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'A bite before bed': Exposure to malaria vectors outside the times of net use in the highlands of western Kenya

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Abstract and Figures

The human population in the highlands of Nyanza Province, western Kenya, is subject to sporadic epidemics of Plasmodium falciparum. Indoor residual spraying (IRS) and long-lasting insecticide treated nets (LLINs) are used widely in this area. These interventions are most effective when Anopheles rest and feed indoors and when biting occurs at times when individuals use LLINs. It is therefore important to test the current assumption of vector feeding preferences, and late night feeding times, in order to estimate the extent to which LLINs protect the inhabitants from vector bites. Mosquito collections were made for six consecutive nights each month between June 2011 and May 2012. CDC light-traps were set next to occupied LLINs inside and outside randomly selected houses and emptied hourly. The net usage of residents, their hours of house entry and exit and times of sleeping were recorded and the individual hourly exposure to vectors indoors and outdoors was calculated. Using these data, the true protective efficacy of nets (P*), for this population was estimated, and compared between genders, age groups and from month to month. Primary vector species (Anopheles funestus s.l. and Anopheles arabiensis) were more likely to feed indoors but the secondary vector Anopheles coustani demonstrated exophagic behaviour (p < 0.05). A rise in vector biting activity was recorded at 19:30 outdoors and 18:30 indoors. Individuals using LLINs experienced a moderate reduction in their overall exposure to malaria vectors from 1.3 to 0.47 bites per night. The P* for the population over the study period was calculated as 51% and varied significantly with age and season (p < 0.01). In the present study, LLINs offered the local population partial protection against malaria vector bites. It is likely that P* would be estimated to be greater if the overall suppression of the local vector population due to widespread community net use could be taken into account. However, the overlap of early biting habit of vectors and human activity in this region indicates that additional methods of vector control are required to limit transmission. Regular surveillance of both vector behaviour and domestic human-behaviour patterns would assist the planning of future control interventions in this region.
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Cookeet al. Malar J (2015) 14:259
DOI 10.1186/s12936-015-0766-4
A bite beforebed’: exposure tomalaria
vectors outsidethe timesof net use
inthe highlands ofwestern Kenya
Mary K Cooke1, Sam C Kahindi2, Robin M Oriango2, Chrispin Owaga2, Elizabeth Ayoma2,
Danspaid Mabuka2, Dennis Nyangau2, Lucy Abel2, Elizabeth Atieno2, Stephen Awuor2, Chris Drakeley1,
Jonathan Cox1 and Jennifer Stevenson1,3*
Background: The human population in the highlands of Nyanza Province, western Kenya, is subject to sporadic
epidemics of Plasmodium falciparum. Indoor residual spraying (IRS) and long-lasting insecticide treated nets (LLINs)
are used widely in this area. These interventions are most effective when Anopheles rest and feed indoors and when
biting occurs at times when individuals use LLINs. It is therefore important to test the current assumption of vector
feeding preferences, and late night feeding times, in order to estimate the extent to which LLINs protect the inhabit-
ants from vector bites.
Methods: Mosquito collections were made for six consecutive nights each month between June 2011 and May
2012. CDC light-traps were set next to occupied LLINs inside and outside randomly selected houses and emptied
hourly. The net usage of residents, their hours of house entry and exit and times of sleeping were recorded and the
individual hourly exposure to vectors indoors and outdoors was calculated. Using these data, the true protective
efficacy of nets (P*), for this population was estimated, and compared between genders, age groups and from month
to month.
Results: Primary vector species (Anopheles funestus s.l. and Anopheles arabiensis) were more likely to feed indoors but
the secondary vector Anopheles coustani demonstrated exophagic behaviour (p < 0.05). A rise in vector biting activity
was recorded at 19:30 outdoors and 18:30 indoors. Individuals using LLINs experienced a moderate reduction in their
overall exposure to malaria vectors from 1.3 to 0.47 bites per night. The P* for the population over the study period
was calculated as 51% and varied significantly with age and season (p < 0.01).
Conclusions: In the present study, LLINs offered the local population partial protection against malaria vector bites.
It is likely that P* would be estimated to be greater if the overall suppression of the local vector population due to
widespread community net use could be taken into account. However, the overlap of early biting habit of vectors and
human activity in this region indicates that additional methods of vector control are required to limit transmission.
Regular surveillance of both vector behaviour and domestic human-behaviour patterns would assist the planning of
future control interventions in this region.
Keywords: Malaria, Exophagic, Endophagic, Anopheles funestus, Anopheles arabiensis, LLIN, IRS, Kenya, Highlands
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Open Access
3 Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg
School of Public Health/Macha Research Trust, Choma, Zambia
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Cookeet al. Malar J (2015) 14:259
e feeding locations and the biting times of individual
Anopheles spp. could potentially confound assessments
of their role in local malaria transmission [1, 2]. ere
is evidence that in Kenya and elsewhere in Africa, pri-
mary vectors and other potentially important secondary
malaria vectors do not feed exclusively within houses
[1, 314] and that significant levels of vector exophagy,
feeding outdoors, can occur at times when the human
population is still outdoors [5, 7, 1113, 15, 16]. Malaria
eradication has recently returned to the global health
agenda for the first time since the failure of the Global
Malaria Eradication Programme (GMEP) of the 1950s
and 1960s [1720]. e development of insecticide
resistance, and the exophily and exophagy of Anopheles
species (resting and feeding outdoors) are thought to be
among the key contributors to the failure of the original
programme [21] which relied heavily on indoor residual
spraying (IRS) with DDT. It has, therefore, been sug-
gested that any future campaign to achieve eradication,
still less elimination, may fail if the lessons learnt from
the collapse of the GMEP are forgotten or ignored [20,
Today, vector malaria elimination plans are heavily
reliant on the use of long-lasting insecticide treated nets
(LLINs) and IRS, both of these being strategies that are
theoretically less effective against the malaria vectors
that are fully or partially exophilic or exophagic [23]. Suc-
cessful malaria control is threatened by the emergence
of physiological, biochemical or behavioural adaptations
within the vector population in response to the use of
insecticide [24, 25]. IRS and LLINs require direct contact
between the mosquito and surfaces carrying sufficient
levels of insecticide to kill or repel the vector. Pre-existing
or adapted feeding and resting behaviour may reduce or
negate this contact [19].
e feeding behaviour and circadian rhythms of
Anopheles are genetically determined [26, 27], with the
former being linked with inversion polymorphisms [26].
ere is an added complication of intraspecies varia-
tion, where mosquitoes of the same species but different
homokaryotypes react to identical environmental condi-
tions in different ways [26]. ere has been some debate
surrounding the importance of pre-existing exophilic and
exophagic Anopheles populations when planning control
efforts [1, 19, 2830]. Whilst the occurrence and mecha-
nisms of insecticide resistance over the last century have
been well documented in African Anopheles populations
[21, 25, 31], the extent to which the emergence of popula-
tion-wide vector behavioural change in response to con-
trol methods, known as ‘behaviouristic resistance’, affects
the use of nets and IRS remains unclear. is can only
be established by observing vector population behaviour
in the field and there is a lack of basic pre-intervention
baseline studies [12, 25, 3134].
e time of feeding in both endophagic and exophagic
populations may also be of critical importance if it occurs
in the hours outside of LLIN use [16, 28, 30, 3538], par-
ticularly in areas where nets are the main control inter-
vention used [1].ere have been reports of net and IRS
use leading to a reduction in indoor biting or resting, and
a shift to exophagic behaviour, earlier feeding times or
feeding on different hosts [10, 3948]. In Kenya, a pro-
nounced reduction in endophily was observed in the vec-
tors Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto (s.s.) and Anopheles
funestus sensu lato (s.l.) and a shift in host preference
from humans to other mammals after 5years of bed-net
use [44]. Similarly, host choice change in An. funestus s.l.
was observed by Githeko etal. following use of perme-
thrin-impregnated eave-sisal curtains [49]. In Benin, An.
funestus s.l. populations exhibited increased exophagy
and a shift in feeding times after LLIN introduction and
demonstrated a shift to diurnal feeding in a recent study
in Senegal [50, 51]. For these species complexes, this
could be due to a change of the sibling species composi-
tion, rather than a behavioural change of a single species
per se, as some members demonstrate higher zoophagy
and exophagy than others. is was demonstrated in
Kenya where following mass net distribution the An.
gambiae s.s. population decreased and the remaining sib-
ling species Anopheles arabiensis, demonstrated higher
exophagy and zoophagy [52]. In Tanzania, substantial
reduction in the indoor resting and a small increase in
the exophagic behaviour of An. gambiae s.s. was recorded
after the introduction of pyrethroid-impregnated bed
nets in one study village [39]. It should also be noted, that
these changes are not universal, a recent study in Kenya
noted that late night vector feeding behaviour still per-
sisted in areas 10years after bed net distribution [53].
Human behaviour may also influence the extent of
human-vector contact. Entomological studies carried out
in Zambia and Tanzania incorporated the proportion of
the human population indoors but not asleep and those
indoors and asleep under an LLIN, in order to calculate
the protective efficacy of bed nets [37, 38, 45]. e meth-
odology of these studies provides a useful insight into the
true protective efficacy of bed nets when both human
and vector behaviours are combined but are partially lim-
ited, as they do not estimate the area-wide effects on the
vector population that universal coverage of LLIN can
offer [54].
e World Health Organization recommends that
adequate baseline information is collected in an area
before residual insecticide is used [55]. Without a good
understanding of the baseline entomological situation,
the emergence of true behavioural adaptations will be
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Cookeet al. Malar J (2015) 14:259
difficult to detect. is concern has led to a call for reg-
ular monitoring of vector feeding behaviour as control
programmes are expanded [37]. Regrettably, as noted by
Smits etal., vector control is susceptible to a reduction in
supervision and evaluation when activities have been in
place for some time [4]. Success is more likely if control
efforts are designed to adapt to changing local conditions
[4]. Without a baseline vector dataset it is difficult to
identify the emergence of behaviouristic resistance, and
the accuracy of malaria transmission models used to plan
future control efforts will be compromised [5658].
is study aimed to assess the behaviour of exophagic
or partially exophagic malaria vectors in Rachuonyo
South, western Kenyan highlands, over different seasons,
and to assess the level of exposure to Anopheles bites that
individuals experience when not protected by an LLIN.
