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An IoT based Approach for Efficient Home Automation with ThingSpeak


Abstract and Figures

With passage of time, technology is rapidly growing. People and daily life processes are highly dependent on internet. The Internet of Things (IoT) is an area of magnificent impact, growth and potential with the advent and rapid growth of smart homes, smart agriculture, smart cities and smart everything. Internet of Things (IoT) construct an environment in which everything is integrated and digitalized. People depend on smart phones and want to do their daily routine tasks in easy and quick way. Ordinary homes consist of multiple digital appliances that are controlled or managed by individual remote systems. It’s very hectic to use multiple individual remotes to control various component of homes. In current technological era, rather than home appliances, almost all type of home components available in digital forms. Various home automation systems with different specifications and implementations were proposed in literature. This research objective is to introduce an IoT based approach for efficient home automation system using Arduino and ThingSpeak. We have automated almost all essential aspects of smart home. Proposed system is efficient in terms of low power consumption, green building and increases the life of digital appliances. ThingSpeak cloud platform is used to integrate the home components; analyze and process the data. State of the art MQTT protocol is implemented for LAN communication. This paper will provide a path to IoT developers and researchers to sense, digitalize and control the homes in perspective of future IoT. Moreover, this work is serving as an instance of how life will be easier with the help of IoT applications
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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 11, No. 6, 2020
An IoT based Approach for Efficient Home
Automation with ThingSpeak
Mubashir Ali1, Zarsha Nazim2
Department of Software Engineering
Lahore Garrison University
Lahore, Pakistan
Muhammad Haroon4
Department of Computer Science
HITEC University
Taxila, Pakistan
Waqar Azeem3, Khadija Javed6, Maria Tariq7
Department of Computer Science
Lahore Garrison University
Lahore, Pakistan
Aamir Hussain5
Department of Computer Science
Muhammad Nawaz Shareef University of Agriculture
Multan, Pakistan
AbstractWith passage of time, technology is rapidly
growing. People and daily life processes are highly dependent on
internet. The Internet of Things (IoT) is an area of magnificent
impact, growth and potential with the advent and rapid growth
of smart homes, smart agriculture, smart cities and smart
everything. Internet of Things (IoT) construct an environment in
which everything is integrated and digitalized. People depend on
smart phones and want to do their daily routine tasks in easy and
quick way. Ordinary homes consist of multiple digital appliances
that are controlled or managed by individual remote systems. It’s
very hectic to use multiple individual remotes to control various
component of homes. In current technological era, rather than
home appliances, almost all type of home components available
in digital forms. Various home automation systems with different
specifications and implementations were proposed in literature.
This research objective is to introduce an IoT based approach for
efficient home automation system using Arduino and
ThingSpeak. We have automated almost all essential aspects of
smart home. Proposed system is efficient in terms of low power
consumption, green building and increases the life of digital
appliances. ThingSpeak cloud platform is used to integrate the
home components; analyze and process the data. State of the art
MQTT protocol is implemented for LAN communication. This
paper will provide a path to IoT developers and researchers to
sense, digitalize and control the homes in perspective of future
IoT. Moreover, this work is serving as an instance of how life will
be easier with the help of IOT applications.
KeywordsInternet of Things (IoT); home automation;
Arduino; ThingSpeak; sensors; cloud computing; mobile
In current era, technology bring people and things towards
adoption of internet. Life dependability on internet is massively
increasing. The Internet of Things (IoT) became a domain of
high potential, impact and learning [1]. Living cost is
increasing day by day. The concentration of researchers is to
implicate machinery to reduce this cost of living. IoT brings
revolution by automation in agriculture [2], [3], sports [4],
health [5], power management [6], industry [7] and assembly
modeling [8], [9]. On the other hand, the increase demand of
services also requires the data storage and exchange in well-
organized way over the internet. IoT improvement has
progressed commonly over the most recent couple of years
since it has added another estimation to the universe of
correspondence and data movements [10]. IoT has done
tremendous achievement and everything is going to be more
smart and intelligent in next few years so ordinary home
system will also move to the platform of IoT [11]. By keeping
in mind, the home automation system will allow the users to
maintain and build the house that keep power consumption low
as well as providing more control over electronic devices [12].
