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Management and treatment of COVID-19: A Review



It is an infectious disease caused by one of Coronavirus. The virus has been named; severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The first emerge of the virus was in December 2019, in Wuhan China. After that, the infection started to extend to many other countries that by the beginning of 2020 WHO announced that the infection is a worldwide pandemic. The disease has about 2-3% mortality rate has killed nearly one and a half million so far. The WHO, CNHC, and the USN IH have published some recommended treatments for hospitalized patients with Covid-19. Remdesivir, Baricitinib, Pamlanifemab, and Dexamethasone have mostly approved drugs to be used in treatment for hospitalized patients to reduce the time of recovery, but they have not proved effective in reducing mortality.
Science Archives (2020) Vol. 1 (3), 98-101
Molecular techniques of viral diagnosis
Mohammed Ahmed Mustafa1,2* , Marwan Q AL-Samarraie3 & Marwa T. Ahmed4
1,3Department of Pathological Analysis, College of Applied Sciences, University of Samarra
2Department of Medical Laboratory Techniques, College of Technology, University of Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq Dujail
4Department of Microbiology, College of Medicine, University of Tikrit, Iraq
*Corresponding author:
Received: Nov 19, 2020 / Revised: Dec 2, 2020/ Accepted: Dec 11, 2020
Viral infections are the cause of very serious problems in humans all over the globe. The recent outbreak of coronavirus disease
2019 caused by SARS-CoV-2 is a perfect example of how viral infection could pose a great threat to global public health and
economics. Therefore, to defeat the viral pathogens, we need to get a reliable diagnosis. Detection of the viral presence fast and
accurate in the patient is important for appropriate treatment, control, and prevention of epidemics. Diagnosis of infectious
microbes became easier by the development of molecular techniques, especially with the emerging of the polymerase chain
reaction (PCR). The easiness and high sensitivity of the technique made this method reliable enough to be used to detect any
known genetic sequence has led to its wide application in the life sciences. Currently, real-time PCR has made remarkable
contributions, with an additional fluorescent probe detection system that has increased the sensitivity of this assay over
conventional PCR, with the ability to verify the amount of amplification product and to quantitate the target concentration.
Further, nucleotide sequence analysis of the amplification products has encouraged epidemiological studies of contagious disease
in outbreaks, and the follow up of treatment for infections, particularly the viruses with a high tendency to mutations.
Keywords Virus, Molecular diagnosis, Molecular microbiology, Nucleic acid, PCR techniques, Viral laboratory diagnosis
Viruses are tiny microscopic parasites with the genetic material
of either deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or ribonucleic acid
(RNA) surrounded by protein coal called (envelope). Viruses
only replicate in a living cell because they are known as
obligate intracellular parasites. Once viruses enter the host
cells, they take over and emerge in the cells biosynthetic types
of machinery for the replication of their genomes and other
elements (Coboet et al., 2006; Owen et al., 2013). Viruses are
relatively the most common causative agent of human
diseases. Millions are still dying from AIDS (HIV) virus and
hepatitis viruses worldwide. Initiating viruses are also causing
serious issues in the human population. Human viral infections
have significantly high morbidity and mortality rates (Souf,
2016). Therefore, efficient diagnostic strategies are required to
detect these viral infections as early and accurately as possible.
Early and accurate detection of viral presence in patients plays
an important role in choosing appropriate therapy on time,
minimizing therapy costs, minimizing unnecessary loss of
human lives, and controlling the disease. It also helps to
develop appropriate disease prevention and treatment
strategies, like the development of antiviral vaccines and new
therapeutic agents (Shen et al, 2020; Cella et al., 2013; Landry
et al., 2016).
