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Lower urinary tract function in spinal cord-injured rats: Midthoracic contusion versus transection


Abstract and Figures

Objectives: To compare changes in lower urinary tract (LUT) function with modifications in pathways that regulate LUT function using two different animal models (incomplete and complete) of spinal cord injury (SCI). Methods: Female Sprague-Dawley rats were used. SCI was made at Th8/9 by a contusion injury (contusion, n=9) or a complete transection (transection, n=9). Unoperated rats were used as normal controls (normal, n=6). LUT function was evaluated by micturition behavior in metabolic cages for 24 h and cystometry in awake animals. Immunocytochemical staining at the L6 spinal cord, spinal areas associated with LUT, was performed to identify descending modulatory fibers and dorsal root afferents that project to the L6 spinal cord. Results: Volume/micturition in metabolic cages gradually increased in both contusion and transection groups compared with normals, and operated groups did not differ from each other. Urodynamic parameters from cystometry were significantly different in contusion and transection groups compared with normals, but again there was no significant difference between contusion and transection groups. Immunocytochemical analyses at the L6 spinal cord showed no serotonergic or noradrenergic fibers in transection group, but some descending fibers remained in contusion group, indicating sparing. Small dorsal root afferents were denser in both contusion and transection groups than in normals, indicating sprouting. Conclusions: Although differences were not found in LUT function in operated animals, supraspinal and dorsal root projections to the L6 spinal cord responded differently to contusion and transection. This suggests that the benefits of pharmacologic treatments may be different in two lesion models.
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Lower urinary tract function in spinal cord-injured rats:
midthoracic contusion versus transection
T Mitsui1,2,MMurray
2and K Nonomura1
Objectives: To compare changes in lower urinary tract (LUT) function with modifications in pathways that regulate LUT function using
two different animal models (incomplete and complete) of spinal cord injury (SCI).
Methods: Female Sprague–Dawley rats were used. SCI was made at Th8/9 by a contusion injury (contusion, n¼9) or a complete
transection (transection, n¼9). Unoperated rats were used as normal controls (normal, n¼6). LUT function was evaluated by
micturition behavior in metabolic cages for 24 h and cystometry in awake animals. Immunocytochemical staining at the L6 spinal
cord, spinal areas associated with LUT, was performed to identify descending modulatory fibers and dorsal root afferents that project
to the L6 spinal cord.
Results: Volume/micturition in metabolic cages gradually increased in both contusion and transection groups compared with
normals, and operated groups did not differ from each other. Urodynamic parameters from cystometry were significantly different in
contusion and transection groups compared with normals, but again there was no significant difference between contusion and
transection groups. Immunocytochemical analyses at the L6 spinal cord showed no serotonergic or noradrenergic fibers in transection
group, but some descending fibers remained in contusion group, indicating sparing. Small dorsal root afferents were denser in both
contusion and transection groups than in normals, indicating sprouting.
Conclusions: Although differences were not found in LUT function in operated animals, supraspinal and dorsal root projections to the
L6 spinal cord responded differently to contusion and transection. This suggests that the benefits of pharmacologic treatments may be
different in two lesion models.
Spinal Cord (2014) 52, 658–661; doi:10.1038/sc.2014.114; published online 15 July 2014
Spinal cord injury (SCI) is classified clinically into complete injuries,
where function below the level of a injury is lost, and incomplete
injuries where some sensory and/or motor function is retained.
Nevertheless, it is known that some descending pathways are spared
in many cases of clinically complete injuries.1
Lower urinary tract (LUT) dysfunction in SCI results from damage
to descending modulatory pathways and increased sensory input
through sprouting of primary afferent pathways. A contusion injury
that we use destroys the dorsal spinal cord in the thoracic region,
including the dorsal columns, the corticospinal tract and the
dorsolateral (DL) funiculus, damages the dorsal horn (DH) and
impinges on the intermediolateral column.2–4 Thus, the ventral
funiculi and the ventral portions of the lateral funiculi, which
contain descending modulatory pathways, were partially spared in
contusion injuries, but not in transection injuries.
Serotonergic axons project to the DL nucleus in the spinal cord,
which has been implicated in the central control of the bladder and
the urethra and recovery of bladder-external urethral sphincter
coordination in SCI rats.5,6 Brainstem-spinal noradrenergic axons
project to the lumbosacral spinal cord including the sacral
parasympathetic nucleus (SPN) whose axons innervate the LUT.5,7
In SCI, disruption of these modulatory descending pathways induces
sprouting of the small-diameter dorsal root afferents, for example,
calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-positive fibers3in the DH. If
the descending fibers are partially preserved even in a clinically
compete injury of the spinal cord, they could offer targets for LUT
treatment even after severe SCI. However, because most animal
studies of LUT function have used a transection model, which is
both anatomically and clinically complete spinalized animals, they
may not model the clinically complete cases of LUT dysfunction in
which some projections may be spared.
In our previous studies,2–4 we have shown that a cellular graft
placed into a contusion injury site, such as we use in this study,
improved LUT function and was associated with changes in pathways,
presumably due to the neuroprotective effects of the grafts. We also
showed that intrathecal administration of adrenergic antagonists
further improved function,3likely by acting on spared and/or
sprouting noradrenergic pathways. Here, we compared LUT
function with changes in descending modulatory and primary
afferent projections after a complete transection with a clinically
relevant model, a contusion injury, in the absence of invasive
procedures such as grafting or pharmacological treatment.
Animal groups
Twenty-four 10-week-old Sprague–Dawley rats (225–250 g; Taconic, German-
town, MA, USA) were used. Nine rats received a contusion injury of the spinal
1Department of Urology, Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine, Sapporo, Japan and 2Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy, Drexel University College of Medicine,
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Correspondence: Dr T Mitsui, Department of Urology, Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine, North-15, West-7, Kita-ku, Sapporo 060-8638, Japan.
