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Endoscopic-assisted orbital exenteration: Technical feasibility and surgical results from a single-center consecutive series


Abstract and Figures

The purposes of this study were to describe the endoscopic-assisted orbital exenteration surgical techniques, to report preliminary outcomes and to discuss advantages, indications and limitations of this approach. All patients who underwent endoscopic-assisted orbital exenteration at a single tertiary-care center were retrospectively reviewed. A concomitant reconstruction was performed in all cases. The extent of surgical resection was tailored to the size and location of tumor and was classified into four subtypes. A total of 40 patients were included in this series. Orbital exenteration type 1 was performed in 7 cases, type 2 in 11 cases, type 3 in 19 cases, and type 4 in 3 cases. The reconstruction was performed with a pedicled temporal flap in 5 patients and with a free vascularized flap in 34 cases. A radical resection of disease was obtained in 32 cases. After a mean follow-up of 36 months, 14 patients died of disease, one patient died of other causes, 7 are alive with disease, and 18 patients are currently alive without evidence of disease. The preliminary data emerging from this case-series support the feasibility and safety of endoscopic-assisted orbital exenteration.
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Endoscopic-assisted orbital exenteration: Technical feasibility and
surgical results from a single-center consecutive series
Mario Turri-Zanoni
, Alberto Daniele Arosio
, Edoardo Agosti
, Paolo Battaglia
Mario Cherubino
, Sergio Balbi
, Stefano Margherini
, Davide Locatelli
Luigi Valdatta
, Paolo Castelnuovo
Division of Otorhinolaryngology, Department of Biotechnology and Life Sciences, University of Insubria, Varese, Italy
Head and Neck Surgery &Forensic Dissection Research Center (HNS&FDRc), Department of Biotechnology and Life Sciences, University of Insubria, Varese,
Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Biotechnology and Life Sciences, University of Insubria, Varese, Italy
Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Biotechnology and Life Sciences, University of Insubria, Varese, Italy
article info
Article history:
Paper received 12 February 2021
Received in revised form
26 September 2021
Accepted 10 November 2021
Available online xxx
Endoscopic endonasal approach
Orbital exenteration
Orbital apex
Sinonasal malignancy
Skull base
The purposes of this study were to describe the endoscopic-assisted orbital exenteration surgical tech-
niques, to report preliminary outcomes and to discuss advantages, indications and limitations of this
approach. All patients who underwent endoscopic-assisted orbital exenteration at a single tertiary-care
center were retrospectively reviewed. A concomitant reconstruction was performed in all cases. The
extent of surgical resection was tailored to the size and location of tumor and was classied into four
subtypes. A total of 40 patients were included in this series. Orbital exenteration type 1 was performed in
7 cases, type 2 in 11 cases, type 3 in 19 cases, and type 4 in 3 cases. The reconstruction was performed
with a pedicled temporal ap in 5 patients and with a free vascularized ap in 34 cases. A radical
resection of disease was obtained in 32 cases. After a mean follow-up of 36 months, 14 patients died of
disease, one patient died of other causes, 7 are alive with disease, and 18 patients are currently alive
without evidence of disease. The preliminary data emerging from this case-series support the feasibility
and safety of endoscopic-assisted orbital exenteration.
©2021 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights
1. Introduction
The orbit is a complex anatomical region rich in neurovascular
and muscular structures that work synergistically in a limited
space. Currently, the orbit is considered as a borderland, both
anatomically, as it is located between sinonasal cavities, lacrimal
pathways and intracranial compartment, and surgically, because of
the inter-specialist involvement, as it is of interest to the otorhi-
nolaryngologist, neurosurgeon, plastic surgeon and maxillofacial
surgeon (Bartisch et al., 1996;Jørgensen and Heegaard, 2018;Turri-
Zanoni et al., 2019;Agosti et al., 2021).
Different pathologies may involve massively the orbital content,
with or without orbital apex invasion, such as ethmoidal cancers
transpassing the lamina papyracea, maxillary cancers extended up
to the orbital oor, primary tumors originating from the orbit itself
and from the lacrimal gland, and invasive fungal infections
involving the orbit. Surgical approaches to manage such critical
conditions are often mutilating and disguring, with poor func-
tional and aesthetic outcomes (Bartisch et al., 1996;Cherubino
et al., 2017a;Jørgensen and Heegaard, 2018;Turri-Zanoni et al.,
2019;Baum et., 2021). Nowadays the growing role of endoscopic
endonasal resection for sinonasal tumors invading the orbit, the
introduction of trans-orbital conservative approaches, together
with the development of organ preservation protocols including
different forms of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, have reduced
the indications for orbital exenteration. However, there are still
cases for which it becomes mandatory to perform such mutilating
surgery, such as orbit primary cancers, intraorbital metastasis,
*Corresponding author. Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Biotechnology
and Life Sciences, University of Insubria, Ospedale di Circolo e Fondazione Macchi,
Via Guicciardini 9, 21100, Varese, Italy.
