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Guidelines from the European Society of Breast Imaging for diagnostic interventional breast procedures


Abstract and Figures

The aim of the breast team is to obtain a definitive, nonoperative diagnosis of all potential breast abnormalities in a timely and cost-effective way. Percutaneous needle biopsy with its high sensitivity and specificity should now be standard practice, removing the need for open surgical biopsy or frozen section. For patients with cancer, needle biopsy provides a cost-effective and rapid way of providing not only a definitive diagnosis but prognostic information, allowing prompt discussion of treatment options, be they surgical or medical. Early removal of uncertainty also allows better psychosocial adjustment to the disease. Patients with benign conditions found either by themselves or as a result of population or opportunistic screening can be promptly reassured and discharged, removing the health care and psychological costs of surgical biopsy or repeated follow-up. Radiologists involved in breast imaging should ensure that they have the necessary skills to carry out core biopsy and/or fine-needle aspiration (FNA) under all forms of image guidance. This paper provides guidelines on best practice for diagnostic interventional breast procedures and standards, against which all practitioners should audit themselves, from the European Society of Breast Imaging.
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Eur Radiol
DOI 10.1007/s00330-006-0408-x
Matthew Wallis
Anne Tarvidon
Thomas Helbich
Ingrid Schreer
# Springer-Verlag 2006
Guidelines from the European Society
of Breast Imaging for diagnostic interventional
breast procedures
Abstract The aim of the breast team
is to obtain a definitive, nonoperative
diagnosis of all potential breast ab-
normalities in a timely and cost-
effective way. Percutaneous needle
biopsy with its high sensitivity and
specificity should now be standard
practice, removing the need for open
surgical biopsy or frozen section. For
patients with cancer, needle biopsy
provides a cost-effective and rapid
way of providing not only a definitive
diagnosis but prognostic information,
allowing prompt discussion of treat-
ment options, be they surgical or
medical. Early removal of uncertainty
also allows better psychosocial ad-
justment to the disease. Patients with
benign conditions found either by
themselves or as a result of population
or opportunistic screening can be
promptly reassured and discharged,
removing the health care and psycho-
logical costs of surgical biopsy or
repeated follow-up. Radiologists in-
volved in breast imaging should
ensure that they have the necessary
skills to carry out core biopsy and/or
fine-needle aspiration (FNA) under all
forms of image guidance. This paper
provides guidelines on best practice
for diagnostic interventional breast
procedures and standards, against
which all practitioners should audit
themselves, from the European
Society of Breast Imaging.
Keywords Breast cancer
Diagnostic imaging
Needle biopsy
The aim of the breast team is to obtain a definitive,
nonoperative diagnosis of all potential breast abnormalities
in a timely and most cost-effective way. Women with no
significant breast problems should be reassured as quickly
as possible, and women with cancer should be diagnosed
without delay.
The highest levels of diagnostic accuracy in the
nonoperative diagnosis of breast disease are achieved by
using a triple approach [1], which combines the results of
clinical examination and imaging with fine-needle aspira-
On behalf of EUSOBI Committee (see:
M. Wallis (*)
Warwickshire, Solihull & Coventry
Breast Screening Service,
University Hospital,
Clifford Bridge Road,
Coventry CV2 2DX, UK
Tel.: +44-2476967169
Fax: +44-2476967180
A. Tarvidon
Department of Radiology,
Institut Curie,
26, rue dUlm,
75248 Paris, France
Tel.: +33-1-44324200
Fax: +33-1-44324015
T. Helbich
Department of Radiology,
Medical University Vienna-AKH Wien,
Waehringerguertel 1820 1090,
Vienna, Austria
e-mail: thomas.helbich@meduniwien.
Tel.: +43-1-404004819
Fax: +43-1-404004898
I. Schreer
Mammazentrum Klinik fuer
Gynaekologie und Geburtshilfe,
Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-
Holstein Campus Kiel,
Michaelisstr. 16,
24105 Kiel, Germany
Tel.: +49-431-5972100
Fax: +49-431-5973617
tion cytology (FNAC) and/or core biopsy (both wide bore
and vacuum-assisted) of significant breast abnormalities [2,
3]. When the results of all three modalities agree, the level
of diagnostic accuracy exceeds 99% [4]. It is of interest to
note that similar levels of accuracy have been obtained in
the case of impalpable lesions, in which clinical examina-
tion is noncontributory [5].
Percutaneous needle biopsy with its high sensitivity and
specificity should now be standard practice, removing the
need for open surgical biopsy or frozen section [69]. For
patients with cancer, needle biopsy provides a cost-
effective and rapid way of providing not only a definitive
diagnosis but prognostic information, allowing prompt
discussion of treatment options, be they surgical or
medical. Early removal of uncertainty also allows better
psychosocial adjustment to the disease. It is not the goal of
percutaneous biopsy to completely excise cancer.
Benign conditions found either by the patient themselves
or as a result of population or opportunistic screening can
be promptly reassured and discharged, removing the health
care and psychological costs of surgical biopsy [10, 11].
The role of needle biopsy verses short-term follow up in the
management of probably benign lesions is less clear cut.
