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Modern approach to the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection

  • Università degli Studi di Sassari and Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas
| Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2022;55(Suppl. 1):S14–S21.© 2021 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Received: 1 June 2021 
  First decision: 29 June 2021 
  Accepted: 30 July 2021
DOI : 10.1111/apt.16566
Modern approach to the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori
Maria Pina Dore1| David Y. Graham2
1Dipar timento di Scienze Mediche, Chir urgich e e Sperimenta li, Universit y of Sassari, Sas sari, Italy
2Depar tment of Medicine, Michael E. De Bakey VA Medical Center and Bay lor College of Med icine, H ouston, Texas, USA
David Y. Graha m, Michael E. De Bakey Veterans Aff airs Me dical C enter, RM 3A- 390A (111D), 2002 Holcombe Boulevard, Houston , TX 77030, USA .
Funding information
Dr. Graham is suppor ted in part by the Office of Research and Development Medical Research Se rvice Depar tment of Veterans Af fair s, Public Health Ser vice
grant DK 56338 which fun ds the Texas Me dical C enter Digestive Diseases Cente r.
Helicobacter pylori is an important, transmissible, human pathogen ae-
tiologically related to gastric cancer, peptic ulcer disease, atrophic gas-
tritis, iron deficiency anaemia, vitamin B12 deficiency and idiopathic
thrombocytopenia. Helicobacter pylori gastritis is an insidious disease
that alters gastric physiolog y and causes progressive gastric mucosal
damage. Typically, those affected only become aware of the infec tion
when it expresses its presence by the development of clinical mani-
festations such as dyspepsia, a major upper gastrointestinal haemor-
rhage or an inc ur abl e gast ric can ce r. The infect ion is tra nsmit te d wi thin
families and is typically acquired in childhood. Helicobacter pylori is an
opportunistic pathogen and takes advantage of any chance to gain ac-
cess to the stomach, (i.e., faecal- oral, oral- oral, contaminated water or
food, etc.) where, once established, the infection is typically lifelong.
Current consensus is that the presence of the infection confers only
ris k with out any ben ef it to the hos t.1 During the 19th and most of 20 th
centuries it was a major cause of disease being responsible for both
peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer.2 Gastric cancer was the most
common cause of cancer death until the last third of the 20 th century
and is still a major health problem worldwide.3,4 The prevalence of H.
pylori infection inversely correlates with economic development as re-
flected in sanitation, clean water, poverty, socioeconomic status and,
especially, household hygiene. In highly developed countries the prev-
alence of the infection has been declining since at least 1950 such that
the inf ect io n is mos tly conf ined to the el der ly, tho se of lower socioeco -
nomic st atu s in chi ldhood, and in imm igr ants from countrie s whe re the
prevalence of the infection is still high.2 Overall, it has been estimated
that approximately one- half of the world’s population is infected.5
The recognition that H. pylori infection provides no benefit and
that its eradication could eliminate gastric cancer has resulted in a
change in attitude toward the infection from the aim of identify-
ing and curing it among those with symptoms (e.g., uninvestigated
dyspepsia) or complications (upper gastrointestinal bleeding) to be
more proactive (Table 1).3,6,7 All recent consensus groups agree
that, whenever the infection is identified, it should be treated unless
there are compelling reasons not to do so.3,6,7 In addition, it is now
recommended that testing for the infec tion should be extended to
high risk populations, groups, and individuals including first degree
relatives of those with H. pylori- associated diseases and those living
in the same household6 (Figure 1).
1.1 | Testing for the presence of H. pylori infection
Since the discovery of H. pylori in the 1980s, there has been a pleth-
ora of diagnostic methods developed and introduced in research and
clinical practice (Table 2). Probably the most widely used has been
serolog y based on ease of use and widespread availability. Serology
remains widely available and is generally inexpensive and simple to
obtain by the patient. However, as the infection is often lifelong, a
positive test may denote an active infection or a serologic scar from
a prior infection. As with any test, the pretest probability (the prob-
ability of the presence of the condition) of a given diagnostic test is
influenced by the prevalence of the disease in that specific popula-
tion (reviewed in reference6).
1.2 | Serology
Factors to be considered for any test include cost, convenience,
accuracy, and how the information is to be used. The progressive
decline of the prevalence of H. pylori infection correlates with an
increase in the number of false- positive tests (Figure 2) which has
undermined the use of H. pylori serology in most western popula-
tions. The problems include the fac t that many of the available test s
have poor specificity and susceptibility. For example, in 2013, 29
serologic tests were evaluated (17 enzyme- linked immunosorbent
assay and 12 near- patient test s); only t wo of the 17 enzyme- linked
immunosorbent assay tests produced excellent result s with the
five performance parameters >90%.8 A 2019 Cochrane review of
34 studies (4242 participants) also evaluated serology for H. pylori
diagnosis. The diagnostic odds ratios for serology was 47.4 (95% CI
25.5- 88.1). The sensitivit y, given a specificit y of 0.90 and a preva-
lence of 53.7% (which were the medians in the studies), was 0.84
(95% CI 0.74- 0.91).9
1.3 | Special problems with H. pylori serology in the
United States
As such, serologic testing has fallen into disfavour and, in the U.S.,
may not be reimbursed by insurance.10 Because of these issues,
Quest Diagnostics, one of the largest clinical laboratories in the
U.S., no longer lists H. pylori serology among their available tests.
Although anti- H. pylori serology may no longer be covered by insur-
ance in the USA, a common knee- jerk response is the continuing
practice of ordering a serologic test as it is very convenient to order
as part of the post- visit laboratory work.
While it is recommended that only tests for the IgG H. pylori an-
tibodies be used, the large U.S. A. commercial laboratory, LabCorp,
lists four options. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)- approved
IgG test is listed third after test for IgA, and the combination of IgA,
IgG and IgM tests. The IgA, IgM and combined IgA , IgG, and IgM
tests are fur ther described the subheading of test details: as “This
test was developed, and its performance characteristics determined,
by LabCorp and has not been submitted or approved by the USA .
Results of these tests are listed as for investigational purposes only
and the results should not be used to justify therapy without con-
firmation of the diagnosis by another medically diagnostic product
or procedure”.11 In contrast, the IgG test is described by LabCorp
as “This assay should be used only to evaluate patient s with clini-
cal signs and symptoms suggestive of gastrointestinal disease and
is not intended for use with asymptomatic patients. A positive test
result does not allow one to distinguish between active infection and
colonization by H. pylori. A positive test only indicates the presence
of IgG antibody to H. pylori and does not necessarily indicate that
a gastrointestinal disease is present. A negative test indicates that
IgG antibody to H. pylori is not present or is at a level that cannot be
detected by the assay.” Such details require a number of additional
clicks beyond the stage where the test is ordered.