E-mail address: (E. Agosti).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery
journal homepage:
1010-5182/©2021 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery xxx (xxxx) xxx
Please cite this article as: M. Turri-Zanoni, A.D. Arosio, E. Agosti et al., Endoscopic-assisted orbital exenteration: Technical feasibility and surgical
results from a single-center consecutive series, Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery,
lacrimal gland primaries and sinonasal malignancies involving
extraocular muscles, orbital bulb, lacrimal pathways or eyelids. It
might also be required in case of fulminant invasive fungal rhino-
sinusitis with orbital spread along the optic nerve in order to pre-
vent intracranial extension of the infection Cherubino et al. (2017a);
Jørgensen and Heegaard, 2018;Turri-Zanoni et al., 2019).
Currently, the term ‘‘orbital exenteration’’ is applied to complete
removal of the contents of the orbit, including the eyelids, while
‘‘orbital clearance’’ indicates a procedure in which the globe,
muscles, fat, and periorbit are removed, while the lids, and
frequently also the palpebral conjunctiva, are preserved (Kiratli and
Koç, 2018;Vartanian et al., 2018).
In both cases, the procedure is hindered by the narrow eld of
work with limited visibility as the surgical resection progresses
posteriorly towards the apex of the orbital cone. In details, the main
anatomical structures to be managed carefully when performing
the orbital exenteration are the anterior and posterior ethmoid
arteries medially; the ophthalmic artery, the optic nerve and all the
neurovascular structures passing through the superior orbital
ssure (SOF) and the inferior orbital ssure (IOF) posteriorly; the
recurrent meningeal branch laterally (Kiratli and Koç, 2018;
Vartanian et al., 2018;Jørgensen and Heegaard, 2018;Turri-Zanoni
et al., 2019).
In such a small surgical eld rich in neurovascular structures
and with limited visibility, the bleeding control can be challenging,
especially when managing the ophthalmic artery at the orbital
apex, and the procedure might be demanding in obtaining a radical
resection of the disease (Jørgensen and Heegaard, 2018).
The purpose of this paper is to describe the surgical technique of
endoscopic-assisted orbital exenteration and to report the pre-
liminary surgical outcomes obtained with this innovative tech-
nique from a series of consecutive patients treated in a single
tertiary-care referral center by a multidisciplinary skull base team.
2. Case series
The study was performed in compliance with the Helsinki
Declaration and with policies approved by the Insubria Board of
Ethics (IRB code: 88/2015). All patients involved in the study signed
a consent form to publish their clinical photographs whenever
The PROCESS (Preferred Reporting of Case Series in Surgery)
guidelines for a case series study were applied to this study and
report (Agha et al., 2018).
2.1. Study design and inclusion criteria
All patients who underwent endoscopic-assisted orbital exen-
teration from 2011 to 2019 were retrospectively and consecutively
reviewed using information retrieved from both electronic and
paper-based databases in a single tertiary-care referral center. In-
clusion criteria were patients of any age and sex, with tumor or
infectious pathology involving the orbit, requiring orbital
Clinical data, surgical and histologic reports, preoperative and
postoperative radiologic imaging, complications, data on adjuvant
therapy, and follow-up data were collected.
2.2. Pre-operative work-up
A computerized tomography (CT) scan and contrast-enhanced
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were performed in all cases to
assess the local disease. All imaging scans were performed using
standard of care protocols. Head CT with or without contrast scans
was employed as the rst imaging modality. The CT scan was
performed with a multidetector 128-slice scanner (Somatom
Denition Flash®, Siemens, Forcheim, Germany). Acquisition was
conducted from the vertex to the second cervical vertebra. CT pa-
rameters included: tube tension 120 kV, tube current 280 mAs
(with dose modulation), collimation 0.6 mm. Images were recon-
structed at 1 mm (increment 0.7 mm) with a soft-tissue kernel.
Head MRI scans with or without contrast were acquired either on
1.5T or 3T scanners. Scans were initially read by neuroradiologists
and then reviewed by authors.
In case of malignant tumor, neck ultrasound and total body
contrast-enhanced CT scan were performed to rule out regional or
systemic metastases.
2.3. Surgical technique
Standard otorhinolaryngological-neurosurgical instrument sets
were used. Endoscopic surgical instruments were part of the Storz®
endoscopic pituitary and skull base surgery set (Karl Storz®, Tüt-
tlingen, Germany). An endoscope with 2D HD head-camera (Karl
Storz®, Tüttlingen, Germany) and 0
/4 mm optics (Karl Storz®)was
used for endoscopic visualization.
