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Comparing Alliance Network Structure across Industries: Observations and Explanations


Abstract and Figures

Much research in strategic entrepreneurship has focused on the consequences of network structure for firm performance. Despite this emphasis, little is known about variation in network structure across industries, or about the antecedents of this variation. In a comparative study of alliance networks in 32 industries, we demonstrate substantial variety in network structure, and develop a typology of network structures. We then endeavor to explain this variation by focusing on dimensions of the products and technologies that characterize these industries—such as technological uncertainty and dynamism, product modularity, and architectural control—and associating them with underlying characteristics of network structure. We conclude with a discussion of implications of our findings for research in strategic entrepreneurship. Copyright © 2008 Strategic Management Society.
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Copyright © 2008 Strategic Management Society
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
Strat. Entrepreneurship J., 1: 191–209 (2007)
Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/sej.33
1The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
2Stern School of Business, New York University, New York, New York, U.S.A.
Much research in strategic entrepreneurship has focused on the consequences of network
structure for fi rm performance. Despite this emphasis, little is known about variation in
network structure across industries, or about the antecedents of this variation. In a com-
parative study of alliance networks in 32 industries, we demonstrate substantial variety in
network structure, and develop a typology of network structures. We then endeavor to explain
this variation by focusing on dimensions of the products and technologies that characterize
these industries—such as technological uncertainty and dynamism, product modularity, and
architectural control—and associating them with underlying characteristics of network struc-
ture. We conclude with a discussion of implications of our fi ndings for research in strategic
entrepreneurship. Copyright © 2008 Strategic Management Society.
Recent research has demonstrated that interfi rm
network structure can signifi cantly infl uence fi rm-
level performance outcomes such as growth (e.g.,
Powell et al., 1996), innovation (e.g., Ahuja, 2000a;
Schilling and Phelps, 2007), and access to venture
capital (Sorenson and Stuart, 2001). Some of the
most prominent mechanisms by which an interfi rm
network infl uences fi rm outcomes include shaping
the fl ow of information and other resources between
connected fi rms, providing signals of fi rm quality,
and enabling reciprocity norms through shared
third-party ties (Ahuja, 2000a; Gulati and Gargiulo,
1999; Owen-Smith and Powell, 2004; Schilling and
Phelps, 2007; Stuart, 2000; Uzzi, 1997). However,
despite mounting evidence of the importance of
alliance network structures, neither the variation in
these structures nor the antecedents of this variation
are well understood. There is very little research
documenting systematic differences in alliance
network structure, presumably because of the dif-
culty in doing so.1 Only a few databases exist that
track alliances for multiple industries in a consistent
fashion, and harvesting the data from these alliances
in a way that permits accurate network analysis is a
nontrivial task.
Similarly, most extant studies addressing the ques-
tion of where interorganizational alliance networks
come from either limit their scope to a single or few
Keywords: alliances; networks; technology; innovation; entre-
preneurship; small-world networks
*Correspondence to: Lori Rosenkopf, The Wharton School of
the University of Pennsylvania, 2000 Steinberg-Dietrich Hall,
Philadelphia, PA 19104, U.S.A.
1 Some notable exceptions include Schilling and Phelps (2007),
who analyze how the characteristics of 11 industry alliance
networks affect patenting activity, and Verspagen and Duysters
(2004), who compare the network structure of the chemicals
and food and electrical equipment industries.
192 L. Rosenkopf and M. A. Schilling
Copyright © 2008 Strategic Management Society Strat. Entrepreneurship J., 1: 191–209 (2007)
DOI: 10.1002/sej
industries (e.g., Baum, Shipilov, and Rowley, 2003;
Stuart, Ozdemir, and Ding, 2007), or to explaining the
formation of dyadic alliances rather than the overall
network (e.g., Gulati, 1999; Stuart, 1998). Here we
have seen that alliance formations may be predicted
by prior alliance activity (Powell et al., 1996; Walker,
Kogut, and Shan, 1997; Gulati, 1995)by network
ties in other contexts such as technical committees
(Rosenkopf, Metiu, and George, 2001), director
interlocks (Gulati and Westphal, 1999), patent-
related technology landscapes (Mowery, Oxley, and
Silverman, 1998; Stuart, 1998)and by technologi-
cal capabilities (Gulati and Gargiulo, 1999; Ahuja,
2000b). Again, this activity has been fruitful, but
it does not address how these alliances aggregate
into an overall structure, how these structures vary,
or what broader industry characteristics may shape
these alliance decisions.
To address these issues, we fi rst assess whether
there are signifi cant and systematic differences in
alliance network structure across different industries
by developing and analyzing 32 industry alliance
networks. We take care to construct and analyze
the networks by consistent means, permitting us to
compare these networks on such dimensions as size,
connectivity, centralization, small-world properties,
and others. We are then able to compare alliance
network structure to other industry features, such as
number of publicly held fi rms, change in total factor
productivity, research and development intensity,
separability of innovation activities, and concentra-
tion of architectural control. We combine this induc-
tive approach with theoretical reasoning to develop a
typology of alliance network structure, and propose
a set of industry factors that shape network structure.
We close by considering the implications of these
ndings for future research.
For the inductive portion of our study, we began
by constructing a sample of industry alliance net-
works. From the full list of three-digit (1987 SIC)
manufacturing industries, we excluded consum-
ables (food and beverage and tobacco) and those
industries that are ‘not elsewhere classifi ed’ desig-
nations (i.e., catchall categories for miscellaneous
products that are not otherwise classifi able under
the SIC system), leaving 103 candidate industries
for our study. For these industries, strategy and
entrepreneurship scholars assessed the levels of
technology-focused characteristics, such as product
modularity, value chain separability, proprietary
standards, and architectural control. Using these
assessments, we selected a total of 32 industries
that demonstrated varying levels of these charac-
For our sample, alliance data were gathered using
Thomson’s SDC Platinum database. The SDC data
have been used in a number of empirical studies on
strategic alliances (e.g., Anand and Khanna, 2000;
Schilling and Steensma, 2001; Sampson, 2004).2 For
each industry, we gathered all alliances announced
between 2001 and 2003 that included at least one
rm whose primary SIC code (the four-digit SIC
code in which the fi rm generates the largest portion
of its revenues) matched the industry. Both public
and private fi rms were included.
Alliance relationships typically last for more
than a year, but alliance termination dates are rarely
reported. This required us to make an assumption
about how long the alliances lasted. We took a con-
servative approach and assumed that alliance rela-
tionships would last for three years, consistent with
recent empirical work on the average duration of
alliances (Phelps, 2003). Other research has taken
a similar approach, using windows ranging from
one to fi ve years (e.g., Bae and Gargiulo, 2003;
Gulati and Gargiulo, 1999; Stuart, 2000). Thus, we
create the alliance networks based on a three-year
window spanning 2001 to 2003. Each network was
2 Like all other large alliance databases (e.g., MERIT-CATI,
RECAP, Bioscan), SDC is incomplete in that it does not
capture all announced alliances. However, it has been demon-
strated that despite this incompleteness, the pattern of alliance
activity across the major databases is remarkably symmetric.
Furthermore, alliance network structure is highly resilient to
this incompleteness, because the alliance databases (with the
exception of Bioscan) are sampling on the links (the alliances)
rather than the nodes (the organizations). This means that the
likelihood of an organization making it into the sample is
directly related to the number of alliances it publicly announces,
reducing the likelihood of an important hub being overlooked.
Furthermore, an organization’s size and prominence is directly
related to both the number of alliances it is likely to have and
the amount of press attention it is likely to receive, further
reducing the likelihood of a major hub being overlooked, at
least in the datasets that consider all forms of organizations
(Schilling, 2007). This means that while network and main
component size are undoubtedly underestimated, dimensions
such as relative degree, centralization, clustering, etc., are fairly
reliable so long as the sampling methodology is consistent
across the networks being compared.
Comparing Alliance Network Structure Across Industries 193
Copyright © 2008 Strategic Management Society Strat. Entrepreneurship J., 1: 191–209 (2007)
DOI: 10.1002/sej
constructed as a binary adjacency matrix.3 Since we
were concerned with whether a path existed from
one fi rm to another and not with the effect of multi-
plex relationships, multiple alliance announcements
between the same pair of fi rms in any time window
were treated as only one link. Alliance relationships
are considered to be bidirectional, resulting in an
undirected unipartite graph (Newman, Strogatz, and
Watts, 2001). Ucinet 6.23, a leading social network
analysis software package, was used to obtain
network structure measures on each of these net-
works (Borgatti, Everett, and Freeman, 2002), and
Netdraw was used to create graphical pictures of the
networks (Borgatti, 2002).
Table 1 lists relevant statistics for all 32 of our
networks. The fi rst two measures—change in total
factor productivity and research and development
intensity—capture the technological dynamism of
the industry. The former—change in total factor pro-
ductivity4—examines whether the rate of output from
a given quantity of inputs has changed in an industry
over time. Historically, total factor productivity has
increased signifi cantly across all industries, and part
of this increase is typically imputed to be due to
technological progress that enables factors of
production to be more effective or effi cient (Crafts,
1996; Griliches, 1990; Terleckyj, 1980). This
measure is available at the four-digit SIC level
from the Bertelsman-Gray database available at the
National Bureau of Economic Research, and we used
a weighted average method to aggregate the data
up to the three-digit level for the purposes of our
study. The latter measure, research and development
intensity5, has been repeatedly associated with the
importance of innovation and technological change
in an industry. To measure it, we used industry-level
research and development expenditures divided by
industry-level sales, both obtained from Compustat.