1.4 | Practical use of serology
While it is clear that the decision to treat should not be based solely
on the results of serologic testing, there are exceptions when serol-
ogy, despite its problems, is useful. Exceptions include cases with a
very high pretest probability (e.g., bleeding duodenal ulcer). A high
pretest probability in combination with positive IgG H. pylori antibod-
ies moves the odds of a current infection to the right side of Figure 2
showing that the majority of positives are true positives. Current
guidelines recommend to search for H. pylori infection in high- risk
groups such as family members of patients with an H. pylori infec-
tion or a disease associated with H. pylori (Table 1). In this instance, a
high- quality IgG serologic test can provide a rapid, convenient, and
effective method of confirming the presence of the infection. When
used for screening average or low- risk individuals for possible infec-
tion, a positive serology would still require proof of active infection
before treatment would be instituted.
TABLE 1 Recommendations for Helicobacter pylori testing for
individuals and populations
Houston consensus conference recommendations
When to tes t a specific individual?
1. With suspected Helicobacter pylori
infection (e.g., active DU)
100 High
2. With current or past gastric or
duodenal ulcers
100 High
3. With uninvestigated dyspepsia 100 High
4. With gastric mucosa- associated
lymphoid tissue lymphoma
100 Moderate
5. Family members residing in same
household of patients with proven
active Helicobacter pylori infections
91 Moderate
6. Family history of peptic ulcer disease 91 Moderate
7. With family his tory of gastric cancer 100 Moderate
8. First- generation immigrant s from
high prevalence areas
82 High
9. High risk groups (e.g., in the United
States: L atino and Afric an American
racial or other ethnic groups)
91 Low
Taipei global consensus recommendations
Which specific populations to screen?
1. Populations with high incidence of
gastric cancer
84 Low
2. Young adult s in high incidence
populations before the development
of atrophic gastritis and intestinal
84 Low
3. Young adult s in high incidence
populations to reduce the
transmission to their children
92 Low
4. Populations with high incidence
being integrated or included into the
national healthcare priorities
92 Low
Adapted from References 3,6, with permission.
   DORE anD GRa HaM
FIGURE 1 Flow chart showing a modern approach to using diagnostic tests for the presence of Helicobacter pylori infection and
determination of antimicrobial susceptibility
Molecular or culture idenficaon
and/or suscepbility tesng
Alarm features or
increased risk due to age,
family history or ethnic
Convenonal/high definion
upperendoscopy Breath or Stool Collecon
Rapid urease test
Stool Angen test
Urea Breath test
Molecular idenficaon
and/or suscepbility
TABLE 2 Tests for Helicobacter pylori infection
Tes t s Strengths Weaknesses
Non- invasive
Serology Widely available. Least expensive and does not require
medication modifications prior to testing. May not be
reimbur sed by insurance
Does not reliably delineate between active or previous
infection. Cannot be used to confirm eradication. (Low
likelihood ratio)
Does not assess the gastric mucosa status (Helicobacter
pylori infection sequelae)
GastroPanel@Widely available. Does not require treatment
modifications prior to testing. Allow to assess the
gastric mucosa status (H. pylori infection sequelae)
Expensive. Does not discriminate between active
or previous infection. C annot be used to conf irm
eradic ation. Not available in the USA
Stool antigen test
with monoclonal
High sensitivit y and specificity. Can be used to tes t
for active infection, to evaluate eradication, and for
moleculars tes ting to assess antibiotic susceptibility
in adult s and children
Stool sample needed. Requires prior cessation of
antibiotics, bismuth products, and proton pump
inhibitors to reduce risk of false- negative results.
Unable to assess the gastric mucosa status
13C- Urea breath test High sensitivit y and specificity. Can be used to tes t for
active infection and evaluate for eradication safely in
adults and children
Requires prior cessation of antibiotics, bismuth products,
and proton pump inhibitors to reduce risk of false-
negative results.
Relatively expensive
Culture Allows testing antibiotic susceptibilities Increasingly available from some major laboratories (e.g.,
Mayo., LabCorp)
Molecular- based
Detects infec tion and can assess susceptibility/
resistance for all 6 commonly used antibiotics. Stool
can be used. Rapid turn- around of result s (5 business
May not be covered by insur ance. Available only as a
“send out ”. (e.g. American Molecular Laboratories Inc.
http://amlab orato
Histology C an be used to test for infection and evaluate for
eradic ation. Provides additional information such as
degree of inflammation and associate d pathology (i.e.,
intestinal metaplasia , atrophic gastritis)
Accurate results, it requires interested pathologist and
use of special stain - preferably immunohistochemical
Rapid Urease tests Rapid, inexpensive, good sensitivity and specificit y Rarely used as adds nothing to histology
Where available, the combination of IgG serolog y coupled
with pepsinogen I and II testing (the GastroPanel®, Biohit Oyj,
Helsinki) potentially provides IgG serology coupled with screening
for the presence of atrophic gastritis.12 The IgG serolog y test in the
Gas troPa nel sc ore d hig hly in bo t h th e 2013 co m p a r a tive te sts8 and in
recent tests.12 Pepsinogen testing is especially useful in areas where
gastric cancer is still common to help identify patient s for endo-
scopic screening for gastric cancer risk determination. Importantly,
the validit y of pepsinogen testing is greatly reduced following suc-
cessful H. pylori therapy making timing of testing a critical factor.13
1.5 | Traditional non- invasive testing for active H.
