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Enhanced-AODV Node Reliability Approach for MANET to Optimize Performance Metrics and Energy Consumption


Abstract and Figures

Ad-hoc network is a network of moving wireless nodes which do not have a central or permanent influence over their connections. It is a mobile node device that is auto configured and connected to an arbitrary infrastructure through wireless connections. Therefore, due to the highly complex environment, MANET routing is a crucial activity. Various protocols are used to enhance the routing process, such that a network route is found between every transmitter and the host receiver. In this post, we modified the AODV protocol to increase the rate of throughput, end-to-end delays, and packet distribution, etc. We used ns3 simulator to compare the protocols AODV, DSDV, OLSR and Enhanced AODV. It is noteworthy that EAODV routing protocols perform much better than OLSR that the DSDV routing protocol provides high throughput, a lower latency and high delivery ratio of packages. In addition, our proposed energy efficient model has changed conventional AODV. Our improved EAODV protocol's overall performance is 3% superior to other conventional protocols.
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Bilal Safdar et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(2), March - April 2021, 1418 1425
Ad-hoc network is a network of moving wireless nodes
which do not have a central or permanent influence over
their connections. It is a mobile node device that is auto
configured and connected to an arbitrary infrastructure
through wireless connections. Therefore, due to the
highly complex environment, MANET routing is a
crucial activity. Various protocols are used to enhance the
routing process, such that a network route is found
between every transmitter and the host receiver. In this
post, we modified the AODV protocol to increase the rate
of throughput, end-to-end delays, and packet distribution,
etc. We used ns3 simulator to compare the protocols
AODV, DSDV, OLSR and Enhanced AODV. It is
noteworthy that EAODV routing protocols perform much
better than OLSR that the DSDV routing protocol
provides high throughput, a lower latency and high
delivery ratio of packages. In addition, our proposed
energy efficient model has changed conventional AODV.
Our improved EAODV protocol's overall performance is
3% superior to other conventional protocols.
Key words: Ad-hoc Network, AODV, DSDV,MANET
The decentralized kind of wireless network is a wireless
ad hoc network. The network is ad-hoc since it does not
rely on existing infrastructures, such as wired network
routers or wireless network access points [1]. This will be
far away from either the involvement of sensors in many
areas suspect, as the cause of the catastrophic event, such
as an earthquake, explosions, slips, tsunamis, and even
more, except for an explosion in the mountains. In
addition to the implementation of the wireless setup in the
application scenario, the language capacity in an adopted
area is no longer required, and likelihood of the human
object is eliminated by examining tasks [2], [3].
The key method involved in WSN machinery is the
procedure of routing. The entire structured sector defines
data transfer from the origin node wirelessly. Node The
immediate region with sensors is detected. Node. In this
case the server will show how much value is changing to
prevent disasters [4],[5]. MANET relies on several
protocol-split routing algorithms, namely DSDV DSR,
DSDV, OLSR and AODV, OLSR, for Constructive as for
Reactive protocols. A building protocol property can also
convey update data, which reactive protocol can, while
the cache route control can frequently be modified. The
proactive and reactive properties for routing protocols of
MANET could be assumed to be adequate for WSN,
which requires ongoing data streaming in an attempt at
accurate data during international development [6].
