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Awareness and Control for Inter-Widget Communication: Challenges and Solutions



Recently, widget-based Web applications, i. e., mashups have gained momentum, as they make it possible to address the "long tail" of software needs. By enabling data and control flow among widgets --- inter-widget communication (IWC) --- integration of data and functionality can be defined by the end users themselves. However, IWC entails several problems that may reduce the overall user confidence in a system. Based on the results of user studies on the OMELETTE mashup platform, this paper analyzes the problem space and evaluates possible solutions to improve user perception of IWC. Further, a discussion of promising techniques is offered and pending challenges are identified.
Awareness and Control for Inter-Widget
Communication: Challenges and Solutions
Olexiy Chudnovskyy1, Stefan Pietschmann2, Matthias Niederhausen3, Vadim
Chepegin5, David Griffiths4, and Martin Gaedke1
1Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany,
2Technische Universit¨at Dresden, Germany
3T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH, Germany
4University of Bolton, UK
5TIE Nederland B.V., the Netherlands
Abstract. Recently, widget-based Web applications, i. e., mashups have
gained momentum, as they make it possible to address the “long tail” of
software needs. By enabling data and control flow among widgets – inter-
widget communication (IWC) – integration of data and functionality can
be defined by the end users themselves. However, IWC entails several
problems that may reduce the overall user confidence in a system. Based
on the results of user studies on the OMELETTE mashup platform,
this paper analyzes the problem space and evaluates possible solutions
to improve user perception of IWC. Further, a discussion of promising
techniques is offered and pending challenges are identified.
Keywords: mashup, widget, inter-widget communication
1 Introduction
The vision of users who drag-and-drop and combine applications from any loca-
tion on the Web, local drive, or cloud storage, in their own workspaces has never
been so close to becoming a reality. The modern Web offers powerful mashup
platforms which enable end users to create their own situational applications on
the fly without the intervention of developers. Research on such User Interface
Mashups (UI Mashups) has made significant progress towards this vision. One of
the most important concepts in this field is that of widgets – interactive compo-
nents which provide the end user with access to data, services, and application
logic. A number of initiatives have been proposed, addressing the emerging need
for simple, flexible, and powerful composition environments, e.g. [8,12].
Their main goal is to enable end users to aggregate data and functionality
from various sources on one screen or workspace. One of the key features of
2 Chudnovskyy
these platforms, inter-widget communication (IWC), allows widgets to exchange
events and data. Depending on the communication paradigm, solutions differ in
their degree of automation (manual effort may be required to establish connec-
tions), end user suitability (usability and complexity of IWC configuration vary)
and generality of the approach (e. g., compatibility between widgets of different
vendors is not guaranteed).
The success of IWC-aware platforms is highly dependent on the degree to
which they support the above characteristics. Although all of them are significant
and desirable from the end users’ point of view, in practice it is hard to optimize
all three simultaneously. Moreover, recent research on domain specific mashups
shows that, to some extent, generality contradicts end user suitability [4].
The OMELETTE project [2] has been working on finding an appropriate
tradeoff between the first two aspects, namely automation and end user suitabil-
ity. The results of this work were incorporated into a mashup environment with
IWC implemented by means of a publish-subscribe messaging pattern (pub/sub).
A recent user study [13] conducted with 44 participants in Germany and China
revealed a number of issues, some of which are the result of the underlying
mashup approach. The goal of this paper is to elaborate on these findings by
presenting a survey of approaches in which similar problems have been tackled
and discussing the most promising techniques in the context of mashup plat-
2 Towards end-user friendly IWC: existing challenges
In contrast to other approaches, in which mashup developers have to deal with
abstract control flow and data flow models, in OMELETTE there is no differ-
ence from a user perspective between design and execution. Mashup composition
takes place at run-time and its results are immediately evident to users. A dis-
tinct feature of OMELETTE is that users are not required to establish explicit
connections between widgets. Communication, i.e., data flow emerges as soon as
widgets are placed together within a workspace. This is achieved by means of the
messaging bus: widgets subscribe and publish messages on different communica-
tion channels, known as topics. The decision to apply pub/sub was motivated by
recent findings, which highlighted the importance of working “out-of-the-box”
[5] and the usability issues of wiring approaches for end users [10].