The next measure, average separability of inno-
vation activities, captures the degree to which the
industry is considered to be characterized by innova-
tion activities that can be separated across multiple
rms (as, for example, when the industry is character-
ized by interfi rm product modularity). To create this
measure, we developed two rating instruments. First,
we created a list of the 103 manufacturing industries
described previously. The two researchers indepen-
dently rated every industry as high in separability (1),
low in separability (1), or neither (0). The resulting
set of ratings exhibited a coeffi cient alpha of 0.71,
suggesting very high interrater reliability (Nunnally,
1978). Thus, we aggregated these scores across the
two researchers to create a single index ranging from
2 to 2. Second, we gave copies of the list to a set of
13 scholars in strategy and entrepreneurship, asking
them to identify the 10 they felt exhibited the highest
levels of separability of innovation activities.6 These
3 A binary adjacency matrix is a square matrix with nodes
(e.g., fi rms) as rows and columns. The entries in the adjacency
matrix, xij, indicate which pairs of nodes are adjacent (i.e.,
have a relationship). In a binary matrix, a value of 1 indicates
the presence of a relationship between nodes i and j, while a 0
indicates no relationship.
4 Total factor productivity (TFP) growth is a version of the
Solow residual (Solow, 1957). A series of studies of eco-
nomic growth conducted at the National Bureau of Economic
Research attracted attention to the role of technological change
when it was shown that the historic rate of economic growth
in GDP could not be accounted for entirely by growth in labor
and capital inputs. Though many researchers have attempted
to explain this residual away in terms of measurement error,
inaccurate price defl ation, or labor improvement, in each case
the additional variables were unable to eliminate this residual
growth component (Terleckyj, 1980). Gradually a consensus
emerged that despite idiosyncratic measurement effects, the
residual largely captures technological change (Crafts, 1996;
Terleckyj, 1980). Though this residual is primarily used at
the national level, a number of researchers have used TFP
growth at the industry level to model the relationship between
such productivity growth and other variables (e.g., Griliches
and Lichtenberg, 1983; Jorgenson, 1984; Siegel and Griliches,
1991). The TFP growth index is calculated as the growth rate
of output (real shipments) minus the revenue-share-weighted
average of the growth rates of capital, production worker hours,
non-production workers, non-energy materials and energy. The
TFP growth measure used here is the percent average com-
pound growth rate from 2000–2005 for each industry (based
on two-digit SIC) as obtained from the Bureau of Economic
Analysis. This measure has been used in a number of other
studies to capture the rate of industry-level technological
change (e.g., Nelson, 1988; Sterlacchini, 1989).
5 Industry-level research and development intensity (R&D
intensity) captures the degree to which fi rms in an industry
focus on innovation activities and is an oft-cited predictor of
technological innovation rates (e.g., Godoe, 2000; Mariani,
2004). For the industry-level measure used here, we gathered
R&D expenditure and sales data on every publicly held fi rm
in each of the industries. For each industry, we divided the
average R&D expenditures by the average sales. It was impor-
tant to calculate the averages for R&D expenditures and sales
prior to dividing the former by the latter to prevent unusually
large outliers from biasing the measure. This is because if R&D
intensity is calculated at the fi rm level and then averaged, the
resulting number can be skewed upward dramatically by fi rms
that have spent on R&D but not yet earned revenues.
6 In the survey, respondents were asked to nominate the 10
industries with the highest level of either a) ‘. . . modularity
within the products that characterize the industry. Modularity
is defi ned as the degree to which a product’s components may
be separated and recombined’, or b) ‘. . . separability of innova-
tion activities along the value chain (product design, process
design, manufacturing, marketing, etc.) for the products that
characterize the industry. Separability is defi ned as the degree
to which these activities can be distributed among multiple
194 L. Rosenkopf and M. A. Schilling
Copyright © 2008 Strategic Management Society Strat. Entrepreneurship J., 1: 191–209 (2007)
DOI: 10.1002/sej
Table 1. Descriptive statistics for the industries and their alliance networks
Industry Chg in TFP,
Alliance networks
Nodes Industry
rms in
mean path
in main
Broadwoven fabric mills, cotton (221) 0.004 0.00 0.76 1.06 17 7 1.06 0.30 6.67% 14.29 0.00 0.00 3
Carpets and rugs (227) 0.002 0.00 0.56 0.76 3 1 2.00 0.06 0.00% 1.00 1.00 2.37 3
Women’s and children’s outerwear (233) 0.015 0.23 0.29 1.06 15 7 1.33 0.27 21.98% 8.40 0.38 4.72 5
Fur goods (237) 0.029 0.00 0.16 0.76 2 1 1.00 0.17 0.00% 1.00 0.00 0.00 2
Logging (241) 0.000 0.00 1.12 0.70 6 3 1.67 0.27 40.00% 1.61 0.00 0.00 6
Wood buildings and mobile homes (245) 0.024 0.00 0.15 0.00 2 1 1.00 0.11 0.00% 1.00 0.00 0.00 2
Household furniture (251) 0.009 0.32 0.51 0.50 15 9 1.33 0.19 21.98% 8.33 1.50 18.79 5
Public building and related furniture (253) 0.003 1.62 0.40 0.00 7 3 1.14 0.33 20.00% 4.76 0.00 0.00 3
Paper mills (262) 0.017 0.68 1.12 0.40 23 16 1.04 0.24 4.76% 20.41 0.00 0.00 3
Industrial inorganic chemicals (281) 0.017 1.60 0.76 0.15 167 59 1.89 0.74 9.82% 50.00 0.49 6.96 18
Drugs (283) 0.014 13.77 0.40 1.26 913 568 1.62 1.08 1.80% 71.43 0.20 22.11 248
Tires and inner tubes (301) 0.003 3.06 0.61 0.15 29 17 1.80 0.41 11.80% 9.62 0.27 2.57 8
Footwear, except rubber (314) 0.030 0.00 0.15 0.76 12 3 1.00 0.08 0.00% 10.99 0.00 0.00 2
Flat glass (321) 0.012 0.00 1.12 0.70 15 9 1.73 1.00 13.46% 5.88 0.27 1.95 5
Cement, hydraulic (324) 0.028 0.00 1.12 0.40 30 15 2.00 0.20 11.08% 13.16 0.91 5.07 6
Iron and steel foundries (332) 0.004 0.19 1.12 0.05 76 30 1.61 1.30 7.39% 17.86 0.21 4.98 26
Nonferrous rolling and drawing (335) 0.000 1.63 1.12 0.70 55 20 1.14 0.19 22.69% 11.11 0.36 5.37 23
Cutlery, handtools, and hardware (342) 0.003 1.62 0.20 0.40 24 11 1.00 0.50 15.81% 7.14 0.29 3.57 11
Engines and turbines (351) 0.041 3.47 0.51 1.56 104 23 1.00 0.96 9.22% 11.11 0.64 5.60 36
Computer and offi ce equipment (357) 0.075 6.93 2.02 0.36 383 113 1.00 0.34 11.19% 18.52 0.37 19.94 173
Refrigeration and service machinery (358) 0.002 1.60 0.20 0.00 57 29 1.00 0.50 10.36% 33.33 0.62 8.91 8
Electric lighting and wiring equipment (364) 0.001 1.20 0.51 0.70 84 22 1.00 0.33 14.90% 8.33 0.40 5.92 41
Household audio and video equipment (365) 0.007 5.58 1.62 0.30 278 58 1.00 0.82 15.25% 7.63 0.05 6.62 180
Communications equipment (366) 0.057 13.52 1.22 0.76 342 120 1.33 0.48 5.53% 41.67 0.56 14.53 82
Electronic components and accessories (367) 0.019 11.01 0.66 0.20 503 228 1.06 0.38 6.62% 33.33 0.37 27.76 162
Motor vehicles and equipment (371) 0.007 3.93 1.12 1.16 464 239 1.54 0.88 7.74% 21.74 0.35 22.74 203
Aircraft and parts (372) 0.001 4.77 1.17 1.56 143 62 1.58 1.77 5.73% 43.48 0.62 7.50 17
Ship and boat building and repairing (373) 0.028 1.54 0.25 0.05 40 18 1.47 0.53 16.73% 14.29 0.63 6.09 10
Guided missiles, space vehicles, parts (376) 0.011 3.15 0.15 2.06 52 13 1.00 2.60 33.26% 5.00 0.54 5.44 32
Medical instruments and supplies (384) 0.008 9.99 0.20 0.45 222 80 1.44 0.41 2.60% 125.00 0.34 7.84 9
Photographic equipment and supplies (386) 0.004 6.24 0.32 0.20 45 2 1.27 0.05 6.67% 10.53 0.51 5.12 18
Watches, clocks, watchcases, and parts (387) 0.012 0.40 0.47 0.30 26 15 1.43 1.00 20.33% 6.62 0.57 3.78 9
1 Bertelsman-Gray TFP data for 1997 to 2002; weighted averages (weighted by value of shipments) used to aggregate four digit up to three digit.
2 Alliance participation rate calculated as number of industry fi rms participating in alliances divided by number of publicly held fi rms listed in that primary SIC per the Compustat Global
Comparing Alliance Network Structure Across Industries 195
Copyright © 2008 Strategic Management Society Strat. Entrepreneurship J., 1: 191–209 (2007)
DOI: 10.1002/sej
nominations were then aggregated into a count for
each industry (industries that received no nomina-
tions received a zero). These scores were compared
to the index created by the researchers, yielding a
coeffi cient alpha of 0.76—again suggesting very high
interrater reliability. Therefore, we normalized the
count and aggregated it with the researcher index to
create a single composite average separability score.
Not surprisingly, computers and household audio
and video equipment, which are often used as arche-
typal examples of interfi rm product modularity, both
scored very highly on this separability measure.
We performed a similar procedure for the next
measure, average architectural control. This measure
attempts to capture when a few fi rms have signifi -
cant power over the technology design or component
compatibility within an industry. To measure this,
we again used a researcher rating index (the coef-
cient alpha between ratings by the two researchers
was 0.75), and nominations7 from the set of scholars
(the coeffi cient alpha between the scholar count and
the researcher index was 0.64). We again normal-
ized the latter and aggregated it with the former
to create a single measure of average architectural
control. The three industries that scored highest in
terms of architectural control were guided missiles,
aircraft and parts, and engines and turbines—all
industries that exhibit very high minimum effi cient
scale and may necessitate large players for several
stages of product development, manufacturing, or
system integration.
