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Genetic Programming with a Genetic Algorithm for Feature Construction and Selection


Abstract and Figures

The use of machine learning techniques to automatically analyse data for information is becoming increasingly widespread. In this paper we primarily examine the use of Genetic Programming and a Genetic Algorithm to pre-process data before it is classified using the C4.5 decision tree learning algorithm. Genetic Programming is used to construct new features from those available in the data, a potentially significant process for data mining since it gives consideration to hidden relationships between features. A Genetic Algorithm is used to determine which such features are the most predictive. Using ten well-known datasets we show that our approach, in comparison to C4.5 alone, provides marked improvement in a number of cases. We then examine its use with other well-known machine learning techniques.
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Genetic Programming with a Genetic Algorithm for Feature
Construction and Selection
Matthew G. Smith and Larry Bull
Faculty of Computing, Engineering & Mathematical Sciences,
University of the West of England, Bristol BS16 1QY, U.K.,
Abstract. The use of machine learning techniques to automatically analyse data for information is
becoming increasingly widespread. In this paper we primarily examine the use of Genetic
Programming and a Genetic Algorithm to pre-process data before it is classified using the C4.5
decision tree learning algorithm. Genetic Programming is used to construct new features from
those available in the data, a potentially significant process for data mining since it gives
consideration to hidden relationships between features. A Genetic Algorithm is used to determine
which such features are the most predictive. Using ten well-known datasets we show that our
approach, in comparison to C4.5 alone, provides marked improvement in a number of cases. We
then examine its use with other well-known machine learning techniques.
1. Introduction
Classification is one of the major tasks in machine learning [17], involving the prediction of class
value based on information about some other attributes. The process is a form of inductive learning
whereby a set of pre-classified training examples are presented to an algorithm which must then
generalise from the training set to correctly categorise unseen examples. One of the most commonly
used forms of classification technique is the decision tree learning algorithm C4.5 [19]. In this paper we
examine the use of Genetic Programming (GP) [14, 4] and a Genetic Algorithm (GA) [10] to improve
the performance of, initially, C4.5 through feature construction and feature selection. Feature
construction is a process that aims to discover hidden relationships between features, inferring new
composite features. In contrast, feature selection is a process that aims to refine the list of features used
thereby removing potential sources of noise and ambiguity. We use GP individuals consisting of a
number of separate trees/automatically defined functions (ADFs) [14] to construct features for C4.5. A
GA is then used to select over the combined set of original and constructed features for a final hybrid
C4.5 classifier system. In an effort to reduce over-fitting the train data is randomly reordered between
the two stages. Results show that the system is able to outperform standard C4.5 on a number of
datasets held at the UCI repository ( We then
show how similar benefits are obtained for the k-nearest neighbour algorithm [1] and Naïve Bayes [11].
Raymer et al. [20] have used ADFs for feature extraction in conjunction with the k-nearest-
neighbour algorithm. Feature extraction replaces an original feature with the result from passing it
through a functional mapping. In Raymer et al.’s approach, as with the algorithm presented here, for
problems with n features individuals consist of n ADFs whose fitness is evaluated using an external
classifier. However in Raymer et al.’s approach each ADF is based on a single feature and evolved for
that feature only, with the aim of increasing the separation of pattern classes in the feature space in
our approach each ADF may be constructed from multiple features. Ahluwalia and Bull [2] extended
Raymer et al.’s approach by coevolving the ADFs for each feature and adding an extra coevolving GA
population of feature selectors; extraction and selection occurred simultaneously in n+1 populations
(this is in contrast to the single population in the approach presented here, with (initially) creation and
selection in separate stages). Amit and Geman [3] have explored the joint induction of binary features
and tree classifiers for shape recognition. They grow multiple decision trees where the non-terminal
nodes are binary features based on the spatial relationships of image ‘tags’ and the terminal nodes are
labelled with an estimate of the conditional distribution over the shape classes. For other (early)
examples of evolutionary computation approaches to data mining see [21, 12] for GA-based feature
selection approaches using k-nearest-neighbour, and [9] for an overview of a special edition of the
journal of Machine Learning Research on Variable and Feature Selection. Vafaie and DeJong [23] have
combined GP and a GA for use with C4.5. They used the GA to perform feature selection for a face
recognition dataset where feature subsets were evaluated through their use by C4.5. GP individuals
were then evolved which contained a variable number of ADFs to construct new features from the
selected subset, again using C4.5. Our approach is very similar to Vafaie and DeJong’s but initially the
feature operations are reversed such that feature construction occurs before selection (and later the two
stages are combined). We find that our approach performs as well or better than Vafaie and DeJong’s.
More recent work using GP to construct features for use by C4.5 includes that of Otero et al. [18].
They use a population of GP trees to evolve a single new feature using information gain as the fitness
measure (this is the criteria used by C4.5 to select attributes to test at each node of the decision tree).