Thus the OMELETTE solution implies that the complex issues of compo-
sition and wiring widgets are best left to skilled developers of widgets. This,
however, implies a lack of awareness and control by end users – an implication
which was confirmed in the interviews and observations during the user studies.
Thus, the focus of this paper is on challenges and problems from an end user
2.1 Problem space: Awareness
The first problem space comprises the challenges that users face when interacting
with a pre-defined workspace. It may be split into the following sub-categories:
Awareness and Control for IWC 3
Cold Start Problem. Upon opening a workspace, end users do not know which
of the widgets are actually inter-connected. Users have to learn the data and
control flows as they use a mashup and explore it. While in general this may
merely frustrate users, such “exploratory” interaction can also affect live data,
causing undesired side effects.
IWC Transitivity. Similarly, it is very hard for users to distinguish direct and
transitive connections between widgets. The latter occur when one widget trig-
gers action in another, which in turn triggers a third widget. While this behavior
may be intended, it can negatively affect users in their understanding of the re-
sulting functionality: First, users may see relationships when there are none,
and misinterpret their findings. Second, widget reuse and workspace refactoring
will result in unpredictable behavior, e. g., the loss of functionality whenever the
“linking” widget is missing.
Data Ignorance. Users typically do not see the data being transferred be-
tween widgets. Instead, they only perceive the effects of their transfer, i.e., that
a receiving widget is updated with new data. While one can argue that provid-
ing this information may overburden users, data ignorance still leads to three
problems: users can only guess which widgets are compatible and work together;
mistaken expectations of the data transferred lead to misinterpretations of the
application behavior; possibly untrusted widgets might receive sensitive data
without the user’s consent.
2.2 Problem space: Control
The second set of problems stems from the need of users to modify how a mashup
works. IWC connections established implicitly, i.e., based on the pub/sub paradigm,
greatly simplify the start of work with a mashup but also lead to a loss of control.
Lack of Extensibility. Users cannot explicitly establish new connections be-
tween widgets. Due to the potentially large number of widgets developed by
independent parties, it is both impossible to foresee all valid widget combina-
tions and impractical to try and guarantee their interoperability. Thus, users will
often want previously unconnected widgets to work together and to establish a
link between them manually.
Rigidity. In pre-configured workspaces, it may be necessary to change the
control or data flow, i.e., the way widgets are connected by default. This can be
supported in its full complexity, as with wiring tools, or by offering more subtle
actions, such as allowing users to isolate widgets as senders or receivers of data.
There are many possible reasons for this, e. g., because a widget is untrusted,
does not work as expected, or simply because it should hold an intermediary
result to be saved for later.
Clunkiness. Establishing a temporary data flow can be desirable and more
convenient than setting up a permanent connection. The studies revealed that
many end users intuitively work with the data in the widgets by trying to drag-
and-drop from source to receiver. This user-triggered temporary data flow is
usually not foreseen by IWC mechanisms – be they wiring or pub/sub approaches
– and platforms.
4 Chudnovskyy
Addressing these challenges is crucial in order to boost end user acceptance
and to promote the use of widget mashups in business environments. The next
section will evaluate possible solutions.
3 Analysis of existing approaches
The following survey presents state-of-the-art techniques from the End User
Development domain (EUD) in the context of the above problem spaces. The
approaches are compared based on the degree of technical skill required by end
users to employ them in mashups.
3.1 Solutions for problem space: Awareness
Self-Descriptive Design (SDD). Systems employing SDD mechanisms try to
make users aware of functional dependencies between widgets at the applica-
tion layer by the means of annotations or visual markup. Whenever users are
confronted with new (e.g., shared) mashups, looking at individual widgets very
often does not provide the “big picture”, i. e., the overall functionality. SDD-
based approaches address this problem by making mashups as self-explanatory
as possible. Therefore, they provide annotation tools to be used in the phase of
mashup creation. In [3], the authors suggest to make internal knowledge explicit
by usage of implicit,explicit and literate annotations.
Additive Views (AV). One of the common practices for increasing user aware-
ness in software systems is to provide various views on the application. Using
suitable metaphors, these views enable users to explore the internal character-
istics of the application, i.e., structure, components, data and control flows.
Additive views are usually implemented either in an integrated or in a separated
fashion. Integrated views try to avoid the “break” between usage and program-
ming modes. In the EDYRA mashup environment [12], a running mashup can
be augmented by dedicated overlays. Users are also able to highlight direct and
transitive connections between components, raising the overall awareness of IWC
in the mashup.