The American literature, where annual examinations are
routine, suggests that there is no difference in the levels of
stress or intention to reattend [12, 13]. On the other hand, in
the UK NHS Breast Screening Programme, early recall is
considered more stressful both in the short- and long-term
than needle biopsy [14, 15]. Early follow-up is said to be
cheaper, but this might depend on individual health care
economies and clinic organisation [16, 17]. The two
options should be discussed with the patient, and if the
triple approach confirms benignity, then the lesion can be
reclassified as benign and the patient discharged. Radi-
ologists involved in breast imaging should ensure that they
have the necessary skills to carry out core biopsy and/or
FNAC under stereotactic, ultrasound (US) and magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) control.
The aim of this paper is to provide guidelines for
diagnostic interventional breast procedures by the European
Society of Breast Imaging.
Standards and objectives
Tables 1 and 2 provide a list of both outcome and process
standards for interventional breast biopsy against which all
individual practitioners and their multidisciplinary teams
should audit them selves.
Standard 1
This standard applies to all carcinomas (invasive and in
situ) and applies to diagnoses made by FNAC and/or core
biopsy vacuum-assisted biopsy. Only definitive diagnoses
of malignancy should be included. Open surgical biopsy is
not included.
Table 1 Quality indicators (standards) for breast interventional procedures
Objective Criteria Acceptable
1 To ensure that the majority of cancers, both palpable and
impalpable, receive a nonoperative tissue diagnosis
of cancer
The percentage of women who have a
nonoperative diagnosis of cancer by cytology
or needle histology
>70% >80%
2 To minimise the number of visits necessary to achieve
a definitive diagnosis
The number of visits for interventional
No more
than 2
No more
than 1
3 To minimise the number of unnecessary operative
Ratio of benign:malignant biopsies 1:1 0.5:1
4 To achieve optimum aspiration technique and minimise
the number of repeat needle biopsy procedures
Inadequate rate of NAC (all) <25% <15%
5 To maximise the nonoperative diagnosis rate and minimise
the number of repeat needle biopsy procedures
Inadequate rate of FNAC from cancer <10% <5%
6 To maximise the nonoperative diagnosis rate and minimise
the number of repeat needle biopsy procedures
Miss rate on core breast biopsy from cancer <5% <2%
7 To minimise understaging of invasive breast cancer Percent of noninvasive core breast
biopsies that are invasive at final surgery
<15% <5%
8 To minimise understaging of breast cancer Percent of high-risk core breast biopsies
that are malignant at surgery
<25% <10%
NAC needle aspiration cytology, FNAC fine-needle aspiration cytology
Standard 2
There is a risk that, in an attempt to drive up the
nonoperative diagnostic rate, repeated attendances for
needle biopsy during a single clinical episode are likely
to be associated with unnecessary anxiety. A definitive
diagnosis should be achieved in the minimum number of
visits wherever possible.
To date, these standards and objectives have been laid
down for screening programmes [18, 19] and, to a lesser
extent, for referral (symptomatic) practice [20], but we
have pulled them together and updated them. Each
objective defines the purpose of the standard and has an
accompanying criteria, which defines how the standard
should be measured. The acceptable standard is a minimum
that all teams should achieve. The desirable target is
aspirational. We are aware that long-established teams and
countries with population screening can comfortably attain
these targets and, indeed, have national targets set at higher
levels [18], but this only comes with considerable expe-
rience and the repeated use of audit [21]. We are confident
that in a few years, we will be able to revisit and reset both
the acceptable standard and the desirable target.
Before interventional procedures
All patients should undergo a thorough workup including
clinical examination and imaging prior to FNAC and/or
core biopsy. The imaging characteristics of suspicious
lesions are demonstrated using special views, including
fine-focus magnification views for microcalcifications and
spot compression views and US examination for mass
lesions, focal asymmetry or architectural distortion. Imag-
ing features of mammographically and/or US-detected
abnormalities are assessed to determine the probability of
malignancy, and this should be indicated in the radiological
report. The radiologist must be certain that the abnormality
seen on US is the same as the abnormality seen on
mammography and, where relevant, that this corresponds
to the palpable lesion. There should be written local
protocols clearly defining the indications for FNAC,
automated core biopsy and other needle biopsy techniques
[2]. The procedure should be explained to the patient, with
a brief explanation of risks and benefits. It should be
standard practice to provide the patient with written
information about complications.
Teaching and experience
Training standards have been set out by the European
Association of Radiology in the European Training Charter
for Clinical Radiology ([22].
We suggest that a minimum of 20 interventional proce-
dures are undertaken under supervision (with histological
verification) before commencing independent practice and
then a minimum of 25 per year to maintain competence
[23, 24].
Choice of sampling technique
Current evidence suggests that, firstly, vacuum-assisted
core biopsy (VACB) properly carried out provides better
sensitivity and specificity than either 14-gauge core biopsy
or FNAC for microcalcifications and architectural distor-
tion. Secondly 14-gauge core biopsy provides better
sensitivity and specificity than FNAC for other types of
lesions [8, 9, 25, 26]. Core biopsy also facilitates definitive
diagnosis of benign lesions [10, 11]. This has to be
balanced against the cost and the fact that unless one uses
imprint cytology [27, 28] or fast-track biopsy techniques
[29] it is not possible to provide an answer immediately.
Finally, core biopsy provides information on invasion,
grade, hormone receptor status and other immunological
and genetic markers. These can be used to assist in
management decisions and aid in monitoring of the effects
of neoadjuvant treatment [30]. In expert hands, remarkable
results can be obtained on cytological specimens [31, 32].
