Conference PaperPDF Available

Deep Learning Based Model for Alzheimer's Disease Detection Using Brain MRI Images

978-1-6654-9299-7/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE
Deep Learning Based Model for Alzheimer's Disease
Detection Using Brain MRI Images
Muntasir Mamun
Department of Computer Science
University of South Dakota
South Dakota, USA
Siam Bin Shawkat
Department of Computer Science
American International University-Bangladesh
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Md Salim Ahammed
Department of Basic Biomedical Sciences
University of South Dakota
South Dakota, USA
Md Milon Uddin
Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Texas at Tyler
Texas, USA
Md Ishtyaq Mahmud
College of Science & Engineering
Central Michigan University
Mount Pleasant, MI 48858, USA
Asm Mohaimenul Islam
Department of Computer Science
University of South Dakota
South Dakota, USA
Abstract Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive
neurodegenerative disorder that causes problems with memory,
thinking, and behavior. And with time, symptoms become severe
enough to interfere with daily activities. Although there is no cure
for the disease, a proper management strategy starting at an early
stage can help improve quality of life and potentially slow the
disease progression. In clinical research, machine learning
techniques are frequently being used in different ways to help
detect disease conditions and progressions. Magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) is one of the best available tools that is used to
diagnose Alzheimer's disease. However, detecting very small
changes in AD brain during the early stage of the disease is
challenging. In this study, we developed deep learning-based
models for Alzheimer's detection using the 6219 MRI images
dataset. The dataset consists of images of different degrees of
demented and non-demented brains. Four deep learning models
that are utilized in this study are Convolutional Neural Network
(CNN), ResNet101, DenseNet121, and Visual Geometry Group16
(VGG16). From the analysis, we found that CNN outperformed
other models and achieved an accuracy of 97.60%, recall of 97%,
and AUC of 99.26%, with a nominal loss of 0.091.
Keywords— Alzheimer's disease, Alzheimer's diagnosis, Deep
learning model, CNN, ResNet101, VGG16.
Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder
primarily diagnosed in elderly people that affects memory
function and cognition [1]. In 2019 alone 121,499 listed deaths
were attributed to AD. Although deaths from heart disease,
HIV, and stroke declined between 2000 and 2019, recorded
deaths from AD grew by more than 145% [2]. An estimated 16
billion hours of care were given to people with Alzheimer's or
other dementias in 2021 by more than 11 million family
members and other unpaid caregivers. According to official
statistics, Alzheimer's disease was the sixth-leading cause of
death in the United States in 2019 and the seventh-leading cause
in 2020 and 2021 [2, 3]. Alzheimer's disease accounts for 60-
80% of dementia cases [4]. The symptoms eventually become
severe enough to interfere with daily activities. Most persons
with Alzheimer's are 65 or older, and age is the most significant
risk factor. If Alzheimer's disease develops in a person younger
than 65, it is referred to as younger-onset Alzheimer's. Early-
onset Alzheimer's disease is another name for younger-onset
dementia. Alzheimer's disease in younger patients might be in
the early, medium, or late stages [4, 5]. A person with
Alzheimer's typically lives 4 to 8 years after diagnosis;
however, depending on other variables, they may survive up to
20 years if we take the proper step at the right time [4].
For detecting Alzheimer's disease, a brain MRI scan/ image
is a crucial subject for consideration [6]. Moreover, deep neural
network models are getting very popular for health diagnosis
using MRI images [7, 9].
However, with recent developments in machine learning,
critical health problems are diagnosed and getting successful
output [10, 11, 22, 23], particularly in the form of deep learning,
have made significant progress in the area of image
understanding by making it easier to recognize, categorize, and
quantify patterns in medical images.
The key to the advancements is leveraging hierarchical
feature representations learned exclusively from data instead of
handmade features primarily created based on domain-specific
expertise. Deep learning is quickly establishing itself as the
cutting-edge foundation in this approach, achieving improved
performances in various medical applications [8].
