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An Automated System to Limit COVID-19 Using Facial Mask Detection in Smart City Network



COVID-19 pandemic caused by novel coronavirus is continuously spreading until now all over the world. The impact of COVID-19 has been fallen on almost all sectors of development. The healthcare system is going through a crisis. Many precautionary measures have been taken to reduce the spread of this disease where wearing a mask is one of them. In this paper, we propose a system that restrict the growth of COVID-19 by finding out people who are not wearing any facial mask in a smart city network where all the public places are monitored with Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras. While a person without a mask is detected, the corresponding authority is informed through the city network. A deep learning architecture is trained on a dataset that consists of images of people with and without masks collected from various sources. The trained architecture achieved 98.7% accuracy on distinguishing people with and without a facial mask for previously unseen test data. It is hoped that our study would be a useful tool to reduce the spread of this communicable disease for many countries in the world.
978-1-7281-9615-2/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE
An Automated System to Limit COVID-19 Using
Facial Mask Detection in Smart City Network
Mohammad Marufur Rahman
Computer Science and Engineering
Khulna University of Engineering &
Khulna-9203, Bangladesh
Saifuddin Mahmud
Advanced Telerobotics Research Lab
Computer Science
Kent State University
Kent, Ohio, USA
Md. Motaleb Hossen Manik
Computer Science and Engineering
Khulna University of Engineering &
Khulna-9203, Bangladesh
Jong-Hoon Kim
Advanced Telerobotics Research Lab
Computer Science
Kent State University
Kent, Ohio, USA
Md. Milon Islam
Computer Science and Engineering
Khulna University of Engineering &
Khulna-9203, Bangladesh
Abstract— COVID-19 pandemic caused by novel coronavirus is
continuously spreading until now all over the world. The impact
of COVID-19 has been fallen on almost all sectors of
development. The healthcare system is going through a crisis.
Many precautionary measures have been taken to reduce the
spread of this disease where wearing a mask is one of them. In
this paper, we propose a system that restrict the growth of
COVID-19 by finding out people who are not wearing any facial
mask in a smart city network where all the public places are
monitored with Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras.
While a person without a mask is detected, the corresponding
authority is informed through the city network. A deep learning
architecture is trained on a dataset that consists of images of
people with and without masks collected from various sources.
The trained architecture achieved 98.7% accuracy on
distinguishing people with and without a facial mask for
previously unseen test data. It is hoped that our study would be
a useful tool to reduce the spread of this communicable disease
for many countries in the world.
Keywords—Facial Mask Detection, COVID-19, Deep Learning,
Convolutional Neural Network, Smart City.
I. I
A new strain which has not previously been identified in
humans is novel coronavirus (nCoV). Coronaviruses (CoV)
are a wide group of viruses which cause illness that range from
colds to deadly infections like Middle East Respiratory
Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
(SARS) [1]. The first infected patient of coronavirus has been
found in December 2019. From that period, COVID-19 has
become a pandemic all over the world [2]. People all over the
world are facing challenging situations due to this pandemic.
Every day a large number of people are being infected and
died. At the time of writing this paper, almost 16,207,130
infected cases have been confirmed where 648,513 are death
[3]. This number is increasing day by day. Fever, dry cough,
tiredness, diarrhea, loss of taste, and smell are the major
symptoms of coronavirus which is declared by the World
Health Organization (WHO) [4]. Many precautionary
measures have been taken to fight against coronavirus.
Among them cleaning hands, maintaining a safe distance,
wearing a mask, refraining from touching eyes, nose, and
mouth are the main, where wearing a mask is the simplest one.
COVID-19 is a disease that spread from human to human
which can be controlled by ensuring proper use of a facial
mask. The spread of COVID-19 can be limited if people
strictly maintain social distancing and use a facial mask. Very
sadly, people are not obeying these rules properly which is
speeding the spread of this virus. Detecting the people not
obeying the rules and informing the corresponding authorities
can be a solution in reducing the spread of coronavirus.
