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Remote monitoring of heart rate and ECG signal using ESP32


Abstract and Figures

Heart conditions of human body can be detected by the electrical signal from heart which is called electrocardiogram (ECG) and heart rate which is the number of heart beat per minute (BPM). ECG is the result of electric signal of heart that is caused of the heart to beat. The result is shown as a wave on a monitor or graph paper. Heart disease has become a very big issue nowadays. Many people get sick or even die because of the inability to monitor their heart conditions properly. This serious issue can be prevented by monitoring the heart’s condition regularly. It would be great if this monitoring can be done remotely. In this paper, such a system is proposed by using AD8232 single lead heart beat sensor to extract the ECG signal and pulse sensor to get the BPM. The obtained sensor data are transmitted to the cloud server internet using ESP32 microcontroller which has Wi-Fi capability for remote monitoring by a health specialist. Ubidots and Thingspeak platforms are used as a cloud server. As a result, any health specialist can check the patient’s heart condition at anytime from anywhere and can take necessary steps.
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Remote monitoring of heart rate and ECG signal
using ESP32
Md Abdur Rahman
College of Computer
Science and Technology,
Donghua University,
Shanghai, China
Yue Li
College of Computer
Science and Technology,
Donghua University,
Shanghai, China
Tanzim Nabeed*
School of Science and
AM’s Research
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Md Toufiqur Rahman
College of Computer
Science and Technology,
Donghua University,
Shanghai, China
Abstract Heart conditions of human body can be detected by
the electrical signal from heart which is called
electrocardiogram (ECG) and heart rate which is the number of
heart beat per minute (BPM). ECG is the result of electric signal
of heart that is caused of the heart to beat. The result is shown
as a wave on a monitor or graph paper. Heart disease has
become a very big issue nowadays. Many people get sick or even
die because of the inability to monitor their heart conditions
properly. This serious issue can be prevented by monitoring the
heart’s condition regularly. It would be great if this monitoring
can be done remotely. In this paper, such a system is proposed
by using AD8232 single lead heart beat sensor to extract the
ECG signal and pulse sensor to get the BPM. The obtained
sensor data are transmitted to the cloud server internet using
ESP32 microcontroller which has Wi-Fi capability for remote
monitoring by a health specialist. Ubidots and Thingspeak
platforms are used as a cloud server. As a result, any health
specialist can check the patient’s heart condition at anytime
from anywhere and can take necessary steps.
KeywordsECG sensor; Pulse sensor; ESP32; IoT; Cloud
server; Ubidots; Thingspeak.
Remote monitoring of heart prefers a portable medical system
by which a patient’s health condition can be checked-up and
the report can be visualized or monitored by a medical
specialist or doctor. The report is transmitted to the medical
specialist by such an electronic device which is internet
enabled. The device can be laptop, mobile phone or smart
watch [1]. While talking about internet, it has become the
most attached thing to the human life nowadays. Remote
monitoring is a blessing of internet of things (IoT). The IoT
is such a phenomenon by which an object is connected to the
internet and the connection is used to control those objects or
to monitor the system remotely. Sensors, Connectivity, Data
processing and User interface are main components of IoT.
Thus, remote monitoring is consisted with all of these
combined components. Remote monitoring of healthcare
system is a new idea which enables doctor or medical
specialist to monitor patient’s health parameters from
anywhere at any time through internet enabled medical
devices. Notification can be sent to the doctor if any abnormal
condition is detected in patient’s body. The detection is done
by using some sensors or devices like pulse sensor,
temperature sensor, blood pressure sensor etc. [2].
Heart acts as a blood pumping machine which is located
under the rib cage between two lungs which is shown in Fig.
1. It is about the size of a clinched fist. Heart is divided into
two sides (left and right) having two chambers in its two
sides. The lower chamber is called ventricles while the upper
one is atrium. Through a one-way valve, blood is flown from
the atrium to the ventricles. Blood is pumped through the
heart by a combined work of atrium and ventricles. Right
ventricles contracts to push the blood to the lungs. Bloods get
oxygenated in the lungs and returns to the left atrium through
four pulmonary veins. Atrium pushes blood to the left
ventricles which pumps back all the blood to the body. The
total cardiac cycle takes about 0.8 seconds and occurs 60-100
times per minute in a normal heart. The heart beats in
rhythmic way which is driven by the electrical impulse for
which the conductive system of heart responsible. The
sinoatrial node or SA node, also known as the natural
pacemaker of the heart, generates electric impulse which
travels through the heart in a defined rhythmic pattern.
