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Dietary Factors and Breast Cancer Risk: A Case Control Study Among a Population in Southern France

  • Cancer registry, Herault, France

Abstract and Figures

This case-control study examined different food groups in relation to breast cancer. Between 2002 and 2004, 437 cases and 922 controls matched according to age and area of residence were interviewed. Diet was measured by a validated food frequency questionnaire. Adjusted odds ratios (Ors) were computed across levels of various dietary intakes identified by two methods: the "classical" and the "spline" methods. Neither of the 2 methods found an association between total fruit and vegetable consumption and breast cancer. Results of the 2 methods showed a nonsignificant decreased association with cooked vegetables intake as well as legumes and fish consumption. Whereas the spline method showed no association, the classical method showed significant associations related to the lowest consumption of raw vegetables or dairy products and breast cancer risk: Adjusted OR for raw vegetable consumption between (67.4 and 101.3 g/day) vs. (< 67.4 g/day) was 0.63 [95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.43-0.93]. Adjusted OR for dairy consumption between (134.3 and 271.2 g/day) vs. (< 134.3 g/day) was 1.57 (95% CI = 1.06-2.32). However, the overall results were not consistent. Compared to the classical method, the use of the spline method showed a significant association for cereal, meat, and olive oil. Cereal and olive oil were inversely associated with breast cancer risk. Breast cancer risk increased by 56% for each additional 100 g/day of meat consumption. Studies using novel methodological techniques are needed to confirm the dietary threshold responsible for changes in breast cancer risk. New approaches that consist in analyzing dietary patterns rather than dietary food are necessary.
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Nutrition and Cancer, 60(2), 177–187
Copyright © 2008, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0163-5581 print / 1532-7914 online
DOI: 10.1080/01635580701649651
Dietary Factors and Breast Cancer Risk: A Case Control
Study Among a Population in Southern France
ıza Bessaoud and Jean-Pierre Daur`
Laboratoire de Biostatistiques et d’Epid´
emiologie-Institut Universitaire de Recherche Clinique,
Montpellier Cedex, France
Mariette Gerber
Centre de Recherche en Canc´
erologie—Centre R´
egional de Lutte Contre le Cancer—Val d’Aurelle Paul
Lamarque, Montpellier, France
This case-control study examined different food groups in rela-
tion to breast cancer. Between 2002 and 2004, 437 cases and 922
controls matched according to age and area of residence were in-
terviewed. Diet was measured by a validated food frequency ques-
tionnaire. Adjusted odds ratios (Ors) were computed across levels
of various dietary intakes identified by two methods: the “classical”
and the “spline” methods. Neither of the 2 methods found an asso-
ciation between total fruit and vegetable consumption and breast
cancer. Results of the 2 methods showed a nonsignificant decreased
association with cooked vegetables intake as well as legumes and
fish consumption. Whereas the spline method showed no associa-
tion, the classical method showed significant associations related
to the lowest consumption of raw vegetables or dairy products and
breast cancer risk: Adjusted OR for raw vegetable consumption
between (67.4 and 101.3 g/day) vs. (<67.4 g/day) was 0.63 [95%
confidence interval (CI) =0.43–0.93]. Adjusted OR for dairy con-
sumption between (134.3 and 271.2 g/day) vs. (<134.3 g/day) was
1.57 (95% CI =1.06–2.32). However, the overall results were not
consistent. Compared to the classical method, the use of the spline
method showed a significant association for cereal, meat, and olive
oil. Cereal and olive oil were inversely associated with breast cancer
risk. Breast cancer risk increased by 56% for each additional 100
g/day of meat consumption. Studies using novel methodological
techniques are needed to confirm the dietary threshold responsible
for changes in breast cancer risk. New approaches that consist in
analyzing dietary patterns rather than dietary food are necessary.
Breast cancer is a major public health problem. Despite sig-
nificant advances in clinical research over the past few decades,
breast cancer remains the commonest cancer among women. Al-
though mortality from breast cancer has declined, the incidence
Submitted 11 April 2007; accepted in final form 13 August 2007.
Address correspondence to F. Bessaoud, 1 Laboratoire de Biostatis-
tiques et d’Epid´
emiologie-Institut Universitaire de Recherche Clinique,
640 Av du Doyen Gaston Giraud 34093 Montpellier Cedex 5, France.
has increased dramatically. Furthermore, the rate of breast can-
cer incidence varies widely amongst the world’s populations.
Age-adjusted breast cancer incidence rates are high in Western
countries in North America and Western Europe, for example,
whereas rates in some Asian countries are low but increasing.
The fact that breast cancer rates among migrants from low-risk
population areas reach the rates of their adoptive country (1)
suggests that exposure to environmental rather than genetic fac-
tors may play a role in breast cancer etiology. It is certain that
some of the international variations in breast cancer are due
to a variation in reproductive factors such as age at full-term
pregnancy and the number of births or are due to genetic fac-
tors. These factors do not explain all the differences in rates,
however, and imply that environmental factors such as nutrition
might also be important. In France, the number of newly diag-
nosed cases of breast cancer has increased twofold over the last
two decades. Between 1978 and 2000 alone, the incidence rate
rose by 53% (2). This increase is due largely to mass screen-
ing, but there is growing evidence that changes in environment
and dietary habits also play an important role. High dietary fat
and high consumption of meat and dairy products appear to
be partly responsible for the increase in breast cancer (3–6).
Conversely, other studies have shown that high consumption of
fruits, vegetables, and fish might protect against breast cancer
Although the relationship between food intake and breast
cancer was widely investigated, findings remain inconsistent, in
part because of heterogeneity of the risk factor thresholds for
which the risk of breast cancer varies. Thus, the way of such
thresholds are determined has an impact on public health point of
view. Dose-response analysis remains the key approach to epi-
demiological studies; it is usually based on a priori choice of the
threshold values because they are represented by the quintiles of
the dietary variables. In this case-control study on a population
in Southern France, we have chosen to examine the associa-
tion between diet and breast cancer using a different statistical
dose-response approach. This new approach provides an es-
timated threshold values related to the probability of disease
occurrence and varying according to the odds ratio (OR) of
breast cancer. Such thresholds are selected by using free knot
spline function in a logistic model (10). The spline logistic
method provides a different way of looking at the relationship
between disease and risk factors because an accurate estimation
of quantitative risk factor thresholds can be provided, and the
dose-response interpretation can be optimized.
To point out the advantage of this new method, we compared
both the “classical method” and the alternative statistical “spline
method” by examining the association between several dietary
factors responsible for increasing (e.g., dietary fat) or reducing
(e.g., dietary fiber and vegetables) the risk of breast cancer.
Study Population
We conducted a population-based case-control study among
French women aged 25 to 85 yr. Eligible case subjects were
French-speaking women, residing in Southern France (H´
only), with no former history of breast cancer. We attempted to
recruit all those patients newly diagnosed with primary breast
cancer confirmed histologically between June 2002 and Decem-
ber 2004. All histological types of breast cancer were selected
except the lobular carcinoma in situ. Patients were identified
from both surgical wards and medical information department
records of the 3 principal regional centers of care. The median
time between diagnosis and interview was 3 mo.
The control subjects were randomly selected from the list of
residents supplied by the electoral roll. For each case recruited,
two controls were matched according to both age (±1 yr) and
area of residence (rural/urban).
Among the respondents, the rate of participation was 90.8%
for cases and 71.6% for controls. A total of 437 eligible cases
and 922 eligible controls were enrolled in the study. The study
protocol was approved by the two ethical committees for stud-
ies using human subjects (the Consultative Committee on Data
Processing for Medical Research and the National Commission
on Data Processing and Rights), which advocate that all medical
information is confidential and anonymous.
