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Canola oil and olive oil impact on lipid profile and blood pressure in women with type 2 diabetes: a randomized, controlled trial



Objective: A number of studies indicated that olive oil (OO) and canola oil (CO) have lipid-lowering and blood pressure-lowering effects. This clinical trial was done to compare the effects of CO and OO on serum lipids and blood pressure in women with type 2 diabetes. Methods: This randomized controlled clinical trial was done on 77 type 2 diabetic women. 4 weeks before the intervention, lipid-lowering drugs intakes were cut under the supervision of an endocrinologist. The participants were randomly allocated into 2 intervention groups (Balanced diet + 30 grams/day OO or CO) and one control group (Balanced diet + 30 grams/day of sunflower oil (SFO)). Dietary intakes were assessed using three 24-hour food records at baseline and at weeks 4 and 8 of the interventions. At baseline and after 8 weeks, height, weight, waist circumference, systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), serum total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL-C) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) were measured and the data were statistically analyzed by SPSS 19. Results: After treatment, SBP (p=0.02), TG (p=0.01) and VLDL-C (p=0.02) were significantly decreased in OO group. None of the variables had significant changes in CO or SFO groups. There were no significant differences in the blood pressure and lipid profile among 3 groups. Conclusion: Although we found no differences between the effects of CO, OO, and SFO, it seems that replacing CO and SFO by OO may have some beneficial effects on SBP, TG and VLDL-C in women with type 2 diabetes.
Canola oil and olive oil impact on lipid profile and blood
pressure in women with type 2 diabetes: a randomized,
controlled trial
Masoumeh Atefi1, Gholam Reza Pishdad2, Shiva Faghih1
1Nutrition Research Center, School of Nutrition and Food Sciences, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran -
Email:; 2Endocrine and Metabolism Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
Summary. Objective: A number of studies indicated that olive oil (OO) and canola oil (CO) have lipid-
lowering and blood pressure-lowering effects. is clinical trial was done to compare the effects of CO and
OO on serum lipids and blood pressure in women with type 2 diabetes. Methods: is randomized controlled
clinical trial was done on 77 type 2 diabetic women. 4 weeks before the intervention, lipid-lowering drugs
intakes were cut under the supervision of an endocrinologist. e participants were randomly allocated into
2 intervention groups (Balanced diet + 30 grams/day OO or CO) and one control group (Balanced diet
+ 30 grams/day of sunflower oil (SFO)). Dietary intakes were assessed using three 24-hour food records
at baseline and at weeks 4 and 8 of the interventions. At baseline and after 8 weeks, height, weight, waist
circumference, systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), serum total cholesterol (TC),
triglycerides (TG), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL-C)
and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) were measured and the data were statistically analyzed
by SPSS 19. Results: After treatment, SBP (p=0.02), TG (p=0.01) and VLDL-C (p=0.02) were significantly
decreased in OO group. None of the variables had significant changes in CO or SFO groups. ere were no
significant differences in the blood pressure and lipid profile among 3 groups. Conclusion: Although we found
no differences between the effects of CO, OO, and SFO, it seems that replacing CO and SFO by OO may
have some beneficial effects on SBP, TG and VLDL-C in women with type 2 diabetes.
Key words: canola oil, olive oil, lipid profile, blood pressure, type 2 diabetes
Progress in Nutrition 2018; Vol. 20, Supplement 1: 102-109 DOI: 10.23751/pn.v20i1-S.5854 © Mattioli 1885
Original article
e global epidemic of type 2 diabetes is increas-
ing rapidly (1) and the number of people with diabetes
has doubled in the past decade (2). On the other hand,
cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the major cause of
death in patients with type 2 diabetes, which covers
about 60 percent of the patients (3).
Diabetics with high blood pressure (BP) are at
high risk of CVD (4,5), also abnormal lipid metabo-
lism is common among people with type 2 diabetes,
which has significant effects on atherosclerosis and
CVD risk (5,6).
It has been shown that the type of dietary fats
has a more important role than the amount of it in
the blood lipids and BP regulations (7,8). It is clear
that the consumption of vegetable oils slows down
the progression of chronic heart diseases (CHD).
Accordingly, the consumption of vegetable oils are
recommended (9). Also, the type of fatty acids such as
Monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA), Saturated fatty
acid (SFA), Polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) affects
serum lipids and lipoproteins, which are related to the
development of atherosclerosis and CVDs (8,10).
In some studies, it is reported that MUFA intake
significantly decreases TG, TC and LDL-C levels, also
Canola oil and olive oil impact on lipid profile and blood pressure in women with Type 2 diabetes: a randomized, controlled trial 103
increases serum HDL-C (11, 12). Omega-3 fatty acids
are effective in the regulation of the genes which play a
role in controlling blood lipids (13). Animal model and
human studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids
have beneficial effects on plasma lipids and lipopro-
teins (14,15). Besides, a meta-analysis has shown that
omega-3 fatty acid intake can significantly reduce BP
in hypertensive patients (16). Blood pressure-lowering
effect of OO consumption via its high oleic acid con-
tent has been shown; as such, OO increases the oleic
acid level of the membrane, regulating the membrane
lipid structure and decreasing BP (12).
OO and CO are good sources of MUFA (17). CO
contains 11% omega-3 PUFAs, 53-59% MUFA, 22%
omega-6 PUFAs and 7.1% saturated fatty acids (SFA)
(18–20) and its ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 is ap-
propriate (20,21). OO contains 1% omega-3 PUFAs,
73.3% oleic acid (a MUFA), 7.9% omega-6 PUFAs
and 13.5% SFA (21).
Studies have shown that consumption of diets
rich in OO, which contains important phenolic com-
pounds, has a remarkable ability in reducing cholester-
ol level and platelet aggregation and is inversely associ-
ated with risk of CHD (22). Given that the dysfunc-
tion of lipid metabolism is one of the most important
complications in patients with type 2 diabetes, and
that the impact of different type of oils and their com-
ponents on lipid profile and BP in diabetic patients,
this clinical trial was done to compare the effects of
OO and CO consumption on lipid profile and BP in
type 2 diabetic women.
Material and methods
is study was held from July 2015 to November
2015. 81 females over 50 years old with type 2 dia-
betes and an average body mass index (BMI) of 28
kg/m2 were recruited. Participants were selected from
Motahhari clinic in Shiraz, according these inclusion
Female gender, records of type 2 diabetes of at
least 6 months, and the routine use of SFO. Patients
who need insulin and/or lipid-lowering drugs; patients
with thyroid disorders, kidney and liver diseases, CVD;
participating in other studies in the past 6 months;
taking non-steroidal immunosuppressant, cyclospo-
rine and warfarin; smokers, alcohol consumption, and
who have TG > 400 (mg/dL) and/or LDL > 200 (mg/
dL) were not included to the study.
