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Posterior malleolus fractures: Worth fixing


Abstract and Figures

The posterior malleolus component of a fracture of the ankle is important, yet often overlooked. Pre-operative CT scans to identify and classify the pattern of the fracture are not used enough. Posterior malleolus fractures are not difficult to fix. After reduction and fixation of the posterior malleolus, the articular surface of the tibia is restored; the fibula is out to length; the syndesmosis is more stable and the patient can rehabilitate faster. There is therefore considerable merit in fixing most posterior malleolus fractures. An early post-operative CT scan to ensure that accurate reduction has been achieved should also be considered. Cite this article: Bone Joint J 2017;99-B:1413–19.
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VOL. 99-B, No. 11, NOVEMBER 2017 1413
Posterior malleolus fractures
M. C. Solan,
A. Sakellariou
From Royal Surrey
County Hospital and
Frimley Park
Hospital, Surrey,
United Kingdom
M. C. Solan, BSc MBBS
FRCS(Tr&Orth), Consultant
Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle
Royal Surrey County Hospital,
Egerton Road, Guildford,
Surrey GU2 7XX, UK
A. Sakellariou, BSc MBBS
FRCS(Orth), Consultant
Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle
Frimley Park Hospital,
Portsmouth Road, Frimley,
Surrey GU16 7UJ, UK
Correspondence should be sent
to M. C. Solan; email:
©2017 The British Editorial
Society of Bone & Joint
BJJ-2017-1072 $2.00
Bone Joint J
The posterior malleolus component of a fracture of the ankle is important, yet often
overlooked. Pre-operative CT scans to identify and classify the pattern of the fracture are not
used enough. Posterior malleolus fractures are not difficult to fix. After reduction and
fixation of the posterior malleolus, the articular surface of the tibia is restored; the fibula is
out to length; the syndesmosis is more stable and the patient can rehabilitate faster. There
is therefore considerable merit in fixing most posterior malleolus fractures. An early post-
operative CT scan to ensure that accurate reduction has been achieved should also be
Cite this article: Bone Joint J 2017;99-B:1413–19.
Fractures of the ankle are common. Decisions
about their management require a thorough
appreciation of the bony and ligamentous
components of the injury. This, in turn,
requires a comprehensive understanding of the
normal anatomy, and of the different patterns
of injury. The Danis-Weber classification
system1,2 is simple to apply, and has become
entrenched in orthopaedic practice in the
United Kingdom. It is, however, a poor guide
as how to best manage these injuries. It should
be recognised that these fractures are not sim-
ple and their operative fixation should not be
regarded as cases for trainees on which to ‘cut
their teeth’.
Recent publications3,4 have drawn attention
to the fact that the most common patterns of
fracture of the ankle, those that include a
Weber B fracture of the fibula, are a very het-
erogeneous group. Even with a complete
understanding of the injury, it is difficult to
decide whether the talus is stable or unstable in
the mortise. If it is stable, there is a good case
for non-operative management. Even where
there is potential instability, it may still be pos-
sible to avoid fixation. A recent annotation in
the July edition of The Bone & Joint Journal5
explored the current debate regarding how to
determine if a Weber B-type fracture is stable
or unstable.
This issue of The Bone & Joint Journal
includes a paper by Bali et al6 regarding the sur-
gical treatment of complex posterior malleolus
fractures. The authors emphasise the impor-
tance of a CT scan to classify the fracture, and
describe one way that a posteromedial
fragment may be safely reduced and fixed. Pre-
vious papers have discussed fixation of the
posterior malleolus but have nearly always
focused on doing so through a posterolateral
approach.7-9 This approach remains the most
frequently needed, but in complex ankle frac-
tures, axial imaging CT scans are recom-
mended, as one benefit is helping to detect
those patterns of posterior malleolus fractures
that extend medially.3,10,11 In orthopaedic
practice in the United Kingdom, it is common
for surgeons to ignore a posterior malleolus
fracture completely.
In this article, we explore the increasing evi-
dence to support fixation of these fractures.
The variation in the way in which fractures of
the ankle are treated in the United Kingdom
has been addressed in the recent publication of
‘BOAST Standards for Trauma 12’12 and this
document makes important recommendations
for their management. Departmental audit
against these benchmarks should be encour-
aged. One of the recommendations is that the
use of CT scans should be considered when
assessing more complex fractures: “CT imag-
ing may be helpful in defining fracture config-
uration in more complex patterns particularly
where the posterior malleolus is involved.”12
The goal is to provide detailed information
about the pattern of the fracture before decid-
ing management, and planning surgery. We
believe that when this guidance is revised, the
recommendation should be to emphasise that
CT scans are not optional, but instead are an
essential part of this process for all fractures
where there is evidence, or suspicion, of a
fracture of the posterior malleolus. Plain radiographic
analysis is a poor way of determining the size, site, and dis-
placement of a posterior malleolus fracture.13,14 Radio-
graphs taken in the Emergency Department may be
imperfect, due to the presence of back-slabs or splints, and
because of difficulty with positioning of the patient. Even
the best quality radiographs may be difficult to interpret,
with low interobserver reliability. Inadequate radiographic
analysis leads to underestimation and, occasionally, overes-
timation of the severity of the injury.
