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Myelodysplasia Cutis Versus Leukemia Cutis



Abbreviations: AML, acute myeloid leukemia; FISH, fluorescent in situ hybridization; IPSS, International Prognostic Scoring System; MDS, myelodysplastic syndrome; OS, overall survival
Gabriela Petrof
, Su M. Lwin
Magdalena Martinez-Queipo
Alya Abdul-Wahab
, Simon Tso
Jemima E. Mellerio
Ineke Slaper-Cortenbach
Jaap J. Boelens
, Jakub Tolar
Paul Veys
, Mercy Ofuya
Janet L. Peacock
, Anna E. Martinez
and John A. McGrath
St Johns Institute of Dermatology, Kings
College London (Guys Campus), London, UK;
Department of Dermatology, Great Ormond
Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation
Trust, London, UK;
Cell Therapy Facility,
Department of Clinical Pharmacology,
University Medical Centre Utrecht, Utrecht,
The Netherlands;
Department of Pediatrics,
Blood and Marrow Transplantation Program,
Wilhelmina Children's Hospital, University
Medical Centre Utrecht, Utrecht, The
Department of Pediatrics, Blood
and Marrow Transplant, Medical School,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,
Minnesota, USA;
Stem Cell Institute,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,
Minnesota, USA;
Blood and Marrow
Transplantation Department, Great Ormond
Street Hospital, London, UK and
Division of
Health and Social Care Research, Kings
College London, London, UK
Supplementary material is linked to the online
version of the paper at
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Myelodysplasia Cutis Versus Leukemia Cutis
Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2015) 135, 23212324; doi:10.1038/jid.2015.146; published online 14 May 2015
Skin lesions in myelodysplastic syn-
drome (MDS) include neutrophilic
dermatoses (Vignon-Pennamen et al.,
2006), leucocytoclastic vasculitis,
infections, drug reactions, and leukemia
cutis (Avivi et al., 1999). In MDS patients,
leukemia cutis, a blastic myeloid cell
inltration of the skin (Cho-Vega et al.,
2008), has a poor prognosis (Aractingi
et al.,1995;Kadduet al.,1999),witha
rapid development of acute myeloid
leukemia (AML) and death (Longacre
et al., 1993). The prognostic value of
skin lesions inltrated only by non-
blastic MDS tumor cells has not yet
been characterized.
We studied 24 MDS patients with
non-blastic skin inltrate and compared
them with 20 leukemia cutis patients.
This study adheres to the declaration of
Helsinki principles, and patient consent
for experimentals was not required
because the French laws consider human
tissue left over from surgery as discarded
material. Detailed patient data are given
in Supplementary Table S1 online.
Between 1995 and 2012, 800
patients were diagnosed with MDS in
Hôpital-Saint-Louis, Paris. One hundred
and fty patients underwent skin biopsy,
and we identied 24 skin involvements
by non-blastic tumor cells, dened as
medium-sized immature myeloid cells
(Figure 1) with (i) abundant eosinophilic
cytoplasm and (ii) twisted nuclei or
pseudo-Pelger-Huet anomaly, a speci-
c myelodysplasia marker on blood
smears (Shetty et al., 2001). The tumor
cells had a combined myeloid and
monocytic phenotype, expressing
both myeloperoxydase (100% of
cases) and CD163 (100%) or CD68
(96%). They did not express CD34,
CD117, or CD56. The proliferative
index with Mib-1 was low (o10%
positive cells) in 56% of cases, or
intermediate (10 to 66% positive
cells) in 44% of cases, but never high
(66% positive cells). Mature neutro-
phils and normal CD3+lymphocytes
were numerous (46% and 100% of
cases, respectively) and edema was
frequent (67%).
Accepted article preview online 10 April 2015; published online 14 May 2015
Abbreviations: AML, acute myeloid leukemia; FISH, uorescent in situ hybridization; IPSS, International
Prognostic Scoring System; MDS, myelodysplastic syndrome; OS, overall survival
A Osio et al.
Myelodysplasia Cutis Versus Leukaemia Cutis 2321
Nineteen of the 24 MDS cases were
tested for bone marrow cytogenetics.
Abnormalities were found in 6 of them
(32%). To determine whether the
same genetic abnormalities were also
found in the skin tumor cells, uores-
cent in situ hybridization (FISH) ana-
lyses were performed on 4 μm-thick
parafn-embedded skin sections using
relevant probes and the Histology-FISH-
Accessory-Kit (Dako, Denmark). Scoring
of the hybridization signals, performed on
200 consecutive morphologically intact
nuclei with a 10% normal cutoff value
(Haralambieva et al, 2002), showed
common cytogenetic abnormalities in
blastic myeloid cells in 4/6 patients
(Supplementary Figure S2 online). This
demonstrated that the immature tumor
cells in the skin were clonally related to
the myeloid malignancy. A clonal
relationship of this sort has so far
only been demonstrated in neutrophilic
dermatoses associated with AML (Sujobert
et al., 2013).
In all the 24 patients, the median
overall survival (OS) from skin diagnosis
was 62 months, longer compared with
the 52 months expected OS calculated
with the International Prognostic Scoring
System (IPSS; Greenberg et al., 1997).
Twenty percent of the patients (5/24)
developed AML below the 30%
reported risk of MDS progression to
AML (Mufti et al., 2008).
