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Photorefractive and domain gratings in barium titanate



We present concrete evidence for the formation of ferroelectric domain gratings induced by photorefractive space‐charge electric fields in top‐seeded solution‐grown barium titanate crystals. These domain gratings are not destroyed by light and, by applying a field, can be reconverted into photorefractive gratings that diffract much more light than the photorefractive gratings that create them, as much as 67% of an incident beam.
Photorefractive and domain gratings in barium titanate
f?. S. Cudney, J. Fousek,a) M. Zgonik, and P. GUnter
NQ~ Linear Optics Lnboratory, Institute of Quantum Hectronics, Federal Institute of Technology,
ET&H&ggwberg, (711-8093 Ziirich, Switzerland
M. H. Garrett and D. Rytz
S~ndoz Huningue, S. A., Centre de Recherche en Opto&Iectronique, Brit. 195/04, Av. de BZle,
F&330 Huningue, Frunce
(Received 25 June 1993; accepted for publication 15 October 1993)
We present concrete evidence for the formation of ferroelectric domain gratings induced by
photorefractive space-charge electric fields in top-seeded solution-grown barium titanate
crystals. These domain gratings are not destroyed by light and, by applying a field, can be
reconverted into photorefractive gratings that diffract much more light than the photorefractive
gratings that create them, as much as 67% of an incident beam.
For two decades after the discovery of its ferroelectric
properties, barium titanate was intensively studied as a rep-
resentative of compounds with a first-order ferroelectric
phase transition and also for its polarization reversal prop-
erties which made it a candidate for memory devices.
Most of these measurements were performed on flux-
grown3 butterfly wing crystals. Later on, it was discov-
ered that photorefractive gratings could be induced in bar-
ium titanate by exposing it to an interference pattern.Js
Subsequent studies showed that these gratings can be made
permanent at room temperature if a field along the c axis
opposing the direction of the spontaneous polarization is
applied while two laser beams overlap in the crystal.67 This
phenomenon WBS explained in the following way: the light
interference pattern created by the beams produces a
space-charge field, which together with the biasing, exter-
nally applied field, reverses the polarization by 180wher-
ever the total field exceeds the coercive field. By adjusting
the magnitude of the applied field to be slightly lower than
the coercive field, a spatially oscillating pattern of head-to-
head 180domains is Formed, which somehow creates an
index grating.
The exact mechanism of this hologram fixing proce-
dure is not well understood. In the simplest model, one
might think that the spontaneous polarization 9, is re-
vers& in slab-shaped domains wherever the sum of the
applied and the internally developed fields exceeds the co-
ercive field. However, the discontinuity of the polarization
between these head-to-head slabs is quite large, namely
2,,- 52 @/cm at room temperature, whereas the typical
value of the space-charge density of a photorefractive grat-
ing, integrated over half a period ( 1 ,um), is only around
5 x lo- ,4Ycm. The slabs would largely overcompensate
the space charge, making this model highly improbable. In
addition, this arrangement by itself would not produce a
refractive index grating, since the linear optical properties
are the same for both orientations of
An externally
applied field would be needed to reveal the domain grating,
or a strong change of t.he index of refraction at the domain
BaPermanent address: Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the
C+eh Republic, Na Slovance 2, 1X0 40 Prague 8.
In this letter we present strong evidence that charge
compensated domain gratings actually can be formed in
BaTiO,. Unlike photorefractive gratings, these do not de-
cay under illumination. By applying a field these gratings
can be reconvert.ed into enhanced replicas of the origitral
photorefractive (space-charge field induced) gratings,
which diffract light very efficiently, up to 7 times more
than an ordinary photorefractive grating.
The experiments were performed on a nominally un-
doped top-seeded solution grown a~ h~c= 2.3 ~3.5 ~2.5
mn? BaTi03 sample which was grown and initially cut and
poled at Sandoz8 It has a long photorefractive dark stor-
age time [hours-days). Electrodes were evaporated onto
the c faces of the crystal; these were used to apply electric
fields and to monitor the current produced by polarization
reversal. Hysteresis loop experiments showed that P,=2S
PC/cm and that, at very low frequencies, there is a well-
defined critical field &=480 V/cm at, which the switching
process begins. Two A=488 nm laser beams of equal in-
tensity were incident on the sample. The diffraction effi-
ciencies of the gratings produced by them were monitored
by a weak He-Ne laser. The polarization of the beams are
indicated in Fig. 1.