Received 7 February 2014; revised 23 May 2014; accepted 6 June 2014; published online 15 July 2014
Spinal Cord (2014) 52, 658–661
2014 International Spinal Cord Society All rights reserved 1362-4393/14
cord (contusion). Nine rats received a complete transection of the spinal cord
(transection, n¼9). Unoperated rats were used as normal controls (normal,
Rats had free access to food and water and were kept under a 12-h light/dark
cycle. All procedures were approved by the Drexel University College of
Medicine’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee and conformed to
the National Institute of Health guidelines for the care and use of laboratory
SCI procedures
Animals were anesthetized with intraperitoneal injection of XAK cocktail
containing xylazine (10 mg kg1), acepromazine maleate (0.7 mg kg 1)and
ketamine (95 mg kg1), and a laminectomy was performed at T8/9. In a
contusion model, a modified moderate contusion injury was created using the
impact rod of the MASCIS device dropped from a height of 25 mm and
allowed to rest on the spinal cord for 5 s.2,3 In a complete transection model,
the spinal cord was cut with microscissors at T8/9 as previously described.8
Muscle and skin were closed in layers after SCI.
Rats were placed on heating pads, and closely observed until awake before
returning them to their home cage. Bladders were manually expressed twice
daily until killing, except during testing in metabolic cages.
Micturition pattern
Rats with SCI were placed in metabolic cages (Nalgene Metabolic Cage, Nalge
Co., Rochester, NY, USA) for 24 h to measure micturition behavior preopera-
tively and at weekly intervals from week 2 to week 9 after SCI. The bladders
were expressed manually before the animals were placed in the metabolic cage.
The urine voided during the next 24h was collected on an electronic scale
(FORT250, World Precision Instruments, Sarasota, FL, USA), connected to a
microcomputer, for recording micturition frequency and volume.2,3 Data were
recorded and stored using data acquisition software (WINDAQ, DATAQ
Instruments, Akron, OH, USA). The voided volume per micturition was
compared between experimental groups.
Cystometry in conscious rats
At week 9 post injury, rats were anesthetized using isoflurane inhalation and
the bladder exposed by a midline lower abdominal incision. A polyethylene
catheter (PE-60, Clay-Adams, Parsippany, NJ, USA) was implanted into the
bladder through the dome, as described previously.2,3 The catheter was
tunneled subcutaneously and exited through the skin on the back.
Following catheter implantation, rats were placed in a restraining cage
(KN-326, Natsume, Tokyo, Japan) and allowed to recover from the anesthesia
for 1–2h. The bladder catheter was connected to a pressure transducer (BLPR,
World Precision Instruments) and a microinjection pump (STC-523, Terumo,
Tokyo, Japan). Room-temperature saline was infused at a rate of 0.1 ml min1.
Micturition cycles stabilized and became regular after about 30min of saline
infusion. Three micturition cycles were collected after stabilization. The
averages of maximal voiding pressure, post-void residual urine, bladder
capacity and the frequency of non-voiding contraction in these micturition
cycles were compared among groups. Fluid voided from the urethral meatus
was collected to determine the voided volume. Residual fluid was first
withdrawn through the catheter and then the bladder was expressed manually
by applying pressure on the abdominal wall to collect the remaining
intravesical contents. Bladder capacity was calculated as the voided volume
plus residual volume. Non-voiding contraction was defined as rhythmic
intravesical pressure increases greater than 5mmHg from baseline without a
release of uid from urethra.2,3
Tissue preparation
After cystometry, animals were anesthetized with intraperitoneal injections of
sodium pentobarbital (100 mg kg 1, Abbot Laboratories, North Chicago, IL,
USA) and killed by intracardiac perfusion with 200 ml of 0.1 M,pH7.4,
phosphate buffer followed by 500 ml of ice-cold 4% paraformaldehyde fixative
in phosphate buffer. The spinal cord was removed and postfixed for 24h in the
same fixative at 4 1C followed by cryoprotection in phosphate-buffered 30%
sucrose solution for 3–5 days. Tissues were serially blocked, embedded in
Optimal Cutting Temperature compound (Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh, PA,
USA) and kept at 80 1C before being cut into 30 mm coronal sections at the
L6 level.
Lesion sections were evaluated for completeness of the injury in transection
group or the extent of sparing of descending pathways in contusion group.
Transections of the spinal cord were complete and contusion injuries were
similar to those described previously.2–4,8
Projection patterns at the L6 spinal cord
Coronal sections at the L6 level were immersed in 0.1 M, pH 7.6, phosphate-
buffered saline for free floating staining using the avidin–biotin complex
method. Sections were permeabilized with 10% goat serum in phosphate-
buffered saline for 2 h, then incubated with the appropriate primary antibody
(serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine; 1:50000, ImmunoStar Inc., Hudson, WI,
USA), dopamine-beta-hydroxylase (DbH; 1:1000, Protos Biotech Corporation,
New York, NY, USA) for noradrenergic fibers, CGRP for small diameter
primary afferents (1:6000, Peninsula Laboratories Inc., San Carlos, CA, USA))
and 2% goat serum in phosphate-buffered saline containing 0.3% Triton X-100
at 4 1C for 24–48 h, and finally reacted with a species-specific biotinylated
secondary antibody and the ABC reagent (Vector, Burlingame, CA, USA), each
for 2 h at room temperature. Staining was visualized with Sigma fast DAB
(Sigma Chemicals, Perth, WA, Australia). Tissue sections were mounted on
gelatin-coated slides, dehydrated in graded ethanol, cleaned in xylene and
coverslipped. All sections were examined using bright-field microscopy and
images were analyzed using NIH Image.2–4
Statistical analysis
Cystometric data and density of immunocytochemically positive-fibers were
analyzed using one-way analysis of variance between groups. Voided volume
per micturition in metabolic cage was analyzed using two-way analysis of
variance between group and time, with time as a repeated measure beginning
at 2 weeks post injury. Post -hoc analysis was performed using Fisher’s post-hoc
test. Data are presented as group mean±standard error. Significance levels
were set to 0.05 for all comparisons.
LUT function
Micturition behavior in metabolic cage. Voided volume/micturition
gradually increased, indicating recovery from spinal shock. Although
an increase of voided volume/micturition seemed to be slightly earlier
in contusion group, there was no statistically significant difference
between contusion and transection groups (Figure 1).
Cystometry. Urodynamic parameters from cystometry, including
micturition pressure, non-voiding contraction, bladder capacity and
post-void residual urine volume, were markedly increased in both
Micturition Behavior
Voided volume / Micturition
Contusion Transection
Baseline 2w 3w 4w 5w 6w 7w 8w 9w
Figure 1 Micturition following contusion or transection of the spinal cord.
Voided volume/micturition was gradually increased in both contusion and
transection models, indicating recovery from spinal shock. w, week.