The remaining measures are network statistics.
The measures indicate that there are wide differ-
ences in the size and structure of alliance networks
across the industries. The fi rst measure—nodes—is
a count of all of the players implicated in the indus-
try alliance network, while the second—industry
rms—is a count of the fi rms in the network for
whom that industry is their primary SIC. As shown,
our networks range in size from a single industry
rm engaged in a single alliance with a nonindustry
rm (e.g., wood buildings and homes) to networks
with hundreds of industry fi rms engaged in alliances
both within and beyond the industry. The next two
measures, number of alliances per industry fi rm and
alliance participation rate, both tap into the emphasis
on alliance activity in the industry. The fi rst is the
average number of alliances individual industry fi rms
engage in, measured as a direct count of the number
of alliances engaged in by each industry fi rm, aver-
aged over the industry. The second is a measure of
the relative rate of participation in alliances by fi rms
in the industry, measured as the number of industry
rms engaged in alliances divided by the number
of fi rms in that industry worldwide, as reported
by Compustat Global.8 The average number of alli-
ances ranges from a low of 1.00 to a high of 3.75
(engines and turbines), and participation ranges
from a low of 0.05 to a high of 2.60 (for guided
missiles, where more fi rms in the industry partici-
pate in alliances than there are publicly held fi rms
in the industry).
Network centralization captures the degree to
which some fi rms have many more alliances than
others in the industry, scaled by the maximum value
this measure can take on. It is measured as:
Max c c
where cmax is the maximum degree centrality of any
node in the network, and ci is the degree centrality
of node i. This measure can take on a value of 0.00
(where all nodes have the same degree centrality)
to 100 percent for a star graph where one node is
connected to all the others nodes, but those nodes
are connected only to the center of the star. In our
networks, this measure ranges from 0.00 to values
as high as 33.26 percent (for guided missiles) and
40 percent (for the logging industry). Both of these
high centralization industries are depicted in Figure
1. The graphical visualization of the guided missile
network is particularly exquisite, showing four large
cliques connected by two main hubs (Lockheed
Martin and Thales SA).
7 In the survey, respondents were asked to nominate the 10
industries with either a) ‘. . . the highest concentration of archi-
tectural control among the fi rms in the industry. Architectural
control refers to the ability of a fi rm(s) to defi ne specifi cations
for both the individual subsystems of a product as well as the
integration of these subsystems to form the end product,’ or
b) ‘. . . the highest level of proprietary technological standards
governing the products that characterize the industry. Propri-
etary technological standards refer to interface specifi cations
that are company owned.’
8 Since there is no defi nitive count of the number of private
and public fi rms that compete in an industry worldwide, we
divided the number of industry fi rms engaged in alliances by
the number of publicly held fi rms in the industry worldwide
as reported by Compustat Global. While the latter decidedly
understates the size of the industry by counting only publicly
held fi rms, it provides some scaling for industry size that at
least enables us to get a sense of relative participation rates.
196 L. Rosenkopf and M. A. Schilling
Copyright © 2008 Strategic Management Society Strat. Entrepreneurship J., 1: 191–209 (2007)
DOI: 10.1002/sej
The next three measures pertain to small-world
properties. The fi rst, harmonic mean path length,
measures path length in a disconnected network
by scaling the infi nite distances (those between
nodes for which there exists no path) to the size
of the network (Newman, 2000).9 The second, the
weighted overall clustering coeffi cient, represents
the percentage of a fi rm’s alliance partners that are
also partnered with each other, weighted by the
number of each fi rm’s partners, averaged across
all fi rms in the network. The third, the small-world
quotient, is a ratio of the weighted overall clustering
a) Guided missiles
) Logging
Figure 1. Highly centralized networks: guided
missiles, logging
9 The length of the path connecting two nodes, A and B, is the
minimum number of intermediate nodes that must be traversed
in reaching A from B. If no path exists between a pair of
nodes, the path length is said to be infi nite. To accommodate
the fact that many of the nodes in our networks have infi nite
path length, we calculate the harmonic path length by fi rst
inverting each distance between every pair of nodes, averaging
all of these inverted distances, and then inverting this average.
Because the inverse of infi nity is well defi ned (zero), the har-
monic mean path length provides a measure of the distance
between nodes that scales for the number of pairs of nodes that
are not connected by any path.
coeffi cient of the network over the clustering coef-
cient that would be expected in a random graph of
similar size and degree, divided by the ratio of the
harmonic path length of the network over the path
length that would be expected in a random graph of
similar size and degree:
Weighted overall clustering coef cient
actual /
Clustering ffcient
Harmonic path length
Path length
As shown, there is tremendous range on these mea-
sures across the industries, going from small-world
quotients of 1.00 (e.g., footwear, logging) to 27.76
(electronic components). Finally, the last column
gives the number of nodes in the largest component
of the network. This ranges from two (for networks
consisting only of disconnected dyads) to 248 (for
Graphical visualizations of networks
Visual depictions of alliance network structure are
relatively rare, as most researchers rely on reporting
some summary statistics of their networks, or simply
analyze the more microlevel alliance formations as
described earlier. Some notable exceptions include
Powell et al.’s (2005) ‘network movie,’ which
shows the yearly evolution of the set of collabora-
tions among multiple actors in the life sciences arena
over a 12-year period, and Rosenkopf and Padula’s
(2007) four snapshots of alliance network structure
in their study of networks in the mobile communi-
cations industry. The graphics in both studies are
complex and fascinating, yet the very feature that
enables the development of the graphics—that is,
the intensive study of one industry—also leaves the
reader wondering about the generalizability of the
results. Do other industries demonstrate these same
structures? Is the structure in Rosenkopf and Padula
similar to or different than the one Powell et al. dem-
onstrate? If so, how? Are the observable differences
due to design choices on the part of each research
team as they chose to portray their networks, or do
they refl ect more substantive differences? The only
way to assess this effectively is through systematic
comparative study of multiple networks.
To this end, nine network structures are displayed
in Figure 2. The graphs are created by spring embed-
ding the nodes based on their path lengths from one
Comparing Alliance Network Structure Across Industries 197
Copyright © 2008 Strategic Management Society Strat. Entrepreneurship J., 1: 191–209 (2007)
DOI: 10.1002/sej
another. This process brings nodes closer together
that are directly connected or share a number of
mutual connections, while pushing apart nodes that
are not connected or are connected via a long path.
Due to space constraints, this process often results
in a ring (or crescent) of the dyadic pairs of nodes
that are not connected to any other nodes, as is most
obvious in the bottom row of networks (computers,
communications, motor vehicles). The large spider-
shaped webs in these networks represent single large
components (sets of nodes that are connected to each
other by a path).
Contrasts between the three rows are immedi-
ately apparent, and we label three network types
accordingly. The fi rst row of networks (broadwoven
cotton, paper mills, leather footwear) is character-
ized by small size (between 12 and 23 members)
and very low connections among the nodes (average
network degree between 1.00 and 1.06).10 Hence,
we call networks of this type disconnected. In
sharp contrast, the bottom row (computers, com-
munications, motor vehicles) contains networks of
221 Broadwovencotton 262 Paper mills 314 Leather footwear
357 Computer and office
366 Communications
371 Motor vehicles and
372 Aircraft and parts 281 Industrial inorganic
384 Medical instruments
and supplies
Figure 2. Nine industry alliance networks—graphical visualizations
10 Average network degree is not shown in Table 1 due to space
constraints. The number of alliances per industry fi rm differs
from average network degree in that 1) it is constrained only to
industry fi rms, and 2) it counts an alliance announcement only
once irrespective of the number of parties to the alliance.
198 L. Rosenkopf and M. A. Schilling
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DOI: 10.1002/sej
large size (between 342 and 464 members) with a
much higher level of connectivity among the nodes
(average network degree between 2.26 and 2.50).
This connectivity gives rise to an identifi able main
component, and due to its shape, we call networks
of this type spiderwebs. The middle row (aircraft,
chemicals, medical instruments) contains networks
of moderate size (between 143 and 222 members)
with a moderate level of connection among the
nodes (average network degree between 1.35 and
1.89). Here, no component dominates the graph, but
many separate clusters of nodes are identifi able. We
call networks of this type hybrids.
The small-world statistic appears to vary with
the size and average degree of these network types.
As size and average degree increase, so too does
the small-world statistic (zero for all three dis-
connected networks, between 6.96 and 7.84 for
hybrid networks, and between 14.53 and 22.74 for
spiderweb networks). The sources of this variation
in the small-world statistic, however, differ across
the three types. For disconnected fi rms, there is no
clustering. The zero-valued small-world statistic is
generated by the zero-valued clustering coeffi cient.
In contrast, the hybrid and disconnected networks
exhibit higher, and largely indistinguishable, clus-
tering coeffi cients (between 0.34 and 0.62 for hybrid
networks and between 0.35 and 0.56 for spiderweb
networks). Here, the source of the variation in the
small-world statistic among these two network types
is the harmonic path length, which obtains a range
of moderate values (2.87 to 3.03) for spiderweb net-
works, but a range of high values (5.98 to 7.11) for
hybrid networks.
One other topic of note with regard to these net-
works types and their differences pertains specifi -
cally to the main component. While the size of the
main component appears to vary with the size of
the network (between two and three for discon-
nected networks, nine and 18 for hybrid networks,
and 82 and 203 for the spiderweb networks), once
we control for the size of the network, the percent
of network nodes in the main component follows
a different pattern. Specifi cally, the lowest relative
size of the main component is found in the hybrid
networks (ranging from four to 12 percent of nodes),
while the disconnected networks obtain a moder-
ate relative size (ranging from 13 to 18 percent of
nodes). Not surprisingly, the spiderweb networks
exhibit the highest relative size for the main com-
ponent, ranging from 24 to 45 percent.