Using vector exposure calculations, the protective effi-
cacy of nets was calculated for this population.
Study site
e current Kenyan national malaria strategic plan aims
to reduce morbidity and mortality caused by malaria,
using current control tools, including regular national
mass distributions of LLINs and IRS in selected regions
[59]. e western Kenyan highlands are considered an
area of unstable Plasmodium falciparum transmission
and prone to epidemics, and as such are included in those
areas selected for intensive malaria control by universal
LLIN distribution and either annual or intermittent IRS
[6062]. Malaria transmission in this region is charac-
terized by marked temporal and spatial heterogeneity
[49, 63, 64]. e identification of malaria vectors, their
behaviour and the contribution of each vector to local
transmission are key to evaluating the success of con-
trol measures, and to planning future campaigns [2, 37,
56, 57]. is is particularly important in areas of unstable
transmission which constitute key targets for eliminat-
ing the disease as vector dynamics can vary dramatically
by season [6567]. In Nyanza Province, western Kenya,
a number of descriptive studies have been carried out in
Kisii district of vector distribution and behaviours in the
context of control interventions [68, 69]. However in the
highland fringe area of neighbouring Rachuonyo South,
a district of approximately 200,000 population bordering
the highly endemic lake area, no recent data exist on vec-
tor bionomics.
is study was carried out under the highland Malaria
Transmission Consortium in southern Nyanza Province,
Kenya in the adjacent villages of Lwanda and Siany, in
Rachuonyo South District (0°2559.53 S, 34°5540.36
E; altitude 1,420–1,570m ASL). is location was previ-
ously identified as an area of relatively high P. falciparum
transmission during cross-sectional and cohort parasi-
tological surveys carried out in 2009 and 2010 and with
indoor-resting anopheline populations [70]. IRS had been
carried out by the local health services in this region in
2010 using Fendona (alphacypermethrin), a year before
the study began, and was repeated in July 2011 using
Icon (Lambda-cyhalothrin). is area was also included
in the mass distribution of LLINs during the rainy sea-
son (April–June) in 2011, as part of the Kenyan National
Malaria Strategy [71]. However, prior to the distribution
in 2011, 100% of the 48 houses recruited into the present
study already owned a minimum of one net (and more
than half of the households owned two or more nets).
In western Kenya the primary vectors of P. falciparum
are considered to be, An. arabiensis, An. funestus and An.
gambiae s.s., three of the six malaria vector species iden-
tified in Kenya [72, 73]. ere is some evidence that the
once widely distributed An. gambiae s.s. has declined in
recent years and that An. arabiensis has encroached upon
its previous distribution [52, 73, 74]. is shift has been
attributed to the wide-scale use of insecticide-treated
nets (ITNs) [44, 52].
Sample size
e study was designed to compare the catch of light-
traps set outdoors with those placed indoors over 1,800
trap nights, 900 trap nights for each study arm over
a 1-year period. To test the null hypothesis that there
was no difference between the mean density of primary
malaria vector species feeding inside and outside houses,
data from a previous field study in the region were used
to estimate minimum sample sizes. As there was the
potential for intracluster correlation caused by repeated
sampling at trap locations, formulae for community stud-
ies from Hayes and Bennett were used [75]. e mini-
mum sample size required to compare An. gambiae s.l.
feeding inside and outside, with 80% power, 95% preci-
sion and a coefficient of variation of 0.8 was 7.9 traps in
each study arm per night, giving a total of 16 traps in use
per study night. Using the same power, precision and
coefficient estimates, a total of 8.4 traps per study arm
would be required to compare the mean catches of An.
funestus s.l. As previous studies had been disrupted by
unexpected weather conditions (outdoor catches, in par-
ticular, can be interrupted by heavy rain), a conservative
total of 24 traps, 12 indoors and 12 outdoors, running
each night was selected for the study.
Mosquito collection
Fieldwork was carried out between February 2011 and
May 2012. Community sensitization, recruitment, map-
ping and a pilot study took place between February and
May 2011. Sampling began in June 2011 and continued
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Cookeet al. Malar J (2015) 14:259
for six nights every lunar month (with the exception of
December 2011) until the end of May 2012, a total of 75
collection nights. Sampling was scheduled on nights near
a new moon to minimize the effect of moonlight on the
outdoor light-trap collection and to reduce bias when
comparing species distribution and flight activity across
seasons [7678]. An estimate of the presence and period
of moonlight was calculated using a lunar calendar and
the method described by Bowden [77, 79].
A stratified random sampling method was adopted to
minimize sampling bias when selecting sampling loca-
tions and to reduce variance in the dataset [80]. e
study site was identified with the aid of satellite imagery
(Quickbird Inc, Longmont, CO, USA), with a spatial res-
olution of <1m, which could therefore be used to identify
structures on the ground. Using GIS software (ArcGIS
9.2, Redmond CA, USA), a sampling grid was defined to
divide the area into 36 quadrants (300m×300m) cover-
ing an area of 1.8sq km running across the valley floor
and a portion of the adjoining hillsides.
A survey of the selected quadrants was conducted on
the ground. Quadrants with permanent breeding sites
(n = 13) were selected for recruitment, as these have
been associated with higher adult vector productivity in
highland areas than temporary breeding sites, and are
more likely to be present throughout the sampling year
[81] (Figure1). Quadrants with fewer than four occupied
houses were omitted from the recruitment. Remain-
ing eligible quadrants were randomized and processed
sequentially until 12 quadrants had been recruited into
the study. Within each quadrant the mapped houses
were randomized and four households with associated
light-trap workers were recruited into the study. During
recruitment, data on house construction, occupant num-
bers, bed nets, local IRS activity, and domestic animal
ownership were collected.
To reduce selection bias six quadrants (i.e., 24 houses)
were randomly selected for trapping each night. Within
quadrants, two houses were randomly selected for out-
door sampling with the remaining two allocated for
indoor trapping. As the effective range of light-traps
has been estimated at 5m [82], outdoor sampling took
place at least 10m from the house to reduce the chance
of the inhabitants acting as unshielded bait. A miniature
CDC light-trap with a standard 6.3V incandescent bulb
(Model 512, John W Hock, Florida, USA), with an LLIN
occupied by a light-trap worker, was used to trap mosqui-
toes. Traps set indoors were hung in the sleeping quarters
and traps set outside were hung adjacent to an occupied
temporary, open-sided rain shelter constructed from a
domed one-man tent (Kenya Canvas, Nairobi, Kenya).
Traps were checked and connected by 17:30 and the
light-trap worker replaced the collection cups every
hour until 22:30. e traps inside the houses continued
to run until 05:30 the next morning when the collection
cup was changed for the final hour. For traps set outside,
no collections were made between 22:30 and 05:29 as it
was assumed that all residents would be indoors between
these times. ese times were based on a survey of sleep-
ing times carried out by Battle, recording sleeping times
in rural Nyanza province, and are consistent with previ-
ous assumptions on sleeping times in rural areas and the
scope of Anopheles activity [1, 83]. Between 05:29 and
06:30, a final hour of trapping was carried out both inside
and outside. Supervisors made random checks through-
out the night, every night, to ensure traps were running
and set up correctly.
Mosquitoes were killed by freezing, and morphologi-
cally identified to genus and species level using morpho-
logical keys [84, 85]. A subsample of female Anopheles
that were neither blood fed, gravid nor semigravid were
dissected for determination of parity status as a proxy
for age [86]. Samples were stored in 0.5-ml micro centri-
fuge tubes packed with silica gel crystals and transported
to the Centre for Global Health Research, Kenya Medi-
cal Research Institute/Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention in Kisian, Kisumu (CGHR, KEMRI/CDC),
for further analysis. Sibling species of the An. gambiae
complex were identified using an An. gambiae spe-
cific diagnostic PCR [87]. e presence of P. falciparum
or Plasmodium vivax CSP in specimens was tested by
ELISA using an established methodology used by CGHR,
KEMRI/CDC, adapted from techniques described by
Beier etal. and Wirtz etal. [88, 89].
Population sleeping andbehaviour survey
Questionnaires were used to gather information on the
time people entered and exited their houses in the even-
ing and morning, the time they slept and their use of bed
nets. e head of each household used a digital watch to
complete the questionnaire on behalf of all adults and
children that slept in that house. Questionnaires were
distributed and completed twice during each six-night
sampling period, on a week night and a Saturday night,
and collected the next day. Questionnaires were not dis-
tributed during the sampling week in December 2011
due to the short study period.
Statistical analysis
e location and times of Anopheles feeding behaviour
were analysed using a random-effects negative binomial
model accounting for repeated measurements using
Stata (Version 11, StataCorp LP, Texas, USA). Bivariate
analysis was carried out to assess the role of potential
confounders, not on the causal pathway, against the out-
come of interest. ose variables deemed not significant
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Cookeet al. Malar J (2015) 14:259
(p > 0.05) were discarded. Independent variables were
then tested for correlation using a Pearson’s product-
moment correlation test. ose demonstrating multi-
collinearity (correlation>0.90) were identified and one
variable, from the two tested, chosen for the model. In all
analyses, a predetermined significance level of p< 0.05
for the incident rate ratio (IRR) was sufficient evidence
that the null hypothesis could be rejected. A model was
Figure1 Maps of the study site showing the sampling quadrants, and phases of recruitment. a Construction of sampling grid and identification of
building structures using aerial maps; b Survey of sampling grid to identify and exclude quadrants without breeding sites or with fewer than four
houses; c Randomization of houses within the remaining quadrants and sequential recruitment of four houses per quadrant; d An example of a
typical night of sampling, with six quadrants active and six quadrants deactivated.
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Cookeet al. Malar J (2015) 14:259
deemed a poor fit if the Wald Chi squared test statistic
(χ2) had a p>0.05.
To determine whether there were groups within the
local human population that were at greater risk of expo-
sure to malaria vectors than others, the mean catch of An.
funestus s.l., An. arabiensis and An. gambiae s.s. trapped
by hour and location were extracted for each sampling
week and the man biting rate (MBR) for each hour that
the traps were running was calculated for both locations.
e potential exposure of individuals to these vectors
was then estimated using each individual’s responses to
the sleeping questionnaire for the sampling week that the
questionnaire was completed, thus creating a dataset that
reflected any change to the vector-human interaction
throughout the sampling year.
