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Overview of nutrigenomics and epigenomics: mechanisms and relevance


Abstract and Figures

Advances in nutrigenomics and epigenomics are providing new understanding of mechanisms underlying the nutritional regulation of growth, development and health. Nutrition affects the structure and function of biological systems at all life-stages, with profound implications for health and disease. These effects are mediated by changes in expression of multiple genes and associated regulatory networks. Responses to nutrition are in turn affected by individual variability in target genes, including mutations, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and copy number variants (CNVs). An important layer of regulation is provided by the epigenome: nutrition is one of many epigenetic regulators that modify gene expression without changes in DNA sequence. They play a key role in development and enable a given genotype to express a wide range of cell-specific and age-related phenotypes. Although epigenetic events can be stable and heritable, they can also be reversible, highlighting their critical role in health and disease. Nutrition can act directly on gene expression, or indirectly via hormones, growth factors and signalling molecules. These actions often involve epigenetic mechanisms, including DNA methylation, histone modifications and non-protein-coding RNAs. Understanding of mechanisms underlying nutrition-gene interactions depends in part on a comparative approach across a wide range of species. Thus, findings in mammals on the role of epigenetics in early-life nutrition programming of adult health and disease are highly relevant to avian species. Future progress in nutrigenomics and epigenomics is critical to advancing understanding of optimal avian growth, development and health.
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MJD REVIEW 1: FACTA Avian Nutrigenomics Course, Campinas, Brazil: 27-28 May 2014
Overview of nutrigenomics and epigenomics: mechanisms and relevance
M. J. Dauncey
Wolfson College, University of Cambridge, UK
ABSTRACT: Advances in nutrigenomics and epigenomics are providing new understanding of
mechanisms underlying the nutritional regulation of growth, development and health. Nutrition
affects the structure and function of biological systems at all life-stages, with profound implications
for health and disease. These effects are mediated by changes in expression of multiple genes and
associated regulatory networks. Responses to nutrition are in turn affected by individual variability
in target genes, including mutations, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and copy number
variants (CNVs). An important layer of regulation is provided by the epigenome: nutrition is one of
many epigenetic regulators that modify gene expression without changes in DNA sequence. They
play a key role in development and enable a given genotype to express a wide range of cell-specific
and age-related phenotypes. Although epigenetic events can be stable and heritable, they can also be
reversible, highlighting their critical role in health and disease. Nutrition can act directly on gene
expression, or indirectly via hormones, growth factors and signalling molecules. These actions often
involve epigenetic mechanisms, including DNA methylation, histone modifications and non-
protein-coding RNAs. Understanding of mechanisms underlying nutrition-gene interactions
depends in part on a comparative approach across a wide range of species. Thus, findings in
mammals on the role of epigenetics in early-life nutrition programming of adult health and disease
are highly relevant to avian species. Future progress in nutrigenomics and epigenomics is critical to
advancing understanding of optimal avian growth, development and health.
Nutrition can profoundly alter the phenotypic expression of a given genotype, with major
implications for growth, development, metabolism, health and disease (Dauncey et al., 2004;
Dauncey and White, 2004; Dauncey, 2009, 2012, 2013a, b). The effects of nutrition on gene
expression are exerted throughout the life-cycle, with prenatal and early postnatal life being
especially critical periods for optimal development. These effects may be dynamic and short-term,
stable and long-term, and even heritable between cell divisions and across generations. A critical
layer of regulation is provided by the epigenome; nutrition is one of many epigenetic regulators that
modify gene expression without changes in DNA sequence. Figure 1 presents an overview of key
mechanisms involved in nutrition-gene interactions.
The field of nutrigenomics is accompanied by a wide range of terminologies and definitions. The
term 'nutrigenomics' is often used interchangeably with 'nutritional genomics' and involves the
study of nutrition-gene interactions. This includes both the effects of nutrition on gene expression
('nutrigenomics') and the effects of genetic variability on responses to nutrition ('nutrigenetics')
(Dauncey and Astley, 2006; Fenech et al., 2011; de Godoy and Swanson, 2013; Phillips, 2013).
Advances in nutrigenomics are critical for optimal avian health, welfare and production. They are
relevant to numerous parameters including: development, growth and function of cells, tissues and
systems; resilience to environmental and physiological stress; breeder fertility; quality and
production of eggs and broiler meat.
