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Impact of carbon paper structural parameters on the performance of a polymer electrolyte fuel cell cathode via lattice Boltzmann method


Abstract and Figures

Polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs) being employed in fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) are promising power generators producing electric power from fuel stream via porous electrodes. Structure of carbon paper gas diffusion layers (GDLs) applying in the porous electrodes can greatly affect the PEFC performance, especially at the cathode side where electrochemical reaction is more sluggish. To discover the role of carbon paper GDL structure on the mass transfer properties, different cathode electrodes with dissimilar structural parameters are simulated via lattice Boltzmann method (LBM). 3D contours of oxygen and water vapor concentration through the GDL as well as the 2D contours of current density on the catalyst layer are illustrated and examined. The results indicate that the carbon fiber diameter has a negligible impact on the current density while the impact of carbon paper thickness and porosity is significant. In fact, increasing of carbon paper thickness or porosity leads to lack of cell performance.
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Acta Mechanica Sinica
Impact ofcarbon paper structural parameters ontheperformance
ofapolymer electrolyte fuel cell cathode vialattice Boltzmann
M.Nazemian1· G.R.Molaeimanesh1
Received: 10 May 2019 / Revised: 26 July 2019 / Accepted: 11 November 2019
© The Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2019
Polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs) being employed in fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) are promising power genera-
tors producing electric power from fuel stream via porous electrodes. Structure of carbon paper gas diffusion layers (GDLs)
applying in the porous electrodes can greatly affect the PEFC performance, especially at the cathode side where electrochemi-
cal reaction is more sluggish. To discover the role of carbon paper GDL structure on the mass transfer properties, different
cathode electrodes with dissimilar structural parameters are simulated via lattice Boltzmann method (LBM). 3D contours
of oxygen and water vapor concentration through the GDL as well as the 2D contours of current density on the catalyst
layer are illustrated and examined. The results indicate that the carbon fiber diameter has a negligible impact on the current
density while the impact of carbon paper thickness and porosity is significant. In fact, increasing of carbon paper thickness
or porosity leads to lack of cell performance.
Keywords Polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC)· Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM)· Microstructure reconstruction·
Carbon paper· Mass transfer properties
List of symbols
Roughness factor
Velocity of particle in the lattice Boltzmann method
(LBM) (lu·ts−1, lu and ts denote the units of length
and time in LBM, respectively)
Speed of sound in the LBM (lu·ts−1)
Carbon fiber diameter (μm)
Faraday constant (A·s·mol−1)
Density distribution function in the LBM
Current density (A·cm−2)
Directional density function (Eq.(1))
Universal gas constant (J·mol−1·K−1)
Space position
Temperature (K)
Time (ts); also gas diffusion layer (GDL) thickness
Fluid velocity vector
Weighting factor in LBM
Greek symbols
Anisotropy parameter
Activation over-voltage
GDL porosity
Density of chemical species in LBM (lm·lu−3)
GDL electrical conductivity (Ω−1·cm−1)
Relaxation time (ts)
Subscripts and superscripts
eq Equilbrium
i ith direction in LBM
ref Reference
1 Introduction
Fuel cells systems convert chemical energy of a fuel stream
directly into electrical energy [1]. Among different kinds of
fuel cells polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs) are one of
the most beneficent ones facing a developing market for the
* G. R. Molaeimanesh
1 Research Laboratory ofAutomotive Fluids andStructures
Analysis, Automotive Engineering School, Iran University
ofScience andTechnology, Tehran16846-13114, Iran
M.Nazemian, G.R.Molaeimanesh
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traction system of fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) [26].
However, the PEFC performance depends on many param-
eters such as the cell design and structure, material proper-
ties, operation conditions, heat and water management, etc.
[7]. The role of most of the above-mentioned parameters is
investigated widely and they are currently well-understood.
However, only a few efforts have been made to investigate
the impact of gas diffusion layer (GDL) structure—which is
a complicated fibrous and porous structure with anisotropic
and heterogeneous properties [8, 9]—on the cathode current
density distribution [1022]. In such efforts, employing a
pore-scale simulation procedure that is capable of capturing
the GDL pore structure is inevitable.
In fact, the structure of a carbon paper GDL can be well
defined by four parameters: carbon paper thickness, diameter
of carbon fibers, the number of carbon fibers per volume
(which is dictated by the GDL porosity), and the alignment
of carbon fibers. The effect of the latest structural parameter
on the cathode current density distribution has been inves-
tigated by Molaeimanesh and Akbari [16]; however, to the
best of authors’ knowledge, no pore-scale investigation has
been performed to discover the effects of other three struc-
tural parameters on the cathode current density distribution.
Indeed, variation of the four mentioned structural param-
eters causes the change of GDL transfer properties such as
permeability and diffusivity which in turns may affect the
current density distribution. However, using a pore-scale
simulation procedure enables one to examine the current
density distribution changes due to the variation of struc-
tural parameters directly and without any need to evaluate
the changes of such transfer properties (i.e., a mid-step is
skipped) [23]. Therefore, using a pore-scale simulation tech-
nique such as lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) will be a
more accurate and more reliable approach for investigating
the current density distribution changes due to the variation
of structural parameters.
In the current study, the more reliable and more accurate
approach of pore-scale simulation via LBM is employed to
investigate the impact of three structural parameters of car-
bon paper GDL (carbon paper thickness, diameter of carbon
fibers, carbon paper porosity) on the cathode current density
2 Reconstruction ofcarbon paper
2.1 Reconstructed carbon papers
Carbon paper GDL microstructure reconstruction is usually
implemented via two methods of stochastic reconstruction
and imaging combination [8]. In imaging combination meth-
ods sequential X-ray images of carbon paper are provided
and integrated into a 3D image while in stochastic recon-
struction methods a geometric model is generated stochas-
tically and it is confirmed to the real carbon paper micro-
structure by adapting a few of its characteristic parameters.