Data Collection
Data were obtained by means of a structured questionnaire
administered by two trained interviewers. The first part of the
questionnaire was related to demographic characteristics, re-
productive and menstrual factors, oral contraception, hormone
replacement therapy, family history of cancer, anthropometric
factors, physical activities, and smoking history.
Women were considered to be menopausal if menstruation
had ceased naturally in the 12 mo prior to the interview or
following a bilateral oophorectomy. In addition, we estimated
the lifetime duration of ovulatory activity by subtracting the
cumulative number of months of pregnancy, breast-feeding, and
use of oral contraceptives from the number of years between
menarche and menopause (or the date of interview in the case
of premenopausal women).
The second part of the questionnaire was related to diet and
alcohol consumption. Diet was measured by a validated food fre-
quency questionnaire (11,12) organized mainly by food groups.
This food frequency questionnaire was previously used for diet
studies (13,14). It assessed the subjects’ usual diets in the pre-
vious year if their habits had not changed recently. Otherwise,
dietary habits before such a change were taken into account.
Subjects were asked to indicate their average daily, weekly, and
monthly consumption of single food items. The seasonal varia-
tion of food consumption was taken into account in this ques-
tionnaire. Intakes were quantitatively evaluated using a validated
set of photographs that represent different portions of food in
grams. Daily consumption in grams was obtained by dividing
the reported amount of food intake by the frequency of consump-
tion during a given period of time (e.g., divided by 28 if once a
month, divided by 7 if once a week). Total energy intake (kcal)
and 59 different nutrients (measured in grams per day) were
computed using a modified program (Fruit d’Or Astra-Calv´
which to a large extent draws from the French food composition
egal database (15). Ten individual fatty acids were added to
the initial database (INSERM Unit 476).
Statistical Analysis
Multivariate conditional logistic regression was employed to
analyze the association between breast cancer and dietary risk
factors. Odd ratios (OR) with their associated 95% confidence
intervals (CI) across exposure levels of various types of dietary
intake were calculated and adjusted for potential confounders.
Estimates were produced using the PHREG procedure in the
statistical software package SAS (Version 5.0). The Wald test
was used to test nullity of parameters.
The statistical analysis was subdivided into two distinct steps.
First, the relationship of each food with breast cancer was an-
alyzed with adjustment made only for the total energy intake.
Second, we took into account complementary adjustments by
potential confounders. These factors were chosen according to
their statistical significance (P<10%) when they were taken
separately in a univariate analysis. The potential confounders
included in the multivariate logistic model were education, par-
ity, age at first full-term pregnancy (FFTP), duration of ovu-
latory activity, breast-feeding, family history of breast cancer
(first-degree: mother and sisters), body mass index (BMI), and
physical activity (leisure, household work, occupational). This
case-control study was matched according to age with a nar-
row interval (±1 yr), so statistical adjustment for age was not
required. Furthermore, as menopausal was identified as a non-
confounder, there was no need for statistical adjustment.
For the first step of the dose-response analysis, instead of
transforming the continuous variables into ordinal variables only
The best modelling of breast cancer occurrence based on AIC criterion
according to food intake and associated threshold values
Food intake The best model Threshold location
Total fruit (fruit and juice) Linear model
Total vegetables Linear piecewise with 1 knot 222 g/day
Raw vegetables Linear piecewise with 1 knot 99 g/day
Cooked vegetables Linear piecewise with 1 knot 105 g/day
Cereals Linear piecewise with 1 knot 44 g/day
Legumes Linear model
Fish and seafood Linear piecewise with 1 knot 23 g/day
Meats Linear model
Dairy products (milk and cheese) Linear model
Olive oil Linear piecewise with 3 knots 2, 12, 20.5 g/day
according to distribution quartiles (the sole function of which is
to form different groups of homogenous size), free knot splines
for logistic models and threshold selection were used to provide
a better adapted way of splitting the continuous variables into
several groups by threshold values varying according to the
OR of breast cancer. Furthermore, extreme thresholds (located
before the 25th quartile or after the 75th quartile) can be revealed
by this method. This statistical method was recently applied to
a clinical trial for an in vitro fertilization program and provided
convincing results (10).
Unlike logistic models that assess the linear effect of the risk
factor X on the model and for which the logit function is linear
in its parameters and supposes that a unit change in one com-
ponent of X has the same effect on the patient over the whole
range of this component, the “spline method” provides an inter-
esting way of looking at the relationship between disease and
explanatory variables by relieving the linearity assumption of
the logit function. The risk factor X enters the logistic model
via a set of linear spline functions (i.e., the degree of the spline
function is restricted to 1) that differs according to the num-
ber of knots (including the case where the number of knots is
null). A spline function without knots corresponds to a linear
function. The function that best fits the data is selected using
Akaike information criterion and Bayesian information crite-
rion (16,17). Moreover, the knots of spline function are esti-
mated for a given risk factor and can be considered as threshold
values for which the OR of breast cancer changes. Thus, the
continuous variables were transformed into ordinal variables
using these threshold values. When the best modeling corre-
sponds to the linear model—model without knots—the vari-
ables were analyzed as a continuous variables. This method was
applied to our data using the Splus package. Results are shown
in Table 1.
The best models in terms of goodness of fit, which repre-
sent the variation of breast cancer OR according to different
categories of foods, were given with their associated threshold
The comparison between the different models used to fit the
OR of breast cancer, that is, the logit function, shows that the
linear function corresponds to the best model for fruit, meat,
legumes, and dairy products, whereas the linear piecewise func-
tion with one knot corresponds to the best model for vegetables,
cereals, and fish consumption. The model with 3 knots seems
to be more adapted to olive oil consumption. Thus, we used the
knot locations of each model to change the continuous variables
to discrete variables.
Tests of the linear trend, when appropriate, were conducted
by considering the variable in the conditional logistic model
to be continuous, with the Pvalue attesting the degree of sig-
nificance of the variable in the model. All the Pvalues were
two-sided, and values <0.05 were considered statistically sig-
The mean age of cases was 58.1 (±11.5) yr and that of con-
trols was 57.4 (±11.4) yr, with no significant difference between
the two groups (P=0.3056). Table 2 shows the relationship
between breast cancer and established risk factors.
Parity tends to decrease the risk of breast cancer, and a first-
degree family history of breast cancer tends to increase breast
cancer risk. Education, breast-feeding, and leisure physical ac-
tivity were significantly and inversely associated to breast cancer
risk. Conversely, a late FFTP, long duration of ovulatory activ-
ity, high BMI, as well as household and occupational physical
activities significantly increased breast cancer risk.
Further results were related to the relationship between
breast cancer risk and various food intake. Levels of food
consumption were determined by 2 methods: the “classical
method” (quartile thresholds) and the “spline method” (es-
timated thresholds). Neither of the 2 methods revealed an
association between total vegetable intake (Tables 3 and 4)
or total fruit intake (Tables 3 and 5) and the risk of breast
Association between breast cancer and established risk factorsa
Variable Subgroups No. of cases No. of controls Unadjusted OR CI (95%)
First-degree family
history of breast
No 360 789 1
Yes 64 107 1.34 0.95–1.89
Parity Nulliparous 55 89 1
Parous 382 833 0.70 0.49–1.01
Age at first full
term pregnancy
<30 321 744 1
30or nulliparous 115 178 1.60 1.21–2.21
Breast-feeding No 233 419 1
Yes 204 503 0.71 0.56–0.89
Duration of
ovulatory activity
29.6yr 189 453 1
>29.6 yr 223 424 1.43 1.08–1 91
Education <Baccalaureate 302 567 1
Baccalaureate 134 355 0.71 0.55–0.92
BMI 18–25 281 657 1
25–30 105 204 1.17 0.89–1.55
>30 51 61 1.90 1.26–2.86
Physical activity
No 160 243 1
Yes 276 679 0.63 0.49–0.80
Physical activity
14h/week 178 249 1
>14 h/week 259 373 2.13 1.67–2.72
Physical activity
Sedentary job 248 618 1
No sedentary job 189 304 1.57 1.23–2.00
aAbbreviations are as follows: OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; BMI, body mass index.
