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Application Of Deep Learning in Free Space Optical Communication Using Malaga Channel


Abstract and Figures

The use of Free Space Optical (FSO) communication systems is growing as a result of their ability to deliver high data speeds through unlicensed spectrum with large bandwidth, higher power efficiency, and more security. These systems are also suitable candidates for backhaul lines for the next-generation communication networks, as well as for bottleneck and last-mile applications. However, the performance of FSO systems is harmed by atmospheric turbulence, which is caused by variations in the temperature and pressure of the atmosphere along the propagation path. As a result, researchers and communication system designers can benefit while investigating and enhancing the performance of FSO links with Malaga distribution. At the receiver end the received signal is fed into an ML detector with CSI, theoretically the Maximum Likelihood (ML) detector is the ideal detector and channel State Information (CSI) that can be provided either in perfect or blind forms. From the simulation results, we observe that Bit error rate decreases with increase in average electrical SNR for Malaga turbulence channel. The outcome of the research done shows that Malaga Distribution fits best for a wide range of atmospheric turbulence conditions also the DNN detector gives better results for Bit error rate vs Signal to noise ratio plot.
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2023 3rd International Conference on Advancement
in Electronics & Communication Engineering(AECE)
979-8-3503-3072-4/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE
Application Of Deep Learning in Free Space
Optical Communication using Malaga Channel
Masood Asim
Electronics & Communication
Galgotias College of Engineering and
Technology, India
Greater Noida, India
Lakshmanan. M
Electronics & Communication
Galgotias College of Engineering and
Technology, India
Greater Noida, India
Manoranjan Kumar Singh
Electronics & Communication
Galgotias College of Engineering and
Technology, India
Greater Noida, India
Kunwar Nitesh Singh
Electronics & Communication
Galgotias College of Engineering and
Technology, India
Greater Noida, India
AbstractThe use of Free Space Optical (FSO)
communication systems is growing as a result of their
ability to deliver high data speeds through unlicensed
spectrum with large bandwidth, higher power
efficiency, and more security. These systems are also
suitable candidates for backhaul lines for the next-
generation communication networks, as well as for
bottleneck and last-mile applications. However, the
performance of FSO systems is harmed by
atmospheric turbulence, which is caused by variations
in the temperature and pressure of the atmosphere
along the propagation path. As a result, researchers
and communication system designers can benefit while
investigating and enhancing the performance of FSO
links with Malaga distribution. At the receiver end the
received signal is fed into an ML detector with CSI,
theoretically the Maximum Likelihood (ML) detector
is the ideal detector and channel State Information
(CSI) that can be provided either in perfect or blind
forms. From the simulation results, we observe that Bit
error rate decreases with increase in average electrical
SNR for Malaga turbulence channel. The outcome of
the research done shows that Malaga Distribution fits
best for a wide range of atmospheric turbulence
conditions also the DNN detector gives better results
for Bit error rate vs Signal to noise ratio plot.
Keywords - Bit Error Rate , Malaga Distribution , Free Space
Optical Communication , DNN detector , BPSK modulation .
Free-space optical communication is method of
transferring information through modulated optical signal
from one end to the other, where the medium for
transmitting this information is free space. This medium
is often called as channel which is either free space or
vacuum, and it is the characteristics of this channel that
provides us in improving the performance and reliability
of FSO communication. FSO has gained interest of
researchers through many aspects, some of which include
its advantages like high speed data transmission, low cost
installation, low power consumption, more security, and
wide bandwidth with an unlicensed spectrum in
comparison. When FSO is compared with RF systems ,
the major drawbacks in RF systems is less security of
data and licensed spectrum and because of this licensed
spectrum RF communication is more costly than FSO . It
is also seen as the best alternative for future development
in communication systems especially in the field where
high- speed data communication is required. In
comparison with fiber optics communication systems,
FSO are more flexible and for maximum exchange of
information, the transmitter and receiver need to be
aligned i.e. there should be Line of Sight (LOS)
communication. The performance of FSO system highly
depends on atmospheric conditions like wind, fog, rain,
earthquake,as well as phenomenon like scattering,
absorption and pointing errors but the major problem is
caused due to atmosphericturbulence.Scattering,
absorption, and turbulence impact the transmitted light
signal when the atmospheric channel conditions are poor.
The non- uniformity in temperature, pressure, and wind
speed over the channel change the atmosphere's
refractive index, which alters the optical signal strength. .
