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An Empirical Comparison of Individual Machine Learning Techniques in Signature and Fingerprint Classification



This paper describes an empirical study to investigate the performance of a wide range of classifiers deployed in applications to classify biometric data. The study specifically reports results based on two different modalities, the handwritten signature and fingerprint recog- nition. We demonstrate quantitatively how performance is related to classifier type, and also provide a finer-grained analysis to relate perfor- mance to specific non-biometric factors in population demographics. The paper discusses the implications for individual modalities, for multiclas- sifier but single modality systems, and for full multibiometric solutions.
An Empirical Comparison Of Individual
Machine Learning Techniques In Signature And
Fingerprint Classification
arjory Abreu and Michael Fairhurst
Department of Electronics, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NT, UK
{mcda2, M.C.Fairhurst}
Abstract. This paper describes an empirical study to investigate the
performance of a wide range of classifiers deployed in applications to
classify biometric data. The study specifically reports results based on
two different modalities, the handwritten signature and fingerprint recog-
nition. We demonstrate quantitatively how performance is related to
classifier type, and also provide a finer-grained analysis to relate perfor-
mance to specific non-biometric factors in population demographics. The
paper discusses the implications for individual modalities, for multiclas-
sifier but single modality systems, and for full multibiometric solutions.
Keywords: Classifiers, signature, fingerprints.
1 Introduction
Optimising the processing of biometric identity data, whether within modali-
ties or in multimodal form, is a fundamental challenge in system design and
deployment. There are many potential options available in relation to the pro-
cessing engines which might be adopted, and any selection must be made on
the basis both of application requirements and with regard to a knowledge of
the degree of match between the underlying population data distributions and
system operating characteristics.
The availability of multiple information sources for biometric data processing
can suggest various different strategies by means of which to achieve enhanced
performance. These include, for example, selecting an optimal processing tech-
nique from among many options, combining processors to create a multiple pro-
cessor system to work on a single modality source and, ultimately, combining
multiple biometric modalities to overcome the shortcomings of any one individ-
ual modality. In each case, however, there are obvious questions to be asked
about the processing engines implemented, and the performance of which they
are inherently capable.
This paper reports on an empirical study which addresses these fundamental
questions. Specifically, we investigate the application of a wide range of differ-
ent possible techniques for the classification of biometric data. We will present
performance metrics which show quantitatively how the choice of classifier will
determine the performance which can subsequently be achieved by a system
operating within a specific modality. We then demonstrate how a lower-level
analysis can deliver more targeted selection strategies in situations where out-
come might be guided by the availability of specific information which can in-
form the decision-making process (the availability of demographic/non-biometric
data, for example). Our investigation will also contribute to the development of
approaches to the implementation of multi-classifier solutions to identification
processing based on a single modality, providing performance indicators across
a range of classifiers which might be adopted in such a multiple classifier config-
Finally, because we will present experimental data from two (fundamentally
different) modalities, our study will be valuable in pointing towards some issues
of relevance in multimodal processing configurations in future studies. We have
chosen, on the one hand, fingerprint processing to illustrate the use of a physio-
logical biometric of considerable current popularity and wide applicability and,
on the other hand, the handwritten signature, a behavioural biometric which is
currently less widely adopted, in order to give a broad base to our study and to
allow the most general conclusions to be drawn.
Our study will therefore provide both some useful benchmarking for system
implementation, and a logical starting point for further development of practical
systems for effective and efficient biometric data processing.
2 Methods And Methodology
We report some experiments based on two biometric modalities, respectively
fingerprint images and handwritten signature samples. The databases used for
experimentation are described in detail in Section 3. Since the focus of our study
is on the performance of different classifier types, we identify a pool of specific
classification algorithms giving a broad representation of different approaches
and methodologies.
In our experiments, each database is divided in two sets, one of which (con-
taining approximately 90% of the samples) is used to train the classifier and
the other of which (10%) is used to validate the method. The 10-cross-validation
method [13] is used to evaluate classifier performance. In this evaluation method,
the training set is divided into ten folds, each with approximately the same num-
ber of samples. Thus, a classifier is trained with nine folds and tested with the
remaining unused fold. Validation is performed every time the test fold is run.
