Conference PaperPDF Available

Pesticides in the Environment and Harmonized Risk Indicators

The 8
IEEE International Conference on E-Health and Bioengineering - EHB 2020
Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Web Conference, Romania, October 29-30, 2020
IEEE 978-1-7281-8803-4/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE
Pesticides in the Environment and Harmonized Risk
Ionela-Cătălina Vasilachi
, Larsia Tapciuc
, Gina-Mihaela Finaru Chelaru
, Dana-Mihaela Asiminicesei
Mihaela Roșca
, Petronela Cozma
, Elena-Diana Comăniță-Ungureanu
, Camelia Smaranda
, Raluca-Maria Hlihor
Daniela-Ionela Ferțu
, Maria Gavrilescu
Department of Environmental Engineering and Management, “Cristofor Simionescu” Faculty of Chemical Engineering and
Environmental Protection, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, 73 Prof. D. Mangeron Blvd., 700050, Iasi, Romania
”Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iasi, Romania
”Dunărea de Jos” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Galați, Romania
Academy of Romanian Scientists, 3 Ilfov Street, Bucharest, Romania,
Abstract—This work provides a survey on pesticides
importance for crop protection and also the impacts and risk
they can generate in the environmental and for human health as
a result of unsustainable production and use. In this context the
European and national regulation derived from the Directive
2009/128/EC ask for reducing the risks and impacts of pesticide
use on human health and the environment and promoting the
application of integrated pest management (IPM) and alternative
approaches or techniques. These actions can be helped by the
calculation of Harmonized Risks indicators, I and II. These
indicators were calculated in the case of pesticide use for cereals
protection, based on data provided by Ministry of Agriculture
and Rural Development – National Phytosanitary Authority. The
two calculated indicators show that the cereal samples contain
quite large amounts of pesticide residues that need to be reduced,
recommending the replacement of current protection products
with non-polluting ones that contain less toxins and prevent risks
for plants, animals and humans.
Keywords—crops; health; integrated pest management;
pesticide reduction; risk indicator
Protecting and ensuring an adequate quality of the
environment is a necessity for the progress of mankind and for
social evolution, possible by adopting solutions to reduce
pollution and increase the use of resources. In the last 50-60
years, the human population has doubled and world
agricultural production has grown similarly. The population
growth forecast of almost 10 billion in 2050 has led to the
mobilization of agriculture, animal husbandry and
manufacturing industries to ensure further changes in large-
scale production, since it is necessary to double agricultural
production to meet the needs of society in which we live [1].
However, the productive arable area increased by only 10%.
Therefore, the growth in agricultural production was the
consequence of an intensive use of pesticides and growth
stimulators so as to meet the human population requirements
for welfare, quality food [2]. Unfortunately, the impact of this
alternative to agricultural system has become a global issue
[3]. Although the action of pesticides on the target species is
often known, the impact of unwanted side effects on wildlife
has not yet been widely understood, especially at higher levels
of biological organization: populations, communities and
Pesticide hazard control is important because it is
suspected that pesticides are associated with a wide range of
adverse health effects [4,5]. The monitoring of pesticides
would ensure food safety so as to guarantee the compliance
with the maximum permitted residue levels (MRLs) of food
pesticides [6,7]. However, a wide range of pesticides can be
present in crops and there are usually not enough resources to
manage all pesticides at a time. Therefore, a monitoring
program should allow the efficient resources allocation based
on a risk-based approach, addressing the specifically target
pesticides that pose the greatest risk to human health [8]. For
example, pesticide residues have been detected at levels above
the limit of quantification and even exceeding maximum
residue levels (MRLs) in many agricultural products. As a
result, with the widespread use of pesticides, concerns about
their impact and risk on environmental systems and human
health are growing.