Electric impulses pass from the atria to the ventricles through
AV node or atrioventricular node. So, AV node is called the
natural gate keeper of heart through which the electrical
impulses are passed.
Then the electrical impulses are passed to the Purkinje fibers
through the bundle of HIS which makes the ventricles
contract. The heart is a complex organ of a body. The electric
pulses as well as the heart rate is a crucial parameter in the
working of the heart. So, monitoring heart rate is very
important to ensure a healthy life.
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of human’s heart
Modern heart monitoring system refers to a system which
gives the constant monitoring of heart and notifies the doctor
if any abnormal condition is detected [2]. However, IoT
healthcare system has become very popular nowadays having
the feature with real time monitoring system [3]. Heart
disease has become very common in recent days. People can
die instantly having heart failure. So, continuous real time
monitoring is necessary to take instant action. This
monitoring can be done wirelessly, with wired connection or
remotely by a healthcare monitoring system. The example of
remote monitoring system can be given by wrist band having
pulse and ECG sensor in it to detect heart attack and if heart
attack is detected, a system which can provide medical
facility can be notified by pressing a panic button in it. The
device communicates with the system by a Bluetooth device
[4]. Real time monitoring can be a great advantage as doctor
cannot always keep their eye on their patients. So, the data
can be observed by them remotely from anywhere by using
Thingspeak IoT platform [5]. Heart rate monitoring system
with heart rate sensors, Arduino and Wi-Fi module can be a
great option to detect heart rate and with IoT, this system can
notify doctor if heart disease is detected [6-7]. The heart rate
sensor uses the intensity of light to detect heart disease.
Detecting the exact location to find where the patient is
staying by using a GPS module can be also a part of heart rate
monitoring where Bluetooth module is used to make
communication with the system and IR sensor to create PPG
(photoplethysmography) to detect heart rate [8]. ECG data
without ECG sensor or pulse sensor can also be visualized by
computer monitor to detect heart rate by using IR emitter-
detector pair. An IC named 741 op-amp amplifies the output
signal of the sensor [9]. Using mobile phone to send messages
containing data of abnormal heart rate signal is a very big
advantage using GSM Modem. Doctor staying anywhere can
get notified by a simple mobile phone SMS in this system.
The system uses Microcontroller, heart rate sensor and
interface circuit [10].
In this paper, the main component of the system is the
microcontroller which is named ESP32. The microcontroller
collects the sensor data and send them to the cloud server for
remote monitoring. As ESP32 has the Wi-Fi capability thus
it uses the internet connection to send the sensor data. Two
sensors are used in the system. One is AD8232 Single lead
heart rate sensor which has sensor pads. The sensor pads
collect electrical signal of the heart. Another one is pulse
sensor which uses PPG to collect beat per minute (BPM) from
the vein of the finger. The data is showed in a monitor of a
personal computer. The data can also be transmitted to the
IoT platforms named Thingspeak and Ubidots for real time
monitoring as a doctor can observed them from anywhere at
any time. The system architecture of the system is shown in
Fig.2. In general, the main contribution of this paper is given
Figure 2. System Architecture of the proposed system.
1. For real time monitoring of healthcare, a system has to be
proposed which ensures continuous data transmission. In this
paper, an effective system has proposed with latest sensors
which can transmit data for real time monitoring.
2. Statistical analysis of real time data of the patients can save
one from getting into critical condition and in global
pandemic situation.
3. Developing a IoT platform for the healthcare industry with
low-cost, effectivity and reliability.
In the recent few years, remote health monitoring system has
become very popular and heart is the main focus of among
them. Thus, several works have been done on remote heart
monitoring system. Various works on modifying the remote
heart monitoring system has been presented and published by
various researchers and authors. Several works have done on
real-time observation of patient’s heart and so on the body.
Before entering this field, numerous papers are followed and
studied and their contribution are given in Table.1. In order
to present the recent progress on remote health monitoring
system, some of the recent works have been provided here.
Among them Global Positioning System (GPS) module,
Bluetooth module, Global System for Mobile communication
(GSM) technology, Wi-Fi module are used for real-time
monitoring for implementing the system and ECG sensor,
Pulse sensor, Temperature sensor, Infrared sensor (IR),
Operational Amplifier(op-amp) are used to take different data
from human body. Using them, different system was
presented in order to satisfy different condition. Therefore,
how the monitoring system will be designed mostly based on
the terms and conditions of the application. Lastly,
considering all the related works delineated in Table.1., a
remote heart monitoring system using pulse sensor and ECG
sensor at the same time to detect heart disease based on ECG
and BPM is designed where real-time monitoring is the most
serious issue.
