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I'll be there for you: Quantifying Attentiveness towards Mobile Messaging


Abstract and Figures

Social norm has it that people are expected to respond to mobile phone messages quickly. We investigate how attentive people really are and how timely they actually check and triage new messages throughout the day. By collecting more than 55,000 messages from 42 mobile phone users over the course of two weeks, we were able to predict people's attentiveness through their mobile phone usage with close to 80% accuracy. We found that people were attentive to messages 12.1 hours a day, i.e. 84.8 hours per week, and provide statistical evidence how very short people's inattentiveness lasts: in 75% of the cases mobile phone users return to their attentive state within 5 minutes. In this paper, we present a comprehensive analysis of attentiveness throughout each hour of the day and show that intelligent notification delivery services, such as bounded deferral, can assume that inattentiveness will be rare and subside quickly.
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I’ll be there for you:
Quantifying Attentiveness towards Mobile Messaging
Tilman Dingler
University of Stuttgart
Institute for Visualization and Interactive Systems
Martin Pielot
Telefonica Research, Barcelona, Spain
Social norm has it that people are expected to respond
to mobile phone messages quickly. We investigate how
attentive people really are and how timely they actu-
ally check and triage new messages throughout the day.
By collecting more than 55,000 messages from 42 mobile
phone users over the course of two weeks, we were able
to predict people’s attentiveness through their mobile
phone usage with close to 80% accuracy. We found that
people were attentive to messages 12.1 hours a day, i.e.
84.8 hours per week, and provide statistical evidence how
very short people’s inattentiveness lasts: in 75% of the
cases mobile phone users return to their attentive state
within 5 minutes. In this paper, we present a compre-
hensive analysis of attentiveness throughout each hour
of the day and show that intelligent notification deliv-
ery services, such as bounded deferral, can assume that
inattentiveness will be rare and subside quickly.
Author Keywords
Attentiveness; Responsiveness; Availability;
Interruptibility; Mobile Devices; Bounded Deferral
ACM Classification Keywords
H.5.m Information interfaces and presentation: misc.
Exchanging messages via SMS or over-the-top messen-
gers is one of the core use cases of mobile phones. For
example, in 2011 teenagers were found to exchange a
median number of 60 messages per day [9].
At the same time, people tend to expect responses to
their messages within minutes [3]. To not violate these
expectations, people need to be attentive to their phone,
which means to check and triage new messages quickly
after their arrival to decide how to act on them [11]. Pre-
vious work [2, 11, 13] has shown that, on average, people
do so within a few minutes. Therefore, people are often
forced to interrupt their current activity upon arrival
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MobileHCI ’15 , August 25 - 28, 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark
2015 ACM. ISBN 978-1-4503-3652-9/15/08 $15.00
of each new message. However, such interruptions have
negative effects, as people find it difficult to return to
the activity prior to the interruption [4, 8]. Hence, pre-
vious work has proposed different notification-delivery
strategies to minimize the impact of interruptions.
Horvitz et al. [7] proposed bounded deferral: if a user is
predicted to be busy, alerts are being held back until a
more suitable moment, but only for a maximum amount
of time. In the context of mobile phones, Fischer et al.
[6] found that opportune moments for delivering noti-
fications occur right after the user has finished a task,
such as writing a message. Previous work [10, 11, 12]
has explored the use of mobile phone sensors and us-
age patterns, such as the the user’s location or recency
of interactions, to automatically predict such opportune
However, bounded-deferral strategies may not work if
there are many long phases without opportune moments.
If the the algorithm delays messages for too long, it may
increase response times which in turn may lead to ex-
pectations being violated. If the maximum delay is too
little, messages may frequently be delivered when the
user is still occupied. Hence, bounded deferral will only
be an ideal strategy when users are typically attentive,
and when phases of inattentiveness are brief.
