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A Prospective Study of Oxidative Stress Biomarkers in Autistic Disorders

  • Institute of Chronic Illnesses
  • Institute of Chronic Illnesses, Inc.
  • Institute of Chronic Illnesses

Abstract and Figures

The aim of this study was to evaluate oxidative stress (OS) biomarkers in a prospective, blinded cohort study of participants diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). OS biomarkers, including: blood glutathione (GSH), urine lipid peroxide, blood superoxidase dismutase (SOD), and blood GSH peroxidase (GPx) among participants diagnosed with ASDs (n=28) were evaluated in comparison to laboratory provided reference ranges. Testing was conducted using Genova Diagnostics (CLIA-approved). Participants diagnosed with ASDs had significantly (p<.005) decreased blood GSH and GPx relative to laboratory reference ranges. By contrast, participants diagnosed with ASDs had significantly (p<.000) increased urine lipid peroxide levels relative to laboratory reference ranges. A bimodal distribution of significant differences from the laboratory reference for blood SOD levels were observed (high=10.7%, low=14.3%). Finally, a significant (p=.05) inverse correlation was observed between blood GSH levels and ASD severity using Childhood Autism Rating Scale scores. The present observations are compatible with increased OS and a decreased detoxification capacity, particularly of mercury, in patients diagnosed with ASDs. Patients diagnosed with ASDs should be routinely tested to evaluate OS biomarkers and potential treatment protocols should be evaluated to potentially correct the OS abnormalities observed.
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Geier, Kern, & Geier: A prospective study of oxidative stress biomarkers in autistic disorders.
Electronic Journal of Applied Psychology: Innovations in Autism. 5(1): 2-10 (2009)
A Prospective Study of Oxidative Stress Biomarkers in Autistic Disorders
David A Geier (
Institute of Chronic Illnesses, Inc., Silver Spring, Maryland, USA
CoMeD, Inc., Silver Spring, Maryland, USA
Janet K Kern (
Genetic Consultants of Dallas, Allen, Texas, USA
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, USA
Mark A Geier (
ASD Centers, LLC, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA
The aim of this study was to evaluate oxidative stress
(OS) biomarkers in a prospective, blinded cohort study
of participants diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders
(ASDs). OS biomarkers, including: blood glutathione
(GSH), urine lipid peroxide, blood superoxidase
dismutase (SOD), and blood GSH peroxidase (GPx)
among participants diagnosed with ASDs (n=28) were
evaluated in comparison to laboratory provided reference
ranges. Testing was conducted using Genova
Diagnostics (CLIA-approved). Participants diagnosed
with ASDs had significantly (p<.005) decreased blood
GSH and GPx relative to laboratory reference ranges. By
contrast, participants diagnosed with ASDs had
significantly (p<.000) increased urine lipid peroxide
levels relative to laboratory reference ranges. A bimodal
distribution of significant differences from the laboratory
reference for blood SOD levels were observed
(high=10.7%, low=14.3%). Finally, a significant (p=.05)
inverse correlation was observed between blood GSH
levels and ASD severity using Childhood Autism Rating
Scale scores. The present observations are compatible
with increased OS and a decreased detoxification
capacity, particularly of mercury, in patients diagnosed
with ASDs. Patients diagnosed with ASDs should be
routinely tested to evaluate OS biomarkers and potential
treatment protocols should be evaluated to potentially
correct the OS abnormalities observed
Keywords: Heavy metal; Metabolic; Endophenotype;
Sulfation; Sulfur
Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are prevalent
neurodevelopmental disorders that affect an estimated 1
in 150 children in the US (Austin, 2008). ASDs are
characterized by severe impairments in socialization,
communication and behavior. Children diagnosed with
an ASD may display a range of problem behaviors such
as hyperactivity, poor attention, impulsivity, aggression,
self-injury and tantrums. In addition, these children
often display unusual responds to sensory stimuli such
as hypersensitivities to light or certain sounds, colours,
smells or touch and have a high threshold for pain
(Austin, 2008). Finally, common co-morbidity
conditions often associated with ASDs include
gastrointestinal disease and dysbiosis (White, 2003),
autoimmune disease (Sweeten, Bowyer, Posey,
Halberstadt, & McDougle, 2003), and mental
retardation (Bolte & Poustak, 2002).
In attempting to understand the underlying
pathogenesis of ASDs a considerable body of research
has been conducted to evaluate potential candidate
causal genes. Genetic studies, to date, have not
uncovered genes of strong effect. It was postulated that
increasing rates of ASDs and less than 100%
monozygotic concordance of ASDs support a more
inclusive reframing of ASDs as a multi-system disorder
with genetic influence and environmental contributors
(Herbert et al., 2006). Investigators suggested that
ASDs may result from an interaction between genetic,
environmental, and immunological factors, with
oxidative stress as a mechanism linking these risk
factors (James et al., 2006).
Given the well-established fact that mercury (Hg) is
known to significantly increase oxidative stress and that
fetuses and infants are routinely exposed to Hg from
environmental sources (i.e. fish, dental amalgams,
vaccines, etc.), investigators have described that many
ASDs may result from a combination of
genetic/biochemical susceptibility, specifically a
reduced ability to excrete Hg, and exposure to Hg at
critical developmental periods (Geier, King, Sykes, &
Geier, 2008). Further, it was reported that Hg can cause
immune, sensory, neurological, motor, and behavioural
dysfunctions similar to traits defining/associated with
ASDs, and that these similarities extend to
neuroanatomy, neurotransmitters, and biochemistry.
Also, it was reported when reviewing the molecular
mechanisms of Hg intoxication that it can induce death,
disorganization and/or damage to selected neurons in
the brain similar to that seen in recent ASD brain
pathology studies, and this alteration may likely
produce the symptoms by which ASDs are diagnosed
(Geier et al., 2008).
Geier, Kern, & Geier: A prospective study of oxidative stress biomarkers in autistic disorders.
Electronic Journal of Applied Psychology: Innovations in Autism. 5(1): 2-10 (2009)
Under normal conditions, a dynamic equilibrium
exists between the production of reactive oxygen
species (ROS) and the antioxidant capacity of the cell
(Granot & Kohen, 2004; Stohs, 1995). ROS includes
superoxide, hydroxyl, peroxyl, alkoxy, and nitric oxide
(NO) free radicals (Stohs, 1995). Superoxide is the first
reduction product of molecular oxygen, and it is an
important source of hydroperoxides and deleterious free
radicals (Fridovich, 1986). Hydrogen peroxide (H
reacts with reduced transition metals such as iron, via
the Fenton reaction, to produce the highly reactive
hydroxyl radical (McCord & Day, 1978). Most toxic
effects are due to hydroxyl radical formation, which
also initiates lipid peroxidation (McCord & Day, 1978).
