and therefore were
not enrolled. We did not collect out-
come data on these 25 women who
were eligible but not enrolled. From the
original enrollment of 187, 4 patients
were excluded because they were lost
to follow-up.
A total of 590 endovaginal sono-
graphic examinations were performed
on our study population of 183 women
between March 1997 and July 1999.
The median duration of the sono-
graphic examinations was 5.3 min-
utes (range, 4-18 minutes) and the me-
dian number of scans per patient was
3 (range, 1-4). Nine of the 183 women
underwent a single sonographic evalu-
ation. Of these 9, 3 delivered within 2
weeks of their first scan, before their
next scheduled study visit. Of the 590
sonographic evaluations, 576 (98%)
were videotaped according to proto-
col, and 466 (79%) of the taped exami-
nations were later reviewed. After study
inception, 4 women received a cer-
clage by their managing physicians. The
183 women in the study had a mean
maternal age of 26 years (SD, 5 years);
119 (65%) were African American, 26
(14%) were white, and 38 (21%) were
Hispanic. The earliest prior delivery oc-
curred at a mean of 24 weeks’ (SD, 4.8
weeks’) gestation; 135 had a single prior
preterm birth, 37 had 2 prior preterm
births, and 10 had more than 2 prior
preterm births. On review, we deter-
mined that 1 patient had not experi-
enced a prior spontaneous preterm birth
before 32 weeks but, rather, had expe-
rienced an indicated preterm birth.
The mean gestational age at deliv-
ery was 35.2 weeks (SD, 6.3 weeks). A
total of 48 (26%) women experienced
a spontaneous preterm birth before 35
weeks; 35 (19%) before 32 weeks; 29
(16%) before 28 weeks; and 20 (11%)
before 24 weeks. An additional 5
women underwent an indicated pre-
term delivery at 31 weeks’ to 34 weeks’
gestation for obstetric complications. Of
the 48 spontaneous births before 35
weeks, 34 (71%) were associated with
preterm labor and 14 (29%) were as-
sociated with preterm membrane
Initial Sonographic Evaluation
A total of 29 women (16%) had a poorly
developed lower uterine segment
throughout their entire initial evalua-
tion. Since these women had been ar-
bitrarily assigned a cervical length of 62
mm, the median baseline cervical length
at the first scan was 37 mm (range, 0-62
mm); the 10th percentile was 26 mm
and the 5th percentile was 23 mm. The
relationship between cervical length at
the initial evaluation and spontaneous
preterm birth before 35 weeks was
modeled with logistic regression.
Women with shorter cervical lengths
©2001 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, September 19, 2001—Vol 286, No. 11 1343
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had correspondingly higher rates of
spontaneous preterm birth before 35
weeks (P,.001). From the regression
model, we determined that the odds of
spontaneous preterm birth before 35
weeks decreased by 24% for each 5-mm
increase in baseline cervical length. We
then examined various cervical length
cutoffs for their predictive accuracy
ABLE 1).
Since we had arbitrarily assigned a
numeric cervical length value to women
with a poorly developed lower uterine
segment, we evaluated separately the
predictive value of this finding. Of the
29 women with a poorly developed
lower uterine segment throughout their
initial evaluation, only 3 (10%) expe-
rienced a spontaneous preterm birth be-
fore 35 weeks compared with a 29% rate
if the lower uterine segment was not
poorly developed (P =.03).
In 9 cases, the sonologist notified the
managing physicians after the sono-
gram had been performed. A total of 5
of these 9 cases were suspected pla-
centa previa and were reported accord-
ing to study protocol. However, in the
other 4 cases, the protocol was not fol-
lowed. Three were due to specific cer-
vical findings (cervical bending, fun-
neling, and internal os dilation) and in
1 case, the physician requested that the
cervical length measurement be un-
masked. Considering the potential for
bias associated with physician notifi-
cation and the 1 patient who had not
previously experienced a prior spon-
taneous preterm delivery, we deter-
mined the effect of omitting these 10
women from the analysis of the initial
sonographic evaluation. The RR for cer-
vical length less than 25 mm and spon-
taneous preterm birth before 35 weeks
increased slightly from 3.3 to 3.6.
Funneling was noted in 16 patients (9%)
at their initial evaluation. These women
were significantly more likely to have
a spontaneous preterm birth before 35
weeks (56% vs 23%; P =.004). How-
ever, women with an observed funnel
also had a significantly shorter cervi-
cal length (median, 26 mm vs 38 mm
if no funnel was observed; P,.001).
Because cervical length was such a
strong predictor of spontaneous pre-
term birth before 35 weeks, we also
evaluated the finding of a funnel as a
potential independent predictor. The
presence of a funnel was not a signifi-
cant independent predictor, control-
ling for cervical length in a logistic
regression model (P =.24). We also
included either the presence of funnel-
ing or a cervical length cutoff of less than
25 mm in a contingency table with
spontaneous preterm birth before 35
weeks and observed a lower RR of 2.7
(95% confidence interval [CI], 1.7-
4.3) and a lower positive predictive
value of 59% than when we used an iso-
lated cervical length cutoff of less than
25 mm (Table 1).
Dynamic Changes
During their first sonographic evalua-
tion, 16 (9%) of 183 women had ob-
served dynamic changes. A total of 9 fol-
lowed fundal pressure and 7 were
spontaneous. The cervical lengths of
these 16 women shortened from a mean
of 49 mm (median, 62 mm) to a mean
of 30 mm (median, 25 mm); 2 of these
women also developed a funnel. In 6
cases, the initially observed, poorly de-
veloped lower uterine segment re-
solved. Similar to our analysis of fun-
neling, we included dynamic changes in
a logistic regression model with cervi-
cal length and observed a trend toward
dynamic changes as a significant inde-
pendent predictor of spontaneous pre-
term birth before 35 weeks (P =.054).