Study design
is is a single-center, parallel group, random-
ized controlled clinical trial. is study is approved
by the Ethics Committee of Shiraz University of
Medical Sciences (IR.SUMS.REC.1394.27) and
is recorded in the Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials
All study protocols were introduced into the
patients then written consents were taken. e sam-
ple size was estimated based on a previous study by
POWER SSC software (23) and with consideration
of the mean difference between independent groups by
assuming the probability of Type 1 error (α) equal to
0.05, the power of (β-1) equal to 80 %, the mean dif-
ference (μ1-μ2) equal to 0.35 and standard deviation
(σ) equal to 0.40. After adding 25% dropout rate, 25
persons per each group was considered.
Intakes of lipid-lowering drugs were discontin-
ued under the supervision of an endocrinologist 4
Table 1. Fatty acids composition of consumed oils
Sunflower oilCanola oilOlive oilFatty acids
All values are % of total fatty acids, SFA: Saturated fatty acid, MUFA:
Monounsaturated fatty acid, PUFA: Polyunsaturated fatty acid
M. Atefi, G.R. Pishdad, S. Faghih
weeks before the intervention. en, by using balanced
block method patients were randomly allocated into 3
Using Estimated Energy Requirement (EER)
equation, weight maintenance (55% carbohydrate,
18% protein and 27% fat) diet was designated for each
participant. With Each diet contained 30 grams per
day of vegetable oils (SFO, CO and OO) and patients
were asked to add it to their salads or their boiled foods
by using a small measuring cup.
Anthropometric measurements and assessment of dietary
At baseline and at the end of the intervention,
anthropometric indices were obtained by measuring
height, weight, and waist circumference.
Patients’ weights were measured in light clothes,
and without shoes with an accuracy of 100 grams by
a digital balance (BF11 OMRON made in France).
Height was measured with an accuracy of 0.5 centime-
ter by a non-stretchable tape measure. en BMI was
calculated as Weight (kg)/ (Height (m)* Height (m).
At baseline, week 4 and week 8 of the interven-
tion, 3 days 24-hour record and physical activity record
were filled by participants. Participants were asked not
to change the recommended diet, medications and
daily physical activity during the intervention.
Blood Pressure and Biochemical evaluation of blood
BP was measured by using a mercury manometer
after 10-15 minute relaxation in the sitting position
and away from any excitement before and after inter-
vention. BP was measured twice with an interval of
10 minutes, then the mean of 2 measurements was re-
Five milliliter blood sample was taken after 12 to
14 hours fasting and was held for 15 to 20 minutes at
room temperature, and then it was centrifuged for 5
minutes at 300 rpm. Serums were kept on -76°C un-
til further analysis. TC, TG, HDL-C, VLDL-C and
LDL-C were measured by the colorimetric methods
by Auto Analyzer Biochemical Model BT1500 device
(Pars Azmoon kit, Iran). Data were taken twice, before
and after intervention.
Statistical Analysis
24-hour food records were analyzed by Nutritionist IV
software. Data were analyzed by SPSS 19. P values less
than 0.05 considered significant.
Normal distribution of variables was assessed using
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Paired-Samples T-Test was
used to compare the anthropometric measurements,
energy, dietary intakes, lipid profile and BP at baseline
and week 8 of the intervention in each group. One-
way ANOVA was used to compare mean changes of
dietary intake, blood lipids and BP among the three
groups, and then Post-Hoc test was used for further
Of 81 participants, one in the OO group (not
following the dietary regimen), one in the CO group
(need for Insulin) and two in the SFO group (need
for blood lipids lowering drugs) were excluded, and 77
of them completed the study (Figure 1). Participants
reported no side effects associated with the consump-
tion of the oils.
General characteristics, anthropometric status,
and the dietary intake of participants at baseline are
shown in Table 2. No significant differences in ener-
gy, macronutrients distribution, and fatty acid intake,
weight, waist circumference, BMI and physical activ-
Figure 1. Participants flow diagram throughout the study
Canola oil and olive oil impact on lipid profile and blood pressure in women with Type 2 diabetes: a randomized, controlled trial 105
ity were observed in the control and the intervention
Dietary intakes of participants during the inter-
vention are given in Table 3. No significant differences
were observed in energy and fiber intakes, macronutri-
ent distributions and physical activities of three groups.
MUFA (P=0.001) and PUFA (P=0.001), intakes had
significant differences among the three groups.
Comparisons of the mean changes in blood lip-
ids and BP among the three groups are illustrated in
Table 4. ere were no significant differences in TG,
TC, LDL-C, VLDL-C, HDL-C, SBP and DBP lev-
els of the three groups. In the inter-group analysis, re-
duction of TG (P=0.01) and VLDL-C (P=0.02) were
significant just in OO group. Reduction of serum TC,
LDL-C, HDL-C, and BP were not significant in all
e results of our study showed that there were no sig-
nificant differences among the effects of OO, CO or
SFO consumption on lipid profile or BP in women
with diabetes, however OO consumption led to sig-
nificant reduction of serum TG and VLDL-C.
Based on the previous studies, effects of different
kind of oils on blood lipids are controversial. TG and
VLDL-C levels increased by consumption of OO in-
stead of CO and SFO (24) while the opposite results
(25,26) and no TG level changes were also observed
(11). In Gustafsson and Nigam studies, consumption
of CO led to significant serum TG and VLDL-C re-
ductions (27,28). In Jones study, DHA-enriched high–
oleic acid canola oil improves TG (29). OO and CO are
rich sources of MUFA (17). Consumption of MUFA
Table 2. General characteristics, anthropometric status, physical activity and dietary intake of participants at baseline.
p-Value*Sunflower OilCanola OilOlive OilVariables
0.6357±558±659±7Age (Year)
0.67155±4156±4155±5Height (cm)
0.6868±9.970.7±7.869.8±14Weight (kg)
0.7628.1±3.828.9±3.628.7±4.8BMI (kg/m2)
0.3195.6±9.798.8±6.895.2±10.5Waist Circumference (cm)
0.2028.6±2.227.5±227.7±2Physical Activity (ME/day)
0.3928.9±5.427.7±4.529.4±3.6Fat (%Energy)
0.5817±2.117.5±2.916.8±2.4Protein (%Energy)
0.8955.2±7.156.1±6.555.7±5.4Carbohydrate (%Energy)
0.501542.6±262.41642.3±299.01586.6±337.3Energy (kcal/day)
0.46231.6±83.7206.3±72.1211.2±71.0Cholesterol (mg/day)
0.8513.0±4.213.4±3.113.6±3.6SFA (% of total energy)
0.0812.1±2.610.0±3.89.6±3.8MUFA (% of total energy)
0.0618.3±1.522.4±8.522.7±3.9PUFA (% of total energy)
0.0713.99±3.918.0±5.814.9±5.6Dietary fiber (% of total energy)
0.540.39±0.30.4±0.20.4±0.3Soluble fiber (% of total energy)
BMI: body mass index, SFAs: saturated fatty acids, MUFAs: monounsaturated fatty acids, PUFAs: polyunsaturated fatty acids. All values are
mean ± Standard deviation. * One way ANOVA.
