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Ericaceous dwarf shrubs affect ectomycorrhizal fungal community of the invasive Pinus strobus and native Pinus sylvestris in a pot experiment


Abstract and Figures

This study aimed to elucidate the relationship between ericaceous understorey shrubs and the diversity and abundance of ectomycorrhizal fungi (EcMF) associated with the invasive Pinus strobus and native Pinus sylvestris. Seedlings of both pines were grown in mesocosms and subjected to three treatments simulating different forest microhabitats: (a) grown in isolation and grown with (b) Vaccinium myrtillus or (c) Vaccinium vitis-idaea. Ericaceous plants did not act as a species pool of pine mycobionts and inhibited the ability of the potentially shared species Meliniomyces bicolor to form ectomycorrhizae. Similarly, Ericaceae significantly reduced the formation of Thelephora terrestris ectomycorrhizae in P. sylvestris. EcMF species composition in the mesocosms was strongly affected by both the host species and the presence of an ericaceous neighbour. When grown in isolation, P. strobus root tips were predominantly colonised by Wilcoxina mikolae, whereas those of P. sylvestris were more commonly colonised by Suillus and Rhizopogon spp. Interestingly, these differences were less evident (Suillus + Rhizopogon spp.) or absent (W. mikolae) when the pines were grown with Ericaceae. P. strobus exclusively associated with Rhizopogon salebrosus s.l., suggesting the presence of host specificity at the intrageneric level. Ericaceous plants had a positive effect on colonisation of P. strobus root tips by R. salebrosus s.l. This study demonstrates that the interaction of selective factors such as host species and presence of ericaceous plants may affect the realised niche of the ectomycorrhizal fungi.
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Ericaceous dwarf shrubs affect ectomycorrhizal fungal
community of the invasive Pinus strobus and native Pinus
sylvestris in a pot experiment
Petr Kohout &Zuzana Sýkorová &
Mohammad Bahram &Věroslava Hadincová &
Jana Albrechtová &Leho Tedersoo &Martin Vohník
Received: 24 August 2010 /Accepted: 23 November 2010 /Published online: 14 December 2010
#Springer-Verlag 2010
Abstract This study aimed to elucidate the relationship
between ericaceous understorey shrubs and the diversity
and abundance of ectomycorrhizal fungi (EcMF) associated
with the invasive Pinus strobus and native Pinus sylvestris.
Seedlings of both pines were grown in mesocosms and
subjected to three treatments simulating different forest
microhabitats: (a) grown in isolation and grown with (b)
Vaccinium myrtillus or (c) Vaccinium vitis-idaea. Erica-
ceous plants did not act as a species pool of pine
mycobionts and inhibited the ability of the potentially
shared species Meliniomyces bicolor to form ectomycor-
rhizae. Similarly, Ericaceae significantly reduced the for-
mation of Thelephora terrestris ectomycorrhizae in P.
sylvestris. EcMF species composition in the mesocosms
was strongly affected by both the host species and the
presence of an ericaceous neighbour. When grown in
isolation, P. strobus root tips were predominantly colonised
by Wilcoxina mikolae, whereas those of P. sylvestris were
more commonly colonised by Suillus and Rhizopogon spp.
Interestingly, these differences were less evident (Suillus+
Rhizopogon spp.) or absent (W. mikolae) when the pines
were grown with Ericaceae. P. strobus exclusively associ-
ated with Rhizopogon salebrosus s.l., suggesting the
presence of host specificity at the intrageneric level.
Ericaceous plants had a positive effect on colonisation of
P. strobus root tips by R. salebrosus s.l. This study
demonstrates that the interaction of selective factors such
as host species and presence of ericaceous plants may affect
the realised niche of the ectomycorrhizal fungi.
Keywords Plant invasions .Seedlings establishment .
Ericoid mycorrhiza .Rhizoscyphus ericae aggregate .Suillus
spp. .Rhizopogon salebrosus complex .Meliniomyces
bicolor .Common mycorrhizal networks
Invasive plants are among the greatest threats to species
biodiversity and ecosystem functioning (Mack et al. 2000)
and may have a marked economic effect (Pimentel et al.
2005). Invasiveness of plants depends on the environment
and species-specific ecological traits, such as growth rate,
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article
(doi:10.1007/s00572-010-0350-2) contains supplementary material,
which is available to authorized users.
P. Kohout (*):Z. Sýkorová :J. Albrechtová :M. Vohník
Department of Mycorrhizal Symbioses,
Institute of Botany ASCR,
Zámek 1,
Průhonice 25243, Czech Republic
P. Kohout :J. Albrechtová :M. Vohník
Department of Experimental Plant Biology, Faculty of Science,
Charles University in Prague,
Viničná 5,
12843, Prague, Czech Republic
M. Bahram :L. Tedersoo
Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences, Tartu University,
40 Lai,
51005, Tartu, Estonia
V. Hadincová
Department of Population Ecology, Institute of Botany ASCR,
25243, Průhonice, Czech Republic
M. Bahram :L. Tedersoo
Natural History Museum, Tartu University,
40 Lai,
51005, Tartu, Estonia
Mycorrhiza (2011) 21:403412
DOI 10.1007/s00572-010-0350-2
escape from pathogens, production of allelochemicals, etc.
(Rejmánek 1989; Keane and Crawley 2002). However,
sometimes the mechanisms triggering invasiveness are
unpredictable and may depend on other factors or combi-
nations of factors including biotic interactions. In particular,
plant invasions may be facilitated by the presence of
compatible mutualists such as pollinators, seed dispersers
and mycorrhizal fungi (Richardson et al. 2000; Klironomos
2003; Pringle et al. 2009). In their new range, invaders
often lack suitable partners, but new hostmutualist
combinations may emerge (Richardson et al. 2000). Soil
biota may enhance plant invasions (Reinhart and Callaway
2006). Non-native plants, in turn, may alter soil microbial
communities via root exudates (van der Putten et al. 2007).
Ectomycorrhizal (EcM) symbioses benefit coniferous
trees by facilitating water and nutrient uptake, protecting
roots from pathogens and interconnecting single plants into
common mycorrhizal networks (CMNs; Selosse et al. 2006;
Smith and Read 2008). Fungi that are involved in EcM
symbiosis (EcMF) differ in their ability to exploit various
substrates, indicating certain-level functional complemen-
tarity (van der Heijden and Kuyper 2003; Courty et al.
2005). Accordingly, plant seedlings may benefit from
associating simultaneously with several EcMF particularly
when growing in complex substrates (Baxter and Dighton
2001; Jonsson et al. 2001). Naturally, the great diversity of
EcMF communities depends on both biotic and abiotic
factors, such as host plant, soil quality, pollution, etc.
(Lilleskov et al. 2002; Ishida et al. 2007; Morris et al. 2008;
Tedersoo et al. 2008a,b).
In the southern hemisphere, the establishment and
naturalisation of introduced Pinus spp. was retarded in
regions that lacked compatible EcMF (Mikola 1969; Read
1998; Richardson et al. 2000; Nuñez et al. 2009). Recent
studies suggest that introduced and/or invasive plants
associate with fewer EcMF than the native species
(Tedersoo et al. 2007; Nuñez et al. 2009; Dickie et al.
2010; Walbert et al. 2010). Native plants may share their
EcMF with Pinaceae (Horton et al. 1999; Richard et al.
2009), except in exotic habitats (Tedersoo et al. 2007).
