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Abstract and Figures

Ultrasound waves are propagated in upper frequencies from the limit of human hearing and have lower wavelength and more attenuation coefficient. Ultrasound in higher frequencies and low powers has a good sensitivity and no effects on mechanical or chemical properties of material but only causes vibrations in the molecules. High power ultrasound with lower frequencies has the acoustic energy packages which induces physical, mechanical, and chemical changes in the material. The major reason in this process is the cavitation phenomenon which provides high temperature and pressure by collapsing the micro-bubbles. Ultrasound applications are classified into high intensity and low intensity. Analytical ultrasound involves monitoring and quality control of dairy products based on the physicochemical variations during storage or processing. High intensity ultrasound has been employed for processing applications such as pasteurization, homogenization, fermentation, and extraction. This paper presents a comprehensive review on the potential applications of ultrasound techniques in milk industry.
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Ultrasonic techniques for the milk production industry
Vahid Mohammadi
, Mahdi Ghasemi-Varnamkhasti
, Rahim Ebrahimi
, Maryam Abbasvali
Department of Mechanical Engineering of Biosystems, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord 115, Iran
Department of Food Hygiene and Quality Control, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord 115, Iran
article info
Article history:
Received 10 December 2013
Received in revised form 12 August 2014
Accepted 14 August 2014
Available online 28 August 2014
Milk industry
Quality control
Food machinery
Ultrasound waves are propagated in upper frequencies from the limit of human hearing
and have lower wavelength and more attenuation coefficient. Ultrasound in higher fre-
quencies and low powers has a good sensitivity and no effects on mechanical or chemical
properties of material but only causes vibrations in the molecules. High power ultrasound
with lower frequencies has the acoustic energy packages which induces physical, mechan-
ical, and chemical changes in the material. The major reason in this process is the cavita-
tion phenomenon which provides high temperature and pressure by collapsing the micro-
bubbles. Ultrasound applications are classified into high intensity and low intensity. Ana-
lytical ultrasound involves the monitoring and quality control of dairy products based on
the physicochemical variations during storage or processing. High intensity ultrasound
has been employed for processing applications such as pasteurization, homogenization,
fermentation, and extraction. This paper presents a comprehensive review on the potential
applications of ultrasonic techniques in milk industry.
Ó2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction . . . .......................................................................................... 94
1.1. Milk industry . . . . . . . . . . ............................................................................. 94
2. Low power ultrasound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................................................................... 94
2.1. Use of low power ultrasound . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................................. 95
2.1.1. Pulse–echo technique. . . . . . . .................................................................. 95
2.1.2. Transmission technique . . . . . .................................................................. 96
2.2. Ultrasonic monitoring and quality control . . ............................................................. 96
3. Power ultrasound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................................................................... 97
3.1. Generation of power ultrasound . . . . . . . . . . ............................................................. 98
3.2. Applications for processing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................................. 98
4. Conclusion . . . . .......................................................................................... 99
References . . . . .......................................................................................... 99
0263-2241/Ó2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +98 3814424403; fax: +98 3814424428.
E-mail address: (M. Ghasemi-Varnamkhasti).
Measurement 58 (2014) 93–102
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1. Introduction
Recent developments in food sciences have led to pro-
duce high quality and fresh-like products [1]; furthermore,
consumers are wishful to use more pleasant foods. In other
words, manufacturers would produce the best products
with lower processes, time, and costs. Long shelf life, sta-
bility, low price, delectability are important factors which
all companies would like to attain [2].
Ultrasonic has expanded to the high level in many sci-
ences like food industry machinery, medicine, electronics,
oceanography, military, robotics, and so on. Therefore, in
many fields, it becomes a strong tool used for sensitive,
non-destructive, and non-invasive techniques. Ultrasonic
wave is the mechanical wave at frequencies above
16 kHz propagating by particles vibration in the medium
and travels through the bulk of material depending on
physical and mechanical properties, such as texture and
structure [1].
As emphasized in the literature [3–5] applications of
ultrasound in the food industry are classified into low-
intensity and high-intensity ultrasound. The low-intensity
(low power) ultrasound is known as a non-destructive tool
where it uses typically smaller power levels (<1 W/cm
and frequencies higher than 100 kHz. High-intensity (high
power) ultrasound uses intensities higher than 10 W/cm
at frequencies between 20 and 100 kHz, that are disruptive
and affects on physical, mechanical and chemical/bio-
chemical properties of foods [6,7].
Some research fields like electronics, chemistry, and
food science are interrelated in the most of ultrasound
applications in food industry. Therefore, ultrasound cannot
be simply utilized to meet the demands of different appli-
cations, and ultrasound equipment has to be custom
designed to provide a specific application [5].
1.1. Milk industry
Ultrasound methods have been used in many investiga-
tions on milk and its derivatives [8–13]. Many reports are
found in the literature for improving the quality of food
products [14–19], improving process efficiency [20–22],
simplifying manipulation and measurement [19,23] and
achieving a non-destructive method (e.g. detecting, char-
acterizing and monitoring methods) against common
methods [24–27].
A survey of applications in milk industry is presented in
Table 1.Methodology of applications indicates that some
factors such as frequency, power, and time of stimulation
can change applicability and results of ultrasonication.
Thus, a comprehensive view on physical, chemical, and
functional properties is needed for selecting or creating
appropriate ultrasonic system. In addition, operating con-
ditions well lead to optimum results [5]. At the following
sections, this review paper deals with different aspects of
ultrasound applications in milk industry.
2. Low power ultrasound
Non-destructive monitoring parallel with production
processes detects and achieves the risks associated with
manufacture, storage, and distribution of food products
and provides a fast maintenance in order to in-line control-
ling to solve or reduction of these risks in specific points of
Table 1
Applications of ultrasound in milk industry.