It is also worth noting that the network central-
ization does not separate as neatly among the three
network categories as most of the other measures.
Specifi cally, among these nine networks, central-
ization ranges from 0.0 to 6.7 percent for the dis-
connected networks; 5.5 to 11.19 percent for the
spiderwebs, and 2.6 to 9.8 percent for the hybrids
Table 2 summarizes the distinctions between
the three types of networks along the dimensions
we have examined. Though the typology relies on
arbitrary distinctions between levels of connectivity
to create categories, it provides intuition for us to
visualize seemingly different networks. In the next
section, we examine some industry characteristics
that may determine these differences.
Alliances enable fi rms to pool, exchange, and jointly
create information and other resources (Eisenhardt
and Schoonhoven, 1996; Gulati 1998), and, thus, are
an important factor in technological innovation. Col-
laborating can enable a fi rm to obtain necessary skills
or resources more quickly than developing them in-
house. It is not unusual for a company to lack some
of the complementary assets required to transform a
body of technological knowledge into a commercial
product. Given time, the company can develop such
complementary assets internally. However, doing
so extends cycle time. Instead, a company may be
Table 2. A typology of alliance network structures
Type Network
Size of
size of main
Disconnected Low Low Low Low Medium
Hybrid Medium Medium Medium Medium Low
Spiderweb High High High High High
Comparing Alliance Network Structure Across Industries 199
Copyright © 2008 Strategic Management Society Strat. Entrepreneurship J., 1: 191–209 (2007)
DOI: 10.1002/sej
able to gain rapid access to important complemen-
tary assets by entering into strategic alliances or
licensing arrangements (Hamel, Doz, and Prahalad,
1989; Pisano, 1990; Shan, 1990; Venkatesan, 1992;
Schilling and Steensma, 2001). Second, collaborat-
ing with partners can be an important source of
learning for the fi rm. Close contact with other fi rms
can facilitate both the transfer of knowledge between
rms and the creation of new knowledge that indi-
vidual fi rms could not have created alone (Baum,
Calabrese, and Silverman, 2000; Liebeskind et al.,
1996; Mowery et al., 1998; Rosenkopf and Almeida,
2003). By pooling their technological resources
and capabilities, fi rms may be able to expand their
knowledge bases, and do so more quickly than they
could in absence of collaboration. Third, one of the
primary reasons that fi rms collaborate on develop-
ment project is to share the costs and risks of the
project. This can be particularly important when a
project is very expensive or its outcome is highly
uncertain (Hagedoorn, Link, and Vonortas, 2000).
Finally, fi rms may also collaborate on a develop-
ment project when such collaboration would facili-
tate the creation of a shared standard. Collaboration
at the development stage can be an important way
of ensuring cooperation in the commercialization
stage of a technology, and such cooperation may be
crucial for technologies in which compatibility and
complementary goods are important.
In this section, we examine three technology
dimensions that we argue have a signifi cant infl u-
ence on the formation of alliances and, hence, the
structure of the overall network. First, we consider
how technological dynamism and uncertainty in
an industry encourage fi rms to form alliances and,
thus (other things being equal) , may lead to more
alliance activity overall. Second, we examine how
the degree of separability of innovation activities
(due to, for example, product modularity) enables
coordination between fi rms via alliances rather than
hierarchical integration. Third, we anticipate that the
degree to which architectural control in an industry
is governed by a small number of fi rms will signifi -
cantly infl uence the structure of the overall alliance
network. Each of these three dimensions is discussed
in turn.
Technological dynamism and uncertainty
Rosenkopf and Tushman (1994) proposed that
rates of interorganizational linkage formation are
greatest during eras of technological ferment. When
technology is changing rapidly, fi rms may make
greater use of alliances in their innovation activi-
ties. As mentioned previously, alliances can be an
important mechanism for fi rms to obtain knowl-
edge or other complementary assets more quickly
than developing them in-house (Liebeskind et al.,
1996; Rosenkopf and Almeida, 2003; Schilling and
Steensma, 2001; Shan, 1990; Venkatesan, 1992).
Furthermore, to the degree that fi rms are uncertain
about the direction of technological change, alliances
may become more attractive because they provide
considerable fl exibility compared to in-house inte-
gration of activities. The fi rm can choose between
partners that differ in their competencies, increasing
the fi rm’s range of production options. Addition-
ally, because alliances are often nonexclusive and
temporary, the fi rm can change its mix of partners
over time, both increasing the fi rm’s fl exibility and
exposing its partners to some of the discipline of
market incentives. Through an alliance, a fi rm can
establish a limited stake in a venture while main-
taining the fl exibility to either increase the com-
mitment at a later date or shift these resources to
another opportunity (Kogut, 1991; McGrath, 1997).
In essence, fi rms can use these modes as transitional
governance forms and as a means to gain an early
window on emerging opportunities that they may
want to commit to more fully in the future (Mitchell
and Singh, 1992). Finally, alliances enable fi rms to
share the risk of a venture, which can be particularly
important when a technology requires large-scale
investment or faces a highly uncertain future.
All the arguments suggest that when the indus-
try environment is characterized by dynamism and
uncertainty, fi rms may be motivated to make greater
use of alliances, leading to 1) a higher proportion of
rms in the industry being actively engaged in alli-
ances, and 2) a higher rate of alliance activity per
rm. To explore the effects of technological dyna-
mism and uncertainty, we examine both the rate of
change of total factor productivity and the level of
research and development intensity for each of our
32 industries. Five industries obtain high11 levels of
both rate of change of total factor productivity as
well as level of R&D intensity. The convergence
of these two different indicators suggests that these
industries experienced signifi cant technological
11 For each measure, we divided our set of industries into ter-
tiles: high, medium, and low. Thus, 10 industries were included
in each of the high and low categories.
200 L. Rosenkopf and M. A. Schilling
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DOI: 10.1002/sej
dynamism and uncertainty during the study period.
These industries include: computer and offi ce equip-
ment, engines and turbines, household audio and
video equipment, motor vehicles and equipment,
and photographic equipment and supplies. Notably,
the pharmaceuticals and communication equipment
industries both had exceptionally high R&D intensi-
ties (13.77 percent and 13.52 percent, respectively),
but both had experienced declines in total factor
productivity over the 1997 to 2002 period.
Consistent with the arguments we made earlier,
all but one (photographic equipment and supplies) of
the fi ve industries that rank highly on both our mea-
sures of technological dynamism also obtain high
levels of alliances per industry fi rm, and all but two
(computer and offi ce equipment and photographic
equipment and supplies) obtain a high percent of
industry fi rms that participate in alliances. Visual
inspection of the networks for the engines and tur-
bines, household audio and video equipment, and
motor vehicles and equipment industries in Figure 3
shows that each exhibits a hybrid or spiderweb struc-
ture. On the other end of the spectrum, there were
ve industries in the low tertile for both measures of
technological dynamism (hydraulic cement, leather
footwear, fur, women’s and children’s outerwear,
and wood buildings), and all except one of these
(hydraulic cement) also scored in the lowest tertile
for both alliance participation rates and number of
alliances per industry fi rm. Visual representations of
the leather footwear and the women’s and children’s
outerwear industry networks are shown in Figure
4. These networks are clearly of the disconnected
As mentioned earlier, the pharmaceutical and
communications equipment industries both had very
high R&D intensity, but had negative changes in total
factor productivity. As shown in Figure 5, both have
very extensive alliance networks with spiderweb
properties (indeed, the pharmaceutical industry has
a signifi cantly larger alliance network than any other
industry we examined). The pharmaceutical industry
makes the top tertile for alliance participation rate,
but not number of alliances per industry fi rm, and
the communications equipment network makes the
top tertile for number of alliances per industry fi rm,
but not for alliance participation rate.
In sum, both theory and evidence suggest the
Proposition 1: Technological dynamism and
uncertainty will be positively related to the
proportion of the fi rms in the industry that engage
in alliances.
Proposition 2: Technological dynamism and
uncertainty will be positively related to the
average number of alliances formed by each fi rm
in the network.
a) Engines and turbines
) Household audio and video equipment
c) Motor vehicles and equipment
Figure 3. Industries ranking high for technological
dynamism: engines and turbines, household audio and
video equipment, motor vehicles and equipment
Comparing Alliance Network Structure Across Industries 201
Copyright © 2008 Strategic Management Society Strat. Entrepreneurship J., 1: 191–209 (2007)
DOI: 10.1002/sej
Separability of innovation activities
Whereas technological dynamism and uncertainty
provide motivation for fi rms to pool their efforts
and break down the complexity of a technological
system into more manageable pieces, it is the sepa-
rability of innovation activities that determines the
ease or effectiveness of doing so (Baldwin and Clark,
2000; Schilling, 2000; Schilling, 2004). Tushman
and Rosenkopf (1992) distinguished between
assembled product systems and the less complex
nonassembled ones, arguing that assembled systems
engender more community activity. In some product
systems, components may require such extensive
interaction—and that interaction may be so directly
infl uenced by the design or nature of that compo-
nent—that any change in the component requires
extensive compensating changes in the other compo-
nents of the system, or functionality is lost (Sanchez
and Mahoney, 1996).12 For such systems, it can be
very diffi cult to separate innovation activities in a
way that permits multiple fi rms to act in parallel.
In other product systems, however, the components
(or processes involved in the development of those
components) are relatively independent—permitting
either sequential stages or parallel activities to be
performed by separate fi rms. For example, in a study
of the development of the B-2 ‘Stealth’ bomber,
Argyres (1999) describes how four fi rms (Northrop,
Boeing, Vaught, and General Electric) were able to
use advanced information technology and a set of
negotiated standards to increase the separability of
the aircraft’s design. As a result, each company was
able to assume design responsibility for a differ-
ent section of the aircraft and achieve coordination
through a shared ‘technical grammar,’ rather than
hierarchical control.