The implementation of the Directive 2009/128/EC requires
Member States to elaborate and adopt action plans so as to
mitigate the impacts and risks generated by pesticides [9]. The
public and political debates in Europe is focused on the
sustainable use of pesticides and mitigation the footprint of
agriculture by maintaining or increasing yields. It is mentioned
that, depending on the chemical properties of the pesticides, as
well as the environmental factors, the decrease in the
quantities of pesticides applied to the crops will not
spontaneously reduce the risks [10].
The estimation and management of the risk induced by the
use of pesticides in Europe and the protection objectives of
related ecosystems have long been debated by stakeholder
groups within the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).
Some specific objectives of this discussion are generally
defined considering a combination of (1) the ecological entity
necessary to be protected (e.g. individual, population, different
groups), (2) the significant features of that entity (e.g. conduct,
wealth, function), 3) effect size for attribute (e.g. small,
medium, and large), (4) time scale (e.g., days, weeks, and
months), and (5) spatial scale of the effect (e.g., field, field
edge, and landscape) [11,12].
Under the conditions described above, the purpose of the
paper is to analyze and highlight the role that pesticides play
in anthropogenic activities and the effects they generate on the
environment and human health when applied as plant
protection products. The analysis is based on the data released
by the National Phytosanitary Authority of Romania, which
performs annual monitoring on pesticides sold and authorized
in Romania and applied for plant protection, according to the
National Action Plan to reduce the risks associated with the
use of plant protection products.
Pesticides are substances used to protect plants against
pests. The average use of pesticides in Europe has not
decreased in recent years, despite a great debate on the
sustainability of agriculture and despite the placing on the
market of pesticides that can be used in low doses. In 2018,
almost 400,000 tons of pesticides were sold in Europe, the
vast majority being used in the agricultural sector [13,14].
In Romania, the consumption of pesticides is 6850 t/year
which represents 0.8 kg per hectare of crop. Worldwide
pesticide consumption varies from country to country, with the
highest consumption of pesticides in China and the highest
consumption of pesticides per hectare of crop in China,
Ecuador, Japan [14,15].
Pesticides used in agriculture play an important role in
global agricultural production by maintaining plant health and
preventing their destruction due to disease and infestation.
Even if they are beneficial, pesticides administered to crops
can reach the soil and surface waters, from where they can
also enter groundwater by dissolution and runoff, creating the
risk of adversely affecting non-target species, both in
terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems [10,16]. Therefore, there is a
likelihood of disturbance of habitat functions and loss of
biodiversity. They also affect the formation and composition
of the soil and the supply of drinking water [3,16]. Pollution
generated by the unsustainable production and uncontrolled
use of pesticides has become one of the most alarming
challenges in terms of sustainable development.
Accidental release of pesticides due to broken pipes, leaks,
landfills, underground storage tanks can lead to their long
presence in the environment due to their persistence (their
long half-life). For the correct management of pesticides, it is
necessary to accurately assess the state of soil, water and air
contamination [10,17,18]. Pesticides can move off-site to
contaminate surface water and groundwater. Damage to non-
target organisms and soil and air pollution are well studied by
many researchers [18,19].
Directive 2009/128/EC at European Commission level
proposes “the sustainable use of pesticides in the EU by
reducing the risks and impacts of pesticide use on human
health and the environment and promoting the application of
integrated pest management (IPM) and alternative approaches
or techniques, such as non-chemical alternatives to pesticides”
[9,20]. EU countries have developed national action plans to
implement the range of actions provided for in the Directive.
National action plans to reduce the risks associated with
the use of plant protection products, developed in the context
of Directive 2009/128/EC, are intended to set quantitative
targets, measures, indicators and timetables to reduce the risks
and impacts of pesticide use on environment and human health
and encourage the development and introduction of an
integrated pest management system. Alternative approaches or
techniques to reduce dependence on pesticide use are also
being considered [9,20,21]. In Romania, the National Action
Plan on reducing the risks associated with the use of plant
protection products was elaborated under the Government
Emergency Ordinance no. 34/2012 ”for establishing the
institutional framework for action for the sustainable use of
pesticides in Romania, approved by Law no. 63/2013 ". By
Emergency Ordinance no. 65/2019 it was amended and
supplemented the Government Emergency Ordinance no.