Application Mechanism/details Authors Advantages
Microorganism inactivation Cavitation phenomena; frequencies
about 20 kHz, high power
[14,28–31] Minor variation in physicochemical and
nutritional properties
Higher shelf life
Less energy consumption
Homogenization Using cavitation; frequencies from
20 kHz to 100 kHz, high power
[32,33] Reducing process temperature and time
Creaming Frequencies between 20 and 100 kHz [19] Promoting quality and security
Cutting Conversion of the mechanical
vibration energy into thermal energy,
frequency 40 kHz
[34,35] Rapid process
Reducing the pressure of process
Independent with temperature
Dissolution Power ultrasound [36] Decreasing the time of process
Viscosity decreasing Almost at 20 kHz and high powers [21,37] Controlling dairy viscosity
Preventing the ‘age thickening’
Fermentation Low frequencies and high intensity
[16,38] Accelerate the process
Better quality products
Less undesirable flavor
Filtration/fouling prevention Based on cavitation phenomenon;
20 kHz frequency, low power
[39–41] Higher permeate flux
Needing to lower pressures
More money saving
Extraction Based on collapsing micro-bubbles [42,43] Higher enrichment
Better quality
Monitoring/quality control Analyzing of signals, high frequencies
and low powers
[18,27,44–48] Non-invasive and non-destructive diagnosis
Fast and inline tests
Non-contact and without manipulation
94 V. Mohammadi et al. / Measurement 58 (2014) 93–102
Author's Personal Copy
the process phases [4,49]. In food industries, proceeding of
process, quality level, physical and chemical properties,
system safety, and security control are the factors which
can be monitored. Thus, in production line two points are
considered: detecting the occurrence of changes and risks,
and the ability to control and eliminate those. Many stud-
ies have demonstrated the capability of ultrasound for ana-
lytical applications by identifying different properties of
dairy products [50–52]. Investigations have involved
detection and identification of foreign bodies [45,53,54],
rheological measurements [55], characterizing and moni-
toring microbiological and enzymatic reactions [56], mon-
itoring changes of structural properties [18,44,57,58],
monitoring and food characterization [59–61], monitor
and detection of fouling [62,63], and solid fat content
determination [64].
2.1. Use of low power ultrasound
Transmitting an ultrasound wave through a substance,
gas, liquid or solid media changes the structural and elas-
ticity properties. Ultrasonic transducer which is in commu-
nication with molecules of the medium emits sound waves
into the substance and molecules transmit the motion to
the adjoining molecules before returning to approximately
their original position [65]. This phenomenon makes alter-
nating compression and decompression cycles depending
on material properties, which changes ultrasonic wave’s
characteristics such as wavelength, velocity, amplitude,
pressure, frequency and period [5]. Parameters being mea-
sured in majority of investigations are the ultrasonic veloc-
ity, attenuation coefficient and acoustic impedance [66].
Ultrasonic velocity (
) is determined with relationship
between density (
) and elasticity (E) of the medium [5]:
In principle, this equation shows that whatever elastic-
ity moduli be more, the ultrasonic velocity will be higher.
The moduli and densities of materials are the properties
which depend on structure, composition, and physical
state; therefore, ultrasonic velocity measurements can give
information about these properties [66]. Also, as cited in
the literature, in many applications, ultrasonic velocity as
a sensitive variable has been used [25,44,64,67–71].
Any factor which converts acoustic energy to other types
of energy or attenuates ultrasound waves during traveling
the medium is named ‘‘attenuation factor’’ [72]. The most
important causes of attenuation are adsorption and scatter-
ing. Physical mechanisms like fluid viscosity, thermal con-
duction, and molecular relaxation are the reasons for
generating adsorption and heterogeneous materials, such
as emulsions, suspensions, and foams [66]. Attenuation is
related to viscosity, compressibility, wall material, and scat-
tering and adsorption effects of material which can present
information about the physicochemical properties of food
materials including concentration, viscosity, molecular
relaxation, and microstructure [5]. Attenuation coefficient
measurements have been documented for prediction of
the reconstitution behavior of powders [18], to define the
extent and rate of dissociation of micellar calcium phos-
phate [73],and ultrasonic spectroscopy of rennet-induced
gelation of milk [44]. The attenuation coefficient (
material is determined by the following equation [65]:
In the equation, A
is the initial amplitude of the sound
wave, and Ais the amplitude of the transmitted wave
through distance x. Almost the attenuation coefficient is
expressed in decibels per meter (dB/m). Another parame-
ter, acoustic impedance, governs the proportion of trans-
mission and reflectance of the sound beam at the
boundary between component phases [72]. Simplified
acoustic impedance is described by Z=
and c
are the density and the speed of sound, respectively.
Reflection coefficient (R) which is affected by acoustic
impedance attains with the ratio of the amplitude of the
reflected wave (A
) on the incident wave (A
). For a plane
wave that is normally incident upon a plane boundary, this
equation is presented [66]:
where Z
and Z
are the acoustic impedances of two mate-
rials. Likewise, acoustic impedance depends on composi-
tion and microstructure of the materials. Acoustic
impedance measurements based on ultrasound energy
reflectance are used to fouling detection [74], detecting
chemical additives in branded milk [75], detecting foreign
bodies [45,54,55], shear wave rheology of weak particle
gels [55], fat droplet size distribution in homogenized milk
[51], and quality measurements of dairy products [24].
There are various ways to employ ultrasonic tools for
characterizing and monitoring food processes in which
the relationships of linked instruments focus on increasing
the applicability and efficiency of non-destructive system.