TABLE 1. Related works on the heart rate monitoring system.
E.Sriranjini [4]
Designed a wrist band using ECG
and Pulse sensor to detect heart
attack where Bluetooth device was
used for communication purpose.
Rajashree, Radha
BK [5]
Implemented a real-time health
monitoring system using Thingspeak
cloud server for mobile application.
Nikunj Patel,
Patel [6]
Designed a real-time heart rate
monitoring system using Arduino,
heart rate sensor and Wi-Fi module
for communicating with server.
Designed and implemented a heart
monitoring system for people aged
20-80 which uses the intensity of the
light to detect heart disease and the
data stored in a SD card for
maintaining patients heart rate
Bandana Mallik,
Ajit Kumar Patro
Designed a monitoring system with
GPS module to locate the patient’s
location where IR sensor was used to
detect heart diseases and
communication was done by
Bluetooth module.
Ranveer Kumar
Singh [9]
Implemented a heart rate detector by
using IR-emitter detector to detect
heart abnormalities where an op-amp
was used to amplify the heart rate
Qun Hou [10]
Developed a electro cardio signal
detector which can detect heart signal
by using heart rate sensor and
AT89C52 microcontroller and can
send the data over mobile phone
using GSM technology.
Duaa Elsayed
Idris Babiker [11]
Designed a heart rate monitoring
system using Pulse sensor and
temperature sensor.
Nusrat Jahan
Farin, S.M.A
Sharif, Iftekharul
Mobin [12]
Designed a system with pulse sensor
and Arduino that can collect
physiological data from human body
and show the real-time data which
can be stored also.
Sufiya S Kazi,
Gayatri Bajantri,
Trupti Thite [13]
Developed a system which uses
raspberry pi to publish the sensor
data to a local host network. The
output can be showed by mobile
phone or personal computer.
Zhe Yang, Qihuo
Zhou [14]
Designed a wearable real-time ECG
monitoring device which used a Wi-
Fi module to send data to the cloud
using MQTT and HTTP protocols.
D. L. Larkai, R.
Wu [15]
Developed a system for aged people
using Bluetooth module and electro-
optical sensor which gets data from
fingertip and can contact to the
nearest hospital while needed.
Kanimozhi. G,
Hema Shruthi. G,
Xiao-Zhi [16]
Developed a system with Samsung
Gear S3 smart watch that could count
inter beat intervals and sends that to
the server by the help of JavaScript
that uses Java code.
A. ECG Sensor:
ECG waveform: ECG records electrical conduction signals
of the heart as characteristics lines by using external
electrodes. The deflections from baseline on ECG are
described by 5 alphabets (P, Q, R, S, T). Fig.3. shows an ideal
ECG waveform. The atrial depolarization is reflected by the
P wave. Generally, impulse is directly connected to the left
and right atria which arises from the pacemaker cells of the
SA node or sinoatrial node. The ECG waveform of a healthy
person doesn’t show the atrial repolarization on the ECG
graph. The P wave leads the QRS complex. The QRS
complex correlates to the depolarization of the both
ventricles. The outer layer of myocardium is distributed by
the depolarization wave from the inner layer of it. Q wave
denotes negative downward direction as the first time in the
QRS complex. General Q wave reflects depolarization of
ventricular septum.
Then comes R wave which pursues as an upward direction.
The S wave which is after the R wave denotes a downward
deflection. The repolarization of the ventricles is denoted by
the T wave. The distance between the starting of the QRS
complex and the highest peak point of the T wave is called
the absolute refractory period. The rest portion of the T wave
is called relative refractory period. Refractory period is the
interval during which cardiomyocytes don’t responds to
stimuli. During absolute refractory period cardiomyocytes
don’t respond on stimuli at all, but during the relative
refractory period a new action potential may be elicited under
some circumstances.
Figure 3. An ideal ECG waveform
Here, Ad8232 single lead heart rate sensor is used as ECG
sensor to measure the electrical activity of heart for a certain
period of time of the patient. The electrical activity of the
heart can be monitored over a serial monitor or the output can
be sent to cloud server for monitoring. Fig.4. shows the
electrical activity of the heart which is obtained from Arduino
serial monitor.