One of the key factors that can increase the sepa-
rability of innovation activities is product modular-
ity. Modularity is a continuum describing the degree
to which a system’s components may be separated
and recombined (Schilling, 2000). It refers both to
the tightness of coupling between components and
the degree to which the rules of the system archi-
tecture enable (or prohibit) the mixing and matching
of components (Baldwin and Clark, 2000). Since all
systems are characterized by some degree of coupling
(whether loose or tight) between their components,
and very few systems have components that are
completely inseparable and may not be recombined,
almost all systems are, to some degree, modular.
Some systems are, however, much more modular
than others. For example, though personal comput-
ers were originally introduced as all-in-one packages
(such as Intel’s MCS-4, the Kenback-1, the Apple II,
or the Commodore PET), they rapidly evolved into
modular systems that enable the extensive mixing
a) Leather footwear
) Women’s and children’s outerwear
Figure 4. Industries ranking low for technological
dynamism: leather footwear, women’s and
children’s outerwear
12 An excellent example of this may be seen in software
systems. In many software systems, there are thousands of
interdependent programs because of redundancies in the code,
or because of shared data. Any design change results in a
cascade of required changes in other programs, known as a
‘ripple effect’ (Fichman and Kemmerer, 1993). Because of
this, many stakeholders in this industry are advocating the
adoption of object-oriented programming, despite the major
investment in new skills and new systems this will require
for many fi rms. With object-oriented programming, software
modules are designed to be encapsulated so that they do not
require the sharing of data, and the range of their interde-
pendencies with other modules is limited to those intended
by the interface. Encapsulation allows information within the
module to be hidden—modules can interact without requiring
full knowledge of the contents of each module.
202 L. Rosenkopf and M. A. Schilling
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DOI: 10.1002/sej
and matching of components from different vendors.
Standardized interfaces in both hardware and soft-
ware enable many different producers to develop
compatible components with relatively little coor-
dination. In its extreme, modularity could lower the
rate of alliance formation by eliminating the need
for fi rms to interact at all (e.g., when compatibil-
ity can be achieved by conformance to a perfectly
standardized nonproprietary interface), but it is far
more typical for interfaces to be imperfect or to
incorporate elements of proprietary control, requir-
ing fi rms to engage in some form of negotiation and
collaboration (such as licensing, standards consor-
tiums, etc.).13
Four of the fi ve industries discussed in the previ-
ous section as ranking high on technological dyna-
mism also exhibited high separability or modularity
of the technology, as ranked by both sets of raters:
computer and offi ce equipment, household audio
video equipment, motor vehicles and equipment,
and engines and turbines. As observed previously,
three of these industries (household audio video
equipment, motor vehicles, and engines and tur-
bines) demonstrate high levels for percent of indus-
try fi rms that participate in alliances and number of
alliances per industry fi rm. On the other extreme,
of the 10 industries ranked lowest in terms of sepa-
rability and modularity by both sets of raters, fi ve
were also ranked in the low tertile for either alliance
participation rate or number of alliances per indus-
try fi rm, though only one—paper mills—ranked in
the bottom tertile for both. As previously shown in
Figure 2, it exhibits a disconnected network with
only a single triad.
Based on our theoretical discussion and anecdotal
evidence, we expect that separability of innovation
activities will be positively associated with both the
proportion of fi rms in the industry that are engaged
in alliance activities and the rate of alliance activity
per fi rm.14
Proposition 3: Separability of innovation activi-
ties will be positively related to the propor-
tion of the fi rms in the industry that engage in
Proposition 4: Separability of innovation activi-
ties will be positively related to the average
number of alliances formed by each fi rm in the
Concentrated architectural control
Even in industries in which innovation activities are
highly separable, the control over the architecture of
the fi nal system may be highly concentrated within
the hands of a single (or few) fi rms. When an industry
is characterized by such concentrated architectural
control, this will have a signifi cant infl uence over its
13 Notably, the two industries in our study most commonly
cited as examples of industries with strong network externali-
ties—communications equipment and computers—exhibit low
alliance participation rates, but high rates of alliances per fi rm.
It is likely that modularity reduces the need for certain fi rms
to participate in alliances.
14 Cowan, Jonard, and Zimmerman (2007) model the effect
of decomposability on collaboration structure, suggesting
that decomposability increases density and decreases struc-
tural holes. Of course, their modeling environment controls
for network size, which has strong effects on these measures.
In our case, with networks of varying size across industries,
we examine the more basic measures of size (proportion) and
degree (average alliances per fi rm).
a) Pharmaceutical industry
b) Communications equipment industry
Figure 5. The pharmaceutical and communications
equipment industries
Comparing Alliance Network Structure Across Industries 203
Copyright © 2008 Strategic Management Society Strat. Entrepreneurship J., 1: 191–209 (2007)
DOI: 10.1002/sej
alliance network structure. Tushman and Rosenkopf
(1992) distinguished between ‘closed’ (geographi-
cally bounded) and ‘open’ (unbounded) assembled
systems. Clearly, unbounded systems (such as
telecommunications networks) require standardized
interfaces to operate and grow effectively. The extent
to which these unbounded systems are governed by
open or proprietary standards will determine the con-
centration of architectural control. In general, con-
centrated architectural control will be more common
in industries in which a dominant standard interface
incorporates proprietary elements.
There is often considerable ambiguity in the extant
literature about what is meant by ‘open’ versus pro-
prietary systems, largely because various domains of
management research use the term ‘open’ in different
ways (Gacek and Arief, 2004). Proprietary systems
are defi ned here as those based on technology that
is company owned and protected through patents,
secrecy, or other mechanisms. In the information
systems literature, the term ‘open standards’ does
not necessarily mean that the underlying technol-
ogy is unprotected. For example, the Open Group
standard-setting body defi nes open systems as com-
puters and communications environments based on
de facto15 and formal interface standards, but these
standards may be proprietary in the sense that they
were developed, introduced, and are maintained
by vendors (Chau and Tam, 1997). The degree to
which rivals or complementary goods producers can
access, augment, or distribute a proprietary technol-
ogy varies along a continuum in accordance with
the degree of control imposed by the technology’s
developer. Anchoring the two ends of the contin-
uum are wholly proprietary technologies, which are
strictly protected and may be accessed, augmented,
and distributed only by their developers, and wholly
open technologies which may be freely accessed,
augmented, and distributed by anyone. If a fi rm
grants or sells the right to access, augment, or dis-
tribute its technology for commercial purposes, but
retains some degree of control over the technology,
this is termed a ‘partially open’ technology. Many
technologies that are termed ‘open’ in common
parlance are actually only partially open.
When a fi rm retains some proprietary control
over a technology, it may be able to exert some
degree of architectural control over the system in
which the technology is embedded (Schilling, 2000).
As pointed out by Prybeck, Alvarez, and Gifford
(1991), a fi rm that possesses proprietary control over
an important component in a system can restrict
market access by offering that component only as
part of a total product system. If potential entrants to
the industry must be able to provide an entire system
(rather than just individual components), integrated
systems may act as a signifi cant barrier to entry
and lower competitive intensity, particularly if one
proprietary component of the integrated system is
highly desired by customers and can be protected
from compatibility with other providers’ compo-
nents. The fi rm can also control the rate at which
the technology is upgraded or refi ned, the path it
follows in its evolution, and its compatibility with
previous generations. If the technology is chosen
as a dominant design, the fi rm with architectural
control over the technology can have great infl uence
over the entire industry. Through selective compat-
ibility, it can infl uence which other fi rms do well and
which do not, and it can ensure that it has a number
of different avenues from which to profi t from the
platform. The literature on increasing returns sug-
gests that these dynamics will be accentuated in
industries where there are strong forces encouraging
the adoption of a single dominant design, such as in
industries that exhibit network externalities (Arthur,
1994; Schilling, 1998).
Of course, platform leadership is but one form
of architectural control. Concentrated control over
product architecture is also found in industries where
products are assembled into systems by what can be
called integrators. So, for example, automobile and
aircraft manufacturers assemble multiple subsys-
tems to produce their products, and most of these
subsystems are outsourced to specialized producers.
These integrators control the overall design of the
system, and subsystem producers must conform to
the integrator’s system requirements since the inte-
grator controls access to the end users. For complex,
capital-intensive products, the number of integra-
tors is typically limited relative to the number of
complementors, and the integrators’ access to the
end users creates a great deal of bargaining power
for the integrators (Coff, 1999). Here, the integrators
do not need to control or even master the subsystem
technologies, yet they maintain bargaining power
through design and control of the overall system
When one or a few fi rms have signifi cant archi-
tectural control in an industry, they will tend to be
15 A de facto standard is defi ned similarly to a dominant
design—it is the emergence of a standard through market
204 L. Rosenkopf and M. A. Schilling
Copyright © 2008 Strategic Management Society Strat. Entrepreneurship J., 1: 191–209 (2007)
DOI: 10.1002/sej
engaged in a disproportionately high number of alli-
ances in the industry, creating hubs that account for
a signifi cant portion of the network’s overall con-
nectivity. For example, in software, the dominance
of Microsoft’s Windows gives the fi rm immense
infl uence over the design of software applications
for personal computers. Makers of complementary
software must work to ensure that their products
are compatible with Windows, resulting in a large
number of joint R&D alliances and licensing agree-
ments between Microsoft and other software pro-
ducers. Thus, Microsoft is a very large hub in the
software industry.
