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Dreadful Practices of Adulteration in Foods: Their Frequent Consequences on Public Health


Abstract and Figures

Despite the numerous health benefits of food, people today face a variety of health issues because of food adulteration. Food adulteration is the consequence of corporate rampant consumerism which maliciously does so to optimize its benefits. Food adulteration degrades food quality and has a wide range of negative health consequences for humans. An adulterant is a food-depleting toxic substance. Such adulterants can escalate to causing multiple fatal diseases which can have a destructive effect on public health. Food adulteration can lead to slow toxicity and a number of diseases that can cause death. This paper highlights the common scenario of food adulteration practices, as well as the detrimental effects of adulterated food consumption on human health as well as the role of the authorities involved in eradicating it. The purpose of this paper is to inform the responsible authorities about the current situation of food adulteration and to present the implications of meaningful change through proactive measures from these authorities.
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Asian Journal of Health Sciences 2022, 8(1):32
Open Access Full Text Article Review
Food Technology and Nutrition Science
Department, Noakhali Science and
Technology University, Sonapur,
Noakhali-3814, Bangladesh
Md Shahedul Islam, Food Technology
and Nutrition Science Department,
Noakhali Science and Technology
University, Sonapur, Noakhali-3814,
Received: Jan 10, 2022
Accepted: Feb 23, 2022
Published: Mar 17, 2022
DOI : 10.15419/ajhs.v8i1.503
© Biomedpress. This is an open-
access article distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International license.
Dreadful Practices of Adulteration in Foods: Their Frequent
Consequences on Public Health
Md Shahedul Islam*, Nusrat Jahan Jhily, Md. Mahedi Hasan Shampad, Jilon Hossain, Sujan Chandra Sarkar,
Md. Maminur Rahman, Md. Ashiqul Islam
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Despite the numerous health benets of food, people today face a variety of health issues because
of food adulteration. Food adulteration is the consequence of corporate rampant consumerism
which maliciously does so to optimize its benets. Food adulteration degrades food quality and
has a wide range of negative health consequences for humans. An adulterant is a food-depleting
toxic substance. Such adulterants can escalate to causing multiple fatal diseases which can have
a destructive eect on public health. Food adulteration can lead to slow toxicity and a number of
diseases that can cause death. This paper highlights the common scenario of food adulteration
practices, as well as the detrimental eects of adulterated food consumption on human health as
well as the role of the authorities involved in eradicating it. The purpose of this paper is to inform
the responsible authorities about the current situation of food adulteration and to present the im-
plications of meaningful change through proactive measures from these authorities.
Key words: Food adulteration, adulterants, public health, health risks, food safety
e adulteration of food is dened as consciously or
unconsciously incorporating foreign substances into
foods or attempting to remove some of the value from
the main food source production, both of which can
aect food quality 1. Adulterants are toxic chemicals
that should never be present in predominant food-
stus. However, when incorporated, they deteriorate
the food ingredients and reduce the food quality2.
Adulteration makes eating unlivable and unpleasant,
and it can be poisonous. It also harms our health by
dispossessing us of the food’s usual nutritional con-
stituents. People can also experience diculties in
terms of food intolerances or the neurotoxic eects
caused by tainted food3. Multiple factors, including
economic gain, carelessness, and an absence of ade-
quate hygienic conditions of processing, storage, con-
veyance, and transaction, are related to the contami-
nation or adulteration of food. Hence, the consumer
is either misled or generally victimized by disease4.
Such adulteration is generally seen in backward or de-
veloping nations. Consumers must be conscious of
prevalent adulterants and their health eects 5.
e adulteration of food can be classied into three
types. ere are purposeful adulterations, in which
silt, liquid, sand, coal, colored powder, etc., are in-
corporated for marketing gain, metallic adulterations,
which encompass lead, arsenic, tin, and other metals
from chemical plants, and unintended adulteration,
in which the most widely known adulterants, includ-
ing pests, insects, as well as many microbes from nu-
merous sources6,7. In today’s world, food adulter-
ation is quite widespread and adulterated products are
distributed on the open market where individual citi-
zens, posed a range of health consequences as a result,
consume them. Numerous food products have been
revealed to be tainted, the signicant proportion of
which are bread, dairy, frozen yogurts, fruits and veg-
gies, oil, seasonings, and so forth8,9. In addition, the
intervention of fruits and veggies causes them to de-
velop relatively quickly. Steroids have been inoculated
into chickens in a short span of time to develop them
into hens10 . Food adulteration leads to a number of
human health problems11 .