Some endogenous enzymes such as xanthine oxidase
(XO), NO synthase, and monoamine oxidase (MAO)
can directly produce ROS (Granot & Kohen, 2004;
Kellogg & Fridovich, 1975; Stohs, 1995). Normally, the
ROS within the cells are neutralized by antioxidant
defense mechanisms. Superoxide dismutase (SOD),
catalase, and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) are the
primary enzymes involved in direct elimination of
ROS, whereas glutathione reductase and glucose-6-
phosphate dehydrogenase are secondary antioxidant
enzymes, which help in maintaining a steady
concentration of glutathione (GSH) and NADPH
necessary for optimal functioning of the primary
antioxidant enzymes (Chance, 1954; Gutteridge, 1977;
Maddipati & Marnett, 1987; Vendemiale, Grattagliano,
& Altomare, 1999). These enzymes require
micronutrients as cofactors such as selenium, iron,
copper, zinc, and manganese for optimal catalytic
activity and effective antioxidative defense mechanism
(Halliwell & Gutteridge, 1992). Additionally, GSH,
iron-binding transferrin, copper-binding ceruloplasmin,
tocopherol (Vitamin E), carotenoids, and ascorbic acid
(Vitamin C) are also involved in the anti-ROS defense
system (Erden-Inal, Sunal, & Kanbak, 2002;
Gutteridge, Richmond, Halliwell, 1980; Loeffler et al.,
1995). GSH is the most important antioxidant for
detoxification and is important for the elimination of
environmental toxins. Oxidative stress occurs when
ROS levels exceed the antioxidant capacity of a cell.
These ROS are highly toxic and react with lipids,
proteins and nucleic acids, and lead to cell death via
apoptosis or necrosis (Kannan & Jain, 2000).
The brain is highly vulnerable to oxidative stress due
to its limited antioxidant capacity, higher energy
requirement, and higher amounts of lipids and iron
(Juurlink & Paterson, 1998). The brain makes up about
2% of body mass but consumes 20% of metabolic
oxygen. The vast majority of energy is used by the
neurons (Shulman, Rothman, Behar, & Hyder, 2004).
Due to the lack of GSH-producing capacity by neurons,
the brain has a limited capacity to detoxify ROS.
Therefore, neurons are the first cells to be affected by
the increase in ROS and shortage of antioxidants and,
as a result, are most susceptible to oxidative stress.
Antioxidants are required for neuronal survival during
the early critical period (Perry, Norman, Litzburg, &
Gelbard, 2004). Children are more vulnerable than
adults to oxidative stress because of their naturally low
GSH levels from conception through infancy (Erden-
Inal, Sunal & Kanbak, 2002; Ono, Sakamoto, & Sakura,
2001). The risk created by this natural deficit in
detoxification capacity in infants is increased by the
fact that some environmental factors that induce
oxidative stress are found at higher concentrations in
developing infants than in their mothers, and
accumulate in the placenta. Taken together, these
studies suggest that the brain is highly vulnerable to
oxidative stress, particularly during the early part of
development that may result in neurodevelopmental
disorders such as ASDs.
The purpose of the present study was to provide
greater mechanistic insight into ASD associated disease
pathology by evaluating biomarkers of oxidative stress
in a cohort of participants diagnosed with ASDs. The
overall hypothesis of the present study was that there
would be increased clinically identifiable biomarkers of
oxidative stress and susceptibility to oxidative stress in
a cohort of participants diagnosed with ASDs. Further,
it was hypothesized that susceptibility factors
associated with increased oxidative stress would
significantly correlate with the clinical severity of the
participants diagnosed with ASDs examined.
The study was conducted at the Autism Treatment
Center (ATC; Dallas, Texas). Phlebotomy took place at
Medical Center Plano, Outpatient Phlebotomy (Plano,
The study protocol received Institutional Review
Board (IRB) approval from Liberty IRB, Inc. (Deland,
Florida). All parents signed a consent and Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
form and all received a copy. Children were in the
presence of one or both parents at all times during the
The present study looked at qualifying participants (n
= 28) who were prospectively recruited from the
community of Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas area. All of the
children had a diagnosis of autism or pervasive
developmental disorder (PDD). Children included in the
present study were between 2 – 16 years of age and had
an initial Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) score
30. A child with a CARS score 30 is considered to
have autism (Schopler, Reichler, DeVellis & Daly,
1980). This study excluded children who had a history
of Fragile X disorder, tuberous sclerosis,
phenylketonuria (PKU), Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, fetal
alcohol syndrome, or history of maternal illicit drug
Geier, Kern, & Geier: A prospective study of oxidative stress biomarkers in autistic disorders.
Electronic Journal of Applied Psychology: Innovations in Autism. 5(1): 2-10 (2009)
use. In addition, this study excluded any children who
had a history of chelation therapy.
Clinical Evaluation
As a baseline, the researchers obtained information
regarding demographics, formal diagnosis, age at
diagnosis, age of apparent onset, information regarding
delay or regression, any current medical issues,
medications, and allergies on each child. A baseline
CARS evaluation was performed by Dr. Kern, who was
trained in the use of CARS, and has 12 years experience
in using the CARS to evaluate more than 300 persons
with an ASD diagnosis. Dr. Kern interviewed the
parents and observed each child. Table 1 summarizes
the pertinent demographics of the participants included
in the present study.
Table 1: A summary of the participants with ASD
included in the present study
Descriptive Information
Sex / Age
Male / Female (ratio) 23 / 5 (4.6 : 1)
Mean Age in Years ± Std (range) 5.8 ± 2.6 (2 – 13)
Race (n)
Caucasian 60.7% (17)
Hispanic 10.7% (3)
Black 10.7% (3)
Asian 10.7% (3)
Mixed 7.1% (2)
Autistic Disorder Characteristics
Mean CARS Score ± Std (range) 38.9 ± 6.4 (30 – 51)
Regressive (n)
60.7% (17)
Non-Regressive (n) 39.3% (11)
Autism (n) 67.9% (19)
Autism Spectrum Disorders (n)
32.1% (9)
Previous Treatments
Supplements (n) 32.1% (9)
Chelation (n) 0% (0)
Supplements + Chelation (n) 0% (0)
Note: Std = standard deviation; All participants examined in the
present study were living in the state of Texas:
Includes participants that had a regressive event in development at
any time following birth.
Autism spectrum disorders include participants diagnosed with
pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-
NOS) and Asperger’s disorder.
Lab Evaluation
Following the intake evaluation, each participant in
the present study had blood samples collected. The
laboratory specimens were all collected in the morning
following an overnight fast. Specimens were
immediately taken to and processed at LabCorp in
Medical City Hospital (Dallas, Texas) and then shipped
to Genova Diagnostics (Asheville, North Carolina). The
lab used in the present study was blinded and received
no information regarding the clinical status of the
participants examined or their CARS scores prior to
their testing of each sample.