The role of nutrition in health and disease is highly complex because, as with all aspects of
nutrition, it is multifactorial. The concern is not with a single chemical but with numerous nutrients,
metabolites and interacting factors that together affect multiple genes and associated regulatory
networks. Moreover, gene variability significantly modifies the effects of nutrition on gene
expression. Individual responses to nutrition are due in part to gene variants in numerous protein-
coding and non-coding regions of the genome. These can involve either single nucleotides or large
sections of genomic DNA i.e. single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and copy number variants
(CNVs), respectively.
Figure 1. Overview of key interactions between nutrition and genes; modified from (Dauncey, 2012)
This short review aims to increase understanding of the complex interactions between nutrition,
genes and health. It highlights the importance of the One Health comparative approach to
nutrigenomics and its importance to avian biology. The focus of this review is on recent advances in
genomics and epigenomics, especially in relation to underlying mechanisms and relevance to avian
health, welfare and production.
The One Health approach aims to optimize health in humans, animals and the environment (Ducrot
et al., 2011; Dauncey, 2013b). Studies in comparative biology and medicine are advancing
understanding of health and disease across species: advances in animals are relevant to humans and
findings in humans have important implications for animal health. Numerous studies have identified
the importance of this approach to cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying many aspects of
biology including growth, development, metabolism and endocrinology (Dauncey, 1995; Dauncey
et al., 2001; Dauncey et al., 2004). Important comparisons can be made in relation to cells, tissues,
organs and systems, including gastrointestinal, muscular, adipose, cardiac and neurological.
In relation to comparative nutrigenomics it is essential to take account of the many similarities and
differences between species. These include nutrition and diet, ambient temperature and humidity,
activity, age, stage of development at birth, body size, life-span, and metabolic, digestive, endocrine
and neurological systems. In many respects, not only does the chicken make a valuable model for
the human infant, but advances in human nutrition and development are relevant to avian species.
Indeed, recent advances in many species including honey bees, rodents, swine and humans are
increasing knowledge of development, growth, metabolism, welfare and production in poultry.
The genome is extremely sensitive to its nutritional environment. Specific food components and
overall energy status profoundly influence the action of numerous genes implicated in health and
disease (Dauncey and Astley, 2006; Dauncey, 2012; de Godoy and Swanson, 2013; Dauncey,
2014a, b). By contrast with single-gene disorders, many chronic diseases are polygenic:
cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancers frequently involve many genes and gene variants that
interact with multiple environmental factors.
Two complementary and equally valid approaches are being used to investigate nutrition-gene
interactions. First, specific genes can be investigated in depth, using established techniques of
molecular and cell biology (Ekmay et al., 2013). This approach has led to numerous important
findings. Second, the more recent development of high-throughput technologies has enabled
genome-wide analysis in which numerous genes are investigated simultaneously (Brennan et al.,
2013; de Oliveira et al., 2013). This approach is also enabling considerable progress in
nutrigenomics. Initially, the focus of genome-wide analysis was on protein-coding regions of the
genome and messenger-RNAs (mRNAs). More recently, progress in methodology has enabled
assessment of the entire genome, thus enabling evaluation of multiple non-protein-coding RNAs
that play a key role in regulating gene expression (Dauncey, 2013a).
Recent advances in DNA sequencing technology have revolutionized understanding of the
mechanisms underlying regulation of growth and development in health and disease (Liu, 2011;
Kilpinen and Barrett, 2013). Compared with methods used by the Human Genome Project, modern
sequencers are 50,000-fold faster and have dramatically reduced the cost of DNA sequencing by a
factor of more than 50,000. These new technologies are thus enabling major advances in
understanding of genomics and epigenomics and their relevance to nutritional regulation of health
and disease (Dauncey, 2013a).
Nutrition has both direct and indirect effects on gene expression, with indirect effects being exerted
via cell signalling pathways (Dauncey et al., 2001; Dauncey et al., 2004; Dauncey and White, 2004;
Gomez-Pinilla, 2008; Dauncey, 2009, 2012). In relation to direct effects, many nutrients and
metabolites are ligands for nuclear receptors/transcription factors e.g. vitamin A (retinoic acid
receptor, RAR), vitamin D (vitamin D receptor, VDR), vitamin E (pregnane X receptor, PXR),
calcium (calcineurin), zinc (metal-responsive transcription factor 1, MTF1), fatty acids (peroxisome
proliferator activated receptors, PPARs; sterol regulatory element binding proteins, SREBPs).