When the signal is received it has to be demodulated, this
process of demodulation can be done by using various
modulation-demodulation schemes like BPSK, MSK ,
OOK etc., but the ML detector is a generalized method
for demodulation and detection of the received signal .
The ML detection is done with CSI (channel state
Fig. 1 System model of deep learning-based FSO
In FSO communication system, the channel models are
categorized according to the turbulence level of channels.
In this study, we have used Malaga Distribution without
pointing error. The Malaga channel is valid for a wide
range of turbulence conditions also it unifies a number of
previously existing statistical models such as log-normal,
gamma-gamma, K-distribution etc. For this distribution
wehave found the expression for channel also referred as
observed Irradiance as ‘h’. Thus analysis and
improvements in the FSO system done by using Malaga
distribution would be beneficial for researchers and
communication system designers. In table 1.1 an
overview of various channels conditions and their
corresponding statistical distributions
Table 1.1 list of distributions used in various turbulence
The system model of an FSO communication system is
similar to any wireless communication. First, the Sender
sends a message in any form, then this signal is encoded
into binary data by an Encoder, this encoded form of
signal is fed into a Modulator, the modulator operates by
increasing the frequency of the input signal for further
transmission. Various modulation techniques are used, in
this study, we have worked on the BPSK modulation
scheme which transmits the binary data in form of 1 and -
1 i.e 0 as -1 and 1 as 1.
ML detector is used for detecting and demodulating the
received signal, various other detectors are available, but
since at the receiver end the detector does not know about
the modulation scheme used while transmitting the
information, therefore, ML detection is a generalized way
of detecting the received signal that can be compared to
the original signal transmitted and when the difference
between the two is known it can be reduced for better
performance of the FSO system. In the following
sections, we have shown how BER expression is
calculated for analysis and the implementation of ML
detectors with and without CSI.
2.1 Channel Model
The received signal is expressed as ‘Y’ and the
transmitted signal as ‘X’, AWGN noise is also considered
and represented as ‘W’, the channel gain is described by
‘h’.The equation for describing the System can be
expressed as: Y = h × X + W. The gain ‘h’ varies
according to the distribution selected. In this study we are
using Malaga Distribution and the channel characteristics
are obtained from [3] and [5] .
The PDF of h for Malaga distribution is derived in [4,
Eqn(24) ] as :
 
 
Where, α and β are the fading parameters that denote the
large-scale and small-scale fluctuations, respectively. In
(i), Kv(.) stands for the modified Bessel function of the
second kind and order ѵ (.) mentioned in [19, sec. (8.432)]
Parameter Ω represents the average power of the optical
signal for the line-of-sight (LOS) component, it is the
average power of the total scatter component, and defines
the amount of scattering power coupled to the LOS
component when g =2bo (1 ρ. Furthermore, ΦA and
ΦBdenote deterministic angles for the LOS and coupled-
to-LOS scatter components
Ω'=Ω+ρ2bo+2 2boΩpcos(ФA+ФB)
The modified Bessel function in (i) rewritten in terms
of the Meijer-G function from [20] is as follows:
  󰀦)
From [3] we get the final expression for PDF of
Malaga distributions, ‘h’ parameter as:
 
󰀦 
󰀦 
The Bit error rate is he number of bit errors per unit time.
The average Bit error rate can be calculated using:
Where P(e) is the conditional error probability given as:
Log Normal
Log Normal
G-G Distribution
G-G Distribution
For BPSK modulation [20], where erfc is the
complementary error function. Finally, the P(e) is
expressed in [11] as:
After applying Integration property of Meijer-G function
[21]. The average BER for FSO system is expressed as:
󰀦 (x)
2.3 Implementing ML detector with CSI
Further we have applied ML detector with perfect CSI on
our simulation results and the outcome is shown in fig
2.3.1. For blind CSI conditions the results are displayed
in figure 2.3.2. If the receiver has perfect CSI, data can be
approximated from the obtained statistical data by
comparing each ‘y’ to a pre-calculated decision threshold.