When the estimated threshold (spline threshold) was used to
create the groups of levels of consumption, analysis by vegetable
subgroup showed that raw vegetables were not associated with
breast cancer (Table 4), whereas when the quartile thresholds
were used, an inverse association was observed: the adjusted
OR estimates for consumption between (67.4 and 101.3 g/day)
vs the class with the lowest consumption level (<67.4 g/day)
was 0.63 (95% CI =0.43–0.93). However, classes with higher
levels of consumption were not associated with breast cancer
risk (Table 3).
Cooked vegetable consumption was not associated with
breast cancer risk (Table 3 and 4), and this result did not differ
according to the splitting method chosen to create the different
groups of levels of consumption.
With regards to consumption of legumes and dairy products,
the spline method showed that the risk of breast cancer varied
linearly according to these kind of foods (i.e., no threshold was
detected). OR per 100 g/day of legumes =0.58, 95% CI =
0.29–1.19 and OR per 100 g/day of dairy products =1.02, 95%
CI =0.95–1.10). Whereas results of the two methods agreed, in
the sense that both of them showed a nonsignificant association
between legumes consumption and breast cancer risk, the results
related to dairy products were discordant. No association with
breast cancer was observed when the spline method was used
(Table 5).
However, when the quartile thresholds were used, the
breast cancer risk associated with dairy consumption between
134.3 and 271.2 g/day was increased compared to the risk
with lower consumption (<134.3 g/day). Classes of higher
dairy consumption were not associated with breast cancer risk
(Table 3).
Whereas the classical method found no association between
cereals, fish, meat, and olive oil consumption and breast can-
cer, the spline method showed a significant association between
cereals, meat, and olive oil and breast cancer risk. For fish con-
sumption, a borderline inverse association was observed.
Cereal intake appears to be related to breast cancer risk. The
logistic spline method shows that the OR of breast cancer had
a cut point located at cereal intake of 44 g/day (e.g., 2 slices of
bread), and that a consumption of cereals above this threshold
decreased the breast cancer risk by 60%. The association is
significant (OR =0.40, 95% CI =0.23–0.68) and adjustment
for established risk factors did not invalidate this result (OR =
0.29, 95% CI =0.15–0.55). To verify whether the risk reduction
was related to fiber in the cereals, we adjusted for both total fiber
and for total energy intake, and once again the relationship was
unchanged (OR =0.40 95% CI =0.24–0.69).
Breast cancer risk associated with fish and seafood consump-
tion above 23 g/day was reduced (OR =0.77; 95% CI =0.61–
0.98) compared to the risk associated with lower consumption
Adjusted OR and CI of breast cancer associated with food groupsa
Intake (g/day) SubgroupsbNo. of cases No. of controls % ORc(CI95)OR
Total fruits 0 Q171.96 104 23.8 236 25.61 1
171.96<Q271.10 103 23.6 237 25.7 0.95 0.68–1.33] 1.06 (0.72–1.57)
271.10 <Q402.01 102 23.3 238 25.8 0.94 0.66–1.33] 1.54 (0.70–1.59)
Q>402.01 128 29.3 211 23.9 1.26 0.89–1.78] 1.35 (0.90–2.04)
Total vegetables 0 Q218.8 115 26.32 226 24.51 1 1
218.8 <Q310.3 99 22.65 240 26.03 0.79 (0.57, 1.10) 0.86 (0.59 –1.26)
310.3 <Q426.3 105 24.03 235 25.49 0.86 (0.60–1.17) 0.99 (0.67–1.47)
Q>426.3 118 27.00 221 23.97 0.95 (0.67–1.34) 1.10 (0.76–1.64)
Raw vegetables 0 Q67.4 122 23.6 218 27.91 1
67.4 <Q101.3 92 26.9 248 21.0 0.64 (0.46–0.90) 0.63 (0.43–0.93)
101.3 <Q160.2 102 25.7 337 23.3 0.75 (0.54–1.04) 0.88 (0.59–1.25)
Q>160.2 121 23.6 219 27.7 0.95 (0.68–1.33) 1.04 (0.70–1.53)
Cooked vegetables 0 Q127.14 114 26.09 224 24.31 1
127.14 <Q193.45 97 22.20 244 26.46 0.75 (0.54–1.05) 0.85 (0.57–1.23)
193.45 <Q276.19 119 27.23 221 23.97 1.01 (0.72–1.40) 1.09 (0.74–1.59)
Q>276.19 107 24.49 233 25.27 0.80 (0.57–1.13) 0.99 (0.67–1.46)
Cereals 0 Q96.6 118 27.0 222 24.11 1
96.6 <Q143.9 104 23.8 236 25.6 0.80 (0.58–1.11) 0.81 (0.56–1.19)
143.9 <Q200.7 97 22.2 235 25.5 0.72(0.51–1.01) 0.77 (0.52–1.15)
Q>200.7 118 27.0 229 24.8 0.83 (0.58–1.19) 0.79 (0.52–1.21)
Legumes 0 Q7.1 81 18.5 148 16.11 1
7.1 <Q17.9 158 36.2 344 37.3 0.81 (0.58–1.14) 0.96 (0.65–1.43)
17.9 <Q32.1 96 21.9 188 20.4 0.88 (0.60–1.28) 1.14 (0.72–1.77)
Q>32.1 102 23.3 242 26.3 0.69 (0.47–1.01) 0.75 (0.48–1.18)
Dairy products 0 Q134.34 101 23.11 239 25.92 1 1
134.34 <Q271.17 128 29.29 211 22.89 1.39 (1.00–1.92) 1.57 (1.06–2.32)
271.17 <Q402.87 100 22.88 241 26.14 0.92 (0.66–1.24) 0.94 (0.64–1.40)
Q>402.87 108 24.86 231 25.05 1.00 (0.71–1.41) 1.00 (0.67–1.50)
Meats 0 Q10.71 49 11.21 114 12.36 1 1
10.71 <Q21.43 302 69.11 704 76.36 0.99 (0.68–1.43) 0.97 (0.63–1.50)
Q>21.43 86 19.68 104 11.28 1.98 (1.24–3.14) 1.61 (0.92–2.79)
Fish and seafood Q 15.57 123 28.15 216 23.43 1 1
15.57 <Q25.64 108 24.71 232 25.16 0.83 (0.60–1.14) 0.80(0.68–1.40)
25.64 <Q41.4 102 23.34 236 25.60 0.75 (0.56–1.04) 0.86(0.53–1.24)
Q>41.4 104 23.80 238 25.81 0.69 (0.49–0.97) 0.79(0.54–1.16)
Olive oil 0 Q5.82 120 27.46 219 23.75 1 1
5.82 <Q11.04 100 22.88 240 26.03 0.75 (0.56–1.04) 0.85 (0.58–1.26)
11.04 <Q20.03 109 24.94 232 25.16 0.88 (0.64–1.21) 1.02 (0.71–1.47)
Q>20.03 108 24.71 231 25.05 0.82 (0.59–1.14) 1.02 (0.71–1.49)
aAbbreviations are as follows: OR, odds ratio; CI95, confidence interval (95%); Q, quartile.
bLevels of food consumption were determined according to quartile distribution.
cAdjusted for total energy intake.
dAdjusted for total energy intake, education, parity, breast-feeding age at first full-term pregnancy, duration of ovulatory activity,
body mass index, physical activity, and first-degree family history of breast cancer.
