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The Association Between Personality Traits, Morphological Traits and Alternative Mating Behaviour in Male Endler's Guppies, Poecilia wingei


Abstract and Figures

Alternative mating behaviour, personality traits and morphological characters are predicted to be correlated. Bolder, larger and more colourful males are expected to preferentially court females, while shy, small and drab-coloured individuals are predicted to sneak copulations. We used males of Endler's guppy, Poecilia wingei, to test this association over a long temporal period (hence including ontogenetic changes) and under two social environments (male-biased and female-biased). We found that personality traits (exploration, boldness, activity) of P. wingei males were highly repeatable across long time spans, but they were not correlated (formed no behavioural syndrome). Male age and social environment had no effect on any personality trait, despite their effects on alternative mating behaviour. Young males with higher activity levels were more likely to attempt sneaking. In older fish, there was an association between orange coloration, courtship and boldness, but this was not observed in young males. Our results suggest that alternative mating behaviour is more flexible than personality traits and is independent of them. Non-colour-based morphological traits (gonopodium length, body length, caudal straps length, dorsal fin length) were not correlated with any particular mating behaviour.
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The Association Between Personality Traits, Morphological
Traits and Alternative Mating Behaviour in Male Endler’s
Guppies, Poecilia wingei
zucha & Martin Reichard
Institute of Vertebrate Biology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Brno, Czech Republic
Martin Reichard, Institute of Vertebrate
Biology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech
Republic, Kv
a 8, 603 65 Brno, Czech
Received: December 18, 2015
Initial acceptance: January 20, 2016
Final acceptance: February 21, 2016
(J. Schneider)
doi: 10.1111/eth.12491
Keywords: alternative mating tactic, animal
personality, boldness, experience, sexual
selection, social environment
Alternative mating behaviour, personality traits and morphological char-
acters are predicted to be correlated. Bolder, larger and more colourful
males are expected to preferentially court females, while shy, small and
drab-coloured individuals are predicted to sneak copulations. We used
males of Endler’s guppy, Poecilia wingei, to test this association over a long
temporal period (hence including ontogenetic changes) and under two
social environments (male-biased and female-biased). We found that per-
sonality traits (exploration, boldness, activity) of P. wingei males were
highly repeatable across long time spans, but they were not correlated
(formed no behavioural syndrome). Male age and social environment had
no effect on any personality trait, despite their effects on alternative mat-
ing behaviour. Young males with higher activity levels were more likely
to attempt sneaking. In older fish, there was an association between
orange coloration, courtship and boldness, but this was not observed in
young males. Our results suggest that alternative mating behaviour is
more flexible than personality traits and is independent of them. Non-col-
our-based morphological traits (gonopodium length, body length, caudal
straps length, dorsal fin length) were not correlated with any particular
mating behaviour.
Alternative mating behaviour (AMB) describes intra-
sexual differences in mating behaviour among indi-
viduals within a population to maximize their
reproductive success. AMB is primarily performed by
individuals with different competitive abilities and
forms an important aspect of intrasexual competition
for fertilization success (Oliveira et al. 2008). AMB
can be fixed for life (Shuster & Wade 1991) but often
is highly flexible (Candolin 2004), and its expression
and success are affected by a range of environmental
and demographic factors (reviewed in Kokko & Ran-
kin 2006; Taborsky 1994).
The role of morphological traits (e.g. size and col-
our) on the adoption of AMB is well established
(Andersson 1994). In contrast, more abstract sources
of interindividual variation related to AMB, such as
cognitive and personality traits, remain relatively
neglected (Sih 2013; but see Smith et al. 2015),
despite their potential to affect expression and success
of the AMB. While it was demonstrated that different
behavioural types had different reproductive (e.g.
Dingemanse et al. 2005) and mating success (e.g.
Reaney & Backwell 2007), our understanding of the
links between personality traits and sexual selection
remains surprisingly limited (Schuett et al. 2010; but
see Godin & Dugatkin 1996; Schuett et al. 2011).
Personality traits possess a degree of plasticity (Gal-
hardo et al. 2012; Thomson et al. 2012), and individ-
uals can adjust their behaviour on the basis of
external cues while still consistently differing from
each other (Mathot et al. 2012). Social learning (Frost
et al. 2007) and social experience (Modlmeier et al.
2014) should enable males to modulate their repro-
ductive behaviour according to female responses.
Ethology 122 (2016) 1–12 ©2016 Blackwell Verlag GmbH 1
Hence, males frequently rejected by females may ben-
efit from adjusting their behaviour to support success-
ful sneaking, while males receiving female interest
may benefit from a different experience-based modu-
lation of their behaviour. Personalities constrain the
overall magnitude of these changes, but plasticity of
their expression enables to modulate particular beha-
viours over time in relation to current individual con-
dition and social environment (Piyapong et al. 2010;
Thomson et al. 2012). Hence, there is scope for adap-
tive exploitation of variable social environment by
males through modulation of personality-related
behaviours (Bergm
uller & Taborsky 2010).
We investigated a potential link between individual
personality traits and AMB in the sneaker/courter
complex and its response to contrasting social envi-
ronments using Endler’s guppy, Poecilia wingei, a small
poeciliid fish. It is a sister species of the common
guppy (Poecilia reticulata), with a largely similar suite
of reproductive behaviours. Male P. wingei either
court females using sigmoid displays and solicit coop-
erative mating or try to circumvent female choice by
sneak (coercive) copulations. In P. reticulata, AMB is
affected by diverse demographic and environmental
factors (Houde 1997). Individual males vary greatly in
their use of courting and sneaking and differ in the
frequency of their switching (Houde 1997), implying
that the use of AMB is flexible (Magurran & Magellan
2007). There is clear and repeatable interindividual
variation in particular personality traits in P. reticulata
(e.g. Budaev 1997; Brown & Irving 2014).As with
many other taxa, guppy personality traits may be
grouped into correlated suites of behaviours called
behavioural syndromes (BSs) (Smith & Blumstein
2012). Personality traits also have considerable conse-
quences for guppy individual fitness (Smith & Blum-
stein 2010) and, in another poeciliid fish, Gambusia
holbrooki, personality can be modulated by a modifica-
tion of environmental factors (Sinclair et al. 2014).
How social conditions affect expression of personal-
ity traits is less clear (but see Piyapong et al. 2010).
Male P. wingei are capable of modifying their repro-
ductive behaviour according to their phenotypic
traits, social environment and intensity of sexual
selection (
zucha & Reichard 2014, 2015). It is not
known whether there is any link between personality
and AMB and, if so, whether personality traits and
the use of AMB can be modulated. In this study, we
tested the following: (1) the existence of personalities
by testing repeatability of the main behavioural traits
(exploration, boldness towards predator and general
activity level) in P. wingei males and their possible for-
mation into a BS; (2) the link between personality
traits (particularly boldness, as indicated by predator
inspection) and AMB, accounting for individual
morphological traits; and (3) consistent changes in
individual personality traits after 5 wk of exposure
to contrasting social environments (female-biased 9
male-biased environment).
We predicted differences in personality traits and
formation of distinct BSs between sneakers and cour-
ters. We expected that more conspicuous individuals
(i.e. with more carotenoid coloration) would have a
greater propensity towards predator inspection and
would court females rather than sneak (Godin &
Dugatkin 1996; Jirotkul 2000; Kiritome et al. 2012).
Sneakers, being generally less colourful and thus less
able to attract females (Houde 1997; Oliveira et al.
2008), were predicted to be more active in order to
increase female encounter rate. Males from a female-
biased environment (with no male rivals) were pre-
dicted to be bolder, but less active and explorative due
to their unrestricted access to females and the lack of
competition with rivals.