FNAC may be preferred in some centres for sampling
mass lesions and obvious carcinoma, but only where a
satisfactory standard of excellence of both sampling and
cytology interpretation has been achieved [8, 9, 3335].
The main advantages of FNAC are cost [20, 33, 36] as one
only requires 18- to 23-gauge disposable needles attached
to a plastic syringe. Additional equipment includes glass
slides with alcohol fixative for unsmeared tissue samples
[37]. Another advantage is the ability to provide immediate
reporting, either on adequacy by a technician or a full
diagnosis when a cytopathologist is available [25, 33, 38,
39]. While this is considered to be very beneficial for
women with benign disease, it is less clear cut for patients
with malignancy who need longer to come to terms with
their diagnosis. The combination of the two techniques has
been shown to be beneficial [40], particularly for cancer, as
Table 2 Quality indicators (standards) for breast interventional procedures (population screening)
Objective Criteria Acceptable standard Desirable target
9 To minimise the number of un-
necessary operative procedures
The rate of benign biopsies
(when population screening)
Prevalent screen <3.6 per 1,000;
incident screen <2.0 per 1,000
Prevalent screen <1.8 per 1,000;
incident screen <1.0 per 1,000
FNAC allows for rapid diagnosis, which is subsequently
confirmed by histology (core biopsy). This avoids the risk
of a false positive diagnosis and obtains prognostic
information for treatment decisions.
Needle size is important, with clear evidence that, when
comparing 14-, 16- and 18-gauge needles, accuracy rises
with needles of increasing size [41]. Long-throw needles
used with a fully automated biopsy gun produce the best
specimens [4244]. Current best practice is to use a long-
throw (2-cm) 14-gauge needle with biopsy gun (integral or
VACB (from 8 to 11 gauge) can be used with either
standard upright or prone stereotactic apparatus and under
US guidance. Published evidence shows that the use of
VACB is associated with higher rates of calcium retrieval
and lower rates of underdiagnosis of both ductal carcinoma
in situ (DCIS) and invasive tumour [25, 45, 46]. Where
available, VACB may be considered the sampling method
of choice for:
Indeterminate cluster of microcalcifications
Obviously malignant cluster of microcalcifications, to
increase to the chance of detection of invasive foci
Discordant results after 14-gauge core biopsy
Architectural distortion
Diagnostic excision of papillary lesions diagnosed at
core biopsy
High proportions of mammographically detected lesions
are impalpable and require image guidance for FNAC or
core biopsy sampling. In addition, image guidance,
particularly US, can have advantages over freehand
procedures when sampling palpable lesions to ensure
accurate and safe sampling [47, 48]. The choice of
radiological guidance must be the method that (a) allows
the best visualisation of the lesion, (b) offers the best
chance of successful and adequate lesion sampling and (c)
is the simplest and cheapest.
If a diagnostic MRI of the breast identifies a suspicious
lesion, every effort should be made to reidentify the lesion
on conventional modalities such as mammography or US
[49]. If a lesion can be clearly identified on mammography
or US, biopsy should be performed using one of these
guiding modalities. However, second-look US fails to
identify a sonographic correlate in up to 77% of MRI-
detected lesions referred for biopsy [50, 51]. Where
possible, MRI procedure should be undertaken with the
same sequences used for the diagnostic study and, if time
permits, in the second week of the menstrual cycle [52].
A clip should be placed at the end of the procedure to
allow for mammographic marking if subsequent surgical
intervention is indicated. Two orthogonal mammographic
views are required to document the position of the clip.
Complications from both FNAC and core biopsy are rare.
However, the following have been reported:
Pneumothorax [54]
Infection [55]
Seeding of tumour [56, 57, 60] (this does not appear to
be of clinical significance)
Removal of lesion by the core. (It is not the objective of
the diagnostic biopsy to remove the lesion in its
entirety; however, this will happen in the case of small
lesions, and it is good practice to take a stereo film at
to check how much remains and, if needed, deploy a
marker clip.)
Dislocation of clip placement [53, 58]
Adequacy of sampling
FNAC sample
An adequate FNAC sample should contain at least five
clusters of epithelial cells, each of which should contain
five or more cells [2].
Core biopsy
Generally, it is not appropriate to be dogmatic about the
number of specimens taken when undertaking core biopsy,
particularly when using US. The important thing is to
achieve the targets set out above. Liberman [59, 60]
suggests that a minimum of five passes are required. With
experience, mass lesions can be diagnosed with a couple of
passes [61]. However, it is necessary to obtain a
representative sample adapted to lesion size and tissue
consistency and document this. There should be radiolog-
ical and pathological correlation before discussing the
result with the patient. There are two specific lesion types
in which more definitive evidence based guidance can be
provided: microcalcification and architectural distortion.