Traditionally, laboratory diagnoses of medical viruses are
carried out by isolating viruses in embryonated chicken eggs,
in tissue culture, or laboratory animals and visual examination
of viral particles in a sample using electron microscopy among
others (Cella et al., 2013). Many conventional diagnostic tools
tend to be indolent, time-consuming, expensive, and poorly
performed (Acharya et al., 2013; Kumar, 2013). In contrast,
molecular techniques have facilitated diagnostic virology by
detecting the existence of viral nucleic acids in the viral sample
(Acharya et al., 2013). Here, we describe some of the
molecular diagnostic techniques for the detection of viruses.
Review Article
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ISSN: 2582-6697
Science Archives (2020) Vol. 1 (3), 98-101
Molecular techniques for identification and characterization
Reliable detection of causative agents like viruses in viral
diseases, distinctive genetic sequences in viral diseases, and
protein entity are very objectively required for the management
of these diseases with taking into accounts the specificity and
sensitivity as important tools in diagnosis. Regular molecular
techniques like classical PCR and blotting technique albeit
assumed good in diagnosis. Anyway, nowadays molecular
techniques like gene and peptide sequencer, real-time PCR
may identify in even more accurate and explicit ways without
consuming much time.
Molecular diagnostic techniques of viruses
Nucleic acid-based molecular detection techniques have
developed diagnostic virology with their faster, highly
sensitive, and a highly specific diagnosis (Stone et al., 2014;
Canberk et al., 2016). Since these techniques detect specific
nucleic acid sequences, nucleic acid-based diagnostic tests can
be applied for the detection of any infection that affects
humans (Cobo et al., 2006).
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
PCR is a model example of genetic amplification assay. It has
developed the level of molecular diagnosis since developed by
Mullis and Faloona (1987). The PCR main principle depends
on the extraction and purification of DNA molecule and
evidential amplification of the targeted sequence, using a
thermostable DNA polymerase and two specific
oligonucleotide primers. After the PCR reaction, the amplified
product can be detected by several techniques, including gel
electrophoresis, colorimetric methods, and sequencing (Cobo,
2012; Levine et al., 2011). Since its introduction, PCR started
to be used for the detection of human viral infections with total
clinical sensitivity ranging from 77.8% to 100% and clinical
specificity ranging from 89% to 100% (Hassan et al., 2006;
Demmler et al. 1988; Myerson et al., 1993; Sundaramurthy et
al., 2018). These reports recommend that PCR can also be used
for the detection of viruses in many types of specimens. PCR
is an exceptionally multilateral technique. Several variants of
the conventional PCR have been developed, however; the main
variants are reverse transcription-PCR and real-time PCR
(Coboet et al., 2006; Souf, 2016). The first method was
invented to amplify ribonucleic acid (RNA) targets (Coboet et
al., 2006); the second technique was introduced to quantify
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in real-time throughout the PCR
reactions (Gruber et al., 2001).
Reverse Transcription-PCR (RT-PCR)
RT-PCR was devised to amplify RNA targets. In this
technique, reverse transcriptase (RT) is used to convert viral
RNA targets into complementary DNA (cDNA), and then
amplify the resulting cDNA by conventional PCR. Since its
development, RT-PCR has been employed for the diagnosis of
human infection by RNA viruses. Conventional RT-PCR
demonstrated overall sensitivity ranging from 73% to 100%
and specificity ranging from 99% to 100% in the detection of
viral infection (Maignan et al., 2019; Falsey et al., 2002;
Formentry et al., 2006). These data indicate that RT-PCR is an
exceptional technique for the diagnosis of human infection by
RNA viruses. Currently, however, the method is not used
commonly in clinical specimens because of its high cost and
time-consuming process (Shen et al., 2020).
Multiplex PCR
In a similar response combination, at least two or more primer
sets prepared for amplification of a variety of targets are
utilized (Chamberlain et al., 1988). In a clinical sample, more
than one target sequence can be co-amplified in a single tube.