The analysis of the resulting classifier performance used the statistical t-
test [15] with 95% degree of confidence. This test uses t-Student distribution to
compare two independent sets. The use of this test allows us to say whether a
classifier is statistically more accurate than another just by observing whether
the pvalue is smaller than the threshold established.
The pool of classifiers selected, comprising eight specific classifiers, is first
briefly described.
Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) [12]: MLP is a Perceptron neural net-
work with multiple layers [18]. The output layer receives stimuli from the in-
termediate layer and generates a classification output. The intermediate layer
extracts the features, their weights being a codification of the features presented
in the input samples, and the intermediate layer allows the network to build its
own representation of the problem. Here, the MLP is trained using the standard
backpropagation algorithm to determine the weight values.
Radial Basis Function Neural Network (RBF) [5]: This adopts an
activation function with radial basis, and can be seen as a feed forward network
with three layers. The input layer uses sensory units connecting the network with
its environment. The second layer executes a non-linear transformation from the
input space through the output space performing the radial basis function.
Fuzzy Multi-Layer Perceptron (FMLP) [6]: This classifier incorporates
fuzzy set theory into a multi-layer Perceptron framework, and results from the
direct ”fuzzyfication” in the network level of the MLP, in the learning level, or
in both. The desired output is differently calculated when compared with the
MLP, the nodes which are related with the desired output being modified during
the training phase, resulting in a ”fuzzy output”.
Support Vector Machines (SVM) [16]: This approach embodies a func-
tionality very different from that of more traditional classification methods and,
rather than aiming to minimize the empirical risk, aims to minimize the struc-
tural risk. In other words, the SVM tries to increase the performance when
trained with known data based on the probability of a wrong classification of a
new sample. It is based on an induction method which minimizes the upper limit
of the generalization error related to uniform convergence, dividing the problem
space using hyperplanes or surfaces, splitting the training samples into positive
and negative groups and selecting the surface which keeps more samples.
K-Nearest Neighbours (KNN) [4]: This embodies one of the most sim-
ple learning methods. The training set is seen as composed of n-dimensional
vectors and each element represents an n-dimensional space point. The classifier
estimates the knearest neighbours in the whole dataset based on an appropriate
distance metric (Euclidian distance in the simplest case). The classifier checks
the class labels of each selected neighbour and chooses the class that appears
most in the label set.
Decision Trees (DT) [17]: This classifier uses a generalized ”divide and
conquer” strategy, splitting a complex problem into a succession of smaller sub-
problems, and forming a hierarchy of connected internal and external nodes. An
internal node is a decision point determining, according to a logical test, the
next node reached. If this is an external node, the test sample is assigned to the
class associated with that node.
Optimized IREP (Incremental Reduced Error Pruning) (JRip) [10]:
The Decision Tree usually uses pruning techniques to decrease the error rates
of a dataset with noise, one approach to which is the Reduced Error Pruning
method. Specifically, we use Incremental Reduced Error Pruning (IREP). The
IREP tries to divide to conquer. This algorithm uses a set of rules which, one
by one, are tested to check whether a rule matches, all samples related to that
rule then being deleted. This process is repeated until there are no more samples
or the algorithm returns an unacceptable error. Our algorithm uses a delayed
pruning approach to avoid unnecessary pruning, resulting in a JRip procedure.
Naive Bayesian Learning (NBL) [9]: This algorithm relates to a simple
probabilistic classifier based on the application of Bayes theorem with the as-
sumption of strong independence. The principle is to estimate the conditional
probability of each class label with respect to the test sample. In this method,
it is assumed that each attribute is independent of the others.
3 Experimental Study
In order to determine the performance of the classifiers described, two databases
of biometric samples were chosen, containing respectively, samples of hand-
written signatures and fingerprint images. Section 3.1 describes the signature
database and the results of an empirical investigation of classification of this
data, while Section 3.2 describes a similar investigation with respect to the fin-
gerprint samples.
3.1 Signature Database
The database contained signature samples collected as part of a BTG/University
of Kent study [11] from 359 volunteers (129 male, 230 female) from a cross-
section of the general public. The capture environment was a typical retail outlet,
providing a real-world scenario in which to acquire credible data. There are 7428
signature samples in total, where the number of samples from each individual
varies between 2 and 79, according to the distribution shown in Table 1.
Gender 2-10 samples 11-30 samples 31-50 samples 51-79 samples
Female 54 148 23 5
Male 42 66 22 9
Table 1. Distribution of sample set sizes
The data was collected using an A4-sized graphics tablet with a density of
500 lines per inch. For our study 18 representative features were extracted from
each sample. These features were:
Execution Time: The time required to execute the signature.
Pen Lift: The number of times the pen was removed from the tablet during
the execution process.
Signature Width: The width of the image in mm.
Signature Height: The height of the image in mm.
Height to Width Ratio: The division of the signature height by the signature
Average Horizontal Pen Velocity in X: The pen velocity in the x plane across
the surface of the tablet.
Average Horizontal Pen Velocity in Y: The pen velocity in the y plane.
Vertical Midpoint Pen Crossings: The number of times the pen passes though
the centre of the signature.
M00: Number of points comprising the image.
M10: Sum of horizontal coordinate values.
M01: Sum of vertical coordinate values.
M20: Horizontal centralness.
M02: Vertical centralness.
M11: Diagonality - indication of the quadrant with respect to centroid where
image has greatest mass.
M12: Horizontal Divergence - indication of the relative extent of the left of
the image compared to the right.
M21: Vertical Divergence - indication of the relative extent of the bottom of
the image compared to the top.
M30: Horizontal imbalance - location of the centre of gravity of the image
with respect to half horizontal extent.
M03: Vertical imbalance - location of the centre of gravity of the image with
respect to half vertical extent.
Because of the nature of the data collection exercise itself, the number of sam-
ples collected differs considerably across participants. We impose a lower limit
of 10 samples per person for inclusion in our experimentation, this constraint
resulting in a population of 273 signers and 6956 signatures for experimentation.
Table 2 shows the performance of the best individual classifiers with respect to
the signature database, where the classifier configurations used were chosen tak-
ing into account the smallest mean overall error rate. As can be seen, the error
delivered by the FuzzyMLP classifier is the smallest of the algorithms tested,
although a very wide variation in achievable performance is observed. Arrang-
ing performance indices in decreasing order also reveals a general relationship
between error rate performance and classifier complexity.
Table 3 presents a more detailed analysis of the performance results, record-
ing separately the false positive and false negative error rates, and sub-dividing
the test population into four different broad age groups. This shows that, in
general, the false negative error rate exceeds the false positive rate. However, it
is especially interesting to note (the sometimes quite marked) performance dif-
ferences between the different age groups, especially if the youngest and oldest
groupings are compared.
These results are very interesting, both because they again reveal significant
diversity in relation to the performance characteristics of different classifier ap-
proaches, but also because they point to a changing performance profile when
considered on an age-related basis. We observe error rates rising in the elderly
population group as compared with the younger signers, a factor which is ap-
parent both for false positive and false negative errors, although the increase is
Method Error Mean ±Standard Deviation
FMLP 8.47 ±2.92
MLP 9.88 ±2.81
RBF 12.51 ±2.97
SVM 12.78 ±4.21
JRip 15.72 ±3.12
NBL 18.74 ±2.45
DT 17.27 ±3.52
KNN 20.71 ±3.18
Table 2. Error Mean ±Standard Deviation of the Signature Database
18-25y 26-40y 41-60y over 60y
Method fp fn fp fn fp fn fp fn
FMLP 0.51 1.79 0.27 1.55 0.28 1.11 0.99 1.97
MLP 0.73 1.48 0.41 1.07 0.53 1.09 1.76 2.81
RBF 0.93 2.11 0.45 1.69 0.85 1.43 2.07 2.98
SVM 0.92 2.81 0.51 1.60 0.37 1.94 1.84 2.79
JRip 0.97 3.69 0.34 2.18 0.41 2.48 1.17 4.48
NBL 1.83 3.94 0.87 2.12 0.92 2.51 2.86 5.07
DT 1.67 2.85 1.02 1.59 0.83 2.25 2.78 4.28
KNN 2.91 3.85 1.57 2.16 1.14 2.27 2.28 4.53
Table 3. False Positive (fp) and False Negative (fn) of the Signature Database
generally more marked in the former case. It is also seen that the less power-
ful classification algorithms smooth out these age-related differences, although
against a background of generally poorer error rate performance.
3.2 Fingerprint Database
The database used for our study of fingerprint data was that compiled for the
Fingerprint Verification Competition 2002 [14]. This in fact comprises four dif-
ferent (sub)-databases (designated DB1, DB2, DB3 and DB4), three of them
containing images of ”live” prints acquired with different sensors, and the fourth
containing synthetically generated fingerprint images.
Sensor Type Image Size Resolution
DB1 Optical (TouchView II - Identix) 388x374 (142 Kpixels) 500 dpi
DB2 Optical (FX2000 - Biometrika) 296x560 (162 Kpixels) 569 dpi
DB3 Capacitive (100 SC - Precise Biometrics) 300x300 (88 Kpixels) 500 dpi
DB4 Synthetic (SFinGe v2.51) 288x384 (108 Kpixels) about 500 dpi
Table 4. Devices used in the Fingerprint acquisition
The evaluation of the real datasets was performed in three groups of 30 people
each. There were three sessions where prints from four fingers per person were
collected, and the images included variations in the collection conditions, such
as varying types of distortion, rotation, dry and moist fingers. For each dataset,
a subset of 110 separate fingers, with eight impressions per finger, was included
(880 samples at all). Each dataset is divided in two sets, set A (800 samples)
and set B (80 samples). The individuals donating the prints are different in each
dataset. Table 4 records the sensor technologies and other relevant information
for each database.
Method DB1 DB2 DB3 DB4
FMLP 16.09 ±3.61 9.46 ±2.94 13.71 ±3.61 9.90 ±2.59
MLP 20.66 ±3.64 10.02 ±2.25 16.94 ±3.29 10.98 ±3.59
RBF 17.78 ±3.48 10.19 ±3.64 16.09 ±4.53 14.8±2.67
SVM 24.94 ±4.89 17.03 ±2.81 21.97 ±6.00 17.69 ±3.67
JRip 23.02 ±5.47 15.79 ±3.91 13.81 ±4.67 16.89 ±3.99
NBL 21.27 ±3.71 16.21 ±2.77 14.83 ±3.16 17.44 ±2.99
DT 21.36 ±4.61 16.00 ±3.67 14.34 ±5.02 17.69 ±3.69
KNN 30.16 ±6.59 23.12 ±2.78 26.74 ±5.88 23.79 ±2.87
Table 5. Error Mean ±Standard Deviation of the Fingerprint Database
The minutiae were extracted using the NFIS2 (NIST Fingerprint Image Soft-
ware 2) [1]. Each minutia is represented by eight indicators, as follows:
Minutia Identifier
X-pixel Coordinate
Y-pixel Coordinate
Reliability Measure
Minutia Type
Feature Type
Integer Identifier of the feature type
As each finger presents a different number of detectable minutiae, while the
classifiers adopted need a common number of entries, it is necessary to fix the
number of minutia. During the construction of the dataset, where a sample
contains fewer minutiae than the chosen number, random non-real data was
added to compensate. On the other hand, where a sample contains too great a
number of minutiae, the excess minutiae were randomly discarded.
Table 5 shows the error rates obtained with the fingerprint data (cf. Table 2).
As was the case with the signature-based experiment, the mean error delivered
by the FuzzyMLP classifier is smaller than all other classifiers, but in this case
the pattern of classification performance across the whole tested range differs
from the previous experiment. We note, however, that the KNN classifier again
Method fp fn fp fn fp fn fp fn
FMLP 4.18 11.91 2.97 6.49 2.72 10.99 1.86 8.04
MLP 2.73 17.93 3.55 6.47 4.55 12.39 1.21 9.77
RBF 3.86 13.92 3.94 6.25 1.21 14.88 5.25 9.55
SVM 6.07 18.87 3.77 13.26 2.30 19.67 3.97 13.72
JRip 7.03 15.99 6.13 9.66 1.89 11.92 4.30 12.59
NBL 2.63 18.64 5.44 10.77 4.20 10.63 4.96 12.48
DT 2.93 18.43 6.29 9.71 3.60 10.74 2.76 14.93
KNN 8.46 21.7 7.13 15.99 5.02 21.72 6.72 17.07
Table 6. False Positive (fp) and False Negative (fn) of the Fingerprint Database
performs the poorest. This behaviour demonstrates that this data is somewhat
more challenging than the signature case, largely because of the problem of
missing minutiae in the samples, but also reveals common trends in classifier
performance across modalities.
Table 6 shows error rates broken down into false positive and false negative
rates. The false positive rate is greater than the false negative, and performing
the t-test between the two classifiers with the smaller error means gives the
figures shown in Table 7. This shows that the FuzzyMLP is statistically more
accurate than the classifiers returning the second largest correct mean.
Database Classifiers Tested pValue
DB1 FMLP x RBF 0.000451
DB2 FMLP x MLP 0.066
DB3 FMLP x JRip 0.433
DB4 FMLP x MLP 0.00779
Table 7. T-test to Fingerprint Database
The available literature reports a number of studies [2] [3] [7] [8] using this
database, with a particular focus on DB3 because of its particularly poor image
quality. Our study shows some particularly interesting characteristics in relation
to these studies, enhancing current insights into this important classification task
4 Discussion and Conclusions
In this paper we have reported on an empirical study of classifier performance
in typical biometric data classification tasks. Although some caution needs to
be exercised in interpreting such results, especially in generalizing specific in-
dicators, this study provides some pointers to useful practical conclusions, as
We have provided some empirical data which demonstrates the wide vari-
ability in identification performance in relation to classifier selection for a
given modality. This is seen to be the case both when the principal index
of performance is absolute overall error rate and, perhaps most significantly,
also when the balance between False Acceptance and False Rejection is con-
Although caution is advisable when pointing to any individual classifier as
representing a ”best” choice, our experiments do reveal some general trends
concerning the relative merits of different classification approaches which,
while not absolute, may be useful pointers to selection strategies.
A finer-grained analysis of performance within a specific modality can also
generate useful practical insights into the relation between lower-level fac-
tors and performance returned using different classification approaches. In
relation to the signature modality, for example, even our basic analysis of dif-
ferent age profiles within a population reveals important information about
changing patterns of vulnerability with respect to system performance in-
dicators across the age spectrum. This could be very significant in system
optimisation in a number of application scenarios.
Multiclassifier solutions to single modality configurations are under-represented
in the literature, and yet the multiclassifier methodology is widespread and
often very effective in many application domains. Our empirical study pro-
vides relevant information to inform further investigation of this approach
to enhancing identification performance.
Despite the fact that multiclassifier systems can combine the benefits of many
classifiers, they do not necessarily provide entirely ”intelligent” solutions. It
may be advantageous for the classifiers to be more interactive taking account
of their individual strengths and weaknesses. Multiagent systems offer such
a possibility, and our results provide a starting point for designing a novel
solution based on such an operating principle.
Multibiometric solutions are now widely recognised to offer advantages not
only in enhancing overall system performance, but also, significantly, in of-
fering greater flexibility and user choice in system configuration. This study
provides some initial insights into how to match classifiers and modality-
specific data in determining an optimal configuration. Moreover, although
there is now an extensive literature on modality combination, adopting the
signature as one of the target modalities is a relatively little used option, and
our benchmark performance characterisation can provide a starting point for
a productive study of optimal modality selection.
This study therefore both provides some quantitative data to characterise
some common approaches to classifier implementation for application to practi-
cal scenarios in biometrics, and sets out some possibilities for developing more
sophisticated and effective strategies for developing enhanced practical systems
in the future.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the finantial support given to Mrs Abreu
from CAPES (Brazilian Funding Agency) under grant BEX 4903-06-4.
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... Moreover, it is often the case that both biometric and non-biometric information is available, and it thus becomes important to establish whether and how this can best be exploited [1]. ...
... III. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY In previous work [1], we reported some experiments based on a range of individual classifiers working with various biometric data. We presented some quantitative data on classifier performance and an initial analysis aimed at developing strategies to support more sophisticated multiclassifier, rather than single classifier, implementation. ...
... The systems analysed in the present study are organised as ensembles. The components of the systems evaluated are the same classifiers which we studied in the previous work reported in [1]. They are listed below. ...
Conference Paper
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This paper describes an empirical study of ways in which the integration of biometric and non-biometric information can be exploited in signature recognition applications. The analysis investigates the impact of such an approach both on the performance enhancement achievable and the improvements attainable in relation to the flexibility with which such a system can be deployed. We present wide-ranging experimental results and an assessment of the practical implications of our approach.
... Following, a small selection of such methods is given without neglecting other publications. An overview on performance of machine learning techniques in biometrics has been published by Abreu and Fairhurst [1]. Here eight machine learning techniques have been used for classification of fingerprint and signature samples. ...
... The evaluation shows very promising results based on a database of 30 writers with regard to the measures used, false acceptance rate (FAR), attacker acceptance rate (AAR) and false rejection rate (FRR) for verification and false identification rate (FIR), FRR and attacker identification rate (AIR) for identification. Because of the limited number of samples available for testing and because of the different nature of performance measures employed (error rates vs. mean of error counts) and samples semantic results are of limited comparability to those of Abreu and Fairhurst [1] and Fuentes et al.[3]. This paper is structured as follows: The next section describes fundamentals of support vector machines and the configuration of the suggested SVM for handwriting verification and identification. ...
... aspect ratio, intersections of the writing trace with itself or helper lines) characteristics of the sampled handwritten data. Some features or groups of them are identical or quite similar to 8 out of the 18 features used by Abreu and Fairhurst in [1]. Supporting Bounding Box: Even if the SVMs reach excellent classification rates for samples of trained persons the system might still by prone to false-classification of samples from not enrolled persons. ...
... There are several methods of how to be classified by the quality indexes like an Additive Noise Model or Multiplicative Noise Model with different classifier types; Linear Discriminant Analysis -based analysis (LDA), Quadratic Discriminant Analysis -based classifier: QDA, a Bayes classifier using Gaussian Mixture Model -based distribution representation: Bayes, and a Support Vector Machines -based classifier using RBF kernel: SVM. [15] [ 16]. ...
... The authors also investigated the research of M. Abreu and M. Fairhurst, who compared the individual machine learning techniques in signature and fingerprint classification. However, there were more classifier techniques which are based on ANN, the best result was achieved by the fuzzy Multi-Layer-Perceptron [16]. ...
... We have previously reported an empirical study [8] which has demonstrated clearly, using the processing of live biometric data relating both to the fingerprint modality and automatic handwritten signature verification (one a physiological and the other a behavioural biometric), how the choice of a particular processing algorithm can impact on the performance achievable in biometric-based identification. Moreover, we have shown how performance trends vary according to other (often non-biometric) factors in a practical situation, and how a knowledge of these trends can guide the optimal implementation of a single individual classifier to process biometric data derived from a single individual classification algorithm. ...
... In previous work [8], we reported some experiments based on a range of individual classifiers working with various biometric data. We presented some quantitative data on classifier performance and an initial analysis aimed at developing strategies to support more sophisticated multiclassifier, rather than single classifier, implementation while ensuring we evaluated as wide a range of different classification algorithms as possible. ...
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It is generally recognised that no one biometric data source or processing platform is universally appropriate for optimising performance across all problem domains. Multibiometric processors, which combine identity information obtained from more than one biometric source are commonly promoted as optimal structures for maximising performance, and much research has been carried out to investigate appropriate strategies for combining the available information. However, the techniques of multiclassifier pattern recognition also offer opportunities to improve the performance of systems operating within a unimodal environment, yet such solutions have been less extensively investigated in the specific case of biometric applications. This study presents an empirical study of the relations between these two different approaches to enhancing the performance indicators delivered by biometric systems. In particular we are interested to increase our understanding of the relative merits of, on the one hand, multiclassifier/single modality systems and, on the other, full multibiometric configurations. We focus our study on three modalities, the fingerprint and hand geometry (two physiological biometrics) and the handwritten signature (a behavioural biometric).
... Additionally, many more choices need to be made in configuring a multimodal system (e.g., number of modalities, choice of adopted modalities, which classification/ matching method to use, etc.) than in a single modality system, resulting in greater system complexity and perhaps more difficulty in ensuring that optimal accuracy is achieved. Multimodal systems require more data to be provided by users and, in experimentation, optimisation can be made more difficult because of the lack of appropriate multimodal databases [7]. ...
... In previous work [7], we reported some experiments based on a range of individual classifiers working with various biometric data. We presented some quantitative data on classifier performance and an initial analysis aimed at developing strategies to support more sophisticated multiclassifier configurations, rather than adopting a single classifier implementation, while ensuring that we evaluated as wide a range of different classification algorithms as possible. ...
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Many approaches to the implementation of biometrics-based identification systems are possible, and different configurations are likely to generate significantly different operational characteristics. The choice of implementational structure is therefore very dependent on the performance criteria which are most important in any particular task scenario. In this paper we evaluate the merits of using multimodal structures, and we investigate how fundamentally different strategies for implementation can increase the degree of choice available in achieving particular performance criteria. In particular, we illustrate the merits of an implementation based on a multiagent computational architecture as a means of achieving high performance levels when recognition accuracy is a principal criterion. We also set out the relative merits of this strategy in comparison with other commonly adopted approaches to practical system realization. In particular we propose and evaluate a novel approach to implementation of a multimodal system based on negotiating agents.
... We analyze new results from fingerprint samples, and handwritten signature samples, both datasets being taken from the DS2 BioSecure database [83]. The fingerprint minutiae features and the signature online and offline features are described in [84]. ...
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As biometric systems are deployed in increasingly diverse applications, it becomes correspondingly important to understand the impact which human aging has on system performance. Aging directly affects those physiological and behavioral traits which are characterized in biometric measurements, and a practical biometric system must be designed to account for age-induced changes. However, age can also have very positive implications, for example as a source of further identification information. This paper reviews research to understand how age factors impinge on biometric systems and uses this to synthesize a system infrastructure to unify implementation principles. We present new results to show how multiagent structures can provide an effective framework for this purpose, enhancing performance in both identification and predictive scenarios.
... Next, wider application of the machine learning is in prediction of stock market [16,20,26], where its application is used to discover which are the most relevant factors (features selection), that will influence the stock market. Furthermore, most common application of machine learning is in image processing [1,5,15,23,25,30,31], where machine learning is used to discover classification patterns for feature recognition and automatic annotation. Some similar usage is applied for 3D model classification and retrieval [6,14,13]. ...
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Nowadays, it is commonly admitted that the aesthetic appearance of a product has an enhanced role in its commercial success. Therefore, understanding and manipulating the aesthetic properties of shapes in the early design phases has become a very important field of research. There exists an appropriate vocabulary for describing the aesthetic properties of 2D free-form curves that includes terms such as straightness, acceleration, convexity and tension, which are normally used by stylists when describing and modifying shapes. However, the relationships between this vocabulary and the geometric models are not well established. This work investigates the possibility of applying Machine Learning Techniques (MLT) to discover possible classification patterns of 2D free-form curves with respect to the so-called straightness of the curve. First, we verified that MLT can correctly (99, 78%) reapply the classification to new curves. In addition, we verified the abilities of the Attribute Selection methods to identify the most important attributes for the considered classification, among a larger set of attributes. As a result, it was possible to recognize as the most characterizing parameters the same curve attributes previously used to compute the measure of straightness (S). Moreover, Linear Regression (LR) was able to extract automatically an exact mathematical model, which can correlate the geometric quantities with the class of the curve, congruent to one we previously specified. This work indeed demonstrates that MLT are very suitable and can be efficiently used in this context. The work is a first step towards the characterization and classification of free form surfaces giving the general directions on how MLT can be exploited to characterize free-form surfaces with respects to the aesthetic properties.
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Signatures are the most widely used form of legally binding identification and authentication. The repeatability of a person?s signature underpins its recognition and hence usefulness in everyday authentication situations. This study aims to assess the stability of a set of common features used for analysing signatures both within a single capture session and over time (multiple sessions). Secondly, the physical characteristics of signatures which result in the most repeatable performance for each feature are also analyzed. These results have implications for biometric signature verification systems and the document forensic field in that it gives an indication as to the stability of features leading potentially to improved performance and the types of features that should be analyzed given particular characteristics of the signature under investigation.
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To answer the questions of how information about the physical world is sensed, in what form is information remembered, and how does information retained in memory influence recognition and behavior, a theory is developed for a hypothetical nervous system called a perceptron. The theory serves as a bridge between biophysics and psychology. It is possible to predict learning curves from neurological variables and vice versa. The quantitative statistical approach is fruitful in the understanding of the organization of cognitive systems. 18 references.
In many areas of mathematics, science and engineering, from computer graphics to inverse methods to signal processing, it is necessary to estimate parameters, usually multidimensional, by approximation and interpolation. Radial basis functions are a powerful tool which work well in very general circumstances and so are becoming of widespread use as the limitations of other methods, such as least squares, polynomial interpolation or wavelet-based, become apparent. The author's aim is to give a thorough treatment from both the theoretical and practical implementation viewpoints. For example, he emphasises the many positive features of radial basis functions such as the unique solvability of the interpolation problem, the computation of interpolants, their smoothness and convergence and provides a careful classification of the radial basis functions into types that have different convergence. A comprehensive bibliography rounds off what will prove a very valuable work.
Radial basis function methods are modern ways to approximate multivariate functions, especially in the absence of grid data. They have been known, tested and analysed for several years now and many positive properties have been identified. This paper gives a selective but up-to-date survey of several recent developments that explains their usefulness from the theoretical point of view and contributes useful new classes of radial basis function. We consider particularly the new results on convergence rates of interpolation with radial basis functions, as well as some of the various achievements on approximation on spheres, and the efficient numerical computation of interpolants for very large sets of data. Several examples of useful applications are stated at the end of the paper.
Abstract This paper describes a novel algorithm, which is much faster and reliable for fingerprint identification system. The new algorithm is named as ,a novel binary line- pattern algorithm for, embedded fingerprint authentication system. It uses binary line-patterns as local and relative features for fingerprint image. Based on this algorithm, the problems associated with all traditional fingerprint systems,are solved by improving memory size, computation complexity, and enormous costs. The proposed algorithm relatively has a ,small template size (e.g. 48-256 bytes according to 3-16 line- pattern pairs), and has non-strong correlation with minutiae information.. The proposedm ethod achieves a higher identification precision for the poor quality fingerprint with less memory and,complexity compared with conventional methods. It also meets the response time requirement of on-line verification systems because of the achievement of less computation time in both feature extraction and matching stages. Therefore, itcan be integrated to an automatic fingerprint identification system(AFIS) easily inon e chip. keywords: Fingerprint Authentication, line-pattern, embedded system.
Radial basis function methods are modern ways to approximate multivariate functions, especially in the absence of grid data. They have been known, tested and analysed for several years now and many positive properties have been identified. This paper gives a selective but up-to-date survey of several recent developments that explains their usefulness from the theoretical point of view and contributes useful new classes of radial basis function. We consider particularly the new results on convergence rates of interpolation with radial basis functions, as well as some of the various achievements on approximation on spheres, and the efficient numerical computation of interpolants for very large sets of data. Several examples of useful applications are stated at the end of the paper.
Contrary to popular belief, despite decades of research in fingerprints, reliable fingerprint recognition is still an open problem. Extracting features out of poor quality prints is the most challenging problem faced in this area. This paper introduces a new approach for fingerprint enhancement based on short time Fourier transform (STFT) Analysis. STFT is a well-known technique in signal processing to analyze non-stationary signals. Here we extend its application to 2D fingerprint images. The algorithm simultaneously estimates all the intrinsic properties of the fingerprints such as the foreground region mask, local ridge orientation and local ridge frequency. Furthermore we propose a probabilistic approach of robustly estimating these parameters. We experimentally compare the proposed approach to other filtering approaches in literature and show that our technique performs favorably.