Automated homes will get the benefits of implemented devices
and give permission to control it, either user is present or far
away [13]. A green building is one that is capable to change
according to the environment. It efficiently controls the
available resources of building throughout the life cycle from
location to design, development and ready to use to,
maintenance, redesign to devastation [14]. In closed scope,
smart buildings can be considered green buildings because they
pursue the same goals as at home. Green building must be
economical, ease to use, durable, maintainable and comfortable
by requirements [15]. That is why it just not demands a close
cooperation between design teams, engineers, architects
throughout the project but flexible integration and
communication of all home appliances and components. Home
automation systems provide comforts for handicap people to
use every device without moving. The internet of things has
promised to offer the effective way to store and interchange
data by connecting high speed networks [16] and electronic
sensors with physical devices [17]. The IoT has created the
revolution throughout the world and remarkably it has become
integral part of life [18]. Home Automation uses several
control frameworks to control home machines and tools. With
the help of automation in homes, users have more control over
homes. NodeMCU, Arduino and other microcontroller are used
to make it easy to control home appliances. Multiple sensors
like gas sensor, flex sensor, water sensor, temperature sensor,
soil moisture sensor, etc. are integrated over microcontrollers
to perform specific functionalities [19]. The changing status of
sensors will show the real time utilization or variation of
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Vol. 11, No. 6, 2020
system. Appliances status could be seen over cloud platform.
Different engineering challenges like Wi-Fi, TCP/IP [20],
legacy systems, security and privacy concerns of IoT [21] will
be explored before implementation of any IoT based system.
This home automation system will provide great insight of
embedded systems. Fig. 1 shows the concept of home
automation system that how multiple appliances will be
connected and controlled. The concept of connecting and
monitoring the real home appliances with the help of IoT is
discussed in this research paper.
Fig. 1. Concept of Simple Home Automation [18].
This article is divided in to five sections. Section II
extensively reviews the literature to read the available
implementation of home automation systems and IoT concerns
related to automation of homes. Section II also shows the need
of this work by highlighting the motivation considered use
cases. Section III provides detailed understanding with
proposed system design what type of hardware devices,
software tools, cloud and networking infrastructure needed to
develop this system. Moreover, this section also elaborates
experimental setup and environment. Section IV discusses the
results with the help of diagrams and charts. Finally, Section V
concludes the research by highlighting the contribution and
briefs the future direction.
Various home automation systems were proposed in
literature with different specifications and functionality. [22]
proposed a home automation by implementing zigbee with
Arduino to control the home appliances. This system controls
small home appliances by using various till date technological
sensors. Users are able to check the status of their home
appliances using web server. A web application is designed to
control and manage the system. Paper proposed by [23] shows
how intelligent home automation is operated and controlled. In
this paper the intelligent home automation system with low
cost is presented by implementing Arduino UNO
microcontroller. There are two main modules that are software
communication module and hardware interface module.
Arduino UNO microcontroller is used which works as micro
web servers and interface of hardware modules and different
sensors also used to sense the environment. [24] developed a
home portal structure for interconnecting home components
with IEEE 1394 AV framework and X10 control line interface
with Internet. This gave remote access limits from Web for
cutting edge AV mechanical components like Digital Video
Camera, Digital VCR related with IEEE 1394 framework and
home machines like TV, work zone light, electric fan related
with X10 controller. A Java based home automation structure
by using World Wide Web [25]. The home devices were
controlled from ports of embedded structure board related with
PC based server at home. Author in [26], in 2005 proposed
Internet based remote control system where home digital
devices are related with slave center point. The slave center
points talk with expert center point through RF and pro center
has successive RS232 interface with PC server. The center
points rely upon PIC 16F877μc. This system is controlled by
web page application. Author in [27] proposed a framework for
controlling home electrical components over the Internet by
using Bluetooth remote advancement to give an association
from the machine to the Internet and Wireless Application
Protocol (WAP) to give a data interface between the Internet
and a phone. Another implementation of smart home is
proposed by [28] using Arduino mega, Relay, RF module,
WIFI module, cloud and mobile application. They are
controlling fan and lights by sensing the environmental factors
and manually by user. Another energy optimized home
automation is proposed by [29] to minimize the energy use in
resource limited environment. This system is based upon
different digital devices like Multiband antenna, HVAC,
Thermal Management, Energy efficient sensors. Energy
optimization is elaborated by using different charts and graphs.
Multiple systems for home automation were developed and
implemented in literature with different scope from complex to
simple systems. A system controlling simple devices like fan
or light is known as simple home automation while the system
controlling heavy devices like automatic intelligent doors is
known as complex system. In many current available systems,
mostly fail to cover the basic functionality of home
automation. Most of the systems do not provide user friendly
environment to control the homes. Appropriate cloud selection
is another perspective for secure and real time monitoring even
the user is outside from home. So there is a need of an efficient
home automation system that deals with above raised concerns
in current high-tech era. Here, we are proposing an IoT based
home automation system using Arduino with ThingSpeak that
address the upraised issues. All other specification of this
system, hardware, software or tools, networking architecture,
cloud selection, mobile application are elaborated in next
section. At initial level, this system implements following
seven use cases.
1) Door Lock Control and Monitoring
2) Curtains Control
3) Light Control and Monitoring
4) Fan Control and Monitoring
5) Power Supply Control
6) Fire Control
7) Automatic Water Tank Filling
8) Environmental Parameters
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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 11, No. 6, 2020
The proposed solution is not just cost effective but also it’s
easy and reliable when it comes in the terms of implementation
and programming. All the hardware is integrated over
microcontroller. Other sensors and devices sends data to
microcontroller. These all devices and sensors used in this
system helped in monitoring and controlling home appliances.