M. Atefi, G.R. Pishdad, S. Faghih
increases TG entrance into the bloodstream, also makes
its clearance faster (30) which in our study probably it is
the reason of significant TG reduction after consump-
tion of OO and moderate TG reduction in CO.
Although we found no significant differences
in serum TC and LDL-C among the OO, CO and
SFO groups. TC and LDL-C levels increased in
OO and decreased in CO non-significantly. It is re-
ported that compared to SFO, consumption of OO
did not make significant reductions in serum TC and
LDL-C (11,25), while opposite results are also report-
ed (26,31). In Lichtensten study, serum TC decreased
after consumption of OO or CO enriched diet (32).
Nydahl and coworkers reported that TC, LDL-C and
LDL-C to HDL-C ratio, reduced after the consump-
tion of OO and CO (33), while we found different
results because of using different methodologies and/
or low concentration of blood lipids at baseline.
After substitution of omega 6 PUFAs with
MUFAs Griffin et al found no changes in serum TG,
TC and LDL-C, but LDL-C was rich in oleic acid
and subsequently its linoleic acid content was reduced,
which could reduce cholesterol ester to free choles-
terol ratio in LDL-C, so helps to regulate the cellular
cholesterol synthesis De Novo as an important fac-
tor against atherosclerosis (34). ese results prob-
ably happened in the current study; however, LDL-C
structures were not analyzed because of the financial
HDL-C had no significant differences among
the OO, CO and SFO groups in the current study.
In agreement with our finding several studies reported
that compared to SFO, OO and CO made no signifi-
cant changes in HDL-C levels (11,31,33) while some
others reported a significant increase in HDL-C after
consumption of OO (24,34). And also, In Jones study,
DHA-enriched high–oleic acid canola oil improves
HDL-C (29).
In low-fat diet, PUFA has not adversely effected
on HDL-C (35). So the energy of fat can be one of the
Table 3. Anthropometric status, physical activity and dietary intake of participants during the intervention.
p-Value*Sunflower OilCanola OilOlive OilVariables
0.6367.8±9.870.7±869.5±14.1Weight (kg)
0.7128±3.728.9±3.728.6±4.9BMI (kg/m2)
0.2395.2±9.398.9±7.394.9±10.6Waist Circumference (cm)
0.6728.2±1.927.6±1.827.7±2.1Physical Activity (ME/day)
0.9128±4.527.8±2.928.3±3.9Fat (%Energy)
0.8216.8±1.716.5±1.416.8±2.1Protein (%Energy)
0.8956.6±5.657.3±4.256.9±5.6Carbohydrate (%Energy)
1.001614.9±316.71620.8±252.01614.8±267.0Energy (kcal/day)
0.56178.5±65.5183.1±49.8197.3±76.4Cholesterol (mg/day))
0.2012.9±3.112.0±2.313.4±2.9SFA (% of total energy)
0.0012.3±2.321.7±3.024.57±2.6MUFA (% of total energy)
0.0019.0±1.411.3±2.06.8±2.1PUFA (% of total energy)
0.2816.3±4.217.7±4.718.5±5.5Dietary fiber (% of total energy)
0.280.4±0.20.53±0.20.5±0.2Soluble fiber (% of total energy)
BMI: body mass index, SFAs: saturated fatty acids, MUFAs: monounsaturated fatty acids, PUFAs: polyunsaturated fatty acids. All values are
mean ± Standard deviation. * One way ANOVA
Canola oil and olive oil impact on lipid profile and blood pressure in women with Type 2 diabetes: a randomized, controlled trial 107
factors that affect HDL-C. In this study, the average
amount of energy derived from fats was 28.6 percent.
So, MUFA increase and PUFA decrease in OO and
CO groups compare to SFO group were not enough
for a significant increase in HDL-C during 8 weeks
of the treatment. So, by considering low-fat and low-
energy dietaries and normal amount of HDL-C at
the beginning of the treatment, no sensible effect on
HDL-C had happened.
Besides, SBP and DBP did not differe signifi-
cantly among the three groups, but SBP reduced sig-
nificantly in OO group. Based on the previous stud-
ies, the following results were made; long-term con-
sumption of OO reduced SBP and DBP (4,36) also
positive effects of CO consumption on SBP and DBP
were reported (29,37), while neutral results were also
observed (38). Probably, length of study, methodology,
amount of consumed oils and participants’ health sta-
tus are the reasons that the results of the current study
is not exactly similar to the previous studies.
In conclusion, although we found no differences
between the effects of CO, OO, and SFO on BP and
the lipid profile of the participants, it seems that re-
placing of SFO by OO may have some trivial benefi-
cial effects on SBP, TG and VLDL-C in women with
type 2 diabetes.
is article was extracted from MSc thesis written by
Masoumeh Atefi which was funded by Shiraz University of
Medical Sciences (SUMS) with the grant number of “94-7493”.
We wish to thank SUMS for their support. Also, we thank our
participants for their cooperation.
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Table 4. Comparison of serum lipids and BP changes among the three groups before and after intervention.