An example of the indirect effects of nutrition on genes is given by fatty acids: their metabolism
alters intracellular energy balance, leading to changes in cellular NAD homeostasis, which is
associated with alterations in chromatin remodelling, DNA function and gene regulation.
Carbohydrates, amino acids and energy status also have profound effects on signalling molecules
and their receptors, with important consequences for health and disease. Energy status, for example,
influences numerous hormones and growth factors. Polypeptide hormones including growth
hormone, insulin-like growth factors (IGFs), insulin and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
act on plasma membrane-bound receptors to trigger gene transcription via intracellular signalling
pathways. Lipophilic hormones, including thyroid hormones and glucocorticoids, act on their
nuclear receptors to regulate transcription of multiple genes via DNA binding and chromatin
remodelling (Dauncey, 2014a). Epigenetic mechanisms are thus clearly involved in these responses
and these are discussed in the following section.
Nutrition affects gene expression at levels of transcription, translation and post-translational
modifications. Epigenetic mechanisms play a key role in some of these responses (Mathers et al.,
2010; Pham and Lee, 2012; Dauncey, 2013a; Murrell et al., 2013; Dauncey, 2014a, b). They are
fundamental to normal development, and enable cell-specific and age-related gene expression.
Although epigenetic events can be highly stable, they can also be reversible, emphasizing critical
roles for nutrition in modulation of health and disease. Many nutritional components have both
immediate and long-term effects on the epigenome, including energy status and dietary methyl
donors such as folate, vitamin B12, choline and methionine.
5.1. Epigenetic mechanisms
The term epigenetics means 'above genetics' and includes mechanisms that alter gene expression
without changes in DNA sequence. Precise definitions vary widely: depending on the area of study,
investigators may be concerned with transient or stable effects, with the latter sometimes involving
heritable changes between generations. Epigenetic mechanisms often involve chemical marking of
chromatin i.e. the form in which DNA is packaged with histone proteins in the cell nucleus.
Epigenetic marks can induce chromatin remodelling and related changes in gene expression. They
include DNA methylation, which reduces gene activity, and histone modifications such as
acetylation, which increases gene activity. Figure 2 illustrates the changes induced in chromatin and
gene expression by histone acetylation changes. Additional epigenetic mechanisms involve non-
protein-coding RNAs (ncRNAs), RNA editing, telomere control and chromosomal position effects.
Figure 2. Histone acetylation increases gene expression via changes in chromatin remodelling;
for details, see (Dauncey et al., 2001; Dauncey et al., 2004; Dauncey, 2013a)
Although protein-coding genes are the subject of many functional studies, most of the genome gives
rise to ncRNAs that nevertheless play key roles in development, health and disease (Li et al., 2012)
(Qureshi and Mehler, 2012; Dauncey, 2013a; Wang et al., 2013). Numerous studies have revealed a
central role for ncRNAs as regulators of transcription, epigenetic processes and gene silencing
(Derrien et al., 2012; Dunham et al., 2012; Rinn and Chang, 2012). Moreover, there are key
interactions between ncRNAs and environmental factors such as nutrition (Dauncey, 2013a, 2014a).
Multiple gene variants in protein-coding and non-coding regions of the genome add a further level
of control and these are discussed in section 6 of this review.
5.2. Early-life nutrition programming of later health and disease
Nutrition-gene interactions are critical for growth, development and function throughout life.
Especially important is early-life experience: in human adults the incidence of numerous diseases is
related in part to early nutrition (Lucas, 1994; Barker, 1995; Dauncey, 1997; Dauncey and Bicknell,
1999; Dauncey, 2004, 2009, 2012). Programming is the phenomenon whereby an insult, such as
malnutrition, acting during a critical period has long-term or permanent effects on structure and
function. Both the timing and type of insult are important to later health and disease. Critical
periods of development occur prenatally and in early postnatal life, indicating that optimal nutrition
is especially important during these stages of the life-cycle.