2022 IEEE 13th Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON) | 978-1-6654-9299-7/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/UEMCON54665.2022.9965730
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Our work compared the performance of models using
several deep-learning models, including CNN, ResNet101,
DenseNet121, and VGG16. The following subsections made up
the remainder of the paper: Deep learning models that have
been employed to identify AD, a comprehensive overview, and
related works are provided in part II. Section III explains the
dataset, experimental concepts, and their applications with
complete methodology. The model performances are
demonstrated in Section IV. Finally, Section V provides the
conclusion and future work.
Sarraf et al. [12] used standard convolutional neural
networks to distinguish Alzheimer's disease from brain MRI
scans. The significance of identifying this type of medical data
lies in its capacity to construct a predictive model or system for
recognizing the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease compared to
normal patients and estimating the stages of the disease. The
authors used the "Alzheimer's disease Neuroimaging Initiative"
(ADNI) dataset having 43 images for the validation. The
authors achieved a mean accuracy of 96.85% for detecting
Alzheimer's using CNN.
Using analysis of brain MRI data, Islam et al. [13] developed
a deep convolutional neural network for diagnosing
Alzheimer's disease and comparison made with other deep pre-
trained models such as ResNet, InceptionV4, ADNet. Most of
the approaches used binary classification, and their model can
distinguish between the various phases of Alzheimer's disease
and performs better for early-stage diagnosis. According to the
resulting output, CNN outperformed other models and achieved
an accuracy of 93%, F1 score of 92%, precision of 94%, and
recall of 93%. The dataset has been collected from the OASIS
[14], and 416 Image samples were used for the implementation
using the input size of 112 x 112.
Pan et al. [15] proposed the CNN method with ensemble
techniques such as CNN+EL approach for identifying
Alzheimer's using MRI images. For the validation, authors used
ADNI dataset of 278 subjects. For the implementation authors
used PCA+SVM, 3D-SENet, CNN+EL techniques where
CNN+EL outperformed other methods and achieved an
accuracy 84 ± 5%, and AUC of 92 ± 3%.
Bae et al. [16] proposed a CNN-based model for detecting
Alzheimer's disease using MRI scan images from Alzheimer's
patients of different ethnicity, education level, and ages/gender.
For this reason, the authors used two types of datasets for
validation and accurate output. The datasets are from Seoul
National University Bundang Hospital (SNUBH) and
Alzheimer's disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI). The
authors used 195 images for both datasets and achieved a mean
AUC of 0.91-0.94, a mean accuracy of 0.88-0.89, and a mean
sensitivity of 0.85-0.88. Authors reported that the mean
processing time per person takes 23-24s.
Ahmed et al. [17] proposed a simple CNN architecture for
Alzheimer's detection using MRI images focusing on both the
left and right hippocampus areas. For the validation, the authors
used two types of datasets such as Gwangju Alzheimer's and
Related Dementia (GARD) and ADNI, respectively. For
ADNI, 352 MRI and 326 MRI scans were used to implement
GARD. The authors achieved an accuracy of 90.05%.
Fong et al. [18] proposed deep learning object detection
algorithms such as Faster R-CNN, SSD, and YOLOv3 in the
area of Alzheimer's disease classification using the ADNI
dataset of 500 RAW MRI images. Without applying any MRI
pre-processing technique to the dataset, the authors obtained an
accuracy of 99.8% for YOLOv3, 98.2% for SSD, and 0.98.8%
for Faster R-CNN.
Helaly et al. [19] categorized the medical images and found
Alzheimer's disease, where two techniques were applied. In the
first technique, 2D and 3D convolution-based simple CNN
architectures were used to process structural brain scans in 2D,
and 3D from the Alzheimer's disease Neuroimaging Initiative
(ADNI) dataset having 5764 images and achieving the
accuracies of 93.61% and 95.17% respectively. The second
approach used the VGG19 model and other previously trained
medical images for classification by applying the transfer
learning principle and achieved an accuracy of 97% for multi-
class classification.
Battineni et al. [20] proposed a framework based on
supervised learning classifiers for categorizing dementia
patients as Alzheimer's or non-Alzheimer's disease based on
longitudinal brain MRI features. The authors collected 150
subjects from the OASIS dataset for validation. Six different
supervised classifiers such as- Gradient boosting, Support
vector machine, Logistic regression, Random forest,
AdaBoosting, Naive bayes were incorporated to classify AD
subjects using 10-fold cross-validation. And results represented
that the Gradient boosting algorithm outperforms other models
with 97.58% of accuracy, AUC of 98.1% and recall of 96%.