To see whether this is the case, we conducted a study
where we determined the attentiveness of mobile phone
users throughout the day. We used phone-usage data
consecutively acquired over two weeks from 42 mobile
phone users to infer attentiveness for each minute of the
day. The contribution of the study is three-fold:
We confirm previous work that attentiveness can be
predicted from phone usage patterns, in our case with
almost 80% accuracy. In contrast to previous work,
our data set is much larger and also accounts for no-
tifications handled on other devices;
While there is a common-sense opinion that people
are ‘always’ next to their phones, this work yields a
quantitative estimate: our participants were highly at-
tentive to mobile messages: 12.1 hours per day (more
than 75% of the time spent awake); and
We show that times of inattentiveness are often very
short. In 50 / 75% of the cases, our participants re-
turned to a state of attentiveness within 2 / 5 minutes.
This data supports that bounded-deferral is a viable
strategy for the design of intelligent notification-delivery
systems that aim to reduce the interruption of notifica-
To collect the input for the model, we built an appara-
tus for data-collection. In July of 2014 it collected (1)
when a message arrived, (2) how fast the user attended
to it, and (3) contextual- and phone-usage data. We used
this data to train a machine-learning algorithm, where
the time until the user attended to messages served as
ground truth, while the contextual- and phone-usage
data served as features. Our data allowed us to com-
pute the state of those features for each moment of the
data collection phase. Once trained, we applied the algo-
rithm to the contextual- and phone-usage data for each
minute of the study. Thus, we filled the gaps for all those
moments where users did not receive any messages: for
each minute, we obtained a prediction of how fast a user
would attend to a message at this time.
The majority of the participants were recruited through
a mailing list of a German university and a mailing list to
announce user studies hosted by a large Spanish IT com-
pany. Hence, the sample represents German students
and Spanish people with at least some basic interest in
new technologies. 42 participants joined the study and
left the application running for at least two weeks. Pro-
viding demographic information was voluntary. 45.2%
of the participants reported to be male, 23.8% to be fe-
male, and 31% did not report their gender. The mean
reported age was 28.7 years (SD = 5.9).
Once the probe was installed and configured, a back-
ground service registered several sensor and event listen-
ers, and started sending all events to a data server. This
included the status of the screen (on/off), data from the
proximity sensor, access to the notification center, the
ringer mode, the app in foreground, and the incoming
To learn about incoming messages, we used the Notifica-
tionListenerService, which has been recently introduced
with Android 4.3. Whenever a new message creates a
notification, the listener fires a notification-posted event,
which conveys the app to which the notification belongs.
In contrast to previously proposed approaches to study
notification activity, such as the AccessibilityService (e.g.
[13]), the NotificationListenerService also fires an event
when a notification is removed, which includes instances
where a message has been read on a different device. We
created a filter that only kept notifications from messen-
gers, and ignored all other types of notifications. Fur-
ther, we filtered out notifications coming in while the
corresponding app was in the foreground.
To join the study, people had to download our app from
Google Play. When first launched, it presented an in-
formed consent form, which explained the background
of the study, and what information would be collected.
If consenting with the terms, the app helped the partic-
ipant to go to the settings to grant the application spe-
cial access to incoming notifications, and subsequently
began logging notification-related activity. Participants
received a 20 EUR Amazon gift card as compensation.
Over the course of two weeks we collected 55,824 mes-
sages from 42 participants. Figure 1 shows the number
of messages received in total during the different hours
of the day.
0" 1" 2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 7" 8" 9" 10"11"12"13"14"15"16"17"18"19"20"21"22"23"
Figure 1. Total number of notifications per hour of the
day. For example, ’0’ indicates notifications arrived be-
tween 0:00 and 1:00 o’clock.
Participants received a mean number of 66.8 (Mdn =
40) messages per day. Figure 2 illustrates the preva-
lence of messenger apps. With 77.7% of the messages,
WhatsApp was by far the most popular messenger. Text
messages only made up 1.8%. This could be expected,
as in many European countries, WhatsApp has replaced
SMS messages as primary way of exchanging messages.