A face mask detection is a technique to find out whether
someone is wearing a mask or not. It is similar to detect any
object from a scene. Many systems have been introduced for
object detection. Deep learning techniques are highly used in
medical applications [5], [6]. Recently, deep learning
architectures [7] have shown a remarkable role in object
detection. These architectures can be incorporated in detecting
the mask on a face. Moreover, a smart city [8] means an urban
area that consists of many IoT sensors to collect data. These
collected data are then used to perform different operations
across the city. This includes monitoring traffic, utilities,
water supply network, and many more. Recently, the growth
of COVID-19 can be reduced by detecting the facial mask in
a smart city network.
This paper aims at designing a system to find out whether
a person is using a mask or not and informing the
corresponding authority in a smart city network. Firstly,
CCTV cameras are used to capture real-time video footage of
different public places in the city. From that video footage,
facial images are extracted and these images are used to
identify the mask on the face. The learning algorithm
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is used for feature
extraction from the images then these features are learned by
multiple hidden layers. Whenever the architecture identifies
people without face mask this information is transferred
through the city network to the corresponding authority to take
necessary actions. The proposed system appraised promising
output on data collected from different sources. We also
represented a system that can ensure proper enforcement of
the law on people who are not following basic health
guidelines in this pandemic situation.
The remainder of the paper is arranged accordingly. The
most recent works for facial mask detection is described in
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Section II. In Section III, the proposed methodology for
developing the whole system is described. Section IV analyses
the results obtained from the developed system. The
conclusion is drawn in Section V. Lastly, the limitations with
potential further works are depicted in Section VI.
In the meantime, many systems have been developed for
COVID-19 in smart city networks. BlueDot and HealthMap
services have been introduced in [9]. BlueDot method was
first used to mark the cluster of unusual pneumonia in Wuhan
which finally detected the disease as a pandemic. It also
predicted that the virus would spread from Wuhan to
Bangkok, Taipei, Singapore, Tokyo and Hong Kong.
HealthMap service, based on San Francisco, spotted the
patients with a cough which is the initial sign of COVID-19,
using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and big data. A study on
using facemask to restrict the growth of COVID-19 is
introduced in [10]. The study indicated that the masks that are
adequately fit, effectively interrupt the spread of droplets
expelled when coughing or sneezing. Masks that are not
perfectly fitted, also capable of retaining airborne particles and
viruses. Allam and Jones [11] proposed a framework on smart
city networks focusing on how data sharing should be
performed during the outbreak of COVID-19. The proposed
system discussed the prospects of Urban Health Data
regarding the safety issues of the economy and national
security. In the system, the data is collected from various
points of the city using sensors, trackers, and from
A face mask detecting model named RetinaFaceMask
combining with a cross-class object removal algorithm is
proposed by Jiang et al. [12]. The developed model includes
one stage detector consisting feature pyramid network that
results in slightly higher precision and recall than the baseline
result. For reducing the shortage of datasets, they have applied
transfer learning, a well-known deep learning technique.
Gupta et al. [13] proposed a model to enforce the social
distance using smart city and Intelligent Transportation
System (ITS) during COVID-19 pandemic. Their model
described the deploying sensors in different places of the city
to monitor the real-time movement of objects and offered a
data-sharing platform. A noticeable contribution of a smart
city in controlling the spread of coronavirus in South Korea is
explained by Won Sonn and Lee [14]. A time-space
cartographer speeded up the contact tracking in the city
including patient movement, purchase history, cell phone
usages, and cell phone location. Real-time monitoring has
been carried out on CCTV cameras in the hallways of
residential buildings.
Singh et al. [15] put their focus on how IoT can fight
against COVID-19. The developed system emphasizes on
inter-connected devices or operations to track the patients
along with wary cases. A well-informed group using inter-
connected devices is formed to identify the clusters
significantly. A remarkable pandemic control model without
lockdown in a smart city has been outlined by Sonn et al. [16].