We also considered dynamic changes in
a contingency table with a cervical length
cutoff of less than 25 mm and sponta-
neous preterm birth before 35 weeks. As
with funneling, the inclusion of dy-
namic changes at the initial evaluation
did not improve the predictive accu-
racy of a cervical length cutoff of less
than 25 mm (RR, 2.4; 95% CI, 1.5-3.8;
positive predictive value, 52%).
Serial Evaluations
Serial evaluations demonstrated that
cervical length shortened from a me-
dian of 37 mm at the first scan to a me-
dian of 32 mm at the fourth scan. For
each of the 174 women with at least 2
sonographic evaluations, we com-
puted the rate of change of cervical
length by fitting a linear regression line
to their observed cervical length mea-
surements. The median rate of short-
ening in this group was 1.1 mm per
week. Removing the 41 women who
had a poorly developed lower uterine
segment and therefore an assigned cer-
vical length of 62 mm at any time dur-
ing their initial and serial evaluations,
we observed a median cervical length
shortening of 0.9 mm per week. The 44
women who experienced a spontane-
ous preterm birth before 35 weeks
shortened their cervixes at a median rate
of 2.5 mm per week compared with a
rate of 1.0 mm per week in the 130
women who did not (P =.03).
To determine the effect of serial ob-
servations on the predictive accuracy
of endovaginal sonography, we first in-
cluded the shortest observed cervical
length for each patient in a logistic re-
Table 1. Summary Predictive Values and Relative Risks (RRs) of Spontaneous Preterm Birth Before 35 Weeks by the Initial Cervical Length
at 16 Weeks’ to 18 Weeks 6 Days’ Gestation and Selected Cervical Length Cutoff Values
Cervical Length
Cutoff, mm
Cutoff, No. Sensitivity, % Specificity, %
Predictive Value, %
Predictive Value, % RR (95% CI)
,15 5 10 100 100 76 4.1 (3.2-5.4)
,20 6 10 99 83 76 3.4 (2.2-5.3)
,25 12 19 98 75 77 3.3 (2.1-5.0)
,30 36 38 87 50 80 2.5 (1.6-3.9)
CI indicates confidence interval.
1344 JAMA, September 19, 2001—Vol 286, No. 11 (Reprinted) ©2001 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
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gression model with spontaneous pre-
term birth before 35 weeks as the de-
pendent variable. In this analysis, the
shortest ever observed cervical length
before dynamic changes was a signifi-
cantly better predictor than the base-
line cervical length at the first scan. We
further analyzed the information from
serial evaluations by including the slope
of the derived regression line of cervi-
cal length over time before dynamic
changes in a logistic regression model,
alone, and also with the cervical length
at the first evaluation. The slope of
length over time was not a significant
predictor of spontaneous preterm birth
before 35 weeks (P=.07). However, af-
ter controlling for initial baseline length,
the slope became a statistically signifi-
cant predictor in the regression model
(P =.002).
Since previous reports examined the
relationship between static cervical
length measured beyond 20 weeks’ ges-
tation and spontaneous preterm birth,
we performed a secondary analysis of all
sonographic evaluations performed at or
beyond 21 weeks’ gestation prior to any
dynamic changes. If a patient had un-
dergone 2 studies during this gesta-
tional period, the former was preferen-
tially selected. In this subgroup of 142
women, the RR of a cervical length less
than 25 mm and spontaneous preterm
birth before 35 weeks was 3.5 (95% CI,
1.9-6.5). The associated sensitivity and
specificity were 46% and 87%, respec-
Finally, we examined the clinical util-
ity of the shortest observed cervical
length not considering dynamic changes
on serial scans, using a cutoff of less than
25 mm for the prediction of spontane-
ous preterm birth before 35 weeks
(TABLE 2). Since cervical lengths tended
to shorten over time, more than 4 times
as many women (n=53 vs n=12) were
found to have a cervical length of less
than 25 mm during the study.
Dynamic Changes
and Serial Evaluations
We considered the additional effect of
spontaneous or fundal pressure–
induced dynamic changes that were ob-
served on serial examinations. We in-
cluded the shortest observed cervical
length after any dynamic changes oc-
curred in a logistic regression model
with spontaneous preterm birth be-
fore 35 weeks as the dependent vari-
able and found that it was a signifi-
cantly better predictor than the shortest
observed cervical length at any scan
prior to dynamic changes. From the re-
gression model, we determined that the
odds of spontaneous preterm birth be-
fore 35 weeks decreased by 43% for
each 5-mm increase in the shortest ob-
served cervical length after dynamic
Considering these dynamic changes,
the median rate of shortening re-
mained 1.1 mm per week and 0.9 mm
per week after removing the 41 women
who had a poorly developed lower uter-
ine segment. We also analyzed cervi-
cal length over time after dynamic
changes using logistic regression. In this
case, the slope was a significant pre-
dictor of spontaneous preterm birth be-
fore 35 weeks by itself (P,.001) and
also after controlling for initial base-
line cervical length (P,.001). These
analyses confirmed that the inclusion
of dynamic changes (ie, shortening) ob-
served on serial evaluations signifi-
cantly improved the predictive accu-
racy of endovaginal sonography for a
spontaneous preterm birth.
We then examined the summary pre-
dictive values of postdynamic change–
cervical length measurements at a cut-
off of less than 25 mm (n=60) for the
prediction of spontaneous preterm birth
before 35 weeks. Table 2 contains the
summary predictive values for a cervi-
cal length cutoff of less than 25 mm at
the baseline scan, the shortest ob-
served cervical length on serial scans be-
fore any dynamic changes, and the short-
est observed cervical length considering
dynamic changes from the serial endo-
vaginal sonographic evaluations.