LUT function in SCI rats
TMitsuiet al
Spinal Cord
contusion and transection groups compared with normals (wPo0.05,
normal vs contusion, zPo0.05, normal vs transection). There was no
significant difference between contusion and transection groups in
these parameters (Table 1).
Anatomical changes
Projection patterns of modulatory descending projections at the L6 spinal
cord. At the L6 level in normal group, serotonin-positive fibers were
observed in the DL nucleus and the DH, DbH-positive labeled fibers,
indicating noradrenergic axons, were identified in the DL nucleus and
the SPN. Some serotonin- (Figure 2) and DbH- (Figure 3) positive
fibers were identified in contusion group, indicating sparing of some
descending fibers (arrows). As expected, no such labeling was seen in
transection group, indicating no other sources for these descending
modulators in the spinal cord.
Primary afferent projections at the L6 spinal cord. In normal group,
CGRP-positive fibers project to the superficial layers of the DH.
Following injury, CGRP immunoactivity was modestly denser in
both contusion and transection groups compared with normals
(Figure 4a), and some entopic fibers extended into the deeper layers
of the DH. Densitometric analyses showed that CGRP immunor-
eactivity in the DH was significantly denser in contusion and
transection groups than in normals (transection vs normal:
Po0.05, contusion vs normal: Po0.05), but there was no significant
difference between transection and contusion groups (Figure 4b).
These results suggest increased sprouting of small caliber dorsal root
axons to the DH in both the transection and contusion groups
compared to normals.
In animal models, SCI produces an initial period of bladder areflexia,
followed by the slow re-emergence of involuntary reflex micturition
and detrusor hyperactivity mediated by spinal reflex pathways.
Coordinated function between the bladder and urethral sphincter is
disrupted after SCI, and the degree of dyssynergia is related to
the severity of spinal injury.6This loss of coordination leads to
functional bladder outlet obstruction identified by urinary retention
and increased micturition pressure. Non-voiding contractions,
manifested as phasic bladder contractions during urine storage,
result in urinary incontinence and high intravesical pressures,
leading to bladder hypertrophy and deterioration of the upper
urinary tract. Non-voiding contractions are likely to reflect
hyperactivity of the primary afferent projection. In the present
study, the lack of significant differences in LUT function in
micturition behavior or cystometry indicates that the injuries were
functionally equivalent between contusion and transection.
Table 1 Summary of urodynamic parameters in cystometry
Parameters Normal Contusion Transection
Micturition pressure (cm water) 19.5±0.8 36.1±2.9a33.3±1.5b
Number of non-voiding contraction
Bladder capacity (ml) 0.44±0.05 1.54±0.07a1.53±0.14b
Post-void residual urine volume (ml) 0.03±0.01 0.16±0.04a0.20±0.06b
aPo0.05, normal vs contusion.
bPo0.05, normal vs transection.
Serotonin-positive fibers
Normal Contusion Transection
Dorsolateral nucleus
Dorsal horn
Figure 2 5-HT-positive fibers in the lumbosacral spinal cord. Some
serotonin-positive fibers identified in contusion group, although the density
of serotonin-positive fibers was low compared with unoperated rats. There
were no fibers of these descending pathways in transection group. Arrows in
contusion: serotonin-positive fibers.
Normal Contusion Transection
D H-positive fibers
Figure 3 DbH-positive fibers in the lumbosacral spinal cord. Some
DbH-positive fibers identified in contusion group, but none in transection
group. Arrows in contusion: DbH-positive fibers
Dorsal horn
40 **
Normal Contusion Transection
Normal Contusion Transection
Figure 4 CGRP-positive fibers in the lumbosacral spinal cord. CGRP-positive
fibers were modestly denser in the superficial dorsal horn and some entopic
fibers were seen in deeper layers in both contusion and transection groups
compared with unoperated normal rats (a). CGRP immunoreactivity in the
DH was significantly denser in transection and contusion groups than in
normal rats (b). *Po0.05.
LUT function in SCI rats
TMitsuiet al
Spinal Cord
However, differences in extent of innervation of the lumbar spinal
cord by the serotonergic and noradrenergic axons and in the density
of CGRP-labeled dorsal root projections to the DH were observed
between operated groups. The L6 spinal cord contains preganglionic
parasympathetic neurons in the SPN that innervate the ganglia
supplying the smooth muscle of the bladder wall,5and the DL
nucleus, which contains somatic motor neurons that innervate the
external urethral sphincter and coordinate the activity of the bladder
and the urethra.5,6 Our previous studies suggested that the greater
density of descending serotonergic and noradrenergic projections,
elicited by the neuroprotective effects of the cellular grafts
transplanted into a contusion lesion site, ameliorates of the
dyssynergia between the bladder and the urethral sphincter2–4 by
providing some descending control over spinal nuclei and greater
descending control over sensory transmission in the DH.9–12 The
density of bladder afferent projections, that is, CGRP-positive fibers in
the DH, is increased after severe SCI13–15 and this has been implicated
in detrusor overactivity that develops following SCI.2–4 Bladder
afferents in the lumbosacral spinal cord also project to the DH,
SPN and dorsal commissure in the lumbosacral spinal cord,16,17
which was induced by disruption of the descending projections.
These findings provide greater descending control over sensory
transmission in the DH.9–12
Some serotonin- and DbH-positive bers were preserved in
contusion group at the L6 spinal cord, but none were present in
transection group. CGRP-positive fibers were denser in both contu-
sion and transection groups than in normals. The discrepancy
between similar urodynamic parameters in metabolic cages and in
cystometry and differences in projection patterns is not uncommon.
A likely explanation is that the sparing of descending projections was
insufficient to permit measurable recovery. In fact, LUT function
spontaneously recovers following a mild contusion injury of the
spinal cord and more severe contusion injury induces permanent LUT
dysfunction.6Our previous study showing that transplantation of
cellular grafts after similar contusion lesions improved LUT function
compared with SCI animals without treatments. This was attributed
to the greater sparing of descending modulatory pathways because
of the neuroprotective properties of the transplanted cells and
indeed was demonstrated immunocytochemically. We show here
that sprouting/sparing occurs even without a graft but is less
pronounced, and is not associated with recovery of LUT function.
