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An Innovative Construction of Wheelchair for Handicapped Persons



This paper represents an important issue with accumulating separate fundamental mechanisms through the wheelchair for the handicapped persons as world is getting tired by seeing the handicapped scenarios for accidental or natural circumstances. Our job is to provide them a pretty easier life with the invention of this modified wheelchair. This chair consists of some important section of project for the handicapped person where all the belongings have been powered by mainly Arduino Uno. Along with this some additional devices like sensor, microcontroller, Bluetooth module, buzzed module and Android software have been used to fulfil the requirement. The chair moves with the directions of the navigation keys from Android mobile. For the deaf person a display has been used with a view to making better communication level with others by the voice command from Android mobile software. Besides, it can detect the obstacle from the front position for better justification of the user. However, this chair is sensible in detecting the hole or crack from the front position of the chair. Sensing living being from the front position is also a responsible duty which will be helpful for blind person indeed. Not only this but also a strong automation system has been provided to control the home appliances with the help of Android software. A 12.5 volt 1 Amp and 5V Battery have been used to power the tasks. This intelligent chair can carry up to 150 kilogram weight which will make a revolution indeed. The entire cost for this job was TK 13500 BDT (150 USD).
2018; 4(1): 13-19
doi: 10.11648/j.ijsqa.20180401.13
ISSN: 2469-8156 (Print); ISSN: 2469-8164 (Online)
An Innovative Construction of Wheelchair for Handicapped
Samsul Islam Shawon
, Mohammad Majidul Haque Bhuiyan
, Tazdik Patwary Plateau
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, American International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Department of Electrical and Computer Science Engineering, North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh
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To cite this article:
Samsul Islam Shawon, Mohammad Majidul Haque Bhuiyan, Tazdik Patwary Plateau. An Innovative Construction of Wheelchair for
Handicapped Persons. International Journal of Science and Qualitative Analysis. Vol. 4, No. 1, 2018, pp. 13-19.
doi: 10.11648/j.ijsqa.20180401.13
Received: December 19, 2017; Accepted: January 23, 2018; Published: February 5, 2018
This paper represents an important issue with accumulating separate fundamental mechanisms through the
wheelchair for the handicapped persons as world is getting tired by seeing the handicapped scenarios for accidental or natural
circumstances. Our job is to provide them a pretty easier life with the invention of this modified wheelchair. This chair consists
of some important section of project for the handicapped person where all the belongings have been powered by mainly
Arduino Uno. Along with this some additional devices like sensor, microcontroller, Bluetooth module, buzzed module and
Android software have been used to fulfil the requirement. The chair moves with the directions of the navigation keys from
Android mobile. For the deaf person a display has been used with a view to making better communication level with others by
the voice command from Android mobile software. Besides, it can detect the obstacle from the front position for better
justification of the user. However, this chair is sensible in detecting the hole or crack from the front position of the chair.
Sensing living being from the front position is also a responsible duty which will be helpful for blind person indeed. Not only
this but also a strong automation system has been provided to control the home appliances with the help of Android software.
A 12.5 volt 1 Amp and 5V Battery have been used to power the tasks. This intelligent chair can carry up to 150 kilogram
weight which will make a revolution indeed. The entire cost for this job was TK 13500 BDT (150 USD).
Bluetooth, DC Motors, Home Automation, Sonar Detection, Relays
1. Introduction
Today’s world has become more and more comfortable for
people. In a target to do something for the disabled person,
this research team conjunct of three universities made an
innovative wheelchair project. The project work has the
capability in making the life of handicapped persons quite
easier throughout the world. The mechanism access to make
the entire project perfectly by accumulation of different
codes and project along with the fundamental methodology
of particular equipment is not very difficult to acquire. The
Arduino Uno simulated code reach with 5V from the source
to meet with connection of movement of wheelchair [1-8].
Relay is activated to run two motors with the mechanism
of the code powered by the 12.53V 1 Amp battery. Apart
from this, the 12×6 display is activated through arduino to
meet with voice command via app [9-13]. In another research,
solar cells are using to generate energy and also a storage
system of Lithium Ion battery was used. An automated
robotic system can be chosen for the development of this
newest type of wheelchairs [14-19]. Here, Arduino activate
the Bluetooth HC-05 for receiving the voice as character for
the display and make the communication as well. For sensing
the obstacle and crack, Sonar, IR, PIR sensors have been
used to indicate the distance, build a strong signal for hole
and living being as well. All of them are powered by Arduino
except crack sensing part with particular codes. The home
automation system has been developed with the Arduino also
with less sophisticated mechanism [20-23].