Figure 4. Electrical activity of the heart obtained from Arduino serial
The graph can be transmitted to cloud server for remote
observation. The single lead heart rate sensor has three
electrodes with different colors of cable. These are Red,
Yellow and Green. The electrodes are connected to the sensor
pads. The closeness of the heart and sensor pads are the
confirmation of the better measurement. Table 2. shows the
associate sensor pads colors and their placements to the body.
TABLE 2. Table containing sensor pad colors and their placement.
Sensor Pad Colors
Right Arm (RA)
Left Arm (LA)
Right Leg (RL)
Fig.5. shows how ECG signal is extracted from a patient’s
body. Ad8232 single lead heart rate sensor has 9 connection
pins including 3 electrodes or sensor pads which are
connected to the body. Fig.6. shows the diagram of AD8232
ECG sensor. Rest 5 of 6 pins are connected to the
microcontroller to extract the signal and show them through
the serial monitor or cloud server [17].
Figure 5. Connection of AD8232 with body
Figure 6. Pin diagram of AD8232 Single lead heart rate sensor
B. Pulse Sensor:
Pulse sensor is also known as heart beat sensor having two
sides. Two sides of the pulse sensor are shown in Fig.7. (a).
A LED along with a light sensor is placed in one side and the
other side contains some electronics or circuitry.
Figure 7. (a). Pulse Sensor with pin diagram, (b) method of wearing
It has three connection pins [18]. Fig.7. (b). shows how it is
used on the finger. The ideal value of heart rate for a healthy
adult is 60 to 100 beats per minute (bpm). The sensor is used
to measure the heart rate that is bpm as well as to extract the
electrical signal from which heart rate can be measured.
Fig.8. shows the electrical signal of heart from which heart
rate can be measured. It is found from the serial plotter. BPM
can be measured from the graph.
Figure 8. Electrical signal of the heart
Here, 1 second = 2 large square boxes
So, 60 seconds = (2*60) = 120 large square boxes
Heart Rate = 
  
 
=86 (approx.) [19].
Which is normal bpm for an adult healthy person.
C. ESP32 Development Board:
Esp32 is similar microcontroller with integrated Wi-Fi and
Bluetooth. It is a series of low-power and low-cost system on
a chip-microcontroller. It can be connected to the internet for
the Internet of Things (IoT) using Wi-Fi [20]. The pin
diagram of such microcontroller is shown in Fig.9.
Figure 9. Esp32 Development Board with pin diagram.
D. Implementation:
The picture of the hardware implementation of the proposed
system are shown in Fig.10. and Fig.11. In both case ESP32
is the main component of the system.
Figure 10. Hardware implementation of sensor AD8232 with ESP32 to
extract the ECG data.
Figure 11. Fig.12. Hardware implementation of pulse sensor with ESP32
for getting BPM.
In Fig.10. Ad8232 single lead heart beat sensor with three
sensor pads extract electrical signal of heart. Here, ESP32 is
connected to the laptop or PC for getting its power. Esp32
supplies the needed power to the AD8232 heart beat sensor.
It should highly recommended to cut the power off of the
laptop from the charger while using this sensor to avoid the
extra noise. The three sensor pads collect the electrical signal
of the heart. In Fig.11. pulse sensor is connected to the
ESP32. The LED along with the light sensor of the pulse
sensor collects the heart beat signal from the vein of the finger
and from that signal bpm can be calculated. It also gets power
from ESP32 which is connected to a PC or Laptop. In both
case the sensor data are sent to the IoT cloud server. Here
both Ubidots and Thingspeak applications are used for
receiving the transmitted data of ECG and pulse sensor
respectively. After receiving the data, it can be seen by a
doctor from anywhere. Fig.12. and Fig.13. represents the
block diagram and flow-chart of the following system.
Fig.13. shows the development of the system where, after
started the system it would check whether there is internet
connection or not. If internet connection is presented there
then the received sensor data are transmitted to the cloud
server (i.e. Ubidots and Thingspeak).
Figure 12. Block diagram of the proposed system.
E. Simulation Result:
After implementing the total system and getting proper
internet connection the obtained result can be seen from IoT
cloud server. Ubidots and Thingspeak application are
responsible here to show the obtained result of ECG data and
Pulse sensor data respectively. The developers are offered to
publish the obtained data easily to the internet by both the
applications. These data can be easily visualized by any
Figure 13. Flow-chart of the proposed system.
