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The prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes among older people In Africa: A Systematic Review



Content may be subject to copyright. Published online November 5, 2015
The prevalence of type 2 diabetes among older peopl e in
Africa: a systematic review
Mahmoud Werfalli, Mark E Engel, Alfred Musekiwa, Andre P Kengne, Naomi S Levitt
Little information is available on the prevalence of diabetes in people aged 55 years or older living on the African
continent. We did a systematic review of the prevalence of type 2 diabetes in studies reported from Jan 1, 2000, to
June 30, 2015, to provide accurate data for monitoring future trends. We did a comprehensive literature search using
an African search fi lter and extracted and synthesised data from full papers. Among 1473 identifi ed citations,
41 studies providing 49 separate data contributions involving 16 086 individuals met the inclusion criteria. The
overall prevalence of diabetes was 13·7% (95% CI 11·3–16·3) and was higher in studies based on the oral glucose
tolerance test (23·9%, 17·7–30·7, 12 contributions with 3415 participants) than fasting blood glucose criteria (10·9%,
8·9–13·0, 37 contributions with 12 671 participants; p<0·001). Prevalence was also higher in non-STEPS than in
STEPS studies (17·1%, 95% CI 13·6−20·9) vs 9·6%, 6·6–13·0, p=0·003) and in urban than in rural settings (19·7%,
15·0–24·9 vs 7·9%, 4·6–12·0, p=0·0002), but did not diff er signifi cantly across age groups, sex, sample size, year of
publication, region, or population coverage. These data highlight the need to reduce diabetes risk factors and
implement adequate management strategies. In addition, they suggest that uniform diagnostic methods should be
used across African countries and elsewhere to enable assessment of trends in diabetes prevalence and the success
of diabetes prevention strategies. A collaborative initiative is required between key international and national
diabetes and geriatric organisations to improve diabetes care for the older population in Africa and worldwide.
The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) estimated
prevalence for type 2 diabetes in 2013, showed that the
number of people aff ected worldwide has doubled over
the past 20 years. Most (80%) live in low-income and
middle-income countries.1 In Africa, where all countries
fall into these economic categories, diabetes already
con tributes substantially to morbidity and mortality,
and the age-specifi c mortality rate is the highest in the
world.2–7 The rise in the number of individuals with
type 2 diabetes in Africa, which is similar to that which
has occurred in low-income and middle-income
countries elsewhere in the world, has been attributed to
ageing of the population and rapid change in environ-
mental factors,2 such as urbanisation, increasingly
sedentary lifestyles, and unhealthy eating patterns.
Although behaviour patterns and obesity can potentially
be modifi ed, ageing, which is one of the main drivers of
diabetes, cannot.3 In 2013, most individuals with
diabetes in Africa were younger than 60 years, and the
highest proportion (43·2%) comprised people aged
40–59 years. The small proportion of people aged
60–79 years in the region probably accounted for the
fact that only 18·8% of people with diabetes fell into
this age group.1
Africa is often referred to as the youngest continent,
which might contribute to the low prioritisation of
ageing issues in national policies.8 Yet the annual
growth rate of people older than 55 years in Africa was
estimated to be 3·1% greater than the global average
between 2007 and 2015, and is predicted to be 3·3%
greater between 2015 and 2050. Thus, there are around
64·5 million people in Africa aged 55 years or older in
2015, and there are likely to be more than 103 million
and 205 million in 2030 and 2050, respectively.7
Consequently, the diabetes prevalence in Africa is
expected to be highest in the oldest individuals by
2035.1 We did a systematic review to investigate the
prevalence of type 2 diabetes in Africa in individuals
older than 55 years, with the aim of providing accurate
data for monitoring of future trends.
Lancet Diabetes-Endocrinol 2015
Published Online
November 5, 2015
Chronic Disease Initiative for
Africa (CDIA) (M Werfalli MPH,
Prof N S Levitt MD), Division of
Diabetic Medicine and
Endocrinology (M Werfalli,
Prof N S Levitt), Department of
Medicine (M E Engel PhD), and
Non-Communicable Diseases
Research Unit (A P Kengne PhD),
University of Cape Town,
Cape Town, South Africa; and
Faculty of Medicine and Health
Sciences, Centre for Evidence
Based Health Care, Stellenbosch
University, Cape Town, South
Africa (A Musekiwa MSc).
Correspondence to:
Prof Naomi S Levitt,
J 47 Room 86, Old Groote Schuur
Hospital Building, Department of
Medicine, Faculty of Health
Panel: Basic concept, framework, and key goals of the WHO STEPwise approach
to surveillance11,12
The STEPwise approach to Surveillance (STEPS) is WHO’s recommended tool for
surveillance of chronic non-communicable diseases and their risk factors. It aims to
provide an entry point for low-income and middle-income countries to start chronic
disease surveillance. It is also designed to help countries build and strengthen
surveillance capacity. In all instances, STEPS targets adults aged 25–64 years and uses a
representative sample of the study population, which allows generalisation of the
results to the whole. STEPS has some fl exibility, which enables each country to expand
on the core variables and risk factors and to incorporate optional modules relevant to
local or regional interests. The STEPS instrument has three diff erent levels (or steps), all
of which have core, expanded, and optional modules of risk factor assessment that are
used dependent on what can be accomplished in a given country. Step 1 uses a
standardised questionnaire to gather demographic and behavioural information
(tobacco and alcohol use, nutrition, and physical activity) in a household setting.
Several extended options can be obtained, such as for demographics, ethnic origin,
employment status, and household income; for behaviour, binge drinking, smokeless
tobacco, and ex-smokers; and for diet, oil and fat consumption. Optional factors include
mental and oral health and objective measures of physical activity. Step 2 contains
simple physical measurements to assess anthropometry and blood pressure, which can
also be obtained in the household setting (heart rate, hip circumference, and [optional]
skin-fold thickness and physical fi tness). Step 3 consists of biochemical measurements:
“fasting blood sugar” is the core measurement; the extended tests include
measurement of total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, and fasting triglycerides; and
optional tests are the oral glucose tolerance test, urine examination, and measurement
of salivary cotinine to assess tobacco intake.
2 Published online November 5, 2015
See Online for appendix
Literature search
We aimed to identify prevalence studies in Africa
published from Jan 1, 2000, to June 30, 2015, with use of
the African search fi lter developed by Eisinga and
colleagues.9 The fi lter comprises African country names
and truncated terms, such as “north* Africa”, to ensure
that records indexed with regional rather than country-
specifi c terms are also retrieved. We combined database
medical subject headings (MeSH in PubMed⁄MEDLINE,
CINAHL, and Google Scholar) with a range of search
terms (appendix pp 1–3).
African country names were included in English and
languages relevant to each country for example, “Ivory
Coast” and “Côte d’Ivoire”. Where country names have
changed over time, old and new names were included,
such as “Zaire” and “Democratic Republic of Congo.10 We
searched for publications by key authors with citation
searches on the websites of WHO and the IDF, the latter
for the STEPwise approach to surveillance (STEPS)
surveys studies in Africa. The panel shows the basic
concept, framework, and key goals of STEPS surveys.11,12
We also searched the ISI Web of Knowledge. No language
restrictions were applied. An expert librarian designed
the search strategy framework and applied the
appropriate bibliographic software.
To be included in this systematic review, primary studies
had to have used cross-sectional or population-based
designs to assess the prevalence of type 2 diabetes among
older adults (described in the report as older adults, or at
least 70% of the study population aged 55 years or older)
who were resident in countries in sub-Saharan or north
Africa, irrespective of ethnic, socioeconomic, and
educational back grounds. The diagnosis of diabetes had
to have been made by a physician or defi ned based on
measured fasting plasma glucose (FPG), oral glucose
tolerance test (OGTT), or self-report, according to WHO
criteria.13 Studies had to report numeric data to enable the
calculation of prevalence. Those that used denominator
data from other studies to calculate prevalence were
excluded. Full-text articles identifi ed as meeting the
inclusion criteria on the basis of their titles and abstracts
were obtained for further assessment by two reviewers
(MW and AM), and those that did not meet the selection
criteria were excluded (fi gure 1). Disagreements were
resolved through discussions between reviewers until
consensus was reached.
