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Chemohypersensitivity and Autonomic Modulation of Venous Capacitance in the Pathophysiology of Acute Decompensated Heart Failure



Heart failure is increasing in prevalence around the world, with hospitalization and re-hospitalization as a result of acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) presenting a huge social and economic burden. The mechanism for this decompensation is not clear. Whilst in some cases it is due to volume expansion, over half of patients with an acute admission for ADHF did not experience an increase in total body weight. This calls into question the current treatment strategy of targeting salt and water retention in ADHF. An alternative hypothesis proposed by Fallick et al. is that an endogenous fluid shift from the splanchnic bed is implicated in ADHF, rather than an exogenous fluid gain. The hypothesis states further that this shift is triggered by an increase in sympathetic tone causing vasoconstriction in the splanchnic bed, a mechanism that can translocate blood rapidly into the effective circulating volume, generating the raised venous pressure and congestion seen in ADHF. This hypothesis encourages a new clinical paradigm which focuses on the underlying mechanisms of congestion, and highlights the importance of fluid redistribution and neurohormonal activation in its pathophysiology. In this article, we consider the concept that ADHF is attributable to episodic sympathetic hyperactivity, resulting in fluid shifts from the splanchnic bed. Chemosensitivity is a pathologic autonomic mechanism associated with mortality in patients with systolic heart failure. Tonic and episodic activity of the peripheral chemoreceptors may underlie the syndrome of acute decompensation without total body salt and water expansion. We suggest in this manuscript that chemosensitivity in response to intermittent hypoxia, such as experienced in sleep disordered breathing, may explain the intermittent sympathetic hyperactivity underlying renal sodium retention and acute volume redistribution from venous storage sites. This hypothesis provides an alternative structure to guide novel diagnostic and treatment strategies for ADHF.
1 23
Current Heart Failure Reports
ISSN 1546-9530
Curr Heart Fail Rep
DOI 10.1007/s11897-013-0135-y
Chemohypersensitivity and Autonomic
Modulation of Venous Capacitance in the
Pathophysiology of Acute Decompensated
Heart Failure
Amy E.Burchell, Paul A.Sobotka,
Emma C.Hart, Angus K.Nightingale &
Mark E.Dunlap
1 23
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Chemohypersensitivity and Autonomic Modulation of Venous
Capacitance in the Pathophysiology of Acute Decompensated
Heart Failure
Amy E. Burchell &Paul A. Sobotka &Emma C. Hart &
Angus K. Nightingale &Mark E. Dunlap
#Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013
Abstract Heart failure is increasing in prevalence around the
world, with hospitalization and re-hospitalization as a result of
acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) presenting a huge
social and economic burden. The mechanism for this decom-
pensation is not clear. Whilst in some cases it is due to volume
expansion, over half of patients with an acute admission for
ADHF did not experience an increase in total body weight.
This calls into question the current treatment strategy of
targeting salt and water retention in ADHF. An alternative
hypothesis proposed by Fallick et al. is that an endogenous
fluid shift from the splanchnic bed is implicated in ADHF,
rather than an exogenous fluid gain. The hypothesis states
further that this shift is triggered by an increase in sympathetic
tone causing vasoconstriction in the splanchnic bed, a mech-
anism that can translocate blood rapidly into the effective
circulating volume, generating the raised venous pressure
and congestion seen in ADHF. This hypothesis encourages a
new clinical paradigm which focuses on the underlying mech-
anisms of congestion, and highlights the importance of fluid
redistribution and neurohormonal activation in its pathophys-
iology. In this article, we consider the concept that ADHF is
attributable to episodic sympathetic hyperactivity, resulting in
fluid shifts from the splanchnic bed. Chemosensitivity is a path-
ologic autonomic mechanism associated with mortality in
patients with systolic heart failure. Tonic and episodic activity
of the peripheral chemoreceptors may underlie the syndrome of
acute decompensation without total body salt and water expan-
sion. We suggest in this manuscript that chemosensitivity in
response to intermittent hypoxia, such as experienced in sleep
disordered breathing, may explain the intermittent sympathetic
hyperactivity underlying renal sodium retention and acute vol-
ume redistribution from venous storage sites. This hyp othesis
provides an alternative structure to guide novel diagnos-
tic and treatment strategies for ADHF.
Keywords Heart failure .Venous capacitance .Splanchnic .
Chemosensitivity .Chemoreceptor .Sympathetic .Sleep
disordered breathing .Baroreflex
Heart failure is increasing in prevalence around the world
[13]. This is as a result of improvements in survival from
acute myocardial infarction, the rise in risk factors for both
heart failure with preserved (HFpEF) and reduced (HFrEF)
ejection fraction such as diabetes and hypertension, and the
A. E. Burchell :E. C. Hart :A. K. Nightingale
Bristol CardioNomics Group, Bristol Heart Institute, Bristol Royal
Infirmary, Bristol, BS2 8HW, UK
P. A. Sobotka
Paul A. Sobotka, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, UK
M. E. Dunlap (*)
Heart and Vascular Center H350, MetroHealth Campus of Case
Western Reserve University, 2500 MetroHealth Dr.,
Cleveland, OH 44109, USA
A. E. Burchell
School of Clinical Sciences, University of Bristol,
Research Floor Level 7, Queens Building,
Bristol Royal Infirmary, Marlborough Street,
Bristol, BS2 8HW, UK
E. C. Hart
School of Physiology and Pharmacology,
University of Bristol, Medical Sciences Building,
University Walk, Bristol, BS8 1TD, UK
A. K. Nightingale
Cardiology Department, Bristol Heart Institute,
University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust,
Bristol, BS2 8HW, UK
Curr Heart Fail Rep
DOI 10.1007/s11897-013-0135-y
Author's personal copy
aging population demographic [4]. Hospitalization and
re-hospitalization as a result of acute decompensated heart
failure (ADHF) continue to present a huge social and eco-
nomic burden: in the UK, the annual cost of heart failure
accounts for 2 % of the NHS budget, 70 % of this attributed
to inpatient hospital care [2]. Readmissions are common, with
24 % of patients returning to hospital within 12 weeks [5], and
the mortality rates of those patients hospitalized with conges-
tion and renal dysfunction remain high [6••]. Importantly,
neither diuretics nor mechanical ultrafiltration have signifi-
cantly altered the prognosis of congested patients with heart
failure and cardiorenal syndrome [6••]. Under appreciated is
that half of hospitalized patients with heart failure and con-
gestion have not experienced significant increases in total
body weight prior to admission [7], suggesting that total body
volume expansion may not explain the underlying pathology
and raising questions as to the utility and safety of therapy
targeting reduction of total body salt and water.