34/2012 [20,21,22,23].
In order to reduce the risk to the consumer associated with
the consumption of products with high pesticide residues, the
National Action Plan proposes a number of measures. A
significant aspect related to the way of achieving and
measuring the general and specific objectives of the Action
Plan is represented by the definition and calculation of
harmonized risk indicators, together with social,
environmental and economic indicators. This allows for
regular monitoring of progress in implementing the National
Action Plan.
A. Short Description
Harmonized risk indicators for pesticides (HRI) are used
by the European Commission to monitor trends to reduce the
risks of pesticide use in the European Union. They can also be
used by Member States to monitor risk reduction trends
following the use of pesticides at country level [24]. Article 15
(4) of Directive 2009/128/EC requires the European
Commission to “calculate risk indicators at Union level, using
statistical data collected in accordance with Union legislation
on plant protection product statistics and other relevant data, in
order to estimate risk trends in pesticide consumption”.
Member States are also required to calculate harmonized risk
indicators (Article 15 (2) of the Directive) [9].
The Harmonized Risk Indicator 1 is calculated by
“combining the statistics on the quantities of pesticide active
substances placed on the market in accordance with
Regulation (EC) No 1185/2009(2) and the information on
active substances in accordance with Regulation (EC) No
1107/2009(3), including if they are low risk active substances,
candidates for substitution, or other active substances” [24].
For the calculation of HRI, all active substances are
classified into a group and a category (Table 1 in [24]). There
are three groups for approved active substances, groups 1-3
and six categories, categories A - F. All unauthorized active
substances are placed in group 4, category G. The weights
are defined for groups in accordance with Directive
2009/128/EC (Annex I) [9,20,23]. The Harmonized Risk
Indicator 2 is calculated based on “the number of
authorizations granted under Article 8(4) of Directive
91/414/EEC(4) and Article 53 of Regulation (EC) No
1107/2009, and the categorization of active substances in
accordance with Regulation (EC) No1107/2009, including
if they are low risk active substances, candidates for
substitution, or other active substances” [24]. According to
Eurostat [24] “if an active substance changes category, it shall
be placed in its new group/category for the entire calculation
period of the harmonized risk indicators”. This means that the
time series of HRI1 and HRI2, including the development of
groups and categories, should be recalculated every year.
B. Harmonized Risk Indicator 1 (HRI 1)
HRI1 calculation based on sales of active substances
As sales of active substances are strongly linked to
climatic conditions and possibly also to price developments,
the benchmark is set as the average of the first three years of
data, in order to eliminate fluctuations. The baseline for HRI1
is set at 100 and is equal to the calculation average for the
period 2011-2013. For each category/group and HRI1, the
total volume placed on the market is expressed as an index in
relation to 100 [22,24]. The final formula for calculus of HRI
1 is given by Eq. (1), for the reference year n. The details are
given in the methodology provided by Eurostat [24] according
to the Directive 2009/128/EC [9].
where: f
is the weighting for Group
(the Groups 1–4), f
= 1 (f
is defined as
the weighting for Group1), f
= 8 (f
is defined as the weighting for Group2), f
= 16 (f
is defined as the weighting for Group3), f
= 64 (f
is defined as the
weighting for Group4), t refers to 2011, 2012 and 2013 (Table 1 in [24]).
HR2 calculus based on emergency authorizations
As emergency authorizations of plant protection products
may also depend on climatic conditions and possibly other
developments, the baseline is set as the average of the first
three years of data. This smooths out fluctuations. According
to Eurostat (2019), “the base years are the index 100, and for
HRI2, the total number of authorizations per year will be
expressed as an index against 100”. The baseline for HRI2 is
set at 100 and is equal to the average calculation for the period
2011-2013 [23,24]. HRI2 is calculated with Eq. (2) for
reference year n.