This system will provide the real time feedback as user will be
able to check what is happening at home.
The proposed system has low cost and efficient monitoring
by utilizing IoT based devices. Different modules are used with
Arduino UNO microcontroller. The home automation system is
offering the features like monitoring the temperature, humidity,
fire, gas and water level in tank. It similarly provides the
switching functionalities that directs different kind of home
appliances and linked with the system used for automation. It is
essential need of today’s era to improve our life condition. It
provides advanced way of life by controlling doors, windows
and curtains according to environmental parameters, all home
appliances from turning on/off lights, fans to power supply and
automatically water tank filling. ThingSpeak cloud is used to
provide real time monitoring and controlling. Arduino can
perceive surroundings with the help of input signals of
different sensors and acts towards surroundings via actuators.
Fig. 2 illustrates the working scenario of proposed system.
Sensors collect data from home appliances and pass to
microcontroller board that directs data to ThingSpeak. A real
time notifications and status of different devices shown to user
via mobile application. User can easily command and manage
the home even from outside the home.
A. Hardware Requirements
Following hardware devices and sensors are used to build
the proposed system:
1) Arduino UNO
2) Servomotor
3) Stepper Motor
4) Light Dependent Resister (LDR)
5) Power Relay Board
6) DC Motor
7) ACS712 Current Sensor
8) Magnetic Sensor
9) Flame sensor
10) Water Level Sensor
11) Temperature Sensor
12) DHT11 Humidity Sensor
13) Soil Moisture Sensor
14) Gas Sensor
a) Arduino UNO: Fig. 3 shows the Arduino UNO that is
microcontroller with Microchip ATmega328P based upon
open source technology [30]. It works as a control board and
contains different set of pins for connecting other boards or
devices with Arduino. Board contain 6 analog and 14 digital
pins and programmed by using Arduino integrated
development environment. Inbuilt WIFI facility is available on
board for connecting with internet. In our system, all the
sensors are integrated over Arduino that sense the data.
Arduino transfer the data over ThingSpeak that offers real-
time updates for user via mobile application or web interface.
Fig. 4 illustrates the proposed design for Arduino
microcontroller that integrates all sensors and other devices on
board. As shown in figure, all sensors are directly connected
with Arduino that sense the data and pass to Arduino board.
The microcontroller collects data from sensors and transfers it
to ThingSpeak cloud. Fans, lights and main power supply has
high voltage so these devices are connected with a power relay
board that control the voltages and pass only bearable voltage
to Arduino for operations. Servomotor are connected with
Arduino and doors/windows that managed by user to initiate
the commands from mobile application. Slide retrofit curtain
system is implemented with curtains and movement of curtains
managed by user from mobile application. The main reason
here to use the Arduino is that, it is low cost in term of price as
well as computation and programming. The integration method
of sensors and other devices over Arduino is explained further
in sub headings.
b) Servomotor: A servomotor shows in Fig. 5 is
designed to control the positioning of specific devices. It is
integrated with sensor to direct the actuator to precisely
control the linear or angular position, acceleration and velocity
[31]. It belongs to special class of motors that are used to build
the closed loop control systems. It’s widely used in automated
systems, CNC systems and robotics. In our system, it is
implemented on doors and windows to lock and control the
movement through Arduino.
Fig. 2. Proposed System.
Fig. 3. Arduino UNO.
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Fig. 4. Proposed Design for Arduino.
Fig. 5. Servomotor.
c) Stepper Motor: Stepper motor is used to control
curtain in automatic manner. It enables the automatic opening
and closing of curtains according to specific times like
morning or evening plus manual control is possible via mobile
application. Servomotor can also be used for curtain control
but it cannot move the curtains with exact torque.
d) Light Dependent Resister (LDR): Fig. 6 shows the
light depended register. LDR is often used in circuits where
it’s important to identify the existence of light level. In this
research paper, we are using LDR to automate the light to
control the switches and checking the present condition of
Fig. 6. LDR.
e) Power Relay Board: The most useful thing that can
do with Arduino is to control voltage of appliances like light,
fans, heaters, AC and others. Arduino operates at 5V and can’t
control voltage directly but can be done by using 5V relay to
switch 120-240V. Some relays use electromagnet to operate
automatically the switch nonetheless others use solid state
relays. Fig. 7 shows he single channel 5 voltage relay board.
Fig. 7. Single Channel 5V Relay Board.
Relays are used when it’s necessary to detach low power
signals. When certain event occur relays automatically turn on,
for example when temperature gets higher than 25%. Other
multiple sensors are integrated over Arduino to operate the
system. ACS712 current sensor based upon hall effect principal
is used to measure the both direct and alternative current.