In 16 cases, the patients received
hydroxychloroquine, dapsone, colchi-
cine, or thalidomide, with no signi-
cant benet. High-dose oral predni-
sone provided complete response in
18 patients, most often with steroid
We thus characterized a skin condi-
tion in the course of MDS with non-
blastic tumor cell skin inltrate and a
lower risk of progression to AML than
for leukemia cutis.
We further compared these 24
patients with myelodysplasia cutis
with 20 true leukemia cutis, in the
course of AML (7 with previous MDS).
Histologically, leukemia cutis was
dened by a skin inltration by blast
cells with (i) medium to large mono-
morphous cytoplasm, (ii) large round
nuclei, and (iii) expression of the
myeloid or monocytic markers, myelo-
peroxydase (80% of cases), CD163
(85%), and CD68 (95%).
Discriminant features, using Fishers
t-test (Figure 2) were, for histopathology,
the positivity of CD34, CD56, or
CD117 for leukemia cutis (Po0.05)
and the presence of CD3+lymphocytes
(Po0.001), edema (Po0.01), and a lower
Mib-1 proliferative index (Po0.05) for
myelodysplasia cutis.
Clinical discriminant features were
the presence of nodules for leukemia
cutis (Po0.01) and the presence of
erythematous plaques (Po0.001),
annular pattern (Po0.05), fever, or
arthralgia (Po0.01) for myelodysplasia
Regarding evolution, persistent nodules
were the hallmark of leukemia cutis,
whereas ares and relapses character-
ized evolution in myelodysplasia cutis.
In most myelodysplasia cutis patients
(14/24), skin lesions occurred before the
bone marrow MDS diagnosis, with
a mean time-lapse of 41 months (range
2108). In the other 10/24 patients, skin
lesions occurred during MDS evolution
with a shorter time-lapse of 15 months
Myelodysplasia cutis Leukemia cutis
CD68 CD34
CD68 CD34
Figure 1. Myelodysplastic syndrome patients with non-blastic tumor cell inltrate (myelodysplasia cutis)
and leukemia cutis patients had different clinical, histological, and immuno-phenotypical features.
In myelodysplasia cutis patients (a) erythematous plaques, frequently annular, were predominant,
corresponding to (b) a skin inltrate composed of myeloid cells with the pseudo-Pelger-Huet anomaly
(nucleus with pince-nezappearance at high magnication, arrows), mixed with lymphocytes. (c) The
myeloid cells expressed myelomonocytic markers CD68 and myeloperoxydase but not blastic markers
CD34 and CD56. In contrast, in leukemia cutis patients, (a) nodules were predominant, corresponding
to (b) a skin inltrate composed of monomorphous blastic cells (with large round nuclei at high
magnication). (c) These cells expressed both myelomonocytic markers CD68 and myeloperoxydase and
blastic markers CD34 and CD56. Scale bars =b100 μm, high magnications 25 μm; c50 μm.
A Osio et al.
Myelodysplasia Cutis Versus Leukaemia Cutis
2322 Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2015), Volume 135
(range 6-19). Skin lesions in all 20
leukemia cutis patients occurred after
the bone marrow diagnosis of the
Regarding survival, OS from the skin
diagnosis was considerably longer in
myelodysplasia cutis patients than in
leukemia cutis patients (62 vs. 5 months,
Po0.001). In the seven leukemia cutis
patients with previous MDS, the skin
lesions occurred when MDS evolved to
AML, with a 2-month OS after the
occurrence of the skin lesions, similar
to the time-lapse reported by Longacre
et al., (1993).
Using the Cox multivariate hazard
model, the blastic versus non-blastic
nature of the skin inltrate in MDS
patients was associated with survival,
independently from IPSS. In Cox
univariate analysis, the blastic versus
non-blastic nature of the skin inltrate
was signicantly associated with survival
(Po0.005), whereas IPSS was not
Altogether, we identied clinical and
pathological features discriminating
myelodysplasia cutis from leukemia
cutis, with a signicantly longer survival
for myelodysplasia cutis.
Retrospective analysis of the relevant
literature enabled us to nd reports
of histiocytoid Sweets syndrome
(Requena et al., 2005) that could
match myelodysplasia cutis when they
were associated with MDS (Chavan
et al., 2014): patients had plaques with
fever and arthralgia and a myeloid
histiocytoid non-blastic skin inltrate
with edema, mixed neutrophils, and
CD3+lymphocytes––i.e., ve of the
eight discriminant features we identied
(the three others being not specied).
In addition, in two MDS cases
without AML, the same cytogenetic
abnormality was found in the skin and
the bone marrow, as in four of our
myelodysplasia cutis. Therefore, we
think that cases reported as histiocy-
toid Sweets syndromein the course of
MDS may be better classied as
myelodysplasia cutis.
One of the original results of our
study is to highlight the fact that skin
lesions in myelodysplasia cutis can pre-
cede by months or years MDS diagnosis
in the bone marrow. This underlines the
value of a long follow-up, particularly in
elderly patients with a normal initial bone
marrow examination. More studies will
be necessary to identify peculiar mar-
kers involved in non-blastic MDS cells
skin homing, as it has been described
for blast cells (Blakst et al., 2011).