Assessment of risk bias in included studies
We assessed the methodological quality of included
studies in terms of internal validity, external validity,
response rate, and generalisability of study results. We
used the ten-item rating system developed by Hoy and
colleagues14 and modifi ed by Werfalli and colleagues15
(appendix, pp 4–5) to assess sampling, the sampling
frame and size, outcome measurement, outcome
assessment, response rate, and statistical reporting.14
Each item was assigned a score of 1 (yes) or 0 (no), and
scores were summed across items to generate an overall
quality score that ranged from 0 to 10. Each study was
rated as having a low, moderate, or high risk of bias
dependent on the number of questions answered as “yes
(low risk)”: studies at low risk of bias had scores higher
than 8, moderate a score of 6–8, and high a score of 5 or
lower.15 Risk of selection and attrition biases were
assessed according to the Cochrane guidelines, in
Review Manager, version 5.2. Two reviewers (MW and
MEE) independently assessed study quality, with
disagreements being resolved by consensus.
Data extraction
Two reviewers (MW and AM) independently selected
studies and extracted relevant information. Disagree-
ments were resolved by consensus or consultation with a
third reviewer (NSL). Study characteristics documented
included country name, year of publication, national
population, region (rural or urban), age range, sex, study
design, criteria for sample selection, sample size,
ascertainment of diabetes status, and diagnostic criteria.
Data synthesis and analysis
Three reviewers (MW, APK, and NSL) did the statistical
analysis and data synthesis. Unadjusted prevalence
estimates and SEs were recalculated for type 2 diabetes
in people aged 55 years or older (number of cases/sample
size) based on the information on crude numerators and
81 records identified through
searches of other sources
43 Google free search
27 WHO database
11 contact with authors
640 records screened after duplicates removed
165 full-text articles assessed for eligibility
1473 records identified
through database
475 records excluded
41 articles included in synthesis
124 full-text articles excluded
28 no primary research
8 no study design
30 no prevalence data
16 no population
12 not on type 2 diabetes
23 not published within review
period (2000–13)
2 not retrieved
5 studies with poor quality
Figure 1: Selection of articles for inclusion in the systematic review
Science, University of Cape Town,
Observatory, Cape Town, 7935,
South Africa Published online November 5, 2015
denominators provided in the individual studies. To keep
the eff ect of studies with extremely small or extremely
large prevalence estimates on the overall estimate to a
minimum, we stabilised the variance of the study-specifi c
prevalence with the Freeman-Tukey single arcsine
transformation16 before pooling the data with the
random-eff ects meta-analysis model (appendix 9–12).17
Heterogeneity between studies was assessed with
Cochran’s Q statistic and the I² statistic,18 which estimates
the percentage of total variation across studies due to
true between-study diff erences rather than chance.
I² values greater than 60–70% generally indicate the
presence of substantial heterogeneity. We explored
sources of heterogeneity by comparing diabetes
prevalence between subgroups defi ned by several study-
level characteristics. We assessed the presence of
publication bias using the Egger test of bias.19 We did all
analyses with the meta package in R (version 3.0.3).
Search results
The searches identifi ed 1554 citations. After screening of
titles and abstracts and removal of duplicates, 640 studies
were selected for further scrutiny, of which 165 were
selected for full-text review. Of these, 41 met the inclusion
criteria and were included in this systematic review
Sampling Age
Prevalence (95%CI) Criteria*
Size Strategy Response
rate (%)
Urban Rural Urban and rural
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Algeria20 1457 Random
90·0% 55–64,
·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· 11·2%
Algeria21 7656 Random
NR ≥60 17·4% 5·7% 10·3% 10·2% 7·2% 8·3% 14·2%
Angola22 709 Random
71·0% 60–69 ·· ·· 14·6%
·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· WHO
Burkina Faso23 467 Random
100% ≥60 ·· ·· 31·8%
·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· WHO
Cameroon24 1279 Multistage
>95·0% ≥55 15·2%
(5·3 18·9)
·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· WHO
Cameroon25 1702 1702 100% ≥55 ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· 24·7%
1193 Random
86·3% ≥55 ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· 39·6%
Republic of
711 Multistage
98·6% ≥60 ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· 8·3%
Ethiopia28 5500 Random
81·3% ≥55 ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· 6·7%
Guinea29 2000 Multistage
77·0% ≥55,
·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· 9·7%
Kenya30 2061 Cluster
99·0% ≥55 7·6%
·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· WHO
Libya31 1002 Multistage
86·6% ≥60 ·· ·· 34·9% ·· ·· 28·3% 30·2%
Mayotte32 1268 Random
70·0% ≥60 25·9%
·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· WHO
Mozambique33 2343 Random
NR 55–64 ·· ·· 8·7%
·· ·· 5·7%
(2·3 11·5)
·· ·· ·· WHO
Nigeria34 2780 Random
97·3% 55–64 - - - - - - 14·3%
Réunion35 3600 Random
80·6% ≥60 ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· 34·6%
Seychelles36 1255 Random
80·2% 55–64 22·0%
(20·2 −33·6)
·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· WHO
(Table 1 continues on next page)
4 Published online November 5, 2015
(fi gure 1).20–60 The reasons for exclusion of 124 studies are
detailed in the appendix (pp 13–21). Of the 41 studies
included, two21,35 provided prevalence estimates separately
for urban and rural participants, another four
provided estimates separately for two non-overlapping age
groups, and one51 provided prevalence estimates separately
for two non-overlapping age groups for urban participants
and two non-overlapping age groups for rural participants.
These datasets were counted separately, leading to 49 data
contributions being assessed in the main analyses.
Generally, the overall risk of bias was low in studies (n=31),
but was moderate in 11 and high in fi ve (appendix pp 6–8).
25 of the studies included in this systematic review
were published in peer-reviewed journals (for the
purpose of this Review we referred to them as non-
STEPS studies),20–43 16 were STEPS studies,44–60 and one
was a thesis (tables 1, 2).23 For STEPS studies published
in peer-reviewed journals, we used the latest published
version that included the complete dataset. Of the
54 countries of the African continent, 30 (57%),
accounting for 74·3% of the total population
(7535 million of 1136 billion),60 were represented in this
systematic review: three studies from Algeria, two from
Benin, two from Cameroon, three from Democratic
Republic of the Congo, two from Ethiopia, two from
Libya, one from Mozambique, three from South Africa,
two from Tunisia, and one from each of Angola,
Botswana, Burkina Faso, Canary Islands, Egypt, Gabon,
Guinea, Kenya, Mayotte, Malawi, Mauritania, Mauritius,
Niger, Nigeria, Réunion, Seychelles, Sudan, Tanzania,
Togo, Uganda, and Zimbabwe. The analytical sample
size ranged from 467 to 10 000. All STEPS studies used
multistage cluster sampling techniques, and the
response rates were 54·6–100%. The non-STEPS studies
used random sampling or multistage cluster sampling
techniques and had response rates of 70–99%.
12 studies used OGTT as the method of diabetes
diagnosis, and 37 studies used FPG. 48 studies used WHO
1998/1999 diagnostic criteria for type 2 diabetes and one
study used WHO 1985 criteria. 30 (73%) studies were done
in urban and rural areas, 17 (41%) were done only in urban
areas, and eight (19%) only in rural areas. The defi nition of
older people was 55–64 years in 21 (43%) studies, 55 years
or older in six (12%) studies, 60 years or older in ten (20%)
studies, 65 years or older in four (8%) studies. Some
studies used more than one defi nition; for these studies
and when the age bands were not mutually exclusive, the
age band that included the greatest age range was used in
the analysis (ie, ≥55 years when provided along with
55–64 years, or ≥60 years when provided along with
≥65 years old). Thus, our main analysis included 41 studies
rather than the 49 data contributions.
In the assessment of methodological quality, fi ve
contributions were deemed to be of poor methodological
quality and were excluded from the analysis. Of the
remaining 46 contributions included, 11 were deemed
Sampling Age
Prevalence (95%CI) Criteria*
Size Strategy Response
rate (%)
Urban Rural Urban and rural
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
(Continued from previous page)
South Africa37 642 Random
87·6% ≥60 51·9%
·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· WHO
South Africa38 1099 Random
86% 55–64,
·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· WHO
South Africa39 1300 Cluster
78·9% ≥55 ·· ·· ·· 7·4%
·· ·· ·· WHO
Tunisia40 3729 multistage
stratifi ed
85·1% ≥60 19·8% 27·4% 24·3% 10·6% 12·4% 11·5% 15·8%
Tunisia41 598 multistage
96·3% ≥65 32·0% 28·0% 29·3% 15·2% 16·3% 15·9% 25·0%
Tanzania42 640 multistage
100% 55–64,
·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· WHO
Uganda43 1497 Random
90·4% 55–64 ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· 9·2%
*1985 criteria, fasting plasma glucose ≥7·8 mmol/L, 2 h post-challenge glucose concentration ≥11·1 mmol/L, or both; 1998 criteria, fasting plasma glucose ≥7·0 mmol/L, 2 h plasma glucose ≥11·1 mmol/L, or
both; 1999 criteria fasting plasma glucose ≥7·0 mmol/L, 2 h post-challenge glucose concentration ≥11·1 mmol/L, or both.