This produces a single feature that attempts to cover as many instances as possible – a feature that aims
to be generally useful and which is appended to the set of original features for use by C4.5. Ekárt and
Márkus [8] use GP to evolve new features that are useful at specific points in the decision tree by
working interactively with C4.5. They do this by invoking a GP algorithm when constructing a new
node in the decision tree – e.g., when a leaf node incorrectly classifies some instances. Information gain
is again used as the fitness criterion but the GP is trained only on those instances relevant at that node
of the tree.
Krawiec [15] also uses GP to construct new features for use by C4.5 but instead of using
information gain as the fitness criterion uses, like the technique presented here, the “so-called wrapper
approach [13] where the evaluation consists of multiple train-and-test experiments carried out [with]
the same inducer that is used to create the final classifier”[15] (the train and test sets used in such cross-
validation are sometimes referred to as train-train and train-test as they are drawn only form the train
set). Krawiec justifies the additional computational expense involved by reporting Kohavi and Johns
[13] findings that “although computationally demanding … [the wrapper approach] seems to out-
perform other methods on most tasks”. Krawiec’s algorithm produces a fixed number of new features
(4 in the experiments shown) which replace the original set of features without any subsequent
selection. Krawiec also extends the algorithm with the concept of features that are hidden from the
evolutionary process to preserve them from destruction. These features (2 in the experiments shown)
are selected according to the number of times they appear in the decision trees constructed during
fitness evaluation. While Krawiec’s approach bears some similarity with the algorithm presented here,
there are a number of differences: the fixed number of new features introduces a parameter that must be
altered for each new problem (whilst the algorithm presented here specifies a minimum number of
features the actual number rises and falls with the number of original features in the dataset); it does not
involve any subset selection (other than the implicit selection of original features by their presence in
the ADFs); nor does it appear to allow for the inclusion of any original features found to be useful.
Song et al. [22] have used Subset Selection with Genetic Programming to avoid overfitting by
individuals to specific subsets, and also to make training on a very large dataset more efficient. Here,
we present the entire train set at all times (there is no attempt to make the training more efficient in the
same manner as Song et al.) but present the set in a different order at different times (so as to create
different train-train and train-test sets during cross-validation) to reduce overfitting by individuals to
the train set.
This paper is arranged as follows: the next section describes the initial approach; section 3 presents
results from its use on a number of well-known datasets and discusses the results. This is followed by
some amendments to the algorithm and further results; finally section 4 presents some conclusions and
future directions.
2. The GAP Algorithm
In this work we have used the WEKA [24] implementation of C4.5, known as J48, to examine the
performance of our Genetic Algorithm and Programming (GAP) approach. This is a wrapper approach,
in which the fitness of individuals is evaluated by performing 10-fold cross validation using the same
inducer as used to create the final classifier: C4.5(J48). The approach consists of two phases:
2.1 Feature Creation
An initial population of 101 genotypes is created at random. Each genotype consists of n trees,
where n is the number of numeric valued attributes in the dataset, subject to a minimum of 7. This
minimum is chosen to ensure that, for datasets with a small number of numeric features, the initial
population contains a sufficient number of compound features. A tree can be either an original feature
or an ADF. That is, a genotype consists of n GP trees (where n is the number of attributes in the
original dataset, but at least 7), each of which may contain 1 or more nodes. The chance of a node
being a leaf node (a primitive attribute) is determined by:
( )
Where depth is the depth of the tree at the current node. Hence a root node will have a depth of 1,
and therefore a probability of 0.5 of being a leaf node. Nodes at depth 2 will have a 0.67 probability of
being a leaf node, and so on. If a node is a leaf node, it takes the value of one of the original features
chosen at random. Otherwise, a function is randomly chosen from the set {*, /, +, -, %} and two child
nodes are generated. In this manner there is no absolute limit placed on the depth any one tree may
reach but the average depth is limited. This initialisation method was compared against the well known
ramped half and half method - this is discussed further in section 3.3.
During the initial creation no two trees in a single genotype are allowed to be alike, though this
restriction is not enforced in later stages. Additionally, nodes with –‘, %’ or ‘/’ for functions cannot
have child nodes that are equal to each other. In order to enforce this child nodes within a function ‘*’
or ‘+’ are ordered alphabetically to enable comparison (e.g. [width + length] will become [length +
width]). For the sake of simplicity, no random constants are used.
Figure 1: Sample Genotype
An individual is evaluated by constructing a new dataset with one feature for each tree in the
genotype. During calculation of instance values the result of any invalid calculation (e.g. division by 0,
or a calculation involving a missing value) is replaced by zero. The resulting dataset is then passed to a
C4.5(J48) classifier (using default parameters), whose performance on the dataset is evaluated using
10-fold cross validation
. The percentage correct is then assigned to the individual and used as the
fitness score.