Surprise-Explain-Reward Strategy (SER). A surprise-explain-reward strategy
aims at communicating non-obvious behavior of a system to end users and letting
them engage in further exploration activities [14]. Information about inscrutable
activities appears in ways that grab users’ attention (surprise) and entice them
to learn more about the causes. An appropriate help system supports the learning
process and opens new perspectives on the possibilitites of the system (explain).
Having applied the newly learned technique, users benefit from advanced plat-
form capabilities (reward). In the Forms/3 project [1], this idea has been applied
to ensure data integrity in end-user-created spreadsheets.
Question Asking Strategy (QA). This strategy is applied to find the causes
of unexpected or non-obvious application behavior. Based on explicit knowledge
about the structure of an application, the system is able to provide answers
to specific types of user inquires. A dialog often takes place in natural language
Awareness and Control for IWC 5
and does not require the user to learn any programming formalisms or debugging
techniques. The WhyLine tool [6] applies this technique to enable unskilled devel-
opers to test their algorithms. Using menus and pictograms of objects involved,
users can construct “why did” and “why did not” questions in order to explore
the system’s behavior. A user study showed that developers were more efficient
with this system than with traditional debugging tools. The HANDS project [9]
conducted several user studies in order to understand how people without pro-
gramming skills think of and express software design. After implementing their
findings using natural language in question building and answering, the authors
claimed that even ten-year-olds were able to create meaningful programs.
3.2 Solutions for problem space: Control
Parametrization (PAR). Along with interface customization, parametrization is
one of the simplest and most common forms of EUD. It assumes that software is
designed in a way that enables modification of its behavior by changing the values
of a pre-defined set of parameters, e.g. the location of a news feed. Netvibes and
iGoogle successfully employ the mechanism in widget-based dashboards. The
way in which the parametrization view is exposed differs: it can be offered by
widget developers or by the composition platform. The latter is done by portals
based on explicit parameter declarations in widget descriptors. Netvibes and
iGoogle support both parametrization modes.
Programming by Demonstration (PBD). This is a well-proven technique that
enables end users to specify desired functionality by providing examples of its
behavior [7]. Based on demonstrated activities and data samples, a PBD system
tries to generalize user actions and to derive an algorithm. One of the open
challenges facing PBD systems is how to represent the captured algorithm and to
facilitate its future adaptation by end users. The CRUISe project [11] proposes
an extension to the interface between widgets and mashup platform. Widget
authors can notify the platform of user interactions, e. g., when users drag data
beyond a widget’s perimeters. The platform monitors further user interactions,
e. g., the data being dropped onto other widgets. This way, users can implement
ad hoc data exchange and also establish permanent connections.
Programming by Specification (PBS). This comprises EUD approaches that
enable users to create mashups by defining the data/control flow themselves.
This process of EUD is predominantly based on visual programming languages
involving metaphors such as “Lego” constructors or electrical circuits. Similar
techniques are used in the majority of mashup platforms, such as Yahoo Pipes6or
JackBe Presto7. In [4], the authors propose sacrificing the generality of mashup
tools in favor of simplicity and comprehensiveness of the system by applying
domain-specific composition tools. A user study of the ResEval platform has
confirmed this assumption, showing that end users understand the composition
paradigm and can master the development of mashups if they are focused on
single domains and unburdened from data transformation issues.
6 Chudnovskyy
4 Comparison of approaches and drawn guidelines
Table 1 presents a comparison of the previously discussed techniques based on
the expert evaluation.
Criteria/Approach SDD AV SER QA PAR PBD PBS
Cold Start Problem ◦◦ • •• – –
IWC Transitivity ◦◦ •• •• – –
Data Ignorance ◦◦ ◦◦ •• •• – –
Rigidity – – – – •• ◦ •
Clunkiness – – – – – •• •
Lack of Extensibility •• •
Table 1. Applicability of EUD techniques to the widget mashup domain
•• – applicable without deep understanding of data types and control flows,
– applicable with basic knowledge on data types and control flows,
◦◦ – limited applicability without deep understanding of data types and control flows,
– limited applicability with basic knowledge on data types and control flows,
— – not applicable
The Surprise-Explain-Reward strategy differs from the Question-Asking ap-
proach in that users are notified about internal mashup activities right before
or right after they happened. This implies that the cold start problem is not ad-
dressed appropriately, i. e., users are unable to explore connections or exchanged
data before the real communication takes place. This disadvantage can be crucial
for cost- or load-causing widgets. The approach requires the platform to include
appropriate notification mechanisms and an explicit declaration of the mashup
structure including widget capabilities and IWC configuration.
