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Salicylic acid prevents the damaging action of stress factors on wheat plants

  • Ufa Federal Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences


We investigated the effect of salicylic acid (SA) on plant resist-ance to environmental stress factors. Treatment of wheat plants with 0.05 mM SA increased the level of cell division within the apical meristem of seedling roots which caused an increase in plant growth. Phytohormones are known to play a key role in plant growth regulation. It was found that the SA treat-ment caused accumulation of both ABA and IAA in wheat seedlings. How-ever, the SA treatment did not influence cytokinin content. We suppose, that the protective and growth promoting effects of SA are due to the phenomenon described above. The SA treatment reduced the damaging action of salinity and water deficit on seedling growth and accelerated a restoration of growth processes.Treatment with SA essentially diminished the alteration of phyto-hormones levels in wheat seedlings under salinity and water deficit. The SA treatment prevented the decrease in IAA and cytokinin content completely which reduced stress-induced inhibition of plant growth. Also, high ABA levels were maintained in SA treated wheat seedlings which provided the development of antistress reactions, for example, maintenance of proline ac-cumulation. Thus protective SA action includes the development of antistress programs and acceleration of normalization of growth processes after removal stress factors.
A. R. Sakhabutdinova, D. R. Fatkhutdinova, M. V. Bezrukova, F. M. Shakirova*
Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics, Ufa Scientific Centre Russian Academy of
Sciences, 69 pr. Octyabrya, 450054, Ufa, Russia
Summary. We investigated the effect of salicylic acid (SA) on plant resist-
ance to environmental stress factors. Treatment of wheat plants with 0.05mM
SA increased the level of cell division within the apical meristem of seedling
roots which caused an increase in plant growth. Phytohormones are known
to play a key role in plant growth regulation. It was found that the SA treat-
ment caused accumulation of both ABA and IAA in wheat seedlings. How-
ever, the SA treatment did not influence cytokinin content. We suppose, that
the protective and growth promoting effects of SA are due to the phenomenon
described above. The SA treatment reduced the damaging action of salinity
and water deficit on seedling growth and accelerated a restoration of growth
processes.Treatment with SA essentially diminished the alteration of phyto-
hormones levels in wheat seedlings under salinity and water deficit. The SA
treatment prevented the decrease in IAA and cytokinin content completely
which reduced stress-induced inhibition of plant growth. Also, high ABA
levels were maintained in SA treated wheat seedlings which provided the
development of antistress reactions, for example, maintenance of proline ac-
cumulation. Thus protective SA action includes the development of antistress
programs and acceleration of normalization of growth processes after removal
stress factors.
Keywords: Salicylic acid, salinity, water deficit, abscisic acid, indoleacetic acid,
Abbreviations: SA – salicylic acid; ABA – abscisic acid; IAA – indoleacetic
acid; PEG – polyethylene glycol
*Corresponding author, e-mail:
Salicylic acid is (SA) is an endogenous growth regulator of phenolic nature, which
participates in the regulation of physiological processes in plants. SA, for example,
plays a role of natural inductor of thermogenesis in Arum lily, induces flowering in a
range of plants, controls ion uptake by roots and stomatal conductivity (Raskin, 1992).
There are experimental data indicating participation of SA in signal regulation of gene
expression in the course of leaf senescence in Arabidopsis (Morris et al., 2000) More-
over SA might serve as a regulator of gravitropism (Medvedev and Markova, 1991),
inhibition of fruit ripening (Srivastava and Dwivedi, 2000) and of other processes.
During the last 20 years this substance drew the attention of researchers due to
its ability to induce systemic acquired resistance (SAR) in plants to different pathogens,
which is manifested in the appearance of pathogenesis related proteins (PR), while
SA is considered to serve as a signal in the induction of expression of these genes
(Metraux, 2001)
At the same time at present considerable interest has been aroused by the ability
of SA to produce a protective effect on plants under the action of stress factors of dif-
ferent abiotic nature. Thus convincing data have been obtained concerning the SA-
induced increase in the resistance of wheat seedlings to salinity (Shakirova and Bez-
rukova, 1997), and water deficit (Bezrukova et al., 2001), of tomato and bean plants
to low and high temperature (Senaratna et al., 2000), as well as the injurious action
of heavy metals on rice plants (Mishra and Choudhuri, 1999).
