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Immobilization and cold stress affect sympatho-adrenomedular system and pituitary-adrenocortical axis of rats exposed to long-term isolation and crowding


Abstract and Figures

Changes in plasma levels of noradrenaline (NA), adrenaline (A), adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and corticosterone (CORT), as well as in cytosol glucocorticoid receptor (GR) and heat shock protein 70 (Hsp 70) in hippocampus of adult rat males exposed to two long-term types of psychosocial stress, both under basal conditions and in response to immobilization and cold as heterotypic additional stressor were studied. Long-term isolation produced a significant elevation of basal plasma ACTH and CORT levels, but did not affect that of NA and A, while long-term crowding conditions did not elevate the basal plasma levels of these hormones. Long-term isolation of rats exposed to 2 h of immobilization or cold led to a significant elevation of plasma NA, A and CORT in comparison with the controls. Long-term crowding conditions and exposure of animals to immobilization or cold also resulted in an increased plasma NA, A and CORT levels, but to a lesser extent in comparison with the long-term isolation. At the same time, plasma ACTH was significantly more elevated in long-term crowded than in long-term isolated rats. Both kinds of long-term psychosocial stresses (isolation and crowding) had similar but less pronounced effects on cytosol GR and Hsp 70 concentrations in hippocampus comparing to acute immobilization and cold stress. It seems that long-term psychosocial stresses attenuate the effects of an additional stress on hippocampal GR and Hsp 70 concentrations. These data suggest that individual housing of rats appear to act as a stronger stressor than crowding conditions. When the animals suffering a long-term isolation were exposed to either acute immobilization or cold, a stronger activation of the sympatho-adrenomedullary system (SAS) was recorded in comparison with that found in the long-term crowded group subjected to short-term immobilization or cold. No significant differences in the activity of hypotalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis were observed between long-term isolated and long-term crowded rats.
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Immobilization and cold stress affect sympathoadrenomedullary
system and pituitaryadrenocortical axis of rats exposed to
long-term isolation and crowding
Sladjana Dronjak*, Ljubica Gavrilovic
´, Dragana Filipovic
´, Marija B. Radojc
Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Endocrinology, Institute of Nuclear Sciences ‘‘Vincˇa,’’ P.O. Box 522-090,
11001 Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro
Received 11 June 2003; received in revised form 6 November 2003; accepted 28 January 2004
Changes in plasma levels of noradrenaline (NA), adrenaline (A), adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and corticosterone (CORT), as
well as in cytosol glucocorticoid receptor (GR) and heat shock protein 70 (Hsp 70) in hippocampus of adult rat males exposed to two long-
term types of psychosocial stress, both under basal conditions and in response to immobilization and cold as heterotypic additional stressor
were studied. Long-term isolation produced a significant elevation of basal plasma ACTH and CORT levels, but did not affect that of NA and
A, while long-term crowding conditions did not elevate the basal plasma levels of these hormones. Long-term isolation of rats exposed to 2
h of immobilization or cold led to a significant elevation of plasma NA, A and CORT in comparison with the controls. Long-term crowding
conditions and exposure of animals to immobilization or cold also resulted in an increased plasma NA, A and CORT levels, but to a lesser
extent in comparison with the long-term isolation. At the same time, plasma ACTH was significantly more elevated in long-term crowded
than in long-term isolated rats. Both kinds of long-term psychosocial stresses (isolation and crowding) had similar but less pronounced effects
on cytosol GR and Hsp 70 concentrations in hippocampus comparing to acute immobilization and cold stress. It seems that long-term
psychosocial stresses attenuate the effects of an additional stress on hippocampal GR and Hsp 70 concentrations. These data suggest that
individual housing of rats appear to act as a stronger stressor than crowding conditions. When the animals suffering a long-term isolation
were exposed to either acute immobilization or cold, a stronger activation of the sympathoadrenomedullary system (SAS) was recorded in
comparison with that found in the long-term crowded group subjected to short-term immobilization or cold. No significant differences in the
activity of hypotalamopituitary– adrenal (HPA) axis were observed between long-term isolated and long-term crowded rats.
D2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Long-term psychosocial stress; Plasma catecholamines; Corticosterone; ACTH; Glucocorticoid receptor; Hsp 70
1. Introduction
The physiological responses to stress are initiated by the
activation of the sympatho adrenomedullary system (SAS)
and the hypotalamopituitaryadrenal (HPA) axis, resulting
in the release of catecholamines and stress hormones, such as
glucocorticoids from the adrenal gland [1 3]. Corticoste-
roids act through specific mineralocorticoid and glucocorti-
coid receptors (GRs) localized in the brain structures
hippocampus and amygdala, involved in the regulation of
fear and anxiety [4]. The GR is a cytosol protein occurring as
a complex with several proteins of the heat shock family
(Hsp). Elevation of glucocorticoid level provokes both short-
and long-term effects in the brain. These changes indicate that
stress can affect hippocampal structure and function. On the
other hand, the hippocampus can also suppress stress reaction
through the feedback regulation of the HPA axis [5]. Protein
damage and misfolded protein structure are common denom-
inators of various stress types. These states lead to the
activation of Hsp chaperons, e.g., heat shock protein 70
(Hsp 70), that represents the major stress-induced chaperon
in mammals [6]. Although all stressors activate HPA and
SAS, the degree of their activation depends on stress dura-
tion, type and intensity. Social interaction is an important
source of stress. Mitsushima et al. [7,8] and Mizumo and
Kimura [9] reported a prominent nighttime increase in
0031-9384/$ see front matter D2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +381-11455561; fax: +381-113440100.
E-mail address: (S. Dronjak).
Physiology & Behavior 81 (2004) 409 415
acetylcholine release in the hippocampus of rats accommo-
dated in large cages, while this phenomenon was not ob-
served in rats living in small cages. They assumed that this
difference of nighttime acetylcholine release in the hippo-
campus of the latter could be connected to a significant
attenuation of locomotor activity. These authors [9] conclud-
ed that restriction of the environmental space itself, acts as a
kind of stress. Some others reported higher corticosteroid
levels as a result of crowded conditions [10,11]. On the other
hand, isolation, i.e., individual housing of experimental
animals, often termed as isolation stress, was shown to
decrease basal plasma corticosterone (CORT) level in rats
[12,13]. Studies on the effect of population density demon-
strated body weight gain inhibition, reduction of food intake,
atrophy of thymus and hypertrophy of the adrenals in
experimental animals exposed to either isolated or overpopu-
lated environment [14].