The traditional paradigm for ADHF is based predominant-
ly on salt and water retention due to a change in diet or
medication, and/or a reduction in cardiac output caused by
triggers such as ischemia, arrhythmia and concurrent infection
[8]. Diuretics are the mainstay of treatment, along with inter-
ventions targeting any precipitating factors of worsening ven-
tricular performance [4,8]. Predicated on the assumption that
weight gain and total body volume expansion underlie epi-
sodes of decompensation, there has been considerable effort
put into tools to facilitate the identification of total body
volume overload, such as meticulous attention to weight
management, salt intake restrictions and generous use of home
diuretics linked to weight changes. Unfortunately, these strat-
egies, even associated with telemonitoring [9••] and home
health care, have not proven routinely valuable.
The CARRESS-HF trial demonstrated that the presence of
worsening renal insufficiency in the presence of clinical con-
gestion was associated with an extraordinary mortality rate,
not different between diuretic and ultrafiltration treatment
strategies [6••]. The mortality rate associated with the cardi-
orenal presentation of congestion may certainly imply a worse
prognosis or, alternatively, that the strategies targeting a
reduction in total body volume are themselves contributing
to rehospitalizations and excess mortality.
An alternative hypothesis proposed by Fallick et al. is that an
endogenous fluid shift from the splanchnic bed is implicated in
ADHF, rather than an exogenous fluid gain [10]. The hypoth-
esis states further that this shift is triggered by an increase in
sympathetic tone causing vasoconstriction in the splanchnic
bed, a mechanism that can translocate blood rapidly into the
effective circulating volume, generating the raised venous pres-
sure and congestion seen in ADHF. This hypothesis suggests a
new clinical paradigm, which focuses on the underlying
mechanisms of congestion, and highlights the importance
of fluid redistribution and neurohormonal activation in its
pathophysiology [11]. In this article we consider the concept
that ADHF is attributable to episodic sympathetic hyperactivity
resulting in fluid shifts from the splanchnic bed.
Chemosensitivity, a marker of hypersympathetic response
to chemo stimulants such as hypoxia, is associated with in-
creased mortality in patients with systolic heart failure [12,
13]. We hypothesize that sleep disordered breathing, causing
tonic hyperactivity of the chemoreceptors, and episodic hyp-
oxia, causing incremental surges of sympathetic activity,
underlies both chronic renal sodium retention and acute redis-
tribution of volume. This hypothesis therefore provides an
alternative paradigm to guide diagnostic and treatment strate-
gies for ADHF and prevention of recurrence.
Changes in Venous Capacitance: Fluid Shift
as an Explanation for Congestion in Heart Failure
Total intravascular fluid comprises only 5 % of total body
weight (see Fig. 1)[
10]; 70 % of this intravascular fluid is
located in the venous system [14], with the majority (~60 %)
located in the splanchnic bed, comprising the veins and ven-
ules of the abdominal viscera which feed into the portal vein
Fig. 1 Distribution of water throughout the body. Body composition is
approximately 60 % water by weight, and is distributed in proportion to
the areas of the different boxes shown. Total intravascular fluid comprises
5 % of total body weight, and only 12 % of total body water. TBW
indicates total body water; ICF intracellular fluid; ECF extracellular fluid;
ISF interstitial fluid; IVF intravascular fluid. From Fallick C, et al.,
Sympathetically mediated changes in capacitance: redistribution of the
venous reservoir as a cause of decompensation,Circ Heart Fail.2011
Sep;4(5):66975, with permission from Wolters Kluwer Health
Curr Heart Fail Rep
Author's personal copy
[15]. In comparison to the arterial circulation, venous endo-
thelial function is preserved in heart failure and responsive to
local and systemic factors [16,17]. Veins, 30 times more
compliant than arteries, are exquisitely sympathetically inner-
vated, and thus the large venous capacity and its dynamic
changes in compliance give provision for a significant venous
fluid reservoir [14]. The high level of compliance seen in the
splanchnic capacitance vessels under resting conditions means
that relatively small increases in venous vasomotor tone can
significantly mobilize this reservoir [15].
Fluid held in this venous reservoir does not form part of the
effective circulating volume which lies predominantly within
the arterial circulation and directly relates to central venous
pressure and preload [18]. As much as 800 ml of whole blood
may be moved from splanchnic reservoir into the effective
circulation following sympathetic-mediated reduction of
splanchnic venous capacitance [19]. Indeed, it is this rapid
mobilization that protects against orthostasis and provides a
preload boost to cardiac output in response to standing, exer-
cise, stress, and trauma. However, sympathetically mediated
emptying of this reservoir in a patient with either HFpEF or
HFrEF would be expected to raise pulmonary pressures and
contribute to extravasation of fluid into the lungs or dependent
interstitial tissues.
A rapid shift in fluid caused by vasoconstriction in venous
capacitance vessels would mirror the clinical course seen in
ADHF. This process does not require the addition of exogenous
fluid. Moreover, the renal-based salt and water accumulation is
likely a minor contributor to acute expansion of effective
arterial volume, because incremental exogenous salt and water
accumulation distributes rapidly throughout all of the bodys
fluid compartments, resulting in a relatively small contribution
to increases of effective arterial circulating volume. The auto-
transfusion of whole blood from the venous capacitance reser-
voirs would both immediately and significantly increase
effective arterial volume. Diastolic ventricular interaction is
another mechanism whereby shifts to the central compartment
may destabilise cardiac function [20]. Thus endogenous fluid
shift provides a mechanism for ADHF without significant
weight gain, manifested by an increase in effective circulating
volume and pulmonary congestion (Fig. 2).
Autonomic Dysfunction in Heart Failure
Autonomic imbalance including raised sympathetic tone is
present in HF [21], as well as in several other chronic
conditions [22]. The relationship between excessive sympa-
thetic nerve activity (SNA) and the development and pro-
gression of hypertension [23], insulin resistance, chronic
renal disease [2426] and heart failure [27,28] has been
demonstrated in both preclinical and human experiments
[29,30]. Chronic elevation in SNA contributes to
circulatory pathology through numerous mechanisms, in-
cluding: reduction of venous capacitance, increased arterial
resistance, reduced arterial compliance and increased pulse
wave velocity (an estimate of arterial stiffness) [31]. In
addition, increased aortic stiffness and peripheral vascular
resistance contribute to renal microvascular damage [32].
Elevated SNA has an adverse effect on the heart (hypertro-
phy, arrhythmias and ischaemia), vasculature (vasoconstric-
tion, increased vascular resistance, hypertension and
atherosclerosis) and kidney (increased renin release, sodium
retention and renal vascular resistance); all of which have a
significant negative impact in HF [33]. Tonic and episodic
increases in SNA are both driven by alterations in the
feedback received from key autonomic reflexes.