The important role of SA in protecting is probably played by its ability to induce
expression of genes coding not only for PR-proteins but also for example the extensin
gene in Arabidopsis plants (Merkouropoulos et al., 1999). There are data about SA
induced synthesis of heat shock proteins in tobacco plants (Burkhanova et al., 1999)
and accumulation of wheat lectins (Shakirova and Bezrukova, 1997), fast activation
of 48-kD protein kinase in suspension cell culture of tobacco at osmotic stress (Miko-
lajczyk et al., 2000). This suggests the involvement of SA in realization of different
antistress programs. However, the way of signal regulation of plant resistance to un-
favorable factors of environment induced by SA are still not clear.
The aim of the present work was to study the character of changes in hormonal
systems induced by SA in wheat plants under stress conditions.
Materials and methods
The object of investigation were 4-d-old plants of Triticum aestivum L. cv. Saratov-
skaya 29. Treatment of wheat seedlings with a concentration of SA optimal for seed-
ling growth (0.05 mM) have been used. For this purpose after washing of seeds with
tap water they were soaked in 0.05 mM SA solution for 3h and then dried in a desic-
Salicylic acid prevents the damaging action of stress factors on wheat plants
cator over CaCl2. Then, after excision of endosperm 3-d-old seedlings were transferred
into glasses, containing 2% sucrose, incubated for 24h for withdrawal of wounding
stress (Shakirova et al., 1993), and then 4-d-old seedlings were transferred to a mixture
of 2% sucrose and NaCl or PEG at different concentration. Plants incubated on 2%
sucrose solution served as a control in all these experiments.
Growth was estimated on the basis of changes in fresh weight of 30–50 wheat
Assay of free ABA, IAA and cytokinin was carried out with the help of rabbit
antibodies specific to each class of phytohormone and secondary antirabbit antibodies
labeled with peroxidase. The procedure of succession of phytohormone extraction and
immunoassay has been described earlier (Kudoyarova et al., 1990; Shakirova et al.,
1994). The data on cytokinin measurement presents three samples of zeatin derivatives
immunoreactive to antiserum raised against zeatin riboside (Kudoyarova et al., 1990).
Proline content was determined according to the method of Bates (Bates et al., 1973).
The experiments were repeated at least three times.
Results and discussion
Dynamics of phytohormone level in plants under salinity and water deficit
Unfavorable environmental factors lead to sharp changes in the balance of phytohor-
mones associated with not only accumulation of ABA, but also with a decline in the
level of growth activating hormones such as IAA and cytokinins (Zholkevich and Pus-
tovoytova, 1993; Jackson, 1997) As can be seen from Fig. 1a and 1b, incubation of
seedlings on the medium containing 2% NaCl or 18% PEG resulted in transitory ac-
Proline, µM / f. w.
Proline, µM / f. w.
10% PEG
15% PEG
SA+10% PEG
SA+15% PEG
Fig. 1. The effects of seed presowing treatment with SA and salinity (a), water deficit (b) on proline
content in 4-d-old wheat seedlings. 4-d-old seedlings were subjected to the influence of NaCl and PEG
for 24 h
A. R. Sakhabutdinova et al.
cumulation of ABA and a progressive decline in cytokinins as well as small decrease
in the level of IAA.
Presowing treatment with SA (Fig. 2c and 2d) completely prevented salinity-in-
duced and water deficit-induced declines in the concentration of IAA and cytokinins
in seedlings and reduced accumulation of ABA, which might be a prerequisite for ac-
celeration of growth resumption of wheat seedlings after withdrawal of stressor from
the medium. Alongside this, maintaining a comparatively high level of ABA under
stress conditions in plants pretreated with SA is of primary importance from our point
of view since ABA might serve an important regulating factor in SA-induced unspe-
cific plant resistance. Since proline is one of the important components of defence
reactions of plants to salinity (Kuznetsov and Shevyakova, 1999), it might be expected
that pretreatment with SA contributes to accumulation of this amino acid under stress
through maintaining an enhanced level of ABA in seedlings.