The extent of surgical resection was tailored to the lesion size
and location, including the surrounding structures involved by the
tumor. The final goal of surgery was the radical resection of the
disease with negative margins, assessed using intraoperative
frozen sections. A skin incision or a trans-conjunctival incision was
performed, based on the possibility to spare the eyelids. A subcu-
taneous dissection was performed until the orbital rim was reached
at the level of all the orbital quadrants. A subperiosteal dissection of
the orbital content was carried out with the aid of an endoscope,
preserving the integrity of the periorbit to avoid orbital fat herni-
ation. During the dissection, anterior and posterior ethmoidal ar-
teries on the medial side, as well as recurrent meningeal artery on
the lateral side, were identied, coagulated and transected. The
dissection was carried out as far as the orbital apex, thanks to the
visibility obtained by the endoscopic assistance. Superior and
inferior orbital ssure content, optic nerve, ophthalmic artery and
central retinal artery were selectively identied, cauterized and cut,
so that the orbital content was removed en-bloc. The step-by-step
surgical technique of endoscopic-assisted orbital exenteration has
been shown in Video 1.
Supplementary video related to this article can be found at
The endoscopic-assisted orbital exenteration was classied ac-
cording to the orbital walls removed and to the resulting anatom-
ical defect, as follows (Nagendran et al., 2016;Nagendran et al.,
2016;Kesting et al., 2017)(Fig. 1):
Type 1: orbital exenteration limited to the orbital content,
keeping intact all the bony orbital walls;
Type 2: orbital exenteration associated with sino-orbital
connection, by removing the medial and/or the inferior bony
wall of the orbital cavity;
Type 3: orbital exenteration associated with cranio-orbital
connection, by removing the superior orbital wall, with dural
resection via transorbital approach, transcranial approach (cra-
nio-endoscopic resection, CER), or transnasal approach (endo-
scopic resection with transnasal craniectomy, ERTC);
Type 4: orbital exenteration associated with transfacial surgery,
by removing the lateral orbital wall, zygomatic bone or maxil-
lary bone (radical maxillectomy with sino-oro-orbital
In collaboration with plastic surgeons, concomitant recon-
struction was performed in all cases, either with pedicled temporal
M. Turri-Zanoni, A.D. Arosio, E. Agosti et al. Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery xxx (xxxx) xxx
aps or free vascularized aps in order to ll the orbital cavity and
restore cosmesis, in view of a subsequent orbital prosthesis
The surgical procedures were performed by a team of otorhi-
nolaryngologists and neurosurgeons experienced in endoscopic-
assisted skull base surgery. For each type of orbital exenteration,
the surgical technique was standardized in all patients, in order to
reduce inter- and intra-operator variation.
2.4. Surgical outcomes
A total of 40 patients, with a mean age of 64.4 years (range, 5e83
years), were included in this series, and they were distributed as
follows: primary sinonasal tumors with massive orbital extension
in 30 cases, skin carcinoma of the nasal pyramid and eyelids in 4
cases, invasive fungal rhinosinusitis with orbital involvement in 3
cases, uveal melanoma, orbital synovial sarcoma and lacrimal gland
adenocarcinoma in one case each. The clinico-pathological data of
the patients included in this case-series have been summarized in
Table 1. No complications were observed intraoperatively and
postoperatively. Histology-proven inltration of the dura by the
disease was observed in 9 cases and it was associated with worse
outcomes, since all such patients died of disease after a mean
follow-up of 36 months. Orbital apex inltration was observed in 7
cases and it was associated with reduced possibility to obtain
radical surgical resection.
The reconstruction was performed using a pedicled temporal
ap in 5 patients while a free vascularized ap was harvested in 34
cases, including chimeric anterolateral thigh ap in 27 cases
(Hoffman et al., 2016), skin-grafted free vastus lateralis muscle ap
in 4 cases, and osteocutaneous bula free ap in 3 cases (Figs. 2e4).
In one case of a ve-year-old boy treated for an orbital osteosar-
coma, no reconstruction was performed since the eyelids were
completely preserved and the patient was then immediately
rehabilitated with an eyeball prosthesis (Fig. 5). Surgical time
ranges from 120 to 510 minutes (mean, 175 minutes). The mean
hospitalization time was 14 days; a radical resection of the disease
was obtained in 32 cases. After a mean clinical and radiological
follow-up of 36 months (range 12e87 months), 14 patients died of
disease, one patient died of other causes, 7 are alive with disease,
and 18 patients are currently alive without evidence of disease.
3. Discussion
In this study the authors described an innovative endoscopic-
assisted orbital exenteration technique, demonstrating its feasi-
bility and safety. The enhanced visualization, the more accurate
management of neurovascular structures, and the improved ability
in surgical resection at the orbital apex are at the basis of the high
success rate and favorable mid-term outcomes of this technique.