Representative microcalcification must be demonstrated in
the core specimens on specimen radiography [45]. Iden-
tification of microcalcification on histology alone is not a
reliable indicator of adequate sampling (histological
microcalcification is a common incidental finding and
can be present when there is no calcification visible on
mammography) [62]. The literature is divided on how to
ensure optimal diagnostic accuracy: the minimalist ap-
proach of counting calcification on the specimen radio-
graphs verses counting the number of cores or the volume
removed. Bagnall [63] recommends that at least three
flecks of calcification be seen in at least two cores. Ideally,
five flecks or more should be seen in three cores. This
requirement is obviously lessened in lesions with fewer
than ten flecks of calcification. In these circumstances, a
comparison before and after the procedure (scouts 0°) to
evaluate the percentage of microcalcifications retrieved by
the biopsies is indicated. Biopsies that retrieve more than
50% of the cluster can be considered as representative of
the lesion [64]. On the other hand, Lomschitz [65]
considers that when using 11-gauge VACB, 12 specimens
(harvested by two rotations) gives maximum diagnostic
If sampling is not adequate and/or in discordant
radiohistological results, the procedure should be repeated
or localisation surgical biopsy performed [46]. Surgical
biopsy is not required when histology shows a definitively
benign cause for calcifications in core specimens con-
firmed by specimen radiography to contain calcifications
clearly representative of those considered suspicious on
Specificity and absolute sensitivity for sampling micro-
calcifications is significantly higher with the use of larger-
bore biopsy devices, such as VACB, and such devices may
be considered where there is diagnostic uncertainty [66,
67]. Surgical open biopsy is normally required to exclude
frank malignant change in the adjacent tissues when
histology shows indeterminate changes (e.g. hyperplasia
with atypia) [45, 63], as even with large volume sampling,
underestimation of disease will take place, i.e. hyperplasia
on core is a harbinger of noninvasive disease, and some
noninvasive core biopsies will turn out to be invasive on
surgical treatment.
It is not the goal of percutaneous biopsy to completely
excise cancer [64].
Architectural distortion
Management of architectural distortion is still controver-
sial, as 2050% of cases of architectural distortion are due
to malignancy [68]. Traditional teaching is that all these
lesions should be removed. However, data from several
published series now show that image-guided core biopsy
is accurate in distinguishing malignant lesions from benign
causes, e.g. radial scar, providing targeting is accurate and
sufficient material is obtained [6972]. A recent series has
shown that the most accurate results are obtained by taking
more than 12 11-gauge samples using a VACB device [73].
Recommendations for the management of architectural
distortion depends on the local availability of vacuum-
assisted mammotomy. If VACB is not available, it is
recommended that conventional core biopsy is performed
as the initial diagnostic procedure on all distortions not due
to surgical scarring [26]. If this shows malignant change,
therapeutic surgery should be performed (a minimum of
three cores targeted to sample different areas of the imaging
abnormality). For all other diagnoses, diagnostic surgical
open biopsy should be performed.
If VACB is available, it is recommended that initial
diagnosis is carried out using conventional automated core
biopsy. Again, a malignant result should be managed by
therapeutic surgery. However if a result is benign or shows
radial scar with no evidence of epithelial atypia, a choice of
either open surgical excision or excision with VAB may be
offered. VAB can be performed under US or stereotactic X-
ray guidance, and a minimum of 12 11-gauge cores should
be obtained. Where VAB is chosen and histology again
shows either benign changes or radial scar with no
evidence of epithelial atypia, then further excision is not
In all cases, management should be discussed prospec-
tively by the multidisciplinary team. If there is doubt
regarding concordance of the imaging/histology findings,
diagnostic surgical excision should be recommended.
Staging of the axilla
Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) has become rapidly
accepted as an alternative to axillary sampling or clearance
[74, 75]. Seven-year follow-up from Veronesi et al.
suggests that this is a safe procedure [76]. Variable surgical
and pathological practice indicates that there are still
outstanding questions [75, 77]. Axillary node US with
either FNAC or core biopsy can identify between 30% and
40% axillas with macroscopic disease [ 7882] and
according to Deurloo can reduce the number of SLNBs
by up to 14% [80].
Images should be taken to document accurate needle
placement. A written report to both the referring team and
the reporting pathologist should include:
Nature of lesion biopsied
Radiological opinion and classification
Details of procedure undertaken (including needle
Adequacy of targeting
Quantity of material sampled
Presence or absence of microcalcification on specimen
Changes (or not) of the lesion after biopsy (e.g. mass
decreasing in size)
Placement of a clip marker and description of its
Pathology centre where the specimen is being processed
Complications (if any)
After interventional procedures
Communication and discussion of result
Clinical examination, together with the result of imaging,
must be considered with the results of needle biopsy to
ensure clinico-radio-pathological concordance before man-
agement decisions are made. It is good practice that this
occurs in a multidisciplinary fashion, preferably as part of a
regular multidisciplinary meeting where full notes are
taken or a written report is produced.
In addition to routine quality control tests, to ensure
equipment safety and performance during imaging and
interventional procedures, outcome data on the procedures
should be collected. This data should be prospectively
collected and summarised for each facility and physician
who performs the procedures and by the reporting pathol-
ogist. In addition to data required to monitor performance
against the standards outlined in the early part of the
document, the number of complications, and the number of
lesions requiring repeat biopsy and the reason should be
recorded. A number of accreditation schemes are available
[20, 81, 82].
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... Additional imaging procedures such as ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or additional mammographic images were ordered if necessary. All physicians were specialized in multimodality breast imaging and certified by the MIBB to perform VAB [23,24]. All imaging examination and biopsies were performed using current quality standards in accordance with national and international practice guidelines [22,23]. ...
... All physicians were specialized in multimodality breast imaging and certified by the MIBB to perform VAB [23,24]. All imaging examination and biopsies were performed using current quality standards in accordance with national and international practice guidelines [22,23]. All examinations were read and classified according to the American College of Radiology (ACR) Breast Imaging-Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) lexicon [25,26]. ...
