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An Interpolation-Free and Fitting-Less Sub-sample Time-Delay Estimation Algorithm


Abstract and Figures

In this paper we propose a new algorithm for sub-sample time-delay estimation between two discrete-time signals. The new algorithm operates just over the discrete-time signals without the need for interpolation or fitting. The proposed method is compared with a method based on spline fitting, and that is referred to outperform other methods over a broader set of conditions (Viola&Walker, 2005). The new approach, besides presenting a low computational cost (70% less), seemed to outperforms the spline approach in situations of high noise levels (typically signal-to noise ratios smaller than 20dB).
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Interpolation and fitting less sub-sample time delay
esar Teixeira, Wagner Pereira, and Maria da Graca Ruano
Abstract—In this paper we propose a new method for sub-
sample time delay estimation that operates just over the discrete
signals, without the need for interpolation or fitting. The new
approach codifies the sub-sample delay in the amplitude of
a difference of auto- and cross-correlation sequences and has
two main steps. In first place the discrete delay is computed
just by computing the cross correlation sequence of a pair of
signals. In a second phase the sub-sample delay is computed by
synchronizing the signals, i.e., by eliminating the discrete delay,
and then by computing the auto- and cross-correlation involving
the synchronized signals. It was found that the maximum of the
difference between the auto- and cross-correlation is proportional
to the sub-sample delay, and can be easily converted to a time
In this paper we compare the proposed method with a method
based on spline fitting, and that is referred to outperforms
other methods over a broader set of conditions [1]. The new
approach, besides presenting a low computational cost, seemed to
outperforms the spline approach in situations of high noise levels.
Concerning other aspects, such as the correlation coefficient
between signals and central frequency of the simulated signals,
the proposed method present performance levels close to the
performance of the spline method.
Index Terms—Sub-sample time delay estimation.
TIME delay estimation (TDE), i.e. the assessment of the
amount of time that two signals are delayed, have been
used in several applications. Applications include radar and
sonar [2], [3], speech processing [4], medical ultrasound, etc.
Doppler blood flow estimation [5], tissue elasticity assessment
[6], non-invasive temperature estimation [7]–[9] are examples
of TDE applied to medical ultrasound.
The straightforward procedure to determine the discrete
time delay between two signals is by computing a pattern
matching function, as for example the cross-correlation func-
tion, and determine its maximum (or minimum depending on
the algorithm) [10]–[12]. Methods based on: adaptive filters
[13], Fast Fourier transform [14], Hilbert transform corre-
lation [15], combinations among autocorrelation and cross-
correlation functions [16], analog quadrature detectors [17],
and many others have been proposed.
The applications that used TDE usually demand delay
precisions that goes beyond the sample period, i.e., methods
for sub-sample TDE (SS-TDE) are required. SS-TDE can
be achieved by interpolating the original signals. However,
the interpolation of the source signals can result in a high
computational cost, depending on the interpolation rate. In
this approach TDE precision is improved, but still limited
Manuscript received July 31, 2011; revised xxxxx.
by the sample period of the interpolated signals. Instead of
interpolating the original signals, other methods achieve SS-
TDE by operating over the patter-matching functions, resulting
in a low computational cost and improved TDE estimates. In
this case some samples of the pattern matching function are
used to find the parameters of a continuos time function. Then
by analytical methods a continuos TDE estimate is achieved.
The simplest and mostly used method for continuos time
delay estimation consists on the computation of the correlation
function, by fitting a parabola around its peak, and finally by
determining the zero of the derivative of the fitted parabola
[10], [11]. Other types of fitting functions were proposed, such
as cosine [12]. It is referred that as these methods are based
on a pattern-matching function that is sampled at the original
frequency, they usually suffer from relatively high bias and
variance [1]. Alternatively, continuous TDE estimation can
be started at the original signals, instead of at the computed
pattern-matching function. Viola and Walker [1] proposed a
method that produce a continuous time representation of one
of the original signals. For this representation the authors
apply a fitting by using cubic splines. Using the continuos
representation and the discrete delayed signal it is possible to
obtain an analytical pattern-matching function, which is then
subject to analytic operations aiming to find the continuous
delay estimate. In [1] the pattern-matching function is the sum
of the squared errors (SSE). Through simulation results the
authors found that the algorithm outperforms other algorithms
in terms of jitter and variance over a broad range of conditions.