Understorey vegetation in many boreal, temperate and
Mediterranean forests consists of ericaceous dwarf shrubs
that form ericoid mycorrhiza (ErM; Read 1991). ErM
mycobionts from the Rhizoscyphus ericae (Read) Zhuang
& Korf aggregate are taxonomically distinct from common
EcMF, but some of them are capable of forming EcM
symbiosis (Vrålstad et al. 2000,2002). This led to
hypotheses that ericaceous and ectomycorrhizal plants
might be functionally interconnected with CMNs (Vrålstad
2004) and that Ericaceae could serve as an inoculum
reservoir for Pinaceae. However, to date, only a single R.
ericae aggregate strain has been demonstrated to form EcM
and ErM simultaneously (Villarreal-Ruiz et al. 2004). ErM
fungi (ErMF) also occur as common root endophytes in non-
ericaceous hosts (Hambleton and Sigler 2005;Curlevskiet
al. 2009; Tedersoo et al. 2009).
Pinus strobus L. was introduced in the Czech Republic as
an ornamental tree as early as in 1784, and the first
plantations were established in the Elbe Sandstone Mountains
(NW Czech Republic) in 1789 (Nožička 1965). However,
reports of its invasion in different types of forests did not start
to accumulate until as late as the early 1990s (V. Hadincová
and co-workers, unpublished data). P. s t r o b u s is now
commonly found in native forests in many sandstone areas,
often regenerating within ericaceous understorey in the early
stages of its invasion. Due to a combination of effective seed
spread, high seedling recruitment, fast growth and enormous
litter production (Hadincová et al. 2007; Kubartová 2007), P.
strobus inhibits the growth of understorey vegetation and
regeneration of native trees, especially Pinus sylvestris L.
According to Carrillo-Gavilan and Vila (2010), P. strobus is
the only invasive conifer in Europe. The role of mutualistic
symbioses, including EcM, in the P. strobus,invasions
remain unknown.
This study aimed to address the potential role of EcMF
and ErMF in facilitating the invasion of P. strobus.In
particular, the EcMF resistant propagule communities
associated with the roots of both P. strobus and P. sylvestris
were studied in order to test the hypotheses that (a) P.
strobus associates with a less diverse and more generalist
EcMF spectrum than P. sylvestris, (b) EcMF communities
of both pine species are affected by the presence of
ericaceous plants and (c) there is an increase in the
abundance of ectomycorrhizal members of the R. ericae
aggregate in the presence of ericaceous plants, due to their
supposed co-association with Ericaceae.
Materials and methods
Experimental design and sampling
To test the above hypotheses, a mesocosm experiment was
set up because it has advantages over a field experiment: all
experimental units experience the same environmental
conditions, including exposure to soil fungi and the
confounding effect of spatial heterogeneity is avoided,
resulting in less variation among replicates (Pickles et al.
2010). A pot experiment may alter the realisable spectrum
of EcMF in favour of species dispersing predominantly by
spores. However, if the EcMF spore community introduced
into a pot experiment reflects, the EcMF spore community
occurring in the field (e.g. the inoculation is done with a
non-treated natural substrate), the differences in the realised
EcMF spectrum between a pot experiment and the situation
in the field should not be large. On the other hand, the
404 Mycorrhiza (2011) 21:403412
mesocosm approach may select for generalists and against
fungi outside their ecophysiological optimum.
In May 2005, soil (mineral, organic and litter layer) was
collected at two sites in the Elbe Sandstone Mountains: (a)
Babylon (50°52.20N; 14°22.90E, 310 m above sea level)
and (b) Picket (50°52.84N; 14°20.87E, 380 m above sea
level) that are located ca. 5 km apart. Babylon is a forest
dominated by P. sylvestris; the closest P. strobus trees are
100 m away. Picket is a mixed forest dominated by P.
strobus,P. sylvestris and Picea abies L. Karst. Both sites
have a similar understorey of ericaceous shrubs (Vaccinium
myrtillus L. and Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.) and podzolic
soils. At both sites, 6 kg of soil was collected from five
cores located approximately 20 m apart. The soils from the
two localities were pooled (each layer separately), mixed
and used as a substrate in 1.5-l plastic pots (diameter
15 cm). This was done to maximise the diversity of EcMF
available in the substrate as an inoculum for the seedlings.
The soil in each pot consisted of three layers as in the field
(i.e. 1 cm Land 10 cm F+Hlayers, 5 cm sand drainage).
The experiment was two-factorial: (a) Pinus species (the
invasive P. strobus and native P. sylvestris) and (b) presence
of an ericaceous neighbour (V. myrtillus,V. vitis-idaea or
none). There were eight replicates of each treatment; thus,
the number of mesocosms totalled 48. Thirty seeds of either P.
sylvestris or P. strobus originating from the Elbe Sandstone
Mountains were sown in each of the mesocosms. P. sylvestris
seeds were sown in March 2006. As P. strobus seeds need
cold stratification, they were sown in September 2005. The
seeds germinated simultaneously in April 2006. Five healthy
seedlings were left per each pot. Single branches of
ericaceous shrubs along with their rhizomes, and roots were
transplanted from the sites where the soil was collected.
Thus, they were most likely pre-colonised by native ErMF.
Ericaceous plants were collected at the same time as the soil
and replanted in pots in May 2005.
The mesocosms were kept outdoors in the experimental
garden of the Institute of Botany ASCR at Průhonice (49°
59.86N; 14°33.97E; 300 m above sea level; mean annual
temperature 8.8°C, mean annual precipitation 565 mm).
The pots were randomly placed on the ground, shaded by
green plastic netting and watered when needed during hot
summer days. The mesocosms were randomly harvested in
September 2008. At the harvest, soil was carefully removed
from the roots using running tap water, and the roots of
Pinus spp. were carefully separated from the hairy roots of
ericaceous plants. The fine roots of Pinus species were then
cut into 5 cm lengths. For each mesocosm, 40 randomly
selected lengths of roots were examined under a dissecting
microscope which resulted in 2 m of root length analysed
per pot. EcM root tips were counted (bifurcated and
coralloid root tips were counted as a single root tip) and
separated into morphotypes based on surface texture, colour
and presence and type of hyphae and rhizomorphs. Morpho-
typing of all EcM root tips was done by the same evaluator
(P. K.). For each morphotype from each pot, three to 15 of the
most healthy-looking and cleanest ectomycorrhizae were
placed in 0.5 ml Eppendorf tubes containing 70% ethanol
and stored at 4°C until required for molecular analyses. In
total, 580 root tips were individually subjected to molecular
analyses. The molecular analysis indicated that each EcM
morphotype corresponded to a single fungal taxon. Only the
suilloid morphotype was separated into eight species of
Suillus and Rhizopogon based on 200 internal transcribed
spacer (ITS) sequences (Supplementary material S2).
Molecular analyses
Prior to DNA extraction, individual root tips were surface-
sterilised in a 100% commercial bleach solution (4.5%
available chlorine), containing 100 μl/l of Tween 20, for
30 s, followed by 30 s in 70% ethanol and 3×1-min rinses
in sterile water. Root tips were then ground in liquid
nitrogen. DNA was extracted from each root tip using the
DNeasy Plant Mini extraction kit (Qiagen GmbH, Hilden,
Germany) following the manufacturers instructions. DNA
was eluted in 75 μl of sterile ddH
O and kept at 20°C.
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of the ITS
region was performed using the primers ITS1F (Gardes and
Bruns 1993) and ITS4 (White et al. 1990). Additionally,
samples from the basidiomycetous morphotypes were ampli-
fied using a combination of primer ITS1F and
Basidiomycetes-specific primer ITS4B (Gardes and Bruns
1993) or LB-W (Tedersoo et al. 2008a) in order to avoid co-
amplification of ascomycetes that commonly inhabit EcM
root tips (Tedersoo et al. 2009). The PCR mix included
2.5 μl of 10× PCR buffer without MgCl
mixture (200 nM), 2.5 μlMgCl
(2 mM), 0.5 μlofeach
primer (10 mM), 1 U of Taq DNA polymerase (Fermentas
International Inc, Burlington, ON, Canada), 15.8 μlofsterile
Oand8μl of the template (DNA extract diluted 1:10 in
sterile water) in a final volume of 25 μl.