Due to the lower cost and easier implementation most of
researchers prefer stochastic reconstruction methods than
imaging combination techniques [8]. Therefore, in order to
reconstruct the carbon paper microstructure the stochastic
method proposed by Schulz etal. [24] is applied in the cur-
rent investigation. In this regard, eight 100μm × 120μm
carbon paper GDLs with dissimilar thicknesses, fiber diam-
eters and porosities are reconstructed. More details of these
8 GDLs are presented in Table1. GDL 1 is the base GDL
and the other GDLs are produced by altering the GDL 1
thickness (GDLs 2–3), fiber diameter (GDLs 4–5), or poros-
ity (GDLs 6–8).
2.2 Stochastic reconstruction method
The stochastic reconstruction method proposed by Schulz
etal. [24] is applied in the current investigation. This method
is based on the reconstruction technique proposed by Schla-
ditz etal. designed for the microstructure reconstruction
of nonwoven fibrous porous microstructures [25]. In this
method, the following assumptions regarding the carbon
paper microstructure are made.
(1) Fibers are thin cylinders with infinite length and with-
out any axis curvature.
(2) No interface exists between the fibers.
(3) The distribution of fibers in the material plane, i.e., xy
plane, is homogeneous and isotropic.
Based on these three assumptions, a stationary Poisson
line generating procedure with one-directional distribu-
tion factor is adopted in this method. The resulted lines are
defined as the axes of thin cylinders (i.e., fibers) and the
voxels that their closest distances from the line are not more
than the fiber radius are defined as solid voxels.
Table 1 Features of the reconstructed GDLs
GDL No. Thickness (μm) Fiber diameter
1 100 7 80
2 200 7 80
3 300 7 80
4 100 8 80
5 100 9 80
6 100 7 75
7 100 7 85
8 100 7 90
Impact ofcarbon paper structural parameters ontheperformance ofapolymer electrolyte fuel…
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In stochastic reconstruction method proposed by Schulz
etal. [24], a directional density function which is a func-
tion of altitude
𝜆[0, π)
and longitude
𝜑[0, 2π)
adopted [26]. This directional density function (p)—which
does not depend on φ due to the aforementioned assump-
tion (3)—is defined as:
In the above equation, β is the anisotropy factor which
calibrates the anisotropy intensity of the reconstructed car-
bon paper. E.g., if β = 0 the generated fibers will be aligned
vertically, if β = 1 the generated fibers will have aniso-
tropic alignment, and if
the generated fibers will
be aligned horizontally. By calculating the ratio between
the number of fibers crossing a through-plane section of
carbon paper and the number of fibers crossing an in-plane
section of carbon paper one can derive the anisotropy fac-
tor for a specific carbon paper. Here, value of β is chosen
10,000 which is the value of Toray090 [24]. Fibers with a
predefined diameter are sequentially generated in the 3D
medium with a predefined thickness until the 3D medium
porosity reaches its prescribed value.
It is worth mentioning that in the stochastic meth-
ods using for the reconstruction of carbon paper GDLs,
the inputs are the porosity and the thickness of carbon
paper, as well as the diameter and alignment of carbon
fibers, where that later is tuned by the anisotropy factor.
Therefore, other parameters such as pore-size distribu-
tion (which can be obtained by the characterization of
the GDL) are not required as the inputs of the stochas-
tic reconstruction method. However, changing the fiber
diameter and the fiber alignment can affect the pore size
distribution through the GDL; this can be the subject of
an individual study.
3 Numerical method
3.1 Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM)
Lattice Boltzmann method is a powerful pore-scale numeri-
cal method for simulation and analysis of porous media with
complicated, anisotropic and heterogeneous microstructures
such as the carbon paper GDLs in PEFCs [27].
Advantages of LBM over the other conventional numeri-
cal methods include superior capability in handling com-
plicated boundaries in a sophisticated microstructure,
easy development of an efficient parallelizable algorithm,
and easy simulation of multi-phase flow through a porous
medium [28].
𝛽sin 𝜆
Lattice Boltzmann method is based on the solution of
lattice Boltzmann equation regarding a lattice [28] which
is as follows:
In the above equation,
is space position, t denotes
time, Δt indicates the time interval,
refers to the veloc-
ity vector in ith direction, τ refers to the relaxation time,
is density distribution function in ith direction, and f
denotes equilibrium density distribution function in ith
direction. f
is calculated by:
Fig. 1 Computational domain and its boundaries (schematic view)
Table 2 Values of parameters related to the simulations
Parameter Value
Temperature of operation (°C) 80
Pressure of operation (atm.) 1.500
Inlet–outlet pressure difference (atm.) 0.001
Inlet molar fraction of nitrogen 0.79
Inlet molar fraction of oxygen 0.21
Inlet molar fraction of water vapor 0.0
Nitrogen’s dynamic viscosity (kg·m−1·s−1)2.01 × 10−5 [34]
Oxygen’s dynamic viscosity (kg·m−1·s−1)2.34 × 10−5 [34]
Water vapor’s dynamic viscosity (kg·m−1·s−1)1.20 × 10−5 [34]
Oxygen diffusivity within the mixture (m2·s−1)
1.891 ×10
Reference concentration of oxygen (mol·m−3) 10.875 [33]
Surface roughness factor of CL 2000 [35]
Reference current density (A·m−2)
1.3874 ×10
Forward oxygen transfer coefficient 0.5 [37]
Reverse oxygen transfer coefficient 1 [37]
M.Nazemian, G.R.Molaeimanesh
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denotes weighting factor of ith direction,
cates the sound speed,
is density of fluid, and
is velocity of fluid. In order to solve Eq.(2)
collision and streaming procedures ought to be conducted.
However, to finalize solving Eq.(2) in a computational
domain, those
s positioned on the boundaries of computa-
tional domain and directed to the interior of the domain
should be known. Here, if the boundary condition is no-slip
wall, LBM offers a powerful and simple treatment of no-slip
wall which is known as bounce-back boundary condition.