In all experiments described below we monitor the
Bragg-matched diffracted 633 nm signal and the current
while the following steps are performed.
(I) Poling. First the crystal is poled by applying a field
defined as positive, of about 4000 V/cm for 1 min or so.
Monitoring the current helps determine when the crystal is
well poled. Once the crystal is poled, the field is removed
, Voltage
, supply
--I I
FIG. 1. Experimental setup.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 63 (25), 20 December 1993 0003-6951/93/63(25)/3399/3/$6.00 @ 1993 American Institute of Physics 3399
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Time !seconds)
FIG. 2. Field, current, charge, and difiaction efficiency VT, time. Step I:
Poling. The crystal is poled by applying a positive field. Step II: Fixing.
The writing beams create a grating while a negative field is appiied. The
maximum magnitude of this field is [,??,.I Step III: Shelf time. Only one
writing beam floods the crystal, erasing the grating. No diJYracted signal is
observed. Step IV: Revealing. Both writing beams are off. A positive field
is applied and the diffracted signal appears again. A = 33 pm; intensity per
beam: 2.2 W/cm; E,= 1.1 kV/cm,
slowly in order to avoid backswitching, presumably in-
duced by the field produced by screening c.harges ascumu-
lated at the electrodes.
(II) Fixing. We let both 488 nm beams interfere in t.he
sample while a negative field that reaches a maximum
value ( EYI, called the fixing field, is applied. This field
enhances the space-charge field as explained below and,
when exceeding the critical field Em, also produces polar-
ization reversal in the sample, the degree of which can be
evaluated by integrating the current.
(III) Shelf-time (from minutes to tens of hours). No
field is applied. The crystal is illuminated by only one 488
nm beam.
(IV> Revealing. A positive field is applied to the crys-
tal. During this step both 488 nm writing beams are off.
Figure 2 shows a typical cycle of events. During the
fixing stage II the diffracted signal increases with the ap-
plied field until polarization reversal begins, reaching a
13% diffraction efficiency, and then decays as polarization
reversal continues. During the shelf-time period no appre-
ciable diffracted signal is detected. Under homogeneous
illumination, a purely photorefractive grating would be
completely erased and could not be revived by any subse-
quent treatment. However, if the fixing field 1 EJ > E,,,
when a positive revealing field is applied while both writing
beams are blocked, 67% of the incident beam is diffracted.
We explain the phenomena the following way. During
the beginning of the fixing stage trapped charges that are
optically excited preferentially at the maxima of the inter-
ference pattern drift due to the applied field and recombine
into empty traps located elsewhere, giving rise to a space-
charge distribution
qsc(Ef) =qO(Ef)sin 2irz/A, (1)
where qa is an amplitude which depends on the trap site
concentration and on the applied field, z is the distance
along the c axis, and A is the period of the interference
pattern. This charge distribution creates a space-charge
field that changes the index of refraction through the
electm-optic effect, creating a photorefract.ive grating
which diffracts the reading beam. When the field reaches
the value EC, it triggers the formation of nuclei of domains
with negative P, at the electrodes and at the built-in nu-
cleation sites such as defects of polar character. As in a
normal switching process’” these nuclei grow in the form
of needle-shaped domains to reach the crystal surfaces.
The degree of polarization reversal will depend on 1 EfI
and on how long the field is applied. In the given situation,
however, the presence of
codetermines the domain con-
figuration reached when the partial switching comes to an
end. A number of domains are expected to temnnate
within the sample, their ends being located so that maxi-
mum compensation of the free charges takes place. Assum-
ing that the charges in a half-period of the grating can be
ascribed to a single plane- then charge compensation re-
quires that on this plane some domain walls are located
covering a fraction f of the total area, given by
2%+$ * (2)
Taking A=23 pm, and qo=lO @.Ycm (a typicril value
for the effective charge density located in trap sites in pho-
torefractive crystals), we get f = 1.3 X lo-. However, un-
der the conditions used to obtain the data shown in Fig. 2,
the charge switched during the fixing stage amounts to 1.4
pCs about 30% of the maximum attainable if the whole
volume were switched. Therefore, most of the swimhing
does not contribute to the fixing process.