However, applications can be considered in two major
methods: pulse–echo and transmission techniques.
2.1.1. Pulse–echo technique
In this method the pulsed sonic wave is shouted into
the material and the echo signal is received where a single
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of pulse–echo technique for measuring ultra-
sonic velocity (
); time delay (t) and Lis the length of the material [66].
V. Mohammadi et al. / Measurement 58 (2014) 93–102 95
Author's Personal Copy
transducer acts as a transmitter and a receiver. In this case,
traveling time (t) of the wave is measurable and the length
of the material (L) is constant and available, then the sound
velocity can be calculated by the following equation:
As shown in Fig. 1, a basic experimental arrangement
can be constructed to measure the ultrasonic velocity. A
pulse generator produces an electrical pulse in an appro-
priate frequency that transducer works at it. Ultrasonic
transducer converts the electrical pulse into an acoustic
signal which passes through the sample material and after
striking the signal to the far wall of sample cell, it returns
and is detected by the transducer which converts the
received acoustic signal to an electrical pulse again. Time
difference of the signals can be calculated on the oscillo-
scope screen. Also, the ultrasonic velocity, attenuation
coefficient and acoustic impedance of sound waves can
be monitored and calculated using a personal computer
[6]. Pulse–echo technique is mostly used in the investiga-
tions because it can easily be automated, simply operated,
and rapidly measured [66].
2.1.2. Transmission technique
In this method an ultrasonic transmitter propagates
acoustic waves into the sample material which partly
reflect and partly pass to another side of the sample cell
(Fig. 2). Then the ultrasonic receiver detects the transmit-
ted signals and sends these signals to oscilloscope for mon-
itoring. Transducers are mutually placed on two sides of
the cell [65]. Both the transmitter and the receiver trans-
ducers are connected to the oscilloscope that provides
comparative condition to monitor and measure the time
delay [5]. A computer can be used as suit monitoring pro-
cess, calculating the parameters, running algorithms, and
operating other temperature and humidity control sys-
tems. Time of flight of the pulse which is the needed time
for traveling the original pulse through the sample, can be
measured extremely precise. Therefore, transmission tech-
nique is used for applications in which highly accurate
measurements are required [66], such as measuring
acoustic properties without contact to the sample [45],
microbiological quality evaluation [47],characterizing col-
loidal particles [27], and the rheological measurements of
weak particle gels [55].
2.2. Ultrasonic monitoring and quality control
Non-destructive ultrasonic methods have caused much
interest for measuring the quality of food products and
monitoring processes. Monitoring production cycle leads
to produce high quality outputs, and if this monitoring
be non-destructive it can prevent destruction from sam-
ples and then from wastage of overall costs; also, if moni-
toring be non-contact and non-destructive, it can remove
manipulations and time wastages. Therefore, ultrasonic
monitoring can be ideal in food production and processing.
Accordingly, in milk industry many studies have been
reported in which ultrasound has been used for monitoring
and identification [18,24,25,27,44,45,54,68,73,76–78].
Usually an ultrasonic system has been used for detect-
ing physicochemical changes of dairy products [24,47].
Indeed, research attempts of ultrasonic monitoring are
based on the analysis of acoustic signals. When ultrasonic
waves pass through a media, some of their properties may
be changed. Elvira et al. [47] detected growth of microor-
ganisms in UHT milk by using eight-channel ultrasonic
system. They reported that microbial contamination
induces changes in ultrasonic propagation parameters
which are detected by signal processing and analysis of
amplitude and time of wave flight [47,56]. Measuring pro-
cess was run by a software program, as the schematic rep-
resentation of the algorithm is illustrated in Fig. 3. After
acquiring data from temperature and moisture controller
and receiving acoustic signals, the software calculates FFT
algorithm, amplitude, and delay of waves. Finally, by ana-
lyzing the data, contamination or changes in the material
properties can be detected. Also, for determination of
microbial quality of UHT milk packages, 800 kHz frequency
was used [47]. Gan et al. [24] employed the transducers at
center frequency of 500 kHz to monitor coagulation pro-
cess. They reported that the amplitude of acoustic wave
changes with time transition after the pH is lowered [24].
Also, Koc and Ozer [26] used ultrasonic for non-destructive
Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of transmission technique; ultrasonic velocity (
) is determined by measuring the time delay using accommodation of original
and detected signals [5].
96 V. Mohammadi et al. / Measurement 58 (2014) 93–102
Author's Personal Copy
monitoring of rennet whole milk whilst cheese manufac-
tured. They reported that ultrasonic pulse–echo technique
at 1 MHz central frequency could determine optimum time
of coagulation and stated that the ultrasonic attenuation
coefficient changed with time of coagulation [26].
Some of ultrasound applications came into existence to
alter concerns of manufacturers because of existing foreign
bodies in food products. Low intensity ultrasonic tech-
niques can discover foreign bodies in many of dairy prod-
ucts such as milk, cheese, and yogurt [51]. Pallav et al.
[45] taking into account of application in production lines
performed a work to detect foreign bodies and additives
within cheese. They used a pair of transducers in transmis-
sion mode without contact to the sample. Also an investi-
gation reported the detection and identification of foreign
bodies in different kinds of cheese [54]. This work is based
on an ultrasound reflection measurement in the frequency
of 5 MHz. Foreign bodies consisted of bone, wood, plastic,
steel, stone, and glass with sizes from 1 to 14 mm in diam-
eter. They concluded that discrimination of foreign bodies
in homogeneous samples were easier than inhomogeneous
samples [54].
High resolution ultrasonic has a great sensitivity that
can identify the occurring changes in the smallest particles.