In fact, due to the symmetric distribution of AWGN noise,
the threshold is a simple function of instantaneous
atmospheric turbulence and background radiation
mean.In theory, if the receiver has perfect CSI, the
information bearing data can be determined from the
received statistics by comparing each ‘y’ to a pre-
calculated decision threshold. For detection with CSI, the
maximum likelihood (ML) decision rule for the kth bit is
=1 r[k]
Where τCSI = Ib + Is/ 2
a) We modeled the above equation in MATLAB by
eliminating the BPSK demodulator and using above
decision threshold.
b) We plotted the curve for Perfect CSI for SNR [0:35]
in db and we verified the curve from [6].
c) The final stage of our system is the deployment of a
deep learning-based detector. We removed the ML
detector and introduced our perceptron model at the
receiver end. The perceptron model is a DNN that
uses weights and bias vectors to train itself and
update these parameters in a cycle on completion of
each single iteration. This model uses sigmoid
activation function and the training is done with the
help of the user-specified number of epochs. Greater
the number of epochs, the better the system's
performance. To reduce complexity, we used only
three epochs here. The primary function of this
perceptron model is to generate bits with the least
amount of error, commonly known as target output.
The model essentially attempts to attain higher
performance than perfect CSI by training itself by
adjusting its parameters at the end of each iteration.
Here, we trained our model for each SNR value ranging
from 0 to 35, for a total of 36 values. The output of the
perceptron model is now saved in a variable, and the
graph is presented beside the perfect CSI curve. We
discovered that the deep learning curve outperforms the
perfect CSI curve
2.5 Deep Neural Network Model at Reciever end
There are several detection techniques for combating the
effect of atmospheric turbulence, such as the perfect CSI
ML , we need to compare the DNN with the ideal CSI
ML detector to evaluate its performance. All of these
detectors require channel state information and have high
computational complexity, making them unsuitable for
real- time applications. In this research, we develop a
deep learning-based detector to improve system
A deep learning-based detector is a generalized detector
that can receive bits at the receiver with performance
levels comparable to or better than the perfect CSI. If the
detector's training cycle lengthens, it signifies that the
bigger the number of training cycles, the better the
detector's performance. At the transmitter, we employ
BPSK modulation, and the channel is a Malaga
distribution with AWGN (additive white Gaussian noise
with 0-db variance). Now that the DNN (deep neural
network) has been implemented at the receiver, it is vital
to create the perfect CSI ML detector with known channel
characteristics since we need to compare the DNN with
the ideal CSI ML detector to evaluate its performance.
In this work we studied the performance of FSO system
in terms of Bit error rate. The Performance of FSO
system is degraded by various atmospheric turbulences,
Malaga distribution is used to describe closed form
expression for bit error rate and probability distribution
function for the channel gain ‘h’. Further ML detector is
applied on the received signal, for perfect and imperfect
CSI conditions and the outcome is verified with that in
[2]. Various parameter values are adjusted for obtaining
the desired outcomes, Table 2.1 shows an overview of all
the parameters used and their values for Malaga
turbulence channel.
Table 2.1 parameters used for Malaga turbulence channel.
Distribution Parameters
Following the ML detector, a deep neural network is
simulated in MATLAB using a perceptron model as the
deep neural network (DNN). In MATLAB, we compared
the ideal CSI ML detector against our deep learning-based
detector. Parameters that are used in deep learning model
are given below
3.1 Bit Error Rate performance for Malaga
distribution without ML detector
Fig. 3.1 Bit Error rate for Malaga fading
(Condition: α = 2.1, β = 3, Ω = 0.75, ρ= 0.85, ΦA=90, ΦB=0,
bo=0.5) for FSO system
Fig 3.1 represents the Bit Error Rate and Average
Electrical SNR over Malaga channel (ρ= 0.85) for FSO
system under Malaga Turbulence channel. This shows
that for a particular threshold as the average electrical
SNR increases the Bit error rate decreases.
3.2 Bit Error Rate performance for Malaga
distribution with ML detector for perfect CSI
Fig 3.2 Bit Error rate for Malaga fading
(condition: α = 2.1, β = 3, Ω = 0.75, ρ= 0.85, ΦA = 90, ΦB = 0 ,bo
= 0.5 ) for FSO system
Fig 3.2 Represents Bit error performance with ML
detector under perfect CSI conditions for Malaga
turbulence channel.
It can be observed that with ML detector for perfect CSI
conditions the graph obtained is closer to that of
simulation done without ML detector.
3.3 BER for BPSK modulation in Malaga channel
with deep learning
Fig 3.2
(deep learning results for BER vs SNR plot in Malaga
3.4 Comparision of Ml detector vs Deep learning
Fig 3.3
(comparing deep learning based results with that obtained from ML
3.5 Training performance of implemented system
plot mean absolute error vs. Epochs
It signifies that the mean absolute error of FSO system
is reduced by deep learning model.