Once the initial population has been evaluated, several generations of selection, crossover, mutation
and evaluation are performed. After each evaluation, if the fittest individual in the current generation is
fitter than the fittest so far, a copy of it is set aside and the generation noted. The fittest genotype is
always copied unchanged into the next generation. We use tournament selection to select the parents of
the next generation, with two-point crossover possibly occurring between the ADFs of the two selected
parents (whole trees are exchanged between genotypes)
. There is an additional chance that crossover
will occur between two ADFs at a randomly chosen locus (sub-trees are exchanged between trees at the
same position in each parent). Mutation may occur at any node, whereby a randomly created subtree
Genotypes have a minimum of 7 trees, but only 4 are shown here due to space constraints. The sample genotype
has been constructed using a very simple dataset with 3 attributes – Area, Length and Width.
This cross-validation is performed using the supplied train set only – it does not involve any data later used to test
the effectiveness of the algorithm.
Tests using this algorithm have shown no significant difference between two-point crossover with inversion and
uniform crossover. Of ten datasets tested, 5 showed a higher fitness with two-point crossover and inversion and
5 a lower fitness, with no significant difference overall. Similar results were obtained comparing two-point
crossover with inversion and uniform crossover with inversion.
replaces the selected node. We also use a form of inversion where the order of the trees between two
randomly chosen loci is reversed.
The evolutionary process continues until a minimum number of generations have passed and the
fittest genotype has reached a specific age. There is no maximum generation, but in practice very rarely
have more than 50 generations been necessary, and often fewer than 30 are required. This is still a
lengthy process, as performing 10-fold cross validation for each member of the population is very
processor intensive. The extra time required can justified by the improvement in the results over using,
e.g., a single train and test set (results not shown). Information Gain, the fitness criterion employed by
both Otero and Ekárt, is much faster but is only applicable to a single feature it cannot provide the
fitness criterion for a set of features.
Once the termination criteria have been met the fittest individual is used to seed the feature selection
2.2 Feature Selection
The fittest individual from the feature creation stage (ties broken randomly) is analysed to see if any
of the original features do not appear. If some initial attributes do not appear as elementary (single
node) trees, they are added to the genotype as elementary trees. This genotype (with the same size as
the fittest individual, plus at most the initial number of attributes) replaces the initial individual and is
used as the basis of the second stage.
For the GA a population of 101 bit strings is randomly created. The strings have the same number of
bits as the genotype has trees there is one bit for every attribute in the extended genotype. The last
member of the population, the 101
bit string, is not randomly created but is initialised to all ones. This
ensures that there are no missing alleles at the start of the selection process.
A new dataset is constructed with one attribute for every tree in the extended genotype. In an
attempt to reduce over-fitting of the data, the order of the dataset is randomly reordered at this point.
This has the effect of providing a different split of the data for 10-fold cross validation during the
selection stage, giving the algorithm a chance of recognising trees that performed well only on the
particular data partition in the creation stage. As a result of the reordering, it is usually the case that the
fitness score of individuals drops at the start of the selection stage before improving again. Often
individuals in the selection stage fail to reach the same fitness levels as seen in the construction stage,
but solutions should be more robust.
Each bit string is evaluated by taking a copy of the parent dataset and removing every attribute that
has a 0’ in the corresponding position in the bit string. As in the feature creation stage, this dataset is
then passed to a C4.5(J48) classifier whose performance on the dataset is evaluated using 10-fold cross
validation. The percentage correct is then assigned to the bit string and used as the fitness score.
If the fittest individual in the current generation has a higher fitness score than the fittest so far (from
the selection stage), or it has the same fitness score and fewer ‘1’s, a copy of it is set aside and the
generation noted. As in the feature creation stage the cycles of selection, crossover, mutation, and
evaluation continue until a minimum number of generations have passed and the fittest genotype has
reached a specific age.
2.3 Experimental Settings
The parameter settings used in the experiments were as follows (except where otherwise noted in the
Population size: 101 (this is the same for both stages).
Tournament selection: Group size of 8, with a probability of 0.3 of selecting the fittest of
the group (otherwise a ‘winner’ is selected at random from the tournament group).
Tournament selection is the same for both stages.
Crossover: The probability of crossover is 0.6. (This probability applies separately to two-
point crossover exchanging complete trees between individuals and to crossover
exchanging sub-trees between trees). Two-point crossover is the same for both stages.
Mutation: There is a probability of 0.008 per node that the node will be replaced by a new
sub-tree during the construction stage, and a probability of 0.005 per bit that the bit will be
flipped during the selection stage.
Inversion: Inversion occurs with a probability of 0.2 per individual. Inversion is the same
for both stages.
Termination criteria: At least 10 generations have passed, and the fittest individual is at
least 6 generations old. The termination criteria are the same for both stages.
Experimentation on varying these parameters (not shown) has found the algorithm to be fairly robust
to their setting.
3. Experimentation
The experiments outlined in this section had a number of goals: 1) to assess the utility of the GAP
algorithm as a feature construction method for C4.5; 2) to compare the effects of the initialisation
method outlined above with ramped half and half; 3) to compare different orders for the create and
select stages; 4) to see if creation and selection could be successfully combined in a single stage; 5) to
see if the GAP algorithm could be successfully applied to classifiers other than C4.5.
