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Diversity of bacterial pathogens and their antimicrobial resistance profile among commensal rodents in Qatar

  • Ministry of Municipality
  • Ministry of public health -Qatar
  • Department of Virology, Central Laboratory, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

Abstract and Figures

Rodents are sources of many zoonotic pathogens that are of public health concern. This study investigated bacterial pathogens and assessed their antimicrobial resistance (AMR) patterns in commensal rodents in Qatar. A total of 148 rodents were captured between August 2019 and February 2020, and blood, ectoparasites, and visceral samples were collected. Gram-negative bacteria were isolated from the intestines, and blood plasma samples were used to detect antibodies against Brucella spp., Chlamydophila abortus, and Coxiella burnetii. PCR assays were performed to detect C. burnetii, Leptospira spp., Rickett-sia spp., and Yersinia pestis in rodent tissues and ectoparasite samples. Antimicrobial resistance by the isolated intestinal bacteria was performed using an automated VITEK analyzer. A total of 13 bacterial species were isolated from the intestine samples, namely Acinetobacter baumannii, Aeromonas salmonicida, Citrobacter freundii, Citrobacter koseri, Enterobacter aerogenes, Enterobacter cloacae, Escherichia coli, Hafnia alvei, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Providencia stuartii, Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Salmonella enterica. The majority of them were E. coli (54.63%), followed by P. mirabilis (17.59%) and K. pneumoniae (8.33%). Most of the pathogens were isolated from rodents obtained from livestock farms (50.46%), followed by agricultural farms (26.61%) and other sources (22.94%). No antibodies (0/148) were detected against Brucella spp., C. abortus, or C. burnetii. In addition, 31.58% (6/19) of the flea pools and one (1/1) mite pool was positive for Rickettsia spp., and no sample was positive for C. burnetii, Leptospira spp., and Y. pestis by PCR. A total of 43 (38%) bacterial isolates were identified as multidrug resistant (MDR), whereas A. salmonicida (n = 1) did not show resistance to any tested antimicrobials. Over 50% of bacterial MDR isolates were resistant to ampicillin, cefalotin, doxycycline, nitrofurantoin, and tetracycline. The presence of MDR pathogens was not correlated with rodent species or the location of rodent trapping. Seven (11.86%) E. coli and 2 (22.2%) K. pneumoniae were extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL) producers. These findings suggest that rodents can be a source of opportunistic bacteria for human and animal transmission in Qatar. Further studies are needed for the molecular characterization of the identified bacteria in this study.
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Veterinary Research Communications
Diversity ofbacterial pathogens andtheir antimicrobial resistance
profile amongcommensal rodents inQatar
MdMazharulIslam1,2 · ElmoubasharFarag3· MohammadMahmudulHassan4 · KhalidA.Enan1,5·
K.V.MohammadSabeel1· MaryamMohammedAlhaddad1· MariaK.Smatti6· AbdullaMohammadAl‑Marri1·
AbdulAziaAl‑Zeyara1· HamadAl‑Romaihi3· HadiM.Yassine6· AliA.Sultan7· DevendraBansal3·
Received: 21 June 2021 / Accepted: 12 December 2021
© Springer Nature B.V. 2022
Rodents are sources of many zoonotic pathogens that are of public health concern. This study investigated bacterial pathogens
and assessed their antimicrobial resistance (AMR) patterns in commensal rodents in Qatar. A total of 148 rodents were cap-
tured between August 2019 and February 2020, and blood, ectoparasites, and visceral samples were collected. Gram-negative
bacteria were isolated from the intestines, and blood plasma samples were used to detect antibodies against Brucella spp.,
Chlamydophila abortus, andCoxiella burnetii. PCR assays were performed to detect C. burnetii, Leptospira spp., Rickett-
sia spp., and Yersinia pestis in rodent tissues and ectoparasite samples. Antimicrobial resistance by the isolated intestinal
bacteria was performed using an automated VITEK analyzer. A total of 13 bacterial species were isolated from the intestine
samples, namely Acinetobacter baumannii, Aeromonas salmonicida, Citrobacter freundii, Citrobacter koseri, Enterobacter
aerogenes, Enterobacter cloacae, Escherichia coli, Hafnia alvei, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Providencia stuartii, Proteus
mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Salmonella enterica. The majority of them were E. coli (54.63%), followed by P.
mirabilis (17.59%) and K. pneumoniae (8.33%). Most of the pathogens were isolated from rodents obtained from livestock
farms (50.46%), followed by agricultural farms (26.61%) and other sources (22.94%). No antibodies (0/148) were detected
against Brucella spp., C. abortus, or C. burnetii. In addition, 31.58% (6/19) of the flea pools and one (1/1) mite pool was
positive for Rickettsia spp., and no sample was positive for C. burnetii, Leptospira spp., and Y. pestis by PCR. A total of 43
(38%) bacterial isolates were identified as multidrug resistant (MDR), whereas A. salmonicida (n = 1) did not show resist-
ance to any tested antimicrobials. Over 50% of bacterial MDR isolates were resistant to ampicillin, cefalotin, doxycycline,
nitrofurantoin, and tetracycline. The presence of MDR pathogens was not correlated with rodent species or the location of
rodent trapping. Seven (11.86%) E. coli and 2 (22.2%) K. pneumoniae were extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL)
producers. These findings suggest that rodents can be a source of opportunistic bacteria for human and animal transmission
in Qatar. Further studies are needed for the molecular characterization of the identified bacteria in this study.
Keywords Commensal rodents· Gram-negative bacteria· Rickettsia· Antimicrobial resistance· Qatar
The global importance of emerging and reemerging infec-
tious diseases has increased immensely in the last few dec-
ades, with over 60% of them are of zoonotic origin (Jones
etal. 2008; Mostafavi etal. 2021). Rodents are poten-
tial sources of more than 88 zoonotic pathogens and are
historically linked to multiple epidemics (Bessat 2015;
Hashemi Shahraki etal. 2016; Islam etal. 2021a; Rosenthal
and Michaeli 1977). Commensal rodents, that live close to
humans and share human food, water, and shelter for liv-
ing, are common causes of damage to crops, destruction of
resources, and disease transmission (Meerburg etal. 2009;
Pinto 1993; Rabiee etal. 2018). Typical pathways for patho-
gen transmission from rodents to humans by direct contact;
food and water contaminated with rodent urine, feces, or
fur; or through their ectoparasites and other animals, such as
livestock and pets (Hamidi 2018; Rabiee etal. 2018).
* Md Mazharul Islam
Extended author information available on the last page of the article
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Qatar is a small country located in the Arabian Penin-
sula (World Travel Guide 2019) with a diverse population
(Planning and Statistics Authority 2020). Recently, three
commensal rodent species have been reported in Qatar: Mus
musculus, Rattus norvegicus, and Rattus rattus (Islam etal.
2021b; Noureldin and Farrag 2010). The cestode, Hyme-
nolepis diminuta, was found in R. norvegicus (Abu-Madi
etal. 2005), which is of public health importance (Torger-
son and Macpherson 2011). Several rodent-borne bacterial
diseases, such as campylobacteriosis (Abu-Madi etal. 2016;
Ghunaim etal. 2015; Humphrey etal. 2016; Mohammed
etal. 2015), non-diphtheritic corynobacteriosis (El-Nemr
etal. 2019), Escherichia coli enteritis (Ghunaim etal. 2015;
Humphrey etal. 2016; Mohammed etal. 2015), listeriosis
(Khan etal. 2017), Q-fever (Royal etal. 2013), salmonellosis
(Ghunaim etal. 2015; Humphrey etal. 2016), tuberculosis
(Al Marri 2012), and non-plague yersiniosis (Ghunaim etal.
2015) have been reported in humans and animals in Qatar.
Q-fever, brucellosis, and chlamydiosis are major causes of
livestock abortion in Qatar (Department of Animal Resource
The majority of Qatari residents originate from the
Indian subcontinent, which is endemic for many rodent-
borne zoonotic diseases, such as typhoid fever (Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention 2020; World Health
Organization 2018). Hence, frequent travel between Qatar
and these countries poses a risk of transboundary transmis-
sion of rodent-borne diseases in Qatar (Islam etal. 2021a;
Mangili and Gendreau 2005). Qatar has antimicrobial stew-
ardship programs (ASPs) in the medical field (Helen etal.
