Marilyn A. Ray

Marilyn A. Ray
Florida Atlantic University | FAU · Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing



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Evolution of Ray's Theory of Bureaucratic Caring (in press). International Journal of Human Caring.
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Publications (72)
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One of the main issues in phenomenological studies is in the diverse approaches to data collection, especially with the use of semi-structured or structured interview questions and the creation by researchers of interview guides. Within this article, the authors have attempted to respond to the challenge by addressing the variability in the philoso...
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An overview and evolution of caring and the theory of bureaucratic caring and interpretations of its central categories are described. Data and models representing its theoretical development, the concept of bureaucracy, and emergence of the theory as a holographic theory are included. Central tenets in the new sciences are explored along with Bohm...
The 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are intended to promote a safe, healthy, and equitable world by the year 2030. Nurses are at the forefront of realizing the 2030 agenda through concerned citizenship and professional leadership. Nursing theory informs knowledge development and theory-guided practice essential for nurses work...
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Challenged by a Summer Academy on humanoid caring robots, members of the Anne Boykin Institute for the Advancement of Caring in Nursing created guiding principles for transforming curricula by integrating technology into nursing education. The guidelines were oriented in academy dialogue on nursing as caring and robotic caring. Articles written for...
The purpose of this article is to present the philosophical and religious understanding of human consciousness. It targets those involved in designing “humanoid robots for care.” It focuses on an important human attribute: consciousness in relation to caring. Multicultural/religious approaches of Hinduism, Islamic, and Western and Judeo–Christianit...
This chapter about the Theory of Bureaucratic Caring includes: explication of the purpose of the theory; description of processes undertaken to generate the middle range theory; definition of the theoretical concepts; and identification of uses of the theory in research and practice. The Theory of Bureaucratic Caring was discovered through descript...
This book focuses on the discipline of transcultural nursing and encompasses a relationally designed transcultural caring theory and theoretical model which are grounded in contemporary approaches using the science of complexity and ways of knowing. The model is comprised of 4 dimensions, Essence of Caring, Transcultural Ethics, Transcultural Conte...
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Advances in health care and communication technology have expanded nursing practice to nontraditional environments that preclude the physical presence of the nurse for a caring encounter. An increasing number of nurses are creating and maintaining nurse-patient relationships and practicing in a diverse range of specialties in virtual/distance envir...
Cardiac disease and diabetes are the most prevalent and resource-intensive health conditions globally. Integrating technologies with the art of caring in nursing for patients with complex needs is growing rapidly. Informational technologies have great potential to be cost efficient and effective in assisting patients with comorbidities, but pose a...
In the culture of health care, nurses are challenged to understand their values and beliefs as humanistic within complex technical and economically driven bureaucratic systems. This article outlines the language of social justice and human rights and the advance of a Theory of Relational Caring Complexity, which offers insights into caring as emanc...
The discipline of nursing embraces the unitary-transformative paradigm and its theories that focus on nursing with attention to the language of humanbecoming, holism, relationship, authentic presence, caring, ethical interaction, complexity, pattern, energy, and recognition. In hospital nursing practice the medical paradigm is more prevalent and fo...
This article illustrates the transtheoretical evolution of caring science within complex systems from the discovery of the theory of bureaucratic caring, in 1981, to the emergence of the metatheory relational caring complexity in 2011. The theory of bureaucratic caring, derived from research, is the sentinel grounded theory in the area of caring an...
Acooperative accelerated baccalaureate program developed by the Schools of Nursing of University of Texas Health Science Center and University of Texas Medical Branch was designed to make available an on-line nursing program for second degree students to meet the increased demand for nurses in Texas. Faculty from both schools were committed to enha...
The soul of nursing is seeking the good of self and others through compassionate caring. Healing and caring for oneself is vital to have the energy to compassionately care for others. Nurse leaders have the moral responsibility to facilitate self-care, renewal, and healing in the organizational culture to foster caring and trusting relationships. N...
As the health care system in the United States is becoming increasingly more politically and economically oriented, the concept of political caring needs to be advanced in contemporary nursing practice (Ray, 1989, 2001; Turkel, 2001). The purpose of this article is to present a model outlining the process of policy analysis through a phenomenologic...
To explore social support processes in low-income African American women during high-risk pregnancy and postpartum. A qualitative grounded theory approach. Interview was the primary data collection technique and was combined with observation, medical chart review, and literature review. A high-risk pregnancy clinic and participants' homes. Ten preg...