The patients have been interviewed and their past movement
has been monitored. They have claimed that some patients
tried to conceal about their past mobility but real-time tracking
system found the exact information. Jaiswal et al. [17]
proposed a way to minimize the risk during COVID-19. Their
proposed model used the position of technology to track
infected people. Drones and Robot technologies have been
applied as medical personnel for providing adequate services
to infected people. The development of smart cities under
COVID-19 and controlling the pandemic in China has been
reviewed by Wang et al. [18]. The continuous supply of
essential materials and contactless logistic distribution of
systems to society made the way to reduce the spread of
coronavirus. ITS and real-time map reflection methods have
been used to block the movement of vehicles during the
pandemic. In addition, driverless vehicles have been used to
monitor the scenarios across the city.
We proposed an automated smart framework for screening
persons who are not using a face mask in this paper. In the
smart city, all public places are monitored by CCTV cameras.
The cameras are used to capture images from public places;
then these images are feed into a system that identifies if any
person without face mask appears in the image. If any person
without a face mask is detected then this information is sent to
the proper authority to take necessary actions. The block
diagram of the developed framework is depicted in Fig. 1. All
the blocks of the developed system are described as follows.
A. Image Preprocessing
The images captured by the CCTV cameras required
preprocessing before going to the next step. In the
preprocessing step, the image is transformed into a grayscale
image because the RGB color image contains so much
redundant information that is not necessary for face mask
detection. RGB color image stored 24 bit for each pixel of the
image. On the other hand, the grayscale image stored 8 bit for
each pixel and it contained sufficient information for
classification. Then, we reshaped the images into (64×64)
shape to maintain uniformity of the input images to the
architecture. Then, the images are normalized and after
normalization, the value of a pixel resides in the range from 0
to 1. Normalization helped the learning algorithm to learn
faster and captured necessary features from the images.
B. Deep Learning Architecture
The deep learning architecture learns various important
nonlinear features from the given samples. Then, this learned
architecture is used to predict previously unseen samples. To
train our deep learning architecture, we collected images from
different sources. The architecture of the learning technique
highly depends on CNN. All the aspects of deep learning
architecture are described below.
i) Dataset Collection: Data from two different sources
[19], [20] are collected for training and testing the model. We
collected a total of 858 images of people with masks and 681
images of people without a mask. For training purposes, 80%
images of each class are used and the rest of the images are
utilized for testing purposes. Fig. 2 shows some of the images
of two different classes.
ii) Architecture Development: The learning model is
based on CNN which is very useful for pattern recognition
from images [21]. The network comprises an input layer,
several hidden layers and an output layer. The hidden layers
consist of multiple convolution layers that learn suitable filters
for important feature extraction from the given samples. The
features extracted by CNN are used by multiple dense neural
networks for classification purposes. The architecture of the
developed network is illustrated in Table I. The architecture
contains three pairs of convolution layers each followed by
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Fig. 1. Block diagram of the proposed system.
People without mask People with mask
Fig. 2. Sample images from the used dataset.
Layer Type Kernel Kernel
1 Convolution2D 32 (3×3) (62×62×32)
2 Convolution2D 32 (3×3) (60×60×32)
3 MaxPooling2D - (2×2) (30×30×32)
4 Convolution2D 32 (3×3) (28×28×32)
5 Convolution2D 32 (3×3) (26×26×32)
6 MaxPooling2D - (2×2) (13×13×32)
7 Convolution2D 32 (3×3) (11×11×32)
8 Convolution2D 32 (3×3) (9×9×32)
9 MaxPooling2D - (2×2) (4×4×32)
10 Flatten - - 512
11 Dense - - 100
12 Dropout - - 100
13 Dense - - 30
14 Dropout - - 30
15 Dense - - 10
16 Dropout - - 10
17 Dense - - 2
one max pooling layer. This layer decreases the spatial size of
the representation and thereby reduces the number of
parameters. As a result, the computation is simplified for the
network. Then, a flatten layer reshapes the information into a
vector to feed into the dense network. Three pairs of dense and
dropout layers learn parameters for classification. The dense
layer comprises a series of neurons each of them learn
nonlinear features. The dropout layer prevents the network
from overfitting by dropping out units. Finally, a dense layer
containing two neurons distinguishes the classes.
iii) Screening and Informing the Authority: The main goal
of our proposed system is screening persons who are not
following guidelines of using a facial mask. The learning
architecture identifies whether any input image contains
persons without a face mask. If such a person is detected, then
this information is sent to the proper authority. The GPS
location of the CCTV camera captured the person without a
mask along with the image and the exact time is sent via SMS
to the corresponding authority. They would come to the
locality where the person without a face mask was detected
and took necessary actions. If proper actions are taken, then
people might not come in public places without a facial mask
that would help greatly to limit the growth of COVID-19.