Human exposure to malaria vectors and the true pro-
tective efficacy of bed nets was calculated using methods
adapted from the work described by Geissbuhler et al.,
based on the formulae published by Killeen etal. [37, 45]
(see Additional file 1). ese earlier studies calculated
the protective efficacy of bed nets as a result of reduced
exposure to An. gambiae bites, incorporating the propor-
tion of the population indoors but not asleep and those
indoors and asleep under an ITN. In the present study,
calculations were made for exposure to the three primary
vectors An. funestus s.l., An. arabiensis and An. gambiae
In this region it is rare for individuals to sleep outdoors
at night, and this was excluded from the analysis. A limi-
tation of this method is the necessary assumption that the
protective efficacy of the bed nets (P) is uniform between
houses, and that each individual used an identical model
and age of bed net, and used it correctly. ere was a
mass distribution of LLINs during this study, but there
was evidence of older LLINs in use within the recruited
households. In this calculation the functional protective
efficacy of LLINs is assumed to be 80% (P=0.8), which
had been adopted by previous studies informed by exist-
ing evidence from experimental hut trails [37, 45]. We
have also reported estimates that assume functional pro-
tective efficacy to be 100% for comparison purposes with
other studies. Pairwise Kruskal–Wallis (K–W) analysis
was used to compare P* between participant age groups
and month of data collection.
Informed consent was obtained from those participating
in the study. is work was reviewed and approved by the
KEMRI/National Ethics Review Committee, Kenya (SSC
No. 2007) and by the Ethics Committee of the London
School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK. Informed
consent was obtained from the head of each household
recruited into the study and from every light-trap worker.
Anopheles species identication andfeeding behaviour
A total of 3,330 Anopheles were trapped between June
2011 and May 2012. Based on morphological identifica-
tions, the greatest proportion of female Anopheles were
the vector species An. funestus s.l. (n=1,475, 44%) and
An. gambiae s.l. (n = 263 8%). Anopheles funestus s.l.
was the species most frequently trapped both inside and
outside houses (inside: n=1,099, 69% of females caught,
and outside: n=376, 33%). A total of 2,750 (99%) of all
Anopheles trapped were examined using An. gambiae-
specific diagnostic PCR to identify sibling species. e
remaining 1% of samples examined did not contain suf-
ficient material to analyse. Using PCR, 145 were iden-
tified as An. arabiensis (inside: n = 110, and outside:
n=35) and five samples were confirmed as An. gam-
biae s.s. (inside: n=5, and outside: n=0). e remain-
der did not amplify when tested, the majority of which
had been morphologically identified as An. funestus s.l.
Due to logistical constraints, PCR was not carried out
to identify members of the An. funestus complex. is
is a recognized limitation of this study which should be
addressed by ongoing studies to genetically sequence
these specimens.
When comparing indoor and outdoor catches directly
at times when traps were running concurrently, there
was evidence that An. funestus s.l. were more likely
to feed indoors than outdoors (IRR=1.5, 95% CI: 1.1-
2.010, p = 0.006) (Table 1). is species complex was
also more likely to be trapped indoors when carry-
ing eggs, when either semigravid or gravid (IRR = 4.5,
95% CI 2.5–8.2, p< 0.005). Combined, a total of 18.9%
(n=174) An. funestus s.l. were identified as either semi-
gravid or gravid. For collections carried out between the
hours of 17:30 and 22:29 and 05:30 and 06:30 when peo-
ple are likely to be outside of a net, An. funestus s.l. bit-
ing increased indoors between 18:30 and 19:29 (
95% CI 0.14–0.22) and 19:30 and 20:29 (
=0.13, 95%
CI 0.10–0.15) with a third rise between 21:30 and 22:29
=0.16, 95% CI 0.12–0.20) (Figure2). However, there
was no evidence to indicate that the numbers recorded
for these hours differed significantly (p > 0.1). When
compared directly to the numbers caught between
21:30 and 22:29, fewer An. funestus s.l. were likely to be
trapped indoors very early in the evening (17:30–18:29:
p<0.001), between 20:30 and 21:39 (p=0.020) and in
the early morning, 05:30–06:29 (p<0.001). Outdoors An.
funestus s.l. females fed later between 19:30 and 20:29
(x=0.21, 95% CI 0.13–0.22) carrying through to 21:30–
22:29 (x=0.076, 95% CI 0.06–0.096, p<0.001).
Anopheles arabiensis was also caught in both indoor
(n=67) and outdoor traps (n=35) and, was also more
likely to feed indoors (IRR = 1.9, 95% CI 1.03–3.4,
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Cookeet al. Malar J (2015) 14:259
p=0.038) (Table1). A total of 12.7% (n=13) An. ara-
biensis were identified as either semi-gravid or gravid.
Indoor An. arabiensis biting activity started in the early
evening between 18:30 and 19:29 (
= 0.012, 95% CI
0.0042–0.020) and 19:30 and 20:29 (
=0.011, 95% CI
0.0033–0.018) with a second rise in MBR between 21:30
and 22:29 (
= 0.026, 95% CI 0.015–0.040) (Figure2).
However, there was no evidence to indicate that the two
periods of increased activity differed in intensity (p>0.1).
Outdoor biting started later in the evening with activity
increasing between 19:30 and 20:29 (
=0.019, 95% CI
0.01–0028) and continuing until 22:29 (p<0.001). ere
was significantly less activity in the early hours of the
evening (18:30–19:29: p<0.05) when compared to the
numbers recorded between 21:30 and 22:29.
A total of four An. gambiae s.s. females were trapped
between the hours of 17:30 and 22:29 and 05:30 and
06:29, all indoors. e increase in the indoor mean hourly
MBR occurred between 20:30 and 21:29 (
= 0.0027,
95% CI 0.0010 to 0.0064). ere were insufficient data
to make a comparison between the hour of biting or the
numbers of An. gambiae s.s. found inside and outside.
A smaller number of samples were morphologically
identified as those that have been previously documented
in Kenya and may represent infrequent or second-
ary malaria vectors [14, 73, 90]. Of these, An. coustani,
Anopheles demeilloni, An. maculipalpis, Anopheles pre-
toriensis, Anopheles squamosus, and Anopheles rufipes
females were predominantly trapped outdoors (p<0.05).
Samples of other species were too few in number to fit
the model (Table1).
ere was evidence that older Anopheles females
that had previously laid eggs (parous mosquitoes)
Table 1 Female Anopheles morphologically identied vector
species between the hours of 17:30 and 22:29 and 05:30
NC negative binomial statistical model could not converge.
measure Total number
caught bytrap
Comparison betweenindoors
andoutdoors withoutdoor
Indoor Outdoor Indoor IRR
(95% CI) P Wald χ2 (p)
Primary African malaria vector species
An. funestus
s.l. 544 376 1.5 (1.1–
2.010) 0.006 18 (<0.001)
An. arabi-
67 35 1.9 (1.03–3.4) 0.038 17 (0.0023)
An. gambiae
s.s. 4 0 NC NC NC
An. nili 1 1 NC NC NC
Other documented Kenyan Anopheles species
An. coustani 19 151 0.15 (0.090–
0.25) <0.001 64 (<0.001)
An. demeil-
63 148 0.42 (0.26–
0.68) <0.001 37 (< 0.001)
An. dthali 2 4 0.52 (0.080–
3.3) 0.49 2.3 (0.32)
An. gibbinsi 1 11 0.13 (0.015–
1.08) 0.059 3.6 (0.059)
An. longipal-
2 5 NC NC NC
An. maculi-
17 55 0.31 (0.16–
0.58) <0.001 25 (<0.001)
An. natal-
1 3 NC NC NC
An. parensis 1 2 NC NC NC
An. preto-
9 29 0.41(0.18–
0.94) 0.035 9.02 (0.011)
An. rufipes 5 26 0.204 (0.078–
0.54) 0.001 13 (0.0012)
An. salbaii 2 7 NC NC NC
An. squamo-
3 21 0.22 (0.056–
0.86) 0.029 9.6 (0.0081)
An. symesi 4 4 1.03
(0.22–4.7) 0.97 0.00 (0.97)
An. ziemanni 1 1 NC NC NC
An. arabiensis
An. funestus
Hourly catch data
unavailable between
Hourly catch data
unavailable between
Figure2 Mean hourly catch of a Anopheles arabiensis and b Anoph-
eles funestus s.l. caught by CDC light-traps. Traps were emptied hourly
between 17:30 and 22:29 each evening and between 05:30 and 06:29
the next morning.
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Cookeet al. Malar J (2015) 14:259
were more likely to bite outdoors (p<0.05) and, con-
versely, that younger nulliparous females were more
likely to feed indoors (p< 0.05). However, when ana-
lysing the catch of malaria vector species: An. funestus
s.l. (55% parous indoor, 78% outdoor), An. arabiensis
(78% indoor, 80% outdoor) and An. gambiae s.s. (100%
indoor, 0% outdoor) there was either insufficient data
to fit a model, or the model did not fit well (Wald χ2
p > 0.05). ere was a similar difficulty when fitting
models to the other Anopheles species that had been
dissected (Wald χ2 p > 0.05), with the exception of
An. coustani. A total of 44 An. coustani were success-
fully dissected, with 77% (n=34) identified as parous
(indoor n= 4, 12% and outdoor n=30, 88%). ere
was some evidence that parous An. coustani females
were more likely to forage outdoors (IRR=0.26, 95%
CI 0.091–0.77, p=0.05).
Entomological inoculation rate (EIR)
A subset (n = 2,706, 98%) of female Anopheles were
tested for the presence of P. falciparum and P. vivax CSP,
these samples included those from indoor traps left run-
ning between 22:30 and 05:30. Five samples were not
tested due to sample damage. Of the samples tested,
P. falciparum CSP was detected in 44 samples (1.6%)
(Table2). e majority of infected Anopheles were mor-
phologically identified as An. funestus s.l. (n=30, 69%,
2.0% CSP positive). Other morphologically identified
species included An. demeilloni (2.7% CSP positive) An.
gibbinsi (7.7% CSP positive) and An. longipalpis (12.5%
CSP positive). One sample of An. arabiensis (contained P.
falciparum CSP (0.7%). Plasmodium vivax CSP was not
detected from any of the samples tested.
e estimated annual EIR was calculated using the
indoor collections, as indoor data spanned the complete
sampling night from 17:30 to 05:30 the next morning. e
EIR for this region, was 20 (95% CI 17–22) P. falciparum-
infected bites per person per year. Estimates of the mean
indoor EIR per person per night were calculated for the
study period and these ranged between no infected bites
per person per night and a maximum of 0.27 (95% CI
0.22–0.32) recorded in March 2012.