pylori infection
Currently, the focus has been on tests that can non- invasively iden-
tify active H. pylori infec tion (i.e., 13C- urea breath test [UBT] or the
stool antigen test using monoclonal antibodies). Both are highly ac-
curate but require a relatively high bacterial load and false- negative
results may occur if the load of H. pylori is reduced by treatment
with proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), bismuth compounds or antibiotic
The UBT is based upon the presence of a high concentration of
urease produced by the organism. This enzyme produces ammonia
and CO2 from ingested urea. If the urea contains labelled carbon,
for instance the radioactive isotope of carbon 14 C or the stable non-
radioactive 13C, the labelled CO2 released can easily be measured in
the exhaled breath collected in bags or tubes. Because the 14C - u r e a
breath test uses radioactive carbon, the test may require personnel
trained in the use and detection of radioactive chemicals. In clinical
practice, UBT utilizing 13C is preferred. Testing is widely available
from large testing laboratories and in many hospitals using small
portable point- of- care devices to analyse the breath samples. The
method is simple to perform and no special handling is required. In
addition, it is devoid of side effects and thus pregnant women and
children can be tested, and repetitive testing can be done without
concerns for safety. However, the UBT, like histology, the rapid ure-
ase test (RUT) and stool antigen test require a high density of bac-
teria. Therefore, drugs such as PPIs, bismuth- containing compounds
or antibiotics may decrease the number of H. pylori and produce
false- negative test s. A s such, it is recommended to wait 2 weeks to
be certain that the effects of the suppression of bacterial load have
disappeared. However, if the test is done sooner, and is positive,
one can trust the result. False- positive UBT results are potentially
a problem in patients with achlorhydria where non- H. pylori urease-
containing organisms may populate the stomach. This problem is
reduced if the test meal contains citric acid which reduces the intra-
gastric pH and inhibits non- H. pylori urease.1 4 - 1 6 Histamine2 antago-
nists do not reduce the H. pylori ba c te ria l loa d an d can be sub sti tut ed
for those requiring continuing acid suppression thus obviating the
need to delay testing. The UBT is now considered the diagnostic test
of choice if endoscopy is not required or if biopsies are contraindi-
cated and to confirm eradication in adults and children.6,17
1.6 | Biopsy- based testing
As noted above, until recently, testing focused on identifying and
treating those with symptomatic H. pylori dis e ase s. In ma ny in s t anc e s
this would include gastroscopy and resulted in the development of
a variety of excellent biopsy- based tests and improved methods of
identif ying the organism histologically. Endoscopy is an expensive
test and is not without risk. For this reason, the procedure should
include evaluation and biopsy of not only observable abnormalities
but also should include biopsies of the normal- appearing mucosa
from both the antrum and corpus to exclude or diagnose the infec-
tion and also be able to assess the degree and potential reversibility
of the damage.18 As such, five biopsies are recommended using the
Sydney system and placed in separate jars (Figure 3).18 If atrophy/
intestinal metaplasia is found, this approach to biopsy also provides
the appropriate specimens for cancer risk staging.19, 20 If inflamma-
tion is present, the presence of H. pylori should be assessed using
immunohistochemical stains.21 For patients in whom the infection
is highly likely, biopsies for culture or molecular- based susceptibil-
ity testing can also be taken and stored at −70°C for analysis if the
patient is proven to be infected. An indirect test for the presence of
H. pylori urease (i.e., RUT) is also available but is rarely used today as
it provides no information in addition to that obtained by histology.
FIGURE 2 The effect of disease prevalence (pretest probability)
on the positive and negative predictive values. Results are shown
for a test with an 85% sensitivity and specificity and population
prevalence of 20% and 80%. In a study with a sensitivity and
specificity of 85% (i.e., 15% false negative and 15% false positive)
and a Helicobacter pylori prevalence of 20%, approximately 40% of
positive tests will be false positive. If the specificit y and sensitivit y
are equal, the curves will retain their shape and the lines will cross
at the 50% mark. At a H. pylori prevalence of 20%, there will be 80
negative and 20 positive patients per 100 patients. The proportions
can be calculated as 80 negative times 15% = 12 false positive
test + 20 true positive patient ’s times 85% = 17 true positive
patient producing the total of 12 + 17 or 29 positive results of
which 12 (41%) are false positive
   DORE anD GRa HaM
However, there is the possibility the RUT may be resurrected be-
cause the biopsy specimen embedded in the jell medium for the RUT
can also be used for reflex molecular susceptibility testing.22
Advanced endoscopy techniques such as the narrow band imag-
ing, blue laser imaging (BLI) and the linked colour imaging (LCI) can
also be used for real- time diagnosis of H. pylori infection, detection
of premalignant and malignant gastric lesions and targeted mucosal
biopsy sampling.7 In addition, a new technique of endocytoscopy or
ultra- high magnification endoscopy is reported to enable histologic
assessment in vivo23 as well as to be used, theoretically, to diagnose
active infection by in situ hybridization fluorescence.24 Further de-
velopment of high- definition endoscopy for the diagnosis of H. py-
lori infection and detection of pre- malignant and malignant gastric
lesions to permit real- time decision- making led to a revision of the
Kyoto endoscopic classification.25 Recently, increasingly sophisti-
cated tools including artificial intelligence have been used to diag-
nose H. pylori infection.26 For example, Nakashima et al developed an
artificial intelligence able to imitate the brain neural net work using
BLI- bright and LCI.27 They reported improved accuracy and produc-
tivity compared to white light with a sensitivity for BLI- bright and for
LCI of 96.7% and 96.7%, respectively. Nonetheless, the availability
of these advanced techniques remains, limited while the tried and
true histologic techniques discussed above are universally available.
1.7 | Molecular- based tests that add the ability to
include some susceptibility data
The concept that clinical specimens obtained for diagnosis could be
reused or repurposed is not a new one. For example, gastric biopsies
have long been obtained for culture, histology and RUT. By 1994 the
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) had been also used as a diagnostic
test using gastric biopsies.28 In 20 0 0 , fl u o r e s cent in si t u hy bridiz atio n
(FISH) was also introduced as a new PCR- based method of H. pylori
diagnosis.29 As noted above, both FISH and PCR are currently used
for susceptibilit y testing. Biopsy specimens that have been success-
fully used to obtain antimicrobial susceptibility data from H. pylori-
infected patients included those collected specifically for molecular
testing as well as those reclaimed from an RUT.2 8 - 3 4
Helicobacter pylori eventually are excreted in the stool making this
an excellent source for material for tests designed to identify H. pylori
antigens and H. pylori DNA, which is used for molecular diagnosis and
to determine antimicrobial susceptibility.31 Recently, a number of kits
using molecular detection methods have been developed and are com-
mercially available. These tests allow rapid and accurate non- invasive
assessment of clarithromycin susceptibility/resistance and can utilize
gastric biopsies and/or faeces. E xamples include: Amplidiag® H. py-
lori+ClariR assay (AB ANALITICA s.r.l.), the RIDA®GENE Helicobacter
pylori assay (R- Biopharm AG), H . pylori ClariRes (Ingenetix), Allplex H.
pylori, ClariR (Seegene), the Lightmix® H. pylori (TIBMolbiol) and the
H. pylori Taqman® real- time PCR assay (Meridian Bioscience).3 5 - 4 1 The
Genotype HelicoDR assay (Germany) and whole genome sequenc-
ing have been used for both clarithromycin and levofloxacin resis-
tance.42, 43 Although there are a number of validated tests and test
kits commercially available, the majority have been tested with gastric
biopsies and they are infrequently per formed. Overall, the availability
of these tests and test kit s has not changed the frequent admonition
about the lack of susceptibility testing or the continuing decrease in
cure rates.4 4,45 Some of the reasons for slow acceptance may be that
none of these molecular tests has been promoted by major reference
laboratories and key opinion leaders, and major groups such as the
European, Korean, Chinese, and other Helicobacter Study Groups
have not stressed the usefulness and availability or provided guid-
ance to assist clinicians about how to obtain these kits or how best
to encourage their hospital laboratories to of fer them. It behooves
clinicians to become knowledgeable regarding which of these tests
are available locally, which also test stool, as well as to encourage
the laboratories that analyse their stool antigen tests to add reflex
molecular testing for clarithromycin and, preferably also, levofloxacin
resistance. The recent developments in the USA likely predict the di-
rection of diagnostic testing worldwide. Although, the USA was slow
to introduce molecular testing, this may have been in par t related to
the stringent requirements for specificity and sensitivity imposed
by the FDA and by long delays in reimbursement being approved.