The discriminant features we identi-
ed between myelodysplasia cutis
and leukemia cutis have translational
value, given the far better prognosis of
myelodysplasia cutis.
The authors state no conict of interest.
We thank Dr C. Juillard, Dr F. Cordoliani, and
Dr M. Rybojad who provided patient data and Angela
Swaine Verdier who edited the English language.
A. Osio
, M. Battistella
J-P Feugeas
M-E Noguera
A. Janin
and Vignon Pennamen
Université Paris Diderot, Sorbonne Paris Cité,
UMR-S 1165, Paris, France;
INSERM, U1165-
Paris, Paris, France;
Laboratoire de pathologie,
Hôpital Saint-Louis, AP-HP, Paris, France;
INSERM, U1137-Paris, Paris, France;
Laboratoire dhématologie, Hôpital Saint-
Louis, AP-HP, Paris, France;
Laboratoire de
pathologie, Plateau technique de biologie,
CHU Dijon, Dijon, France and
24 patients with
myelodysplasia cutis
24 Myelodysplasia cutis patients
20 patients with
leukemia cutis
20 Leukemia cutis patients
Clinical criteria
Plaques 96
10 <0.001
0 50 100 150 200
Estimated probability of overall survival
Fever and/or arthralgia
Annular pattern
CD3+ T cells
CD34 or CD117 or CD56 cells
Mib-1 >66%
Histopathological criteria
Figure 2. Statistical analyses comparing 24 myelodysplasia cutis patients and 20 leukemia cutis patients.
(a) Using Fisherst-test with R-software (R 3.1.2 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing R, Vienna,
Austria) and after correction for multiple comparison, eight clinical and histopathological discriminant
features were identied. We performed a quantitative study of cells labeled with CD163, CD68,
myeloperoxydase, CD117, CD56, CD34, and CD3 in the skin sections. We analyzed a minimum of three
different elds at an original magnication 250 ×and counted the percentage of stained cells in one
hundred tumor cells for CD163, CD68, myeloperoxydase, CD117, CD56, CD34, and lymphocytes for
CD3. The cutoff value was 80% positive cells for CD163, CD68, and myeloperoxydase, 50% for CD117,
CD56, and CD34, and 20% for CD3. (b) Plotting KaplanMeier curves for the overall survival (OS) in
myelodysplasia cutis patients versus leukemia cutis patients, and comparing them with the log-rank test,
showed that myelodysplasia cutis patients had a signicantly longer OS compared with patients with
leukemia cutis (62 vs. 5 months, Po0.001).
A Osio et al.
Myelodysplasia Cutis Versus Leukaemia Cutis 2323
dhématologie, Hôpital Saint-Louis, AP-HP,
Paris France
E-mail: or
Supplementary material is linked to the online
version of the paper at
Aractingi S, Bachmeyer C, Miclea JM et al. (1995)
Unusual specic cutaneous lesions in myelo-
dysplastic syndromes. JAmAcadDermatol
Avivi I, Rosenbaum H, Levy Y et al. (1999)
Myelodysplastic syndrome and associated skin
lesions: a review of the literature. Leuk Res 23:
Blakst RL, Tallman MS, Douer D et al. (2011) How I
treat extramedullary acute myeloid leukemia.
Blood 14:378593
Chavan RN, Cappel MA, Ketterling RP et al. (2014)
Histiocytoid Sweet syndrome may indicate
leukemia cutis: a novel application of
uorescence in situ hybridization. JAmAcad
Dermatol 70:10217
Cho-Vega JH, Medeiros LJ, Prieto VG et al. (2008)
Leukemia cutis. Am J Clin Pathol 129:
Greenberg P, Cox C, LeBeau MM et al. (1997)
International scoring system for evaluating
prognosis in myelodysplastic syndromes.
Blood 89:207988
Haralambieva E, Kleiverda K, Mason DY et al.
(2002) Detection of three common trans-
location breakpoints in non-hodgkinslym-
phomas by uorescence in situ hybridization
on routine parafn-embedded tissue section.
Kaddu S, Zenahlik P, Beham-Schmid C et al. (1999)
Specic cutaneous inltrates in patients with
myelogenous leukemia: a clinicopathologic
study of 26 patients with assessment of
diagnostic criteria. JAmAcadDermatol40:
Longacre TA, Smoller BR (1993) Leukemia
cutis. Analysis of 50 biopsy-proven cases
with an emphasis on occurrence in myelodys-
plastic syndromes. Am J Clin Pathol 100:
Mufti GJ, Bennett JM, Goasguen J et al. (2008)
Diagnosis and classication of myelodysplas-
tic syndrome: International Working Group on
Morphology of myelodysplastic syndrome
(IWGM-MDS) consensus proposals for the
denition and enumeration of myeloblasts
and ring sideroblasts. Haematologica 93:
Requena L, Kutzner H, Palmedo G et al. (2005)
Histiocytoid Sweet syndrome: a dermal inl-
tration of immature neutrophilic granulocytes.
Arch Dermatol 141:83442
Shetty VT, Mundle SD, Raza A (2001) Pseudo
Pelger-Huet anomaly in myelodysplastic syn-
drome: hyposegmented apoptotic neutrophil?
Blood 98:12735
Sujobert P, Cuccuini W, Vignon-Pennamen D et al.