14 Samsul Islam Shawon et al.: An Innovative Construction of Wheelchair for Handicapped Persons
2. Block Diagram
This research team have tried our utmost to gradually build
up the wheelchair and so the most updated equipment and
system to the arrangement were added.
Figure 1. Block diagram of accumulated features of Android control wheelchair movement and home automation.
Figure 2. Block diagram of accumulated features of Android control voice to display and Living being sensing PIR.
Figure 3. Block diagram of obstacle sensing using sonar (top) and crack sensing using IR (bottom).
International Journal of Science and Qualitative Analysis 2018; 4(1): 13-19 15
2.1. Theory and Methodology
Using the input voltage from the Arduino board (VIN) as
an external power source, android control based movement
of wheelchair is accomplished. It powered the components
and other belongings. It is supplied by USB or another
regulated 5V supply. A 3.3 volt supply generated by the on-
board regulator carries out the power supply finally. The
signal generated from Android mobile is transmitted and
received by 2.4GHz radio transceiver and base-band.
According to the user's navigation it switches the relay pin as
set in the code and turns two motor on for the forward
direction and for the left directed movement the specific pin
of relay turns on and left motor will be turned on and right
motor will be turned off. The opposite scenario happens for
right directed path movement.
For displaying the voice command via 16×2 matrix and 5
x 8 dots with cursor, converted text are showed according to
the direction of Built-in controller. It requires +5V or
+3V power supply. The 1/16 duty cycle and B/L to be driven
by pin 1, pin 2 or pin 15, pin 16. Again coded arduino uno
module transmits and receives the voice both via Bluetooth
It offers excellent non-contact range detection with high
accuracy and stable readings in an easy-to-use package.
The ultrasonic sensor (SONAR) detects the obstacles from
2cm to 400 cm or 1” to 13 feet with the mechanism of sonar
detection. Its operation is not affected by sunlight or black
material. The requirement of 2 pins of the Arduino’s digital
pins was connected so far. The Effectual Angle <15° and
measuring 30° with sensing the pulse with frequency sending
(TRIG), receiving (ECHO) time are operated by +5V. With
the time, the distance of the object is observed. If no object
has been detected, the pulses are not received back, so the
echo pin returns no pulse or a 0.
Atmega32 was programmed by Serial peripheral interface
or by Parallel programming. 32 Programmable I/O and Lines
40-pin PDIP lines, 44-lead TQFP, and 44-pad MLF were
used through the burned ATmega32 microcontroller based
circuit which is operated by an external 4.5V operated
voltage. The coded micro controller get the directions and
activate the IR sensor to motivate the sensing light ray for the
surface in front of the wheelchair which will be received by
the photodiode and make a sense with strong signal if and
only if it finds no surface as well as any hole or crack.
As soon as the digital pulse High voltage is triggered for
detecting the heat from blood of living being, a buzzer
module sense through some time being. It helps to be
informed about get rid of accidental issues from the front side
of the chair for the user who cannot see. The voltage is low in
the case of no motion detected. Its range is up to 20 feet (6
meters) as well as 110° x 70° detection range.
Home automation is powered by coded arduino uno
+5V.For the home automation procedure a coded arduino
uno has been used where relay pin is connected with the
arduino and load as well. This process goes to +5V from the
USB of arduino. By the direction of coded arduino the
ANDROID application sends the signal and receives the
signal via Bluetooth module. Thus the load can be controlled
so far.
2.2. Pseudo Code
Accumulated code of Android control wheelchair and
home automation has been described below:
Define pin 2 for Relay 1
Define pin 3 for Relay 2
Define pin 4 for Relay 3
Define pin 5 for Relay 4
Define Pin 1 for TX in Bluetooth Module
Define Pin 0 for RX in Bluetooth Module
Serial begins 9600MHz for Bluetooth
State = A
Relay 1 = ON
Light will be ON
Else if
State = a
Relay 1 = Off
Light will be off
Else if
State = B
Relay 2= ON
Fan will be ON
Else if
State = b
Relay 2 = Off
Fan will be off
Else if
State = 1
Relay 3 = ON and Relay 4 = ON
Wheelchair will go Forward direction
Else if
State = 2
Relay 3 = Off and Relay 4 = On
Wheelchair will turn left direction
Else if
State = 3
Relay 3 = Off and Relay 4 = Off
Wheelchair will stop
State = 4
Relay 3 = On and Relay 4 = Off
Wheelchair will turn right direction
Now the code of obstacle Sensing part is written below:
Define Pin 11 for RS in LCD
Define Pin 10 for EN in LCD
Define Pin 5 for D4 in LCD
Define Pin 4 for D5 in LCD
Define Pin 3 for D6 in LCD
16 Samsul Islam Shawon et al.: An Innovative Construction of Wheelchair for Handicapped Persons
Define Pin 2 for D7 in LCD
Define Pin 8 for Trig in sonar
Define Pin 9 for Echo in sonar
Trig pin = Low and Echo pin = High
Calculate distance in Cm = duration*0.034/2
Calculate distance in Inch = duration*0.0133/2
Show obstacle distance in LCD display delay 10ms.