Magnetic sensor is used to determine the variance in magnetic
fields of circuits. Flame sensor is integrated to detect the
presence of fire or flame. The response of flame detector is fast
and efficient rather than heat detector. Water level sensor is
integrated over water tank to measure the level of water. After
circuit level, it actuates signal to water motor for ON and OFF.
DHT11 is a basic humidity sensor for efficient sensing. It is
low cost and does efficient monitoring. It uses capacitive
sensor to check out the environmental midair and releases
advanced indication on information pin. Soil moisture sensor is
used to check the soil parameters of current environment and
generate real time results for decision making. Gas sensor is
used to detect the presence of specific gases and their level in
environment. It is used to check the gas leakage in house.
B. Tools and Protocols
Following Software and tools are used to build the
proposed sy system,
a) Arduino IDE: Arduino Integrated Development
Environment (IDE) is used for functional sensor integration.
Flame sensor attached with Arduino with 3 pin input interface
and enabled with digitalRead() function that detect the
presence of fire. Servomotor is connected with Arduino with 3
pins female connector via 3 jumper wires as shown in circuit
diagram. Servomotor can rotate with 180 degree and we have
set the rotation value in rotateLoop() user defined function
according to our requirement. LDR is integrated with Arduino
and analogRead() function is activated to read the current
values of LDR sensor. Lights will manually or automatically
operated based upon LDR sensor values even if a person is far
away from home. Stepper motor is used to control the exact
movement of curtains manually or automatically by setting
time. motorLoop() function is implemented with conditional
structure of time values and manual control. The input values
of fan switches are controlled manually via mobile application
trigger. The environmental parameters are recorded via
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environmental sensors like humidity, soil moisture and
temperature sensor. Water level sensor is connected with
Arduino and place in water tank. It will detect the level of
water with analogRead() function and water pump will be
started on specific value and off on specific value.
Fig. 8 elaborates the circuit diagram of proposed prototype.
It is used to show the actual integration of system that how
multiple sensors and components are connected with back bone
Arduino. Mostly sensors are operating on 5V so power relays
are used to manage the voltage differences.
b) Wireless Sensors Communication: Wireless
communication of sensory data is required in IoT systems in
effective and secure way [32]. Multiple Wireless Sensor
Network protocols are available for data communication and
transfer with different security features and other parameters.
ThingSpeak communication API is used for sensory data
communication. Data is transmitted over ThingSpeak channel
in private or public manner. ThingSpeak communication API
is based upon REST and MQTT protocol. Typically, the read
and write operating time span is 15 seconds.
Fig. 8. Circuit Diagram.
c) Ionic Framework: Ionic framework is Cordova and
AngularJS based cross platform mobile application
development tool [33]. It provides easy cloud integration by
implementing cloud APIs. Ionic have many distinguished
features like cross platform, JS Components, Angular, Secure,
Cordova, Ionic CLI, Elegant Designs, Native Experience,
High Performance, Web Components, Interactive Paradigm,
Automated Builds, Splash Screens, etc.
d) MATLAB: MATLAB is multipurpose computing
integrated development environment with hundreds of
scientific libraries. It has various distinguished features of data
visualization, plotting functions and comparative graphs.
ThingSpeak provides built-in feature of MATLAB for data
visualization [34]. MALTAB is used by more than 3 billion
users with numerous background of economics, statistics,
science and engineering. We have used MATLAB for data
analytics and triggers are activated against analyzed data.
C. ThingSpeak
ThingSpeak is cloud platform specifically designed for IoT
analytic services with wide range of data visualization options.
It supports live stream data visualization. MATLAB is
integrated with it that makes it highly recommended for IoT
systems [35]. It provides easy configuration with channel
analytics. It collects the sensed data from IoT systems,
preprocess and analyze the data and trigger a reaction
according to set instructions. MATLAB helps to build
predictive triggers and models to automatically react in certain
Fig. 9 shows the simulated model of proposed home
automation. At initial stage, kitchen and one room is automated
along with main door. Gas sensor and Flame Sensor is
integrated in kitchen at appropriate location. Water tank is also
place in kitchen with water level sensor. Environmental sensors
are integrated both in kitchen and room. Stepper motor is only
integrated with room curtains and servo motor is fixed at main
door. All the sensors and appliances are attached with main
Arduino and real time sensed data is transferred over
ThingSpeak. Data processing and analytics are performed on
cloud and actions are activated as a triggers from mobile
Fig. 9. Simulated Model of Proposed Smart Home.
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Fig. 10 shows the implementation of proposed approach.
As discussed earlier and elaborated in circuit diagram, all the
sensors are integrated with Arduino. The sensed data is
transferred over ThingSpeak. Mobile application fetches the
real time statistics from cloud. All the triggers are imitated
from mobile application. Triggers refer to manual control of
lights, fans, curtains and door.