However, the USA represents a very large homogenous mass market
with only a few major country- wide laboratories such that once the
hur dl es are over come, test s ca n be introduced rapidly and wid el y. The
Mayo Cli nic La bo ra tory, a majo r USA ref er en ce labo ratory, was one of
the first in the USA to of fer reflex molecular testing for clarithromy-
cin resistance of positive H. pylori stool tests (Mayo Clinic Laborator y,
https://www.mayoc linic catal og/Overv iew/607594).37
In addition, American Molecular laboratories offer targeted next-
gene rat io n seq uen ci ng (N GS ) using sto ol, gast ric bio psies , or form ali n-
fixed gastric biopsies that test for antimicrobial resistance to six
antibiotics (amoxicillin, clarithromycin, levofloxacin, metronidazole,
tetracycline and rifabutin) (http://amlab orato ng- servi
FIGURE 3 Gastric biopsy sites using the updated Sydney system
c e s / h e l i c o b a c t e r - p y l o r i - d e t e c t i o n - a n t i b i o t i c - r e s i s t a n t - a n a l y s i s / p y l o r
iar- amhpr - h- pylor i- antib iotic - resis tance - next- gener ation - seque ncing
- panel/).46 Testing of stool allows obtaining susceptibility data with-
out endoscopy. They also offer reflex testing of stool samples using
next- generation sequencing and will accept samples from anywhere
in the world which, for the first time, makes molecular- based antimi-
crobial susceptibility testing potentially universally available. Other,
USA commercial laboratories are expec ted to rapidly follow the Mayo
Clinic Laboratories' lead as these tests are reimbursed by insurance.
The turnaround time for molecular tests is typically less than 1 week.
1.8 | Culture and susceptibility testing
Although still underutilized, culture and susceptibility testing for H.
pylori is now generally available in the U.S. Susceptibility is now of-
fered by many major diagnostic laboratories including: Mayo Clinic
Laboratories® (HELIS), ARUP laboratories ® (MC HPYL), Labcorp®
(180885) and Quest Diagnostics (36994). Culture and susceptibility
testing from Microbiology Specialists Msi@microbiologyspecialists.
com is available both in the U.S. and internationally.
1.9 | How to practically use non- invasive tests to
identify H. pylori infection
Indications for testing can be separated into testing for patients in
whom the diagnosis of an H. pylori- related disease is a serious con-
sideration, or for those where it is only a possibility (e.g., a member
of a high- risk group who is currently without symptoms or history of
an H. pylori- related disease). For those with a reasonable probability
of an H. pylori- related disease (e.g., dyspepsia, idiopathic thrombo-
cytopenia, MALT lymphoma, etc.) a positive diagnosis is likely to be
followed by treatment. For such a patient, only tests for active in-
fection (e.g., UBT, stool antigen, endoscopy with biopsy, etc.) should
be used; the choice would depend on whether the signs/symptoms/
laboratory findings were sufficient to warrant upper gastrointestinal
In contrast, a healthy asymptomatic individual with one parent
who died of gastric cancer, would only be suspected of possibly
having asymptomatic infection and might receive initial testing with
validated H. pylori IgG serology which, if positive, should be fol-
lowed by a confirmatory test of active infection before institution
of therapy.
Helicobacter pylori infection remains a serious but decreasingly
encountered problem. However, the recent worldwide influx of
immigrants and refugees from regions where H. pylori infection
and its most serious sequela, gastric cancer, are still common
has produced sizable at- risk populations.47 Early diagnosis and
treatment can markedly reduce the risk of gastric cancer, mak-
ing the question of whom to test as important as whom to treat.
The admonition to cure all H. pylori infect io ns encounter ed ca rr ie s
with it the onus to ensure that active infection is present before
institution of therapy and, after therapy, that the infection was
cured.3 The approach to the individual patient will largely depend
on the pretest probability of active infection (e.g., a patient with
a duodenal ulcer contr asted to a similar aged asymptomatic immi-
grant from a high cancer risk count ry). It beh ooves clinicians to be
ex pe r ie nce d wit h t he us e and inte rpr et atio n of th e vari et y of test s
available, and to be especially war y of serologic tests that often
provide misleading information.
The ability to identify H. pylori infection continues to evolve and
to incorporate new technologies. We anticipate that, in the near fu-
ture, identification of new active infections will preferentially utilize
stool testing with reflex susceptibility testing for multiple antibiotics.
This approach seems an ideal and most efficient diagnostic strategy
and probably the most cost- effective, as uninfected patients are ini-
tially only charged for the H. pylori diagnostic test, whereas in those
with active infection, the positive diagnosis is accompanied by the
antimicrobial susceptibility profile allowing tailored therapy to be
The increasing availability of molecular- and culture- based sus-
ce p t ibil i t y pr o fili n g ha s re s ult ed in a m ajor ch ang e in th e ap p r o ach
to the diagnosis of H. pylori infection. It is now possible to rap-
idly or reflexively link positive diagnostic tests with susceptibil-
ity testing, which largely eliminates the guesswork in identifying
an appropriate tailored therapy. Molecular susceptibility testing
also allows for rapid testing of formalin- fixed gastric biopsies
remaining from the original endoscopy when the infection was
first recognized. Alternately, and for infections diagnosed non-
invasively, molecular susceptibility profiling of stool is available
and can ent irely obviate th e nee d for endosc op y. The se ad va nc es
allow for better integration of diagnosis with therapy and should
largely eliminate the current practice of empirically administer-
ing poorly performing clarithromycin- or levofloxacin- containing
therapies. It is hoped that the recent availability of molecular and
culture- based susceptibility profiling of H. pylori infection ongo-
ing in the U.S. will serve as a model and encourage similar avail-
ability worldwide.