5% 2%
9% WhatsApp
Facebook Messenger
Text Messages / SMS
Figure 2. Messages per messenger service.
Once a message has been triaged - i.e. the recipient is
aware of the message and has decided on whether to act
on it or not at the current time -, the receiver’s response
highly depends on factors that are hard to model, such as
the sender-receiver relationship, or the importance and
urgency of the content. Additionally, messages in itself
may be interruptive even without responding to them.
Hence, we focused on modeling attentiveness rather than
Attending a message can be done in three ways: (1) via
the notification center, which shows the sender and the
first part – sometimes the full content – of the message,
(2) opening the corresponding messenger application, or
(3) by reading the message on another device.
In our data set, 38,180 (68.4%) messages were first at-
tended to by being checked through the notification cen-
ter. 14,134 (25.3%) of the messages were first attended
to on another device, while the remaining 3,510 (6.3%)
messages were first attended to by opening the corre-
sponding messenger application. Participants attended
messages within a median time of 2.08 minutes. 25% of
the messages were attended to within 12.0 seconds, 75%
within 12.3 minutes, and 95% within 80.0 minutes.
A Kruskal Wallis test revealed significant differences in
how fast messages were attended to depending on how
this was done (X2(2) = 2505.139, p < 0.001). Pair-
wise Bonferroni-corrected Mann-Whitney tests showed
that messages were attended to faster through the app
(Mdn = 0.47 min, p<.001) or another device (Mdn =
0.75 min, p<.001) than through the notification center
(Mdn = 3.2 min).
Inferring Attentiveness from Phone-Usage Patterns
Only looking at received messages would result in a
sparse sample set. Since we were interested in people’s
attentiveness for each minute of the day we filled these
gaps by predicting attentiveness through a machine-
learning model, which we previously described in [11].
The model uses 16 features derived from the mobile
phone, namely: the screen status (on/off) and when it
last changed, the status of the proximity sensor (screen
covered / not covered) and when it last changed, the
time since the phone was last unlocked, the time since
the last message arrived, the number of pending mes-
sages, the time since the user last opened the notification
center, the hour of the day, the day of the week, and the
ringer mode.
We used the median delay (2.08 min.) between arrival
and attending a message for classifying attentiveness:
we labeled users attentive when they triaged messages
within these 2.08 minutes, otherwise they were labeled
as non-attentive. We evaluated different classifiers and
achieved best results with Random Forests: 79.29% ac-
curacy and κ=.586. Precision and recall for being
attentive were .771 and .828 respectively.
Attentiveness Throughout the Day
We used this model to computationally estimate the
times that people were attentive throughout the day.
Therefore, we stepwise iterated through all sensors and
computed the state of each of the features for the begin-
ning of each minute of the day, which resulted in 86,400
states per day. For each of these states, we then ran the
classifier and predicted the participant’s attentiveness.
On average, participants were predicted to be attentive
to messages 50.5% (SD = 14.6%) of the full 24-hours of
the day. The quartiles were 40% (1st Q), 49% (median),
and 55% (3rdQ).
Hence, for 12.1 hours per day or 84.8 hours per week, the
majority of the participants attended to messages within
2 minutes after arrival. This corresponds to 75.8% of the
hours typically spent awake, assuming an average of 8
hours of sleep.
Figure 3 shows the average attentiveness during the
seven days of the week. There was a significant differ-
ence (F(6,20802) = 41.07, p < .001) between the days
of the week: a series of Bonferroni-corrected pair-wise t-
tests showed that there were statistically significant dif-
ferences between the weekdays and the days of the week-
end (level of significance at least p<.001): participants
were significantly more attentive to messages during the
week (Mon - Fri) than during the weekend (Sat, Sun).
During the week, participants were predicted to be at-
tentive 62% to 67% of the day, whereas on the weekend
these numbers dropped to 50% and 45% .