In this study, we used Malaga Channel and applied a
deep learning detector based on multilayer perceptron
models for the FSO system, for th BPSK modulation
method. As we've shown, the DL-based detector
operates efficiently and yields results that are superior
to those of the ideal CSI-based ML detector in terms of
BER. The ML detector has a drawback in that it
requires channel state information, is more
sophisticated, and has a low data rate. The perceptron
model must be trained for a large number of iterations
to increase its effectiveness. Additionally, this deep
learning-based detector can be used as a generalised
detector at the receiver and is applicable to any
modulation scheme. Thus we can conclude Malaga
Distribution can be used for wide range of turbulence
conditions and provided better results for the deep
learning detector.
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The next generation (NG) optical technologies will unveil certain unique features, namely ultra-high data rate, broadband multiple services, scalable bandwidth, and flexible communications for manifold end-users. Among the optical technologies, free space optical (FSO) technology is a key element to achieve free space data transmission according to the requirements of the future technologies, which is due to its cost effective, easy deployment, high bandwidth enabler, and high secured. In this paper, we give the overview of the recent progress on FSO technology and the factors that will lead the technology towards ubiquitous application. As part of the review, we provided fundamental concepts across all types of FSO system, including system architecture comprising of single beam and multiple beams. The review is further expanded into the investigation of rain and haze effects toward FSO signal propagation. The final objective that we cover is the scalability of an FSO network via the implementations of hybrid multi-beam FSO system with wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technology.
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The vortex beam carrying orbital angular momentum (OAM) has attracted great attentions in optical communication field, which can extend the channel capacity of communication system due to the orthogonality between different OAM modes. Generally, atmospheric turbulence can distort the helical phase fronts of OAM beams, which presents a critical challenge to the effective recognition of OAM modes. Recently, convolutional neural network (CNN), as a model of deep learning, has been widely applied to machine vision. In this paper, based on the CNN theory, we make a trade-off between the computational complexity of the system and the efficiency of recognition by establishing a specially designed six-layer CNN structure in CPU station to efficiently achieve the recognition of OAM mode in turbulent environment through the feature extraction of the received LG beam's intensity distributions. Furthermore, we examine the performances of our designed CNN with respect to various turbulence levels, transmission distances, mode spacings, and we have also compared the performances of recognizing single OAM mode with multiplexed OAM modes. The numerical simulation shows that basing on CNN method, the coaxial multiplexed OAM modes can obtain higher recognizing accuracy about 96.25% even under long transmission distance with strong turbulence.
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The utilization of beam-carrying orbital angular momentum (OAM) for free-space optical (FSO) communication can increase channel capacity. However, the misalignment of the beam is an effect that must be mitigated in FSO communication systems. Due to the robustness of deep learning technology in pattern recognition, a neural network structure is proposed and improved to mitigate the effect of misalignment error. First, compared with the simple convolutional neural network proposed, data augmentation is adopted in the training. Then, a view-pooling layer is added after the convolutional layer. This layer can longitudinally compress feature maps from multiple receiving angles. In order to verify the performance of the proposed method, related experiments are reported in this paper. It can be seen from the results that when the tilt angle is less than 35°, the accuracy of OAM mode detection is above 99%, 93%, and 88%, respectively, corresponding to the condition of weak ( C n 2 = 1 × 10 − 15 m − 2 / 3 ), medium ( C n 2 = 1 × 10 − 14 m − 2 / 3 ) and strong ( C n 2 = 1 × 10 − 13 m − 2 / 3 ) turbulence.
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In this paper, a novel turbo-coded 16-ary orbital angular momentum - shift keying-free space optical (OAM-SK-FSO) communication system combining a convolutional neural network (CNN) based adaptive demodulator under strong atmospheric turbulence is proposed for the first time. The feasibility of the scheme is verified by transmitting a 256-grayscale two-dimensional digital image. The bit error ratio (BER) performance of the system is investigated and the effect of different factors such as turbulence strength, propagation distance, code rate, length of random interleaver and length of bit interleaver is also taken into account. An advanced encoder/decoder structure and mapping scheme are applied to diminish the influence of CNN misclassification and reduce the BER effectively. With the optimal encoder/decoder structure and CNN model settings, the BER varies from 0 to 4.89 × 10 − 4 when the propagation distance increases from 200m to 1000m for a given turbulence strength C n 2 equals 5 × 10 − 14 m − 2 / 3 . For a determined propagation distance equals 400m, the BER ranges from 0 to 4.01 × 10 − 4 when C n 2 increases from 1 × 10 − 15 m − 2 / 3 to 4 × 10 − 13 m − 2 / 3 . Our numerical simulations demonstrate that the proposed system can provide better BER performance under strong atmospheric turbulence and conditions when the classification ability of CNN is limited.