Fig. 2 3D contours of oxygen mole fraction in three carbon paper GDLs with dissimilar thicknesses: a t = 100 μm, b t = 200 μm, and
c t = 300μm. The legend and the coordinate system of all subfigures are the same as the first one
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This boundary condition is conceptually based on the idea
that when a particle hits a wall, it will bounce off the wall in
the opposite direction. This kind of wall treatment empowers
LBM for simulating flow through geometries with intricate
morphologies and microstructures such as the pore geometry
of a carbon paper [28]. In order to find
at the boundaries
where pressure or velocity is given, the famous method pro-
posed by Zou and He [29] can be conducted.
Single-phase and multi-component (i.e., multi-species)
fluid flows can be simulated either actively or passively.
When they are simulated actively the velocity fields are
calculated individually for all species. On the contrary,
when they are simulated passively, the velocity field is
calculated only for the solvent, the chemical species with
the greatest molar fraction. Furthermore, the concentra-
tion distributions of other species are calculated by solving
the concentration equation for them. Although when fluid
Fig. 3 3D contours of water vapor mole fraction in three carbon paper GDLs with dissimilar thicknesses: a t = 100 μm, b t = 200 μm and
c t = 300μm. The legend and the coordinate system of all subfigures are the same as the first one
M.Nazemian, G.R.Molaeimanesh
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flows are simulated passively less computational cost is
required, high accuracy may not be achieved, especially
when concentrations of species are comparable [28]; in
such cases actively simulating of flow is inevitable. To
actively simulate a single-phase and multi-component flow
by LBM, a multi-phase and multi-component model must
be selected and some of its constraints must be omitted to
lower the quantity of phases to one.
Modeling of the electrochemical reaction over the
catalyst layer (CL) via LBM seems as a major challenge
in the modeling of the cathode electrode [30]. Neverthe-
less, in a few studies [1120, 31] the electrochemical
reaction is also modeled via LBM. In the present study,
a well-validated 3D single-phase LB model previously
presented by our group [16] is employed to investigate
the impact of structural parameters of carbon paper GDL
on the cathode performance. In the mentioned model, CL
is treated as a surface that the oxygen reduction takes
place on it. The progress rate for the electrochemical
half-reaction is governed by famous Butler–Volmer
In the above equation a denotes the roughness factor of
CL surface,
indicates the reference density of oxygen,
is reference value of current density,
is the oxygen
density on the CL surface,
refers to activation over-voltage,
denote transfer coefficients of forward and reverse
reactions, respectively.
The mentioned LB model is based on a collision operator
with single relaxation time (known as BGK operator [32])
and a lattice with D3Q19 scheme [28]. In D3Q19, 3 refers to
dimensions of lattice while 19 refers to number of directions
possible for particle movement in the lattice. The mentioned
LB model benefits from actively modeling of species distribu-
tion. More details about this model is presented in Ref. [16].
�� =
Fig. 4 2D contours of current density (A·cm−2) on the CL surface for three carbon paper GDLs with dissimilar thicknesses: a t = 100 μm,
b t = 200μm and c t = 300μm
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3.2 Modeling changes ofelectrical resistivity
Changing the structural parameters of carbon paper GDL
such as thickness, fiber radius and porosity will lead to the
changes of GDL electrical conductivity as well as the gas
permeability and diffusivity. However, since pore-scale sim-
ulation of a large computational domain is computationally
expensive, only 100μm × 120μm carbon paper samples are
simulated. For such a samples, most of carbon fibers are in
contact with the horizontal land at out of the computational
domain and therefore, it is impossible to directly incorporate
the role of structural parameters on the electrical resistivity.
Thus, in order to incorporate the role of structural param-
eters on the electrical resistivity we adopted the following
(1) Incorporating the effect of GDL thickness changes:
When only the thicknesses of two carbon paper GDLs
are dissimilar, the ratio between the electrical resist-
ances of the two GDLs will be inversely proportional
to the ratio between their thicknesses [33]. Therefore,
when the GDL thickness is increased from t to t, the
electrical resistance will be increased from R to R and
consequently, by assuming constant over-voltage the
current density will be decreased from j to j as:
(2) Incorporating the effect of fiber diameter changes:
When the fiber diameter of a GDL is increased from 7
to 8μm or 9μm (which is a slight relative increment),
the electrical resistances of the GDL will experience
negligible changes [33]. Hence, when the fiber diam-
eter is changed from 7 to 8μm or 9μm (which are the
typical values of fiber diameter in practical GDLs), the
current density is considered unchanged.
Fig. 5 3D contours of oxygen mole fraction in three carbon paper GDLs with dissimilar carbon fiber diameter: a d = 7µm, b d = 8 µm, and
c d = 9µm. The legend and the coordinate system of all subfigures are the same as the first one
M.Nazemian, G.R.Molaeimanesh
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(3) Incorporating the effect of GDL porosity changes:
When the porosity of a carbon paper GDL is increased
from ε to ε, GDL conductivity is decreased from σ to
σ as [33]:
Consequently, by assuming constant over-voltage the cur-
rent density will be decreased from j to
3.3 Computational domain andits boundary
In this study, the computational domain comprises carbon
paper GDL, CL and land as depicted in Fig.1. CL is consid-
ered as an infinitely thin layer on which the oxygen reduction
takes place. The gas inlet and outlet of the computational
Table 3 Average current density on the CL surface for three carbon
paper GDLs with dissimilar thicknesses
Carbon paper thickness (μm) 100 200 300
Average current density (A·cm−2) 1.3307 0.6654 0.4436
Fig. 6 3D contours of water vapor mole fraction in three carbon paper GDLs with dissimilar carbon fiber diameter: a d = 7µm, b d = 8µm, and
c d = 9µm. The legend and the coordinate system of all subfigures are the same as the first one
Impact ofcarbon paper structural parameters ontheperformance ofapolymer electrolyte fuel…
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domain are the two vertical lateral sides opposing each other
at x = 0μm and x = 100μm, respectively. The other two ver-
tical lateral sides at y = 0μm and y = 100μm are treated as
symmetry faces.