Orouskhani et al. [21] proposed a unique deep triplet
network in order to analyze brain MRI data and detect
Alzheimer's disease. Because of the small number of samples,
the suggested deep triplet network adds a conditional loss
function to increase the model's accuracy. This model's
fundamental network was inspired by VGG16 and compared
the output with six state art of models such as ResNet-CNN,
3D-DSA-CNN, 3D-CNN, GoogLeNet, SCNN, Conditional
triplet-VGG. The Conditional triplet-VGG achieved the highest
accuracy of 99.41%. For the implementation, they used 256 x
256 input images. The experiments were carried out using
open-access imaging research (OASIS) and collected 382
images of the brain MRI dataset.
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TABLE I Alzheimer's detection model performance analysis
Applied Models Measures
Sarraf et al.
(2016) [12]
ADNI (43) CNN Accuracy:
Islam et al.
(2018) [13]
OASIS (416)
94%, and
recall: 93%.
Pan et al.
(2020) [15]
Accuracy 84
± 5%,
AUC: 92 ±
Bae et al.
(2020) [16]
CNN Accuracy:
Ahmed et al.
(2020) [17]
GARD (326)
ADNI (352)
CNN Accuracy:
Fong et
al.(2020) [18]
ADNI (500) R-CNN,
Helaly et al.
(2021) [19]
ADNI (5764) CNN,
Battineni et
al. (2021)
OASIS (150) Gradient
Support vector
machine, Logistic
Random forest,
Naive bayes
Orouskhani et
al. (2022)
OASIS (382) ResNet-CNN,
Our work
Kaggle (6219) CNN(Proposed),
Recall: 97
The methodology starts with the image dataset collected
from the available source. After that, we pre-process the image
dataset. The proposed CNN model and other deep learning
models, such as ResNet101, DenseNet121, and VGG16, are
then trained, tested, and validated on the MRI image dataset
using the standard hold-out-validation approach. The findings
are computed and analyzed to establish the best deep learning-
based model for detecting Alzheimer's disease. ResNet101,
DenseNet121, and VGG16 are pre-trained transfer learning
models, whereas CNN is a custom-trained model [24, 25]. For
this reason, the proposed custom CNN architecture is
represented in Figure 4, and Figure 1 depicts the overview of
the proposed strategy.
Figure 1: The overview of the study
A. Dataset Collection:
In this paper, the Alzheimer's Dataset (Brain MRI
Images) has been collected from the publicly available
Kaggle online source. According to the dataset source,
the images were hand collected from various websites,
with each and every label verified [26]. The data
consists of 6219 MRI images. The dataset has two
classes: one consists of a mixed number of Mild
Demented, Moderate Demented, and Very Mild
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Demented image data, and the other is non-demented
image data for detecting Alzheimer's diseases.
Figure 2: Positive MRI Alzheimer's
Figure 3: Negative MRI Alzheimer's
B. Dataset pre-processing:
Dataset pre-processing has been done by using
feature extraction for the images, such as reading the
images, resizing images, removing noises (de-noise),
image segmentation, and morphology (smoothing
edges). This processing system is crucial for analyzing
deep learning models for image classification or
detection processes.
C. Validation process:
It is crucial to select the appropriate validation
procedure for large image datasets. We used a hold-
out validation process by holding 70% data for
training 15% of the data for testing and 15% of the data
for validating. The hold-out validation method
produces the most effective results [27].
D. Proposed CNN architecture:
In the proposed CNN, the 32x32 input image was
first sent to a convolution layer with the value of 16
filters, 30x30 feature maps, and a kernel size of 3x3 to
look for the most general features. In order to reduce
the size of spatial data for the following layer by half,
the output of the convolutional layer was then passed
on to a max pooling layer with feature maps of 15x15.