Protective ecacy ofbed nets
e true mean bed net protective efficacy (P*), calculated
as efficacy against the combined bites of primary malaria
vectors (see Additional file1) was estimated at 51% (95%
CI 50–53%) if nets were assumed to offer protection
against 80% of vector bites and 64% (95% CI 62–66%) if
they were 100% effective. is equates to a drop in effi-
cacy of 29% (95% CI 27–30%) if bed nets are assumed to
offer protection against 80% of vector bites when used cor-
rectly. e P* calculated for each sampling month ranged
from 45 to 56% (Figure3). Protective efficacy varied sig-
nificantly across the sampling year when taking into con-
sideration the protection offered against the bites of all
primary malaria vectors (K–W χ2=37, 11 df, p=0.0001),
An. funestus s.l. alone (K–W χ2=37, 11 df, p=0.0001),
An. arabiensis (K–W χ2=230, 11 df, p=0.0001) and An.
gambiae s.s. (K–W χ2=170, 11 df, p=0.0001).
e estimated proportion of indoor and outdoor expo-
sure to malaria vectors fluctuated significantly across the
sampling year (K–W χ2=147, 11 df, p=0.0001) (Fig-
ure3), with a peak in the proportion of outdoor expo-
sure to the primary vectors in early October 2011 (with
bed net: 27%, 95% CI 19–34% and without bed net:
9.7%, 95% CI 7–12%). When tested using the two-sam-
ple Mann–Whitney test, there was no significant differ-
ence in the outdoor exposure to malaria vectors between
men and women (M–W, z=0.35, p=0.72), or between
Table 2 Percentage ofP. falciparum CSP positive, blood fed and parous primary vector species trapped betweenthe
hours of17:30 and22:29 and05:30 and06:30
Primary vector species % CSP positive % blood fed % parous
An. funestus s.l. 2.0% (n = 30) 14.1% (n = 130) 66% (n = 126)
An. arabiensis 0.7% (n = 1) 13.7% (n = 14) 79% (n = 11)
An. gambiae s.s. 0.0% (n = 0) 0.0% (n = 0) 100% (n = 1)
An. nili 0.0% (n = 0) 50% (n = 1) 0.0% (n = 0)
80% True protecve efficacy (P*)
Figure3 Monthly mean true protective efficacy of nets (P*) against
the combined bites of primary malaria vectors. For the purpose of
this study, primary malaria vectors are defined as An. nili, An. funestus
s.l. and An. gambiae s.l.
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Cookeet al. Malar J (2015) 14:259
participants’ exposure on a week night as opposed to a
night at the weekend (M–W, z=1.1, p=0.26).
e P* of LLINs also varied with the age group of par-
ticipants (K–W χ2=147, 18 df, p = 0.0001), for An.
funestus s.l. alone (K–W χ2=144, 18 df, p =0.0001),
An. arabiensis (K–W χ2=119, 17 df, p=0.0001) but it
was not significant for the small number of An. gambiae
s.s. trapped (K–W χ2=14, 13 df, p> 0.1). When indi-
vidual age groups were compared against the reference
age group of under 9years, those aged 10–59 had signifi-
cantly different levels of P* than those aged under 9years
(p<0.001), and examination of the medians and means
indicate that the levels of P* are lower in these age groups
Indoor versusoutdoor exposure
Based on the times recorded during the survey, it was
estimated that individuals not using bed nets would
experience a mean of 95% of their total vector exposure
inside their houses (95% CI 95–96%), and 5% outdoors
(95% CI 4–5%). It was estimated that a mean 31% (95% CI
29–33%) of their daily exposure occurred indoors before
they went to bed. A mean of 64% (62–66%) of daily expo-
sure occurred while they were asleep. When individuals
used bed nets their estimated mean exposure reduced
from 1.3 vector bites per night (95% CI 1.2–1.3%) to 0.47
(95% CI 0.44–0.51) (Figure5).
In common with the previous work carried out in Zam-
bia and Tanzania to determine the protective bed net effi-
cacy, this study highlights the importance of integrating
human behaviour into the assessment of human-vector
contact in relation to malaria transmission [16, 37, 38,
45]. Despite predominantly endophagic primary vec-
tors in this region, the overall P* was low at 51% (95% CI
50–53%) and this may be explained by exposure occur-
ring indoors at times of the evening before nets are used
which equates to 31% of total mean daily exposure. is
is substantially lower than the bed net efficacy using
similar methods reported from rural Tanzania [37], but
higher than that reported from urban Tanzania where
An. arabiensis is predominantly exophagic [45]. In the
present study, 90–95% of vector exposure was calculated
to occur within the house if LLINs were not used, which
is similar to levels reported for An. funestus s.l. in Zam-
bia [38] and the results of a study of matched surveys of
human and mosquito behaviour from Burkina Faso, Tan-
zania, Zambia, and Kenya [91]. e use of LLINs in the
present study reduced an individual’s exposure from 1.3
bites per night to 0.47 bites per night. In agreement with
a recent study carried out in Western Kenya the major-
ity of exposure occurred indoors [53], an estimated 65%
of mean daily exposure occurred during sleeping hours,
indicating that nets still may offer personal protection in
an area of low transmission.
e two primary vector species An. funestus s.l. and
An. arabiensis were both active inside and outside
from 18:30 onwards, two-and-a-half hours before the
mean time local residents reported going to bed. When
studying mosquito activity outside times when indi-
viduals are likely to be asleep, the peak hours of biting
varied between species, but universally very little activ-
ity occurred during the early evening (17:30–18:29) and
Age group (years)
Figure4 Variation in mean true protective efficacy of nets (P*) by age group of participants. Calculations based on a bed net efficacy where nets
are estimated to prevent 80% of bites when used correctly.
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Cookeet al. Malar J (2015) 14:259
morning (05:30–06:29). e latter may be due to the low
dawn temperatures in this area, but the former may have
been influenced by the heat and light intensity in the
hours before dusk. During the times studied, An. funes-
tus s.l. demonstrated a distinct bimodal pattern of indoor
feeding activity, with the first increase in biting activity
between 18:30 and 20:30 followed by a second at 21:30
and 22:29. Although there was no evidence that these
periods differed in intensity (p <0.05), they were both
significantly higher than the preceding or interim hours
e residents of this area reported that 90% used nets,
greater than that previously recorded in Kakamega in the
western Kenyan highlands (56%) [92], or by the Malaria
Indicator Survey in 2010, 61% [62]. However, the former
survey was conducted in a different area with a different
ethnic populations. Furthermore, the area of the current
study was a research site where active health teams had
been working for the past 2years and data were collected
during a year of mass LLIN distribution with prolonged
marketing campaigns to increase awareness and adher-
ence. Net use recorded in the present study may not
reflect wider patterns of bed net use.
It is important to note that this study, in common
with previous work [16, 37, 38, 45], did not estimate
the area-wide effects on the vector population that may
result from universal coverage of LLIN [54]. It has been
shown that mass distribution will reduce transmission of
principally endophagic vectors by reducing the reservoir
of disease [16]. e P* estimated here may be an underes-
timation as it does not include any potential community-
wide effects.
Anopheles funestus s.l. was the most abundant primary
vector species trapped in the area throughout the year
with an indoor MBR of 0.15–1.2 and an outdoor MBR of
0.13-1.2 bites per person per night. Similar findings were
reported from lowland areas in Nyanza Province [93].
Anopheles funestus s.s. is considered the anthropophagic
exception in a complex of zoophagic species [94], so
it is likely that the An. funestus s.l. in this study contain
other morphologically identical members of the complex.
Work continues to genetically sequence the full set of
anophelines caught to confirm species identities. Alter-
natively, it is possible that the LLIN and IRS use in this
area has induced this species to seek alternative hosts.
Such phenotypic, plastic feeding behaviour has been
observed in An. gambiae s.s., which can demonstrate
zoophilic behaviour in field conditions if their preferred
human hosts are not readily available [95]. is shift
from anthropophagy to zoophagy was noted in Kenyan
Mean biting rate (per person per night)
Age (years)
Indoors in bed
MBR indoors
MBR outdoors
Outdoor hourly catch data is
unavailable between 22:30-05:29
Figure5 Combined hourly man biting rate (MBR) for Anopheles arabiensis and Anopheles funestus s.l. Biting activity overlaid on the reported move-
ments of the local human population indoors and outdoors before, during and after sleep (mean hours). Data for outdoor hourly MBRs were not
collected between the hours of 22:30–05:29. For diagrammatic proposes, data for indoor MBR estimates between the hours of 22:30–05:29 were
divided equally across the 7 h of collection. Data collected between June 2011 and May 2012.
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Cookeet al. Malar J (2015) 14:259
An. funestus s.l. populations in response to permethrin-
impregnated eaves-sisal curtains [42] but again no data
were given as to the sibling species of the complex.
Anopheles arabiensis was also present in the study site,
with a peak MBR of 0.12 bites per person per night. is
is not consistent with either the historical distribution of
this species or recent work carried out in the Nandi hills,
where An. gambiae s.s. females were more prolific than
An. arabiensis [72, 96]. However, these findings do align
with the observations of Ndenga etal. who surveyed lar-
val breeding sites above 1,500m in neighbouring West-
ern province, where An. arabiensis represented a third of
the An. gambiae s.l. larvae collected [74]. Anopheles ara-
biensis is found at high densities in lowland Nyanza and it
is therefore conceivable that this species has encroached
upon the neighbouring highland fringe areas, filling the
niche left by An. gambiae s.s., which was selectively tar-
geted by local control efforts [41, 44, 52, 68]. It is possible
that the distribution of An. arabiensis may have always
included highland areas, with this species being over-
looked by those studies that predominantly used indoor
traps that do not target outdoor-resting and feeding spe-
cies [74].
EIR estimates were higher than those previously
reported for similar areas of western Kenya [49, 63].