The bigger question behind choice of imaging for tri-
malleolar fractures, a question that the BOAST Guidance
does not currently address is: why should we fix a posterior
malleolus fracture? The first reason is that the posterior
malleolus may include a portion of the articular surface of
the distal tibia. The importance of this, in terms of articular
congruity, is widely appreciated. However, the decision as
to whether to fix the fragment in order to restore the artic-
ular surface, has traditionally relied upon dogma rather
than scientific evidence. Depending on to whom you listen,
or where you trained, the posterior malleolus can be ‘safely
ignored’ unless it constitutes 20%, 25%, 30%, or an even
greater arbitrary proportion of the articular surface of the
tibia.15 These judgements are based on studies of the con-
tact pressure at the tibiotalar articulation. Some papers
have shown that contact pressures at the articular surface
increase as the fragment of the posterior malleolus gets
larger.16-18 The stability of the joint is not affected, as long
as the medial and lateral malleoli are intact. There are few
long-term outcome studies that specifically investigate the
role of the posterior malleolus.19-21 There are none that we
are aware of that stratify results of treatment by the size of
the posterior malleolar fragment. The threshold that an
individual surgeon chooses is likely to be based upon how
averse he or she is to using techniques of fixation of frac-
tures of the ankle beyond the standard ‘fibular lag screw
and neutralisation plate’. The arbitrary “one-third rule”
was introduced by Nelson and Jensen who, in 1940,22
reported on a very small series of patients.
It is true that if the fibula is anatomically reduced and
fixed, it is likely that the posterior malleolus will also heal,
even without fixation, after a sufficient period of immobili-
sation. This is because the posteroinferior tibiofibular liga-
ment connects the distal fibula and the posterior malleolus.
Accurate reduction cannot be assured, however, and an
intercalated fragment, which would only be seen on a CT
scan, is one possible reason for this.23 Also, if the lateral
malleolus fracture is fixed in isolation, because it is attached
by the posteroinferior tibiofibular ligament to the posterior
malleolus fragment, the latter may displace, and even small
degrees of displacement will affect the healing ‘length’ of the
posterior syndesmotic osseo-ligamentous component and,
ultimately, result in posterolateral talar instability.
Furthermore, the surgeon who prefers to ignore the poste-
rior malleolus is extremely likely to recommend prolonged
periods of non-weight-bearing post-operatively, making the
recovery from injuries treated this way arduous and costly. If
the posterior malleolus is fixed, the patient can, as soon as
the soft tissues permit, bear full weight through the
ankle.24,25 This results in earlier discharge from hospital,
physiotherapy, and return to daily activity and work.
As implied above, when the posterior malleolus is
addressed surgically, the reduction needs to be accurate.
Malreduction leads to difficulty reducing the fibula at the
next step of the operation, as well as to degenerative
changes later.7,26 It is advisable to fix the posterior malleo-
lus provisionally, and then check that the fibula reduces,
before it is fixed definitively. In order to improve the stand-
ards of fixation, there is a strong case for pre- and (early)
post-operative CT scans to ensure that the goals of the opera-
tion have been achieved (Fig. 1).27 Occasionally, if the result is
disappointing, early revision may be required (Fig. 2). This is
a difficult decision to make, but likely to be easier than late
correction involving an osteotomy.28,29
The second reason for fixation of the posterior malleolus
relates to the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis. Fixation of the
posterior malleolus not only reduces the distal fibula to the
correct length through the posteroinferior tibiofibular liga-
ment, but also, ensures the correct ‘working length’ and
strength of this ligament and the distal tibiofibular joint,
thereby negating any requirement for stabilisation of the
syndesmosis. Indeed, once the fibular component of the
fracture is also fixed, at least half of the integrity and
strength of the distal tibiofibular joint is restored. Further-
more, the need for fixation of the syndesmosis with screws
or flexible fixation with a tightrope, is strongly associated
with a poor outcome.30 Leaving aside the controversy
regarding removal of syndesmosis screws, there are signifi-
cant advantages with, for instance, early rehabilitation, if
the ankle can be rendered stable without fixation of the
syndesmosis. Post-operative instructions after surgery
involving screws to the syndesmosis will almost certainly
include non-weight-bearing for a minimum of six weeks,
and partial weight-bearing for a further period. If the fibula
and the posterior malleolus have been fixed, rehabilitation
can be quicker, to the advantage of the patient and with
reduced societal costs.
Fig. 1
Post-operative CT confirms articular
VOL. 99-B, No. 11, NOVEMBER 2017
Fixation of the posterior malleolus therefore has several
advantages: restoration of the articular surface of the tibia;
accurate restoration of length of the fibula, helping to avoid
malunion; and restoration of stability of the syndesmosis
with fewer patients requiring its fixation.
The Weber classification system, simple though it is, does
not help surgeons appreciate the pattern of the injury prop-
erly. This is due to the focus being solely upon the fibula
fracture, while ignoring the ligamentous components of the
injury. The Lauge–Hansen classification31 is not a perfect
system but does emphasise the (mostly) predictable
sequence of injury to either bone or ligament.32,33 Using the
most common supination-external rotation (SER) type of
injury as an example, stages I and II are consistent in adults
(stage I, partial injury to the anterior inferior tibiofibular
ligament; stage II, an oblique fibula fracture). In adoles-
cents, stage I may manifest as an avulsion fracture. As the
ankle is subject to further force, the injury progresses to
stage III, with either rupture of the posteroinferior tibio-
fibular ligament or, an avulsion fracture of the posterior
malleolus. Stage IV involves the medial side of the ankle,
with either a fracture of the medial malleolus or an injury to
the deltoid ligament. A stage IV injury may thus present
radiologically with only a fracture of the fibula with asso-
ciated posterior and medial ligamentous injuries or, as a tri-
malleolar fracture. The degree of instability of the latter is
usually obvious, whereas, with the former, the extent of
instability may be underestimated. The best way to deter-
mine whether a Weber B-type fracture is SER II or SER IV,
and stable or unstable, is still a subject of considerable
interest.5 Poor understanding leads to unnecessary fixation
in some cases, and inevitably, therefore, to some surgical
complications that are avoidable.4
In SER-type injuries, fixation of the posterior malleolus
restores the articular surface of the tibia, reduces the fibula
to length, and allows early weight-bearing and rehabilita-
tion. There is also improved stability of the syndesmosis.34
This is probably of minor importance with these Weber B-
type fractures, as there remains sufficient strength in the
anteroinferior tibiofibular and interosseous ligaments. In a
randomised controlled trial, Pakarinen et al35 reported that
even where the ‘Hook Test’ showed some widening of the
syndesmosis after fixation of a fibula fracture, there was no
benefit from additional hardware to the distal tibiofibular
Pronation external rotation (PER) injuries, and the less
common pronation/abduction injuries, lead to Weber C-
type fractures of the fibula. These are the injuries that most
obviously include disruption to the syndesmosis. The pro-
nated position of the foot means that the medial structures
are under tension first, as the deforming force is applied. In
a PER fracture, therefore, the medial injury (either rupture
of the deltoid ligament, or a fracture of the medial malleo-
lus), is the first stage (PER stage I). In stages II to IV, the
Fig. 2
Early revision after CT confirms malreduction.