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A novel joint atmospheric turbulence (AT) detection and adaptive demodulation technique based on convolutional neural network (CNN) are proposed for the OAM-based free-space optical (FSO) communication. The AT detecting accuracy (ATDA) and the adaptive demodulating accuracy (ADA) of the 4-OAM, 8-OAM, 16-OAM FSO communication systems over computer-simulated 1000-m turbulent channels with 4, 6, 10 kinds of classic ATs are investigated, respectively. Compared to previous approaches using the self-organizing mapping (SOM), deep neural network (DNN) and other CNNs, the proposed CNN achieves the highest ATDA and ADA due to the advanced multi-layer representation learning without feature extractors designed carefully by numerous experts. For the AT detection, the ATDA of CNN is near 95.2% for 6 kinds of typical ATs, in cases of both weak and strong ATs. For the adaptive demodulation of optical vortices (OV) carrying OAM modes, the ADA of CNN is about 99.8% for the 8-OAM system over the computer-simulated 1000-m free-space strong turbulent link. In addition, the effects of image resolution, iteration number, activation functions and the structure of the CNN are also studied comprehensively. The proposed technique has the potential to be embedded in charge-coupled device (CCD) cameras deployed at the receiver to improve the reliability and flexibility for the OAM-FSO communication.
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In this paper, an average bit error rate (BER) analysis of the free-space optical (FSO) system applying subcarrier intensity modulation (SIM) with binary differential phase-shift keying (BDPSK) is presented. Multiple receiver apertures are considered, when maximal-ratio combining (MRC) is employed. Intensity fluctuations due to atmospheric turbulence are modeled by M´alaga (M) distribution, taking the pointing errors effect into account. Novel closed-form average BER expression is derived in terms of Meijer’s G-function. Utilizing derived expression, numerical results are presented and confirmed by Monte Carlo simulations. The effects of atmospheric turbulence and pointing errors parameters, as well as the number of photodetectors, on the average BER performance are discussed. Employing multiple receivers with MRC leads to the improvement of the FSO system performance. Numerical results illustrate that this improvement depends on the FSO channel conditions. In addition, it is proved that SNR unbalance scenario can seriously deteriorate system performance.
One of the main barriers in front of Free Space Optical (FSO) communication systems is the atmospheric turbulence induced fading. Theoretically, the Maximum Likelihood (ML) detector is the optimum detector. The ML detector requires Channel State Information (CSI), which can be provided in perfect or blind forms. The perfect CSI ML detector requires pilot transmission for channel estimation, which increases the complexity and reduces the data rate The blind CSI ML detector uses blind channel estimation, which leads to performance degradation. In this paper, for the first time, an efficient and low complexity deep learning based detector is presented for FSO system. The proposed deep learning based detector does not require CSI at all, it feeds the received signal directly into a deep neural network. The proposed deep learning based detector is compared with perfect CSI ML detector and blind CSI ML detector. In this paper, log-normal, gamma-gamma, and negative exponential distributions are considered for modeling weak, weak to strong, and saturate atmospheric turbulence regimes, respectively. Results indicate that the performance of proposed deep learning based detector gets close enough to the perfect CSI ML detector, with a significantly lower complexity than the blind CSI ML detector. The proposed detector is almost 80 times faster than blind CSI ML detector. In addition, it does not have an error floor, while one of the main problems of blind CSI ML detector is the error floor. Besides much less complexity, the proposed detector has almost the same performance as blind CSI ML detector at weak atmospheric turbulence regime. The available blind CSI ML detectors are practical only in weak turbulence, because they assume that channel coefficients are constant for the duration of some symbols. However, the proposed deep learning based detector does not consider this assumption, and can be used in all atmospheric turbulence regimes. The performance of the proposed detector degrades when atmospheric turbulence gets stronger. For instance, the performance of the proposed deep learning based detector degrades 7 dB compared with blind CSI ML detector at target bit error rate of 10−3. However, the proposed deep learning based detector outperforms blind CSI ML detector at high signal to noise ratios, because in this range blind CSI ML detector suffers from the error floor.
The paper describes the generation of Alamouti code in the optical domain. The proposed scheme can reduce the dimension of the device to a considerable amount. Code is implemented in optical domain and shows excellent resemblance with the original scheme. The scheme is useful in optical wireless communication system.