Olive Oil Canola Oil Suntlower Oil Between Group
Before After Changes P-Value* Before After Changes P-Value* Before After Changes p-Value* p-Value**
SBP (mmHg) 133.5±19.7 127.8±19.6 -5.7±12 0.02 128.50±18.05 127.15±12.74 -1.3462±12 0.61 125.28±14.52 124.32±14.24 -0.96±12 0.70 0.33
DBP (mmHa) 80.5±12.3 79.4±9.9 -1.1±8 0.55 79.54±7.77 78.62±6.92 -0.9231±6 0.49 79.00±7.91 79.92±7.85 0.92±7 0.54 0.61
TG (mg/dL) 149.4±63.2 129±58.6 -20.4±34 0.01 148.27±81.17 131.92±61.06 -16.3461±50 0.11 139.04±57.91 133.72±54.40 -5.32±51 0.57 0.64
TC (mg/dL) 164.5±34.4 171.5±39.7 7±35 0.32 163.23±33.68 155.54±29.13 -7.6923±32 0.24 172.00±51.19 170.52±40.74 -1.48±29 0.84 0.26
HDL -C (mg/dL) 40.6±10.6 41±8.3 0.4±9 0.81 39.88±8.16 38.54±7.78 -1.3461±6 0.31 40.80±7.73 40.96±6.37 0.16±6 0.91 0.67
LDL -C (mg/dL) 81.5±26.8 90.7±28.8 9.2±25 0.1 80.08±23.91 79.73±20.55 -0.3461±22 0.94 86.32±30.36 90.32±27.97 4.00±23 0.40 0.27
VLDL -C (mg/dL) 3 1.7±14.8 25.8±11.8 -5.9±8 0.02 26.77±12.75 26.42±12.16 -0.3461±10 0.90 27.68±11.79 26.68±10.88 -1.00±9 0.60 0.27
LDL -C/HDL -C 2.1±0.9 2.3±0.9 0.2±0.9 0.4 2.09±0.69 2.18±0.67 0.0946±0.6 0.43 2.16±0.68 2.25±0.71 0.10±0.5 0.38 0.95
TC/HDL -C 4.2±1.2 4.3±1.5 0.1±1.3 0.77 4.26±1.23 4.32±1.13 0.063±1 0.75 4.26±1.11 4.32±1.11 0.050±0.9 0.79 0.99
*The Value of Paired-Samples T-Test, **The Value of ANOVA Test,
SBP: systolic blood pressure, DBP: Diastolic blood pressure, TG: triglyceride, TC: total cholesterol,
HDL-C: high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. LDL-C: low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. VLDL-C: very low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.
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Shiva Faghih
Nutrition Research Center, School of Nutrition
and Food Sciences, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences,
Shiraz, Iran
Tel. +989126305829,
Fax +987137257288
... 25-29.9, !30 kg/m 2 ), and age (young adults [20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30], middle-aged adults [31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50], senior adults [>50]). The age of participants was categorized according to the WHO's age categorization. ...
... Thirteen were crossover trials, and 20 were RCTs. The trials included in this study were conducted in the following countries: 6 in Iran [16,36,43,44,49,54], 6 in Brazil [30,34,37,38,45,53], 5 in the United States [32,48,50,51,59], 4 in Spain [39,[55][56][57], 3 in Italy [33,58,61], 3 in China [35,41,47], 2 in the United Kingdom [46,52], 2 in Malaysia [31,60], 1 in Australia [40], and 1 in Indonesia [42]. The reviewed studies reported results from 2020 participants, with 995 participants in the olive oil groups and 1025 participants in the control groups. ...
... The reviewed studies reported results from 2020 participants, with 995 participants in the olive oil groups and 1025 participants in the control groups. Out of these 33 included trials, 11 studies were performed on healthy individuals [31,33,40,41,[46][47][48]50,52,55,60], 4 on individuals with coronary artery disease (CAD) [30,34,35,38], 4 on individuals with dyslipidemia [32,58,59,61], 4 on overweight and obese individuals [37,45,49,51], 3 on individuals with type 2 diabetes (T2D) [42][43][44], 2 on participants with nonalcoholic fatty acid liver disease (NAFLD) [16,54], 1 on individuals with chronic kidney disease (CKD) [56], 1 on individuals with depression [36], 1 on individuals with fibromyalgia (FM) [39], 1 on individuals with MS [53], and 1 on participants with peripheral vascular disease (PVD) [57]. Six of the included studies were performed exclusively on females [35,39,[43][44][45]49], while the remaining trials were conducted on both sexes. ...
... The present analysis included a total of 2175 subjects, with the number of participants in each individual study ranging from 11 to 195. In total, 12 studies included healthy subjects [19,[28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38], 9 studies included subjects with hyperlipidemia [16,17,20,[39][40][41][42][43][44][45], and other trials were conducted on patients with obesity [17,18,41,[46][47][48][49], type 2 diabetes [50][51][52], nonalcoholic fatty liver [53,54], metabolic syndrome [21,55], polycystic ovary syndrome [56,57], hypertension [58], cardiovascular disease [59], chronic peripheral artery occlusive disease [60], peripheral vascular disease [61] or hyperfibrinogenaemia [62]. The design of 30 trials was parallel and 10 studies used a crossover design. ...
... The present analysis included a total of 2175 subjects, with the number of participants in each individual study ranging from 11 to 195. In total, 12 studies included healthy subjects [19,[28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38], 9 studies included subjects with hyperlipidemia [16,17,20,[39][40][41][42][43][44][45], and other trials were conducted on patients with obesity [17,18,41,[46][47][48][49], type 2 diabetes [50][51][52], nonalcoholic fatty liver [53,54], metabolic syndrome [21,55], polycystic ovary syndrome [56,57], hypertension [58], cardiovascular disease [59], chronic peripheral artery occlusive disease [60], peripheral vascular disease [61] or hyperfibrinogenaemia [62]. The design of 30 trials was parallel and 10 studies used a cross-over design. ...
... Most studies demonstrated that the replacement of SFAs with PUFAs and MUFAs could reduce lipid profiles [66][67][68]. It has been proposed that ALA and OA could significantly reduce blood lipids profiles, whereas OA is not able as ALA to lower TG and TC [50,69,70]. Moreover, Aguilera et al. concluded that LA decreased TC more effectively than MUFA in subjects with abdominal obesity [47,60]. ...
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Th aim of this meta-analysis was to elucidate whether dietary linoleic acid (LA) supplementation affected blood lipid profiles, including triglycerides (TG), total cholesterol (TC), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), compared with other fatty acids. Embase, PubMed, Web of Science and the Cochrane Library databases, updated to December 2022, were searched. The present study employed weighted mean difference (WMD) and a 95% confidence interval (CI) to examine the efficacy of the intervention. Out of the 3700 studies identified, a total of 40 randomized controlled trials (RCTs), comprising 2175 participants, met the eligibility criteria. Compared with the control group, the dietary intake of LA significantly decreased the concentrations of LDL-C (WMD: −3.26 mg/dL, 95% CI: −5.78, −0.74, I2 = 68.8%, p = 0.01), and HDL-C (WMD: −0.64 mg/dL, 95% CI: −1.23, −0.06, I2 = 30.3%, p = 0.03). There was no significant change in the TG and TC concentrations. Subgroup analysis showed that the LA intake was significantly reduced in blood lipid profiles compared with saturated fatty acids. The effect of LA on lipids was not found to be dependent on the timing of supplementation. LA supplementation in an excess of 20 g/d could be an effective dose for lowering lipid profiles. The research results provide further evidence that LA intake may play a role in reducing LDL-C and HDL-C, but not TG and TC.