Material and Methods
Experimental Animals
Experimental fish came from our breeding stock com-
posed of outbred descendants of P. wingei imported
from Laguna de los Patos (northern Venezuela) in
2007. Over a period of 1 mo, all emerging juveniles
were collected from the stock aquarium (120 l) and
isolated in a separate 72-l aquarium. Juveniles were
frequently sexed, and females were removed and kept
Sixty-five males (approximately 18.5 wk old, sexu-
ally mature) were collected from the 72-l male stock
aquarium and individually housed in 2-l plastic aqua-
ria enriched with artificial plants. The aquaria were
visually separated from each other. Fish experienced a
natural light regime, and additional light was pro-
vided for 12 h a day (08:0020:00) by a 40-W Sun
Glo daylight spectrum fluorescent tube. Water tem-
perature fluctuated between 22 and 25°C. Males were
fed daily, and water was partly exchanged every 2 wk
(for full details, see
zucha & Reichard 2015).
Behaviour Trials Treatments
Behavioural trials were conducted in the same order
for all subjects before and after change in the social
environment, as recommended by Bell (2013). An
alternative is to randomize the order of trials for each
subject to minimize any potential ‘carry-over effects’
Ethology 122 (2016) 1–12 ©2016 Blackwell Verlag GmbH2
Personalities in Endler’s Guppy Males R.
zucha & M. Reichard
(Logue et al. 2009; Dochtermann 2010; Bell 2013).
Carry-over effect may result in false short-term beha-
vioural correlations; none was observed in our study,
minimizing (tough not excluding) the possibility of
carry-over effects (see ‘Results’).
The first test of male behaviour (Trial 1) was per-
formed after approximately 1 wk of isolation. After all
Trial 1 tests were completed, two females were added
into 33 randomly assigned aquaria to create a female-
biased social environment (FBE: 1 male, 2 females).
In the remaining 32 aquaria, a single male and single
female from the stock population were added to the
focal male to create a male-biased social environment
(MBE: 2 males, 1 female). The second test of focal
male behaviour (Trial 2) was completed after approxi-
mately 5 wk of experience of the particular social
environment (Fig. 1). Males had unrestricted access
to females (and rivals in the MBE) and gained mating
experience in their particular social environment. The
treatment was maintained by replacing any dead
female or non-experimental male. Focal males were
not replaced; natural mortality of focal males caused a
minor decrease in sample size during the second trials
(FBE, n =22; MBE, n =17). Upon completion of Trial
2, males were returned to their treatment aquarium
until their natural death.
Exploration Trials
Individual explorative behaviour was tested twice: at
the age of approximately 19 wk (Exploration 1) and
31 wk (Exploration 2). We adopted a test of emer-
gence from a refuge to study individual’s exploration
level, as commonly used in fish personality studies
(e.g. Brown et al. 2005; Fabre et al. 2014).Trials took
place between 09:00 and 17:00 Central European
Time in a 43.5-l aquarium (70 925 925 cm), with
three sides covered with opaque barriers to avoid dis-
turbing the fish. The bottom of the aquarium was cov-
ered with a 1-cm layer of river gravel. The water
depth was 5 cm and ambient temperature matched
that of holding aquaria (2325°C). The water was aer-
ated, but aeration was paused during behavioural
observations. Illumination was provided by a 25-W
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 1: Association between personality traits and male phenotypes. Relationship between area of orange coloration and boldness (number of preda-
tor inspection events) in young (r
=0.005) (a) and older males (r
=0.21) (b). Relationship between activity (number of zones crossed) and sneaking
(number of sneaking attempts) in young inexperienced males (r
=0.07) (c) and older males (r
=0.004) (d).
Ethology 122 (2016) 1–12 ©2016 Blackwell Verlag GmbH 3
zucha & M. Reichard Personalities in Endler’s Guppy Males
Sun Glo daylight spectrum bulb positioned above the
aquarium, which also received indirect natural day-
A randomly chosen focal male was placed in a
refuge represented by a plastic box [16 (h) 915
(w) 98 (d) cm]. After 2 min, small doors
(4.5 94 cm) were opened and the time taken to
swim out from the refuge to the open arena by a full
body length was recorded. Males that remained in the
refuge for 10 min were considered as minimally
explorative, and a score of 600 s was assigned to
Open Field Test: Boldness Towards Predator and
General Activity
Individual levels of boldness and activity were tested
at the age of approximately 20 wk (Boldness 1) and at
the age of 32 wk (Boldness 2), that is in each case
approximately 1 wk after the exploration trials. An
open field test under the risk of potential predation
was used to test individual behaviour towards preda-
tor and general activity. A slightly modified set-up
from Frommen et al. (2009) was used. The same
aquarium was used as in the exploration test (43.5 l,
70 925 925 cm with three sides covered with opa-
que barriers). The aquarium was divided by lines
drawn on the front side into five compartments (04).
Compartment 0 was the starting compartment, com-
partments 1, 2 and 3 were neutral, and Compartment
4 was the stimulus section with a fish predator. Com-
partments 0 and 4 were separated by glass dividers.
The divider between compartments 3 and 4 was cov-
ered with a black opaque lid to prevent the predator
from being seen; however, diffusion of predator olfac-
tory cues was not prevented. Commercially obtained
blue acara (Andinoacara pulcher (Gill 1858), Cichlidae),
a generalized predator sympatric to P. wingei, was
used as a potential predator. A male acara (total
length 11 cm) was placed into Compartment 4
30 min prior to the onset of trials. Predator fish
remained in a stable position and did not show any
signs of stress or aggressive behaviour. A single indi-
vidual of the blue acara was used across all replicates.
A randomly chosen focal male was gently released
into Compartment 0 of the test aquarium. After 2-
min acclimatization, the glass divider was lifted to
allow free access to the test arena (compartments 0
3). At the same time, the opaque barrier covering
divider of the predator compartment was lifted to
allow visual contact with the predator. Focal male
behaviour was scored using JWatcher 1.0 (Blumstein
& Daniel 2007) for 10 min. The following behaviours
were scored: percentage of time spent in each com-
partment, number of movements between compart-
ments (a score of male activity) and number of
individual inspection events towards the predator
(boldness). Inspection events were defined as slow,
hesitant moves by the focal male oriented towards the
predator and were scored irrespective to the focal
male position.
Courtship Behaviour Trials
Male mating behaviour was tested at the age of
approximately 25 wk (Courtship 1) and 32 wk
(Courtship 2). At Courtship 1, males were virgin and
had no prior experience with an adult receptive
female. Mating behaviour was scored in a 6-l aquar-
ium with three sides covered with an opaque barrier
to minimize disturbance. Light was provided by a 25-
W Sun Glo daylight spectrum bulb positioned above
the aquarium. Females used in the experiment were
collected from a virgin female aquarium and left with
a group of 3 adult non-experimental males from the
stock aquarium for 1 d prior to the experimental trials
to standardize their receptivity (
zucha & Reichard
2014). During Courtship 2 trials (after exposure to
social environment treatments), focal males were iso-
lated from all conspecifics for 1.5 d prior to testing to
standardize their mating effort. All replicates were
completed between 09:00 and 16:00, that is later than
2 h after sunrise and 2 h before sunset.
A female was allowed to settle for 5 min in the test
aquarium. Then, a randomly chosen focal male was
released to the aquarium and left for 10 min to settle.
After settling, male mating behaviour was scored for
15 min by a single observer using JWatcher 1.0. The
number and duration of sigmoid displays (courtship),
number of gonopodial thrusts (sneaking), number of
gonopodial swings [loading gonopodium with sperm
(Pilastro & Bisazza 1999)], number of gonopore nips
[possibly analysing female cues (Herdman et al.
2004)] and general interest in females were scored.