In LUT dysfunction after SCI, effects of administration of agonists
or antagonists may differ according to the injury type. The appro-
priate medication is likely to differ between contusion and transection
groups, as a low density of serotonin- and DbH-positive fibers was
preserved in the spinal cord of contusion group. Our previous studies
suggest that a difference in response to a contusion injury treated
with a cellular graft into the lesion site, compared with a contusion
injury without a cellular graft, showed a greater response to alpha
1-adrenergic blockers in urodynamic parameters.3,18 This indicated
that there was possibility of different sensitivity for alpha 1-adrenergic
receptor subtypes. We suggest that there will be different
pharmacological responses with serotonergic agents between
contusion and transection groups as well.19 Further, alterations in
NMDA receptors involved in recovery of urethral sphincter
coordination6suggest a potential clinical application using
glutaminergic agonists.1,20 Thus, if pharmacological data from
animal studies are applied to clinical treatments, the preclinical
studies should be done in both contusion and transection injuries.
In conclusion, although a significant difference was not found in
LUT function, supraspinal projections to the lumbosacral spinal cord
were significantly different between contusion and transection groups.
This suggests that anatomical plasticity occurs following both
complete and incomplete injuries and that the benefits of pharma-
cologic treatments may be different in two lesion models.
There were no data to deposit.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
This study was supported by Spinal Cord Research Foundation (No. 2312-01)
and Uehara Memorial Foundation.
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LUT function in SCI rats
TMitsuiet al
Spinal Cord
... To conduct rodent cystometry, catheterization can be performed transurethrally [69,149], as well as by using either acute [55,64,[150][151][152] or chronic [153] suprapubic approaches. Suprapubic insertion is common in these models given the small urethral size for insertion, and because it reduces urethral and EUS irritation during EMG recording [154]. ...
... After SCI, voiding is severely impaired in rodents, which demonstrate increased bladder capacity, increased maximum detrusor contraction pressure, increased PVR, and decreased voiding efficiency [57,151,174,175]. Tonic dyssynergic EUS activation results in poor voiding efficiency, increased residual volumes, areflexic bladder, and sometimes complete urinary retention [56,73,176]. ...
... However, it is important to consider that NLUTD induced by contusion SCI has a different time course than that of spinal transection [63], and most patients do not have a complete transection SCI [223]. Mitsui and colleagues reported differences in the extent of supraspinal projections to the lumbosacral spinal cord between contusion and transection groups [151]. Some serotonin-and dopamine beta hydroxylase-positive fibers were preserved after spinal contusion at L6, but none were present in the transection group, suggesting that the benefits of pharmacologic treatments may be different in these two lesion models [151]. ...
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Neurogenic bladder dysfunction is a condition that affects both bladder storage and voiding function and remains one of the leading causes of morbidity after spinal cord injury (SCI). The vast majority of individuals with severe SCI develop neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction (NLUTD), with symptoms ranging from neurogenic detrusor overactivity, detrusor sphincter dyssynergia, or sphincter underactivity depending on the location and extent of the spinal lesion. Animal models are critical to our fundamental understanding of lower urinary tract function and its dysfunction after SCI, in addition to providing a platform for the assessment of potential therapies. Given the need to develop and evaluate novel assessment tools, as well as therapeutic approaches in animal models of SCI prior to human translation, urodynamics assessment techniques have been implemented to measure NLUTD function in a variety of animals, including rats, mice, cats, dogs and pigs. In this narrative review, we summarize the literature on the use of animal models for cystometry testing in the assessment of SCI-related NLUTD. We also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of various animal models, and opportunities for future research.
... Rodents, most commonly rats, have been studied to assess storage and voiding functions using various forms of cystometry (Andersson et al., 2011). Researchers have used either acute suprapubic (Hubscher et al., 2016;Kruse et al., 1993;Leung et al., 2007;Mitsui et al., 2014;Ward et al., 2013;Yoshiyama et al., 1999), chronic suprapubic (Schneider et al., 2015), or acute transurethral (Lee et al., 2013;Pikov & Wrathall, 2001) approaches to perform cystometries either under anesthesia (Kruse et al., 1993;Ward et al., 2013) or in awake/restrained rats (Hubscher et al., 2016;Lee et al., 2013;Leung et al., 2007;Mitsui et al., 2014;Pikov & Wrathall, 2001;Schneider et al., 2015;Yoshiyama et al., 1999). Few studies have evaluated simultaneous bladder and EUS function (D'Amico et al., 2011;Kruse et al., 1993;Lee et al., 2013;Leung et al., 2007;Pikov & Wrathall, 2001;Schneider et al., 2015). ...
... Rodents, most commonly rats, have been studied to assess storage and voiding functions using various forms of cystometry (Andersson et al., 2011). Researchers have used either acute suprapubic (Hubscher et al., 2016;Kruse et al., 1993;Leung et al., 2007;Mitsui et al., 2014;Ward et al., 2013;Yoshiyama et al., 1999), chronic suprapubic (Schneider et al., 2015), or acute transurethral (Lee et al., 2013;Pikov & Wrathall, 2001) approaches to perform cystometries either under anesthesia (Kruse et al., 1993;Ward et al., 2013) or in awake/restrained rats (Hubscher et al., 2016;Lee et al., 2013;Leung et al., 2007;Mitsui et al., 2014;Pikov & Wrathall, 2001;Schneider et al., 2015;Yoshiyama et al., 1999). Few studies have evaluated simultaneous bladder and EUS function (D'Amico et al., 2011;Kruse et al., 1993;Lee et al., 2013;Leung et al., 2007;Pikov & Wrathall, 2001;Schneider et al., 2015). ...
... Few studies have evaluated simultaneous bladder and EUS function (D'Amico et al., 2011;Kruse et al., 1993;Lee et al., 2013;Leung et al., 2007;Pikov & Wrathall, 2001;Schneider et al., 2015). LaPallo et al., 2014LaPallo et al., , 2017 measured only chronic EUS function without simultaneous bladder pressure recordings while other investigators measured only bladder function without simultaneous EUS electromyographic (EMG) recording (Hubscher et al., 2016;Mitsui et al., 2014;Ward et al., 2013;Yoshiyama et al., 1999). ...