Thermal cycling parameters were as follows: initial
denaturation step of 4 min at 94°C, 35 cycles consisting
of a denaturation step at 94°C for 30 s, annealing at 55°C
for 30 s, extension at 72°C for 70 s and a final extension at
72°C for 10 min. The length and quality/quantity of the
PCR products were checked using gel electrophoresis (1%
agarose). Samples that yielded double-banded PCR prod-
ucts were excluded from further analyses. In the case of
barely visible PCR products, a semi-nested or nested PCR
was performed using primers ITS1 and ITS4 with 1 μlof
the ITS1F/ITS4 or ITS1F/LB-W PCR product as a template
(diluted 1:100 in sterile water). PCR products were purified
using the QIAquick PCR Purification Kit (Qiagen GmbH,
Hilden, Germany). Each sample was separately sequenced
Mycorrhiza (2011) 21:403412 405
with the primer ITS1 or ITS1F in Macrogen Inc. (Seoul,
South Korea). The DNA sequences were checked for
possible machine errors and edited in Sequence Scanner
1.0 (Applied Biosystems, Forest City, CA, USA). Prelim-
inary identification of EcMF was achieved by conducting a
nucleotide Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLASTn)
search of the GenBank and UNITE (Abarenkov et al. 2010)
public sequence databases.
Sequence analyses
Alignment of sequences was performed using the CLUSTAL
W algorithm (Thompson et al. 1994) in BioEdit (Hall
1999), followed by manual correction. Neighbour-joining
analyses were conducted using TOPALi version 2.5 (http:// To determine the phylogenetic affinities of
species belonging to the suilloid morphotype and R. ericae
aggregate, selected ITS sequences from identified fruit
bodies or pure cultures were downloaded from the sequence
databases. The sequences were aligned as above. Neighbour-
joining analyses were performed using MEGA 4 (Tamura et
al. 2007) with 1,000 bootstrap replicates. A value of 97.0%
similarity in the ITS region was used as a threshold for
species delimitation. Representative sequences of each
species or sequence type from each experimental treatment
were submitted to National Center for Biotechnology
Information (accession numbers FN678889FN678898,
FN679001FN679049, FN686777, FN686778, FN691763
and FN811647FN811657).
Statistical analyses
The influence of EcM host plant (P. sylvestris or P. strobus)
and cultivation treatment (presence/absence of ericaceous
plants) on EcM colonisation and EcMF species richness was
analysed using the non-parametric KruskalWallis test in
software package STATISTICA 8 (StatSoft, Inc., Tulsa, OK,
USA). The EcM colonisation was expressed as a number of
EcM root tips per 2 m of the root length. To determine the
effects on each EcMF species separately, Fishers exact test
based on their occurrence patterns in mesocosms was used.
Presenceabsence data per pot were used instead of
abundance because it was not possible to quantify species
of Rhizopogon and Suillus within the suilloid morphotype;
thus, absence of a suilloid species may equally indicate that
its abundance was below the molecular detection limit.
The relative effect of EcM host plant, presence of
ericaceous shrubs and their interaction on the perceived EcMF
community structure were further tested using the ADONIS
routine and visualised using the non-metric multidimensional
scaling (NMDS) in the Vegan package of R (R Core
Development Team 2007). Species occurrence and Bray
Curtis distance measure were used in both analyses.
EcM fungi species richness and diversity
In all treatments, nearly all pine roots were ectomycor-
rhizal. In total, approximately 11,500 root tips from Pinus
spp. seedlings were analysed by morphotyping (Table 1and
Supplementary material S1), and 580 EcM root tips were
consequently used for DNA extraction and PCR. However,
only 330 root tips produced a sequence of sufficient quality
that could be matched to an EcM fungus. According to the
KruskalWallis test, the total number of EcM root tips per
2 m root length in each mesocosm was similar in the two
Pinus spp. and three ericaceous plant treatments (Table 1).
In total, 13 fungal taxa were identified. Seven species of
EcMF (Cenococcum geophilum Fr., Inocybe sp. Fr.,
Rhizopogon luteolus Fr., Rhizopogon roseolus s.l. (Corda)
Th. Fr., Rhizopogon salebrosus s.l. A.H. Sm., Thelephora
terrestris Ehrh. ex Fr. and Wilcoxina mikolae Yang &
Wilcox) were identified based on their closest ITS BLAST
match (Table 2). The remaining six were members of the
genus Suillus and of the R. ericae aggregate and were
identified to species level based on phylogenetic analyses
(Fig. 1; Supplementary material S3).
There were 11 and 10 fungal species associated with the root
tips of P. sylvestris and P. s t r o b u s , respectively, of which eight
were shared. Of all root tips, 46% and 72% of those of P.
sylvestris and P. strobus, respectively, were colonised by
Ascomycota. There were no significant effects of pine species
or ericaceous neighbours on EcMF species richness (p>0.05).
Community composition of EcM fungi
The ascomycete W. mikolae was the most abundant EcMF
species associated with the roots of both pine species in all
treatments (on average 53.1%), except where P. sylvestris
was grown in isolation (Fig. 2). Meliniomyces bicolor
Hambl. & Sigler (a member of the R. ericae aggregate)
was almost exclusively detected in treatments where the pine
species were grown in isolation (Fishersexacttest:
p<0.001; Table 3), colonising on average 47.2% of the root
tips. Similarly, T. terrestris wasmainlyrecordedwhenthere
were no ericaceous neighbours (p=0.022). Conversely, R.
salebrosus s.l. was significantly more frequent in treatments
with an ericaceous neighbour (p=0.048). More suilloid fungi
(six subspecies, 37.4% of all root tips) were associated with
P. sylvestris when it was grown in isolation. In contrast, four
species of suilloid fungi colonised only 3.5% of root tips of
P. strobus grown without an ericaceous neighbour. The
ascomycetes W. mikola e and M. bicolor colonised more than
95% of all EcM root tips in this treatment.
Similarly, host plants had a strong effect on the occurrence
of individual EcMF species (Table 3). In particular, Suillus
406 Mycorrhiza (2011) 21:403412
bovinus (Pers.) Roussel (p=0.023) and T. terrestris (p=
0.002) were significantly more frequently, but not exclusive-
ly, associated with P. sylvestris. Conversely, R. salebrosus s.l.
was only associated with P. strobus (p<0.001). According to
Fishers exact test, W. mikolae was significantly more
frequently associated with P. strobus (p=0.008). This result
was probably due to the complete absence of W. mikol a e
on the eight seedlings of P. sylvestris grown in isolation.
These results were supported at the community level,
where the host plant (ADONIS: F
1, 42
=14.38; p<0.001),
ericaceous neighbour (F
2, 42
=13.03; p<0.001) and their
interaction (F
2, 42
=4.59; p< 0.001), respectively, explained
15.7%, 28.44% and 10.02% of total variation in the EcMF
species distribution (Fig. 3).
EcM communities associated with the native vs. invasive
In this mesocosm study of a resistant propagule community,
there were no differences in species richness of EcMF
colonising the native and introduced species of Pinus. This
study along with those of Nuñez et al. (2009) and Tedersoo
et al. (2007) indicates that introduced or invasive EcM trees
may host a comparable number of symbionts when a
suitable species pool is present. However, the mesocosm
approach used in our study might select for generalists and
against fungi outside their ecophysiological amplitude.