Previous researchers were regularly aware of the problem
facing us, of the energy-efficient routing systems and of
the densified node effect in the observing area in the
analysis of performance monitoring in both MANET
routing protocols. Some researchers find that
implementation of MANET for wireless communications
systems faces minimal challenges. These factors are
delay, efficiency, PDR, and a wireless data transmission
device analysis method are some of these constraints [4],
[7]. Several previous investigators conducted the
performance evaluation with four control parameters,
including the NS-3 MANET protocol. NS-3 is also a
control system open-source that also focuses on
differentiated simulation. Animations. Activities. Each
event is running in this simulator in the time order of the
temporal simulation. This can lead to one or more
incidents during the case. The simulation will be stopped
as long as the simulation period is finished. NS-3 is the
NS-2 augmentation version which the library has
Figure 1: A MANET Network
Figure 1 shows the simulation of a routing mechanism
between nodes using the MANET protocol. Studies have
Bilal Safdar1*, Tayyaba Raza1, Maria Jan1, Salman Afsar1, Ahmed Mateen1,
Qamar Shahzad1,Musaddiq Azeem1,Muhammad Yasir1 , Muhammad Naveed1
1Deparment of Computer Science, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, *
1Deparment of Computer Science, University of Agriculture Faisalabad,
1Deparment of Computer Science, University of Agriculture Faisalabad,
Enhanced-AODV Node Reliability Approach for MANET to
Optimize Performance Metrics and Energy Consumption
ISSN 2278-3091
Volume 10, No.2, March - April 2021
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering
Available Online at
Bilal Safdar et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(2), March - April 2021, 1418 – 1425
shown that routing protocols on-demand have less overall
routing for node mobility and have greater efficiency than
routing protocols based on table. The Ad Hoc On Demand
Routing Protocol (AODV) with more obvious benefits is
moderate overhead routing and fast convergence and is
one of the network's promising ad hoc routing protocols
[8]. The researcher could use Ns-3 to design the system
by using the different types of ad-hoc protocol given, and
test these protocols for changes in node intensity, the
duration of the field of inspection or the simulation period
span. The PDR, delay, data obtained, and packet loss sum
will be calculated for the test. This protocol is used in
order to monitor a victim's condition within the affected
area as the routing protocol for a wireless network sensor
application, although the best protocol has been identified
Figure 2 shows that each network is equipped as a client
or server in a mesh topology, so every node is functional.
Mobile ad hoc network architecture,you may also send
the node to the other destination node to route the data
packet. The node is also able to navigate the routing table
itself [2], [11].
MANET has an important role to play on all networks in
routing protocols. This protocol indicates how the
information route is to be transferred through a network
and how the data to be transmitted is selected. Ad hoc
networks are classified into three categories of several
routing protocols, both smooth and classified,
constructive, and reactive, for routing, including
crossbreed protocols [12], [13].
2.1 Reactive Routing Protocol
Reactive routing (RR) protocols are often used to build
new transitional approaches on demand. The protocols for
reactive routing are divided between DSR and AODV
2.1.1 Ad Hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV)
AODV is decentralized system which forms a path from
the sender node to the receiver node, mainly constructed
on the root hub. It handles the most current routing
information by using modified routing results, including
tables as routing. The problem with AODV is, however,
that the node remains asymmetrical associations
[14],[15]. In other words, an AODV can keep an
asymmetrical connection between the sender node and the
receiver node only. Path scan and road control tend to be a
protocol to the messages viewed by the AODV. Routes
exploration includes path requests (RREQ) and route
response (RREP). Maintenance of the route consists of
records, changes of route and configuration errors
(RERR) [16].
2.2 Proactive Routing Protocol
A type of protocol created on frequently changed route
tables is a protocol for active routing protocols. DSDV
and OLSR [16] are example instances of building
transmitting protocols.
2.2.1 Dynamic Source Distance Vector (DSDV)
This is a constructive routing protocol which demands
that every node send changed transmitting
communications to all nearby nodes on a regular basis.
When renewing the routing mechanism, DSDV utilizes
the Bellman-Ford algorithm model when each network
node sets up a Routing Table. In the routing list are shown
the target of the host, the number of trips required to
arrive at the destination and the series number. Before
delivering an update path message, the node awaits its
completion for the period being so it will not be given the
update note from the next node. Though, the route to the
target node is chosen by the node if one of the routing
tables is changed [17].
2.2.2 Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)
OLSR is the final building protocol for routing. This
protocol is built and is optimized to extract data related to
the topology of the network, depending on the connection
status routing algorithm. The improvement of OLSR is
that it has a snappier latency than the forwarding table. It
has, on the other hand, the potential to continuously use
MPR to significantly minimize the number of data
messages and transmission redundancies [18], [19].