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Aims: The aim of the study is to develop a minimally invasive method for longitudinal evaluation of lower urinary tract function that allows for simultaneous measurements of bladder pressure and external urethral sphincter (EUS) electromyographic (EMG) activity. Methods: To evaluate the reliability of serial transurethral cystometry (STUC), rats (n = 12) underwent three sessions of STUC, one session a week for 3 weeks. During each session, rats were anesthetized with ketamine-xylazine (90 mg/kg and 10 mg/kg), and micturition reflex data were acquired using transurethral cystometry and percutaneous recording of EUS (EMG) activity during continuous infusion of saline into the bladder. The reliability and consistency of the STUC method were assessed using intra-class correlation (ICC) analysis and repeated measures ANOVA. Results: ICC values calculated from five successive events during the first micturition session indicate good to excellent reliability for measurements of peak bladder pressure, threshold bladder pressure, minimum bladder pressure, volume threshold, duration of EUS bursting, and number of EUS burst events. Across the three recording sessions no significant difference was observed in peak bladder pressure, threshold bladder pressure, minimum bladder pressure, volume threshold, number of EUS burst events, and duration of EUS bursting using repeated measures ANOVA. Conclusion: Serial transurethral cystometry under ketamine-xylazine anesthesia with simultaneous percutaneous EUS EMG recording is a novel, reliable, accurate, and minimally invasive method for quantitative assessment of lower urinary tract (LUT) function in adult female rats over extended periods of time.
... A total of 18 adult (12 weeks old) female Sprague-Dawley rats (Hsd:Sprague Dawley SD, Envigo Indianapolis, IN) were used in the study. Most previous rat studies on SCI and bladder function used females since there are considerably fewer postoperative complications and due to the ease of postoperative manual voiding when the rats are unable to self-void (Lin et al., 2016;Mitsui et al., 2014;Pikov and Wrathall, 2001). Our initial preliminary experiments included male and female rats; however, only female rats recovered cystometric voiding 5 d after injury. ...
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Neurogenic bladder dysfunction causes urological complications and reduces the quality of life in persons with spinal cord injury (SCI). Glutamatergic signaling via AMPA receptors is fundamentally important to the neural circuits controlling bladder voiding. Ampakines are positive allosteric modulators of AMPA receptors that can enhance the function of glutamatergic neural circuits after SCI. We hypothesized that ampakines can acutely stimulate bladder voiding that has been impaired due to thoracic contusion SCI. Adult female Sprague–Dawley rats received a unilateral contusion of the T9 spinal cord (n = 10). Bladder function (cystometry) and coordination with the external urethral sphincter (EUS) were assessed 5 d post-SCI under urethane anesthesia. Data were compared to responses in spinal-intact rats (n = 8). The ‘low-impact’ ampakine CX1739 (5, 10, or 15 mg/kg) or vehicle (2-hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin [HPCD]) was administered intravenously. The HPCD vehicle had no discernible impact on voiding. In contrast, following CX1739, the pressure threshold for inducing bladder contraction, voided volume, and the interval between bladder contractions were significantly reduced. These responses occurred in a dose-dependent manner. We conclude that modulating AMPA receptor function using ampakines can rapidly improve bladder-voiding capability at subacute time points following contusion SCI. These results may provide a new and translatable method for therapeutic targeting of bladder dysfunction acutely after SCI.
... One could speculate that, when it comes to studying SCI-induced urinary dysfunction, the chosen method to reproduce SCI is not as important as it is in regenerative or tissue engineering studies. Nevertheless, recent studies have shown that the consequences for urinary function associated with transection and contusion models are, in fact, different [37,86,87]. Although more clinically relevant models, mild contusion models were used only in 20% of the articles in our search [37,45,[59][60][61]. ...
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Neurogenic detrusor overactivity (NDO) is a severe lower urinary tract disorder, characterized by urinary urgency, retention, and incontinence, as a result of a neurologic lesion that results in damage in neuronal pathways controlling micturition. The purpose of this review is to provide a comprehensive framework of the currently used animal models for the investigation of this disorder, focusing on the molecular mechanisms of NDO. An electronic search was performed with PubMed and Scopus for literature describing animal models of NDO used in the last 10 years. The search retrieved 648 articles, of which reviews and non-original articles were excluded. After careful selection, 51 studies were included for analysis. Spinal cord injury (SCI) was the most frequently used model to study NDO, followed by animal models of neurodegenerative disorders, meningomyelocele, and stroke. Rats were the most commonly used animal, particularly females. Most studies evaluated bladder function through urodynamic methods, with awake cystometry being particularly preferred. Several molecular mechanisms have been identified, including changes in inflammatory processes, regulation of cell survival, and neuronal receptors. In the NDO bladder, inflammatory markers, apoptosis-related factors, and ischemia- and fibrosis-related molecules were found to be upregulated. Purinergic, cholinergic, and adrenergic receptors were downregulated, as most neuronal markers. In neuronal tissue, neurotrophic factors, apoptosis-related factors, and ischemia-associated molecules are increased, as well as markers of microglial and astrocytes at lesion sites. Animal models of NDO have been crucial for understanding the pathophysiology of lower urinary tract (LUT) dysfunction. Despite the heterogeneity of animal models for NDO onset, most studies rely on traumatic SCI models rather than other NDO-driven pathologies, which may result in some issues when translating pre-clinical observations to clinical settings other than SCI.
... It is important to notice that our study used a transection model to induce SCI, and this might not be the most translational model, because the majority of patients with SCI have a contusion injury. 23 Nonetheless, we showed that the transection model produces reliable and very similar dysfunction as observed in patients with SCI, and the previous studies investigating the effects of different lesion types on lower urinary tract function did not highlight major differences, 24,25 thereby making transection injury suitable for translational projects. ...
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Despite the fact that a majority of patients with an injury to the spinal cord develop lower urinary tract dysfunction, only few treatment options are available currently once the dysfunction arises. Tibial nerve stimulation has been used in pilot clinical trials, with some promising results. Hence, we investigated whether the early application of transcutaneous tibial nerve stimulation in the animal model of spinal cord injured rats can prevent the development of detrusor overactivity and/or detrusor-sphincter-dyssynergia. Rats were implanted with a bladder catheter and external urethral sphincter electromyography electrodes. A dorsal over-hemisection, resulting in an incomplete spinal cord injury at the T8/9 spinal level, induced immediate bladder paralysis. One week later, the animals received daily tibial nerve or sham stimulation for 15 days. Effects of stimulation on the lower urinary tract function were assessed by urodynamic investigation. Measurements showed improvements of several key parameters of lower urinary tract function-in particular, non-voiding bladder contractions and intravesical pressure-immediately after the completion of the stimulation period in the stimulated animals. These differences extinguished one week later, however. In the dorsal horn of the lumbosacral spinal cord, a small significant increase of the density of C-fiber afferents layers I-II was found in the stimulated animals at four weeks after spinal cord injury. Tibial nerve stimulation applied acutely after spinal cord injury in rats had an immediate beneficial effect on lower urinary tract dysfunction; however, the effect was transitory and did not last over time. To achieve more sustainable, longer lasting effects, further studies are needed looking into different stimulation protocols using optimized stimulation parameters, timing, and treatment schedules.