A non-invasive and non-disruptive ultrasonic technique
was used for fundamental understanding of the aggrega-
tion behavior of dairy systems capable for using in real
time monitoring of dairy processes [25]. Gülseren et al.
[27] used ultrasonic frequency ranging from 3 to
99.5 MHz for probing colloidal properties of skim milk.
According to their reports, electroacoustic spectroscopy
has well efficiency for monitoring acidification and heating
of skim milk [27]. It is worth mentioning, higher frequen-
cies provide a good sensitivity for monitoring and quality
control but it strongly raises attenuation in transmitted
waves. Selecting the matching layer plays an important
role in lowering attenuation parameter and to achieve
proper matching between ultrasonic transducer and mate-
rial [79].
3. Power ultrasound
Power ultrasound in lower frequencies within 20–
100 kHz is used for dairy processes in which the sound
intensity is in the range of 10–1000 W/cm
[7]. This type
of ultrasound has different physical and chemical effects
on the liquid food which is the result of acoustic cavitation.
Cavitation mechanism provides a remarkable energy
Fig. 3. Detecting process and software flow [47].
V. Mohammadi et al. / Measurement 58 (2014) 93–102 97
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source that generates severe physical forces. In general, the
chemical, physical and biological effects of cavitation
depend on the type of cavitation (e.g. transient, stable, jet-
ting and fragmentary) and its location [80]. Also, some
physical forces such as vibration, heating, and physical agi-
tation can be generated as a result of ultrasonic waves in
the absence of acoustic cavitation [51,81]. Amplitude, pres-
sure, temperature, viscosity, and concentration of solids
are the parameters describing the ultrasonic liquid pro-
cessing as an energy function and acoustic waves intensity
3.1. Generation of power ultrasound
Ultrasonic transducers convert the electrical energy to
the acoustic energy which causes vibrations in the mole-
cules of the food material. In this case, the driving force
for ultrasonication is acoustic cavitation caused by the
ultrasonic waves passing the liquid [7]. When the ultra-
sonic waves pass through the liquid food, molecules
undergo some mechanical forces. Like any sound wave,
ultrasonic waves are transmitted as a series of compres-
sion and rarefaction cycles. Positive pressure forces the
components of the material, and negative pressure dilates
the molecules. These cycles frequently occur till a cavity is
generated as a result of reactions between rarefaction and
attractive force of molecules [82]. Then, size of cavities
grows in successive cycles which finally produce acoustic
cavitation bubbles. Ultimately, thousands of bubbles are
generated, some of which are relatively stable and others
are enlarged more to an unstable size, and a violent col-
lapsing occurs in millisecond scale by expanding the
attractive force between the molecules. This phenomenon
provides temperatures of about 5000 K and pressures up
to 100 MPa [7,65]. The released volume of energy during
cavitation depends on the kinetics of the bubble growth
and explosion of the bubble. Cavitation energy has a direct
relationship with bubble interface tension and it is in
inverse proportion with vapor pressure of the liquid food
Ultrasonication depends on main parameters of the
process. First, the frequency is inversely proportional to
the bubble size [84]. Therefore, low frequency ultrasound
produces large cavitation bubbles culminating to locally
higher temperatures and pressures. Second, increasing
the external pressure, it reduces the number of cavitation
bubbles as a result of elevating the cavitation [81].On
the other hand, increasing the external pressure, it incre-
ments the pressure in the bubble at the collapsing moment
resulting in a swifter but violent collapse [84]. Third, tem-
perature of the process influences the vapor pressure, sur-
face tension, and viscosity of the liquid medium [65]. The
higher temperature, the lower viscosity allows for a more
violent collapse. Hence, viscosity in an optimum tempera-
ture is low enough to generate apt violent cavitation bub-
bles, yet the temperature is low enough to avoid the
dampening effect by a high vapor pressure [81]. Further-
more, there is a direct proportion between the sonication
intensity and the square of the vibration amplitude of the
ultrasonic source. As a rule, increasing the intensity
increases the sonochemical effects [65].
3.2. Applications for processing
A large number of technologies have been used for pro-
ducing safe and high quality yielded, because this aim is
economical. Ultrasonic processing methods are utilized
for creaming [19,85], extraction [86,87], cutting [35],
dissolution [36], fermentation [16,88], hydrolysis [89],
microfiltration [39], ultrafiltration [90], homogenization
[32,33,91], encapsulation [92], reducing the allergenicity
of milk proteins [93], and decreasing viscosity [37].
Actually, ultrasound can improve production processes
and create environmental friendly processes [94].
However, for many of dairy applications mentioned above,
there are limited industrial scale ultrasonic reactor
designs, and more developments require an understanding
of the influence of ultrasound processes on milk quality
changes [11].
Zisu et al. [37] used ultrasonic frequency of 20 kHz at
power of 40–80 W to reduce viscosity of concentrated
milk. They observed that sonication lowered the viscosity
of skim milk, and once sonication applied, prevented the
viscosity of skim milk concentrates from increasing rap-
idly. Furthermore, the authors concluded sonication has
industrial application potential for spray drying by
decreasing the viscosity of concentrated milk. Recently,
Yanjun et al. [95] have reported that power ultrasound
can improve the functional properties of milk protein con-
centration, such as solubility, emulsification, and gelation.
In another investigation, it has been shown that power
ultrasound can increase lactose hydrolysis speed and
transgalactosylation of bifidobacteria in milk leading to
the products with lower lactose and higher oligosaccha-
rides and minimum undesirable flavor [16]. Nguyen and
Anema [96] reported that ultrasonication has a positive
effect on milk used in the formation of acid gels which
can improve milk properties for subsequent processing,
but it has been stated that these effects are small. Also,
Nguyen et al. [38] reported that ultrasonication could
reduce the fermentation time and has a potential to pro-
duce fermented milk with greater amount of oligosaccha-
rides and lower lactose concentration.