Participants were tested for the following at Genova
Diagnostics (all CLIA-approved): blood GSH, blood
SOD, blood GPx, and urine lipid peroxides.
In order to evaluate each of the oxidative stress
biomarkers measured among the study participants
diagnosed with ASDs examined in the present study,
reference ranges for each test from Genova Diagnostics
were utilized.
Statistical Analyses
In the present study, the statistical package contained
in Microsoft Excel 2002 and StatsDirect (Version 2.7.2)
were utilized. For each study participant, their
biomarkers of oxidative stress were evaluated in
relation to the mean level from the reference range for
each test, so as to convert each patient’s measured test
values into a percent of the mean value ([patient’s
laboratory value / mean level from the reference range]
× 100 = percent of the pertinent mean). For each type of
biomarker of oxidative stress examined, the individual
results were then averaged to compute an overall
average percent of the pertinent means, and the standard
deviations for each attribute were calculated. Using the
two-sample heteroscedastic t-test statistic, these
“normalized” results from the study participants
diagnosed with an ASD were then statistically
compared to the corresponding data from the normal
control populations that comprised the laboratory
reference ranges. The null hypothesis was that there
should be no difference in the normalized means
between the study participants diagnosed with an ASD
for each biomarker of oxidative stress examined and the
corresponding means from the control populations
(derived from laboratory reference ranges). Further, the
blood GSH values obtained for each study participants
diagnosed with an ASD were evaluated for their
correlation with the severity of the disorder as derived
from the CARS scoring conducted on each study
participants using the unweighted least squares test
statistic. The null hypothesis was that the slope of the
line would be equal to zero. For all the statistical tests
in the present study, a two-tailed p-value .05 was
considered statistically significant.
Table 2 summarizes an assessment of biomarkers of
oxidative stress among the study subjects with ASD in
comparison to the laboratory reference ranges. Overall,
the ASD group means for the biomarkers of oxidative
stress did not fall outside the laboratory reference
Geier, Kern, & Geier: A prospective study of oxidative stress biomarkers in autistic disorders.
Electronic Journal of Applied Psychology: Innovations in Autism. 5(1): 2-10 (2009)
Table 2. An assessment of oxidative stress biomarkers among the participants diagnosed with an ASD in comparison
to laboratory reference ranges
Lab Test Mean ± Std
(% of Pertinent Mean ±
Range Limits
% >
Upper Limit
% <
Reference Range
Lower Limit
Lipid Peroxides
mol / g creatinine)
8.7 ± 2.4
(174 ± 9.1)
0 – 10 <.00 32.1 (9) 0 (0)
Blood Glutathione
mol / L)
1,004 ± 320
(82 ± 4.9)
669 – 1,793 <.00 3.6 (1) 7.1 (2)
Blood Glutathione
(U / g Hb)
22.5 ± 5.2
(78 ± 3.4)
20 – 38 <.00 0 (0) 35.7 (10)
Blood Superoxidase
(U / g Hb)
9,767 ± 4,375
(89 ± 7.6)
5,275 –
.20 10.7 (3) 14.3 (4)
Note: Std = standard deviation; SEM = standard error of the mean
The unpaired t-test statistic was utilized
ranges (even though a sizeable percentage of individual
scores did so). It was observed that the study subjects
with an ASD had significantly decreased levels of
blood GSH and GPx. By contrast, the study subjects
with an ASD had significantly increased levels of urine
lipid peroxides. No overall significant differences were
observed for the blood level of SOD among study
subjects with an ASD and the laboratory reference
ranges, but a bimodal distribution of significant
differences from the laboratory reference for blood
SOD levels were observed (high=10.7%, low=14.3%).
The abnormalities observed were greatest for urine lipid
peroxides (ASD mean was 174% of the control mean),
followed by blood GPx and blood GSH (ASD means
were 78% and 82% of the control means, respectively).
Additionally, as show in Figure 1, a significant inverse
correlation was observed between GSH levels and ASD
The overall results of the present study showed
significant abnormalities in the biomarkers of oxidative
stress in a cohort of study participants diagnosed with
ASDs relative to laboratory provided reference ranges.
Further, the results suggest that there was a significant
inverse correlation between blood GSH levels and ASD
severity measured using CARS scoring. The oxidative
stress in autism may be caused by an imbalance
between the generation of ROS by
endogenous/exogenous pro-oxidants and the defense
mechanism against ROS by antioxidants.
Figure 1. A summary of the correlation between blood
glutathione and ASD severity
Note: The unweighted least squares statistic was used to evaluate the
relationship between blood glutathione levels and ASD severity.
ASD severity was measured blinded to the level of blood glutathione
using Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) scoring.
Investigators have previously reported that lipid
peroxidation is increased in the plasma of children with
autism as compared to their developmentally normal,
non-autistic siblings (Chauhan, Chauhan, Brown, &
Cohen, 2004). Lipid peroxidation is a chain reaction
between polyunsaturated fatty acids and ROS, and it
produces lipid peroxides and hydrocarbon polymers
that are both highly toxic to the cell (Horton &
Total CARS Score
Blood Glutathione (umol / L)
= .14, p = .05
Geier, Kern, & Geier: A prospective study of oxidative stress biomarkers in autistic disorders.
Electronic Journal of Applied Psychology: Innovations in Autism. 5(1): 2-10 (2009)
Fairhurst, 1987). Malonyldialdehyde (MDA) is an end
product of peroxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids
and related esters, and is, therefore, used as a marker of
lipid peroxidation (Jain, 1984). The plasma MDA
contents measured by reaction with thiobarbituric acid
(TBA) were higher in 13 of 15 (87%) of autistic
subjects (Chauhan et al., 2004).
Recent reports also indicate increased levels of other
lipid peroxidation markers in autism, thus confirming
an increased oxidative stress in autism. For instance,
Zoroglu et al. (2004) have reported increased TBA-
reactive substances in erythrocytes of patients with
autism as compared to normal controls. Ming et al.
(2005) reported increased excretion of 8-isoprostane-
F2alpha in the urine of children with autism.
Isoprostanes are produced from the free radical
oxidation of arachidonic acid through non-enzymatic
oxidation of cell membrane lipids. Evans et al. (2008)
evaluated the oxidative stress metabolites of
carboxyethyl pyrrole (CEP) and iso[4]levuglandin
(iso[4]LG) E2-protein adducts in cortical brain tissues
in subjects diagnosed with autism. Significant
immunoreactivity toward all these markers of oxidative
damage in the white matter and often extending well
into the grey matter of axons was found in every case of
autism examined. These investigators reported that the
striking thread-like pattern appears to be a hallmark of
the autistic brain as it was not seen in any control brain,
young or aged, used as controls for the oxidative assays.