Table 1: Prevalence of type 2 diabetes in older populations assessed in studies not using the WHO STEPwise approach to surveillance Published online November 5, 2015
to be of moderate quality and 30 of high methodological
quality (appendix p 22).
Prevalence by age, sex, region, and type of residency
The overall prevalence of type 2 diabetes across the
49 contributions (n=16 086 participants) was 13·7%
(95% CI 11·3–16·3; appendix p 9, p 23) and did not diff er
signifi cantly by age group (p=0·187) or sex (p=0·611;
appendix p 9, pp 24–25). When assessed by sex, the
prevalence of diabetes was 14·3% (95% CI 11·9–17·0)
overall (n=12 373), 13·6% (10·7–16·9) for men (n=5345),
and 15·0% (11·2–19·2) in women (n=7028, appendix p 9).
Prevalence of type 2 diabetes did not diff er signifi cantly
(p=0·181) between sub-Saharan and north Africa (13·8%,
95% CI 13·2–14·3, 39 studies vs 16·6%, 11·7–22·3,
ten studies; appendix p 10). By contrast, the overall
prevalence of diabetes was signifi cantly higher in urban
than rural populations (19·7%, 15·0–24·9, 17 studies vs
7·9%, 4·6–12·0, eight studies; p=0·0002; appendix
pp 9–10).
Prevalence by method of data collection (STEPS vs
The prevalence of type 2 diabetes was signifi cantly lower
in STEPS studies (p=0·003) than in non-STEPS studies
(9·6%, 95% CI 6·6–13·0, 20 contributions vs 17·1%,
13·6–20·9, 29 contributions; fi gures 2, 3; appendix p 10).
There was a signifi cant diff erence across age groups in
the non-STEPS studies (p<0·0001), but not across the
STEPS surveys (p=0·550, appendix p 10). No diff erence
in prevalence was seen between studies larger and
smaller than the median sample size (p=0·592), although
there was a signifi cant age diff erential among studies
above the median sample size (p=0·008, appendix p 11).
Heterogeneity remained signifi cant (p<0·0001) within
the STEPS and non-STEPS age groups (fi gures 2, 3).
Sampling Age range
Prevalence in urban and rural areas (95%CI) Criteria*
Size Strategy Rate of response (%) Male Female Total
Algeria44 4097 Multistage
cluster sampling
3820 (93·2%) 55–64 6·4% (3·7–10·2) 5·1% (2·9–8·0) 5·7% (3·9 −7·8) WHO 1999
Benin45 2568 Multistage
cluster sampling
2568 (100%) 55–64 11·4% (6·8–17·6) 8·3% (5·6–11·7) 15·9% (11·8- 2 0·7) WHO 1999
Benin46 4597 Multistage
cluster sampling
4597 (100%) 55–64 ·· ·· 14·4% (10·5–19·2)
Botswana47 4003 Multistage
cluster sampling
2820 (70·4%) 55–64 4·4% (1·6–9·4) 8·3% (5·6–11·7) 12·3% (8·7–16·7) WHO 1999
Republic of Congo48
1943 Multistage
cluster sampling
1123 (57·8%) 55–64, ≥65 5·2% (1·4–12·8) 2·1 6·2% (2·1 −14·0),
3·7% (0·5–12·7)
5·7% (1·4–12·8),
3·0 (0·6–8·4)
WHO 1999
Republic of Congo49
9970 Multistage
90·3% 55−64,
37·7%, 36·1% 44·5%, 30·6% 41·4%, 33·4% WHO 1999
Egypt50 10 000 Multistage
cluster sampling
9730 (97·3%) 55–64 17·2% (13·9–20·9) 28·7% (25·1–41·9) 22·6% (19·9–25·5) WHO 1999
Ethiopia51 2200 Multistage
cluster sampling
2141 (97·3%) 55–64 Urban 5·1% (0·6–17·3),
rural 1·0% (0·0–5·3)
Urban 30·6% (19·6–43·7),
rural 12·2% (7·3–18·9)
Urban 10·7% (6·6–16·2),
rural 1·1% (0·1–3·8)
WHO 1999
Gabon52 2800 Multistage
cluster sampling
2708 (96·7%) 55–64 ·· ·· 22·2% WHO 1999
Libya53 3625 Multistage
cluster sampling
2646 (73·0%) 55–64 25·6% (18·5–33·2) 33·4% (25·1–41·9) 29·0% (23·7–34·7) WHO 1999
Malawi54 5206 Multistage
cluster sampling
2842 (54·6%) 55–64 7·5% (3·6–13·3) 6·1% (3·8–9·6) 6·6% (4·5–9·4) WHO 1999
Mauritania55 2600 Multistage
cluster sampling
2500 (96·1%) 55–64 3·7% (1·4–7·8) 3·2% (1·0–7·3) 3·4% (1·7–6·1) WHO 1999
Mauritius56 4500 Multistage
cluster sampling
4200 (93·3%) 60–69, ≥70 36·2%, 36·6% 38·7%, 42·9% 37·6%, 39·7% WHO 1999
Niger57 3060 Multistage
cluster sampling
2778 (90·8%) 55–64 4·4% (2·2–7·8) 0·8% (0·0–4·4) 3·2% (1·7–5·5) WHO 1999
Sudan58 1573 Multistage
cluster sampling
921 (58·5%) 55–64 19·9% (13·7–27·3) 16·2% (10·9–22·6) 17·9% (13·8–22·6) WHO 1999
Togo59 4800 Multistage
cluster sampling
4370 (91·0%) 55–64 11·1% (6·7–17·0) 3·8% (1·4–8·0) 7·5% (4·8–10·9) WHO 1999
Zimbabwe60 3000 Multistage
cluster sampling
3081 (100%) 55–64 15·7% (8·1–26·4) 14·0% (9·5–19·6) 14·4% (10·5–19·2) WHO 1999
*1999 criteria FPG ≥7·0 mmol/L, 2 h post-challenge glucose concentration ≥11·1 mmol/L, or both.
Table 2: Prevalence of type 2 diabetes in older populations assessed in studies using the WHO STEPwise approach to surveillance
6 Published online November 5, 2015
Prevalence by diagnostic method (FPG vs OGTT)
When diagnosed with FPG the prevalence of type 2
diabetes was 10·9% (95% CI 8·9–13·0; 37 contributions)
and when diagnosed with OGTT was 23·9% (17·7–30·7;
12 contributions, p value for diff erence <0·0001;
gures 4, 5, appendix p 12). When studies that used the
same diagnostic method were compared, prevalence did
not diff er between age groups (p=0·410 for FPG and
p=0·117 for OGTT). When the prevalence of diabetes was
compared across the diff erent regions (eastern, western,
central, northern, and southern) after stratifi cation by
diagnostic method, prevalence did not diff er (p=0·139 for
OGTT and p=0·070 for FPG), in line with the main
Investigation of the sources of heterogeneity
Substantial heterogeneity was seen across the con-
tributing studies overall, within subgroups for sex, age,
residence, and median sample size, across diagnostic
methods, and across data collection methods (all
p<0·0001 for heterogeneity). We found no evidence of
publication bias (Egger score) overall and in most age
groups (appendix pp 9–12).
Our systematic review showed that type 2 diabetes is not
rare in people aged 55 years and older across Africa. The
estimated prevalence of diabetes was two times higher in
studies that used OGTT than in those that used FPG to
diagnose diabetes, and was nearly twice as high in urban
than in rural settings. The two main methods used to
survey diabetes prevalence were also associated with
diff erent results: non-STEPs studies showed a
prevalence 1·6 times higher than STEPS studies.
Prevalence did not, however, diff er by sex, sample
size, year of publication, region, or population coverage.