Heart failure patients demonstrate increased sensitivity of
the peripheral chemoreceptors [34,35], and have exaggerated
increases in respiratory drive and sympathetically mediated
reflex increases in BP when stimulated with hypoxia [3638].
The peripheral chemoreceptors respond to acute hypoxia,
increased arterial carbon dioxide tension (pCO2), acidic pH
and hypoperfusion.
In a rabbit model of pacing-induced heart failure, Schultz
demonstrated that HF rabbits have higher resting levels of renal
sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA), a marker of sympathetic
Fig. 2 The more conventional concepts leading to congestion are
shown on the right, with renal and dietary mechanisms leading to
sodium and water retention causing increased effective circulatory
volume, mechanisms that occur relatively slowly, over a period of days
to weeks. Depicted on the left are the dynamic processes that can occur
rapidly and involve a relatively minor increase in sympathetic outflow
acting on the splanchnic reservoir of blood resulting in a shift of
volume from the capacitance vessels into the systemic circulation,
increasing effective circulatory volume and causing congestion. From
Fallick C, et al., Sympathetically mediated changes in capacitance:
redistribution of the venous reservoir as a cause of decompensation,
Circ Heart Fail. 2011 Sep;4(5):66975, with permission from Wolters
Kluwer Health
Curr Heart Fail Rep
Author's personal copy
hyperactivity, and increased peripheral chemoreceptor sensitiv-
ity (with a significant increase in RSNA and minute ventilation
in response to hypoxia) when compared with animals without
heart failure [39]. Inhalation of 100 % oxygen resulted in
simultaneous inhibition of carotid body activity and reduction
of RSNA, proving the neuro-link between chemosensitivity
and sympathetic activation, in particular renal efferent sympa-
thetic activity. Underlying this increase in peripheral chemo-
reflex sensitivity may be alterations in blood flow to the carotid
body in heart failure, inflammation or periodic episodes of
hypoxia that condition the carotid body to higher tonic activity.
In spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), which exhibit
elevated sympatho-excitatory responses to peripheral chemo-
receptor stimulation relative to normotensive control animals,
the peripheral chemoreceptors exert a tonic excitatory influence
on sympathetic activity [40••,41]. Denervation of the carotid
body in these rats resulted in a reduction in BP and sympathetic
vasomotor tone, an effect not seen in normotensive rats [40••].
Critically, carotid body activity directly inhibits the protective
activity of the mechano-baroreceptors [42]. Thus, excess tonic
and episodic carotid body activity may underlie the profound
autonomic imbalance observed in heart failure.
Peripheral chemoreceptor hypersensitivity has been shown
to be an independent indicator of poor prognosis in ambulatory
patients with HF [12]. This chemo-hypersensitivity also acts to
drive the elevated SNA seen in this population; exposure to a
hypoxic stimulus causes a greater increase in muscle SNA in
HF patients than in controls [43]. In heart failure patients, there
is a deleterious relationship seen between these alterations in
baroreflex and peripheral chemoreflex response; chemo-
hypersensitivity inhibits baroreflex gain, and impaired barore-
flex activity fails to attenuate the peripheral chemoreceptor
stimulation of SNA [42]. Despas et al.. have demonstrated this
interaction in HF patients [44••]; baseline muscle sympathetic
nerve activity (MSNA) was elevated and sympathetic barore-
flex function impaired, in HF patients with high peripheral
chemosensitivity. Administration of 100 % oxygen resulted in
a significant decrease in MSNA and an increase in sympathetic
baroreflex gain in HF patients with chemo-hypersensitivity, but
not in HF patients with normal chemosensitivity. They
hypothesise that the blunted baroreflex function and raised
MSNA in HF patients with high chemosensitivity may explain
the poor prognostic implications of peripheral chemoreflex
Sympathetic Overdrive and Chemoreflex
Hypersensitivity in Sleep Disordered Breathing
and ADHF
The intermittent hypoxia seen in heart failure and as an inherent
component of either central or obstructive sleep apnoea is
sufficient to increase chemosensitivity [36,45]. However,
excessive gain in this reflex can have a negative effect by
triggering excessive ventilation in response to exercise and by
increasing sympathetic tone. Similarly, the sleep disordered
breathing seen in heart failure may be attributed to sympathetic
hyperactivity; central apnea as a consequence of underlying
hyperpnea, and obstructive apnea related to orthopneic conges-
tion of the oral airway.
Narckiewicz et al. have demonstrated that patients with
OSA have elevated MSNA, and that offloading of the
peripheral chemoreceptors by the administration of 100 %
oxygen causes a reduction in MSNA and mean arterial
pressure [45]. These findings are consistent with tonic acti-
vation of the peripheral chemoreflex in OSA, a process that
is likely to be driven by chronic exposure to intermittent
hypoxia. Cutler et al. tested this hypothesis in healthy vol-
unteers, in whom exposure to intermittent hypoxia altered
the chemoreflex control of MSNA [36].
Patients with heart failure have a high prevalence of sleep
disordered breathing (SDB) consisting of both central and
obstructive sleep apnoea, ranging from 4582 % of patients
studied [46,47]. Untreated SDB can worsen ADHF and delay
recovery by increasing inflammation and oxidative stress,
increasing blood pressure, and promoting arrhythmias [48].
OSA, with upper airway collapse and concurrent marked
negativity of intrathoracic pressure, causes increased cardiac
afterload and work simultaneous to arterial oxygen desatu-
ration and sympathetic hyperactivity and tone. Not surpris-
ingly, OSA is associated with increased cardiovascular risk,
and may be particularly detrimental in patients with heart
failure [49]. Data from the Sleep Heart Health Study indi-
cates that OSA is an independent risk factor for self-reported
heart failure [50], and untreated OSA is an independent
predictor for mortality in HF patients [51]. Treating OSA
in patients with heart failure using continuous positive air-
way pressure (CPAP) to splint the upper airways can result
in a decrease in heart rate, blood pressure, left ventricular
end-systolic dimension and sympathetic nerve activity, with
associated improvement in left ventricular ejection fraction
[52] and quality of life [53]. Observational studies also
report an improvement in hospitalisation-free survival and
mortality following treatment with CPAP in patients with
OSA and HF, but large scale randomized controlled trials
are still required to confirm this finding [54].