Fig. 11 shows the dashboard of custom designed mobile
application for home automation. The first activity of mobile
app authenticates the user via channel id and password. Main
dashboard activity is appeared after validation of the
credentials. Dashboard shows the real time statistics from
ThingSpeak. The current status of all appliances and sensors
are visible via mobile application. User can manually operate
any appliance via mobile application. Furthermore, user will be
able to check the current environmental factors of home even if
away from home. Main door, room curtains, lights and fans can
be operated via mobile application. Water tank option show the
current level of water in the tank. Fire alarm is activated if
flame sensor detects high intensity flame within range.
Fig. 10. Smart Home Implementation.
Fig. 11. Dashboard of Home Automation.
Fig. 12 shows the fan control option of proposed home
automation system. The fan control option of dashboard leads
to this activity. Initially the digital fans of living room and
kitchen is automated. Digital fan supports multiple speed
levels. User can easily on/off or set speed at multiple levels.
Same as light, curtain and door is manually controlled by user.
The graph in Fig. 13 illustrates the profile of environmental
factors. Environmental factors include temperature and relative
humidity. In graph, x-axis shows the time slots while the y-axis
shows temperature and humidity values. Graph shows the
comparative temperature and humidity of kitchen and living
room. This profile of temperature and humidity is taken form
Fig. 12. Fan Control.
Fig. 13. Temperature and Humidity Profile.
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This paper provides a state of the art method of home
automation with ThingSpeak platform. ThingSpeak provides
improved security, data management and data visualization.
Wiring and switching cost is reduced by utilizing wireless
networks. Power consumption also condensed inside the
building when loads condition is off. The sensed data is
analyzed at cloud and real time statistics provided via mobile
application. A prototype is implemented to elaborate the
performance and functionality of proposed approach. Fans,
lights, curtains and door are automated. Home appliances can
be easily controlled via mobile application. Furthermore, the
proposed system provides the real time statistics of
environmental factors.
In future, we will improve this system by reducing delay
time, adding speech recognition, system automation by history
learning and by security features. Furthermore, biosensors will
be integrated within home to monitor and control air for better
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... The speed control issue is addressed in another work where a mobile application was integrated with a cloud server and temperature sensor. The microcontroller was used to operate the fan along with live monitoring of the environmental condition [23]. However, the system for fan operation was limited to the local network and did not leverage the possibility of true IoT capabilities. ...
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With technological advancements, domestic appliances are leveraging smart technologies for getting smarter through learning from their past usage to enhance user comfort and energy efficiency. Among these, ceiling fans, though widely used in Lower- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) in temperate regions, still lack a cohesive system integrating all necessary sensors with a machine learning-based system to optimize their operation for comfort and energy saving and to experimentally verify the performance under different usage scenarios that could transform a high-power-consuming device into an energy-efficient system. Therefore, the present research proposes an experimentally verified and energy-efficient Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT)-based system that could be retrofitted with regular DC ceiling fans. An Internet of Things (IoTs) circuit, equipped with an ESP8266 microcontroller, temperature, humidity, and motion sensors, was designed to communicate with a developed Android application and an online dashboard. A total of 123 ceiling fans with the designed IoTs circuit were deployed at various household locations for two years, with manual operations for the first year. In the next year, an auto mode based on the predictions of the machine learning model was introduced. The experimental outcomes showed that the fan with added smart features reduced the energy loss by almost 50% as compared to conventional AC ceiling fans. Consequently, the carbon footprint of the appliances is reduced significantly. A high user-rated acceptability of the system, examined through a standard measure, was also achieved.
... Enhanced efficiency, bolstered security, and improved network reliability are just a few of the rewards organizations can reap by embracing this transformative technology. As our world becomes ever more interconnected, businesses and institutions must harness the power of AI to stay competitive and meet the evolving demands of our networked and digital age [3]. ...
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In the ever-evolving landscape of network management, the role of automation has emerged as a critical component for success. "Mastering Network Automation: Tools, Techniques, and Best Practices" is a comprehensive guide that explores the world of network automation, offering insights into the tools, techniques, and best practices that empower organizations to streamline operations, enhance security, and improve agility. As networks become more complex and dynamic, the need for automation has never been greater. This paper begins by providing an overview of the benefits of network automation, including reduced operational costs, improved scalability, and enhanced agility in responding to changing business requirements. Network Monitoring and Analytics Tools: Addressing the importance of tools that leverage AI and machine learning to provide real-time insights, anomaly detection, and predictive network management. "Mastering Network Automation: Tools, Techniques, and Best Practices" serves as a practical guide for network administrators, engineers, and IT professionals looking to harness the power of automation to drive efficiency and competitiveness in their organizations. By mastering these tools and techniques and implementing best practices, enterprises can create networks that are not just robust but also responsive to the dynamic demands of the digital era.