lateral side of the ankle is sequentially injured: stage II,
injury to the anteroinferior tibiofibular ligament or an avul-
sion fracture; stage III, fibular fracture (Weber C); stage IV,
injury to the posteroinferior tibiofibular ligament or poste-
rior malleolus fracture (or rarely fibular avulsion of the
posteroinferior tibiofibular ligament).
Note that the components of stages I, II, and IV injuries
may be either bony or ligamentous. A stage III injury is a
variably high fibular fracture. Where a particular compo-
nent of the injury presents with a fracture of the medial
malleolus, the anterior syndesmosis (Tillaux36 or
Wagstaffe37 avulsions) or of the posterior malleolus, fixa-
tion is easier than if the injury is to the corresponding liga-
ment. Fixation of these fractures restores stability more
reliably than ligamentous repair. Fixation of a medial
malleolus fracture gives more confidence than repair of the
deltoid ligament, for example. Biomechanical studies have
shown that reduction and fixation of the posterior malleo-
lus restores nearly half of the total strength of the syndes-
mosis.38 There is no additional benefit from fixation of the
syndesmosis if the posterior malleolus is fixed. Current con-
cepts of fixation of these injures emphasise accurate
fixation both in length and rotation of the fibula28,29
(Fig. 3). Reduction and fixation of the posterior malleolus,
if a fracture is present, facilitates this.39 If there is no poste-
rior malleolus fracture, open reduction of the syndesmosis,
through an anterolateral incision, helps to restore the tibi-
ofibular position, prior to fixation using screw or flexible
transfibular fixation.40
There are two useful classifications of posterior malleo-
lus fractures, each based on CT findings (Table I).
Haraguchi et al11 described three types of fracture in a
CT study of 57 patients, in 2006. Type 1, the most com-
mon, is a single posterolateral fragment. In type 2, there is
extension to the posteromedial side of the distal tibia. There
may be more than one fragment. Type 3 fractures are a thin
shell of bone. The classification is useful, as type 2 fractures
may demand a different surgical approach and type 3 frac-
tures may be too small or thin to allow fixation.
Bartoniček et al3,10,23 used more advanced CT recon-
structions to classify posterior malleolus fractures in 141
patients. Their system has four main types. They emphasise
the importance of recognising fractures that involve the
incisura, since accurate reduction will facilitate the
Table I . Systems for the classification of posterior malleolus fractures
Author Haraguchi et al 200611 (n = 57) Bartoníček et al 201510 (n = 141)
Analysis Axial CT (%) CT reconstructions (%)
Type 1 Posterolateral (67) Extraincisural (8)
Type 2 Medial extension (19) Posterolateral (52)
Type 3 Small shell (14) Posteromedial (28)
Type 4 Large posterolateral (9)
Type 5 Irregular osteoporotic (3)
Fig. 3
Consequences of poor fracture fixation: trimalle-
olar fracture; fibula malreduction; malreduced
posterior malleolus with anteroposterior screw;
tightrope fails to cross syndesmosis; and result-
ant early post-traumatic arthritis (one year post-
VOL. 99-B, No. 11, NOVEMBER 2017
reduction and stability of the syndesmosis. As with the
Haraguchi system, there is relevance to the choice of inci-
sion. In particular, the identification of a posteromedial
fragment or the presence of any intercalated fragment is
useful for surgical planning.
Most posterior malleolus fractures can be approached
using a posterolateral incision, being careful to identify and
protect the sural nerve and its branches.7,41 A buttress plate
or lag screw can be used to fix the fracture.42 This is biome-
chanically stronger, and a more logical approach than a
screw sited from the anterior tibia, which commonly pushes
the fragment away from, rather than lagging it to, the
The same incision can be used for Weber B/SER type
fractures to fix the fibular fracture with an anti-glide
plate.44-46 No lag screw is required in the fibula. The plate
is used as a buttress and no screws are required in the distal
fibular fragment (Fig. 4). Dissection around the fibula is
minimised. The displacement that any external rotation
force might produce is prevented. Early weight-bearing
facilitates rapid recovery. The risk of irritation of the pero-
neal tendons is minimal,47 especially if there are no distal
screws in the plate (i.e. it is a pure buttress plate). Unlike a
lateral neutralisation plate or a ‘low-profile’ pre-contoured
locking plate, the hardware is not easily palpable, and the
need for subsequent removal of hardware is reduced.