IGURE 3 depicts the receiver oper-
ating characteristic curves of the base-
line cervical length at 16 to 18 weeks’
gestation prior to dynamic changes and
the shortest observed cervical length ob-
served on serial evaluations after dy-
namic changes. The latter measure-
ment represented a statistically
significant improvement over the
former with regard to the use of cervi-
cal length as a screening test for the pre-
diction of spontaneous preterm birth
before 35 weeks (P =.03).
We performed a prospective, blinded
observational study to determine if en-
dovaginal sonography of the cervix at
16 weeks’ to 23 weeks 6 days’ gesta-
tion would predict spontaneous pre-
term birth with sufficient accuracy to
justify mid-trimester intervention tri-
als in high-risk women. As a single mea-
surement, cervical length of less than
25 mm at 16 to 18 weeks’ gestation was
a significant predictor of spontaneous
preterm birth before 35 weeks, and the
inclusion of dynamic shortening and se-
Table 2. Summary Predictive Values and Relative Risks (RRs) of Spontaneous Preterm Birth Before 35 Weeks by Cervical Length of Less Than
25 mm at 16 Weeks’ to 18 Weeks 6 Days’ Gestation and Also Considering the Effect of Serial Sonographic Evaluations and Dynamic Changes
Up to 23 Weeks 6 Days’ Gestation
Cervical Length ,25 mm Sensitivity, % Specificity, %
Predictive Value, %
Predictive Value, % RR (95% CI)
First sonogram before dynamic changes 19 98 75 77 3.3 (2.1-5.0)
Shortest observed up to 23 weeks 6 days’ gestation
before dynamic changes
58 81 53 85 3.4 (2.1-5.5)
Shortest observed up to 23 weeks 6 days’ gestation
after dynamic changes
69 80 55 88 4.5 (2.7-7.6)
CI indicates confidence interval.
©2001 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, September 19, 2001—Vol 286, No. 11 1345
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rial observations of cervical length im-
proved the predictive values. We con-
clude that the natural history of cervical
anatomy during midpregnancy can con-
tribute significant information as to the
risk of subsequent spontaneous pre-
term birth.
We had previously recognized that in
approximately 10% of mid-trimester en-
dovaginal sonograms, the cervical
anatomy appeared atypical and, in par-
ticular, a normal-appearing internal os
could not be readily identified. This led
to our characterization of a poorly de-
veloped lower uterine segment, which
in some cases resolved into a measur-
able cervix. If resolution occurred dur-
ing the sonogram, this represented a dy-
namic change. We recognized that, in
a few of these transient cases, the cer-
vical length measurement after dy-
namic change was actually shortened
(,25 mm). In other cases, the poorly
developed lower uterine segment per-
sisted throughout the entire examina-
tion, but resolved before the patient’s
next visit. In no cases did this finding
persist during all scheduled evalua-
tions. We observed that the incidence
of poorly developed lower uterine seg-
ments decreased from 16% at the first
scan to less than 2% by the fourth evalu-
ation. The finding of a poorly devel-
oped lower uterine segment through-
out the entire scan appeared to be
protective and justified our decision to
consider it as a “long” cervix in the analy-
ses. Although primarily a subjective di-
agnosis, we have summarized diagnos-
tic criteria and believe that it represents
a reproducible observation with biologi-
cal significance.
Our findings challenge previous re-
ports that funneling at the internal cer-
vical os is a useful predictor of pre-
term birth.
We were impressed by
the wide range of biological variability
associated with funneling, which might
limit the reproducibility of this find-
ing. For example, some women did not
have a distinctly recognizable shoul-
der above the functional internal os, de-
picted in schematic diagrams of fun-
neling, and thus caliper placement was
operator dependent. Measurement of
funnel width as the distance between
shoulders would also have been prob-
lematic since some women had only 1
recognizable shoulder. In other cases,
asymmetric shoulders occurred, so it
was the sonologist’s choice as to which
one was used for funnel depth mea-
surement. Based on these observa-
tions, we included funneling as a cat-
egorical variable in the analyses.
Although women with a funnel had
significantly shorter cervical lengths
than women with no observed funnel,
our analyses confirmed that most, if not
all, of the preterm birth risk was re-
lated to cervical length. We postulate
that some cervixes shorten through the
process of funneling, but that the re-
maining functional length is more im-
portant than the precise method of
shortening. However, because our
sonographic examination windows
were necessarily limited (nominally, 20
minutes of real-time observations over
6 weeks), it is plausible that some
women with a shortened cervical length
had previously experienced funneling
that was never observed.
Dynamic change, after controlling for
cervical length, was only a marginally
significant predictor of preterm birth;
however, dynamic cervical length short-
ening during serial evaluations signifi-
cantly improved the prediction of pre-
term birth. Fundal pressure as a
provocative maneuver has been evalu-
ated in women at risk for cervical in-
We purposely excluded
women from our study who had under-
gone cerclage for a clinical history of cer-
vical incompetence and also recorded
unprovoked, spontaneous dynamic
Thus, patient selection
likely explains why fundal pressure–
induced dynamic changes were not com-
monly observed. Spontaneous dy-
namic changes were also uncommon
and, as independent findings, did not
further improve the predictive value of
shortened cervical length for spontane-
ous preterm birth. We conclude that cer-
vical length is the single most impor-
tant sonographic finding for preterm
birth prediction in high-risk women. Al-
though the precise mechanisms by
which the cervix shortens and contrib-
utes to spontaneous preterm birth may
ultimately be shown to have a differen-
tial impact on specific interventions, our
results support the concept that for the
prediction of spontaneous preterm birth,
the means by which the cervix short-
ens may not be as important as the fact
that it does shorten.