By preserving a reasonable proportion of different classes,
the dataset is partitioned into training and testing set. The
dataset comprises of 1539 samples in total where 80% is used
in training phase and 20% is used in testing phase. The
training and testing dataset contains 1231 and 308 images
respectively. The developed architecture is trained for 100
epochs since further training results cause overfitting on the
training data. Overfitting occurs when a model learns the
unwanted patterns of the training samples. Hence, training
accuracy increases but test accuracy decreases. Fig. 3 and Fig.
4 show the graphical view of accuracy and loss respectively.
The trained model showed 98.7% accuracy and AUC of 0.985
on the unseen test data.
In Fig. 3, the accuracy curve of training and testing is
shown for about 100 epochs. From Fig. 3, it is realized that the
training and testing accuracy are almost identical. This means
the model has a decent generalization ability for previously
unseen data and it does not cause overfitting of the training
data. In Fig. 4, loss curves of training and testing phases are
shown. Here, it is evident that the training loss is decreasing
over increasing epochs. The testing loss is lower than training
loss for about 30 epochs but after that, it started increasing w
means the confidence of prediction started decreasing. The
testing loss fluctuates between an acceptable range and it falls
about at 98
Table II represents the confusion matrix of the testing
phase. The developed architecture misclassifies only 04
samples out of 308 samples. It classifies 01 sample as with
mask while it is in without mask class and classifies 03
samples as without mask while these were in with mask class.
The main aim of the system is to identify samples within
without mask class and this architecture misclassified only 01
sample of this class that shows the reliability of the developed
Fig. 5 depicts the receiver operating characteristic (ROC)
curve of the proposed framework. This illustrates the
prediction ability of the classifier at different thresholds. Two
parameters are plotted in the ROC curve; one is the true
positive rate (TPR) and other is the false positive rate (FPR)
measured using (1) and (2) respectively. TPR and FPR are
calculated for different threshold and these values are plotted
as ROC curve. The area under the ROC curve (AUC)
measures the performance of the binary classifier for all
possible thresholds. The value of AUC ranges from 0 to 1.
When a model predicts 100% correct its AUC is 1 and when
it predicts 100% wrong then its AUC is 0. The AUC achieved
form our classifier is 0.985 that points towards a decent
ative False Negive True Posit
iveTrue Posit
ive Rate True Posit +
itive False Posive True Negat
tiveFalse Posi
tive Rate False Posi +
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Fig. 3. Accuracy of the developed system for training and testing phase.
Fig. 4. Loss of the developed system for training and testing phase.
Predicted Class
Mask 134 1
Mask 3 170
Fig. 5. ROC of the classification network.
V. C
This paper presents a system for a smart city to reduce the
spread of coronavirus by informing the authority about the
person who is not wearing a facial mask that is a precautionary
measure of COVID-19. The motive of the work comes from
the people disobeying the rules that are mandatory to stop the
spread of coronavirus. The system contains a face mask
detection architecture where a deep learning algorithm is used
to detect the mask on the face. To train the model, labeled
image data are used where the images were facial images with
masks and without a mask. The proposed system detects a face
mask with an accuracy of 98.7%. The decision of the
classification network is transferred to the corresponding
authority. The system proposed in this study will act as a
valuable tool to strictly impose the use of a facial mask in
public places for all people.
The developed system faces difficulties in classifying
faces covered by hands since it almost looks like the person
wearing a mask. While any person without a face mask is
traveling on any vehicle, the system cannot locate that person
correctly. For a very densely populated area, distinguishing
the face of each person is very difficult. For this type of
scenario, identifying people without face mask would be very
difficult for our proposed system. In order to get the best
result out of this system, the city must have a large number of
CCTV cameras to monitor the whole city as well as dedicated
manpower to enforce proper laws on the violators. Since the
information about the violator is sent via SMS, the system
fails when there is a problem in the network.