% of control
% of control
1.5 5 7
Time, h
% of control
3 7 11 24
Time, h
% of control
Fig. 2. The effects of salinity (a, c) or water deficit (b, d) on phytohormonal balance of wheat
seedlings pretreated with 0.05mM SA. 4-d-old seedlings were subjected to the influence of
2%NaCl and 18%PEG for 7h.
Salicylic acid prevents the damaging action of stress factors on wheat plants
The effect of SA on concentration of proline under salinity and water deficit
Salinity and water deficit induces accumulation of proline in seedlings (Fig. 1). These
data suggests that proline is an important component in the spectra of SA-induced
ABA-mediated protective reactions of wheat plants in response to salinity and water
deficit, which contribute to a reduction of injurious effects of stress factors and ac-
celeration of restoration processes during the period after action of stress, which might
be a manifestation of the protective action of SA on wheat plants.
The effect of presowing treatment with SA on growth of seedlings
subjected to salinity and water deficit
Salinity and water deficit result in a decline in metabolic activity of plant cells, which
should be inevitably reflected in inhibition of their growth. Action of 2% NaCl or
18% PEG on 4-d-old wheat seedlings led to noticeable and almost equal extent of
inhibition of growth of plants both treated and not treated with SA, however, since
by the moment of the start of experiment seedlings pretreated with SA had greater
biomass (72mg per seedling) compared to control (64 mg per seedling), even after
the action of 2% NaCl or 18% PEG this characteristic was still higher (68 mg per
seedling) than in control not treated with salt and PEG plants (66mg per seedling).
Consequently, although presowing treatment with SA does not prevent negative
effects of 2% NaCl and water deficit on growth of plants, it nevertheless, in general,
noticeably reduces its injurious effect as compared to control plants.
The data presnted in total indicate overall that presowing treatment of wheat seeds
with SA contributes to the increase in the resistance of plants to stress factors of en-
vironment and ABA serves as a rmediator in the manifestation of the protective action
of SA. SA-treatment induces a sharp accumulation of ABA, which in turn is an inducer
of a wide spectra of antistress reactions in plants, which is why it is likely that the
effect of SA on the increase of ABA lies at the root of the preadaptive action of SA
to possible stress situations. Maintaining a high level of ABA in SA-treated plants
under stress contributes to protective reactions aimed to decrease its injurious effect
on growth and acceleration of growth resumption.
Acknowledgements: This work was supported by RFBR-Agidel, Grant No 02-04-
97919 and Integracia, No Ya 0108.
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Salicylic acid prevents the damaging action of stress factors on wheat plants
... Salicylic acid positively affects many plant species physiology and biochemistry [14] . Numerous physiological and biochemical pathways were altered to promote the growth of sesame plants [15] . ...
... Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), popularly known as auxin, significantly regulates plant growth. Salinity stress influences IAA homeostasis due to the alterations in IAA metabolism and distribution [244], and endogenous IAA level is decreased under salt stress [245,246]. At the same time, the exogenous application of IAA alleviates the adverse effects of salt stress and enhances plant growth [247,248]. ...
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Maize, along with rice and wheat, is a popular staple food crop worldwide, and the most widely produced cereal crop. It is a versatile crop that may be utilized as a source of raw materials for human and animal fodders. Low agricultural yield and rapid population expansion significantly threaten future food security. Maize production is hampered by biotic and abiotic causes, with abiotic factors being the most critical limitation to agricultural output worldwide. Soil salinity is a key abiotic factor that reduces agricultural production by imposing negative impacts at several life cycle phases, including germination, seedling, vegetative, and reproductive development. Maize plants experience many physiological changes due to osmotic stress, toxicity of particular ions, and nutritional imbalance induced by salt stress. The degree and duration of stress, crop growth phases, genetic characteristics, and soil conditions influence yield reduction. Maize plants can tolerate salt stress involving a complex mechanism by changing their physiological, biochemical, and metabolic activities like stomatal functioning, photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration, hormone regulation, enzymes, metabolite generation, etc. After studying the salt tolerance mechanisms of maize plants under stress, integrated management techniques should be developed for maize agriculture in saline settings. Therefore, the study of plant responses to salt stress, stress tolerance mechanisms, and management strategies is one of the most imperative research fields in plant biology, and the study will focus on the effects of salt stress in different growth stages, plant tolerance mechanisms, and agronomic management practices for successful maize production all over the world.