Gestational age at examination, ob-
stetric history, concurrent risk factors for
preterm birth (eg, multiple gestation),
subsequent uncontrolled interven-
tions, the gestational age used to define
the preterm outcome, and other as-
pects of study design likely explain the
observed variance among published re-
ports on the significance of cervical
length measurement for preterm birth
For these reasons, we
defined prematurity as delivery before 35
weeks, which is more clinically rel-
evant than the traditional 37 week end
point; included only women with a prior
early spontaneous preterm birth; and
masked the sonographic results. We
chose this study population primarily be-
cause it is one of the largest and most
Figure 3. Receiver Operating Characteristic
Curves of Cervical Length Cutoffs for the
Prediction of Spontaneous Preterm Birth
Before 35 Weeks’ Gestation
0 0.1 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.00.2
False Positive Rate (1 – specificity)
0.7 0.9 0.20.5
P = .03
<25 mm Cervical Length Cutoff
Shortest Observed Cervical
Length (After Dynamic Shortening)
Cervical Length, First Sonogram
(Before Dynamic Shortening)
Solid line depicts the performance of cervical length
cutoffs at the initial 16 week to 18 week 6 day evalu-
ation before any dynamic shortening. Dashed line de-
picts the shortest observed cervical length from 16
weeks’ to 23 weeks 6 days’ gestation and also con-
siders any recognized dynamic shortening. For com-
parison, the solid dots on the curves represent a cut-
off of less than 25 mm.
1346 JAMA, September 19, 2001—Vol 286, No. 11 (Reprinted) ©2001 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
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readily identified groups at risk. Al-
though women with multiple gesta-
tions also comprise a sizable and homo-
geneous risk group, the mechanisms by
which spontaneous preterm birth oc-
curs in multiple gestations may be dif-
ferent than the pathways that lead to re-
current spontaneous preterm birth in
singleton gestations.
To be clinically useful, the measure-
ment of cervical length should be re-
producible and associated with reason-
able thresholds for intervention. From
our quality assurance reviews, we were
satisfied that our training and certifi-
cation resulted in standardized mea-
surements of cervical length among par-
ticipating sonologists. Since reports of
cervical length assessment with endo-
vaginal sonography have become in-
creasingly common in recent years, it
is likely that many centers have devel-
oped their own training and certifica-
tion protocols. Nevertheless, from our
sonologist certification process, we rec-
ognized a learning curve associated with
this technique and caution against the
use of cervical length assessment by
sonologists who have not had appro-
priate supervised experience.
With regard to intervention thresh-
olds, we recognize that the relation-
ship between cervical length and spon-
taneous preterm birth functions along
a continuum as depicted in a receiver op-
erating characteristic curve (Figure 3).
Therefore, no single cervical length cut-
off can completely discriminate be-
tween eventual term and preterm births.
Depending on the risks, effectiveness,
and costs of a particular intervention, dif-
ferent thresholds may be appropriate.
We believe that a cervical length cutoff
of less than 25 mm represents an opti-
mum threshold for inclusion in future
mid-trimester intervention trials of cer-
clage. However, our findings do not sup-
port the concept of a “normal” vs “ab-
normal” cervical length, which is
oversimplified. Our findings support the
concept that cervical “competence”
likely represents a continuum,
that the mechanisms that underlie the
syndrome of spontaneous preterm birth
are multifactorial and incompletely un-
Further investigations com-
bining endovaginal sonography and
other markers of spontaneous preterm
birth may increase our understanding of
these mechanisms and permit a more in-
dividualized and biologically focused ap-
proach to preterm birth prevention. Un-
til properly designed trials of cerclage or
other interventions prove a benefit from
the finding of a “short” cervix in the mid-
we recommend that cer-
vical length measurement in women
with a prior spontaneous preterm birth
remain investigational.
Author Affiliations: Department of Obstetrics and Gy-
necology, University of Alabama at Birmingham
(Dr Owen); Department of Obstetrics and Gynecol-
ogy, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Cen-
ter, Dallas (Dr Yost); Department of Obstetrics and
Gynecology, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadel-
phia, Pa (Dr Berghella); George Washington Univer-
sity Biostatistics Center, Bethesda, Md (Dr Thom); De-
partment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Wake Forest
University, Winston-Salem, NC (Ms Swain); Depart-
ment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Utah,
Salt Lake City (Dr Dildy); Department of Obstetrics
and Gynecology, University of Cincinnati, Ohio
(Dr Miodovnik); Department of Obstetrics and Gy-
necology, University of Texas, San Antonio (Dr Langer);
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Univer-
sity of Tennessee, Memphis (Dr Sibai); and the Na-
tional Institute of Child Health and Human Develop-
ment, Bethesda, Md (Dr McNellis). Dr Dildy is now
with the Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge; Drs
Miodovnik and Langer are now with Columbia Uni-
versity, New York City, NY; Dr Sibai is now with the
University of Cincinnati, Ohio; and Dr McNellis is re-
Author Contributions: Study concept and design:
Owen, Thom, Swain, Miodovnik, Langer, Sibai,
Acquisition of data: Owen, Yost, Berghella, Thom,
Dildy, Sibai, McNellis.
Analysis and interpretation of data: Owen, Berghella,
Thom, Dildy.
Drafting of the manuscript: Owen, Thom.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important in-
tellectual content: Owen, Yost, Berghella, Thom,
Swain, Dildy, Miodovnik, Langer, Sibai, McNellis.
Statistical expertise: Owen, Thom.
Obtained funding: Sibai, McNellis.