C. Calculation of Harmonized Risk Indicators for pesticides
applied on cereals in Romania Based on Reports of the
National Phytosanitary Authority
To calculate HRI 1 and HRI 2, the data included in
the reports prepared by the National Phytosanitary Authority
(ANF) on the national plan for monitoring pesticide residues
in fruits, vegetables and cereals, from domestic production, for
the years 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015 and 2016 were analyzed,
which are public (in accordance with Regulation (EC) No
396/2005) [25]. The pesticides applied on cereal crops were
taken into acoont only.
Calculation of HRI 1
According to ANF data [25], pesticide sales were
quantified and are those presented in Table 1, and HRI I
results are illustrated in Fig. 1.
Amounts of pesticides sold (kg)
Group fi 2011 2012 2013 2014
1 1
10 50 20 30
2 8
20 5 10 2
3 16
2 3 1 3
4 64
1 2 2 4
Total (1) 266 266 196 350
Basis for HRI 1 (2) 242.7
Fig. 1. Variation of harmonized risk indicator 1 (HRI 1), 2011-2014
Calculation of HRI 2
From the ANF data, the number of authorizations granted
for plant protection products was calculated [23-25]. The data
are presented in Table 2. Then, it was calculated the average
of authorization for the five years (Table 3). HRI 2 was
calculated by reporting each category, from each year, to the
average of the authorized persons from the 5 years (Table 4).
Category 2011 2012 2013 2015 2016
Insecticides 8 11 4 21 10
Herbicides 0 0 0 0 1
Fungicides 0 1 0 1 1
Total 8 12 4 22 12
Category Average 2011-2016
Insecticides 10.8
Herbicides 0.2
Fungicides 0.6
Total 11.6
Category 2011-
2014 2011 2012 2013 2015 2016
Insecticides 100 90.75 101.85 37.04 194.44 92.59
Herbicides 100 0 0 0 0 500
Fungicides 100 102.67 166.67 0 166.67 166.67
The data processed by the calculation of harmonized risk
indicators, HRI1, HRI 2 show that the samples contain quite
large amounts of pesticide residues that need to be removed,
recommending the replacement of current protection products
with non-polluting ones that contain less toxins and prevent
disease and even death of plants, animals and humans.
Integrated pest management requires a careful analysis of
all available pest control techniques and the subsequent
integration of appropriate measures that discourage the
development of pest populations and maintain pesticides and
other interventions at economically justified levels and reduce
or minimize risks to human health, fauna and environment.
Harmonized risk indicators for pesticides (HRI) are used
by the European Commission to monitor risk reduction trends
in the use of pesticides in the European Union. They can also
be used by Member States to monitor risk reduction trends
following the use of pesticides at country level.
The analysis of the data on residues of various pesticides in
cereals, provided by units of the National Phytosanitary
Authority and included in the reports on compliance with the
provisions of the National Action Plan, facilitated the
calculation of harmonized risk indicators, HRI 1 and HRI 2,
which can be used as a measure of the pesticide effects on the
environment, depending on the quantities applied and the
category of pesticides used. The analysis highlighted the need
for continued sustained measures to reduce the risks induced
in the environment by pesticides.
This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority
for Scientific Research, CNCS –UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P4-ID-
PCE-2016-0683, Contract no. 65/2017, and a grant of the Romanian Ministry
of Education and Research, CCCDI - UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P2-
2.1-PED-2019-5239, Contract no. 269PED/2020, within PNCDI III.
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... To reduce the amount of pesticide spraying, the precise removal of weeds in crops is an important part for protecting the ecological environment [1]. At present, weeds are removed in many areas of China by hand. ...