However, the primers used must be carefully selected for them
to have similar annealing temperatures and less
complementarily. This sort of PCR is less sensitive than PCR
with a single primer set. Multiplex PCR assays have been
developed and commercialized for viral respiratory pathogens
and detection of viral infections of the central nervous system
(Boriskin et al., 2004; Templeton et al., 2004).
Real-Time PCR
Real-time PCR is a simple, quantitative assay for amplification
of DNA sequence. It was clarified firstly by, Higuchi et al.
(1993). It depends on using fluorescent-labeled probes to
verify and quantify the PCR products as they are being
generated in real-time. The real-time PCR, which has three
novel features as temperature cycling occurs considerably
faster in cooperation to ordinary PCR assays, hybridization of
specific DNA probes are added continuously during the
amplification process and a fluorescent dye is cogitated to the
probe and fluoresces only when hybridization takes place.
Lack of post PCR processing of amplified products would
make this technique convenient. The production of amplified
products is automatically observed by real-time monitoring of
fluorescence. A small-signal can be produced within 3045
min depending on the amount of target gene. Since the tubes
do not have to be opened at the time of reaction, the risk of
contamination decreased considerably. In recent years, some
automated real-time PCR systems have been available
commercially. (Light Cycler &TaqMan). Using these systems,
such as the Light Cycler TM and the Smart Cycler, they
perform the real-time fluorescence monitoring by using
fluorescent dyes such as SYBR-Green I, which binds non-
specifically to double-stranded DNA that was previously
generated during the PCR amplification (Fakruddin et al.,
2012; Holland et al., 1991).
This type of PCR possesses relatively high sensitivity and
specificity (Haqqi et al., 1988). This technique uses two pairs
of amplification primers and two rounds of PCR. In the first
round, it uses one primer pair for 15 to 30 cycles. The
product's first-round amplification is submitted to the second
round of amplification coupled with the second pair of
primers. The major setback of nested PCR is the high rates of
Science Archives (2020) Vol. 1 (3), 98-101
Transcription-based amplification methods
Transcription-based amplification method based on two
procedures, nucleic acid sequence-based amplification
(NASBA) and transcription-mediated amplification (TMA).
NASBA and TMA are not different in terms of principle. They
are isothermal amplification methods. The entire amplification
process is performed at a temperature of 41°C. In both
methods, the viral RNA target is first converted into cDNA
with RT and then multiple copies of viral RNA products are
synthesized by RNA polymerase. The sole difference between
TMA and NASBA in the amplification process is two enzymes
(RT and RNA polymerase). They are used in the case of TMA
while NASBA utilizes three enzymes (avian myeloblastosis
virus reverse transcriptase (AMV-RT), RNase H, and T7 RNA
polymerase) (Fakruddin et al., 2012; Cobo, 2012).
Transcription-based amplification methods have several
advantages, for example, they do not require a thermal cycler,
so developing countries and budget-restricted laboratories can
afford to perform the assays, they are rapid (requires fewer
cycles), and they produce a single-stranded RNA product that
is suitable for detection by various techniques (Mohammadi-
Yeganeh et al., 2012; Yu et al., 2012). Transcription-based
amplification assays are convenient for the diagnosis of human
infections caused by RNA viruses because they are capable of
amplifying viral genomic RNA, messenger RNA, or ribosomal
RNA (Cobo, 2012; Mohammadi-Yeganeh et al., 2012).
Ayeleet et al. (2004) developed a NASBA assay that uses gag-
based molecular beacons to differentiate between HIV-1
subtype C (C and C) occurring in Ethiopia. The assay has high
levels of sensitivity and specificity (90.5% sensitivity, 100%
specificity for the C beacon, and 100% sensitivity, 95.2%
specificity for the C beacon) by considering sequencing as the
gold standard for genotyping.
The introduction of nucleic acid-based diagnostic tests into
diagnostic virology has made a remarkable improvement in the
detection of human viral infections. Since nucleic acid-based
diagnostic tests are highly sensitive and specific, they play a
distinctive role in the diagnosis and control of viral infection.