Due to this, food adulteration should be emphasized
in public health policy due to its impact on population
health12. Numerous factors determine food safety
and security, as evidenced by a study conducted by the
government and other regulatory authorities. All of
these variables contribute to the food products in ev-
ery step of the food chain13. Potential dangers result
in contamination throughout the supply chain, which
includes handling, stockpiling, mass transit, and dis-
semination, controlled by food risk control14. Ap-
proximately 57 percent of people worldwide are af-
fected by various health hazards because of consum-
ing infected and adulterated foods, with 32 percent
Cite this article : Islam M S, Jhily N J, Shampad M M H, Hossain J, Sarkar S C, Rahman M M, Islam M A.
Dreadful Practices of Adulteration in Foods: Their Frequent Consequences on Public Health. Asian
J. Health Sci. 2022; 8(1):32.
Asian Journal of Health Sciences 2022, 8(1):32
being young and 25 percent being adults15. It should
be necessary to conduct quality control tests to pro-
vide foods that are completely independent of adul-
terants and approved for human ingestion16.
e main goal of this review paper is to identify the
dreadful practices of adulteration in various foods, as
well as the public health consequences of these adul-
Criteria for considering the studies for re-
During the search and selection of the appropriate
documents for use in this study, the following param-
eters were considered: articles on the basic aspects of
food adulteration, articles containing the scenario or
practices of adulteration from the viewpoint of dier-
ent countries in the world, articles on the patterns and
practices of adulteration in a variety of important food
products, and the eects or implications on the public
in the world.
Search methods for the identication of
suitable studies
To write this research paper, articles and reviews
were searched for using PubMed, Google Scholar, and
Selection of the studies
Only papers that were linked to the study selection
criteria were added to this paper from among the ar-
ticles that were searched. On the other hand, papers
that were unable to follow the study selection criteria
were excluded from the study paper. Aer reviewing
more than 40 research articles, information from 60
relevant reference sources was included.
e food products that we purchase and consume
are already at risk of being tainted in various phases
of the supply chain. As per the FSSAI study con-
ducted, the much more popular dishes discovered
to be tainted include dairy, sh, fruits and vegeta-
bles, liquids, syrup, oil, wheat bread, tea, chilies, and
many other seasonings, among others. e foods
were tainted by incorporating toxic substances with
their companions17,18 . Lead chromate has been dis-
covered in pulses, painted barn in seasonings, ac-
etaldehyde and gelatin in cream, urea, washing pow-
der, starch, etc. in dairy, iron additives in tea, sand,
dry erase powder, etc., in wheat our, calcium carbide,
copper salt, formalin, etc. in fruits and vegetables, salt
is oen adulterated by light-skinned powdered stone,
and honey is found with molasses and cane sugar as
adulterants19,20 . To make foods more appealing to
customers, a variety of colorants are used. Sulfuric
acid is used to make evaporated milk5,2124. O-
cial statistics released by the Bangladesh governments
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) re-
vealed that nearly half of the food samples were found
to have been adulterated from 2001 to 2009 by the In-
stitute of Public Health (IPH) 25.
Food adulteration is a long-standing criminal of-
fense26,27. Food adulteration is becoming more com-
mon which aects public health to a greater extent,
especially with the widespread use of contaminants.
is causes increased mindfulness, distress, and vul-
nerability 22,2832. Nausea, abdominal discomfort,
autoimmune disease, asthma, headache, sinus infec-
tion, larynx constriction, bronchitis, dermatitis, al-
lergic reactions, diarrhea, hematuria, numbness, and
dizziness are some of the acute signs and symptoms
caused by adulterants. Acute adulteration for a long
period of time can lead to circulatory failure, cardio-
genic shock, renal failure, hepatocellular carcinoma,
liver cancer, epilepsy, and a variety of other diseases,
in addition to the eects listed earlier in this sec-
Among the adulterants listed in the table and
preceding paragraph are lead, mercury, cobalt,
chromium, cadmium, arsenic, Sudan red, metanil
yellow, melamine, urea, aatoxin, DDT (dichloro
diphenyl trichloroethane), calcium carbide, formalin,
and others.