Additive Views can address all of the awareness-related problems by enabling
end users to explore the internals of a mashup at any time. The main challenge
here is to find a compromise between complexity and usability, i. e., to identify
suitable abstractions and to adjust the view according to user skills. Recent
research proposes to implement overlay views to lower the cognitive load while
working with alternative mashup representations [12]. Some familiarity with the
“wiring” concept is required to understand connections. To facilitate AV, the
platform needs to access mashup configuration and widget interface descriptions.
The applicability of Self-descriptive Design is constrained as it is hard to
design descriptive graphics for a mashup if the screen size is not fixed. Accord-
ingly, the layout of mashups is not completely consistent between platforms, and
it is not possible to predict the degree to which users can change the position
of widgets. The adoption of this approach implies (a) that the container makes
design tools available to the author, (b) that the design of the container needs
to be considered at the same time as the design of mashup functionality, and (c)
that this work will need to be repeated whenever the mashup is deployed in a
new container.
Within the Control problem space, Parametrization is the most promising
approach with a focus on end users. Although it does not cover the lack of exten-
sibility and clunkiness of a mashup, the rigidity of composition can be influenced
Awareness and Control for IWC 7
if the IWC capabilities of a component are configurable. This, however, goes at
the expense of simplicity for the user. To lower the learning curve, all config-
uration options should be exposed in a uniform manner, e.g., by avoiding all
widget-internal configuration dialogs.
Programming by Demonstration addresses the lack of extensibility and clunk-
iness problems and enables the definition of new communication paths in an
end-user-friendly way. Drag-and-drop has been successfully applied in many in-
stances and is well understood by end users. Also, observation of user interaction
with a mashup can be utilized to derive new connections between widgets. In
the context of the rigidity problem, PBD poses new challenges, such as end-user-
friendly representations of generalized algorithms and appropriate modification
facilities. Additionally, user interactions with widgets have to be made explicit,
e. g., by notifying the observation engine about starting drag’n’drop operations.
Programming by Specification strives to enable end users to design and mod-
ify existing software artifacts. However, in targeting all three problems from the
Control problem space, it assumes that users are able to write behavior specifica-
tions and are familiar with basic programming concepts. Projects which utilized
this technique have achieved varying degrees of usability. Environments based
on natural languages and domain specific vocabularies were more efficient and
comprehensive for end users than general purpose composition tools. To apply
PBS efficiently, supportive EUD techniques such as instant feedback, decision
support and integrity checks should be incorporated into the system.
Based on the above analysis, the following suggestions are made regarding
the combination of techniques to address the identified problems:
Cold Start Problem. Provide overlay views on the widget composition, vi-
sualizing possible communication paths (AV). These views can be layered (one
layer per widget) to use the screen estate efficiently. A help system can also
be provided, enabling the user to explore the composition through questions in
natural language (QA).
IWC Transitivity. In the overlay view, enable users to discern the direction
of communication paths. During data transfer between widgets, visualize active
communication paths and enable their exploration and configuration (SER).
Empower the help system to answer questions in natural language regarding
directions of IWC paths (QA).
Data Ignorance. Enable users to explore possible data flows within the IWC
overlay view (AV). During active communication, notify users about ongoing
data exchange and enable exploration or modification of this communication
path (SER). Extend the help system to answer questions regarding data being
transferred between widgets (QA).
Lack of Extensibility. Use observation of user-widget interactions to derive
new possible connections between widgets (PBD).
Rigidity. Provide enable/disable parametrization of communication paths
and the possibility of isolating widgets from IWC (PAR).
Clunkiness. Provide a drag-and-drop infrastructure to enable one-time com-
munication between widgets (PBD).
8 Chudnovskyy
5 Conclusions
This paper demonstrates that end-user friendly IWC is needed, but is also diffi-
cult to achieve. To tackle this problem, the typical challenges for IWC solutions
were derived from user studies conducted within the OMELETTE project and
literature review. Based on the findings, the next steps will be to implement
the chosen IWC mechanisms using as a basis the open source OMELETTE
platform and to evaluate the new features with end users.