General interest was defined as time (in seconds)
when male’s head was oriented towards the female
and there was a maximum distance of 10 cm between
the male and female. After 15 min, the focal male
was gently captured and returned to his home
Photographing and Analysis of Colour Pattern
Focal males were photographed at the age of approxi-
mately 19 and 32 wk. A detailed description is given
zucha & Reichard (2015). In brief, a male was
Ethology 122 (2016) 1–12 ©2016 Blackwell Verlag GmbH4
Personalities in Endler’s Guppy Males R.
zucha & M. Reichard
gently released into a photo-aquarium, fixed in a
stable position against front glass and quickly pho-
tographed from both sides. A dark case and flash illu-
mination were used to standardize conditions and a
small ruler provided a scale. All pictures were taken in
the shortest possible time, typically <4 min. Images
were processed in Fiji (Schindelin et al. 2012) by
measuring the area of carotenoid (light orange to dark
red), melanin (dark black and fuzzy black) and irides-
cent (mostly green, blue, purple and silver, formed by
guanine crystals in iridiophores) patches, and by
counting the number of separate carotenoid and mel-
anin spots. Each colour was expressed as a propor-
tional area of lateral body projection (excluding eye,
gonopodium and fins, with the exception of the cau-
dal fin). The length of the lower and upper coloured
part of the caudal fin (strap; black and carotenoid col-
our combined), gonopodium length, body length and
length of the dorsal fin were also measured from the
photographs. The measurement of morphological
traits was completed blind with respect to behavioural
Data Analyses
All statistical analyses were performed in the R envi-
ronment (R Development Core Team 2009). Repeata-
bility was tested using intraclass correlation in the
psych package, using ICC1 (standard repeatability sensu
Lessells & Boag (1987)) and ICC3 (standardized for
overall change in trait mean between time points,
time treated as a fixed factor). For measures of person-
ality traits that can only be expressed after emergence
from the refuge (activity, boldness), the frequency of
behaviour was expressed as a rate per unit time.
An information theoretical approach (Burnham &
Anderson 2002) was used to test the effects of predic-
tors on behavioural traits. A set of biologically plausi-
ble models was constructed, with various level of
complexity. Before applying statistical models, data
exploration was undertaken as recommended by Zuur
et al. (2009). Collinearity among explanatory vari-
ables and among three response variables (personality
traits) was tested using variance inflation factors
(VIF). The VIF quantifies how much the variance
increased due to collinearity among explanatory vari-
ables. Values of global variance inflation factor (GVIF)
lower than 210 are considered to indicate an accept-
able level of multicollinearity (Zuur et al. 2009).
There was no collinearity (all GVIF <3) among vari-
ables selected for model construction. Null models
(i.e. intercept-only models) were always included,
and the fit of predictor models (in the default stat
package) was always compared with the null model.
A total of 31 models of varying complexity were com-
pared (Appendix 1). The models were selected on the
basis of our hypotheses and their alternatives with a
biological relevance. Where appropriate, Poisson
(counts) and gamma (time) distribution (generalized
linear models, GLM) and log-transformation to nor-
malize data (linear models, LM) were considered to
improve the fit of the models. Fits of alternative mod-
els (listed in Appendix 1) were compared using the
Akaike information criterion corrected for small sam-
ple size (AIC
)(MuMIn package). Model weights were
calculated from relative likelihoods. Models within
DAIC <2 were considered to have comparable support
(Burnham & Anderson 2002). When the null model
was included in the set of the best candidate models
(i.e. within DAIC <2), models with predictor vari-
ables were considered to have no explanatory power.
Only analyses where the null models were not within
the set of the best models were considered further. If
more than one parameterized model gained a support
within DAIC <2, they were subjected to a model
averaging procedure (using MuMIn package) and esti-
mates from averaged models are presented. Original
parameters of all models from the set of best models
are presented in Table S1. In models within DAIC <2
(used for model averaging), the residuals were exam-
ined to ensure model assumptions were met. Models
for Trial 1 and Trial 2 for each personality had identi-
cal structure but were treated separately.
The effect of male age on personality traits (pairwise
difference in trait values between trials 1 and 2) was
analysed using a paired t-test. The effect of social envi-
ronment on personality traits (male-biased vs. female-
biased, i.e. only data from Trial 2 for each trait) was
compared using ANOVA. All p-values are for two-
tailed test.
All personality traits (exploration, boldness, activity)
were significantly repeatable (Table 1a). Coloration
and morphological traits were also highly repeatable
across measurements, with a stronger repeatability
when the ICC3 was used (i.e. accounting for popula-
tion-level change in trait expression between trials 1
and 2) (Table 1b). Courtship behaviour, in contrast,
was less repeatable. Only general male interest and
gonopodial swings were repeatable. Sigmoid displays,
sneaking attempts and gonopore nipping were not
repeatable at all (Table 1c) because males responded
to the change in their social environment (see
zucha & Reichard 2014).
Ethology 122 (2016) 1–12 ©2016 Blackwell Verlag GmbH 5
zucha & M. Reichard Personalities in Endler’s Guppy Males
There was no BS. Personality traits were not associ-
ated with each other (Pearson correlation: exploration
and boldness: r=0.094, p =0.482; exploration and
activity: r=0.111, p =0.406; boldness and activity:
r=0.147, p =0.272).
Male exploration (time to emergence from hide)
was not associated with any morphological or court-
ship traits; the null model had highest explanatory
power (Appendix 1). Male age (paired t-test,
=0.55, p =0.59) and social environment (log-
transformed, F
=0.82, p =0.37) had no effect on
male exploration.
Male boldness towards the predator was not associ-
ated with any morphological or courtship trait in
young males (Appendix 1). In older males (Trial 2),
more carotenoid coloration (Fig. 1a) and a higher ten-
dency to court females were positively associated with
boldness towards predators (Table 2a). Male age
(paired t-test, t
=0.87, p =0.39) and social environ-
ment (F
=0.33, p =0.57) had no effect on male
propensity to inspect predator (decrease by DAIC 1.5
3.0 for paired comparisons between otherwise identi-
cal models), implying that social treatment did not
affect male boldness levels.
In young males, activity was positively associated
with the rate of sneaking (Fig. 1b); the effect of male
size was retained in the final averaged model
(Appendix 1), but was not significant (Table 2b). This
association ceased in sexually experienced males
(Fig. 1d, Appendix 1). Male age (paired t-test,
=0.33, p =0.75) and social environment (log-
transformed data, F
=0.01, p =0.93; decrease by
DAIC 1.53.0 for paired comparisons between other-
wise identical models) had no effect on male activity
There was no population-level change in any
personality trait values between young and old
males (exploration: F
=0.16, p =0.69, boldness:
=0.03, p =0.83, activity: F
=0.21, p =0.65).
A temporal change in courtship behaviour (and its
response to social environment) has been reported
elsewhere (
zucha & Reichard 2014).
Repeatable Behaviour But a Lack of BS
All personality traits (exploration, boldness towards
predator, general activity) of male P. wingei were
highly repeatable despite the change in social envi-
ronment during the 3 mo of the study. This finding is
consistent with data on personalities in the closely
related P. reticulata (Budaev 1997; Smith & Blumstein
2010; Brown & Irving 2014) and other taxa (Bell et al.
2009). At the same time, no BS was detected, suggest-
ing the independence of different personality traits in
focal males. This is surprising, because BSs encom-
passing boldness towards predator, refuge use and
activity are common (e.g. Mazu
e et al. 2015; Wilson
& Godin 2009 but see McEvoy et al. 2015), and hid-
ing in a refuge is a form of protection and a certain
level of boldness is needed to leave the refuge and
Table 1: Repeatability of male traits between the first and second trials
ICC1 p ICC3 p
(a) Personality traits
Exploration 0.29 0.036 0.28 0.042
Inspection 0.39 0.006 0.39 0.007
Activity 0.38 0.007 0.38 0.009
(b) Morphological traits
Orange coloration (%) 0.46 0.001 0.46 0.001
Black coloration (%) 0.30 0.033 0.32 0.023
Iridescent coloration (%) 0.09 0.703 0.37 0.009
Dot asymmetry 0.13 0.210 0.14 0.210
Orange dots (N) 0.67 0.001 0.73 0.001
Black dots (N) 0.43 0.004 0.41 0.005
Dorsal fin length 0.35 0.001 0.62 <0.001
Lower sword length 0.69 <0.001 0.76 <0.001
Upper sword length 0.60 <0.001 0.86 <0.001
Gonopodium length 0.91 <0.001 0.91 <0.001
Total length 0.77 <0.001 0.78 <0.001
Standard length 0.85 <0.001 0.85 <0.001
(c) Mating behaviour traits
General interest 0.32 0.018 0.37 0.008
Gonopodial swings 0.28 0.026 0.29 0.032
Gonopore nipping 0.15 0.170 0.17 0.140
Sigmoid display duration 0.19 0.900 0.39 0.600
Gonopodial thrusts 0.01 0.520 0.01 0.570
ICC1 is standard repeatability sensu Lessells & Boag (1987) and ICC3
denotes repeatability standardized for overall change in population trait
mean between time points.