This output was then sent to a second convolution
layer with the value of 32 filters, feature maps of
13x13, and kernel size set to 3x3 for further
processing. To reduce the quantity of spatial data for
the following layer by half, the output of this layer was
then passed on to a max pooling layer with 6x6 feature
maps. Another set of convolution and pooling layers
comes with this. In this instance, the convolution layer
was made up of 64 filters with 2x2 feature maps and a
kernel size of 3x3, and the pooling layer was made up
of 1x1 feature maps. The final output last
convolutional layer was then flattened and passed to
130 dimensional fully connected dense layer that was
created. It is then routed to the final output layer,
which has a softmax activation function. All layers use
a ReLU activation function with a dropout of 0.5,
except for the final layer, which uses a softmax
activation with no dropout. Figure 4 depicts the above-
mentioned layout of the proposed CNN architecture.
The model was trained with a learning rate of 0.01, 50
epochs, and 13 batch sizes. The adamax optimizer was
used for compiling the model. A categorical
crossentropy-based loss function and other metrics
such as accuracy, recall, and AUC has been achieved
using the help of the Keras python library.
Figure 4: CNN architecture
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The findings of different types of advanced deep learning
models - i.e. CNN, ResNet101, DenseNet121, VGG16
classification algorithms on Alzheimer's image dataset has been
computed in TABLE II, and comparisons have been provided
in Figures 5. In TABLE II, we presented the accuracy, area
under the curve (AUC), recall, and loss function results for the
performance observation of the models.
Table II. Results of different measures for different deep learning models for
detecting Alzheimer's diseases.
Model Accuracy AUC Recall Loss
1. CNN 97.60% 99.26% 97% 0.091
2. ResNet101 73.85% 83.00% 73.80% 0.556
3. DenseNet121 72.00% 77.63% 71.60% 0.640
4. VGG16 70.20% 77.10% 70.00% 0.583
In Figure 5, we can observe that CNN achieved the highest
accuracy of 97.60%, whereas VGG16 achieved the least
accuracy of 70.20%. Apart from that, ResNet101 and
DenseNet121 attained an accuracy of 73.85% and 72%,
Figure 5: Deep Learning model's performance analysis in
terms of Accuracy and AUC
However, accuracy alone cannot clearly show a sufficient
measurement system for evaluating a model's performance.
Besides, the AUC value and loss function become a vital matrix
for determining the model's performance and assessing a
model's ability to differentiate between classes. The AUC
measures how well the model differentiates between positive
and negative classes. The higher the AUC value, the better. The
value range is 0 to 1, with 0 representing a completely
inaccurate test and 1 representing a completely accurate test. In
general, an AUC of 0.5 indicates no discrimination (i.e., the
ability to classify patients with and without Alzheimer's
diseases or condition based on the test), 0.7 to 0.8 is considered
acceptable, 0.8 to 0.9 is considered great, and larger than 0.9 is
considered outstanding performance [28]. According to Figure
5, CNN not only achieved the highest accuracy but also
achieved an outstanding AUC score, which is 99.26%. Besides
ResNet101, DenseNet121, and VGG16 achieved an AUC score
of 83%, 77.63% and 77.10% respectively. In addition, the loss
function is another considerable metric for evaluating the
model's performance. The loss function tells us about the
deviation between validation and training values. If the
validation value is too much away from the training value, then
our loss function's values tend to be high. So lowering the loss
value helps the model for better performance. A categorical
crossentropy loss function was analyzed along with the adam
optimizer. From Table II, we can see that CNN achieved the
lowest loss value of 0.091 whereas, DenseNet121 achieved the
highest loss of 0.640 according to our analysis. From the overall
analysis, the custom CNN model performed excellently in
detecting Alzheimer's disease using the brain MRI image
dataset and outperformed other deep learning models. We
provided the validation accuracy, validation AUC and loss
function curve in every epoch for CNN in Figures 6, 7, and 8,
Figure 6: Accuracy curve for CNN
73.85% 72% 70.20%
83% 77.63% 77.10%
Accuracy AUC
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Figure 7: AUC curve for CNN
Figure 8: Loss function curve for CNN
V. C
A common early sign of Alzheimer's is significant memory
loss, disorientation, and other significant changes in our mental
functioning may be symptoms of failing brain cells. With time,
these symptoms worsen, and the quality of life degrades.