(23 g/day). Adjustment for established risk factors attenuates
the association (OR =0.80; 95% CI =0.61–1.06). On the other
hand, adjustment for only eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and do-
cosahexaenoic acid (DHA) fatty acids and total energy intake
modifies this association, suggesting that the link observed be-
tween fish intake and breast cancer is potentially due to the
protective effect of Omega3 fatty acid EPA-DHA (OR =0.83;
95% CI =0.63–1.10).
OR and CI of breast cancer associated with selected foods adjusted for total energy and breast cancer risk factorsa
Intake (g/day) Subgroups No. of cases % No. of controls % ORb(CI95%)OR
Total vegetables 0 Q222 118 27% 238 25.81 1 1
Q>222 319 73% 684 74.19 0.88 (0.67–1.16) 0.98 (0.72–1.36)
Raw vegetables 0 Q99 209 47.83% 443 48.05 1 1
Q>99 228 52.7% 479 51.95 0.98 (0.77–1.24) 1.12 (0.85–1.49)
Cooked vegetables 0 Q105 86 19.68% 155 16.81 1 1
Q>105 351 80.32% 767 83.19 0.77 (0.57–1.05) 0.86 (0.60–1.24)
Cereals 0 Q44 28 6.41% 31 3.36 1 1
Q>44 409 93.59% 891 96.64 0.40 (0.23–0.68) 0.29 (0.15–0.55)
Fish and seafood Q 23 203 46.45% 382 41.43 1 1
Q>23 234 53.55% 540 58.57 0.77 (0.61–0.98) 0.80 (0.61–1.06)
Olive oil Q 2 67 15.33% 77 8.35 1 1
2<Q11.6 169 38.67% 401 43.49 0.50 (0.34–0.72) 0.53 (0.35–0.84)
11.6 <Q20.5 96 21.97% 230 24.95 0.51 (0.34–0.76) 0.60 (0.37–0.96)
Q>20.5 105 24.03% 214 23.21 0.56 (0.38–0.84) 0.71 (0.44–1.14)
aAbbreviations are as follows: OR, odds ratio; CI95%, confidence interval (95%). Foods are ones for which a linear piecewise delineated
by knots was the best model.
bAdjusted for total energy intake.
cAdjusted for total energy intake, education, parity, breast-feeding age at first full-term pregnancy, duration of ovulatory activity, body mass
index, physical activity, and first-degree family history of breast cancer.
Meat intake was linearly associated with breast cancer risk.
There was an approximate 2.5-fold increase in the risk of breast
cancer with each additional 100 g/day of meat consumption
(OR =2.56; 95% CI =1.60–4.10). This association remains
significant after adjustment for established risk factors (OR =
1.95; 95% CI =1.08–3.53). Adjustment for saturated fatty
acids and total energy intake did not affect this association
(OR =2.50; 95% CI =1.56–4.03), implying that the dele-
terious effect was probably not directly related to saturated
fatty acid.
OR and CI of breast cancer associated with selected foods
adjusted for total energy and breast cancer risk factorsa
Intake (g/day) ORb(CI95%)OR
100 of total fruit 1.03 (0.96–1.09) 1.02 (0.95–1.10)
100 of legumes 0.60 (0.32–1.11) 0.58 (0.29–1.19)
100 of meat 2.56 (1.60–4.10) 1.95 (1.08 –3.53)
100 of dairy products 0.99 (0.95–1.05) 1.00 (0.95–1.06)
aAbbreviations are as follows: OR, odds ratio; CI95%, confidence
interval (95%). Foods are ones for which a linear model was the best
bAdjusted for total energy intake.
cAdjusted for total energy intake, education, parity, breast-feeding
age at first full-term pregnancy, duration of ovulatory activity, body
mass index, physical activity, and first-degree family history of breast
Olive oil was inversely associated with breast cancer risk.
However, adjustment for established risk factors modifies this
association only on the third class identified by the spline method
(>20.5 g/day vs. <2 g/day; OR =0.71; 95% CI =0.44–
1.14), whereas adjustment by monounsaturated fatty acids and
total energy intake maintained a significant risk decrease in
this class (>20.5 g/day vs. <2 g/day; OR =0.29; 95% CI =
With regards to established risk factors, our results are in line
with the findings of previous studies (18). An increased risk of
breast cancer was associated with late age of FTTP, long du-
ration of ovulatory activity, high BMI, and first-degree family
history of breast cancer. Inversely, a decreased risk of breast
cancer was associated with parity, breast-feeding, and high ed-
ucational level. In our data, leisure physical activity decreased
breast cancer risk significantly. These findings are supported by
several studies (19–21). In contrast, occupational and household
activity in our data was associated with increased risk. The asso-
ciation remained unchanged after adjustment for socioeconomic
level, which can be considered as a confounding factor. Further
investigation must be conducted to understand the underlying
This case-control study examined a number of different food
groups in relation to breast cancer. We used two statistical meth-
ods that allowed the evaluation of the risk of breast cancer
through different levels of consumption of dietary factors. The
first method, the classical method, was based on quartile distri-
bution. The second method, the spline method, based on free
knot spline function in logistic models and threshold selection,
provides a different way of looking at the relationship between
disease and risk factors. The resulting threshold values were
estimated according to OR of breast cancer variation.
Fruit and Vegetable Consumption
In this case-control study, neither of the two methods found
an association between total fruit consumption and breast cancer
risk. Several previous studies have investigated the relationship
between fruit consumption and breast cancer (8,9,22). Whereas
some studies have shown no significant decrease in breast can-
cer risk associated with high consumption of fruit, a large scale
prospective study (23) agreed with our finding that there is no
evidence of the protective effect of fruit intake. Although fruit
consumption has been assumed to play an important role in
prevention due to the concentration of antioxidants and other
phytochemical components, its association with breast cancer
risk has not yet been demonstrated. This indicates that these
types of phytoconstituents do not play a significant role in breast
cancer prevention (24). Our negative findings on raw vegetables
support this observation. However, results from the two meth-
ods were divergent. The use of the classical method showed a
protective effect associated with low consumption of raw veg-
etables. The risk associated with consumption between 67.4 and
101.3 g/day decreased significantly compared to the risk asso-
ciated with lower consumption (<67.4 g/day). However, higher
levels of consumption were not associated with breast cancer
Results from the 2 methods agreed and showed a borderline
significant association for consumption of cooked vegetables,
but adjustment for the established risk factors largely modified
this association. As for total vegetables, no association with
breast cancer risk was found.
Previous studies on the relationship between total vegetable
consumption or that of subgroup consumption and risk of breast
cancer have produced differing results (8,9,22,25). The pooled
analysis of 8 cohort studies (9) found results in agreement with
our findings in that no evidence of the association between
intake of vegetables and risk of breast cancer was observed. A
meta-analysis of 12 case-control studies and 9 cohort studies
(8) found a protective effect of vegetables against breast cancer
when all the studies were considered together: The analysis of
case-control studies showed a significant reduction of 14% for
an increment of 100 g/day intake of vegetables; no association
was observed after analysis of the cohort studies. In the meta-
analysis of 26 published studies (22), a significant reduction in
breast cancer of 25% was associated with a high consumption of
vegetables. We cannot exclude the possibility that the protective
effect of vegetables may be due to specific subgroups of women.
There is some evidence that the protective effect of vegetables
would be stronger in women with estrogen receptor positive
tumors (26). Information relating to tumor hormone dependence
was not included in our study; hence, we did not evaluate this
Dairy Products Consumption
In this study, the use of the spline method showed no asso-
ciation between dairy products and breast cancer, whereas the
classical method showed that breast cancer risk associated with
consumption between 134.3 and 271.2 g/day increased by 57%
when compared to the risk associated with consumption of less
than 134.3 g/day. However, higher levels of consumption were
not associated with breast cancer risk. Results from epidemi-
ological studies of dairy products and breast cancer have been
inconsistent so far (5,6,27–31). Most of the studies reviewed
recently (32) showed no consistent pattern of increased or de-
creased breast cancer with high consumption of dairy products.