... LPP measurements in rodents require the elimination of reflex micturition [8]. To date, elimination of the supraspinal micturition reflex has been achieved by spinal cord transection, which does not allow for repeated measurements of LPP in the same animal [9,10]. In addition, the LPP measurement cannot be performed in awake animals. ...
Aims In vivo experiments were performed to establish and validate a rat model of urethral sphincter injury and to develop a method for leak point pressure (LPP) measurements performed repeatedly in the same animal. Methods Twenty-four Sprague-Dawley female rats underwent bladder and epidural catheter implantation. Five days later, cystometry was performed using continuous infusion. Anesthesia with isoflurane, ketamine-xylazine (KX) or fentanyl-fluanisone-midazolam (FFM) was used. After three micturition cycles, intrathecal bupivacaine was administered leading to the suppression of reflex bladder contractions. LPP measurements were performed using vertical tilt. After the initial LPP measurement, animals underwent partial resection of the striated urethral sphincter. The effect was evaluated 6 weeks after surgery, by repeating the LPP measurement in the same animal. Results Ten out of 19 animals showed full micturition cycles under isoflurane, and all 9 animals under KX anesthesia. No significant difference in micturition pressures (Mean ± SEM; 30.1 ± 2.3 vs. 26.8 ± 1.6 mmHg) and LPP (31.0 ± 2.4 vs. 28.0 ± 0.9 mmHg) was observed between isoflurane and KX groups, respectively. Reflex micturition was suppressed with FFM. Bupivacaine led to overflow incontinence in all cases. Sphincter injury caused fibrotic changes and a significant increase in LPP (26.4 ± 2.3 before vs. 46.9 ± 4.6 mmHg after injury, p < 0.05). Conclusions KX anesthesia preserves bladder contractions. Intrathecal bupivacaine eliminates reflex micturition, allowing for repeated LPP measurements in the same animal. Resection of striated sphincter resulted in increased LPP 6 weeks post injury. The site of urethral sphincter resection healed with fibrosis.
... The lateral funiculi of the spinal cord are known to play a role in bladder control, and during a contusion injury, the funiculi are only partially damaged resulting in impaired bladder function. [46][47][48][49] Thus, these two techniques complement one another, and ongoing studies in human SCI will compare their relative merits for clinical translation. ...
Clinical methods for determining the severity of traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) and long-term functional outcome in the acute setting are limited in their prognostic accuracy due to the heterogeneity of injury and dynamic injury progression. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the timecourse and sensitivity of advanced MRI methods to neurological function after SCI in a rat contusion model. Rats received a graded contusion injury at T10 using a weight-drop apparatus. MRI consisted of morphological measures from T2-weighted imaging, quantitative T2-imaging, and diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) at 1, 30, and 90 days post injury (dpi). The derived metrics were compared with neurological function assessed using weekly Basso, Beattie, and Bresnahan (BBB) locomotor scoring, and return of reflexive micturition function. At the acute timepoint (1 dpi), diffusion metrics sensitive to axonal injury at the injury epicenter had the strongest correlation with time-matched BBB scores and best predicted 90 dpi BBB scores. At 30 dpi, axonal water fraction (AWF) derived from DWI and T2 values were both correlated with time-matched locomotor scores. At the chronic timepoint (90 dpi), cross sectional area (CSA) was most closely correlated to BBB. Overall, the results demonstrate differential sensitivity of MRI metrics at different timepoints after injury, but the metrics follow the expected pathology of acute axonal injury followed by continued degeneration and finally a terminal level of atrophy. The specificity of DWI in the acute setting may make it impactful as a prognostic tool while T2 imaging provided the most information about injury severity in chronic injury.
... After SCI, the bladder is known to turn into a pathological state, as indicated by alterations in cystometric variables, such as the voided volume and detrusor pressure. 38 We would like to emphasize that these pathological changes in human urinary bladder function are among the most serious consequences of SCI, being associated with a substantially decreased quality of life and a high risk of mortality. 39,40 Therefore, the main goal of any pharmacological treatment in SCI is to improve cystometric characteristics towards the pre-SCI level. ...
It is well known that the standard F test is severely affected by heteroskedasticity in unbalanced analysis of covariance models. Currently available potential remedies for such a scenario are based on heteroskedasticity-consistent covariance matrix estimation (HCCME). However, the HCCME approach tends to be liberal in small samples. Therefore, in the present paper, we propose a combination of HCCME and a wild bootstrap technique, with the aim of improving the small-sample performance. We precisely state a set of assumptions for the general analysis of covariance model and discuss their practical interpretation in detail, since this issue may have been somewhat neglected in applied research so far. We prove that these assumptions are sufficient to ensure the asymptotic validity of the combined HCCME-wild bootstrap analysis of covariance. The results of our simulation study indicate that our proposed test remedies the problems of the analysis of covariance F test and its heteroskedasticity-consistent alternatives in small to moderate sample size scenarios. Our test only requires very mild conditions, thus being applicable in a broad range of real-life settings, as illustrated by the detailed discussion of a dataset from preclinical research on spinal cord injury. Our proposed method is ready-to-use and allows for valid hypothesis testing in frequently encountered settings (e.g., comparing group means while adjusting for baseline measurements in a randomized controlled clinical trial).