In another study, the density of lipofuscin, a matrix of
oxidized lipid and cross-linked protein that forms as a
result of oxidative injury in the tissues, was observed to
be greater in cortical brain areas concerned with
communication in subjects diagnosed with autism
(Lopez-Hurtado & Prieto, 2008). Lipofuscin was
previously demonstrated to be a depot for mercury in
human brain autopsy specimens from mercury
intoxicated patients (Opitz, Schweinsberg, Grossman,
Wendt-Gallitelli, & Meyermann, 1996). Finally, and
perhaps most importantly, Sajdel-Sulkowska, Lipinski,
Windom, Audhya, and McGinnis (2008), evaluated
cerebellar levels of the oxidative stress marker 3-
nitrotyrosine (3-NT), mercury, and the antioxidant
selenium levels between subjects diagnosed with autism
in comparison to controls. It was observed that there
were significant increases in the mean cerebellar levels
of 3-NT and the ratio of mercury/selenium in the brains
of subjects diagnosed with autism in comparison to
controls. It was also observed that there was a
significant positive correlation between cerebellar 3-NT
and mercury levels.
Several studies have suggested alterations in the
enzymes that play a vital role in the defense mechanism
against damage by ROS in autism. For instance,
compared to controls, patients with autism showed
decreased activity of GPx in plasma and in erythrocytes
(Yorbik, Sayal, Akay, Akbiyik, & Sohmen, 2002),
reduced levels of total GSH and lower redox ratio of
reduced GSH to oxidized glutathione (GSSG) in plasma
(Geier & Geier, 2006; Geier & Geier 2007; Geier et al.,
2009a; James et al., 2006), and decreased catalase
(Zoroglu et al., 2004) and SOD (Yorbik et al., 2002)
activity in erythrocytes. In contrast, Sogut et al. (2003)
reported unchanged plasma SOD activity and increased
GPx activity in autism.
The significantly decreased blood GSH levels among
the participants diagnosed with ASDs in the present
study is of concern. GSH is a tripeptide of cysteine,
glycine, and glutamate that is synthesized in every cell
of the body. The essential intracellular reducing
environment is maintained by the high ratio of reduced
GSH to GSSG (Schafer & Buettner, 2001). The GSH
redox equilibrium regulates a wide range of functions
that include nitrogen and oxygen free radical scavenger
(Dickinson et al., 2003), protein redox status and
enzyme activity (Klatt & Lamas, 2000), cell membrane
integrity and signal transduction (Dickson & Forman,
2002; Sagrista, Garcia, Africa De Madariaga, & Mora,
2002), transcription factor binding and gene expression
(Deplancke & Gaskins, 2002), phase II detoxification
(Pastore, Federici, Bertini, & Piemonte, 2003), and
apoptosis (Hall, 1999).
Consistent with low total GSH levels and increased
oxidative stress, autistic children would be expected to
have difficulty resisting infection, resolving
inflammation, and detoxifying environmental
contaminants. Indeed, patients diagnosed with ASDs
were reported to suffer from recurrent infections
(Konstantareas & Homatidis, 1987), neuroinflammation
(Zimmerman et al., 2005), gastrointestinal
inflammation (Horvath & Perman, 2002; Jyonouchi,
Geng, Ruby, & Zimmerman-Bier, 2005), and impaired
antioxidant and detoxification capacity (Chauhan et al.,
2004; Geier & Geier, 2006; Geier & Geier 2007; Geier
et al., 2009a; James et al., 2006; Yorbik et al., 2002;
Zoroglu et al., 2004).
Further, an important relationship between GSH
availability and mercury excretion has been found
(Ballatori & Clarkson, 1985). Bile is the main route of
elimination for many metals, and the rate of secretion of
methyl and inorganic mercury into bile was low in
suckling rats but rapidly increased to adult rates soon
after weaning. These changes closely paralleled similar
developmental changes in the biliary secretion of
reduced GSH. It was observed that when reduced GSH
secretion into bile was completely inhibited, without
changing hepatic levels of reduced GSH or mercury,
mercury secretion was also completely blocked. These
researchers concluded that their results indicated a close
correspondence between the secretion of mercury and
reduced GSH.
Because GSH is essential for effective detoxification,
the effects of a lack of availablity total GSH on
detoxification are far-reaching. Exposure to toxins in
children with compromised detoxification capability
has an even greater potential to disrupt critical
Geier, Kern, & Geier: A prospective study of oxidative stress biomarkers in autistic disorders.
Electronic Journal of Applied Psychology: Innovations in Autism. 5(1): 2-10 (2009)
developmental processes and result in developmental
neurotoxicity (Rice & Barone, 2000).
Lack of availability of GSH may be only one part of
the issue. Examination of the effects of heavy metals
reveals that the presence of heavy metals, e.g., mercury,
can disrupt the very processes needed to excrete the
metals. Evidence shows that metal ions disrupt
methionine synthestase which then, results in the
inhibition of GSH production (Mutter, Naumann,
Schneider, Walach, & Haley, 2005). In addition, the
presence of metals causes oxidative stress, and since
GSH has the dual function of both reducing of oxidative
stress and detoxifying heavy metals, GSH may be
become rapidly depleted as a result of demand. This
situation may be further compounded in ASDs due to
the significant reduction in GPx (which further helps to
reduce oxidative stress).
Also, consistent with the results observed in the
present study, Pasca et al. (in press) observed a
significant inverse relationship between blood GSH
levels and diagnosed autism severity. These
investigators concluded that variations in GSH
abnormalities across the autism spectrum suggests the
possibility that it might be functionally significant in
subjects with mercury intoxication. Further, another
recent study extended the observation to observe that
the severity of ASDs were significantly positively
correlated with biomarkers of mercury intoxication, and
subjects diagnosed with an ASD were observed to have
a significant positive correlation between increasing
biomarkers of mercury intoxication and increased
plasma GSSG levels (Geier et al., 2009b). Taken
collectively, the present results, and those observed in
previous studies (Geier et al., 2009b; Pasca et al. in
press), indicate that GSH levels play a particularly
important functional role in determining the severity of
an ASD diagnosis, when mercury plays a causal role.
Strengths and Limitations
The present study has number of potential strengths
that help to support the observations made. First, the
design of the present study, as a prospective, blinded
study, helps to minimize the chance for selection bias of
study participants. In addition, the blinded nature of the
study ensured that biasing factors regarding clinical or
lab assessments of individual participants were
minimized because neither group was aware of the
other’s results.
Second, since the present study was conducted at the
ATC, a non-biomedical intervention center, the patients
examined in the present study were a priori not skewed
toward those seeking biomedical interventions at a
physician’s office. The participants examined in the
present study were selected from community contacts.
Third, and most importantly, the consistency and
specificity of the results observed were strengths of the
present study. It was observed that for each biomarker
of oxidative stress, with the exception of blood SOD,
there were significant overall differences relative to the
laboratory provided reference ranges.