... SA is a synthetic plant growth regulator (PGR) that serves as a critical signal molecule mediating immunity and plant growth (Kulak et al. 2021;Sakhabutdinova et al. 2003). SA is the major solute involved in flower induction, general growth and development, various enzyme biosynthesis, stomata movements, membrane protections, and cell respiration (Hafez et al. 2019;Sharma et al. 2020). ...
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Cancer bush (Lessertia frutescens L.) is an important medicinal plant that is rich in health beneficial compounds. It is commonly used in traditional medicine and as an ornamental plant. Heat stress is the most threatening abiotic factor restricting plant growth, thus causing crop yield and economic losses worldwide. The application of plant-derived biostimulant is as an innovative and promising approach for improving plant growth and productivity. The study was aimed to investigate the effect of moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam.) seed extract (MSE; 5%) either alone or in combination with salicylic acid (SA; 40 mg/L) on the growth, bioactive, and phytohormone attributes of cancer plants subjected to heat stress (38 °C for 2 hours for 5 days). Plants that were not treated were used as control. Plant pots were arranged in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) for treatments (MSE, SA, and MSE + SA) at 7-day intervals during the experiment. Both MSE and MSE + SA foliar application effectively increased plant growth characteristics and total carotenoids contents, and reduced electrolyte leakage and had no symptoms of wilting compared with SA and control. Plants treated with MSE showed higher number of branches and concentrations of abscisic acid (ABA), jasmonic acid (JA), and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), and lower superoxide and hydrogen peroxide compared with other treatments and control. Also, plants treated with MSE + SA showed higher total chlorophylls and glutathione concentrations compared with other treatments and control. Overall, the application of MSE either alone or in combination with SA enhanced plant growth and productivity of heat-stressed cancer bush plants.
... The increase in proline content in response to stress, as stated by Al-Khayri [118][119][120], that the accumulation of proline was to alleviate the metabolic disturbances resulting from salt stress [121].The role of proline in the cell is: osmotic regulation, membrane stabilization, and detoxification of harmful ions in plants exposed to salt stress [6], where proline originally acts as an enzyme protector [122].Tha amino acid is believed to help protect enzymes and membrane integrity in plants under restrictive conditions [6]. The increase in proline in stressed plants is due to the role that proline plays against osmotic stress and ROS, as proline works to stabilize cell structures and enzymes and provide a balance of cellular oxidation. ...
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Aims: To discover the resistance of the Yemeni genotype of fenugreek to salt stress and the impact of salicylic acid on alleviating salt stress. Study Design: The experimental design adopted a completely randomized block design (RCBD), with pots filled with a 1:2 mixture of sand and soil serving as the experimental units. Place and Duration of Study: in a mini greenhouse covered with white polyethylene plastic sheet at Taiz University during the spring season 2021. The average temperature ranged from 32 ℃ during the day to 29 ℃ at night. chemical analyses were performed at the pharmaceutical laboratory in Al-Saeed University. Methodology: The fenugreek genotype was subjected to varying salinity levels (0, 50, 100, 150, and 200 mM) and the impact of salicylic acid (at concentrations of 0, 0.1, and 0.5 mg/l) in alleviating salt stress effects was examined at two time points: 15 and 30 days after 2 weeks of germination. Results: Increasing salinity significantly reduced shoot and root length and exhibited slight fluctuations influenced by salinity levels above 100 mM. Salicylic acid (SA) significantly reduced shoot length but had no effect on root length. Salinity had no appreciable effect on shoot dry matter (SDM%), while the application of SA significantly decreased it. Root dry matter percentage (RDM%) showed a notable and sharp increase with salinity. However, no appreciable changes in RDM% were observed in response to the SA application. In response to salinity, the ratio of SDM% to RDM% in treated plants decreased sharply, with the lowest ratio achieved when 0.1 SA was used for treatment. There were no significant modifications observed in the amounts of photosynthetic pigments in fenugreek leaves, including chl a, chl b and total chl. Nevertheless, using