It is clammed that this improved performance was obtained at
a reasonable computational cost.
In this paper a new algorithm for SS-TDE is proposed,
based only in the auto-correlation and cross-correlation of
the involved signals, without the need of any interpolation or
In this section we describe the proposed algorithm by
considering two identical discrete time signals s1[n]and s2[n]
with length N, sampled at fs = 1/T s, and delayed by some
amount of time (δ). The first stage of the algorithm is the
determination of the discrete time delay, as presented in Fig.
1. This is achieved by computing the unnormalized and biased
cross-correlation between the original signals (ˆrs1,s2(τ)):
ˆrs1,s2(τ) = PNτ1
k=0 s1[k+τ]s2[k]if τ0
s2,s1(τ)if τ < 0.(1)
Synchroniza /on&
SSD =max(r
DD =argmax
[ ]
Fig. 1. Proposed method. (A) and (B) original signals. (C) cross-correlation
function used to determine the discrete time delay. (D) and (E) synchronized
original signals. (F) autocorrelation of the synchronized s1signal. (G) Cross-
correlation between the synchronized signals. (H) Difference between the
autocorrelation of s1and the cross-correlation between s1and s1.
The discrete sample delay estimate (DD) is given by
DD = argmax
Using the discrete sample delay it is possible to align the
signals, i.e., to synchronize them. This is the first step of
the second phase of the algorithm, which aims to assess the
sub-sample delay between the signals. The synchronization
consist in eliminating DD samples from both signals so that
they become apparently in phase. The process to account
for the sub-sample delay involves the computation of the
unnormalized and biased autocorrelation of one of the syn-
chronized signals (the reference signal), for example s1[k], the
computation of the unnormalized and biased cross-correlation
between the synchronized signals and the difference between
these computed functions. Mathematically:
1(τ) = (PNDDτ1
k=0 ss
1[k]if τ0
1(τ)if τ < 0
2(τ) = (PNDDτ1
k=0 ss
2[k]if τ0
1(τ)if τ < 0
rd(τ) = ˆrss
Fig. 2. Maximum and minimum variation in function of the sample delay.
Where ss
1and ss
2are the synchronized original signals with
NDD samples, and rd(τ)is the difference between the
reference signal autocorrelation (ˆrss
1(τ)) and the synchro-
nized signals cross-correlation (ˆrss
2(τ)). It was found that
the maximum or the minimum values of rd(τ)are proportional
to the sub-sample delay. Fig. 2 shows the maximum and
minimum variation as function of the sub-sample delay. This
figure shows a clear linear relationship.
The total delay between the original signals can be found
by summing the discrete delay DD with the maximum or the
minimum of rd(τ)multiplied by a conversion factor. In this
paper we consider always the maximum:
δ=DD T s +max(rd(τ)) f actor. (6)
The conversion factor can be computed a-priori by inducing
an artificial delay on the reference signal. The process to
compute the factor is presented in Fig. 3. In first place the
reference signal is artificially delayed by one sample. Then the
autocorrelation of the original reference signal is computed
as well as the cross-correlation between the original and
delayed reference signal. Then the functions are subtracted
and the maximum of the difference found. As the signals were
artificially delayed we know exactly the delay that correspond
to the maximum. So, the factor in units of time can be found by
dividing the sample period by the maximum. To mention that
for multiple delay estimations involving the same reference
signal this factor needs to be computed only one first time.