Alzheimer's has no cure, but proper management in a timely
fashion can potentially improve quality of life and delay disease
progression. Deep learning-based models are used for image
classification in health care, and Brain MRI images can be one
of the
most effective datasets for the detection process. This
paper analyzed four types of deep architectures, such as CNN,
ResNet101, DenseNet121, and VGG16, to detect AD using
brain MRI images. According to the overall analysis, CNN
outperformed other models and is
considered the proposed
model for Alzheimer's detection. CNN achieved the highest
accuracy of 97.60%, recall of 97%, and AUC of 99.26%, along
with a nominal loss of 0.091. Our developed models, especially
achieved promising results. This proposed model might
be beneficial for early diagnosis and therapy of Alzheimer's and
contribute to biomedical research. In the future, we may use
newly developed deep learning models and pre-trained deep
architectures for more accurate results for Alzheimer's
detection. In the same way, we will also work on cancer
detection and some other diseases using deep learning
algorithms for humankind.
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... The results were obtained by running the model for both five and 10 epochs; the researchers obtained an accuracy rate of 71.25% after training for five epochs and 73.75% after training for 10 epochs. Mamun et al. (2022) obtained the dataset for their study online via Kaggle. It comprised 6,219 MRI images with four classes. ...
... In a study conducted by Mamun et al. (2022), 6,219 MRI images with four classes were used. The dataset was first preprocessed by performing image resizing, noise removal, image segmentation, and smoothing. ...
... The one-versus-one and one-versusall classification accuracies were higher than the results obtained in this study. Another difference between our study and the study by Mamun et al. (2022) is that we used more MRI images with three classes, and the dataset was divided into 70% for training and 30% for testing when running the models. In addition, the EfficientNetB0, DenseNet121, and AlexNet models were employed to perform the one-versus-one and one-versus-all classifications. ...
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Early diagnosis is crucial in Alzheimer's disease both clinically and for preventing the rapid progression of the disease. Early diagnosis with awareness studies of the disease is of great importance in terms of controlling the disease at an early stage. Additionally, early detection can reduce treatment costs associated with the disease. A study has been carried out on this subject to have the great importance of detecting Alzheimer's disease at a mild stage and being able to grade the disease correctly. This study's dataset consisting of MRI images from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) was split into training and testing sets, and deep learning-based approaches were used to obtain results. The dataset consists of three classes: Alzheimer's disease (AD), Cognitive Normal (CN), and Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). The achieved results showed an accuracy of 98.94% for CN vs AD in the one vs one (1 vs 1) classification with the EfficientNetB0 model and 99.58% for AD vs CNMCI in the one vs All (1 vs All) classification with AlexNet model. In addition, in the study, an accuracy of 98.42% was obtained with the EfficientNet121 model in MCI vs CN classification. These results indicate the significant potential for mild stage Alzheimer's disease detection of Alzheimer's disease. Early detection of the disease in the mild stage is a critical factor in preventing the progression of Alzheimer's disease. In addition, a variant of the non-parametric statistical McNemar's Test was applied to determine the statistical significance of the results obtained in the study. Statistical significance of 1 vs 1 and 1 vs all classifications were obtained for EfficientNetB0, DenseNet, and AlexNet models.
... With the recommended feature extraction, it generated an exceptional outcome. Mamun et al. (2022) [36] employed ResNet-101, DenseNet-121, and VGG-16 models to detect AD. These models achieved an average accuracy of 97.8%. ...
... With the recommended feature extraction, it generated an exceptional outcome. Mamun et al. (2022) [36] employed ResNet-101, DenseNet-121, and VGG-16 models to detect AD. These models achieved an average accuracy of 97.8%. ...