Molecular diagnostic methods diagnose viral infections by
detecting viral RNA or DNA. Therefore, these techniques can
detect infected individuals before the antibody response is
raised against the particular virus. This is especially important
in young, elderly, and immune-suppressed patients. However,
they are unreachable for resource-limited nations due to their
high cost, instrumentation complexity, and the requirement for
technical expertise.
Authors’ contributions
All authors have contributed significantly to the conception
and design of the study, the interpretation of data, and the
drafting and revision of the manuscript. All authors read and
approved the final manuscript .
Conflict of Interest
The authors hereby declare no conflict of interest.
Consent for publication
The authors declare that the work has consent for publication
Funding support
The authors declare that they have no funding support for this
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How to cite this article:
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techniques of viral diagnosis, Science Archives, 1 (3), 98-101.
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Full-text available
The recent pneumonia outbreak caused by a novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) in China, poses a great threat to global public health. Therefore, rapid and accurate identification of pathogenic viruses plays a vital role in selecting appropriate treatments, saving people's lives and preventing epidemics. It is important to establish a quick standard diagnostic test for the detection of infectious diseases (COVID-19) to prevent subsequent secondary spread. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is regarded as a gold standard test for the molecular diagnosis of viral and bacterial infection with high sensitivity and specificity. Isothermal nucleic acid amplification is considered to be a highly promising candidate method due to its fundamental advantage on quick procedure time at constant temperature without thermocycler operation. A variety of improved or new approaches also have been developed. This review summarizes the currently available detection methods for coronavirus nucleic acid. It is anticipated that this will assist researchers and clinicians in developing better techniques for timely and effective detection of coronavirus infection.
Full-text available
Study objective To investigate the performance of a rapid RT-PCR assay to detect influenza A/B at emergency department admission. Methods This single-center prospective study recruited adult patients attending the emergency department for influenza-like illness. Triage nurses performed nasopharyngeal swab samples and ran rapid RT-PCR assays using a dedicated device (cobas Liat, Roche Diagnostics, Meylan, France) located at triage. The same swab sample was also analyzed in the department of virology using conventional RT-PCR techniques. Patients were included 24 hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week. The primary outcome was the diagnostic accuracy of the rapid RT-PCR assay performed at triage. Results A total of 187 patients were included over 11 days in January 2018. Median age was 70 years (interquartile range 44 to 84) and 95 (51%) were male. Nine (5%) assays had to be repeated due to failure of the first assay. The sensitivity of the rapid RT-PCR assay performed at triage was 0.98 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.91–1.00) and the specificity was 0.99 (95% CI: 0.94–1.00). A total of 92 (49%) assays were performed at night-time or during the weekend. The median time from patient entry to rapid RT-PCR assay results was 46 [interquartile range 36–55] minutes. Conclusion Rapid RT-PCR assay performed by nurses at triage to detect influenza A/B is feasible and highly accurate.
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Introduction: Highly contagious adenoviral conjunctivitis represents 15-70% of all conjunctivitis worldwide. Human adenovirus (hAdV) serotypes 3,4,7,8,19 and 37 contributes to 89% of all adenoviral conjunctivitis. Accurate and rapid diagnosis of adenoviral infections at serotype level could prevent misdiagnosis, spread of disease, unnecessary antibiotic use and increased treatment costs. Methodology: Sixty-two suspected viral conjunctivitis cases were recruited from November2013-January2015. Swabs collected from inferior palpebral conjunctiva and processed for viral culture (Hep2 cell line), immunofluorescence assay (IFA) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (targeting hexon gene). Serotype 3,4,7,8,19 and 37 identification was carried out with an optimized multiplex-PCR (based on hypervariable region of hexon gene) and confirmed by sequence analysis. Bayesian Latent Class Model (LCM) analysis was used to compare sensitivity and specificity of three tests. Results: Adenovirus was detected in 54.8% (34/62) of cases by combination of all three methods. Culture was positive in 23/34 cases (67.6%). PCR and IFA detected adenovirus in 24 (70.5%) and 21 (61.7%) cases respectively. LCM analysis revealed, sensitivity and specificity of PCR, Culture and IFA was 77.8% and 92.4%; 72.2% and 90.8%; 67.6% and 92.9% respectively. Serotyping by multiplex-PCR showed, two cases each were hAdV3 and hAdV4, 18 hAdV8 and two remained unidentified. Results of Multiplex-PCR and sequence analysis showed 100% concordance Conclusion: LCM analysis revealed, PCR is the most appropriate method for identification. Multiplex-PCR is a simple and rapid method (serotypes identification within two days); owing its short turnaround time and accuracy, it can be used as a diagnostic tool for surveillance of adenoviral keratoconjunctivitis.