Alliance networks tend to have skewed degree
distributions because larger and more prestigious
rms tend to attract and sustain a far greater number
of alliances than smaller or less prestigious fi rms
(Stuart, 1998). Both size and visibility tend to attract
alliance partners, while size gives the larger fi rm
greater resources with which to manage alliance rela-
tionships. Concentrated architectural control ampli-
es this effect, leading to networks with extremely
skewed degree distributions.16
Notably, such hubs can also shorten a network’s
average path length. Hubs that are connected to
many other nodes contract the network by provid-
ing a short path between all of the nodes to which
they are connected. The extreme is a star graph,
where a single node in the network connects every
other node, leading to an average path length that
will always be under two. Thus, we might expect
industries with high architectural control to also
exhibit strong small-world properties. This charac-
teristic is of particular interest to many manage-
ment researchers because the average path length
of a network is often a crucial determinant of the
dynamics of the network. In networks in which infor-
mation, power, disease, etc., diffuse, the length of the
path determines how long transmission will take, the
likelihood of the transmission being completed, and
the degree to which whatever is being transmitted
retains its integrity (Schilling and Phelps, 2007).
To explore these arguments in our data, we
examine three industries that were rated high in
architectural control: aircraft and parts, communica-
tions equipment, and motor vehicles and equipment.
All three also exhibit exceptionally skewed degree
distributions (see Figure 6). We used SPSS curve fi t
estimation to assess the relationship between degree
and frequency and found that all three fi t a power law
function with R squares above .90 with signifi cant
scale-free degree exponents. In the aircraft industry,
Boeing and Rolls-Royce plc played key hub roles.
In the communications equipment industry, the key
hubs were Alcatel SA, Oki Electric Industries, and
Nokia. In the motor vehicles and equipment indus-
try, Toyota was, by far, the largest hub, followed
by Mitsubishi Corp.17 All three of these industries
also ranked in the top 10 for small-world quotients
(7.5, 14.53, and 22.74 respectively). In fact, of the
10 industries ranked highest in terms of architectural
control, six (aircraft, pharmaceuticals, motor vehi-
cles, communications equipment, medical instru-
ments, and computer and offi ce equipment) also
make the top tertile for small-world quotient.
At the other extreme, of the 10 industries ranked
lowest in terms of architectural control, most had
very small networks with nearly uniform degree dis-
tributions (of degree one), and six made the lowest
tertile for small-world quotients. For example, both
footwear and broadwoven cotton fabric mills (pic-
tured previously in Figure 2) fall into this category:
both are rated very low for architectural control,
have nearly uniform degree distributions whereby
nearly every node has a degree of one, and exhibit
small-world quotients of zero.
In sum, we propose the following:
Proposition 5: Industries with concentrated
architectural control will have alliances with more
highly skewed degree distributions than industries
without concentrated architectural control.
16 Scale-free networks are a particular kind of highly central-
ized network with a skewed degree distribution. Specifi cally,
a network is only considered to be scale free if the distribution
of links across nodes follows a power law. There are, however,
highly centralized networks that are not scale free in that the
distribution of their links across nodes does not conform to
a power law; it is even possible to have a highly centralized
network with a uniform degree distribution. For example, con-
sider a network wherein there are no redundant paths, and a
single central node has four links to four other nodes, and each
of those nodes has three links to three other nodes, and each of
those nodes has three other links to three other nodes, and so
forth. Such a network might represent a traditional organiza-
tional hierarchy, with the founder or CEO playing the role of
the fi rst node. In this network, the fi rst node lies on the shortest
path between many of the pairs of nodes in the network, giving
this network high centralization even though every node in the
network has the exact same number of links.
17 Notably, despite the fact that these industries exhibited scale-
free degree distributions with large hubs, none scores high for
overall network centralization, ostensibly because there are
multiple hubs rather than a single hub.
Comparing Alliance Network Structure Across Industries 205
Copyright © 2008 Strategic Management Society Strat. Entrepreneurship J., 1: 191–209 (2007)
DOI: 10.1002/sej
Proposition 6: Concentrated architectural
control will tend to be associated with small-
world properties.
Before we discuss any implications of our study,
we must acknowledge two limitations. In order to
create 32 networks systematically in a reasonable
time frame, we made some design choices to keep
the data collection demands manageable. First,
each alliance network was generated from a three-
digit SIC code and included fi rms located primarily
within the SIC code, as well as their partners (who
in many cases are located in a different primary
SIC code). Thus, from a three-digit SIC perspective,
many cross-industry alliances are included. Future
research should examine whether our fi ndings are
robust when considering four-digit or even two-digit
industry classifi cations, and future research should
consider whether the relative breadth or narrow-
ness of any particular SIC code may affect fi nd-
ings. Second, our network data is cross-sectional,
in that only three years of alliance formations are
included for each industry. Any imputation about
network evolution can only be induced from the
between-industry variation in our sample. An ideal
study would include network snapshots at several
times over the lifecycle of an industry.
These limitations notwithstanding, our work has
demonstrated that there is substantial variance in
alliance network structure across industries. Visu-
ally, notable contrasts are observable between spi-
derweb, disconnected, and hybrid types of network
structures. Furthermore, we have suggested that
several underlying technological characteristics of
the industry, such as dynamism and uncertainty,
separability, and architectural control can be use-
fully associated with these structures.
There are several implications of these fi ndings,
some of which are particular to strategic entrepre-
neurship, and others of which may be more broadly
applied to the fi eld of network studies. To begin,
our research shows there are signifi cant differences
in the rate (and, presumably, importance) of alli-
ance activity across the industry networks, and this
leads to signifi cant differences in the overall con-
nectivity of the networks. If the recent extensive
theorizing about the network acting as a medium
for the exchange of information and other resources
is correct, the network connectivity of an industry
has important implications for the alliance strategies
pursued by new entrants. For example, in indus-
tries that are disconnected, it may not matter that
much whether or how new fi rms engage in alliances.
By contrast, in industries we would characterize as
having a large spiderweb network, there may be a
signifi cant difference between the amount of infor-
mation and resource fl ow between fi rms that are
Motor vehicle mfg
Communication equip mfg
Aircraft mfg
Figure 6. Degree distributions for the motor vehicles and equipment, communications equipment,
and aircraft and parts industries
206 L. Rosenkopf and M. A. Schilling
Copyright © 2008 Strategic Management Society Strat. Entrepreneurship J., 1: 191–209 (2007)
DOI: 10.1002/sej
connected to the main component and those that
are not. Thus, in these industries, it may be very
important that new entrants attempt to forge alli-
ances that connect them to this main component, and
better still if they can forge alliances that help them
achieve a more central position in this component.
On the other hand, the size of these networks and the
presence of large hubs tends to make these networks
highly stable over time (Schilling, 2007), lessening
the likelihood that a new entrant’s alliance strategy
will enable them to rapidly achieve a highly central
position or signifi cantly alter the alliance landscape.
Thus, the entrant’s efforts to connect to the main
component act primarily as an ‘admission ticket’
(Powell et al., 1996) to have access to roughly
the same information that other participants have
access to, helping them obtain competitive parity
rather than conferring a superior position. In the
networks we have labeled hybrids, where there are
multiple signifi cant clusters that are not connected
to each other, a new entrant’s alliance activity can
take on even greater signifi cance. For example, if
a new entrant focuses their effort on striking alli-
ances with partners from different clusters, the
new entrant might be able to become a knowledge
broker between formerly disconnected communities
of fi rms, dramatically altering the alliance landscape
(and concomitant information and resource fl ow) of
the industry.
Future research should examine the entry strate-
gies utilized by fi rms in various network structures,
as well as analyze their success. For example, Ahuja
and Polidoro (2003) examine both the contract terms
and the subsequent alliances formed by fi rms ini-
tially entering the alliance network in the chemicals
industry. Their preliminary results suggested that
new entrants accept less attractive alliance deals,
and that these new entrants are not able to parlay
their initially low network status into more attractive
network positions. Is such a fi nding generalizable to
all high-tech industries, or is it limited to industries
that are nonseparable, like chemicals? Examples of
rms such as Electronic Arts—which accepted a
highly unfavorable alliance with Nintendo only to
parlay that into a much more attractive one with
Sega later on—raise the possibility that certain
network structures enable more movement than
others, which must be addressed by future research.
Similarly, Gawer and Cusumano (2002) have sug-
gested that in industries with concentrated architec-
tural control, three strategies exist: platform leaders,
wannabes, and complementors. For new entrants in
these industries, are all three viable strategies or are
they consigned to exploitable positions as in the
chemicals industry?
At the industry level of analysis, which industries
facilitate entrepreneurial entry, and how much of
this can be associated with network structure? Do
hybrid or spiderweb structures induce more entry?
Rosenkopf and Padula (2007) fi nd that new entrants
to mobile telecommunications networks frequently
enter via multiparty deals. Again, is this a general-
izable fi nding, or specifi c to industries with strong
Beyond implications of various network types
for entry, it is also useful to consider how these
types may be related to performance. Schilling and
Phelps (2007) have considered effects of network
structure across 11 different industries, fi nding that
network structures that exhibit both high clustering
and low average path lengths are associated with
higher levels of fi rm and industry innovativeness.
Of course, studies like these are susceptible to the
endogeneity critique raised by Stuart and Sorenson
elsewhere in this issue. Nonetheless, as our methods
in these areas improve, it will become important
to more fully understand the connections between
industry performance, variance in fi rm-specifi c
performance, and fi rm entry into these networks;
most specifi cally, how these interrelated character-
istics may look very different across the structural
Next, our industry-specifi c fi ndings may indicate
support for a weaker version of what has been called
network endogeneity (Gulati and Gargiulo, 1999).
A strict form of network endogeneity suggests that
networks are inertial over time, because as network
actors seek to form new alliances, they are enabled
or constrained by their preexisting network posi-
tions. Others have critiqued this position because it
does not provide an explanation for how nonnetwork
members might join the network (Ahuja, 2000b;
Rosenkopf et al., 2001; Rosenkopf and Padula, 2007).