Administrative, technical, or material support: Owen,
Yost, Berghella, Swain, Dildy, Miodovnik, Langer,
Study supervision: Owen, Berghella, McNellis.
Funding/Support: This study was supported by grants
HD27869, HD21414, HD27860, HD27905, HD36801,
HD34116, HD34201, HD34208, and HD34136 from
the National Institute of Child Health and Human De-
Previous Presentations: An abstract of this work was
presented at the 2000 Annual Meeting of the Soci-
ety for Gynecologic Investigation, Chicago, Ill, March
24, 2000.
Other members of the Maternal-Fetal Medicine Units
Network and their contributions: University of Ala-
bama at Birmingham: Cherry Neely, RT, RDMS (study
design, sonologist certification, and sonography), Al-
lison Northen, RN (data collection), John C. Hauth,
MD (study design), and Debbie Thom, RT, RDMS
(sonography); University of Chicago, Ill: Atef H.
Moawad, MD (study design); University of Cincin-
nati, Ohio: Nancy Elder, MSN, RN (data collection),
Tammy Haskins (sonography), and Deni Schultz
(sonography); George Washington University Biosta-
tistics Center, Washington, DC: Cora MacPherson, PhD
(study design, data analysis, and data quality assur-
ance) and Sharon Leindecker, MS (data quality assur-
ance); Magee Women’s Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pa: Steve
N. Caritis, MD (study design); University of Miami, Fla:
Mary Jo O’Sullivan, MD (study design); National In-
stitute of Child Health and Human Development,
Bethesda, Md: Charlotte Catz, MD (funding), Sum-
ner J. Yaffe, MD (funding), and Cathy Spong, MD
(manuscript editing); Ohio State University, Colum-
bus: Jay D. Iams, MD (study design and manuscript
editing); University of Tennessee, Memphis: Risa Ram-
sey, BSN, RN (data collection), Mary Peterson (sonog-
raphy), Joyce Fricke (sonography), and Jeff Livings-
ton (sonography); University of Texas at San Antonio:
Susan Barker, RN (data collection), Connie Leija (sonog-
raphy); University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Cen-
ter, Dallas: Kenneth J. Leveno, MD (study design and
manuscript editing), Julia McCampbell, BSN, RN (data
collection), and Rebecca Benezue (sonography);
Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pa: Michelle
DiVito RN, MSN (data collection), Ronald J. Wapner,
MD (study design), and George Bega (sonography);
University of Utah, Salt Lake City: Micheal W. Varner,
MD (study design), Elaine Taggart, RN (data collec-
tion), and Ruth Zollinger (sonography); Wake Forest
University, Winston-Salem, NC: Paul Meis, MD (study
design) and Allison Henshaw (sonography); and Wayne
State University, Detroit, Mich: Mitchell Dom-
browski, MD (study design).
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Every good poem, in fact, is a bridge built from the
known, familiar side of life over into the unknown.
Science too is always making expeditions into the un-
known. But this does not mean that science can su-
persede poetry. For poetry enlightens us in a differ-
ent way from science; it speaks directly to our feelings
or imagination. The findings of poetry are no more
and no less true than science.
—C. Day-Lewis (1904-1972)
1348 JAMA, September 19, 2001—Vol 286, No. 11 (Reprinted) ©2001 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
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... (2) Transvaginal ultrasound, when performed in the second trimester between 18-24 weeks of gestation, has been shown to have a strong positive predictive value for preterm birth risk (75% when cervical length is equal to or less than 25 mm). (3) The use of progesterone in patients with cervical shortening has also been shown cost-effective81in theoretical models, with a number needed to treat of 10-19 to prevent 1 case of preterm delivery or prematurity-related outcome. (4) Considering the low cost of transvaginal ultrasound compared to the costs of a preterm birth, the present study aimed to identify how screening and prevention of preterm birth are performed in real-world clinical practice in a middle-income setting. ...
... It is likely that the cutoff point of 25 mm is most often chosen because studies have shown that, at or below this length, the risk of preterm birth can reach up to 25%. (3) Both in the Martell et al. (7) survey and in our sample, cerclage and pessary were only very rarely used, probably due to the lack of scientific evidence of their effectiveness. ...
Full-text available
Objective To ascertain how screening for preterm birth is performed among obstetricians working in public and private practice in a middle-income country. Methods Cross-sectional study of 265 obstetrician-gynecologists employed at public and private facilities. An online questionnaire was administered, with items designed to collect data on prematurity screening and prevention practices. Results The mean age of respondents was 44.5 years; 78.5% were female, and 97.7% had completed a medical residency program. Universal screening (i.e., by ultrasound measurement of cervical length) was carried out by only 11.3% of respondents in public practice; 43% request transvaginal ultrasound if the manual exam is abnormal, and 74.6% request it in pregnant women with risk factors for preterm birth. Conversely, 60.7% of respondents in private practice performed universal screening. This difference in screening practices between public and private practice was highly significant (p < 0.001). Nearly all respondents (90.6%) reported prescribing vaginal progesterone for short cervix. Conclusion In the setting of this study, universal ultrasound screening to prevent preterm birth was used by just over half of doctors in private practice. In public facilities, screening was even less common. Use of vaginal progesterone in cervical shortening was highly prevalent. There is an unmet need for formal protocols for screening and prevention of preterm birth in middle-income settings.
... In the second trimester of pregnancy, a short cervical length (CL) was a strong predictor of spontaneous preterm delivery [105]. The association between short cervical length (CL) and the level of neutrophil elastase (NE), SLPI, and IL-8 has been reported in cervical fluid. ...