Taking into account the above studies, the aim of the
present work was to examine relationship between plasma
noradrenaline (NA), adrenaline (A), CORT, adrenocortico-
tropic hormone (ACTH) and hippocampal GR and Hsp70 in
adult rat males exposed to long-term social housing isola-
tion and crowding, both under basal conditions and in
response to short-term immobilization and cold as two
additional stressors. We were interested to learn whether
long-term (21 days) social housing isolation and crowding
would affect the activity of the SAS and HPA axis.
2. Materials and methods
Rat males of Wistar strain, weighing 330 400 g were
used. They were offered water and food ad libitum. The
light schedule in the room was reversed, with lights on
between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. Before being subjected to stress,
the animals were housed in groups of six individuals in wire
cages (width 32 cm, length 46 cm, height 22 cm). They
were divided into three groups. The first control group
consisted of six animals per cage. The rats that were
individually housed for the 21-day period represented the
second group. In the third group, 12 animals were housed
per cage, i.e., these were conditions of social crowding. The
rats of the second and third groups were housed in plastic
cages (width 21 cm, length 37 cm, height 13 cm). On the
day before blood sampling, cannule was inserted into the
tail artery under pentobarbital (40 mg/kg ip) anaesthesia.
This allowed the estimation of plasma catecholamines,
CORT and ACTH without stressing the animals during
manipulations. After the baseline blood collection, the rats
were immobilized or exposed to cold stress for 2 h. Blood
was collected 15, 30, 60 and 120 min after the onset of
immobilization. The animals exposed to cold for 2 h were
initially kept at ambient temperature and after the baseline
blood collection, the cages were carefully transferred into a
cold chamber at 4 jC and the blood was collected 30, 60
and 120 min later. The rats were killed by cervial disloca-
tion; hippocampi of six animals from each group were
excised and immediately cooled in an ice bath. They were
weighed and homogenized (1:2 w/v; 20 strokes; Potter
Elvehjem teflon glass homogenizer) in EPG buffer, pH 7.0,
supplemented with 2 mM DTT and protease-inhibitor cock-
tail. The homogenates were centrifuged (10 min, 10,000
rpm, 4 jC), the pellets taken as crude nuclei preparations,
and the supernatants recentrifuged (60 min, 45,000 rpm, 4
jC) to obtain purified cytosol fraction. Cytosol samples
mixed with denaturing buffer according to Laemmli [15]
were analysed either immediately or kept at 80 jC until
Fig. 1. The effects of acute immobilization on plasma level of NA and A
(pg/ml) in the controls, rats exposed to long-term isolation (LTI) and long-
term crowding (LTC). The values are means FS.E.M. of six to eight
animals. Statistical significance: * * P< .001 and * P< .05 as compared to
the control;
P< .001 LTI vs. LTC group.
Fig. 2. The effects of acute immobilization on plasma level of ACTH (pg/
ml) and CORT (ng/ml) in the controls, rats exposed to LTI or LTC. The
values are means FS.E.M. of six to eight rats. Statistical significance:
*P< .001 as compared to the control;
P< .001 LTI vs. LTC group.
S. Dronjak et al. / Physiology & Behavior 81 (2004) 409–415410
the analysis. Separation of proteins by SDS-PAGE and
quantification by immunoblotting were performed as previ-
ously described [16].
Immobilization stress was provoked as described by
Kvetnansky and Mikulaj [17]. Plasma catecholamines were
assayed by our modification of the radioenzymatic method
[18]. Plasma CORT was measured upon prior extraction
directly, using RIA commercial kits (ICN, Biochemicals,
Costa Mesa, CA, USA) and the values were expressed as ng
CORT/ml plasma. Plasma ACTH was determined by a
chemiluminescent method using IMMULITE automatic
analyzer (DPC, Los Angeles, CA, USA) and the values
were expressed as pg ACTH/ml plasma.
Statistical differences between experimental groups and
control were estimated by one-way ANOVA test.
3. Results
The effects of acute immobilization (2 h) on plasma
NA and A levels in the control and rats previously
exposed to long-term isolation and long-term crowding
are depicted in Fig. 1. As seen, none of these two
treatments affected the basal plasma level of either NA
or A. However, long-term immobilization led to a signif-
icant increase of NA and A contents in all three exper-
imental groups. In this group of animals, the increase of
plasma NA and A levels was more pronounced in all
experimental points compared to the other groups. In the
long-term crowded group, immobilization also led to
increased plasma catecholamine levels in comparison with
the corresponding controls, but this increase was lower
Fig. 3. The effects of immobilization on cytosol GR and Hsp 70 concentrations in hippocampi of rats exposed to LTI and LTC. The results are meansFS.E.M.
of three to six rats. Statistical significance in relation to the naive control are as follows: * P< .05; * * P< .01; * * * P< .001.
Fig. 4. The effects of acute cold stress on cytosolic GR and Hsp 70 concentrations in hippocampi of rats exposed to LTI or LTC. The results are
means FS.E.M. of three to six rats. Statistical significance in relation to the naive control are as follows: * P< .05; * * P< .01; * * * P< .001.
S. Dronjak et al. / Physiology & Behavior 81 (2004) 409–415 411
compared to that recorded in the group subjected to a
long-term isolation.
Basal plasma ACTH and CORT levels were significantly
elevated in the long-term isolation group (Fig. 2). Immobi-
lization elicited a conspicuous increase of plasma ACTH
and CORT in all investigated groups. The highest levels of
ACTH were found 15 and 30 min after the onset of
immobilization and reached about a 30-fold increase in
control and long-term crowded rats, while ACTH was
increased about 12-fold in the long-term isolation group.
Immobilization expressed a similar effect on plasma CORT
level in the control, long-term isolation and long-term
crowded groups and its concentrations were significantly
elevated in all investigated groups of rats.