... This is not only true with respect to the above-mentioned vegetable oils but also when compared to some less common seed oils, such as hempseed (~6.5 according to Arena et al. (2022) [50]) and canola (~3.4, as reported by Atefi et al. (2018) [51]) oils. Moreover, the PUFA/SFA ratio found is also higher than fish and algae oils, which are characterized by a significantly higher SFA content, despite being remarkably interesting due to their high content of n3 PUFAs and poor level of n6 PUFAs [52]. ...
... This is not only true with respect to the above-mentioned vegetable oils but also when compared to some less common seed oils, such as hempseed (~6.5 according to Arena et al. (2022) [50]) and canola (~3.4, as reported by Atefi et al. (2018) [51]) oils. Moreover, the PUFA/SFA ratio found is also higher than fish and algae oils, which are characterized by a significantly higher SFA content, despite being remarkably interesting due to their high content of n3 PUFAs and poor level of n6 PUFAs [52]. ...
... This ratio is even comparable to the most common vegetable oils, which present SFA/UFA ≥ 0.16 for olive, corn, and soybean oils, while a range of 0.11-0.16 can be found for sunflower oil [51,53]. ...
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A comprehensive chemical characterization of different lipid components, namely fatty acid composition after derivatization in fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs), triacylglycerols (TAGs), phospholipids (PLs), free fatty acids (FFAs), sterols, carotenoids, tocopherols, and polyphenols in Chia seed oil, obtained by Soxhlet extraction, was reported. Reversed phase liquid chromatography (RP-LC) coupled to UV and mass spectrometry (MS) detectors was employed for carotenoids, polyphenols, and TAGs determination; normal phase-LC in combination with fluorescence detector (FLD) was used for tocopherols analysis; PL and FFA fractions were investigated after a rapid solid phase extraction followed by RP-LC-MS and NanoLC coupled to electron ionization (EI) MS, respectively. Furthermore, gas chromatography (GC)-flame ionization (FID) and MS detectors were used for FAMEs and sterols analysis. Results demonstrated a significant content of bioactive compounds, such as the antioxidant tocopherols (22.88 µg mL−1), and a very high content of essential fatty acids (81.39%), namely α-linolenic (62.16%) and linoleic (19.23%) acids. In addition, for the best of authors knowledge, FFA profile, as well as some carotenoid classes has been elucidated for the first time. The importance of free fatty acids in vegetable matrices is related to the fact that they can be readily involved in metabolic processes or biosynthetic pathways of the plant itself. For a fast and reliable determination of this chemical class, a very innovative and sensitive NanoLC-EI-MS analytical determination was applied.
... Of these articles, 14 were excluded because of the following reasons: animal studies (n = 2), studies in which the control group was other than olive oil (n = 3), studies that evaluated the effects of canola oil in combination with other oils or phytosterols (n = 3), studies with a period of fewer than 2 weeks (n = 1), studies which assessed other elements rather than the lipid profile (n = 4), and without complete data (n = 1). Finally, 13 studies met all our inclusion criteria (Atefi, Pishdad, and Faghih 2018, Baxheinrich et al. 2012, Karvonen et al. 2002, Khandouzi, Zahedmehr, and Nasrollahzadeh 2020, Junker et al. 2001, Kruse et al. 2020, Kruse et al. 2015, Nigam et al. 2014, Nydahl et al. 1995, Pedersen et al. 2000a, Schwab et al. 1998, Seppänen-et al. 1993, Yahay et al. 2021. Figure 1 demonstrates the process by which articles were selected. ...
... The summary of the main features of the included studies is shown in Table 1. We identified 13 randomized clinical trials that assessed the effects of canola/rapeseed oil on the serum lipid profile compared with olive oil (Atefi, Pishdad, and Faghih 2018, Junker et al. 2001, Karvonen et al. 2002, Khandouzi, Zahedmehr, and Nasrollahzadeh 2020, Kruse et al. 2020, Kruse et al. 2015, Nigam et al. 2014, Nydahl et al. 1995, Pedersen et al. 2000a, Schwab et al. 1998, Seppänen-Laakso et al. 1993, Yahay et al. 2021, Baxheinrich et al. 2012. Publication dates ranged from 1993 to 2021. ...
... Publication dates ranged from 1993 to 2021. These studies carried out in various countries including Iran (Atefi, Pishdad, and Faghih 2018, Khandouzi, Zahedmehr, and Nasrollahzadeh 2020, Yahay et al. 2021, Germany (Baxheinrich et al. 2012, Junker et al. 2001, Kruse et al. 2020, Kruse et al. 2015, Finland (Karvonen et al. 2002, Seppänen-Laakso et al. 1993, Sweden (Nydahl et al. 1995), Denmark (Pedersen et al. 2000a), United States (Schwab et al. 1998), and India (Nigam et al. 2014). Ten studies had parallel design (Atefi, Pishdad, and Faghih 2018, Baxheinrich et al. 2012, Junker et al. 2001, Karvonen et al. 2002, Khandouzi, Zahedmehr, and Nasrollahzadeh 2020, Kruse et al. 2020, Kruse et al. 2015, Nigam et al. 2014, Seppänen-Laakso et al. 1993, Yahay et al. 2021, while three had cross-over design (Nydahl et al. 1995, Pedersen et al. 2000a, Schwab et al. 1998. ...
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Background and aims: Several randomized clinical trials have investigated the effects of canola oil (CO) compared to olive oil (OO) on the serum lipid profiles in adults. However, the results of these studies are inconsistent. Thus, this study aimed to assess the comparison of CO and OO consumption on the serum lipid components in adults. Methods and results: The following online databases were searched until February 4th, 2022: PubMed/Medline, Scopus, Clarivate Analytics Web of Science, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and Google Scholar. The effect sizes were stated as the weighted mean difference (WMD) with 95% confidence intervals (CI). A total of 13 eligible trials were included in this meta-analysis. The results showed that the CO consumption, significantly reduced serum LDL-c (WMD: -6.13 mg/dl, 95%CI: -9.79, -2.46, p = 0.001), TC (WMD: -8.92 mg/dl, 95% CI: -13.52, -4.33, P < 0.001) and LDL-c/HDL-c ratio (WMD: -0.30; 95% CI, -0.53, -0.06, p = 0.01) levels compared to OO. There were no significant changes in the other components of the blood lipids. Conclusion: The results of this review suggest that CO consumptionhas beneficial effects on LDL-c, TC, and LDL-c/HDL-c ratio compared to OO. Therefore, its replacement with OO can have cardioprotective impacts.
... Simopoulos (2016) also mentioned that the omega-6:omega-3 ratio could alter lipid homeostasis and increase LDL concentration by raising the expression of the responsible genes [22]. On the other hand, canola oil has a similar omega-6:omega-3 ratio, but it also showed a slight decrease in the total lipid profile after canola oil treatment [30]. ...