2018), although no legislation and guidelines are available
for its use in the veterinary field. Several studies have been
performed to determine the antimicrobial sensitivity (AST)
and Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) profiles of bacterial
isolates from humans and animals (Alhababi etal. 2020;
Sid Ahmed etal. 2020). Previous reports showed that urban
rodents could be potential carriers of AMR bacteria (Gwenzi
etal. 2021; Huy etal. 2020). However, presently there is
insufficient scientific data on the zoonotic bacteriaand their
AMR profile from wildlife, such as rodents in Qatar. There-
fore, this study investigated the diversity of rodent-borne
bacterial pathogens and their AMR patterns to assess the
public health risk in Qatar.
The sample collection
A total of 148 rodents were captured between August
2019 and February 2020 from different municipalities
and environments (Fig.1). A detail of these rodents was
described previously (Islam etal. 2021b). They included
three commensal species; M. musculus (n = 4), R. norvegi-
cus (n = 86), and R. rattus (n = 18). After administering
general anesthesia using 5% isoflurane inhalation (Mar-
quardt etal. 2018), cardiac blood was collected (Parasura-
man etal. 2010), and fleas and mites were captured from
rodents skin (Herrero-Cófreces etal. 2021; Stekolnikov etal.
2019). In addition, 108 rodents were necropsied, and six
visceral samples were collected from each rodent, includ-
ing the diaphragm, intestine, kidney, liver, lung, and spleen.
Information related to each rodent, such as species, age, sex,
pregnancy, ectoparasite type, ecosystem facility, and munici-
pality, was recorded.
Isolation, identification, andantimicrobial
resistance testing
All rodent intestines were processed under a laminar
airflow cabinet with a BSL 2 facility (Labconco, Cat:
3620924, Sl: 060757988) for the gram-negative gut bac-
terial isolation. Using sterilized swabs, the intestinal
contents were inoculated on MacConkey agar (MCA),
Hektoen enteric agar (HEA), eosin methylene blue agar
(EMBA), and selenite cystine broth (SCB) and incubated
overnight at 37°C. Growth on SCB was subcultured on
MCA, HEA, and EMBA. The colony characteristics were
studied on each culture medium, and the isolates were
primarily identified (Vandepitte 2003; Washington etal.
1985). Subsequent sub-cultures from the MCA, HEA,
and EMBA were performed to obtain a single colony. An
identical single colony of each primarily identified bacte-
rial species from a single rodent sample was transferred to
the automated VITEK system (VITEK®2, Version 07.01
compact system, Ref: 27630, SL: VK2C9944) for con-
firmatory identification and AST following the VITEK
protocol (VITEK 2008). A gram-negative identification
kit (VITEK® 2 GN kit, Ref: 21341) was used to confirm
the identification of the isolates. The minimum inhibi-
tory concentration (MIC) of an antimicrobial is the lowest
concentration of the antimicrobial that inhibits the growth
of a microorganism after overnight incubation (Andrews
2001). Using MIC, we checked the antimicrobial resist-
ance of the isolates using two cards: VITEK® 2 AST-GN
38 for samples number 1–65, and because of the produc-
tion of AST-GN 38 being halted by the manufacturer,
we alternated to VITEK® 2 AST-GN 85 for the rest of
the samples (samples number 66–108). These two cards
tested AMR against 20 antimicrobials: amikacin, amoxi-
cillin/clavulanic acid, ampicillin, cefalotin, cefovecin,
cefpodoxime, ceftiofur, chloramphenicol, doxycycline,
enrofloxacin, gentamicin, imipenem, marbofloxacin,
neomycin, nitrofurantoin, piperacillin, pradofloxacin,
tetracycline, tobramycin, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole.
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If an isolate was resistant to three or more antimicrobi-
als, it was considered MDR (Magiorakos etal. 2012).
The VITEK 2 AST-GN cards also tested the extended-
spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) producing ability of the
isolated E. coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae.
Antibodies against Brucella spp., Chlamydophila abor-
tus, and Coxiella burnetii were quantified in plasma by
indirect IgG ELISA kits (IDVet, 310 rue Louis Pasteur
– 34,790 Grabels, France), following the manufacturer’s
Fig. 1 Location of the different
municipalities of Qatar and
the facilities for trapping of
commensal rodents for isolating
bacterial pathogens in the cur-
rent study
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Molecular assays
Sample processing andDNA extraction
Genomic DNA was extracted from homogenized materials
of rodent tissues and ectoparasite samples using DNeasy
DNA blood and tissue (QIAGEN GmbH, Germany) as
per the manufacturer’s instructions. The visceral samples
of each rodent were grouped as a single tissue pool. The
fleas (n = 250) were collected into 19 pools (9–25 fleas per
pool) based on the flea sex and origin of the rodent host. All
mites (n = 4) were combined as a single pool. The tissue and
ectoparasite pools were homogenized in a 2ml microtube
(Sarstedt, 72.694.006) using a speed mill for two minutes
with 1mm, 4mm, and 30mm ceramic beads in 500μL
DMEM, 5% Gln, 1% Penstrep, 3% FKS. The microtube was
centrifuged for five minutes at 13000rpm, and the superna-
tant was transferred to a new 1.5ml tube and centrifuged at
13000rpm for 15min.
Molecular detection ofbacteria
Real-time PCR was carried out to detect DNA of Leptospira
spp., Rickettsia spp., and Yersinia pestis using 2X master
mix (5x Hot FIREPol Probe Universal qPCR Mix, Solis
BioDyne, Estonia) by Gentier 96E Real-time PCR System
(Tianlong Science and Technology, China). Conventional
PCR using AddStart Taq Master (2X concentration, South
Korea) was used to identify genomic DNA of C. burnetii
by SimpliAmp Thermal cycler and GDS-200C Gel docu-
mentation system. The PCR reaction conditions and primer/
probe used are listed in Table1. The positive DNA of C.
burnetii was used from our internal positive control stock
in the Department of Animal Resources, Qatar. However,
positive DNA of Rickettsia spp., Listeria spp., and Y. pestis
was collected from the Central Laboratory of the Ministry of
Higher Education and Scientific Research, Sudan. Distilled
water was used as the negative control.
Data analysis
All analyses were performed using the STATA/IC-13
(STATA Corp LLC, Lakeway Drive, TX, USA). Descriptive
statistics were expressed as frequency number, percentage
(%), and 95% confidence intervals (CI). The relationship
between bacterial isolation and MDR isolates with rodent
species and trapping locations were analyzed. The p value
(<0.05) was considered as a significant variation among the
Table 1 Primers, probes, and the annealing temperature for detecting Leptospira spp. and Rickettsia spp. used in rodent and ectoparasite samples
the current study
Pathogen and sample Primer name Primer (5-3) Annealing temperature Reference
Coxiella burnetii; Tissue
and flea
C. burnetii(F) CGG GTT AAG CGT GCT CAG TAT GTA 95°C for 10min,
35cycles of 95°C
20s, 60°C for 30s,
72°C for 45s, and
72°C for 5min
(Bruin etal. 2011)
Leptospira spp.; Tissue LipL32(F) AGA GGT CTT TAC AGA ATT TCT
50°C for 2min, 95°C
for 10min, 40cycles
of 95°C for 15s,
60°C for 1min
(Tellevik etal. 2014)
Rickettsia spp.; Tissue flea,
and mite
PanR8(F) AGC TTG CTT TTG GAT CAT TTGG 94°C for 2min,
45cycles of 94°C
for 15s, 60°C for
(Kato etal. 2013)
Yersinia pestis; Tissue and
Yp-F132(F) CTG CAA GCA CCA CTG CAA C 95°C for 10min,
35cycles of 95°C
20s, 60°C for 30s,
72°C for 45s, and
72°C for 5min
(Hinnebusch and
Schwan 1993)
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Demography ofidentified bacteria
Among the 108 rodent intestine samples, 95 (87.95%,
95%CI: 80.30–93.43) were positive for gram-negative bac-
teria. Of these, 14.74% (n = 13, 95%CI: 8.30–23.49) of the
rodents carried two or more bacterial species. Most of the
positive rodents were collected from livestock farms (n = 54,
50.46%, 95%CI: 40.72–60.18), followed by agricultural
farms (n = 30, 26.61%, 95%CI: 18.60–35.93) and other
areas (n = 26, 22.94%, 95%CI: 15.43–31.97). The study
detected 110 isolates from 13 bacterial species (Table2).