Heavy metals have no potential health benets. How-
ever, there is no established homeostasis framework
for them36. Acute long-term exposure can easily
hinder normal physiological cellular functions in hu-
mans37. Heavy metals, such as lead, chromium,
and arsenic, accumulate in the body, which might
cause kidney and liver damage and developabnormal-
ities among children38 . Moreover, the International
Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has labeled
As, Cd, and Pb as carcinogens39. e persistent ef-
fects of low concentrations of As, Cd, and Pb may thus
result in a variety of cancers40 .
Sudan dyes, which are commonly used in foods such
as chili powder and curry, can be extremely hazardous
Asian Journal of Health Sciences 2022, 8(1):32
to human health41,42 . Lawful uses of Sudan II, III,
and IV are fully accountable for the wide occurrence
of these intoxicants and result in the permanent ex-
posure of people to such substances. Sudan III con-
tinues to remain admissible for ingredients that do
not interact with the mucosal surfaces42 . Individu-
als subjected to addictive substances on a routine ba-
sis for extended periods at a signicant level may also
experience detrimental ramications43 . Sudan I, II,
and III reaction products, along with Sudan Red 7B
and Sudan Black B reaction products, have now been
proclaimed carcinogens and they are now categorized
as group 3 substances by the International Agency for
Research on Cancer44,45.
Metanil yellow is a bright orange cationic dye that is
extensively used as a food colorant in a wide range of
food products due to its low cost46,47 . Metanil yellow
can cause harm to the human heart, abdomen, liver,
kidneys, peripheral nerves, gastrointestinal tract, gas-
tric tissue, and other important organs and home-
ostatic mechanisms46,4850 . According to some re-
search, access to metanil yellow wreaked havoc in
both the ne grained and Purkinje intercellular spaces
of the nervous system of rats51 . e intestinal epithe-
lium was also discovered to be irreversibly altered as
a result of metanil yellow disclosure, leading to a loss
of nutrient uptake capacity 52 . A study of goat cardiac
tissue found that metanil yellow provokes hepatotox-
icity, increases oxidative stress, and distorts the stages
of the intracellular antioxidative enzymes and super-
oxide dismutase in a goats heart in utero53. A study
on Swiss albino mice discovered that metanil yellow
provokes scrotal cellular injury, as well as demyelina-
tion in the Sertoli cells and sperm cells. It was also
connected to scrotal damage in studies that pointed
to select components in lab rats, mice, and rats54,55.
Melamine-contaminated food has exacerbated kid-
ney problems and nephrolithiasis in Asia and North
America throughout 2004 as well as 200756,57 .In
2008, a melamine-contaminated powdered milk im-
broglio in China drew worldwide interest. Because
of this imbroglio, 294,000 patients were reported to
have melamine-related urolithiasis, 51,900 of whom
were hospitalized and at least 6 of whom starved to
death56,58. Pure melamine seems to be non-toxic in
tiny quantities59,60 ; the daily limit is 0.5 milligrams
per kg of body mass61. Melamine-cyanurate multi-
faceted hydrolyzing items are much more threatening
than melamine and cyanuric acid alone57 .
Aatoxin can contaminate foods such as grains, wal-
nut, maize, cotton, groundnuts, and tree nuts 62 where
they are grown, cultivated, and preserved 63. Aatox-
ins can pose signicant threats to humansand animals
by exacerbating the hepatic damage, carcinogenic ef-
fects, mutagenicity, teratogenic eects, and hypersen-
sitivity 6471. e most widespread aatoxins seems
to be in forms B1, B2, G1, and G2 72, among which
type B1 is noticed most oen in food products. It has
been observed to be the most ecient organic car-
cinogen and unwanted substance64,66,67.
e unbounded use of poisonous DDT powder in dry
sh is a potential carcinogen73 . Several observational
studies have failed to detect a higher risk of death74 ,
whereas others have explored a signicant relation-
ship with pancreatic cancer75 , hepatic and bile duct
cancer76, myeloma77, cardiac disease, and presum-
ably diabetes78. DDT was classied as a ”probable
human carcinogen (Group 2B)” by the International
Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in 199179.
e pervasive use of formaldehyde solution in fruits,
vegetables, sh, meats, and dairy foods for lengthy
restoration causes harm to population health80. Ac-
cess to formaldehyde solution gaseous fuel can in-
duce ocular, nose, and respiratory system itchiness81 .