Figure 14. ECG data shown in the Ubidots cloud server
Figure 15. Pulse sensor data shown in the Thingspeak cloud server
doctor and then he can make necessary steps by observing the
patient’s heart condition. So, here Ubidots and Thingspeak
platforms are used to the Iot cloud from the microcontroller
(i.e. ESP32). Fig.14. represents the ECG data extracted from
the sensor. The graph is shown to the internet from where a
doctor can access it. The graph represents an ECG data of a
patient’s heart. Thus, real time analysis can be possible by
this way. Fig.15. represents the pulse sensor data or BPM
which comes from the finger where pulse sensor was
attached. The figure shows 9 real time values of BPM which
can be seen by a doctor. Thus, the doctor can take necessary
steps if he finds some irregularity here.
Health monitoring system becomes an impressive issue in the
modern era of development. The advantage would be one step
ahead if the monitoring can be done remotely from anywhere
of the world. The demand of remote health monitoring system
has risen up for its greater mobility and quicker
responsiveness. Human heart is one of the most sensitive and
serious organs of human body. In this system, various
diseases and conditions of heart can be detected by the sensor
data. The data can be observed from anywhere of the world
by the availability of internet. ECG and the value of BPM are
the most useful and important indicators of heart. These data
can define the normal and abnormal condition of heart. Here,
these data are collected by two different sensors and shared
in the cloud server through an IoT device which can be
monitored by doctors all over the world. Also, the real-time
observation of the data can notify a doctor as soon as any
abnormal condition is detected. Doctors can take necessary
steps instantly if any abnormal condition is detected. The
whole setup is very cheap, effective and time saving at a time.
It can be produced both commercially and non-commercially
at a very low cost and also maximum profit can be earned by
using this phenomenon.
The authors are thankful to the reviewers and editors for their
instructive comments and corrections that helped us to
improve the manuscript. The first and fourth authors wish to
thank Professor Yue Li, College of Computer Science and
Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai, China for his
intellectual and potential supervision for preparing a world
class research article and manage the found
(12100000425006176T 东华大学) for publication. Also
authors are thankful to Abdulla Al Mamun, Founder,
AM’s Research Academy, Bangladesh for his intellectual and
potential support for this research article. Finally, all authors
would like to express the deepest sense of gratitude to the
researchers of supported journal of nonlinear field.
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... The results are presented via monitor, cell phone, or laptop. The hardware system consists of an Arduino UNO, a pulse sensor, an LED, and a Raspberry Pi 3 (Rahman et al., 2021). ThingSpeak, an IoT platform, is used for real-time data monitoring. ...
... It plots the data into graphs and also supports real-time monitoring. A prototype was developed for heart rate monitoring as well as interbeat intervals in individuals (Rahman et al., 2021). This was realized through JavaScript, using a Samsung Gear S3 wearable smartwatch with Web library sockets. ...
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... This research aims to present an electrical load monitoring system and power factor improvement using IoT-based fuzzy logic that uses adafruit mqtt as its user interface dashboard [17][18][19][20] starting from its architecture globally then developed into a prototype and realized in the form of a system that can be used as a tool for control and monitoring Power load usage and power factor improvement using fuzzy logic in real time using NodeMCU ESP32 [21] and adafruit mqtt server [22]. The method used through the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation (ADDIE) approach is by studying the literature [23] to analyze the object of research, then designing and developing the design and implementing the design results then implementing it on the object of research, all suggestions for improvement are used as evaluation for the improvement of this system [24], [25], The novelty of this research is that it helps users be able to control and monitor electrical loads in real time and without the need to use applications or software that must be downloaded first [26] users only need to enter the adaFruit website, this is certainly much easier and flexible in its use [27], unlike previous studies that have been done users must download a software or application first and there is already a touch of fuzzy logic [28]. ...
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Variative electrical loads such as lighting, heating, and electric motors, often result in low power factor. Low power factor results in increased electric current. The increase in electric current results in an increase in service capacity such as current limiters, transformers used, conductor size, and others. Inductive power factor can be improved by installing appropriate capacitors. So far, the installation of capacitors still uses manual methods that have not implemented automatic control and can be controlled remotely. The selection of capacitor prices is still done by try and error, not using systematic and logical thinking algorithms. A combination of power factor improvement and voltage and current monitoring is required. This research aims to propose a power factor improvement system that helps control and monitor electrical loads using an IoT-based dashboard display and has implemented fuzzy logic. The fuzzy logic controller is used to calculate the input parameters (power factor) and to generate capacitor status output. The method used is through the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation (ADDIE) approach. The results showed that this system is able to increase the efficiency of the use of electrical energy both in terms of improving the power factor and in terms of monitoring, the fuzzy logic system is able to select and determine which capacitor is suitable to be connected to a predetermined range of power factor parameters (Very Low, Low, Medium, High) and is able to monitor using smartphones, laptops, tablets, or computers. The impact of this research if applied in industry is expected to be able to improve the power factor which has an impact on reducing the current so that the capacity of electrical equipment can be much more economical.