With Weber C/PER fractures, a second incision is usually
needed to approach and fix the fibular fracture. A dynamic
compression or limited contact dynamic compression plate,
rather than one-third tubular, can be used in bridging
mode, and prior reduction of the posterior malleolus frac-
ture helps to ensure that the fibular length is restored accu-
rately. With the posterior malleolus and the fibula both
reduced and fixed, there is less likelihood that fixation of
the syndesmosis will be required, especially if the medial
injury is to the medial malleolus and that is fixed too. If,
however, the fibula fracture is too proximal for fixation
with a plate, above the level of the middle of the bone,
reduction of the syndesmosis through an anterior incision
protecting the superficial peroneal nerve may be used to
reduce the fibula in the incisura before fixation of the syn-
desmosis. The role of intramedullary fixation for these inju-
ries is an area of evolving interest.48-50
PER injuries are associated with a poor outcome, espe-
cially if there is an associated dislocation.51 Even anatomi-
cal reduction does not prevent arthritic change at medium-
term follow-up.52 Few studies specifically look at the out-
comes of posterior malleolus fractures. A definitive answer
is sought by the study team conducting the Fixation of the
Posterior Malleolus in Medium-sized Trimalleolar AO
Weber-B Fractures (POSTFix) trial.53
De Vries et al19 followed up 45 patients at a mean of 13
years. They were unable to distinguish differences in out-
come with respect to the size of the posterior malleolus
fragment or to its fixation. In 1989 in a series of 142 frac-
tures followed for six years, Jaskulka et al20 found that any
posterior malleolus fracture was associated with a poor
outcome, and that those cases where the fragment was
Fig. 4
Fixation with posterolateral buttress plating of the posterior and lateral
fixed fared better than those managed without fixation.
Tejwani et al54 studied 456 patients. One year after injury,
those with a posterior malleolus fracture scored less well on
the Short Musculoskeletal Function Assessment.55 A retro-
spective analysis of 131 patients categorised posterior
malleolus fractures as small (< 5% of the articular surface),
medium (5% to 25%) and large (> 25%). At a mean
follow-up of seven years, they found more arthritis in those
with medium or large fragments. The incidence of arthritis
was higher where there was articular step-off of > 1 mm.
Disappointingly, this still included over 40% of the patients
in whom the posterior malleolus had been fixed.56 The
authors of a CT-based study dismissed earlier papers that
are based on plain radiographs. However, their own retro-
spective series had CT data for only 57% of the 42 patients.
There was also a shorter follow-up of 2.5 years.57
The Curriculum for Training in Trauma and Orthopae-
dic Surgery in the United Kingdom continues to evolve.11 In
the early years, trainees are encouraged to gain experience
in the operative treatment of common fractures. Based on
the historical premise that Weber B fractures all require sur-
gical treatment, and that the standard lag screw with a neu-
tralisation plate is a good training operation, the
curriculum expects core trainees to be able to fix fractures
of the ankle. Progression through higher surgical training
and achieving a Certificate of Completion of Training is
dependent, in part, on adequate logbook experience. Spe-
cific minimum numbers of “indicative surgical procedures”
are offered by the Surgical Advisory Committee, as a guide
to the training committees who assess the competence of
their trainees. Currently, trainees are expected, during their
six years of higher training, to have been the primary sur-
geon for 40 operations to fix a fracture of the ankle.
Modern understanding of these fractures means that a
much higher proportion are managed non-operatively.
Patients who require surgery have complex and unstable
injures, often with significant associated soft-tissue dam-
age. Trainee surgeons at the start of their careers (Core
Training) are not equipped to undertake these operations.
Higher trainees will be exposed to fewer “simple ORIFs”
during their six years and they require close supervision
when making decisions about, and undertaking fixation of
injuries that require surgery. The Curriculum requirement
to “fix 40 ankles” is a blunt means of assessing competence
in the management of these injuries. As the proportion of
ankles that are treated surgically falls, and the frequency
with which specialty registrars are on-call for trauma
reduces, the proscribed number may even be unobtainable.
In conclusion, the posterior malleolus component of a
fracture of the ankle is an important and often overlooked
part of these common injuries. The Weber classification is
too simple to guide treatment and not useful. The routine
pre-operative use of CT scans to identify and classify the pat-
tern of the fracture is not practised widely enough in the
United Kingdom, or indeed, worldwide. Posterior malleolus
fractures are not difficult to fix. After their reduction and
fixation, the articular surface of the tibia is restored, the fib-
ula is out to length, the syndesmosis is more stable and at the
correct length, and the patient may rehabilitate more quickly
without fear of late displacement of the fracture. There is
considerable merit in fixing most posterior malleolus frac-
tures. An early post-operative CT scan should also be under-
taken to ensure that accurate reduction has been achieved.
Take home message:
- Posterior malleolus fractures are associated with a poor out-
- Fixation restores the articular surface and reduces the need for stabilisa-
tion of the syndesmosis
- CT scans help classify the fracture
- The surgical treatment of fractures of the ankle should not be delegated
to junior surgeons
Author contributions:
M. C. Solan: Literature search, Collection and analysis of data, Writing the
A. Sakellariou: Literature search, Writing the paper.
No benefits in any form have been received or will be received from a commer-
cial party related directly or indirectly to the subject of this article.
This article was primary edited by J. Scott.
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... The optimal way to treat PM fractures is still up for discussion despite a growing corpus of research [35][36][37]. For a number of years, the requirements for surgically fixing a PM fragment were as follows: the fragment had to be between 1/4 and 1/3 of the articular surface, and it had to be displaced more than 2 mm on the lateral radiograph [38][39][40][41]. ...
... For a number of years, the requirements for surgically fixing a PM fragment were as follows: the fragment had to be between 1/4 and 1/3 of the articular surface, and it had to be displaced more than 2 mm on the lateral radiograph [38][39][40][41]. In addition to size and displacement, involvement of the incisura, the presence of intercalary fragments, plafond impaction, and syndesmotic instability are increasingly taken into consideration for decision-making with the increased use of CT imaging and understanding of the three-dimensional pathoanatomy of PM fractures [13,18,36,37,[42][43][44]. The management of ankle fractures, whether through conservative or surgical means, is contingent upon the type of fracture and the recommendations put forth by the surgeon. ...