(2013) Evidence of differentiation in myeloid
malignancies associated neutrophilic derma-
tosis: a uorescent in situ hybridization study
of 14 patients. J Invest Dermatol 133:11114
Vignon-Pennamen MD, Juillard C, Rybojad M et al.
(2006) Chronic recurrent lymphocytic Sweet
syndrome as a predictive marker of myelodys-
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Der p1 and Der p2-Specic T Cells Display a Th2, Th17,
and Th2/Th17 Phenotype in Atopic Dermatitis
Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2015) 135, 23242327; doi:10.1038/jid.2015.162; published online 28 May 2015
Atopic dermatitis (AD) represents an
inammatory, relapsing, non-conta-
gious, and itchy skin disorder affecting
up to 30% of children and 210%
of adults in industrialized countries
(Bieber, 2008). It is well established
that allergen-specic T cells display a
Th2 polarization in allergic donors
(Bateman et al., 2006; Macaubas
et al., 2006; Wambre et al., 2008)
with a tendency to develop into Th1
in chronic AD (Thepen et al., 1996;
Werfel et al., 1996). The high
proportion of Th2-polarized T cells
seems to be the key factor in allergic
inammation (Werfel, 2009), and
allergen-specic Th2 cells are reduced
after successful specic immunotherapy
(Wambre et al., 2012; Wambre et al.,
2014). However, the classical paradigm
of a Th2-polarized allergen-specicT
cell has been questioned, as Th17 and
Th22 polarizations have been described
in allergic diseases (Aggarwal et al.,
2003; Langrish et al., 2005; Eyerich
et al., 2009). Especially, the responses
to house dust mite (HDM) allergens differ
between atopic diseases. Although in
allergic asthma this seems to be
inuenced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-
toll-like receptor4 (TLR4) signaling, in
allergic rhinitis TLR2 responses may
rather have a role (Ryu et al., 2013).
High-titered HDM-specic IgE can
be detected particularly often in older
children, adolescents, and adults
with AD. This study aimed to charac-
terize Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus
(Der p)-1and Der p2specic T-helper
cells in patients suffering from AD.
Thirty adult consecutive patients with
AD fullling the criteria of Hanin
and Rajka (Hanin and Rajka, 1980)
from our Department who were IgE
sensitized to HDM were included in
this study. These showed various IgE
sensitizations and a mild-to-severe dis-
ease activity (scoring atopic dermatitis
(SCORAD) 2.570.5; mean 33.4, see
Supplementary Table S1). Median CAP
class of our patient cohort was class 5
(D. pteronyssinus) and class 4 (Der p1
and Der p2), respectively. One further
AD patient was included who suffered
Accepted article preview online 28 April 2015; published online 28 May 2015
Abbreviations: AD, atopic dermatitis; Der p, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus; HDM, house dust mite;
LPS, lipopolysaccharide; MHC, major histocompatibility complex; PBMC, peripheral blood
mononuclear cell; SCORAD, scoring atopic dermatitis; TLR, toll-like receptor
LM Roesner et al.
HDM-Specic T Cells in AD
2324 Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2015), Volume 135
... The dermatological manifestations include neutrophilic dermatoses similar to SS with a poor response to conventional therapies and frequent relapses, similar to the previously described MDS-cutis patients [29]. pseudo-Pelger-Huet anomaly (see Figure 2E-H) [30]. They found that these cells had a combined myeloid and monocytic immunophenotype, with the expression of both MPO and CD163 or CD68 antigens and negativity for CD34, CD56 or CD117. ...
... In addition, the cutaneous infiltrate was rich in mature neutrophils and normal CD3+ T-lymphocytes. The presence of edema in the superficial dermis was a frequent finding (67% of samples) [30]. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) analyses showed common cytogenetic abnormalities in the skin and the BM of 4/6 patients. ...
... These authors postulated that some cases previously reported as "H-SS" in the course of MDS, especially those with a poor response to treatments such as hydroxychloroquine, dapsone, colchicine or thalidomide or patients with steroid dependence or in need of high dose oral prednisone could have MDS-cutis. Furthermore, they compared the survival rate and other clinicopathologic characteristics of patients with MDS-cutis and leukemia cutis, and they found significant differences between the two groups [30]. Regarding overall survival (OS) after the skin diagnosis, it was significantly longer in MDS-cutis patients than in patients who suffered from leukemia cutis (62 vs. 5 months, (p < 0.001)). ...