The ascomycetes W. mikolae and M. bicolor and suilloid
fungi were the most abundant EcMF associated with both
pine species. This observation accords with previous
studies on resistant propagule and nursery communities of
conifer seedlings (Iwanski et al. 2006; Rusca et al. 2006).
Leski et al. (2010) showed that P. sylvestris seedling
survival is negatively correlated with the relative abundance
of W. mikolae but positively correlated with the relative
abundance of suilloid mycorrhizae. This indicates that
EcMF taxa may significantly differ in their effects on host
fitness and therefore have different roles in the pine
invasion processes. Interestingly, Ericaceae supported for-
mation of both W. mikolae (in P. sylvestris) and suilloid (in
P. strobus) ectomycorrhizae at the expense of M. bicolor,
underlining the differential effect of surrounding vegetation
on the native vs. introduced pine (see below).
In particular, host species had a strong effect on the
frequency of several EcMF species, which contrasts with
the results of most previous studies on intergeneric EcMF
selectivity (Molina and Trappe 1994; Walker et al. 2005;
Tedersoo et al. 2008a). However, Morris et al. (2008,2009)
demonstrated that host species is an important factor
Table 1 Total numbers of EcM root tips per treatment and numbers of EcM root tips colonised by different morphotypes in each treatment per
2 m root length (means±SD; n=8)
Suilloid M. bicolor W. mikolae Inocybe spp. T. terrestris C. geophilum Total no. of EcM root tips Nm
Sy 89± 42.8 111±53 0 0 35± 20.5 7±15.8 246± 42 0
SyVm 166± 109.4 5 124± 124 5.6 4.6 0 296± 42 0
SyVt 73± 32.4 0 75± 77.4 0.3± 0.7 3.9 0 165± 45 0
St 12± 23.8 163± 157.7 166 ± 124.1 0 0 0 341± 42 0.8± 1.2
StVm 35± 35.1 0.4± 1.1 178±61.1 8±15.9 2.8 0 236±42 1 ± 1.8
StVt 95± 61 0.1± 0.4 104 ± 127.4 0 0 0 230± 45 2.4
Each row represents a single treatment
Sy P. sylvestris grown in isolation, SyVm P. sylvestris gown with V. myrtillus,SyVv P. sylvestris grown with V. vitis-idaea,St P. strobus grown in
isolation, StVm P. strobus grown with V. myrtillus,StVv P. strobus grown with V. vitis-idaea,Nm non-mycorrhizal
EcM species EMBL accession number Best BLASTn species match: accession number,
similarity (%), species identity
Cenococcum geophilum FN686778 AY880936 (98%) Cenococcum geophilum
Inocybe sp. FN679046 AM882710 (99%) Inocybe jacobi
Rhizopogon luteolus FN679020 EU784397 (99%) Rhizopogon luteolus
Rhizopogon roseolus s.l. FN679014 EU784401 (98%) Rhizopogon roseolus
Rhizopogon salebrosus s.l. FN679024 FJ197209 (98%) Rhizopogon salebrosus
Thelephora terrestris FN679049 AF272921 (100%) Telephora terrestris
Wilcoxina mikolae FN679042 DQ093774 (99%) Wilcoxina mikolae
Table 2 Identification of EcM
fungi based on a BLASTn
search of the public sequence
databases GenBank and UNITE
Mycorrhiza (2011) 21:403412 407
affecting the EcMF community composition in ecosystems
of two co-occurring Quercus species. Congruently,
Jacobson and Miller (1992) recorded the host specificity
among cryptic species of Suillus granulatus (L.) Roussel
for the subgenera Pinus and Strobus. It is probable that
incompatibility between invasive host plants and indige-
nous EcMF could shift communities of EcMF associating
with a mature forest dominated by invasive pines. These
changes could result in a large impact on functional traits
in soil as well as extinctions of crucial ecosystems
components, e.g. indigenous EcMF. However, more
detailed studies are needed to evaluate the impact of
invasive pines on indigenous EcMF communities.
We detected several EcMF that have not been found in
Europe based on sequenced fruit-body data. However, the
phylogenetic analyses indicate that the closest relatives of S.
granulatus 2 originated in Europe (Fig. 1). Similarly, a
sequence derived from Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Spreng.
from the Alps (Krpata et al. 2007) nested in our sequences of
R. salebrosus s.l. (Supplementary material S4). Thus, this
taxonomically overlooked species may be derived from the
communities of Pinus cembra L., which belongs to Pinus
subgenus Strobus and is a native of the Alps. It is speculated
here that R. salebrosus s.l. may have switched subsequently
to P. strobus, following its invasion. The only known host
plant of R. salebrosus s.l. in Europe is A. uva-ursi,whichis
also an understorey plant in The Elbe Sandstone Mountains.
Thus, A. uva-ursi may have facilitated the host switch from P.
cembra to P. s t r o b u s (Horton et al. 1999;Krpataetal.2007).
The effects of ericaceous plants
There were no statistically significant effects of ericaceous
plants on colonisation and richness of EcMF in the
mesocosm experiment. In field studies, ericaceous plants
inhibit EcM colonisation (Walker et al. 1999; Collier and
Fig. 1 Phylogenetic tree of a
part of the genus Suillus based
on a neighbour-joining analysis
of 494 characters of ITS1, 5,8S
rDNA and part of the ITS2
sequences. The numbers above
branches denote neighbour-
joining bootstrap values from
1,000 replications. The tree was
rooted using sequences of R.
luteolus and R. roseolus.
Sequences obtained in the pres-
ent study are shown in bold.
They are labelled with the
database accession number, the
host plant species from which
they were obtained and the
cultivation treatment (Sy P. syl-
vestris grown in isolation, SyVm
P. sylvestris gown with V.
myrtillus,SyVv P. sylvestris
grown with V. vitis-idaea,St P.
strobus grown in isolation, StVm
P. strobus grown with V.
myrtillus,StVv P. strobus grown
with V. vitis-idaea). The
parentheses show the
delimitation of the fungal taxa
408 Mycorrhiza (2011) 21:403412
Bidartondo 2009) and/or reduce the number of EcMF
species (Collier and Bidartondo 2009). Nevertheless, in our
study, ericaceous plants had the strongest effect on EcMF
community composition.
The differential effect of ericaceous plants on the EcMF
communities of the two Pinus species can only partly be
attributable to host specificity. For example, W. mikolae did
not form an association with P. sylvestris but did with P.
strobus when it was grown in isolation. However, it heavily
colonised both pines when grown with ericaceous shrubs.
As W. mikolae is regarded as a poor competitor (Mikola
1969), the fungi preferring P. sylvestris may have out-
competed W. mikolae in favourable conditions in the
absence of ericaceous neighbours.
This indicates that factors such as host, surrounding
vegetation and soil conditions may interact to create
niches for EcMF. At the species level, ericaceous plants
promoted the proliferation of one EcMF species (R.
salebrosus s.l.) and inhibited two EcMF species (T.
terrestris and M. bicolor). The selective effect of erica-
ceous dwarf shrubs on EcMF is intriguing and deserves
further investigation because in some pine habitats,
Ericaceae form dense understorey and may therefore shift
EcMF communities available for pine seedlings. EcMF
species that are not inhibited by the presence of ericaceous
shrubs and ErMF are probably adapted to poor soil
conditions (Nilsson et al. 1993;Genneyetal.2000)and
form an important symbiont pool for seedling establish-
ment on heathlands (Collier and Bidartondo 2009)and
forest ground.
It is clear that ericaceous plants play an important role in
the formation of EcMF communities associated with the
Sy SyVm SyVv
Relative number of EcM root tips
suilloid morphotype Inocybe sp.
Thelephora terrestris Meliniomyces bicolor
Wilcoxina mikolae Cenococcum geophilum
St StVm StVv
Relative number of EcM root tips
suilloid morphotype Inocybe sp.