We have used ten well-known data sets from the UCI repository to examine the performance of the
GAP algorithm. The UCI datasets were chosen because they consisted entirely of numeric attributes
(though the algorithm can handle some nominal attributes, as long as there are two or more numeric
attributes – it ignores the presence of the nominal attributes, but does pass them to C4.5(J48)). Table 1
shows the details of the ten datasets used here.
Table 1: UCI dataset information.
# Numeric
# Nominal
# Classes #
# Instances
with missing
BUPA Liver Disorder (Liver) 6
Glass Identification (Glass) 9
Ionosphere (Iono.) 34
New Thyroid (NT) 5
Pima Indians Diabetes (Diab.) 8
Sonar 60
Vehicle 18
Wine Recognition (Wine) 13
Wisconsin Breast Cancer – New
(WBC New)
Wisconsin Breast Cancer – Original
(WBC Orig.)
For performance comparisons the tests were performed twenty times on each dataset (in which 90%
of the data was used for training and 10% withheld for testing in each run).
3.1 Initial Results
The highest classification score for each dataset is shown in Table 2 in bold underline. The first
column shows the performance of the GAP algorithm on unseen test data, the third column the
performance of C4.5(J48) on test data, and the last column shows the results of the paired t-test. T-test
results that are significant at the 95% confidence level are shown in bold.
The GAP algorithm out-performs C4.5(J48) on eight out of ten datasets, and provides a significant
improvement on three (Glass Identification, New Thyroid, and Wisconsin Breast Cancer Original)
two of which are significant at the 99% confidence level. There are no datasets on which the GAP
algorithm performs significantly worse than C4.5(J48) alone.
The standard deviation of the GAP algorithm’s results do not seem to differ greatly from that of
C4.5(J48); there are five datasets where the GAP algorithms’ standard deviation is greater and five
where it is smaller. This is perhaps the most surprising aspect of the results, given that the GAP
algorithm is unlikely to produce the same result twice when presented with exactly the same data,
whereas C4.5(J48) will always give the same result if presented with the same data.
Table 2: Comparative performance of GAP algorithm and C4.5 (J48).
S.D. C4.5 (J48) S.D.
Paired t-test
65.97 11.27
8.86 -0.22
9.86 68.28 8.86
89.38 4.76
4.79 -0.34
4.17 92.31 4.14
4.23 73.32 5.25 0.19
11.29 73.86 10.92 0.05
4.72 72.22 3.33 0.20
5.66 93.27 5.70 0.85
(WBC New)
2.89 93.88 4.22 1.87
(WBC Orig.)
1.58 94.42 3.05
Overall Average
83.12 81.77 2.91
3.2 Analysis
We were interested in whether the improvement over C4.5(J48) is simply the result of the selection
stage choosing an improved subset of features and discarding the new constructed features. An analysis
of the attributes output by the GAP classifier algorithm, and the use made of them in C4.5’s decision
trees, shows this is not the case.
As noted above, the results in Table 2 were obtained from twenty runs on each of ten UCI datasets,
i.e. a total of two hundred individual solutions. In those two hundred individuals there are a total of
2,425 trees: 982 ADFs and 1,443 original features - a ratio of roughly two constructed features to three
original features. All but two of the two hundred individuals contained at least one constructed feature.
Table 4 gives details of the average number of ADFs per individual for each dataset (the number of
original features used is not shown).
Table 3: Analysis of the constructed features for each data set.
Dataset Results
# Features in
Average # Features
Average # ADFs
Minimum # ADFs
Liver 6
Glass 9
Iono. 34
NT 5
Diab. 8
Sonar 60
Vehicle 18
Wine 13
(WBC New) 30
(WBC Orig.) 9
Knowing that the feature selection stage continues as long as there is a reduction in the number of
attributes without reducing the fitness score, we can assume that C4.5(J48) is making good use of all
the attributes in most if not all of the winning individuals. This can be demonstrated by looking in
detail at the attributes in a single solution, and the decision tree created by C4.5(J48).
One of the best performers on the New Thyroid dataset had three trees, two of them ADFs and hence
constructed features. The original dataset contains five features and the class:
a. T3-resin uptake test. (A percentage)
b. Total Serum thyroxin as measured by the isotopic displacement method.
c. Total serum triiodothyronine as measured by radioimmuno assay.
d. Basal thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) as measured by radioimmuno assay.
e. Maximal absolute difference of TSH value after injection of 200 micro grams of
thyrotropin-releasing hormone as compared to the basal value.
Class attribute. (1 = normal, 2 = hyper, 3 = hypo)
In the chosen example the newly constructed features were:
“e” becomes Tree0
“((a/d)*b)” becomes Tree1
“(b/a)” becomes Tree2
The decision tree created by C4.5 using these constructed features is shown in figure 2 (the numbers
after the class prediction indicate the count of instances correctly / incorrectly classified by that node).
Figure 2: New Thyroid Decision tree using constructed features
It is apparent that C4.5(J48) is using the constructed features to classify a large majority of the
instances, and only referring to an original feature (Tree0, or the original feature “e”) to classify 50 of
215 instances. The decision tree is also simpler than that created using the five original features (figure
3) – 11 nodes compared with 17, while using only four of the five original features (the original feature
“c” is not used in the construction of the new feature set).