high concentration of Nacl led to a signifcantly reduced in the carotenoids and the chl. b. The protein content of fenugreek plants treated with salt was much higher than that of control plants. Also, protein levels increased with SA treatment across all NaCl concentration. Proline levels sharply increased with rising salinity, reaching a peak in approximately 22.28 ug/g DW. Application of 0.1 SA led to the highest proline level in comparison to other treatments, which was the highest level of Nacl in the second measurement time. Proline levels in plants treated with 200 Nacl and 0.1 SA were the highest, averaging roughly recorded 49.95 ug/g DW. APX significantly affected on fenugreek plants, the highest APX content was found in plants treated with 50 mM NaCl, the application of 0.1 SA produced the highest level of APX (0.373nm/g protein/minuet) in fenugreek. Catalase (CA) levels significantly decreased, but SA application did not affect CA levels. The data obtained may help in determining fenugreek cultivation areas and in managing breeding programs.
... Phytohormones are signal molecules synthesized by plants at low concentrations (Jogawat et al. 2021) to regulate plant growth and development (Rhaman et al. 2020;Baltacıer et al. 2023). Salicylic acid (SA) is a phytohormone with a phenolic structure and having antioxidant potential (Sakhabutdinova et al. 2003). It is a potent endogenous signal molecule involved in intracellular communication pathways by regulating physiological and biochemical functions under normal or stressed conditions (Dawood and El-Awadi, 2020;Rhaman et al. 2020). ...
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Nanotechnology is a novel technique used to enhance plant productivity and quality and has the capability to reduce the amount of using chemical substances to keep the safety of environment. Two field experiments were carried out in a private farm at Sharkia Governorate during the winter seasons of 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 to study effect of foliar spraying with salicylic acid (SA) at 100, 200 and 300 mgL-1 and its nanoform (SA NPs) at 25, 50 and 75 mgL-1 on both quality and economic characters of Pisum sativum L. plants. Results show that all applied treatments caused marked increases in vegetative growth parameters, photosynthetic pigments, chemical composition of leaf tissues, phenylalanine ammonia lyases (PAL) and tyrosine ammonia lyases (TAL), seed yield, yield components and chemical composition of the yielded seeds. It was noted the promoting effect of SA NPs was more pronounced than the effect of SA as bulk form. The most promised treatments were SA NPs at 50 mgL-1 followed by SA at 200 mgL-1. Since, SA NPs at 50 mgL-1 significantly increased plant dry weight from 5.05 to 12.56 (2.49 times), total photosynthetic pigments from 1.230 to 2.377 (1.93 times), total carbohydrate of dry yielded seeds from 45.43 to 48.48 (1.06 times); starch content from 31.25 to 34.49 (1.10 times); total protein content from 23.01% to 25.43 (1.10 times), total phenolic content from 35.09 to 53.58 (1.52 times), flavonoid from 6.27 to 8.20 (1.30 times) and DPPH from 32.90 to 37.55 (1.14). Regarding the quantity of resultant yield, SA NPs at 50 mgL-1 significantly increased green yield/fed and weight of dry seed/fed by 3.87 times and 6.5 times respectively. This research clearly showed that SA NPs at low doses 50 mgL-1 has pronounced effect in increasing the quality and quantity of pea plant than the bulk form of salicylic acid at different concentration.
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Under the semiarid, in the Sulaimani Region, two sites (Rnaya City and Qaladza City) were chosen to conduct the research during summer. It was designed as a split plot factorial arrangement using randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications at both locations. The purpose of this experiment was to determine the skipping irrigating effect I 1 , I 2 , and I 3 with salicylic acid applied S 1 and non-applied S 0 on sunflower growth at three different growth stages (vegetative, flowering, and ache-forming stages), and compared to the effects of full irrigation I 4. Complete irrigation with salicylic acid applied resulted in the best growth, while the lowest growth was recorded by skipping irrigation without salicylic acid application at the flowering stage. The treatments without salicylic acid application were found to be the most effective in conditions of low watering. Moreover, there was a failure in the flowering stage and increasing growth when watering was missed, compared to the vegetative and achene stages. Consequently, it is concluded that avoiding limiting irrigation during the flowering stages can lead to a better production.