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Attentiveness (hours)
Figure 3. Average attentiveness by day. The dash indi-
cates the median, the diamond the mean level of atten-
tiveness. A value of e.g. 12 indicates that, on average,
users are attentive to messages during 12 hours of the
given day.
Figure 4 shows the average attentiveness during the
hours of the day. The median predicted attentive-
ness ranges from 0% at 4:00 to a maximum of 83%
at 21:00 o’clock. Here we found significant differences
(F(23,20875) = 189.6, p < .001) as well:
Attentiveness was highest during the evening, that is,
between 18:00 and 21:00 o’clock. With a median atten-
tiveness of at least 80%, it was significantly higher than
during the rest of the day (all pair-wise comparisons at
least p<.01, Bonferroni-corrected).
Further, we found a statistically significant difference
between night time (0:00 - 8:00 o’clock) and day time
(10:00 - 23:00 o’clock) (all pair-wise comparisons at least
p<.001, Bonferroni-corrected). As expected, during
nights and early mornings, median attentiveness was al-
ways below 50%, whereas during the day, median atten-
tiveness was always above 67%.
Next, we analyzed the durations where participants were
predicted not to be attentive to messages. Computing
the quartiles, participants were predicted to be in an
attentive state again after 1, 2, and 5 minutes, in 25%,
50%, and 75% of the cases respectively. This indicates
that most of the time when entering a state of not being
● ●
● ●
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Hour of the day
Attentiveness (%)
Figure 4. Average attentiveness by hour. The dash indicates the median, the cross the mean level of attentiveness. A
value of .50 indicates that, on average, users would attend to messages within 2 minutes in 50% of the cases at a given
attentive to messages, participants returned to a state of
attentiveness after a few minutes.
In summary, our data shows that people are attentive to
messages 12.1 hours of the day, attentiveness is higher
during the week than on the weekend, people are more
attentive during the evening, and when being inatten-
tive, people return to attentive states within 1-5 minutes
in the majority (75% quantile) of the cases.
Avrahami and Hudson [1] developed statistical models to
predict users’ responsiveness to incoming messages and
the likelihood of receivers responding to messages within
a certain time period. Although they used some of the
same features, their algorithm was limited to Desktop
usage not taking into account people’s messaging behav-
ior while being mobile and throughout the entire day.
Other previous work has quantified the time between
the arrival and acting on messages / notifications with
6 minutes (average) for replying to SMS [2], 6 minutes
(median) for attending to messages [11], and 30 seconds
(median) until a notifications is clicked (if it is clicked)
[13]. With 2 minutes median delay until attending to
messages, our work is in line with these findings, and
stresses that people usually attend to messages promptly.
However, previous studies only report measures of cen-
tral tendency. Our study advances these findings by pro-
viding an estimation of attentiveness throughout the day
- hence providing insights into when people are more or
less attentive and how long phases of inattentiveness last.
Our findings of 12 hours per day exceed findings by Dey
et al. [5], who reported in 2011 that, when phones were
turned on, users kept them within arm’s reach 53% and
in the same room for 88% of the time. Our findings show
that keeping the phone close also translates to attending
to new messages promptly for large parts of the day.
As pointed out by Church and de Oliveira [3], people
have high expectations towards the responsiveness of
their conversation partners in mobile messaging. Hence,
strategies to deliver notifications in opportune moments
[7, 8, 10, 12], like bounded-deferral, which may delay the
delivery of messages, can only work without violating ex-
pectations if there is a sufficient number such moments.
Our findings suggest that this is the case: our partici-
pants were attentive for large parts of their awake time
and phases of estimated non-attentiveness during day-
time typically lasted for only 1-5 minutes. Hence, in
most cases, there will be enough opportune moments
sufficiently stacked together. However, whether these
moments are truly opportune moments, or whether peo-
ple just give their phones priority over other activities,
such as meetings or being out with friends, remains an
open question.
The main limitation of the reported results is the fact
that the analysis is based on predicted attentiveness.