From Fig. 3, it can be seen that long-term isolation
induced a more pronounced decrease in both cytosolic GR
and Hsp 70 concentrations in hippocampus comparing to
that resulting from long-term exposure to crowding. The
acute immobilization elicited the most pronounced decrease
of both hippocampal cytosol GR and Hsp 70 concentrations
in the control as compared to that found in the long-term
isolation or long-term crowded rats. The results depicted in
Fig. 4 clearly show that acute exposure of animals to cold
stress led to the most pronounced decrease of both hippo-
campal GR and Hsp 70 concentration in the controls. This
decrease was less pronounced in long-term isolation group
and the least expressed in long-term crowded rats.
From Fig. 5, it can be seen that acute exposure to cold
stress (2 h) resulted in an increase of NA level in all
experimental groups, the most pronounced effect being
recorded in long-term isolation group. Concentration of A
in the control after exposure to cold stress was approxi-
mately 1.5 times higher compared to the basal level. The
same cold treatment resulted in about three- and twofold
increase of plasma A level in long-term isolation group and
long-term crowded group, respectively, in comparison with
the basal levels.
Plasma levels of ACTH and CORT in control, long-term
isolation and long-term crowding rats after cold stress are
presented in Fig. 6. As shown, exposure to cold produced a
significant increase in ACTH level in the long-term crowded
group, somewhat less pronounced increase in the control
and surprisingly low elevation in the long-term isolation
group. In both long-term isolation and long-term crowded
groups, cold stress significantly elevated plasma CORT
comparing to the basal level. This treatment also led to
the elevation of plasma CORT in the controls, but it was less
pronounced than that observed in both long-term isolation
and long-term crowded rats.
4. Discussion
It has been found recently that housing conditions affect
the response of rats to chronic exposure to stress. Isolation
by itself appears to be a stressor for rat females and social
housing appears to reduce these adverse effects. In contrast,
rat males do not seem to benefit from social housing, as it
appears to augment negative effects of exposure [19]. In the
present study, we measured the level of plasma catechol-
amines, CORT, ACTH and cytosolic GR and Hsp 70
concentrations in hippocampi of rat males exposed to
isolation and crowding conditions as two different long-
term psychosocial stress types. These animals were also
exposed to immobilization and cold as heterotypic stressors.
Immobilization represents the strongest stress by combining
physical and emotional stress, whereas exposure to cold is
Fig. 5. The effect of acute cold stress on plasma levels of NA and A (pg/ml)
in the controls, rats exposed to LTI or LTC. The values are means FS.E.M.
of six to eight rats. Statistical significance: * * P< .001 and * P< .05 as
compared to the control;
P< .01 and
P< .001 LTI vs. LTC group.
Fig. 6. The effect of acute cold stress on plasma levels of ACTH (pg/ml)
and CORT (ng/ml) in the controls, rats exposed to LTI or LTC. The values
are means FS.E.M. of six to eight animals. Statistical significance:
*P< .01 and * * P< .001 as compared to the control;
P< .001 LTI vs.
LTC group.
S. Dronjak et al. / Physiology & Behavior 81 (2004) 409–415412
assumed to be a moderate stress. The studies on the effect of
acute exposure of rats to cold and immobilization indicated
the activation of the sympathoneural and adrenomedullary
systems, as measured by increased levels of plasma cat-
echolamines, adrenal TH activities and adrenal TH mRNA
[2022]. Therefore, we have found it of interest to examine
the effects of these two stressors, differing in intensity, on
the activity of HPA axis and SAS in rats previously exposed
to long-term isolation and crowding conditions.
During long-term isolation, the basal plasma ACTH and
CORT levels were several-fold increased, whereas basal
plasma NA and A remained unchanged. We have also
observed no differences in the basal plasma levels of
catecholamines, ACTH and CORT between control and
long-term crowded rats. This indicates that long-term isola-
tion is a specific stimulus for the HPA axis, with no
significant effect on the activation of the SAS. These results
could be connected to the data of Armando et al. [23] who
found that 24-h isolation of rats in individual metabolic
cages resulted in increased levels of adrenal catecholamines,
tyrosine hydroxylase mRNA, aldosterone and CORT. More-
over, Nunez et al. [24] demonstrated that 4 days of isolation
stress provoked an increased CORT secretion. Miachon et
al. [12] showed that 13 weeks of isolation produced a
significant increase in catecholamine turnover in hippocam-
pus, cortex and cerebellum, accompanied by increased
ACTH and decreased CORT levels. The explanation for
the differences between these and our findings could be
sought for in different durations of the isolation stress in our
experiments and those performed by Miachon et al. [12].In
the present study, we decided to expose the animals to a
long-term 21-day stress because the data of several authors
suggested that this stress induced long-lasting behavioural
sequelae associated with reproducible neurochemical and
immunological modifications [25 27].
It has been shown that immobilization stress resulted in
increased levels of plasma catecholamines and CORT ac-
companied by the activation of both sympatho adrenome-
dullary and adrenocortical systems [28,29]. In the present
study, the highest elevation of plasma catecholamines was
observed in long-term isolation rats. It was elevated to a less
degree in long-term crowded rats and was the least in control
rats exposed to 2-h immobilization only. Previous studies
suggested that social defeat induced a much greater elevation
in NA and A concentrations, indicating a more extensive
involvement of both sympathoneural and adrenomedullary
systems [30]. In the long-term isolation and long-term
crowded groups, the plasma level of A, after reaching the
peak at about 15 min upon the onset of immobilization,
remained elevated during the whole period of immobiliza-
tion, while after immobilization of the control group, the A
level was reduced. The explanation for these findings might
be due to greater catecholamine stores, a more extensive or
longer period of catecholamine secretion, or reduced cate-
cholamine degradation and reuptake in long-term psychoso-
cially adapted rats. The exaggerated levels of both plasma
NA and A in rats exposed to psychosocial stress for 21 days
might also be a consequence of the readiness of such animals
to respond to altered quality or quantity of an additional
stressor. Immobilization (2 h) produced a significant increase
of plasma ACTH level in long-term crowded and control
rats, while this increase was lower in the animals exposed to
long-term isolation. Plasma CORT levels in the control,
long-term isolated and crowded groups were also increased
during immobilization, but no significant differences were
observed when these three groups were compared. Our
results clearly indicated immobilization-related activation
of HPA axis. We also showed that the exposure of rats to
long-term psychosocial stress (especially to long-term isola-
tion) to an additional stressor, such as immobilization,
produced a much more pronounced response of SAS and a
less pronounced response of HPA axis. Besides, the acute
immobilization elicited a significant decrease of both hippo-
campal cytosol GR and Hsp 70 concentrations in the controls
as compared to either long-term isolated or crowded groups.