The inlet air has 1.500atm. (1atm. = 0.101MPa) total
pressure, 0.21mol fraction of oxygen, and 0.79mol frac-
tion of nitrogen. The oxygen of the inlet air reduces over
the CL surface and water vapor is generated. In order to
sustain the air flow 0.001atm. pressure decrease is con-
sidered from the inlet to the outlet. In this regard, the inlet
total pressure is set 1.501atm. while the outlet total pres-
sure is set 1.500atm. In order to execute these two bound-
ary conditions at the inlet and the outlet, the Zou and He
method [29] is applied. One must note that at the outlet,
only the air total pressure is given and the partial pres-
sures of oxygen, nitrogen and water vapor are not given.
Hence, to determine the partial pressures of these spe-
cies at an outlet node it is assumed that for each of these
species the mole fraction at that node is equal the mole
fraction at the preceding node. The no-slip bounce-back
boundary condition [29] is applied for treating the surfaces
of all non-reactive solid walls. All species are considered
as ideal gases having dissimilar kinematic viscosities. A
parallel code is written by FORTRAN language based on
the presented method in Sects.3.1 and 3.2 and it is utilized
for conducting simulations. Values of parameters used in
the simulations are presented in Table2.
4 Results anddiscussion
As mentioned previously, in the applied stochastic recon-
struction technique for producing pore geometry of GDL,
the carbon paper structure can be completely defined by
carbon paper thickness, diameter of carbon fibers, the
number of carbon fibers per volume (i.e., GDL porosity)
and the alignment of carbon fibers. Since the impact of
the latest parameter on the distributions of current den-
sity and species has been previously investigated [16], the
impact of the three former parameters is investigated in
the present study and the results will be presented in the
following three subsections.
Fig. 7 2D contours of current density (A·cm−2) on the CL surface for three carbon paper GDLs with dissimilar carbon fiber diameters:
a d = 7µm, b d = 8µm, and c d = 9µm
M.Nazemian, G.R.Molaeimanesh
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4.1 Impact ofcarbon paper thickness
The reactive air flow through three different carbon paper
GDLs with dissimilar thicknesses is simulated by pore-
scale LBM. The thicknesses of GDLs are 100μm, 200μm
and 300μm (GDL 1, GDL 2 and GDL 3 in Table1,
respectively) while the fiber diameter and the porosity of
all three GDLs is similar. In Fig.2 the 3D contours of
oxygen mole fraction in the three mentioned GDLs are
shown. The black spots in this figure denote the sections
of carbon fibers placed in the computational domain. The
concentration boundary layer created on the CL surface
due to the passing of air flow through the GDL in the
positive direction of x-axis can be observed in this figure.
Besides, the oxygen mole fraction decreasing due to its
diffusion down toward the CL surface is evident in this
figure. Comparison of Fig.2a–c show that the thickness of
concentration boundary layer is not considerably affected
by the carbon paper thickness. Therefore, the mass transfer
capability of carbon paper is only slightly affected by the
carbon paper thickness. However, the electrical conduc-
tivity of the carbon paper is significantly affected by the
carbon paper thickness (as declared in Eq.(5)) which may
result in dissimilar current density distribution.
Figure3 illustrates the 3D contours of water vapor mole
fraction in the three GDLs with dissimilar thicknesses.
Due to the electrochemical water vapor production over
the CL surface the mole fraction of water vapor increases
in both normal direction away from the CL surface
(through-plane direction) and the direction of bulk flow
(in-plane direction); this fact indicates the created con-
centration boundary layer on the CL surface. Inspecting
Fig. 8 3D contours of oxygen mole fraction in three carbon paper GDLs with dissimilar porosity: a
= 75%, b
= 80%, c
= 85%, and d
= 90%. The legend and the coordinate system of all subfigures are the same as the first one
Impact ofcarbon paper structural parameters ontheperformance ofapolymer electrolyte fuel…
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Fig.3 reveals that the thickness of water vapor concentra-
tion boundary layer is not significantly influenced by the
carbon paper thickness.
Shown in Fig.4 are the distributions of current den-
sity over the CL for three simulated cases with dissimi-
lar thicknesses of carbon paper GDLs. Since the oxygen
is consuming along the bulk flow (positive x axis), the
current density on the CL surface has a decreasing manner
along the bulk flow in this figure. Comparison of Fig.4a–c
establishes that increasing the carbon paper thickness
two or three times leads to a great decreasing of current
Presented in Table3 are the average values of current
density over the CL surface of the three simulated cases
having dissimilar thicknesses. This table demonstrates that
increasing the GDL thickness leads to a great decreasing
of the average current density over the CL surface. This
fact is mainly due to the GDL electrical resistivity increas-
ing resulted from carbon paper thickness increasing and
the changes of mass transfer capability has a negligible
Table 4 Average current density on the CL surface for three carbon
paper GDLs with dissimilar carbon fiber diameters
Fiber diameter (μm) 7 8 9
Average current density (A·cm−2) 1.3307 1.3298 1.3305
Fig. 9 3D contours of water vapor mole fraction in four carbon paper GDLs with dissimilar porosity: a
= 75%, b
= 80%, c
= 85%, and d
= 90%. The legend and the coordinate system of all subfigures are the same as the first one
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4.2 Impact ofber diameter
The reactive air flow through three different carbon paper
GDLs with three dissimilar carbon fiber diameters is simu-
lated by LBM. The fiber diameters have the three common
values of 7μm, 8μm and 9μm (GDL 1, GDL 4 and GDL
5 in Table1, respectively) while the carbon paper thick-
ness and porosity is the same in all three GDLs. Figure5
illustrates the 3D contours of oxygen mole fraction in the
reconstructed GDLs. Similar to the previous section, oxy-
gen mole fraction concentration near the CL is decreas-
ing during its diffusing downward the CL. A comparison
among Fig.5a–c reveals that the carbon fiber diameter has
a slight effect on the oxygen mole fraction distribution.
In fact, since the carbon papers have a similar porosity
increasing of fiber diameter leads to fewer numbers of car-
bon fibers in the domain. Therefore, fewer black spots can be
seen in Fig.5c relative to Fig.5a; however, the black spots
in Fig.5c are larger relative to Fig.5a. This means that in
Fig.5a the obstacles in the way of bulk flow are smaller
but more numerous relative to Fig.5c. These two opposing
effects compensate each other in a way that not significant
differences can be observed between the mole fraction dis-
tributions in these three GDLs.