The majority of the isolates were E. coli (54.763%, 95%CI:
44.76–64.24), followed by Proteus mirabilis (17.59%,
95%CI: 10.94–26.10), and Klebsiella pneumoniae (8.33%,
95%CI: 3.88–15.23).
Furthermore, E. coli were found to be prevalent in all
species of rodents: M. musculus (100%), R. norvegi-
cus (54.12%), and R. rattus (47.37%) (Table3). On the
other hand, P. mirabilis was detected only in R. norvegi-
cus (20.00%) and R. rattus (10.53%). The majority of E.
coli were isolated from the rodents of agricultural farms
(61.54%), followed by the livestock farms (53.33%), and
Table 2 Overall prevalence of rodent intestinal gram-negative bacte-
ria from Qatar
Bacteria Total number of iso-
lates, % (95% CI)
Family: Moraxellaceae
Acinetobacter baumannii 2, 1.85 (0.22–6.53)
Family: Aeromonadaceae
Aeromonas salmonicida 1, 0.93 (0.02–5.05)
Family: Enterobacteriaceae
Citrobacter freundii 2, 1.85 (0.22–6.53)
Citrobacter koseri 2, 1.85 (0.22–6.53)
Enterobacter aerogenes 3, 2.73 (0.58–7.90)
Enterobacter cloacae 3, 2.73 (0.58–7.90)
Escherichia coli 59, 54.63 (44.76–64.24)
Klebsiella pneumoniae 9, 8.33 (3.88–15.23)
Salmonella enterica 3, 2.73 (0.58–7.90)
Family: Hafniaceae
Hafnia alvei 1, 0.93 (0.02–5.05)
Family: Morganellaceae
Proteus mirabilis 19, 17.59 (10.94–26.10)
Providencia stuartii 2, 1.85 (0.22–6.53)
Family: Pseudomonadaceae
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 4, 3.70 (1.02–9.21)
Table 3 Univariate association of rodent intestinal gram-negative bacteria with rodent host species and trapping location in Qatar
*p < 0.05 was considered as significant variation among the variables
Bacteria (N = 110) Species wise positive; n (%) Trapping location wise positive; n (%)
Mus musculus
(n = 4)
(n = 91)
Rattus rattus
(n = 15)
farm (n = 30)
(n = 54)
Other areas
(n = 26)
baumannii 0 (0.00) 1 (1.18) 1 (5.26) 0.47 0 (0.00) 0 (0.00) 2 (9.09) 0.02
Aeromonas salmo-
nicida 0 (0.00) 0 (0.00) 1 (5.26) 0.09 0 (0.00) 1 (1.67) 0 (0.00) 0.67
Citrobacter fre-
undii 0 (0.00) 2 (2.35) 0 (0.00) 0.76 1 (3.85) 1 (1.67) 0 (0.00) 0.61
Citrobacter koseri 0 (0.00) 0 (0.00) 2 (10.53) 0.01 0 (0.00) 1 (1.67) 1 (1.85) 0.50
aerogenes 0 (0.00) 3 (3.53) 0 (0.00) 0.66 2 (7.69) 1 (1.67) 0 (0.00) 0.20
cloacae 0 (0.00) 3 (3.53) 0 (0.00) 0.66 0 (0.00) 2 (3.33) 1 (4.55) 0.59
Escherichia coli 4 (100.00) 46 (54.12) 9 (47.37) 0.15 16 (61.54) 32 (53.33) 11 (50.00) 0.69
Hafnia alvei 0 (0.00) 1 (1.18) 0 (0.00) 0.87 0 (0.00) 0 (0.00) 1 (4.55) 0.14
Klebsiella pneu-
moniae 0 (0.00) 9 (10.59) 0 (0.00) 0.27 2 (7.69) 5 (8.33) 2 (9.09) 0.99
stuartii 0 (0.00) 2 (2.35) 0 (0.00) 0.76 1 (3.85) 0 (0.00) 1 (4.55) 0.28
Proteus mirabilis 0 (0.00) 17 (20.00) 2 (10.53) 0.40 6 (23.08) 9 (15.00) 4 (18.18) 0.66
aeruginosa 0 (0.00) 4 (4.71) 0 (0.00) 0.57 1 (3.85) 0 (0.00) 3 (13.64) 0.02
enterica 0 (0.00) 3 (3.53) 0 (0.00) 0.65 1 (3.85) 2 (3.33) 0 (0.00) 0.67
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other areas (50.00%), and in the case of P. mirabilis, it was
23.08%, 15.00%, and 18.18%, respectively.
ELISA andmolecular assessment ofbacterial
We assessed the specific antibodies in the plasma of rodents
by ELISA and no IgG antibodies were detected against Bru-
cella spp. C. abortus and C. burnetii (0%, N = 148, 95%CI:
0–0.024). The visceral samples were negative for C. burnetii,
Leptospira spp., Rickettsia spp., and Y. pestis (0%, N = 108,
95%CI: 0–0.03) by PCR. The fleas were also negative for C.
burnetii and Y. (0%, N = 18, 95%CI: 0–0.18). Furthermore,
six flea pools (31.58%, N = 19, 95%CI: 12.58–56.55) and
one mite pool (1/1) were positive for Rickettsia spp.
Antimicrobial resistance profile
AMR patterns were varied among the isolates. Out of
the 110 bacterial isolates, 31 isolates (28.18%, 95%CI:
20.02–37.56), which were E. coli only, did not show resist-
ance to any of the tested antimicrobials. Thirty-six isolates
(32.73%, 95%CI: 24.08–42.33) were resistant to 1–2 anti-
microbials, which includes E. coli (n = 14), P mirabilis
(n = 9), and K. pneumoniae (n = 6). The rest 43 (39.09%,
95%CI: 29.93–48.86) isolates, which were from 12 (n = 13,
92.31%, 95%CI: 63.97–99.8) bacterial species, were identi-
fied as MDR (Table4). The MDR bacteria were resistant
to 17 antimicrobials (85%, n = 20, 95%CI: 62.11–96.79),
whereas all bacterial isolates were sensitive to neomycin,
and pradofloxacin. Over 50% of the MDR isolates were
resistant to ampicillin, cefalotin, doxycycline, nitrofurantoin,
and tetracycline. The resistance pattern among the MDR
bacteria varied between three to nine antimicrobials. The
highest resistance were byP. stuarti (n = 1), E. coli (n = 3),
and P. merabilis (n = 1), which were resistant to 9 antimi-
crobials; followed by P. aeruginosa (n = 1), Salmonella
enterica (n = 2), resistant to 8 antimicrobials; and P. stuarti
(n = 1), resistant to 7 antimicrobials. Although the majority
of the MDR pathogens were isolated from agricultural facili-
ties (n = 28), there was no significant correlation (p = 0.14)
among MDR pathogens isolated from different facilities.
Similarly, the majority of the MDR isolates were from R.
norvegicus, and there was no significant difference (p = 0.92)
among MDR pathogens isolated from different rodent hosts.
Two (22.2%, 95%CI: 2.81–60.01) K. pneumoniae and seven
(11.86%, 95%CI: 4.91–22.93) E. coli were ESBL producers.
All ESBL producing bacteria were isolated from R. norvegi-
cus, although there was no significant correlation (p = 0.33)
between the ESBL producing pathogens and the location of
rodent trapping.
The presence or absence of a disease, pathogen, or a vector
plays a major role in the success of any disease surveillance
program (Mohammed etal. 2015). Rodents are sources of
various pathogens in humans and animals (Han etal. 2015;
Meerburg etal. 2009). To the best of our knowledge, this is
the first study to identify and characterize bacterial species
from rodents in Qatar. We have reported 13 bacterial species,
the majority of which were isolated from rodents captured
in livestock farms. The livestock farms in Qatar are usually
managed with insufficient biosecurity measures. Different
domestic and exotic animals and birds are kept together in
the same enclosures, where the shepherds also live on the
farm premises. There are resting places (majlis) in the farms,
where the owners visit during their leisure time (Farag etal.
2018). A previous report from Qatar revealed that around
80% of livestock farms were infested with rodents (Nourel-
din and Farrag 2010). Infectious bacteria can infect humans
and other animals by direct or indirect exposure (Taylor etal.
2001). As such, keeping multi-species along with human
dwellers within the same enclosures can increase the risk
of cross-species transmission of infectious diseases (Rogdo
etal. 2012).