In these cases, a decrease in the cytosolic GR concentration
most probably reflects an active negative feedback mecha-
nism, aimed at the restoration of homeostasis, by attenuating
the stress signal transduction via the GR [31].
Exposure of control, long-term isolated and long-term
crowded groups to cold stress for 2 h activated both SAS
and HPA axis and plasma NA levels were increased about 2-,
3.3- and 2.5-fold, respectively, in comparison with the
baseline values. At the same time, plasma A level was
elevated about 1.3-, 3- and 2-fold in control, long-term
isolated and long-term crowded groups, respectively. These
results demonstrate that exposure of rats to cold as an
additional stressor resulted in a more pronounced activation
of SAS in both long-term isolated and crowded groups in
comparison with the controls. These findings could be related
to the data of Zaretski et al. [32] who found that chronic stress
(footshock combined with randomized light flashes) led to an
increase and prolongation of the acute stress-induced NA
release. The results of the present study showed that the
exposure of long-term isolated and crowded rats to acute cold
stress was followed by significantly elevated levels of CORT.
In unstressed naive controls, cold also produced an increase
in CORT level, but it was less pronounced than in animals
exposed to long-term psychosocial stress. This is in agree-
ment with the findings of Hashiguchi et al. [33] who
suggested that CORT is especially sensitive to novel treat-
ment. Interestingly, cold as an additional stress, resulted in the
highest elevation of plasma ACTH in long-term crowded rats
(about 10-fold). This effect was somewhat less expressed in
the controls (about sixfold higher ACTH level) and the least
in long-term isolation group (about twofold). Cold stress
elicited the most pronounced decrease of both hippocampal
GR and Hsp 70 concentrations in the control as compared to
the groups exposed to long-term psychosocial stress. More-
over, exposure to cold for 2 h acted as a somewhat stronger
stressor than 2-h immobilization. However, long-term
stresses, such as 21-day isolation and 21-day crowding,
S. Dronjak et al. / Physiology & Behavior 81 (2004) 409–415 413
produced almost negligible decreases in cytosolic GR in
hippocampus of 10% and 5%, respectively. These results
could mean that the rats exposed for a long period of time to
the same stress, most probably experienced a partial disrup-
tion of the negative feedback regulation and acquired a partial
habituation to a high glucocorticoid level as suggested by
Mizoguchi et al. [34]. It should be noted that although long-
term stress-induced decrease in the cytosolic hippocampal
GR was negligible, long-term isolation seems to be a some-
what more potent stressor than long-term crowding. Further-
more, long-term isolated animals were more sensitive to
subsequent exposure to 2-h immobilization or cold (25%
and 30% decrease of cytosolic hippocampal GR content,
respectively). The animals exposed to long-term crowding
conditions and subjected to subsequent 2 h of immobilization
or cold, showed a 15% and 20% decrease in cytosolic GR
concentration, respectively. Thus, it seems that in long-term
isolated animals, negative feedback regulation of the GR
protein was less compromised than in long-term crowded
rats. The changes in cytosolic hippocampal Hsp 70 concen-
tration in these groups of animals closely followed the
changes in cytosol GR concentration. Taken together,
stress-induced increase in CORT concentration and subse-
quent down-regulation of both cytosolic GR and Hsp 70
confirm the involvement of the mechanism of a negative
feedback regulation at the level of GR-sensitive cells in the
hippocampus. The observed changes in the concentration of
these major stress-related cellular proteins in hippocampus
are most probably a part of a cellular mechanism serving to
restore disturbed equilibrium of an organism by switching off
or attenuating the stress signal.
The obtained results show that although long-term isola-
tion significantly elevated the basal plasma ACTH level,
exposure to novel stressors (immobilization or cold) pro-
duced the lowest increase in plasma ACTH in comparison
with that observed in either long-term crowded or control
Based on these results, it may be concluded that indi-
vidual housing of rats seems to act as a stronger stressor
than crowding conditions. Hurst et al. [35] found that
individual composition of groups, rather than size, had a
greater impact on the welfare of the rats. When long-term
isolated rats were exposed to additional stressors, a stronger
activation of SAS was observed in comparison with that
recorded in the long-term crowded group. Crowding as a
psychosocial stress seems to be the weakest stressor if
estimated by the activation of SAS but no significant
differences in the activity of HPA axis were observed when
the rats exposed to long-term isolation were compared to
those suffering in the long-term crowded conditions.
This work was supported by the Ministry for Science,
Development and Technology of Serbia, Grant #1953.
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S. Dronjak et al. / Physiology & Behavior 81 (2004) 409–415 415
... As a main mediator in the HPA axis, the alteration in glucocorticoid synthesis affects hippocampal function and leads to stress-associated psychopathologies [52]. Several studies have indicated that chronic SI increases rodents' catecholamine [53,54] and corticosterone [53,55,56]. CORT, the primary rodent glucocorticoid, has been considered an essential mediator of stress-induced depressive-like behaviors. ...
... As a main mediator in the HPA axis, the alteration in glucocorticoid synthesis affects hippocampal function and leads to stress-associated psychopathologies [52]. Several studies have indicated that chronic SI increases rodents' catecholamine [53,54] and corticosterone [53,55,56]. CORT, the primary rodent glucocorticoid, has been considered an essential mediator of stress-induced depressive-like behaviors. ...