... Treatment must thus be customized for each unique three-dimensional fracture pattern. The objectives of surgical fixation have changed in recent years to include the following: (1) Bone-to-bone fixation of the posterior tibiofibular ligament; (2) Restoration of articular congruity at the distal tibia and posterior containment of the talus; and (3) Restoration of the fibular notch, which facilitates reduction of the distal fibula [13,17,36]. The outcomes of trimalleolar fractures are determined by five key factors: size of PM fragment, anatomic reduction of articular surface, syndesmotic stability, surgical approach, and fixation technique. ...
... 25,30 The size of an articular fragment, joint impaction, and syndesmosis stabilization are some of the indications to fix a posterior malleolus fracture. 8,9,28 Furthermore, recent literature suggests greater syndesmotic stability with posterior fixation rather than a more traditional primary syndesmotic approach. 1,6,8,9 There is evidence from survey studies suggesting that some surgeons retrospectively change their initial preoperative plan for trimalleolar fractures after obtaining an additional CT scan. ...
... We believe that the increase in preoperative CT scans is influenced by the increasing amount of literature concerning the importance of the posterior malleolus and syndesmotic stability. 3,[7][8][9]15,28,30 Additionally, advancements in technology have substantially broadened the application of CT imaging, increasing its use in all orthopaedic subspecialties. 11 Although the relationship between advanced imaging and management trends have been explored in other orthopaedic disciplines, ours is the first study of this design to evaluate this relationship with respect to trimalleolar fractures. ...
... In addition, the growing emphasis on the contribution of posterior malleolus fractures to syndesmotic stability may have influenced surgeons to use syndesmotic fixation rather than conservative management in cases with smaller posterior fragments. 3,[7][8][9]15,28,30 We also believe this emphasis influenced surgeons to more readily utilize plate-and-screw constructs for posterior fixation rather than independent screw(s) given the inherent superior stability and rotational control (Figure 3). This investigation has several limitations, primarily stemming from surgeon-specific bias. ...
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Background The posterior malleolus component of the trimalleolar ankle fracture has posed a controversial topic for diagnostic imaging and surgical management. Preoperative computed tomography (CT) scans are used to better appreciate fracture morphology and may affect management techniques. No prior study has investigated the trend in preoperative CT scan use and the rates of posterior and syndesmotic fixation for trimalleolar injuries. Methods This retrospective cohort study evaluated the use of preoperative CT scans and the rates of posterior and syndesmotic fixation for trimalleolar ankle fractures over a 10-year period at an adult level 1 trauma center. Patients surgically managed for ankle fractures with OTA/AO classifications of 44B3, 44C3.3, 44C1.3, 44C2.3, and 44A3 were identified and included using Current Procedural Terminology codes and a prospectively collected fracture registry. Demographic information, comorbidities, fixation methods, and use of preoperative CT scan were recorded. Comparative analyses were performed to assess for yearly differences in demographic characteristics along with changes in trends of preoperative CT scans and posterior and syndesmotic fixation. Results A total of 1191 patients were included in the analyses. OTA/AO 44B3.2 fractures were the most common injuries (yearly range of 59.4%-80.1%). The rate of posterior fixation did not significantly increase during the study interval (1.4% growth per year [95% CI −0.27, 3.07]). However, the rate of preoperative CT scan use significantly increased by 2.76% (95% CI 1.99, 3.52) per year and the rate of syndesmotic fixation increased by 2.58% (95% CI 1.17, 3.99) per year. Fixation methods for both the syndesmosis and posterior malleolus changed during the study timeline. Conclusion Despite a relatively stable rate of posterior fixation, the frequency of preoperative CT scans and use of syndesmotic fixation increased significantly over a 10-year study period. Level of Evidence Level IV, descriptive pilot study.
... A multitude of systematic reviews have been carried out to explore the operative management outcomes for PMFs. 3,4,18,19 Nevertheless, none have undertaken a metaanalysis concerning the effect of implant choice on clinical outcomes. The existing meta-analyses primarily focused on assessing the influence of posterior malleolar fragment morphology on clinical outcomes, 6 or exclusively examined the juxtaposition between plate/screw fixation for substantially sized (> 25%) PMFs in posterior approaches, 20 omitting the fixation alternatives employing an anterior approach. ...
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Aims The optimal management of posterior malleolar ankle fractures, a prevalent type of ankle trauma, is essential for improved prognosis. However, there remains a debate over the most effective surgical approach, particularly between screw and plate fixation methods. This study aims to investigate the differences in outcomes associated with these fixation techniques. Methods We conducted a comprehensive review of clinical trials comparing anteroposterior (A-P) screws, posteroanterior (P-A) screws, and plate fixation. Two investigators validated the data sourced from multiple databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Web of Science). Following PRISMA guidelines, we carried out a network meta-analysis (NMA) using visual analogue scale and American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Score (AOFAS) as primary outcomes. Secondary outcomes included range of motion limitations, radiological outcomes, and complication rates. Results The NMA encompassed 13 studies, consisting of four randomized trials and eight retrospective ones. According to the surface under the cumulative ranking curve-based ranking, the A-P screw was ranked highest for improvements in AOFAS and exhibited lowest in infection and peroneal nerve injury incidence. The P-A screws, on the other hand, excelled in terms of VAS score improvements. Conversely, posterior buttress plate fixation showed the least incidence of osteoarthritis grade progression, postoperative articular step-off ≥ 2 mm, nonunions, and loss of ankle dorsiflexion ≥ 5°, though it underperformed in most other clinical outcomes. Conclusion The NMA suggests that open plating is more likely to provide better radiological outcomes, while screw fixation may have a greater potential for superior functional and pain results. Nevertheless, clinicians should still consider the fragment size and fracture pattern, weighing the advantages of rigid biomechanical fixation against the possibility of soft-tissue damage, to optimize treatment results. Cite this article: Bone Jt Open 2024;5(3):227–235.