This may cause our model to over-represent instances
of activity, where people are typically not active, which
might, e.g., result in overly high predictions of atten-
tiveness during nighttime. Further, as the model might
alternate between predictions, it may cause our analysis
to underestimate the duration of non-attentiveness.
This work provides quantitative evidence regarding mo-
bile phone users’ attentiveness to messages. Our results
show that people are highly attentive to messages during
73.5% of their wake hours and that phases of inattentive-
ness typically only last for a few minutes.
For designers, this means that any method for intelligent
notification delivery can assume a generally high level of
attentiveness of mobile phone users. Hence, the concept
of bounded deferral would work well in 75% of the cases
with a bound of 5 minutes.
Future work needs to focus on gaining a better under-
standing of the underlying causes, such as social pressure
and positive reward loops, and on how we can overcome
these to create spaces where phone users can happily
retreat to feeling free to think and reflect.
We thank the participants of our study.
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... All the code references are made to appropriate code in Python. As we begin analyzing the dataset, something to note is that some tweets or their glove vector representations are duplicated across the dataset (Abdul Lateef & Eranna, 2022;Alpcan et al., 2016;Burton et al., 2021;Dingler & Pielot, 2019;Samadi, 2011;Sharrab et al., 2021;Wang et al., 2018). ...
... Through our experiment, it could be determined that the random forest classifier was the best candidate to perform geo location prediction based on Twitter tweets. The scope of the project is limited to finding limited information from the Twitter tweets dataset (Bagchi et al., 2020;Dingler & Pielot., 2019;Goudarzi et al., 2021;Moumen et al., 2021;Sharrab et al., 2021;Wang et al., 2020;Yun & Woo, 2020). ...
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Given a tweet, a machine learning model when after undertaking the training, development and testing phase is able to predict where the author of the tweet is situated. Our notion is that a user’s tweet may consist of certain location-specific content which can indicatively consist of certain names or phrases related to the geographic location of the user. The primary purpose of the research was to identify a suitable algorithm to perform geographic location prediction accurately based on the Twitter tweets dataset. Geolocation prediction of Twitter users can be immensely helpful for demographic analysis, targeted advertising, location-based recommendation paving the way to enhanced user experience, advertising, location prediction during a time of crisis or disaster, and more. Knowing the location of users can also be helpful in finding employment as it would help determine the accessibility of certain users to their potential employees. Moreover, such a model would also help personalize someone’s newsfeed and tweets with greater accuracy helping users find what they really need. In today’s world, it can be observed that increasing amounts of data would result in a more precise location estimation, giving users belief in the soundness and continued refinement of location prediction using the user tweets data. Through increasing the enormous human-powered sensing capabilities of Twitter and associated microblogging services with content-derived location data, the algorithms can overcome the dispersion of geo-enabled features in these services and bring augmented scope and breadth to surfacing location-based personalized information services. With these objectives in mind, we propose and evaluate various different machine learning algorithms and models for predicting a tweeter’s geographical location. In addition to this, this paper would primarily analyze the efficacy of many different algorithms on the problem of determining a tweeter’s location by undergoing a comparative analysis of the machine learning algorithms based on different performance and evaluation metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, and f1-score which gives us an indication which algorithm would be most suitable for a specific dataset. Once analyzing the results, it was found that for a particular chosen dataset random forest classifier was producing the best performance metrics and was most suitable to perform prediction of user geographic location.
... In particular, opportuneness describes whether a given moment is suitable for a person to perform a particular action [78]. Various other terms for and sub-types of opportune moments have been proposed, including interruptible moments [14,38,56,59,93,106], break-points [1, 14, 33, 42, 72-75, 77, 85, 89], transitions [92], receptive moments [34,61,94], and moments when users would be attentive [28] or responsive [51]. However, all of this research shares the aim of identifying, characterizing, and predicting good moments for people to receive notifications [80,81,95], including but not limited to messaging notifications [78] and ads [80,99]. ...