Ndenga et al. reported an EIR of 0.2–1.1 in highland
areas of the neighbouring district Kisii Central and in
Kakamega (neighbouring province) and Githeko et al.
recorded a peak EIR of 12.8 from comparable elevations
in Kakamega [49, 63]. ose studies may have underes-
timated the EIR as they used pyrethrum spray catches,
which will not trap endophagic and exophilic Anopheles
that are infected but exit the house early. Furthermore,
in the current study, the site was specifically selected
due to high P. falciparum prevalence and incidence and
high indoor-resting densities of anopheline mosquitoes.
Within this area of higher transmission, only houses
within quadrants that contained breeding sites were
selected, and thus the EIR from the present study could
be interpreted as that of a transmission ‘hotspot’ [97].
In common with studies that used methods other than
human landing catches (HLC) to estimate EIR [98], the
present study did not include an estimation of outdoor
transmission and thus potentially overestimated the total
exposure an individual will experience throughout the
year. In addition to these limitations, it is also possible
that the EIR may be overestimated. is study did not
include steps to limit false-positive CSP-ELISA results by
reanalysing the homogenate therefore it is possible that
false-positives were included in the EIR estimate [99].
Across all Anopheles species trapped, there was evi-
dence (p < 0.05) that females carrying eggs were 4.5
times more likely to feed indoors, potentially presenting a
higher transmission risk indoors as these mosquitoes are
older than nulliparous females. However, unfed parous
females without eggs are used as a proxy for older females
and were more likely to bite outdoors (p<0.05) and, con-
versely, younger nulliparous females were more likely to
feed indoors (p<0.05). erefore, the number of gravid
females caught in traps indoors may reflect the recruit-
ment of the female indoor-resting population that are
attracted to the CDC-light trap during egg development.
e findings of this study support the hypothesis that
the levels of both LLIN and IRS coverage are currently
not sufficient to interrupt transmission in this setting. IRS
should be an effective control tool in a region where the
majority of exposure occurs inside the house and should
complement the use of LLINs if biting occurs before
times of net use and/or the observed exophagy is also
accompanied by indoor-resting behaviour. IRS was and is
still implemented in Rachuonyo district but coverage at
the time was not universal, with 38% of houses sprayed
in the previous 12months [62]. Improving the coverage
of the current IRS campaign may be more effective, but
if conducted poorly it may also encourage the develop-
ment of insecticide resistance. erefore, as the majority
of exposure is currently occurring indoors, measures to
bar entry to Anopheles may be a cost-effective option to
complement existing interventions. ese could include
the use of ceilings, window and door screens, measures
that have successfully reduced the number of Anopheles
indoors both historically and in experimental hut trials
[100, 101].
An important limitation of the present study is the
use of light-traps outdoors. Light-traps have been in use
since the early part of the 20th century, and have been
used widely in a variety of transmission settings, includ-
ing Africa [56, 82, 102]. ese traps work on the principle
that the mosquito is drawn into the ‘dazzle zone’, at which
point the fan mechanism sucks them into the trap [78,
102]. e exact mechanics of this process and the extent
to which it is species-specific are not well understood
[102, 103]. e type and size of catch may be influenced
by a number of factors, including the species of mosquito
[78], the model of trap and the wavelength of the light
used [102] and whether the strength of illumination can
be kept constant. Indeed, it is reasonable to assume that
the traps used during the present study could not achieve
a uniform level of illumination throughout the night.
Light-traps have several practical advantages: they are
commercially available which aids standardisation [104],
they are easily accepted by communities within study
sites [105] and they have low running costs. A number of
experiments have been carried out to establish whether
light-trap catches correlate well with those from HLC
and some studies have indicated that light-trap catches
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Cookeet al. Malar J (2015) 14:259
of Anopheles have relatively high sporozoite rates [103
105]. Other studies have reported no significant differ-
ence between sporozoite rates from light-traps and HLC,
with a corresponding similarity in parity rates between
these trapping methods [106108]. With a lack of stand-
ardisation between studies, there appears to be no defini-
tive evidence to indicate whether light-traps, with or
without human bait, can catch the anthropophagic vec-
tor population.
It has been claimed that CDC light-traps cannot be
used outdoors [109], yet this appears to be based on lim-
ited evidence. e small number of studies that assessed
HLC with light-traps hung outside tended to place the
light-traps directly under the eaves of houses [110, 111],
either with an accompanying light-trap inside the same
house [110, 112] or with no accompanying human bait
[110, 113]. Costantini etal. (1998) did hang CDC light-
traps away from houses, under a thatched rain shelter
with human bait, but found no correlation between its
catch and that of HLC when comparing An. gambiae s.l.
However, when An. funestus numbers were compared
there was a density-dependent correlation between the
catch of the outdoor HLC and the CDC light-trap [114].
e authors concluded that outdoor traps were not
effective but acknowledged that this was based on a lim-
ited data set [114]. Overgaard etal. (2012) used a CDC
light-trap with a UV bulb outdoors but with no human
bait and reported a correlation between the numbers of
An. gambiae s.l. and An. melas trapped by the two light-
traps. e authors did, however, express some doubts
about the practicality of using light-traps outdoors with
such low numbers and such high levels of variability
between catches [110]. Currently, there is insufficient
evidence to definitively dismiss the use of light-traps
outdoors as a means of collecting anthropophagic
Anopheles. Where HLC is not available, light-traps
remain one of the few viable trapping methodologies not
designed solely to catch the resting Anopheles popula-
tion, and may represent a useful tool to catch the vector
e present study contributes to the knowledge of both
primary and secondary vector species dynamics in the
fringe area of the western Kenyan highlands. e exist-
ence of predominantly exophagic potential secondary
vector species such as An. coustani and An. demeilloni
should be an important consideration when planning
future control efforts, as they are likely to be overlooked
during campaigns targeted at the primary vector species
that feed indoors during sleeping hours. ese species
have the potential to maintain low levels of transmis-
sion in this area. It is therefore vital that entomologi-
cal surveillance should be carried out on a regular basis
in this area and in other regions of unstable malaria
transmission targeted for malaria control or future
malaria elimination.
e present study indicates that primary vectors are more
likely to feed indoors in the fringe of the western Kenyan
highlands. Exophagic behaviour does occur, but when
considered in conjunction with the human behaviour
recorded in this study, the majority of exposure occurs
indoors. However, surveillance must be maintained to
detect any shift in behaviour and to monitor exophagic
populations of potential secondary vectors. Greater expo-
sure to primary vector bites occurs indoors in the early
evening when LLINs are not used. e early biting habit
of these vectors was shown to reduce the protective effi-
cacy of LLINs, although the actual estimate of protec-
tive efficacy calculated here does not take into account
the mass effect on mosquito populations when an entire
community uses nets. ere are indications that expo-
sure and therefore protective efficacy of nets varies with
both an individual’s age and across seasons. A key aspect
of man-vector contact is the behaviour of the human
local population, and this is not static across the seasons.
ese results indicate that LLINs may theoretically reduce
malaria vector exposure if used correctly, but that other
measures are required to protect against early indoor bit-
ing. Regular surveillance of both vector behaviour and
domestic human-behaviour patterns are needed for the
planning of future control interventions in this region.
CSP: circumsporozoite protein; ELISA: enzyme-linked immunosorbent
assay; EIR: entomologial inoculation rate; GMEP: Global Malaria Eradication
Programme; HLC: human landing catches; IRR: incident rate ratio; IRS: indoor
residual spraying; ITN: insecticide-treated nets; KEMRI/CDC: Kenya Medi-
cal Research Institute/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Kisian,
Kisumu; LLIN: long lasting insecticidal net; MBR: man biting-rate; P*: true
protective efficacy; PCR: polymerase chain reaction.
Authors’ contributions
MC, JS, JC and CD conceived and designed the study. MC, SK, RO, CO, EA, DM,
DN, LA, EA, and JS performed the experiment, contributed to study design
and entered and cleaned the data. MC performed the data analysis. MC, JS
and JC wrote the paper. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Author details
1 Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, London School of Hygiene
and Tropical Medicine, London, UK. 2 Kenya Medical Research Institute Centre
for Global Health Research/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
Kisumu, Kenya. 3 Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute, Johns Hopkins
Bloomberg School of Public Health/Macha Research Trust, Choma, Zambia.
Additional le
Additional le1: Calculation of true bed net protective efficacy. The
document details the method used to calculate true bednet protective
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Cookeet al. Malar J (2015) 14:259
We are grateful to the staff of the Highland MTC team for their hard work and
we would particularly like to thank, Silas Otieno, Diana Okello-Mburu and
Wycliffe Odongo. We would also like to thank the staff at the Centre for Global
Health Research, Kenya Medical Research Institute/Centres for Disease Control
and Prevention, (CGHR, KEMRI/CDC) Kisumu and the Ifakara Health Institute
(Tanzania) for their support of this project. We thank Brandy St Laurent and Neil
Lobo at the Eck Institute for Global Health, University of Notre Dame, Indiana,
USA for arranging and carrying out the sequencing of samples. We are grateful
to the residents of Lwanda and Siany (Rachuonyo South) for their hospitality,
tolerance and their contribution to this work. We would particularly like to
thank our guides George Onyango and Hezron Adika for their invaluable help.
This work was funded by the MTC by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
(USA) Grant Number 45114 and a DTA studentship Grant from the Medical
Research Council (UK). This article has been approved by the Director of the
Kenya Medical Research Institute.
Compliance with ethical guidelines
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Received: 23 December 2014 Accepted: 6 June 2015
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... The effectiveness of these vector control tools is threatened by changes in vector biting and resting behaviour and the diversity of their vectorial system [7]. For example, some mosquitoes either bite outdoors [8] or indoors at times that people are not under the protection of their bed nets [9]. LLINs and IRS have a direct impact on vector bionomics [10] and, historically, have been monitored using human landing catches (HLC), CDC light traps, pyrethrum spray catches, and aspiration techniques. ...
... This differed from the HLC collections which is consistent with previous observations where biting was observed primarily when people were in bed and under their bed nets. Similar observations have been reported in the highlands of western Kenya [9] where it was suggested that transmission could occur at times when people were not under the protection of nets. However, the differences in collection times by the different methods raises questions about mosquito behaviour in the peridomestic space including those unrelated to host-seeking. ...