Figure 3: New Thyroid Decision tree using original attributes
3.3 Comparison of the Initialisation Method with Ramped Half and Half
As mentioned previously, we compared the performance of the initialisation method outlined in
section 2.1 (hereafter referred to as P(leaf)) with the Ramped Half and Half method. As can be seen in
table 4, ramped half and half provides significantly improved fitness scores (with a better fitness in 8 of
10 datasets tested), but this results in a lower average test score (test scores are lower in 7 of ten
Table 4: Comparing the Initialisation method with Ramped Half and Half.
75.04 2.37 78.10 1.59 65.97 11.27 66.52 9.26
80.12 2.30 73.74 9.86 68.83 11.03
95.99 0.87 95.89 1.04 89.38 4.76 89.62 4.99
98.22 0.68 98.94 0.46 96.27 4.17 94.47 4.81
78.15 0.96 79.65 0.92 73.50 4.23 73.82 4.43
92.33 1.27 92.23 2.68 73.98 11.29 73.16 11.94
78.82 1.21 79.33 1.76 72.46 4.72 72.28 5.00
98.47 0.80 99.13 0.68 94.68 5.66 93.86 7.49
(WBC New)
97.86 0.47 98.55 0.42 95.62 2.89 94.65 3.07
(WBC Orig.)
97.65 0.38 98.05 0.28 95.63 1.58 95.63 2.28
Overall Average
89.07 90.00 83.12 82.28
Comparing the size and number of trees in the solutions generated using the different methods
provides a possible explanation the solutions generated with ramped half and half have on average
0.88 more trees and 3.6 more nodes per tree than the solutions generated with P(leaf). We speculate
that the extra nodes have the same effect as too many nodes in an artificial neural network causing
the solutions to overfit the data.
3.4 Computational Effort
As this algorithm employs a wrapper approach it is computationally expensive when compared to
C4.5 alone (though for an embarked application only the best feature set would be used, and the
computational effort would differ from C4.5 only in the time taken to transform the dataset). For
instance on the New Thyroid dataset the algorithm runs for an average of 23.8 generations (this figure
includes both create and select stages). With a population size of 101 (and assuming an unlikely worst
case where every genotype is unfamiliar and requires fitness evaluation) this means ~2404 genotypes
requiring evaluation. As fitness evaluation involves 10-fold cross-validation on the training data, this
equates to roughly 24038 times the amount of computational effort of C4.5 alone
something in the
region of 3 minutes per run on a 1.4Ghz PC.
The results achieved with the GAP algorithm compare favourably with those achieved by Bagging
C4.5 [5] with the same computational effort Bagging C4.5(J48) (using the Weka implementation of
Bagging) with 24038 iterations provides an average performance of 94.40% (and standard deviation of
3.60%) on the New Thyroid dataset (using the same 20 train/test splits as the results shown above)
compared with 96.27% for the GAP algorithm
. A paired t-test comparing these two methods gives a
score of 7.57 – significant at the 99% confidence level.
3.5 The Order of the Create and Select stages
As noted in the introduction, Vafaie and DeJong [23] have used a very similar approach to improve
the performance of C4.5. They use feature selection (GA) followed by feature construction (GP). We
have examined the performance of our algorithm as described above with the two processes occurring
in the opposite order. Results indicate that GAP gives either equivalent (e.g. Wisconsin Breast Cancer)
or better performance (e.g. New Thyroid) (Table 5). We suggest this is due to GAP’s potential to
The computational effort required to transform the dataset is minimal compared to that required to perform 10-
fold cross-validation, so it has been ignored for this calculation.
It should perhaps be noted that Bagging C4.5(J48) with only 10 iterations provides an average performance of
94.27% - the additional iterations add very little value on the New Thyroid dataset.
construct new features in a less restricted way, i.e. its ability to use all the original features during the
create stage. For instance, on the New Thyroid dataset the select stage will always remove either
feature a or feature b thus preventing the create stage from being able to construct the apparently useful
feature “b/a” (see section 3.2). That is, on a number of datasets there is a significant difference (at the
95% confidence level) in the results brought about by changing the order of the stages.
Table 5: Comparison of ordering of Create and Select stages
Create then Select Select then Create
S.D. Test S.D.
65.97 11.27
9.86 68.75 6.36
4.76 89.02 4.62
4.17 93.67 5.82
73.50 4.23
11.29 73.16 9.05
72.46 4.72 72.46 3.01
94.68 5.66
(WBC New)
95.62 2.89
(WBC Orig.)
1.58 95.13 2.16
Overall Average
83.12 82.43
3.6 The Importance of Reordering the Dataset
In section two it was mentioned that the dataset was randomly reordered before the second stage
commenced, providing a different view of the data for 10-fold cross validation during fitness
evaluation and, it was hoped, this would reduce over fitting and improve the performance on the test
data. Is this what actually happens? In order to test this hypothesis we turned off the randomisation and
retested the algorithm. The first impression is that there is no important difference between the two sets
of results there are 5 datasets where not reordering gives a better result and 5 where it is worse.