Formaldehyde solution exposure ranging from 5 to
30 ppm and greater can cause or exasperate bronchial
asthma. Paraformaldehyde oen can impair the
retina and lead to blindness. Prolonged exposure to
formalin can cause respiratory, gastrointestinal, hep-
atic, cardiovascular, nephrological, and cognitive dif-
culties, as well as cancer73,8285. Formaldehyde was
recently designated a Group 1 carcinogen by the Inter-
national Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)86,87.
Calcium carbide (CaC2) is a chemical substance used
in the manufacturing of acetylene and calcium cyan-
imide88,89, the rst of which aects the central ner-
vous system by minimizing oxygen circulation to the
brain90,91. e conduct of food with calcium carbide
is predominantly destructive because it encompasses
drops of arsenic and phosphorous. e carbide pro-
duces acetylene vapor when liqueed in water. By
inducing elongated hypoxia, acetylene vapor can dis-
tress the nervous system. Nuisances, vertigo, mood
disorders, lassitude, mental shakiness, a lack of mem-
ory, cerebral edema, and conscations are the conse-
quences. Carbide may also cause renal and liver prob-
lems, especially in children 92. Calcium carbide in-
duces neurological disorders93,94 and can cause can-
cer in the lungs, kidney, liver, skin, and prostate 73.
Babies born to pregnant women who ingest carbide-
ripened fruit may have birth defects93,94.
e rising number of cancers, metabolic syndrome,
and kidney failure recurrences across the country
could be attributed primarily to tainted food con-
sumption. Toxic residues in food have the most neg-
ative impact on childrens cognitive growth, as well as
womens reproduction95 .
Asian Journal of Health Sciences 2022, 8(1):32
Table 1: The eects of food adulteration on public health
References Study
Food Involved Adulterants Used Health Consequences of Adulterants
96 Italy Wine Methanol Caused the deaths of 23 individuals
97 Bangladesh Spices, pulps, juices, lentils, and oils Chromium, tartrazine, and erythro-
Kidney, skin, liver, prostate, and lung cancer
98 Spain Vegetable Oils Car oil - More than 20000 cases of illness
- 663 fatalities
97 Bangladesh Bread and wheat our Rye our Spontaneous abortion and traumatic event
99 Bangladesh Sweet, sauce, pastry, powder, sea-
Coal tar and synthetic colorants Oncogenic
100 Ethiopia Water from boreholes Fluoride level Dental uorosis can result from long-term exposure
Induce skeletal uorosis in children and adults
99 Bangladesh Chinese food products for restau-
Agenomato or monosodium gluta-
Disorder and depression of the nervous system
101 Tanzania Milk and dairy products Bacterial infection of Staphylococ-
cus aureus
Pimples, skin infections
Even blood poisoning
3India Rat Poison tainted Foods Barium Violent peristalsis, hypertension, twitching of the muscles,
convulsions, cardiac disorders
102 Kenya Animal products that are tainted,
such as unpasteurized milk or cheese
A microorganism called Brucella Fever, fatigue, weight loss, and malaise, a u-like illness
99 Bangladesh Blanched and pued rice Urea Renal and nervous system damage
Respiratory problems
103 Ethiopia Dairy milk Staphylococcus aureus bacterial in-
Nausea, vomiting, sweating, diarrhea, stomach cramps
3India Edible oils and fats Mineral oil Can causes cancer
104 China Honey Large fructose syrup with corn Weight gain, diabetes, obesity, and liver disease
97 Bangladesh Turmeric powder Brick dust, articial powder, and
Continued on next page
Asian Journal of Health Sciences 2022, 8(1):32
Table 1 continued
References Study
Food Involved Adulterants Used Health Consequences of Adulterants
105 Nepal Food grains (i.e., corn, groundnuts,
wheat, etc.) or other food products
are typically stored during storage
Aatoxin Causes toxicity
Associated with cancer, kwashiorkor, and delay in childhood
3India Smoked sh, meat, water contami-
nated with mineral oil, oils, fats and
sh, especially shellsh
Refrigerated together with fried and
raw sh
Can causes cancer
106 Malaysia Herbal and food products Inhibitors of Phosphodiesterase-5
and its analogs
Headaches, ushing, nasal inammation, nasopharyngitis,
and dyspepsia
99 Bangladesh Chili powder Sudan red, red brick powder, sand,
gravel, unauthorized colors, saw-
dust or dry papaya seeds
Tumors in liver and bladder
Eventually for cancer, respiratory complaint, stomach dis-
3India Saron, cashew, clove, chilies Petals, husks or stalks, and fruits Aected by low-quality standards
99 Bangladesh Fruit ripening Calcium Carbide Kidney, skin, liver, prostate, and lung cancer
107 Brazil Honey Fed extra sucrose or sucrose solu-
tion or syrup
Can cause obesity
Increase blood glucose level
Demonstrate toxicity eects
3India Drinking water, seafood, tea, etc. Flouride Fluorosis induces excess uoride.