Emerging evidence has confirmed resveratrol's (RES) antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antidepressant effects. The beneficial effects of RES were confirmed for several emotional and cognitive deficits. This research aimed to assess the impacts of RES on behavior and hippocampal levels of anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory factors in rats exposed to chronic social isolation (SI) stress, which is known to induce mental disorders such as depressive-like behavior. The animals were treated by RES (20, 40, or 80 mg/kg/intraperitoneally) for 28 days following a 28-day exposure to stress. Behavioral tests, including the forced swim test (FST), open-field test (OFT), tail suspension test (TST), and sucrose preference test (SPT), assessed depressive symptoms. Finally, the animals were sacrificed, and molecular studies (qPCR and ELISA) were performed. Exposure of animals to SI dramatically increased the immobility of animals in TST and FST, enhanced the time spent in the open-field peripheral zone of the OFT, and reduced the sucrose preference rate. In addition, SI increased serum levels of corticosterone and hippocampal content of MDA, whereas it reduced hippocampal SOD and CAT activities. Moreover, SI upregulated the expression of IL-10, IL-18, and IL-1β and downregulated the expression of TGF-β in the hippocampus. RES treatment (40 & 80 mg/kg) significantly improved the behavioral alterations through the modulation of neuroinflammation and oxidative stress. The 20 mg/kg RES dose was inefficient for treating SI-induced depressive-like behavior. These results indicated that RES attenuated depressive-like behavior in prolonged stressed animals. These properties might be associated with RES-mediated improvements in serum corticosterone and hippocampal inflammatory and oxidative stress biomarkers.
... Fear/aversive memory acquisition depends on a plethora of events triggered by hormones and neurotransmitters, such as glucocorticoids, noradrenaline, and endocannabinoids, which influence the activity of brain circuitries, expression of plasticity-related immediate-early genes, and epigenetic modifications (Kety, 1972;McGaugh et al., 1975;Costanzi et al., 2004;Dronjak et al., 2004;Sultan and Day, 2011;Kim et al., 2018a;Gazarini et al., 2022). Memory consolidation is a dynamic event integrating in a time-dependent manner new and relevant information into neuronal ensembles (engrams) distributed across multiple and functionally connected brain areas (Izquierdo et al., 1992;Dudai, 2012;Josselyn and Tonegawa, 2020). ...
Fear conditioning and avoidance tasks usually elicit adaptive aversive memories. Traumatic memories are more intense, generalized, inflexible, and resistant to attenuation via extinction- and reconsolidation-based strategies. Inducing and assessing these dysfunctional, maladaptive features in the laboratory are crucial to interrogating posttraumatic stress disorder's neurobiology and exploring innovative treatments. Here we analyze over 350 studies addressing this question in adult rats and mice. There is a growing interest in modeling several qualitative and quantitative memory changes by exposing already stressed animals to freezing- and avoidance-related tests or using a relatively high aversive training magnitude. Other options combine aversive/fearful tasks with post-acquisition or post-retrieval administration of one or more drugs provoking neurochemical or epigenetic alterations reported in the trauma aftermath. It is potentially instructive to integrate these procedures and incorporate the measurement of autonomic and endocrine parameters. Factors to consider when defining the organismic and procedural variables, partially neglected aspects (sex-dependent differences and recent vs. remote data comparison) and suggestions for future research (identifying reliable individual risk and treatment-response predictors) are discussed.
... It has been reported that corticosterone had a suppressive effect on IL-4 protein production and signaling in in vitro and in vivo studies (Bluthé et al., 2002;Park et al., 2015;So et al., 2002). Also, acute stress or lipopolysaccharide has been shown to stimulate release of norepinephrine (NE) or to increase TH messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) level and TH activity (Dronjak et al., 2004). Since TH is a ratedetermining enzyme of NE synthesis, change of TH protein was not detected right after exposure of acute stress (Ong et al., 2011). ...
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It has been known that chronic psychological or physical stress elicits depressive behaviors (learned helplessness, anhedonia, anxiety, etc.) and also activates to release proinflammatory cytokines in the brain. Especially, postmenopausal women under stress condition exacerbates neuroimmune systems and mood disorder. Repeated restraint stress in the ovariectomized female rats poses an immune challenge which was capable of inducing depressive-like behaviors, promoting exaggerated corticosterone responses and changing the proinflammatory cytokine expression such as interleukin (IL)-1β in the brain. Also, anti-inflammatory cytokines including IL-4 are known to regulate inflammation caused by immune response or stress challenge. Furthermore, some studies reported that physical activity can reduce stress hormones and improve personal immunity. Physical exercise has been shown to be associated with decreased symptoms of depression and anxiety, and with improved physical health, immunological function, and psychological well-being. This paper aims to discuss an overview of how stress shapes neuroimmune response and diverse roles of cytokines in animals models, acting on depressive-like behavioral changes; some beneficial aspects of exercise on stress-related disorders are addressed.
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The stress response is a natural physiological reaction of the organism, elicited to maintain the internal environment and evoke adaptive behaviors, ultimately leading to survival. However, at the turn of the century, stress-related disorders gained increasing significance. The aim of entry is to explore the fundamental question of when the stress system changes from a beneficial to a detrimental system, contributing to a higher risk of the development of disorders and/or diseases. To develop context, here, we explore the different concepts of stress and reveal the complexities, perspectives, and multiple relationships between the neurochemistry, cerebral functional network, and associated pathologies. According to the literature, the stress response affects nearly every biological system through the close interactions between the physiological, nervous, endocrine, and immune systems when faced with a real or perceived threat. Considering today’s challenging times, where people are facing multiple unavoidable adversities in their lives and a level of uncertainty never before seen, this review emphasizes the importance of understanding the potential consequences of being unable to cope with stressful events. Susceptibility and resilience to stress have gained recognition as important areas of study. The literature presented here enhances our understanding and identifies the causes of various psychopathologies, mental health conditions, disabilities, and even mortality that are closely linked to vulnerability to stress. Experimental studies from recent decades have demonstrated the many factors affecting our ability to cope with stress, including differences between individuals due to their genetic background, epigenetic regulation, gender, and early-life experiences. Finally, there is an urgent need to change the paradigm of modern lifestyles as a potential strategy to prevent the spread of the “health epidemic of the 21st century”, which is stress. Therefore, we acknowledge different approaches to enhance resilience, focusing on perception, tolerance, and positive lifestyle behaviors.
