Matteo Große-Kampmann

Matteo Große-Kampmann
Hochschule Rhein-Waal

We are working on several project in offensive security, awareness and usability. We are looking for collaborators


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Matteo Große-Kampmann currently works at AWARE7 GmbH. Matteo does research in Distributed Medical Systems, Computer Security and Reliability, and Computer Communications (Networks).
Additional affiliations
September 2017 - present
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
  • PhD Student
  • PhD student working on Security and Privacy in Wearable and Interactive Medical Devices
March 2011 - August 2014
Hochschule Koblenz
Field of study
  • Medizintechnik


Publications (29)
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This paper discusses the transformative potential of 6G technology and the tactile Internet in reshaping participatory healthcare models while architecturing these digital healthcare systems with security and resiliency by design. As healthcare continues to advance towards more inclusive and patient-centered approaches, the role of emerging technol...
Conference Paper
In this paper, we shed light on shared hosting services' security and trust implications and measure their attack surfaces. To do so, we analyzed 30 shared hosters and found that all of them might leak relevant information, which could be abused unnoticed. An adversary could use this attack surface to covertly extract data from various third partie...
Healthcare digitization has significantly enhanced patient care and alleviated the workload of hospital staff. This trend towards automation has also optimized the intensive care units (ICUs) of hospitals, leading to the emergence of smart ICUs equipped with modern wireless communication networks like 5G. However, this increased digitization presen...
Conference Paper
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Healthcare digitization has significantly enhanced patient care and alleviated the workload of hospital staff. This trend towards automation has also optimized the intensive care units (ICUs) of hospitals, leading to the emergence of smart ICUs equipped with modern wireless communication networks like 5G. However, this increased digitization presen...
Conference Paper
Measurement studies are essential for research and industry alike to understand the Web's inner workings better and help quantify specific phenomena. Performing such studies is demanding due to the dynamic nature and size of the Web. An experiment's careful design and setup are complex, and many factors might affect the results. However, while seve...
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Mobile child care management applications can help child care facilities, preschools, and kindergartens to save time and money by allowing their employees to speed up everyday child care tasks using mobile devices. Such apps often allow child care workers to communicate with parents or guardians, sharing their children’s most private data (e. g., a...
Conference Paper
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In dieser Arbeit wird eine ganzheitliche Bedrohung für Business-Chat-Anwendungen aufgezeigt und bewertet: Chishing - Phishing über Business-Chats. Die Bedrohung hat ihren Ursprung in den Anfängen der heutigen vernetzten Welt und das zugrunde liegende Problem wird in seiner einfachsten Form als Spoofing bezeichnet. In vier von sechs Business-Chat-To...
Conference Paper
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Web measurement studies can shed light on not yet fully understood phenomena and thus are essential for analyzing how the modern Web works. This often requires building new and adjusting existing crawling setups, which has led to a wide variety of analysis tools for different (but related) aspects. If these efforts are not sufficiently documented,...
Conference Paper
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Mobile child care management applications can help child care facilities, preschools, and kindergartens to save time and money by allowing their employees to speed up everyday child care tasks using mobile devices. Such apps often allow child care workers to communicate with parents or guardians, sharing their children's most private data (e. g., a...
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We discover and evaluate a systemic threat to business chat applications that emphasizes the human layer of security called chishing-Phishing via business chat tools. The threat originates at the beginning of the connected world, and the underlying problem is called spoofing in its most basic form. It is possible to successfully spoof display names...
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Als Teil des vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) geförderten „WIR!“-Programms verfolgt das Projekt InSicht.Ruhr das Ziel, vorhandene Potenziale der IT-Sicher�heitsforschung und -Wirtschaft im zentralen Ruhrgebiet (Bochum, Essen und Gelsenkirchen) zu stärken und für den Strukturwandel sowie insbesondere für die Lebensqualität der...
Conference Paper
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Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) are one of the main challenges in modern computer security. They are planned and performed by well-funded, highly-trained and often state-based actors. The first step of such an attack is the reconnaissance of the target. In this phase, the adversary tries to gather as much intelligence on the victim as possible t...
Conference Paper