As the majority of the rodents were R. norvegicus and
were captured from the livestock farms, the relationship
with the isolated bacteria, AMR pattern, or ESBL produc-
tion with the rodent host or location of trapping may not
give an accurate picture of Qatar in our study. Among the
13 bacterial species, the prevalence of E. coli was high
(54.63%), which was substantially lower than that reported
in a previous study on livestock animals (88.7%) in Qatar
(Alhababi etal. 2020). In Saudi Arabia, the recovery rate of
E. coli from chicken was 31.1% (Altalhi etal. 2009). Rodent
fecal samples showed 75% and 4.8% positivity for E. coli
in Cyprus [46] and Singapore [47], respectively. E. coli is
a commensal bacterium in the animal intestine, and we did
not identify the pathogenic strains of E. coli in our study.
Methodological differences can also result in variations in
bacterial recovery rates (Ong etal. 2020). Therefore, E.coli
recovery in this study may be less important as pathogenic
strains of E. coli were not identified (Ramos etal. 2020).
Rodents are overlooked reservoirs of Brucella abortus,
Brucella melitensis, and C. burnetii, which has both human
and animal health importance (Abdel-Moein and Hamza
2018; Doosti and Moshkelani 2011; Psaroulaki etal. 2014;
Tiller etal. 2010). Rickettsia spp. are the causal agents of
spotted fever and typhus fever. Several vectors of Rickettsia
spp. have been reported in Qatar, such as Xenopsylla cheo-
pis, Ctenocephalides felis, and Ornithynyssus bacoti (Armed
Forces Pest Management Board 1999). Rodents and their
ectoparasites can act as reservoirs for Rickettsia spp. (Han
Veterinary Research Communications
1 3
Table 4 Multidrug resistant gram-negative bacteria isolated from rodent intestine and their resistant pattern
Bacterial Isolates Acinetobac-
ter bauman-
nii (n = 2)
ter freundii
(n = 2)
ter koseri
(n = 1)
(n = 1)
ter cloacae
(n = 1)
chia coli
(n = 14)
alvei (n = 1)
(n = 3)
(n = 10)
(n = 2)
(n = 3)
(n = 3)
Total MDR
(n = 43)
Amikacin 3 1
Amoxicillin/ Cla-
vulanic Acid
1 2 1 1 5 1 2 1 3 9
Ampicillin 1 11 1 3 1 2 3 2 8
Cefalotin 2 1 1 3 1 2 6
Cefovecin 1 1 2
Cefpodoxime 2 1 1 1 7 2 1 3 8
Ceftiofur 2 1 1 1 6 1 3 7
Chloramphenicol 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 7
Doxycycline 2 6 2 3
Enrofloxacin 5 1 1 4 1 2 1 7
Gentamicin 1 2 3 3
Imipenem 3 2 5 2 4
Nitrofurantoin 1 1 1 2 1 3 10 2 2 3 10
Piperacillin 3 3 2
Tetracycline 10 1 10 2 3 3 6
Tobramycin 2 1 2
10 2 3 3
Total antimicrobials 7 4 4 5 3 14 6 7 12 7 9 10
Veterinary Research Communications
1 3
etal. 2015; Meerburg etal. 2009; Rabiee etal. 2018). In
the current study, we found Rickettsia spp. in rodent-borne
fleas and mites, which is reported for the first time among
humans and animals in Qatar. Although there is no previous
report of rickettsial disease in humans or animals in Qatar,
the country is at risk of this pathogen when considering the
close interaction between humans and animals. Leptospiro-
sis is also a rodent-borne disease, which is commonly seen
in flood-prone areas and among those people who are in
constant contact with animals (Naing etal. 2019). In Qatar,
the majority of residents and animal shepherds are from the
Indian subcontinent (Priya D’Souza Communations 2019;
Social & Economic Survey Research Institute 2021), where
leptospirosis is commonly seen (Victoriano etal. 2009).
Hence, we tested for the presence of this disease in the
Qatari rodents. Plague is a reemerging disease in the WHO
Eastern Mediterranean region (Mostafavi etal. 2021). There
were three outbreaks of bubonic plague in this region; two
in Lebanon and one in Afghanistan in the last two decades.
Rodents and rat flea (Xenopsylla astia) act as reservoir of
Y. pestis (Dennis 1999; Mahmoudi etal. 2020). Our study
revealed that Brucella spp., C. abortus, C. burnetii, Lepto-
spira spp. and Y. pestis were not present in our sample of
rodents in Qatar.
The bacterial pathogens that we identified are primarily
found in soil and water, and sometimes as normal flora of
the animal intestine (Brown etal. 2012). They have oppor-
tunistic pathogenic dynamics in humans and animals (Brown
etal. 2012; Done and Radostits 2007), causing infections
associated with community-based and healthcare settings,
especially in pediatric, elderly, and immunocompromised
patients, resulting in gastroenteritis, urinary tract infection
(UTI), pneumonia, and sepsis (Choi etal. 2015; Gillespie
1994; Levinson 2018; Tomas 2012; Wie 2015). Some of
these pathogens have been identified in patients of differ-
ent hospital settings in Qatar. E. coliand Salmonella spp.
are common causes of human gastroenteritis in Qatar (Ghu-
naim etal. 2015; Humphrey etal. 2016; Mohammed etal.
2015). Acinetobacter baumannii was isolated from hospital-
ized adult patients and caused pneumonia (Al Samawi etal.
2016). C. fruendii, Enterobacter aerogenes, Enterobacter
cloacae, E.coli, and K. pneumoniae were detected in the
intensive care unit patients. Pediatric patients with UTI were
positive for Citrobacter koseri and E. cloacae. Similarly, P.
aeruginosa was isolated from hospitalized patients in Qatar
(Sid Ahmed etal. 2020). Moreover, Escherichia, Klebsiella,
Pseudomonas, and Salmonella cause enteritis, pneumonia,
mastitis, and septicemia in livestock animals (Done and
Radostits 2007). Acinetobacter, Aeromonas, and Proteus
are also pathogenic to animals (Askari etal. 2019; Schuk-
ken etal. 2012). It is possible to transmit these pathogens
from animals to humans through tainted animal products for
human consumption (Guerra etal. 2014).
AMR occurs when a pathogen changes over time and
does not respond to antimicrobials. It makes an infection
difficult to treat, thereby increasing the risk of spread-
ing disease, severe illness, and death. AMR organisms
are found in nature, which usually occur through genetic
changes and spread at the human-animal-environment
interface (Khan etal. 2020). The major drivers of AMR
are the misuse and overuse of antimicrobials; inadequate
access to clean water; lack of proper sanitation and hygiene
for humans and animals; poor infection and disease pre-
vention and control (IP&C) in healthcare and farm set-
tings; poor access to medical services; lack of awareness,
knowledge, and related legislation (Hassan etal. 2021;
Kalam etal. 2021; World Health Organization 2015). This
study examined the antimicrobial resistance to 20 antimi-
crobials agents to reveal the drug resistance patterns of
gram-negative gut bacteria in commensal rodents of Qatar.
Many microbes in the environment can have natural resist-
ance to some of these antibiotics (Nair etal. 2011). Of the
isolated bacteria in this study, six were from the ESCAPE
group. ESCAPE, stands for Enterococcus faecium, Staphy-
lococcus aureus, Clostridium difficile, A. baumannii, P.
aeruginosa, and E refers to Enterobacteriaceae including
E. coli, K. pneumoniae, Proteus spp., and Enterobacter
spp., are generally MDR pathogens (Akova 2016). Our
study found that several K. pneumoniae and E. coli were
ESBL producers, which affirming a previous finding that
mentioned that CTX-M-1 gene in E. coli and K. pneu-
moniae is responsible for ESBL production in Qatar (Sid
Ahmed etal. 2016). ESBL can make a pathogen resist-
ant to cephalosporins, carbapenems, and aminoglycosides
(Ghafourian etal. 2015; Paterson and Bonomo 2005; Sawa
etal. 2020). In this study, the majority of MDR E. coli
strains were resistant to ampicillin, tetracycline, and tri-
methoprim/sulfamethoxazole. More than 50% of E. coli
from chickens in Saudi Arabia showed resistant to ampi-
cillin, chloramphenicol, gentamycin, tetracycline, and tri-
methoprim/Sulfamethoxazole (Altalhi etal. 2009). Over
50% resistance to ampicillin, cefalotin, and tetracyclin
was reported for E. coli isolated from chicken in Qatar
(Johar etal. 2021). Over 50% of P. mirabilis in this study
were resistant to doxycycline and tetracycline, which is
in accordance with the statement by Stock (Stock 2003),
who indicated that P. mirabilis can be naturally resistant to
these antimicrobials. However, Stock showed that P. mira-
bilis could be naturally sensitive to nitrofurantoin, whereas
in our study, there was major resistance (89%) against this
antimicrobial. Due to the lack of guidelines and ambigu-
ous regulations regarding antibiotic use among animals in
veterinary practice, there are chances of increased anti-
microbial resistance among animals (Gillings 2013). As
most livestock farms keep mixed species animals with
poor biosecurity management, there is a chance to cross
Veterinary Research Communications
1 3
the species barrier by MDR pathogens between rodents
and other animals, including humans.