108 China Meat products Unauthorized sudan powder Cancer-causing teratogenicity, genotoxicity and carcino-
genicity, and their degradation products are considered haz-
97 Bangladesh Tea Using processed and colored tea
Detrimental to health, cancer
3India Foreign
Mixture of black pepper and others
Deleterious to health
Even can causes cancer
97 Bangladesh Butter Dalda mixed with pigment, powder,
soap, oleomargarine or lard, cow’s
Asthma and deteriorated kidney function
Continued on next page
Asian Journal of Health Sciences 2022, 8(1):32
Table 1 continued
References Study
Food Involved Adulterants Used Health Consequences of Adulterants
3India Oils Rancid oil Abolishes vitamin A and E
99 Bangladesh Sweet, sauce, pastry, powder, spices Coal tar and manufacturing dyes Carcinogenic
3India Fruits like water Arsenic Vertigo, anxieties, cramps, paralysis
And, even can causes death
99 Bangladesh Condensed milk Sulfuric acid and palm oil Cardiac function delinquent
56 China Milk foodstus Melamine Kidney failure
3India Fish Mercury Brain damage, paralysis, death
99 Bangladesh Dry sh DDT Breast cancer, liver cancer and pancreatic cancer
Reproductive damage
Neurological damage
81,85,109,110 Bangladesh Raw sh Formaldehyde (formalin) Irritated eyes, nose, and throat
Asthma can be provokedby exposures of 5-30 ppm or higher
Long-term ingestion can increase cancer risk, as well as res-
piratory, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, nephrological, and
cognitive troubles
3India Fruit drinks, food and beverages Cadmium Disease of Itai-itai
Increased salivation
Liver and kidney impairment
Cancer of the prostate
97 Bangladesh So and hard beverages Dyes based on copper, zinc or in-
Toxic to health
3India Natural and processed water and
Lead Causes base drips, insomnia, anemia, and constipation
3India Food grains, pulses etc. Sand, stone, chips of marble, lth Impairment of gastrointestinal tract
Continued on next page
Asian Journal of Health Sciences 2022, 8(1):32
Table 1 continued
References Study
Food Involved Adulterants Used Health Consequences of Adulterants
99 Bangladesh Milk Adulterate cow or bualo milk with
starch, milk powder and urea
Cancer or acute renal distortion
3India Water, liquors Cobalt Insuciency of the heart and myocardial failure
97 Bangladesh Sweets Metanil yellow Can causes cancer and tumor
Asian Journal of Health Sciences 2022, 8(1):32
From the above analysis and conversations, we can
summarize that without our understanding, adulter-
ation added to food products can cause enormous
health eects. Many traders use various adulterants
in dierent ways to make the maximum prot from
food rather than enough investment. Adulteration
can be avoided through a few attentive measures.
Consumers should avoid purchasing food from lo-
cations where adequate hygiene conditions are not
maintained. e government should also take more
of the initiative by conducting various campaigns to
promote its rights and to help detect food adulteration
at home. e consumers’ rights to obtain good food
should be recognized and correctly and eciently en-
forced to create a stronger and more powerful coun-
try. Health education should be made mandatory. To
construct positive change in this situation, all respon-
sible stakeholders in society must come forward to
protect our health and to prevent future generations
from contracting food-borne diseases.
We would like to acknowledge the role of our depart-
ment and teachers in conducting this research and
their inspirations for doing such research activities.