Conference Paper
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Crop weeding is the most time consuming part of agricultural production, which requires a large amount of manpower and material resources. At present, weeding operations are basically done by manual removal and manual spraying of pesticides. On the basis of this situation, an automatic weed recognition algorithm based on multi-image processing algorithm has been proposed in this paper to reduce the production cost of agricultural products and the environmental pollution caused by pesticides. Further, the algorithm of implementation steps can be presented in the following steps. First, the soil background is segmented from the image by image preprocessing. Then, the crops and weeds are classified by area threshold, template matching and saturation threshold respectively. Finally, the weights of the three image processing methods are assigned, and the precise identification and location of crops and weeds are realized by voting. In this paper, an experimental study has been carried out on soybean weeding in the field. Meanwhile, the results of the study show that the average error rate of weed identification is 18.18% and the accuracy of weed identification is 81.82%. At the same time, compared with the single method of area threshold, template matching and saturation threshold, the accuracy of weed identification based on voting weight increased by 12.83% on average. Further, the algorithm in this study can provide technical support for intelligent agricultural applications such as weeding operation by intelligent mobile robot.
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Agroecological transition requires that innovative and diversified cropping systems be developed. Conducting system experiments is an approach well-suited to the analysis of performance of cropping systems when subjected to soil, weather and biotic stresses. Conducting system experiments nevertheless gives rise to methodological challenges. Using the Syppre network of experiments, consisting of five sites in France, we present an original case study that provides valuable methodological and agronomic lessons on system experiments. The innovative cropping systems tested there are based on crop diversification (including oilseeds and protein crops), as well as flexible tillage, technical innovations and optimized crop management. From a methodological standpoint, we show that (i) mixed models are adapted to a range of experimental questions and constraints; (ii) multifactorial analysis enables the characterization of relationships between performance indicators; (iii) a multisite experimental network is an efficient approach not only for answering agronomic questions, but also for addressing methodological issues. From an agronomic standpoint, we showed that reconciling multiple indicators of performance is still challenging. Overall, innovative and diversified systems improved the performance of input utilization and environmental impacts, but with lower productivity and profitability. Introducing legume crops is a promising strategy because this contributes significantly to reductions in mineral N fertilizer use, energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, without major trade-offs against other performance indicators. Finally, we showed that the nature of the production situation had a major influence on the performance profile. This led us to be cautious in making overall analyses especially with regard to general conclusions.
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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different doses of meat and bone meal (MBM) applied as organic fertilizer on the quality of groundwater in arable fields. The effect of meat and bone meal fertilizer applied at rates of 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5 t ha⁻¹ was compared with no fertilization, mineral fertilization, and manure fertilization (10 t ha⁻¹). Groundwater samples for chemical analyses were collected every month during the growing season using piezometers installed in the experimental plots. Groundwater samples were analyzed to determine the concentrations of mineral nitrogen – NO3⁻, NO2⁻ and NH4⁺, total phosphorus, phosphate and potassium. The application of meat and bone meal at the rate of 1.0 to 2.0 t ha⁻¹ with supplemental potassium fertilization does not lead to higher contamination of groundwater than mineral (NPK) fertilization. The use of meat and bone meal fertilizers at a rate of 2.5 t ha⁻¹ significantly increased mineral nitrogen and phosphate concentrations in groundwater samples. The results of our analyses suggest that meat and bone meal can be successfully used at a rate of 2.0 t ha⁻¹ to fertilize crops grown in a five-year crop rotation sequence on lessive soils. The application of higher doses of meat and bone meal intensifies the flow of biogenic elements into groundwater. © 2018, Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Romania. All rights reserved.
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Protection of plants from diseases, pests and weeds plays a decisive role in agricultural development, as an essential part in planning and policy of numerous countries. Since the plant protection products are mainly chemicals and may be not only poisonous for humans and fauna, but they may also pollute water bodies, ground water and soil with hazardous pollutants, their use have to be environmentally friendly and sustainable. The paper discuss some aspects of benefits and risks concerning the use of pesticides as an important tool for plant protection agents, reductions and limitations of uses devoted to the improvement of the residue in plants and food and the environmental quality. It is showed that, although a long-lasting residue may be desirable in some situations because the pesticide is effective for a longer period of time, long-lasting residues are not always desirable. Pesticides are presented as grouped mainly according to their mode of action or the way a pesticide destroys or controls the target pest (herbicides, fungicides, insecticides), and their characteristics, targets, structure and categories are presented, along with their formulation into many usable products for satisfactory storage, effective application, safety of the user and the environment. Existing policies and legislation on pesticides are briefly outlined. In addition, considering the environmental side effects of traditional pesticides, some aspects on the impacts and risks to the environment, human health, non-target organisms in relation with the use of these compounds are highlighted. Several indicators of sustainable use of pesticides are analyzed in terms of the beneficial effect of the product, and also considering monitoring and pollution prevention.