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Background: The prevalence of obesity is increasing dramatically worldwide. Obesity injuries have been linked to the alteration of many health biomarkers in humans. Consuming a 2.5:1 ratio of omega-6 and omega-3 helps to restore standard health biomarkers. Hemp, the non-psychoactive variety of Cannabis Sativa L., has a long history of being used as a source of food, fiber, and medicine. One of its attractive features is the favorable omega-6:omega-3 ratio found in its seed oil (HSO), making it a promising functional food for mitigating obesity-related injuries. Methods: A total of 84 female Wistar rats were randomly allocated into four groups. Two control groups (n = 21 each) were fed with a standard diet supplemented with 10% HSO. Two other equivalent groups consumed a high-fat diet, and one was supplemented with 10% HSO. Rats were euthanized from each group at 5, 10, or 15 weeks to measure body weight change, food intake, and several health biomarkers. Results: The results demonstrated that body weight gain and triglycerides were lower (p ≤ 0.05) for the control group supplemented with HSO compared with the other groups. Adiponectin concentration was lower (p ≤ 0.05) in both the control and high-fat treated groups. Other biomarkers were comparable among treatment diets. Conclusion: Our results suggest the usefulness of HSO supplementation for the overall health status.
... To date, the best proven treatment for the management of NAFLD is lifestyle modification (having physical activity and a healthy diet) [1,10,11]. Among macronutrients, fats have a great impact on chronic diseases such as CVD and NAFLD [12]. Types and amount of the dietary fats play an important role in fat accumulation in the liver, which are responsible for 15% of the total liver fat content [13]. ...
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Abstract Background Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is one of the most common liver diseases in the world. There is strong evidence that dyslipidemia and other cardio-metabolic disorders are highly prevalent in patients with NAFLD. This trial aimed at examining the effect of sesame oil (SO) in the context of a weight loss program on lipid profile, blood pressure, and anthropometric indices in women with NAFLD. Methods This randomized, double-blind, controlled trial was carried out on 60 women with NAFLD. Subjects were randomly assigned to the SO group (n = 30) and sunflower oil (SFO) group (n = 30), each person consuming 30 g of oil per day for 12 weeks. All the participants received a hypocaloric diet (− 500 kcal/day) during the study. Lipid profile, blood pressure, and anthropometric indices were assessed at pre- and post-intervention phases. Results In total, 53 participants completed the study. Following 12 weeks of intervention, anthropometric indices (p
Clarified butter, contain harmful saturated and beneficial trans-fatty acids. Canola oil is a promising alternative to other oils for reducing saturated fat intake. This trial aimed to investigate the effects of replacing clarified butter with canola oil in patients with metabolic syndrome on various metabolic syndrome components, fatty liver index (FLI), and insulin resistance. In this trial, 42 individuals with metabolic syndrome referred to the clinic in Imam Khomeini University Hospital in Urmia, Iran, were enrolled. The participants, who commonly consumed (3 to 8 serving per day) clarified butter, were instructed to follow a healthy diet and replace their consumption of clarified butter with an equivalent amount of canola oil for 3 months. To compare the differences of outcomes in the group, the paired samples T-test and cohen’s d effect size were applied. To analyze the changes in dietary intakes and Metabolic equivalent of task (MET), repeated measures of ANOVA was used. There was a significant decrease in fasting blood sugar (FBS) (< 0.001), triglyceride (TG) (0.003), and anthropometric measurements (< 0.001). Furthermore, significant reductions were observed in total cholesterol (TC) (< 0.001), low-density lipoprotein (LDL) (0.009), gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) levels (0.003), FLI (< 0.001), insulin levels (0.007), and homeostatic model assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) (0.002), and increase in quantitative insulin-sensitivity check index (QUICKI) (< 0.001). Unfavorably, there was a significant reduction in the high-density lipoprotein (HDL) (< 0.001). The replacement of clarified butter with canola oil demonstrated potential benefits in improving metabolic syndrome.
We performed a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of randomized trials on the effects of olive oil consumption on blood lipids in adults. A systematic search was performed in PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science databases until May 2021. Randomized controlled trials (RCT) evaluating the effect of olive oil intake on serum total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride, low- (LDL-C) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) in adults were included. The mean difference (MD) and 95%CI were calculated for each 10 g/d increment in olive oil intake using a random effects model. A total of 34 RCTs with 1730 participants were included. Each 10 g/d increase in olive oil consumption had minimal effects on blood lipids including TC (MD: 0.79 mg/dL; 95%CI: -0.08, 1.66; I ² =57%; n=31, GRADE=low certainty), LDL-C (MD: 0.04 mg/dL, %95CI: -1.01, 0.94; I ² =80%; n=31, GRADE=very low certainty), HDL-C (MD: 0.22 mg/dL; %95CI: -0.01, 0.45; I ² =38%; n=33, GRADE=low certainty), and triglycerides (MD: 0.39 mg/dL; 95%CI: -0.33, 1.11; I ² =7%; n=32, GRADE=low certainty). Levels of TC increased slightly with the increase in olive oil consumption up to 30 g/d (MD 30g/d : 2.76 mg/dL, 95%CI: 0.01, 5.51), and then appeared to plateau with a slight downward curve. A trivial nonlinear dose-dependent increment was seen for HDL-C, with the greatest increment at 20 g/d (MD 20g/d : 1.03 mg/dL, 95%CI: -1.23, 3.29). Based on existing evidence, olive oil consumption had trivial effects on levels of serum lipids in adults. More large-scale randomized trials are needed to present more reliable results.
s Background and Aim The study evaluated the impact of two types of high fat diet on the outcomes of acute pulmonary failure. Methods A total of 93 Ventilated acute pulmonary failure patients with enteral feeding were assigned randomly to the control group with carbohydrate-based formula (protein: 20%, fat: 30%, carbohydrate: 50%) and two study groups with fat-based formula, including group A (protein: 20%, In equal proportions of olive and sunflower oil 45%, charbohydrate:35%) and group B (protein: 20%, sunflower oil:45%, charbohydrate:35 %). The diets were prescribed for 14 days. Results In each group, 16 patients completed the study. The PaCO2 decreased significantly in the study group A compared with the control group at weaning.The risk of separation from mechanical ventilation during study period was eight times higher in the study group A than the control group. On day 10 of intervention, serum hs-CRP decreased significantly in the control group and the study group A compared to the baseline. Serum concentration of total antioxidant capacity was increased significantly in the study group A on day 10 of the intervention, but in the other two groups it was reduced. Gastrointestinal complications, including diarrhea and high gastric residual volume, were not different between the groups. Conclusion With a fat-based diet high in olive oil, more patients were weaned during the study period.This diet reduced the PaCo2 at weaning, reduced the serum level of hs-CRP, and increased the serum level of total antioxidant capacity concentration. Fat-based diet high in sunflower oil did not have any beneficial effects on outcomes.