In this state of full or almost full charge compensation
the spatially modulated fteld disappears and no diffraction
is expected. In addition, the partial reversal diminishes the
value of the e&ctive electro-optic coefficient r,, and there-
fore the diffraction efficiency, since
rcff=r(L_--J+)/{U_CUi-). (3)
Here U- and ZJ+ are the volume of domains aligned along
the - and + directions of the axis, respectively, and r is
the relevant electro-optic coeflicient for a single domain
crystal. In particular, no diffraction can occur (and none is
observed > when LJ- = u+ since
relr= 0.
When the revealing field is applied the domains disap-
pear and the crystal is brought back to its original state,
leaving behind the previous photorefractive space-charge
distribution. This charge, which now is not compensated,
produces a space-charge field and consequently an index of
refraction grating capable of diffracting light. The whoIe
process is depicted in Fig. 3.
In short, the fixing field triggers the formation of 180
domains whose distribution length is codetermined by the
photorefractive space-charge distribution. The domain tips
create a bound charge grating which we somewhat loosely
call a domain grating. This grating can be reconverted into
a photorefractive grating. To prove this we tried to fkx
gratings by applying fixing fields 1 .Efl slightly above and
slightly below the critical field of the crystal, .&=;480
V/cm. Figure 4 shows the results. When 1 Erj =450 V/cm
the current is zero during the fixing stage and no diffrac-
3400 Appi. Phys. Lett., Vol. 63, No. 25,20 December 1993 Cudney
al. 3400
Downloaded 24 Jul 2001 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see
FIG. 3. Proposed fixing mechanism. (a) A light interference pattern
creates a spacecharge distribution. (b) ISOdomains form once iErl
>&&I The bonndarie~s of some of these domains compensate the space-
charge distribution. Other domains contribute to the switching hut not to
the fixing process. (c) light erases any remnant space charge. (d) A
positive field switches the polarirization of these domains back to its orig-
inal direction, A space-charge distribution is left behind.
tion occurs during the revealing stage. When lEfl is in-
creaed to 530 V/cm domain reversal occurs in both the
fixing and revealing stages, and an unambiguous diffracted
signal is detected during the revealing stage.
0 3 40 60 WI
Time iseconds~
FIG. 4. Field thrt?shold for domain-grating formation. (a) Current and
diffraction efficiency vs time. 1 Kfl < &,. . No current is detected and no
diffraction occurs during step LX. (b) Current and diffraction efficiency vs
time. 1 Efl > E;, I A diffracted signal is observed during step IV. A = 33
Pam; intensity per beam: 0.83 W/cm.
In order to make sure that the revealed grating is a
photorefractive grating, we observed the decay as a func-
tion of the light intensity of the reading beam. Although no
quantitative measurements were made the trend was that
the weaker the reading beam, the longer the persistence of
the diffracted signal, as expected from a photorefractive
We have also performed experiments (not shown) to
compare the diffraction efficiencies of a normal, drift-
enhanced photorefractive grating and of a revealed
domain-fixed grating. In both cases we kept the experimen-
tal conditions equal, except for the sign of the field in step
II. In the case of the fixed and revealed grating we obtained
a dili?action efficiency of 52%. However, in the case of the
normal drift-enhanced grating the difFraction efficiency
during step II reached a maximum of only 7.7% almost
seven times less. Therefore, this fixing process somehow
enhances the final attainable space-charge field.
In conclusion, we have proven that in top-seeded
solut.ion-grown BaTiQs crystals it is possible to convert
photorefractive gratings into domain gratings and vice
versa. These domain gratings do not decay under illumi-
nation and can store information until they are reconverted
into a photorefractive gratings. During the domain-grating
formation the photorefractive grating is greatly amplified.
We thank V. Janovec, M. Klein, and J. Seglins for
some enlightening discussions. We also thank J. Hajfler for
expert crystal cutting and polishing. This work was
financed in part by the Swiss National Science Foundation,
Project. No. 70TP=03 1579.
hrote added in proof: Similar results have been recently
reported by Qiao et al. lt in Sro.7sBao.zsNbz06.