Nowadays, orbital exenteration represents an option for the
management of orbital diseases with relentless progression and
dismal prognosis. Orbital and lacrimal gland primary tumors,
intraorbital metastasis and sinonasal malignancies with orbital
extension are the most frequent indications (Zaoli et al., 1978;
Castelnuovo et al., 2014;Amsbaugh et al., 2016;Muscatello et al.,
2016;Kesting et al., 2017;Kiratli and Koç, 2018;Baum et., 2021),
in addition to fulminant invasive fungal rhinosinusitis with orbital
spread (Cinar et al., 2017). As regards paranasal sinus cancers,
orbital invasion is frequent and represents an independent nega-
tive prognostic factor (De Campora and Marzetti, 2006). Steps for-
ward in earlier diagnosis, along with the increasing role of
endoscopic surgery in their treatment (Signorelli et al., 2015)as
well as the implementation of organ preservation protocols
including radio-chemotherapy (Locatelli et al., 2016), are all factors
that have contributed to reduce the need for such a disguring
surgical procedure. At present, the surgical management of sino-
nasal malignancies invading the orbit include orbital preservation
when the tumor extends to the bony orbital walls, with or without
focal inltration of the periorbital layer, while orbital exenteration
is mandatory in case of inltration of extraocular muscles and
neurovascular structures (Dallan et al., 2015). Several transorbital
surgical approaches have been proposed to treat lacrimal gland and
primary orbital tumors but the poor functional outcomes obtained
and the high rate of recurrences seem to suggest that radical sur-
gery by means of orbital clearance is often advisable.
Different classications of orbital exenteration, cutaneous in-
cisions and reconstruction techniques exist nowadays (Kalin-Hajdu
et al., 2017;Cherubino et al., 2017b;Vartanian et al., 2018; Wilde
et al., 2019), with a trend towards tailoring incisions and resection
according to the extension of the disease to cure. In this study, four
types of orbital exenteration have been considered, according to the
surrounding anatomical structures involved in the removal.
The difculties encountered in performing orbital exenteration
are mainly related to the narrowness of the operative eld, with the
consequently increased difcult exposure of the orbital apex and
SOF, together with a more challenging control of possible bleeding
from ethmoidal arteries or recurrent meningeal artery. In the last
decades, the cumulative experience derived from the growing use
of the endoscopic resection in management of complex sinonasal
(Signorelli et al., 2015) and orbital pathologies (Su
arez et al., 2008;
Nagendran et al., 2016;Cherubino et al., 2017a) has allowed for the
use of the endoscopic assistance also in orbital exenteration, with
consequent advantages over the traditional open approaches.
In this study, the authors illustrated technical notes and surgical
pitfalls of endoscopic-assisted orbital exenteration, analyzing pre-
liminary surgical outcomes. The magnication eld of view granted
by the endoscope provides the surgeon enhanced control over the
neurovascular structures encountered during the procedure
(anterior ethmoidal artery, posterior ethmoidal artery, recurrent
Fig. 1. This gure shows a dry skull right orbital cavity, frontal, zygomatic, and
maxillary bones, on which the anatomical boundaries of the 4 types of orbital exen-
teration have been drawn.
M. Turri-Zanoni, A.D. Arosio, E. Agosti et al. Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery xxx (xxxx) xxx
Table 1
Demographic, clinical and surgical characteristics of the 40 patients who underwent endoscopic-assisted orbital exenteration.
Variables Data (%)
Gender Male 32 (80%)
Female 8 (20%)
Age (years) Mean 64,4
Median 70
Range 5e83
Previous treatments 25 (62.5%)
Surgical resection Type 1 7 (17.5%)
Type 2 11 (27.5%)
Type 3 19 (47.5%)
Type 4 3 (7.5%)
Orbital apex involvement 7 (17.5%)
Surgical margins R0 32 (80%)
R1 7 (17.5%)
R2 1 (2.5%)
Adjuvant treatments None 10 (25%)
RT 26 (65%)
RT-CHT 4 (10%)
Disease Squamous cell carcinoma 18 (45%)
Sinonasal sarcoma 5 (12.5%)
Intestinal-type adenocarcinoma 4 (10%)
Mucosal melanoma 3 (7.5%)
Adenoid cystic carcinoma 3 (7.5%)
Invasive fungal rhinosinusitis 3 (7.5%)
Uveal melanoma 1 (2.5%)
Lacrimal gland adenocarcinoma 1 (2.5%)
Orbital synovial sarcoma 1 (2.5%)
Olfactory neuroblastoma 1 (2.5%)
Follow-up (months) Range 12e87
Mean 36
Median 22
Status NED 18 (45%)
AWD 7 (17.5%)
DOC 1 (2.5%)
DOD 14 (35%)
Abbreviations: R0, free-margins resection; R1, microscopic positive surgical margins; R2, macroscopic positive surgical margins; RT, radiotherapy; RT-CHT, radio-chemo-
therapy; NED, no evidence of disease; AWD, alive with disease; DOC, died of other causes; DOD, died of disease.