... After recognition of the importance of the posterior malleolus to syndesmosis stability, the indications for fixation of PMFs have expanded; they now account for the biomechanical importance of the posterior malleolus rather than the absolute size of the fragment. 1 In addition, given that there is an approximately 50% incidence of PMFs in association with spiral distal tibia fractures, most surgeons recommend prophylactic fixation to prevent displacement during tibial nailing. 2 Techniques for fixation of PMFs include open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) through a posterolateral ankle approach using a buttress plate and/or lag screws or insertion of anterior-to-posterior (AP) lag screws. Both techniques are limited in that they require dissection for safe insertion either posteriorly in the case of an ORIF or anteriorly in the case of an AP lag screw; moreover, the AP screw is not biomechanically strong as it relies on the distal aspect of the screw to capture the posterior malleolar fracture fragment and there is not reliable targeting of the center of the PMF fragment. ...
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Posterior malleolus fractures (PMFs) (OTA 43B1.1) are frequently seen in combination with fractures of the fibula, medial malleolus, and distal tibia; they can rarely be seen in isolation. PMFs affect the alignment of the ankle mortise and the stability of syndesmosis. Techniques described for fixation of PMFs include open reduction internal fixation through a posterolateral or posteromedial approach or anterior-to-posterior screw fixation. For selected minimally displaced or nondisplaced fractures of the posterior malleolus, we developed a percutaneous technique through the Achilles tendon for the insertion of a posterior-to-anterior cannulated screw. The technique is described, and a clinical series is reviewed.
... 7,13,14,20 Fracture characteristics such as multifragmentation, interposed fragments, involvement of the incisura, and concomitant ankle injuries also play a role in the treatment decision-making process. 2,3,24 Numerous techniques exist for fixation of posterior malleolus fractures. Open reduction and internal fixation permits direct visualization of the fracture to facilitate anatomic reduction and improves the ability to address incarcerated fragments. ...
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Background Operative decision making between approaches to posterior malleolus reduction remains a challenge. The purpose of this study is to compare the quality of reduction between percutaneous and open reduction of posterior malleolus fractures and to identify factors associated with malreduction. Methods Operatively managed ankle fractures that included posterior malleolus fixation were reviewed. Fracture characteristics were determined on preoperative CT scans. Initial postoperative radiographs were used to measure reduction of the posterior malleolus articular surface and graded as satisfactory (<2 mm step-off) or malreduced (≥2 mm step-off). Final postoperative PROMIS scores and 1-year complications were compared between percutaneous and open cohorts. A multivariate stepwise regression model was used to evaluate predictors for malreduction. Results A total of 120 patients were included. Open reduction was performed in 91 (75.8%) compared with 29 (24.2%) who underwent percutaneous reduction. Malreduction (≥2-mm articular step-off) occurred in 11.7% of patients. Malreduction rates were significantly higher with percutaneous fixation than open fixation (24.1% vs 7.7%, P = .02). Multiple fragments and those with ≥5 mm of displacement demonstrated higher malreduction rates with percutaneous fixation (P < .05 for both), whereas single fragments and those with <5 mm of displacement experienced similar malreduction rates with percutaneous or open fixation. Initial displacement ≥5 mm (relative risk [RR] = 3.8, 95% CI = 1.2-11.5, P = .02) and percutaneous treatment (RR = 4.1, 95% CI = 1.6-10.5, P < .01) were identified as independent risk factors for malreduction. There were no significant differences in 1-year complication rates or final PROMIS scores between groups. Conclusion Open reduction of the posterior malleolus may lead to improved fracture reduction compared to percutaneous reduction without significant increase in complications. Open fixation improves reduction among fractures with multiple fragments or ≥5 mm of displacement, whereas fractures with a single fragment or <5 mm of displacement achieve similar reductions regardless of approach. Initial displacement ≥5 mm and percutaneous reduction are independent risk factors for malreduction. Level of evidence Level III, therapeutic.
Background: Three main computed tomography (CT)–based classification systems have been defined and used for posterior malleolar fractures. The intraobserver and interobserver reliability of two of these systems has never been investigated. The aim of this study was to investigate the intraobserver and interobserver reliability of the Haraguchi (HC) and Bartoníček-Rammelt (BRC) classifications. Methods: Axial and sagittal CT sections and three-dimensional reconstruction images of 60 fractures were evaluated twice by six observers at a 6-week interval. Cohen κ values for intraobserver reliability and Fleiss κ values for interobserver reliability were calculated. Results: The interobserver reliability of the HC was fair in both assessments (Fleiss κ: 0.263 and 0.249 for the first and second evaluations, respectively). The interobserver reliability of the BRC was moderate in both evaluations (Fleiss κ: 0.535 and 0.447, respectively). The intraobserver reliability values (Cohen κ) of the HC were determined to be between 0.532 and 0.927 for the six observers. These values indicated moderate agreement for one observer, substantial for four, and very good for one. Intraobserver reliability values for the BRC were determined to be between Cohen κ of 0.626 and 0.884. Based on these values, the BRC's intraobserver reliability indicated substantial agreement for two observers and very good for four observers. Conclusions: Intraobserver and interobserver reliability values of the BRC were higher than those of the HC.