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Objective To systematically review associations between intake of saturated fat and trans unsaturated fat and all cause mortality, cardiovascular disease (CVD) and associated mortality, coronary heart disease (CHD) and associated mortality, ischemic stroke, and type 2 diabetes. Design Systematic review and meta-analysis. Data sources Medline, Embase, Cochrane Central Registry of Controlled Trials, Evidence-Based Medicine Reviews, and CINAHL from inception to 1 May 2015, supplemented by bibliographies of retrieved articles and previous reviews. Eligibility criteria for selecting studies Observational studies reporting associations of saturated fat and/or trans unsaturated fat (total, industrially manufactured, or from ruminant animals) with all cause mortality, CHD/CVD mortality, total CHD, ischemic stroke, or type 2 diabetes. Data extraction and synthesis Two reviewers independently extracted data and assessed study risks of bias. Multivariable relative risks were pooled. Heterogeneity was assessed and quantified. Potential publication bias was assessed and subgroup analyses were undertaken. The GRADE approach was used to evaluate quality of evidence and certainty of conclusions. Results For saturated fat, three to 12 prospective cohort studies for each association were pooled (five to 17 comparisons with 90 501-339 090 participants). Saturated fat intake was not associated with all cause mortality (relative risk 0.99, 95% confidence interval 0.91 to 1.09), CVD mortality (0.97, 0.84 to 1.12), total CHD (1.06, 0.95 to 1.17), ischemic stroke (1.02, 0.90 to 1.15), or type 2 diabetes (0.95, 0.88 to 1.03). There was no convincing lack of association between saturated fat and CHD mortality (1.15, 0.97 to 1.36; P=0.10). For trans fats, one to six prospective cohort studies for each association were pooled (two to seven comparisons with 12 942-230 135 participants). Total trans fat intake was associated with all cause mortality (1.34, 1.16 to 1.56), CHD mortality (1.28, 1.09 to 1.50), and total CHD (1.21, 1.10 to 1.33) but not ischemic stroke (1.07, 0.88 to 1.28) or type 2 diabetes (1.10, 0.95 to 1.27). Industrial, but not ruminant, trans fats were associated with CHD mortality (1.18 (1.04 to 1.33) v 1.01 (0.71 to 1.43)) and CHD (1.42 (1.05 to 1.92) v 0.93 (0.73 to 1.18)). Ruminant trans-palmitoleic acid was inversely associated with type 2 diabetes (0.58, 0.46 to 0.74). The certainty of associations between saturated fat and all outcomes was “very low.” The certainty of associations of trans fat with CHD outcomes was “moderate” and “very low” to “low” for other associations. Conclusions Saturated fats are not associated with all cause mortality, CVD, CHD, ischemic stroke, or type 2 diabetes, but the evidence is heterogeneous with methodological limitations. Trans fats are associated with all cause mortality, total CHD, and CHD mortality, probably because of higher levels of intake of industrial trans fats than ruminant trans fats. Dietary guidelines must carefully consider the health effects of recommendations for alternative macronutrients to replace trans fats and saturated fats.
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Background & Aim: Diabetes is one of the chronic diseases with no curative treatment; also, it is the most common cause of amputation, blindness and chronic renal failure and the most important risk factor of heart diseases. Logistic regression is one of the statistical analysis models for predicting that can be used to find out the relationship between dependent and predictor independent variables and control of the confounding variables. The aim of this study was to determine the rate of effective variables on diabetes and estimation of the logistic regression model for predicting. Methods: 5357 persons in Kerman city, Iran, were enrolled. Diabetes considered as the response variable and weight, height, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, hip circumference, waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), age, gender, occupation, education, drugs, drug abuse, activities, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and levels of total cholesterol, the high-density lipoprotein (HDL), the low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and triglycerides were considered as independent variables in the model. Measures of sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, Kappa measure of agreement and ROC (receiver operating characteristic) curve was applied for determining the power of test. Results: The Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy rate, Kappa measure of agreement and area under the ROC curve for the model were 0.764, 0.725, 0.731, 0.312 and 0.822, respectively. The following variables were significant according to their impact and their importance, respectively: WHR (β = 2.66, OR=14.32), anti-hypertensive drug (β =1.279, OR= 3.59), sex (β =0.707, OR= 2.028), level of education, walking and cycling (β = 0.136, OR= 1.146), waist circumference (β =0.12, OR= 1.127), weight (β = 0.112, OR= 1.118), BMI (β = 0.053, OR= 1.054), systolic blood pressure (β =0.052, OR= 1.054), age (β =0.046, OR= 1.047), diastolic blood pressure (β =0.043, OR= 1.044), total cholesterol (β = 0.003, OR= 1.003), triglycerides (β =0.01, OR= 1.011), LDL (β = 0.001, OR= 1.001), hip circumference (β = - 0.025, OR= 1.025), height (β = -0.071, OR= 0.932), HDL (β = -0.078, OR= 0.925), an intense 10-minute work activities (β = -0.507, OR=0.602). Conclusion: According to the criteria of accuracy and power of prediction, and considering ROC curve value (0.822) which could perform test accuracy as well for the diagnosis of diabetes, the logistic regression model was an appropriate model for the prediction of diabetes in this study. Keywords: Logistic regression, Diabetes, Discrimination, Calibration
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Background: It is well recognized that amounts of trans and saturated fats should be minimized in Western diets; however, considerable debate remains regarding optimal amounts of dietary n-9, n-6, and n-3 fatty acids. Objective: The objective was to examine the effects of varying n-9, n-6, and longer-chain n-3 fatty acid composition on markers of coronary heart disease (CHD) risk. Design: A randomized, double-blind, 5-period, crossover design was used. Each 4-wk treatment period was separated by 4-wk washout intervals. Volunteers with abdominal obesity consumed each of 5 identical weight-maintaining, fixed-composition diets with one of the following treatment oils (60 g/3000 kcal) in beverages: 1) conventional canola oil (Canola; n-9 rich), 2) high-oleic acid canola oil with docosahexaenoic acid (CanolaDHA; n-9 and n-3 rich), 3) a blend of corn and safflower oil (25:75) (CornSaff; n-6 rich), 4) a blend of flax and safflower oils (60:40) (FlaxSaff; n-6 and short-chain n-3 rich), or 5) high-oleic acid canola oil (CanolaOleic; highest in n-9). Results: One hundred thirty individuals completed the trial. At endpoint, total cholesterol (TC) was lowest after the FlaxSaff phase (P < 0.05 compared with Canola and CanolaDHA) and highest after the CanolaDHA phase (P < 0.05 compared with CornSaff, FlaxSaff, and CanolaOleic). Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol were highest, and triglycerides were lowest, after CanolaDHA (P < 0.05 compared with the other diets). All diets decreased TC and LDL cholesterol from baseline to treatment endpoint (P < 0.05). CanolaDHA was the only diet that increased HDL cholesterol from baseline (3.5 ± 1.8%; P < 0.05) and produced the greatest reduction in triglycerides (-20.7 ± 3.8%; P < 0.001) and in systolic blood pressure (-3.3 ± 0.8%; P < 0.001) compared with the other diets (P < 0.05). Percentage reductions in Framingham 10-y CHD risk scores (FRS) from baseline were greatest after CanolaDHA (-19.0 ± 3.1%; P < 0.001) than after other treatments (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Consumption of CanolaDHA, a novel DHA-rich canola oil, improves HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure, thereby reducing FRS compared with other oils varying in unsaturated fatty acid composition. This trial was registered at as NCT01351012.