Table 2: Model-averaged estimates (and their SE) from the top models
(by >2 AIC) and their statistical significance for (a) boldness towards
predators in older males and (b) activity of young males
Estimate SE z-score p Value
(a) Boldness of old males
Intercept 0.402 0.297 1.31 0.191
Sigmoid displays 0.028 0.013 2.07 0.039
Percentage of orange 0.103 0.042 2.38 0.018
(b) Activity of young males
Intercept 21.088 28.641 0.73 0.469
Gonopodial thrustsa 4.949 2.270 2.13 0.033
Total length 1.574 1.759 0.87 0.383
log(x+1)-transformed prior analysis.
Ethology 122 (2016) 1–12 ©2016 Blackwell Verlag GmbH6
Personalities in Endler’s Guppy Males R.
zucha & M. Reichard
start exploration. Behavioural syndromes are often
linked with aggression to conspecifics and appear to
be promoted by the same underlying mechanisms
(Caramaschi et al. 2013), responsible for the coupling
of behavioural traits, including reproductive beha-
viour (Mutzel et al. 2013). This enables females to
judge male’s mating or parental quality (Barnett et al.
2012; Stein & Bell 2012). However, particular BSs can
also increase male reproductive success irrespective of
female choice (Sih et al. 2014). While we suggest that
the lack of correlation between exploration and bold-
ness towards predator in our data set was a real phe-
nomenon, it is possible that larger sample size
(Garamszegi et al. 2012) or inclusion of positional
data during predator inspection events and their use
in the analysis would strengthen the association.
Our findings underscore strong context-specific dif-
ferences in boldness (Coleman & Wilson 1998). The
boldness needed to emerge from a safe refuge was
unrelated to the boldness needed for gaining informa-
tion about a potential threat in P. wingei. Similarly,
Carter et al. (2012) did not observe any relationship
between response to a threatening stimulus (snake)
and reaction to a novel object (new food item) in wild
chacma baboons (Papio urcinus). We also did not
record any association between exploration and gen-
eral activity level, despite frequent correlation between
them reported elsewhere (e.g. Fraser et al. 2001; Sih
et al. 2004; but see Conrad et al. 2011; Sinclair et al.
2014). It is possible that the link between exploration
and activity is adaptive only in certain environments
and under particular circumstances. Both exploration
and activity are also prone to be strongly state depen-
dent, implying the existence of such an association
only under specific conditions, such as low energy
reserves (Wolf & Weissing 2010). Individual behaviour
also seems to be largely influenced by the presence of
predators, which may promote behavioural correla-
tions on the one hand (Bell & Sih 2007) and uncover
behavioural flexibility on the other (David et al.
2014). One caveat of our study was that our measure
of activity level was not independent of boldness
towards predator, potentially resulting in a false signif-
icant association. However, these two behaviours were
not correlated in our study.
Another reason for the lack of correlations among
personality traits may stem from the paucity of selec-
tive pressure in captivity (Archard & Braithwaite
2010), with predation risk being considered a major
source of personality trait correlations (Bell 2005; Bell
& Sih 2007). Domestication has a clear effect on fish
behaviour (Metcalfe et al. 2003; Huntingford 2004)
and may have therefore also affected the outcome of
this study. Experimental males were kept in a pre-
dictable environment without predation or other
external sources of mortality for several generations,
similar to that of domestic strains. While Bleakley
et al. (2006) demonstrated that individuals of inbred
P. reticulata strains retained the capacity to respond
appropriately to predator cues, we acknowledge that a
lack of BS may arise from relaxed selection in a
benign captive environment.
No Effect of Social Environment on Male Personality
Social environment did not affect individual male per-
sonality over the period of 5 wk, leading to the con-
clusion that it has limited impact on personality traits
modulation, contrary to, for example, abiotic factors
(Sinclair et al. 2014). This result corroborates the
finding of overall relative stability of individual per-
sonality traits despite changes in surrounding social
conditions, such as reported in the water strider
Aquarius remigis (Sih & Watters 2005). In contrast, sex
ratio affected individual boldness in P. reticulata males
who were bolder in male-biased than in female-biased
groups (Piyapong et al. 2010). Nevertheless, Piyapong
et al.’s (2010) study tested only the actual level of
boldness in various contexts, without taking individ-
ual experience or ontogenetic changes into account.
Personality, AMB and Morphological Traits
There was some association between personality and
AMB. In young virgin males, more active individuals
were more likely to attempt sneak copulations than
less active individuals. This is consistent with the link
between male activity levels and mate searching.
Sneaking is less time- (Parker 1974) and energy (Sar-
gent 1985)-consuming than courtship, and sneaker
males can spend more time and energy on searching
and chasing females to sneak copulations. Among
older males, individuals with a larger proportion of
orange, carotenoid-based coloration had a higher ten-
dency to court females and were bolder towards
predators, as has been found in male P. reticulata
(Godin & Dugatkin 1996).Guppy males with brighter
coloration are, as in many other taxa, considered to
be more viable due to higher intrinsic quality (Godin
& McDonough 2003; Locatello et al. 2006), preferred
by females for solicited matings (Alexander & Breden
2004), but also preferentially targeted by predators
(Godin & McDonough 2003). Male courtship is costly
and makes males conspicuous to predators. Brighter
males can therefore invest in predator inspection and
acquire information about potential threats and hide
Ethology 122 (2016) 1–12 ©2016 Blackwell Verlag GmbH 7
zucha & M. Reichard Personalities in Endler’s Guppy Males
or, alternatively, deter predator attacks (Dugatkin &
Godin 1992). The link between courtship and bold-
ness towards predator was only manifested in older
males. It may be speculated that social experience, in
terms of interaction with females, is needed to prop-
erly develop boldness in courting colourful males.
The morphological traits tested (gonopodium
length, body length, coloured caudal straps length
and length of dorsal fin) were not important in deter-
mining individual choice of AMB in P. wingei. This
contrasts with a positive correlation between gonopo-
dium length and number of gonopodial thrusts
reported for P. reticulata (Reynolds et al. 1993),
although the association was only apparent under
low light conditions. Similarly, Karino & Kobayashi
(2005) reported a positive link between the rate of
gonopodial thrusts and caudal fin length in P. reticu-
lata. The difference may simply reflect variation
among populations with variable selection regimes.
Alternatively, the lack of correlation between AMB
and morphological traits in P. wingei despite their
presence in some P. reticulata populations may arise
from slight differences in their mating behaviour
(Poeser et al. 2005) and lower level of intra- and
intersexual aggression in P. wingei males.
Personality traits of Poecilia wingei males were highly
repeatable, despite no BS being identified. There was
no general difference in any personality trait between
Trial 1 and Trial 2 or between the two social environ-
ments, that is living with a rival, or females did not
make males bolder, more explorative or more active.
Young active males were more likely to attempt sneak
copulations. Among older fish, more orange, courting
males were more likely to inspect predators irrespec-
tive of their social environment but in virgin males
this was not observed. The resulting temporal change
of individual AMB in the course of 5 wk and relative
stability of personality traits suggest higher flexibility
of AMB. It seems that personality traits are relatively
fixed in a short timescale compared with more flexible
AMB. It is notable because a dramatic change in the
social environment was predicted to at least slightly
influence the expression of personality traits assuming
that different traits are favoured in different environ-
ments. As a result, social environments in this experi-
ment only influenced AMB while personality traits
remained unchanged. Taken together, our results sug-
gest that AMB is independent of personality traits as
there was no personality characteristic predisposing
males to adopt either courting or sneaking as a gen-
eral strategy.