In [2] researchers conducted a complete energy-efficient
routing protocol called EM-AODVV has been performed
on the mobile ad hoc network (Energy Multi-path Ad-hoc
On-demand Distance Vector routing). EM-AODV is a
reactive routing protocol with two mechanisms used in
the fundamental AODV protocol. Using one route
reverse-direction on request for AODV and a variety of
MANET routing protocols. Fast shift in topology causes a
route response not to reach the source node, i.e. after
many route demands are sent by the source node, a
response message is sent to the node that increases
electricity consumption. We propose a mechanism to
search for multiple ways to prevent these problems.
Secondly, a new adaptive approach aimed at
incorporating "residual energy" metrics in the selection of
process routes was considered in the decision-making of
Bilal Safdar et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(2), March - April 2021, 1418 – 1425
the routing processes, which included the consideration of
residual energy of mobile nodes. Simulation results show
that the EM-AODV protocol responds to better energy
conservation. It is a self-configured, wirelessly connected
mobile node network. Routing in MANET is therefore a
critical task in the extremely complex environment.
Several protocols have been developed to enhance the
monitoring process to find network routes between any
host and source. This article focuses on the constructive
routing protocol (DSDV), the cluster-based routing
protocol (CBRP) as well as the Demand Distance Vector
Protocol (DDP) (AODV). This paper offers a summary
by presenting their properties, functions, advantages, and
inconveniences of these protocols.
In [17] group of researchers discussed researchers tested
the Flying Ad Hoc Network (FANET), which was created
by a group of wireless nodes and was created as a kind of
Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET), which can
dynamically network information sharing without using a
fixed network infrastructure. Its good performance and
low cost make it ideal to be used in many applications
such as ambient sensors, car communications, disaster
relief, air/lands/navy safety, etc. Performance evaluation
of FANET routing protocols Ad hoc on Demand Distance
Vector (AODV) and Desire-Sequenced Distance-Vector
(DSDV) by the software package NS2. The delivery rate,
end-to-end delay and performance measurements are
measured for both protocols in order to test the network
performance. In addition, an energy analysis is shown for
each protocol since energy is a fundamental technical
challenge for mobile and embedded applications. These
results form the basis for the further creation of
collaborative control protocols for the robotic vehicle
Researcher in [19] proposed that In order to estimate the
performance of different NS-3 Network simulator routing
protocols the car scenario has been used. The efficiency
of the three AODV, OLSR and DSDV routing protocols
was contrasted in VANET scenarios. Quality assessment
metrics are the BSM PDRR and the average good Put. 10
basic safety messages are used every second for the
transmission of vital information between vehicles. The
quality determination steps are the average ratio of good
position and distribution by packets of basic safety alerts.
OLSR offers a higher vehicle density for 30K/m vehicles
with 10K/m and 20K/m with reasonable performance
than AODV. AODV is normally good protocol in
low-density vehicles, but for high-density vehicles,
OLSR follows another protocol.
Authors of [21] reported that a decentralized and
non-existent cellular network shall be an Ad Hoc Mobile
Network (MANET). It is instead up to each node to
transfer data in compliance with the routing protocol
defined. In four separate Routing Protocols, PDR and
AETED performance metrics have been implemented.
They perform different situations because they do the
same job. The protocols are not yet in effect. This paper
replicates four distinct routing protocols with the Packet
Delivery Ratio (PDR) and Average Final to End Latency
(AELR) at a range of moving and area dimensions
(AETED). The results indicate what a computer can use
in a similar environment. Therefore, you must pick a
protocol ideally appropriate for a device. For future work
on changing a Protocol according to the device
implemented, the data obtained from this test will form
the basis. Some may use the data evaluated to enhance the
effectiveness of real-world approaches, improve
protocols, or create hybrid protocols.