Acknowledgment. This work was supported by the European Commission
(project OMELETTE, contract 257635).
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... David Griffiths "led the contribution of the IEC to the TENCompetence project and to the current iTEC and Omelette projects, which have had a strong focus on the provision of flexible services to teachers and learners" (Griffiths, 2013, p. 22). Chudnovskyy, Pietschmann, Niederhausen, Chepegin, Griffiths & Gaedke (2013) discuss some of the challenges and solutions involved in enabling end users to integrate data and functionality. The OMELETTE project environment uses two novel features: a recommendation engine; and an automated composition engine (Chudnovskyy, Nestler, Gaedke, Daniel, & Ignacio, 2012). ...
... The OMELETTE project (Chudnovskyy et al., 2012) worked towards finding a trade off between automation and end user suitability. Evaluations of new features with end-users using the OMELETTE Platform are ongoing (Chudnovskyy et al., 2013). Table 3 provides a summary of the Cop-perCore Service Integration (CCSI) framework. ...
The realisation of personalised e-learning to suit an individual learner's diverse learning needs is a concept which has been explored for decades, at great expense, but is still not achievable by non-technical authors. This research reviews the area of personalised e-learning and notes some of the technological challenges which developers may encounter in creating authoring tools for personalised e-learning and some of the pedagogical challenges which authors may encounter when creating personalised e-learning activities to enhance the learning experience of their students. At present educators who wish to create personalised e-learning activities require the assistance of technical experts who are knowledgeable in the area. Even with the help of an expert the creation of personalised e-learning activities still remains a complex process to authors who are new to the concept of tailoring e-learning to suit learner diversity. Before the successful utilisation of adaptive authoring tools can be realised, academic authors need to learn how to effectively use these tools. All learners come to education with a diverse set of characteristics; educators need to decide which learner characteristic(s) they wish to focus on addressing through the use of personalised e-learning activities. Further investigation, evaluation and analyses of authoring tools is required before personalised e-learning to support learner diversity can be achieved by many academics. Research members of the AMAS (2013) project team are currently involved in developing an authoring tool for adaptive activities for e-learning.
... While platforms with the orchestration strategy aim at providing maximal flexibility during mashup development, chore- ographed solutions focus on keeping the development process lean and fast. With regard to IWC, however, choreographed mashups pose some challenges related to awareness and control of what is happening in a mashup [2,3]. The major awareness problem caused by implicitly defined IWC is that mashup users do not know which pairs of widgets could and which actually do communicate. ...
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Recent research in the field of user interface (UI) mashups has focused on so-called choreographed compositions, where communication between components is not pre-defined by a mashup designer, but rather emerges from the components' messaging capabilities. Though the mashup development process gets simplified, such solutions bear several problems related to awareness and control of the emerging message flow. This paper presents an approach to systematically extend choreographed mashups with visualization and tailoring facilities. A first user study demonstrates that usability of the resulting solutions increases if proposed awareness and control facilities are integrated.
... Current approaches regarding UI mashups focus on applications that run on a single screen. They offer the opportunity to easily create end user interfaces [3] on different devices but not across these devices. Although the EU FP7 project OMELETTE has focused on telco service mashups, it proposed a reference architecture for UI mashups in [6,18]. ...
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The spread and usage of mobile devices, such as smartphones or tablets, increases continuously. While most of the applications developed for these devices can only be used on the device itself, mobile devices also offer a way to create a new kind of applications: multi-screen applications. These applications run distributedly on multiple screens, like a PC, tablet, smartphone or TV. The composition of all these screens creates a new user experience for single as well as for several users. While creating mashups is a common way for designing end user interfaces, they fail in supporting multiple screens. This paper presents a component-based approach for developing multi-screen mashups, named SmartComposition. The SmartComposition approach extends the OMELETTE reference architecture to deal with multiple screens. Furthermore, we enhance the OMDL for describing multi-screen mashups platform independently. We draw up several scenarios that illustrate the opportunities of multi-screen mashups. From these scenarios we derive requirements SmartComposition needs to comply with. A huge challenge we face is the synchronization between the screens. SmartComposition solves this through real-time communication via WebSockets or Peer-to-Peer communication. We present a first prototype and evaluate our approach by developing two different multi-screen mashups. Finally, next research steps are discussed and challenges for further research are defined.