Shown in Fig.6 are the distributions of water vapor mole
fractions through the mentioned GDLs with dissimilar fiber
diameters. The created water vapor concentration boundary
layer due to the water production by the oxygen reduction
reaction on the CL surface can be seen in this figure. An
examination of Fig.6a–c demonstrates that increasing of
carbon fiber diameter causes a slight changes in water vapor
distribution through GDL.
Shows in Fig.7 are the current density distributions
over the CL surface for three simulated cases. Comparison
of Figs.7a–c represents the fact that although the current
Fig. 10 2D contours of current density (A·cm−2) on the CL surface for three carbon paper GDLs with dissimilar porosities: a
= 75%, b
= 80%, c
= 85%, and d
= 90%
Table 5 Average current density on the CL surface for four carbon
paper GDLs with dissimilar porosities
Porosity (%) 75 80 85 90
Average current density (A·cm−2) 1.4888 1.3307 1.1556 0.9462
Impact ofcarbon paper structural parameters ontheperformance ofapolymer electrolyte fuel…
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density distribution is affected by fiber diameter, this affect-
ing is not considerable. This fact is more evident in Table4.
4.3 Impact ofcarbon paper porosity
The reactive air flow through four different carbon paper
GDLs with four dissimilar porosities is simulated by LBM.
The four porosities are 75%, 80%, 85% and 90% (GDL 6,
GDL 1, GDL 7 and GDL 8 in Table1, respectively) while
the carbon paper thickness and carbon fiber diameter is
the same in all these four GDLs. The contours of oxygen
mole fraction in the four mentioned carbon paper GDLs
are depicted in Fig.8. Increasing of carbon paper poros-
ity causes fewer fibers in the computational domain; this
is clearly visible by the fewer spots in Fig.8d relative to
Fig.8a. Comparison of Fig.8a–d demonstrates the great
role of porosity on the oxygen distribution. It shows that
by increasing of porosity the oxygen concentration bound-
ary layer becomes thinner which indicates the better mass
transfer capability of cases with higher porosities. This is
also the case for the distribution of water vapor species as
depicted in Fig.9. In fact, higher porosity means less fibrous
obstacle in the way of air flow. However, one must note that
increasing porosity has an undesirable effect on the GDL
electrical conductivity.
Shown in Fig.10 are the 2D contours of current density
over the CL for four carbon papers with dissimilar porosi-
ties. Comparison of Fig.10a–d expresses that by increasing
the porosity the current density distribution on the CL is
decreased. This demonstrates the fact that by increasing of
GDL porosity the decreasing of GDL electrical conductivity
is more effective than the increasing of GDL mass transfer
capability. This is rigorously presented in Table5. Interest-
ingly, a blue malformed area can be observed in Fig.10a
which is due to the carbon paper microstructure near the
CL, in this case.
5 Conclusions
In order to discover the role of carbon paper GDL structure,
eight different cathode electrodes with dissimilar structural
parameters are simulated via pore-scale LBM. The 3D con-
tours of oxygen and water vapor molar fractions through the
GDLs as well as the 2D contours of current density on the
CL surfaces are illustrated and examined. The results indi-
cate that the carbon fiber diameter has a negligible impact on
the current density while the impact of carbon paper thick-
ness and porosity is significant.
In fact, the impact of these structural parameters on the
current density can be analyzed from two aspects: changing
the mass transfer capability of GDL and changing the elec-
trical resistivity of GDL. More specifically:
(1) Increasing of carbon paper thickness from 100 to
300μm leads to an increase of its electric resistiv-
ity while its mass transfer capability does not change
significantly. Hence, the current density decreases by
increasing of carbon paper thickness.
(2) Increasing of carbon fiber diameter from 7 to 9μm
results in slight changes of GDL mass transfer capa-
bility and GDL electrical resistivity. Hence, impact of
fiber diameter is negligible.
(3) Increasing of carbon paper porosity from 75 to 90%
leads to an increase of GDL mass transfer capability
and at the same time, an increase of GDL electrical
resistivity. However, increase of GDL resistivity is
more effective and consequently, increasing of GDL
porosity leads to a decrease of current density.
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... The effect of carbon cloth GDL microstructure on the performance of PEM fuel cell cathode was investigated by Molaeimanesh et al. 45 and the distribution of current density on the catalyst layer was analyzed. Nazemian et al. 46 simulated the effect of carbon paper GDL structure parameters on the mass transfer performance and found that the carbon fiber diameter had little effect on the current density and the increase of carbon paper thickness or porosity would lead to a decrease in PEMFC performance. It has to be said that the current pore-scale studies on the effect of compressed GDL on fuel cell performance are jealously scarce. ...
... Commonly adopted methods to obtain GDL structural information include experimental methods such as X-ray tomography, 37,38 and stochastic reconstruction methods. 33,34,39,44,46,47 The stochastic reconstruction method is employed in this paper to generate fiber-pore spaces due to its convenience and widespread use, which is evolved from the method proposed by Schulz et al. 48 Consistent with our previous work, the following assumptions are made: (a) the fiber length is infinite compared to the sample size, so the fibers are treated as cylinders; (b) all fibers have the same diameter; (c) the fibers are distributed layer by layer along the thickness direction, and the fibers between different layers can't overlap. ...
... 48 Consistent with our previous work, the following assumptions are made: (a) the fiber length is infinite compared to the sample size, so the fibers are treated as cylinders; (b) all fibers have the same diameter; (c) the fibers are distributed layer by layer along the thickness direction, and the fibers between different layers can't overlap. The fiber skeleton model consists of carbon fibers (solid) and pores, identified by the fourth coordinate S. As a result, a fiber skeleton with the computational domain size of 100 × 100 × 100 μm 3 is generated as illustrated in Fig. 1a, [44][45][46][47] of which the fiber diameter is 7 μm. Here, 1 lattice unit (lu) represents 1 μm. ...