When stratifi ed by age group, prevalence of diabetes
varied within some major subgroups, but not all.
The prevalence and number of people aff ected by
diabetes varies worldwide. The latest IDF Atlas61 reports
that the highest number of people with diabetes between
ages 20 and 79 years is in the western Pacifi c Region,
where 138 million people are aff ected, although
prevalence is 8·6%, which is close to the worldwide
estimate. The North American and Caribbean region has
the highest prevalence at 11%, with an estimated
37 million people aff ected, followed by the Middle East
and north African region, where prevalence is 9·2% and
35 million people are aff ected.61 In Europe the prevalence
and number aff ected are estimated to be 8·5% and
56 million people, in South and Central America the
values are 8·1% and 25 million people, and in Africa
4·9% and 22 million people, which are the lowest
values.61 According to the Atlas, the three African
countries with the highest prevalence are Gabon (10·7%),
Réunion (15·4%), and Seychelles (12·1%).62 The 2014
Atlas did not report the data stratifi ed by age group or
diagnostic method.61
Age group and country
Age 55–64 years
Democratic Republic of Congo48
Random effects model
Heterogeneity: I2=95·6%, tau2=0·016, p<0·0001
Age ≥65 years
Democratic Republic of Congo48
Random effects model
Heterogeneity: I2=90·5%, tau2=0·0114, p<0·0001
Overall random effects model
Heterogeneity: I2=94·8%, tau2=0·0145, p<0·0001
Sample size
Prevalent diabetes
Prevalence (95% CI)
5·6 (3·9–7·8)
15·9 (11·8–20·7)
12·3 (8·7–16·7)
5·7 (2·7–10·6)
22·6 (19·9–25·5)
29·0 (23·7–34·7)
6·6 (4·5–9·4)
3·4 (1·7–6·1)
3·2 (1·7–5·5)
17·9 (13·8–22·6)
7·5 (4·8–10·9)
14·4 (10·5–19·2)
12·8 (9·6–16·5)
10·7 (6·6–16·2)
1·1 (0·1–3·8)
10·1 (6·5–14·4)
2·9 (0·6–8·4)
13·0 (9·4–17·3)
15·9 (12·5–19·8)
9·7 (5·6–15·3)
2·1 (0·4–6·0)
8·0 (3·5–14·2)
9·6 (6·6–13·0)
Weight (%)
Prevalence (95% CI)
Figure 2: Meta-analysis results for prevalence of type 2 diabetes in studies using the WHO STEPwise approach to surveillance Published online November 5, 2015
The overall estimated prevalence in this review of
African studies fell within that for people aged
60–79 years in 13 European countries in the DECODE
study63 and those aged 60–69 years in the Chinese and
Japanese cohorts in the DECODA study.64 The prevalence
was, however, lower than that in people older than
65 years from the USA NHANES survey in 2006,65 and in
people aged 60–69 years in the Indian cohorts of the
DECODA study (31⋅0% in the former, and 41·4% and
34·6% in men and women in the latter).
The two times higher overall estimated prevalence of
diabetes we found in African studies when diagnosis was
made with OGTT than with FPG criteria is in line with
ndings in previous reports. Many studies have reported
that FPG and 2 h glucose concentrations from OGTT are
not consistent in detecting diabetes in the same people.
For example, in the DECODE study,63 of the 1517 people
with newly diagnosed diabetes, 40% met only the FPG
criterion, 31% met only the 2 h plasma glucose criterion,
and 28% met both. Therefore, use of only FPG would not
have identifi ed around 30% of people with diabetes.
Those investigators, therefore, concluded that diabetes
would be underestimated in the older population in
Europe if diagnoses were based on FPG. In the Rancho
Bernardo study in the USA,66 new diagnoses of diabetes
were made more frequently with OGTT than with FPG;
70% of women and 48% of men aged 50–89 years were
diagnosed by 2 h plasma glucose alone.66 The researchers
noted that diabetes defi ned by OGTT alone is common
in older adults, since the results with OGTT increase
with increasing age, which more than doubles the risk of
fatal cardiovascular disease and of heart disease in older
women. The use of FPG alone for screening or diagnosis
of diabetes might not identify older adults in these risk
Age group and country
Age 55–64 years
South Africa38
Random effects model
Heterogeneity: I2=91·4%, tau2=0·0116, p<0·0001
Age ≥55 years
Canary Islands26
South Africa39
Random effects model
Heterogeneity: I2=93·1%, tau2=0·0136, p<0·0001
Age ≥60 years
Democratic Republic of Congo49
South Africa34
Burkina Faso23
Random effects model
Heterogeneity: I2=97%, tau2=0·0195, p<0·0001
Age ≥65 years
South Africa38
Random effects model
Heterogeneity: I2=0%, tau2=0, p=0·4967
Overall random effects model
Heterogeneity: I2=95·4%, tau2=0·016, p<0·0001
Sample size
Prevalent diabetes
Prevalence (95% CI)
11·2 (7·5–15·8)
7·8 (5·0–11·6)
8·7 (5·1–13·8)
5·7 (2·3–11·5)
21·5 (18·2–25·0)
24·5 (19·9–29·5)
9·2 (5·1–15·0)
28·6 (19·9–38·6)
13·1 (8·8–18·6)
32·8 (26·3–39·9)
6·7 (4·4–9·7)
9·7 (7·3–12·6)
11·1 (5·9–18·6)
6·6 (4·3–9·6)
24·7 (15·3–36·1)
13·6 (8·1–20·4)
10·3 (8·6–12·2)
8·3 (6·6–10·1)
14·6 (8·9–22·1)
8·3 (6·7–10·2)
24·5 (16·4–34·2)
25·9 (17·0–36·5)
37·7 (33·4–42·1)
43·6 (35·2–52·2)
19·2 (16·6–22·0)
31·8 (13·9–54·9)
11·3 (5·0–21·0)
19·8 (13·4–27·1)
31·2 (21·1–42·7)
27·4 (23·9–31·2)
27·8 (24·5–31.3)
17·1 (13·6–20·9)
Weight (%)
Prevalence (95% CI)
Figure 3: Meta-analysis results for prevalence of type 2 diabetes in studies not using the WHO STEPwise approach to surveillance
8 Published online November 5, 2015
groups and, therefore, they should be reassessed if a
diagnosis was made with this method. These diff erences
have important implications for Africa, where STEPS
surveys were based on protocols that recommended the
use of FPG as a core component of biochemical
measurement, as such studies are becoming a growing
source of information about diabetes prevalence data.
Our data and those of previous studies suggest that if use
of FPG alone were followed in practice, half of the
diabetes burden in the people older than 55 years would
be missed.