Declaration of personal interests: Dr. Graham is a consultant for RedHill
Biopharma and Phathom Pharmaceuticals regarding novel H. pylori
therapies and has received research support for culture of Helicobacter
pylori. He is also a consultant for DiaSorin regarding H. pylori diagnos-
tics and with Otsuka Japan regarding nove l breath test s. He has ongo-
ing collaborative research projects with American Molecular regarding
molecular diagnostics for H. pylori. Recently, he was the PI of an in-
ternational study of the use of antimycobacterial therapy for Crohn's
disease. Dr. Maria Pina Dore has nothing to declare.
   DORE anD GRa HaM
Guarantor of article: David Y. Graham, M.D.
Author contributions: Each author contributed to the research,
data collection and analysis, design and writing of the paper. All au-
thors approved the final version of the article including the author-
ship list.
Maria Pina Dore
David Y. Graham
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How to cite this article: Dore MP, Graham DY. Modern
approach to the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection.
Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2022;55(Suppl. 1):S14– S21. ht t p s : //d oi .
org /10.1111/apt.16566
... Several individuals infected with H. pylori may not show any symptoms, but the infection can lead to different gastrointestinal diseases and complications (Pina Dore et al., 2022). It is important to note that these symptoms can also be associated with other gastrointestinal conditions, so a proper diagnosis by a healthcare professional is essential. ...
... H. pylori infection has been linked to halitosis, a malodor characterized by a foul odor due to elevated levels of hydrogen sulfide due to the putrefactive action of H. pylori. The infection may also increase the risk of erosive changes in the stomach, potentially leading to the production of volatile sulfur compounds (Pina Dore et al., 2022). In cases where H. pylori infection causes stomach bleeding, the presence of black, tarry stools may indicate the presence of blood (Bashir and Khan, 2023). ...
... The infection can cause a general feeling of weakness and fatigue. Patients may also experience fatigue and a sensation of fullness even after eating a small amount of food (Pina Dore et al., 2022). ...
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Helicobacteriosis is a common bacterial infection caused by Helicobacter pylori. It affects the stomach and small intestines, leading to inflammation. Bacteria can spread through contaminated food or water. This review explores the role of food in the transmission of H. pylori, drawing on research from the past three decades. People commonly acquire the infection during childhood, often from close family members. Crowded living conditions can also contribute to the spread. This review also discusses various risk factors and highlights the challenges of detecting H. pylori, particularly in its dormant form. Techniques like ribotyping and restriction fragment length polymorphism hold promise for tracing transmission routes, but more long-term studies are needed to account for potential confounding factors.
... Current tests for active infection include urea breath tests, stool antigen tests, histology with (immune)-staining for the bacteria, culture, and molecular tests to identify H. pylori DNA in biologic specimens such as stools or gastric biopsies. 17 The availability of susceptibility testing resulted in the initial test needing to address (a) whether the patient is infected and (b) if so, what is the antibiotic susceptibility pattern? Until recently, obtaining susceptibility testing required both endoscopies to obtain gastric mucosa biopsies and a laboratory willing to provide culture and susceptibility testing. ...
... In the last year this has changed in the United States as most major diagnostic laboratories now offer H. pylori culture and susceptibility testing (Table 1). 10,17 Although the ready availability of culture and susceptibility testing has provided a partial solution it did not alter the requirement for endoscopy. Obtaining and processing gastric biopsies is both time consuming and expensive; whenever specimens for culture must be shipped to distant locations, positive results are obtained in far less than 100% of cases. ...
... Obtaining and processing gastric biopsies is both time consuming and expensive; whenever specimens for culture must be shipped to distant locations, positive results are obtained in far less than 100% of cases. 17 However, practical, rapid, less expensive, and noninvasive alternative methods are now commercially available. 10 These new methods are based on the same principle as the stool antigen test (i.e., H. pylori reside in the stomach and are shed in the stool thus providing a ready source of H. pylori antigens and DNA). ...
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The recent availability of susceptibility testing for Helicobacter pylori infections in the United Sates has resulted in paradigm shifts in the diagnosis, therapy, and follow-up of H. pylori infections. Here, we reviewed the English literature concerning changes in H. pylori diagnosis and therapy with an emphasis on the last 3 years. We focus on the new methods that offer rapid and convenient susceptibility testing using either invasive (endoscopic) or noninvasive (stool) methods of obtaining test material. We also discuss the implications of this availability on therapy and follow-up after therapy. The approach to therapy was categorized into four groups: (1) therapies that can be used empirically, (2) therapies that should be restricted to those that are susceptibility-based, (3) potentially effective therapies that have yet to be optimized for local use, and (4), therapies that contain unneeded antibiotics that should not be prescribed. The most convenient and efficient method of susceptibility testing is by using reflexive stool testing in which if the sample is positive, it is automatically also used for determination of susceptibility. Reflexive testing can also be done via reflexive ordering (e.g., for all positive urea breath tests). The post therapy test-of-cure has emerged as a critical component of therapy as it not only provides feedback regarding treatment success but when combined with susceptibility testing also provide evidence regarding the cause of failure (e.g., poor adherence versus emergence of resistance during therapy. Susceptibility testing has made even the most current H. pylori guidelines for diagnosis and therapy generally obsolete. Clarithromycin, metronidazole, and levofloxacin triple therapies should only be administered as susceptibility-based therapy. Regimens containing unneeded antibiotics should not be given. We provide recommendations regarding the details and indications for all current therapies.
... Stool tests have the advantage of being noninvasive and the specimen is easily obtainable. H. pylori stool antigen (HpSAg) which is based on the detection of Ag by ELISA technique has been proven to be clinically useful with sensitivities and specificities of more than 90% and is advantageous to confirm eradication [13]. It can be used as a routine diagnostic tool for H. pylori infection because it seems to overcome the limitations of conventional invasive techniques (14). ...
... It can be used as a routine diagnostic tool for H. pylori infection because it seems to overcome the limitations of conventional invasive techniques (14). HpSAg may be useful particularly in the selection of the cases requiring endoscopic examination, in monitoring the response to treatment, and in epidemiological studies (13). ...
... In order to evaluate the Herd Immunity Threshold as well as numerical analysis of the models, we have considered the information about peptic ulcer disease (Educate innovate research and development, 2016). and H. pylori virus as defined in (Dore and Graham, 2022). and real numerical data in perspective of Nigeria (Knoema, 2023). ...
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The study developed a non-linear deterministic mathematical model to investigate the transmission dynamics of peptic ulcer disease in human population by considering both direct and indirect contact transmission with vaccine and treatment as control. In developing the model, the population was compartmentalized into susceptible-vaccinated-exposed-infected-treated-helicobacter pylori concentration in the environment recovered. The model developed is a system of differential equations. The rate of change of the system, existence and uniqueness of solution, region of absolute stability and positivity of the solution was established. Existence of disease-free equilibrium state and basic reproduction number was also established. Mathematical analysis was determined by the basic reproduction number if , the disease-free equilibrium is locally asymptotically stable whereas if then the equilibrium is unstable whereas the numerical analysis for the estimated basic reproduction number of the model is greater than unity in perspective of Nigeria, for which the Herd Immunity Threshold indicated that vaccinating 99.47% of Nigeria population can control spreading of Peptic ulcer disease in the country. The paper recommended amongst other things that if significant changes concerning the issue of threshold target are observed to improve the rate at which peptic ulcer can be minimized from the population where Government and non-governmental organization should encourage the use of peptic ulcer drugs and vaccines among individuals.