Full-text available
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are a worldwide health issue because of their prevalence, negative impacts on human welfare, and economic costs. Protease enzymes play important roles in viral and NCD diseases. Slowing disease progression by inhibiting proteases using small-molecule inhibitors or endogenous inhibitory peptides appears to be crucial. Secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor (SLPI), an inflammatory serine protease inhibitor, maintains protease/antiprotease balance. SLPI is produced by host defense effector cells during inflammation to prevent proteolytic enzyme-induced tissue damage. The etiology of noncommunicable illnesses is linked to SLPI’s immunomodulatory and tissue regeneration roles. Disease phases are associated with SLPI levels and activity changes in regional tissue and circulation. SLPI has been extensively evaluated in inflammation, but rarely in NCDs. Unfortunately, the thorough evaluation of SLPI’s pathophysiological functions in NCDs in multiple research models has not been published elsewhere. In this review, data from PubMed from 2014 to 2023 was collected, analysed, and categorized into in vitro, in vivo, and clinical studies. According to the review, serine protease inhibitor (SLPI) activity control is linked to non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and other illnesses. Overexpression of the SLPI gene and protein may be a viable diagnostic and therapeutic target for non-communicable diseases (NCDs). SLPI is also cytoprotective, making it a unique treatment. These findings suggest that future research should focus on these pathways using advanced methods, reliable biomarkers, and therapy approaches to assess susceptibility and illness progression. Implications from this review will help pave the way for a new therapeutic target and diagnosis marker for non-communicable diseases.
... Some reflect on consideration on protrusion of the amniotic membrane into the cervical canal to be an extra chance element for untimely delivery (see Figure 5). However, logistic regression evaluation that consists of funnel size and cervix has proven that no canalization is an impartial threat component for spontaneous preterm delivery (Owen J et al 2001). The presence of an echo combination close to the opening or inner the funnel, regarded as "baby water," seems to be linked to microbial colonization of the amniotic cavity Mud (Kusanovic JP et al 2007, Espinoza J et al 2005. ...
The period of life during pregnancy for young parents is pleasant, especially for the mother. Many factors are taken into account during pregnancy, including the fetal heart, head position, cervical dilation, thickness, position, and length. The cervical length should be routinely assessed by ultrasound if it is less than 25 mm. The authors hope to use this participatory framework to generate new ideas for defining normal and abnormal cervical function during pregnancy. Recently, deep learning techniques have revolutionized artificial intelligence (AI) research in pregnancy. Cervical image data obtained by ultrasound are often compared using computer vision pattern analysis, which promises to be a major revolution. In further research and development in AI-based ultrasonography, the clinical application of AI in medical ultrasonography faces unique obstacles. This chapter focuses on the utilization of machine learning approaches in prenatal medicine, with a particular emphasis on interpretable ML applications that produce objective results and assist doctors in identifying key parameters
About 5% of pregnant women are treated with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants to treat their depression. SSRIs influence serotonin levels, a key factor in neural embryonic development, and their use during pregnancy has been associated with adverse effects on the developing embryo. However, the role of the placenta in transmitting these negative effects is not well understood. In this study, we aim to elucidate how disturbances in the maternal serotonergic system affect the villous tissue of the placenta by assessing whole transcriptomes in the placentas of women with healthy pregnancies and women with depression and treated with the SSRI fluoxetine during pregnancy. Twelve placentas of the Biology, Affect, Stress, Imaging and Cognition in Pregnancy and the Puerperium (BASIC) project were selected for RNA sequencing to examine differentially expressed genes: six male infants and six female infants, equally distributed over women treated with SSRI and without SSRI treatment. Our results show that more genes in the placenta of male infants show changed expression associated with fluoxetine treatment than in placentas of female infants, stressing the importance of sex-specific analyses. In addition, we identified genes related to extracellular matrix organization to be significantly enriched in placentas of male infants born to women treated with fluoxetine. It remains to be established whether the differentially expressed genes that we found to be associated with SSRI treatment are the result of the SSRI treatment itself, the underlying depression, or a combination of the two.
After the FDA pulled 17-hydroxyprogesterone caproate from the market for its use in prevention of recurrent spontaneous preterm birth, national societies have had mixed recommendations regarding the management of patients with a singleton pregnancy and prior spontaneous preterm birth. Here we highlight the randomized trial data and translational evidence supporting the use of vaginal progesterone for prevention of recurrent spontaneous preterm birth in singleton pregnancies. Prophylactic vaginal progesterone starting at 16 week 0 days every night should be offered to singletons with prior singleton spontaneous preterm birth regardless of cervical length, and continued along with placement of cerclage if a transvaginal ultrasound cervical length ≤25mm is detected at < 24 weeks.
Background: Isthmic contractions are a frequent physiological phenomenon in pregnancy, sometimes triggered by bladder voiding. They can interfere with proper cervical length assessment and may lead to false images of placenta previa. However, there is limited research on the prevalence and characteristics of these contractions. Objectives: The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence and characteristics of isthmic contractions after bladder voiding in the second trimester of pregnancy, to evaluate their impact on cervical length assessment, and to propose a new method for the objective assessment of the presence and intensity of isthmic contractions. Study design: In this prospective observational study, long videos of the uterine cervix were recorded in 30 singleton pregnancies during the second trimester after bladder voiding. Isthmic length and cervico-isthmic length changes were assessed over time. The isthmic length was measured using a new approach, which involved calculating the distance from the base of the cervix to the internal os, including the isthmus. Results: Isthmic contractions were observed in 43% (95% CI 26-62%) of pregnant women after bladder voiding. The median time for complete isthmus relaxation was 17.8 minutes (95% CI: 10.2 - 25.1 min). No significant differences in maternal characteristics were found between individuals with and without contractions. The proposed method for measuring isthmic length provided an objective assessment of the presence and intensity of isthmic contractions. A cutoff of 18mm in isthmic length allowed for the distinction of pregnant women presenting a contraction. The study also identified a characteristic undulatory pattern in the relaxation of the isthmus in half of the cases with contractions. Conclusions: Isthmic contractions are a common occurrence after bladder voiding in the second trimester of pregnancy and may interfere with proper cervical length assessment. We recommend performing cervical assessment at least 20 minutes after bladder voiding to reduce the risk of bias in cervical length measurement and to avoid false images of placenta previa. The new method for measuring isthmic length provides an objective way to assess the presence and intensity of isthmic contractions. Further research is needed to understand the role of isthmic contractions in the physiology of pregnancy and birth.