Finally, since two-tailed p-values were used, and the
directions of the significant effects observed were in the
biologically plausible directions, with the mere chance
occurrence of observing the results found in the present
study being minimal. Furthermore, since < 20 total
statistical tests were generated in the present study, a
two-tailed p-value .05 was considered significant, and
most of the p-values calculated were < .01, it is
reasonable to conclude that the results observed were
not due to statistical chance.
In considering the potential limitations of the present
study, the number of study participants was of moderate
size. Despite this potential limitation of the present
study, it was observed that there were consistent
statistical effects observed. It would be worthwhile to
evaluate the consistency of the results observed here
with those in different and expanded cohorts of
individuals diagnosed with ASDs. In addition, the
present study did not examine a recruited cohort of
neurotypical children, but instead utilized the laboratory
reference ranges. It would be worthwhile to evaluate the
consistency of the results observed here with a cohort of
neurotypical children, but the results observed in the
present study were consistent with observations made
by other researchers in previous study (Geier et al.,
2008). Another potential limitation of the present study
was that the biomarkers analyzed were from peripheral
sources, and not directly measured in the brain of the
patients examined. In future studies, it would be of
interest to evaluate the correlation between peripheral
biomarkers with those measured in the brain of patients
diagnosed with an ASD. Finally, in the present study,
data was not evaluated concerning other biomarkers of
oxidative stress present in the study participants
examined. It would be of value in future studies to
examine if there was a potential correlation between
other biomarkers of oxidative stress among individuals
diagnosed with ASDs, and to evaluate their potential
correlations with ASD severity.
The present study is a novel prospective study
conducted to evaluate biomarkers of oxidative stress in
a cohort of patients diagnosed with ASDs using
routinely available clinical lab testing. For the study
participants examined, this study found that they had
significant evidence of decreased blood GSH and GPx.
By contrast, it was found that they had significant
evidence of increased levels of urine lipid peroxides.
Finally, it was also observed that blood SOD levels
were found to be significantly outside of the laboratory
reference range in a bimodal fashion. We recommend
that future studies should focus on further evaluating
biomarkers of oxidative stress in an expanded cohort of
individuals diagnosed with ASDs, and potential
treatment protocols be evaluated to potentially correct
Geier, Kern, & Geier: A prospective study of oxidative stress biomarkers in autistic disorders.
Electronic Journal of Applied Psychology: Innovations in Autism. 5(1): 2-10 (2009)
the oxidative stress abnormalities observed in the
present study. Additionally, we suggest that future
studies of individuals diagnosed with ASDs should
examine further biomarkers of oxidative stress. Finally,
we recommend, since the lab testing employed in the
present study for examining biomarkers of oxidative
stress are clinically available, relatively inexpensive,
and relatively noninvasive, that patients diagnosed with
ASDs be routinely tested to evaluate them.
This research was funded by a grant from the Autism
Research Institute, non-profit CoMeD, Inc., and by the
non-profit Institute of Chronic Illnesses, Inc. through a
grant from the Brenen Hornstein Autism Research &
Education (BHARE) Foundation.
The authors wish to acknowledge the generous help
of Brandon Work at LabCorp, Dallas and the
phlebotomists at Medical Center Plano, Outpatient
Phlebotomy. The authors wish to acknowledge the help
of the parents and children who participated in the
study; without their participation this type of
investigation would not be possible.
Conflict of Interest
David Geier, Janet Kern, and Mark Geier have been
involved in vaccine/biologic litigation. David Geier and
Mark Geier have a patent pending for the treatment of
autistic disorders. The authors have no financial
relationship with the laboratory utilized in the present
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Correspondence to:
Mark R. Geier, M.D., Ph.D., FABMG, FACE
14 Redgate Ct.
Silver Spring, MD 20905
Research Profile
Mark Geier has a M.D. and PhD. in genetics. He is
both board certified in genetics by the American Board
of Medical Genetics and a Fellow of the American
College of Epidemiology. In clinical practice for more
than 29 years, Dr. Geier is a founder, and presently the
medical director, of ASD Centers, LLC. Dr. Geier has
authored more than 20 peer-reviewed medical studies
on patients diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder.
Dr. Geier’s research has specifically focused on
environmental exposures linked with autistic disorders,
as well as the underlying biochemistry of autistic
disorders. Over 600 patients diagnosed with an autism
spectrum disorder have been evaluated and treated with
the clinical protocols Dr. Geier has developed. Dr.
Geier is the co-holder of a patent pending for the
treatment of patients diagnosed with an autism
spectrum disorder.
David Geier is a founder of the non-profit 501(c)3
institute of Chronic Illnesses, Inc. as well CoMeD, Inc.,
also a 501(c) 3. Studying and publishing on the
relationship of genetic, biochemical and hormonal
changes in autism David's research has resulted in new
insights to the causes and treatment of autism and other
chronic illnesses. Overall, David has authored more
than 20 peer-reviewed medical studies on patients
diagnosed with autistic disorders. David is a co-holder
of a patent-pending for the treatment of patients
diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder.
Janet Kern has an MS in Neuroscience and a PhD in
Human Development. She is an RN with 28 years of
experience in medicine. For the last 14 years Dr. Kern
has been doing research in autism. She specializes in
autism clinical research with a current focus of
biomedical vulnerability, toxicity, biomarkers, and
treatment efficacy. Dr. Kern has 21 peer-reviewed
publications in autism, 17 of which she is first author.
She began her post-doctorate in 1999 at the University
of Texas Southwestern Medical Center (UTSW) and
was promoted to assistant professor. Dr. Kern became
an independent research investigator in 2006 and
remains an adjunct assistant professor at UTSW.
... The lack of balance between oxidants and antioxidants, which is a consequence of mitochondrial disorders, is increasingly being treated as a potential pathogenic factor in neurodegenerative diseases. Therefore, there is a high probability that the action of oxidative stress has serious consequences also for the development and functioning of the central nervous system of people with autism [12,18]. ...
... Neutralization of excess free radicals takes place thanks to an antioxidative system that involves the action of enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants. The main enzymes that inhibit the formation of the most reactive hydroxyl radical are superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) [15,18]. ...
Full-text available
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) affects people from all regions of the globe, regardless of nationality, living standards or social group. Currently, it is assumed that ASD pathogenesis is multifactorial because there is no one specific cause of the disorder. According to literature, ASD may result from genetic defects, metabolic disorders or exposure to environmental factors. There is a number of hypotheses that attempt to explain the intensity of emotional and behavioral symptoms or the increased sensory threshold that is characteristic of ASD. It is suggested that neurological changes may be due to oxidative stress occurring in early brain tissue development and reduced antioxidative barrier. Due to the abnormalities in the synthesis of neurotransmitters, often occurring in ASD, autism is investigated for disorders of vital biochemical processes of methylation and transsulfuration. Finding a biomarker for a disturbed oxidative-reduction equilibrium, methylation pathway pathology, or other reason could be an important diagnostic tool and the base for individual treatment for patients with varying degrees of severity. This work provides a review of the potential biological indicators for ASD taking into account the occurrence of oxidative stress and the methylation and transsulfuration cycles.