A. Simulated signals
In this paper ultrasonic echoes were generated to evaluate
the proposed TDE method and compare it with the method
proposed in [1]. The ultrasonic echoes were generated based
on a Gaussian pulse described by:
tv sin(2πfct).(7)
Where fcis the central frequency, and tv is the variance
described by:
tv =8 log r
Fig. 3. Method to compute the factor. (A) and (B) original and delayed
reference signal. (C) autocorrelation of the original reference signal. (D)
Cross-correlation between the original and artificially delayed reference signal.
(E) Difference between the autocorrelation and the cross-correlation. (F) The
conversion factor is computed by dividing the artificial delay by the maximum
of the difference between the functions.
Parameter Value
Centre Frequency (fc) 5 MHz
Sampling Frequency (fs) 50 MHz
Correlation Coeficient (ρ) 0.99
Fractional Bandwidth (B) 0.5 (50%)
SNR 30 dB
Window length 1 µs
Where Bis the fractional bandwidth, and ris:
r= 10BW R
10 (9)
BW R is the fractional bandwidth reference level. The pulse
bandwidth is 100 Bpercent as measured at a level of BW R
dB with respect to the normalized signal peak. In this paper
BW R was always considered as -6dB.
Pairs of reference and delayed signals with known noise
levels and correlation coefficients, were generated by using
the approach described in [18], [19] and used in [1]. In order
to evaluate the methods across multiple sup-sample delays,
for each pair of signals one of them were delayed by [0, 0.05,
0.1,...,0.95] samples. So, for each generated pair of signals
20 signals were available for performance validation. Delayed
signals were obtained by imposing a linear phase shift in the
Fourier domain. To improve statistics, 1000 pairs of signals
were generated for each analyzed noise level, correlation
coefficient and central frequency, i.e., 20000 delays were
evaluated for each tested value. The default values used for
the signal simulation are listed in Table I.
1) Results: The performance were evaluated based on the
standard deviation of jitter errors. Jitter occurs when signal
Fig. 4. Results for different central frequencies (A), correlation coefficients
(B) and noise levels (C and D).
decorrelation, noise, and finite window lengths cause a slight
displacement of the true peak of the cross correlation function
[18]. The standard deviation of the jitter errors is given by:
where eiis the error between the estimated and true delay.
Fig. 4 present the achieved results obtained when different
central frequencies (Fig. 4 A), correlation coefficients (Fig.
4 B), and noise levels (Fig. 4 C and D) were considered.
The results show that the proposed method presents improved
performance when the signals were corrupted by high noise
levels. For noise levels inferior to 20 dB of SNR the proposed
method presents a superior performance. Fig. 4 C and D, on
one hand, one can infer that the proposed method presents
a exponential decay in the standard deviation of jitter errors
as the noise level decreases. On the other hand, for the spline
method the standard deviation of jitter errors tends to decrease
linearly with the increase on SNR. Looking at Fig. 4 A
Fig. 5. Average time to compute a time delay between two signals.
the difference between the proposed method and the Spline
method tends to decreases as the central frequency increases.
The difference is maximum at 1 MHz being 0.5 ns which is
approximately 0.025 samples. Concerning the correlation coef-
ficient analysis one can see a decrease of the standard deviation
of jitter errors, for both methods, as the correlation coefficient
between signal pairs increases. The spline method presents
improved performance, being the maximum difference in the
standard deviation of jitter error of 0.13 ns (0.0065 samples).
Concerning the computational cost, i.e., the time to compute
a time delay, the proposed method outperforms the spline
method. Fig. 5 presents the average time to compute one
subsample delay for the proposed and spline method. The
proposed method presents an average execution time of ap-
proximately 1.5 ms, while the spline method of approximately
5 ms.
B. An application: Temperature induced echo-shifts
In order to assess the performance of the proposed method
in real signals, in this section temporal echo-shifts induced
by temperature changes are assessed. As the temperature in a
given medium changes it expands or contracts and the speed
of sound on it also changes. When the medium is irradiated
by ultrasound waves, these changes can be viewed in the
backscattered echoes as variations on the time-of-flight, i.e.,
as temporal echo-shifts [7], [20]. For this paper we used
data acquired from the experimental setup published in [9].