... All examinations were read and classified according to the American College of Radiology (ACR) Breast Imaging-Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) lexicon [25,26]. For indeterminate or suspicious breast lesions (BI-RADS IV and V) on ultrasound, tomosynthesis/mammography, or MRI VAB was performed using the imaging modality that best depicted the suspicious lesion [23,24,27,28]. All biopsies were performed with modern fully automated biopsy devices with a needle size of at least 12 (7-12) gauge (G). ...
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b> Introduction: B3-lesions of the breast are a heterogeneous group of neoplasms, associated with a higher risk of breast cancer. Recent studies show a low upgrade rate into malignancy after subsequent open surgical excision (OE) of most B3-lesions when proven by vacuum-assisted biopsy (VAB). However, there is a lack of long-term follow-up data after VAB of high-risk lesions. The primary aim of this study was to demonstrate whether follow-up of B3 lesions is a beneficial and reliable alternative to OE in terms of long-term outcome. The secondary aim was to identify patient and lesion characteristics of B3 lesions for which OE is still necessary. Methods: This retrospective multicenter study was conducted at 8 Swiss breast centers between 2010 and 2019. A total of 278 women (mean age: 53.5 ± 10.7 years) with 286 B3-lesions who had observation only and who had at least 24 months of follow-up were included. Any event during follow-up (ductal carcinoma in situ [DCIS], invasive cancer, new B3-lesion) was systematically recorded. Data from women who had an event during follow-up were compared with those who did not. The results for the different B3 lesions were analyzed using the t test and Fisher’s exact test. A p value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The median follow-up interval was 59 months (range: 24–143 months) with 52% (148/286) having a follow-up of more than 5 years. During follow-up, in 42 women, 44 suspicious lesions occurred, with 36.4% (16/44) being invasive cancer and 6.8% (3/44) being DCIS. Thus, 6.6% (19/286) of all women developed malignancy during follow-up after a median follow-up interval of 6.5 years (range: 31–119 months). The initial histology of the B3 lesion influenced the subsequent occurrence of a malignant lesion during follow-up ( p < 0.038). The highest malignancy-developing rate was observed in atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) (24%, 19/79), while all other B3-lesions had malignant findings ipsi- and contralateral between 0% and 6%. The results were not influenced by the VAB method (Mx-, US-, magnetic resonance imaging-guided), the radiological characteristics of the lesion, or the age or menopausal status of the patient ( p > 0.12). Conclusion: With a low risk of <6% of developing malignancy, VAB followed by long-term follow-up is a safe alternative to OE for most B3-lesions. A higher malignancy rate only occurred in ADH (24%). Based on our results, radiological follow-up should be bilateral, preferable using the technique of initial diagnosis. As we observed a late peak (6–7 years) of breast malignancies after B3-lesions, follow-up should be continued for a longer period (>10 years). Knowledge of these long-term outcome results will be helpful in making treatment decisions and determining the optimal radiological follow-up interval.
... Establishing the diagnosis by biopsy before marking or excising the lesions reduces the number of surgical interventions. If the biopsy result is benign and consistent with the radiological findings, no further surgical treatment is required; if the lesion is malignant, breast cancer treatment may be used [12,13]. Core needle and vacuum-assisted core needle biopsies are less invasive and faster than surgical biopsies and do not cause tissue deformities [14,15]. ...
Breast cancer is the most common oncological disease in women. When changes in the breasts are not visible on an ultrasound or mammogram, they can be detected by a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan. A biopsy of the breast tissue is performed to examine the changes and predict the most suitable further treatment method. Most often, a core needle biopsy is performed under ultrasound or mammography guidance, but if lesions are only visible on MRI images, the biopsy should be performed under MRI control. MRI-guided biopsy is a relatively new diagnostic method. The aim of our study was to assess the clinical value of MRI-guided core nee­dle and vacuum-assisted core needle breast biopsies. We conducted a systematic literature analysis. Articles were retrieved from PubMed and ClinicalKey electronic data­bases. Eligible articles were selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. 12 articles were included from 512 publications. We conclude that MRI -guided core needle and vacuum-assissted core needle biopsies are a safe and effective method of taking a breast tissue biopsy, allowing you to assess abnormalities that are not visible on mammography or ultrasound. MRI-guided biopsy is appropriate for all patients with suspicious lesions seen only on MRI, irrespective of breast cancer risk, as ma­lignant lesions are likely to be found in ~21% of patients. MRI-guided core needle biopsies have a low compli­cation rate. The diagnostic performance of MRI-guided core needle biopsy (sensitivity ~ 93%) is comparable to the diagnostic performance of other image-guided breast biopsy techniques.
... These algorithms not only diagnose breast lesions but may also give prognostications on disease outcome and risk stratification of malignant pathologies and be used in mass screening schemes of cardiothoracic conditions or follow-up of chronic diseases [8][9][10]. Noteworthy, AI algorithms with ultrasound image inputs are of significant importance, as breast ultrasound is the primary modality of imaging in many clinical scenarios [11] and is also used for unconventional means in many resources with scarce settings [12]. Ultrasound examination has been shown to be cost-efficient in many different settings, and unlike modalities such as MRI or PET imaging is indicated in a wide group of patients with suspected breast malignancies [13,14]. ...
Artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms have an enormous potential to impact the field of radiology and diagnostic imaging, especially the field of cancer imaging. There have been efforts to use AI models to differentiate between benign and malignant breast lesions. However, most studies have been single-center studies without external validation. The present study examines the diagnostic efficacy of machine-learning algorithms in differentiating benign and malignant breast lesions using ultrasound images. Ultrasound images of 1259 solid non-cystic lesions from 3 different centers in 3 countries (Malaysia, Turkey, and Iran) were used for the machine-learning study. A total of 242 radiomics features were extracted from each breast lesion, and the robust features were considered for models’ development. Three machine-learning algorithms were used to carry out the classification task, namely, gradient boosting (XGBoost), random forest, and support vector machine. Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and area under the ROC curve (AUC) were determined to evaluate the models. Thirty-three robust features differed significantly between the two groups from all of the features. XGBoost, based on these robust features, showed the most favorable profile for all cohorts, as it achieved a sensitivity of 90.3%, specificity of 86.7%, the accuracy of 88.4%, and AUC of 0.890. The present study results show that incorporating selected robust radiomics features into well-curated machine-learning algorithms can generate high sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy in differentiating benign and malignant breast lesions. Furthermore, our results show that this optimal performance is preserved even in external validation datasets.
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Compared to conventional 2D Ultrasound (US), 3D US provides a comprehensive anatomical overview and is less operator dependent allowing 3D US to compete with MRI or X-ray based techniques. However, the implementation of 3D US in not straightforward and is application specific which impedes its clinical use. The main objective of this thesis is to extend the area of clinical applications of 3D US, especially for diagnosis of breast cancer and muscle dystrophy. The first and probably the most important contribution of this work is introduction of a 3D US imaging technology, Automated Cone-based Breast US Scanner, which can standardize 3D US breast imaging and has a potential to reduce usage of MRI-guided breast biopsy. We demonstrated the value of 3D US for muscle imaging and introduced the fast free-hand 3D US technique which has a potential to boost the clinical use of 3D US and improved diagnosis of muscle diseases.
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Background: Diffusion-weighted imaging and elastography are widely accepted methods in the evaluation of breast masses, however, there is very limited data comparing the two methods. The apparent diffusion coefficient is a measure of the diffusion of water molecules obtained by diffusion-weighted imaging as a part of breast MRI. Breast elastography is an adjunct to conventional ultrasonography, which provides a noninvasive evaluation of the stiffness of the lesion. Theoretically, increased tissue density and stiffness are related to each other. The purpose of this study is to compare MRI ADC values of the breast masses with quantitative elastography based on ultrasound shear wave measurements and to investigate their possible relation with the prognostic factors and molecular subtypes. Methods: We retrospectively evaluated histopathologically proven 147 breast lesions. The molecular classification of malignant lesions was made according to the prognostic factors. Shear wave elastography was measured in kiloPascal (kPa) units which is a quantitative measure of tissue stiffness. DWI was obtained using a 1.5-T MRI system. Results: ADC values were strongly inversely correlated with elasticity (r = -0.662, p < 0.01) according to Pearson Correlation. In our study, the cut-off value of ADC was 1.00 × 10-3 cm2/s to achieve a sensitivity of 84.6% and specificity of 75.4%, and the cut-off value of elasticity was 105.5 kPa to achieve the sensitivity of 96.3% and specificity 76.9% to discriminate between the malignant and benign breast lesions. The status of prognostic factors was not correlated with the ADC values and elasticity. Conclusions: Elasticity and ADC values are correlated. Both cannot predict the status of prognostic factors and differentiate between molecular subtypes.
This chapter will summarise the principals of stereotactic imaging and the various procedures undertaken using this technique. The chapter also includes a brief overview of the value of introducing DBT alongside traditional stereotaxic techniques. The various localiation devices and procedure now available on the market to localize lesions prior to surgery will also be discussed.KeywordsStereotactic guided biopsyVacuum assisted biopsy (VAB)DBT guided biopsyWire localisationMagnetic seed localisationLOCalizer
The use of screening mammography in asymptomatic women has increased the number of non-palpable suspicious breast abnormalities, which require histologic evaluation to define whether they are benign or malignant. In the last decade, the introduction of digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT), a pseudo-three-dimensional mammographic application, has increased the diagnostic accuracy of digital mammography through the detection of abnormal findings that are seen only at DBT and which need to be assessed (Houssami et al., Breast 26:119–134,, 2016).Women with suspicious breast lesions identified on mammography or DBT are indicated for biopsy to obtain definitive tissue diagnosis. In these cases, needle biopsy should be the first option to avoid diagnostic surgical biopsies. A minimally invasive procedure offers better options compared to surgical biopsy: firstly, it reduces the physical and psychological stress of the patient, and secondly, it overcomes the problem of scarring after a surgical biopsy, which may impair future imaging (Yu et al., Breast Cancer Res Treat 120(2):469–479., 2010). Consequently, open surgical biopsy is now obsolete for most indications.Since it is well accepted, quick, readily accessible, and less costly, ultrasound-guided biopsy should be done for all lesions visible at ultrasound. Any lesions visualized at mammography (MX) or DBT but sonographically occult may instead undergo stereotactic biopsy, which should be guided by MX or DBT (Huang et al., Tech Vasc Interv Radiol 17(1):32–39., 2014).