... The cloud server platforms used in this study were Ubidots and Thingspeak. However, the study did not incorporate any techniques to enhance the security of the system [26]. ...
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Remote patient monitoring (RPM) is a rapidly growing area in healthcare that utilizes technology to collect patient health data remotely and enable healthcare professionals to monitor patients' health conditions without requiring them to be physically present in a healthcare facility. The use of IoT sensors and Blockchain technology has the potential to transform RPM by enabling more secure, transparent, and efficient monitoring of patients' health conditions. The objective of this study is to unveil the effective the tools and technologies for implementing the RPM systems and Blockchain-based electronic health records. PRISMA is used for the systematic analysis of the relevant studies to meet the objective of the study. This article provides a deep overview of IoT and Blockchain-based electronic health records (EHR) for remote patient monitoring. This study also discover the various components of an IoT and Blockchain-based RPM system, including sensors, data transmission protocols, cloud-based platforms, and Blockchain framework and performance analysis tools. It also examines the potential benefits of this approach, such as improved patient outcomes, reduced healthcare costs, and increased efficiency. This study found that ESP32 and MQTT protocol is the most effective microcontroller and communication protocol, respectively, to develop an RPM system. Moreover, to establish a secure and decentralized system for managing EHR, a number of Blockchain frameworks and performance monitoring tools were also investigated. It was discovered that Hyperledger Fabric and caliper are effective framework and performance analysis tool. Future research should focus on scalability, privacy, energy consumption, and interoperability challenges by implementing an enhanced model with identified effective tools and technologies.
... Penelitian sejenis lainnya seperti pada penelitian [21] sudah menggunakan teknologi IoT, hasil parameter pengukuran sensor-sensor sudah dapat ditampilkan pada dashboard Blink, perbedaan antara penelitian ini dengan yang sebelumnya, pada penelitian ini menggunakan dashboard Adafruit yang memiliki keunggulan kecepatan pengiriman data yang lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan menggunakan dashboard Blink. Penelitian ini menghadirkan sistem internet of things yang mampu melakukan monitoring beban listrik dan perbaikan faktor daya [22]- [24] dimulai dari arsitekturnya secara global kemudian dikembangkan menjadi prototipe dan direalisasikan dalam bentuk sistem yang dapat digunakan sebagai alat untuk mengontrol dan melakukan monitoring penggunaan beban listrik dan perbaikan faktor daya secara real time dengan menggunakan NodeMCU ESP32 [25] dan server Adafruit yang nantinya pengguna dapat mengontrol dan melakukan monitoring penggunaan alat-alat elektronik di rumah hanya dengan menggunakan smartphone yang dimilikinya [26]. Kemudian sistem ini diuji cobakan dan diukur performanya baik dari segi delay, respon server, dan tampilan monitoring dari sistem ini. ...
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Graphic User Interface (GUI) pada suatu sistem Internet of Things (IoT) salah satunya dipengaruhi oleh monitor yang mudah diakses, fleksibel, serta efisien dalam penggunaannya. Hal ini sudah banyak didiskusikan namun masalah tersebut masih belum dapat ditingkatkan. Salah satu solusi dari masalah tersebut adalah dengan dihadirkannya MQTT Adafruit, yang mana dengan menggunakan MQTT Adafruit GUI untuk memonitor suatu sistem IoT dapat mempermudah kontrol dan kendali jarak jauh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghadirkan sistem monitoring beban listrik dan perbaikan faktor daya menggunakan PZEM004T berbasis IoT yang sudah menggunakan MQTT Adafruit sebagai user interface-nya. Metode yang digunakan melalui pendekatan analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation (ADDIE). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa sistem ini layak digunakan karena berdasarkan hasil percobaan faktor daya yang sebelumnya 0,35 menjadi 0,89 setelah dilakukan perbaikan faktor daya. Sistem ini juga memberikan kemudahan bagi pengguna dan dapat melakukan monitoring secara real time arus, tegangan, faktor daya, daya nyata, daya semu, dan daya reaktif baik hanya dengan menggunakan smartphone, laptop, tablet, maupun komputer. Berdasarkan hasil uji reliabilitas alat ini memiliki selisih yang kecil antara setiap hasil percobaan.