2.3. Accumulated Code of Voice Commanded LCD Display
and PIR
The used code for accumulation of voice commands are
described below:
The used code for accumulation of voice commands are
described below:
Define pin 9 for PIR input
Define Pin 10 for Buzzer
Define Pin 12 for RS in LCD
Define Pin 11 for EN in LCD
Define Pin 5 for D4 in LCD
Define Pin 4 for D5 in LCD
Define Pin 3 for D6 in LCD
Define Pin 2 for D7 in LCD
Define Pin 1 for TX in Bluetooth Module
Define Pin 0 for RX in Bluetooth Module
Serial begin 9600MHz for Bluetooth Module
Pin 9 = High, Buzzer will be ON
Delay 150ms
Else if
Pin 9 = Low, Buzzer will be OFF
Else if
Pin 0 for RX in Bluetooth Module receive any message
LCD display show the message
LCD display will be blank
3. Individual Circuit Diagram
Each individual circuit diagrams can clarify the operation
done by the wheelchair.
Figure 4. Individual circuit diagrams of Android control wheelchair movement (top left), Android control home automation (top right), Android control voice
command display (middle left), living being sensing (middle right), obstacle sensing (bottom left) and crack detection respectively (Bottom right).
International Journal of Science and Qualitative Analysis 2018; 4(1): 13-19 17
Figure 5. Intelligent Wheelchair (Side, Top, Back and Front view).
Hardware connections and outcomes as well as Individual outcomes has discussed on the following paragraphs.
4. Android Control Wheelchair Movement and Home Automation
Now, it can be called like a smart-phone compatible device as it can be controlled by any android system’s phone.
Figure 6. Using android software relay pin as well as movement of wheelchair and home appliances control.
18 Samsul Islam Shawon et al.: An Innovative Construction of Wheelchair for Handicapped Persons
Figure 7. The circuit connection of sonar and obstacle sensing via LCD display (row 1), The circuit connection and using mobile directed voice showed in
LCD display (row 2), Circuit connection of crack sensing and signalling through LED while no hole/crack found (row 3).
5. Approximate Cost
The estimation and expenses for the necessary equipment
is mentioned below:
Table 1. Cost of constructing the wheelchair.
No. Material Name Quantity Price (In BDT)
1 Wheelchair 1 2000
2 Motor 12V 2 5000
3 Arduino Uno 3 600
4 Atmega32 1 200
5 LCD display 2 400
6 Bluetooth Module 2 1000
7 Relay Module 1 250
8 Buzzer Module 1 30
9 Sonar 1 150
10 IR 1 150
11 PIR 1 150
12 Battery 12V 1 3000
13 Bread Board 2 360
14 Registers 5 10
15 LED and Jumper Wire 1 200
Total 13500
6. Advantage over Traditional
This wheel chair does not require hand motivated motion.
Rather by using an android smart phone with specific
application, this wheelchair can be moved easily in the
desired direction Independence can be felt which is almost
similar to walk. Handicapped people are quite sufferer to
make a communication with others. Especially for the people
with auditory disability, likewise the targeted goal was
achieved by making the wheelchair with an Android control
software based operation system where the directions,
messages or voice can be seen by the user easily. User can
also use this option for communication. However, this chair
has identification mechanism for the safety of handicapped
people. The sensing system of distance about the obstacle,
identification of the living beings and detection of crack on
the surface provide more safety. This wheel chair provides
the home automation system as an extra ordinary function
indeed. For enjoying the outdoors, one can enjoy picnics with
friends at the park, explore park trails, bird watch, shopping
at favourite stores, dine at restaurants, travel, visit friends and
family and much more. Wheelchairs provide the user with a
more active lifestyle that usually results in a happier,
healthier more positive outlook on life.