Our study suggests that rodents can serve as a source of
zoonotic bacteria at the human-animal-environmental inter-
face. Raising caution within the community and implement-
ing appropriate preventive measures can help to alleviate
the burden of vector-borne diseases (Desoky 2018; Núñez
etal. 2014). These measures can include maintaining proper
hygiene, enhancing biosecurity and farm management in the
animal and agricultural farmsteads, and appropriate IP&C in
hospital settings. The limitations of the current study were
that we did not determine the pathogenic potential of the
isolates and concentrated only on gram-negative bacteria;
therefore, the gram-positive enteric bacteria, such as Fuso-
bacterium or Bacteroides, were not analyzed. Additionally,
we only used aerobic culture methods, which is why we did
not detect any anaerobic bacteria, such as Clostridium spp.
This study constitutes the first report of rodent-borne bac-
terial investigation in commensal rodents in Qatar. These
isolates include A. baumannii, A. salmonicida, Citrobacter
freundii, C. koseri, E. aerogenes, E. cloacae, Hafnia alvei,
K. pneumoniae, P. stuartii, P. mirabilis, and P. aeruginosa,
which were first time reported in rodents. Our study shows
that rodents are potential sources of zoonotic and opportun-
istic bacterial pathogens at the human-animal-environmental
interface in Qatar. The risk increases if MDR pathogens
cross the species barriers and infect humans and other ani-
mals. Particularly in the latter case, animal and agricultural
farms can serve as sources of such pathogens. Therefore,
farm biosecurity measures must be implemented in animal
and agricultural settings to avoid such pathogenic transmis-
sion. We recommend conducting further studies for molecu-
lar characterization of these pathogens.
Acknowledgments The authors acknowledge the Department of Ani-
mal Resources, Qatar, for providing laboratory facilities to conduct
the study. The authors are thankful for the support of Mr. Sowaid Ali
Almalki, Dr. Randa Abdeen, Mr. Gulam Dastagir Syed, and Mr. Newaj
Abdul Majeed in this research work. Thanks to Ms. Lynne M. Fraser
of Qatar National Library for her support in the English editing of this
Data availability All data are available with the first author.
Author contributions Conceptualization, MMI, EF, and ZM-K; meth-
odology, MMI, KAE, MSK, MA, MKS, AMA-M; formal analysis,
MMI and MMH;writing—original draft preparation, MMI, MMH,
DB, and ZM-K; writing—review and editing, MMI, MMH, EF, DB,
KAE, HMY,and ZM-K; visualization, AAS, EF, and ZM-K; supervi-
sion, EF and ZM-K; project administration, HA-R, AMA-M, AAA-Z,
andEF; funding acquisition, EF AAS, and HA-R. All authors have read
and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding The research was funded by the Ministry of Public Health,
Ethical permission The current study is a part of the “Risk assessment
of rodent-borne zoonotic diseases in Qatar” project. Ethical approval
was obtained from the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
of the Ministry of Municipality and Environment, the State of Qatar
(IACUC-A-MME-4) to conduct the study.
Conflict of interest The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Consent to participate and consent for publication All authors attended
in the work and accepted the manuscript to publish.
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Authors and Aliations
MdMazharulIslam1,2 · ElmoubasharFarag3· MohammadMahmudulHassan4 · KhalidA.Enan1,5·
K.V.MohammadSabeel1· MaryamMohammedAlhaddad1· MariaK.Smatti6· AbdullaMohammadAl‑Marri1·
AbdulAziaAl‑Zeyara1· HamadAl‑Romaihi3· HadiM.Yassine6· AliA.Sultan7· DevendraBansal3·
Elmoubashar Farag
Mohammad Mahmudul Hassan
Khalid A. Enan
K. V. Mohammad Sabeel
Maryam Mohammed Alhaddad
Maria K. Smatti
Abdulla Mohammad Al-Marri
Abdul Azia Al-Zeyara
Hamad Al-Romaihi
Hadi M. Yassine
Ali A. Sultan
Devendra Bansal
Zilungile Mkhize-Kwitshana
1 Department ofAnimal Resources, Ministry ofMunicipality
andEnvironment, Doha, Qatar
2 School ofLaboratory Medicine andMedical Sciences,
College ofHealth Sciences, University ofKwaZulu Natal,
Durban4000, SouthAfrica
3 Ministry ofPublic Health, Doha, Qatar
4 Faculty ofVeterinary Medicine, Chottogram Veterinary
andAnimal Sciences University, Khulshi, Chattogram4225,
5 Department ofVirology, Central Laboratory, The Ministry
ofHigher Education andScientific Research, 7099Khartum,
6 Biomedical Research Center, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar
7 Department ofMicrobiology andImmunology, Weill Cornell
Medicine, Cornell University, Doha, Qatar
8 Division ofResearch Capacity Development, South African
Medical Research Council, Tygerberg, CapeTown7505,
... The visceral specimens obtained from each rodent were pooled and homogenized to form a single tissue pool [42]. Genomic DNA was extracted from fecal samples using the QIAamp DNA stool mini kit®, while tissue pools and five randomly selected cestodes were processed using the QIAamp Tissue Mini Kit®, according to manufacturer's instructions (Qiagen, CA, USA). ...
... Recently, we reported that rodent-borne fleas and mites in Qatar carry Rickettsia spp. [42], suggesting that X. astia and O. bacoti may play a role in transmitting Rickettsial pathogens at the human-animal-ecosystem interface through rodents [23]. ...
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Rodents are known reservoirs for a diverse group of zoonotic pathogens that can pose a threat to human health. Therefore, it is crucial to investigate these pathogens to institute prevention and control measures. To achieve this, the current study was conducted to investigate the frequency of different parasites in commensal rodents in Qatar. A total of 148 rodents, including Rattus norvegicus, Rattus rattus, and Mus musculus were captured using traps placed in different habitats such as agricultural and livestock farms, residential areas, and other localities. Blood, feces, ectoparasite, and visceral organs were collected for gross, microscopic, immunological, and molecular analysis. The study identified 10 different parasites, including Capillaria annulosa, Eimeria spp., Giardia spp., Hymenolepis diminuta, Mastophorus muris, Ornithonyssus bacoti, Taenia taeniaeformis, Toxoplasma gondii, Trypanosoma lewisi, and Xenopsylla astia. Overall, 62.2% of the rodents tested positive for at least one parasite species. Helminths were found to be the most prevalent parasites (46.0%), followed by ectoparasites (31.8%), and protozoa (10.1%). However, individually, X. astia was the most prevalent (31.8%), whereas C. annulosa was the least common (0.7%). The prevalence of X. astia and H. diminuta significantly differed between habitats (p < 0.05). The sequence analysis of Hymenolepis spp. was closely related to the previously reported H. diminuta in Iran, China, and Mexico. In conclusion, the study identified a diverse range of rodent-borne parasites that are important to public health, with most of them being recorded for the first time among commensal rodents in Qatar.
... Overall, C/T demonstrated comparable or higher susceptibility compared to routine antimicrobials. Islam et al., 2022 Qualitative study Qatar Rodents ...