The experiment consisted in a multi-layered phantom heated
by therapeutic ultrasound. During heating and cooling tem-
perature and backscattered ultrasound signals were collected
simultaneously at intervals of 10 seconds. Temperature from
sites located at middle layers and interfaces was saved. In this
paper we consider a trial where the therapeutic device was
setup to irradiate the medium with a power of 0.3 W/cm2,
i.e., a very low intensity. Small temperature changes allow us
to analyze how sensible are the time-shifts computed by the
proposed and by the spline methods. The experiment lasted
35 minutes, during the first five minutes baseline temperature
values were acquired, in the next 15 minutes the therapeutic
device heated the medium and in the remaining 15 minutes the
medium was allowed to cool down. The temperature measured
by the thermocouple that is located in the middle of the
Fig. 6. (A) Temperature change measured in a multilayered phantom and
(B) induced temporal echo-shifts.
phantom is presented in Fig. 6 A. The computed temporal
shifts for the echo originated by the middle thermocouple
are presented in Fig. 6 B. As expected the temporal shift is
monotonic with the temperature. Comparing the result of both
methods one can see that they return approximately the same
shifts, i.e., small differences are observed.
In this paper we propose a new method for subsample
time delay estimation. The performance of the new method
is compared to the performance of the spline method that is
referred to outperforms other algorithms concerning jitter and
bias over a broader set of conditions [1]. The results showed
that the proposed algorithm outperforms the spline method in
situations were the signals are highly corrupted by normally
distributed white noise. These improvement in performance
is because of the difference operation expressed in Eq. 5.
Theoretically, the autocorrelation of a white noise sequence
is a Dirac function, i.e., a unique component at lag zero. As
the correlation is a linear operation, the autocorrelation and
cross-correlation computed in the proposed method exhibits
two fundamental parts; the components related to the signal
contents and a component related to the noise. The noise
components are located around the lag zero in both auto- and
cross-correlations functions and are reduced by the difference
operation. In fact, the remaining noise component in the
difference function can be completely removed by forcing
the zero lag to be zero. This is a valid operation because
for optimal noise free synchronized signals, the difference
function will be always null at lag zero.
Although the proposed method do not outperforms the
spline method concerning the different central frequencies and
correlation coefficients considered, the difference in perfor-
mance is very small (less than 3% of the sample period).
In real signals both methods return approximately the same
temporal-echo shifts, validating the proposed method for real-
word problems.
Besides the good performance, the proposed method
presents a lower computational cost, because it is an inter-
polation and fitting less approach.
The authors would like to thank...
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... Fortunately, the signal interpolation operation can weaken above negative influence (As shown in Figure 1(b)). These methods have been widely and meticulously studied over the past 20 years (Teixeira, Ruano, & Pereira, 2014;Yaou & Chang., 1994). Francesco Viola proposes a spline-based algorithm for continuous TDOA estimation (Viola & Walker, 2005). ...
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Considering the low estimation accuracy of the traditional interpolation method, this paper, on the basis of second-order cone programming (SOCP), proposes a novel joint time difference of arrival (TDOA) and frequency difference of arrival (FDOA) estimation interpolation method, which can attain the sub-sample precision. The proposed method uses several discrete samples produced by cross ambiguity function (CAF) to structure the convex optimization models with regard to the interpolation surface. Then, the SOCP is utilized to obtain the interpolation surface which matches the discrete surface of CAF well. Finally, the method achieves the precision superior to the traditional TDOA and FDOA estimation directly through the search for the maximum of the continuous approximate surface. This method decreases the computational load without loss of precision and can efficiently reduce the limitation of finite sampling interval and sampling time in estimation precision. Numerical simulations show that the method in this paper is efficient and outperforms existing interpolation algorithms about estimation precision.