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General protection goals for the environmental risk assessment (ERA) of plant protection products are stated in European legislation but specific protection goals (SPGs) are often not precisely defined. These are however crucial for designing appropriate risk assessment schemes. The process followed by the Panel on Plant Protection Products and their Residues (PPR) of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) as well as examples of resulting SPGs obtained so far for environmental risk assessment (ERA) of pesticides is presented. The ecosystem services approach was used as an overarching concept for the development of SPGs, which will likely facilitate communication with stakeholders in general and risk managers in particular. It is proposed to develop SPG options for 7 key drivers for ecosystem services (microbes, algae, non target plants (aquatic and terrestrial), aquatic invertebrates, terrestrial non target arthropods including honeybees, terrestrial non-arthropod invertebrates, and vertebrates), covering the ecosystem services that could potentially be affected by the use of pesticides. These SPGs need to be defined in 6 dimensions: biological entity, attribute, magnitude, temporal and geographical scale of the effect, and the degree of certainty that the specified level of effect will not be exceeded. In general, to ensure ecosystem services, taxa representative for the key drivers identified need to be protected at the population level. However, for some vertebrates and species that have a protection status in legislation, protection may be at the individual level. To protect the provisioning and supporting services provided by microbes it may be sufficient to protect them at the functional group level. To protect biodiversity impacts need to be assessed at least at the scale of the watershed/ landscape.
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Many studies have examined the role of mean climate change in agriculture, but an understanding of the influence of inter-annual climate variations on crop yields in different regions remains elusive. We use detailed crop statistics time series for similar to 13,500 political units to examine how recent climate variability led to variations in maize, rice, wheat and soybean crop yields worldwide. While some areas show no significant influence of climate variability, in substantial areas of the global breadbaskets, >60% of the yield variability can be explained by climate variability. Globally, climate variability accounts for roughly a third (similar to 32-39%) of the observed yield variability. Our study uniquely illustrates spatial patterns in the relationship between climate variability and crop yield variability, highlighting where variations in temperature, precipitation or their interaction explain yield variability. We discuss key drivers for the observed variations to target further research and policy interventions geared towards buffering future crop production from climate variability.
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The 7 billion global population is projected to grow by 70 million per annum, increasing by 30 % to 9.2 billion by 2050. This increased population density is projected to increase demand for food production by 70 % notably due to changes in dietary habits in developing countries towards high quality food, e.g. greater consumption of meat and milk products and to the increasing use of grains for livestock feed. The availability of additional agricultural land is limited. Any expansion will happen mostly at the expense of forests and the natural habitats containing wildlife, wild relatives of crops and natural enemies of crop pests. Furthermore, more agricultural land will be used to produce bio-based commodities such as biofuel or fibre instead of food. Thus, we need to grow food on even less land, with less water, using less energy, fertiliser and pesticide than we use today. Given these limitations, sustainable production at elevated levels is urgently needed. The reduction of current yield losses caused by pests is a major challenge to agricultural production. This review presents (1) worldwide crop losses due to pests, (2) estimates of pesticide-related productivity, and costs and benefits of pesticide use, (3) approaches to reduce yield losses by chemical, as well as biological and recombinant methods of pest control and (4) the challenges of the crop-protection industry. The general public has a critical function in determining the future role of pesticides in agriculture. However, as long as there is a demand for pesticide-based solutions to pest control problems and food security concerns, the externality problems associated with the human and environmental health effects of pesticides need also to be addressed.