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3401 Appt. Phys. L&t., Vol. 63, No. 25, 20 December 1993 Cudney et a/. 3401
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... Dans ce cas, des rapports extrêmement grands des contrastes d'indice pour les onde TM et TE peuvent potentiellementêtre atteints. Encore une autre possibilité serait de tirer parti des guides d'onde photo-induits dans des matériaux présentant l'effet photoréfractif [211,212,213] et permettant un processus de post-fixation [214,215]. Dans ce cas, l'effet principal est la création d'un champélectrique de charge d'espace local. L'anisotropie du contraste d'indice de réfraction est alors directement proportionnelle au rapport des coefficientsélectro-optiques associésà la configuration choisie. ...
La propagation d'ondes dans des guides optiques couplés et la dynamique de transfert de population dans des systèmes quantiques discrets et couplés possèdent un formalisme commun via l'équation de Schrödinger. Une telle analogie permet un enrichissement mutuel de ces deux domaines. D'une part, des phénomènes complexes de physique quantique peuvent être démonter en optique, où les expériences sont généralement plus accessibles. D'autre part, les concepts de l'un des domaines peuvent être traduits dans l'autre pour concevoir, des dispositifs aux fonctionnalités étendues. Dans ce contexte, l'élément moteur de cette thèse est l'analogie entre les systèmes quantiques adiabatiques et robustes et des systèmes de guides d'onde analogues. En optique, la robustesse se traduit par une tolérance fortement accrue aux variations de longueur d'onde (achromaticité), de température ou aux perturbations et imperfections des guides. Les travaux précédents du laboratoire, portant sur ces analogies, ont traité de guides monomodes, et n'ont pas considéré les deux modes de polarisation orthogonale. Aussi, nous élargissons, ces travaux afin obtenir un séparateur de polarisation intégré, et un convertisseur de modes, tous deux large bande. Ils sont composés de trois guides couplés où les guides latéraux sont courbés selon une évolution adiabatique. Nous considérons enfin, un troisième système de guides, constants et droits, où une dissipation du guide central permet une répartition de puissance ultra-large bande. Les diviseurs de faisceaux polarisants intégrés jouent un rôle important dans de nombreux dispositifs photoniques intégrés nécessitant la manipulation de la polarisation lumineuse, avec un besoin d'être le plus large bande possible. Aussi, je propose dans cette thèse, une configuration à trois guides avec des indices de réfraction anisotropes qui s'inspire du phénomène quantique de STIRAP (STImulated Raman Adiabatic Passage). Cette étude montre qu'un rapport de 5 entre les contrastes d'indice des modes TM et TE est suffisant pour séparer efficacement les deux polarisations sur une plage d'environ 350 nm autour de la longueur d'onde centrale à 1,55 µm. La bande passante augmente avec le rapport d'anisotropie et la longueur d'onde centrale peut être ajustée en modifiant les paramètres. Par ailleurs, l'un des moyens envisagés pour augmenter la capacité des systèmes de télécommunications optiques repose sur le multiplexage spatial, où chaque canal est transmis sur un mode spatial différent d'une fibre multimode. Cette approche nécessite des (dé)multiplexeurs qui séparent ou en convertissent les modes. Là encore, un système adiabatique à trois guides d'onde peut être mis à profit pour concevoir une conversion entre un mode d'ordre supérieur et le mode fondamental (ou le contraire) sur une large gamme spectrale. Ce dispositif peut à nouveau être analogue au STIRAP, mais aussi au phénomène d'élimination adiabatique. Dans ce dernier cas, le guide d'onde central est fortement désaccordé avec les deux autres. Le troisième système étudié dans cette thèse ne repose pas sur des guides à évolution adiabatique, mais est analogue à un système quantique non hermitien, où le transfert de population s'effectue via un état intermédiaire dissipatif. Ici les trois guides sont parallèles et le guide central présente des pertes importantes. Cela conduit à une division de puissance ultra-large bande en contrepartie d'une perte globale de 50% (pour une diviseur puissance symétrique). L'absence d'évolution adiabatique permet des systèmes plus compacts, en particulier si le guide central est un guide plasmonique. Cette thèse démontre le fort potentiel des approches s'inspirant des phénomènes quantiques pour la photonique, où des fonctionnalités robustes, polyvalentes et larges bandes sont requises. De tels dispositifs peuvent être utilisés en photonique intégrée classique, ou avec comme perspective la manipulation de photons uniques en optique quantique.