However, there are now only two (rather than three) datasets on which the algorithm provides a
significant improvement over C4.5(J48) (New Thyroid and Wisconsin Breast Cancer); and most
importantly the t-test performed over the 200 runs from all datasets no longer shows a significant
improvement. The results are shown in table 6 (the column for paired t-test shows the results for testing
the algorithm without reordering against C4.5(J48)):
Table 6: Comparative performance of GAP algorithm (with and without reordering) and C4.5 (J48).
GAP no
S.D. C4.5 (J48) S.D.
Paired t-test
65.97 11.27
7.84 66.37 8.86 0.17
9.86 69.74 9.79 68.28 8.86 0.61
89.38 4.76 89.77 4.24
4.79 -0.04
96.27 4.17
3.78 92.31 4.14
4.23 71.74 4.34 73.32 5.25 -1.37
73.98 11.29
8.32 73.86 10.92 0.50
4.72 71.94 4.43 72.22 3.33 -0.28
5.66 94.08 5.09 93.27 5.70 0.55
(WBC New)
2.89 94.56 2.58 93.88 4.22 0.71
(WBC Orig.)
95.63 1.58
1.59 94.42 3.05
Overall Average
83.12 82.66 81.77 1.82
3.7 Combining Creation and Selection in a single stage
Having successfully tested the algorithm with two separate stages, we redesigned it to move feature
selection into the construction stage. Feature construction occurs as before but each tree now has a bit
flag associated with it, to determine whether the tree is passed to C4.5(J48) for evaluation. During
crossover each tree retains its associated bit flag, which is subject to the same chance of mutation as
during the second stage (0.005).
Testing the amended algorithm with the same parameter values as before gives a much shorter run
time (not surprisingly, roughly half the time of the two stage algorithm) but with poorer results an
overall average of 82.20%
(though this is still an improvement over unaided C4.5(J48)).
There are three primary differences between the two versions of the algorithm that may account for
this drop in performance:
1. With a single stage we are asking the algorithm to do the same amount of work in half the
2. There is no longer an opportunity to randomly reorder the dataset between stages.
3. There is no longer an opportunity to reintroduce any original attributes that have been
dropped during the first stage.
There seems no reasonable way to address the third of these differences with a single stage
approach, but the other two can be compensated for. Firstly we can change the termination criteria – by
doubling both the minimum number of generations to 20 and the age of the fittest individual to 12
generations. Doing this does improve the result (to an overall average result of 82.88%) but not
sufficiently to bring it into line with a two stage process.
Additionally we can randomly reorder the dataset. We considered two approaches to this. The first
was to have two versions of the dataset from the start, with the same data but in a different order, and
simply alternate between datasets when evaluating each generation (i.e. the first dataset was used to
evaluate even numbered generations, the second to evaluate odd numbered) this approach did not
seem to improve the results (slightly worse than having no reordering at 82.24%). The second, more
successful, approach was to reorder the dataset once the termination criteria had been reached. That is,
run as before but when the fittest individual reaches 12 generations old reorder the dataset, re-evaluate
the current generation and reset the fittest individual, then continue until the termination criteria are met
again. The results obtained with a longer run time and randomly reordering the dataset part-way
through are shown in table 7 (the column for paired t-test shows the results for testing the single stage
algorithm against C4.5(J48)):
Table 7: Comparative performance of a single stage and C4.5 (J48).
2 stage
1 stage
S.D. C4.5 (J48) S.D.
Paired t-test
65.97 11.27
8.10 66.37 8.86 0.11
9.86 71.84 10.26 68.28 8.86 1.78
89.38 4.76
4.66 89.82 4.79 0.96
96.27 4.17
3.98 92.31 4.14
73.50 4.23
5.11 73.32 5.25 0.24
73.98 11.29
9.00 73.86 10.92 0.80
4.72 72.11 4.60 72.22 3.33 -0.09
94.68 5.66
4.08 93.27 5.70 1.76
(WBC New)
95.62 2.89
4.39 93.88 4.22 1.71
(WBC Orig.)
1.58 95.56 2.52 94.42 3.05 1.62
Overall Average
83.12 83.46 81.77 3.62
Although the single stage algorithm out-performs C4.5(J48)) on only one dataset at the 95%
confidence level (a t-test of 1.96 or higher), as compared to three datasets for the two stage algorithm, it
outperforms C4.5(J48) on everything but the Vehicle dataset (and then loses only by a very small
margin). It also improves on the performance of the two stage version on seven out of ten datasets,
resulting in an increase of the (already high) overall confidence of improvement over C4.5(J48).