To reconcile these opposing views, consider that the
aggregate network structure of an industry may be
inertial over time, even though different actors may
enter or exit the particular network positions. Since
our work highlights the technological characteristics
of the industry as determinants of network structure,
it supports the notion that network structures may be
relatively fi xed over extended periods of time, while
allowing actors that are technologically advanced
(or backward) to move through these alliance
structures. Therefore, an extension of this research
Comparing Alliance Network Structure Across Industries 207
Copyright © 2008 Strategic Management Society Strat. Entrepreneurship J., 1: 191–209 (2007)
DOI: 10.1002/sej
can explore longitudinal variation in alliance
participation as well as overall network structure.
Finally, our work raises some substantial concerns
about the recent excitement about small worlds in the
social network literature. Two characteristics of this
literature merit attention. Small worlds are formally
defi ned as networks that simultaneously exhibit low
average path length and high clustering, and most
researchers have focused on the main component of
a network to assess these measures (though Schilling
and Phelps (2007) represent a notable exception).
Our networks make it clear that limiting analy-
ses to the main component of a network is a risky
endeavor, even for the higher connectivity networks.
Additionally, it is theorized that small-world struc-
tures simultaneously offer social capital benefi ts due
to clustering and also information transfer benefi ts
stemming from low path length. Many alliance net-
works exhibit these statistical characteristics, yet
the underlying network structures generating these
characteristics can be quite different. For example,
both centralized and decentralized networks can
generate substantial small-world statistics. Yet, the
Watts (1999) characterization of small worlds quite
specifi cally requires that they also be decentral-
ized—it is, after all, unsurprising to fi nd that cen-
tralized networks have short path lengths. In fact, the
shortest possible path length is achieved via a star
graph whereby a single node connects all the others.
Decentralization is also a key attribute to support
the small-world theorizing about information fl ow,
because the combination of decentralization and a
short path length typically means that there are many
routes for information to reach the same destination.
In contrast, in a centralized network, a single (or
few) node(s) may serve as the central connecting
point between many nodes, and these central actors
may have neither the capacity nor the motivation
or economic interest in sharing information. So in
the recent rush to classify many networks as small
worlds based on the clustering/path length ratios and
to generalize these fi ndings to all industries, our data
demonstrate that many alliance networks are quite
centralized and, as such, may not offer the benefi ts
that are theorized.
In summary, our focus on comparative network
structure has allowed us to demonstrate a variety of
network structures and speculate as to the determi-
nants of this structure. With these issues established,
it is our hope that researchers will continue to make
strides assessing how strategic entrepreneurship can
best occur in each of these specifi c network contexts.
Our work was much improved by the provocative discus-
sion at the SEJ Launch Conference and by the thought-
ful comments of Robert Burgelman. We acknowledge
funding from the Mack Center at Wharton and the
National Science Foundation, Grant No. SES-0234075.
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... A firm's ego network is a part of the whole network (i.e., the entire network)-a broader social space (often limited to an industry) that includes firms' overall structure and connections. Where a firm is located in the whole network, such as the network's core (i.e., center) or its periphery, matters for this firm's access to information and knowledge flows (e.g., Hernandez & Shaver, 2019;Rosenkopf & Schilling, 2007;Swaminathan & Moorman, 2009). In-between ego and whole networks are network communities, which are defined as dense, non-overlapping structural groups within the entire network (Fortunato, 2010) containing pockets of homogeneous knowledge (Sytch & Tatarynowicz, 2014). ...
... Prior to deriving social network measures, one needs to construct an alliance network with the specified boundaries. We follow the analytical procedures developed in prior research to construct alliance networks, which are normally bound within the context of a specific industry (e.g., Gulati et al., 2012;Rosenkopf & Schilling, 2007). Commonly, an alliance network in an industry in a given year consists of active alliances in which at least one partner is a member of this industry, and the primary alliance activity also has to fall within this industry (e.g., Gulati et al., 2012;Rosenkopf & Schilling, 2007;Sytch & Tatarynowicz, 2014). ...
... We follow the analytical procedures developed in prior research to construct alliance networks, which are normally bound within the context of a specific industry (e.g., Gulati et al., 2012;Rosenkopf & Schilling, 2007). Commonly, an alliance network in an industry in a given year consists of active alliances in which at least one partner is a member of this industry, and the primary alliance activity also has to fall within this industry (e.g., Gulati et al., 2012;Rosenkopf & Schilling, 2007;Sytch & Tatarynowicz, 2014). Therefore, we adopted this routine to define and construct an alliance network in the software industry in 2018. ...
In a business-to-business setting, social networks comprise direct and indirect connections between firms that provide access to new information, knowledge, and resources that otherwise may not be available to the firms. Social network analysis (SNA), which refers to studying and mapping social structures through graph theory, has been widely used in many social science fields, including management. The interest in SNA is also growing among marketing scholars. This editorial discusses the main aspects of SNA and provides a step-by-step guide to researchers on how to conduct SNA in marketing, with a particular focus on the interorganizational context. The purpose of this editorial is to encourage social network research within marketing. We introduce key theoretical constructs in SNA, discuss their operationalization, and offer detailed instructions on constructing them using UCINET 6 (a common software package to implement SNA). The practical application of SNA is made on strategic alliance data collected from the Securities Data Company (SDC) Platinum database.
... Engaging in multiple international strategic alliances is especially prevalent in high-tech sectors where firms have numerous ties to partners across diverse geographic regions to access unique combinations of resources and knowledge on new technologies and trends (Goerzen, 2007;Lee et al., 2017;Roijakkers & Hagedoorn, 2006;Schilling, 2009Schilling, , 2015. In the low-tech sectors, strategic alliances are significantly less common (Rosenkopf & Schilling, 2007). ...
The benefits of having an internationally diverse alliance portfolio are well known. However, the challenges remain overlooked, especially the potential to curb firms’ international expansion beyond such alliances. Building on global connectivity literature, we study how firms’ international footprint through their foreign subsidiaries is affected by the geographical spread of their international alliances. Using data on a sample of U.S. high-tech firms, we find that this relationship follows a U-shaped pattern and is contingent on alliance portfolio geographic distance and firms’ absorptive capacity for internationalization. Deviations from the optimal international footprint lower firms’ innovation and financial performance.
... Scholars have outlined the following key network dimensions, which influence a firm's access to information, knowledge, and other resources within network communities: network community size (i.e., the number of network community members), network community density (i.e., the degree of interconnectedness of network community members), and network community stability (i.e., whether the composition of network community members is retained over time). While network community size ensures access to diverse resources and information (Gulati et al., 2000;Rosenkopf and Schilling, 2007), network community density allows for transferring tacit knowledge and technology more effectively (Coleman, 1988;Phelps, 2010). In turn, firms in less stable network communities that continuously renew their members can ensure constant access to nonredundant information and valuable business opportunities (Sytch and Tatarynowicz, 2014). ...
Which factors lead to firms' massive rapid business scaling? The prior work has predominantly focused on factors inside the firm, assuming that the possession of internally controlled idiosyncratic resources and capabilities largely explains the phenomenon. We extend this work by arguing that the alliance network community in which a scaling firm is embedded represents a distinct valuable channel through which it can access and orchestrate resources needed for its rapid growth. Network communities are structural groups of firms that are densely connected internally and sparsely linked to firms in other groups. We focus on three key characteristics of network communities: size, density, and stability. We theorize that the access to and orchestration of diverse and complementary network community resources influence firm rapid scaling through the expansion, replication, and synchronization of resources and business practices. Using a sample of firms publicly traded on the North American stock exchanges and observed over 1990–2020, we find that these firms' business scaling positively relates to the size and density of their network communities, yet the relationship between firm scaling and network community stability is negative.
... Besides, while TCE has mostly been applied to the choice of governance form (e.g., strategic alliance or acquisition), we show how TCE can also enlighten partner choice, given that partners' excess cash reserves can ensure the much-needed continuity of the alliance. Finally, we also contribute to research on strategic partnerships by explaining how cash serves as a powerful antecedent to alliance formation (Rosenkopf and Schilling, 2007). ...
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Both academics and practitioners frequently argue that ‘excessive’ firm cash reserves are likely to be squandered and thus may actually be detrimental to firm performance. Contrary to this narrative, we show that large cash reserves can have strong benefits for firms. Specifically, being cash‐rich helps firms form more strategic partnerships because cash helps assure potential partners that the focal firm will be able to adapt to unfolding contingencies. This assurance is particularly relevant in industry conditions that make disruptions either more likely or more costly. We explain how such disruptions arise due to uncertainty about partners' behaviours and thereby extend the literature in the area of transaction cost economics by shifting the focus from intentional opportunism to encompass unintentional factors that can impede a firm's ability to honour partnership agreements. This shift highlights a beneficial role of excess cash that is often overshadowed by the popular narrative on its wastefulness.
... According to Schilke (2014), extensive alliance potential is dependent on ED, and sustaining an AMC necessitates considerable investments like forming a dedicated team to support the alliance activities. When an organization's ED is low, Rosenkopf and Schilling (2007) argue, it will have fewer opportunities to form strategic partnerships. Thus, we hypothesize that AMC has little effect on organizational performance under conditions of low ED. ...
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The global supply networks have been disrupted and weak connections exposed to an extent that few people have ever seen in their lifetime due to the COVID-19 epidemic. As a result of the severity of the crisis, every country and industry is feeling the effects, and the massive shifts in demand and supply that have happened throughout the epidemic are easily distinguishable from the effects of previous crises. We looked into the adaptability of alliance management and AI-driven supply chain analytics in the context of an ever-changing external environment. We examined four hypotheses in this area using survey data from the American auto components manufacturing industry. To do the analysis, we used Smart PLS. Alliance management capabilities, mediated by AI-powered supply chain analytics capacity, have been found to increase an organization's operational and financial performance. We also discovered, with environmental dynamics as a moderating factor, that alliance management capability has a substantial impact on AI-powered supply chain analytics capabilities. Based on our findings, we have a deep appreciation for the interplay between dynamic capacities and the relational view of organization. Finally, we pointed up the limitations of our study and offered a number of directions for future investigation that might help address some of the concerns that our results raise.