Comparison of mortality in people with a diagnosis of
diabetes based on FPG or OGTT has consistently shown
worse clinical outcomes with the latter. For example, in
the DECODE study,63 the hazard ratios for death in
people with diabetes diagnosed by FPG were 1·6 (95% CI
1·4–1·8) for all-cause mortality, 1·6 (1·3–1·9) for
cardiovascular mortality, and 1·6 (1·4–1·9) for non-
cardiovascular mortality. For OGTT, the equivalent
hazard ratios were 2·0 (1·7–2·3), 1·9 (1·5–2·4), and
2·1 (1·7–2·5), respectively.63 On the basis of
ndings from three population-based longitudinal
Age group and country
Age 55–64 years
Democratic Republic of Congo48
Random effects model
Heterogeneity: I2=94·6%, tau2=0·0146, p<0·0001
Age ≥55 years
Random effects model
Heterogeneity: I2=79%, tau2=0·0041, p=0·0008
Age ≥60 years
Democratic Republic of Congo49
Burkina Faso23
Random effects model
Heterogeneity: I2=92·7%, tau2=0·0059, p<0·0001
Age ≥65 years
Democratic Republic of Congo48
Random effects model
Heterogeneity: I2=90·5%, tau2=0·0114, p<0·0001
Overall random effects model
Heterogeneity: I2=92·7%, tau2=0·0095, p<0·0001
Sample size
Prevalent diabetes
Prevalence (95% CI)
5·6 (3·9–7·8)
15·9 (11·8–20·7)
12·3 (8·7–16·7)
5·7 (2·7–10·6)
22·6 (19·9–25·5)
7·8 (5·0–11·6)
29·0 (23·7–34·7)
6·6 (4·5–9·4)
3·4 (1·7– 6·1)
8·7 (5·1–13·8)
5·7 (2·3–11·5)
3·2 (1·7– 5·5)
17·9 (13·8–22·6)
7·5 (4·8–10·9)
9·2 (5·1–15·0)
14·4 (10·5–19·2)
12·8 (9·6–16·5)
28·6 (19·9–38·6)
10·7 (6·6–16·2)
1·1 (0·1– 3·8)
10·3 (7·2–13·9)
13·1 (8·8–18·6)
6·7 (4·4– 9·7)
9·7 (7·3–12·6)
11·1 (5·9–18·6)
24·7 (15·3–36·1)
11·7 (7·8–16·2)
10·3 (8·6–12·2)
8·3 (6·6–10·1)
8·3 (6·7–10·2)
25·9 (17·0–36·5)
19·2 (16·6–22·0)
31·8 (13·9–54·9)
11·3 (5·0–21·0)
13·8 (9·7–18·5)
2·9 (0·6–8·4)
13·0 (9·4–17·3)
15·9 (12·5–19·8)
9·7 (5·6–15·3)
2·1 (0·4–6·0)
10·9 (8·9–13·0)
Weight (%)
Prevalence (95% CI)
Figure 4: Meta-analysis results for prevalence of type 2 diabetes in studies in which diabetes diagnosis was based on fasting plasma glucose Published online November 5, 2015
studies in Mauritius, Fiji, and Nauru, Shaw and
colleagues67 reported a 2·7 times increase in risk for all-
cause mortality in men and 2·0 times in women with
newly diagnosed diabetes based on OGTT, compared
with people with normal glucose tolerance. By contrast,
people with diagnoses based on FPG had no increased
risk. Similar fi ndings have been reported in the Hoorn
study.68 Thus, OGTT should be used rather than FPG to
diagnose new cases of diabetes.
The higher prevalence of diabetes in urban than in
rural settings is in agreement with fi ndings from studies
done in other countries.69–72 Urbanisation in Africa, as
elsewhere, is associated with notable changes in lifestyle,
including decreased physical activity. In rural African
communities, full-time labour-intensive sub sistence
farming is a common means of livelihood and transport
is active—ie, walking or cycling—particularly in
individuals with low socioeconomic status. In urban
areas, although there is still little leisure time, active
transport and the levels of occupation-related and total
physical activity are substantially reduced compared with
the rural setting. Additionally, living in rural and
traditional environments is associated with consuming
diets incorporating more fruit and vegetables than in
urban settings.62,73–76 By contrast, diets in urban areas are
associated with increased intake of animal fat and refi ned
carbohydrates, including fast foods and sugar-sweetened
foods and drinks, since, notwithstanding the widespread
poverty in urban areas, access to these types of food is
much easier than in rural areas.77,78
Food insecurity, a risk factor for obesity, is an important
issue for the urban poor in Africa. Although studies have
revealed a strong positive relation between obesity and
high socioeconomic status, the obesity burden might be
shifting to sections of the poor urban population, where
people might have little knowledge and fi nancial
resources to adopt healthier lifestyles.78–84 The implications
of the rural–urban gradient in diabetes prevalence are
profound for Africa, where countries are currently facing
one of the most rapid rates of increased urbanisation
worldwide. At present, the average annual rate of
urbanisation is 3·2%, and it is predicted that 47·7% of
the African population will be living in urbanised areas
within 15 years, which equates to an estimated 744 million
people living in cities by 2030. Therefore, a striking
increase in the prevalence and number of adults with
type 2 diabetes and associated risk factors is likely.85
Our fi ndings have important policy implications for
Africa. Although the attention of policy makers is fi nally
extending beyond HIV/AIDs, tuberculosis, and malaria to
non-communicable diseases, the enormity of this latter
epidemic, including diabetes, is not fully appreciated.
Increased survival in people taking anti retroviral therapy
and increased longevity in those who are HIV negative,
together with urbanisation, will place an ever-increasing
burden on the already stretched health-care services in
Age group and country
Age 55–64 years
South Africa38
Random effects model
Heterogeneity: I2=849%, tau2=0·0047, p=0·0002
Age ≥55 years
Canary Islands26
South Africa39
Random effects model
Heterogeneity: I2=984%, tau2=0·0605, p<0·0001
Age ≥60 years
South Africa37
Random effects model
Heterogeneity: I2=922%, tau2=0·0171, p<0·0001
Age ≥65 years
South Africa38
Random effects model
Heterogeneity: I2=0%, tau2=0, p=0·4967
Overall random effects model
Heterogeneity: I2=949%, tau2=0·017, p<0·0001
Sample size
Prevalent diabetes
Prevalence (95% CI)
11·2 (7·5–15·8)
21·5 (18·2–25·0)
24·5 (19·9–29·5)
19·7 (14·2–25·8)
32·8 (26·3–39·9)
6·6 (4·3– 9·6)
17·7 (0·8–49·2)
14·6 (8·9–22·1)
24·5 (16·4–34·2)
37·7 (33·4–42·1)
43·6 (35·2–52·2)
29·6 (18·2–42·5)
31·2 (21·1–42·7)
27·4 (23·9–31·2)
27·8 (24·5–31·3)
23·9 (17·7–30·7)
Weight (%)
Prevalence (95% CI)
Figure 5: Meta-analysis results for prevalence of type 2 diabetes in studies in which diabetes diagnosis was based on using the oral glucose tolerance test
10 Published online November 5, 2015
Africa, unless aggressive preventive strategies are put in
place. If monitoring of secular trends in the incidence
and prevalence of diabetes associated with the
epidemiological transition across all African countries is
to be successful, use of standardised methods will be
important. African countries that have done STEPS
surveys must be encouraged to move towards having a
regular cycle of risk factor surveillance refl ected in
national reporting of non-communicable diseases, and
especially plans of action for diabetes. The questionnaire
items and measures used in STEPS and the indicators
reported from STEPS surveys need to be periodically
reviewed to adapt to the latest scientifi c standards and
policy needs in diff erent countries.86,87
The issue of which test to use for diabetes prevalence
studies (OGTT, FPG, or HbA1c) in Africa is complex,
because decisions have to take into account cost,
convenience, and reliability. Measurement of trends
over time will be made diffi cult if diagnostic criteria
change. There is little doubt that HbA1c would be the
simplest indicator for diabetes because it avoids the
need for fasting and a measurement of glucose
concentrations at 2 h for an OGTT. HbA1c also has less
within-individual variation and better predicts micro-
vascular and macrovascular complications than FPG
and OGTT. The cutoff s for diabetes with HbA1c, however,
have not been established for African populations,
which is clearly important to address. The use of HbA1c
in epidemiological studies will only be viable once
reliable, cost-eff ective, point-of-care equipment has
been developed. Further more, if HbA1c were to become
the standard test for diabetes prevalence studies, it
would only be possible to assess trends once new
baseline estimates with this method had been
established. Irrespective of the diagnostic criteria or test
used, future studies must assess the prevelance of type 2
diabetes according to uniform case defi nition and
diagnostic methods and provide standardised prevalence
values for older people across Africa to enable
comparisons across the continent.
African countries also need encouragement to move
from subnational implementation of STEPS surveys to
capturing national prevalence data. Increased collabo-
ration between African governments and WHO is also
needed to make the data collected from STEPS widely
available so that they can be used to strengthen strategies
for prevention and management of non-communicable
diseases, including type 2 diabetes.87 Indeed, there is a
clear obligation to invest in surveillance, diabetes
prevention, and creation of aff ordable, innovative models
of health-care access and systems to halt the growing
burden of diabetes in Africa. In the meantime, primary
prevention should focus on targets suggested by
evidence, such as improving access to health care, health
education, and countering risk factors for vascular
disease, including, hypertension and obesity in middle
age, smoking, and physical inactivity.
Our systematic review has several strengths. We used a
comprehensive review protocol15 and made extensive
eff ort to identify all the available evidence without
language restrictions. We reported this systematic review
according to PRISMA guidelines. We applied an African
search fi lter, searched multiple electronic databases, and
used a rigorous approach to select studies for inclusion.
Another important strength is that we controlled for the
eff ect of multiple-publication bias in the analysis of the
results by avoiding inclusion of duplicate publications
that might have skewed the interpretation of the
prevalence estimates. Similarly, we appraised the
methodological quality of individual studies with
standard quality assessment tools for prevalence studies.