The proposed system mainly detects the face mask and
informs the corresponding authority with the location of a
person not wearing a mask. Based on this, the authority has
to send their personnel to find out the person and take
necessary actions. But this manual scenario can be automated
by using drones and robot technology [22], [23] to take action
instantly. Furthermore, people near to the person not wearing
a mask may be alerted by an alarm signal on that location,
and displaying the violators face in a LED screen to maintain
a safe distance from the person would be a further study.
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... They lay out the obstacles and potential future paths for making the right choice of inexpensive technologies by comparing and contrasting the existing models. In order to curtail the transmission of COVID-19 throughout a smart city network, the authors of [30] suggest a system that can identify those who aren't protecting their faces with a mask. Existing techniques for COVID-19 screening, rely on chest X-ray and CT-scan images. ...
... Lung-infection diagnostics in recent times have started focusing on the field of deep learning applied to medical imaging modalities and have marched towards extensive exploitation of deep learning models [29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36]. The most recent advancements in COVID-19 diagnosis employ deep-learning frameworks trained on CT and X-ray images obtained from samples of medical imaging [37]. ...
... However From the literature [29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36], it is seen that the Deep learning models that are supervised and weakly supervised are frequently utilized, while few-shot and self-supervised learning are also investigated to some extent. The depth-based spatial exploitation is credited to this network design in the proposed study as another effort in classifying images into COVID-19 positive and negative classes. ...
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Globally, COVID-19 has impacted severely the healthcare systems and the patients as well. Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) tests can be effectively supplemented with computed tomography images. Recent research on CT-based screening found that COVID-19 infection is linked to abnormalities in chest Computed Tomography (CT). However, it is difficult to distinguish these from the general abnormalities that are caused in the lungs. Although COVID-19 RT-PCR testing is exceedingly precise, its sensitivity varies based on the sampling technique and the period as well. Some studies have even shown that RT-PCR testing displays very low COVID-19 sensitivity. This motivated the authors to propose a new deep-learning model called PixNet that can detect positive and negative cases accurately. We compared the effectiveness of the proposed model against several state-of-the-art models trained on CT images. On analysis, it is found that the proposed model displays 96% classification accuracy in diagnosing COVID-19 infection. The proposed algorithm automatically detects the infection owing to COVID-19 from CT scan images, which may be an effective screening tool for Clinicians.
... The face area was extracted as a region of interest (ROI), and a CNN model was built and trained to recognize the ROI as having a face mask or not. M. M. Rahman et al. [10] used pre-processing techniques to improve the quality of the training pictures. The CCTV image was converted to greyscale and resized to 64x64. ...
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Over the past decade, computer vision has emerged as a pivotal field, focusing on automating systems through the interpretation of images and video frames. In response to the global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a notable shift towards utilizing computer vision for face mask detection. Face masks, endorsed by international health authorities, play a crucial role in preventing viral transmission, prompting the development of automated monitoring systems in various public settings. However, existing artificial intelligence (AI) technologies' effectiveness diminishes in congested environments. To address this challenge, the study employs a meticulously fine-tuned YOLOv4 model for identifying instances of mask non-compliance in accordance with COVID-19 Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). A distinctive feature of the training dataset is its inclusion of images featuring Muslim women with both half and full-face veils, considered compliant with face mask guidelines. The dataset, comprising 5800 images, including veil images from various sources, facilitated the training process, achieving a comparatively good 97.07% validation accuracy using transfer learning. The adaptations, coupled with a custom dataset featuring crowded images and advanced pre-processing techniques, enhance the model's generalization across diverse scenarios. This research significantly contributes to advancing computer vision applications, particularly in enforcing COVID-19 safety measures within public spaces. The tailored approach, involving model adjustments, underscores the adaptability of computer vision in addressing specific challenges, highlighting its potential for broader societal applications beyond the current global health crisis.