... As more and more major diagnostic laboratories in the USA have not only shown interest but now offer practical, rapid, and noninvasive susceptibility testing, through stool PCR or NGS, this may reduce the need for upper GI endoscopies providing, at the same time, reliable antibiotic susceptibility rates. Kits for PCR-based testing for clarithromycin are available and have been approved for clinical use by European regulatory agencies [57]. The respective increase in clinical use will, by causality, lead to price decreases, making them affordable for more and more patients. ...
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Purpose of Review CoronaVirus Disease of 2019 (COVID-19) has negatively influenced the management of multiple conditions in regards to the gastroenterology patient. An equivalent change in the management of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)-related diseases was reported, as practically no eradication treatment was offered during most of the pandemic. Given the scarcity of published data, we performed a literature review trying to elucidate the effect of COVID-19 on H. pylori treatment. Recent Findings COVID-19 has produced more questions than answers as to the outcome of COVID-19 in H. Pylori infected patients, post-COVID-19 patients treated for H. pylori, acid suppression and COVID-19 incidence and outcomes, and H. pylori eradication treatment in patients having recovered from COVID-19. Summary We strongly believe that this scientific uncertainty produced by the COVID-19 pandemic has set up the stage for an incremental change in H. pylori treatment as COVID-19 has offered us the chance to speed up how we will, in the near future, approach patients with a possible Η. pylori infection.
... These, apart from being rapid in detecting H. pylori, are also used to determine its mechanisms of resistance to antibiotics. [18][19][20] Due to the scarcity of resources, in Mozambique treatment is carried out empirically, and sometimes the diagnosis of infection is made based on clinical suspicion in refractory dyspeptic patients. ...
Background Helicobacter pylori strains show a high level of genotypic diversity and express several genes that contribute to their pathogenicity and resistance. In Mozambique, there is lack of information regarding its resistance pattern to antibiotics. In this study, we aimed to investigate the prevalence of H. pylori and its genotypic resistance to clarithromycin, metronidazole, and fluoroquinolones in Mozambican dyspeptic patients. Since appropriate eradication should be based on the local resistance rate, our data will guide clinicians in choosing the best drugs for the effective treatment of H. pylori-infected patients. Methods This is a cross-sectional descriptive study conducted between June 2017 and June 2020, in which 171 dyspeptic patients were recruited, and through upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, gastric biopsies were collected from those patients. Polymerase chain reaction was performed for the detection of H. pylori and its resistance mechanisms to clarithromycin (23S rRNA), metronidazole (rdxA), and fluoroquinolones (gyrA); mutations conferring resistance to these antibiotics were investigated by sequencing 23S rRNA, rdxA, and gyrA genes. Results Of the 171 samples tested, H. pylori was detected in 56.1% (96/171). The clarithromycin resistance rate was 10.4% (the responsible mutations were A2142G and A2143G), the metronidazole resistance rate was 55.2% (4 types of mutations responsible for metronidazole resistance were identified which include, D59N, R90K, H97T, and A118T. However, in many cases, they appeared in combination, with D59N + R90K + A118T being the most frequent combination), and the fluoroquinolones resistance rate was 20% (the responsible mutations were N87I and D91G). Conclusion H. pylori infection remains common in dyspeptic Mozambican patients. High resistance to metronidazole and fluoroquinolones requires continuous monitoring of antibiotic resistance and adaptation of therapy to eradicate this infection.
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a common infection responsible for considerable morbidity and mortality worldwide. It is now recommended that all H. pylori infections can be cured unless there are compelling reasons not to. Like other infectious diseases, the most reliable method to achieve high cure rates is to base therapy on the results of patient-specific susceptibility testing. Empiric therapy must be based on knowledge of the local susceptibility patterns tempered by data obtained from the patient concerning their antibiotic exposure. Data from clinical trials without susceptibility testing cannot be reliably used in other locations. Because of increasing resistance, triple therapies based on clarithromycin, metronidazole, or levofloxacin should only be used for susceptibility-based therapy. If there are no options other than to give empiric therapy, only those regimens proven to be effective locally should be used. Special efforts should be made to enhance patient adherence. In most regions, 14-day four-drug combinations are required for successful empiric therapy. Testing to confirm cure should be routinely done.
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Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly developing in various medical fields, and there is an increase in research performed in the field of gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy. In particular, the advent of convolutional neural network, which is a class of deep learning method, has the potential to revolutionize the field of GI endoscopy, including esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD), capsule endoscopy (CE), and colonoscopy. A total of 149 original articles pertaining to AI (27 articles in esophagus, 30 articles in stomach, 29 articles in CE, and 63 articles in colon) were identified in this review. The main focuses of AI in EGD are cancer detection, identifying the depth of cancer invasion, prediction of pathological diagnosis, and prediction of Helicobacter pylori infection. In the field of CE, automated detection of bleeding sites, ulcers, tumors, and various small bowel diseases is being investigated. AI in colonoscopy has advanced with several patient-based prospective studies being conducted on the automated detection and classification of colon polyps. Furthermore, research on inflammatory bowel disease has also been recently reported. Most studies of AI in the field of GI endoscopy are still in the preclinical stages because of the retrospective design using still images. Video-based prospective studies are needed to advance the field. However, AI will continue to develop and be used in daily clinical practice in the near future. In this review, we have highlighted the published literature along with providing current status and insights into the future of AI in GI endoscopy.
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Introduction: 13C‐breath tests are valuable, non-invasive diagnostic tests that can be widely applied for the assessment of gastroenterological symptoms and diseases. Currently, the potential of these tests is compromised by a lack of standardization regarding performance and interpretation among expert centers. Methods: This consensus‐based clinical practice guideline defines the clinical indications, performance, and interpretation of 13C‐breath tests in adult and pediatric patients. A balance between scientific evidence and clinical experience was achieved by a Delphi consensus that involved 43 experts from 18 European countries. Consensus on individual statements and recommendations was established if ≥ 80% of reviewers agreed and <10% disagreed. Results: The guideline gives an overview over general methodology of 13C‐breath testing and provides recommendations for the use of 13C‐breath tests to diagnose Helicobacter pylori infection, measure gastric emptying time, and monitor pancreatic exocrine and liver function in adult and pediatric patients. Other potential applications of 13C‐breath testing are summarized briefly. The recommendations specifically detail when and how individual 13C‐breath tests should be performed including examples for well‐established test protocols, patient preparation, and reporting of test results. Conclusion: This clinical practice guideline should improve pan‐European harmonization of diagnostic approaches to symptoms and disorders, which are very common in specialist and primary care gastroenterology practice, both in adult and pediatric patients. In addition, this guideline identifies areas of future clinical research involving the use of 13C‐breath tests.