Two opposite mechanisms have been suggested to explain the
association between dairy products and breast cancer. On one
hand, certain types of fat such as saturated fat as well as growth
factors contained in milk products have been shown to promote
breast cancer cell growth. In contrast, mechanisms based on
the cellular role of vitamin D and calcium have been thought
to protect against breast cancer development (33). The vitamin
D contained in dairy products results mostly from enrichment,
which varies from country to country. This may explain partly
the divergence between studies.
Meat Consumption
Compared to the classical method, which didn’t find an asso-
ciation between some kinds of food and breast cancer risk, the
use of the spline method found an interesting association. With
regards to the association between meat consumption and breast
cancer risk, only 6 studies (5,6,34–37) out of 10 studies (5,6,34–
41) have shown a positive association with breast cancer risk. In
our study, the risk of breast cancer increased approximately 2.5-
fold with high versus low consumption of meat. Meat has been
assumed to increase breast cancer risk through its contribution of
one or all of following factors: saturated fat, animal protein, and
potential mammary carcinogens including hetrocyclic amines,
polyaromatic hydrocarbons, and nitroso compounds (42). In our
analysis, adjustment for saturated fatty acids and total energy
intake did not modify the results. This suggests that the role
played by meat intake is due to other factors than saturated fat
and energy. Recent studies have found the relationship between
meat intake and breast cancer to be independent of total fats
and proteins (6,34,43). Conversely, methods of processing and
cooking meat may be a source of hetrocyclic amines, polyaro-
matic hydrocarbons, and nitroso compounds, all of which have
been shown to be mammary carcinogens in rodents and in some
human cell cultures (44).
Fish Consumption
In our study, the consumption of fish was associated with a
significant decrease in breast cancer risk, and this appeared to
be primarily due to EPA-DHA fatty acids. This effect, however,
was attenuated after adjustment for the established risk fac-
tors. These results are consistent with the hypothesis suggesting
that omega 3 fatty acids, specifically EPA and DHA present
in fish, reduce mammary tumor cell proliferation by increas-
ing apoptosis (45). A review of several epidemiological studies
(7) comprising 7 prospective cohort studies and 19 case control
studies examined the association between fish consumption or
marine fatty acid intake and breast cancer risk. However, re-
sults of these epidemiological studies remain inconsistent with
regards to the relationship between fish consumption and breast
cancer risk. A recent study (46) examined fish consumption and
breast cancer risk in 310,671 women aged between 25 and 70
yr at recruitment into the European Prospective Investigation
Into Cancer and Nutrition project. The results provided no ev-
idence of an association between fish intake and breast cancer
risk. Separate analysis found a slightly positive association with
fatty fish. Further investigation must be conducted to elucidate
the association between fish consumption and breast cancer risk
and especially to consider the potential negative effect of some
contaminants such as mercury and dioxin which could counter-
balance the beneficial effects (46). Recent studies (47,48) have
suggested than the real effect of Omega 3 fatty acids depends
on background levels of Omega 6 fatty acids. It is possible that
discrepancies between studies may be due in part to this hypoth-
esis. Further investigations are needed to evaluate the potential
interaction between fatty acids on the development of breast
Cereals Consumption
Epidemiological analysis as regards to the association be-
tween cereals and breast cancer risk remains discordant (29,49–
53). Some studies (51–53) have shown that cereal-based foods
decreased breast cancer risk. In Southern France, cereals are
consumed in the form of breakfast cereals, breads, pasta, or
whole-meal breads. These products are rich in fiber. Thus,
fiber appears to be the most plausible explanation for this
effect (54,55) because it may protect against breast cancer
by inhibiting intestinal reabsorption of estrogens present in
the bile. The fact that fiber adjustment did not modify the
OR associated with cereals was an unexpected outcome and
could reflect some inaccuracy in the existing food composition
Olive Oil Consumption
Consumption of olive oil has been associated with decreased
breast cancer risk in case control studies in Spain (56), Greece
(57), and Italy (58) and also in the recent longitudinal study
in a Mediterranean population of dietary determinants related
to high mammographic breast density (59). Our findings agree
with this protective effect. Unlike cardiovascular disease, the
role of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) in the protective
association between olive oil and breast cancer is not evident.
MUFA were associated with an increase in breast cancer risk
when animal meat provided the bulk of MUFA. In contrast, when
olive oil was the predominant source of MUFA, risk decreased
(45). In our findings, adjustment for MUFA emphasized the
inverse association between olive oil and breast cancer risk,
indicating that it might be other constituents of olive oil that
were responsible for the observed effect. It is possible that the
antioxidant oleuropeine and secoiridoid phenolic compounds
modify Phase I and Phase II enzymes and hence have an effect on
carcinogen elimination (60). On the other hand, the consumption
of olive oil might reflect a favorable dietary pattern rich in
vegetables and poor in animal products.
This study is limited by measurement errors inherent in retro-
spective studies. Although cases and controls were interviewed
in similar conditions, we cannot avoid a possible recall bias
because cases could have modified responses concerning their
dietary habit owing to their knowledge of their disease. Further-
more, we cannot exclude the possibility of selection bias because
controls who participated were likely to have been more health
To reduce possible measurement errors that exist in ex-
posure measurements when using a nutritional questionnaire,
photographs of portion sizes were used to estimate intake as
demonstrated by Block et al. (61). However, the nondifferential
errors of measurement of dietary intake can never be completely
avoided and could have led to the lack of association between
some foods and the risk of breast cancer. It is possible that the
borderline effects observed between breast cancer risk and sev-
eral foods, such as cooked vegetables and legumes, were the
consequences of such errors.
Although some inconsistency appeared when we compared
the classical with the spline method, the spline method brings
more convincing results: Whereas the spline method found no
association between dairy products or raw vegetables and breast
cancer, the classical method showed an association. However,
the associations shown were the results of “significance” among
1 cell of 3 considered, without an evidence of consistency of
the overall results. Inconsistent findings of the previous studies
(8,9,22,25) about the relationship between raw vegetables or
dairy products (5,6,27–31) and breast cancer didn’t allow us to
confirm the associations found.
The classical method, known for robustness, was based on
contestable thresholds because their choice was based only on
homogeneity of the groups in terms of size. The use of the spline
logistic model provided estimated threshold values, which al-
lowed the creation of “optimal groups” of exposure to the risk
factor. These groups were constructed according to the varia-
tion of breast cancer OR and thus to the probability of disease
Rather than to investigate the association across all the classes
defined by the classical method, the spline method assesses the
risk across generally restricted classes delineated by the values
of the explanatory variable for which the risk may be changed.
Such a case is illustrated by the relationship between fish con-
sumption and breast cancer. The classical method explored the
risk across 4 classes of seafood consumption and finally showed
that above 25.64 g/day of fish consumption, the risk of breast
cancer begun to vary significantly. As for the spline method, it
pointed out directly the quantities of fish consumption (i.e., 25
g/day) for which the risk may be changed significantly, allowing
to reduce the statistical analysis.
Similar observations were also noted for the relationship
between olive oil and breast cancer. In contrast to the classical
method, the spline method showed an association between olive
oil and breast cancer. The accuracy of the result found seems
plausible because this method by creating optimal groups has
improved the statistical power of analysis and thus has revealed
an association between olive oil and breast cancer.
It is important to note that use of such method does not
provide systematically threshold values: When the risk varies
linearly according to the explanatory variable, the thresholds
cannot be determined. Such a case was observed for meat con-
sumption: Whereas the classical method did not find any asso-
ciation between meat consumption and breast cancer, the spline
method showed that the risk didn’t depend on threshold val-
ues but was increased linearly according to meat consumption.
Furthermore, this association was statistically significant.