... Yet another possibility would be to take advantage of photoinduced waveguides in materials exhibiting the photorefractive effect [43][44][45] and allowing a postfixing process [46,47]. In this case, the primary effect is the creation of a local space-charge electric field; therefore, the anisotropy of the refractive index contrast is directly proportional to the ratio of the relevant electro-optic coefficients that translate the internal electric field into a change of refractive index by the Pockels effect. ...
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A concept for the realization of waveguide-based polarization beam splitters working over a wide spectral range is presented. The adiabatically evolving three-waveguide system is inspired by the quantum-mechanical stimulated Raman adiabatic passage process and involves waveguides with an anisotropic refractive index contrast. It is shown that an index contrast ratio of 5 is sufficient to obtain excellent efficiency and output polarization purity over a spectral range approximately equal to 350 nm centered at a wavelength of 1550 nm. The center wavelength can be easily modified by tuning the parameters of the waveguides.
Conference Paper
Photorefractive gratings can be fixed in ferroelectric crystals if a complimentary “grating" of ferroelectric domains is somehow created, ¹⁻⁴ i.e., the direction of the spontaneous polarization P s of the crystal is selectively reversed such that the bound charge located on the domain walls electrically compensates the light-induced space-charge distribution of the original grating. Usually the selective reversal of the direction of P s is accomplished by first creating a space-charge distribution by the usual manner (interfacing two light beams in the crystal) and then applying an electric field in the direction opposite to P s .
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Recently the hologram storage in photorefractive crystals due to domain grating formation under light influence [1-3] was discovered. In some crystals (for example, in SBN-75 [3]) these gratings are connected with modulated array of microdomains. As a result of microdomains parameters fluctuations a noise of holograms can arise.
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Heteroanionic oxysulfide perovskite compounds represent an emerging class of new materials allowing for a wide range of tunability in the electronic structure that could lead to a diverse spectrum of novel and improved functionalities. Unlike cation ordered double perovskites—where the origins and design rules of various experimentally observed cation orderings are well known and understood—anion ordering in heteroanionic perovskites remains a largely uncharted territory. In this contribution, we present and discuss insights that have emerged from our first-principles-based electronic structure analysis of a prototypical anion-ordered SrHf(O0.5S0.5)3 oxysulfide chemistry, studied in all possible anion configurations allowed within a finite size supercell. We demonstrate that the preferred anion ordering is always an all-cis arrangement of anions around an HfO3S3 octahedron. As a general finding beyond the specific chemistry, the origins of this ordering tendency are traced back to a combined stabilization effect stemming from electronic, elastic, and electrostatic contributions. These qualitative notions are also quantified using state-of-the-art machine learning models. We further study the relative stability of the identified ordering as a function of A (Ca, Sr, Ba) and B (Ti, Zr, Hf) site chemistries and probe chemistry-dependent trends in the electronic structure and functionality of the material. Most remarkably, we find that the identified ground-state anion ordering breaks the inversion symmetry to create a family of oxysulfide ferroelectrics with a macroscopic polarization >30 μC/cm², exhibiting a significant promise for electronic materials applications.
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Elementary holographic gratings are recorded in iron-doped near-stoichiometric lithium niobate crystals in the presence of an external electric field close to the coercive field. The resulting diffraction efficiency η vanishes upon subsequent homogeneous illumination but can temporarily be revealed by application of an external field well above the coercive field. All results are explained assuming that a ferroelectric domain pattern of only 0.01% modulation degree is created during recording. The process is similar to “electrical fixing” in other photorefractive materials.
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An electrical fixing technique is used to permanently store holograms in a SBN:60 crystal. We have optimized the duration of the light illumination and applied electric field during the writing process. We have observed that the DE could be controlled by a write-reveal grating technique, where high-voltage pulses of opposite polarity are applied to the crystal. By varying the amplitude of electric field we obtained DE from 0 to 70%. The range of chosen applied electric fields depends on the coercive field of the crystal. An increase in the illumination time can also lead to a smaller DE, however, we have found that DE can be dramatically increased by exposing the crystal to several light pulses after the revealing phase. By varying the intensity and the duration of the exposure it is possible to control the DE of the grating.