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Background Vector surveillance is among the World Health Organization global vector control response (2017–2030) pillars. Human landing catches are a gold standard but difficult to implement and potentially expose collectors to malaria infection. Other methods like light traps, pyrethrum spray catches and aspiration are less expensive and less risky to collectors. Methods Three mosquito sampling methods (UV light traps, CDC light traps and Prokopack aspiration) were evaluated against human landing catches (HLC) in two villages of Rarieda sub-county, Siaya County, Kenya. UV-LTs, CDC-LTs and HLCs were conducted hourly between 17:00 and 07:00. Aspiration was done indoors and outdoors between 07:00 and 11:00 a.m. Analyses of mosquito densities, species abundance and sporozoite infectivity were performed across all sampling methods. Species identification PCR and ELISAs were done for Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles funestus complexes and data analysis was done in R. Results Anopheles mosquitoes sampled from 608 trapping efforts were 5,370 constituting 70.3% Anopheles funestus sensu lato (s.l.), 19.7% Anopheles coustani and 7.2% An. gambiae s.l. 93.8% of An. funestus s.l. were An. funestus sensu stricto (s.s.) and 97.8% of An. gambiae s.l. were Anopheles arabiensis. Only An. funestus were sporozoite positive with 3.1% infection prevalence. Indoors, aspiration captured higher An. funestus (mean = 6.74; RR = 8.83, P < 0.001) then UV-LT (mean = 3.70; RR = 3.97, P < 0.001) and CDC-LT (mean = 1.74; RR = 1.89, P = 0.03) compared to HLC. UV-LT and CDC-LT indoors captured averagely 0.18 An. arabiensis RR = 5.75, P = 0.028 and RR = 5.87, P = 0.028 respectively. Outdoors, UV-LT collected significantly higher Anopheles mosquitoes compared to HLC (An. funestus: RR = 5.18, P < 0.001; An. arabiensis: RR = 15.64, P = 0.009; An. coustani: RR = 11.65, P < 0.001). Anopheles funestus hourly biting indoors in UV-LT and CDC-LT indicated different peaks compared to HLC. Conclusions Anopheles funestus remains the predominant mosquito species. More mosquitoes were collected using aspiration, CDC-LTs and UV-LTs indoors and UV-LTs and CD-LTs outdoors compared to HLCs. UV-LTs collected more mosquitoes than CDC-LTs. The varied trends observed at different times of the night suggest that these methods collect mosquitoes with diverse activities and care must be taken when interpreting the results.
... Anopheles mosquitoes, vectors of malaria, primarily bite indoors at night (1,2). These mosquitoes are attracted by human skin odors and carbon dioxide (CO 2 ); therefore, indoor residual spraying and insecticide-treated bed nets are conventional vector control measures. ...
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Background Insecticide-treated mosquito bed nets and indoor residual spraying are widely used for malaria vector control. However, their effectiveness can be affected by household members’ habits, requiring alternative approaches toward malaria vector control. Objective To assess the effectiveness of modified houses in preventing mosquito entry; to assess the impact of house modifications on indoor air conditions and evaluate the acceptability of modified houses in the community where the study was conducted. Methods Five traditional and five modified houses were constructed in Nampula district, Mozambique and underwent a 90-day overnight indoor mosquito collection using Centers for Disease Control and nitride ultraviolet light traps during the rainy season. Mosquitoes were identified morphologically. Indoor temperature, relative humidity, carbon dioxide levels and wind speed were also collected. The Student’s t-test was used to compare the means of the number of mosquitos and environmental factors between both house types. A binomial form of the Generalized Linear Model identified the factors associated with the community volunteer’s preference for house type. Results Modified houses reduced the number of Anopheles by an average of 14.97 mosquitos (95% CI, 11.38–18.56, p < 0.000) and non-Anopheles by 16.66 mosquitoes (95% CI, 8.23–25.09, p < 0.000). Although fewer mosquitoes were trapped in modified houses compared to traditional ones, the modifications were more effective against Anopheles (94% reduction) than for non-Anopheles (71% reduction). The average temperature increased at 0.25°C in modified houses but was not statistically significant (95% CI, −0.62 to 0.12, p = 0.181). Community volunteers preferred modified houses due to reduced mosquito buzzing. The efficacy of modified houses including its acceptability by community, highlight its potential to lower malaria risk. Effective integration of modified houses into the vector control strategy will require raising awareness among communities about malaria risks associated with house structure and training them to modify their houses.
... species 6, has tested positive for Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites in studies from Kenya. 4,5 Furthermore, An. gibbinsi was previously reported from central, eastern and northern Africa and has now been shown to have a geographic range extending into southern Africa. Recent first-time captures for this species in Zambia reported the species largely exhibiting zoophilic and exophilic behavioral patterns; however, a blood meal PCR assay also detected a few specimens positive for human host DNA. 5 Similar in morphology to other well-established malaria vectors and with a dearth of genetic data available, there is a need for the continued monitoring of An. gibbinsi as a potential vector in malaria transmission. ...
Mosquitoes belonging to the genus Anopheles are the only vectors of human malaria. Anopheles gibbinsi has been linked to malaria transmission in Kenya, with recent collections in Zambia reporting the mosquito species exhibiting zoophilic and exophilic behavioral patterns with occasional contact with humans. Given the paucity of genetic data, and challenges to identification and molecular taxonomy of the mosquitoes belonging to the Anopheles genus; we report the first complete mitochondrial genome of An. gibbinsi using a genome skimming approach. An Illumina Novaseq 6000 platform was used for sequencing, the length of the mitochondrial genome was 15401 bp, with 78.5% AT content comprised of 37 genes. Phylogenetic analysis by maximum likelihood using concatenation of the 13 protein coding genes demonstrated that An. marshallii was the closest relative based on existing sequence data. This study demonstrates that the skimming approach is an inexpensive and efficient approach for mosquito species identification and concurrent taxonomic rectification, which may be a useful alternative for generating reference sequence data for evolutionary studies among the Culicidae.
... Consequently, understanding the distribution of human populations indoors and outdoors, hours in which humans are awake or asleep, and if and when they use ITNs over the course of the night enables a more accurate representation of biting exposure [16]. Such assessment is critical to optimizing existing malaria control interventions and planning new ones [17]. ...
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Background Insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) contributed significantly to the decline in malaria since 2000. Their protective efficacy depends not only on access, use, and net integrity, but also location of people within the home environment and mosquito biting profiles. Anopheline mosquito biting and human location data were integrated to identify potential gaps in protection and better understand malaria transmission dynamics in Busia County, western Kenya. Methods Direct observation of human activities and human landing catches (HLC) were performed hourly between 1700 to 0700 h. Household members were recorded as home or away; and, if at home, as indoors/outdoors, awake/asleep, and under a net or not. Aggregated data was analysed by weighting hourly anopheline biting activity with human location. Standard indicators of human-vector interaction were calculated using a Microsoft Excel template. Results There was no significant difference between indoor and outdoor biting for Anopheles gambiae sensu lato (s.l.) (RR = 0.82; 95% CI 0.65–1.03); significantly fewer Anopheles funestus were captured outdoors than indoors (RR = 0.41; 95% CI 0.25–0.66). Biting peaked before dawn and extended into early morning hours when people began to awake and perform routine activities, between 0400–0700 h for An. gambiae and 0300–0700 h for An. funestus. The study population away from home peaked at 1700–1800 h (58%), gradually decreased and remained constant at 10% throughout the night, before rising again to 40% by 0600–0700 h. When accounting for resident location, nearly all bites within the peri-domestic space (defined as inside household structures and surrounding outdoor spaces) occurred indoors for unprotected people (98%). Using an ITN while sleeping was estimated to prevent 79% and 82% of bites for An. gambiae and An. funestus, respectively. For an ITN user, most remaining exposure to bites occurred indoors in the hours before bed and early morning. Conclusion While use of an ITN was estimated to prevent most vector bites in this context, results suggest gaps in protection, particularly in the early hours of the morning when biting peaks and many people are awake and active. Assessment of additional human exposure points, including outside of the peri-domestic setting, are needed to guide supplementary interventions for transmission reduction.
... Mosquito diversity was observed to be higher in rural than peri-urban sites with the inclusion of An. gibbinsi, a potential secondary malaria vector. This vector has been reported in other parts of the country as a potential secondary malaria vector [33][34][35]. Secondary malaria vectors have not been adequately considered in most vector control programming yet they contribute to 5% of malaria transmission in the southern African region [36]. ...
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Background Malaria remains a public health issue in Zambia and insecticide-based vector control is the main malaria elimination strategy. Success of vector control is dependent on a clear understanding of bionomics and susceptibility of the local vectors to insecticides used. Therefore, this study was conducted to generate baseline data on vector behaviour and phenotypic resistance for effective vector control programming. Methods Data collection was conducted in Ndola district from July 2021 to October 2021 from four sites; two peri-urban and two rural sites using Centre for Disease Control – light traps (CDC – LT), Pyrethrum Spray Catches (PSC) and Larval Collection. Mosquito identification was done using standard identification keys and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Williams’s mean was used to determine mosquito densities and Kruskall Wallis H test was used to compare the distribution of mosquitoes. A negative binomial with a log link function was used to determine factors affecting mosquito counts. Susceptibility of the local vectors was determined using WHO tube and CDC bottle bioassay. Results The main breeding sites identified were irrigation trenches (4.67 larvae/dip) and garden ponds (2.72 larvae/dip) created from extensive urban agriculture practices. Anopheles funestus and Anopheles gambiae were found to coexist in all the four sites with An. funestus identified as the most dominant malaria vector. Densities of An. gambiae s.s were found to be higher in urban than rural sites compared to An. funestus s.s which had similar distribution across the four study sites. Sprayed houses were significantly associated with reduced mosquito numbers (B = -0.956, IRR = 0.384, P ˂ 0.05). An. gambiae s.s was fully susceptible to organophosphates and neonicotinoids but highly resistant to pyrethroids, carbamates and organochlorines. Conclusions The emergence of An. funestus s.s in an area previously dominated by An. gambiae s.s and its coexistence with An. gambiae s.s in the dry season pose a risk of sustaining malaria transmission all year round. Agriculture practices in peri-urban areas resulted in highly productive mosquito breeding sites, thus the need for targeted vector control. Lastly, the two main vectors in Ndola vary in bionomics and control measures must be tailored to these findings.