Central sleep apnoea (CSA) describes patients with repet-
itive nocturnal central hypopneas, and is associated with an
increased risk of arrhythmia and a higher cardiac mortality in
patients with HF [47]. Periodic breathing (PB) is a related
phenomenon observed both during sleep and during activities
of daily living. When PB is associated with apnoeas, it is
better known as the centrally disordered breathing pattern of
Cheyne-Stokes respiration (CSR). CSR has been shown to
decrease oxygen saturation and increase MSNA in patients
with HF [55].
Curr Heart Fail Rep
Author's personal copy
We suggest that the intermittent hypoxia in patients with
heart failure is sufficient to initiate a cascade of events stem-
ming from the hypoxia induced chemosensitivity, including
sympathetic storm, resulting in changes in splanchnic capaci-
tance leading to acute congestion and so triggering ADHF.
HF patients commonly exhibit disordered breathing pat-
terns with episodes of apnoea or hypopnea causing brief
periods of hypoxia. Less well appreciated is the critical role
of intermittent hypoxia as an underlying cause of chemo-
sensitivity. The intermittent hypoxia is sufficient to cause
peripheral chemoreceptor hypersensitivity resulting in an
exaggerated sympathetic response when activated by hyp-
oxemia. The resulting SNA storm can cause venoconstric-
tion in the splanchnic capacitance bed, displacing fluid into
the effective circulation. This fluid shift increases the effec-
tive circulating volume, with an associated rise in right atrial
pressure (preload). The problem is compounded by the fact
that HF patients have tonic elevation of SNA with impaired
baroreceptor sensitivity [56]. Consequently, they are less able
to buffer any volume and blood pressure changes or changes in
renal sympathetic nerve activity [57]. Raised sympathetic tone
will also increase peripheral vascular resistance (afterload) and
heart rate, and therefore myocardial work. These summative
factors, occurring over a relatively short time scale, can explain
the rapid development of pulmonary oedema without weight
gain seen in ADHF. Once activated, this mechanism self-
propagates, with the pulmonary oedema exacerbating fluctua-
tions in hypoxia, and chemohypersensitivity increasing the
gain in the hypoxia/SNA/ventilatory feedback loop. Thus,
intermittent hypoxia is sufficient to cause the tonic increases
in chemosensitivity underlying the autonomic imbalances seen
in HF, and hypoxic mediated sympathetic storms trigger the
shifts in volume seen in ADHF that occur without weight gain.
Impact: Identification of Patients at Risk of ADHF
This hypothesis changes the paradigm for identification and
treatment of patients at risk for ADHF. Previous early-warn-
ingsystems have focussed on monitoring patients for weight
gain, including remote telemonitoring techniques. These have
half of patients do not have a rise in weight prior to presentation
with ADHF. Devices designed to monitor changes in right atrial
pressure (HOMEOSTASIS) [58], pulmonary arterial pressure
(CHAMPION) [59], intrathoracic impedance (FAST,
COMPASS-HF) [60,61] or changes in blood flow in a vascu-
lar bed, may have a role to play, although clinical results have
been variable [60]. Rises in pressure in the absence of weight
gain suggest predominant capacitance changes, whereas rises in
pressure associated with weight gain will reflect renal based salt
and water retention and probable capacitance changes.
Therefore, identification of patients with chemohypersensitivity
(exaggerated ventilatory response on exposure to hypoxic/
hyperoxic conditions) or those with concurrent HF and periodic
or sleep disordered breathing (overnight oximetry screening,
full polysomnography), defines a high-risk group for ADHF
and may explain the half who present without weight gain.
Treatment of the decompensation and prevention of recurrent
ADHF episodes would then focus on fluid redistribution, and
therapies targeting the sympathetic nervous system.
Importantly, therapy that reduces chemosensitivity may result
in acute benefit and prevention of ADHF recurrence. Moreover,
the identification of these patients may prevent iatrogenic ill-
ness associated with overzealous volume reduction [62].
Impact: Management and Prevention of ADHF
Defining the autonomic phenotype for an individual patient
should help to guide clinical practice. Changing our thinking
to incorporate strategies that target fluid shifts as well as fluid
gain may bring acute and chronic benefits. Treatment for
ADHF with congestion will then focus on the importance of
capacitance underlying congestion, and the prevention of
ADHF will target identification of those patients with elevated
sympathetic tone and chemosensitivity. It is assumed that all
patients with HF are receiving therapeutic beta blockade, so
pharmacologic strategies are limited to consideration of addi-
tional alpha blockade (and potentially beta-2 agonists) to
prevent sympathetically mediated splanchnic redistribution.
In addition, identifying sleep disordered breathing, adrenergic
excess or chemosensitivity in these patients may guide spe-
cific prevention therapy. Prevention of hypoxemia with sleep
support in those with sleep disordered breathing may reduce
chemosensitivity and ameliorate sympathetic hyperactivity.
Alternatively, direct modulation of the autonomic nervous
system through the use of device-based therapies such as renal
sympathetic denervation, carotid body modulation, vagal
nerve stimulation or carotid sinus stimulation could attend to
the underlying pathology.
Conflict of Interest Amy E. Burchell declares she has no conflict of
Paul A. Sobotka has received compensation for serving as Chief
Medical Officer of Cibiem, Inc.; compensation for serving as a consultant
for Medtronic, Inc.; payment for lectures including service on speakers
bureaus from Medtronic, Inc.; compensation for patents from Cibiem, Inc.
(device to modulate the carotid body) and Medtronic, Inc. (applications
related to renal denervation); royalties from Medtronic, Inc. for the
Symplicity Renal Denervation System; compensatory stock options from
Cibiem, Inc., Rox, Inc., and Ardelyx, Inc. for services rendered; reimburse-
ment for travel/accommodations/meeting expenses from Medtronic, Inc.
Emma C. Hart has received compensation from Cibiem, Inc. for
serving as a consultant in a clinical trial associated with developing a
new intervention for improving prognosis of heart failure.
Curr Heart Fail Rep
Author's personal copy
Angus K. Nightingale has received compensation from Novartis for
serving as a member of the United Kingdom Advisory Board on
Serelaxin; supported by a grant from Cibiem, Inc. for a study on carotid
body modulation in hypertension; payment for lectures including ser-
vice on speakers bureaus from Servier; reimbursement for travel/ac-
commodations/meeting expenses from Novartis and Servier; payment
to Bristol Heart Institute from Medtronic, Inc. for training of physicians
and other staff in renal denervation.
Mark E. Dunlap has received compensation for serving as a consultant
for Medtronic/Ardian, Inc.; supported by grants from BioControl
Medical, Inc. and Medtronic/Ardian, Inc.; payment for lectures including
service on speakers bureaus from BioControl Medical, Inc.
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Author's personal copy
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failure were seen to have a reduction in carotid body blood flow.