Use of an arcsine transformation to stabilise the variance
of primary studies before pooling limited the eff ects of
studies with small and large prevalence values on the
pooled estimates overall and across subgroups.
Our fi ndings should be interpreted in the context of
some limitations. First, data on the prevalence of diabetes
in people aged 55 years and older in Africa over the past
15 years are scarce and, therefore, describing trends of
diabetes prevalence over time was not possible. Second,
our ability to assess the quality of studies that we identifi ed
was limited by the methodological information provided,
some of which was incomplete. Diff ering study sample
sizes might partly explain variability in diabetes estimates.
Third, we found notable heterogeneity in prevalence
measures of type 2 diabetes, which was incompletely
explained by subgroup analyses. Despite substantial
diff erences, we could pool data to provide useful
estimates. Fourth, most primary studies lacked data on
key covariates that could have been used in metaregression
analyses to further explore and control for the sources of
variations in prevalence between studies.
Our cutoff of age 55 years for the older population
could be questioned. In reality, the defi nition of older is
somewhat arbitrary. For example the United Nations
uses a cutoff of 60 years, whereas for research purposes,
the cutoff for older populations is frequently 60 or
65 years.88 Traditional African defi nitions of a so-called
older or elderly person correlate with the chronological
ages of 50–65 years, dependent on the setting, region,
and country.89 Age 50 years was used as the lower cutoff
for the Minimum Data Set Project on Ageing in sub-
Saharan Africa90 because this threshold was thought to be
more realistic than age 60 years for African populations.
Furthermore, collection of data from the age of 50 years
might show emerging trends that would be of assistance
to policy makers and for health-care planning.90
Many parts of Africa have only recently entered
demographic transition, which accounts for the evidence
that older people represent just over 5% of the African
population in 2014.91,92 Yet, the ageing population in
Africa is growing at a much faster pace than in any other
continent, and has been accompanied by an increase in
the median population age and changes in the Published online November 5, 2015
dependency ratio. Thus, the proportion of the population
composed of children has decreased, and that of people
aged 60 years and older has increased. By 2050, the older
population in Africa is projected to more than triple to
reach 205 million. Furthermore,the widespread access to
antiretroviral therapy over the past 4–5 years in sub-
Saharan Africa has already had a substantial eff ect on life
expectancy and will contribute to the growing number of
older people in Africa; thus, the number of people at risk
of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease will also
increase. Indeed, the projected worldwide median life
expectancy in people living with HIV is 75 years, which is
only 7 years less than that for the general population.93
We cannot give an accurate assessment of the
contribution that diabetes in the older population makes
to the total adult burden of diabetes in Africa, but, on the
basis of this review and population data, we estimate that
9 million Africans aged 55 years and older are living with
diabetes in 2015. Accordingly, a concerted eff ort from
multiple sectors will be crucial to ensuring improved
health-care delivery for people with diabetes to reduce
the unacceptably high levels of morbidity and mortality
in the African region.
In conclusion, the substantial burden of diabetes in the
older population is an important health issue for African
countries. Uniform diagnostic methods are needed to
assess trends in diabetes prevalence within and between
countries. Such uniformity will better enable diabetes
prevention strategies to be put in place and collaborative
initiatives to be developed between key international and
national diabetes and geriatric organisations that can do
further research and, ultimately, improve diabetes care
for older people in Africa and worldwide.
All authors conceived the study and were responsible for designing the
protocol. MW, MEE, APK, and NSL designed the study. MW did the
literature search and, together with AM, selected the studies, extracted
the relevant information. All authors synthesised the data. MW wrote the
rst draft of the paper. MEE, APK, and NSL provided critical guidance on
the analysis and overall direction of the study. All authors critically
revised successive drafts of the paper and approved the fi nal version.
Declaration of interests
We declare no competing interests.
We thank Tamzyn Suliaman, University of Cape Town, South Africa, for
technical support and assistance in the planning of the search strategy
and management of references. We also thank the Evidence-Based
Medicine Research Support Unit, Faculty of Health Sciences, University
of Cape Town, South Africa, for support.
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... As societal living standards enhance, there is a corresponding rise in diabetes incidence (1)(2)(3). DR, a significant complication of diabetes mellitus, is becoming increasingly prevalent. Data from the International Diabetes Federation indicates that in 2021, there were 537 million adults aged 20 to 79 years with diabetes. ...
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Introduction This study examined the impact of 5’-(N- ethylcarboxamido)adenosine (NECA) in the peripheral blood of healthy individuals, those with diabetes mellitus, diabetic retinopathy (DR), and C57BL/6 mice, both in vivo and in vitro. Methods Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and flow cytometry (FCM) were used to evaluate the effects of NECA on dendritic cells (DCs) and mouse bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (BMDCs) and the effects of NECA-treated DCs on Treg and Th17 cells. The effect of NECA on the Toll-like receptor (TLR) pathway in DCs was evaluated using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and western blotting (WB). Results FCM and ELISA showed that NECA inhibited the expression of surface markers of DCs and BMDCs, increased anti-inflammatory cytokines and decreased proinflammatory cytokines. PCR and WB showed that NCEA decreased mRNA transcription and protein expression in the TLR-4-MyD88-NF-kβ pathway in DCs and BMDCs. The DR severity in streptozocin (STZ) induced diabetic mice was alleviated. NECA-treated DCs and BMDCs were co-cultivated with CD4+T cells, resulting in modulation of Treg and Th17 differentiation, along with cytokine secretion alterations. Conclusion NECA could impair DCs’ ability to present antigens and mitigate the inflammatory response, thereby alleviating the severity of DR.
... Accordingly, the prevalence of major CKD risk factors including hypertension and diabetes is increasing. 5,6 The already sizeable burden of CKD in Africa is therefore bound to enlarge further in the foreseeable future. ...
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Introduction The causes of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in people living in Sub-Saharan Africa await identification. Also, whether cardiovascular risk and disease extent differ among patients with different CKD etiologies is uncertain. Methods In this prospective cross-sectional study, we examined the presumed causes of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and their relationships with cardiovascular risk and disease in 743 consecutive patients from a sub-Saharan low-income population. Results Hypertensive nephropathy (HNP) (60.2%), diabetic nephropathy (DNP) (24.4%), HIV associated CKD (20.0%) and glomerular disease (13.6%) comprised the major CKD etiologies upon enrolment at the hospital nephrology clinic. Pulse pressure was larger in patients with concurrent HNP and DNP than in those with HNP only (p<0.001). Pulse pressure and systolic blood pressure were larger in HNP or/and DNP patients than those with HIV associated CKD and glomerular disease (p=0.04 to <0.001). Cardiovascular disease was more prevalent in patients with HNP and concurrent HNP and DNP than those from other etiologic categories (p<0.05). HNP and DNP were associated with pulsatile pressures (pulse pressure and systolic blood pressure) independent of one another (p<0.01). In adjusted product of coefficient mediation analysis, mean arterial or distending pressure accounted fully for the potential impact of HNP on pulsatile pressures (103.9–115.7%) but not for that of DNP on the respective pressures (−2.0%-(-)7.5%). Conclusion HNP is by far the most prevalent presumed cause of CKD in this African population. Cardiovascular risk and disease differ markedly across CKD etiological categories.
... The global report on diabetes 2016 by the World Health Organisation 12 identified the following as factors from a health system perspective that are associated with uncontrolled blood glucose: delayed diagnosis of type II diabetes, difficulty in accessing treatment and basic diagnostic materials, poor referral and back referral systems and a lack of medications. In addition, blood glucose control can also be hindered by: a lack of knowledge of healthcare workers on how to define good blood glucose control, insufficient monitoring of blood glucose control, difficulty in managing elevated blood glucose, the need for intensive treatment and insufficient specialist diabetes care units 13 . The recommended glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) target to prevent microvascular complications and macro-vascular complications when intensive treatment is instituted in the course of the disease is <7%. ...