Thelephora terrestris Meliniomyces bicolor
Wilcoxina mikolae Cenococcum geophilum
Fig. 2 a Relative number of
EcM morphotypes associated
with the roots of P. sylvestris
grown in isolation (Sy) or grown
with V. myrtillus (SyVm)orV.
vitis-idaea (SyVv). bRelative
number of EcM morphotypes
associated with the roots of P.
strobus grown in isolation (St)
or grown with V. myrtillus
(StVm)orV. vitis-idaea (StVv)
Mycorrhiza (2011) 21:403412 409
roots of P. sylvestris seedlings. However, the effect of these
changes on seedling survival and physiology needs further
investigation and evaluation. Besides host specificity
(Jacobson and Miller 1992), differential spore dormancy
(Bruns et al. 2009) and competitive hierarchy (Kennedy et
al. 2009), ericaceous plants may provide a niche for the
differentiation of suilloid fungi.
The hypothesis that there would be a greater abundance
of M. bicolor (a member of the R. ericae aggregate) and
other ErMF as ectomycorrhizal symbionts of the pines in
the Ericaceae treatments was not supported. Surprisingly,
M. bicolor was detected as forming ectomycorrhizae almost
exclusively when the pines were grown in isolation. Thus,
our results suggest that rather than being unable to form
ectomycorrhizal symbiosis, the competitive abilities of the
respective M. bicolor strains were inhibited by ericaceous
plants and/or ErMF. Alternatively, M. bicolor might display
a hitherto overlooked preference for ericaceous roots.
EcM species of the R. ericae aggregate are among the
dominant fungi in both young and mature boreal forests in
northern Europe (Genney et al. 2006; Toljander et al. 2006;
Korkama et al. 2007; Tedersoo et al. 2008b). Some of its
members are able to form ericoid mycorrhizae and
ectomycorrhizae (Vrålstad et al. 2002; Vohník et al.
2007a,b; Grelet et al. 2009) or simultaneously both types
in vitro (Villarreal-Ruiz et al. 2004). Our findings are
congruent with those of Collier and Bidartondo (2009) and
Richard et al. (2009) who recorded no ectomycorrhizae
formed by the R. ericae aggregate in roots of EcM
seedlings in areas dominated by Ericaceae. This suggests
that if any mycelial links between ectomycorrhizal and
ericoid mycorrhizal plants exist under natural conditions,
they are limited rather to fungi outside the R. ericae
Our findings reveal that both host plant species identity and
surrounding vegetation may influence EcMF assemblages
in roots of establishing pine seedlings. Contrary to our
hypotheses, the invasive and native pines associated with a
comparably species-rich EcMF community and the erica-
ceous plants did not act as a species pool of pine
mycobionts. On the contrary, the ericaceous plants inhibited
ectomycorrhizae formed by M. bicolor, a mycobiont that is
potentially shared between ectomycorrhizal plants and
Ericaceae. Such changes in EcMF communities might be
explained by selective stimulation/inhibition of some EcMF
by Ericaceae, or a preference of some mycobionts for
ericaceous to coniferous roots.
Acknowledgements We acknowledge Petra Wildová for excellent lab
assistance, Kateřina Štajerová for suggestions that improved the
manuscript and Tony Dixon for language correction. We would like to
thank two anonymous reviewers for their highly valuable comments on
our manuscript. Grant Agency of Charles University (9714/2009), COST
OC 10058 (Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech
Republic) and Charles University SVV 261209/2010 provided financial
support. This study is a part of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech
Republic research programme AV0Z60050516.
Fig. 3 NMDS ordination of EcM community data from 48 meso-
cosms, illustrating the effect of host trees (filled triangles) and
cultivation treatments (open triangles). For better visualisation,
mesocosms are not shown
Table 3 Fishers exact test based on the pattern of each EcMF
occurrence in the microcosms
EcMF Host plant effect
Understorey effect
Suillus bovinus 0.023 >0.999
Suillus variegatus nd nd
Suillus granulatus 1nd nd
Suillus granulatus 2nd nd
Suillus luteus 0.666 0.143
Rhizopogon roseolus s.l. 0.740 0.173
Rhizopogon luteolus nd nd
Rhizopogon salebrosus s.l. <0.001 0.048
Meliniomyces bicolor >0.999 <0.001
Wilcoxina mikolae 0.008 0.075
Inocybe sp. nd nd
Thelephora terrestris 0.002 0.022
Cenococcum geophilum nd nd
Species which were not abundant (less than six pots) were excluded
from the analyses
nd not determined
410 Mycorrhiza (2011) 21:403412
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Supplementary resources (73)

... Ericaceae plants have mutualistic relationships with ericoid mycorrhizae (ErM), and the dominance of the Ericaceae plants can affect other symbiotic fungi, ectomycorrhiza (ECM), and arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM) fungi [7]. The growth of trees from other mycorrhiza types is inhibited and the ECM fungal root colonization is affected by the presence of Ericaceae plants and ErM [9,10]. Tree species in forest upper layers often affect microbial community compositions, and several tree species-specific fungi have been confirmed in two main mycorrhiza types (i.e., ECM and AM) [11]. ...
... The negative proportional changes of ECM fungi associated with the Pieris leaf could be discussed with the interactions between the Ericaceae plants or ErM. Previous studies have reported that the infection rate of ECM in plants, which have the symbiotic relationships with ECM, was decreased by Ericaceae plants in pot experiments, and that Ericaceae and ErM might suppress ECM fungal infection of plant roots [9,10]. Although some studies have reported that ErM plant cover is positively related to the abundance of ECM plants at plot levels [48], the other study also showed that the directions and intensities of ErM effects have differed among combinations of the ErM and ECM plant species [10]. ...
... Previous studies have reported that the infection rate of ECM in plants, which have the symbiotic relationships with ECM, was decreased by Ericaceae plants in pot experiments, and that Ericaceae and ErM might suppress ECM fungal infection of plant roots [9,10]. Although some studies have reported that ErM plant cover is positively related to the abundance of ECM plants at plot levels [48], the other study also showed that the directions and intensities of ErM effects have differed among combinations of the ErM and ECM plant species [10]. In our study regions, Pieris shrubs or ErM fungi infected in Pieris may suppress the ECM in soils, however, the underlying mechanisms on how the proportions of ECM decreased were unknown. ...
Full-text available
The number of plants unpalatable to deer increases with increasing deer numbers. In the Kyushu Mountain area of Southern Japan, Pieris japonica (Ericaceae), an unpalatable shrub, has become the monodominant vegetation under evergreen conifer and deciduous broad-leaved tree stands. The monodominance of unpalatable plants in the understory has potential advantages and drawbacks; however, the effects of Pieris dominance are not well understood. To assess the effects of P . japonica dominances on forest environments and ecosystems, we investigated understory environments and soil microbiomes in Pieris -dominant sites. Under the deciduous broad-leaved trees, Pieris dominance leads to considerable Pieris leaf litter and humus weights and low soil bulk density and canopy openness. In the soil fungal community and fungal functional groups, the relative abundance of symbiotrophic fungi, particularly ectomycorrhizal fungi in Pieris -dominant sites were lower than in other-vegetation understory sites and saprotrophic fungi vice versa . Because few seedlings and saplings were found under Pieris shrubs, Pieris dominance in the understory might exclude other plant species. The results of this study will contribute to the Pieris population and forest management following deer overgrazing.
... In our previous investigation, it was discovered that Suillus bovinus (L.: Fr.) Kuntze is one of the dominant edible mycorrhizal fungi in P. massoniana plantation (Sun et al., 2019). S. bovinus has a strict symbiotic relationship with conifers and is widely distributed globally (Collier and Bidartondo, 2009;Hayward et al., 2015;Kohout et al., 2011). Additionaly, Suillus species are also recognized for their vital roles in the colonization, diffusion, and invasion of conifer species (Ning et al., 2021;Policelli et al., 2019;Rudawska et al., 2018). ...