To feed the ever-growing worldwide population, rice production in all the three (fall, winter and summer) seasons has become essential. With the increase in global climatic change, the occurrence of low temperature stress in winter particularly at seed germination stage is becoming more intense is posing a greater challenge to rice production worldwide including India. A more effective method to improve rice seed germination under low temperature stress is seed priming. The goal of the current study was to determine how different chemicals can withstand low temperatures stress through seed priming. The experiment consisted of sixteen treatment combinations (two genotypes and eight seed priming treatments) which were laid out in a 2 factorial CRD. Among the different seed priming treatments imposed, the seeds primed with salicylic acid (0.5 mM) recorded significantly higher seed germination (92.3% and 93%), seedling length (24 cm), seedling dry weight (150 mg) and seedling vigour index-Ⅰ (2239) and vigour index-Ⅱ (13,996) and better stress related enzyme activities (peroxidase, catalase and superoxide dismutase activities) compared to other treatments during seed germination under low temperature stress.
To investigate the growth and physiological response of the halophyte quinoa plant to the application of salicylic acid and spermidine under salt stress conditions, two experiments were conducted under field and greenhouse conditions in the Jofair region of Khuzestan province in 2019. The findings indicated that salinity significantly increased root membrane electrolyte leakage while reducing root volume and relative water content. It was observed that the most severe salinity stress (24 dS/m) resulted in the highest membrane electrolyte leakage and lowest root volume and relative water content. Additionally, salinity escalation led to a notable rise in antioxidant activity, including superoxide dismutase, catalase, and peroxidase. On the other hand, treatments involving salicylic acid and spermidine effectively alleviated the negative consequences of salinity stress on the Quinoa plant by enhancing its anti-stress capabilities. Specifically, the application of 1.5 mM of salicylic acid and spermidine exhibited increased relative water content and root volume, as well as enhanced antioxidant enzymes such as SOD, CAT, POX, and proline. This treatment also reduced ion leakage and hydrogen peroxide levels. The findings of the present study suggest that the applied salicylic acid and spermidine positively impacted the Quinoa plant's ability to alleviate the negative effects of salinity stress.
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Field study was performed to explore the salicylic acid (SA) impact applied as priming agent and as foliar spray on wheat growth, yield and nutrient uptake in saline sodic conditions. Soil sampling of the selected field was carried out and composite soil samples were analyzed for salinity and fertility status of soil. The priming of wheat seeds (cv. Inqlab-91) was carried out by soaking 500g of seeds in 1000 mL solution of SA having 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 mM concentrations for 12 hours. The primed wheat seeds were dried under shade. After the booting stage, 03 foliar sprays of given concentrations were carried out at a 10 days interval. The control was without priming SA and applied only recommended fertilizer @ 120-90-70 kg N-P-K ha-1 , respectively. The set of treatments replicated thrice following RCBD. Results revealed that the combination of priming and foliar spray of SA affected the wheat yield components, N-P-K uptake significantly. The highest wheat biomass, grain and straw yield, N-P-K content and uptake were observed at 2.0 mM SA with priming and foliar spray and statistically insignificant to SA at 1.0 mM. The minimum values of yield components and nutrient content and uptake were found in control. At harvest, soil fertility status was quite improved and slight reduction in the salinity/sodicity parameters was observed with SA application.
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Recent advances in the study of the numerous biological functions of stress-induced proline accumulation are reviewed in relation to the realization of plant adaptation, proline anabolic and catabolic transformations, and expression of the genes encoding the key enzymes of proline synthesis and degradation. A model of proline homeostasis under stress conditions is put forward to account for the existing physiological, biochemical, and molecular-biological evidence.