Mashing up existing components allows end users to build custom web applications in order to fulfill situation-specific needs. However, creating and even using mashup applications still turn out to be complicated tasks for non-programmers. Main challenges include understanding the composite nature of mashups and their functionality. Non-programmers typically lack awareness for inter-widget communication and understanding of the functionality individual components and especially a set of combined components provide. Thus, they may struggle to use components as intended. Prevalent mashup approaches provide no or limited concepts and assistance tools in this regard, resulting in more or less successful trial and error strategies of users. In this paper, we introduce novel techniques for exploration, explanation and awareness of mashup functionality. These concepts assist non-programmers to better understand and to be aware of the capabilities that components and their interplay in a mashup provide. Based on annotated component descriptions, interactive explanations and stepwise tutorials are generated and presented directly in the components’ user interface. Additionally, mashup functionality can be explored and active inter-widget communication is visualized to foster awareness of non-programmers. We present our iterative design process which led us from early concepts towards our current solution. The proposed approach is validated with the help of a prototypical implementation within our mashup platform and evaluated by means of a user study. The results indicate that our concepts helps non-programmers to better understand and leverage the functionality of composite web applications.
Conference Paper
Based on an increasing number of web resources and services, the mashup paradigm enables end users to create custom web applications consisting of several components in order to fulfill specific needs. End user development of such composite web applications poses tough challenges to composition platforms, especially with non-programmers as end users. For instance, communicating on a non-technical level is crucial. Furthermore, assistance is essential throughout the entire process, ranging from composition to usage of mashups. Amongst others, users should be supported by explaining inter-widget communication, by helping to understand a mashup’s functionality and by identifying mashups providing desired functionality. However, prevalent mashup solutions provide no or limited concepts regarding these aspects. In this paper, we introduce our proposal for formalizing and calculating the functionality of mashup compositions based on capabilities and communication relations of mashup components as well as semantic domain knowledge. It serves as a foundation for our assisted, capability-centered end user development approach within the CRUISE platform. The latter features several assistance mechanisms, like presenting the functionality of mashups and recommending composition steps. We describe a prototypical implementation of the proposed algorithm and discuss its usage in our platform. Additionally, we evaluate our modeling and algorithmic concepts by means of example applications and an expert evaluation.
A unique feature of mashup composition practices is their potential as a means for empowering end users, that is, laypeople not necessarily experts in programming but with a good knowledge in a given domain, to reuse resources and develop in a short time own, new full-fledged Web applications. One reason behind the emergence of mashups was indeed the desire of end users to construct applications responding to their situational needs, thus accommodating the long tail of requirements not fulfilled by common existing applications. This chapter discusses the liaison that exists between mashup composition practices and End-User Development (EUD), that is, the principles and techniques for the design of tools that can enable nonprofessional software developers to create own software artifacts. In particular, the chapter analyzes the main ingredients that can promote the EUD of mashups: first of all, lightweight development processes promoting user-driven innovation processes, but also tools that can support end users by means of composition paradigms that abstract from technical details, open and elastic architectures that can be customized to the peculiarities of the usage domain, and mechanisms to assist the users while discovering components and/or defining the component integration logic.
Conference Paper
Inter-widget communication (IWC) becomes an increasingly important topic in the field of user interface mashups. Recent research has focused on so-called choreographed IWC approaches that enable self-organization of the aggregated components based on their messaging capabilities. Though a manual configuration of communication paths is not required anymore, such solutions bear several problems related to awareness and control of the emerging message flow. This paper presents a systematic approach to tackle these problems in the context of hybrid user interface mashups. We show how users can be made aware of the emerged IWC configuration and how they can adjust it to their needs. A reference architecture for development of hybrid mashup platforms, is derived and one implementation based on the publish-subscribe choreography model is given. We report on the results of a first user study and outline directions for the future research.
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With the success of Web 2.0 we are witnessing a growing number of services and APIs exposed by Telecom, IT and content providers. Targeting the Web community and, in particular, Web application developers, service providers expose capabilities of their infrastructures and applications in order to open new markets and to reach new customer groups. However, due to the complexity of the underlying technologies, the last step, i.e., the consumption and integration of the offered services, is a non-trivial and time-consuming task that is still a prerogative of expert developers. Although many approaches to lower the entry barriers for end users exist, little success has been achieved so far. In this paper, we introduce the OMELETTE project and show how it addresses end-user-oriented telco mashup development. We present the goals of the project, describe its contributions, summarize current results, and describe current and future work.