Shanmugam et al. [22] determined the effects of power
ultrasound on physical and functional properties of skim
milk. They employed ultrasound in 20 kHz frequency at
power of 20 and 41 W with controlled temperature condi-
tions. They reported that whey proteins and whey–whey
aggregates present in the milk were denatured and
formed soluble whey–whey/whey–casein aggregates. Also
for an industrial relevancy, they anticipated the potential
for optimizing ultrasound technique for dairy products.
In another work, Riener et al. [32] determined the effects
of ultrasonication on generating volatile compounds and
reported that ultrasound treatment produced several vol-
atiles caused by cavitation phenomenon. In an investiga-
tion, it was revealed that power ultrasound reduced
amount of milk fouling and this process could be used
as a fouling mitigation mechanism [20]. Accordingly,
ultrasound in membrane filtration, does not influence
the intrinsic permeability of the membranes and it
just prevent the membrane fouling. Low frequencies,
higher power intensities, intermittent sonication, lower
98 V. Mohammadi et al. / Measurement 58 (2014) 93–102
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viscosities, lower temperatures and higher pressures are
the most important factors to improve the fouling
prevention and the flux ratio [97].
However, some investigations indicated that power
ultrasound deteriorated the flavor and composition of food
material. Marchesini et al. [15] reported a significant
increase in a burnt off-flavor with increasing intensity
and duration of the ultrasound treatment. Also they
observed the use of CO
appeared to significantly reduce
the disruptive effect of ultrasound, thus the formation of
oxidation products [15]. In another study, some weak
and ill-defined aromas were detected, none of which sug-
gested that any of those compounds contributed remark-
ably on an individual basis to the observed off-odor of
the sonicated milk [32].
Thermal pasteurization and sterilization are the pro-
cesses which can properly inactivate dangerous bacteria
in dairy products. Nevertheless, as a result of the high tem-
perature used, undesirable effects on nutritional and sen-
sory properties may be found in the products [14].
Nowadays, manufacturers have been interested to use
mild processing technologies such as thermosonication,
high pressure processing, pulsed electric field and ultravi-
olet radiation, to obtain high-quality products and addi-
tionally for using novel functionalities [1]. Indeed,
combining these methods with heating can decrease time
of sterilization process and increase the quality of product
[5]. Thus, many investigations are done to utilize ultra-
sound for destroying microorganisms in dairy products
Ultrasound treatment inactivates and kills the bacteria
by physical, mechanical, and chemical effects [7] that for
this purpose, very high acoustic energies are employed.
As pointed out in the literature, it has been observed that
processing variables such as ultrasound source and reactor
geometry, frequency, treatment time, and acoustic energy
intensity directly or indirectly affect inactivation mecha-
nism [28]. Also, the efficiency of bacteria inactivation
depends on media properties including temperature, vis-
cosity, treatment volume, and gas concentration [7].
Most of investigations done for inactivating the micro-
organisms have used frequency about 20 kHz [28].Sßengül
et al. [14] reported that photosonication destroyed total
and coliform bacteria in raw milk using an ultrasonic pro-
cessor (24 kHz and 400 W) and 3 ultraviolet lamps. Inacti-
vation rate for different microorganisms has various
results [30] which depend on bacterium resistance against
cavitation phenomenon. Cameron et al. [30] reported that
the application of ultrasound had various damage amounts
on microorganisms which had internal and external dam-
age on microbial cells. They concluded that power ultra-
sound (20 kHz, 750 W) could kill both Escherichia coli and
Saccharomyces cerevisiae more than 99% in milk. Also, they
reported that ultrasound inactivating for Lactobacillus aci-
dophilus has been achieved by 84% [30].
4. Conclusion
Flexibility and multiplicity of ultrasound applications
show apotential capability to use in many of industrial
processes. Also, ultrasound systems can be used as a labo-
ratory device for analyzing physicochemical properties of
dairy products. Ultrasonic techniques as effective method
are well suited for industrial applications, because they
do not destroy food products physically or hygienically.
To employ power ultrasound in milk industry, the effi-
ciency of system must be increased. Combining with other
techniques (e.g., heat, pressure, ultraviolet and so on) and
promoting ultrasonic transducers may be ways to get the
best response from ultrasonic system. By cavitation, power
ultrasound directly affects the structure of the food mate-
rial and changes mechanical and chemical properties,
which leads to reduction in time and power consumption
and increasing in quality through minimizing intensive
Monitoring and quality control for checking physico-
chemical and structure forming properties of food prod-
ucts using innovative instruments is an important aim to
produce the best products with high quality and stability
[101–109]. Analytical ultrasonic studies have shown desir-
able results in: (i) homogenous materials and (ii) processes
which involve distinguishable changes in structural prop-
erties. Therefore, by controlling process factors, favorable
results in high frequency and sensitivity ultrasound can
be obtained. In-line monitoring, adaptability, low costing,
simplicity, and portability are the reasons for exerting
ultrasonic methods in laboratories and factories. Thus,
ultrasonic, both for analytical works and processing appli-
cations have attracted researchers to employ it for several
decades. Ultrasonic non-destructive treatment has been
the most important motivation to continue investigations
in this field of research. The authors of this review paper
recently have tried to attach ultrasound methods to
large-scale and on-line processes for utilizing in produc-
tion lines. Such applications may be reported more in close
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... A particularly energy-consuming process is the dispersion of the fat phase of milk, the so-called homogenization of milk [3,4]. Considering the obvious relevance of the problem of reducing the energy consumption of the homogenization process in the dairy industry [5,6], a wide range of homogenization devices, such as high-pressure (valve) [7,8] and ultra-high-pressure [9,10], pulsation [11], vacuum [11], microfluidizers [12,13], micromixers [14], jet and stream [17,18], ultrasonic [19,20], rotary [21], etc., have been developed. However, none of them combines a high degree of destruction of milk fat globules (as, for example, in valve devices) with low energy consumption [22,23]. ...