... Due to the TDOA and FDOA estimation quantized by sampling interval and sampling time, their estimation accuracy is limited fundamentally by the sampling interval and sampling time. Therefore, some signal interpolation methods [3] [4] have been put forward to reduce this limitation (as shown in Figure 1(b)). Reference [4] used splines to produce a continuous time representation of a reference signal and then computes an analytical matching function between this reference and a delayed signal. ...
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Time-delay estimation (TDE) is a common operation in ultrasound signal processing. In applications such as blood flow estimation, elastography, phase aberration correction, and many more, the quality of final results is heavily dependent upon the performance of the time-delay estimator implemented. In the past years, several algorithms have been developed and applied in medical ultrasound, sonar, radar, and other fields. In this paper we analyze the performances of the widely used normalized and non-normalized correlations, along with normalized covariance, sum absolute differences (SAD), sum squared differences (SSD), hybrid-sign correlation, polarity-coincidence correlation, and the Meyr-Spies method. These techniques have been applied to simulated ultrasound radio frequency (RF) data under a variety of conditions. We show how parameters, which include center frequency, fractional bandwidth, kernel window size, signal decorrelation, and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) affect the quality of the delay estimate. Simulation results also are compared with a theoretical performance limit set by the Cramér-Rao lower bound (CRLB). Results show that, for high SNR, high signal correlation, and large kernel size, all of the algorithms closely match the theoretical bound, with relative performances that vary by as much as 20%. As conditions degrade, the performances of various algorithms differ more significantly. For signals with a correlation level of 0.98, SNR of 30 dB, center frequency of 5 MHz with a fractional bandwidth of 0.5, and kernel size of 2 micros, the standard deviation of the jitter error is on the order of few nanoseconds. Normalized correlation, normalized covariance, and SSD have an approximately equal jitter error of 2.23 ns (the value predicted by the CRLB is 2.073 ns), whereas the polarity-coincidence correlation performs less well with a jitter error of 2.74 ns.
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Time delay estimation (TDE) lies at the heart of signal processing algorithms in a broad range of application areas, including communications, coherent imaging, speech processing, and acoustics. In medical ultrasound for example, TDE is used in blood flow estimation, tissue motion measurement, tissue elasticity estimation, phase aberration correction, and a number of other algorithms. Because of its central significance, TDE accuracy, precision, and computational cost are of critical importance. Furthermore, because TDE is typically performed on sampled signals-and delay estimates are usually desired over a continuous domain-time delay estimator performance should be considered in conjunction with associated interpolation. In this paper we present a new time-delay estimator that directly determines continuous time-delay estimates from sampled data. The technique forms a spline-based, piecewise continuous representation of the reference signal then solves for the minimum of the sum squared error between the reference and the delayed signals to determine their relative time delay. Computer simulation results clearly show that the proposed algorithm significantly outperforms other algorithms in terms of jitter and bias over a broad range of conditions. We also describe a modified version of the algorithm that includes companding with only a minor increase in computational cost.