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The recent emergence of mashup tools has refueled research on end user development, i.e., on enabling end-users without programming skills to compose their own applications. Yet, similar to what happened with analogous promises in web service composition and business process management, research has mostly focused on technology and, as a consequence, has failed its objective. In this paper, we propose a domain-specific approach to mashups that is aware of the terminology, concepts, rules, and conventions (the domain) the user is comfortable with. We show what developing a domain-specific mashup tool means, which role the mashup meta-model and the domain model play and how these can be merged into a domain-specific mashup meta-model. We exemplify the approach by implementing a mashup tool for a specific domain (research evaluation) and describe the respective user study. The results of the user study confirm that domain-specific mashup tools indeed lower the entry barrier to mashup development.
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Mashups imply the lightweight combination of distributed web resources --- a paradigm which can be also applied to the presentation layer to build interactive web applications. However, current solutions are limited to very basic composition patterns and do not reflect the coordination needs of the user interface. To tackle this problem, we propose a novel approach for modeling rich communication patterns as part of a mashup composition model, which supports the synchronization between widgets, asynchronous data requests to backend services, and interaction techniques like drag-and-drop. The concepts were realized and validated with a number of sample applications.
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Different tools and platforms support mashing up web-based resources to build applications by utilising development techniques suitable for end users. Those approaches are often based on simple predefined building parts and either con-strain application complexity or require detailed knowledge of data types and communication paradigms. This paper proposes a novel approach of semantically connecting mashup components at an end user abstraction level. To provide immediate feedback and instant payoff from development effort, mashup development, usage, and reconfiguration tasks are seamlessly interwoven.
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Debugging is still among the most common and costly of programming activities. One reason is that current debugging tools do not directly support the inquisitive nature of the activity. Interrogative Debugging is a new debugging paradigm in which programmers can ask why did and even why didn't questions directly about their program's runtime failures. The Whyline is a prototype Interrogative Debugging interface for the Alice programming environment that visualizes answers in terms of runtime events directly relevant to a programmer's question. Comparisons of identical debugging scenarios from user tests with and without the Whyline showed that the Whyline reduced debugging time by nearly a factor of 8, and helped programmers complete 40% more tasks.
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Despite their ability to help with program correctness, assertions have been notoriously unpopular--even with professional programmers. End-user programmers seem even less likely to appreciate the value of assertions; yet end-user programs suffer from serious correctness problems that assertions could help detect. This leads to the following question: can end users be enticed to enter assertions? To investigate this question, we have devised a curiosity-centered approach to eliciting assertions from end users, built on a surprise-explain-reward strategy. Our follow-up work with end-user participants shows that the approach is effective in encouraging end users to enter assertions that help them find errors.
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Although Service Oriented Architecture technologies are becoming widespread, user research to support the exploitation and composition of services by non-programmers is still in its infancy. This paper presents three user studies conducted during the user-centered design of the Serv Face Builder, a service composition tool for non-programmers. Results suggest that end users do not realize that services can be connected together and do not easily understand that information can flow between services. Further conceptual and usability problems of service composition for end users and some guidelines to overcome them are discussed.
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Although detractors of functional programming sometimes claim that functional programming is too difficult or counterintuitive for most programmers to understand and use, evidence to the contrary can be found by looking at the popularity of spreadsheets. The spreadsheet paradigm, a first-order subset of the functional programming paradigm, has found wide acceptance among both programmers and end users. Still, there are many limitations with most spreadsheet systems. In this paper, we discuss language features that eliminate several of these limitations without deviating from the first-order, declarative evaluation model. The language used to illustrate these features is a research language called Forms/3. Using Forms/3, we show that procedural abstraction, data abstraction, and graphics output can be supported in the spreadsheet paradigm. We show that, with the addition of a simple model of time, animated output and GUI I/O also become viable. To demonstrate generality, we also presen...
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Over the last six years, we have been working to create programming languages and environments that are more natural, or closer to the way people think about their tasks. Our goal is to make it possible for people to express their ideas in the same way they think about them. To achieve this, we have performed various studies about how people think about programming tasks, both when trying to create a new program and when trying to find and fix bugs in existing programs. We then use this knowledge to develop new tools for programming and debugging. Our user studies have shown the resulting systems provide significant benefits to users.