Both prenatal and postnatal nutrition can affect health and disease in later life, and these effects may
even be passed between generations. Epigenetic mechanisms are implicated in the programming of
many human diseases. These include metabolic disorders such as obesity and diabetes, cancers, and
neurodevelopmental disorders (Dauncey, 2012, 2013a). Moreover, maternal environment can
critically affect both immediate and long-term development of the offspring (Waterland and Jirtle,
2003; Dauncey, 2014a, b; Rush et al., 2014). Changes are related to energy status and specific
nutrients. For example, maternal dietary methyl supplements alter the phenotype of rat offspring by
methylating the epigenome. Similarly, avian maternal and embryonic nutrition can have long-term
and transgenerational effects on growth, development, welfare and production, in part via changes
in epigenetic regulation (Uni et al., 2005; Fresard et al., 2013).
Epigenetic marks can be stable and heritable, suggesting a mechanism for programming of later
health or disease and transgenerational inheritance. However, it should be stressed that epigenetic
mechanisms are plastic and reversible. Thus, environment and lifestyle can alter the early-life
environmental and genetic determination of phenotype. The possibility is that, in humans, optimal
infant and adult nutrition could be used to ameliorate or reverse the adverse effects of early-life
experience. In avian production, if early nutrition is modified to optimize later performance, then
care must be taken to ensure that an adverse postnatal and adult environment does not harm these
early advantages.
Differences in DNA sequence can influence gene expression, phenotype, responses to environment
and risk of disease (Dauncey and Astley, 2006; Dauncey, 2009, 2012). Gene variants include
relatively rare mutations, and more common single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and DNA
copy number variants (CNVs). These have the ability to markedly affect the extent to which
nutrition influences the expression of multiple genes.
Mutations involve a change in DNA sequence that can result in a loss or change in gene function.
They are sometimes linked with rare single gene disorders, such as phenylketonuria. By contrast,
common gene variants involving a change of a single nucleotide in at least 1% of the population are
termed SNPs. They have a key role in individual responses to nutrition and are linked with many
polygenic common disorders in humans: the combined action of alleles from several genes
increases the risk of obesity, diabetes, cancers, cardiovascular disease and brain disorders. Genome-
wide association studies on large numbers of individuals are significantly advancing understanding
of the role of SNPs in responses to nutrition. For example, a physically active life-style is associated
with a 40% reduction in the genetic predisposition to obesity (Li et al., 2010). This finding resulted
from genotyping 12 SNPs in obesity-associated loci, in a study involving more than 20,000 people.
Numerous SNPs also have key roles in avian responses to nutrition. IGF1 and lysine (K)-specific
histone demethylase 5A (KDM5A) have important roles, respectively, in growth and epigenetic
regulation of genes in the cell cycle, respectively. Recent findings demonstrated that several
polymorphisms in the IGF1 and KDM5A genes are associated with performance, fatness and
carcass traits (Boschiero et al., 2013). For example, body weight, feed intake and abdominal fat
were affected by significant interactions between genotype and gender.
By contrast with SNPs, CNVs are structural gene variants that involve multiple copies or deletions
of large parts of the genome, and can affect from 1 kb to many megabases of DNA per event
(Redon et al., 2006). CNVs can be inherited or result from de novo mutation, and occur in genes,
parts of genes and outside genes. Changes in a gene or its regulatory region can profoundly affect
RNA and protein expression. These common insertions or deletions are often linked with genes
involved in molecular-environment interactions. The extent to which CNVs are involved in
multifactorial common diseases is the focus of considerable interest (Morrow, 2010; Guffanti et al.,
Genome-wide study of different chicken breeds reveals large-scale variations in SNPs and CNVs
(Fan et al., 2013). In relation to DNA copy number, array comparative genomic hybridization
(aCGH) using blood DNA from a wide range of chicken breeds revealed 3154 CNVs, grouped into
1556 CNV regions (Crooijmans et al., 2013). The average size of the CNVs was 46.3 kb, with the
largest being 4.3 Mb. Approximately 75% were copy number losses, relative to the Red Jungle
Fowl reference genome. Genome coverage was found to be 60 Mb i.e. almost 5.4% of the chicken
genome. Many of the CNVs are line-specific and probably related to the causative mutation of
phenotypic variants. Overall, these findings are highly significant to avian nutrigenomics. Many
CNVs probably affect qualitative and quantitative traits that are of economic importance, global
characterisation of CNVs will help to identify relevant structural variations in the chicken genome,
and results will complement knowledge about SNPs. This should provide new information on the
molecular basis of phenotypic variation and disease; genes relevant to growth, appetite and
metabolism; and the role of gene variability in responses to nutrition.
