Mateusz Grzesiak

Mateusz Grzesiak
WSB University · Department of Management



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Publications (22)
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The aim of this article is to identify the benefits perceived by individual recipients that are achieved by consumer energy suppliers on the market, through multilateral trade cooperation, and to define the structure of these benefits according to the declared readiness of recipients to cooperate with the suppliers. The results of the analysis of t...
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Recent years have seen an increase in the role of social media in the communication of energy sector companies (ESCs) with consumers. Currently, consumers look for information, create it themselves, and share it with other Internet users. eWOM communication means that energy companies, firstly, must be present in social media so that consumers can...
Publikacja dedykowana jest przede wszystkim kadrze menedżerskiej wszystkich szczebli zarządzania, przedstawicielom nauki zainteresowanym problematyką marki osobistej raz studentom na kierunkach zarządzanie, psychologia, socjologia. Autorzy książki kompleksowo omówili najważniejsze problemy budowania marki osobistej w kształtowaniu kariery zawodowej...
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The purpose of article is to identify opinions on the preferred environment of cooperation between final purchasers and offerors, and to determine the benefits that the purchaser may derive from this cooperation depending on the environment in which the cooperation takes place. To prepare the theoretical part of the article, cognitive-critical anal...
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The article is of a research nature. The aim of the article is to identify the role of social media in shaping personal brand. To this end, the first part discusses the concept of personal brand, as well as components of brand capital in the case of famous people, including consumer-based capital. Attention was also paid to the great importance of...
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The article is of a research nature. The aim of the article is to identify the role of social media in shaping personal brand. To this end, the first part discusses the concept of personal brand, components of brand capital in case of famous people, including consumer-based capital. Attention was also paid to th e great importance of social media a...
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p class="MDPI17abstract" xss=removed> W drugiej dekadzie XXI wieku media społecznościowe zmieniły charakter komunikacji oraz współpracy między uczestnikami rynku usług kultury. Stały się one ważnym instrumentem marketingu w obszarze kontaktów z internetowym tłumem. Jednak pomimo rosnącego ich znaczenia w różnych obszarach działalności podmiot...
Aim/Purpose–The aims of the paper are 1) to show the preferences of young consumers related to using different social media and 2) to identify the process of establishment of personal brand in social media. Design/methodology/approach –results of a direct study performed on the young generation in Poland and a case study showing activities of chose...
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There are various strategies for creating brands. One of the branding strategies, i.e. the strategy of creating a brand in the minds of consumers, is the brand alliance, or co-branding. Co-branding is a kind of marketing agreement established to combine several brands. The aim of the article is to present the issue of co-branding and to determine t...
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In the second decade of the 21st century, social media changed the nature of communication and cooperation between participants of the culture services market. They became, among other things, an important marketing instrument in the area of contact with the customers of the cultural offer. However, despite their growing importance in various areas...
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In the second decade of the 21st century, social media changed the nature of communication and cooperation between participants of the culture services market. They became, among other things, an important marketing instrument in the area of contact with the customers of the cultural offer. However, despite their growing importance in various areas...
This chapter consists of a rough history of personal branding as well as how it is now conceived. It describes the goals, strategies and challenges related to personal branding in the contemporary, globalized world.
This final chapter offers an interpretation of the results in regard to theory and the current state of the field, and also includes conclusions and recommendations for practice that emerge from the research.
This chapter characterizes the process of shaping a personal brand with an overview of the challenges posed by the information revolution. This chapter includes a comparison of traditional methods of shaping a personal brand and e-branding. It presents the characteristic traits of each strategy and places them into the broader context of generation...
This chapter addresses the question of personal branding on YouTube, and constitutes an attempt at a comparative analysis of the ways this social medium is used to shape personal brands in Poland and in the United States. This chapter characterizes the cultural and technological conditions that determine personal branding strategies in each country...
The author’s own empirical research is discussed in this chapter. The methodological assumptions of the research are characterized, including the research questions, goals and hypotheses, and the characteristics of the study group are given. The results of this research are presented in two parts: a qualitative one, based on case studies of recogni...
Presenting a scientific exploration of personal branding and digital communication, this ground-breaking book aims to fill a gap between theory and practice. Describing how social media can increase brand profiles online, it explains basic terms before investigating the cultural context for online personal branding. With a special focus on YouTube,...
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Television, radio and press for many years reigned supreme in the marketing market, and made it possible to reach out effectively to a wide audience. However, we are now observing a decreasing effectiveness of traditional forms of brand communication (communication through TV, in the press, on the radio or by the use of outdoor advertising). Young...


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