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The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) went into effect in May 2018. As part of this regulation, the right to access was extended, it grants a user the right to request access to all personal data collected by a company about this user. In this paper, we present the results of an empirical study on data exfiltration attacks that are...
The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) went into effect in May 2018. As part of this regulation, the right to access was extended, it grants a user the right to request access to all personal data collected by a company about this user. In this paper, we present the results of an empirical study on data exfiltration attacks that are...
Wie wird durch ein umsichtiges und sachgerechtes Vorgehen gegen Cyberkriminalität eine Vertrauenswürdige Digitalisierung, zumindest in Bezug auf den Schutz vor digitalen Verbrechen, eine Wirklichkeit.
Risikomanagement ist eine komplexe Disziplin, welche in jeden Sicherheitszyklus gehört, egal ob in den Cybersecurity oder den klassischen Safety Bereich. Dieser Beitrag wird einige grundlegende Begriffe erklären und aktuelle Entwicklungen in diesen Bereichen darstellen, beispielsweise im Feld Social Engineering und Phishing.
Conference Paper
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Geolokationsdaten sind eine Bedrohung für Organisationen und Unternehmen. Vor kurzem wurde beispielsweise ein anonymisierter Datensatz veröffentlicht, allerdings sind die verwendeten Anony-misierungstechniken unzureichend. Private und eventuell geheime Standorte, beispielsweise Mili-tärbasen in Kriegsgebieten können damit aufgedeckt werden. Weiterh...
Conference Paper
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Mobile Health (mHealth) is on the rise and it is likely to reduce costs and improve the quality of healthcare. It tightly intersects with the Internet of Things (IoT) and comes with special challenges in terms of interoperability and security. This paper focuses on security challenges and offers a mitigation solution especially with a focus on auth...
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Communication has changed dramatically in recent years due to the dawn of new ICT technologies and the need of people to communicate in real time. This paper will introduce a little communication theory as a background, compare current technologies and finally introduce a smart, efficient and secure communication platform. It will furthermore addre...
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Blockchain is currently one of the most-hyped technologies. In this short article we will try to show where current downsides in blockchain security and privacy are. We will explore how security and privacy can be enhanced by blockchain technology and outline the challenges ahead.
Conference Paper
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The following paper introduces a secure and efficient application concept that is capable of authenticating and accessing smart medical devices. The concept is based on two already developed applications. It describes the used technologies and discusses the outcome and potential downfalls of the idea. 1 Preliminaries Modern smart medical devices (S...
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Modern medical components are often connected to the Internet or intranet, for example a hospital network, and therefore need authentication to offer services to an authenticating entity. The reasons why connectivity needs to be added are diverse, for example that the components are used for telemetry. The confidentiality, availability and integrit...
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Two pager about the results of the Zelia project.
Conference Paper
Der Anteil älterer Menschen in Deutschland (Abb.~\ref{fig:Bevolkerung}) und anderen Industrienationen nimmt stetig zu. Durch diesen demographischen Wandel und der zunehmenden räumlichen Auflösung von familiären Strukturen lebt eine zunehmende Anzahl von Menschen im Seniorenalter oft in weitgehend sozial isolierten Einpersonenhaushalten. Dadurch ist...
Conference Paper
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The following paper introduces a secure and efficient application concept that is capable of authenticating and accessing smart objects. The concept is based on two already developed applications. It describes the used technologies and discusses the outcome and potential downfalls of the idea.
Conference Paper
In the research project ZELIA - Zuhause eigensta ̈ndig leben im Alter, supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the conception as well as the opportunities and limitations of a minimally invasive Ambient Assisted Living system are investigated. The prototype is set up and tested in Bocholt, a small town in a rural area in the no...
Conference Paper
Im Rahmen des vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung geförderten Projektes ZELIA - Zuhause eigenständig leben im Alter werden die Konzeption sowie die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen eines minimalinvasiven AAL-Ansatzes erforscht, der ausschließlich auf der Auswertung von zentral gemessenen Verbrauchsdaten (elektrischer Strom, Gas, Wasser) beruht...
Conference Paper
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In the research project ZELIA - Zuhause eigenständig leben im Alter, supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the conception as well as the opportunities and limitations of a minimally invasive AAL-system are investigated. The prototype is set up and tested in Bocholt, a small town in a rural area in the northwest of North-Rhine...


Question (1)
I need some basic knowledge about cognitive impairments for a research project and I need some good suggestions on starting points. Mostly online ressources.
Thanks in advance


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