... Enhanced efficiency, bolstered security, and improved network reliability are just a few of the rewards organizations can reap by embracing this transformative technology. As our world becomes ever more interconnected, businesses and institutions must harness the power of AI to stay competitive and meet the evolving demands of our networked and digital age [3]. ...
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In the ever-evolving landscape of network management, the role of automation has emerged as a critical component for success. "Mastering Network Automation: Tools, Techniques, and Best Practices" is a comprehensive guide that explores the world of network automation, offering insights into the tools, techniques, and best practices that empower organizations to streamline operations, enhance security, and improve agility. As networks become more complex and dynamic, the need for automation has never been greater. This paper begins by providing an overview of the benefits of network automation, including reduced operational costs, improved scalability, and enhanced agility in responding to changing business requirements. Network Monitoring and Analytics Tools: Addressing the importance of tools that leverage AI and machine learning to provide real-time insights, anomaly detection, and predictive network management. "Mastering Network Automation: Tools, Techniques, and Best Practices" serves as a practical guide for network administrators, engineers, and IT professionals looking to harness the power of automation to drive efficiency and competitiveness in their organizations. By mastering these tools and techniques and implementing best practices, enterprises can create networks that are not just robust but also responsive to the dynamic demands of the digital era.
... It is in this dynamic context that the concept of "Navigating the Future: Network Automation Strategies" takes center stage. This introduction sets the scene for our exploration of the strategies, technologies, and best practices that are propelling network automation into the forefront of modern networking, shaping its future trajectory [9]. Competitive Advantage: By understanding and implementing network automation strategies, organizations gain a competitive advantage. ...
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The ever-evolving landscape of network infrastructure management has witnessed a remarkable transformation from labor-intensive manual processes to a state of marvel through network automation advancements. This paradigm shift is driven by the pressing need for increased efficiency, reliability, and scalability in network operations. This abstract encapsulates the key elements of this transformative journey. This paper delves into the world of network automation, outlining its significance and the motivations behind the shift from manual to automated approaches. It discusses manual network management's challenges and how automation remedies these issues. The convergence of DevOps practices, Software-Defined Networking (SDN), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays a pivotal role in this evolution. A comprehensive exploration of automation tools, scripting languages, and configuration management techniques is provided, offering insights into the nuts and bolts of network automation. The concept of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is introduced, showcasing its role in simplifying network provisioning and maintenance. The paper also discusses the prospects of network automation, emphasizing its role in the era of cloud computing and the dynamic networking landscape.
... Community Engagement: It can stimulate discussions and engagement within the networking and IT community. Readers may be inspired to participate in forums, conferences, and collaborative initiatives focused on network automation [5]. ...
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As automation technologies continue to advance at an unprecedented pace, there is a growing need to address the intricate relationship between technology and humanity. This paper explores the vital concept of preserving the human element in an increasingly automated world, emphasizing the significance of striking a delicate balance between the two. Automation, driven by artificial intelligence, robotics, and machine learning, offers numerous benefits such as increased efficiency, productivity, and cost savings. However, the automation journey must be undertaken with careful consideration of its impact on the human workforce, societal values, and ethical dimensions. This paper discusses the essential role of the human element in automation and the challenges it poses. We examine how automation affects the labor market, job roles, and the skills required of the workforce. In this context, we explore the potential for job displacement and the imperative need for upskilling and reskilling initiatives. To address the delicate balance between technology and humanity in automation, the paper explores several key strategies: Human-Centered Automation: Advocating for the development of automation systems that are designed with a focus on enhancing the human experience, rather than replacing it. Education and Training: Discussing the importance of investing in education and training programs to empower individuals with the skills necessary to thrive in an automated world.
... In the present, technology is closely linking people and things, and there is a significant increase in people's dependence on the internet. Therefore, the IoT has taken on a major role in education and has had a significant impact on most human life activities [7]. ...
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Now days, with evolving technology, internet grows rapidly. IoT i.e., Internet of things is a technology which connects everything to everything. This paper presents optimistic solutions,that how any object or anything can be connected over the network with IoT technologies and achieves a desired output. This paper proposed some algorithms which shows that how different sensors connected with physical devices and provides desired solutionsand an approach in the form of algorithm (step by step solution) to connect Node MCU ESP 8266(development board or firmware) with Arduino IDE which provide low power battery operated applications or prototyping of IoT devices.It also provides a comparative analysis between NodeMCU development board and Arduino UNO microcontroller board. These are the development boards to generate IoT based applications. Internet of Things (IoT) connects any of the physical objects to internet via sensors. Different scientist's researches about its IoT architecture. There are so many industries are followed different types of IoT layered model. Conventional model consists three layers while other industries followed seven-layer IoT layered model. IoT (Internet of Things) field is rapidly growing field, its application includes almost every field. Depending upon different applications areas of internet of Things, it works accordingly as per it has been developed.But it has not a standard defined architecture of working which is strictly followed universally. The architecture of IoT depends upon its functionality and implementation in different sectors. Still, there is a basic process flow based on which IoT is built. This paper proposes a five-layer IoT layered architecture with their underlying technologies and distinct algorithms to connect sensors with NodeMCU and Arduino IDE with the comparative study of microcontroller board Node MCU and Arduino UNO.