We are grateful to Radim Bla
zek, Matej Pola
cik and
Milan Vrt
ılek for their help with experiments, discus-
sions and comments, to Ji
ı Farka
c for his help with
fish maintenance and to Rowena Spence for com-
ments and linguistic correction. This paper was sub-
mitted via Axios Review, with Alison Bell and three
anonymous reviewers providing insightful feedback
on the article. Financial support came from Czech
Science Foundation GACR P505/12/G112. All appli-
cable international, national and institutional guideli-
nes for the care and use of animals were followed.
Experimental procedures were approved by the ethi-
cal committees of the IVB and Ministry of Agriculture
(CZ 62760203) and are in accordance with Czech
legal requirements. R
R and MR hold a licence for con-
ducting experimental work on vertebrates.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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Appendix 1: Set of all candidate models, their degrees of freedom (df), their relative fits as compared to the best fitting model (DAIC) and their
relative eight (w) for each personality trait. The best fitting models are indicated in bold. In cases where a model other than the null model was the
best fitting, other models with DAIC <2.0 (used in the model averaging) are also indicated in bold.
Model parameters df
Emergence from refuge Boldness towards predator Activity levels
Young males Older males Young males Older males Young males Older males
Null model (intercept-only) 2 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.12 0.58 0.08 12.54 0.00 2.56 0.06 0.00 0.11
Orange % 3 2.11 0.04 1.41 0.06 2.23 0.03 1.87 0.09 4.55 0.02 1.39 0.06
Orange % +Total length 4 4.26 0.02 3.03 0.03 2.76 0.03 4.20 0.03 5.90 0.01 3.38 0.02
Total length 3 2.05 0.05 1.58 0.05 1.05 0.06 14.78 0.00 3.80 0.03 1.81 0.05
Orange % +Black % +Total length 5 4.01 0.02 5.21 0.01 5.07 0.01 5.88 0.01 8.29 0.00 6.02 0.01
General interest 3 2.03 0.05 1.86 0.05 2.13 0.03 12.00 0.00 4.77 0.02 0.65 0.08
Sigmoid displays 3 1.10 0.07 1.06 0.07 1.32 0.05 3.00 0.05 4.33 0.03 2.36 0.04
Gonopodial thrusts 3 1.21 0.07 2.21 0.04 2.70 0.03 14.67 0.00 0.00 0.22 2.22 0.04
Gonopodial swings 3 0.94 0.08 1.28 0.06 2.00 0.04 12.40 0.00 3.71 0.04 2.15 0.04
Gonopore nibs 3 1.72 0.05 0.83 0.08 0.75 0.07 14.64 0.00 2.61 0.06 2.35 0.04
General interest +Total length 4 4.26 0.02 3.75 0.02 3.04 0.02 14.37 0.00 5.87 0.01 2.65 0.03
General interest +Orange % 4 4.25 0.02 3.30 0.02 3.80 0.02 4.05 0.03 6.84 0.01 2.83 0.03
General interest +Orange % +Total length 5 6.58 0.00 5.25 0.01 4.80 0.01 6.54 0.01 8.04 0.00 4.99 0.01
Sigmoid displays 4 3.07 0.03 2.42 0.03 1.29 0.05 5.35 0.02 5.44 0.01 4.32 0.01
Sigmoid displays +Orange % +Total length 5 5.37 0.01 3.94 0.02 2.98 0.02 2.40 0.07 7.64 0.00 5.88 0.01
Sigmoid displays +Orange % 4 3.30 0.02 2.56 0.03 3.00 0.02 0.00 0.22 6.41 0.01 3.74 0.02
Gonopodial thrusts +Total length 4 3.30 0.02 3.90 0.02 3.26 0.02 17.03 0.00 1.50 0.11 4.03 0.02
Gonopodial thrusts +Orange % 4 3.29 0.02 3.66 0.02 4.37 0.01 3.82 0.03 2.28 0.07 3.79 0.02
Gonopodial thrusts +Total length +Orange % 5 5.49 0.01 5.39 0.01 5.01 0.01 6.33 0.01 3.88 0.03 5.81 0.01
Gonopodium length 3 1.85 0.05 1.93 0.04 0.00 0.10 14.76 0.00 4.54 0.02 2.24 0.04
Gonopodial thrusts +Gonopodium length 4 3.23 0.03 4.22 0.01 2.18 0.03 17.02 0.00 2.21 0.07 4.64 0.01
Gonopodial thrusts +Gonopodium length +
Total length
5 5.55 0.01 6.21 0.01 2.96 0.02 19.53 0.00 3.49 0.04 6.38 0.00
Gonopodium length +Total length 4 4.11 0.02 3.81 0.02 0.66 0.07 17.12 0.00 5.40 0.02 3.95 0.02
Black % 3 1.26 0.07 1.64 0.05 2.62 0.03 10.50 0.00 4.40 0.02 2.11 0.04
Black % +Total length 4 3.18 0.03 2.99 0.03 2.98 0.02 12.86 0.00 5.92 0.01 4.10 0.01
Iridescence 3 2.24 0.04 1.04 0.07 1.21 0.06 11.95 0.00 4.58 0.02 2.33 0.04
Iridescence +Total length 4 4.37 0.01 3.00 0.03 2.28 0.03 14.20 0.00 5.76 0.01 4.32 0.01
Orange % +Black % +Iridescence +
Total length
6 6.47 0.00 7.49 0.00 6.92 0.00 8.47 0.00 10.62 0.00 8.62 0.00
Ethology 122 (2016) 1–12 ©2016 Blackwell Verlag GmbH 11
zucha & M. Reichard Personalities in Endler’s Guppy Males
Appendix 1: (Continued)
Model parameters df
Emergence from refuge Boldness towards predator Activity levels
Young males Older males Young males Older males Young males Older males
Orange % +Black % +Total length +
Sigmoid displays
6 5.56 0.01 6.33 0.00 5.39 0.01 5.03 0.02 10.07 0.00 8.62 0.00
Orange % +Black % +Total length +
Gonopodial thrusts
6 5.09 0.01 7.68 0.00 7.41 0.00 8.11 0.00 6.26 0.01 8.64 0.00
Orange % +Black % +Total length +
Sigmoid displays +Gonopodium length
7 8.09 0.00 8.84 0.00 4.81 0.01 7.87 0.00 12.41 0.00 11.53 0.00
Orange % +Black % +Total length +
Gonopodial thrusts +Gonopodium length
7 7.72 0.00 10.86 0.00 17.57 0.00 10.45 0.00 8.62 0.00 11.47 0.00
Supporting Information
Additional supporting information may be found in the online version of this article:
Table S1. Model parameters, their standard errors (SE), z-values and their statistical significance (p) for the
set of best fitting models (deltaAIC <2).
Ethology 122 (2016) 1–12 ©2016 Blackwell Verlag GmbH12
Personalities in Endler’s Guppy Males R.
zucha & M. Reichard
... Thus, when fixed ARTs occupy divergent niches (Bergmüller and Taborsky 2010) and are under different selection regimes Bergmüller and Taborsky 2010), behavioral syndromes are predicted to evolve differently ( Figure 1b). Although there have been a few empirical studies examining phenotypic correlations between the degree of adoption of certain tactics and other behavioral traits (Řežucha et al. 2012;Řežucha and Reichard 2016), how fixed ARTs are associated with within-species variation in among-individual behavioral correlations (i.e., behavioral syndromes) has not yet been explored. ...
... For example, male guppies Poecilia wingei express 2 ARTs within an individual; they can either court or coerce females into mating (Houde 1997). A positive phenotypic correlation between activity and the degree of using sneaking tactic is also found in young male guppies (Řežucha and Reichard 2016). This implies that among-individual correlations might be expected when the repeatable components of activity and the degree of adopting certain ARTs (e.g., certain individuals consistently prefer using the sneaky tactic rather than the courtship tactic) are associated. ...