3.8 Applying GAP to other Classification Algorithms
As the version of C4.5 used is part of the Weka package, it is a simple matter to replace C4.5(J48)
with different classifiers and thus test the GAP algorithm with a number of different classification
techniques. We replaced C4.5(J48) with IBk (a k-nearest neighbour classifier [1] with k=1) and Naïve
It should be noted that the results for some of the datasets have a fairly high standard deviation, and so can show
some variation in the results from run to run. For this reason we have taken to using the average result over all
10 datasets as a useful (and briefer!) indicator of the performance of the algorithm.
Bayes (a probability based classifier [11]). Tables 8 and 9 present the results of using GAP with these
Table 8: Results with IBk
Dataset GAP SD IBk SD t-Test
Liver 60.89 7.65 62.62 8.68 -0.86
Glass 73.92 9.10 68.79 9.75
Iono. 91.38 4.00 86.95 4.53
NT 95.36 3.28 96.95 3.73 -1.91
Diab. 68.96 6.27 69.90 4.27 -0.64
Sonar 83.72 7.88 86.65 6.39 -1.39
Vehicle 72.46 5.42 70.03 4.10 1.87
Wine 96.00 4.88 95.44 5.81 0.52
(WBC New) 94.82 3.25 95.44 2.92 -1.26
(WBC Orig.) 95.64 2.51 95.42 2.16 0.41
Overall Average 83.31 5.42 82.82 5.23 1.01
Table 8 shows that IBk on its own offers marginally better performance over the ten datasets than
C4.5 (on average only there are several individual datasets on which C4.5 performs better) and
perhaps offers the GAP algorithm less scope for improvement. There is no significant overall
improvement over IBk at the 96% level and no improvement at all on half the datasets, but there are
two datasets on which GAP does offer a significant improvement (Glass and Ionosphere) and none
where there is a significant drop in performance. Overall the result is competitive with GAP using
Table 9: Results with Naïve Bayes
Dataset GAP SD N.B. SD t-test
Liver 71.35 8.51 54.19 9.61
Glass 61.45 7.73 48.50 14.03
Iono. 90.60 4.38 82.37 7.31
NT 97.18 3.48 97.20 3.83 -0.02
Diab. 75.77 4.83 75.13 5.00 0.59
Sonar 77.64 8.77 67.16 7.53
Vehicle 69.03 4.96 43.98 4.61
Wine 96.40 4.80 97.99 3.85 -1.47
(WBC New) 96.75 2.20 93.26 4.79
(WBC Orig.) 95.92 2.16 96.06 1.74 -0.32
Overall Average 83.21 5.18 75.58 6.23
By looking at the overall average of table 9 it can be quickly seen that, on its own, Naïve Bayes
cannot compete with C4.5 or IBk over the ten datasets it is approx. 6% worse on average (though
again there are individual datasets where Naïve Bayes performs better than the other two e.g., New
Thyroid, Wine). This relatively poor performance gives the GAP algorithm much greater scope for
improvement. In fact, the GAP algorithm brings the results very closely into line with those achieved
using C4.5 and IBk. Further GAP with Naïve Bayes outperforms both IBk and C4.5 on their own when
averaged over the ten datasets.
While neither of the two new classifiers provide an improvement on GAP’s overall result using C4.5
both results are competitive regardless of the performance of the classifier on its own. It seems as if
there is a ceiling on the overall results achievable with any one classifier. While using any particular
classifier GAP may perform well on some datasets and worse on others, the average seems to settle out
at somewhere near 83% no matter which classifier is employed. That is, GAP appears to provide a
robustness to the classifier techniques used.
3.9 A Rough Comparison to other Algorithms
Table 10 presents a number of published results we have found regarding the same ten UCI datasets
using other machine learning algorithms. The first 3 columns present results for the single stage version
of the algorithm using C4.5(J48), IBk and Naïve Bayes the next 3 columns present the performance
of those algorithms on their own. Cells in the table are left blank where algorithms were not tested on
the dataset in question. The highest classification score for each dataset is shown in bold underline.
Table 10: Performance of GAP and other algorithms on the UCI datasets.
Dataset GAP
LSVM Krawiec
66.55 60.89
66.37 62.62 54.19 64.29 67.85 57.01 68.68
61.45 68.28 68.79 48.50 70.59 72.53 69.56 66.39
90.60 89.82 86.95 82.37 87.75
96.49 95.36 97.18 92.31 96.95
73.64 68.96 75.77 73.32 69.90 75.13 74.1 68.62 69.8
75.89 83.72 77.64 73.86
67.16 56.93 53.41 79.96
69.03 72.22 70.03 43.98
96.10 96.00 96.40 93.27 95.44 97.99 96.05 92.74
95.71 94.82
93.88 95.44 93.26
95.56 95.64 95.92 94.42 95.42 96.06 95.71
The results for HIDER and XCS were obtained from [7], those for O.F.A. (‘Ordered Fuzzy
ARTMAP’, a neural network algorithm) from [6], LSVM (Lagrangian Support Vector Machines) from
[16] and Krawiec from [15].
The results are by no means an exhaustive list of current machine learning algorithms, nor are they
guaranteed to be the best performing algorithms available, but they give some indication of the relative
performance of our approach – which appears to be very good.