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Aims: There has been an evolution recently in the management of unstable fractures of the ankle with a trend towards direct fixation of a posterior malleolar fragment. Within these fractures, Haraguchi type 2 fractures extend medially and often cannot be fixed using a standard posterolateral approach. Our aim was to describe the posteromedial approach to address these fractures and to assess its efficacy and safety. Patients and methods: We performed a review of 15 patients with a Haraguchi type 2 posterior malleolar fracture which was fixed using a posteromedial approach. Five patients underwent initial temporary spanning external fixation. The outcome was assessed at a median follow-up of 29 months (interquartile range (IQR) 17 to 36) using the Olerud and Molander score and radiographs were assessed for the quality of the reduction. Results: The median Olerud and Molander score was 72 (IQR 70 to 75), representing a good functional outcome. The reduction was anatomical in ten, with a median step of 1.2 mm (IQR 0.9 to 1.85) in the remaining five patients. One patient had parasthaesiae affecting the medial forefoot, which resolved within three months. Conclusion: We found that the posteromedial approach to the ankle for the surgical treatment of Haraguchi type 2 posterior malleolar fractures is a safe technique that enables good visualisation and reduction of the individual fracture fragments with promising early outcomes. Cite this article: Bone Joint J 2017;99-B:1496-1501.
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Background Guidelines for treatment of the posterior fracture fragment in trimalleolar fractures are scarce and show varying advices. Did the increasing size of the posterior fragment seem to relate to worse outcome in the past, nowadays this has changed to the amount of dislocation of the posterior fragment post-operatively. Despite many retrospective cohort studies and some prospective cohort studies, no consistent guideline could be derived from the current literature. Methods The POSTFIX-study is designed as a multicenter randomized clinical trial to analyse the effects of anatomical reduction and fixation of the posterior fragment in AO 44-B3 fractures with medium-sized posterior fragment. A total of 84 patients will be included and online allocated to either anatomical reduction and fixation of the posterior fragment via the posterolateral approach (n = 42) or no fixation of the posterior fragment (n = 42). The concomitant fractured medial and lateral malleoli are treated according to the AO-principles. Functionality of the ankle as measured by the AAOS-questionnaire (American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons) 1 year post-operatively was set as primary outcome. Main secondary outcome measures are the AAOS-questionnaire 5 years postoperatively and osteoarthritis as measured on plain radiographs 1 year and 5 years post-operatively. The Olerud and Molander score, the AOFAS-score, the VAS-pain, the Euroqol-5D and Range of Motion by physical examination will also be evaluated during the follow-up period. DiscussionThe POSTFIX-trial is the first high quality multicenter randomized clinical trial worldwide to analyse the effects of anatomical fixation of the posterior fragment in trimalleolar fractures. New guidelines on anatomical reduction and fixation of the posterior fragment can in future be based on the results of this trial. Trial registrationThis trial is registered on with reference number: NCT02596529. Registered 3 November 2015, retrospectively registered.
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BackgroundA lateral approach with open reduction and internal fixation with a plate is a very effective technique for the majority of distal fibular fractures. However, this open approach for ankle fixation may be complicated by wound dehiscence and infection, especially in high-risk patients. An alternative to plating is an intramedullary implant, which allows maintenance of length, alignment, and rotation and which allows for decreased soft tissue dissection. While there has been clinical data suggesting favorable short-term outcomes with these implants, there is no current biomechanical literature investigating this technology in this particular fracture pattern. This study sought to biomechanically compare an emerging technology with an established method of fixation for distal fibular fractures that traditionally require an extensive exposure. Methods Ten matched cadaveric pairs from the proximal tibia to the foot were prepared to simulate an Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthesefragen/Orthopaedic Trauma Association (AO/OTA) 44C2 ankle fracture and randomized to fixation with a distal fibular locking plate or intramedullary fibular rod. A constant 700-N axial load was applied, and all specimens underwent testing for external rotation stiffness, external rotation cyclic loading, and torque to failure. The syndesmotic diastasis, stiffness, torque to failure, angle at failure, and mode of failure were obtained from each specimen. ResultsThere was no significant difference in syndesmotic diastasis during cyclic loading or at maximal external rotation between the rod and plate groups. Post-cycle external rotation stiffness across the syndesmosis was significantly higher for the locking plate than the fibular rod. There was no significant difference between the rod and plate in torque at failure or external rotation angle. The majority of specimens had failure at the syndesmotic screw. Conclusions In the present cadaveric study of an AO/OTA 44C2 ankle fracture, a modern fibular rod demonstrated less external rotation stiffness while maintaining the syndesmotic diastasis to within acceptable tolerances and having similar failure characteristics.
Background: Ankle fractures with syndesmotic injury treated via standard trans-syndesmotic fixation have a high percentage of syndesmotic malreduction. ¹⁰ We established a protocol involving both direct syndesmosis visualization and meticulous tibial incisura reconstruction via the posterior malleolus fracture fragment, when present, via the attached, intact PITFL, then compared this with historic controls to assess improvement after this type of syndesmosis reconstruction. Materials and Methods: One hundred forty-nine consecutive direct visualization patients were treated prospectively with either open posterior malleolus reduction and fixation, regardless of fragment size (“PM”: 38 patients), or, with no posterior malleolar fracture, open fixation with locked syndesmotic screws (“S”: 97 patients); fracture-dislocations combined both fixation types (“C”: 16 patients). The syndesmosis was opened and debrided in all. All patients had preoperative MRI and postoperative CT. Distances between the fibula and anterior and posterior incisura facets were measured on axial CT. An incongruent joint was defined as an A-P difference greater than 2 mm. Our historic controls were 25 patients previously fixed via indirect, fluoroscopic reduction and syndesmotic screws. Results: In the direct visualization group, 24 ankles (16%) had incongruity, compared with 13 controls (52%). The average difference between anterior and posterior colliculi measurements between PM and C was significant ( p = 0.017). Conclusion: Malreductions were significantly decreased in the direct visualization group. However, our reduction sometimes remains imprecise, even with direct visualization and attention to detail. Also, posterior malleolar reconstruction was more accurate than syndesmotic screw fixation in our study.