Although parents routinely encounter stress in the ecological environment that can affect offspring development (transgenerational plasticity: TGP), nearly all organisms interact with conspecifics that can either independently induce parental stress or can alter how parents respond to ecological stressors. During social buffering, the presence of conspecifics can reduce the response to or increase the speed of recovery from a stressor. This may have cascading effects on offspring if the presence of conspecifics can mitigate parental responses to ecological stress in ways that blunt transmission of stress-induced transgenerational effects. Here, we simultaneously manipulated both paternal social isolation and experience with predation risk prior to fertilization in threespined stickleback ( Gasterosteus aculeatus ). If social buffering mitigates TGP induced by paternal exposure to predation risk, then we expected fewer phenotypic effects in offspring when fathers are exposed to predation risk with a conspecific with present compared to fathers exposed to predation risk while isolated. Offspring of predator-exposed fathers showed reduced anxiety-like behavior. Fathers who were socially isolated had offspring that were captured faster by a live predator, suggesting that social isolation may be a stressor that has maladaptive consequences for offspring. Further, we also found evidence that the presence of a conspecific buffered fathers against the effects of predation risk: offspring of predator-exposed fathers tended to be captured faster by the predator, especially when fathers were isolated compared to when they had neighbors. Our results suggest that socially-induced stress is an important, yet underappreciated, mediator of TGP and can elicit transgenerational effects even in species that do not form permanent social groups. Future studies should therefore consider the broader social environment when predicting both within and trans-generational responses to ecological change.
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Prolonged stress exposure evokes structural and functional brain changes leading to the development of depression. One of the most important etiological factors of depression is psychosocial stress, including chronic social isolation stress (CSIS). Decades of investigation failed to unravel molecular changes in the pathophysiology of this mood disorder. Besides diagnosing and treating depression, a substantial challenge represents monitoring the course of the illness, given that precise knowledge about the mechanism of antidepressant action and specific biomarkers of treatment is lacking. The late onset of action of antidepressants points to some time�consuming biochemical modulations, probably based on proteome changes. Until now, science highlighted the importance of the hippocampus as one of the most affected brain regions in depression. Based on the mentioned, the present thesis aimed to investigate total biochemical changes in the hippocampus of male Wistar rats exposed to CSIS (6 weeks) that led to the development of depressive-like behavior. Also, the aim was to identify total and targeted biochemical changes of the effective chronic antidepressant treatment (last 3 weeks of 6-week social isolation) by exploring the mechanism of two antidepressants with the opposite primary mechanism of action, fluoxetine (15 mg/kg/day) and tianeptine (10 mg/kg/day). Targeting biochemical changes was performed with the use of comparative omics approach, metabolomics analysis and analysis of proteomics data of the chole tissue lysate/fractions (cytosol and non�synaptic mitochondria (NSM)) of the rat hippocampus, and bioinformatic analysis pointed on de�regulated biochemical pathways and promising targeted molecular changes in the basis of depression and mechanism of action of tianeptine and fluoxetine. Behavioral testing was used for the assessment of features representative of depressive-like behavior. Based on these results, rats were designated as responsive to stress and responsive to treatment with tianeptine or fluoxetine. Based on the results of comparative proteomic analysis, depressive-like behavior was characterized by dysfunctional NSM and altered communication with cytosol due to the down�regulated expression of proteins involved in energy metabolism and transport. More subtle changes were seen regarding cytosolic fraction, where the most prominent changes were deregulation of the inositol phosphate pathway, neurotransmitter synthesis related enzymes, and neural cell adhesion molecule 1 (NCAM1). Chronic treatments of tianeptine or fluoxetine also induced more subtle sub-proteome changes of cytosol. However, in the NSM, the two antidepressants restored or increased the expression of the Krebs cycle enzymes, oxidative phosphorylation, and transmembrane transport proteins, thus favoring functionality and dynamics of the NSM. Specific changes in the two antidepressant actions regarding CSIS were the increase in expression of voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) 1/2, phosphate carrier, and ADP/ATP translocase 2. Metabolomic analysis of the hippocampus showed altered metabolism of amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids, and the main inhibitory neurotransmitter γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in stressed rats. Machine learning-based classifier separated CSIS from the control group and designated GABA as the most contributing variable to class separation. On the opposite, chronic tianeptine treatment normalized the CSIS-altered biochemical pathways, among which levels of GABA, pyroglutamate, unsaturated fatty acids; increased the levels of threonine and aspartate, cholesterol, together with its metabolites, and acted by decreasing the level of myo-inositol. The crucial molecules of divergence of the tianeptine-treated group exposed to stress conditions were trans-13-octadecenoic acid, myo-inositol, cholestane-3,5-diol, 5-acetate, and pantothenic acid. More subtle effects were seen upon chronic fluoxetine treatment with a trend towards an increase in GABA and pyroglutamate levels and a significant decrease in glycerol and L-norvaline. Glycerol was the most contributing metabolite to class separation. For the first time, it was shown that chronic treatment of both fluoxetine and tianeptine multiplies the amount of bound ketamine and xylazine in the rat hippocampus, pointing so indirectly to an increased number of their binding sites, N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR), tyrosine receptor kinase B (TrkB) and α2- adrenergic receptor (AR). The present results concluded several hypotheses relevant to depressive-like behavior and antidepressant mechanism of action. Thus, CSIS-induced depressive-like behavior relates with dysfunctional NSM in both energy view and terms of communication with the cytosol, compromised inhibitory neurotransmission; on the other side, antidepressants stimulated both transport and energy processes of the NSM, inhibitory signalization, and acted with the increased presence of the NMDAR, TrkB and α2-AR. Also, the engagement of inositol phosphate signal cascade in the pathophysiology of depression and antidepressant action, accompanied with the observed negative correlation of immobility behavior with myo-inositol levels, point to signal pathways that require more profound investigation. This dissertation results showed a connection between immobility behavior in animals and the level of specific lipids, which pointed to altered lipid status in the pathophysiology of depressive-like behavior in socially isolated rats. Overall, deductively identified alterations of molecular changes in the CSIS as an animal model of depression and the action of antidepressants with the opposite primary mechanism of action represents a step closer toward highlighting the biochemistry of depression and promising target molecules for more effective treatment.