When carotid body blood was reduced to a similar degree in non-
paced rabbits by carotid artery occlusion, a similar increase in
peripheral chemoreflex sensitivity was seen; the chemo-
hypersensitivity seen in chronic heart failure is therefore likely
due to poor carotid body perfusion.
40. •• Abdala AP, McBryde FD, Marina N, Hendy EB, Engelman
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vation in spontaneously hypertensive rats resulted in a reduc-
tion in the development and maintenance of hypertension, with
an associated reduction in sympathetic vasomotor tone and an
improvement in baroreflex sensitivity. These findings are con-
sistent with the knowledge that chemoreceptor activation causes
a reflex increase in sympathetic tone and, importantly, demonstrate
that abolition of this sensory input can reverse autonomic pathology
such as hypertension.
41. Siński M, Lewandowski J, Przybylski J, Bidiuk J, Abramczyk P,
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thetic nerve activity (MSNA) and baroreflex sensitivity in patients
with chronic heart failure. Only in those patients with chemohyper-
sensitivity did offloading of the chemoreceptors with 100 % oxygen
result in a significant decrease in MSNA and an increase in sympa-
thetic baroreflex gain. The blunted baroreflex and raised sympathetic
tone may explain the worse prognosis seen in heart failure patients
with peripheral chemoreflex hypersensitivity.
45. Narkiewicz K, Van de Borne PJ, Montano N, Dyken ME, Phillips
BG, Somers VK. Contribution of tonic chemoreflex activation to
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Effect of Cheyne-Stokes respiration on muscle sympathetic nerve
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56. Grassi G, Seravalle G, Cattaneo BM, Lanfranchi A, Vailati S,
Giannattasio C, et al. Sympathetic activation and loss of reflex
sympathetic control in mild congestive heart failure. Circulation.
57. Al-Hesayen A, Parker JD. Impaired baroreceptor control of renal
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namic monitoring in chronic heart failure: a randomised controlled
trial. Lancet. 2011;377(9766):65866. In the CHAMPION study
daily measurement of pulmonary artery pressures using an im-
plantable device resulted in a significant reduction in heart failure-
related hospitalisations.
60. Bourge RC, Abraham WT, Adamson PB, Aaron MF, Aranda
Jr JM, Magalski A, et al. Randomized controlled trial of an
implantable continuous hemodynamic monitor in patients with
advanced heart failure: the COMPASS-HF study. J Am Coll
Cardiol. 2008;51(11):10739. In the COMPASS-HF study re-
mote haemodynamic measurements (right ventricular pressure,
heart rate, body temperature, patient activity and estimated
pulmonary arterial diastolic pressure) using an implantable
Chronicle device did not significantly reduce heart failure-
related events.
61. Abraham WT, Compton S, Haas G, Foreman B, Canby RC, Fishel
R, et al. Intrathoracic impedance vs daily weight monitoring for
predicting worsening heart failure events: results of the Fluid
Accumulation Status Trial (FAST). Congest Heart Fail. 2011;17
62. Dunlap ME, Sobotka PA. Efficiently doing the wrong thing. J Am
Coll Cardiol. 2012;60(17):1713. author reply p. 17131714.
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Author's personal copy
... Approximately 60-70% of blood volume resides in the venous circulation under normal circumstances, particularly the high capacity splanchnic venous system that serves as a vascular volume reservoir. [27][28][29] While the venous component of TBV cannot be measured in isolation, prior data suggest that alterations in venous tone can importantly contribute to the acute uncoupling between intravascular volume and hemodynamic perturbations in HF patients, [29][30] and this may be targeted therapeutically through use of interventions targeting venoconstriction. It is important to underscore that steady state conditions for patient assessment as shown in this cohort are necessary to discount any influence of acute redistribution of blood volume or fluid re-accumulation on hemodynamic measurements relative to measurements of intravascular volume. ...
... Approximately 60-70% of blood volume resides in the venous circulation under normal circumstances, particularly the high capacity splanchnic venous system that serves as a vascular volume reservoir. [27][28][29] While the venous component of TBV cannot be measured in isolation, prior data suggest that alterations in venous tone can importantly contribute to the acute uncoupling between intravascular volume and hemodynamic perturbations in HF patients, [29][30] and this may be targeted therapeutically through use of interventions targeting venoconstriction. It is important to underscore that steady state conditions for patient assessment as shown in this cohort are necessary to discount any influence of acute redistribution of blood volume or fluid re-accumulation on hemodynamic measurements relative to measurements of intravascular volume. ...
AIMS Elevated cardiac filling pressures producing clinical congestion in heart failure (HF) patients may be secondary to intravascular volume expansion or abnormalities in cardiac diastolic properties. Objective was to assess the extent to which measures of myocardial function and intravascular volume correlate with hemodynamic abnormalities in chronic HF. METHODS Subjects underwent invasive hemodynamic assessment, measurement of total blood volume (TBV) using radiolabel indicator‐dilution methodology, and echocardiography to evaluate cardiac structure and function. Patients were divided into those with hypervolemia (defined as TBV>+8% above referenced normal volume) and normal volume (“euvolemia”) (TBV≤+8%). RESULTS Of 66 patients, 39 (59%) were hypervolemic and 27 (41%) normal TBV. Central venous pressure (CVP, p=0.01) and pulmonary capillary wedge pressures (PCWP, p<0.001) were higher in hypervolemic compared with euvolemic patients, however, 15% of hypervolemic patients displayed normal pressures. Of euvolemic patients, 70% displayed elevated CVP and 63% elevated PCWP. PCWP was moderately correlated with TBV (r=0.42), LV diastolic function (e’ velocity, r=‐0.44), and LA strain (r=‐0.47). In multivariable regression TBV, LV e’, and LA strain were independently associated with PCWP (all p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS While hypervolemic patients displayed elevations in filling pressures, a substantial proportion (15%) had normal pressures, and of all subjects with elevated filling pressures ~1/3 had normal TBVs. Importantly, of patients with normal volumes, a majority (>60%) display elevated filling pressures. Combined analysis of volume, pressure, and cardiac function may be helpful to guide comprehensive assessments of HF status.
... Increased sympathetic nerve activity has been recently recognized as a major contributor to the pathophysiology of HF. In fact, the SNS-induced rapid increase in the effective circulating volume, resulting in the mobilization of fluid from the splanchnic bed, is presumed to be the dominant driving force behind increased central venous pressure and congestion encountered during HF decompensation [58,59]. Therefore, it is not surprising that ChgA and its fragments are implicated in the pathophysiology underlying HF. ...