Even if the 2 methods require similar conditions of sample
size, this new method increases the statistical power of the analy-
sis. Thus, statistical differences can be detected because the risk
is explored on a reduced number of classes of the explanatory
Furthermore, extreme thresholds (located before the 25th
quartile or after the 75th quartile) can be revealed by the use of
the spline method. It is, however, necessary to point out that this
advantage can constitute a weakness if the highlighted threshold
is misleading due to extreme or aberrant data. To avoid this
methodological problem, an optimization constraint to exclude
the thresholds lower than the 5th or higher than the 95th quintile
is advised.
In conclusion, the use of the spline logistic method in
this study provides a practical tool for investigating the dose-
response relationship. Our results support the role played by
consumption of meat and dairy products in increasing breast
cancer risk and that of cereals, raw vegetables, and oil olive
in its reduction. Nonsignificant decreases were associated with
cooked vegetables as well as legumes and fish consumption. To-
tal fruit and vegetable intake seemed not to be associated with
breast cancer risk.
Although a large number of studies have been already de-
voted to the relationship between dietary factors and breast can-
cer, additional studies using novel and sophisticated method-
ological techniques are needed to elucidate the association and
confirm the dietary threshold values responsible for changes in
breast cancer risk.
Because of strong evidence revealed by several reports (62–
66) that have suggested that analysis of dietary patterns gives
more insight into the relationship between diet and cancer than
analysis of single nutrients or foods, we will be adopting this
new approach in the future.
This work was supported by a grant from the National Cancer
Institute of France and the H´
erault Regional Council.
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Fruit: apricots, strawberries, cherries, plums, melons, grapes,
figs, bananas, grapefruits, tangerines, oranges, peaches, kiwis,
apples, and pears.
Cooked vegetables: vegetable soup, carrots, cabbages
(red, green), zucchinis, eggplants, peppers, celery, spinaches,
chicories, tomatoes, and green beans.
Raw vegetables: lettuces, chicories, celeriac, cabbages (red,
green, white), peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, and car-
Cereals: bread (white, whole meal, farmhouse), toast, corn
flakes, rice, and pasta (whole or white), semolina and wheat.
Legumes: dried beans, peas, chickpeas, split peas, and broad
Meat: beef, pork, lamb, mutton, and veal.
Dairy products: milk (whole, skimmed, semi-skimmed),
cheeses (soft, hard, milk), butter, and yoghurt.
Sea foods: fish, shellfish, and mollusk.
... With regard to other cancer sites, we did not find any significant association between legume consumption and cancer of oral cavity and pharynx, stomach, larynx, breast, endometrium, prostate, ovary and kidney. Previous studies for these cancer sites reported mixed results, some reporting weak/moderate associations (OR ranging from 0.42 to 0.84) or null associations [37][38][39][40][41]. ...
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Evidence on the relationship between legume consumption and risk of specific cancer sites is inconclusive. We used data from a series of case-controls studies, conducted in Italy and in the Swiss Canton of Vaud between 1991 and 2009 to quantify the association between legume consumption and several cancer sites including oral cavity, esophagus, larynx, stomach, colorectum, breast, endometrium, ovary, prostate and kidney. Multiple logistic regression models controlled for sex, age, education, smoking, alcohol, body mass index, physical activity, comorbidities, and consumption of fruit, vegetables, processed meat and total calorie intake were used to estimate the odds ratios (OR) for different cancer sites and their corresponding 95% confidence intervals(CI). For female hormone-related cancers, the models also included adjustments for age at menarche, menopausal status and parity. Although most of the estimates were below unity, suggesting a protective effect, only colorectal cancer showed a significant association. Compared to no consumption, the OR for consuming at least one portion of legumes was 0.79 (95% CI: 0.68–0.91), the OR for consuming two or more portions was 0.68 (95% CI: 0.57–0.82) and the estimate for an increment of one portion per week was 0.87 (95% CI: 0.81–0.93). The inverse association between legume consumption and colorectal cancer suggests a possible role of legumes in preventing cancer risk.
... When compared to a Western diet (WD) it has been suggested that the MD could be preventive in the development of breast cancer [49]. However, a study examining the effects of a MD in France demonstrated no association between breast cancer risk and MD [50]. The PREDIMED study uncovered associations of decreased breast cancer risk in women that consumed a MD with extra virgin olive oil when compared to a MD with nuts or an advised low-fat control diet [51]. ...
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A high-fat diet (HFD) and obesity are risk factors for many diseases including breast cancer. This is particularly important with close to 40% of the current adult population being overweight or obese. Previous studies have implicated that Mediterranean diets (MDs) partially protect against breast cancer. However, to date, the links between diet and breast cancer progression are not well defined. Therefore, to begin to define and assess this, we used an isocaloric control diet (CD) and two HFDs enriched with either olive oil (OOBD, high in oleate, and unsaturated fatty acid in MDs) or a milk fat-based diet (MFBD, high in palmitate and myristate, saturated fatty acids in Western diets) in a mammary polyomavirus middle T antigen mouse model (MMTV-PyMT) of breast cancer. Our data demonstrate that neither MFBD or OOBD altered the growth of primary tumors in the MMTV-PyMT mice. The examination of lung metastases revealed that OOBD mice exhibited fewer surface nodules and smaller metastases when compared to MFBD and CD mice. These data suggest that different fatty acids found in different sources of HFDs may alter breast cancer metastasis.
... The varied actions of the different components of milk make it difficult to clarify the role of milk consumption in the development of certain cancers (Pereira, 2014). Current evidence indicates that the consumption of milk and dairy products may reduce the risk of colorectal cancer (Cho et al., 2004;Kliem & Givens, 2011;Larsson et al., 2006;Murphy et al., 2013;Pereira, 2014;Thorning et al., 2016) and bladder cancer (Kliem & Givens, 2011;Pereira, 2014), while there is conflicting evidence for the role of dairy consumption in the etiology of breast (Bessaoud et al., 2008;Pereira, 2014;Thorning et al., 2016;Zhang et al., 2011) and prostate cancer (Huncharek et al., 2008;Kliem & Givens, 2011;Pereira, 2014;Thorning et al., 2016). Chemical contaminants, such as pesticides, may play a role in the observed heterogeneity of study findings (Davoodi et al., 2013;Outwater et al., 1997). ...
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Abstract Strong demand for dairy products has led to a global increase in dairy production. In many parts of the world, dairy systems are undergoing rapid intensification. While increased production may contribute to food security, higher dairy stocking rates in some regions have resulted in increased pressure on natural resources with the potential to affect public health and wellbeing. The aim of this review was to identify and describe the potential health harms and benefits associated with dairy production and consumption. Electronic databases Medline, Embase, Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed, and Google Scholar were searched for published literature that investigated human health impacts of dairy production and consumption. Occupational hazards, environmental health impacts, ecosystem health impacts, foodborne hazards, and diet‐related chronic diseases were identified as potential public health hazards. Some impacts, notably climate change, extend beyond directly exposed populations. Dairy production and consumption are also associated with important health benefits through the provision of nutrients and economic opportunities. As the global dairy sector increases production, exposure to a range of hazards must be weighed with these benefits. The review of impacts presented here can provide an input into decision making about optimal levels of dairy production and consumption, local land use, and identification and management of specific hazards from this sector. Future research should consider multiple exposure routes, socioeconomic implications, and environmental factors, particularly in regions heavily dependent on dairy farming.