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Proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) are one of the most promising power sources for vehicle and ship power. Compression caused by assembly pressure, freeze-thaw cycles, and mechanical vibration can cause changes in the microstructure of the gas diffusion layer (GDL), thereby affecting the mass transfer and electrochemical reaction processes inside the PEMFC. Here, a three-dimensional single-phase multi-component lattice Boltzmann (LB) model is established to investigate the effects of binder volume fraction and compression on the cathode electrochemical performance. The stochastic reconstruction method is employed to generate 20 GDLs with different binder volume fractions and compression ratios. Afterward, the reactive gas flow within the 20 GDLs is simulated, and the distribution of oxygen mole fraction, water vapor mole fraction, and the current density are analyzed. The simulation results demonstrate that the mean current density decreases with the increase of the compression ratio, and there is an optimal binder volume fraction to produce the highest current density. This paper enriches the research on the cathode electrochemical performance of PEMFCs at the pore scale and provides a guideline for optimizing the GDL design.
... Chen et al. [27] explored the effect of a porous structure on material transport and electrochemical reactions and simulated the removal of liquid water in GDL. Structural variations due to parameters such as the fiber diameter, thickness, porosity, fiber orientation, etc. on the electrochemical reaction process within a GDL were also evaluated [28][29][30]. The changes in the microstructure of a GDL by a binder are indisputable, but the mechanism by which a binder affects a cathode electrochemical reaction and mass transport has not been reported. ...
... The computational domain was taken from the interdigitated flow field, taking half of the inlet and outlet, the rib, the gas diffusion layer, and the catalyst layer, which was simplified to a thin layer at the bottom of the computational domain. Dry air flows in through the inlet, and water is difficult to condense in dry conditions, so it was assumed that all the water in the GDL is present as water vapor [25,27,28,30,43]. Carbon fibers were simplified as circles with the same radius of 3.5 µm. ...
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Proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) are considered a promising energy source in the field of transport and distributed power generation. Fundamental research into their key components is needed to improve PEMFC performance and accelerate commercialization. Binder addition and compression induced by assembly pressure can significantly change the microstructure of the gas diffusion layer and affect mass transport. A two-dimensional multicomponent lattice Boltzmann (LB) model considering the cathode electrochemical reaction was developed, and a GDL was reconstructed numerically and considering a binder structure. The effects of the binder and compression on mass transport and electrochemical performance within the GDL were investigated. The results showed that an increase in binder volume fraction led to more chain-like structures and closed pores that were unfavorable for mass transport. Compression increased the mass transfer resistance of the GDL in the region under the rib, leading to a decrease in oxygen concentration and local current density.
... Because the necessarily higher Pt loadings in heavy-duty MEA cathode (0.2-0.3 mg Pt cm −2 ) cause thick cathode layers and significantly increase the mass transfer resistance. 29,30 Thus, high Pt content on carbon support is more suitable for heavy-duty MEAs, which can achieve high Pt loadings without mass transport penalty. However, high Pt content often causes low ECSAs, large particle sizes, and weak metal/support interactions, which requires advanced carbon support to address these issues. ...
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A unique atomically dispersed and nitrogen coordinated single Mn site-rich carbon (M-N-C) support was developed for high content (40 wt.%) platinum catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) cathode with reduced thickness. Compared with two controls studied (e.g., a porous graphitic carbon-supported Pt and a commercial TKK Pt/C catalysts), the Pt (40 wt.%)/Mn-N-C catalyst exhibited much enhanced catalytic activity and stability for the ORR in both aqueous acidic electrolyte and polymer electrolyte-based MEA. We carefully elucidated the promotional role of the Mn-N-C support in promoting Pt catalyst concerning its high surface area, partially graphitic structure, and nitrogen dopants, providing better Pt nanoparticle dispersion and strengthened interactions between Pt and carbon. Consequently, the MEA from the Pt (40 wt.%)/Mn-N-C catalyst generated a 1.61 A/cm2 at 0.7 V based on HDV conditions (0.2 mgPt/cm2 and 250 kPa air). More importantly, the MEA is highly durable and can retain 1.31 A/cm2 at 0.7 V after 30,000 voltage cycles (~19% loss), surpassing the commercial Pt/C catalyst (loss of ~56%). Therefore, the Mn-N-C carbon-supported Pt catalyst holds great promise to meet the challenging DOE target (1.07 A/cm2 at 0.7 V after 150,000 cycles) for HDVs
... Related constitutive models are also being developed [7][8][9]. In these fields, polymers and their related composites will also be eroded by solid particles, causing their surfaces to be damaged or even broken [10][11][12][13]. However, compared with metallic materials, the erosion failure mechanism of polymers and their related composites is more complex, and their resistance to solid particle erosion is inferior. ...
In this study, the influence of solid particle erosion on the fracture strength of low density polyethylene (LDPE) film under controlled conditions is investigated through impact experiments. The variations in the residual fracture stress as well as the residual fracture strain of the LDPE film after solid particle impact against the impact angle (α), impact velocity (v p) and impact duration (t) are analysed. The study revealed that the fracture stress and the fracture strain of the LDPE film decrease with an increase in the impact duration, and the degradation rate increases with the impact velocity and impact angle. Furthermore, the fracture stress and the fracture strain of LDPE film decrease exponentially against the impact energy under the same particle impact angle condition, and the reductions of fracture stress and fracture strain increase quasi-linearly with the sine-squared impact angle under the same impact energy. The study proposes empirical models to predict the attenuation of the fracture stress and the fracture strain of LDPE films due to the finite particle impact energy. Effect of solid particle erosion on fracture strength of low density polyethylene film, Acta Mech. Sin. 38, 121395 (2022), https://doi.