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This book covers computer vision-based applications in digital healthcare industry 4.0, including different computer vision techniques, image classification, image segmentations, and object detection. Various application case studies from domains such as science, engineering, and social networking are introduced, along with their architecture and how they leverage various technologies, such as edge computing and cloud computing. It also covers applications of computer vision in tumor detection , cancer detection, combating COVID-19, and patient monitoring. Features: • Provides a state-of-the-art computer vision application in the digital health-care industry. • Reviews advances in computer vision and data science technologies for analyzing information on human function and disability. • Includes practical implementation of computer vision application using recent tools and software. • Explores computer vision-enabled medical/clinical data security in the cloud. • Includes case studies from the leading computer vision integrated vendors, such as Amazon, Microsoft, IBM, and Google. This book is aimed at researchers and graduate students in bioengineering, intelligent systems, and computer science and engineering.
Face mask detection has become a critical task in the current scenario to ensure public safety and prevent the spread of infectious diseases. In this project, we propose a deep learning approach using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to detect whether a person is wearing a face mask or not. The dataset used for training and evaluation consists of images of individuals with and without face masks. The images are collected from various sources and carefully labelled to ensure accuracy. Each image is pre processed to enhance the features and normalize the pixel values. The proposed CNN architecture consists of multiple convolutional layers, followed by pooling and fully connected layers. The convolutional layers extract relevant features from the input images, while the pooling layers reduce the spatial dimensions of the feature maps. The fully connected layers classify the images into two categories: with face mask and without face mask. To train the CNN model, we use a combination of supervised learning techniques and data augmentation. We employ various optimization algorithms to minimize the classification loss and improve the accuracy of the model. In conclusion, this project presents a deep learning based approach for face mask detection using convolutional neural networks. The proposed model demonstrates promising results in accurately identifying individuals wearing face masks. The project contributes to the development of intelligent systems for public health and safety
In light of the massive use of face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is clear that these protective gears are crucial in reducing the spread of respiratory viruses. This research unveils the Smart Mask, a cutting-edge platform built on the internet of things (IoT) that aims to proactively regulate and prevent the spread of illnesses such as COVID-19. The Smart Mask creates an all-encompassing environment for monitoring and analysing data in real-time about health by using sophisticated sensor technologies, smart algorithms, wireless connection, and state-of-the-art materials. The Smart Mask gathers and analyses data pertaining to the wearer's and their immediate surroundings' health via the seamless integration of internet of things capabilities. Accurate diagnoses, individualised treatment programmes, and health trajectory prediction are all made possible by processing this data using artificial intelligence.
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In light of the massive use of face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is clear that these protective gears are crucial in reducing the spread of respiratory viruses. Our research unveils the Smart Mask, a cutting-edge platform built on the Internet of Things (IoT) that aims to proactively regulate and prevent the spread of illnesses such as COVID-19. The Smart Mask creates an all-encompassing environment for monitoring and analysing data in real-time about health by using sophisticated sensor technologies, smart algorithms, wireless connection, and state-of-the-art materials. The Smart Mask gathers and analyses data pertaining to the wearer's and their immediate surroundings' health via the seamless integration of Internet of Things capabilities. Accurate diagnoses, individualised treatment programmes, and health trajectory prediction are all made possible by processing this data using artificial intelligence. By combining individual data with massive public databases.
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This work aims to provide a robust assistive system that uses the interface of a conversational chatbot to guide people who are blind in outdoor navigation. The proposed system will also be aware of situations where people close to the user are not wearing masks. We propose and analyze the effectiveness of a sophisticated system consisting of a mask detector, common objects detector and an obstacle avoidance system. The proposed system can be entirely hosted on a secure remote server and used on any smartphone with stable internet connectivity, with all the processing handled by the server. The responses each sub-system generates are transmitted back to the client, where the user listens to the response. The proposed system outperforms to detect masks with an accuracy of 99.51% and object detection with an 80.36% success rate, respectively.