Fig. 2. Intraoperative endoscopic images of a 57-year-old man who underwent right orbital exenteration for a lacrimal gland adenocarcinoma, after two previous conservative
surgical resections and proton beam radiotherapy. The reconstruction was performed using an anterolateral thigh ap with skin grafting over the fascial plane. A) endoscopic
coagulation of the anterior ethmoidal artery; B) endoscopic coagulation of the posterior ethmoidal artery; C) endoscopic coagulation of the recurrent meningeal artery; D)
endoscopic view of the orbital apex after the transection of the optic nerve and the cauterization of the ophthalmic artery; E) endoscopic view of the right orbital cavity after
exenteration, with exposure of anterior cranial fossa dura and temporalis muscle; F) Final appearance at the end of the procedure, after the reconstruction. Abbreviations: ACFD,
anterior cranial fossa dura; AEA, anterior ethmoidal artery; IOF, inferior orbital ssure; OA, ophthalmic artery; ON, optic nerve; NC, nasal cavity; NS, nasal septum; PEA, posterior
ethmoidal artery; RMA, recurrent meningeal artery; SOF, superior orbital ssure; TM, temporalis muscle.
M. Turri-Zanoni, A.D. Arosio, E. Agosti et al. Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig. 3. Preoperative and postoperative contrast-enhanced T1-weighted MR images of patient described in Fig. 2. A) preoperative axial view showing right intraorbital mass (yellow
dotted line); B) preoperative coronal view showing the lesion in the right supero-lateral orbital quadrant (yellow dotted line); C) postoperative axial view; D) postoperative coronal
Fig. 4. Preoperative appearance in frontal (A), three-quarter (B) and lateral (C) views of the patient described in Fig. 2 and 3. One year after endoscopic-assisted orbital exenteration,
the cosmetic outcome in frontal (D), three-quarter (E). and lateral (F) views is acceptable and suitable for eye prosthesis rehabilitation.
M. Turri-Zanoni, A.D. Arosio, E. Agosti et al. Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery xxx (xxxx) xxx
meningeal artery, ophthalmic artery, optic nerve and superior and
inferior orbital ssure content), with a better control of their
coagulation and transection (Jørgensen and Heegaard, 2018;Turri-
Zanoni et al., 2019)(Figs. 1 and 2). This enhanced visualization al-
lows, when possible, a limitation of the skin incisions necessary to
perform the orbital exenteration, with greater possibility of pre-
serving the eyelids.
Moreover, the endoscopic-assisted orbital exenteration corre-
lates with a more precise removal in terms of free margin resection,
which is known to be a crucial prognostic factor (Kiratli and Koç,
2018). According to the results of this study, since the introduc-
tion of endoscopic-assisted technique in orbital clearance, the rates
of positive surgical margins at the level of orbital apex dramatically
decreased to 5%. This emphasizes the added value of endoscopy for
a more accurate orbital apex surgical management, whose difculty
is related not only to the vital neurovascular structures contained
into but also to the deep and difcult-to-access location in the skull.
The advantage of the endoscopic approach is to provide a good
and enlightened access to the orbital apex, which is usually
obscured by the volume of the eyeball, especially in case of lid-
sparing orbitectomy. The endoscope eases the dissection, the
coagulation, and the oblique section of the content of the orbital
apex (optic nerve, ophthalmic artery or central retinal artery,
nerves and muscles), without a signicant increase of the surgical
time, which was comparable to what described in traditional
orbital exenteration cases-series (Kasaee et al., 2019;Rahman et al.,
Obviously, the endoscope represents only a tool to better
perform a well-known surgical procedure and the surgeon should
not be dogmatic but able to convert the procedure in a traditional
open approach whenever required, such as in case of massive
bleeding or when the intraoperative ndings indicate the extension
of the disease beyond the orbit with the need to expand the surgical
removal to adjacent anatomical subsites. According to authors
experience of 40 consecutive cases, no major intraoperative or
postoperative bleeding was observed and the wide surgical exci-
sions extended to structures other than the orbit were preopera-
tively planned in all cases, with no need to convert the surgical
approach intraoperatively. To note, even in case of expanded
resection including transcranial, transnasal or transfacial ap-
proaches, the endoscope was successfully used in performing the
orbital exenteration with signicant advantages in terms of safety
and accuracy of the procedure (Turri-Zanoni et al., 2019).
Finally, multidisciplinary team work, including a neurosurgeon,
otorhinolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, radiotherapist and oncol-
ogist is strongly recommended in order to offer the patient the best
chance of cure. A close cooperation with the anesthesiologist is also
suggested since cardiovascular complications may occur intra-
operatively as a possible consequence of the activation of neuro-
vegetative reexes associated with eyeball compression. The plastic
surgeon is another specialist always involved in the team, given his/
her skills in designing the reconstruction strategy with pedicled
regional aps or, possibly, with free vascularized aps (Muscatello
et al., 2016;Jørgensen and Heegaard, 2018; Wilde et al., 2019;
Turri-Zanoni et al., 2019).