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Background Among the world, the most frequently discovered and fatal cancer in women is breast cancer (BC). From the perspective of public health, estimating the BC risk linked to dairy intake may aid in comprehensive management. In epidemiological research data on the association between eating dairy foods and the risk of BC are conflicting. Therefore, we sought to assess the link between dairy food consumption and the development of BC. Main text To summarize and quantify the most recent findings on consuming milk or other dairy foods and the development of BC, we performed a systematic literature review. We checked through several databases for relevant publications published in English up to January 2022. Of the 82 articles identified, only 18 met the inclusion criteria and were analyzed. Nine Prospective, seven Retrospective and two Cross-Sectional studies were finally identified. Conclusions Overall, dairy consumption was inversely associated with the risk of developing breast cancer. Future studies will help elucidate the role of dairy products in human health, and their use within a balanced diet should be considered. KEY MESSAGES The effect of different types of dairy products, and possible dose-response relationships on BC risk remains unknown. Estimating BC risk associated with dairy consumption may help to take the decision-making of physicians and public health policy in developing preventive strategies to reduce its occurrence. This systematic review was conducted to assess dairy consumption and BC risk. Overall, inverse associations were found when looking at dairy consumption and BC risk.
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Background Research evidence has established the beneficial effects of diet in cancer prevention; various epidemiological studies have suggested that olive oil component could play a role in decreasing cancer risk. This systematic review and meta-analysis aims to investigate the association between olive oil consumption, cancer risk and prognosis. Methods A systematic search was conducted in PubMed, EMBASE and Google Scholar databases (end-of-search: May 10, 2020). Pooled relative risk (RR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) were estimated with random-effects (DerSimonian-Laird) models. Subgroup analyses, sensitivity analyses and meta-regression analysis were also performed. Results 45 studies were included in the meta-analysis; 37 were case-control (17,369 cases and 28,294 controls) and 8 were cohort studies (12,461 incident cases in a total cohort of 929,771 subjects). Highest olive oil consumption was associated with 31% lower likelihood of any cancer (pooled RR = 0.69, 95%CI: 0.62–0.77), breast (RR = 0.67, 95%CI: 0.52–0.86), gastrointestinal (RR = 0.77, 95%CI: 0.66–0.89), upper aerodigestive (RR = 0.74, 95%CI: 0.60–0.91) and urinary tract cancer (RR = 0.46, 95%CI: 0.29–0.72). Significant overall effects spanned both Mediterranean and non-Mediterranean participants, studies presenting a multivariate and a univariate analysis and all subgroups by study quality. Conclusions Olive oil consumption seems to exert beneficial actions in terms of cancer prevention. Additional prospective cohort studies on various cancer types and survivors, as well as large randomized trials, seem desirable.
DNA methylation is one of the most important epigenetic modifications in breast cancer (BC) development, and long-term dietary habits can alter DNA methylation. Cadherin-4 ( CDH4 , a member of the cadherin family) encodes Ca ²⁺ -dependent cell–cell adhesion glycoproteins. We conducted a case–control study (380 newly diagnosed BC and 439 cancer-free controls) to explore the relationship of CDH4 methylation in peripheral blood leukocyte DNA (PBL DNA), as well as its combined and interactive effects with dietary factors on BC risk. A case-only study (335 newly diagnosed BC) was conducted to analyse the association between CDH4 methylation in breast tissue DNA and dietary factors. CDH4 methylation was detected using quantitative methylation-specific PCR. Unconditional logistic regressions were used to analyse the association of CDH4 methylation in PBL DNA and BC risk. Cross-over analysis and unconditional logistic regression were used to calculate the combined and interactive effects between CDH4 methylation in PBL DNA and dietary factors in BC. CDH4 hypermethylation was significantly associated with increased BC risk in PBL DNA (OR adjusted (OR adj ) = 2·70, (95 % CI 1·90, 3·83), P < 0·001). CDH4 hypermethylation also showed significant combined effects with the consumption of vegetables (OR adj = 4·33, (95 % CI 2·63, 7·10)), allium vegetables (OR adj = 7·00, (95 % CI 4·17, 11·77)), fish (OR adj = 7·92, (95 % CI 3·79, 16·53)), milk (OR adj = 6·30, (95 % CI 3·41, 11·66)), overnight food (OR adj = 4·63, (95 % CI 2·69, 7·99)), pork (OR adj = 5·59, (95 % CI 2·94, 10·62)) and physical activity (OR adj = 4·72, (95 % CI 2·87, 7·76)). Moreover, consuming milk was significantly related with decreased risk of CDH4 methylation (OR = 0·61, (95 % CI 0·38, 0·99)) in breast tissue. Our findings may provide direct guidance on the dietary intake for specific methylated carriers to decrease their risk for developing BC.
Olive oil consumption has been suggested to be inversely associated with breast cancer risk, likely due to its high monounsaturated fatty acid and polyphenol content. The purpose of this meta-analysis was to assess the association between olive oil and breast cancer risk, including assessing the potential for a dose-response association. We performed a systematic search of PubMed, Web of Science, CINAHL, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) through June 2020, identifying 10 observational studies (two prospective studies and 8 case-control studies) for inclusion in the present meta-analysis. We estimated summary odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for the highest versus lowest olive oil intake category across studies using random effect models, and assessed the dose-response relationship between olive oil and breast cancer risk using restricted cubic splines. The summary OR comparing women with the highest intake to those with the lowest category of olive oil intake was 0.48 (95% CI = 0.09-2.70) in prospective studies and 0.76 (95% CI=0.54-1.06) in case-control studies, with evidence of substantial study heterogeneity (prospective: I2 = 89%, case-control: I2 = 82%). There was no significant dose-response relationship for olive oil and breast cancer risk; the OR for a 14 g/day increment was 0.93 (95% CI=0.83 - 1.04). There may be a potential inverse association between olive oil intake and breast cancer; however, since the estimates are non-significant and the certainty level is very low, additional prospective studies with better assessment of olive oil intake are needed.
Deep-frying is the most common food preparation method, manifestations of color, taste, flavor, and fried consistency. The beneficial role of vegetable oils become deteriorate when repeatedly treated with higher temperature and air. Repeatedly heated cooking oils (RCO) produce various byproducts, containing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and aldehydes, well-known to be a carcinogenic, mutagenic, and tumorigenic properties. RCO is nowadays one of the often consumed media for cooking and frying, which intake can cause various unhealthy adverse effects including various cancer in the multiple organs. Hence, the present comprehensive study targets to provide the intake of RCO elevate the risks of human breast cancer. The data on RCO and its impacts were obtained via various electronic findings and library databases. Notable studies have confirmed that the effects of RCO have been attributed to their unfavorable effects, and underlying molecular mechanisms can also strongly promoting tumorigenic effects in the mammary organ.
Breast cancer (BC) is a growing public health concern in most developed and developing countries. Since an increasing number of patients with BC are diagnosed before the menopause and premenopausal women show a more aggressive phenotype, there is consistent interest in promoting prevention strategies in order to reduce the incidence of BC in the premenopause. The Mediterranean diet (MD) has been reported to have beneficial effect in terms of cancer prevention. This healthy dietary pattern consists primarily of foods having important antioxidant properties along with a favourable fatty acid profile, all associated with a reduced risk of cancer. Due to the large variability in study subject characteristics, the protective role of the MD on BC still remains controversial and studies that have investigated the association between adherence to the MD and risk of BC in premenopausal women are fewer than those in postmenopausal women. In addition, the possibility that the beneficial effects of the MD are due to a single component or might more probably derive from the synergic effects of all components of the MD remains a scantly explored field. Considering the increased risk of recurrence and mortality rate of BC in premenopausal women as compared with postmenopausal women, the aim of the present report is to provide a general overview of the current evidence on the relationship between BC and the MD specifically in premenopausal women, and to emphasise the potential role of the MD as an effective measure to reduce the risk of developing BC in premenopausal women.