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The article provides an analysis of the existing analytical models of the change in the cross-sectional area of the modulator in rotary-pulsation devices. The peculiarities of the application of such functions for the pulsation devices with the vibrating rotor are determined, taking into account the predominant mechanism of dispersion of emulsions. Using classical hydraulic and mathematical dependencies, in order to fulfill the requirement of creating harmonic pulsations of the emulsion in the modulator holes for synchronization with the axial oscillations of the rotor and the equality of the conditions of pulsations of the speed of the emulsion in each channel of the stator and rotor, the equation of the change in the cross-sectional area of the modulator in the pulsation devices with the vibrating rotor is determined in the form of a continuous function. This greatly simplifies the mathematical description of the function, and the subsequent analytical model of the movement of the emulsion in devices of this type. The resulting equation is necessary in determining such characteristics as the instantaneous speed and acceleration of the emulsion and the diameter of the dispersed phase after treatment.
... Comparative characteristics with valve and other considered types of homogenizers are given below (Table 1) [40,44] The results of the analysis of the data in Table 1 indicate that a jet homogenizer with a counter feed of DPME and JDMSSDP can be used to increase energy efficiency. However, among the characteristic features of these designs there are specific defects, in particular [40,45,46]: ...
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The jet-slit milk homogenizer is one of the most energy-efficient among all types of homogenizers in the dairy industry. The principle of its operation is based on the creation of a maximum speed difference between the fat globules of cream and the flow of skimmed milk. Reducing the specific energy consumption and finding the optimal parameters of the homogenizer were based on the results of both theoretical and experimental studies. The optimization criteria (decreasing specific energy consumption while maintaining high homogenization quality) were chosen to achieve a dispersion of 0.8 μm with minimal energy consumption. The parameters of the width of the ring gap, the fat content and the speed of the cream have been optimized. It is possible to reduce the specific energy intensity of the process to values of 0.88–0.92 kWh/t when using cream with a fat content of 33–43%, which should be fed through an annular gap with a width of 0.6–0.8 mm. Optimum values of the cream feed speed had been found, which should be equal to 7–11 m/s. The research results are of high practical value for the further development of the energy-efficient industrial model of a jet-slit homogenizer.
... formation of micro-colloids that have a preserving effect. The same physical phenomenon is also used to stabilize milk without adding any preservatives (shown for ultrasound treatment in Mohammadi et al., 2014). In addition to the better stability of this concentrated emulsion, the use of a concentrated stock solution instead of a 5% spray solution may lead to much lower transport costs in field applications, when only the concentrated paste needs to be shipped to a place, where bicarbonate water can be added to create the spray solution. ...
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Locust swarm control is still a main topic in agriculture and is often based on the extensive use of chemical agents that can be problematic for the environment and human health. Currently, only a few alternative control agents are available on the market, such as neem oil, the fungus Metarhizium sp., and the microsporidian Paranosema locustae . In this study, we improved the formulation of a botanical insecticide that is based on linseed oil and was found to be effective against the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria. To make sure that linseed oil is most effective, we first tested several natural plant oils in a comparative laboratory study. Linseed oil performed best and resulted in 100% mortality within only 2 days after a single spray treatment. However, this linseed oil formulation contains three expensive essential oils, thus we further improved it to avoid costly essential oils. A much lower concentration of linseed oil was also found to be highly effective and killed adult S. gregaria within 3 days in an experiment performed under semifield conditions. Furthermore, a concentrated stock solution of this botanical insecticide was developed to increase stability and reduce shipping costs in areas where water for dilution is available. Mechanical treatment, applied during the preparation of this linseed oil emulsion, resulted in the formation of micro‐colloids, which prevent the separation of phases and enable 1:16 dilution with water containing bicarbonate. Interestingly, only 24 h after single spray treatment, locusts became immobile and most of them were unable to jump, which would make them easy prey for natural enemies. Later, insects died due to the hardening of the linseed oil emulsion. This novel linseed oil emulsion is harmless for humans, rather easy to produce, and remains stable over weeks in its concentrated form, which suggests that it is promising alternative agent for locust control.
... It is important to detect these contaminants before they leave the processing plant and reach the consumer. High-density materials such as metal or stone are more easily detected than materials such as hard plastic or insect bodies as contaminants [17,18]. Additionally, some FM in foods will be easier to detect; for example, a fruit pit in juice will be easier to detect than a stone in cereal. ...
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This review highlights the critical concern foreign material contamination poses across the food processing industry and provides information on methods and implementations to minimize the hazards caused by foreign materials. A foreign material is defined as any non-food, foreign bodies that may cause illness or injury to the consumer and are not typically part of the food. Foreign materials can enter the food processing plant as part of the raw materials such as fruit pits, bones, or contaminants like stones, insects, soil, grit, or pieces of harvesting equipment. Over the past 20 years, foreign materials have been responsible for about one out of ten recalls of foods, with plastic fragments being the most common complaint. The goal of this paper is to further the understanding of the risks foreign materials are to consumers and the tools that could be used to minimize the risk of foreign objects in foods.