Neurogenic bladder dysfunction causes urological complications and reduces the quality of life in persons with spinal cord injury (SCI). Glutamatergic signaling via AMPA receptors is fundamentally important to the neural circuits controlling bladder voiding. Ampakines are positive allosteric modulators of AMPA receptors that can enhance the function of glutamatergic neural circuits after SCI. We hypothesized that ampakines can acutely stimulate bladder voiding that has been impaired due to thoracic contusion SCI. Adult female Sprague Dawley rats received a unilateral contusion of the T9 spinal cord (n=10). Bladder function (cystometry) and coordination with the external urethral sphincter (EUS) were assessed five days post-SCI under urethane anesthesia. Data were compared to responses in spinal intact rats (n=8). The “low impact” ampakine CX1739 (5, 10, or 15 mg/kg) or vehicle (HPCD) was administered intravenously. The HPCD vehicle had no discernable impact on voiding. In contrast, following CX1739, the pressure threshold for inducing bladder contraction, voided volume, and the interval between bladder contractions were significantly reduced. These responses occurred in a dose-dependent manner. We conclude that modulating AMPA receptor function using ampakines can rapidly improve bladder voiding capability at sub-acute time points following contusion SCI. These results may provide a new and translatable method for therapeutic targeting of bladder dysfunction acutely after SCI.
Intrathecal access in humans is a routine clinical intervention. However, intrathecal access is limited to drug delivery purposes in rodents, and intrathecal implantation is not a common surgical practice. Preclinically, we have successfully adopted different intrathecal implantation surgical methods for different implant materials in rodents. However, employing the appropriate intrathecal implantation method is a challenging process for surgeons, which includes several steps such as preoperative evaluations and postoperative care. The aim of this review is to define and compare the major documented surgical approaches applicable for intrathecal implantation in rodents along with the associated side effects, as well as highlighting the critical preoperative and postoperative considerations. Overall, this review will provide surgeons with the principles of intrathecal implantation approaches applicable for different implant materials.
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Previously, we reported that one individual who had a motor complete, but sensory incomplete spinal cord injury regained voluntary movement after 7 months of epidural stimulation and stand training. We presumed that the residual sensory pathways were critical in this recovery. However, we now report in three more individuals voluntary movement occurred with epidural stimulation immediately after implant even in two who were diagnosed with a motor and sensory complete lesion. We demonstrate that neuromodulating the spinal circuitry with epidural stimulation, enables completely paralysed individuals to process conceptual, auditory and visual input to regain relatively fine voluntary control of paralysed muscles. We show that neuromodulation of the sub-threshold motor state of excitability of the lumbosacral spinal networks was the key to recovery of intentional movement in four of four individuals diagnosed as having complete paralysis of the legs. We have uncovered a fundamentally new intervention strategy that can dramatically affect recovery of voluntary movement in individuals with complete paralysis even years after injury.
Background. Neuromodulation has been used to treat voiding dysfunction caused by spinal cord injury (SCI). However, the underlying mechanism of this technique is not well understood. Recently, vanilloid receptor 1 (VR1) has been recognized as a capsaicin receptor and an agent for noxious stimuli. The purposes of this study were to evaluate whether development of bladder hyperreflexia after SCI involves VR1 upregulation and whether VR1 is involved in the process of neuromodulation.Materials and methods. Sprague–Dawley rats (n = 20) were divided into five groups: sham control (n = 4); 3 days after SCI (n = 4); 7 days after SCI (n = 4); 14 days after SCI (n = 4), and 14 days after SCI with neurostimulation (n = 4). Bilateral electrode wires were implanted into S1 dorsal foramina and electrical stimulation was performed 8 h/day for 2 weeks. Spinal segments of L6, S1, and dorsal root ganglia were removed and cut into sections. The intensity of VR1 staining was evaluated by image analysis.Results. VR1-positive staining was confined to the superficial dorsal horn of the spinal cord. The staining was weak in the sham group (1/luminosity: 0.0050 ± 0.0006), but the staining intensity was significantly increased in three SCI groups (3 days, 7 days, and 14 days) when compared with that in the sham group (P < 0.05). After neuromodulation, the staining intensity was reduced.Conclusions. VR1 expression in the spinal cord is up-regulated after SCI. Sacral nerve root stimulation can down-regulate the VR1 expression.
Trauma to the thoracolumbar spine commonly results in injuries to the cauda equina and the lumbosacral portion of the spinal cord. Both complete and partial injury syndromes may follow. Here, we tested the hypothesis that serotonergic modulation may improve voiding function after an incomplete cauda equina/conus medullaris injury. For this purpose, we used a unilateral L5-S2 ventral root avulsion (VRA) injury model in the rat to mimic a partial lesion to the cauda equina and conus medullaris. Compared to a sham-operated series, comprehensive urodynamic studies demonstrated a markedly reduced voiding efficiency at 12weeks after the VRA injury. Detailed cystometrogram studies showed injury-induced decreased peak bladder pressures indicative of reduced contractile properties. Concurrent external urethral sphincter (EUS) electromyography demonstrated shortened burst and prolonged silent periods associated with the elimination phase. Next, a 5-HT(1A) receptor agonist, 8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)-tetralin (8-OH-DPAT), was administered intravenously at 12weeks after the unilateral L5-S2 VRA injury. Both voiding efficiency and maximum intravesical pressure were significantly improved by 8-OH-DPAT (0.3-1.0mg/kg). 8-OH-DPAT also enhanced the amplitude of EUS tonic and bursting activity as well as duration of EUS bursting and silent period during EUS bursting. The results indicate that 8-OH-DPAT improves voiding efficiency and enhances EUS bursting in rats with unilateral VRA injury. We conclude that serotonergic modulation of the 5-HT(1A) receptor may represent a new strategy to improve lower urinary tract function after incomplete cauda equina/conus medullaris injuries in experimental studies.
The capsaicin-sensitive afferent innervation of the urinary bladder and the central nervous system distribution of urinary bladder afferents have been studied in the rat. Capsaicin-sensitive primary sensory neurones supplying the urinary bladder have been found in two groups of spinal ganglia located in the Th13-L2 and L6-S1 segments. Capsaicin-sensitive primary sensory afferents from the bladder terminate within Rexed's laminae I, V and X, and in the dorsal gray commissure of the lumbosacral spinal cord. In addition, the results point to a possible vagal sensory innervation of the urinary bladder.