With increased numbers of screening examinations and awareness of women regarding suspicious clinical findings, the number of lesions requiring further assessment increases. In addition, the average size of a detected lesion decreases, and reliable imaging modalities for guiding further procedures are required.After the successful detection of a lesion of concern in various modalities for breast imaging like US, MRI, mammography, tomosynthesis, or contrast-enhanced mammography, a histological proof of the nature of this lesion is necessary.As open surgical biopsy has been the method of choice in former days, minimally invasive procedures have come into focus and are recommended now for providing histological proof and information for operative or neoadjuvant therapy planning (Wallis et al., Eur Radiol 17(2):581–588, 2007; Perry et al., European guidelines for quality assurance in breast cancer screening and diagnosis, 2006; Helbich et al., Eur Radiol 14(3):383–393, 2004; Bick et al., Insights Imaging 11(1):12, 2020).Due to different approaches in the treatment of breast cancer, surgery is no longer always the first line of treatment. Preoperative minimally invasive assessment of a carcinoma is requested to get further information about the molecular subtype of a lesion in order to tailor treatment and avoid unnecessary damage and scarring, or further anxiety due to additional general anesthesia (Wallis et al., Eur Radiol 17(2):581–588, 2007; Perry et al., European guidelines for quality assurance in breast cancer screening and diagnosis, 2006).Additionally, minimally invasive approaches are less expensive and are performed in an outpatient setting (Gruber et al., Eur J Radiol 74(3):519–524, 2010; Abbate et al. Breast 18(2):73–77, 2009).Ultrasound is a cheap and widely available technique, in addition it is quite comfortable for women and therefore the working horse in the field of breast biopsies. Furthermore, it plays a major role in preoperative localization of non-palpable lesions and is used more and more often to guide vacuum-assisted removal of benign lesions and other tumor ablation techniques.In this chapter, we explain how to manage ultrasound-guided interventions and provide tips and tricks to successfully plan and perform ultrasound-guided procedures.
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La mama es una porción de la anatomía femenina que ha llamado la atención y se ha constituido en símbolo de la feminidad y maternidad. La identificación y tratamiento de las enfermedades de la mama ha sido uno de los objetivos realmente importantes a través de la historia del género humano. En Venezuela las Enfermedades de la Mama tradicionalmente han sido diagnosticadas y tratadas en instalaciones de atención médica y quirúrgica general. En el Instituto Oncológico Luis Razetti de Caracas el Servicio C dedicó parte de su esfuerzo a la Mama y en 1969 dio origen al Servicio de Patología Mamaria. En el Hospital Universitario de Caracas en 1978 se fundó la Clínica de Mamas, que funciona desde entonces con enfoque multidisciplinario, en los aspectos diagnósticos y terapéuticos, de las afecciones benignas y malignas. En el Hospital Oncológico Padre Machado el Servicio 2, atendía fundamentalmente casos de Cáncer de Mama y en 1980 se originó el Servicio de Patología Mamaria. En su Asamblea del año 2006, celebrada en Acarigua, la Federación Médica Venezolana le dio a la Mastología, categoría de especialidad. Hace varios años, en conjunto con Sarah Urdaneta Leandro, Ramón Pérez Brett, Ricardo Ravelo Pages, nos planteamos la idea de publicar un libro que trasmitiera a las nuevas generaciones médicas de una manera directa y didáctica, cómo se establece el diagnóstico y cómo se deciden, indican y ejecutan las distintas formas de tratamiento de las afecciones de la glándula mamaria, que afectan a nuestras pacientes. Este libro está destinado fundamentalmente a médicos en formación de postgrado en Mastología, Cirugía Oncológica, Radioterapia, Oncología Médica, Imagenología, Cirugía General, Gineco-Obstetricia, otras especialidades conexas y estudiantes de pregrado, deseosos de ampliar la formación que pueda darles un texto de Patología General.
OBJECTIVE. The objective of this study was to evaluate the learning curve for stereotactic breast biopsy. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Retrospective review was performed of 923 consecutive lesions that underwent stereotactic breast biopsy performed by one of six radiologists. Four hundred fourteen lesions had 14-gauge automated core biopsy, and 509 subsequent lesions had vacuum-assisted biopsy (14-gauge in 163 and 11-gauge in 346). Medical records were reviewed to determine the technical success rate and false-negative rate as a function of operator experience. RESULTS. For 14-gauge automated core biopsy, a significantly lower technical success rate was seen for the first five cases of each radiologist than for subsequent cases (25/30 = 83.3% versus 366/384 = 95.3%, p < 0.02) and for the first 20 cases than for subsequent cases (90/100 = 90% versus 284/296 = 95.9%, p < 0.05). For 11-gauge vacuum-assisted biopsy, a significantly lower technical success rate was seen for the first five cases than for subsequent cases (17/20 = 85.0% versus 310/322 = 96.3%, p < 0.05) and for the first 15 cases than for subsequent cases (54/60 = 90.0% versus 273/283 = 96.5%, p = 0.03). The false-negative rate was higher for the first 15 cases compared with subsequent cases both for stereotactic 14-gauge automated core biopsy (4/31 = 12.9% versus 3/115 = 2.6%, p < 0.04) and for stereotactic 11-gauge vacuum-assisted biopsy (2/27 = 7.4% versus 0/85 = 0%, p < 0.06). CONCLUSION. A learning curve exists for stereotactic breast biopsy. Significantly higher technical success rates and lower false-negative rates were observed after the first five to 20 cases for 14-gauge automated core biopsy and after the first five to 15 cases for 11-gauge vacuum-assisted biopsy. Even after a radiologist has experience with stereotactic biopsy, changes in equipment may result in a new learning curve.