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Background Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is recognized globally as a significant health challenge, but its extent remains unclear in many regions. It is crucial to prioritize a foundational evaluation of AMR prevalence to facilitate the implementation of laboratory-based surveillance. Adopting a One Health perspective, this study outlines the present AMR status in the Middle East. Aim To synthesize the current state of knowledge on AMR in the Middle East, delineate the contributions of different sectors (human health, animal health, and environment), and discern the effectiveness of One Health interventions in mitigating AMR. Methods An exhaustive literature search was conducted via PubMed, ScienceDirect, and Google Scholar. Potential articles were screened and assessed for eligibility based on prescribed eligibility criteria. Data synthesis was done, and the results were reported and discussed thematically. Results Twenty-three studies were included in the study and published between 2019 and 2023. Most studies reveal substantial challenges in treating infections, with a significant prevalence of resistance in critical care units, particularly against extended-spectrum beta-lactamases and carbapenem-resistant Gram-negative bacteria. Colistin and imipenem resistance in pediatric populations further emphasize the urgency of understanding and addressing diverse resistance mechanisms in the region. Studies on urinary pathogens, bacteremia, and biofilm formation highlight the multifaceted challenge of AMR. The emergence of resistance to key antibiotics emphasizes the urgency for tailored treatment strategies. Conclusion Given the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health, a One Health perspective is imperative. The diverse challenge demands coordinated efforts, including innovative interventions and public health policies. Bridging existing gaps through future research is crucial for evidence-based and context-specific strategies in combating AMR in the region.
... The recent epidemiological studies from Saudi Arabia, it is evident that emerging or re-emerging cases of zoonoses are increasing but very limited studies have been reported from this country reporting the prevalence of that may be harboring the rodents of this region [16,19,3]. Hence the present study was designed to report the prevalence of four bacterial pathogens (Anaplasma ovis, Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Anaplasma marginale and Bartonella spp.) in the blood samples of four wild rodent species [Meriones rex (N = 27), Acomys dimidiatus (N = 18), Myomys yemeni (N = 6) and Rattus rattus (N = 3)] that were trapped during August till October 2020 from Al Makhwah town in Al Baha province in Saudi Arabia. ...
... Samples in this review were mostly obtained from Enterobacterales-rich areas such as the rectum and fresh feces. However, ESBL-producing bacteria were also found in raw milk and blood and visceral samples of animals in this review [15,17,20]. Unlike most other samples where ESBL-producing genes were found in Enterobacterales, one study reviewed showed the presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in uterine swabs of farm animals [28]. ...
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Animals have been identified as potential reservoirs and vectors of resistance genes, with studies showing that Gram-negative bacteria can acquire resistance through the horizontal transmission of resistance genes on plasmids. It is important to understand the distribution of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria and their drug-resistant genes in animals. Previous review articles mostly focused on a single bacterium or a single animal. Our objective is to compile all ESBL-producing bacteria isolated from various animals in recent years and provide a comprehensive viewpoint. Using a thorough PubMed literature search spanning from 1 January 2020 to 30 June 2022, studies exploring extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) producing bacteria in animals were included. ESBL-producing bacteria are present in animals from various countries around the world. The most common sources of these bacteria were farm animals, and the most frequently isolated bacteria were Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae. The most detected ESBL genes were blaTEM, blaSHV, and blaCTX-M. The presence of ESBL-producing bacteria in animals highlights the importance of the One Health approach to address the issue of antibiotic resistance. Further research is needed to better understand the epidemiology and mechanisms of the spread of ESBL-producing bacteria in animal populations and their potential impact on human and animal health.
... In Qatar, using One Health approach several reservoirs and vectors such as fox (Vulpus vulpes), commensal rodents (Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus, and Rattus rattus) and mosquitoes (Culex quinquefasciatus, Cx. perexiguus, Anopheles stephensi, and Aedes caspius), were detected which can be a potential risk for local transmission of Rabies, Leishmaniosis, Hymenolepiasis, Rickettsial diseases, West Nile virus, Rift valley fever, Malaria, and Dengue [9,26,[27][28][29][30][31][32]. Interestingly, Culiseta longiareolata was detected for the first time in Qatar. ...
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One Health is increasingly recognized as an optimal approach to address the global risk of health threats originating at the human, animal, and ecosystem interface, and their impact. Qatar has successfully practiced One Health approach for investigation and surveillance of zoonotic diseases such as MERS-CoV, and other health threats. However, the current gaps at institution and policy level hinder the sustainment of One Health. In this paper, we have assessed the potential for implementation of One Health Framework to reinforce and sustain One Health capacities in Qatar for 2022–2027. To implement One Health Framework in the country, Qatar Joint External Evaluation (JEE) report, lessons learnt during One Health experiences on zoonotic, vector-borne, and food borne diseases were used to present an outline for multisectoral coordination. In addition, technical capacities of One Health and factors that are required to operationalize it in the country were also assessed in series of meetings and workshops held at Ministry of Public Health on March 2022. Present health care infrastructure and resources were found to be conducive for effective management and response to shared health threats as evident during MERS-CoV, despite being more event based. Regardless, the need for more sustainable capacity development was unanimously emphasized. The consensus between all relevant stakeholders and partners was that there is a need for better communication channels, policies and protocols for data sharing, and the need to invest more resources for better sustainability. The proposed framework is expected to strengthen and facilitate multilateral coordination, enhanced laboratory capacity and network, improve active surveillance and response, risk communication, community engagement, maximize applied research, and build One Health technical work force. This would enable advancement and sustainment of One Health activities to prevent and control health threats shared between humans-animals-ecosystem interface.
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Rodent species are known to harbour and host various zoonotic pathogens, including bacterial, viral, fungal, and protozoal species. Several investigations proved that commensal rats (Rattus spp.) are potential to transmit drug-resistant and hyper-virulent bacterial pathogens to humans. India's rapid urbanization and developmental activities facilitated rats to live near the human population. However, few information was known about bacterial species associated with rodents and their role in zoonotic risk to humans in India. The present study aimed to (i) investigate the presence of bacterial pathogens associated with rodents and (ii) infer the prevalence and diversity of potential bacterial pathogens in Nellore district, India. Bacterial prevalence was determined by isolation and identification techniques. The isolated bacterial cultures were submitted for phenotypic observation, biochemical identification using the VITEK 2 compact automated system, and molecular detection by DNA extraction and amplification of the 16S rRNA gene. A diversified bacterial community belonging to 14 species was detected from all collected animals. Bacterial species' prevalence was comparatively higher in black rats (n=66) than brown rats (n=27). 46 rats out of 93 were found to be positive (49.4%) for bacterial presence. A significant variation was found in the prevalence of bacterial species between both rodent species. The highest bacterial prevalence was recorded for Bacillus spp. (36%) followed by E. coli (29%). The prevalence of Klebsiella pneumoniae was found as 17%, of which 18% in black rats and 14% in brown rats. Listeria spp.'s prevalence was 23.6%, but a higher prevalence was observed in black rats (25.7%). Surprisingly, an uncommon pathogen, Sphingomonas paucimobilis, was detected in both rodent species. These results suggest that Rattus rats in Nellore were suspected to be potential carriers of transmitting zoonotic bacterial species to humans.
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The increasing frequency of spillover of zoonotic pathogens from animals to humans in recent years highlights a need to develop a more comprehensive framework to investigate and prevent pathogens of animal origin, including rodents. Despite the presence of several species of rodents, there is a certain knowledge gap regarding rodent-borne zoonoses in Qatar. The current review provides an update on rodent-borne zoonoses in Qatar, its possible drivers and transmission dynamics, and proposed a One Health framework for intervention. Following an extensive literature review, we conducted a field investigation. Then the qualitative information and knowledge gaps were addressed with a virtual discussion with national, regional, and international experts in the relevant field. Overall, Rattus norvegicus population was found to be more prevalent, followed by Rattus rattus, and M. musculus, which are mainly found in animal farms, followed by agricultural farms, residential areas, and other facilities. Over 50% of rodents carry at least one pathogen of public health importance. Several pathogens were identified at the human, animal, and ecosystem interface, which can be mediated in transmission by rodents. E. coli, Salmonella spp., and Campylobacter spp. are the frequently reported bacteria. Hymenolepis spp., Cryptosporidium spp., Giardia spp., Entamoeba spp., and Toxoplasma spp. are the major parasites. In addition, many vectors, including Ornithonyssus bacoti and Xenopsylla astia were reported in this country. Based on the changes over the past 70 years in Qatar, seven drivers have been identified, which could be important in rodent-borne disease emergences, such as the Oil and gas revolution, fast population growth, rapid urbanization, importation of food and agricultural products, agricultural and livestock development, farm biosecurity, and stray animals. The experts emphasized that mixed-species animal farming with poor biosecurity and management can be associated to increase the risk of zoonoses. Moreover, rapid urbanization and global climate change together can alter the ecosystem of the country and impact on vectors and vector-borne diseases. Finally, the One Health framework has been proposed for the surveillance, and mitigation of any future spillover or epidemic of rodent-borne zoonoses.