7. Conclusion
This bright and innovative design will help for the
handicapped person along with reducing the sophisticated
life style of those types of patient. The principal job will be
too helpful for the users so far for the revolution obviously
this chair has to be further developed and manufactured. The
world will see the continuous invention with pioneering
Excellences. For higher strength of the body composite
materials can be used. An automation robotic system with the
help of artificial intelligence can be used to make a helper for
the handicap person.
Future Work Plans
The future robotic wheelchair can be developed as it can
learn the layout of its environment (hospital, rehabilitation
International Journal of Science and Qualitative Analysis 2018; 4(1): 13-19 19
centre, home, etc.) through a directed tour given by the user
or the user’s caregivers. Subsequently, the wheelchair can
move to any previously-named location under voice
command (e.g., "Take me to the cafeteria"). This technology
is appropriate for people who have lost mobility due to brain
injury or the loss of limbs, but who retain speech and using
GPS system. The technology can be enhanced with Tongue
Motion Driver to move the chair by the movement of tongue
which will be easier for totally paradise people. It can be
modified by gesture technology or voice commanded
technology. The technology can also enhance safety for users
modified by caterpillar tracks which can be used through
stairs. Again for the movement in outside this wheelchair can
be built up with the operation of GSM for perfect
communication of the user with others. Moreover, a
photovoltaic thin film solar cell can be fabricated because it
is cheap and the energy consumption will be reduced.
The research team would like to express the greatest
gratitude to Tajbia Karim and Dr. Mohammad Nasir Uddin
of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
American International University-Bangladesh.
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Natural fiber (such as flax, hemp, jute, kenaf, etc.) reinforced polymer resin composites are biodegradable composites as they are using fibers from renewable sources. It is also better than synthetic fibers (such as glass, carbon, ceramic fibers, etc.) in a sense of environmental cause. In this research work, jute fiber reinforced polypropylene matrix composites have been developed using hot compression molding technique. Various process parameters are used such as fiber condition (untreated and alkali treated), fiber sizes (1, 2 and 4 mm) and percentages (5%, 10% and 15% by weight) in this research work. Tensile test and optical microscopy are used for characterization. Effect of tensile strength has a linear relation with fiber size and fiber percentage but after a certain size and percentage, the tensile strength shows an inverse relation with the fiber length and fiber percentage. There is no significant change has been observed for treated and untreated jute fiber reinforcement.
Conference Paper
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This paper illustrates a proposition of developing a ptype absorber layer of copper oxide thin film by electro deposition. Potentiostatic method of electro deposition was used to make this cheap layer. Generally, crystalline silicon doped with trivalent elements, is used to make this p-type layer. Instead of using crystalline silicon CuO is used here. As the cost of copper is less than silicon, total cost is reduced so far. This CuO thin film can be developed in many ways like sputtering, physical vapor deposition (PVD, Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) etc. Among them electrolysis using three electrodes system is the most cost efficient. Here, deposited copper oxide makes p-type thin film where the solution can be of various salts such as Na2SO4.10H2O, NaHCO3, and KNO3. For this research, the chosen solution was CuSO4.5H2O is used. Four different parameters were altered several times to get good quality deposition. The changeable parameters are temperature control by heating, time, potential difference, concentration of CuSO4 solution. The parameters that have been taken as constant are current density, frequency, magnetic field etc. Clean and rinsed copper plate is used as substrate which is arranged as cathode. From this deposited copper substrate, the morphological operations that have been done are SEM, X-ray diffraction (XRD), UV-Vis spectrometry. For these lab works chosen samples concentration was 0.2M CuSO4, temperature was 60◦C. Potential was -0.5V where time was 40 minutes. From the results of characterization experiment, band gap was measured to compare the designed work with the conventional with the help of market research. Different types of microstructures and graphs were observed in results of these lab works. The photolytic behavior of the deposited CuO film has been tested which can be used as absorber layer of cost efficient solar cells with photovoltaic effects.
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This paper represents a copper deposition on copper substrate using potentiostatic method. Here, deposited copper is p-type thin film where the solution can be of various salts such as Na 2 SO 4 .10H 2 O, NaHCO 3 , and KNO3. For this research, the chosen solution was CuSO4.5H2O is used. P-type copper is deposited in different parameters which were changed several times to get good quality deposition on Cu cathode. The changeable parameters that have been introduced in this paper are temperature control by heating, time, potential difference, concentration of CuSO4 solution. The parameters that has been taken as constant are current density, frequency etc. From this deposited copper substrate, the morphological operations that have been done are SEM, EDS, X-ray diffraction (XRD), UV-Vis spectrometry. For these lab works chosen samples concentration was 0.2M CuSO4, temperature was 65 degree Celsius. Potential was −0.55V where time was 40 minutes. Different types of microstructures and graphs were observed in results of these lab works. With the help of these results, the photo-chemical behavior of the deposited p-type copper film has been observed which can be used in developing more efficient solar cells with photovoltaic effects.