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Objective: We investigated the effects of dietary intervention with canola or olive oil in comparison with commonly used refined oil in Asian Indians with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Subjects and methods: This was a 6-month intervention study including 93 males with NAFLD, matched for age and body mass index (BMI). Subjects were randomized into three groups to receive olive oil (n=30), canola oil (n=33), and commonly used soyabean/safflower oil (control; n=30) as cooking medium (not exceeding 20 g/day) along with counseling for therapeutic lifestyle changes. The BMI, fasting blood glucose (FBG) and insulin levels, lipids, homeostasis model of assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), HOMA denoting β-cell function (HOMA-βCF), and disposition index (DI) were measured at pre- and post-intervention. Data were analyzed with one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey's Honestly Significant Difference multiple comparison test procedures. Results: Olive oil intervention led to a significant decrease in weight and BMI (ANOVA, P=0.01) compared with the control oil group. In a comparison of olive and canola oil, a significant decrease in fasting insulin level, HOMA-IR, HOMA-βCF, and DI (P<0.001) was observed in the olive oil group. Pre- and post-intervention analysis revealed a significant increase in high-density lipoprotein level (P=0.004) in the olive oil group and a significant decrease in FBG (P=0.03) and triglyceride (P=0.02) levels in the canola oil group. The pre- and post-intervention difference in liver span was significant only in the olive (1.14 ± 2 cm; P<0.05) and canola (0.66 ± 0.33 cm; P<0.05) oil groups. In the olive and canola oil groups, post-intervention grading of fatty liver was reduced significantly (grade I, from 73.3% to 23.3% and from 60.5% to 20%, respectively [P<0.01]; grade II, from 20% to 10% and from 33.4% to 3.3%, respectively [P<0.01]; and grade III, from 6.7% to none and from 6.1% to none, respectively). In contrast, in the control oil group no significant change was observed. Conclusions: Results suggest significant improvements in grading of fatty liver, liver span, measures of insulin resistance, and lipids with use of canola and olive oil compared with control oils in Asian Indians with NAFLD.
Nutritional aspects of dietary fats, in general, and of olive oil in particular, are of great interest in many nutrition-related pathologies in which they are implicated. Olive oil plays an important role in the reduction of blood cholesterol levels, hence reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. It is a good source of antioxidants in the form of polyphenols and vitamin E and there is also emerging evidence that olive oil has a role in reducing the incidence of certain types of cancer. This book discusses and summarizes current research and knowledge on olive oil.
Background: Hypolipidemic effects of vegetable oils have been demonstrated in a number of studies, but there is no study, which compares the effects of canola oil (CO) and rice bran oil (RBO) on diabetic patient. We aimed to compare the effects of CO and RBO consumption on blood lipids in women with type 2 diabetes. Methods: Seventy-five postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes participated in this single-center, randomized, controlled, parallel-group trial in Shiraz, Iran. Participants were randomly allocated to three groups including a control group (balance diet + 30 g/d sunflower oil) and two intervention groups (balance diet + 30 g/day CO or RBO). At baseline and after 8 weeks, serum total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) were measured. Results: At 8 weeks, mean of serum levels of TG (mg/dL), TC (mg/dL), and LDL-C (mg/dL) significantly decreased in the CO group (-23.66, P < .001; -11.92, P < .001; and -6.33, P = .013, respectively) and RBO group (-38.62, P < .001; -17.25, P < .001; and -8.90, P = .002, respectively) compared with the controls (7.01, 4.06, and 2.90, respectively). Also, in comparison with CO group, the changes of TG, LDL-C, and non-HDL-C levels were significantly more in the RBO group (P = .007, P = .012, and P = .011, respectively). Levels of serum HDL-C remained unchanged in all groups at the end of study. Conclusions: Substitution of RBO or CO for sunflower oil could attenuate lipid disorders in type 2 diabetes women. Moreover, RBO could improve lipid profile more efficiently than CO.
Thirty two Alentejano purebred bulls were used to investigate the effect of four feeding systems (pasture only, pasture feeding followed by 2 or 4 months of finishing on concentrate, and concentrate only) on meat fatty acid composition (GC-FID), including conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) isomeric distribution (Ag[+]–HPLC–DAD). In addition, meat fatty acids and CLA isomers were used to elucidate the impact of the different feeding regimens on the nutritional value of intramuscular fat and their usefulness as chemical discriminators of meat origin. The diet had a major impact on the fatty acid composition of beef (affected 27 of 36 fatty acids and 10 of 14 CLA isomers), which was independent of the fatty acid concentration. Beef fat from pasture-fed animals had a higher nutritional quality relative to that from concentrate-fed bulls. Finally, meat fatty acid composition was an effective parameter to discriminate between ruminant feeding systems, including different finishing periods on concentrate.
Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found abundantly in fish oil, exert pleiotropic cardiometabolic effects with a diverse range of actions. The results of previous studies raised a lot of interest in the role of fish oil and omega-3 fatty acids in primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The present review will focus on the current clinical uses of omega-3 fatty acids and provide an update on their effects. Since recently published trials in patients with coronary artery diseases or post-myocardial infarction did not show an effect of omega-3 fatty acids on major cardiovascular endpoints, this review will examine the limitations of those data and suggest recommendations for the use of omega-3 fatty acids.
CVD is the leading cause of death worldwide; preventive approaches can have major public health implications. An increased dietary intake of n–3 fatty acids is one such approach. This review discusses current knowledge of n–3 fatty acids.