3.1. Limitations of the study
One of the main limitations of this study is the small sample of
patients. A study with a larger sample size would be useful to
evaluate in detail the advantages of this technique. Furthermore,
the heterogeneity of diseases included does not allow for specic
survival analyses. Although this study has proposed an endoscopic-
assisted technique devoted to limit as much as possible the
aesthetic impact of orbital exenteration, the invasiveness of this
Fig. 5. Intraoperative pictures of a 5-year-old boy affected by left ethmoidal osteosarcoma pT4bN0M0, who underwent left orbital exenteration to remove persistent disease after
chemoradiotherapy. A) cutaneous incision of the left lateral cantus; B) endoscopic dissection with co agulation of superior orbital ssure; C) endoscopic exposure and cut of the optic
nerve with CO2 laser; D) endoscopic view of the left orbital cavity after exenteration with exposition of superior orbital ssure (green), optic nerve (yellow), inferior orbital ssure
(purple); E) appearance of the left orbital access route after exenteration with preservation of the eyelids and conjunctival sac; F) nal postoperative appearance after placement of
prosthetic convex lens (white asterisk) and closure of the skin incision. Abbreviations: IOF, inferior orbital ssure; ON, optic nerve; SOF, superior orbital ssure.
M. Turri-Zanoni, A.D. Arosio, E. Agosti et al. Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery xxx (xxxx) xxx
procedure still remains signicant with an important physical and
social impact on the patient.
4. Conclusion
The preliminary data emerging from this case-series support the
feasibility and safety of endoscopic-assisted orbital exenteration. It
seems that endoscopic approach might add some benet to tradi-
tional transfacial orbital exenteration technique and, therefore,
might be adopted whenever feasible and appropriate. Further
studies with a larger number of cases and a multicenter structure
are required to validate these preliminary ndings.
This was an unfunded study so there is no nancial relationship
to disclose.
Ethical approval
All procedures performed in studies involving human partici-
pants were in accordance with the ethical standards of the insti-
tutional (Insubria Board of Ethics, IRB code: 88/2015) and national
research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its
later amendments or comparable ethical standards.
5. Informed consent
Informed consent was obtained from all individual participants
included in the study. All patients involved in the study signed a
consent form to publish their clinical photographs whenever
Declaration of competing interest
All Authors declare that they have no nancial relationships or
conicts of interest to disclose.
M.T-Z. and A.D.A. are PhD students on the Biotechnologies and
Life Sciencescourse at Universit
a degli Studi of Insubria, Varese,
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M. Turri-Zanoni, A.D. Arosio, E. Agosti et al. Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery xxx (xxxx) xxx
... In these cases, the endoscope assists the surgeon, especially in managing the deep extension of the pathology towards the paranasal sinuses or the posterior region of the orbit, which are areas with poor visibility even with external approaches. Use of the endoscope can provide better visibility and disease control at this level, similarly to paranasal sinus tumours [39][40][41] . Although this statement cannot be evidence-based for lacrimal sac tumours due to the rarity of such a disease, it is reasonable to assume that the advantage afforded by the endoscope may play a similar role in this type of condition. ...
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Purpose: Orbital exenteration is a psychologically and anatomically disfiguring procedure which indicated in some patients with malignant or progressive diseases of orbital and periorbital area. In this study, we reviewed 176 patients that underwent orbital exenteration. Methods: This was a retrospective study of medical records from all patients who underwent orbital exenteration from March 1991 to March 2014 in oculoplastic department at an eye care center. Demographic data, diagnosis, site of primary involvement and technique of surgery were determined in patients. Results: One hundred seventy-six cases of orbital exenteration were included that had documented histopathology. The age of patients ranged from 1 to 91 years (mean age ± standard deviation, 55.43 ± 27 years). Ninety-seven (55.11%) males and 79 (44.88%) females were included. Fifteen different tumors were identified. The most common indication was patients with basal cell carcinoma 49 (28%) followed by 41 (23.5%) squamous cell carcinomas, 35 (20%) retinoblastoma, and 13 (7%) adenoid cystic carcinomas. In total, adnexal malignancies were the most common tumors, secondarily involving the orbit. Eyelids 89 (50.5%) and the globe 43 (24%) were the most frequent site of involvement. Three types of exenteration were performed, based on available data of 129 operation sheets, 46 (35.7%) subtotal, 62 (48.1%) total, and 21 (16.3%) cases of extensive exenterations. In total 97 cases were evaluated pathologically for perineural involvement, of which perineural invasion was noted in 9 (7%) reports. Conclusions: Frequency of exenteration in our center has increased in past 3 years and the majority of cases were eyelid basal cell carcinoma. Patient education considering periocular lesions can help in earlier diagnosis of malignant lesions and therefore reducing the number of exenteration.