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Describes the development of TIRO-the learning tool a powered wheelchair for enhancement of tool use and cognitive abilities.
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The factor structure of the Sport Orientation Questionnaire with three factors of competitiveness, win orientation, and goal orientation was examined in a sample of 243 wheelchair athletes from the USA. Based on sample-specific validity evidence theory, it was hypothesized that the exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses would yield evidence on validity for wheelchair athletes who were different from able-bodied athletes. Exploratory factor analysis confirmed the hypothesis with a clear fourth and a questionable fifth factor. A confirmatory factor analysis did not adequately explain the new five-factor model. The new emerging fourth and fifth factors separated the competitiveness element of the questionnaire in 'self-referenced' and 'other-referenced' elements of competitiveness. Results are discussed in terms of demographic characteristics of the sample of wheelchair athletes.
In this paper, we present our work called wireless voice-based wheelchair controller system, which consists of an Android device and a control system that controls the movement of wheelchair using a DC motor. This project is aim to ease the burden for wheelchair user especially for elderly people to move around. The control system is build using the Yo-Yo (IOIO) platform that controls the DC motor, communicates with the Android phone application using RF receiver through a Bluetooth communication protocol and RF signal. The Android application is developed using Basic-4-Android (B4A) rapid development tool connected with one main control interface using voice command, D-pad and joystick to control the motor driver MD30C direction and speed through IOIO platform based on four conditions; forward, backward, right and left. The speed movement is controlled by Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signal while the direction movement for Qibla' is generated by the control interface and guided by an electronic compass in the Android device. While there are some limitations in the cost and direction movement, the concept developed in this project are proven convenience innovation and provides better benefits to the targeted market and public interest. © 2016, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka. All rights reserved.
Conference Paper
The Leveraged Freedom Chair (LFC) is a low-cost, all-terrain, variable mechanical advantage, lever-propelled wheelchair designed for use in developing countries. The user effectively changes gear by shifting his hands along the levers; grasping near the ends increases torque delivered to the drive-train, while grasping near the pivots enables a larger angular displacement with every stroke, which increases angular velocity in the drivetrain and makes the chair go faster. This paper chronicles the design evolution of the LFC through three user trials in East Africa, Guatemala, and India. Feedback from test subjects was used to refine the chair between trials, resulting in a device 9.1 kg (20 lbs) lighter, 8.9 cm (3.5 in) narrower, and with a center of gravity 12.7 cm (5 in) lower than the first iteration. Survey data substantiated increases in performance after successive iterations. Quantitative biomechanical performance data were also measured during the Guatemala and India trials, which showed the LFC to be 76 percent faster and 41 percent more efficient during a common daily commute and able to produce 51 percent higher peak propulsion force compared to conventional, pushrim-propelled wheelchairs.
This article introduces a set of novel haptic guidance algorithms intended to provide intuitive and reliable assistance for electric wheelchair navigation through narrow or crowded spaces. The proposed schemes take hereto the non-holonomic nature and a detailed geometry of the wheelchair into consideration. The methods encode the environment as a set of collision-free circular paths and, making use of a model-free impedance controller, ‘haptically’ guide the user along collision-free paths or away from obstructed paths or paths that simply do not coincide with the motion intended by the user. The haptic feedback plays a central role as it establishes a fast bilateral communication channel between user and wheelchair controller and allows a direct negotiation about wheelchair motion. If found unsatisfactory, suggested trajectories can always be overruled by the user. Relying on inputs from user modeling and intention recognition schemes, the system can reduce forces needed to move along intended directions, thereby avoiding unnecessary fatigue of the user. A commercial powered wheelchair was upgraded and feasability tests were conducted to validate the proposed methods. The potential of the proposed approaches was hereby demonstrated.
Includes abstract. Research report. Thesis (M.S.)--University of Central Florida, 1985. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 57-59).
This article focuses on basic principles of seating and wheelchair evaluation for the general population. The discussion includes wheelchair options, components, and accessories. Basic principles to guide the clinician in the process of selection for maximum function are addressed.