Objective and motivation: This work reports original results on the possibility of non-invasive temperature estimation (NITE) in a multilayered phantom by applying soft-computing methods. The existence of reliable non-invasive temperature estimator models would improve the security and efficacy of thermal therapies. These points would lead to a broader acceptance of this kind of therapies. Several approaches based on medical imaging technologies were proposed, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) being appointed as the only one to achieve the acceptable temperature resolutions for hyperthermia purposes. However, MRI intrinsic characteristics (e.g., high instrumentation cost) lead us to use backscattered ultrasound (BSU). Among the different BSU features, temporal echo-shifts have received a major attention. These shifts are due to changes of speed-of-sound and expansion of the medium. Novelty aspects: The originality of this work involves two aspects: the estimator model itself is original (based on soft-computing methods) and the application to temperature estimation in a three-layer phantom is also not reported in literature. Materials and methods: In this work a three-layer (non-homogeneous) phantom was developed. The two external layers were composed of (in % of weight): 86.5% degassed water, 11% glycerin and 2.5% agar-agar. The intermediate layer was obtained by adding graphite powder in the amount of 2% of the water weight to the above composition. The phantom was developed to have attenuation and speed-of-sound similar to in vivo muscle, according to the literature. BSU signals were collected and cumulative temporal echo-shifts computed. These shifts and the past temperature values were then considered as possible estimators inputs. A soft-computing methodology was applied to look for appropriate multilayered temperature estimators. The methodology involves radial-basis functions neural networks (RBFNN) with structure optimized by the multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA). In this work 40 operating conditions were considered, i.e. five 5-mm spaced spatial points and eight therapeutic intensities (I(SATA)): 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 1.0, 1.3, 1.5, 1.7 and 2.0W/cm(2). Models were trained and selected to estimate temperature at only four intensities, then during the validation phase, the best-fitted models were analyzed in data collected at the eight intensities. This procedure leads to a more realistic evaluation of the generalisation level of the best-obtained structures. Results and discussion: At the end of the identification phase, 82 (preferable) estimator models were achieved. The majority of them present an average maximum absolute error (MAE) inferior to 0.5 degrees C. The best-fitted estimator presents a MAE of only 0.4 degrees C for both the 40 operating conditions. This means that the gold-standard maximum error (0.5 degrees C) pointed for hyperthermia was fulfilled independently of the intensity and spatial position considered, showing the improved generalisation capacity of the identified estimator models. As the majority of the preferable estimator models, the best one presents 6 inputs and 11 neurons. In addition to the appropriate error performance, the estimator models present also a reduced computational complexity and then the possibility to be applied in real-time. Conclusions: A non-invasive temperature estimation model, based on soft-computing technique, was proposed for a three-layered phantom. The best-achieved estimator models presented an appropriate error performance regardless of the spatial point considered (inside or at the interface of the layers) and of the intensity applied. Other methodologies published so far, estimate temperature only in homogeneous media. The main drawback of the proposed methodology is the necessity of a-priory knowledge of the temperature behavior. Data used for training and optimisation should be representative, i.e., they should cover all possible physical situations of the estimation environment.
A newly developed correlation interpolation method to measure the regional velocity of moving tissue is evaluated in an experimental setup. Pulsed ultrasound echo signals (center frequency 3.5 MHz) are received from a rotating Agar disk containing scattering particles. When averaging over a depth range of 2.2 mm at a pulse repetition frequency (PRF) of 930 Hz, the standard deviation of the measured displacement between 2 successive pulses was found to be +/- 6 microns. In a second series of experiments, the angular velocity of the disk is estimated from the displacement, as measured simultaneously in two different regions located on separate echo lines (PRF = 465 Hz per line). The exact position of both regions in respect to the center of rotation was found to be irrelevant. The accuracy of the calculated angular velocity was found to be better for large angles between the two lines of observation than for small angles.
We describe a new method for quantitative imaging of strain and elastic modulus distributions in soft tissues. The method is based on external tissue compression, with subsequent computation of the strain profile along the transducer axis, which is derived from cross-correlation analysis of pre- and post-compression A-line pairs. The strain profile can then be converted to an elastic modulus profile by measuring the stresses applied by the compressing device and applying certain corrections for the nonuniform stress field. We report initial results of several phantom and excised animal tissue experiments which demonstrate the ability of this technique to quantitatively image strain and elastic modulus distributions with good resolution, sensitivity and with diminished speckle. We discuss several potential clinical uses of this technique.
The Doppler effect is usually described as a frequency shift of the backscattered signals from moving targets with respect to the frequency transmitted. Recently, real-time blood flow imaging has become possible thanks to the development of a new velocity estimator based on phase-shift measurements of successive echoes. However, this method suffers from the well-known limitations of pulse-Doppler instruments. A new formulation is presented which describes the pulse-Doppler effect on the successive echoes from a cloud of moving targets as a progressive translation in time due to the displacement of the scatterers between two excitations. This approach allows us to generate efficiently computer-simulated data in order to evaluate accurately the various processing techniques. Furthermore, it leads to a novel class of velocity estimators in the time domain which measure the time shifts which are proportional to the local blood velocity. Among them, the cross correlation of the received rf signals turns out to be well suited. A local cross-correlation function is first calculated from a consecutive pair of range-gated echoes and the time shift is then determined by searching for the time position with the maximum correlation. The time-correlation technique is shown to provide accurate velocity profiles with broadband transducers. Moreover, the classical velocity limitation of pulse-Doppler is overcome because there is no ambiguity in measuring a time shift instead of a phase shift. These major advantages should make quantitative flow mapping possible and more reliable.