In this paper the proposed resolution addresses the
remaining total path energy and the parameters for
protocols such as throughput, packet delivery ration,
latency, and packet loss ratio and so on. In order to verify
the efficiency of our proposed solution, we initially
compared other routing protocols and compares the
improved AODV protocol to other three conventional
MANET routing protocol. We used NS3 version 3.30,
though this coding was designed in AWK, to create the
simulation process. Initially, we made changes to our
original AODV protocol as regards simulation behavior
in order to achieve high energy consumption efficiency
and other parameters listed above:
Step1. Node packet Forwarded Rate (α)
- Node Mobility is High
- Packet Collides at the Receiving Node
- Node Have Configuration Problem
- Buffer Exhausted
X = No. of Received Packets
Y = No. of Forwarded Packets
 (1)
Step2. Battery power available with Node (β)
Condition (Available Battery>30%)
THEN β =1 else β=0
Step3. Rate at which Battery is draining (γ)
Step4. Congestion around Node (θ) – Number of packets
overheard by the Node in last unit time interval.
Node Reliability = ∗∗∗∗
In addition, we therefore configured that protocol model
as well as run increasing framework with these kinds of
variables, such as node density, measurement area size,
etc. To observe the output of each logistic models, the
variables were rapidly altered, after which we explored
the outcome of simulation. The nature of transmission
from datagram seemsUser Datagram Protocol(UDP) [22].
This choice is constructed on the point that the procedure
of sending information packets happens through a
difficult sequence of tasks. The same data collected may
be individually covered by the layer of application,
irrespective of the packet answered, or not by the order of
the packet transmitted. Every simulated routing protocol
is composed by AODV, DSDV and OLSR.
Bilal Safdar et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(2), March - April 2021, 1418 – 1425
Figure 3: Routing Caching Process
Figure 3 shows the process of routing cache. Three routing
protocols were studied, i.e. the corresponding AODV, DSR,
and OLSR. NS-3 our method to simulate. The performances
of such routing protocols: delay, network load, and
throughput are also evaluated in performances. Measurements
substantially illustrate the 3 routing protocols. A comparative
analysis of such protocols will be carried out and that in the
latter, such as Ad-Hoc mobile networks, the result is that its
strongest routing protocol is the best.
During each shift, 50 percent of the total number of nodes is
included in the list of processing nodes. Used For this next
test, the number of sensor nodes utilized will be 20, 25, 30, 35,
40, 45 and 50. Therefore, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 are the number
of sensor nodes sent. The aim of this measurement is to
provide the protocol with almost the same node density, thus
performing simulation patterns and regularities. The
simulation level is set to a static rate of 5 m/s for a period of
200 sec only.
When an added node is added, the nodes that distinguish
between OLSR, AODV, and DSDV protocols are established
for the implementation of the RR protocol. During the first
model, experiment 2 changed the nodes and then used a fixed
recipient value and maybe a different set of destinations. The
same node was formed at, 25, 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45 50 as well
as at, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 50. The distance between nodes is
immediately decreased by about 2 m/s, increasing the number
of nodes here. If routes or paths are identified, this may impact
the routing protocol. Sending signals from the data packet to
both the intermediate nodes. A routing protocol simulation
using NS3 is performed and exported as the.csv file for
evaluation of a simulation outcome. For determining a device
model's QoS such as PDR, bandwidth, loss of packet, and
latency, this is file saved. As a summary [21], [23], [24],
simulation outcomes based on NS3 QoS parameters are
assessed. In the table 1, simulation parameters are given.
Table 1: Simulation Parameters
Platform Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Simulator NS3 (ns-alanine-3.30)
Channel Channel/WaveNetDevices
Model Propagation model
Interface Phyu-Wireless-Phy
MAC 802.11ah
Queue Interface Queue
Type of Link Layer LL/Mac
Antenna_Model GppAntennaArrayModel
Max packet 50
Area for Simulation 450*950
Number of Mobile Nodes 20,25,30,35,40,45,50
Simulation Duration 120,160,200,250,300
Routing Protocols AODV, EAODV, DSDV,
Source Type UDP/TCP
Mobility Model Random
Traffic Type CBR
For each simulation scenario simulations were created of 3
distinct values of a comprehensive variable, and the mean
value of these weights was calculated. To achieve accurate
results. The NS-3 is improved by the implementation of a new
user application for measurement of critical network settings
such as throughput, missing packets percentage, jitter, and
average end-to-end delay. A particular packet header with a
time stamp, node id, packet order number, and application ID
will be used for the parameters mentioned above. The
simulation begins by entering the TCL file for installation.