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Introduction: The PROCESS guidelines were published in 2016 to provide a structure for reporting surgical case series. The PROCESS guidelines have since been widely endorsed by a number of journals. The requirement to report compliance with each item outlined in the PROCESS statement has improved the reporting transparency of case series across a number of surgical specialties. Here, we undertook a new Delphi consensus exercise to update the PROCESS guidelines. Methods: All members of the previous Delphi group were invited to participate. In addition, researchers, editors, and reviewers who have previously published or reviewed case series with the International Journal of Surgery were invited to collaborate. An online questionnaire was sent to participants asking them to rate their agreement with amendments to each of the 29 items. Results: 140 experts were invited to participate, 56 people agreed to participate, and 45 (80%) recipients completed the survey. There was a high level of agreement amongst the expert group, and unanimous consensus was reached in the first round. All except three proposed items were accepted, and the original guidelines were modified accordingly. Conclusion: A modified and improved PROCESS checklist is presented, after a Delphi consensus exercise was completed.
BACKGROUND The spheno-orbital region (SOR) is a complex anatomic area that can be accessed with different surgical approaches. OBJECTIVE To quantitatively compare, in a preclinical setting, microsurgical transcranial approaches (MTAs), endoscopic endonasal transpterygoid approach (EEA), and endoscopic transorbital approaches (ETOAs) to the SOR. METHODS These approaches were performed in 5 specimens: EEA, ETOAs (superior eyelid and inferolateral), anterolateral MTAs (supraorbital, minipterional, pterional, pterional-transzygomatic, and frontotemporal-orbitozygomatic), and lateral MTAs (subtemporal and subtemporal transzygomatic). All specimens underwent high-resolution computed tomography; an optic neuronavigation system with dedicated software was used to quantify working volume and exposed area for each approach. Mixed linear models with random intercepts were used for statistical analyses. RESULTS Anterolateral MTAs offer a direct route to the greater wings (GWs) and lesser wings (LWs); only they guarantee exposure of the anterior clinoid. Lateral MTAs provide access to a large area corresponding to the GW, up to the superior orbital fissure (SOF) anteriorly and the foramen rotundum medially. ETOAs also access the GW, close to the lateral portion of SOF, but with a different angle of view as compared to lateral MTAs. Access to deep and medial structures, such as the lamina papyracea and the medial SOF, is offered only by EEA, which exposes the LW and GW only to a limited extent. CONCLUSION This is the first study that offers a quantitative comparison of the most used approaches to SOR. A detailed knowledge of their advantages and limitations is paramount to choose the ideal one, or their combination, in the clinical setting.
Objective This study aims to evaluate malignant and benign diseases that lead to orbital exenteration. Patients From December 1999 to September 2017, patients undergoing orbital exenteration were included in this retrospective study. All of them were evaluated on clinical symptoms, indications, tumour localizations, pathologies, reconstruction techniques, complications, recurrences, and survival. Results Of the 205 patients enrolled in this study, 94 had a carcinoma, 73 melanoma, 9 a sarcoma, 14 some other malignant disease, and 15 a benign medical condition. Sixteen patients underwent reconstruction using a local eyelid skin flap (7.8%), 6 with a split-thickness graft (2.9%), 144 with a local flap (70.2%), and 25 with a microvascular graft (12.2%), whereas 14 patients did not undergo reconstruction (6.8%). The most common complications were wound dehiscences (25 cases), pain (17 cases), and partial flap necroses (13 cases). Moreover, 62% of the patients were treated with different facial prostheses or artificial eyes. Given these results, it appears that lymph nodes and distant metastases, as well as lymphatic invasion into vessels, perineural invasion, and non-cleared resection margins, seem to affect overall survival after orbital exenteration. Conclusion Different reconstruction techniques can be used to provide the patient with maximum functionality and aesthetics after orbital exenteration. Individual concepts should be discussed at the beginning of the treatment. Using primary reconstruction and providing osseointegrated implant-retained prostheses remain the gold standard.
Background: Sinonasal cancers frequently involve the orbit with resulting controversies on whether to remove or preserve the orbital contents. Methods: Retrospective review of patients with primary sinonasal cancer involving the orbit, treated according to a multidisciplinary protocol tailored to tumor histology and extent of orbital invasion in two tertiary care referral centers over a 20-year period. Results: The oncological and functional outcomes of 163 patients were analyzed. The degree of orbital involvement significantly affected both overall (P < .0001) and disease-free (P < .0001) survival. Orbital apex invasion was an independent negative prognostic factor (5-year overall survival, 14.6% ± 7.5%), with dismal prognosis regardless of the treatment adopted. An appropriate use of induction chemotherapy and endoscopic-assisted surgery allowed for orbital preservation in 76.6% of cases; 96% of patients treated using an orbit-sparing approach maintained a functional eye after treatment. Conclusion: The multimodal treatment algorithm herein proposed was able to maximize orbital preservation rates with acceptable oncological and functional outcomes.