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This volume explores the latest experimental techniques in animal models of PTSD and humans affected by PTSD. The methods discussed in this book cover topics such as translational research; addressing sex differences; highlighting the state-of-the-art of biomarker discovery in the development and maintenance of PTSD; and looks at new promising agents to enhance fear extinction retention that may help millions of individuals that suffer from this debilitating disorder worldwide. In the Neuromethods series style, chapters include the kind of detail and key advice from the specialists needed to get successful results in your laboratory.
Post-traumatic stress disorder is associated with highly threatening and stressful events. The underlying memory is overconsolidated, leading to generalized fear expression and overall resistance to extinction- and reconsolidation-based interventions. Fear conditioning and avoidance protocols commonly used in laboratory settings induce specific and moderate-intensity aversive memories, but traumatic ones differ in quantitative and qualitative aspects. It would be appropriate to reproduce their abnormal features for studying PTSD neurobiology and assessing potential new therapeutics. After discussing the mnemonic basis of PTSD, its memory-related symptoms, and neurochemical findings underlying the traumatic memory, we aimed to review and discuss studies addressing the abovementioned question in rats and mice. Because of its potential translational value, the focus was on procedures associating an aversive task with single or combined post-training pharmacological interventions. Nearly 200 studies published since 1975 report that this protocol enhances aversive memory strength. The parallel assessment of abnormal features related to traumatic memories, such as altered specificity and susceptibility to extinction and drug-induced reconsolidation blockade, started more recently. Systemically administered drugs potentiating noradrenergic or glucocorticoid mechanisms have predominated, probably because of PTSD’s physiopathology. Other options and discrete brain infusions have provided complementary information. Currently available data indicate that aversive task exposure followed by adequate drug interference during consolidation generates more intense and generalized memories, which are less prone to modulation by behavioral and pharmacological strategies. These findings based on the bedside-to-bench approach are instructive for future analyses to advance our understanding of the underlying neurobiological mechanisms and develop more effective treatments for PTSD.Key wordsMemory consolidationTranslational researchPTSD model
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Adverse situations that challenge an individual’s physical or psychological integrity are frequent throughout the lifespan. However, some situations go beyond the adaptive capacity and are considered traumatic, leading, in some individuals, to the development of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a condition characterized by persistent recollection of the trauma, avoidance of trauma-related cues, increased arousal, and fear generalization and sensitization. Some of these symptoms indicate that fear conditioning (cue or context-based) plays a major role in this disorder. Because individual variability is a major feature of PTSD, it is crucial to understand the psychological and biological factors that confer vulnerability and resilience to the development of this disorder. Animal models based on fear conditioning, which incorporates individual variability and sex differences, could, therefore, increase the translational value and validity of these models for testing of potential pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments. In the present chapter, we will present the behavioral and neurobiological outcomes of animal models of PTSD based on paradigms of fear conditioning and the putative systems that may be involved with vulnerability and resilience. We will close the chapter by presenting the gaps in the literature and propose future directions on how to fill them in.Key wordsTraumatic stressAnimal modelsFear conditioningBehaviorFear extinctionIndividual variability
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Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other stress-related mood disorders are a major public health burden. Psychotherapy and SSRIs, the only pharmacological treatment currently approved for PTSD, are only partially treatments. Validated PTSD animal models could provide a better understanding of PTSD neurobiology via discovery of new pharmacologic targets to facilitate resilience after trauma. However, the complexity of PTSD makes the development of adequate animal models a challenge. To mimic the endophenotypes underlying the pathophysiology of PTSD, several trauma-focused rodent models have been assessed. The protracted social isolation paradigm used in our laboratory results in a time-dependent reduction in the synthesis of neurosteroids, such as allopregnanolone and its isomer, pregnanolone, which is consistent with PTSD clinical findings. Neurosteroids act at membrane receptors to regulate neuronal excitability and the stress response. Neurosteroids, allopregnanolone and pregnanolone are potent positive allosteric modulators of extrasynaptic GABAA receptors. Several alterations in the GABAergic system, both in GABA levels and GABAA receptor subunit composition, have been shown in PTSD. Following social isolation, changes in GABAergic receptor sensitivity and receptor conformation have been observed in corticolimbic areas that correlate with receptor pharmacology changes, and relative lack of sensitivity to anxiolytic benzodiazepines. Allopregnanolone plays a crucial role in the pathophysiology of PTSD and depression, mainly by potentiating GABAergic neurotransmission. Several agents have recently been shown to mimic the pharmacology of GABAergic neurosteroids and offer novel treatments for PTSD. In a translational approach, allopregnanolone, allopregnanolone analogs, SSRIs at low doses, and the endocannabinoid-like molecule, N-palmitoylethanolamine (PEA) have been shown to stimulate allopregnanolone biosynthesis and be effective in reducing PTSD-like behavioral alterations in rodent stress models and thus, provide potential candidates for clinical testing.
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Aggression in group-housed male mice is known to be influenced by both cage size and group size. However, the interdependency of these two parameters has not been studied yet. In this study, the level of aggression in groups of three, five, or eight male BALB/c mice housed in cages with a floor size of either 80 or 125 cm2/animal was estimated weekly after cage cleaning for a period of 14 weeks. Furthermore, urine corticosterone levels, food and water intake, body weight, and number of wounds were measured weekly. At the end of the experiment, tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) activity, testosterone levels, and weight of spleen, thymus, testes, and seminal vesicles were determined. Results indicate a moderate increase of intermale aggression in larger cages when compared to the smaller cages. Aggression in groups of eight animals was considerably higher than in groups of three animals. The increase of agonistic behavior was observed both in dominant and subordinate animals. Physiological parameters indicate differences in stress levels between dominant and subordinate animals. It is concluded that aggressive behavior in group-housed male BALB/c mice is best prevented by housing the animals in small groups of three to five animals, while decreasing floor size per animal may be used as a temporary solution to decrease high levels of aggression in an existing social group.
In the present study we examined changes in plasma levels of catecholamines, corticosterone and adrenomedullary TH gene expression after a short (2 h) and long-term (28 days) cold exposure, as well as in the cold adapted rats exposed to immobilization. Long-term cold produced a significant elevation of basal plasma levels of noradrenaline, but not of adrenaline, corticosterone and adrenal TH mRNA. Cold-adapted rats exposed to immobilization further significantly elevated plasma levels of catecholamines, corticosterone and adrenal TH mRNA, in comparison with repeated short (2 h) exposure to cold. The response of these animals was more pronounced in comparison with naive rats exposed to the same stressor at room temperature. Based on the results obtained it can be concluded that the rats exposed to long-term cold are able to respond to another stressor by a higher activation of the sympatho-adrenal system as compared to the rats kept at room temperature.