... This implies that among-individual correlations might be expected when the repeatable components of activity and the degree of adopting certain ARTs (e.g., certain individuals consistently prefer using the sneaky tactic rather than the courtship tactic) are associated. However, given that courtship and sneaking attempts were not repeatable in guppies (Řežucha and Reichard 2016), amongindividual correlations between behavioral traits and the degree to which certain reproductive tactics are adopted could not be existed in male guppies. Therefore, future studies carefully consider the relationship between behavioral syndromes and (fixed or plastic) ARTs using recent advances in statistical methods to analyze behavioral syndromes and compare them among populations (Dingemanse et al. 2007(Dingemanse et al. , 2010. ...
Multiple behaviors can correlate with each other at the individual level (behavioral syndrome), and behavioral syndromes can vary in their direction between populations within a species. Within-species variation in behavioral syndromes is predicted to be associated with alternative reproductive tactics (ARTs), which evolve under different selection regimes. Here, we tested this using a water strider species, Gerris gracilicornis, in which males employ 2 ARTs that are fixed for life: signaling males (producing courtship ripples) versus nonsignaling males (producing no courtship ripples). We measured multiple behaviors in males with both of these ARTs and compared behavioral syndromes between them. Our results showed that signaling males were more active and attempted to mate more frequently than nonsignaling males. This shaped an overall behavioral syndrome between activities in mating and nonmating contexts when we pooled both ARTs. In addition, the behavioral syndromes between cautiousness and mating activity differed significantly between ARTs. In signaling males, the syndrome was significantly negative: signaling males more eager to mate tended to leave their refuges more rapidly. However, mating activity and cautiousness were not correlated in nonsignaling males. This might be because active males, in the context of predation risk and mating, were favored during the evolution and maintenance of the unique intimidating courtship tactic of G. gracilicornis males. Thus, our findings suggest that ARTs facilitate behavioral divergence and also contribute to the evolution of tactic-specific behavioral syndromes. We also show that research on ARTs and behavioral syndromes can be harmonized to study behavioral variation.
... In addition to showing plasticity in behavior (Bell et al. 2009;Řežucha and Reichard 2016), animals often show individual repeatability in their behavior across time and in different contexts (Sih et al. 2004;Smith and Blumstein 2008). Repeatability is defined as the proportion of phenotypic variance that is attributable to differences among individuals (Dingemanse and Dochtermann 2013), and it can have profound fitness consequences by creating behavioral carryovers across situations that may cause individuals to deviate from the optimal behavior in a given situation (Smith and Blumstein 2008). ...
... The determinants of repeatability of mating behavior are not well understood (Bell et al. 2009) and studies have found considerable variation, even amongst the same mating behaviors in closely related species. For example, male Endler guppies Poecilia wingei show little repeatability in mating behavior across different social conditions in contrast to male Poecilia reticulata guppies (Magellan and Magurran 2007;Řežucha and Reichard 2016). ...
Behavioral mechanisms for avoiding inbreeding are common in the natural world and are believed to have evolved as a response to the negative consequences of inbreeding. However, despite a fundamental role in fitness, we have a limited understanding of the cues that individuals use to assess inbreeding risk, as well as the extent to which individual inbreeding behavior is repeatable. We used piecewise structural equation modeling of 24 years of data to investigate the causes and consequences of within- versus extra-group paternity in banded mongooses. This cooperatively breeding mammal lives in tight-knit social groups that often contain closely related opposite-sex breeders, so inbreeding can be avoided through extra-group mating. We used molecular parentage assignments to show that, despite extra-group paternity resulting in outbred offspring, within-group inbreeding occurs frequently, with around 16% litters being moderately or highly inbred. Additionally, extra-group paternity appears to be plastic, with females mating outside of their social group according to individual proxies (age and immigration status) and societal proxies (group size and age) of within-group inbreeding risk but not in direct response to levels of within-group relatedness. While individual repeatability in extra-group paternity was relatively low, female cobreeders showed high repeatability, suggesting a strong constraint arising from the opportunities for extra-group mating. The use of extra-group paternity as an inbreeding avoidance strategy is, therefore, limited by high costs, opportunity constraints, and the limited reliability of proxies of inbreeding risk.
... One explanation for the present result could be that personality traits do not affect fitness at all and are thus not costly, which would mean that their expression does not depend on condition. However, in the same laboratory population used in the present study, I found a positive association between males' boldness and their reproductive success (Herdegen-Radwan in preparation) This is also in line with the results of studies on other guppy populations, which have revealed associations between sexually selected traits and boldness (Rezucha & Reichard, 2016), or female preference for bolder males (Godin & Dugatkin, 1996). Therefore, it seems unlikely that personality traits in the guppy could indeed be evolving neutrally. ...
... Support for this mechanism has already been found in other species (Cote, Dreiss, & Clobert, 2008;Dingemanse & Reale, 2005). In guppies, Rezucha and Reichard (2016) showed that the intensity of courtship behavior is positively associated with boldness. This finding may suggest that bolder males could gain higher reproductive success, as females prefer courtship-oriented mates over those that attempt coercive copulations (Kodric-Brown & Nicoletto, 2001). ...
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The question of why variation is maintained in personality traits is an evolutionary puzzle. According to the condition‐dependence hypothesis, such traits depend on condition, which limits the behavioral choices available to individuals. Because condition is affected by many genes, it can effectively be manipulated by inbreeding, which exposes the effects of deleterious recessive mutations. Here, I compared two personality traits, boldness and tendency to explore, of male guppies (Poecilia reticulata) from first‐generation inbred and outbred treatments. Boldness in guppies is associated with increased sexual attractiveness and is thus expected to affect fitness. Therefore, I hypothesized that the personality traits would be negatively affected by inbreeding. However, the results indicated that inbred guppies did not differ in either personality trait from their outbred counterparts. This finding suggests that mechanisms other than condition dependence are maintaining personality variation in the guppy. I tested condition dependence of personality traits using guppy. I manipulated condition via inbreeding and compared boldness and exploration of outbred and first‐generation inbred guppies. The results do not support the hypothesis of condition dependence of personality traits.
... Additionally, gonopodium morphology represents only one half of the story, and we do not know what kind of correlated changes may have occurred in female genitalia (Anderson & Langerhans, 2015;Brennan, 2016). We also assume that sexual selection and male mating tactics differ between high-and low-predation environments (Liley & Luyten, 1985;Magurran & Seghers, 1994) and that this drives selection on gonopodia Reynolds et al., 1993), but future work should investigate the relationship between gonopodium length and mating behaviour in these populations and treatments, as they may not always be closely linked (Řežucha & Reichard, 2016). ...
Genital morphology exhibits tremendous variation and is intimately linked with fitness. Sexual selection, nonmating natural selection, and neutral forces have been explored as potential drivers of genital divergence. Though less explored, genitalia may also be plastic in response to the developmental environment. In poeciliid fishes, the length of the male intromittent organ, the gonopodium, may be driven by sexual selection if longer gonopodia attract females or aid in forced copulation attempts, or by nonmating natural selection if shorter gonopodia allow predator evasion. The rearing environment may also affect gonopodium development. Using an experimental introduction of Trinidadian guppies into four replicate streams with reduced predation risk, we tested whether this new environment caused the evolution of genitalia. We measured gonopodium length after rearing the source and introduced populations for two generations in the laboratory to remove maternal and other environmental effects. We split full-sibling brothers into different rearing treatments to additionally test for developmental plasticity of gonopodia in response to predator cues and food levels as well as the evolution of plasticity. The introduced populations had shorter gonopodia after accounting for body size, demonstrating rapid genital evolution in 2-3 years (8-12 generations). Brothers reared on low food levels had longer gonopodia relative to body size than those on high food, reflecting maintenance of gonopodium length despite a reduction in body size. In contrast, gonopodium length was not significantly different in response to the presence or absence of predator cues. Because the plastic response to low food was maintained between the source and introduced populations, there was no evidence that plasticity evolved. This study demonstrates the importance of both evolution and developmental plasticity in explaining genital variation.