Electricity is one of the basic necessities of human beings. It is used in both domestic and industrial applications. Conventional energy billing system requires man power to record the electrical energy consumed, which is a time-consuming process. Sometimes, the existing system poses billing issues due to the typing errors done by the manual operator. Also, power theft is one of the major problems, which is not addressed and traced properly by the electrical utility companies. To make the electrical energy billing system more efficient and error free, smart billing system has been introduced in few countries like the USA. In the present work, a prototype model is developed for providing an efficient and economical billing system for accurate monitoring and recording of energy consumption on a monthly basis without requiring any man power. Distribution losses and other losses due to power theft incurred in the distribution system are evaluated. Wireless communication technology is used in the present work. Transmitter unit along with an Arduino board interface transmits the energy meter data associated with the host user to the server database. Monthly billing details are sent to customers through SMS. The total data from all the host users are compared with the substation energy meter data by considering the distribution losses. If the readings of server data and substation meter data are not matched, the system sends an SMS alert to the operator indicating power theft in a particular feeder.KeywordsElectrical energyBilling systemTheft controlWireless communicationThingSpeak
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Technology brings a remarkable advancement in every field of life, whether its industry or agriculture. Our lives are essentially dependent on agricultural development. Researchers are working to integrate modern technologies in agriculture to develop new practices for the enhancement of healthy agriculture and production. Internet of things is a domain of computer science that provides mechanisms and techniques to interconnect a wide range of digital devices to automate the real-life systems. In big cities, peoples facing problems in their homegrown gardens regarding the maintenance and availability of proper gardeners. This research paper has proposed an IoT based approach for smart garden monitoring using NodeMCU microcontroller that helps the users in identifying current parameters of temperature, moisture, and humidity of their homegrown plants and gardens. A prototype has been implemented to show the real illustration of the proposed approach. An android mobile application has been developed to display the real-time profiles of environmental factors like temperature, moisture, and humidity. With the help of this system, users will be able to treat their gardens in a better way in terms of plant health and growth. This research work replaces the need for gardeners and issues faced during the maintenance of gardens in big cities. The purpose of this research is to introduce and prosper the IoT innovation towards smart cities in our society.
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It is essential to increase the productivity of agricultural and farming processes to improve yields and cost-effectiveness with new technology such as the Internet of Things (IoT). In particular, IoT can make agricultural and farming industry processes more efficient by reducing human intervention through automation. In this study, the aim to analyze recently developed IoT applications in the agriculture and farming industries to provide an overview of sensor data collections, technologies, and sub-verticals such as water management and crop management. In this review, data is extracted from 60 peer-reviewed scientific publications (2016-2018) with a focus on IoT sub-verticals and sensor data collection for measurements to make accurate decisions. Our results from the reported studies show water management is the highest sub-vertical (28.08%) followed by crop management (14.60%) then smart farming (10.11%). From the data collection, livestock management and irrigation management resulted in the same percentage (5.61%). In regard to sensor data collection, the highest result was for the measurement of environmental temperature (24.87%) and environmental humidity (19.79%). There are also some other sensor data regarding soil moisture (15.73%) and soil pH (7.61%). Research indicates that of the technologies used in IoT application development, Wi-Fi is the most frequently used (30.27%) followed by mobile technology (21.10%). As per our review of the research, we can conclude that the agricultural sector (76.1%) is researched considerably more than compared to the farming sector (23.8%). This study should be used as a reference for members of the agricultural industry to improve and develop the use of IoT to enhance agricultural production efficiencies. This study also provides recommendations for future research to include IoT systems' scalability, heterogeneity aspects, IoT system architecture, data analysis methods, size or scale of the observed land or agricultural domain, IoT security and threat solutions/protocols, operational technology, data storage, cloud platform, and power supplies.
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This article examined the state-of-the-art overview of the most relevant routing protocols that have been proposed as part of constrained networks, including Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and the Internet of Things (IoTs). This category of network will be one of the main parts of the future global network. Therefore, achieving satisfactory performance on constrained networks is a current research challenge, especially at the routing level. In this vision, the classification of routing protocols in sensor networks is established and the current state of standardization in the area of the Internet of Things is updated. In addition, a comparison of the described protocols is discussed for each class of algorithms. Finally, some technological challenges and some emerging lines of recent research on resource-constrained routing approaches for WSNs and IoTs are briefly discussed.