The TCL file was then performed with the NS3 simulator.
This TCL file depicts the node movement and transmission
process and enables users to look at the coded scenario in the
TCL file. Then it is (Trace file) that includes all the
event traces that can also be used to track network
implementation. The trace file is then checked to see only the
useful details. The evaluation is achieved with MATLAB and
The authors mentioned the use of NS3 simulation and the
parameters of table 1 for the calculation of various factors
such as the throughput, the delivery ratio, and the end-to-end
delay, etc. Figure 10 shows the throughput which is
considered as a rate at which something is generated. When
the efficient message transmission over a transmission
Bilal Safdar et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(2), March - April 2021, 1418 – 1425
Number of Nodes
Throughput Comparison
20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Packet loss Ratio %
Number of Nodes
Packet Loss Ratio
channeled is used within the perspective of communication
networks, such as an Ethernet, packet radio, throughput, and
network output. Delay or one-way delay means that a packet
is transmitted through the network from the source to the
destination. This is a shared concept in the IP device control
and varies from the round-trip time since only the sender to
receiver route is measured in a single path. The distribution
ratio for the parcels is the ratio of sending and receiving
parcels. Overall residual energy is a central component.
Figure 4: DSDV Simulation Results
Figure 5: OLSR Simulation Results
Figure 6:Traditional AODV Energy Residual
Figure 7: Enhanced-AODV Energy Residual
Figure 8: AODV Simulation Results
Figure 9: Enhanced AODV simulation results
Figure 10: Throughput Comparison
Figure 11: Packet Loss Ratio
Bilal Safdar et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(2), March - April 2021, 1418 – 1425
Figure 12: Packet Delivery Ratio
Figure 13: Jitter Comparison
Figure 14: Delay Comparison
According to above all data, traditional AODV performs well
in the same setting as other traditional DSDV and OLSR
protocols with respect to the throughput and latency. The
efficiency of OLSR in end-to-end Jitter is more effective than
conventional AODV and DSDV. When we compare our
modified AODV with all these traditional protocols, overall
performance, distribution ration, and end-to-end delay are
efficient by 3%.
According to the above contrast, residual energy, and node
reliability for ten nodes are slightly improved but 20 nodes are
slightly reduced. As the number of nodes increases, in the
improved AODV protocol, the residual energy value
increases. Thus a major change can be seen with 30 nodes.
Packet loss and PDR for DSDV was higher compared to
AODV and EAODV. This is because DSDV is considered the
highest level of the number of packets sent, among other
reactive routing protocols. On the basis of the above,
improvements to the conventional AODV protocol clearly
have had a positive effect on efficiency, packet delivery,
end-to-end delays, and residual energy. All simulations are
compiled successfully to ensure accurate adjustment. It is
greatly enhanced by increasing the number of nodes. This
improved AODV protocol for large-scale wireless set-up is
strongly recommended by writers.
Table 2 shows a performance analysis which was conducted
for the evaluation of the overall accomplishment of the four
routing protocols, AODV, DSDV, OLSR and EAODV. The
mean, variation and precision of protocols are computed on
the basis of the results.
Table 2: Statistical Measurements
Protocol Mean Variance Precision
DSDV 374.542 193.685 0.00557
AODV 411.656 2.357 0.00567
OLSR 395.202 1.524 0.00432
EAODV 403.701 1.759 0.6028
In comparison with other reactive protocols, a higher accuracy
value suggests improved performance of the proposed
EAODV protocol.
This paper emphases on the AODV routing protocols' energy
consumption and some other efficiency metrics. As a
substitute of just overwhelming the whole network with path
request packets each moment in time, this was accomplished
by providing a path for path detection in the proposed
EAODV routing protocol. Compared to both DSDV, OLSR
and AODV, a total performance review reveals that the
EAODV has the greatest accuracy estimate, which means it is
more effective. In DSDV, the packet loss ratio is higher than
in the other three protocols. In EAODV, however, the overall
enhancement in throughput, packet transmission ratio and
end-to-end latency is 3% better.