... Selective pressures can cause sex differences in cognition. The association between an individual's cognitive abilities, its behavioural flexibility and other behavioural traits (Thornton and Lukas 2012;Lucon-Xiccato and Bisazza 2017), as well as the relevance of these properties in the light of mate choice (Řežucha and Reichard 2016;White 2017) is as complex as it is critical for understanding how cognitive differences between individuals, sex, or species arise. ...
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Behavioural flexibility provides an individual with the ability to adapt its behaviour in response to environmental changes. Studies on mammals, birds and teleosts indicate greater behavioural flexibility in females. Conversely, males appear to exhibit greater behavioural persistence. We, therefore, investigated sex differences in behavioral flexibility in two closely related molly species (Poecilia latipinna, P. mexicana) and their more distant relative, the guppy P. reticulata by comparing male and female individuals in a serial, visual reversal learning task. Fish were first trained in colour discrimination, which was quickly learned by all females (guppies and mollies) and all molly males alike. Despite continued training over more than 72 sessions, male guppies did not learn the general test procedure and were, therefore, excluded from further testing. Once the reward contingency was reversed serially, molly males of both species performed considerably better by inhibiting their previous response and reached the learning criterion significantly faster than their respective conspecific females. Moreover, Atlantic molly males clearly outperformed all other individuals (males and females) and some of them even reached the level of one-trial-learning. Thus, the apparently universal pattern of higher female behavioural flexibility seems to be inverted in the two examined molly species, although the evolutionary account of this pattern remains highly speculative. These findings were complemented by the observed lower neophobia of female sailfin mollies compared to their male conspecifics. This sex difference was not observed in Atlantic mollies that were observed to be significantly less distressed in a novel situation than their consexuals. Hypothetically, sex differences in behavioural flexibility can possibly be explained in terms of the different roles that males and females play in mating competition, mate choice and reproduction or, more generally, in complex social interactions. Each of these characteristics clearly differed between the closely related mollies and the more distantly related guppies.
... Activity assesses the general activity level of an individual (Réale et al. 2007). Emergence assays are commonly used to infer boldness (Brown and Braithwaite 2004;Leblond and Reebs 2006;Chapman et al. 2011;Cote et al. 2013), although they have also been used to investigate exploration Řežucha and Reichard 2016). Because population differences (e.g., genetic differences, maternal effects) and ecological contexts (e.g., predation levels) can lead to different patterns of behaviour (Biro and Stamps 2008;Dingemanse et al. 2009), we used two distinct populations of lab guppies, one feral-sourced and one domesticated, to assess the universality of acclimation effects on repeatability. ...
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Establishing behavioural repeatability is important in animal personality research; however, a range of factors can influence repeatability. Experimental design, particularly acclimation time, is important in managing a subject’s stress prior to the onset of behavioural observations. Acclimatisation also ensures we capture “normal” behaviour and promotes consistency in the subject’s responses between observations. The importance of acclimatisation prior to an assay is widely recognised by animal researchers; however, acclimation time varies dramatically across personality studies. Here, we investigated the effects of acclimatisation time on the repeatability of activity and emergence behaviour in feral and domestic populations of lab-reared guppy, Poecilia reticulata. Contrary with expectations and previous findings, we found highest repeatability in guppy activity levels after 2 h of acclimation to the test arena. In the emergence assay, fish exposed to 10 min of acclimatisation showed highest repeatability; however, all acclimation periods produced high repeatability, suggesting that the emergence assay generates robust behavioural responses irrespective of acclimation time. The outcomes were broadly consistent across both populations. These results show that methodology can impact the findings of animal personality research and needs to be considered carefully for each assay. We recommend that researchers investigate appropriate acclimatisation times for their study species prior to commencing research. Significance statement Animal personality is individual differences in behaviour that are maintained through time and across contexts. Thus, demonstrating the repeatability of behavioural differences between individuals is imperative to establishing animal personality. To estimate repeatability, individuals are assessed multiple times on the same task to ensure there are consistent differences between individuals. When carrying out repeated observations, acclimatisation time should be considered to minimise stress levels of an animal prior to the behavioural assay. We assessed a range of acclimation times on emergence and activity behaviour in two populations of guppies. While individual variation in emergence behaviour was repeatable across a range of acclimation times, activity levels in guppies became significantly more repeatable after 2 h of acclimatisation. These results show that considering proper acclimation time is important when performing behavioural experiments and should be properly calibrated by researchers prior to conducting personality research.
... Some research has examined the link between boldness and male coloration. In guppies, there is a positive association between orange coloration, courtship, and boldness in males (Řežucha and Reichard 2016). In lizards, boldness and aggressiveness associate with distinct color morphs that also represent different reproductive strategies (Healey and Olsson 2008;Yewers et al. 2016;Pellitteri-Rosa et al. 2017). ...
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Male sexually selected signals can indicate competitive ability by honestly signaling fitness-relevant traits such as condition or performance. However, behavior can also influence contest outcomes; in particular, boldness often predicts dominance rank and mating success. Here, we sought to determine whether male ornament size is associated with consistent individual differences in boldness in water anoles Anolis aquaticus. We measured the relative size of the dewlap, a flap of skin under the chin that is a sexually-selected ornament in Anolis lizards, and tested for associations with responses to a novel and potentially risky environment: time to emerge from a refuge into an arena and number of head scans post-emergence. We found that individuals consistently differed in both time to emerge and head scanning (i.e., individual responses were repeatable), and that dewlap size was negatively related to number of head scans. This suggests that ornament size could indicate male boldness if scanning represents antipredator vigilance. We found that that males that had larger relative dewlaps were also in better body condition, but boldness (i.e., head scanning) was not related to condition. Lastly, we found consistent differences in behavior between trials, showing that anoles were becoming habituated or sensitized to the testing arena. Overall, our study shows that in addition to indicating condition and performance, dewlap size could also honestly indicate male boldness in Anolis lizards.
The concept of animal personality is based on consistent individual differences in behaviour, yet little is known about the factors responsible for such variation. Theory based on sex-specific selection predicts sexual dimorphism in personality-related traits and, in some cases, differences in trait variances between the sexes. In this study, we examined the sources of individual variation for boldness behaviour in guppies (Poecilia reticulata). We first demonstrated heightened boldness expression in males relative to females across feral wild types, artificially selected domestic ‘designer’ guppies, and putative hybrids of the two. Boldness and body size covaried at the strain level but were not associated among individuals within strains. We also found high and repeatable behavioural differences among individuals (0.40 > intraclass r > 0.60) in all sex/strain groups except hybrid strain females. However, there was no evidence for the heightened inter-individual male variance anticipated for personality traits subject to certain forms of directional sex-specific selection. Domestic fish were boldest overall, and indicated the largest sex difference, which is consistent with genetic linkage between boldness and male ornamental colouration. Consistently high intrinsic variation in boldness behaviour, which extends to inbred domesticated fish, may in part underpin the invasive potential of this species.
Fish respond to their “reproductive duty” and their reproductive needs by adopting a large diversity of adaptive behaviors in relation to constraints exerted by environmental conditions. Most spawners abandon their offspring and return to their feeding habitats. The reproductive scenario can be broadly divided into four major phases: an anticipatory phase, a preparatory or pre‐spawning phase, a phase of realization or spawning, and a terminal or postspawning phase. The partners of both sexes, having made the effort to promote themselves and to display their qualities, owe it to themselves to reap the benefits and to carry out couplings which promise beautiful reproductive success as quickly as possible. Reproductive migrations involve movements of spawners of varied magnitude and variable duration according to the species. Most species practice large sexual freedom with frequent changes of partners, which offers the advantage of a large mixing of genes inducing a large genetic diversity that is beneficial to the population.