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Nowadays, automatic disease detection has become a crucial issue in medical science due to rapid population growth. An automatic disease detection framework assists doctors in the diagnosis of disease and provides exact, consistent, and fast results and reduces the death rate. Coronavirus (COVID-19) has become one of the most severe and acute diseases in recent times and has spread globally. Therefore, an automated detection system, as the fastest diagnostic option, should be implemented to impede COVID-19 from spreading. This paper aims to introduce a deep learning technique based on the combination of a convolutional neural network (CNN) and long short-term memory (LSTM) to diagnose COVID-19 automatically from X-ray images. In this system, CNN is used for deep feature extraction and LSTM is used for detection using the extracted feature. A collection of 4575 X-ray images, including 1525 images of COVID-19, were used as a dataset in this system. The experimental results show that our proposed system achieved an accuracy of 99.4%, AUC of 99.9%, specificity of 99.2%, sensitivity of 99.3%, and F1-score of 98.9%. The system achieved desired results on the currently available dataset, which can be further improved when more COVID-19 images become available. The proposed system can help doc-tors to diagnose and treat COVID-19 patients easily.
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The COVID‐19 is not mitigating without a vaccine, but its effect can reduce using some advance technology. Smart cities are one of the essential needs for reducing this pandemic. This study presents the role and implementation of smart city technology to minimise the COVID‐19 risk. The smart city technology is used to maintain social distancing, which avoids the face‐to‐face interaction and physical contact. It has been observed that the position technology is used to trace the infected people. Drones and robot technology are used to work as medical staff and helpful for other essential services. It can be seen that smart healthcare is one of the advance smart city technologies, which is used to take care and treat infected people without any contact. It has also been observed that the smart delivery system is one of the contact‐free technologies. It is used to deliver essential items, including groceries, food, and medicine, without any physical contact. The uses of all the above smart city technologies have been discussed widely to mitigate the COVID‐19 risk.
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Novel coronavirus (COVID-19 or 2019-nCoV) pandemic has neither clinically proven vaccine nor drugs; however, its patients are recovering with the aid of antibiotic medications, anti-viral drugs, and chloroquine as well as vitamin C supplementation. It is now evident that the world needs a speedy and quicker solution to contain and tackle the further spread of COVID-19 across the world with the aid of non-clinical approaches such as data mining approaches, augmented intelligence and other artificial intelligence techniques so as to mitigate the huge burden on the healthcare system while providing the best possible means for patients' diagnosis and prognosis of the 2019-nCoV pandemic effectively. In this study, data mining models were developed for the prediction of COVID-19 infected patients’ recovery using epidemiological dataset of COVID-19 patients of South Korea. The decision tree, support vector machine, naive Bayes, logistic regression, random forest, and K-nearest neighbor algorithms were applied directly on the dataset using python programming language to develop the models. The model predicted a minimum and maximum number of days for COVID-19 patients to recover from the virus, the age group of patients who are of high risk not to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, those who are likely to recover and those who might be likely to recover quickly from COVID-19 pandemic. The results of the present study have shown that the model developed with decision tree data mining algorithm is more efficient to predict the possibility of recovery of the infected patients from COVID-19 pandemic with the overall accuracy of 99.85% which stands to be the best model developed among the models developed with other algorithms including support vector machine, naive Bayes, logistic regression, random forest, and K-nearest neighbor.
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Affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, smart city and logistics in China have been developed significantly. This study is based on the accelerated development of smart cities and smart logistics after the outbreak of COVID-19 in China, and combined with literature, it puts forward the update of smart cities and the trend of gradually centralized, intelligent and intensive development of China’s logistics industry.
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Background and aim The current global challenge of COVID-19 pandemic has surpassed the provincial, radical, conceptual, spiritual, social, and pedagogical boundaries. Internet of Things (IoT) enabled healthcare system is useful for proper monitoring of COVID-19 patients, by employing an interconnected network. This technology helps to increase patient satisfaction and reduces readmission rate in the hospital. Methods Searched the databases of Google Scholar, PubMed, SCOPUS and ResearchGate using the keywords “Internet of things” or “IoT” and “COVID-19”. Further inputs are also taken from blogs and relevant reports. Results IoT implementation impacts on reducing healthcare cost and improve treatment outcome of the infected patient. Therefore, this present study based research is attempted to explore, discuss, and highlight the overall applications of the well-proven IoT philosophy by offering a perspective roadmap to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, twelve significant applications of IoT are identified and discussed. It has ultimately forced the researchers, academicians, and scientists to propose some productive solutions to overcome or confront this pandemic. Conclusions IoT is helpful for an infected patient of COVID-19 to identify symptoms and provides better treatment rapidly. It is useful for patient, physician, surgeon and hospital management system.