Full-text available
Simple Summary Skin lesions in the context of MDS/MPN are frequent and poorly understood in the current literature. This paper thoroughly reviews the dermatoses reported so far in these patients based on their relationship with prognosis and its main clinical, histopathological and genetical features. Different histological patterns and mutations have been described in the literature. However, the true nature of the cells in these cutaneous infiltrates as well as their mutational background and the link with the underlying hematological neoplasm have to be further investigate in order to clarify their biological significance and the main therapeutic implications. A classification proposal is developed with the aim of helping dermatologists, hematologists and pathologists to recognize them when present in these complex patients. The figures and tables included in the text and in the supplemental material facilitate the understanding of each of the proposed categories. In addition, the main publications in which these dermatoses have been previously treated are indicated. Abstract Myeloid neoplasms and acute leukemias include different entities that have been recently re-classified taking into account molecular and clinicopathological features. The myelodysplastic syndrome/myeloproliferative neoplasm (MDS/MPN) category comprises a heterogeneous group of hybrid neoplastic myeloid diseases characterized by the co-occurrence of clinical and pathological features of both myelodysplastic and myeloproliferative neoplasms. The most frequent entity in this category is chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML) which is, after acute myeloid leukemia (AML), the main myeloid disorder prone to develop cutaneous manifestations. Skin lesions associated with myelodysplastic and myeloproliferative neoplasms include a broad clinical, histopathological and molecular spectrum of lesions, poorly understood and without a clear-cut classification in the current medical literature. The aim of this review is to describe and classify the main clinical, histopathological and molecular patterns of cutaneous lesions in the setting of MDS/MPN in order to improve the diagnostic skills of the dermatologists, hematologists and pathologists who deal with these patients.
... Osio et al identified in a series of 150 patients with MDS and cutaneous lesions 24 patients with non-blastic tumor cells in the dermal infiltrate, defined as medium-sized immature myeloid cells with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm and twisted nuclei or pseudo-Pelger-Huet anomaly 29 . They found 10 that these cells had a combined myeloid and monocytic immunophenotype, with expression of both MPO and CD163 or CD68 antigens and negativity for CD34, CD56 or CD117. ...
... In addition, the cutaneous infiltrate was rich in mature neutrophils and normal CD3+ T-lymphocytes. The presence of edema in the superficial dermis was a frequent finding (67% of samples) 29 . Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) analyses showed common cytogenetic abnormalities in the skin and the BM of 4/6 patients. ...
... These authors postulated that some cases previously reported as "H-SS" in the course of MDS, especially those with poor response to treatments such as hydroxychloroquine, dapsone, colchicine or thalidomide or patients with steroid dependence or in need of high dose oral prednisone could have MDS-cutis. Furthermore, they compared the survival rate and other clinicopathologic characteristics of patients with MDS-cutis and leukemia cutis and they found significant differences between the two groups 29 . Regarding overall survival (OS) after the skin diagnosis, it was significantly longer in MDS-cutis patients than in patients who suffered from leukemia cutis (62 vs. 5 months, (P<0.001)). ...
Full-text available
Myeloid neoplasms and acute leukemias include different entities that have been recently re-classify taking into account molecular and clinicopathological features. The myelodysplastic syndrome/myeloproliferative neoplasm (MDS/MPN) category comprises a heterogeneous group of hybrid neoplastic myeloid diseases characterized by the co-occurrence of clinical and pathologic features of both myelodysplastic and myeloproliferative neoplasms. The most frequent entity in this category is chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML) which is, after acute myeloid leukemia (AML), the main myeloid disorder prone to develop cutaneous manifestations. Skin lesions associated with myelodysplastic and myeloproliferative neoplasms include a broad clinical, histopathological and molecular spectrum of lesions, poorly understood and without a clear-cut classification in the current medical literature. The aim of this review is to describe and classify the main clinical, histopathological and molecular patterns of cutaneous lesions in the setting of MDS/MPN in order to improve the diagnostic skills of dermatologists, hematologist and pathologist who deal with these patients.
... [12][13][14]16 Moreover, a subset of patients called H-SS with an underlying hematologic malignancy have matching genetic abnormalities in the bone marrow and skin. 13,14,17,18 MYELODYSPLASIA CUTIS In 2015, Osio et al 18 examined skin biopsies in 800 patients with a diagnosis of MDS and found 24 patients with immature myeloid cells in the skin. They coined the term "myelodysplasia cutis" to describe patients with known MDS and cutaneous involvement by atypical, immature, but nonblastic, myeloid cells. ...
... They coined the term "myelodysplasia cutis" to describe patients with known MDS and cutaneous involvement by atypical, immature, but nonblastic, myeloid cells. 18 The authors noted that these lesions were similar to those previously described as H-SS and suggested that such lesions arising in patients with MDS were best called myelodysplasia cutis (MDS-cutis). 18 Fluorescence in situ hybridization in 4 of 6 tested cases showed the same genetic abnormality in tumor cells of the skin and bone marrow. ...
... 18 The authors noted that these lesions were similar to those previously described as H-SS and suggested that such lesions arising in patients with MDS were best called myelodysplasia cutis (MDS-cutis). 18 Fluorescence in situ hybridization in 4 of 6 tested cases showed the same genetic abnormality in tumor cells of the skin and bone marrow. Importantly, these lesions preceded the diagnosis of bone marrow MDS in most cases by months to years, a finding that has been reported in other studies. ...
Context.— Myelodysplasia cutis is an emerging concept in cutaneous neoplasia. Many of these cases were previously included under the umbrella of histiocytoid Sweet syndrome. However, with the advent of next-generation sequencing, cutaneous involvement by myelodysplastic syndrome is being increasingly recognized. Objective.— To review histiocytoid Sweet syndrome and myelodysplasia cutis and discuss our current understanding of these entities. Additionally, to discuss how next-generation sequencing can be applied in the evaluation of cutaneous infiltrates of immature histiocytoid cells. Data Sources.— The English-language literature from 2005 to 2023 on the topic of histiocytoid Sweet syndrome and myelodysplasia cutis was reviewed. Conclusions.— Biopsy specimens showing infiltrates of histiocytoid, immature myeloid cells may represent cutaneous involvement by myelodysplastic syndrome. Close clinical correlation is recommended in these cases. Recent studies suggest that next-generation sequencing is useful in separating myelodysplasia cutis from true histiocytoid Sweet syndrome. This distinction has important implications for patients.