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Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative condition. It causes cognitive impairment and memory loss in individuals. Healthcare professionals face challenges in detecting AD in its initial stages. In this study, the author proposed a novel integrated approach, combining LeViT, EfficientNet B7, and Dartbooster XGBoost (DXB) models to detect AD using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The proposed model leverages the strength of improved LeViT and EfficientNet B7 models in extracting high-level features capturing complex patterns associated with AD. A feature fusion technique was employed to select crucial features. The author fine-tuned the DXB using the Bayesian optimization hyperband (BOHB) algorithm to predict AD using the extracted features. Two public datasets were used in this study. The proposed model was trained using the Open Access Series of Imaging Studies (OASIS) Alzheimer’s dataset containing 86,390 MRI images. The Alzheimer’s dataset was used to evaluate the generalization capability of the proposed model. The proposed model obtained an average generalization accuracy of 99.8% with limited computational power. The findings highlighted the exceptional performance of the proposed model in predicting the multiple types of AD. The recommended integrated feature extraction approach has supported the proposed model to outperform the state-of-the-art AD detection models. The proposed model can assist healthcare professionals in offering customized treatment for individuals with AD. The effectiveness of the proposed model can be improved by generalizing it to diverse datasets.
... They employ four different deep learning models: the CNNN, the DenseNet121, the ResNet101, and the VGG-16. According to the results, CNN outperformed the other models by a wide margin, with an AUC of 99.26%, an accuracy of 97.60%, a recall of 97%, and a nominal loss of 0.091 [24]. The research [25] presents an innovative approach that combines many modes of data fusion. ...
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Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease causing memory loss and brain protein accumulation. Early diagnosis is crucial for clinical trials and patient care. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) methods have improved diagnosis and prognosis, but doctors need to interpret images proficiently. Deep learning technology has shown potential in detecting Alzheimer’s disease, but the disease progresses slower in early phases. A new dual-attention convolutional autoencoder model is presented, offering improved detection abilities and potential for real-time use in Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis. The study utilized two datasets: the first ADNI dataset, which includes three classes (MCI, CN, and AD), and the second Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Dataset, which includes two distinct classes (AD and MCI). We analyze the effectiveness of our proposed model by evaluating key performance metrics such as accuracy, precision, sensitivity, specificity, F1 score, and AUC score. In addition, we utilize cross-validation and mean absolute error to validate our model while also fine-tuning the parameters. Based on experimental data, the proposed model accurately detected Alzheimer’s disease with an accuracy of 0.9902 ± 0.0139. Based on the results, the proposed model demonstrates excellent performance compared to the existing methods described in the literature. The proposed mode achieves precision, sensitivity, and specificity of 0.9882 ± 0.0587, 0.9898 ± 0.0865, 0.9912 ± 0.0872 respectively. The model achieved an AUC score of 0.9992 for MCI and 0.9919 for AD class. Furthermore, the proposed method can enhance the affordability of Alzheimer’s disease diagnostics and increase the rate of early AD detection by facilitating remote healthcare.
... The proposed CNN attained an accuracy of 98.00% but increasing both frequency and datasets provides us the chance to enhance the algorithm's accuracy and efficiency. The effectiveness of current deep learning techniques for identifying neurological disorders specifically disorders like Schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's was thoroughly evaluated and compared by Mamun et al. [12] (2022) utilizing MRI data obtained using various modalities. The CNN performed better than other techniques in the detection of neurological illnesses, according to the comparative performance analysis. ...
Conference Paper
Neurological disorders are conditions that affect the central nervous system. These problems have skyrocketed in different parts of the world post-COVID era. In response to the observed decline in cognitive function, escalating neurological disorders, and an upsurge in depressive states among young adults contributing to diminished academic and physical performance, a comprehensive investigation was undertaken. The focus of this investigation was on a specific demographic, namely the student population of Karunya University representing diverse academic disciplines. The objective was to identify pivotal factors contributing to compromised mental well-being in the academic setting, drawing upon the framework established by the Young Minds Matter Institute in Australia. To augment identification precision via an exploration of neural plasticity, we employed advanced deep-transfer CNN models. These models were proficient at processing Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI) to accurately delineate and classify various neurological conditions. Furthermore, a meticulous comparative analysis was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of leading algorithms with CNN models. The study also includes an exhaustive review of associated conditions and their precautionary measures including standard deviation (σ), range (low-high), and thresholds, thresholds providing a comprehensive understanding of multifaceted conditions. The experimental results show that the VGG-16 and Xception models excelled in classifying lower-order disorders (MRI), with VGG-16 holding superior for high-contrast resolution MRIs.