A multi-trait, multi-test approach to investigate the convergence or discrimination between behavioural tests putatively targeting the same or different animal personality traits has been recommended, yet whether and how the approaches affect the identification of behavioural syndrome(s), the suite of correlated personality traits, requires investigation. Here, we used behavioural measures collected from five commonly used behavioural tests targeting three personality traits, evaluated their convergence/discrimination through exploratory factor analysis (EFA), and then explored whether the identification of syndrome changed based on the approach we used to quantify personality traits. Our results indicated that tests presumably targeting the same personality trait actually measured distinct behavioural aspects. Syndrome defined using correlation changed due to how we identified personality traits, but not when using structural equation models (SEMs). Overall, this study emphasizes that it is critical to clarify the approach and terms we use for 'personality traits' in the field of animal personality. © 2018
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When faced with the presence of a predator, many species of prey initially approach rather than retreat from such a potential threat. The authors identify five major types of costs associated with approach behaviour: 1) increased risk of mortality to the approacher, 2) increased risk of mortality to relatives of the approacher, 3) lost opportunity costs associated with approaching a predator, 4) energetic costs of approach, and 5) potential costs of the approacher being "exploited' by other group members. Benefits of approach behaviour are: 1) acquiring information about the nature of the potential threat, 2) informing others of the potential threat, 3) deterring predator attack, and 4) advertising one's quality to mates. The authors present a game theory model of prey approaching potential predators. Based on the costs and benefits of approach behaviour and group size, the model predicts the equilibrial frequency of "approachers' and "non-approachers' and the (relative) mean approach distance (as a function of group size). -from Authors
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The ability to attract mates, acquire resources for reproduction, and successfully outcompete rivals for fertilizations may make demands on cognitive traits-the mechanisms by which an animal acquires, processes, stores and acts upon information from its environment. Consequently, cognitive traits potentially undergo sexual selection in some mating systems. We investigated the role of cognitive traits on the reproductive performance of male rose bitterling (Rhodeus ocellatus), a freshwater fish with a complex mating system and alternative mating tactics. We quantified the learning accuracy of males and females in a spatial learning task and scored them for learning accuracy. Males were subsequently allowed to play the roles of a guarder and a sneaker in competitive mating trials, with reproductive success measured using paternity analysis. We detected a significant interaction between male mating role and learning accuracy on reproductive success, with the best-performing males in maze trials showing greater reproductive success in a sneaker role than as a guarder. Using a cross-classified breeding design, learning accuracy was demonstrated to be heritable, with significant additive maternal and paternal effects. Our results imply that male cognitive traits may undergo intra-sexual selection. © 2015 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.
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In recent years, considerable research interest in behavioral ecology has focused on characterizing and understanding individual differences in behavior that are consistent over time and across contexts, termed animal " personalities, " and correlations between various behaviors across contexts, termed behavioral syndromes. Although there is some evidence that differences in personality among individuals within populations can be genetically based and adaptive, when and how individual personality differences emerge in a population is not well understood, but of considerable general interest. Here, using juveniles of the convict cichlid (Amatitlania siquia) as a model system, we investigated in the laboratory whether individuals consistently differ in their personalities and whether behavioral syndromes are apparent at an early developmental stage and, if so, whether distinct personality traits are heritable. Under standardized laboratory conditions and using sibling analysis, we quantified interindividual differences in their boldness behavior under potential predation threat and their exploratory activity in a novel environment, 2 ecologically important behaviors, as our focal personality traits and estimated their respective repeatability and heritability. We report for the first time consistent (repeatable) and heritable individual differences in boldness and exploratory behaviors, and a boldness–exploration behavioral syndrome, in young convict cichlids. Bolder fish were more exploratory than relatively timid ones. These results provide novel evidence for the emergence in early life history of consistent individual differences in personality traits and behavioral syndromes in this species and suggest that genetic variation for boldness and exploratory behaviors, and thus potential for selection on these traits, exists in our study population.
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Understanding how behavioural traits co-vary within and between individuals is a major aim of behavioural ecologists working across a wide range of taxa. Here we attempted to measure five key behavioural traits (aggression, boldness, exploration, activity and sociability) in a native Australian social skink, Egernia whitii. Specifically, we documented the temporal consistency of trait structural definition, the temporal consistency of trait expression and the relationships between behavioural traits (i.e. behavioural syndromes). We found (1) that the structural consistency of some traits (boldness), but not others (aggressiveness and exploration), changed across time and according to sex (i.e. the relationship between the raw behaviours that were measured in the boldness assay was different for males and females); (2) that three of the five behavioural traits exhibited moderate-to-high adjusted repeatability while two were not repeatable; (3) covariances between behavioural traits were weak to non-existent and did not support the presence of any behavioural syndromes. These results indicate that structural consistency of traits or the behavioural ‘definition’ of an aggregate score is potentially variable over time. This may limit inference on any subsequent estimates of repeatability of behavioural traits, as well as estimates of potential syndromes. Repeatability of behavioural traits may reflect underlying ecological importance, or measurement processes, and lack of behavioural syndromes may reflect lack of selection pressure for trait covariance. Studies examining multiple behavioural traits under a measurement as well as an ecological framework are crucial to make meaningful inferences regarding the ecological and evolutionary significance of behavioural traits.
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There is a growing interest among behavioral ecologists in behavioral syndromes and animal personality. Studies of behavioral syndromes repeatedly measure the same individuals to quantify within-individual consistency and between-individual variation in behavior. Often these studies measure behavior in different contexts or in different behavioral assays to determine whether individual differences in behavior in one context are related to behavior in other contexts, that is, if there is a behavioral syndrome. For studies of behavioral syndromes, there is not universal agreement about whether it is preferable to randomize the order of different assays or to administer them in a fixed order. Here, I articulate the advantages and disadvantages of testing in a randomized or fixed order and offer some recommendations according to the goals and power of the experiment. In general, studies using within-subjects designs that are primarily interested in mean-level differences between treatments should randomize the order that individuals experience different treatments. Under certain conditions, studies of behavioral syndromes should also administer the assays in a randomized order, but only if the study is sufficiently powerful to statistically account for carryover and period effects. If the experimenter is interested in behavioral syndromes that are caused by carryovers, it is often preferable to test in a fixed order. If the experimenter wants to guard against carryovers, but the experiment is not sufficiently powerful to account for carryover and period effects, then a compromise is to test in a fixed order, but to test individuals in the context that is most likely to affect subsequent behavior last.
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Recent ecological and evolutionary research emphasizes the importance of adaptive trait integration. For instance, antipredator defenses are built up of several morphological and behavioral components in many species, yet their functional relationships are still poorly documented. Using field-collected freshwater crustaceans Gammarus fossarum in a within-subject design, we investigated the flexibility and consistency of refuge use, photophobia, and exploration behavior as well as their associations, quantified both when predation risk was absent or artificially simulated. In agreement with the "threat-sensitivity" hypothesis, both refuge use and photophobia increased under predation risk, whereas exploration behavior did not vary. For all behaviors, individuals exhibited low but significant consistency between risk treatments. However, intraindividual variability did not vary with weight or between sexes. Finally, a positive relationship between photophobia and refuge use was observed only under predation risk in females, whereas it was found in both risk treatments in males. Our findings demonstrate that predation risk may promote behavioral flexibility and behavioral correlations, or syndromes, in wild populations, and call for an integrative study of antipredator mechanisms where the evolution of each dimension has to be examined in combination with all others. Additional phenotypic traits should be included in future studies to better characterize the multidimensionality of antipredator defense and the functional relationships among traits. The survival consequence of behavioral correlations between risk-sensitive traits also remains to be estimated in mortality selection experiments.
This chapter discusses how behavioral syndromes relate to mating and cooperation. It also examines the social ecology of behavioral syndromes by considering the following issues: (1) key aspects of social situation and quantifying variation in social situation; (2) the effects of social situation on fitness of different behavioral types; (3) variations in social plasticity and sensitivity; (4) adaptive social plasticity or social skill; and (5) the effects of the mix of behavioral types on group dynamics and population fitness.