Phosphorus (P) deficiency and aluminium toxicity often coexist and are the major constraints hampering plant growth in acidic soils. Plants have evolved several strategies to cope with these adverse environments, including the recruitment of beneficial microbes, especially mycorrhizal fungi. By employing microscopic observation, histochemical staining, and UPLC-MS/MS techniques, we analyzed the aluminium deposition and cell viability of root, symbiotic process with ECM fungus Suillus bovinus, as well as the metabolic adjustments in Pinus massoniana under low P and/or acidic aluminium conditions. The formation process of mycorrhizae between P. massoniana and S. bovinus was not affected by low P and acidic aluminium treatments, but low P postponed the development of mantle and Hartig nets. The colonization rate increased in the presence of acidic aluminium, and S. bovinus inoculation improved root cell viability and promoted the growth of P. massoniana under low P and/or acidic aluminium conditions. The metabolic responses of nonmycorrhizal and mycorrhizal P. massoniana to low P and/or acidic aluminium were different. Low P and/or acidic aluminium significantly increased the accumulation of phenolic acids and altered starch and sucrose metabolism in roots of nonmycorrhizal P. massoniana. However, for mycorrhizal P. massoniana, low P and/or acidic aluminium treatments increased the organic acids content of shared differentially accumulated metabolites (DAMs). Furthermore, acidic aluminium mainly altered arginine and proline metabolism, and phenylalanine metabolism was affected under low P conditions, linoleic acid metabolism was changed under the combined treatment of low P and acidic aluminium in mycorrhizal P. massoniana. These findings enhance our comprehension of how ECM fungi assist P. massoniana in coping with P deficiency and aluminium toxicity in acidic environments and provide a theoretical basis for ECM fungal application during seedling cultivation in acidic soils.
... Interestingly, the presence of EcM hosts in a given ecosystem may increase the presence of EcM basidiomycetes (Bougoure et al. 2007) but decrease the presence of certain Hyaloscypha spp. (Kohout et al. 2011) in the ericaceous hair roots. ...
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Core Ericaceae produce delicate hair roots with inflated rhizodermal cells that host plethora of fungal symbionts. These poorly known mycobionts include various endophytes, parasites, saprobes, and the ericoid mycorrhizal (ErM) fungi (ErMF) that form the ErM symbiosis crucial for the fitness of their hosts. Using microscopy and high-throughput sequencing, we investigated their structural and molecular diversity in 14 different host × site combinations in Northern Bohemia (Central Europe) and Argentine Patagonia (South America). While we found typical ericoid mycorrhiza in all combinations, we did not detect ectomycorrhiza and arbuscular mycorrhiza. Superficial mantles of various thickness formed by non-clamped hyphae were observed in all combinations except Calluna vulgaris from N. Bohemia. Some samples contained frequent intercellular hyphae while others possessed previously unreported intracellular haustoria-like structures linked with intracellular hyphal coils. The 711 detected fungal OTU were dominated by Ascomycota (563) and Basidiomycota (119), followed by four other phyla. Ascomycetes comprised Helotiales (255), Pleosporales (53), Chaetothyriales (42), and other 19 orders, while basidiomycetes Sebacinales (42), Agaricales (28), Auriculariales (7), and other 14 orders. While many dominant OTU from both hemispheres lacked close relatives in reference databases, many were very similar to identical to unnamed sequences from around the world. On the other hand, several significant ericaceous mycobionts were absent in our dataset, incl. Cairneyella, Gamarada, Kurtia, Lachnum, and Leohumicola. Most of the detected OTU could not be reliably linked to a particular trophic mode, and only two could be reliably assigned to the archetypal ErMF Hyaloscypha hepaticicola. Probable ErMF comprised Hyaloscypha variabilis and Oidiodendron maius, both detected only in N. Bohemia. Possible ErMF comprised sebacinoid fungi and several unnamed members of Hyaloscypha s. str. While H. hepaticicola was dominant only in C. vulgaris, this model ErM host lacked O. maius and sebacinoid mycobionts. Hyaloscypha hepaticicola was absent in two and very rare in six combinations from Patagonia. Nine OTU represented dark septate endophytes from the Phialocephala fortinii s. lat.–Acephala applanata species complex, including the most abundant OTU (the only detected in all combinations). Statistical analyses revealed marked differences between N. Bohemia and Patagonia, but also within Patagonia, due to the unique community detected in a Valdivian temperate rainforest. Our results show that the ericaceous hair roots may host diverse mycobionts with mostly unknown functions and indicate that many novel ErMF lineages await discovery. Transhemispheric differences (thousands of km) in their communities may be evenly matched by local differences (scales of km, m, and less).
... In previous investigations, we found that Suillus bovinus (Sb) (L.: Fr.) Kuntze (23) and Phialocephala fortinii (Pf ) Wang and Wilcox (22) are the dominant ECM fungus and DSE, respectively, associated with P. massoniana, and that both fungi promote P. massoniana growth (22-24). S. bovinus is ubiquitously distributed globally and shows a high degree of host specificity toward conifers (25)(26)(27). Suillus species (recognized as suilloid fungi) are the first colonizers of pine seedlings and play a vital role in conifer invasions (28,29). Phi. ...
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Ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi and dark septate endophytes (DSEs) can both form a symbiotic relationship with the same host plant. However, the interactions that occur among these two types of fungi and their co-hosts are largely unknown. Here, we investigated interactions that occur among the ECM fungus Suillus bovinus , the DSE Phialocephala fortinii , and their co-host Pinus massoniana . We used both scanning electron microscopy and optical microscopy to characterize the morphogenesis of the two symbionts and employed the ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry technique to assess the effects of fungal inoculation on the root metabolome. Under pure culture conditions, no synergistic or antagonistic effects were observed between Phi. fortinii and S. bovinus . Generally, S. bovinus and Phi. fortinii can simultaneously colonize P. massoniana roots without affecting each other’s symbiotic processes. S. bovinus can colonize the root locus where Phi. fortinii has already invaded but not vice versa, which may be due to the physical barrier effect of the mantle. Both fungi can significantly promote the growth of P. massoniana , and they have a synergistic effect on host N and K uptake. Metabolite accumulation patterns in roots inoculated with Phi. fortinii and/or S. bovinus were greatly altered, especially with respect to organic acids, flavonoids, lipids, and phenolic acids. S. bovinus inoculation significantly enhanced root flavonoid biosynthesis, whereas Phi. fortinii and dual-inoculation treatments mainly induced phenylpropanoid biosynthesis. These findings reveal compatible relationships among P. massoniana , S. bovinus , and Phi. fortinii , and suggest a theoretical basis for ECM fungi and DSE co-application when cultivating seedlings. IMPORTANCE The prevalence of both ectomycorrhizal fungi and dark septate endophytes in the roots of a wide spectrum of tree species is well recognized. In this study, we investigated the interactions that occur among the ECM fungus S. bovinus , the DSE Phi. fortinii , and their co-host, P. massoniana . The two fungi can simultaneously colonize P. massoniana roots without affecting each other’s symbiotic processes. S. bovinus appears to be superior to Phi. fortinii in microniche competition, which may be due to the physical barrier effect of the mantle. The two fungi have different effects on root metabolite accumulation patterns. S. bovinus inoculation significantly enhanced root flavonoid biosynthesis, whereas Phi. fortinii and dual-inoculation treatments mainly induced phenylpropanoid biosynthesis. This is the first study revealing the morphological and metabolic mechanisms that contribute to the compatible relationship among ECM fungi, DSEs, and their co-host.