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Purpose Cancer treatment may relate to appetite reduction and malnutrition. We investigated taste alterations and dish-type preferences during chemo- and/or radiation therapy in breast cancer patients. Methods Breast cancer patients (BC, n = 59) scheduled to receive cancer therapy and healthy subjects (control group or CTRL, n = 49) were voluntarily recruited. Taste detection thresholds (DTs) and recognition thresholds (RT) were compared between pre-treatment BC patients and CTRL for sweet (sucrose), salty (NaCl), bitter (caffeine), and sour (citric acid) solutions. Changes in taste thresholds and dish preferences during treatment were monitored in the BC group. Blood chemistry and anthropometric data were collected. Results At baseline, BC patients demonstrated lower sweet and salty DTs and RTs and a higher sour RT compared to CTRL. Bitter DT and RT were similar in both groups. Mild/soft dishes were preferred over fried/oily dishes by BC patients. Throughout treatment in BC patients, sweet thresholds significantly declined, while salty, bitter, and sour DTs and RTs were not affected, and there was no increase in preference for a dish. However, preference towards mild/soft dishes remained. While sweet-sour fruits and sweetened nuts were not favored during therapy. Conclusions Sensitivities to sweet, salty, and sour but not bitter tastes differed between BC patients and CTRL. During treatment, sweet taste sensitivity increased while other tastes were unaffected. BC patients preferred mild/soft dishes over fried and sweetened dishes compared to CTRL. Our findings may contribute to developing dishes for breast cancer patients to increase food intake and thereby lower the risk of malnutrition.
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Context: Some epidemiologic studies suggest that elevated fruit and vegetable consumption is associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer. However, most have been case-control studies in which recall and selection bias may influence the results. Additionally, publication bias may have influenced the literature on associations for specific fruit and vegetable subgroups. Objective: To examine the association between breast cancer and total and specific fruit and vegetable group intakes using standardized exposure definitions. Data sources/study selection: Eight prospective studies that had at least 200 incident breast cancer cases, assessed usual dietary intake, and completed a validation study of the diet assessment method or a closely related instrument were included in these analyses. Data extraction: Using the primary data from each of the studies, we calculated study-specific relative risks (RRs) that were combined using a random-effects model. Data synthesis: The studies included 7377 incident invasive breast cancer cases occurring among 351 825 women whose diet was analyzed at baseline. For comparisons of the highest vs lowest quartiles of intake, weak, nonsignificant associations were observed for total fruits (pooled multivariate RR, 0.93; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.86-1.00; P for trend =.08), total vegetables (RR, 0.96; 95% CI, 0.89-1.04; P for trend =.54), and total fruits and vegetables (RR, 0.93; 95% CI, 0.86-1.00; P for trend =.12). No additional benefit was apparent in comparisons of the highest and lowest deciles of intake. No associations were observed for green leafy vegetables, 8 botanical groups, and 17 specific fruits and vegetables. Conclusion: These results suggest that fruit and vegetable consumption during adulthood is not significantly associated with reduced breast cancer risk.
*INRA Unité de recherches Biopolymères et Arômes Montpellier (FRA) Diffusion du document : INRA Unité de recherches Biopolymères et Arômes Montpellier (FRA)
Although inconsistencies exist, some studies have shown that meat consumption is associated with breast cancer risk. Several heterocyclic amines (HAs), formed in the cooking of meats, are mammary carcinogens in laboratory models. HAs are activated by polymorphic N‐acetyltransferase (NAT2) and rapid NAT2 activity may increase risk associated with HAs. We investigated whether ingestion of meat, chicken and fish, as well as particular concentrated sources of HAs, was associated with breast cancer risk, and if NAT2 genotype modified risk. Caucasian women with incident breast cancer (n = 740) and community controls (n = 810) were interviewed and administered a food frequency questionnaire. A subset of these women (n = 793) provided a blood sample. Polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism analyses were used to determine NAT2 genotype. Consumption of red meats, as well as an index of concentrated sources of HAs, was not associated with increased breast cancer risk, nor did risk vary by NAT2 genotype. In post‐menopausal women, higher fish consumption was inversely associated with risk (odds ratio = 0.7; 95% confidence interval, 0.4–1.0); among pre‐menopausal women, there was the suggestion of inverse associations between risk and pork and chicken intake. Our results suggest that consumption of meats and other concentrated sources of HAs is not associated with increased breast cancer risk. However, due to the strong biologic plausibility for a role of some HAs in mammary carcinogenesis, and the likely measurement error in evaluation of sources of HAs in this study, further studies of these possible relationships are warranted. Int. J. Cancer75:825–830, 1998. Published 1998 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.
Breast cancer incidence was monitored in a cohort of 20,341 California Seventh-day Adventist women who completed a detailed lifestyle questionnaire in 1976, and who were followed for 6 years. There were 215 histologically confirmed primary breast cancer detected among some 115,000 person-years of follow-up. Mean age at diagnosis was 66 years, indicating a primarily postmenopausal case series. Established risk factors for breast cancer showed strong relationships to risk in these data. Age at first live birth, maternal history of breast cancer, age at menopause, educational attainment, and obesity were all significantly related to risk. However, increasing consumption of high fat animal products was not associated with increased risk of breast cancer in a consistent fashion. Nor were childhood and early teenage dietary habits (vegetarian versus nonvegetarian) related to subsequent, adult risk of developing breast cancer. Also, a derived index of percent of calories from animal fat in the adult years was not significantly related to risk. These results persisted after simultaneously controlling for other, potentially confounding variables, utilizing Cox proportional hazard regression models.
The relationship between dietary fat, fatty acids and cancers has been debated for a long time. The difficulty to disentangle the effects of specific nutrients, in a particular food or from a similar food pattern, from one another partly explains this. In addition, the complex interaction between nutrients at the different stages of carcinogenesis has contributed to the uncertainty of cause-and-effect. Finally, methodological considerations have also played a role in this debate. However, the knowledge and understanding of the role of dietary fat in cancer has progressed. Factors related to a high energy intake, such as obesity, are probable if not convincing risk factors for several cancers. Therefore, epidemiological findings tend to suggest that dietary fatty acids increase the risk of cancer. This is especially so for the least oxidisable, saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids. Polyunsaturated n-6 fatty acids and especially linoleic acid, which reproducibly enhances tumour incidence and growth in animal models, do not appear to have the same effects in humans. Interaction with other nutrients, such as n-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, may explain this apparent contradiction. The major question yet unanswered and deserving more studies is the relation between n-3 fatty acids (especially -linolenic acid) and prostate cancer. Progress in this area requires more complete food composition data and other experimental models of carcinogenesis.
Although inconsistencies exist, some studies have shown that meat consumption is associated with breast cancer risk. Several heterocyclic amines (HAs), formed in the cooking of meats, are mammary carcinogens in laboratory models. HAs are activated by polymorphic N-acetyltransferase (NAT2) and rapid NAT2 activity may increase risk associated with HAs. We investigated whether ingestion of meat, chicken and fish, as well as particular concentrated sources of HAs, was associated with breast cancer risk, and if NAT2 genotype modified risk. Caucasian women with incident breast cancer (n = 740) and community controls (n = 810) were interviewed and administered a food frequency questionnaire. A subset of these women (n = 793) provided a blood sample. Polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism analyses were used to determine NAT2 genotype. Consumption of red meats, as well as an index of concentrated sources of HAs, was not associated with increased breast cancer risk, nor did risk vary by NAT2 genotype. In post-menopausal women, higher fish consumption was inversely associated with risk (odds ratio = 0.7; 95% confidence interval, 0.4–1.0); among pre-menopausal women, there was the suggestion of inverse associations between risk and pork and chicken intake. Our results suggest that consumption of meats and other concentrated sources of HAs is not associated with increased breast cancer risk. However, due to the strong biologic plausibility for a role of some HAs in mammary carcinogenesis, and the likely measurement error in evaluation of sources of HAs in this study, further studies of these possible relationships are warranted. Int. J. Cancer75:825–830, 1998. Published 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.