... In parallel with altered Se imbalance in ASD, certain studies have assessed the potential interaction between ASD and selenoproteins with a special focus on GPX. In particular, Geier et al. (2009) have estimated the prevalence of low GPX activity (lower than the reference range) in children with ASD as 35.7% (Geier et al. 2009 (Meguid et al. 2011). Similar findings were obtained in a Hungarian study (László et al. 2013). ...
... In parallel with altered Se imbalance in ASD, certain studies have assessed the potential interaction between ASD and selenoproteins with a special focus on GPX. In particular, Geier et al. (2009) have estimated the prevalence of low GPX activity (lower than the reference range) in children with ASD as 35.7% (Geier et al. 2009 (Meguid et al. 2011). Similar findings were obtained in a Hungarian study (László et al. 2013). ...
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) represents a complex neurodevelopmental disorder, being associated with various metabolic abnormalities. Micronutrients, including selenium (Se), are frequently used for ASD management. However, their efficiency remains unclear. Moreover, data on the role of Se metabolism in ASD are insufficient and contradictory. Therefore, the objective of this chapter is to review the existing data on Se status of children with ASD. Current data demonstrate that Se intake varies in children with ASD from low to high values in comparison to the daily recommendations. Similarly, data on Se status in ASD are also contradictory. Of 16 studies reviewed, eight indicate decreased Se levels in samples from autistic children, whereas six demonstrate opposite changes. Correspondingly, two recent meta-analyses failed to reveal any significant association between Se status and ASD. The activity of GPX in children with ASD is also highly variable from study to study. The observed difference in Se level in ASD patients may be related to different substrates used, as well as to specific features of the studied populations. However, the existing studies indicate involvement of Se imbalance in metabolic/psychometabolic disturbances in ASD. The mechanisms of a proposed Se neuroprotective effect in ASD may involve inhibition of oxidative stress, neuroinflammation, and microglia activation. In addition, synaptic dysfunction and gut-brain axis disturbances might be modified. However, further studies are required to highlight the mechanisms of the potential neuroprotective effects of Se in ASD as well as its efficiency in clinical trials.
... Some other factors have been also addressed such as extremely low birth weight and neonatal anemia. 10,18,19 Children with ASD suffer from poor muscle coordination and tend to consume sweet and soft food. They are more likely to keep their food in oral cavity instead of swallowing due to oral motor deficiencies. ...
Full-text available
Objectives: In this study, the caries experience, gingivitis and behaviors of 6-12 year old children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) were investigated according to the Frankl scale during dental examination, and then compared with healthy children.Materials and Methods: Totally, 55 children with ASD (including 49 males and 6 females) and 165 healthy children (including 83 males and 82 females) were assessed in Rasht, Iran. Before clinical examination, their parents were asked to complete a questionnaire consisting of several questions about parental education level, nutritional status and oral hygiene status. The number of decayed, missing and filled teeth, gingival status and behaviors of the children were recorded during the dental examination. The obtained data were analyzed using Chi-square and Mann Whitney U Test. P-value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant.Results: Our results implied that the children with ASD had higher DMFT/dmft scores compared with healthy children (p<0.001). Also, the prevalence of localized and generalized gingivitis was higher in children with ASD than that in healthy children (p=0.014). Most of the children with ASD behaved in negative or definitely negative manner during dental examination (p=0.001). The results showed that the mean level of parental education and oral hygiene habits (such as frequency of brushing and flossing) in healthy children were higher than that in the children with ASD.Conclusions: According to the results, the children with ASD had higher caries experience and gingivitis compared with healthy children and most of them behaved in negative or definitely negative manner during dental examination.
... The activity of the enzyme may possibly be affected, if there is any genetic polymorphism in GST (23) . This result was supported by other studies (24,25,26) . ...
Full-text available
Background: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by impairments in social interaction and communication, restricted patterns of behavior, and unusual sensory sensitivities. Saliva may provide an easily accessible sample for analysis. Some salivary constituents levels altered in adolescents with ASD including antioxidants. This study aimed to investigate salivary physicochemical characteristic in relation to oral health status among adolescents with ASD. Materials and methods: Two groups were included in this study: 40 institutionalized autistic adolescents and 40 apparently healthy school adolescents control group with age range (12-15 years old, only males) selected randomly from Baghdad. Each group subdivided into two groups according to the severity of dental caries: caries free group (20 child, DMFT=0) and high caries group (20 child, DMFT≥6). Decayed, missing and filled surfaces (DMFS), plaque (PlI), Gingival (GI) and calculus (CI) indices were used to measure oral health status for both groups. Copper (Cu), zinc (Zn) and thiocyanate (SCN) in saliva measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Salivary alpha amylase (sAA) and glutathione (GSH) assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Salivary pH and flow rate were measured directly. The data of current study was analyzed using SPSS version 21. Results: A higher value of salivary pH, flow rate, sAA, SCN, Cu and Zn were found among study group than control group with significant difference, also higher in caries free subgroup than high caries subgroup. While GSH was significantly higher in control group than study group. Moderate negative correlations between sAA, Cu, Zn and PlI, CI, GI with highly significant and salivary pH correlate moderately with PlI and CI with highly significant. Conclusion: There was alteration in salivary constituents levels which related to oral health status in adolescents with ASD and can act as adjunctive diagnostic aid for diagnosing autism.
... The activity of the enzyme may possibly be affected, if there is any genetic polymorphism in GST (23) . This result was supported by other studies (24,25,26) . ...
... Other studies suggest that ASD might result from interaction between genetic, environmental and immunological factors with oxidative stress as a mechanism linking these risk factors. 4 Growing evidence suggests that redox imbalance and oxidative stress might contribute to ASD pathophysiology. 5 Physiological oxidative stress is caused by an imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the ability to detoxify the reactive intermediates or repair the resulting damage. ...