Background: We performed a biomechanical comparison of 2 methods for operative stabilization of pronation-abduction stage III ankle fractures; group 1: Anterior-posterior lag screws fixing the posterior tibial fragment and lateral fibula plating (LSLFP) versus group 2: locked plate fixation of the posterior tibial fragment and posterior antiglide plate fixation of the fibula (LPFP). Methods: Seven pairs of fresh-frozen osteoligamentous lower leg specimens (2 male, and 5 female donors) were used for the biomechanical testing. Bone mineral density (BMD) of each specimen was assessed by means of dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. After open transection of the deltoid ligament, an osteotomy model of pronation abduction stage III ankle fracture was created. Specimens were systematically assigned to LSLFP (group 1, left ankles) or LPPFP (group 2, right ankles). After surgery, all specimens were evaluated via CT to verify reduction and fixation. Axial load was then applied onto each specimen using a servohydraulic testing machine starting from 0 N (Zwick/Roell, Ulm, Germany) at a speed of 10 N/s with the foot fixed in a 10 degrees pronation and 15 degrees dorsiflexion position. Construct stiffness, yield, and ultimate strength were measured and dislocation patterns were documented with a high-speed camera. The normal distribution of all data was analyzed using Shapiro-Wilk test. The group comparison was performed using paired Student t test. Statistical significance was assumed at a P value of .05. Results: All specimens had BMD values consistent with osteoporosis. BMD values did not differ between the left and right ankles of the same pair ( P = .762). The mean BMD values between feet of men (0.603 g/cm(2)) and women (0.329 g/cm(2)) were statistically different ( P = .005). The ultimate strength for LSLFP (group 1) with 1139 ± 669 N and LPPFP (group 2) with 2008 ± 943 N was statistically different ( P = .036) as well as the yield in LSLFP (group 1) 812 ± 452 N and LPPFD (group 2) 1292 ± 625 N ( P = .016). Construct stiffness trended to be higher in group 2 (179 ± 100 kNn) compared to group 1 (127 ± 73 kN/m) but this difference was not statistically significant ( P = .120). BMD correlated with bone-construct failure. Conclusion: Fixation of the posterior tibial edge with a posterolateral locking plate resulted in higher biomechanical stability than anterior-posterior lag screw fixation in an osteoporotic pronation-abduction fracture model. Clinical relevance: The clinical implication of this biomechanical study is that the posterior antiglide plating might be advantageous in patients with osteoporotic pronation abduction stage III ankle fracture.
Stable fractures of the ankle can be safely treated non-operatively. It is also gradually being recognised that the integrity of the ‘medial column’ is essential for the stability of the fracture. It is generally thought that bi- and tri-malleolar fractures are unstable, as are pronation external rotation injuries resulting in an isolated high fibular fracture (Weber type-C), where the deltoid ligament is damaged or the medial malleolus fractured. However, how best to identify unstable, isolated, trans-syndesmotic Weber type-B supination external rotation (SER) fractures of the lateral malleolus remains controversial. We provide a rationale as to how to classify SER distal fibular fractures using weight-bearing radiographs, and how this can help guide the management of these common injuries. Cite this article: Bone Joint J 2017;99-B:851–5.
Background: A short questionnaire on functional status was designed for use in community-based outcome studies and in the management of individual patients who have musculoskeletal disease. As most musculoskeletal care is delivered in community practices, short, validated instruments are necessary to perform clinical studies on the effectiveness of treatment in this setting. Methods: A forty-six-item questionnaire was created as an extension of the work to develop the longer, 101-item Musculoskeletal Function Assessment (MFA) questionnaire. The Short Musculoskeletal Function Assessment (SMFA) questionnaire consists of the dysfunction index, which has thirty-four items for the assessment of patient function, and the bother index, which has twelve items for the assessment of how much patients are bothered by functional problems. The SMFA questionnaire was evaluated for reliability, validity, and responsiveness in a population of 420 patients who had a musculoskeletal disease or injury. Results: The SMFA questionnaire demonstrated excellent internal consistency and stability, with most values greater than 0.90. Content validity for the dysfunction and bother indexes was supported with very little skew (less than 1.00), few ceiling effects (less than 5 percent), and no floor effects. Convergent validity was supported with significant correlations between the SMFA dysfunction and bother indexes and the physicians' ratings of patient function (for example, activities of daily living, recreational and leisure activities, and emotional function [rho ≥ 0.40]) and standard clinical measures (for example, grip strength and walking speed [r ≥ 0.40]). Convergent and discriminant construct validity of the SMFA indexes were demonstrated (p < 0.01) in comparisons with clinical, demographic, Short Form-36 (SF-36), and life-change data. The responsiveness of the SMFA questionnaire to change over time was demonstrated with standardized response means ranging from moderate (0.76) to large (-1.14) for patients who had changes in health status. Conclusions: The SMFA questionnaire may be used for clinical assessments of the impact of treatment in groups of patients who have musculoskeletal disease or injury. It also may be used in clinical settings to provide reliable and valid assessments of the health status of an individual patient.
Posterior malleolus fractures vary in morphology. A computed tomography scan is imperative to evaluate fragment size, comminution, articular impaction, and syndesmotic disruption. Despite an increasing body of literature regarding posterior malleolus fractures, many questions remain unanswered. Although, historically, fragment size guided surgical fixation, it is becoming evident that fragment size should not solely dictate treatment. Surgical treatment should focus on restoring ankle joint structural integrity, which includes restoring articular congruity, correcting posterior talar translation, addressing articular impaction, removing osteochondral debris, and establishing syndesmotic stability.