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News notifications on smartphones provide a convenient way to stay informed, but their delivery timing can influence user engagement. Despite this, research on the impact of notification timing on reading behavior remains limited. Therefore, we developed NewsMoment, a news aggregation app that monitors user reading patterns and sends news notifications. Our experience sampling study with 46 NewsMoment users revealed four distinct reading modes: typical, comprehensive, scanning, and unengaged. Deep reading, encompassing typical and comprehensive modes, more often occurred during self-initiated browsing rather than through pushed news. Interestingly, shallow reading modes - unengaged and scanning - showed varying prevalence, associated triggers, and engagement, despite their similarities. Importantly, unengaged reading persisted regardless of users' perceived moment opportuneness, whereas scanning reading was more common during inopportune moments. These findings suggest that identifying opportune moments for news reading may primarily reduce scanning reading, without substantially impacting unengaged reading.
... The most common ESM scheduling in literature is the interval contingent trigger (van Berkel et al., 2018). For this type of schedule, researchers recommend avoiding sending ESM notifications during the night and presenting longer schedules during evening hours since smartphone users show higher levels of attentiveness during that period (Dingler and Pielot, 2015). Regarding the inquiry limit, several guidelines have been discussed in the literature. ...
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Understanding how the changes in our mood have an impact on the events and experiences that shape our daily lives is an essential task in affective science. This fact becomes even more critical in the area of sports since mood is widely recognized as a contributing factor to determining the performance of athletes. As mood fluctuations are strongly influenced by the context surrounding us, identifying the situations and behaviors that trigger these mood changes is crucial to optimizing the performance of athletes during practices and competitions. Traditional research in this field has focused on studying the mood of athletes at specific points in time, primarily within controlled settings, and exploring its relationship with a specific sports outcome. However, little research has been oriented towards exploring the mood variations during the athletes’ daily lives, which is even more critical due to the dynamic nature of mood. This lack of longitudinal studies is partly caused by the limitations of existing data collection technologies and data analysis methodologies. In recent years, the emergence of mobile devices has enormously facilitated the task of contin-uously monitoring mood and context in free-living environments. However, there are still numerous challenges to be overcome when representing and analyzing an individual’s daily life and extracting valuable knowledge from that information. In this thesis, the use of mobile sensing and data science to explore the in-context mood fluctuations and their relationship with the performance of elite athletes is investigated. To that end, novel data collection systems and longitudinal analysis methodologies are proposed to overcome the limitations of traditional research approaches. In particular, a mobile-based monitoring platform is developed to continuously capture people’s mood and context during their daily lives. The platform, which is tested and validated, is employed to gather affective, behavioral, and contextual data in two longitudinal experiments. The primary considerations and issues related to the development of these experiments during extended periods in free-living environments are gathered and dis-cussed, contributing to the future design of more effective longitudinal data collection studies. Moreover, an innovative methodology for analyzing longitudinal behavior-related data is proposed to provide a new approach for analyzing the between-person differences in affective behavior and the within-person fluctuations of mood based on the surrounding context. This approach proves to be effective in analyzing how the mood of athletes behaves during their daily lives and leads to preliminary conclusions about the effect of these mood fluctuations on the performance of the studied population of athletes. Through these contributions, this thesis aims to provide a complete picture of the process followed from the data collection to the extraction of interpretable information and offers a new perspective on how mood, behavior, and context can be analyzed together. Furthermore, its potential uncovers future research directions such as integrating new personal sensing devices for the unobtrusive collection of behavioral and contextual data, or extending longitudinal data analysis approaches to account for the temporal dimension of mood fluctuations.