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Accounting for almost one-third of the global mortality, cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) represent a major global health issue. Emerging data suggest that most of the well-established mechanistic explanations regarding the cardiovascular pathophysiology are flawed, and cannot fully explain the progression and long-term effects of these diseases. On the other hand, dysregulation of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) has emerged as an important player in the pathophysiology of CVDs. Even though upregulated SNS activity is an essential compensatory response to various stress conditions, in the long term, it becomes a major contributor to both cardiac dysfunction and vascular damage. Despite the fact that the importance of SNS hyperactivity in the setting of CVDs has been well-appreciated, its exact quantification and clinical application in either diagnostics or therapy of CVDs is still out of reach. Nevertheless, in recent years a number of novel laboratory biomarkers implicated in the pathophysiology of SNS activation have been explored. Specifically, in this review, we aimed to discuss the role of catestatin, a potent physiological inhibitor of catecholamine spillover that offers cardioprotective effects. Limited data indicate that catestatin could also be a reliable indirect marker of SNS activity and it is likely that high CST levels reflect advanced CV disease burden. Consequently, large-scale studies are required to validate these observations in the upcoming future.
... Impaired Venous Capacitance and Preload Reserve in Heart Failure: Volume Redistribution Concept HF is characterized by resting or exercise-related symptoms commonly in the setting of structural cardiac abnormalities. HF is accompanied by abnormal arterial and venous capacitance, driven at least in part by abnormal baroreflex and chemoreflex function with resultant sympatho-activation.29,40,41 Experimentally induced acute HF in dogs leads to profound baroreflex-mediated venoconstriction accounting for roughly 80% of increased left ventricular end-diastolic pressure, with left ventricular dysfunction accounting for only 20% of increased left ventricular end-diastolic pressure. ...
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While many of the cardiac limitations to exercise performance are now well-characterized, extracardiac limitations to exercise performance have been less well recognized but are nevertheless important. We propose that abnormalities of cardiac preload reserve represents an under-recognized but common cause of exercise limitations. We further propose that mechanistic links exist between conditions as seemingly disparate as heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and pelvic venous compression/obstruction syndromes (eg, May-Thurner). We conclude that extracardiac abnormalities of preload reserve serve as a major pathophysiologic mechanism underlying these and other disease states.
... [26][27][28][29][30] The pathomechanism underlying AHF without noticeable total body weight gain seems to be associated with an endogenous fluid shift from venous body reservoirs, mainly due to the splanchnic bed vasoconstriction triggered by an increased sympathetic activation. 24,26,[31][32][33] In our study, majority of patients with AHF had signs of concurrent peripheral and pulmonary congestion (76%), which can suggest mixed pathophysiologic explanation, involving both fluid redistribution and fluid accumulation with mean 2 kg of weight loss after 48 h of diuretic treatment. In patients with isolated pulmonary congestion (15%), a slight weight change during the first 2 days of hospitalization and the highest decrease in SBP and heart rate seem to confirm the hypothesis of fluid redistribution caused by increased sympathetic tone, as the main mechanism of cardiac decompensation in this group of patients. ...
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Aims Patients with acute heart failure (AHF) are included into clinical trials regardless of differences in baseline clinical characteristics. The aim of this study was to assess patients with AHF according to the presence of central and/or peripheral congestion at hospital admission and evaluate treatment response and outcomes in studied phenotypes. Methods and results We investigated retrospectively 352 patients (mean age: 68 ± 13 years, 77% men) hospitalized due to AHF with the signs of congestion on admission. Patients were divided according to the type of signs of congestion into three groups: A, isolated pulmonary congestion (n = 52, 15%); B, isolated peripheral congestion (n = 31, 9%); and C, signs of mixed (peripheral and central) congestion (n = 269, 76%). Patients from Group A had lower concentration of urea, bilirubin, and gamma‐glutamyl transferase whereas higher level of haematocrit, albumin, and leukocytes on admission. The highest baseline N‐terminal pro‐B‐type natriuretic peptide level (median: 4113 vs. 3634 vs. 6093 pg/mL) and percentage of patients with chronic heart failure (56 vs. 58 vs. 74%; A vs. B. vs. C, respectively, all P < 0.01) were observed in Group C. There were no differences in terms of demographics, co‐morbidities, left ventricular ejection fraction, and applied treatment between studied groups. Patients from Group A had the highest systolic blood pressure on admission (145 ± 37 vs. 122 ± 20 vs. 130 ± 29 mmHg) and the biggest decrease in systolic blood pressure [−22 (−45 to −4) vs. −2 (−13 to 2) vs. −10 (−25 to 0) mmHg] and heart rate [−16 (−35 to −1.5) vs. −1 (−10 to 5) vs. −7 (−20 to 0) b.p.m.] with the lowest weight change [−1.0 (−1.0 to 0) vs. −2.9 (−3.8 to −0.9) vs. −2.0 (−3.0 to −1.0) kg; all P < 0.01] after 48 h of hospitalization. There were differences in short‐term and long‐term outcomes with favourable results in Group A. Group A experienced less frequent in‐hospital heart failure worsening during the first 48 h (4 vs. 23 vs. 7%), had shorter length of hospital stay [6 (5–8) vs. 7 (5–11) vs. 7 (6–11) days], and had lower 1 year all‐cause mortality (12 vs. 28 vs. 29%; all P < 0.05). Presence of peripheral congestion on admission was independent predictor for all‐cause mortality within 1 year [hazard ratio (95% confidence interval): 2.68 (1.06–6.79); P = 0.04]. Conclusions Patterns of congestion in AHF are associated with differences in clinical characteristics, treatment response, and outcomes. It needs to be considered once planning clinical trials in AHF.
... During significant intravascular volume expansion of several hours in HFrEF patients, there was only a limited increase in cardiac filling pressures. It has been postulated that alterations in intravascular volume can rapidly (within minutes to hours) lead to acute decompensation in HF patients [23,24]. None of the 40 HFrEF patients in this cohort developed overt signs or symptoms of congestion in response to an acute increase of almost 1 L in intravascular volume. ...
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This study aimed to investigate the relationship between intravascular volume and intracardiac filling pressures in stable HF patients with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). A total of 40 HFrEF patients (LVEF 36 ± 10%) (10 subjects with a pulmonary artery catheter) underwent intravascular volume expansion with 1 L hydroxyl-ethyl-starch over 3 h with coinciding intravascular volume measurements (technetium (99 tc)-labeled red blood cell technique). Intravascular blood volume increased from 5.0 ± 1.0 L to 5.7 ± 1.0 L (p < 0.0001). No change in clinical status, echocardiographic indices, or cardiac filling pressures was noticed. Invasively measured right atrial pressure and pulmonary arterial wedge pressure increased significantly immediately after start of infusion (4 ± 2 mmHg to 8 ± 4 mmHg; p = 0.01 and 10 ± 3 mmHg to 15 ± 6 mmHg; p = 0.01, respectively), decreased afterwards, and remained stable for 3 h (6 ± 2 mmHg and 14 ± 4 mmHg, respectively). The accuracy of cardiac filling pressure estimates to predict intravascular volume expansion was low (all AUC < 0.65).