All authors equally contributed to this work, read and
approved the nal manuscript.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
e authors declare that they have no competing in-
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... As a result, families suffer from undernutrition and eat fewer meals a day. Other local research studies also suggest that rising food prices [40] and the circulation of adulterated food in urban cities [41,42] can lead to food insecurity and undernutrition in poor families [43]. ...
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This study aimed to identify social determinants of maternal and child health (SDoH) in Pakistan. Using a qualitative study design, data were collected from community members in seven underserved areas of Lahore City, Pakistan. A total of 22 qualitative in-depth interviews and 10 focus group discussions (FGDs) were conducted. The participants included basic health unit healthcare staff, women of reproductive ages, male family members, mothers-in-law, and religious leaders. We found that maternal and child health is adversely affected by the following socioeconomic and environmental barriers: (i) poor housing quality and sanitation; (ii) inadequate food supply and safety; (iii) unsatisfactory public sector school services; (iv) a lack of safety and security; (v) scarce poverty alleviation efforts and loan schemes; (vi) unsatisfactory transport and internet services; and (vii) inadequate health services. The targets for maternal and child health in Pakistan cannot be met without close coordination between the primary health sector, local governance, and macro state structures, which collectively must monitor and improve housing adequacy, food security, public sector services (primary healthcare services, public schooling, public transport, and public internet access), overall safety, and poverty emergence.
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Production of functional foods requires ensured food safety and understanding of good manufacturing practices (GMP). Good manufacturing practices provide harmony to all sections of the facility in working towards food safety. There is always a systematic link among food quality, safety and every activity before, during and after processing starting right from the design of the facility, monitoring of systems on the ground, documentation and recording, as well as personnel understanding and commitment. All stages of manufacturing are critical to the safety of the products being manufactured. These cover raw material, suppliers, processing, packaging, storage and distribution of products. Another important aspect is the relationship that the manufacturer develops with customers. This chapter details basic GMP and food safety requirements for functional food manufactures. Adherence to good manufacturing practices ensures that the products will be safe for consumption which increases the chances of regulators’ approvals, customer satisfaction and survival of the business.
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Food adulteration is a socioeconomic problem, particularly in developing nations. Approximately, 22% of foods are manually adulterated. Globally, around 57 % of people have developed health problems due to consumption of adulterated and contaminated foods. The quality of various foods has been a great challenge in many countries of the world including India. Adulteration of milk is the most encountered issue in present era. In India, about 88% of milk is found to be adulterated. Milk is most convenient food available for adulteration because of its opacity and high percentage of water. The milk is spoiled due to the adulteration with many harmful chemicals, such as ammonium sulphate, melamine, potassium sulphate, sugar, starch, caustic soda, maltodextrin, formalin, hydrogen peroxide, detergents, sodium chloride, urea, fertilizers etc. These adulterants have hazardous health effects on humans. Maltodextrin is a polysaccharide that is used to increase the volume of the foods like yoghurts, sauces, puddings, etc. It is added ƒ••–Š‹‡‡”‹ŽŽ‡”ƒ††’”‡•‡”˜ƒ–‹˜‡‹ƒ› processed foods. Maltodextrin can cause several health problems. The knowledge of adulteration of any food is essential for healthy living. It is emphasized that milk should be monitored for the presence of various adulterants including maltodextrin for the safety of the consumers.
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The effects of adulterated honey consumption towards human health is not widely known; mainly due to lack of systematic and scientific studies and low public awareness. In this study, short-term and long-term effects of consumption on two brands of commercially honey are available in Malaysian market was investigated and compared to normal control (NC) rats and rats fed with natural pineapple honey (PH) using male Sprague dawley rats. Adulteration of honey used in the study was measured using physicochemical and antioxidant analyses and identified as adulterated honey A (FHA) and B (FHB). No toxicity effect was found for short-term consumption (14 days with one honey consumption). However, visible effects were observed after 16 weeks of study. Both FHA and FHB showed a significant increase (p>0.05) in cholesterol (48.6 ± 4.8 mmol/L, 46.5 ± 3.6 mmol/L), triglycerides (26 ± 1.2 mmol/L, 24.4 ± 1.8 mmol/L) and glucose (28.4 ± 2.5 mmol/L, 25 ± 2.6 mmol/L) level respectively. In contrast, rats from NC and PH groups have lower cholesterol (26.5 ± 4.4 mmol/L, 18.94 ± 3.6 mmol/L), triglycerides (17.5 ± 1.2 mmol/L, 13.5 ± 1.5 mmol/L) and glucose (6.4 ± 1.4 mmol/L, 8.0 ± 1.5 mmol/L) level, respectively. The most critical finding was in total five rats from both fake honey groups showed early mortality. This intensive study indicates long-term adulterated honey may harm to human health and required prompt actions from various authorities locally and internationally to avoid other consequences in the future. © 2018 Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. All rights reserved.