Traditionally, skin involvement in chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML) has been considered to be either specific (leukemia cutis) or non-specific, with granulomatous dermatitis included in the latter group. More recently, the true nature of the myeloid cells present in the cutaneous infiltrates of this theoretically reactive dermatitis is being clarified with the use of new molecular techniques such as next-generation sequencing. The same mutations in bone marrow (BM) myeloid neoplastic cells and in the cells of cutaneous infiltrates have been found. We present the case of a 77-year-old man who presented with spread and treatment-resistant skin granulomatous lesions previous to the diagnosis of CMML. The same clonal mutations in SRSF2, IDH1, and RUNX1 were found in both skin and BM with resolution of the lesions after the initiation of azacytidine. In conclusion, we report an exceptional case in which specific granulomatous cutaneous lesions have preceded and allowed the earlier diagnosis of an underlying CMML and a review of all previous similar cases in the literature, including molecular alterations.
Background “Vacuoles, E1 enzyme, X-linked, autoinflammatory, somatic” (VEXAS) syndrome is caused by acquired somatic mutations in the ubiquitin-activating enzyme 1 (UBA1) gene. Sweet-syndrome-like skin disorders (and especially histiocytoid Sweet syndrome (HSS)) may be associated with VEXAS syndrome. Objective To characterize the clinical and histopathological features of HSS in patients with VEXAS syndrome. Methods The skin biopsies with a histological diagnosis of HSS had been collected at Rennes University Medical Center (Rennes, France) between October 2011 and January 2022. Sanger sequencing and digital PCR were used to screen skin, blood, and bone marrow samples for UBA1 variants, and thus classify patients as having VEXAS syndrome or not. We evaluated the clinical, histological, and molecular (UBA1) characteristics of patients with or without VEXAS syndrome. Results We compared 15 skin biopsies from seven patients found to have VEXAS syndrome and 19 skin biopsies from 15 patients without VEXAS syndrome. Persistent inflammatory syndrome, macrocytosis, anemia, and hematological malignancies were more prevalent in patients with VEXAS syndrome (86%, 86%, 100%, and 86%, respectively) than in patients without (36%, 40%, 53%, and 53%, respectively). These features sometimes appeared after the first skin manifestations, and a UBA1 mutation was found in the skin of five patients with VEXAS syndrome. Dermal infiltration by myeloperoxidase-positive, CD163-positive, reniform histiocytoid cells and a periadnexal distribution were more frequently observed in VEXAS syndrome biopsies (100% and 20% respectively, vs. 58% and 0% in non-VEXAS syndrome biopsies, respectively). Conclusion Our findings might help the pathologist to consider a diagnosis of VEXAS syndrome and to initiate early genetic testing.
Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are a group of clonal hematopoietic neoplasms resulting from mutations in stem cells. They carry a risk of transformation to acute myeloid leukemia. Cutaneous manifestations of MDS, including myelodysplasia cutis or infiltration by MDS tumor cells, are rare, but significantly associated with increased risk of progression to high‐grade myeloid tumors. The clinical and histopathologic differential diagnosis for myelodysplasia cutis includes interstitial granulomatous dermatitis (IGD), a reactive granulomatous dermatitis (RGD) associated with systemic diseases including rheumatologic diseases, and hematologic malignancy like MDS. We report a patient with MDS who presented with myelodysplasia cutis masquerading as IGD both in a clinical and histopathological manner.
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Abbreviations: AML, acute myeloid leukemia; FISH, fluorescent in situ hybridization; MDS, myelodysplastic syndrome; ND, neutrophilic dermatosis
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The classification of myelodysplastic syndromes is based on the morphological criteria proposed by the French-American-British (FAB) and World Health Organization (WHO) groups. Accurate enumeration of blast cells, although essential for diagnosis of myelodysplastic syndrome and for assignment to prognostic groups, is often difficult, due to imprecise criteria for the morphological definition of blasts and promyelocytes. An International Working Group on Morphology of Myelodysplastic Syndrome (IWGM-MDS) of hematopathologists and hematologists expert in the field of myelodysplastic syndrome reviewed the morphological features of bone marrows from all subtypes of myelodysplastic syndrome and agreed on a set of recommendations, including recommendations for the definition and enumeration of blast cells and ring sideroblasts. It is recommended that (1) agranular or granular blast cells be defined (replacing the previous type I, II and III blasts), (2) dysplastic promyelocytes be distinguished from cytologically normal promyelocytes and from granular blast cells, (3) sufficient cells be counted to give a precise blast percentage, particularly at thresholds that are important for diagnosis or prognosis and (4) ring sideroblasts be defined as erythroblasts in which there are a minimum of 5 siderotic granules covering at least a third of the nuclear circumference. Clear definitions and a differential count of a sufficient number of cells is likely to improve precision in the diagnosis and classification of myelodysplastic syndrome. Recommendations should be applied in the context of the WHO classification.