Packet Delivery Ratio %
Number of Nodes
Packet Delivery Ratio
End-End Jitter (sec)
Number of Nodes
Jitter Comparison
End-To-End Delay (sec)
Number of Nodes
Delay Comparison
Bilal Safdar et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(2), March - April 2021, 1418 – 1425
The authors expect to demonstrate that many MANET uses in
the real-world will embrace the proposed EAODV routing
protocol architecture. EAODV can be used with traditional
DSR for path length prediction in MANET.
All authors had approved the final version. Corresponding
Author is Bilal Safdar.
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of a node in MANETs, in Proc.3rd Int. Conf. Electr.
Electron. Commun. Comput. Technol. Optim. Tech.
ICEECCOT, 2018, pp. 919–923.
... The disadvantage of DSDV is discover the routes even they are not needed and this take heavy control update because of overhead [10]. The ad hoc on demand routing ISSN: 2302-9285  A clustering approach to improve VANETs performance (Hayder Ayad Khudhair) 2979 protocol has many benefits, such as fast convergence and modest overhead and it's considered to raise hopes for the future protocol [11]. The deployed sensors/vehicles must have an ability to communicate with each other's in order to transmit their data. ...
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Vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET) is a technique that uses cars moved in cities or highways as nodes in wireless networks. Each car in these networks works as a router and allows cars in the range to communicate with each other. As a result of this movement, some cars will become out of range, but these networks can connect to the internet and the cars in these networks can connect to each other. This research proposes a unique clustering strategy to improve the performance of these networks by making their clusters more stable. One of the biggest problems these networks face is traffic data, which consumes network resources. Agent based modeling (ABM) evaluates better networks. The evaluation showed that the proposed strategy surpasses earlier techniques in reachability and throughput, but ad hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) (on-demand/reactive) outperforms it in total traffic received since our hybrid approach needs more traffic than AODV.
Conference Paper
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In this paper we present a full performance analysis of an energy conserving routing protocol in mobile ad hoc network, named EM-AODV (Energy Multi-path Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector routing). EM-AODV is a reactive routing protocol which combines two mechanisms used in the basic AODV protocol. AODV and most of the on demand ad hoc routing protocols use single route reply along reverse path. Rapid change of topology causes that the route reply could not arrive to the source node, i.e. after a source node sends several route request messages, the node obtains a reply message, and this increases in power consumption. To avoid these problems, we propose a mechanism which tries multiple route replies. The second mechanism proposes a new adaptive approach which seeks to incorporate the metric "residual energy " in the process route selection, Indeed the residual energy of mobile nodes were considered when making routing decisions. The results of simulation show that protocol EM-AODV answers better energy conservation.
The main objective of the paper is to increase the throughput thereby reducing the routing overhead and jitter between nodes. To achieve this, it is proposed to go for reactive routing protocols. Proactive routing protocols use table-driven strategy that is the routing tables are exchanged periodically between nodes which results in more energy consumption. To overcome these problems, we go for DSR and AODV. These routing protocols use on-demand strategy that is the routes are established from source node to destination only on demand which minimizes the jitter level. Using “Network Simulator 2.35” the performance of AODV and DSR protocols are compared for large number of nodes in the presence of ambient noise level whereas in the existing works lesser number of nodes is only considered. From our results it is evident that AODV protocol consumes lesser energy than DSR and in the presence of high routing overhead, AODV outperforms DSR by yielding higher throughput with less jitter.
Paper has been modified AODV routing protocol, designed to improve the performance of Ad Hoc networks. The paper first describes the characteristics of routing protocols AODV that lack, and for this deficiency, a modified AODV routing protocol (M-AODV). Finally, through the NS2 simulation, compared to the AODV routing protocol, M-AODV routing protocol packet delivery ratio, end to end delay, etc., that M-AODV routing protocol is more advantages than the AODV routing protocol.
Thesis (M.S.)--Texas A & M University-Kingsville, 2004. Major subject: Computer science. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 74-76). Vita.