María Del Mar Haro Soler

María Del Mar Haro Soler
University of Granada | UGR · Departamento de Traducción e Interpretación

Doctor in Translation and Interpreting. Teacher of translation at the Department of Translation and Interpreting. University of Granada. Main research lines: translator education and translation students' pyschological self


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Doctor in Translation and Interpreting from the University of Granada. María del Mar Haro Soler was awarded a Grant for the Training of Lecturers and Researchers from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport from 2014 to 2018. She also holds an MA in Research in Translation and Interpreting (University of Granada). She teaches specialised translation whilst carrying out her research in the field of translator education and the translator's psychological self. She has been at Kent State University and Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz as a visiting scholar. Her research interests include translation pedagogy and legal translation and her publications include chapters in well-known publishing houses (such as John Benjamins), as well as papers in indexed journals.
Additional affiliations
October 2018 - December 2019
University of Granada
  • Doctor in Translation and Interpreting. Translation teacher
March 2016 - present
Kent State University
  • Researcher
September 2015 - February 2017
Supported by the Action 2 – Strategic Partnership initiative of the Erasmus + programme.
  • Researcher
  • Project aimed at training teachers and undergraduate students in the following transferable competences: intercultural competence, conflict transformation, teamwork, and project development and management.
September 2014 - September 2018
University of Granada
Field of study
  • Translator training
September 2012 - June 2013
University of Granada
Field of study
  • Translation and Interpreting
September 2008 - June 2012
University of Granada
Field of study
  • Translation and Interpreting


Publications (24)
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Ante la importancia de la empleabilidad en el Espacio Europeo Superior y ante el reto que supone favorecer la transición del ámbito universitario al mercado laboral, se presenta en este artículo una propuesta didáctica destinada a favorecer la orientación profesional y la empleabilidad del estudiantado de Traducción e Intepretación. Dicha propuesta...
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As lecturers and researchers in translation and interpreting, we are aware of the need to design curricula so that students are well equipped, and able to respond to the requirements of modern society. In the world today, there is an evident gap between what is actually taught in higher education and what should be taught to meet student needs. Eve...
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Este artículo presenta dos estudios centrados en las percepciones del estudiantado de traducción que se desarrollaron a nivel de grado en una universidad española y en dos universidades chilenas con el objetivo general de mejorar el proceso de formación del traductor. Más concretamente, en el primero de ellos se estudiaron las creencias de autoefic...
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En los últimos años, ha existido interés por explorar las creencias de autoeficacia para traducir. No obstante, resulta necesario continuar profundizando en su estudio desde un punto de vista formativo. Este artículo tiene por objetivo analizar la influencia que la realización de las prácticas profesionales durante la formación en traducción puede...
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Se presenta un estudio empírico mixto desarrollado con el objetivo de analizar la influencia que las sesiones de tutoría individualizada con el estudiantado pueden ejercer en sus creencias de autoeficacia como traductores. Además de analizar el tipo y la intensidad de esta influencia (de existir), profundizaremos en las razones por las que se produ...
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Se presenta un estudio cuasi experimental de campo, desarrollado en el aula de traducción, con el que se persigue analizar la influencia que el feedback del profesorado puede ejercer en las creencias de autoeficacia de sus estudiantes. Este estudio se llevó a cabo en tres grupos de una asignatura de traducción especializada (español-inglés) y adopt...
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Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, traditional face-to-face learning was suddenly replaced by online learning in universities all over the world. This sudden switch posed a wide variety of challenges to teachers and students. This paper focuses on one teaching practice, teachers’ feedback, and on a students’ form of self-perception, self-efficacy belief...
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This paper presents a case study performed in three groups of a specialized translation course of the Degree in Translation and Interpreting offered at the University of Granada (Spain). It aims to analyze the impact that verbal persuasion by teachers can have on translation students' self-efficacy beliefs, that is, on their confidence as translato...
Definidas las creencias de autoeficacia como «la confianza que los estudiantes o traductores profesionales poseen en su capacidad para completar con éxito un encargo de traducción» (Haro-Soler, 2017a, p.10) y ante el papel emergente de este objeto de investigación dentro del ámbito de la Didáctica de la Traducción, se presenta un estudio de replica...
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This paper presents a participatory action research project in which teacher-researchers, student-researchers and student-subjects collaborated on a research project in a working-group format to investigate constructs related to the translator's psychological 'self'. The pedagogical approach adopted for managing the working group, based on social c...
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Se presenta un estudio longitudinal de investigación-acción, cuyo objetivo general es identificar modos de desarrollar creencias de autoeficacia realistas por parte de los traductores en formación, lo que contribuirá a superar la dificultad que supone plasmar en objetivos didácticos las autopercepciones del traductor. El presente estudio persigue:...
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This action research study aims to analyse the ways in which vicarious learning, one of the sources of self-efficacy beliefs according to Social Cognitive Theory, can materialise in the translation classroom. To achieve this aim, a mixed methodological approach was adopted based on the following techniques: the interview, the survey, classroom obse...
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Even though there has been a growing interest in constructs related to the branch of Translation Studies known as Translation Psychology in the past few years, further research is required into this topic (Hubscher-Davidson, 324-325). This paper will focus on selfconfidence and self-efficacy, two self-perceptions whose conceptual difference is not...
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As several authors acknowledge, competences related to translator’s psychology, among which is self-efficacy (Atkinson, 2012, 2014), have received less attention than others in translator training, probably because they have proven to be more challenging to incorporate in translator training programmes in a structured way (Presas, 1998, p. 134; Way...
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In order to shed light on possible ways to satisfy the need to incorporate self-efficacy in translator training programmes in a structured way (Atkinson and Crezee, 2014), a learning experience implemented in the translation classroom to develop students’ self-efficacy to translate, that is, their confidence in their abilities to translate (Bandura...
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De acuerdo con la Teoría Social Cognitiva, el aprendizaje vicario se concibe como una de las fuentes de la autoeficacia, en la medida en que los resultados de las acciones de un sujeto al que se identifica como modelo se procesan como resultados propios (Bandura 1997). La investigación que se presenta persigue el objetivo de analizar el modo en el...
Little attention has been paid in research to certain components of translator competence, such as psychophysiological competence.1 This article will address the study of said competence and, more particularly, of translator self-confidence from a dual perspective. Firstly, we will adopt a theoretical approach based on the main translator competenc...
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In translator training, psychological competences, among which is self-efficacy, have not received as much attention as others, such as communicative or intercultural competences (Atkinson and Creeze 2014), even though several translation competence models consider them to be generic competences that all translators should develop. Due to the effec...


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