The probabilistic estimation and the risk analysis of the exposure to pesticides through the ingestion of plants and food products is an important task for ensuring informed decision making and appropriate consumer protection. Monte Carlo-based methods are powerful tools in this regard, allowing for the empirical estimation of the distribution of exposure values, as well as for carrying out a corresponding uncertainty analysis. Such findings are important for assessing the exposure risk for multiple categories of the general population, divided by age groups, body weight, food consumption etc. The general model used for determining the exposure allows for a detailed assessment and analysis of the distribution of exposure values along a determined range, and of the probabilities of occurrence for acute and chronic exposure levels, while also accounting for potential uncertainties in the input parameters. Researchers in the related fields propose various probabilistic approaches using several distribution shapes to estimate each parameter of the model. Furthermore, the related literature contains a series of guidelines for carrying out the aforementioned tasks, for various types of data with a wide assortment of distributions. Consequently, this study presents a general framework and characterization of exposure as a result of food consumption, as well as common practices for carrying out an assessment of exposure levels, with an emphasis on significant related work from the state-of-the-art in the field. The findings of the present study indicate that probabilistic approaches are powerful tools for aiding the regulatory decision-making process in the case of acute or chronic dietary exposure. © 2018, Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Romania. All rights reserved.
Aquatic invertebrates are defined as invertebrate animals that depend on aquatic ecosystems or moist environments for at least a portion of their lifecycle. Occasionally, taxonomists also include the semiaquatic invertebrates, which inhabit shores and vegetation surrounding aquatic environments. Habitats for aquatic invertebrates include wetlands, lakes, streams, rivers, oceans, and other waters (Pechenik 1996). The term aquatic invertebrate refers to swimming nekton, floating plankton, bottom-dwelling benthos, and surface-dwelling neuston. Aquatic invertebrates are diverse species that range widely in size, habitat, behavior, characteristics, food preference, and evolutionary relationships. In the food web, aquatic invertebrates are often divided into herbivores, detritivores, carnivores, and parasites. However, many scientists classify aquatic organisms based on feeding method (shredders, grazers, and suspension feeders) rather than food type. For the purpose of this book, aquatic invertebrates are classified into three major phyla: Rotifera, Mollusca, and Arthropoda.
Pesticides have been an essential part of agriculture to protect crops and livestock from pest infestations and yield reduction for many decades. Despite their usefulness, pesticides could pose potential risks to food safety and the environment as well as human health. This paper reviews the positive benefits of agricultural pesticide use as well as some potential negative impacts on the environment and food safety. In addition, using the case of California, we discuss the need for both residue monitoring and effective pest management to promote food safety. Twenty years' pesticide residue data from California's pesticide residue monitoring program were analyzed. Results showed that more than 95% of food samples were in compliance with US pesticide residue standards (tolerances). However, certain commodities from certain sources had high percentages of residues above tolerance levels. Even when residues above tolerance levels were detected, most were at levels well below 1 mg kg-1, and most posed negligible acute health risk. However, a few detected residues had the potential to cause health effects. Therefore, establishing an effective food residue monitoring program is important to ensure food quality throughout the marketplace.
The use of organophosphate pesticides (OPs) for pest control in agriculture has caused serious environmental problems throughout the world. OPs are highly toxic with the potential to cause neurological disorders in humans. As the application of OPs has greatly increased in various agriculture activities, it has become imperative to accurately monitor their concentration levels for the protection of ecological systems and food supplies. Although there are many conventional methods available for the detection of OPs, the development of portable sensors is necessary to facilitate routine analysis with more convenience. Some of these potent alternative techniques based on functional materials include fluorescence nanomaterials based sensors, molecular imprinted (MIP) sensors, electrochemical sensors, and biosensors. This review explores the basic features of these sensing approaches through evaluation of their performance. The discussion is extended further to describe the challenges and opportunities for these unique sensing techniques. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.