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Despite multiple disparate prognostic risk analysis systems for evaluating clinical outcome for patients with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), imprecision persists with such analyses. To attempt to improve on these systems, an International MDS Risk Analysis Workshop combined cytogenetic, morphological, and clinical data from seven large previously reported risk-based studies that had generated prognostic systems. A global analysis was performed on these patients, and critical prognostic variables were re-evaluated to generate a consensus prognostic system, particularly using a more refined bone marrow (BM) cytogenetic classification. Univariate analysis indicated that the major variables having an impact on disease outcome for evolution to acute myeloid leukemia were cytogenetic abnormalities, percentage of BM myeloblasts, and number of cytopenias; for survival, in addition to the above, variables also included age and gender. Cytogenetic subgroups of outcome were as follows: "good" outcomes were normal, -Y alone, del(5q) alone, del(20q) alone; "poor" outcomes were complex (ie, > or = 3 abnormalities) or chromosome 7 anomalies; and "intermediate" outcomes were other abnormalities. Multivariate analysis combined these cytogenetic subgroups with percentage of BM blasts and number of cytopenias to generate a prognostic model. Weighting these variables by their statistical power separated patients into distinctive subgroups of risk for 25% of patients to undergo evolution to acute myeloid leukemia, with: low (31% of patients), 9.4 years; intermediate-1 (INT-1; 39%), 3.3 years; INT-2 (22%), 1.1 years; and high (8%), 0.2 year. These features also separated patients into similar distinctive risk groups for median survival: low, 5.7 years; INT-1, 3.5 years; INT-2, 1.2 years; and high, 0.4 year. Stratification for age further improved analysis of survival. Compared with prior risk-based classifications, this International Prognostic Scoring System provides an improved method for evaluating prognosis in MDS. This classification system should prove useful for more precise design and analysis of therapeutic trials in this disease.
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Huet first observed an abnormal hyposegmented neutrophil granulocyte in 1928, and a year later Pelger reported an additional case. Such a cell later became known as Pelger-Huet anomaly. In 1932 Huet pointed out its hereditary and systemic character.[1][1] The Pelger-Huet anomaly is a familial
The hematologic, cytomorphologic, and cytogenetic features of 50 cases of leukemia cutis (LC), occurring in 40 patients, are presented. The patients’ ages ranged from 19 to 75 years (mean, 42 years). The primary hematologic diagnoses in these patients included acute nonlymphoblastic leukemia (ANLL), 13 patients; myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), 19 patients; chronic lymphocytic leukemia, 3 patients; chronic granulocytic leukemia, 3 patients; and polycythemia vera, 1 patient. Leukemia cutis developed in one patient without any known prior or subsequent hematologic disorder. The 13 cases of ANLL included French–American–British types M1 (1 case), M2 (5 cases), M3 (1 case), M4 (5 cases), and M5 (1 case). Leukemia cutis preceded blood and/or bone marrow manifestations of leukemia in nine patients with MDS and one with ANLL. The interval from skin biopsy to systemic leukemia ranged from 3 weeks to 20 months (mean, 6 months). In seven patients with MDS and three patients with ANLL, LC occurred concomitantly with leukemic transformation. Only two patients with MDS and LC did not have progression to acute leukemia during the 20 and 24 months they have been observed. Diagnoses other than LC initially were considered in five of the patients. LC was characterized most often by a dense mixed cellular dermal infiltrate that circumscribed vascular and adnexal structures. Nine patients with MDS (47%) and one with ANLL (8%) had complex chromosomal abnormalities in their bone marrow samples at the time of LC. This article reports the occurrence of LC in patients with MDS and suggests that LC is an early manifestation of leukemic transformation in these patients. These results may be important in identifying high-risk patients for early interventional therapy.
In patients with malignancy-associated Sweet syndrome, a thorough evaluation for leukemia cutis should be considered. We sought to describe the clinicopathologic characteristics of histiocytoid Sweet syndrome. We retrospectively identified patients with histiocytoid Sweet syndrome at our institution from January 1992 through December 2010. We evaluated the underlying cutaneous infiltrate using immunohistochemistry and fluorescence in situ hybridization. We re-evaluated all 22 patients with hematologic malignancy-associated Sweet syndrome. Six patients had a monocytoid infiltrate that was consistent with histiocytoid Sweet syndrome; subsequent evaluation of these patients demonstrated cytogenetic abnormalities on prior bone-marrow biopsy specimens. Fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis was feasible in cutaneous specimens from 5 of the 6 patients and demonstrated the same cytogenetic abnormalities that were identified on prior bone-marrow biopsy specimens in 4 patients. Therefore, these 4 patients may have had a form of leukemia cutis. This was a retrospective study. For patients with histiocytoid Sweet syndrome, an underlying hematologic malignancy, and a monocytoid infiltrate on biopsy specimen, fluorescence in situ hybridization of the cutaneous infiltrate may be beneficial to identify cytogenetic abnormalities that may indicate leukemia cutis.