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Pathologists have an important role in the diagnosis of infectious disease (ID). In many cases, a definitive diagnosis can be made using cytopathology alone. However, several ancillary techniques can be used on cytological material to reach a specific diagnosis by identifying the causative agent and consequently defining the management of the patient. This review aims to present the effectiveness of the application of molecular studies on cytological material to diagnose IDs and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the various molecular techniques according to the type of cytological specimen and the infectious agents. Diagn. Cytopathol. 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Tremendous strides have been made in viral diagnosis in the past decade. Many infections are now treatable and, for optimum effect, antivirals must be started early. For hospitalized patients, rapid and accurate viral diagnosis is essential not only for patient management, but for infection control and prevention of nosocomial transmission. The impact of seasonal and pandemic influenza on morbidity and mortality of all ages has received increasing attention in both the medical literature and the popular press. Emerging, highly virulent viruses such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus (CoV), Middle East respiratory syndrome CoV, and avian influenza H5N1 and H7N9 have also heightened concerns. Lastly, immunosuppressed and other vulnerable populations at risk for serious or life‐threatening viral infections continue to increase. In response to these needs, there has been an explosion in viral diagnostic test development.
The authors developed a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) procedure to detect cytomegalovirus (CMV) in archived, frozen lung tissue and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid preparations. The procedure incorporated an internal beta-globin control to assess the adequacy of the sample. Twenty-nine lung tissue and 96 archived BAL specimens from marrow transplant recipients were tested. One of the lung tissue specimens and 46 of the BAL specimens had insufficient tissue for PCR analysis because they did not show a beta-globin band. In lung tissue, the PCR had a sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 89% compared with conventional tube culture. In BAL specimens, the PCR had a sensitivity of 87% and specificity of 90% compared with conventional tube culture or centrifugation culture. Provided tissue was sufficient, the results suggest that the PCR can be used to diagnose CMV interstitial pneumonia effectively from frozen specimens of lung tissue or BAL fluid.
Methods for Rapid Virus Identification and Quantification
RNA viruses constitute one of the major classes of pathogenic organisms causing human diseases, with varying degrees of severity. This review summarizes the conventional and emerging technologies that are available for the detection of these organisms. Cell culture-based techniques for viral detection have been popular since their inception and continue to be the gold standard against which all other techniques. Over many years, these techniques have undergone some radical changes, reducing the total time needed for detection and improving sensitivity, although even with their reliability and improved features they are being slowly replaced by nucleic acid-based technologies. These molecular detection techniques have revolutionized the area of viral detection by their high sensitivity, selectivity, and short detection time. The majority of nucleic acid-based techniques depend on amplifying viral RNA; however, there are some newer emerging techniques that detect viral RNA in live cells using various configurations of florescent probes. In addition, nucleic acid-based technology has made it possible for multiviral detection with either multiplex polymerase chain reaction assays or microarrays. Every technique described in this review has its own unique abilities, making them indispensable for viral detection. However, we believe that nucleic acid-based technologies will find widespread use after being standardized, limiting other technologies to very specific uses.