Background. The role of the cervix in the pathogenesis of premature delivery is controversial. In a prospective, multicenter study of pregnant women, we used vaginal ultrasonography to measure the length of the cervix; we also documented the incidence of spontaneous delivery before 35 weeks' gestation. Methods. At 10 university-affiliated prenatal clinics, we performed vaginal ultrasonography at approximately 24 and 28 weeks of gestation in women with singleton pregnancies. We then assessed the relation between the length of the cervix and the risk of spontaneous preterm delivery. Results. We examined 2915 women at approximately 24 weeks of gestation and 2531 of these women again at approximately 28 weeks. Spontaneous preterm delivery (at less than 35 weeks) occurred in 126 of the women (4.3 percent) examined at 24 weeks. The length of the cervix was normally distributed at 24 and 28 weeks (mean [±SD], 35.2±8.3 mm and 33.7±8.5 mm, respectively). The relative risk of preterm delivery increased as the length of the cervix decreased. When women with shorter cervixes at 24 weeks were compared with women with values above the 75th percentile, the relative risks of preterm delivery among the women with shorter cervixes were as follows: 1.98 for cervical lengths at or below the 75th percentile (40 mm), 2.35 for lengths at or below the 50th percentile (35 mm), 3.79 for lengths at or below the 25th percentile (30 mm), 6.19 for lengths at or below the 10th percentile (26 mm), 9.49 for lengths at or below the 5th percentile (22 mm), and 13.99 for lengths at or below the 1st percentile (13 mm) (P<0.001 for values at or below the 50th percentile; P=0.008 for values at or below the 75th percentile). For the lengths measured at 28 weeks, the corresponding relative risks were 2.80, 3.52, 5.39, 9.57, 13.88, and 24.94 (P<0.001 for values at or below the 50th percentile; P=0.003 for values at the 75th percentile). Conclusions. The risk of spontaneous preterm delivery is increased in women who are found to have a short cervix by vaginal ultrasonography during pregnancy.
Objective: We sought to evaluate the association between prior spontaneous preterm delivery and subsequent pregnancy outcome. Study Design: A total of 1711 multiparous women with singleton gestations were prospectively evaluated at 23 to 24 weeks’ gestation. Prior pregnancies were coded for the presence or absence of a prior spontaneous preterm delivery. If a prior spontaneous preterm delivery had occurred, the gestation of the earliest prior delivery (13-22, 23-27, 28-34, and 35-36 weeks’ gestation) was recorded. Current gestations were categorized as spontaneous preterm delivery at
OBJECTIVE: To compare the accuracy of sonographic and manual cervical exams for the prediction of preterm delivery. STUDY DESIGN: 102 singleton pregnancies at high risk for preterm delivery were followed prospectively from 14 to 30 weeks with both serial cervical ultrasound measurements and manual examinations of the length of the cervix. The main outcome studied was GA at delivery: <35 weeks or ≥35 weeks. RESULTS: Excluding 6 induced preterm deliveries. 96 pregnancies were analyzed. The mean cervical length measured by ultrasound was 20.6 mm in pregnancies delivered preterm (n=17) and 31.6 mm in pregnancies delivered at term (n=79) (p=.003): the mean cervical lengths measured by manual Examination were 16.1 mm and 18.6 mm in the same preterm and term pregnancies, respectively (p=.06). Adjusted for gestational age, measurement of cervical length bv ultrasound predicted preterm delivery most accurately at the 16th and 20th week examinations (p<.0005). Using cutoff values which represented the 25th percentile (or the range of measurements found, the relative risk for preterm deliver was 4.8 (95% CI 2.1-11.1: p=.0004) for a sonographic cervical length of <25 mm and 2.0 (95% CI 0.5-4.7; p = .1) for a manual cervical length of <16 mm. Ultrasound examinatior had a sensitivity=59%, specificity=85%, PPV= 45%, and NPV= 91%. Manual examination of the cervix had a sensitivity=41 %, specificity=77%, PPV=28%, and NPV=86%. CONCLUSION: Cervical length measured by ultrasound is a better predictor of preterm delivery than cervical length measured by manual examination. A cervical length ≤ 25mm at 16-20 weeks is associated with a 4 fold increase in the risk of preterm birth.
This study details the incidence, by gestational age and birth weight, of specific neonatal morbidities in singleton neonates without major congenital anomalies. Data were prospectively collected on all deliveries at five tertiary centers in the United States during the years 1983 through 1986. Pregnancies were meticulously dated and the gestational ages of the neonates at delivery were confirmed by Dubowitz score. The incidence of respiratory distress syndrome gradually decreases with increasing gestational age until 36 weeks. A marked decrease in the incidence of necrotizing enterocolitis, patent ductus arteriosus, intraventricular hemorrhage, and sepsis occurs after 32 completed weeks. The number of days of mechanical ventilation for respiratory distress syndrome and newborn stay in the tertiary care facility also were significantly reduced after 32 weeks. The incidence of both respiratory distress syndrome and patent ductus arteriosus is markedly decreased by both increasing gestational age and birth weight. The incidence of grade III and IV intraventricular hemorrhage, necrotizing enterocolitis, and sepsis virtually vanishes after 34 weeks. These data relating neonatal morbidities to gestational age are important to the obstetrician in the critical decision regarding the timing of delivery and to the parents, who can benefit from a realistic prediction of the neonatal course.