... Low-intensity waves are used to control the quality of dairy products, detecting physical-chemical variations during storage or processing that change the transmission of sound through the environment. High-intensity ultrasound induces physical, mechanical and chemical changes through cavitation phenomena and is used for processing applications, such as creaming, pasteurisation, homogenisation, reducing the allergenicity of milk proteins, reducing the viscosity or extraction [40]. ...
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Ultrasound generates cavities in liquids with high-energy behaviour due to large pressure variations, leading to (bio)chemical effects and material modification. Numerous cavity-based treatments in food processes have been reported, but the transition from research to industrial applications is hampered by specific engineering factors, such as the combination of several ultrasound sources, more powerful wave generators or tank geometry. The challenges and development of cavity-based treatments developed for the food industry are reviewed with examples limited to two representative raw materials (fruit and milk) with significantly different properties. Both active compound extraction and food processing techniques based on ultrasound are taken into consideration.
... The homogenizer developed on the basis of the cavitation hypothesis of dispersion of the fat phase of milk was predicted to increase energy efficiency. The principle of operation of such structures is described in the works [4,37] and consists of the creation of cavitation, which occurs as a result of the oscillation of the working organs or plates during their interaction with the milk flow. When using such designs, it is ensured that the ADFG is reduced to the level of 1.00-1.20 μm with a specific energy consumption of about 1.1-1.3 ...
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The priority task of the milk processing industry is in reducing the specific energy consumption of milk fat dispersion while simultaneously ensuring a high dispersion of milk emulsion. One of the possible ways to solve this problem is by developing and implementing a little-studied jet milk homogenizer of the slot type. In it, homogenization occurs by implementing the method of the separate feeding of cream, which allows creating the maximum difference between the speeds of skim milk and cream, which is a necessary condition for effective dispersion. Analytical dependences have been found that relate power and specific energy consumption to the performance of a milk homogenizer with the separate cream supply, the diameter of the annular gap, the fat content of normalized milk and cream, and the cream supply speed. The rational value of the fat content of the cream used for homogenization is analytically substantiated; in order to reduce the specific energy consumption of the process, their fat content should be higher than 20%. The most significant increase in the energy costs of dispersion is observed when processing milk with a fat content of less than 3–4%, while the use of cream with a fat content of less than 20% leads to a multiple increase in the energy costs of the process. The research results indicate the hyperbolic nature of the dependence of the homogenizer power on its productivity. Supplying the cream through an annular gap of small diameter allows reducing the main component of dispersion energy costs by eight times. The obtained data indicate the existence of a deviation within 5–10% of the experimental power values from the analytical ones, which is explained by the influence of the efficiency of pumps, drives, and losses in the connecting fittings.
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Ultrasonication is an innovative green technology with various applications in the food industry. Notably, patent analysis from a technological perspective is essential for monitoring market trends and identifying the technological stage through life cycle modeling. Thus, this study aimed to conduct an investigation using patent documents on the application of ultrasound in the food sector. The Espacenet® database was used with the keywords “Food Processing,” “Ultrasound,” and “Ultrasonication,” along with the code A23. A total of 140 documents were evaluated, with China being the main applicant country. Fruits and vegetables and bioactive compounds were the key technological sectors. Food preservation and extraction processes emerged as the primary applications. The involvement of ultrasound technology in the food industry is entering the maturity stage, as demonstrated by the function adjusted to the BiDoseResp model. This result implies further technological and market development in the food industry in the coming years. Practical applications This review addressed the evolution and the current scenario of ultrasound applications in food processing through patent documents deposited between 1979 and 2022, which are rich technological information sources. This approach identified the main technological sectors of food and applications in which ultrasound is most used, as well as the main institutions, inventors, and patent‐filing countries. The major challenges, impacts of the COVID‐19 pandemic, and market trends were also discussed. Through mathematical modeling of patent mapping, it was detected that ultrasonication is integrated into the food sector while maintaining a highly competitive impact. This development indicates a future with significant advancements in the development of ultrasound in the food industry, with increasing participation of emerging countries in technological monopolies and a trend of associating ultrasound with non‐thermal emerging technologies in patented inventions. Food waste, food printing, and food for people with swallowing difficulties are potential areas for further development.
Acoustic properties determine the behavior of a material when interacting with sound waves. Sound plays an important role in the quality assessment of food. This chapter explains the basics of acoustic waves and associated metrological terms in a simple way. Examples illustrate the sensory and acoustic perception of quality-relevant properties of food. Ultrasound is used for acoustic spectroscopy as well as in numerous on-line technical sensors in continuous production operations. At correspondingly high intensity, ultrasound can support food processing processes. Numerous application examples at the end of the chapter show the range of applications of acoustic methods and are intended to encourage further studies or one’s own scientific work.
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Casein, beta-lactoglobulin and alpha-lactalbumin are major milk protein allergens. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of high intensity ultrasound, nonthermal atmospheric plasma and UV-C light treatments in reducing the allergenicity of isolated major milk proteins. SDS-PAGE results for ultrasound and plasma treatments showed no noticeable change in gel band intensities for alpha-casein, beta-lactoglobulin and alpha-lactalbumin, indicating no change in protein concentration. Ci-ELISA analysis showed that there was no significant difference (p > 0.05) in IgE binding values for control and treated samples in ultrasound and plasma treatment conditions tested in this study. UV-C treatment for 15 min resulted in reduced intensities of all three protein bands in SOS-PAGE gel. Ci-ELISA of UV-C treated samples showed, significant reduction (p < 0.05) in IgE binding values compared to control samples indicating reduction in allergenicity of proteins (25% reduction for alpha-casein and 27.7% reduction for whey fractions). Further investigations using in vivo clinical trials need to be conducted to confirm this result.