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Este artigo apresenta o desenvolvimento e a análise de um aplicativo móvel, utilizado como instrumento para estudo da Matemática, cuja finalidade é a preparação para o Enem. Esta pesquisa foi realizada no Instituto Federal, campus Floresta, durante o ensino remoto, tendo seu processo de investigação conduzido em três fases: análise curricular do Ensino Médio, desenvolvimento do aplicativo e análise das percepções da experiência dos usuários, composta por 62 estudantes e 2 docentes. Os resultados indicam ser uma abordagem de estudo prática e de fácil utilização, que fornece uma experiência de aprendizagem extra sala e que contribui para o autoaprendizado. Através dos acompanhamentos dos desempenhos individuais e coletivos fornecido pelo aplicativo, os professores tiveram uma visão mais holística dos aprendizados da turma, podendo promover ações acadêmicas visando a melhoria do rendi-mento dos estudantes. Palavras-chave: aplicativo móvel; matemática; ENEM.
Instant messaging (IM) communication has been widely studied due to its prevalence in our everyday communication. Numerous factors that contribute to (un)responsiveness have been identified. Yet an integrated view of the factors that influence IM responsiveness remains absent. This paper reports qualitative findings from interviews with 46 IM users, and identifies five main elements underlying IM users’ response decisions: response habits, need fulfillment, perceived obligation, perceived readiness/suitability, and pace/rhythm coordination. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first integrated view of the key elements underlying IM responsiveness. Among these elements, we particularly highlight that regarding the influence of contextual factors on IM responsiveness, what may matters more is IM users’ perceptions of their readiness and suitability of the contexts, rather than the contexts’ objective properties. We also uncovered pace/rhythm coordination as a crucial factor behind IM responsiveness, which has been little discussed in the literature. Responsiveness, as our findings show, was often not a consequence, but a manifestation, of users’ pursuit of specific responsiveness-related aims such as ongoing shaping and sustaining of a dyad's pace and rhythm.
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Mobile instant messaging, e.g., via SMS or WhatsApp, often goes along with an expectation of high attentiveness, i.e., that the receiver will notice and read the message within a few minutes. Hence, existing instant messaging services for mobile phones share indicators of availability, such as the last time the user has been online. However, in this paper we not only provide evidence that these cues create social pressure, but that they are also weak predictors of attentiveness. As remedy, we propose to share a machine-computed prediction of whether the user will view a message within the next few minutes or not. For two weeks, we collected behavioral data from 24 users of mobile instant messaging services. By the means of machine-learning techniques, we identified that simple features extracted from the phone, such as the user's interaction with the notification center, the screen activity, the proximity sensor, and the ringer mode, are strong predictors of how quickly the user will attend to the messages. With seven automatically selected features our model predicts whether a phone user will view a message within a few minutes with 70.6% accuracy and a precision for fast attendance of 81.2%.
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Notifications are a core feature of mobile phones. They inform users about a variety of events. Users may take immediate action or ignore them depending on the importance of a notification as well as their current context. The nature of notifications is manifold, applications use them both sparsely and frequently. In this paper we present the first large-scale analysis of mobile notifications with a focus on users’ subjective perceptions. We derive a holistic picture of notifications on mobile phones by collecting close to 200 million notifications from more than 40,000 users. Using a data-driven approach, we break down what users like and dislike about notifications. Our results reveal differences in importance of notifications and how users value notifications from messaging apps as well as notifications that include information about people and events. Based on these results we derive a number of findings about the nature of notifications and guidelines to effectively use them.
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Much research in ubiquitous computing assumes that a user's phone will be always on and at-hand, for collecting user context and for communicating with a user. Previous work with the previous generation of mobile phones has shown that such an assumption is false. Here, we investigate whether this assumption about users' proximity to their mobile phones holds for a new generation of mobile phones, smart phones. We conduct a data collection field study of 28 smart phone owners over a period of 4 weeks. We show that in fact this assumption is still false, with the within arm's reach proximity being true close to 50% of the time, similar to the earlier work. However, we also show that smart phone proximity within the same room (arm+room) as the user is true almost 90% of the time. We discuss the reasons for these phone proximities and the implications of this on the development of mobile phone applications, particularly those that collect user and environmental context, and delivering notification to users. We also show that we can accurately predict the proximity at the arm level and arm+room level with 75 and 83% accuracy, respectively, with features simple to collect and model on a mobile phone. Further we show that for several individuals who are almost always within the arm+room level, we can predict this level with over 90% accuracy.