Extramedullary (EM) manifestations of acute leukemia include a wide variety of clinically significant phenomena that often pose therapeutic dilemmas. Myeloid sarcoma (MS) and leukemia cutis (LC) represent 2 well-known EM manifestations with a range of clinical presentations. MS (also known as granulocytic sarcoma or chloroma) is a rare EM tumor of immature myeloid cells. LC specifically refers to the infiltration of the epidermis, dermis, or subcutis by neoplastic leukocytes (leukemia cells), resulting in clinically identifiable cutaneous lesions. The molecular mechanisms underlying EM involvement are not well defined, but recent immunophenotyping, cytogenetic, and molecular analysis are beginning to provide some understanding. Certain cytogenetic abnormalities are associated with increased risk of EM involvement, potentially through altering tissue-homing pathways. The prognostic significance of EM involvement is not fully understood. Therefore, it has been difficult to define the optimal treatment of patients with MS or LC. The timing of EM development at presentation versus relapse, involvement of the marrow, and AML risk classification help to determine our approach to treatment of EM disease.
Early diagnosis of leukemia cutis in myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) is important because these lesions can precede acute peripheral blood or bone marrow transformation. Leukemia cutis is usually easy to recognize, but atypical lesions are not well described. Our purpose was to describe unusual specific lesions in MDS. Data from patients with myeloid malignancies and leukemia cutis were reviewed. Only patients with MDS and cutaneous lesions different from typical tumors were included. Clinical features were analyzed. Four patients with MDS and unusual specific cutaneous lesions were found. They had ecchymoses, necrotic plaques or ulcers, and prurigo-like lesions. In three of four patients appearance of these skin lesions heralded or was concomitant with acute transformation. Specific cutaneous lesions can display unusual patterns. Early biopsy of cutaneous lesions in MDS is indicated.
The skin involvement of the myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) can take the form of either a neoplastic infiltration or various non specific lesions. The occurrence of these lesions may be the presenting feature of the disease (MDS) or may herald its progression to acute leukemia. Recognition and early diagnosis have therapeutic and prognostic significance.
Few recent studies have analyzed the clinicopathologic features of specific cutaneous manifestations of myelogenous leukemia in a large number of patients. We characterize the clinical and histopathologic spectrum of specific cutaneous manifestations in acute (AML) and chronic (CML) myelogenous leukemia, ascertain further diagnostic criteria, and examine current prognosis. Thirty-six lesions of specific cutaneous infiltrates from 26 patients with myelogenous leukemia (AML: 17 patients; M:F = 1:2.4; mean age: 52.6 years; AML-French-American-British [FAB] classification subtypes:M1 = 1, M2 = 3, M4 = 8, M5 = 5. CML = 9 patients; M:F = 4.5:1; mean age: 60.6 years) were retrospectively collected for the study. Cutaneous manifestations presented as solitary or multiple reddish to violaceous papules, plaques, and nodules (17 lesions), or as a generalized erythematous maculopapular eruption (9 lesions). Concurrent extramedullary involvement in other peripheral sites (eg, gums, pharynx, orbits) was observed in 10 patients. Histopathologically, lesions revealed nodular/diffuse infiltrates, often with perivascular and periadnexal accentuation, sparing of the upper papillary dermis, and prominent single arraying of neoplastic cells between collagen bundles. Extension to the subcutis was noted in all deep biopsy specimens (26 lesions). Cytomorphologically, medium to large-sized mononuclear cells (myeloblasts and atypical myelocytes) predominated in AML-M1 and M2, whereas M4 and M5 mainly showed small, medium-sized, or large mononuclear cells with slightly eosinophilic cytoplasm and indented, bi-lobular, or kidney-shaped nuclei (atypical monocytoid cells). In CML, either a variable mixture of mature and immature cells of the granulocytic series (myelocytes, metamyelocytes, eosinophilic metamyelocytes, and neutrophils) or a rather monomorphous infiltrate of mononuclear cells were found. Staining for naphthol AS-D chloroacetate-esterase (NASD) was positive in 24 of 36 lesions (66.6%; AML: 16; CML: 8). Immunohistochemical analysis on paraffin sections using a large panel of antibodies (16 lesions: AML: 13; CML: 3) showed strong reactivity for LCA (CD45), lysozyme, myeloperoxidase (MPD), LN2 (CD74), HLA-DR, and MT1 (CD43) in the majority of cases, and variable staining for monocyte/macrophage markers (KP1/CD68, PGM1/CD68, Mac387, Ki-M1p). The neuronal cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) marker CD56 was reactive in 2 cases of CML, but negative in all cases of AML. MIB1(Ki67) stained 20% to 80% of neoplastic cells. CD34, CD15, CD20, and CD3 were negative in all cases. No correlation between histochemical/immunohistochemical features with type of leukemia or FAB-subtype of AML was observed. All patients with CML and AML with adequate follow-up died within 24 months after onset of skin lesions (mean survival, AML: 7.6 months; CML: 9.4 months). Specific cutaneous lesions in AML and CML show distinctive clinicopathologic features that allow diagnosis in most cases. Immunohistochemistry on routinely fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections provides useful adjunctive information. Simultaneous expression of lysozyme, MPD, CD45, CD43, and CD74 militates in favor of a diagnosis of specific cutaneous infiltrate of myelogenous leukemia. Pitfalls in immunohistologic diagnosis mainly include lack of expression of some myeloid markers (lysozyme, MPD), and aberrant expression of T-cell markers (eg, CD45RO). Regardless of type of myelogenous leukemia, onset of specific skin manifestations correlates with an aggressive course and short survival.