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The effects of ultrasound application on skim milk (10% w/w total solids at natural pH 6.7 or alkali-adjusted to pH 8.0) prior to the renneting of milk at pH 6.7 were examined. Skim milk, made by reconstituting skim milk powder, was sonicated at 20kHz and 30°C (dissipated power density 286kJkg(-1)) in an ultrasonic reactor. The rennet gelation time, curd firming rate, curd firmness, and the connectivity of the rennet gel network were improved significantly in rennet gels made from milk ultrasonicated at pH 8.0 and re-adjusted back to pH 6.7 compared to those made from milk sonicated at pH 6.7. These renneting properties were also improved in milk sonicated at pH 6.7 compared to those of the non-sonicated control milk. The improvements in renneting behavior were related to ultrasound-induced changes to the proteins in the milk. This study showed that ultrasonication has potential to be used as an intervention to manipulate the renneting properties of milk for more efficient manufacturing of cheese.
This chapter outlines the effects of ultrasound on inactivation of both microorganisms and enzymes in liquid foods along with quality and nutritional changes which may arise. Although ultrasound is generally regarded as an effective bactericidal agent, there have been reports of its use to enhance biocidal activity. The ability of ultrasound to stimulate biological activities has received very little attention; however, it is generally believed that the stimulatory impact detected is mainly due to increased cell membrane permeability and higher nutrient transfer rates. For the sterilization of liquid foods, much higher acoustic energies are employed and the approaches can be classified as sonication alone, manosonication (pressure and ultrasound), thermosonication (heat and ultrasound), or monothermosonication (heat, pressure, and ultrasound). Such approaches have been reported to be effective against several pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms for a range of liquid foods, including fruit juices, milk, smoothies, and liquid whole egg, with minimal changes in physicochemical characteristics. Power ultrasound has also been investigated for enzyme inactivation in fruit juices as well as dairy products. Although the potential of power ultrasound has been investigated for many food applications, challenges remain prior to widespread adoption of the technology. One of the difficulties is the nonstandardized reporting of methodology and control parameters. For application of power ultrasound on an industrial scale, it is essential to have energy-efficient processors and design considerations and materials which mirror current trends in food processing.
A continuous-flow ultrasonic treatment apparatus has been set up in order to apply high-intensity ultrasound for the inactivation of bacteria important for the dairy industry. A comparative study has been carried out using a conventional tubular heat exchanger under similar process conditions. Pseudomonas fluorescens and Streptococcus thermophilus, inoculated in Trypticase® Soy Broth (TSB), were inactivated by ultrasound, the former (Gram-negative) being less resistant than the latter (Gram-positive). Although the effectiveness of ultrasound can be decreased by temperature increase during the treatment, an additive effect was observed between heat and ultrasound. This result was indicated by computer simulations comparing ultrasound with conventional heating. Preliminary results obtained in milk demonstrated that continuous-flow ultrasonic treatment could be a promising technique for milk processing. This method has several advantages such as homogenisation of milk and less energy consumption than batch systems.
Alternative methods for taste evaluation of fruits are of great interest to the food industry. This paper deals with the application of ANFIS-based image processing to characterize orange taste. For this purpose, images of 300 orange samples (Bam, Khooni and Thompson varieties) were acquired using a camera and the relevant features were extracted. The features were RGB component, HSV component, texture features, major and minor diameters, area, circumference, R/G and R/B color component ratio and diameter ratio. A sensory test performed by ten panelists was used to provide the reference data for image analysis. Then, the features were entered as input to ANFIS, and taste class of the fruit was the output of ANFIS. Based on the results, the success rate for the taste classification of Bam, Khooni and Thompson orange varieties were found to be 96.6%, 93.3% and 93.3%, respectively.
Ultrasound has been found useful in increasing the efficiency and consumer safety in food processing. Removal of heavy metal (lead, mercury, and arsenic) contamination in milk is extremely important in regions of poor ecological environment - urban areas with heavy motor traffic or well established metallurgical/cement industry. In this communication, we report on the preliminary studies on the application of low frequency (20kHz) ultrasound for heavy metal decontamination of milk without affecting its physical, chemical, and microbiological properties.
Ultrasonic processing can suit a number of potential applications in the dairy industry. However, the impact of ultrasound treatment on milk stability during storage has not been fully explored under wider ranges of frequencies, specific energies and temperature applications. The effect of ultrasonication on lipid oxidation was investigated in various types of milk. Four batches of raw milk (up to 2 L) were sonicated at various frequencies (20, 400, 1000, 1600 and 2000 kHz), using different temperatures (4, 20, 45 and 63 °C), sonication times and ultrasound energy inputs up to 409 kJ/kg. Pasteurized skim milk was also sonicated at low and high frequency for comparison. In selected experiments, non-sonicated and sonicated samples were stored at 4 °C and were drawn periodically up to 14 days for SPME-GCMS analysis. The cavitational yield, characterized in all systems in water, was highest between 400 kHz and 1000 kHz. Volatile compounds from milk lipid oxidation were detected and exceeded their odor threshold values at 400 kHz and 1000 kHz at specific energies greater than 271 kJ/kg in raw milk. However, no oxidative volatile compounds were detected below 230 kJ/kg in batch systems at the tested frequencies under refrigerated conditions. Skim milk showed a lower energy threshold for oxidative volatile formation. The same oxidative volatiles were detected after various passes of milk through a 0.3 L flow cell enclosing a 20 kHz horn and operating above 90 kJ/kg. This study showed that lipid oxidation in milk can be controlled by decreasing the sonication time and the temperature in the system depending on the fat content in the sample among other factors.