4. Conclusion
In this paper we have presented an approach to improve the classification performance of the well-
known induction algorithm C4.5. We have shown that GP individuals consisting of multiple
trees/ADFs can be used for effective feature creation and that solutions, combined with feature
selection via a GA in either a separate or the same stage, can give significant improvements to the
classification accuracy of C4.5. We have also indicated that randomly reordering the dataset part-way
through the process may help to reduce the problem of over fitting. We have shown that the same
algorithm can be used successfully with more than one type of classifier. Given that table 10 shows
that using a classifier more appropriate to the dataset improves the results of the GAP algorithm, future
work will look at the possibility of using evolution to select the most appropriate classifier for a
particular problem.
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... In this study, the main objective is the automatic search for a fitness function that correlates with the quality of summaries by combining genetic programming (GP) and a genetic algorithm (GA). Integration of these algorithms has been used in previous studies using the GP to find the hidden relationships between features to build general structures and then using GA to identify relevance between them [9]. On the one hand, we propose a GP system that considers the internal validation indices to automatically build functions. ...
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Feature extraction is one of the main parts of Machine Learning. Regardless of the nature of solving tasks, developers either need to use standard sets of features for a certain problem or try to generate their own features from raw data. In this paper, we present the genetic programming (GP) algorithm for feature generation issues in affect recognition tasks. We tested this approach in human affect recognition tasks on two corpora the WESAD and the RECOLA. We also used classical methods for feature space reduction Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Independent Component Analysis (ICA). The results show the effectiveness of the GP approach in comparison with PCA and ICA and its capability to significantly reduce the feature space saving a high performance of classifiers in affect recognition tasks.KeywordsEvolutionary algorithmsFeature space reductionHeart rate variabilityLow-level descriptors
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We have previously shown how a genetic algorithm (GA) can be used to perform "data mining," the discovery of particular/important data within large datasets, by finding optimal data classifications using known examples. However, these approaches, while successful, limited data relationships to those that were "fixed" before the GA run. We report here on an extension of our previous work, substituting a genetic program (GP) for a GA. The GP could optimize data classification, as did the GA, but could also determine the functional relationships among the features. This gave improved performance and new information on important relationships among features. We discuss the overall approach, and compare the effectiveness of the GA vs. GP on a biochemistry problem, the determination of the involvement of bound water molecules in protein interactions.
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In the feature subset selection problem, a learning algorithm is faced with the problem of selecting a relevant subset of features upon which to focus its attention, while ignoring the rest. To achieve the best possible performance with a particular learning algorithm on a particular training set, a feature subset selection method should consider how the algorithm and the training set interact. We explore the relation between optimal feature subset selection and relevance. Our wrapper method searches for an optimal feature subset tailored to a particular algorithm and a domain. We study the strengths and weaknesses of the wrapper approach and show a series of improved designs. We compare the wrapper approach to induction without feature subset selection and to Relief, a filter approach to feature subset selection. Significant improvement in accuracy is achieved for some datasets for the two families of induction algorithms used: decision trees and Naive-Bayes.
We review recent research on methods for selecting features for multidimensional pattern classification. These methods include nonmonotonicity-tolerant branch-and-bound search and beam search. We describe the potential benefits of Monte Carlo approaches such as simulated annealing and genetic algorithms. We compare these methods to facilitate the planning of future research on feature selection.
When modeling a probability distribution with a Bayesian network, we are faced with the problem of how to handle continuous variables. Most previous work has either solved the problem by discretizing, or assumed that the data are generated by a single Gaussian. In this paper we abandon the normality assumption and instead use statistical methods for nonparametric density estimation. For a naive Bayesian classifier, we present experimental results on a variety of natural and artificial domains, comparing two methods of density estimation: assuming normality and modeling each conditional distribution with a single Gaussian; and using nonparametric kernel density estimation. We observe large reductions in error on several natural and artificial data sets, which suggests that kernel estimation is a useful tool for learning Bayesian models.
Bagging predictors is a method for generating multiple versions of a predictor and using these to get an aggregated predictor. The aggregation averages over the versions when predicting a numerical outcome and does a plurality vote when predicting a class. The multiple versions are formed by making bootstrap replicates of the learning set and using these as new learning sets. Tests on real and simulated data sets using classification and regression trees and subset selection in linear regression show that bagging can give substantial gains in accuracy. The vital element is the instability of the prediction method. If perturbing the learning set can cause significant changes in the predictor constructed, then bagging can improve accuracy.
Conference Paper
Page-based Linear Genetic Programming (GP) is proposed and implemented with two-layer Subset Selection to address a two-class intrusion detection classification problem as defined by the KDD-99 benchmark dataset. By careful adjustment of the relationship between subset layers, over fitting by individuals to specific subsets is avoided. Moreover, efficient training on a dataset of 500,000 patterns is demonstrated. Unlike the current approaches to this benchmark, the learning algorithm is also responsible for deriving useful temporal features. Following evolution, decoding of a GP individual demonstrates that the solution is unique and comparative to hand coded solutions found by experts.