... However, startups are constantly created in technologically mature industries since technical innovation is not the only entrepreneurial thrust and many startups are more reproducers of existing technologies (Aldrich & Martinez, 2001). In addition, current findings within high-tech industries may not be generalizable to other industries, as the characteristics of production technologies and complexity of products create different patterns of interactions between startups and incumbent firms (Rosenkopf & Schilling, 2007). Thus, technologically mature industries, which may exhibit distinct patterns from those found in emerging high-tech industries, deserve more attention. ...
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Past studies have shown that the flow of knowledge from incumbent firms is associated with the creation of startups and their subsequent performance. While much research has focused on the mechanisms of how incumbent-to-startup knowledge transfer takes place, such as entrepreneurs pursuing opportunities that their previous employers do not want to pursue, we explore with detailed qualitative analysis of six private startups in the Chinese synthetic-dye industry what type of knowledge actually flows and what type is more important for the long-term success of startups. We discover eight types of knowledge that flow from incumbents to new firms during the foundation of startups. Abstracting these eight types of knowledge into two general categories of functional knowledge and strategic knowledge , we find the reception of strategic (not functional) knowledge shapes the long-term competitiveness of surviving startups. Receiving technical knowledge – one type of functional knowledge – during the founding period is necessary for startups’ short-term survival but insufficient for long-term success. Our findings show that the performance implications of initial knowledge flows from incumbents hinge on the type of knowledge, contributing to a more explicit explanation of how incumbent-to-startup knowledge flows affect entrepreneurial performance.
... Collectively, such articles suggest that the need for cooperation and coordination, and/or the search for synergies, frequently determine R&D alliance characteristics. Tangential to the firm-and dyad-level foci in the OI literature, some others ask how characteristics of whole alliance networks differ across industries (Rosenkopf & Schilling, 2007) and over time (Gilsing, Cloodt, & Roijakkers, 2016), on the idea that macrostructure can shape innovation (Schilling & Phelps, 2007). ...
This chapter takes stock of the empirical literature on research and development (R&D) alliances, one among other open-innovation (OI) practices, and identifies opportunities to bring the traditions of research on R&D alliances and OI into closer alignment. Through a structured literature review, it finds a wealth of research on the antecedents and consequences of R&D alliances and their characteristics, and almost half the sampled articles study R&D alliances alongside other OI practices. The chapter establishes that the core of the R&D alliance literature is rich and fairly balanced. Yet, it also argues that productive opportunities exist for more comprehensively examining the interdependencies between R&D alliances and other OI practices in their effects on performance.
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This paper models the formation of R&D networks in an oligopolistic industry. In particular, it focuses on the coevolutionary process involving firms’ technological capabilities, market structure and the network of interfirm technological agreements. The main result of the paper is that the R&D network can work as a strong selection mechanism in the industry, creating ex post asymmetries among ex ante similar firms. This is due to a self-reinforcing, path-dependent process, in which events in the early stages of the industry affect firms’ survival in the long run. In this framework, both market and technological externalities created by the formation of cooperative agreements play a role. Although the R&D network creates profound differences at the beginning, which are reflected by an unequal distribution of links, it tends to eliminate them as it becomes denser and denser. The nature of the technological environment affects the speed of the transition and some of the characteristics of the industry in the long run.
Network perspectives in organizational research have focused primarily on how the embeddedness of actors shapes individual, or nodal, outcomes. Against this backdrop, a growing number of researchers have begun to adopt a wider lens on organizational networks, shifting the focus to collective, or whole network, performance. Yet, efforts to understand the relationship between whole network structure and whole network performance have produced conflicting findings, which suggests that a different approach may be needed. Drawing on macrostructural sociology, we propose a "whole network morphology" framework, which argues the whole network structure-performance relationship is contingent on other fundamental—relational and cultural—whole network dimensions. Subsequently, we undertake an application of our framework, through which we demonstrate how a morphological view helps address conflicting findings on the structure-performance relationship. We study 250 whole interorganizational networks known as Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), which collectively comprise more than 44,000 healthcare organizations and 250,000 physicians. Consistent with previous work, we do not find a clear association between structural connectedness and performance. However, we find that a more disconnected network structure is associated with negative ACO performance when the relational strength of network ties is high. We also find evidence of better ACO performance in the presence of a physician cultural orientation when the whole network is more connected.
The book presents the latest research and theory about evolutionary change in organizations. It brings together the work of organizational theorists who have challenged the orthodox adaptation views that prevailed until the beginning of the 1980s. It emphasizes multiple levels of change - distinguishing change at the intraorganizational level, the organizational level, the population level, and the community level. The book is organized in a way that gives order and coherence to what has been a diverse and multidisciplinary field. (The book had its inception at a conference held at the Stern School of Business, New York University, January 1992.)
We investigate whether firms learn to manage interfirm alliances as experience accumulates. We use contract-specific experience measures in a data set of over 2000 joint ventures and licensing agreements, and value creation measures derived from the abnormal stock returns surrounding alliance announcements. Learning effects are identified from the effects of unobserved heterogeneity in alliance capabilities. We find evidence of large learning effects in managing joint ventures, but no such evidence for licensing contracts. The effects of learning on value creation are strongest for research joint ventures, and weakest for marketing joint ventures. These results are consistent with the view that learning effects are more important in situations characterized by greater contractual ambiguity. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This paper investigates the relationship between intercorporate technology alliances and firm performance. It argues that alliances are access relationships, and therefore that the advantages which a focal firm derives from a portfolio of strategic coalitions depend upon the resource profiles of its alliance partners. In particular, large firms and those that possess leading‐edge technological resources are posited to be the most valuable associates. The paper also argues that alliances are both pathways for the exchange of resources and signals that convey social status and recognition. Particularly when one of the firms in an alliance is a young or small organization or, more generally, an organization of equivocal quality, alliances can act as endorsements: they build public confidence in the value of an organization's products and services and thereby facilitate the firm's efforts to attract customers and other corporate partners. The findings from models of sales growth and innovation rates in a large sample of semiconductor producers confirm that organizations with large and innovative alliance partners perform better than otherwise comparable firms that lack such partners. Consistent with the status‐transfer arguments, the findings also demonstrate that young and small firms benefit more from large and innovative strategic alliance partners than do old and large organizations. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This paper presents a dynamic, firm‐level study of the role of network resources in determining alliance formation. Such resources inhere not so much within the firm but reside in the interfirm networks in which firms are placed. Data from extensive fieldwork show that by influencing the extent to which firms have access to information about potential partners, such resources are an important catalyst for new alliances, especially because alliances entail considerable hazards. This study also assesses the importance of firms’ capabilities with alliance formation and material resources as determinants of their alliance decisions. I test this dynamic framework and its hypotheses about the role of time‐varying network resources and firm capabilities with comprehensive longitudinal multi‐industry data on the formation of strategic alliances by a panel of firms between 1970 and 1989. The results confirm field observations that accumulated network resources arising from firm participation in the network of accumulated prior alliances are influential in firms’ decisions to enter into new alliances. This study highlights the importance of network resources that firms derive from their embeddedness in networks for explaining their strategic behavior. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
We investigate whether firms learn to manage interfirm alliances as experience accumulates. We use contract‐specific experience measures in a data set of over 2000 joint ventures and licensing agreements, and value creation measures derived from the abnormal stock returns surrounding alliance announcements. Learning effects are identified from the effects of unobserved heterogeneity in alliance capabilities. We find evidence of large learning effects in managing joint ventures, but no such evidence for licensing contracts. The effects of learning on value creation are strongest for research joint ventures, and weakest for marketing joint ventures. These results are consistent with the view that learning effects are more important in situations characterized by greater contractual ambiguity. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This paper introduces a social network perspective to the study of strategic alliances. It extends prior research, which has primarily considered alliances as dyadic exchanges and paid less attention to the fact that key precursors, processes, and outcomes associated with alliances can be defined and shaped in important ways by the social networks within which most firms are embedded. It identifies five key issues for the study of alliances: (1) the formation of alliances, (2) the choice of governance structure, (3) the dynamic evolution of alliances, (4) the performance of alliances, and (5) the performance consequences for firms entering alliances. For each of these issues, this paper outlines some of the current research and debates at the firm and dyad level and then discusses some of the new and important insights that result from introducing a network perspective. It highlights current network research on alliances and suggests an agenda for future research.© 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
We combine theory and research on alliance networks and on new firms to investigate the impact of variation in startups’ alliance network composition on their early performance. We hypothesize that startups can enhance their early performance by 1) establishing alliances, 2) configuring them into an efficient network that provides access to diverse information and capabilities with minimum costs of redundancy, conflict, and complexity, and 3) judiciously allying with potential rivals that provide more opportunity for learning and less risk of intra‐alliance rivalry. An analysis of Canadian biotech startups’ performance provides broad support for our hypotheses, especially as they relate to innovative performance. Overall, our findings show how variation in the alliance networks startups configure at the time of their founding produces significant differences in their early performance, contributing directly to an explanation of how and why firm age and size affect firm performance. We discuss some clear, but challenging, implications for managers of startups. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
I argue that the linkage‐formation propensity of firms is explained by simultaneously examining both inducement and opportunity factors. Drawing upon resource‐based and social network theory literatures I identify three forms of accumulated capital—technical, commercial , and social —that can affect a firm’s inducements and opportunities to form linkages. Firms possessing these capital stocks enjoy advantages in linkages formation. However, firms lacking these accumulated resources can still form linkages if they generate a radical technological breakthrough. Thus, I identify paths to linkage formation for leading as well as peripheral firms. I test these arguments with longitudinal data on technical collaborative linkages in the global chemicals industry. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.