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The study was conducted in the 12 upazilas of Tangail district, the searched out central part by far in Bangladesh rested with the demographic settlement of 64 Bangladeshi districts covered with the 7 divisions. There were 10% gamines and 90% street boys selected for the study from the 12 upazilas in the districts applying the simple random sampling method. Results divulged to contribute 66.67% underweight and 33.33% normal weight street children. According to the study, 34.97% children were different works doers and also about 65% were absolute work abstainers. The mainstream (85.5%) children were the three times and another 14.5% were two times daily meal eaters. Most children (85.3%) washed their hand before taking meal, 57.5% taken bath daily and 59.8% of them were diseases sufferers in the last 3 months prior to conducting study. Inspiring coup is essential to turn tail their devastating street life with a view to arrange their safe childhood.
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The current study was carried on taking 350 women attending the primary health care centers at different districts in Bangladesh using simple random sampling method. About 32.57% women off 31-35 ages were aware of family planning, 87.71% heard about contraceptives, 82.57% condom, 76.29% IUCD and 41.13% implant and 20% used pills, 4.29% condom and 10% injection in defense of 15.71% getting nod from their husbands. Organizing campaign about family planning in different places in different occasions is essential to make family planning awareness among the married couples in the country. 1. Background Family planning is the planning of when to have children and the use of birth control and other techniques to implement these plans [1] and other techniques commonly used including sexual education, prevention and management of sexually transmitted infections, pre-conception counseling and management and infertility management [2]. According to the WHO, Family planning allows individuals and couples to anticipate and attain their desired number of children and the spacing and timing of their births. It is achieved through use of contraceptive methods and the treatment of involuntary infertility. Women's ability to space and limit their pregnancies has direct impact on their health and well-being as well as on the outcome of each pregnancy [3]. Despite the fact that contraceptive usage has increased over a period of time,
The present study was designed to evaluate phytochemical properties of mango after formalin (37% formaldehyde solution) treatment. For this purpose fresh raw mangoes are collected, washed with pure water and divided into two groups. One group was treated with formalin for 7 consecutive days and another group was kept as normal. Both group of sample are then peeled off, dried, crushed into coarse powder and extracted by ethanol under sonication bath. Then the samples are filtered and concentrated with a rotary evaporator under reduced pressure at 50 °C. Then phytochemical screening was carried out and found that treatment with formalin markedly decreased phenolic and flavonoid content of mango. Similar result was found in both peel and fleshes which indicates that formalin may penetrated into the peel and brings certain change in flesh. Protein content of mango also shows a downward movement after formalin treatment.
Cypermethrin is a synthetic pyrethroid pesticide widely used to protect crop against pest and insect, resulting human health and their related environment are under great risk due to undesirable toxicity. The present study was carried out to evaluate extinct of damage caused by subcutaneous introduction of cypermethrin on liver and kidney tissue of mice model. Forty switch albino mice were dispense mainly into two groups as control and treatment group. The animals of three treatment groups (each group contain ten animal) were provided ordinary poultry food containing cypermethrin at dose level of 5, 7.5 & 10 ml/kg body weight respectively for different period based on the number of treated group. After ending treatment period, the animals were sacrificed for histological study and visualized under light microscope. Result were demonstrated enlargement in the sinusoidal space, vacuole formations in hepatocytes, leucocytic infiltrations, congestion of blood vessels with hemorrhage in hepatic tissue and shrinkage of glomeruli, necrosis of renal tubules, deleted blood vassal and severe congestion of renal glomerulus along with hemorrhage in renal tissues compared with the regular organization of their control. Therefore, we strongly recommend for the ban of cypermethrin and searching out nontoxic pesticide for agricultural use.