... The second peak of mosquito activity occurred when most people were out of the protection of LLINs, and hence the need for additional vector control strategies like SRs. The high density of An. funestus reported in this study and others [32][33][34] in western Kenya indicates that An. funestus is the dominant malaria vector both indoors and outdoors, with an early morning peak in biting indicating potential biting when people are just stepping away from the cover of their LLINs. Thus, LLINs alone will not be sufficient for malaria vector control. ...
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Background Spatial repellents (SR) may complement current vector control tools and provide additional coverage when people are not under their bednets or are outdoors. Here we assessed the efficacy of a metofluthrin-based SR in reducing exposure to pyrethroid-resistant Anopheles funestus in Siaya County, western Kenya. Methods Metofluthrin was vaporized using an emanator configured to a liquid petroleum gas (LPG) canister, placed inside experimental huts (phase 1) or outdoors (phase 2), and evaluated for reductions in human landing rate, density, knockdown and mortality rates of An. funestus, which are present in high density in the area. To demonstrate the mosquito recruiting effect of LPG, a hut with only an LPG cooker but no metofluthrin was added as a comparator and compared with an LPG cooker burning alongside the emanator and a third hut with no LPG cooker as control. Phase 2 evaluated the protective range of the SR product while emanating from the centre of a team of mosquito collectors sitting outdoors in north, south, east and west directions at 5, 10 and 20 feet from the emanating device. Results Combustion of LPG with a cook stove increased the density of An. funestus indoors by 51% over controls with no cook stove. In contrast, huts with metofluthrin vaporized with LPG combustion had lower indoor density of An. funestus (99.3% less than controls), with knockdown and mortality rates of 95.5 and 87.7%, respectively, in the mosquitoes collected in the treated huts. In the outdoor study (phase 2), the outdoor landing rate was significantly lower at 5 and 10 feet than at 20 feet from the emanator. Conclusions Vaporized metofluthrin almost completely prevented An. funestus landing indoors and led to 10 times lower landing rates within 10 feet of the emanator outdoors, the first product to demonstrate such potential. Cooking with LPG inside the house could increase exposure to Anopheles mosquito bites, but the use of the metofluthrin canister eliminates this risk. Graphical abstract
... gambiae s.s. populations continue to demonstrate their ancestral anthropophagic, endophilic and endophagic behaviours [7,[14][15][16], these and other species, including An. arabiensis, currently the predominant malaria vector in sub-Saharan Africa [12,17,18], are reported to increasingly vary their patterns of blood feeding on hosts depending on host availability, particularly in the presence of cattle [2,8,[19][20][21][22]. There is thus a need for regular surveillance of host-feeding preference in not only primary, but also secondary malaria vectors, to assess how these behavioural changes may affect the efficacy of current vector control tools, and the risk of disease transmission. ...
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Background Malaria vectors vary in feeding preference depending on their innate behaviour, host availability and abundance. Host preference and human biting rate in malaria vectors are key factors in establishing zooprophylaxis and zoopotentiation. This study aimed at assessing the impact of non-human hosts in close proximity to humans on the human biting rate of primary and secondary malaria vectors, with varying host preferences. Methods The effect of the presence of non-human hosts in close proximity to the human host on the mean catches per person per night, as a proxy for mosquito biting rate, was measured using mosquito-electrocuting traps (METs), in Sagamaganga, Kilombero Valley, Tanzania. Two experiments were designed: (1) a human versus a calf, each enclosed in a MET, and (2) a human surrounded by three calves versus a human alone, with each human volunteer enclosed individually in a MET spaced 10 m apart. Each experiment was conducted on alternate days and lasted for 36 nights per experiment. During each experiment, the positions of hosts were exchanged daily (except the human in experiment 2). All anopheline mosquitoes caught were assayed for Plasmodium sporozoites using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results A total of 20,574 mosquitoes were captured and identified during the study, of which 3608 were anophelines (84.4% primary and 15.6% secondary malaria vectors) and 17,146 were culicines. In experiment 1, the primary malaria vector, Anopheles arabiensis, along with Culex spp. demonstrated a preference for cattle, while the primary vectors, Anopheles funestus, preferred humans. In experiment 2, both primary vectors, An. arabiensis and An. funestus, as well as the secondary vector Anopheles rivolurum, demonstrated behaviours amenable to zooprophylaxis, whereas Culex spp. increased their attraction to humans in the presence of nearby cattle. All anopheline mosquitoes tested negative for sporozoites. Conclusions The findings of this study provide support for the zooprophylaxis model for malaria vectors present in the Kilombero Valley, and for the zoopotentiation model, as it pertains to the Culex spp. in the region. However, the factors regulating zooprophylaxis and zoopotentiation are complex, with different species-dependent mechanisms regulating these behaviours, that need to be considered when designing integrated vector management programmes.
... This behavior coincides with the time most people are indoors and asleep. However, following the upscaling of control tools in sub-Saharan Africa, there is growing evidence of malaria vectors shifting their biting behaviors toward times and places where people are not protected [14][15][16][17][18][19]. Host choice and resting patterns have also been observed to change to evade insecticidetreated nets (ITNs) [15]. ...
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Background Designing, implementing, and upscaling of effective malaria vector control strategies necessitates an understanding of when and where transmission occurs. This study assessed the biting patterns of potentially infectious malaria vectors at various hours, locations, and associated human behaviors in different ecological settings in western Kenya. Methods Hourly indoor and outdoor catches of human-biting mosquitoes were sampled from 19:00 to 07:00 for four consecutive nights in four houses per village. The human behavior study was conducted via questionnaire surveys and observations. Species within the Anopheles gambiae complex and Anopheles funestus group were distinguished by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and the presence of Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite proteins (CSP) determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results Altogether, 2037 adult female anophelines were collected comprising the An. funestus group (76.7%), An. gambiae sensu lato (22.8%), and Anopheles coustani (0.5%). PCR results revealed that Anopheles arabiensis constituted 80.5% and 79% of the An. gambiae s.l. samples analyzed from the lowland sites (Ahero and Kisian, respectively). Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto (hereafter An. gambiae) (98.1%) was the dominant species in the highland site (Kimaeti). All the An. funestus s.l. analyzed belonged to An. funestus s.s. (hereafter An. funestus). Indoor biting densities of An. gambiae s.l. and An. funestus exceeded the outdoor biting densities in all sites. The peak biting occurred in early morning between 04:30 and 06:30 in the lowlands for An. funestus both indoors and outdoors. In the highlands, the peak biting of An. gambiae occurred between 01:00 and 02:00 indoors. Over 50% of the study population stayed outdoors from 18:00 to 22:00 and woke up at 05:00, coinciding with the times when the highest numbers of vectors were collected. The sporozoite rate was higher in vectors collected outdoors, with An. funestus being the main malaria vector in the lowlands and An. gambiae in the highlands. Conclusion This study shows heterogeneity of anopheline distribution, high outdoor malaria transmission, and early morning peak biting activity of An. funestus when humans are not protected by bednets in the lowland sites. Additional vector control efforts targeting the behaviors of these vectors, such as the use of non-pyrethroids for indoor residual spraying and spatial repellents outdoors, are needed. Graphical Abstract
... The second peak of mosquito activity occurred when most people are out of the protection of LLIN hence the need of additional vector control strategies like SR. The high densities of An. funestus reported in this study and others [34][35][36] in western Kenya indicate that An. funestus is the dominant malaria vector both indoors and outdoors, with an early morning peak in biting indicating potential biting when people are just stepping away from the cover of their LLINs. Indicating that, on their own, LLINs will not be su cient for malaria vector control. ...
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Background Sustained transmission of malaria, despite high coverage of indoor-based interventions (including long-lasting insecticidal nets and indoor residual spraying of insecticides), may be attributable to exposure of people to infectious bites outdoors or at times other than when people are sleeping under bed nets, or to insecticide resistance. Spatial repellents (SR) may complement current vector control tools and provide coverage under these conditions of residual transmission. Here we assessed the efficacy of a metofluthrin based SR in reducing exposure to pyrethroid-resistant Anopheles funestus in Siaya County, western Kenya. Methods The active ingredient, metofluthrin, was vaporized into the air by heat generated from an emanator configured to a liquid petroleum gas (LPG) canister, placed inside experimental huts (Phase 1) or outdoors (Phase 2). Phase 1 evaluated effects of combustion of LPG gas with no metofluthrin, as in use of an LPG cook stove indoors; or vaporization by LPG combustion of metofluthrin for 1, 2, 4, or 12 hours; on indoor mosquito density as measured by landing rate on humans and aspiration of mosquitoes from hut walls, as well as mosquito knockdown and mortality rates. Phase 2 evaluated the protective range of the SR product while emanating from the centre of a team of mosquito collectors sitting outdoors in north, south, east, and west directions at 1.5, 3 and 6 meters from the emanating device. Results Combustion of LPG with a cook stove increased density of Anopheles funestus indoors by 51% over controls with no cook stove. In contrast, huts with metofluthrin vaporized with LPG combustion had lower indoor densities of Anopheles funestus (99.3% less than controls), with knockdown and mortality rates of 95.5 and 87.7% respectively in the mosquitoes collected in the treated huts. In the outdoor study (Phase 2), the outdoor landing rate was significantly lower at 1.5 and 3 m compared to 6 m away from the emanator. Conclusion Vaporized metofluthrin almost completely prevented An. funestus landing indoors and led to 10 times lower landing rates within 10ft of the emanator outdoors, the first product to demonstrate such potential. Cooking with LPG inside the house could increase exposure to Anopheles mosquito bites but the use of the metofluthrin canister eliminates this risk.