Proton exchange nembrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) are highly promising energy devices for future transportation and distributed power stations. The electrochemical performance of PEMFCs assembled with gas diffusion layer (GDL) of different porosity gradient distributions has been analyzed using the lattice Boltzmann method. A single-phase multi-component lattice Boltzmann model employing the active approach was developed to investigate the reactive gas flow within the GDL. Two types of GDLs with the same porosity, namely multilayer porosity gradient GDLs and linear porosity gradient GDLs, were generated to investigate the effect of the porosity gradient of the GDL on the electrochemical performance of PEMFC. The results show that the two types of porosity gradient GDL improve oxygen starvation problems and enhance water management, and that the GDLs with smaller porosity gradients can increase the mean current density. This paper develops the study of pore-scale analysis of PEMFC performance and can provide guidance for the design of GDL structures.
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Liquid water within the cathode Gas Diffusion Layer (GDL) and Gas Channel (GC) of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFCs) is strongly coupled to gas transport properties, thereby affecting the electrochemical conversion rates. In this study, the GDL and GC regions are utilized as the simulation domain, which differs from previous studies that only focused on any one of them. A volume-of-fluid method is adopted to numerically investigate the two-phase flow (gas and liquid) behavior, e.g., water transport pattern evolution, water coverage ratio as well as local and total water saturation. To obtain GDL geometries, an in-house geometry-based method is developed for GDL reconstruction. Furthermore, to study the effect of GDL carbon fiber diameter, the same procedure is used to reconstruct three GDL structures by varying the carbon fiber diameter but keeping the porosity and geometric dimensions constant. The wall wettability is introduced with static contact angles at carbon fiber surfaces and channel walls. The results show that the GDL fiber microstructure has a significant impact on the two-phase flow patterns in the cathode field. Different stages of two-phase flow pattern evolution in both cathode domains are observed. Due to the difference in wettability, the water coverage of the GDL/GC interface is smaller than that of the channel side and top walls. It is also found that the water saturation inside the GDLs stabilizes after the water breakthrough, while local water saturation at the interface keeps irregular oscillations. Last but not the least, a water saturation balance requirement between the GDL and GC is observed. In terms of varying fiber diameter, a larger fiber diameter would result in less water saturation in the GDL but more water in the GC, in addition to faster water movement throughout the total domain.
The complexity in proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) stack stems from the fact that numerous physio-chemical processes as well as multi-functional components are involved in its operation. Among the various components a Gas Diffusion Layer (GDL) being an integral component that plays a significant role in determining the performance, durability, and the dynamic characteristics, when air is used as oxidant. In addition, it serves as an armour to safeguard the membrane (Nafion), which is a delicate as well as one of the most expensive components of the PEMFC stack. A comprehensive insight on the GDL can help us to assess the fuel cell stack performance and durability. Apparently, the gas (hydrogen and air/oxygen) being converted to the energy in a PEM fuel cell needs to be diffused uniformly for which surface attributes and porosity must also be well interpreted. This review is a comprehensive assessment made on the fundamental mechanism of the diffusion process along with the various materials involved and evaluating their pros and cons. Eventually, the various manufacturing techniques involved in the GDL fabrication process are also reviewed holistically. It is envisaged that the additive manufacturing process can be a potential option to fabricate a GDL in a cost-effective and simple manufacturing approach.
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Lattice Boltzmann method is an effective tool for depicting all transport phenomena governed by advection-diffusion-reaction mechanisms. In the present study, five different cathode catalyst layers of PEM fuel cells with dissimilar morphologies are stochastically reconstructed. The agglomerates of carbon black particles are considered as ellipsoids which can have different level of stretching. The reactive air flow through the reconstructed catalyst layers is simulated by 3D lattice Boltzmann agglomerate modeling for the first time. Species distributions in the pore region, electrical potential distribution in the electrolyte film, and current density distribution at the interface of catalyst layer and membrane are depicted and analyzed. The results of this study show that oxygen and water vapor mole fraction variation is unsmooth and disturbed; and by increasing of ellipsoid stretching, this unsmooth and disturbed manner becomes more severe. Besides, the water content of the electrolyte film remains at its initial value mostly at the top of upper agglomerates while higher water content is observed where the agglomerates are closer to each other. Moreover, the catalyst layer in which ellipsoidal agglomerates have the highest level of stretching provides the maximum average current density.
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Proton exchange membrane fuel cells have been promoted due to improved breakthrough and increased commercialization. The assembly pressure put on a single cell and a fuel cell stack has important influence on the geometric deformation of the gas diffusion layers (GDLs) resulting in a change in porosity, permeability, and the resistance for heat and charge transfer in proton exchange membrane fuel cells. In this paper, both the finite element method and the finite volume method are used, respectively, to predict the GDL deformation and associated effects on the geometric parameters, porosity, mass transport property, and the cell performance. It is found that based on the isotropic Young's modulus and the finite element method, the porosity and thickness under a certain assembly pressure are non-homogeneous across the fuel cell in the in-plane direction. The variations of the porosity change and compression ratio in the cross-section plane are localized by three zones, that is, a linear porosity zone, a constant porosity zone, and a nonlinear porosity zone. The results showed that the GDL porosity and compression ratios maintain linear and nonlinear changes in the zone above the shoulders and the zone under the channel but close to the shoulder, respectively. However, a constant value is kept above the middle of the channel. The obtained non-homogeneous porosity distribution is applied together with the deformed GDL for further computational fluid dynamics analysis, in which the finite volume method is implemented. The computational fluid dynamic results reveal that a higher assembly pressure decreases the porosity, GDL thickness, gas flow channel cross-sectional areas, oxygen diffusion coefficient, oxygen concentration, and cell performance. The maximum oxygen mole fraction occurs where the maximum porosity exists. A sufficient GDL thickness is required to ensure transfer of fresh gas to the reaction sites far away from the channel. However, the reduction of porosity is a dominating factor that decreases the cell performance compared with the decreased gas channel flow area and GDL thickness in the assembly condition. Therefore, the assembly pressure should be balanced to consider both the cell performance and gas sealing security. Copyright
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Fuel cells and flow batteries are promising technologies to address climate change and air pollution problems. An understanding of the complex multiscale and multiphysics transport phenomena occurring in these electrochemical systems requires powerful numerical tools. Over the past decades, the lattice Boltzmann (LB) method has attracted broad interest in the computational fluid dynamics and the numerical heat transfer communities, primarily due to its kinetic nature making it appropriate for modeling complex multiphase transport phenomena. More importantly, the LB method fits well with parallel computing due to its locality feature, which is required for large-scale engineering applications. In this article, we review the LB method for gas–liquid two-phase flows, coupled fluid flow and mass transport in porous media, and particulate flows. Examples of applications are provided in fuel cells and flow batteries. Further developments of the LB method are also outlined.