Objective: to determine the effect a specialist breast surgeon working in a team with a radiologist, cytopathologist and nurse specialist has on surgery for benign breast disease compared with non-specialist surgeons working in the same district general hospital.Data was collected prospectively between 1987 and 1992.Main outcome measures: the accuracy of pre-operative assessment and the number of operations performed for benign disease.Results: clinical assessment is uncertain in 50% of cases. Mammography has a sensitivity of 87% with a specificity of 99.7%. Fine needle aspiration cytology had a specificity of 97% with a sensitivity of 94% if an adequate sample was provided. Using all three malignancy can be predicted with a sensitivity of >99%. Using a policy of leaving benign lumps alone the specialist breast team has reduced the number of benign operations from 19% of new patients seen to 12% of new patients seen (p < 0.01 chi square).Conclusion: patients with breast disease should be seen by a specialist surgeon working in a team with a radiologist, cytopathologist and clinical nurse specialist. Every effort should be made to make a pre-operative diagnosis, and if the lump is benign on clinical, imaging, and cytological assessment it need not be removed.
BACKGROUND Fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) has been used with variable success as a diagnostic test for benign and malignant breast lesions. The goal of this study was to examine the effects of training physicians in the fine-needle aspiration sampling-technique on the diagnostic accuracy of FNAB of palpable breast masses. The settings for this study were private physicians' offices and university clinics of primary care physicians, surgeons, and cytopathologists.METHODS We reviewed 1043 consecutive FNAB specimens of the breast obtained during 1 year (1992): 729 FNABs were performed by formally trained physicians (at least 150 FNABs performed previously under supervision during fellowship training or the equivalent) who had done at least 100 FNABs during the year; 314 FNABs were performed by physicians without formal training who had done a median of only 2 FNABs during the year (range, 1–43 FNABs). All FNAB specimens were reviewed microscopically and evaluated for cellularity and type of material present, for diagnostic accuracy, and for the rate of surgical intervention. A minimum of 2 years of follow-up was obtained by matching all cases to the population-based Northern California Cancer Registry. FNAB specimens were correlated with histologic specimens when they were available.RESULTSUsing FNAB, the formally trained physicians missed 2% of cancers, whereas the physicians without formal training missed 25%. Among the patients with benign lesions seen by the formally trained physicians, 8% went on to surgery, whereas 30% of those seen by physicians without formal training did so. Specimens obtained by the formally trained physicians were significantly more cellular and were significantly less likely to be nondiagnostic.CONCLUSIONSFNAB, when performed by physicians who are well trained in the technique, is a highly accurate, cost-effective diagnostic method that carries minimal morbidity and could replace a large number of surgical biopsies. When performed by physicians without adequate training, FNAB is often misleading and potentially harmful. Cancer (Cancer Cytopathol) 2001;93:263–268. © 2001 American Cancer Society.
The literature on fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) and core biopsy (CB) has been reviewed. The published results to date reveal better overall results for CB than FNAC. This is likely to be largely due to easier collection, preparation and pathological interpretation of specimens. FNAC, however, has distinct advantages in terms of potential speed of preparation and reporting, the sampling of palpable lesions without image guidance and ultrasound guided biopsy of small lesions. Where good quality FNAC and CB are available, both should be used in combination, the use of FNAC or CB being tailored to the logistics of the clinic and the nature of the lesion. Repeated audit of performance of all aspects of needle biopsy is vital and multidisciplinary teamwork essential for safe interpretation and patient management. A large number of research projects, often by leaders in their field, achieve results under conditions which may be very different from those obtained on a large scale in differing centres. Such data have been collected from the UK breast screening centres and are presented in an accompanying article.1a
This randomized controlled trial compared the impact on patients (n = 791) of a one-stop clinic providing same-day diagnosis with a conventional system involving two appointments and a delay before results are available. Semi-structured interviews at first clinic attendance and postal questionnaires completed 6 days and 8 weeks later assessed psychological reactions.Six days after first clinic attendance the one-stop group showed significantly lower levels of anxiety (P < 0.05). However, the sub-group who had breast cancer had become more distressed in both groups, more so in the one-stop group. Eight weeks later, women receiving a speedier diagnosis of cancer reported higher levels of depression than women given this diagnosis in the two-stop system ().Same-day diagnosis appears to reduce psychological distress for the 90% of clinic attenders diagnosed with a benign lump. Nevertheless, it may have a detrimental effect on women diagnosed with cancer. The psychological care of these women needs particular consideration as the availability of same-day diagnosis increases.
We have shown that 62% of cancers detected in the National Health Service Breast Screening Programme are diagnosed preoperatively by needle biopsy. Although still short of the 70% national target there is a year on year improvement in the pre-operative diagnosis rate and further increases should be achievable with greater experience.The numbers of core biopsies being performed is increasing although fine needle aspiration cytology remains the mainstay biopsy technique in the UK. Core biopsy (CB) shows distinct advantages over fine needle aspiration cytology in terms of absolute ability to diagnose malignancy and benignity. There is also a much lower inadequate rate with CB. Importantly, however, we have found that the false negative rate is higher with CB. Various reasons have been advanced to explain this and with greater experience and close attention to biopsy technique this level of false negatives may fall.These data emphasize that, whichever needle biopsy technique is used, the results should not be interpreted in isolation but considered in conjunction with clinical and radiological findings for best and safest practice.