Antiviral agents, salicylic acid (SA, 10 -4 M) and (2′-5′)-oligoadenylates ((2-5)A, 10 -9 M), affected the protein synthetic machinery in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L., cv. Samsun NN) leaves. They activated protein synthesis, changed the pattern of synthesized proteins, and improved the thermotolerance of protein synthesis. SA and (2-5)A most prominently enhanced the synthesis of the following polypeptides: 109, 90, 65, 36, and 20-14 kD. They changed the composition of protein isoforms, possibly through protein modification. On two-dimensional elecrophoregrams, a 90-kD polypeptide, induced by these compounds, coincided with a heat-shock protein of 90 kD. Several low-molecular-weight proteins might be classified as pathogenesis-related proteins. The effect of salicylic acid on reprogramming tobacco leaf genome was inferior to that of (2-5)A.
The effects of exogenous treatment of wheat (Triticum aestivum) seeds or seedlings with salicylic acid (SA) on the rate of germination and the ratio of indolylacetic acid (IAA) to abscisic acid (ABA), as well as on the lectin level in the roots of 4-day wheat seedlings during salt stress were studied. SA at 0.1 mM increased the rate of seed germination at various degrees of medium salinization (0.5-1.5% NaCl). Pretreatment of the seedling with SA led to marked accumulation of ABA in the roots of the seedlings, which, however, did not inhibit growth processes due, apparently, to the stimulating effect of SA on the IAA level. SA induced a twofold accumulation of lectin in the roots of 4-day wheat seedlings and fully relieved the salt stress (2% NaCl)-induced decrease of the IAA level and lectin accumulation and reduced the salinization-induced sharp increase of the ABA content in the roots of the seedlings. The data suggest a protective effect of SA on wheat plants during salt stress.
Plants can induce defense reactions to a broad range of pathogens as a result of prior exposure to pathogens, various chemicals or physical stress. Induced resistance is expressed locally, at the site of the infection or systemically, at sites remotely located from the initial infection. The reactions occurring locally in the inducer leaf, the systemic signal and reactions in the upper leaf will be briefly reviewed here, with a special emphasis on the role played by salicylic acid in this process.
Proline, which increases proportionately faster than other amino acids in plants under water stress, has been suggested as an evaluating parameter for irrigation scheduling and for selecting drought-resistant varieties. The necessity to analyze numerous samples from multiple replications of field grown materials prompted the development of a simple, rapid colorimetric determination of proline. The method detected proline in the 0.1 to 36.0 moles/g range of fresh weight leaf material.
The hypothesis that physiologically activeconcentrations of salicylic acid (SA) and itsderivatives can confer stress tolerance in plants wasevaluated using bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) andtomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.). Plantsgrown from seeds imbibed in aqueous solutions (0.1--0.5 mM) of salicylic acid or acetyl salicylic acid(ASA) displayed enhanced tolerance to heat, chillingand drought stresses. Seedlings acquired similarstress tolerance when SA or ASA treatments wereapplied as soil drenches. The fact that seedimbibition with SA or ASA confers stress tolerance inplants is more consistent with a signaling role ofthese molecules, leading to the expression oftolerance rather than a direct effect. Induction ofmultiple stress tolerance in plants by exogenousapplication of SA and its derivatives may have asignificant practical application in agriculture,horticulture and forestry.
Deterioration of membranes caused by lipoxygenase (LOX) activity under 10 µM PbCl2 or 10 µM HgCl2 was partially alleviated by the exogenous application of 100 µM salicylic acid (SA). In two cultivars of rice (Oryza sativa L. cvs. Ratna and IR 36), the presence of SA ameliorated the increased leakage of electrolytes, injury index, and the content of malondialdehyde caused by these heavy metals. Lead decreased H2O2 content whereas Hg increased it in both cultivars. Application of SA increased H2O2 in presence of Pb, while decreased it in presence of Hg. Both Pb and Hg decreased superoxide dismutase activity, while increased peroxidase activity. The activity of catalase was decreased by Hg but increased by Pb and SA reversed their effects. Thus, SA ameliorated the damaging effects of Pb and Hg on membranes.