In this technological world, the Internet of Things (IoT) is new emerging technology which is revolutionizing the real world objects (i.e., cars, home appliances, baby monitor, etc) into automated virtual objects. These real world objects are connected by the help of embedded devices to the internet where they collect and share data by means of low cost computing. IoT has also a great impact in manufacturing zone and it brings changes in business prototypes. But in the application of current enterprises, an obstruction is encountered by computer aided software's when they deal with dynamics, uncertainties and complexities. It is proclaimed that the problem can be solved by adopting IoT and cloud services in systems of enterprise. In this research paper, challenges in creating composite product's assembly plans are discussed and IoT based approach for automation of assembly modeling system is presented by integrating cloud services. Adafruit cloud service and IoT are proposed in developing advanced systems from existing assembly system which deals automatically with complexities. The new approach has modularized architecture which is stable and flexible. Automated algorithm for assembly planning and object-oriented templates is proposed for reusing the system parts. This approach efficiently reduces the complexity of system as well as decrease the error rate.
Basketball, is one of the most played games in the world with huge amount of fan following and has great number of basket ballers. Sometimes players get severe lower body wounds such as ankle sprains, shortage of breath, head, teeth, hand and fingers. Female players have higher risk of knee injuries than the male players. These are health issues that players face while playing basketball. Sports organizations spend millions to train fresh basketball players or for the development of the previous basketball players. The internet of things (IOT) made everyday things readable, controllable and recognizable through internet and the wireless sensor networks. It is simply the network of interconnected devices which are embedded with sensors, software and connectivity modules. Nowadays, with this growing technology it is possible to protect the life of players in the game as well as in training sessions, if we detect the problems early in players and appropriate actions will be taken to reduce adverse health effects which can be very dangerous. In this paper we will propose an architecture for basketball based on internet of things (IOT). The main goal behind this approach is to introduce healthcare system based upon sensors, actuators, devices and telecommunication technologies to communicating real time stats.
Internet of things is an emerging technology that efficiently and effectively improving our daily life activities. It reducing the cost of living by automating the manual processes. It integrates physical objects and devices via internet for synchronized communication. Currently the cost of electricity is reaching the sky so we need some sources that can produce electricity naturally without any cost. Here, solar panels and solar plants take place for producing electricity in natural manner with sun light. Photo voltaic cells are used in these systems that converts the sun light into electricity. Mostly the solar systems are configured in rural or agricultural areas where electricity mediums are still not available. These systems are manually operated by humans. So there is need of efficient approach which automatically control and monitor the current, voltage and other parameters of solar systems and provides real time statistics to users. This research paper proposes an IOT based approach for solar power consumption and monitoring that allow the users to monitor or control a solar plant their mobiles. Majorly, solar plants are built in the locations where people cannot reach on daily basis so this approach allows the people to virtually control their systems from faraway places.
Big Data has emerged in the past few years as a new paradigm providing abundant data and opportunities to improve and/or enable research and decision-support applications with unprecedented value for digital earth applications including business, sciences and engineering. At the same time, Big Data presents challenges for digital earth to store, transport, process, mine and serve the data. Cloud computing provides fundamental support to address the challenges with shared computing resources including computing, storage, networking and analytical software; the application of these resources has fostered impressive Big Data advancements. This paper surveys the two frontiers – Big Data and cloud computing – and reviews the advantages and consequences of utilizing cloud computing to tackling Big Data in the digital earth and relevant science domains. While Big Data is responsible for data storage and processing, the cloud provides a reliable, accessible, and scalable environment for Big Data systems to function. Big Data is defined as the quantity of digital data produced from different sources of technology, for example, sensors, digitizers, scanners, numerical modeling, mobile phones, Internet, videos, social networks. Cloud Computing and Big Data are complementary to each other. Rapid growth in Big Data is regarded as a problem. Clouds are evolving and providing solutions for the appropriate environment of Big Data while traditional storage cannot meet the requirements for dealing with Big Data, in addition to the need for data exchange between various distributed storage locations. Cloud Computing provides solutions and addresses problems with Big Data. Big data and Cloud computing both the technologies are valuable on its own. Furthermore, many businesses are targeting to combine the two techniques to reap more business benefits. Both the technologies aim to enhance the revenue of the company while reducing the investment cost. While Cloud manages the local software, Big data helps in business decisions. In paper introduces the relationship between Big Data and Cloud Computing, Cloud Computing role of Big Data, advantages of Big Data and Cloud computing, cloud architecture, importance of Cloud Computing.
The aim of this paper is to provide a global discussion of the main issues concerning the synergy of IoT and AI, including currently running and potential applications of great value for the society. Starting with an overview of the IoT and AI fields, the article describes what is meant by the concept of 'IoT-AI synergy', illustrates the factors that drive the development of 'IoT enabled by AI', and summarizes the concepts of 'Industrial IoT' (IIoT) and 'Industrial Automation IoT' (IAIoT). Then, a number of case studies are outlined, and, finally, some IoT/AI-aided robotics and industrial automation applications are presented.