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We present a novel system for notification management and report results from two studies testing its performance and impact. The system uses statistical models to realize defer-to-breakpoint policies for managing notifications. The first study tested how well the models detect three types of breakpoints within novel task sequences. Results show that the models detect breakpoints reasonably well, but struggle to differentiate their type. Our second study explored effects of managing notifications with our system on users and their tasks. Results showed that scheduling notifications at breakpoints reduces frustration and reaction time relative to delivering them immediately. We also found that the relevance of notification content determines the type of breakpoint at which it should be delivered. The core concept of scheduling notifications at breakpoints fits well with how users prefer notifications to be managed. This indicates that users would likely adopt the use of notification management systems in practice.
The mobile phone represents a unique platform for interactive applications that can harness the opportunity of an immediate contact with a user in order to increase the impact of the delivered information. However, this accessibility does not necessarily translate to reachability, as recipients might refuse an initiated contact or disfavor a message that comes in an inappropriate moment. In this paper we seek to answer whether, and how, suitable moments for interruption can be identified and utilized in a mobile system. We gather and analyze a real-world smartphone data trace and show that users' broader context, including their activity, location, time of day, emotions and engagement, determine different aspects of interruptibility. We then design and implement InterruptMe, an interruption management library for Android smartphones. An extensive experiment shows that, compared to a context-unaware approach, interruptions elicited through our library result in increased user satisfaction and shorter response times.
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With the advent of instant mobile messaging applications, traditional SMS is in danger of loosing it's reign as the king of mobile messaging. Applications like WhatsApp allow mobile users to send real-time text messages to individuals or groups of friends at no cost. While there is a vast body of research on traditional text messaging practices, little is understood about how and why people have adopted and appropriated instant mobile messaging applications. The goal of this work is to provide a deeper understanding of the motives and perceptions of a popular mobile messaging application called WhatsApp and to learn more about what this service offers above and beyond traditional SMS. To this end, we present insights from two studies an interview study and a large-scale survey highlighting that while WhatsApp offers benefits such as cost, sense of community and immediacy, SMS is still considered a more reliable, privacy preserving technology for mobile communication.
Today's smartphones will issue a notification immediately after an event occurs, repeating unanswered notifications in fixed time intervals. The disadvantage of this issue-and-repeat strategy is that notifications can appear in inconvenient situations and thus are perceived as annoying and interrupting. The authors study the mobile context as inferred through a phone's sensors for both answered and ignored notifications. They conducted a large-scale, longitudinal study via the Google Play store and observed 6,581 notifications from 79 different users over 76 days. Their derived model can predict opportune moments to issue notifications with approximately 77 percent accuracy. Their findings could lead to intelligent strategies to issue unobtrusive notifications on today's smartphones at no extra cost. This article is part of a special issue on managing attention.
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For the majority of us, inter-personal communication is an essential part of our daily lives. Instant Messaging, or IM, has been growing in popularity for personal and work- related communication. The low cost of sending a message, combined with the limited awareness provided by current IM systems result in messages often arriving at inconvenient or disruptive times. In a step towards solving this problem, we created statistical models that successfully predict responsiveness to incoming instant messages - simply put: whether the receiver is likely to respond to a message within a certain time period. These models were constructed using a large corpus of real IM interaction collected from 16 participants, including over 90,000 messages. The models we present can predict, with accuracy as high as 90.1%, whether a message sent to begin a new session of communication would get a response within 30 seconds, 1, 2, 5, and 10 minutes. This type of prediction can be used, for example, to drive online-status indicators, or in services aimed at finding potential communicators. Author Keywords Statistical models of human activity, Responsiveness, Interruptibility, Availability, Awareness.