Alzheimer’s Disease is a significant global healthcare challenge that requires early and accurate diagnosis for better patient care and a deeper understanding of its pathology. In this study, we introduce “AlzhiNet”, an advanced deep learning model designed to diagnose Alzhimer’s Disease by using 3D Volumetric MRI data for multi-class diagnosis. AlzhiNet uses self-attention mechanisms to distinguish between Alzhimer’s Disease stages like Mild Cognitive Impairment, and Alzheimer’s Disease including subjects who are Cognitively Normal as a control group. It is a pioneering step towards explainability and helps bridge the gap between Artificial Intelligence and clinical expertise by unveiling the slices that are essential to diagnostic decisions. We describe AlzhiNet’s architecture, training methodology, and evaluation results, drawing insights from a dataset of 2098 MRI volumes. AlzhiNet’s impact extends far beyond being just a diagnostic tool, as it signifies a significant stride towards improved patient care and deeper insights into the complex pathology of Alzheimer’s disease.
A neurological type of brain disease called multiple sclerosis (MS) impairs how well the nervous system is able to function efficiently and causes people to experience visual, sensory, and problems with movement. Multiple methods of detection have been proposed so far for diagnosing MS; among them, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has drawn a lot of interest from healthcare providers. The ability to quickly diagnose lesions related to MS depends on a fundamental understanding of the anatomy and workings of the brain that MRI technology provides doctors. Using an MRI for diagnosing MS is tedious, time-consuming, and prone to human error. In the present investigation, lesion activity involves preprocessing and segmentation of the MS images from two time points using deep learning approaches.
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Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the most familiar type of dementia, is a severe concern in modern healthcare. Around 5.5 million people aged 65 and above have AD, and it is the sixth leading cause of mortality in the US. AD is an irreversible, degenerative brain disorder characterized by a loss of cognitive function and has no proven cure. Deep learning techniques have gained popularity in recent years, particularly in the domains of natural language processing and computer vision. Since 2014, these techniques have begun to achieve substantial consideration in AD diagnosis research, and the number of papers published in this arena is rising drastically. Deep learning techniques have been reported to be more accurate for AD diagnosis in comparison to conventional machine learning models. Motivated to explore the potential of deep learning in AD diagnosis, this study reviews the current state-of-the-art in AD diagnosis using deep learning. We summarize the most recent trends and findings using a thorough literature review. The study also explores the different biomarkers and datasets for AD diagnosis. Even though deep learning has shown promise in AD diagnosis, there are still several challenges that need to be addressed.
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Adult-onset dementia disorders represent a challenge for modern medicine. Alzheimer's disease (AD) represents the most diffused form of adult-onset dementia's. For half a century, the diagnosis of AD was based on clinical and exclusion criteria, with an accuracy of 85%, which did not allow for a definitive diagnosis, which could only be confirmed by post-mortem evaluation. Machine learning research applied to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) techniques can contribute to a faster diagnosis of AD and may contribute to predicting the evolution of the disease. It was also possible to predict individual dementia of older adults with AD screening data and ML classifiers. To predict the AD subject status, the MRI demographic information and pre-existing conditions of the patient can help to enhance the classifier performance. In this work, we proposed a framework based on supervised learning classifiers in the dementia subject categorization as either AD or non-AD based on longitudinal brain MRI features. Six different supervised classifiers are incorporated for the classification of AD subjects and results mentioned that the gradient boosting algorithm outperforms other models with 97.58% of accuracy.
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Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a chronic, irreversible brain disorder, no effective cure for it till now. However, available medicines can delay its progress. Therefore, the early detection of AD plays a crucial role in preventing and controlling its progression. The main objective is to design an end-to-end framework for early detection of Alzheimer’s disease and medical image classification for various AD stages. A deep learning approach, specifically convolutional neural networks (CNN), is used in this work. Four stages of the AD spectrum are multi-classified. Furthermore, separate binary medical image classifications are implemented between each two-pair class of AD stages. Two methods are used to classify the medical images and detect AD. The first method uses simple CNN architectures that deal with 2D and 3D structural brain scans from the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) dataset based on 2D and 3D convolution. The second method applies the transfer learning principle to take advantage of the pre-trained models for medical image classifications, such as the VGG19 model. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is difficult for people to go to hospitals periodically to avoid gatherings and infections. As a result, Alzheimer’s checking web application is proposed using the final qualified proposed architectures. It helps doctors and patients to check AD remotely. It also determines the AD stage of the patient based on the AD spectrum and advises the patient according to its AD stage. Nine performance metrics are used in the evaluation and the comparison between the two methods. The experimental results prove that the CNN architectures for the first method have the following characteristics: suitable simple structures that reduce computational complexity, memory requirements, overfitting, and provide manageable time. Besides, they achieve very promising accuracies, 93.61% and 95.17% for 2D and 3D multi-class AD stage classifications. The VGG19 pre-trained model is fine-tuned and achieved an accuracy of 97% for multi-class AD stage classifications.