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While the US, UK, France, Italy, and many other liberal democracies ended up implementing complete lockdown after tens of thousands of deaths from COVID-19, South Korea kept factories and offices running, flattened the curve, and maintained a low mortality rate. Extensive media coverage has focused on South Korea’s testing capacity as the primary reason, but little discussion of the vital role of the smart city has occurred. In this short paper, we will 1) describe how smart city technologies form a crucial part of disease control in South Korea, 2) explain the social conditions for the extensive use of smart city technology, and 3) offer critical insights into contemporary discussions on the issue of smart cities and surveillance.
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Background With its epicenter in Wuhan, China, the COVID-19 outbreak was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). While many countries have implemented flight restrictions to China, an increasing number of cases with or without travel background to China are confirmed daily. These developments support concerns on possible unidentified and unreported international COVID-19 cases, which could lead to new local disease epicenters. Methods We have analyzed all available data on the development of international COVID-19 cases from January 20th, 2020 until February 18th, 2020. COVID-19 cases with and without travel history to China were divided into cohorts according to the Healthcare Access and Quality Index (HAQ-Index) of each country. Chi-square and Post-hoc testing were performed. Results While COVID-19 cases with travel history to China seem to peak for each HAQ-cohort, the number of non-travel related COVID-19 cases seem to continuously increase in the HAQ-cohort of countries with higher medical standards. Further analyses demonstrate a significantly lower proportion of reported COVID-19 cases without travel history to China in countries with lower HAQ (HAQ I vs. HAQ II, posthoc p <0.01). Conclusions Our data indicate that countries with lower HAQ-index may either underreport COVID-19 cases or are unable to adequately detect them. Although our data may be incomplete and must be interpreted with caution, inconsistencies in reporting COVID-19 cases is a serious problem which might sabotage efforts to contain the virus.
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As the Coronavirus (COVID-19) expands its impact from China, expanding its catchment into surrounding regions and other countries, increased national and international measures are being taken to contain the outbreak. The placing of entire cities in 'lockdown' directly affects urban economies on a multilateral level, including from social and economic standpoints. This is being emphasised as the outbreak gains ground in other countries, leading towards a global health emergency, and as global collaboration is sought in numerous quarters. However, while effective protocols in regard to the sharing of health data is emphasised, urban data, on the other hand, specifically relating to urban health and safe city concepts, is still viewed from a nationalist perspective as solely benefiting a nation's economy and its economic and political influence. This perspective paper, written one month after detection and during the outbreak, surveys the virus outbreak from an urban standpoint and advances how smart city networks should work towards enhancing standardization protocols for increased data sharing in the event of outbreaks or disasters, leading to better global understanding and management of the same.
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Background: To study the clinical data, discharge rate, and fatality rate of COVID-19 patients for clinical help. Methods: The clinical data of COVID-19 patients from December 2019 to February 2020 were retrieved from four databases. We statistically analyzed the clinical symptoms and laboratory results of COVID-19 patients and explained the discharge rate, fatality rate with a single-arm meta-analysis. Results: The available data of 1994 patients in 10 literatures were included in our study. The main clinical symptoms of COVID-19 patients were fever (88.5%), cough (68.6%), myalgia or fatigue (35.8%), expectoration (28.2%), dyspnea (21.9%). Minor symptoms include headache or dizziness: (12.1%) diarrhea (4.8%), nausea, and vomiting (3.9%). The results of laboratory results showed that the lymphocytopenia (64.5%), increase of CRP (44.3%), increase of LDH (28.3%), and leukocytopenia (29.4%) were more common. Conclusions: The results of single-arm meta-analysis showed that: the male took a larger percentage in the gender distribution of COVID-19 patients 60%[95%CI (0.54,0.65)], the discharge rate of COVID-19 patients was 42%[95%CI (0.29,0.55)], and the fatality rate was 7%[95%CI (0.04,0.10)]. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.