... Significant values (P < 0.05), are given in bold. fir species ( Fig. 1; Table 2) and indicates that irrespective of the origin (Europe vs North America), congeneric tree species may harbour a comparable number of ECMF taxa from the available pool of ECMF symbionts (Aponte et al., 2010;Kohout et al., 2011;Morris et al., 2008;Trocha et al., 2012). It is worth adding that A. alba from the lowland site had higher mean ECMF taxa richness and Shannon Diversity Index (H') than A. grandis although both fir species were separated by only 100 m distance and shared similar habitat conditions, stand history and the same surrounding forest ecosystems. ...
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Our study contributes to the understanding of the diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungal (ECMF) communities of native A. alba and alien A. grandis in provenance trials situated in lowland and montane regions in Poland (Central Europe). Ectomycorrhizal fungi were identified directly from field-collected root tips using PCR-and Sanger-sequencing-based methods. We found that the studied fir species had relatively high and comparable ECMF species richness (66 and 69 fungal taxa on A. grandis and A. alba, respectively). Twenty-six taxa were associated with both hosts and 83 taxa were found uniquely on one or the other fir species. The ECMF community composition and structure of A. alba and A. grandis differed substantially both at the species and the phylogenetic lineage levels. Soil parameters such as total nitrogen, magnesium and potassium content and C/N ratio appeared moderately but significantly correlated with the ECMF community assembly of both firs. The provenance of the host tree species did not appear to be a strong factor in structuring the ECMF communities. This was found despite the low number of common ECMF species and relatively high number of unique species among the individual provenances of both fir species. The results of the study suggest that locally based specificity in host-fungal communities is likely a contributing factor in the outcome of provenance trials. We posit that much insight into the role of tree provenances in shaping ECMF communities will be gained by further exploring this area of research. On the surveyed experimental forest sites of A. alba and A. grandis, fungal species of conservation concern-particularly those that were endangered and rare-have been reported. Our findings imply that tree species planted outside their natural range serve as ecologically important species because they may act as an excellent reservoir of ECMF diversity, a factor of importance in functioning forest ecosystems.
... Many of these signals are considered to be positive, such as flavonoids secreted from tree roots that promote ECM spore germination and symbiosis (Kikuchi et al., 2007;Plett and Martin, 2012). Other metabolites produced by competing plants may inhibit ECM fungal growth or reduce root colonisation, with some species of ECM fungi being more strongly affected than others (Rose et al., 1983;Reinhardt and Bezuidenhout, 2008;Wolfe et al., 2008;Kohout et al., 2011;Cipollini et al., 2012;Grove et al., 2017). This ultimately impacts the health and growth of ECM-reliant trees, an effect that can persist even after competing plants are removed (Hale and Kalisz, 2012;Grove et al., 2012Grove et al., , 2017. ...
... The presence of EcM hosts in a given ecosystem may increase the presence of EcM basidiomycetes (Bougoure et al. 2007) but decrease the presence of certain Hyaloscypha spp. (Kohout et al. 2011) in ericaceous hair roots. ...
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Core Ericaceae produce delicate hair roots with inflated rhizodermal cells that host plethora of fungal symbionts. These poorly known mycobionts include various endophytes, parasites, saprobes, and the ericoid mycorrhizal (ErM) fungi (ErMF) that form the ErM symbiosis crucial for the fitness of their hosts. Using microscopy and high-throughput sequencing, we investigated their structural and molecular diversity in 14 different host × site combinations in Northern Bohemia (Central Europe) and Patagonia (South America). While we found typical ericoid mycorrhiza (=intracellular hyphal coils in the rhizodermis) in all combinations, we did not detect ectomycorrhiza (Hartig net) and arbuscular mycorrhiza (arbuscules). Superficial mantles of various thickness formed by non-clamped hyphae were observed in all combinations except Calluna vulgaris from N. Bohemia. Some samples contained frequent intercellular hyphae while others previously unreported intracellular haustoria-like structures linked with intracellular hyphal coils. The 711 detected fungal OTU were dominated by Ascomycota (563) and Basidiomycota (119), followed by four other phyla. Ascomycetes comprised Helotiales (255), Pleosporales (53), Chaetothyriales (42), and other 19 orders, while basidiomycetes Sebacinales (42), Agaricales (28), Auriculariales (7), and other 14 orders. While many dominant OTU from both Hemispheres lacked close relatives in reference databases, many were very similar to identical to unnamed sequences from around the world. On the other hand, several significant ericaceous mycobionts were absent in our dataset, incl. Cairneyella, Gamarada, Kurtia, Lachnum, and Leohumicola. Most of the detected OTU (623) could not be reliably linked to a particular trophic mode and only two (ca. 3% of all reads) could be reliably assigned to the archetypal ErMF Hyaloscypha hepaticicola. Probable ErMF comprised H. variabilis (4 OTU/0.8%) and Oidiodendron maius (1/0.5%), both detected only in N. Bohemia. Possible ErMF comprised sebacinoid fungi (42/14%) and several unnamed members of Hyaloscypha s. str. (14/0.5%). While H. hepaticicola was dominant only in C. vulgaris (1/32%), this model ErM host lacked O. maius and sebacinoid mycobionts. Hyaloscypha hepaticicola was absent in two and very rare (≤10 reads) in six combinations from Patagonia. Nine OTU represented dark septate endophytes from the Phialocephala fortinii s. lat. – Acephala applanata species complex, including the most abundant OTU (16%, the only detected in all combinations). Statistical analyses revealed marked differences between N. Bohemia and Patagonia, but also within Patagonia, due to the unique community detected in a Valdivian temperate rainforest. Ericaceous hair roots host a high diversity of mycobionts with mostly unknown functions and many novel ErMF lineages apparently await discovery. Transhemispheric differences (thousands of km) in composition of their communities can be evenly matched by local differences (scales of km, m, and less).
... Given that ErM fungi, like EcM fungi, also have extensive saprotrophic capabilities, they too could compete with free-living saprotrophs for organic nutrients, which could heighten the Gadgil effect and therefore strengthen EcM effects. Additionally, Kohout et al. (2010) found that the presence of ErM shrubs and fungi altered the composition of the EcM fungal community, setting up the possibility that the effects of within-guild variation in the saprotrophic capabilities of EcM fungi could be mediated by ErM plant and fungal abundance. Collectively, then, there appear to be multiple plausible pathwaysall of which require empirical testingthrough which ErM plants and fungi could modify forest soil C and N dynamics via interactions with other fungal guilds (Fig. 4). ...
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Ericoid mycorrhizal (ErM) shrubs commonly occur in forest understories and could therefore alter arbuscular (AM) and/or ectomycorrhizal (EcM) tree effects on soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics. Specifically, ErM fungi have extensive organic matter decay capabilities, and ErM plant and fungal tissues have high concentrations of secondary compounds that can form persistent complexes in the soil. Together, these traits could contribute to organic matter accumulation and inorganic nutrient limitation. These effects could also differ in AM‐ vs EcM‐dominated stands at multiple scales within and among forest biomes by, for instance, altering fungal guild interactions. Most work on ErM effects in forests has been conducted in boreal forests dominated by EcM trees. However, ErM plants occur in c. 96, 69 and 29% of boreal, temperate and tropical forests, respectively. Within tropical montane forests, the effects of ErM plants could be particularly pronounced because their traits are more distinct from AM than EcM trees. Because ErM fungi can function as free‐living saprotrophs, they could also be more resilient to forest disturbances than obligate symbionts. Further consideration of ErM effects within and among forest biomes could improve our understanding of how cooccurring mycorrhizal types interact to collectively affect soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics under changing conditions.