Angiotensin II, which stimulates AT1 receptors, is a brain and peripheral stress hormone. We pretreated rats with the AT1 receptor antagonist candesartan for 13 d via sc-implanted osmotic minipumps, followed by 24-h isolation in individual metabolic cages. We measured angiotensin II receptor-type binding and mRNAs and tyrosine hydroxylase mRNA by quantitative autoradiography and in situ hybridization, catecholamines by HPLC, and hormones by RIA. Isolation increased AT1 receptor binding in hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus as well as anterior pituitary ACTH, and decreased posterior pituitary AVP. Isolation stress also increased AT1 receptor binding and AT1B mRNA in zona glomerulosa and AT2 binding in adrenal medulla, adrenal catecholamines, tyrosine hydroxylase mRNA, aldosterone, and corticosterone. Candesartan blocked AT1 binding in paraventricular nucleus and adrenal gland; prevented the isolation-induced alterations in pituitary ACTH and AVP and in adrenal corticosterone, aldosterone, and catecholamines; abolished the increase in AT2 binding in adrenal medulla; and substantially decreased urinary AVP, corticosterone, aldosterone, and catecholamines during isolation. Peripheral pretreatment with an AT1 receptor antagonist blocks brain and peripheral AT1 receptors and inhibits the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal response to stress, suggesting a physiological role for peripheral and brain AT1 receptors during stress and a possible beneficial effect of AT1 antagonism in stress-related disorders.
Rats exposed to acute unavoidable stress develop a deficit in escaping avoidable aversive stimuli that lasts as long as unavoidable stress exposure is repeated. A 3-week exposure to unavoidable stress also reduces dopamine (DA) output in the nucleus accumbens shell (NAcS). This study showed that a 7-day exposure to unavoidable stress induced in rats an escape deficit and a decrease in extraneuronal DA basal concentration in the NAcS. Moreover, animals had reduced DA and serotonin (5-HT) accumulation after cocaine administration in the medial pre-frontal cortex (mPFC) and NAcS, compared with control animals. After a 3-week exposure to unavoidable stress, escape deficit and reduced DA output in the NAcS were still significant at day 14 after the last stress administration. In the mPFC we observed: (i) a short-term reduction in DA basal levels that was back to control values at day 14; (ii) a decrease in DA accumulation at day 3 followed by a significant increase beyond control values at day 14; (iii) a significant reduction in 5-HT extraneuronal basal levels at day 3, but not at day 14. Finally, a significant decrease in 5-HT accumulation following cocaine administration was present in the NAcS and mPFC at day 3, but not at day 14. In conclusion, a long-term stress exposure induced long-lasting behavioral sequelae associated with reproducible neurochemical modifications.
Plasma noradrenaline (NA), adrenaline (A), and corticosterone (CS) responses to social and nonsocial stressors were studied in male members of a strain of wild-type rats, widely differing in their level of aggression. The aggressiveness was preliminarily established by measuring the latency time to attack (ALT) a male intruder in a standard resident-intruder test. Animals were then provided with a jugular vein cannula for blood sampling during stress exposure. Implanted rats were randomly assigned to 3 experimental treatments: social stress (defeat experience, SD), nonsocial stress (presentation of a shock-prod, SP) and control (animals undisturbed in their home cages, CTR). A significant correlation was found between ALT and the amount of time spent in burying the probe in SP rats: the more aggressive the animal, the higher the rate of burying behavior. SD induced a much stronger effect on plasma NA, A, and CS concentrations than SP. A significant negative correlation was found between ALT scores and values of the area under the response time curve for NA and A, in both SD and SP situations: the more aggressive the animal, the higher the catecholaminergic reactivity to the stressors. On the contrary, no evidence of a correlation between aggressiveness and plasma corticosterone responses was found, neither in SD nor in SP rats. These findings in an unselected strain of wild-type rats confirmed that an aggressive/active coping strategy is associated with a high sympathetic-adrenomedullary activation and support the concept of individual differentiation in coping styles as a coherent set of behavioral and neuroendocrine characteristics.
We examined the effects of the restriction of environmental space on hippocampal acetylcholine release and spontaneous locomotor activity. Four days after the housing in a large or small cage, sampling for microdialysis study was begun. The locomotor activity counts exhibited significant daily changes in all rats in either the large or small cage. But, the mean locomotor activity counts in rats in the small cage was significantly less than that in the large cage. In contrast, the amount of acetylcholine collected per 20-min sample exhibited significant diurnal changes in all six rats in the large cage and in 5 of 6 rats in the small cage. The mean acetylcholine release in the rat in the small cage was significantly lower than that in the rat in the large cage during the dark phase, but not during the light phase. In addition, during the dark phase, hippocampal acetylcholine release was closely associated with spontaneous activity in all six rats in the large cage but not in 3 of 6 rats in the small cage. The present study suggests that the restriction of environmental space somehow interfere with the spontaneous locomotor activity and hippocampal acetylcholine release during the dark phase.
Modification of the original single isotope radioenzymatic assay of Passon and Peuler (1) permits the direct and simultaneous analysis of norepinephrine, epinephrine and dopamine in plasma samples of 50 μl or less. Plasma or cerebrospinal fluid without prior extraction of catecholamines or deproteinization is added directly into a mixture of 100 μl. This catechol-O-methyl-transferase-catalyzed assay is sensitive to 1 pg (20 pg/ml of plasma) for norepinephrine and epinephrine and 6 pg (120 pg/ml) for dopamine. A rapid thin layer chromatographic separation of the three 3H-methylcatecholamines contributes to the excellent specificity of the differential assay of the three catecholamines. The differential analysis of 15–20 plasma samples can be completed easily within one day. A total assay which omits the chromatographic step and, thus, measures norepinephrine plus epinephrine at the same sensitivity can be completed in 20 samples in one-half a working day.