Full-text available
ackground: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by impairment in social communication and repetitive or restricted patterns of interest appearing during the first three years of life. It is four times more common in boys than girls with an overall incidence 5/10000. Despite extensive research, the etiology and natural history of ASD remains poorly understood. Oxidative stress and environmental toxicants exposure might contribute in ASD pathophysiology. Objectives: (1) Studying the oxidative stress effect of ASD patients; (2) assessment of the dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) activity of ASD patients and its critical role in gastrointestinal disorder and inflammation; and, (3) studying the relationship between DPP-4 activity and related oxidative stress enzymes. Method: Thirty seven children diagnosed with ASD (31 boys and 6 girls; age range 2-12 years) were selected randomly from the Psychiatric Research Unit-Mosul University. Diagnosis by specialist psychiatrists followed the DSM-IV criteria with the group classified into mild, moderate and severe categories of symptom severity. A control group consisted of 30 healthy children (20 boys and 10 girls). Glutathione-S-Transferase(GST), Acetyl cholinesterase(AchE), Myeloperoxidase (MPO), Xanthine Oxidase (XO) and aryl esterase activities were assayed. Statistical tests were used to calculate the differences in enzymatic activities;to study the DPP-4 effect on various inflammations; and, to clarify the correlation between DPP-4 with the studied enzymes. Results: There was a significant (p≤0.05) decrease in DPP-4 activity of mild, moderate and severe ASD group (-15.2%,-37.2%,-48%) respectively compared to the control group. Activities of MPO, Ach E, Aryl esterase and GST were significantly (p≤0.05) decreased in severe ASD group. XO activity was significantly (p> 0.05) increased in severe ASD group. The present study indicated a significant (p> 0.05) relationship between DPP-4 activity and gastrointestinal disorder. The incidence of GI disorder was (69.7%). A significant (p> 0.05) relationship between DPP-4 and inflammation with Incidence (87.9%) was observed. There was a positive significant correlation (p> 0.05) between DPP-4 activity and activities of MPO, Ach E, Aryl esterase and GST while a negative significant correlation with XO activity was shown. Conclusion: Oxidative stress is a potential risk factor in ASD with effects on several enzymatic activities. DPP-4 might be a good marker in some individuals with ASD especially in those having gastrointestinal disorder and various inflammations. The correlation results suggest that the relationships between DPP-4 activity and studied related enzymes.
... Changes in proteins involved in inflammatory pathways have also been identified in the cerebral cortex, white matter and cerebellum of patients with autism [45]. In addition, alterations in mitochondrial energy pathways have been identified [46], although this could be a secondary affect in response to the neuronal changes [47]. ...
Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are a heterogeneous group of conditions with complex behavioural phenotypes. Although ASDs show a high rate of heritability, genetic research alone has not provided a complete understanding of the underlying causes. Recent developments using imaging techniques and proteomic-based molecular profiling approaches have now begun to generate new insights into the underlying pathways affected in both the brain and the periphery in individuals with these conditions. Of potential high importance is the constant finding of gender-specific biomarker profiles in ASD patients. This suggests that there are either distinct adaptive mechanisms or different aetiological causes in male and female ASD patients. This chapter addresses the findings using these approaches with a view to identification of novel drug targets or new treatment strategies based on personalized medicine objectives. Eventually, this will lead to a better disease understanding of ASD at the physiological and molecular levels, which may facilitate novel drug discovery efforts in this challenging area of medicine.
Alteraciones del estado redox celular en pacientes cubanos con trastornos del espectro autista. Alterations in the cellular redox state in cuban patients with autistic spectrum disorders. resumen El autismo es un trastorno del comportamiento con déficit marcado de la comunicación e interacción social. Constituye a su vez uno de los problemas más complejos desde el punto de vista personal, familiar y social, que puede presentarse en la infancia. Se ha sugerido que el estrés oxidativo juega un papel en la fisiopatología que subyace en la aparición de las conductas que definen el autismo. Con el objetivo de medir los marcadores de daño oxidativo y de defensa antioxidante en pacientes con trastornos del espectro autista se realizó la presente investigación. Se estudiaron 15 casos y 30 controles. A los integrantes de ambos grupos se les determinaron los marcadores de daño oxidativo y los de defensa antioxidante. Los niveles plasmáticos de malonildialdehído y de los productos avanzados de oxidación de proteínas resultaron más elevados en los casos que en los controles. La media del nivel de actividad intraeritrocitaria de la catalasa fue menor en los casos (p=0,000003), mientras que no se encontraron diferencias entre las medias de los niveles de actividad de la superóxido dismutasa en ambos grupos. Las concentraciones plasmáticas de tioles libres fueron superiores (p=0,020) en los pacientes en comparación con los controles. Los resultados del estudio sugieren la presencia de condiciones de estrés oxidativo en los pacientes con trastornos del espectro autista. Las evidencias deberán ser replicadas en un mayor número de casos por su posible utilidad en estrategias terapéuticas. Palabras clave: Trastorno del espectro autista, daño oxidativo, estrés oxidativo, enzimas antioxidantes, estado Redox, autismo. Abstract Autism is a behavior disorder with a marked communication and social interaction deficit. In turn, it also constitutes one of the most complex problems from the personal, familial and social points of view that can appear in infancy. It has been suggested that oxidative stress plays a role in the physiopathology that lies behind the emergence of conducts defining autism. The present investigation was carried out with the objective of measuring oxidative damage and antioxidant defense markers in patients with autistic spectrum disorders. A total of 15 cases and 30 controls were studied, determining the oxidative damage and antioxidant defense markers to all of them. Plasmatic level values of malondialdehyde and advanced protein oxidation products turned out to be higher in the cases than in controls. The catalase mean intraerythrocytic activity level was less in the cases (p=0,000003), while no differences were found between the superoxide dismutase mean activity level values in both groups. Free thiols plasmatic concentrations were greater (p=0,020) in patients as compared with controls. Results of this study suggest the presence of oxidative stress conditions in those patients with autistic spectrum disorders. These evidences must be obtained for a greater number of cases due to their possible usefulness in therapeutic strategies.
The study of inflammation in autism spectrum disorders (ASD) provides a great opportunity to examine potential cytokines that can be identified via a simple test before administration of any vaccine that contains mercury or other metallic or nonmetallic agent that can make a child's blood-brain barrier (BBB) leaky. Here, we have highlighted some of the common indications of immunological dysregulation as potential contributing pathogenic processes for, at least in certain subgroups of individuals, particularly regressive ASD. While, there is a growing body of work to support the role of inflammatory cytokines in ASD, future work is needed to demonstrate how to prevent regressive ASD associated with mercury-containing vaccines. Despite potential risks, vaccines save lives and have significantly reduced the risk of, and even in some cases eliminated, many serious diseases. Decreased vaccination rates have led to some focused outbreaks in recent years, including a recent outbreak of measles in Minnesota, USA.
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Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a severe neurodevelopmental disorder. It includes five diagnostic subtypes. The current study was carried out among 2-12 years old children with ASD. Thirty seven subjected to ASD (31males and 6 females) were selected from psychiatric research unit -Mosul University. Thirty healthy children were enrolled in this study (20 males and 10 females) with the same age as control group. ASD patients were classified into three groups according to symptoms severity grade. The results indicated a significant (p≤0.05) decrease in the serum melatonin (-81.8%), neuroglobin (-84.9%), antioxidant activity (-69.8%) and glutathione (-63.3%) in severe ASD group compared to control group. At the same time a significant (p≤0.05) increase in the serum thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (+82.6%), advanced oxidation protein products (+120.6%) and nitric oxide (+85.5%) in severe ASD patients group compared to control group were observed. Also, a positive significant (p≤0.01) correlation between antioxidant activity and melatonin, neuroglobin, glutathione was shown, while a negative significant (p≤0.01) correlation between antioxidant activity and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, advanced oxidative protein products and nitric oxide was indicated in the current study.