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PEM fuel cells are currently at the focus of researchers' attention due to their promising potential application in modern vehicles. Fundamental tiny-scale phenomena occurring in the PEM fuel cell porous electrodes can be represented more faithfully by pore scale simulation techniques which entail microstructure reconstruction of porous media such as GDL, MPL and CL rather than conventional simulation methods. In fact, to achieve a realistic and accurate pore geometry is crucial for a trustworthy pore scale simulation, especially when the effect of morphology and structural parameters are to be investigated. In the present article, three classes of the of PEM fuel cells porous media reconstructions which have been performed for pore scale simulation of fluid flow are outlined and reviewed. Stochastic and X-ray tomography reconstruction of carbon paper GDL is well-understood in the literature, even if GDL is compressed or treated by binder/PTFE. However, more efforts are needed to reconstruct the MPL and CL using either stochastic or FIB/SEM methods.
Air quality is deteriorating, the globe is warming, and petroleum resources are decreasing. The most promising solutions for the future involve the development of effective and efficient drive train technologies. This comprehensive volume meets this challenge and opportunity by integrating the wealth of disparate information found in scattered papers and research. Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric, and Fuel Cell Vehicles focuses on the fundamentals, theory, and design of conventional cars with internal combustion engines (ICE), electric vehicles (EV), hybrid electric vehicles (HEV), and fuel cell vehicles (FCV). It presents vehicle performance, configuration, control strategy, design methodology, modeling, and simulation for different conventional and modern vehicles based on the mathematical equations. Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric, and Fuel Cell Vehicles is the most complete book available on these radical automobiles. Written in an easy-to-understand style with nearly 300 illustrations, the authors emphasize the overall drive train system as well as specific components and describe the design methodology step by step, with design examples and simulation results. This in-depth source and reference in modern automotive systems is ideal for engineers, practitioners, graduate and senior undergraduate students, researchers, managers who are working in the automotive industry, and government agencies.
Proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells with a great potential for application in vehicle propulsion systems will have a promising future. However, to overcome the exiting challenges against their wider commercialization further fundamental research is inevitable. The effects of gas diffusion layer (GDL) compression on the performance of a PEM fuel cell is not well-recognized; especially, via pore-scale simulation technique capturing the fibrous microstructure of the GDL. In the current investigation, a stochastic microstructure reconstruction method is proposed which can capture GDL microstructure changes by compression. Afterwards, lattice Boltzmann pore-scale simulation technique is adopted to simulate the reactive gas flow through 10 different cathode electrodes with dissimilar carbon paper GDLs produced from five different compression levels and two different carbon fiber diameters. The distributions of oxygen mole fraction, water vapor mole fraction and current density for the simulated cases are presented and analyzed. The results of simulations demonstrate that when the fiber diameter is 9 μm adding compression leads to lower average current density while when the fiber diameter is 7 μm the compression effect is not monotonic.
A comprehensive, three‐dimensional model of a proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell based on a steady state code has been developed. The model is validated and further be applied to investigate the effects of various porosity of the gas diffusion layer (GDL) below channel land areas, on thermal diffusivity, temperature distribution, oxygen diffusion coefficient, oxygen concentration, activation loss and local current density. The porosity variation of the GDL is caused by the clamping force during assembling, in terms of various compression ratios, that is, 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40%. The simulation results show that the higher compression ratio on the GDL leads to lower porosity, and this is helpful for the heat removal from the cell. The compression effects of the GDL below the land areas have a contrary impact on the oxygen diffusion coefficient, oxygen concentration, cathode activation loss, local current density and cell performance. Generally, a lower porosity leads to a smaller oxygen diffusion coefficient, a less uniform oxygen concentration, a higher activation loss, a smaller local current density and worse cell performance. In order to have a better cell performance, the clamping force on the cell should be as low as possible but ensure gas sealing. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells are presently at the center of attention due to their major role in the fuel cell vehicles (FCVs). To simulate multi-species multi-phase flow through complicated non-homogenous and anisotropic porous media of PEM fuel cells electrodes, one of the best choices is lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) which offers several advantages. Numerous LB simulations of PEM fuel cells have been conducted in recent years. In the current study, these simulations are classified based on the simulation target into three classes and through a strict review pros and cons of simulations of each class are explained. The main research gaps are: (a) LB calculation of micro-porous layer (MPL) and catalyst layer (CL) transport properties, (b) investigation of water droplet dynamic behavior through gas channel with high density ratio LB techniques, and (c) LB simulation of multi-component multi-phase reactive flow through an operating electrode via an active approach. Since different features of LB models which are applicable for the simulation of PEM fuel cells are elucidated in the current review article, it will be supportive for researchers interested in LB investigation of PEM fuel cells.
A pore-scale model based on the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) is established to investigate flow and mass transfer in the single cathode channel of a PEM fuel cell with heterogeneous porous gas diffusion layer (GDL). A two-dimensional single phase-multicomponent active model is used to simulate reaction flow in the PEM fuel cell. The main purpose of this paper is investigating the effect of wavy wall in the cathode channel on the performance of fuel cell. The validation demonstrates that the proposed scheme is a capable tool for modeling fluid flows in the heterogeneous porous media. After model validation, a parametric study is done on the wavelength at the two different operating pressures and its effects on the power density and pressure drop. The results demonstrate that the wavy channel improved the performance of fuel cell around 3.4% when P = 3 atm and near 2.8% in the operating pressure P = 1 atm whereas pressure drop rises more than three times in these channels. Also that is found that smaller wavelength does not have significant improvement on the power density in comparison with longer one.