Transvaginal and transabdominal ultrasound evaluation of the uterine cervix were compared in a study of 186 pregnant women. An empty bladder made transabdominal ultrasound measurement of the cervix more difficult, while bladder filling resulted in significant lengthening of the transabdominal cervical measurement. In contrast, transvaginal ultrasound cervical measurement was possible in all but 1 patient. Normal transvaginal ultrasound cervical measurements were significantly shorter on average than transabdominal cervical measurements, but compared closely with prior transabdominal ultrasound studies in which bladder filling was carefully controlled. Significant cervical shortening was not noted in most patients with a clinical diagnosis of incompetent cervix.
To assess the expectations of preterm birth prevention, we determined the causes of preterm birth in a population of indigent women. We studied 13,119 singleton births in a predominantly black, indigent population occurring between November 1982 and April 1986 to identify the proportion of preterm births that may have been prevented using current treatment modalities. Forty-four percent of the preterm births occurred at 35 to 36 weeks' gestational age, a time when most practitioners do not attempt tocolysis. Of the remainder, 17% occurred before 35 weeks but were indicated for maternal medical or obstetric complications, and another 17% occurred before 35 weeks but followed spontaneous premature rupture of the membranes. Therefore, of the 1445 preterm births, we calculated that only 336 (23.2%) were theoretically preventable. A fourth of these presented at less than 3 cm cervical dilatation and were treated appropriately with tocolytics, but delivered anyway. Therefore, most of the potentially preventable births occurred in the group that presented with cervical dilatation of more than 3 cm. We conclude that improving the preterm birth rate significantly below current levels may be difficult to achieve.
Risk assessment for preterm delivery remains difficult, particularly among women with no prior history of preterm birth. We hypothesized that accurate assessment of cervical length by endovaginal ultrasonography could predict preterm delivery risk. A total of 178 patients with singleton gestations and without cervical incompetence were studied with transabdominal ultrasonography and endovaginal ultrasonographic cervical length measurement and manual vaginal examination of cervical length. A total of 113 patients who were evaluated by 30 weeks' gestation (excluding four induced preterm deliveries) were analyzed. Preterm delivery risk was compared between women with cervical lengths equal to or greater than the median and those with cervical lengths less than the median. An endovaginal ultrasonographic cervical measurement less than 39 mm was associated with a significantly increased risk of preterm delivery (25.0% versus 6.7%) and detected 76% of preterm births. Manual examination of cervical effacement detected 71% of preterm births, but transabdominal ultrasonographic measurement of cervical length was not preditive. Endovaginal ultrasonographic cervical measurement predicted increased preterm delivery risk regardless of parity or obstetric history. Endovaginal ultrasonography is a promising method for the prediction of risk of preterm birth. Because it has the potential to be an objective measure of cervical length, endovaginal ultrasonography may be superior to manual digital examination for preterm delivery risk assessment.
Sonographic measurement of cervical length during pregnancy can provide an objective, noninvasive assessment of anatomical shortening associated with premature labor and delivery. One hundred fifty normal women underwent serial sonographic cervical length measurements during uncomplicated pregnancy. The mean cervical length was 52 +/- 12 mm until 34 weeks' gestation, when gradual effacement and cervical length shortening began. Using these data, we managed 88 pregnant women with previous second-trimester pregnancy losses by a combination of cerclage placement for cervical length less than 40 mm and aggressive therapy for premature uterine contractions. The results showed the following: 1) 97% of women with diethylstilbestrol exposure and 80% of women with müllerian abnormalities exhibited cervical length shortening; 2) only 60% of women with a normal uterine cavity showed cervical lengths of less than 40 mm; and 3) all three groups of high-risk patients, independent of cervical length, showed significant premature uterine activity. These observations suggest that sonographic cervical length measurement may be a useful adjunct in the assessment of anatomical cervical integrity and the decision for cerclage placement. Furthermore, the presence of both premature cervical length shortening and preterm uterine activity in 65% of high-risk patients suggests that "cervical incompetence" and premature labor may not be distinct entities, but common symptoms associated with an increased risk of preterm delivery.
To evaluate the accuracy of a single sonographic measurement of cervical length early in the third trimester as a predictor of preterm delivery. A total of 771 women attending the antenatal clinic at the Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital between January 1, 1990, and November 30, 1993, with singleton gestations, cervical competence, accurate dates of last menstrual period, and gestational ages between 28-30 weeks, were recruited into the study. Forty-one were excluded, ten because of induced preterm delivery, 24 because of measurement problems, and seven because they were lost to follow-up. We analyzed the remaining 730 women. Ninety-one (12.5%) women ended with preterm births and the remaining 639 (87.5%) delivered at term. The mean (+/- standard deviation) cervical lengths of the term and preterm groups were statistically significantly different at 37 +/- 5 and 34 +/- 6 mm, respectively (P < .001). The likelihood ratio of cervical length at various cutoff points was calculated. The appropriate cutoff point based on the receiver operating characteristic curve (35 mm) was associated with a significantly increased likelihood of preterm delivery (20 versus 7%) and was detected in two-thirds of preterm births. This cutoff point gave a sensitivity and specificity of 65.9 +/- 5.1% (95% confidence interval [CI]) and 62.4 +/- 5.2% (95% CI), respectively. A single transvaginal sonographic measurement of cervical length at 28-30 gestational weeks can be used to predict the risk of preterm delivery, using a cutoff point of 35 mm, but its cost-effectiveness should be assessed further.