Background: Achieving optimal blood glucose control is imperative for preventing diabetes related complications and negative socio-economic consequences associated with them.Objectives: The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence and determinants of poor glycaemic control amongst type II diabetic outpatients presenting at a regional semi-rural hospital in eThekwini district, Kwa-Zulu Natal.Methods: An observational, analytic cross-sectional study was conducted amongst 384 systematically sampled type 2 diabetes patients. Data were collected by an interviewer administered questionnaire, clinical record review and anthropometric measurements. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were performedResults: Ninety one percent of the study population (349/384) had poorly controlled diabetes. Amongst uncontrolled diabetics, 80% (n=281) were older than 35 years’ age group; 58% (n= 203) were male; 85% (n=295) completed primary school education and 93% (n=324) were overweight. Patients that were 35 years and older, female, employed, had a high body mass index, were on oral hypoglycaemic and/or insulin in combination, and receiving treatment longer than 3 years, had an increased odd of uncontrolled diabetes. Being female and receiving oral hypoglycaemic and/or insulin were significantly associated with poor blood glucose control.Conclusion: Patient that were female overweight, having a lower level of education, and greater than three-year duration of medication and on oral hypoglycaemic agent and/or insulin were more likely to have poor blood glucose control. These factors should serve as early identifiers of potential poor control and an alert clinician to adopt a more active approach to optimize treatment.
... Other studies report that diabetes affects about 50% of the elderly with frequencies varying between 18% and 33%[6]. In 2015,a systematic review of data reported that about 18.8% of diabetes patients in Africa fall between the age group 60-79 years [7]. ...
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Introduction There is a higher risk of occurrence of noncommunicable diseases such as hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus as age increases. Given that data on the burden of undernutrition among these patients are scarce in our context, we aimed to assess the nutritional status of elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus followed at Bamenda Regional Hospital. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study at the diabetic unit and the consultation unit of the hemodialysis center of the Bamenda Regional Hospital. The study population consisted of 146 outpatients aged 60 years and above, with type 2 diabetes mellitus attending the consultation from February 1st to May 31st, 2023 who gave their informed consent during our study period. Nutritional status was assessed using MNA-SF and GLIM criteria. Data were collected using a pretested questionnaire. Data were analyzed using the computer software SPSS version 26. Results: The mean age was 68.7 years. Normal BMI was found in 35.6% (n=52) of participants whereas 1.4% (n=2) had a BMI below 18.5kg/m². The prevalence of undernutrition in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus was 12.3% according to the MNA-SF and 15.1% according to the GLIM criteria. A poor fasting blood glucose status, a normal body mass index, waist circumference, and serum albumin levels summarized the clinical and biological presentation of the undernourished participants. There was a strong association between age above 70 years and undernutrition [OR 4.1(95% CI: 1.48-11.3)] but not with diabetes duration. An association between polypharmacy and undernutrition [OR 0.29 (95% CI: 0.12-0.74)] was also reported. Conclusion: The prevalence of undernutrition in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus was 12.3% and 15.1% with respect to the screening tool used. (MNA-SF and the GLIM criteria). There was a four-fold increase in the risk of undernutrition in patients above 70 years.
... 105 Urban residence is associated with increased diabetes prevalence, reflecting lifestyle changes and increased obesity associated with urbanisation. [106][107][108][109] Despite this heightened prevalence, some diabetesrelated outcomes are better in people living in urban areas than those living in rural areas, probably because of superior access to diagnostic and therapeutic services. [110][111][112][113] Socioeconomic status follows a similar pattern, with people with higher socioeconomic status having higher diabetes prevalence and better adherence to self-care activities. ...
Diabetes is pervasive, exponentially growing in prevalence, and outpacing most diseases globally. In this Series paper, we use new theoretical frameworks and a narrative review of existing literature to show how structural inequity (structural racism and geographical inequity) has accelerated rates of diabetes disease, morbidity, and mortality globally. We discuss how structural inequity leads to large, fixed differences in key, upstream social determinants of health, which influence downstream social determinants of health and resultant diabetes outcomes in a cascade of widening inequity. We review categories of social determinants of health with known effects on diabetes outcomes, including public awareness and policy, economic development, access to high-quality care, innovations in diabetes management, and sociocultural norms. We also provide regional perspectives, grounded in our theoretical framework, to highlight prominent, real-world challenges.
... Factors in our study associated with higher odds of having diabetes, such as increasing age and urban residence, have been previously reported, with the western African meta-analysis reporting over a threefold increase in prevalence in people over 50 years 17 and Werfalli et al reporting a prevalence of 20% in people living in urban areas versus 7.9% in those in rural areas. 18 Our findings of associations with family history of diabetes, hypertension and adiposity support results from other country-level meta-analyses in Africa. 19 20 We also noted lower odds of having diabetes in individuals with known HIV in keeping with other studies that have identified lower prevalence of cardiometabolic risk factors in individuals with HIV in SSA. ...
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Objectives We investigated progression through the care cascade and associated factors for people with diabetes in sub-Saharan Africa to identify attrition stages that may be most appropriate for targeted intervention. Design Cross-sectional study. Setting Community-based study in four sub-Saharan African countries. Participants 10 700 individuals, aged 40–60 years. Primary and secondary outcome measures The primary outcome measure was the diabetes cascade of care defined as the age-adjusted diabetes prevalence (self-report of diabetes, fasting plasma glucose (FPG) ≥7 mmol/L or random plasma glucose ≥11.1 mmol/L) and proportions of those who reported awareness of having diabetes, ever having received treatment for diabetes and those who achieved glycaemic control (FPG <7.2 mmol/L). Secondary outcome measures were factors associated with having diabetes and being aware of the diagnosis. Results Diabetes prevalence was 5.5% (95% CI 4.4% to 6.5%). Approximately half of those with diabetes were aware (54%; 95% CI 50% to 58%); 73% (95% CI 67% to 79%) of aware individuals reported ever having received treatment. However, only 38% (95% CI 30% to 46%) of those ever having received treatment were adequately controlled. Increasing age (OR 1.1; 95% CI 1.0 to 1.1), urban residence (OR 2.3; 95% CI 1.6 to 3.5), hypertension (OR 1.9; 95% CI 1.5 to 2.4), family history of diabetes (OR 3.9; 95% CI 3.0 to 5.1) and measures of central adiposity were associated with higher odds of having diabetes. Increasing age (OR 1.1; 95% CI 1.0 to 1.1), semi-rural residence (OR 2.5; 95% CI 1.1 to 5.7), secondary education (OR 2.4; 95% CI 1.2 to 4.9), hypertension (OR 1.6; 95% CI 1.0 to 2.4) and known HIV positivity (OR 2.3; 95% CI 1.2 to 4.4) were associated with greater likelihood of awareness of having diabetes. Conclusions There is attrition at each stage of the diabetes care cascade in sub-Saharan Africa. Public health strategies should target improving diagnosis in high-risk individuals and intensifying therapy in individuals treated for diabetes.
... In sub-Saharan Africa, there is an increasing prevalence of diabetes and hypertension among adults and this is in a region with a large population of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWH) who are on anti-retroviral therapy 2 . Indeed, there have been reports of growing burden of cardiometabolic diseases among PLWH 3,4,5 . Earlier re-ports link the development of type 2 diabetes (T2D) with certain anti-retrovirals (ARVs) 6,7,8 . ...
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Background: Co-existence of diabetes in the HIV infected reportedly further complicates the attendant impairment of immunity and increases susceptibility to opportunistic infections. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate some immune and inflammatory parameters in HIV and type 2 diabetes (T2D) co-morbidity: Immunoglobulin M and G (IgM and IgG), Interleukin-6, CD4+ T-cells and C-reactive protein. Method: The study involved 200 subjects grouped according to their HIV and diabetes status: Group 1 'Diabetic HIV seropositive' (n=40), Group 2 'Non diabetic HIV seropositive'(n=60), Group 3 'Diabetic HIV seronegative'(n=50), and Group 4 'Control non diabetic HIV seronegative'(n=50). Blood samples were collected for testing. Results: CRP levels were significantly elevated in diabetes and HIV co-morbidity compared to other groups. IL-6 levels were significantly higher in diabetics with or without HIV infection. In addition, IL-6 was significantly elevated in individuals with poor glycemic control (HbA1c > 9.0%) compared to those with good glycemic control. IgG and IgM levels in diabetic HIV seropositive subjects were highest compared with other groups. Conclusion: The increased IL-6, CRP, IgG, IgM and decreased CD4+ T cell counts observed in co-morbidity suggest that HIV and T2D co-morbidity exacerbate the immune and inflammatory impairment observed in either disease entity.
... Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), including chronic kidney disease (CKD), are a growing public health problem worldwide, particularly in low-and middle-income countries (LMICs) [1]. Although more high-quality data are needed, the burden of CKD and kidney failure in sub-Saharan Africa is thought to be at least as great as in other LMICs and is expected to rise significantly [2][3][4][5][6], in line with the growing prevalence of other NCDs including hypertension and diabetes [7][8][9][10]. ...
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Introduction: The burden of chronic kidney disease (CKD) is rising in sub-Saharan Africa. Access to kidney replacement therapy (KRT) remains limited and modelling suggests a significant hidden burden of kidney failure managed without KRT. Kidney failure is contributing to serious health-related suffering (SHS) at a global level. Despite this, access to palliative care remains extremely disparate. There is an urgent need for greater palliative care provision for patients with kidney failure in sub-Saharan Africa. To inform this, it is important to understand their current quality of life. This article outlines our review protocol, ensuring transparency of our planned methods and reporting.
Diabetes mellitus is one of the risk factors for malignant otitis externa. There are very few studies on the disease in Africa and there is a need to pool the prior studies to highlight the characteristics of the disease. The study type is a systematic review and the PRISMA guidelines were followed. Using the appropriate terms, relevant medical databases were systematically searched. Thirty-two studies met the eligibility criteria with a total sample size of 848, who were mainly elderly. Diabetes mellitus was present in 94% of the participants. Average duration of diabetes diagnosis in the participants was 12.4 years. The pooled HbA1c was 9.8%. The most common symptoms were otalgia (96.1%), otorrhoea (75.8%) and hearing loss (56.1%). Pseudomonas was the most common isolate (72%). Fluoroquinolones and the 3rd-generation cephalosporins were the preferred antibiotics. The pooled cure rate from antimicrobial usage was 76.2%. In addition to medications, 24.6% of the affected individuals required debridement. About 1.6% of the participants died from malignant otitis externa. Malignant otitis externa is associated with poorly controlled diabetes. Pseudomonas is the most common cause and a significant proportion gets cured with prolonged antibiotherapy.
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This study was aimed to assess the age and sex specific burden and associated risk factors ofNCDs in adult population of South-South Nigeria. It was a cross-sectional study conducted inUyo Metropolis, in 2009/2010; with 2780 participants (1447 males and 1333 females) aged 18-60years. Instruments of survey were: a semi-structured questionnaire, anthropometric and nonanthropometric measures using standard procedures. The overall prevalence of NCDs was 32.8%.Disease specific prevalence was as follows: 25%, 14.4%, 12.7%, 20.1% and 10% for obesity,hypertension, diabetes mellitus, musculoskeletal disorders and respiratory disorders respectively.Males’ vs females’ prevalence were: 20.7% vs 29.5%; 12.6% vs 12.2%; 9.7% vs 16.0%; 14.0% vs26.5% and 8.6% vs 7.6% for obesity, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, musculoskeletal disordersand respiratory disorders respectively. Risk factors with increase odds for NCDs were: age, area ofresidence, work stress, triglyceride levels and positive family history. Physical inactivity, high totalcholesterol level, high general adiposity, high central adiposity and poor dietary habits were equallysignificantly associated. The high prevalence of NCDs in Nigeria was precipitated by modifiableand un-modifiable life style factors. Intervention programmes should focus on these factors toreverse the trend.
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Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) prevalence is increasing rapidly around the world. This cross-sectional study was conducted to assess the prevalence and awareness of type 2 diabetes mellitus in Mwanza city, Tanzania. A multistage random sampling technique was used to obtain representative subjects. Information about causes and risk factors were collected using structured questionnaire. In addition, community random blood glucose testing was employed to identify those at risk. Subjects with ≥200mg/dl on the following day were subjected to fasting blood glucose testing and they were confirmed to have T2DM if they had blood glucose level of ≥126mg/dl. In each subject, height, weight, waist and hip circumferences and total fat and fat free mass were measured using standard procedures. A total of 640 participants were included in this study, 55% were females and 45% were males. Mean age of the respondent was 43.84 ± 10.80 years. Most (46.4%) respondents were in the age group 30-40 years. Mean age for females was 44.0 ± 10.31 years while for males was 43.6 ± 11.3 years (Table 1). Overall prevalence of T2DM was 11.9%, (n=76). Prevalence was high in females (7.2%; n=46) than in males (4.7%; n=30). The age between 41-50 years had the highest prevalence of T2DM 28.6% followed by 51-60 years age group (17.2%). Significant independent associations were found for age (OR 3.88, 95% CI: 2.16-6.95) positive first degree relative with T2DM (OR 1.34; 95%C: 1.10-1.64) alcohol intake (OR 1.23; 95%CI: 1.02-1.48,) smoking (OR 3.86; 95%CI: 2.57-5.78) and hypertension (OR 0.096; 95%CI: 1.954-18.251). Only 49.2 (n=315) of the respondents knew about the causes and symptoms of T2DM. Public education on T2DM should be emphasized and routine measurement of blood glucose levels is recommended among adults.
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2:4 (Page number not for citation purposes) Abstract The aim of the study was to give the first estimation of the prevalence of diabetes and impaired fasting glucose (IFG) in Ouagadougou and to investigate the factors which are associated with diabetes. During diabetes screening day, held in Ouagadougou in March 2011, all subjects over 20 years old (excluding pregnant women) who gave informed consent were included. Data were collected during face-to-face interviews. For diabetes, hypertension and body mass index (BMI), the participants were divided into categories according to the international standards. For statistical analyses chi-square test and binary logistic regression were used. Four hundred sixty seven subjects with the mean age of 39.1 years were included in the survey. Overall crude diabetes and IFG prevalence were 12.4% and 5.9%, respectively. The prevalence of unknown diabetes was 3.2%. Gender, age, hypertension and BM) were significantly associated with diabetes. On multivariate analysis, only gender (p = 0.008), age (p = 0.000) and BMI (p = 0.05) remained independently associated with diabetes. This study provides the first estimate of the prevalence of diabetes and IFG in urban Burkina Faso. Gender, age and BMI were found to be the main associated risk factors of diabetes in this population. Adequate health care policies should be implemented shortly. Primary prevention through lifestyle modification may play a critical role in the control of diabetes.
Aim: To determine the prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) and impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) in Luanda, an urban community of Angola-Africa. Results: The prevalence rates of diabetes mellitus and IGT were 7.1% and 12.9%, respectively. The age group with the highest frequency of diabetes was 60 to 69 years (33%) followed by the age group 40 to 49 (30%). The frequency of impaired glycemic homeostasis increased with aging both in men and women. Overweight and obesity were usual findings in the majority of subjects with diabetes (62%) and subjects with impaired glucose tolerance (61.9%). Conclusions: The prevalence of diabetes mellitus was classified within an intermediary range (7.1%) and the prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance is within an high range, suggesting a future increase in the frequency of diabetes in this population.
The older population in Africa is likely to grow substantially over the next few decades, which raises serious health concerns as many chronic illnesses including diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and respiratory diseases increase with age. Africa is also facing a major AIDS pandemic. The cumulative burden of communicable and chronic diseases is thus challenging many African health systems. Despite this, there is a dearth of adequate data on the rates of chronic illness and the situation of the elderly in Africa. This paper profiles the health situation of the older population in Africa, focusing on the prevalence and nature of illnesses in selected African countries, as well as the factors influencing the health of the older population. The chapter provides an overview of the leading causes of death among the older population. It is hoped that a greater understanding of the health situation of Africa’s older population can help guide policy to respond effectively to population ageing.
After an unprecedented and notable delay, the State of African Cities Report 2014 has been published. It makes a bold claim for re-imagining urban sustainability in Africa, continuing two earlier attempts at shaping the nature of urban discussion among scholars, students, and practitioners interested in cities located in Africa. A systematic content analysis shows that although, as in previous attempts, the report is a major success in highlighting developments in African cities, this year’s attempt is undermined by severe drawbacks, among which are conceptual challenges, a failure to achieve agreement between the report’s claims and research findings, and a bias in focus against smaller African countries and their cities. In turn, there are many dark clouds hanging over this otherwise successful report.
Populations around the world are rapidly ageing. This demographic shift presents both opportunities and challenges. Most of us aspire to live a long and healthy life, and older people can be valuable economic, social, cultural, and familial resources. However, ageing populations are also likely to be associated with a shrinking workforce and higher demand for health care, social care, and social pensions.