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Vanda roxburghii has been used in traditional medicine to treat nervous system disorders including Alzheimer’s disease (AD). We reported earlier a high acetylcholinesterase inhibitory and antioxidant activity in the chloroform fraction of this plant. Therefore, this study was designed to explore the compounds with acetylcholinesterase inhibitory and antioxidant activities from the chloroform fraction of Vanda roxburghii. Phytochemical investigation led to the isolation for the first time of a fatty acid ester: methyl linoleate (1), and three phenolics: syringaldehyde (2), vanillin (3), and dihydroconiferyl dihydro-p-coumarate (4) along with the previously reported compound gigantol (5). Among the isolates, vanillin (3) and dihydroconiferyl dihydro-p-coumarate (4) were found to significantly inhibit the activity of acetylcholinesterase, scavenge the free radicals, exhibit the reducing power and total antioxidant activity, and effectively reduce the peroxidation of lipid. Gigantol (5) and syringaldehyde (2), despite lacking the activity against acetylcholinesterase, exhibited antioxidant activity. Among the compounds, gigantol (5) appeared to be the most potent antioxidant. These findings revealed that V. roxburghii contained compounds with potential acetylcholinesterase inhibitory and antioxidant activity, which support its traditional use in the treatment of AD.
Alzheimer's disease (AD) as an advanced brain disorder may cause damage to the memory and tissue loss in the brain. Since AD is a mostly costly disease, various deep learning-based models have been presented to achieve a high accuracy classifier to Alzheimer's diagnosis. While a model with high discriminative features is required to obtain a high performance classifier, the lack of image samples in the datasets causes over-fitting and deteriorates the performance of deep learning models. To overcome this problem, few-shot learning such as deep metric learning was introduced. In this paper we employ a novel deep triplet network as a metric learning approach to brain MRI analysis and Alzheimer's detection. The proposed deep triplet network uses a conditional loss function to overcome the lack of limited samples and improve the accuracy of the model. The basic network of this model inspired by VGG16 and experiments are conducted on open access series of imaging studies (OASIS). The experiments show that the proposed model outperforms the state-of-the-art models in term of accuracy.
Background Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is one of the deadliest diseases in developed countries. Treatments following early AD detection can significantly delay institutionalisation and extend patients’ independence. There has been a growing focus on early AD detection using artificial intelligence. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have proven revolutionary for image-based applications and have been applied to brain scans. In recent years, studies have utilised two-dimensional (2D) CNNs on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans for AD detection. To apply a 2D CNN on three-dimensional (3D) MRI volumes, each MRI scan is split into 2D image slices. A CNN is trained over the image slices by calculating a loss function between each subject’s label and each image slice’s predicted output. Although 2D CNNs can discover spatial dependencies in an image slice, they cannot understand the temporal dependencies among 2D image slices in a 3D MRI volume. This study aims to resolve this issue by modelling the sequence of MRI features produced by a CNN with deep sequence-based networks for AD detection. Method The CNN utilised in this paper was ResNet-18 pre-trained on an ImageNet dataset. The employed sequence-based models were the temporal convolutional network (TCN) and different types of recurrent neural networks. Several deep sequence-based models and configurations were implemented and compared for AD detection. Results Our proposed TCN model achieved the best classification performance with 91.78% accuracy, 91.56% sensitivity and 92% specificity. Conclusion Our results show that applying sequence-based models can improve the classification accuracy of 2D and 3D CNNs for AD detection by up to 10%.