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Introduction. Insecticide treated nets (ITNs) contributed significantly to the decline in malaria since 2000. Their protective efficacy depends not only on access, use, and net integrity, but also location of people within the home environment and mosquito biting profiles. Anopheline mosquito biting and human location data were integrated to identify potential gaps in protection and better understand malaria transmission dynamics in Busia County, western Kenya. Methodology. Direct observation of human activities and human landing catches (HLC) were performed hourly between 1700 to 0700 hrs. Household members were recorded as home or away; and, if at home, as indoors/outdoors, awake/asleep, and under a net or not. Aggregated data was analyzed by weighting hourly anopheline biting activity with human location. Standard indicators of human-vector interaction were calculated using a Microsoft Excel template. Results. There was no significant difference between indoor and outdoor biting for An. gambiae s.l. (RR = 0.82; 95% CI 0.65-1.03); significantly fewer An. funestus were captured outdoors than indoors (RR= 0.41; 95% CI 0.25-0.66). Biting peaked before dawn and extended into early morning hours when people began to awake and perform routine activities, between 0400-0700 hrs for An. gambiaeand 0300-0700 hrs for An. funestus. The study population away from home peaked at 1700-1800 hrs (58%), gradually decreased and remained constant at 10% throughout the night, before rising again to 40% by 0600-0700 hrs. When accounting for resident location, nearly all bites within the peri-domestic space occurred indoors for unprotected people (98%). Using an ITN while sleeping was estimated to prevent 79% and 82% of bites for An. gambiae and An. funestus respectively. For an ITN user, most remaining exposure to bites occurred indoors in the hours before bed and early morning. Conclusion. While use of an ITN was estimated to prevent most vector bites in this context, results suggest gaps in protection, particularly in the early hours of the morning when biting peaks and many people are awake and active. Assessment of additional human exposure points, including outside of the peri-domestic setting, are needed to guide supplementary interventions for transmission reduction.
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Background It has been speculated that widespread and sustained use of insecticide treated bed nets (ITNs) for over 10 years in Asembo, western Kenya, may have selected for changes in the location (indoor versus outdoor) and time (from late night to earlier in the evening) of biting of the predominant species of human malaria vectors (Anopheles funestus, Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto, and Anopheles arabiensis). Methods Mosquitoes were collected by human landing catches over a six week period in June and July, 2011, indoors and outdoors from 17 h to 07 h, in 75 villages in Asembo, western Kenya. Collections were separated by hour of the night, and mosquitoes were identified to species and tested for sporozoite infection with Plasmodium falciparum. A subset was dissected to determine parity. Human behavior (time going to bed and rising, time spent indoors and outdoors) was quantified by cross-sectional survey. Data from past studies of a similar design and in nearby settings, but conducted before the ITN scale up commenced in the early 2000s, were compared with those from the present study. Results Of 1,960 Anopheles mosquitoes collected in 2011, 1,267 (64.6%) were morphologically identified as An. funestus, 663 (33.8%) as An. gambiae sensu lato (An. gambiae s.s. and An. arabiensis combined), and 30 (1.5%) as other anophelines. Of the 663 An. gambiae s.l. collected, 385 were successfully tested by PCR among which 235 (61.0%) were identified as An. gambiae s.s. while 150 (39.0%) were identified as An. arabiensis. Compared with data collected before the scale-up of ITNs, daily entomological inoculation rates (EIRs) were consistently lower for An. gambiae s.l. (indoor EIR = 0.432 in 1985–1988, 0.458 in 1989–1990, 0.023 in 2011), and An. arabiensis specifically (indoor EIR = 0.532 in 1989–1990, 0.039 in 2009, 0.006 in 2011) but not An. funestus (indoor EIR = 0.029 in 1985–1988, 0.147 in 1989–1990, 0.010 in 2009 and 0.103 in 2011). Sporozoite rates were lowest in 2009 but rose again in 2011. Compared with data collected before the scale-up of ITNs, An. arabiensis and An. funestus were more likely to bite outdoors and/or early in the evening (p < 0.001 for all comparisons). However, when estimates of human exposure that would occur indoors (πi) or while asleep (πs) in the absence of an ITN were generated based on human behavioral patterns, the changes were modest with >90% of exposure of non-ITN users to mosquito bites occurring while people were indoors in all years. The proportion of bites occurring among non-ITN users while they were asleep was ≥90% for all species except for An. arabiensis. For this species, 97% of bites occurred while people were asleep in 1989–1990 while in 2009 and 2011, 80% and 84% of bites occurred while people were asleep for those not using ITNs. Assuming ITNs prevent a theoretical maximum of 93.7% of bites, it was estimated that 64-77% of bites would have occurred among persons using nets while they were asleep in 1989–1990, while 20-52% of bites would have occurred among persons using nets while they were asleep in 2009 and 2011. Conclusions This study found no evidence to support the contention that populations of Anopheles vectors of malaria in Asembo, western Kenya, are exhibiting departures from the well-known pattern of late night, indoor biting characteristic of these typically highly anthropophilic species. While outdoor, early evening transmission likely does occur in western Kenya, the majority of transmission still occurs indoors, late at night. Therefore, malaria control interventions such as ITNs that aim to reduce indoor biting by mosquitoes should continue to be prioritized.
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A shift towards early morning biting behavior of the major malaria vector Anopheles funestus have been observed in two villages in south Benin following distribution of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs), but the impact of these changes on the personal protection efficacy of LLINs was not evaluated. Data from human and An. funestus behavioral surveys were used to measure the human exposure to An. funestus bites through previously described mathematical models. We estimated the personal protection efficacy provided by LLINs and the proportions of exposure to bite occurring indoors and/or in the early morning. Average personal protection provided by using of LLIN was high (≥80% of the total exposure to bite), but for LLIN users, a large part of remaining exposure occurred outdoors (45.1% in Tokoli-V and 68.7% in Lokohoué) and/or in the early morning (38.5% in Tokoli-V and 69.4% in Lokohoué). This study highlights the crucial role of LLIN use and the possible need to develop new vector control strategies targeting malaria vectors with outdoor and early morning biting behavior. This multidisciplinary approach that supplements entomology with social science and mathematical modeling illustrates just how important it is to assess where and when humans are actually exposed to malaria vectors before vector control program managers, policy-makers and funders conclude what entomological observations imply.
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Malaria control is mainly based on indoor residual spraying and insecticide-treated bed nets. The efficacy of these tools depends on the behaviour of mosquitoes, which varies by species. With resistance to insecticides, mosquitoes adapt their behaviour to ensure their survival and reproduction. The aim of this study was to assess the biting behaviour of Anopheles funestus after the implementation of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs). A study was conducted in Dielmo, a rural Senegalese village, after a second massive deployment of LLINs in July 2011. Adult mosquitoes were collected by human landing catch and by pyrethrum spray catch monthly between July 2011 and April 2013. Anophelines were identified by stereomicroscope and sub-species by PCR. The presence of circumsporozoite protein of Plasmodium falciparum and the blood meal origin were detected by ELISA. Anopheles funestus showed a behavioural change in biting activity after introduction of LLINs, remaining anthropophilic and endophilic, while adopting diurnal feeding, essentially on humans. Six times more An. funestus were captured in broad daylight than at night. Only one infected mosquito was found during day capture. The mean of day CSP rate was 1.28% while no positive An. funestus was found in night captures. Mosquito behaviour is an essential component for assessing vectorial capacity to transmit malaria. The emergence of new behavioural patterns of mosquitoes may significantly increase the risk for malaria transmission and represents a new challenge for malaria control. Additional vector control strategies are, therefore, necessary.
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This classic text, whose First Edition one reviewer referred to as "the ecologists' bible," has been substantially revised and rewritten. Not only have the advances made in the field since the Second Edition been taken into account, but the scope has been explicitly extended to all macroscopic animals, with particular attention being paid to fish as well as other vertebrates. Ecological Methods provides a unique synthesis of the methods and techniques available for the study of populations and ecosystems. Techniques used to obtain both absolute and relative population estimates are described, and approaches to the direct measurement of births, deaths, migration and the construction and interpretation of life tables are reviewed. The text is extensively illustrated, clearly describing a wide range of equipment and methods of analysis. Comprehensive and up-to-date bibliographies to each chapter fully cover the relevant literature, and references are given to available computer programs and internet addresses. The book has an active web site providing additional illustrations, details of equipment and programs, and references to work published since the revision was completed. Like the earlier editions, this book will be an indispensable source of reference to researchers and students at all levels in the fields of ecology, entomology and zoology.
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Historically, the malaria vectors in western Kenya have been Anopheles funestus, Anopheles gambiae s.s., and Anopheles arabiensis. Of these species, An. funestus populations declined the most after the introduction of insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs) in the 1990s in Asembo, and collections of An. funestus in the region remained low until at least 2008. Contrary to findings during the early years of ITN use in Asembo, the majority of the Anopheles collected here in 2010 and 2011 were An. funestus. Female An. funestus had characteristically high Plasmodium falciparum sporozoite rates and showed nearly 100% anthropophily. Female An. funestus were found more often indoors than outdoors and had relatively low mortality rates during insecticide bioassays. Together, these results are of serious concern for public health in the region, indicating that An. funestus may once again be contributing significantly to the transmission of malaria in this region despite the widespread use of ITNs/long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs).
Vector-borne diseases are an increasing cause of death and suffering worldwide. Efforts to control these diseases have been focused on the use of chemical pesticides, but arthropod resistance (whether physiological, biochemical, or behavioral) to pesticides is now an immense practical problem. The pharmacokinetic interactions of pesticides with arthropods, mechanisms of resistance, and the strengths and shortcomings of different resistance test methods are briefly reviewed. Using malaria control as an example, the differences between the efficacy of insecticide-sprayed houses in reducing malaria transmission, and the actual effect of such treatments on vectors are discussed. Reduced malaria transmission as a result of spraying house walls occurs through some combination of killing vectors that land on sprayed walls (insecticidal effect) and by preventing vectors from entering or remaining inside long enough to bite (behavioral effects). Both insecticidal and behavioral effects of insecticides are important, but the relative importance of one versus the other is controversial. Field studies in Africa, India, Brazil, and Mexico provide persuasive evidence for strong behavioral avoidance of DDT by the primary vector species. This avoidance behavior, exhibited when malaria vectors avoid insecticides by not entering or by rapidly exiting sprayed houses, should raise serious questions about the overall value of current physiological and biochemical resistance tests. The continued efficacy of DDT in Africa, India, Brazil, and Mexico, where 69% of all reported cases of malaria occur and where vectors are physiologically resistant to DDT (excluding Brazil), serves as one indicator that repellency is very important in preventing indoor transmission of malaria. This experience with DDT has implications for future control efforts because pyrethroids also stimulate avoidance behaviors in arthropods. Each chemical should be studied early (before broad-scale use) to define types of action against vector species by geographic area, especially for impregnated bed net applications. The problems for vector control created by use of insecticides in agriculture and the potential for management of resistance in both agriculture and vector-borne disease control are discussed.