... The sympathetic nervous system is a key controller of venous function (Fink and Arthur, 2009;Pang, 2001). Dysregulation of sympathetic control of venous function has been linked to conditions such as heart failure (Burchell et al., 2013;Fallick et al., 2011), hypovolemia (Tiniakov et al., 2012) and hypertension (Fink and Arthur, 2009;Martin et al., 1998). While it is generally accepted that the sympathetic nervous system plays a key role in the control of venous function, the mechanisms that control sympathetic drive to the venous compartment remain less well understood. ...
Our understanding of reflex regulation of veins lags behind that of the arterial system. While the cardiac sympathetic afferent reflex (CSAR) exerts control over sympathetic outflow, its effect on venous tone is not known. We tested the hypothesis that activation of pericardial bradykinin sensitive afferents elicits systemic venoconstriction. Male and female Sprague Dawley rats were chronically instrumented for measurement of arterial pressure and mean circulatory filling pressure, an index of venous tone, and with an indwelling pericardial catheter. Mean arterial pressure, heart rate and mean circulatory filling pressure responses were assessed in conscious rats in response to graded pericardial injections of bradykinin (1.5-20 μg/kg) before and after ganglionic blockade, and to intravenous norepinephrine (0.05-0.8 μg/kg). Bradykinin B2 receptor was assessed by Western blot. Pericardial bradykinin injections caused graded increases in mean arterial pressure, heart rate and mean circulatory filling pressure. These responses were markedly attenuated after autonomic blockade. The increments in mean circulatory filling pressure were attenuated in female rats. There were no differences in the venoconstrictor responses to norepinephrine or ventricular bradykinin receptor expression between male and females. We interpret these findings to indicate that activation of bradykinin sensitive pericardial afferents elicits a sexually dimorphic, autonomically mediated systemic venoconstrictor response. Differences in venous smooth muscle responses to norepinephrine or ventricular bradykinin receptor expression do not account for the sexual dimorphism. We conclude that systemic venoconstriction contributes to the overall hemodynamic response to activation of the cardiac sympathetic afferent reflex and that this effect is sexually dimorphic.
... Sympatho-excitatory responses are also triggered by chemo-sensitivity to hypoxia and hypercapnia (both common occurrences in low output status). These reflexes can cause chronic and acute sympathetic stimulation that lead to mobilization of large blood volume from the splanchnic vessels [26]. This mechanism may be elicited also in stable HF subjects where heterogeneous distribution (variations of 81% up to 133%) of normal intravascular plasma volume is coupled with decreased blood red cell mass [27]. ...
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The burden of hospitalizations driven by exacerbation of acute heart failure remains unacceptably high. The associated use of hospital resources drives increasing patient, caregiver, and economic costs. Noninvasive telemedical systems investigated in randomized controlled trials have failed to demonstrate to reduce hospitalization rates probably because of the indirect (non-linear) relationship of the measured biological signals with the patient congestion status. Instead, there is increasing evidence that direct measure of intracardiac and pulmonary artery pressure can effectively guide heart failure management and reduce hospitalizations. Early studies adopting implantable hemodynamic monitors in the right heart unveiled the potential of pressure-based heart failure management, whereas subsequent investigations showed the powerful preemptive approach for heart failure exacerbations. One large randomized trial (CHAMPION) proved that a direct pulmonary pressure monitor system (CardioMEMS) substantially reduced heart failure hospitalizations in subjects randomized to active pulmonary pressure-guided management. The system monitoring safety and efficacy were also excellent. The study proved that early management in response to increased pulmonary pressure is able to provide the most effective therapeutic intervention to prevent heart failure exacerbations.
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Heart failure (HF) is a complex clinical syndrome characterized by the activation of at least several neurohumoral pathways that have a common role in maintaining cardiac output and adequate perfusion pressure of target organs and tissues. The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) is upregulated in HF as evident in dysfunctional baroreceptor and chemoreceptor reflexes, circulating and neuronal catecholamine spillover, attenuated parasympathetic response, and augmented sympathetic outflow to the heart, kidneys and skeletal muscles. When these sympathoexcitatory effects on the cardiovascular system are sustained chronically they initiate the vicious circle of HF progression and become associated with cardiomyocyte apoptosis, maladaptive ventricular and vascular remodeling, arrhythmogenesis, and poor prognosis in patients with HF. These detrimental effects of SNS activity on outcomes in HF warrant adequate diagnostic and treatment modalities. Therefore, this review summarizes basic physiological concepts about the interaction of SNS with the cardiovascular system and highlights key pathophysiological mechanisms of SNS derangement in HF. Finally, special emphasis in this review is placed on the integrative and up-to-date overview of diagnostic modalities such as SNS imaging methods and novel laboratory biomarkers that could aid in the assessment of the degree of SNS activation and provide reliable prognostic information among patients with HF.
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Background: Ultrafiltration is an alternative strategy to diuretic therapy for the treatment of patients with acute decompensated heart failure. Little is known about the efficacy and safety of ultrafiltration in patients with acute decompensated heart failure complicated by persistent congestion and worsened renal function. Methods: We randomly assigned a total of 188 patients with acute decompensated heart failure, worsened renal function, and persistent congestion to a strategy of stepped pharmacologic therapy (94 patients) or ultrafiltration (94 patients). The primary end point was the bivariate change from baseline in the serum creatinine level and body weight, as assessed 96 hours after random assignment. Patients were followed for 60 days. Results: Ultrafiltration was inferior to pharmacologic therapy with respect to the bivariate end point of the change in the serum creatinine level and body weight 96 hours after enrollment (P=0.003), owing primarily to an increase in the creatinine level in the ultrafiltration group. At 96 hours, the mean change in the creatinine level was -0.04±0.53 mg per deciliter (-3.5±46.9 μmol per liter) in the pharmacologic-therapy group, as compared with +0.23±0.70 mg per deciliter (20.3±61.9 μmol per liter) in the ultrafiltration group (P=0.003). There was no significant difference in weight loss 96 hours after enrollment between patients in the pharmacologic-therapy group and those in the ultrafiltration group (a loss of 5.5±5.1 kg [12.1±11.3 lb] and 5.7±3.9 kg [12.6±8.5 lb], respectively; P=0.58). A higher percentage of patients in the ultrafiltration group than in the pharmacologic-therapy group had a serious adverse event (72% vs. 57%, P=0.03). Conclusions: In a randomized trial involving patients hospitalized for acute decompensated heart failure, worsened renal function, and persistent congestion, the use of a stepped pharmacologic-therapy algorithm was superior to a strategy of ultrafiltration for the preservation of renal function at 96 hours, with a similar amount of weight loss with the two approaches. Ultrafiltration was associated with a higher rate of adverse events. (Funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; number, NCT00608491.).