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Helicobacter pylori infection is mainly diagnosed non-invasively, with susceptibility testing traditionally requiring endoscopy. Treatment is empiric, with clarithromycin triple therapy recommended where resistance rates are below 15%. Rising clarithromycin resistance resulting in high therapy failure rates is seen worldwide but United States data is limited. We developed a real-time PCR assay for simultaneous detection of H. pylori and genotypic markers of clarithromycin resistance directly from stool specimens. The assay was validated by testing 524 stool samples using an H. pylori stool antigen test as the reference method for detection accuracy and Sanger sequencing to confirm genotypic susceptibility results. A separate set of 223 antigen positive stool samples was tested and retrospective medical record review conducted to define clinical utility. PCR resulted in 88.6% and 92.8% sensitivity in the validation and clinical study sets, respectively. Sequencing confirmed correct detection of clarithromycin resistance-associated mutations in all positive validation samples. The PCR predicted clarithromycin resistance rate was 39% in the clinical data set overall and 28% in treatment naïve patients; the clarithromycin triple therapy eradication rate in treatment naïve patients was 62%. The clarithromycin triple therapy success was lower when resistance was predicted by PCR (41%) than when no resistance was predicted (70%, p=0.03). PCR was positive in 98% of antigen positive stools from patients tested for eradication. The described PCR assay can accurately and non-invasively diagnose H. pylori , provide genotypic susceptibility, and test for eradication. Our findings support the need for susceptibility-guided therapy in our region if a clarithromycin-based regimen is considered.
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Each year, the American Cancer Society estimates the numbers of new cancer cases and deaths in the United States and compiles the most recent data on population‐based cancer occurrence. Incidence data (through 2017) were collected by the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program; the National Program of Cancer Registries; and the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries. Mortality data (through 2018) were collected by the National Center for Health Statistics. In 2021, 1,898,160 new cancer cases and 608,570 cancer deaths are projected to occur in the United States. After increasing for most of the 20th century, the cancer death rate has fallen continuously from its peak in 1991 through 2018, for a total decline of 31%, because of reductions in smoking and improvements in early detection and treatment. This translates to 3.2 million fewer cancer deaths than would have occurred if peak rates had persisted. Long‐term declines in mortality for the 4 leading cancers have halted for prostate cancer and slowed for breast and colorectal cancers, but accelerated for lung cancer, which accounted for almost one‐half of the total mortality decline from 2014 to 2018. The pace of the annual decline in lung cancer mortality doubled from 3.1% during 2009 through 2013 to 5.5% during 2014 through 2018 in men, from 1.8% to 4.4% in women, and from 2.4% to 5% overall. This trend coincides with steady declines in incidence (2.2%‐2.3%) but rapid gains in survival specifically for nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC). For example, NSCLC 2‐year relative survival increased from 34% for persons diagnosed during 2009 through 2010 to 42% during 2015 through 2016, including absolute increases of 5% to 6% for every stage of diagnosis; survival for small cell lung cancer remained at 14% to 15%. Improved treatment accelerated progress against lung cancer and drove a record drop in overall cancer mortality, despite slowing momentum for other common cancers.
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Helicobacter pylori antibiotic resistance is increasing worldwide, emphasizing the urgent need for more rapid resistance detection prior to the administration of H. pylori eradication regimens. Macrolides and fluoroquinolones are widely used to treat H. pylori. In this study, we aimed to compare the diagnostic performance of A) 23SrDNA qPCR (with melting curve analysis) and an in-house developed gyrA qPCR followed by Sanger sequencing with a commercial IVD-marked hybridization probe assay (for 23SrDNA and gyrA) using 142 gastric biopsies (skipping culturing) and B) the same two qPCR for 23SrDNA and gyrA (including Sanger sequencing) with whole-genome sequencing (WGS) and phenotypic characterization of clarithromycin and levofloxacin resistance using 76 cultured isolates. The sensitivity of both qPCRs was 100% compared to that of the commercial IVD-marked hybridization probe assay for the detection of H. pylori in gastric biopsies (without resistance testing). The specificity of the qPCR gyrA followed by Sanger sequencing was 100%, indicating that the best sequence identity was always H. pylori. The results show good agreement between molecular tests, especially between qPCR (inclusive Sanger sequencing) and WGS. Discrepancies (concerning mutated or wild type of positive H. pylori gastric biopsies) were observed between Sanger sequencing of the gyrA gene and the corresponding commercial hybridization probe assay, mostly because the high sequence diversity of the gyrA gene even at positions adjacent to the relevant codons of 87 and 91 interfered with obtaining correct results from the hybridization probe assay. Interestingly, we found several mixed sequences, indicating mixed populations in the gastric biopsies (direct detection without culturing). There was a high percentage of both levofloxacin and clarithromycin resistance in gastric biopsies (both between 22% and 29%, direct detection in gastric biopsies). Therefore, we recommend analyzing both targets in parallel. We confirmed that phenotypic resistance is highly correlated with the associated mutations. We concluded that the two qPCR followed by Sanger sequencing of the gyrA gene is a fast, cost-effective and comprehensive method for resistance testing of H. pylori directly in gastric biopsies.
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Objective: A global consensus meeting was held to review current evidence and knowledge gaps and propose collaborative studies on population-wide screening and eradication of Helicobacter pylori for prevention of gastric cancer (GC). Methods: 28 experts from 11 countries reviewed the evidence and modified the statements using the Delphi method, with consensus level predefined as ≥80% of agreement on each statement. The Grading of Recommendation Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) approach was followed. Results: Consensus was reached in 26 statements. At an individual level, eradication of H. pylori reduces the risk of GC in asymptomatic subjects and is recommended unless there are competing considerations. In cohorts of vulnerable subjects (eg, first-degree relatives of patients with GC), a screen-and-treat strategy is also beneficial. H. pylori eradication in patients with early GC after curative endoscopic resection reduces the risk of metachronous cancer and calls for a re-examination on the hypothesis of 'the point of no return'. At the general population level, the strategy of screen-and-treat for H. pylori infection is most cost-effective in young adults in regions with a high incidence of GC and is recommended preferably before the development of atrophic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia. However, such a strategy may still be effective in people aged over 50, and may be integrated or included into national healthcare priorities, such as colorectal cancer screening programmes, to optimise the resources. Reliable locally effective regimens based on the principles of antibiotic stewardship are recommended. Subjects at higher risk of GC, such as those with advanced gastric atrophy or intestinal metaplasia, should receive surveillance endoscopy after eradication of H. pylori. Conclusion: Evidence supports the proposal that eradication therapy should be offered to all individuals infected with H. pylori. Vulnerable subjects should be tested, and treated if the test is positive. Mass screening and eradication of H. pylori should be considered in populations at higher risk of GC.