... The ESP32 board and Arduino platform have been widely adopted for various health monitoring applications. For instance, Rahman et al. (2021) proposed an ESP32-based cloud server data transmission for remote electrocardiogram (ECG) and beats per minute (BPM) monitoring. Their system utilised Bluetooth for transmitting ECG and BPM data to Ubidots and Thingspeak platforms. ...
... In this research, an automatic control system is designed that is a combination of sensors and monitoring of electrical loads based on the Internet of Things as a solution to save electricity [1] starting from its global architecture and then developing it into a prototype and realizing it in the form of a system that can be used as a tool to control and monitor usage. electronic devices at home in real time using the NodeMCU ESP32 [2] and the AdaFruit IO server so that later users can control and monitor the use of electronic devices at home using only the smartphone they have [3]. Then this system is tested and its performance is measured both in terms of delay, server response, and the monitoring display of this system. ...
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Utilization of modern technology is almost inseparable from the use of electrical energy. There is often the use of electrical energy that is actually not needed (wasteful), wasteful use of electrical energy results in increased costs, increased power supply, which has an impact on increasing equipment capacity, the problem of saving electrical energy has been widely discussed but saving electrical energy is easy and can be controlled automatically and can be monitored remotely still needs to be improved. Saving electrical energy can have an impact on cost savings, as well as prevent a crisis in the supply of electrical energy. According to data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the installed capacity of power plants for the 2018-2020 period increased by 2.34% per year. The distribution of electricity to customers in the 2018-2020 period has increased by 1% per year. Monitoring and controlling electrical energy can be done using controls using sensors and can be monitored and controlled remotely based on the internet of things. This study aims to design and manufacture a prototype tool that functions to monitor and control electrical loads in real time from a distance based on the internet of things and by utilizing sensors can also help turn on and turn off electrical loads as needed. The method used is through the stages of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation (ADDIE). The results of the study show that the designed and manufactured tools can monitor electrical loads whether they are on or off and can turn on or turn off electric loads automatically with the help of sensors and actuators and can also be controlled remotely via smartphones, laptops, computers or tablets. Future studies are expected to be able to control electrical parameters including voltage, current, frequency, real power, reactive power, apparent power, and power factor. The expected impact of this research is that it can control electrical energy automatically easily and can control it remotely and save electricity usage.
The use of technology in healthcare is one of the most critical application areas today. With the development of medical applications, people’s quality of life has improved. However, it is impractical and unnecessary for medium-risk people to receive specialized daily hospital monitoring. Due to their health status, they will be exposed to a high risk of severe health damage or even life-threatening conditions without monitoring. Therefore, remote, real-time, low-cost, wearable, and effective monitoring is ideal for this problem. Many researchers mentioned that their studies could use electrocardiogram (ECG) detection to discover emergencies. However, how to respond to discovered emergencies in household life is still a research gap in this field. This paper proposes a real-time monitoring of ECG signals and sending them to the cloud for Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) prediction. Unlike previous studies, the proposed system has an additional emergency response mechanism to alert nearby community healthcare workers when SCD is predicted to occur.
The health of human is the functional ability to face everyday in life. The human living has changed a lot and in a better way in this modern days. The Internet of Things (IoT) technology melding with healthcare sector affirms every individual good efficiency. IoT in healthcare sector assures a very improved and better treatment as it supports remote monitoring. In remote monitoring, the human body is monitored remotely with less human involvement. This paper includes the work done with MAX30100, AD8232 sensors for heart monitoring. The average error % is 4.04%, and the average accuracy is 96.12% which is the result of analysis.
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Nowadays numerous persons are mislaying their life owing to heart attack and shortage of medical attention to patient at correct stage. Hence, in this project we are implementing heart rate monitoring and heart attack recognition system using IoT. The patient will carry hardware having sensors with android application. The heartbeat sensor will allow checking heart beat readings and transmit them over the internet. The user may set the high and low level of heartbeat limits. Once these limits are set the system can start monitoring the patient’s heartbeat and as soon as the heart beat readings goes above or below the limit set by the user the system will send an alert about high or low heartbeat as well about chances of heart attack.