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Where direct experimental research into a causal hypothesis of a disease is impossible due to ethical and practi- cal considerations, epidemiological inference is the accepted route to establishing cause. Therefore, to examine the autism as mercury poisoning hypothesis, this paper reviews the existing scientific literature within the context of established epidemi- ological criteria and finds that the evidence for a causal relationship is compelling. Exposure to mercury (via vaccines and maternal dental amalgam) in utero and during infant years is confirmed; mercury poisoning is known to cause symptoms con- sistent with autism; animal modeling supports the link and, critically, mercury levels are higher in both the urine and blood of autistic children than in non-autistic peers. Analogous to epidemiological evidence of the smoking-lung cancer relationship, a mercury-autism relationship is confirmed. The precautionary principle demands that health professionals not take an action if there is suspicion that the action may cause severe or lifelong health effects: it does not require certainty. Therefore, given the severity, devastating lifelong impact and extremely high prevalence of autism, it would be negligent to continue to expose pregnant and nursing mothers and infant children to any amount of avoidable mercury.
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It has been suggested that oxidative stress and/or mercury compounds play an important role in the pathophysiology of autism. This study compared for the first time the cerebellar levels of the oxidative stress marker 3-nitrotyrosine (3-NT), mercury (Hg) and the antioxidant selenium (Se) levels between control and autistic subjects. Tissue homogenates were prepared in the presence of protease inhibitors from the frozen cerebellar tissue of control (n=10; mean age, 15.5 years; mean PMI, 15.5 hours) and autistic (n=9; mean age 12.1 years; mean PMI, 19.3 hours) subjects. The concentration of cerebellar 3-NT, determined by ELISA, in controls ranged from 13.69 to 49.04 pmol gˉ1 of tissue; the concentration of 3-NT in autistic cases ranged from 3.91 to 333.03 pmol gˉ1 of tissue. Mean cerebellar 3-NT was elevated in autism by 68.9% and the increase was statistically significant (p=0.045). Cerebellar Hg, measured by atomic absorption spectrometry ranged from 0.9 to 35 pmol gˉ1 tissue in controls (n=10) and from 3.2 to 80.7 pmol gˉ1 tissue in autistic cases (n=9); the 68.2% increase in cerebellar Hg was not statistically significant. However, there was a positive correlation between cerebellar 3-NT and Hg levels (r=0.7961, p=0.0001). A small decrease in cerebellar Se levels in autism, measured by atomic absorption spectroscopy, was not statistically significant but was accompanied by a 42.9% reduction in the molar ratio of Se to Hg in the autistic cerebellum. While preliminary, the results of the present study add elevated oxidative stress markers in brain to the growing body of data reflecting greater oxidative stress in autism.
Recent advances in the study of the regulation of cell death by apoptosis suggest that changes in mitochondrial permeability frequently precede the development of morphological features such as chromatin condensation, phosphatidylserine inversion of the outer cell membrane and the activation of endonucleases. There is evidence that this permeability transition is associated with, and may be regulated by, changes in the intracellular redox potential. The role of the tripeptide thiol glutathione in the regulation of apoptosis-associated redox changes and the control of mitochondrial membrane permeability is reviewed in this article.
Can the superoxide radical exert deleterious effects independent of participating with H2O2 in the production of the hydroxyl radical? Examination of the superoxide-related literature reveals data suggesting an affirmative answer to this question. © 1986 Academic Press, Inc.
Oxidative stress and apoptosis
Redox state is a term used widely in the research field of free radicals and oxidative stress. Unfortunately, it is used as a general term referring to relative changes that are not well defined or quantitated. In this review we provide a definition for the redox environment of biological fluids, cell organelles, cells, or tissue. We illustrate how the reduction potential of various redox couples can be estimated with the Nernst equation and show how pH and the concentrations of the species comprising different redox couples influence the reduction potential. We discuss how the redox state of the glutathione disulfide-glutathione couple (GSSG/2GSH) can serve as an important indicator of redox environment. There are many redox couples in a cell that work together to maintain the redox environment; the GSSG/2GSH couple is the most abundant redox couple in a cell. Changes of the half-cell reduction potential (E(hc)) of the GSSG/2GSH couple appear to correlate with the biological status of the cell: proliferation E(hc) approximately -240 mV; differentiation E(hc) approximately -200 mV; or apoptosis E(hc) approximately -170 mV. These estimates can be used to more fully understand the redox biochemistry that results from oxidative stress. These are the first steps toward a new quantitative biology, which hopefully will provide a rationale and understanding of the cellular mechanisms associated with cell growth and development, signaling, and reductive or oxidative stress.
Recent advances in the study of the regulation of cell death by apoptosis suggest that changes in mitochondrial permeability frequently precede the development of morphological features such as chromatin condensation, phosphatidylserine inversion of the outer cell membrane and the activation of endonucleases. There is evidence that this permeability transition is associated with, and may be regulated by, changes in the intracellular redox potential. The role of the tripeptide thiol glutathione in the regulation of apoptosis-associated redox changes and the control of mitochondrial membrane permeability is reviewed in this article.
Impaired language function is a principle criterion for the diagnosis of autism. The present study of brain from age-matched autistic and control subjects compared brain regions associated with the production and processing of speech. Wernicke's area (Brodmann 22, speech recognition), Broca's area (Brodmann 44, speech production) andthe gyrus angularis (Brodmann 39, reading) from autistic subjects (7-44 years of age) and control subjects (8-56 years of age) were examined microscopically. Striking differences in the density of glial cells, the density of neurons andthe number of lipofuscin-containing neurons were observed in the autistic group compared with the control group. The mean density of glial cells was greater in the autistic cohort than controls in area 22 (p<0.001), area 39 (p<0.01) andarea 44 (p<0.05). The density of neurons was lesser in autism in area 22 (p<0.01) and area 39 (p<0.01). The autistic group exhibited significantly greater numbers of lipofuscin-containing cells in area 22 (p<0.001) and area 39 (p<0.01). The results are consistent with accelerated neuronal death in association with gliosis and lipofuscin accumulation in autism after age seven. Production of lipofuscin (a matrix of oxidized lipid and cross-linked protein more commonly associated with neurodegenerative disease) is accelerated under conditions of oxidative stress. Area 22 in autism evidenced the greatest glial increase, the greatest neuronal decrease andthe greatest increase of non-specific cells containing lipofuscin, which itself may contribute to greater free-radical generation in brain.