Acinetobacter baumannii is a ubiquitous opportunistic pathogen usually with low virulence. In recent years, reports of increased pathogenicity of A. baumannii in livestock due to the migratory behaviour of wildlife have attracted public health attention. Our previous study reported that an A. baumannii strain isolated from dead chicks, CCGGD201101, showed enhanced pathogenicity, but the mechanism for increased virulence is not understood. Here, to screen potential virulence factors, the proteomes of the isolated strain CCGGD201101 and the standard strain ATCC19606 of A. baumannii were compared, and the possible virulence-enhancing mechanisms were further analysed. The 50% lethal dose (LD50) values of CCGGD201101 and standard strain ATCC19606 in ICR mice were determined to verify their bacterial toxicity. 2D fluorescence difference gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE) combined with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/TOF-MS) and quantitative real-time PCR (RTqPCR) were applied to screen and identify differentially expressed proteins or genes that may be related to virulence enhancement. Bioinformatics analyses based on proteinprotein interaction (PPI) networks were used to explore the function of potential virulence proteins. The pathogenicity of potential virulence factors was assessed by phylogenetic analyses and an animal infection model. The results showed that the LD50 of CCGGD201101 for mice was 1.186×10⁶ CFU/mL, and the virulence was increased by 180.5-fold compared to ATCC19606. Forty-seven protein spots were significantly upregulated for the A. baumannii CCGGD201101 strain (fold change ≥1.5, p < 0.05). In total, 14 upregulated proteins were identified using proteomic analysis, and the mRNA expression levels of these proteins were nearly identical, with few exceptions. According to the PPI network and phylogenetic analyses, the I78 family peptidase inhibitor, 3-oxoacyl-ACP reductase FabG, and glycine zipper were screened as being closely related to the pathogenicity of bacteria. Furthermore, the I78 overexpression strains exhibited higher lethality in mouse infection models, which indicated that the I78 family peptidase inhibitor was a potential new virulence factor to enhance the pathogenicity of the A. baumannii CCGGD201101 strain. The present study helped us to better understand the mechanisms of virulence enhancement and provided a scientific basis for establishing an early warning system for enhanced virulence of A. baumannii from animals.
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Abstract: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has become an emerging health issue globally, posing a threat to zoonotic pathogens and foodborne diseases. In Bangladesh, the poultry sector supplies the majority of the demand for animal-source protein. The irrational and excessive use of antimicrobials (AMU) has been observed in the poultry sector. The development of AMR is associated with many factors, including the knowledge and attitudes of poultry farmers. Therefore, AMR reduction requires intervention from all the stockholders, including the farmers who are considered as end users of antimicrobials. This current research conducted a cross-sectional study to assess the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) of poultry farmers on AMU and AMR in Bangladesh. We determined the KAP of poultry farmers (broiler and layer farmers) of some selected districts of the country using a tested and paper-based questionnaire. The results demonstrated that most of the respondents have insufficient KAP regarding AMU and AMR. The respondents used a variety of antimicrobials primarily in the treatment of various diseases in poultry. One-third of the farmers did not seek antimicrobials from registered vets. Instead, they depended on others or themselves. The factor score analysis further revealed that the farmers’ demographic and socioeconomic variables were significant factors influencing the KAP. An adjusted logistic regression analysis showed that older farmers with 9–12 years of farming experience and graduate-level education, engaging in medium-sized layer farming, were more likely to have correct KAP on AMU and AMR. Further, farmers from the Cox’s Bazar region showed correct knowledge, whereas farmers of the Chattogram region showed a correct attitude towards AMU and AMR. A Spearman’s rank-order correlation revealed a positive association between knowledge–attitudes and knowledge–practices. The findings of the current investigation provide baseline evidence about the KAP of poultry farmers from low-income resources and offer insights into designing interventions and policies for the use of AMU and AMR in Bangladesh.
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Poultry production has boomed in Bangladesh in recent years. The poultry sector has contributed significantly to meet the increased demand for animal source proteins in the country. However, increased use of antimicrobials and antibiotics appeared to be a significant threat to food safety in the poultry sector. The poultry drug and feed sellers are at the frontline position involving selecting and delivering the antimicrobials to the poultry farmers. Studies assessing the poultry drug and feed sellers’ knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAPs) are limited. The current study aimed to assess the community poultry drug and feed sellers’ KAPs of antimicrobial use (AMU) and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in some selected areas of Bangladesh. We determined the respondents’ (drug and the feed sellers) KAPs of AMU and AMR using a tested and paper-based questionnaire. The study demonstrated that most respondents have insufficient knowledge, less positive attitudes, and inappropriate practices regarding AMU and AMR. The factor score analysis further showed that the type of respondents and their years of experience, level of education, and training on the drug were the significant factors impacting the current knowledge, attitudes, and practices of AMU and AMR. The adjusted logistic regression analysis revealed that the drug sellers who completed their education up to 12th grade and had training on the drug had adequate knowledge of AMU and AMR. The data also showed that the drug sellers belong to the age group 31–35 and 36–40 years and who completed 12th grade had good attitudes on the same. Likewise, the analysis further determined that drug sellers belonging the age category 18–25 and 26–30 years, and interestingly, the respondents who completed education up to 12th grade, had better practices. Spearman’s rank-order correlation revealed a positive association between each pair of the KAPs scores for the respondents. The correlation was fair between knowledge–attitudes, knowledge–practices, and attitudes–practices. Based on the current study results, we recommend educational interventions and appropriate training for the poultry drug and feed sellers to raise awareness and to upgrade their current knowledge on the appropriate use of antimicrobials. This will ultimately lead to reducing the chances of developing AMR in the poultry sectors of the country.
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Rodents are one of the most diversified terrestrial mammals, and they perform several beneficial activities in nature. These animals are also important as carriers of many pathogens with public health importance. The current systematic review was conducted to formulate a true depiction of rodent-related zoonoses in Qatar. Following systematic searches on PubMed, Scopus, Science Direct, and Web of Science and a screening process, a total of 94 published articles were selected and studied. The studied articles reported 23 rodent-related zoonotic pathogens that include nine bacterial, eleven parasitic, and three viral pathogens, from which the frequently reported pathogens were Mycobacterium tuberculosis (32 reports), Escherichia coli (23), and Salmonella spp. (16). The possible pathway of entry of the rodent-borne pathogens can be the land port, seaports, and airport of Qatar through carrier humans and animals, contaminated food, and agricultural products. The pathogens can be conserved internally by rodents, pets, and livestock; by agricultural production systems; and by food marketing chains. The overall estimated pooled prevalence of the pathogens among the human population was 4.27% (95%CI: 4.03-4.51%; p < 0.001) with significant heterogeneity (I 2 = 99.50%). The top three highest prevalent pathogens were M. tuberculosis (30.90%; 22.75-39.04%; p < 0.001; I 2 = 99.70%) followed by Toxoplasma gondii (21.93%; 6.23-37.61%; p < 0.001; I 2 = 99.30%) and hepatitis E virus (18.29%; 11.72-24.86%; p < 0.001; I 2 = 96.70%). However, there is a knowledge gap about the listed pathogens regarding the occurrence, transmission pathways, and rodent role in transmission dynamics at the human-animal-environment interface in Qatar. Further studies are required to explore the role of rodents in spreading zoonotic pathogens through the One Health framework, consisting of zoologists, ecologists, microbiologists, entomologists, veterinarians, and public health experts in this country.
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Rodents are one of the most diversified terrestrial mammals, and they perform several beneficial activities in nature. These animals are also important as carriers of many pathogens with public health importance. The current systematic review was conducted to formulate a true depiction of rodent-related zoonoses in Qatar. Following systematic searches on PubMed, Scopus, Science Direct, and Web of Science and a screening process, a total of 94 published articles were selected and studied. The studied articles reported 23 rodent-related zoonotic pathogens that include nine bacterial, eleven parasitic, and three viral pathogens, from which the frequently reported pathogens were Mycobacterium tuberculosis (32 reports), Escherichia coli (23), and Salmonella spp. (16). The possible pathway of entry of the rodent-borne pathogens can be the land port, seaports, and airport of Qatar through carrier humans and animals, contaminated food, and agricultural products. The pathogens can be conserved internally by rodents, pets, and livestock; by agricultural production systems; and by food marketing chains. The overall estimated pooled prevalence of the pathogens among the human population was 4.27% (95%CI: 4.03-4.51%; p < 0.001) with significant heterogeneity (I 2 = 99.50%). The top three highest prevalent pathogens were M. tuberculosis (30.90%; 22.75-39.04%; p < 0.001; I 2 = 99.70%) followed by Toxoplasma gondii (21.93%; 6.23-37.61%; p < 0.001; I 2 = 99.30%) and hepatitis E virus (18.29%; 11.72-24.86%; p < 0.001; I 2 = 96.70%). However, there is a knowledge gap about the listed pathogens regarding the occurrence, transmission pathways, and rodent role in transmission dynamics at the human-animal-environment interface in Qatar. Further studies are required to explore the role of rodents in spreading zoonotic pathogens through the One Health framework, consisting of zoologists, ecologists, microbiologists, entomologists, veterinarians, and public health experts in this country.