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Public healthcare has been paid an increasing attention given the exponential growth human population and medical expenses. It is well known that an effective health monitoring system can detect abnormalities of health conditions in time and make diagnoses according to the gleaned data. As a vital approach to diagnose heart diseases, ECG monitoring is widely studied and applied. However, nearly all existing portable ECG monitoring systems cannot work without a mobile application, which is responsible for data collection and display. In this paper, we propose a new method for ECG monitoring based on Internet-of-Things (IoT) techniques. ECG data are gathered using a wearable monitoring node and are transmitted directly to the IoT cloud using Wi-Fi. Both the HTTP and MQTT protocols are employed in the IoT cloud in order to provide visual and timely ECG data to users. Nearly all smart terminals with a web browser can acquire ECG data conveniently, which has greatly alleviated the cross-platform issue. Experiments are carried out on healthy volunteers in order to verify the reliability of the entire system. Experimental results reveal that the proposed system is reliable in collecting and displaying real-time ECG data, which can aid in the primary diagnosis of certain heart diseases.
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The preliminary research constructs the heart beat or pulse measurement for medical science. The electrical pulse signal analysis that supports one significant clinical study. The research prototype focuses the pulse rate and analysis system which consist of hardware and software parts. The hardware uses the ATMEGA 2560 ADK R3 for processing the input optical sensors, output result to LCD, and record data into SD memory card. The software as embedded algorithm is designed for controlling the input/output parts. Research techniques are applied in term of analog to digital converter, I2C, and data grouping.
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A method and apparatus for monitoring heart rate of the heart using a wearable system is designed and implemented in this paper. A heart rate receives from heart beat signals and stores the data to a database and after a time period this method can determine an idle heart rate of the monitoring body. This idle heart rate is compared with the stored data and can determine the normal and abnormal heart rate variability. After the certain time period this system can detect the heart rate and also can send a signal to the user in time of abnormalities. Consequent estimations of heart rate variability are contrasted with this.
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Among the panoply of applications enabled by the Internet of Things (IoT), smart and connected health care is a particularly important one. Networked sensors, either worn on the body or embedded in our living environments, make possible the gathering of rich information indicative of our physical and mental health. Captured on a continual basis, aggregated, and effectively mined, such information can bring about a positive transformative change in the health care landscape. In particular , the availability of data at hitherto unimagined scales and temporal longitudes coupled with a new generation of intelligent processing algorithms can: (a) facilitate an evolution in the practice of medicine, from the current post facto diagnose-and-treat reactive paradigm, to a proactive framework for prognosis of diseases at an incipient stage, coupled with prevention, cure, and overall management of health instead of disease, (b) enable personalization of treatment and management options targeted particularly to the specific circumstances and needs of the individual, and (c) help reduce the cost of health care while simultaneously improving outcomes. In this paper, we highlight the opportunities and challenges for IoT in realizing this vision of the future of health care.
Mobile Phone usage has increased exponentially across the globe in the past two decades and to deliver proper signal strength, the number of mobile phone towers is also increasing globally, creating widespread speculation and concern among both the cell phone users and non-users alike. In this paper, a detailed account of the various biological effects of mobile tower radiation on humans and the norms adopted in different countries has been conferred. Furthermore, various case studies and surveys from around the world relevant to this issue have been discussed to put forth the alarming status of the mobile tower radiation.
Conference Paper
This paper presents a remote heart rate monitor in personal emergency response system using the wireless technique. This is intended for continual monitoring of the heart rate of the elderly in home care or private homes for tachycardia and bradycardia diagnostic purposes or patients with long term cardiovascular disease. The system was implemented using electro-optical sensor, an embedded electronic system, and Bluetooth enabled Hands-Free module. Software algorithm was employed to process the heartbeat signal detected though the finger. Results show that the system can detect abnormal cardiac rhythms in real-time. In addition, the system was able to contact an authorised clinician in a remote location during an emergency situation. The developed system can extend the telemedicine application with a wide range of possibilities.
This paper researches into a remote monitoring system for monitoring the abnormal electrocardio signals and transmitting data automatically through mobile phone messages. Such system utilizes the GSM MODEM and fully-developed GSM network to accomplish data transmission, resulting in great reduction in costs for monitoring and alarm, smaller volume of monitoring apparatus as well as more convenient and reliable operation. This paper introduces the system hardware circuit consisting of heart rate sensor, MCU, interface circuit and MODEM, presents the design for system software realized through GSM based AT command program. Such system adopts the AT89C52 MCU with abundant internal resources to meet the requirements of the system for low power consumption and convenient operation.