Conference Paper
We propose an optical method for determining the value of the coercive field in a ferroelectric crystal. The experiment is carried out in photorefractive Sr0.60Ba0.40Nb2O6 (SBN:60), where the crystal is used as a Fabry-Perot interferometer. An extraordinarily polarized He-Ne beam enters the a face of the crystal, while a single 20 V/s triangular electrical pulse (from 0 to 1.9 kV) is applied to the crystal along the caxis and opposite to the direction of the initial poling field. We describe how the number and direction of fringe shifts with respect to the applied field is used to obtain the value of the coercive field. We find the coercive field value of SBN:60 to be 1.55 kV ± 20 V. We present a similar technique, using an electric pulse in the same direction as the initial poling field to measure the electro-optic coefficient of the crystal. We measure a value of 147 ± 6 pm/V for the r33 coefficient at 632.8 nm.
It is found from electrical conductivity measurements that aluminium electrodes make blocking contact to single crystal BaTiO3. Potential probe measurements show that all the potential drop is near the electrodes with about the same drop at each electrode. Neutralization of space charge in a polarized crystal is by both normal flow of charge carriers and ferroelectric polarization reversal. Previous work on surface layer and decay is discussed on the basis of these results.
Relatively large samples of single crystal barium titanate, BaTiO3, are needed for current photonic applications including for example; optical memories, associative memories and neural networks. The process of producing single-domain crystals called poling usually involves uniaxial pressing to remove orthogonal or 90° domains and then electric field poling to remove antiparallel or 180deg; domains. A method for poling BaTiO3 that significantly reduces the processing time for single-domain sample preparation is described herein. The technique involves the removal, by etching, of surface stresses that mechanically restrict or pin the 90° domains that inhibit their elimination. In this “stress free” state, large volume samples (10 × 10 × 5 mm) are easily electrically poled into single crystals without uniaxial pressing.
The phenomenon of "optical damage," that is, optically induced changes in the index of refraction, can be used as a form of holographic storage in transparent ferroelectric crystals. In this paper we describe a series of experiments which characterize the optical damage in ferroelectric BaTiO 3 . This is done by recording in a single crystal of the material a plane wave hologram, i.e., a diffraction grating, with a laser at one wavelength and reconstructing the hologram with a laser at another wavelength. The time‐dependence and steady‐state value of the diffracted light is studied with respect to variations in incident light intensity, temperature, writing wavelength, and grating spacing. A model describing the optical damage, based on the work of Chen [F. S. Chen, J. Appl. Phys. 40, 3389 (1969)] and Johnston [W. D. Johnston, Jr., J. Appl. Phys. 41, 3279 (1970)] is presented and the results explained in terms of this model.
We demonstrate that the electrical fixation of holograms recorded in (Sr 0.75 Ba 0.25 )Nb 2 O 6 involves local polarization switching; the fixing threshold is found to be nearly the average coercive field E c = 970 V/cm, and the minimum fixing time is the polarization switching time. The diffraction efficiency enhancement of fixed holograms is attributed to the photoinduced space charge field's overcancellation by ionic displacements associated with the polarization switching.
We have demonstrated that fixation and erasure of phase holograms in ferroelectric materials can be achieved by fast electrical control. High ionic mobility that allows the change of the electronic pattern into a stable ionic one is obtained by applying, during 0.1 sec, an external field slightly smaller than the coercive field to the crystal. Erasure is accomplished in 3 sec by applying a field that causes saturation of the polarization. Investigation of this process was carried out in BaTio 3 crystals doped with Fe.
Photorefractive holograms stored in Sr(0.75)Ba(0.25)Nb(2)O(6) crystals are electrically fixed at room temperature. The fixed holograms can be read out directly or after a positive-voltage pulse is applied that can dramatically enhance the diffraction efficiency. Single gratings as well as images are recorded and fixed.
  • J P Remeika
  • J Am
'J. P. Remeika, J. Am. Chem. Sot. 76, 940 ( 1954).
  • J P Remeika
J. P. Remeika, J. Am. Chem. Sot. 76, 940 ( 1954).
  • R L Townsend
  • J T Lamacchia
R. L. Townsend and J. T. LaMacchia, J. A@. Phys. 41, 51% ( 1970).