Global economic changes, managed care and insurance issues, media forces, and new career choices for women have impacted the profession of nursing. A loss of trust underscores decreased loyalty to hospital organizations and disillusionment with nursing practice. Nursing shortages have ensued. This article reports data from a grounded theory study o...
Mission readiness is dependent on a healthy total force and the response of military medical and nursing services. Managed care has become the norm in U.S. health care, including the Department of Defense Military Health System. Cost management, health maintenance organizations, and other health plans are defined as "managed care," an aggressive co...
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Mission readiness is dependent on a healthy total force and the response of military medical and nursing services. Managed care has become the norm in U.S. health care, including the Department of Defense Military Health System. Cost management, health maintenance organizations, and other health plans are defined as "managed care," an aggressive co...
The grounded theory study described in this article explored social support processes in low-income African American women during high-risk pregnancy and early parenthood. Participants included 10 pregnant African American women, 3 close support providers, and 11 health care providers. Investigators served as participant observers and conducted aud...
A phenomenologic research study of nurse caring was conducted in an intermediate care unit of a hospital. Three narratives from the data are presented as examples to illuminate the meaning of the experience of caring for technologically dependent patients. Results revealed that vulnerability, suffering, and the ethical situations of moral blurring...
The global society in which advanced practice nurses work calls for an appreciation of cultural diversity and transcultural care. Theories to guide education, research, and practice must therefore incorporate understanding of cultural concepts. Watson's transpersonal caring theory, which is shaped by the tenets of consciousness and the moral ideal,...
The purpose of this research was to conduct a study of the art of caring in nursing administration. By means of a phenomenologic-hermeneutic approach, the caring experiences of six nurse administrators were revealed and analyzed. Essential themes emerged from their descriptions of their experiences. Interpretation of the data served as the lens thr...
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Nurse managers need to provide quality health care within a framework of human caring with limited economic resources. Seeking only "bottom line" solutions would seriously affect the well-being of nurses and clients. On the other hand, seeking only human caring solutions would seriously influence the well-being of health care organizations. A compo...
Increased awareness of cultural diversity in contemporary society and nursing mandates the need for transcultural nursing ethics. The core of this ethics assumes that all discourse and interaction is transcultural because of strengths and differences in values and beliefs of individuals and groups within global society. Transcultural ethics address...
The purpose of this descriptive study was to investigate access to care processes in a military regional hospital Emergency Service (ES) and related services using a Total Quality Management framework. Tabulations of demographic survey data revealed that the ES is used mainly as a primary care clinic, with a greater proportion of pediatric care pro...
The principal argument of the present article is that a new theoretical paradigm capable of facilitating the understanding of complex phenomena is necessary to study nursing's claim to its science as the science of unitary human beings, or the integrality between humans and the environment. A research study of the complex human-environment phenomen...
Argues that a theoretical paradigm capable of facilitating the understanding of complex phenomena is needed to study nursing's claim to its science as the science of unitary human beings or of the integrality between humans and the environment. A study of the human–environment relationship, using a 4-phase design, revealed the complexity and interr...
Can knowledge generated through research data and in practice test the efficacy of research methods and, ultimately, expand theories? This question will be explored in the following presentation by a critical reflective analysis of the papers of Parse, Smith, and Mitchell represent ing the man-living-health research method developed by Parse (1987)...
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Changes in the health care environment have raised many questions related to patient care. How are political, economic, legal, and technological caring decisions made? How is spiritual caring fostered? How can ethical caring be the grounds on which moral decisions are made? What new policies must be designed to enhance the human perspective in corp...
A version of this paper was given as the key-note address for the 14th Transcultural Nursing Society Conference on "Political, Economic and Cultural Care Issues to Advance Transcultural Nursing" on October 5-7, 1988 at Fantasyland Hotel in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Human caring is an essential component of critical care nursing which has proven elusive to study using common quantitative research methods. This investigator uses a qualitative method to study human caring experience in critical care.
Human caring is an essential component of critical care nursing which has proven elusive to study using common quantitative research methods. This investigator uses a qualitative method to study human caring experience in critical care.
Caring is central to the profession of nursing, and cross-cultural caring is central to the sub-field of transcultural nursing. This study is an analysis of the meaning of caring expressions and behavior, principally those which are related to nurses within a hospital culture in the United States. Caring was investigated by primarily an inductive r...


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