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Objective: The best approach for Helicobacter pylori management remains unclear. An audit process is essential to ensure clinical practice is aligned with best standards of care. Design: International multicentre prospective non-interventional registry starting in 2013 aimed to evaluate the decisions and outcomes in H. pylori management by European gastroenterologists. Patients were registered in an e-CRF by AEG-REDCap. Variables included demographics, previous eradication attempts, prescribed treatment, adverse events and outcomes. Data monitoring was performed to ensure data quality. Time-trend and geographical analyses were performed. Results: 30 394 patients from 27 European countries were evaluated and 21 533 (78%) first-line empirical H. pylori treatments were included for analysis. Pretreatment resistance rates were 23% to clarithromycin, 32% to metronidazole and 13% to both. Triple therapy with amoxicillin and clarithromycin was most commonly prescribed (39%), achieving 81.5% modified intention-to-treat eradication rate. Over 90% eradication was obtained only with 10-day bismuth quadruple or 14-day concomitant treatments. Longer treatment duration, higher acid inhibition and compliance were associated with higher eradication rates. Time-trend analysis showed a region-dependent shift in prescriptions including abandoning triple therapies, using higher acid-inhibition and longer treatments, which was associated with an overall effectiveness increase (84%-90%). Conclusion: Management of H. pylori infection by European gastroenterologists is heterogeneous, suboptimal and discrepant with current recommendations. Only quadruple therapies lasting at least 10 days are able to achieve over 90% eradication rates. European recommendations are being slowly and heterogeneously incorporated into routine clinical practice, which was associated with a corresponding increase in effectiveness.
Microbial ureases hydrolyze urea to ammonia and carbon dioxide. Urease activity of an infectious microorganism can contribute to the development of urinary stones, pyelonephritis, gastric ulceration, and other diseases. In contrast to these harmful effects, urease activity of ruminal and gastrointestinal microorganisms can benefit both the microbe and host by recycling (thereby conserving) urea nitrogen. Microbial ureases also play an important role in utilization of environmental nitrogenous compounds and urea-based fertilizers. Urease is a high-molecular-weight, multimeric, nickel-containing enzyme. Its cytoplasmic location requires that urea enter the cell for utilization, and in some species energy-dependent urea uptake systems have been detected. Eucaryotic microorganisms possess a homopolymeric urease, analogous to the well-studied plant enzyme composed of six identical subunits. Gram-positive bacteria may also possess homopolymeric ureases, but the evidence for this is not conclusive. In contrast, ureases from gram-negative bacteria studied thus far clearly possess three distinct subunits with Mrs of 65,000 to 73,000 (alpha), 10,000 to 12,000 (beta), and 8,000 to 10,000 (gamma). Tightly bound nickel is present in all ureases and appears to participate in catalysis. Urease genes have been cloned from several species, and nickel-containing recombinant ureases have been characterized. Three structural genes are transcribed on a single messenger ribonucleic acid and translated in the order gamma, beta, and then alpha. In addition to these genes, several other peptides are encoded in the urease operon of some species. The roles for these other genes are not firmly established, but may involve regulation, urea transport, nickel transport, or nickel processing.
Background/aim: Helicobacter pylori (Hp) infection affects a substantial proportion of the world population and is a major risk factor of gastric cancer (GC). The caveats of common Hp-tests can be evaded by a serological biomarker test (GastroPanel®, Biohit Oyj, Helsinki), the most comprehensive Hp-test on the market. The clinical validation of Helicobacter pylori IgG ELISA of the new-generation GastroPanel® test is reported. The aim of the study is to validate the clinical performance of the Helicobacter pylori IgG ELISA test in diagnosis of biopsy-confirmed Hp-infection in gastroscopy referral patients. Patients and methods: A cohort of 101 patients (mean age=50.1 years) referred for gastroscopy at the outpatient Department of Gastroenterology (SM Clinic, St. Petersburg) were examined by two test versions to validate the new-generation GastroPanel®. All patients were examined by gastroscopy and biopsies, which were stained with Giemsa for specific identification of Hp in the antrum (A) and corpus (C). Results: Biopsy-confirmed Hp-infection was found in 64% of patients, most often confined to antrum. The overall agreement between Hp IgG ELISA and gastric biopsies in Hp-detection was 91% (95%CI=84.1-95.8%). Hp IgG ELISA diagnosed biopsy-confirmed Hp (A&C) with sensitivity (SE) of 92.3%, specificity (SP) of 88.6%, positive predictive value (PPV) of 93.8% and negative predictive value (NPV) of 86.1%, with AUC=0.904 (95%CI=0.842-0.967). In ROC analysis for Hp detection (A&C), Hp IgG ELISA shows AUC=0.978 (95%CI=0.956-1.000). Conclusion: The Hp IgG ELISA test successfully concludes the clinical validation process of the new-generation GastroPanel® test, which retains the unrivalled diagnostic performance of all its four biomarkers, extensively documented for the first-generation test in different clinical settings.
The authors report the results of a 5-year (2013-2018) audit of the effectiveness of Helicobacter pylori therapy in clinical practice in several regions of Europe.1 The study provides a contemporary prospective regarding empirical H. pylori treatment. Importantly, there was little centralised influence on choice of therapy apart from sending periodic updates, presenting updates at the meeting of the European H. pylori study group and including local feedback in the form of post-treatment testing for cure. The strengths of the report include the large sample size, representative population, and high level of complete data on treatment type, duration and follow-up. Overall, 30 394 patients from 27 European countries provided data on 21 533 first-line empirical H. pylori treatments using more than 100 different schemes. Antibiotic susceptibility data were obtained from 11% (2.7% to 16.7% in different regions). In that small sample, the prevalence of H. pylori resistance to clarithromycin and metronidazole was high (ie, 23% and 32%, respectively). Clarithromycin triple therapy was most commonly used but use declined over time from <50% in 2013-2015 to 32% in 2017-2018. The use of bismuth quadruple therapy was uncommon and varied markedly between regions but also tended to increase over time. They concluded that the management of H. pylori infection by European gastroenterologists was heterogeneous, suboptimal and discrepant with current recommendations.