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Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) is the contributing agent behind the avian infectious disease colibacillosis, which causes substantial fatalities in poultry industries that has a significant impact on the economy and food safety. Several virulence genes have been shown to be concomitant with the extraintestinal survival of APEC. This study investigates the antibiotic resistance patterns and APEC-associated virulence genes content in Escherichia coli isolated from non-healthy and healthy broiler chickens from a commercial poultry farm in Qatar. A total of 158 E. coli strains were isolated from 47 chickens from five different organs (air sac, cloacal, kidney, liver, and trachea). Based on genetic criteria, 65% were APEC strains containing five or more virulence genes, and 34% were non-pathogenic E. coli (NPEC) strains. The genes ompT, hlyF, iroN, tsh, vat, iss, cvi/cva, and iucD were significantly prevalent in all APEC strains. E. coli isolates showed 96% resistance to at least one of the 18 antibiotics, with high resistance to ampicillin, cephalothin, ciprofloxacin, tetracycline, and fosfomycin. Our findings indicate high antibiotic resistance prevalence in non-healthy and healthy chicken carcasses. Such resistant E. coli can spread to humans. Hence, special programs are required to monitor the use of antibiotics in chicken production in Qatar.
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Background: Countries in the World Health Organization (WHO) Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR) are predisposed to highly contagious, severe and fatal, emerging infectious diseases (EIDs), and re-emerging infectious diseases (RIDs). This paper reviews the epidemiological situation of EIDs and RIDs of global concern in the EMR between 2001 and 2018. Methods: To do a narrative review, a complete list of studies in the field was we prepared following a systematic search approach. Studies that were purposively reviewed were identified to summarize the epidemiological situation of each targeted disease. A comprehensive search of all published studies on EIDs and RIDs between 2001 and 2018 was carried out through search engines including Medline, Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, and ScienceDirect. Results: Leishmaniasis, hepatitis A virus (HAV) and hepatitis E virus (HEV) are reported from all countries in the region. Chikungunya, Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF), dengue fever, and H5N1 have been increasing in number, frequency, and expanding in their geographic distribution. Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), which was reported in this region in 2012 is still a public health concern. There are challenges to control cholera, diphtheria, leishmaniasis, measles, and poliomyelitis in some of the countries. Moreover, Alkhurma hemorrhagic fever (AHF), and Rift Valley fever (RVF) are limited to some countries in the region. Also, there is little information about the real situation of the plague, Q fever, and tularemia. Conclusion: EIDs and RIDs are prevalent in most countries in the region and could further spread within the region. It is crucial to improve regional capacities and capabilities in preventing and responding to disease outbreaks with adequate resources and expertise.
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The present paper reviews the occurrence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in insects, rodents and pets. Insects (e.g., houseflies, cockroaches), rodents (rats, mice), and pets (dogs, cats) act as reservoirs of AMR for first-line and last-resort antimicrobial agents. AMR proliferates in insects, rodents, and pets, and their skin and gut systems. Subsequently, insects, rodents and pets act as vectors that disseminate AMR to humans via direct contact, human food contamination, and horizontal gene transfer. Thus, insects, rodents, and pets may act as sentinels or bioindicators of AMR. Human health risks are discussed, including those unique to low-income countries. Current evidence on human health risks is largely inferential and based on qualitative data, but comprehensive statistics based on quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) are still lacking. Hence, tracing human health risks of AMR to insects, rodents, and pets remains a challenge. To safeguard human health, mitigation measures are proposed based on the one-health approach. Future research should include human health risk analysis using QMRA, and the application of in-silico techniques, genomics, network analysis, and machine learning to understand the role of household insects, rodents and pets in the persistence, circulation and health risks of AMR.
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Background Fleas frequently infest small mammals and play important vectoring roles in the epidemiology of (re)emerging zoonotic disease. Rodent outbreaks in intensified agro-ecosystems of North-West Spain have been recently linked to periodic zoonotic diseases spillover to local human populations. Obtaining qualitative and quantitative information about the composition and structure of the whole flea and small mammal host coexisting communities is paramount to understand disease transmission cycles and to elucidate the disease-vectoring role of flea species. The aims of this research were to: (i) characterise and quantify the flea community parasiting a small mammal guild in intensive farmlands in North-West Spain; (ii) determine and evaluate patterns of co-infection and the variables that may influence parasitological parameters. Methods We conducted a large-scale survey stratified by season and habitat of fleas parasitizing the small mammal host guild. We report on the prevalence, mean intensity, and mean abundance of flea species parasitizing Microtus arvalis , Apodemus sylvaticus , Mus spretus and Crocidura russula . We also report on aggregation patterns (variance-to-mean ratio and discrepancy index) and co-infection of hosts by different flea species (Fager index) and used generalized linear mixed models to study flea parameter variation according to season, habitat and host sex. Results Three flea species dominated the system: Ctenophthalmus apertus gilcolladoi, Leptopsylla taschenbergi and Nosopsyllus fasciatus . Results showed a high aggregation pattern of fleas in all hosts. All host species in the guild shared C. a. gilcolladoi and N. fasciatus , but L. taschenbergi mainly parasitized mice ( M. spretus and A. sylvaticus ). We found significant male-biased infestation patterns in mice, seasonal variations in flea abundances for all rodent hosts ( M. arvalis, M. spretus and A. sylvaticus ), and relatively lower infestation values for voles inhabiting alfalfas. Simultaneous co-infections occurred in a third of all hosts, and N. fasciatus was the most common flea co-infecting small mammal hosts. Conclusions The generalist N. fasciatus and C. a. gilcolladoi dominated the flea community, and a high percentage of co-infections with both species occurred within the small mammal guild. Nosopsyllus fasciatus may show higher competence of inter-specific transmission, and future research should unravel its role in the circulation of rodent-borne zoonoses.
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Simple Summary: This revision is about the problem of Escherichia coli as a commensal and pathogenic bacterium among food-producing animals and health implications. Escherichia coli may play an important ecological role and can be used as a bioindicator of antimicrobial resistance. All animal species used for food production, as well as humans, carry E. coli in their intestinal tract; plus, the genetic flexibility and adaptability of this bacteria to constantly changing environments allows it to acquire a great number of antimicrobial resistance mechanisms. The majority of E. coli strains are commensals inhabiting the intestinal tract of humans and warm-blooded animals and rarely causes diseases. However, E. coli also remains as one of the most frequent causes of several common bacterial infections in humans and animals. All over the word, antibiotic resistance is commonly detected among commensal bacteria from food-producing animals, raising important questions on the potential impact of antibiotic use in animals and the possible transmission of these resistant bacteria to humans through the food chain. The use, in food-producing animals, of antibiotics that are critically important in human medicine has been implicated in the emergence of new forms of resistant bacteria, including new strains of multidrug-resistant foodborne bacteria, such as extended spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing E. coli.
Plague has been known since ancient times as a re-emerging infectious disease, causing considerable socioeconomic burden in regional hotspots. To better understand the epidemiological cycle of the causative agent of the plague, its potential occurrence, and possible future dispersion, one must carefully consider the taxonomy, distribution, and ecological requirements of reservoir-species in relation either to natural or human-driven changes (e.g. climate change or urbanization). In recent years, the depth of knowledge on species taxonomy and species composition in different landscapes has undergone a dramatic expansion, driven by modern taxonomic methods such as synthetic surveys that take into consideration morphology, genetics, and the ecological setting of captured animals to establish their species identities. Here, we consider the recent taxonomic changes of the rodent species in known plague reservoirs and detail their distribution across the world, with a particular focus on those rodents considered to be keystone host species. A complete checklist of all known plague-infectable vertebrates living in plague foci is provided as a Supporting Information table. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved