Marjeta Vrbinc

Marjeta Vrbinc
University of Ljubljana · Department of English, Faculty of Arts


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Publications (48)
This paper reports on a qualitative study of dictionary use at the School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, during which nine students were given look-up tasks with the online Merriam–Webster Learner’s Dictionary. The study employed a combination of research methods: semi-structured oral interviews and the researchers’ d...
It is unfortunate that scholars have given scant attention to what can be called immigrant dictionaries. These books are significant to the history of (learner) lexicography; they meet pressing needs of immigrants and refugees. This article examines four immigrant dictionaries, Slovenian–English and English–Slovenian (Kubelka 1904, Kubelka 1912b, K...
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V članku je na kratko predstavljena zgodovina slovenskega priseljevanja v ZDA. Sledi analiza šestih slovarjev in priročnikov, objavljenih med letoma 1895 in 1919, ki so bili slovenskim izseljencem v ZDA v pomoč pri učenju in razumevanju angleščine ter pri prilagajanju novemu kulturnemu okolju. Avtorice v raziskavi ugotavljajo, katere vrste informac...
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In the second half of the 19th century, dictionaries increased in importance among Americans. They began to be perceived as authorities by the U.S. population; users expected them to provide answers to their questions about language. At the turn of the 19th century into the 20th, on both sides of the Atlantic, the first independent Slovenian public...
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V članku najprej predstavimo raziskave o različnih vidikih rabe slovarjev, nato pa izsledke kvalitativne raziskave o rabi slovarjev, v kateri so sodelovali študenti Ekonomske fakultete. V okviru raziskave so iskali različne informacije v spletnem slovarju The Britannica Dictionary. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, kako učinkovit je preučevani slovar. Iz...
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Interviews with undergraduate students from the University of Ljubljana, who are majoring in English and can be considered language specialists, investigated habits of dictionary use, look-up abilities, and perceptions of the utility and quality of definitions and illustrative examples. This contrasts with a parallel study (Farina et al. 2019) with...
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V članku obravnavamo nacionalne stereotipe, ki jih najdemo v angleških in slovenskih izlastnoimenskih frazemih z etnonimi ali njihovimi izpeljankami. Naš namen je pojasniti razloge, zakaj so se v angleščini oz. slovenščini v določenem časovnem obdobju pojavili stereotipni pogledi na druge narode. Na podlagi konkretnih primerov frazemov razlagamo nj...
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This contribution presents the second and final report on a study that set out to gain a greater understanding of what general modern Slovenian lexicography is. The full study focused on the philosophy, accomplishments, daily practice, and dictionary projects of seven prominent members of the Slovenian lexicographic community, all of whom were inte...
Language and culture are closely connected, which is clearly reflected in many phraseological units (PUs). PUs are rarely used outside the language community in which they developed, thus causing comprehension problems to non-native speakers on account of their cultural specificity. That is why dictionaries should include cultural information to en...
This paper discusses normative labels in the Dictionary of Standard Slovene from the point of view of users and lexicographers. Using a questionnaire distributed to the students of the University of Ljubljana, we wanted to learn how native speakers of Slovene interpret select normative labels. Additionally, five Slovene lexicographers were intervie...
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This contribution discusses the front matter texts of three Slovenian monolingual dictionaries: Dictionary of Standard Slovenian, Dictionary of Slovenian Synonyms and Dictionary of Legal Terminology. Thirty-two MA students of English at the University of Ljubljana were asked to read the front matter texts and comment on various aspects of their use...
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This article presents and discusses the findings of a study conducted with the users of Slovene and American monolingual dictionaries. The aim was to investigate how native speakers of Slovene and American English interpret select normative labels in monolingual dictionaries. The data were obtained by questionnaires developed to elicit monolingual...
This article reports on findings from interviews with students from the University of Ljubljana. The study is based on fourteen questions about participants’ habits of dictionary use, their look-up abilities, and their perceptions of the utility and quality of definitions and illustrative examples. Students were given nine contexts containing a cle...
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This article focuses on the front matter texts of three Slovenian monolingual dictionaries: Dictionary of Standard Slovenian, Dictionary of Slovenian Synonyms and Dictionary of Legal Terminology. We asked thirty-two MA students of English at the University of Ljubljana to read the front matter texts and comment on intelligibility of the text, usefu...
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This contribution reports on a study that set out to paint as complete a picture as possible of the context and content of modern Slovenian lexicography. We aimed to discern the philosophical underpinnings, the most noteworthy accomplishments, and the main projects of Slovenian dictionary work as presented by our seven subjects, who are all promine...
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The article discusses the treatment of zero equivalence in an English-Slovene dictionary (ESD). The absence of equivalents in the TL is marked by two symbols: Ø (a complete absence of any equivalent) and # (equivalence at the level of the entire message rather than at word level). Sixty-five lemmata in the ESD contain a slashed zero, a hash or both...
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This contribution is aimed at studying multiple labelling in the Oxford Idioms Dictionary for Learners of English (OIDLE2). We sought to establish whether labels belonging to one and the same category combine with one another or whether multiple labelling consists of labels from different categories of labels, the latter providing different types o...
The article examines the treatment of absence of dictionary equivalents at word level in a decoding English-Slovene dictionary (ESD) which has not been published yet. The study focuses on the use of the hash sign, which implies no equivalence at word level. However, if the untranslatable SL lexical item is used in an example illustrating its use, i...
The contribution investigates how to compensate for absent equivalents in a pedagogical decoding English-Slovenian dictionary (ESD). Although two symbols are used in the dictionary, only the lemmata or their senses marked with Ø (a complete absence of any equivalent) are discussed. An analysis of lemmata with zero equivalence shows that grammatical...
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The article discusses the principles underlying the inclusion of illustrative examples in a decoding English–Slovene dictionary. The inclusion of examples in decoding bilingual dictionaries can be justified by taking into account the semantic and grammatical differences between the source and the target languages. Among the differences between the...
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This study focuses on the inclusion of canonical forms of idioms in different online dictionaries, and occasionally a parallel is drawn to canonical forms in print dictionaries used in the compilation of our database, which contains 141 idioms originating from literary works, ancient legends, fables and the Bible. In the foreground are dictionary u...
This article presents the findings of the study where 173 English onomastic phraseological units (PUs) were classified according to their translations into Slovene. Four groups were identified. More than 61% of all PUs belongs to the group where the translation equivalent is either descriptive or represented by a one-word equivalent. This group is...
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The paper analyzes usage notes included in an English-Slovene dictionary with a strong didactic component. The dictionary contains 333 usage notes, which represent the material for this analysis. The analysis focuses on the language and structure of usage notes. In the main section of the paper, the usage notes are analyzed with regard to the part...
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The information provided by labels is called diasystematic information, which gives restrictions and limitations concerning the use of a lexical item. The focus of the study, the findings of which are presented in this contribution, is five British monolingual learner's dictionaries (OALD9, LDOCE6, COBUILD7, CALD4, MED2), which are often referred t...
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The conference Dictionaries and their Users, which was organized by Reinhard Hartmann i.n the late 1970s, initiated a period of more intensive dictionary testing. Jerzy Tomaszczyk (1979) was the first to study the foreign users of dictionaries more thoroughly and was soon followed by Béjoint (1981), who based his investigation partly on Tomasczczyk...
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Grammatical codes are one of several ways of including grammar in learners' dictionaries. In our research we focussed on the usability and user-friendliness of learners' dictionaries as regards grammatical information. The results presented and discussed in this article are based on answers obtained by a questionnaire that tested the understanding...
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Labels in dictionaries provide information about restrictions and constraints on the use of certain words or senses in the contexts in which they occur or in relation to other words described in a dictionary. These restrictions are referred to as diasystematic information. This contribution deals with diasystematic information in four British monol...
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The study presented in this contribution aims to investigate whether the print edition of OALD8 still sticks to the tradition of including many derivatives as run-on entries. For the purpose of the study, a database was compiled consisting of 1,200 lemmata with full entry status, and in this lemma range, 145 run-ons were found. The parts of speech...
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The article discusses English and Slovene phraseological units with onomastic components. The research is based on two databases: an English one comprising 172 phraseological units and a Slovene one consisting of 324 phraseological units. The phraseological units are studied to determine which proper names form components of English and Slovene phr...
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False friends are interesting because it is necessary to translate them appropriately to avoid being misunderstood and because it is necessary to explain the origin of the semantic difference. The problem of phraseological false friends (PFFs) has not been researched exhaustively. This article focuses on thirteen idioms that are the same or similar...
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This article deals with the inclusion and treatment of scientific and technical vocabulary in the third, fourth and eighth editions of Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. The comparison of these editions is based on a random sample of 50 pages from OALD8 from the lemma foot to gimmick. The same lemma range was also studied in OALD3 and OALD4. Fir...
Strict alphabetical ordering of lemmata in a dictionary may be interrupted by the nesting of derivatives as run-ons at the end of the entry for the lemma. This practice can also be found in most monolingual dictionaries. The focus of this article is, therefore, on the presentation of word-formations, or more precisely on adverbs. For the purpose of...
The aim of this contribution is to present similarities and differences between English and Slovene idiomatic expressions derived from the Bible and other literary works from the field of world (and especially European) literature. Special attention is paid to the lexicographic problems connected with the inclusion and treatment of these idioms. Fo...
The article focuses on the retrieval of information on the basis of part-of-speech labeling. When studying the inclusion of individual words, senses and phraseological units in five British monolingual learners’ dictionaries (OALD8, LDOCE5, COBUILD5, CALD3, MED2), it was found that the dictionaries under investigation do not always agree on a PoS l...
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The article discusses methods of sense disambiguation in monolingual dictionaries and equivalent differentiation in bilingual dictionaries. In current dictionaries, sense disambiguation and equivalent differentiation is presented in the form of specifiers or glosses, collocators or indications of context, (domain) labels, metalinguistic and encyclo...
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In this article, we first discuss the inclusion of idioms in the latest printed editions of monolingual learner's dictionaries; we then consider and evaluate the success of look-up operations in connection with the recognition of the correct part of speech. The central part of the article discusses and justifies the macro-and microstructural treatm...
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The article presents modified idioms found in two satirical magazines: The Private Eye and The Week. Modifications are not institutionalized and are thus rarely found in phraseological dictionaries. Creative modifications of idioms are made by an individual speaker or writer who intends to achieve a particular effect. The production and reception o...
The aim of this article is to present the subject-field or domain labels used in monolingual learner's dictionaries. Special attention is paid to the analysis of similarities and differences between subject-field labels in different dictionaries and to the rationale for including certain subject-field labels. The first part of the article discusses...
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Grammar is one of the elements of lexicographic description. In order to find out whether dictionary users use their dictionaries to retrieve grammatical information, we carried out a research-based study investigating their skills. This article presents and discusses the results of a study into the use by EFL students of grammatical information in...
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The article presents the results of a study on dictionary use by students of English who are to become professional dictionary users. The first part of the article gives information on test subjects, their knowledge of English and their dictionary habits. The second part discusses the results of individual tasks with an emphasis on dictionary use a...
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The article presents the results of the first research into dictionary use conducted in Slovenia on a sample of 70 students from the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. The first part investigates the profile of the students as dictionary users, their level of knowledge, and describes the questionnaire u...
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This article deals with delexical structures and in particular with the problems non-native speakers are faced with when encoding. First, it gives reasons why it is necessary to study the structures and then it discusses the delexical structures in English (monolingual context). The second part of the article focuses on the bilingual aspect, i.e. t...
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ENG: Članek obravnava kolokacije na splošno in se nato osredotoči na protistavne probleme, na katere naletijo rojeni govorci slovenščine pri enkodiranju. Poudarek je na študiji, ki smo jo izvedli, da bi ugotovili, katere napake se pojavljajo na področju kolokacij, kadar rojeni govorci slovenščine prevajajo iz slovenščine v angleščino. Študija je bi...


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