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Objectives: This study investigated the effect of catheter-based renal sympathetic denervation (RD) on central hemodynamics in patients with resistant hypertension. Background: High central blood pressure (BP) increases cardiovascular events and mortality independently of peripheral BP. The effect of RD on central BP is unclear. Methods: A total of 110 patients underwent bilateral RD. Radial artery applanation tonometry and pulse wave analysis were used to derive central aortic pressure and hemodynamic indices at baseline and 1, 3, and 6 months after ablation. Ten patients with resistant hypertension not undergoing RD served as controls. Results: RD significantly reduced mean central aortic BP from 167/92 mm Hg to 149/88 mm Hg, 147/85 mm Hg, and 141/85 mm Hg at 1, 3, and 6 months (p < 0.001), respectively. Aortic pulse pressure decreased from 76.2 ± 23.3 mm Hg to 61.5 ± 17.5 mm Hg, 62.7 ± 18.1 mm Hg, and 54.5 ± 15.7 mm Hg 1, 3, and 6 months after RD (p < 0.001), respectively. Six months after RD aortic augmentation and augmentation index were significantly reduced by -11 mm Hg (p < 0.001) and -5.3% (p < 0.001), respectively. Carotid to femoral pulse wave velocity showed a significant reduction from 11.6 ± 3.2 m/s to 9.6 ± 3.1 m/s at 6 months (p < 0.001). Consistently, ejection duration and aortic systolic pressure load were significantly diminished, indicating improvement of cardiac work load by RD. No significant changes were obtained in control patients. Conclusions: Besides the known effect of RD on brachial blood pressure, the study showed for the first time that this novel approach significantly improves arterial stiffness and central hemodynamics, which might have important prognostic implications in patients with resistant hypertension at high cardiovascular risk.
Background— Uremia is proposed to increase sympathetic nerve activity (SNA) in hemodialysis patients. The aims of the present study were to determine whether reversal of uremia by successful kidney transplantation (RTX) eliminates the increased SNA and whether signals arising in the diseased kidneys contribute to the increased SNA in renal failure. Methods and Results— We compared muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) in 13 hemodialysis patients wait-listed for RTX and in renal transplantation patients with excellent graft function treated with cyclosporine (RTX-CSA, n=13), tacrolimus (RTX-FK, n=13), or without calcineurin inhibitors (RTX-Ø, n=6), as well as in healthy volunteers (CON, n=15). In addition to the above patients with present diseased native kidneys, we studied 16 RTX patients who had undergone bilateral nephrectomy (RTX-NE). Data are mean±SEM. MSNA was significantly elevated in hemodialysis patients (43±4 bursts/min), RTX-CSA (44±5 bursts/min), RTX-FK (34±3 bursts/min), and RTX-Ø (44±5 bursts/min) as compared with CON (21±3 bursts/min), despite excellent graft function after RTX. RTX-NE had significantly reduced MSNA (20±3 bursts/min) when compared with RTX patients. MSNA did not change significantly with RTX in 4 hemodialysis patients studied before and after RTX (44±6 versus 43±5 bursts/min, P=NS). In contrast, nephrectomy resulted in reduced MSNA in all 6 RTX patients studied before and after removal of the second native kidney. Conclusions— Despite correction of uremia, increased SNA is observed in renal transplant recipients with diseased native kidneys at a level not significantly different from chronic hemodialysis patients. The increased SNA seems to be mediated by signals arising in the native kidneys that are independent of circulating uremia related toxins.
Background: Chemoreflex-mediated sympathetic activation contributes to both initiation and progression of chronic heart failure (CHF).
Sleep apnea is frequently observed in patients with heart failure (HF). In general, sleep apnea consists of two types: obstructive and central sleep apnea (OSA and CSA, respectively). OSA results from upper airway collapse, whereas CSA arises from reductions in central respiratory drive. In patients with OSA, blood pressure is frequently elevated as a result of sympathetic nervous system overactivation. The generation of exaggerated negative intrathoracic pressure during obstructive apneas further increases left ventricular (LV) afterload, reduces cardiac output, and may promote the progression of HF. Intermittent hypoxia and post-apneic reoxygenation cause vascular endothelial damage and possibly atherosclerosis and consequently coronary artery disease and ischemic cardiomyopathy. CSA is also characterized by apnea, hypoxia, and increased sympathetic nervous activity and, when present in HF, is associated with increased risk of death. In patients with HF, abolition of coexisting OSA by continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) improves LV function and may contribute to the improvement of long-term outcomes. Although treatment options of CSA vary compared with OSA treatment, CPAP and other types of positive airway ventilation improve LV function and may be a promising adjunctive therapy for HF patients with CSA. Since HF remains one of the major causes of mortality in the industrialized countries, the significance of identifying and managing sleep apnea should be more emphasized to prevent the development or progression of HF.
We described recently that systemic hypoxia provokes vasoconstriction in heart failure (HF) patients. We hypothesized that either the exaggerated muscle sympathetic nerve activity and/or endothelial dysfunction mediate the blunted vasodilatation during hypoxia in HF patients. Twenty-seven HF patients and 23 age-matched controls were studied. Muscle sympathetic nerve activity was assessed by microneurography and forearm blood flow (FBF) by venous occlusion plethysmography. Peripheral chemoreflex control was evaluated through the inhaling of a hypoxic gas mixture (10% O(2) and 90% N(2)). Basal muscle sympathetic nerve activity was greater and basal FBF was lower in HF patients versus controls. During hypoxia, muscle sympathetic nerve activity responses were greater in HF patients, and forearm vasodilatation in HF was blunted versus controls. Phentolamine increased FBF responses in both groups, but the increase was lower in HF patients. Phentolamine and N(G)-monomethyl-l-arginine infusion did not change FBF responses in HF but markedly blunted the vasodilatation in controls. FBF responses to hypoxia in the presence of vitamin C were unchanged and remained lower in HF patients versus controls. In conclusion, muscle vasoconstriction in response to hypoxia in HF patients is attributed to exaggerated reflex sympathetic nerve activation and blunted endothelial function (NO activity). We were unable to identify a role for oxidative stress in these studies.