Microbially mediated invasion is an emerging science that aims to account for the role of microbial agents in facilitating or preventing biological invasion. Progress has been made in identifying possible scenarios occurring when microbes can transmit either from native to invasive hosts (`symbiont spillback') or from invasive to native hosts (`symbiont spillover'). For example, the presence of pre-existing mycorrhizal networks in the soil may facilitate plant invasion, and invaders are more likely to be successful if native species are infected with parasites co-introduced with their invasive hosts. However, a unifying theoretical framework to contextualize these individual scenarios and explore the consequences of microbial transmission between hosts along a continuum of beneficial to harmful host-microbial interactions is lacking. Here, we present and analyse such a framework. We discuss interesting scenarios emerging from our analysis and multiple pathways through which microbes can facilitate (or prevent) host invasion, microbial invasion, and the invasion of both hosts and their co-introduced microbes. Our framework provides a new, cohesive and intuition-enhancing perspective on microbially driven dynamics and the way in which the subtleties of the relationships between hosts and microbes affect invasion outcomes.
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Twenty nine isolates of Rhizopogon from 20 spp. differed markedly in their ability to form ectomycorrhizas with Douglas fir, western hemlock and lodgepole pine in pure-culture syntheses, Within the four sections of Rhizopogon there were similarities in ectomycorrhizal appearance and range of potential hosts. Intermediate and overlapping ectomycorrhiza! characters were evident in closely related species complexes. Although the host-specificity of many species, based on field observations of sporocarps, often correlated with their host range in the syntheses, some fungi formed well-developed ectomycorrhiza on hosts with which they appear not to be associated in the field. The specificity of host associations is suggested as a major contributor to the speciation and diversification of Rhtzopogon in the Pacific Northwest of the USA and Canada.
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Arctostaphylos uva-ursi plant associations have long been suggested to be a suitable location for afforestations, but systematic studies on the observed beneficial effect are still missing in Alpine areas. In this study we address the question which ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungal communities exist in Austrian alpine and subalpine Arctostaphylos habitats, and if they persist in A. uva-ursi stands even hundred of years after disappearance of trees in these areas. The diversity of fungal communities associated with A. uva-ursi was assessed in four study sites (1800–2450ma.s.l.) in the Central European Alps of Tyrol (Austria). Three approaches were applied: (i) collecting and identifying fungal fruit bodies; (ii) studying the arbutoid mycorrhiza morphotypes of A. uva-ursi; (iii) molecular identification of the most common arbutoid morphotypes. The detected diversity of ECM fungal species was very high (99 taxa), and the occurrence of e.g. Boletus, Cantharellus, Suillus, Tricholoma, Russula spp. in sites that have been treeless for centuries is especially remarkable. Fruit bodies of 82 fungal species were found in association with A. uva-ursi, 63 of them were ECM. Seventy arbutoid morphotypes were detected on 2072 mycorrhized root tips, and 39 taxa of basidiomycete mycobionts were identified with molecular methods. Twelve Cortinarius spp. clearly dominated the mycobiont species richness, followed by nine spp. of Thelephoraceae and four spp. of Boletaceae. Most mycobionts of A. uva-ursi were generalists, but fungal taxa (e.g. Lactarius deterrimus and Suillus spp.) known to be specifically associated with other host plants were also detected. We therefore consider A. uva-ursi as a “non-selective” host, providing mycorrhizal inoculum of highly specialized and effective mycorrhizal fungi for afforestation. This explains why A. uva-ursi plant associations represent suitable locations for forest regeneration and afforestation, especially in the harsh environmental conditions of subalpine and alpine sites.
The roots of most plants are colonized by symbiotic fungi to form mycorrhiza, which play a critical role in the capture of nutrients from the soil and therefore in plant nutrition. Mycorrhizal Symbiosis is recognized as the definitive work in this area. Since the last edition was published there have been major advances in the field, particularly in the area of molecular biology, and the new edition has been fully revised and updated to incorporate these exciting new developments. . Over 50% new material . Includes expanded color plate section . Covers all aspects of mycorrhiza . Presents new taxonomy . Discusses the impact of proteomics and genomics on research in this area.
The roots of most plants are colonized by symbiotic fungi to form mycorrhiza, which play a critical role in the capture of nutrients from the soil and therefore in plant nutrition. Mycorrhizal Symbiosis is recognized as the definitive work in this area. Since the last edition was published there have been major advances in the field, particularly in the area of molecular biology, and the new edition has been fully revised and updated to incorporate these exciting new developments. . Over 50% new material . Includes expanded color plate section . Covers all aspects of mycorrhiza . Presents new taxonomy . Discusses the impact of proteomics and genomics on research in this area.
Atmospheric nitrogen deposition has been hypothesized as one of the causal factors in the decline of ectomycorrhizal fungal (EMF) sporocarps. We assessed the effects of N deposition on EMF of forests dominated by white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) over a short, steep N deposition gradient in Alaska, USA. The study area had received high NH3 inputs from an industrial ammonia production facility for almost 30 yr. Current N inputs varied 20-fold over the gradient. High N inputs have increased soil N availability, which has led to decreased soil pH and base cation availability; increased foliar N and decreased foliar P, Mg, and K; increased tree growth; and replacement of mosses by grasses. At the six lowest N sites, 144 species were encountered, whereas only 14 species were encountered at the six highest N sites. With increasing mineral N availability in the organic horizon, there were declines in both total species richness (1994 and 1995) and total sporocarp abundance (1994 only). Correlation analysis identified two groups of taxa that responded differently to the N inputs. One group ("nitrophobic" taxa: Cortinarius, Russula, Tricholoma, Lactarius, Hebeloma) declined in species richness or abundance with increasing organic horizon mineral N. In the second group ("nitrophilic". taxa: Lactarius theiogalus, Laccaria, Paxillus involutus, and Hygrophorus olivaceoalbus), sporocarp abundance was either not correlated or slightly positively correlated with organic horizon N availability. Redundancy analysis identified two axes of environmental variation that explained 62% and 7% of the variation in the EMF community and clearly distinguished the two groups of taxa. The environmental variables included in the final model were mineral soil base cations, organic horizon mineral N, and organic horizon net mineralization. These results support the hypothesis that long-term N inputs alone may lead to loss of EMF sporocarp diversity and indicate that EMF should be considered in the establishment of critical loads of N.
While there has been much recent interest about the relationships between plant diversity and plant productivity, much remains unknown about how the diversity of mycorrhizal fungi affects plant productivity. We investigated the effects of ectomycorrhizal fungal community composition and diversity on the productivity and growth characteristics of seedlings of two tree species (Pinus sylvetris and Betula pendula) as well as their interactions with each other. This involved setting up a mycorrhizal fungal diversity gradient from one to eight species using a design previously demonstrated to be able to separate diversity effects from compositional effects. We found that the eight mycorrhizal fungal species differed in their effects on seedling productivity and that the nature of effects was determined by the fertility of the substrate. Fungal species richness effects were also important in affecting seedling productivity over and above what could be explained by “sampling effect” but only in some situations. For B. pendula in a low fertility substrate there were clear positive causative effects between fungal species richness and productivity with the eight species treatment having over double the productivity of any of the eight monoculture treatments; no diversity effects were, however, detected in a high fertility substrate. For P. sylvestris in a high fertility substrate there were significant negative effects of fungal diversity on productivity while in a low fertility substrate no effects were apparent. The possible mechanistic bases for these results are discussed. The growth of P. sylvestris relative to that of B. pendula when grown in combination was unaffected by mycorrhizal treatments. Our results provide clear evidence that effects of mycorrhizal fungal diversity on productivity are context dependent and may be positive, negative or neutral depending on the situation considered.