Time delay estimation (TDE) is commonly performed in practice by crosscorrelation of digitized echo signals. Since time delays are generally not integral multiples of the sampling period, the location of the largest sample of the crosscorrelation function (ccf) is an inexact estimator of the location of the peak. Therefore, one must interpolate between the samples of the ccf to improve the estimation precision. Using theory and simulations, we review and compare the performance of several methods for interpolation of the ccf. The maximum likelihood approach to interpolation is the application of a reconstruction filter to the discrete ccf. However, this method can only be approximated in practice and can be computationally intensive. For these reasons, a simple method is widely used that involves fitting a parabola (or other curve) to samples of the ccf in the neighborhood of its peak. We describe and compare two curve-fitting methods: parabolic and cosine interpolation. Curve-fitting interpolation can yield biased time-delay estimates, which may preclude the use of these methods in some applications. The artifactual effect of these bias errors on elasticity imaging by elastography is discussed. We demonstrate that reconstructive interpolation is unbiased. An iterative implementation of the reconstruction procedure is proposed that can reduce the computation time significantly.
A two-dimensional temperature estimation method was developed based on the detection of shifts in echo location of backscattered ultrasound from a region of tissue undergoing thermal therapy. The echo shifts are due to the combination of the local temperature dependence of speed of sound and thermal expansion in the heated region. A linear relationship between these shifts and the underlying tissue temperature rise is derived from first principles and experimentally validated. The echo shifts are estimated from the correlation of successive backscattered ultrasound frames, and the axial derivative of the accumulated echo shifts is shown to be proportional to the temperature rise. Sharp lateral gradients in the temperature distribution introduce ripple on the estimates of the echo shifts due to a thermo-acoustic lens effect. This ripple can be effectively reduced by filtering the echo shifts along the axial and lateral directions upon differentiation. However, this is achieved at the expense of spatial resolution. Experimental evaluation of the accuracy (0.5 degrees C) and spatial resolution (2 mm) of the algorithm in tissue mimicking phantoms was conducted using a diagnostic ultrasound imaging scanner and a therapeutic ultrasound unit. The estimated temperature maps were overlaid on the gray-scale ultrasound images to illustrate the applicability of this technique for image guidance of focused ultrasound thermal therapy.
In this paper, we present a method of extracting the time-delay between speech signals collected at two microphone locations. Time-delay estimation from microphone outputs is the first step for many sound localization algorithms, and also for enhancement of speech. For time-delay estimation, speech signals are normally processed using short-time spectral information (either magnitude or phase or both). The spectral features are affected by degradations in speech caused by noise and reverberation. Features corresponding to the excitation source of the speech production mechanism are robust to such degradations. We show that these source features can be extracted reliably from the speech signal. The time-delay estimate can be obtained using the features extracted even from short segments (50-100 ms) of speech from a pair of microphones. The proposed method for time-delay estimation is found to perform better than the generalized cross-correlation (GCC) approach. A method for enhancement of speech is also proposed using the knowledge of the time-delay and the information of the excitation source.
Starting with two finite N-point real-valued discrete time signals, frequency domain algorithm procedures are provided for estimating the group delay and phase delay between the signals. These delays are extracted from the complex-valued discrete-time “analytic” cross-correlation sequence computed using the two signals. Special adjustments of the cross-correlation transform end points are shown to be necessary in order to generate a proper “analytic” cross-correlation sequence. Two cases are considered for delay estimation (1) to sample-interval resolution and (2) to subsample-interval resolution by interpolation