To evaluate bladder function recovery after spinal cord injury (SCI) in response to a combination treatment of an acutely administered AMPA/kainate receptor antagonist and delayed transplantation of neuronal precursors. Female rats received a contusion injury at T8/9. The AMPA/kainate receptor antagonist NBQX was directly administered into the lesion site immediately after injury. Nine days post-injury, NRP/GRP were delivered into the lesion site. Controls received NRP/GRP grafts only or no treatment (OP-Controls). Animals underwent bladder function testing during the course of the experiment and at the endpoint. Motor function was evaluated as well. After sacrifice, histological analysis of lesion site and lumbosacral spinal cord regions was performed. Rats receiving the combined treatment (NBQX&NRP/GRP) had voided volumes/micturition resembling that of normal animals and showed greater improvement of urodynamic parameters, compared to NRP/GRP alone or OP-Controls. Similarly, NBQX&NRP/GRP induced more spouting, regeneration or sparing of descending projections to the lumbosacral cord. The density of primary afferent projections at the lumbosacral spinal cord in rats with combined treatments was similar to that of NRP/GRP alone with decreased sprouting of primary afferents in lumbosacral cord, compared to OP-Control. Immunohistochemical evaluation revealed that the combined treatment reduced the size of the lesion to a greater extent than NRP/GRP alone or OP-Controls. NRP/GRP with and without NBQX produced a significant recovery of hindlimb compared to OP-Controls. In conclusion, transplants of NRP/GRP combined with NBQX promote recovery of micturition function following spinal cord injury, likely through increased neuroprotection.
Afferent pathways from the urinary bladder were examined with axonal tracing techniques in normal female Wistar rats and in those with partial urethral ligation. Following injection of wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (HRP) into the bladder wall, HRP was detected in lumbosacral dorsal root ganglion cells and in afferent projections to the L6-S1 spinal cord at sites in laminae I, II, V-VII, and X known to receive visceral afferent input. Partial urethral ligation (6 weeks) produced a sixfold increase in bladder weight and altered the morphology of bladder afferent pathways. Changes included an increase in the average cross-sectional area of labelled neuronal profiles in L6 and S1 dorsal root ganglia in obstructed (766 +/- 378 microns 2, P less than 0.001) compared to control rats (528 +/- 189 mu 2). The cross-sectional area of the largest profiles also increased by approximately 40%. The mean number of labelled dorsal root ganglion cell profiles was similar in ligated (837 +/- 198) and control (883 +/- 352) groups. When compared to control animals the obstructed animals exhibited a 60% increase in the area of the labelled afferent terminal field in the intermediolateral region of the L6-S1 spinal cord. This increased labelling was even more remarkable given that the volume of tracer per bladder weight injected into the hypertrophied bladder was 87% less than controls. These results provide evidence that bladder afferents project to regions of the spinal cord known to regulate micturition and that these afferents can undergo morphological alterations and/or changes in axoplasmic transport in response to urethral ligation. Changes may occur in response to increased target organ mass, increased neural activity, or alterations in the levels or activity of neurotrophic factors.
Central distribution of efferent and afferent components of the pudendal nerve was examined in the rat by the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) method after HRP application to the central cut end of the pudendal nerve. The pudendal motoneurons were located in the dorsolateral, dorsomedial and lateral groups at L5 and L6. Each of the dorsolateral and dorsomedial groups constituted a slender longitudinal cell column. Pudendal motoneurons in the lateral group were scattered at L5, rostrodorsally to the dorsolateral group. The neurons in the dorsolateral and lateral groups were labelled with HRP applied to the nerve branch innervating the ischiocavernosus and sphincter urethrae muscles. The neurons in the dorsomedial group were labelled with HRP applied to the branch supplying the sphincter ani externus and bulbospongiosus muscles. Some dendrites of pudendal motoneurons in the dorsomedial group extended to the contralateral dorsomedial group. These crossing dendrites were observed not only in male rats but also in female. The average number of the pudendal motoneurons in the dorsolateral and dorsomedial groups were larger in male rats than in female. A few neurons of the intermediolateral nucleus at upper L6 were also labelled with HRP applied to the dorsalis penis (clitoridis) nerve. Axon terminals of the pudendal nerve were distributed, bilaterally with an ipsilateral predominance, to the gracile nucleus, as well as to the dorsal horn and dorsal commissural gray from L4 to S2. A few labelled axons were seen in the intermediolateral nucleus at L6 and S1. Axon terminals from the dorsalis penis nerve were distributed more medially in the dorsal horn than those from the perinealis nerve.
Noradrenergic terminals were identified in the spinal cord of rats by immunocytochemical staining for dopamine-beta-hydroxylase. Although immunoreactive fibers and terminals were observed throughout the spinal grey matter, heavier accumulations of terminal labeling were observed in the marginal layer of the dorsal horn, in the ventral horn among motoneurons, and in the autonomic lateral cell columns of the thoracic and sacral spinal cord. Two specific retrograde transport techniques were employed to identify the origins of these noradrenergic terminations in the spinal cord. Cells of origin were observed in the locus coeruleus, the subcoeruleus, the medial and lateral parabrachial, and the Kölliker-Fuse nuclei, as well as adjacent to the superior olivary nucleus. These regions correspond to the A5-A7 cell groups of the pons. No spinally projecting noradrenergic cells were ever observed in the medulla. It was concluded that pontine noradrenergic cell groups are the sole source of noradrenergic terminals in the spinal cord.
Transneuronal tracing techniques were used to identify the putative spinal and brainstem neurons involved in continence and voiding in the female rat. Pseudorabies virus, Bartha's K strain, was injected into either the external urethral sphincter, the bladder base, or the bladder body. After 3-5 days, the rats were perfused with fixative, and virus-labelled cells were identified by using immunohistochemistry. External urethral sphincter (EUS) injections resulted in labelling of pudendal motoneurons in the dorsolateral nucleus of L6. Putative spinal interneurons were found in the medial cord from T13 to S1 and in the lateral gray of T13-L2 and L5-S1. After both bladder base and bladder body injections, the majority of pseudorabies virus-labelled cells were found in the lateral gray and medial cord of L6-S1. A number of those found in the intermediolateral cell column resembled the parasympathetic preganglionic neurons; the remaining neurons in the lateral and medial gray were presumed to be interneurons. Very few pseudorabies virus-labelled cells were found rostral to T10. In the brainstem, transneuronally labelled cells were found in the parapyramidal medullary reticular formation, Barrington's nucleus, raphe magnus, raphe pallidus, subcoeruleus pars alpha, locus coeruleus, the A5 noradrenergic cell group, and ventromedial periaqueductal gray after all injection sites. Pseudorabies virus-labelled cells were also seen in the forebrain following the longest survival times; areas consistently labelled included the lateral hypothalamus, the parvocellular region of the paraventricular nucleus, and the medial preoptic area. These studies indicate that there is a substantial overlap of central nervous system neurons that innervate the EUS and the bladder in the female.