Purpose of review: Review the recent literature regarding the management of orbital invasion in sinonasal malignant tumors. Recent findings: There is a recent trend in preserving the orbit in cases of minimal invasion of periosteum and limited periorbit involvement, as well as in presence of good response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy, mainly in squamous cell carcinoma and neuroendocrine histologies. Summary: The decision about orbital exenteration in cases of sinonasal malignancies is facilitated if the patient already has clear clinical signs of intraconal invasion such as visual loss, restriction of ocular mobility or infiltration of the eyeglobe. However, in borderline situations, confirmation of orbital involvement should be performed intraoperatively. In selected cases with minimal orbital invasion without functional compromise, orbit sparing surgery can be done with acceptable oncological outcomes.
Purpose: To determine the changes in indications for orbital exenteration over 20 years and to assess its impact on patient survival. Evolving techniques of rehabilitation of the orbit in our institution were also evaluated. Methods: This was a retrospective review of hospital records of patients who underwent orbital exenteration from 1995 to 2015 in a tertiary care center. Data extracted included primary location of the tumor, preoperative treatments, interval between initial diagnosis and exenteration, status of surgical margins, presence of metastatic disease, and postoperative survival. The types of prosthesis utilized over the years were also reviewed. Cox regression analysis was performed for categorical variables. Kaplan–Meier analysis was used to estimate post-exenteration survival. Results: Over a 20-year period, orbital exenteration was performed on 100 orbits of 100 patients. The mean age was 39.4 years (range: 2 months to 90 years). The most common indications among 98 malignant causes were retinoblastoma, squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, extraocular extension of uveal melanoma, and conjunctival melanoma. Postoperative survival was significantly related to age and tumor location but independent from gender, surgical margin, histopathological diagnosis, previous treatment modality, and preoperative interval. In the whole cohort, 1-year and 5-year survival rates were 97% and 84%, respectively. Conclusions: Exenteration appears to be life-saving in children with orbital extension of retinoblastoma. While patients exenterated for malignant eyelid tumors have the best chance of survival, those with orbital extension of uveal melanoma and adenoid cystic carcinoma of the lacrimal gland have the worst prognosis.
Background: The unique anatomy of the orbita and the different behavior of each malignant tumor cause us to perform the various types of orbital exenteration that yields to varying defect each of which has own specific demands in terms of the reconstruction. Current classification of orbital exenteration defects seems not to be adequate to provide detailed description. This study reviews 50 exenteration defects to offer a more effective anatomical classification system. Methods: Over a 15 years period, 50 orbital exenteration defects in 47 patients were reconstructed. Defects were categorized according to the resected orbital wall, dura, and ethmoid resection. If the maxillectomy was performed, A or B was added to define the type of maxillectomy as partial (intact palate) or total maxillectomy, respectively. According to these criteria, 4 types of defect patterns were determined including Type 0 (n = 5) with intact orbital wall, Type I (n = 9) with sino-orbital fistula, Type II (n = 4) with crania-orbital fistula with intact dura, Type III (n = 6) with crania-orbital fistula associated with dura defect, and Type IV (n = 8) with cranio-nasal-orbital fistula. There were 12 partial (A) and 6 total maxillectomy (B) defects along with the orbital exenteration. Results: There was no major complication except one. The minor wound-healing problems occurred in 7 patients. Nine patients (19%) used prosthesis. Twenty-two (46.8%) patients chose a patch to cover the area. The remaining 16 patients were not able to use any type of prosthesis because of the reconstruction methods. Conclusion: The authors believe that the authors' anatomical classification system provides more precise description of the defect which eventually enhances the success rate of both reconstruction and resection.
Tumors that invade the orbit are uncommon. The majority are meningiomas arising from the sphenoid ridge (66 %). Others are bone and cartilage tumors arising from the surrounding bones surrounding the orbit, pituitary adenomas, and epithelial tumors arising from the paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity. Meningiomas occur more often in females, whereas epithelial tumors have a predilection for males. Meningiomas and epithelial tumors typically present in the sixth decade of life, whereas bone tumors tend to affect individuals in their third decade of life. Patients often present with a combination of ophthalmological and otorhinolaryngological symptoms, including proptosis, pain, decreased visual acuity, restrictions in motility of the eye, epistaxis, and nasal obstruction. Sarcomas and benign bone and cartilage tumors arise from surrounding structures, whereas carcinomas usually arise from the paranasal sinuses. Surgery is the mainstay of treatment. Depending on the aggressiveness and histology of the tumor, surgery may be combined with radiation and chemotherapy. The prognosis is generally poor, but varies depending on histology and cell origin, size of the tumor, and degree of invasion. Meningiomas and benign bone tumors have the best prognoses. Sinonasal undifferentiated carcinomas, small cell neuroendocrine carcinomas, osteosarcomas and rhabdomyosarcomas have poorer prognoses.