Nutrition-gene interactions are important throughout life, with prenatal and early postnatal
development being especially susceptible to nutrition. Effects may be beneficial or harmful, and
have both immediate and long-term consequences. Knowledge of individual gene variability and
epigenetic mechanisms underlying gene expression is critical to the understanding of nutritional
regulation of optimal and sub-optimal growth, development and health. Interactions between
nutrition and other environmental factors add a further level of control and these are discussed in a
related review article (Dauncey, 2014a).
Progress in nutrigenomics and epigenomics is relevant to numerous aspects of avian health, welfare
and production. These include the growth and function of cells, tissues, organs and systems, stress
resilience, breeder fertility, quality and production of eggs and broiler meat, and feed efficiency and
costs. Significant advances are dependent on comparative studies in a wide range of species,
including worms, insects, rodents, pigs and humans.
Future advances depend in part on very large-scale investigations of the whole genome and the
epigenomes of specific cell types, together with their highly complex regulatory networks.
Technological progress combined with innovative approaches should result in significant advances
in the understanding of nutritional genomics and its role in optimal health and prevention or
amelioration of disease.
This review is based on MJD Lecture 1 for the FACTA Avian Nutrigenomics Course, Brazil 2014.
I thank many colleagues world-wide for valuable discussion; the organizers and sponsors of the
Course, especially Professor Marcos Macari, for inviting me to lecture at this prestigious event;
computing and library staff at the University of Cambridge for expert advice. Parts of the article are
based on previous publications including (Dauncey et al., 2001; Dauncey et al., 2004; Dauncey and
White, 2004; Dauncey, 2009, 2012, 2013a, b); additional references can be found in these articles.
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... These include: food intake, specific nutrients, physical activity, environmental temperature, relative humidity, lighting, physiological and psychological stress, social interactions, living conditions, handling, transport, infections, toxins, gender, age, stage of development, and gene variants including mutations, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and DNA copy number variants (CNVs). Fundamentally, the effects of environment are mediated by changes in gene expression and often involve epigenetic mechanisms (Zhang and Meaney, 2010;Dauncey, 2013a, b;Fresard et al., 2013;Dauncey, 2014b). These can induce chromatin remodelling and related changes in gene expression, without changes in the underlying DNA sequence. ...
... Environment-gene interactions are important throughout life, and the multiple beneficial or harmful effects can be immediate or long-term (Dauncey, 2014b). In relation to heat stress, thermal manipulation in embryogenesis can enhance HSP70 gene expression and thermotolerance in broiler chicks (Al-Zghoul et al., 2013). ...
... Energy status influences numerous hormones, growth factors and cell signalling molecules. Molecules including thyroid hormones (THs), glucocorticoids, insulin, insulin-like growth factors (IGFs), and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) act as nutritional sensors to influence multiple cells, organs, tissues and physiological systems via changes in gene expression (Katsumata et al., 2000;Dauncey et al., 2001;White et al., 2001;Dauncey, 2014b). Their actions are mediated by specific receptors that are developmentally and environmentally regulated and have a pivotal role in structure and function. ...
Conference Paper
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Nutrition is one of many environmental and epigenetic regulators that have a major influence on health, welfare and production. Important variables include food intake, activity, temperature, living conditions and stress. Moreover, outcome is dependent on age, gender and life experience. Fundamentally, these actions are dependent on changes in gene expression. Especially important is the influence of energy status: energy intake, energy metabolism, physical activity and thermal environment have multiple interacting effects on growth and development of cells, organs, tissues and systems. Effects on neurological development and function, for example, affect multiple aspects of animal production, including growth, metabolism and welfare. Epigenetic mechanisms play a central role in these responses, in part via changes in expression of cell signalling molecules such as thyroid hormones (TH) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Recent advances show that optimal mammalian brain health results from a sophisticated network of interactions between numerous genetic and environmental factors, including nutrition. Similarly, avian neurology is affected by multiple environment-gene interactions. Impairment of brain development and function adversely affects many parameters including feeding behaviour, metabolism, growth and well-being. Further understanding of the complex interactions between nutrition, environment and gene expression should help to improve avian health, welfare and production.
... With the advancement of science, the discipline of nutriomics or nutrigenomics was introduced to get insights regarding how could food bioactive molecules and genes influence the health of an individual positively and negatively (C. Kole andAG Abbott 2011 for ICPN at PAG 2011;Dauncey 2014;Cozzolino and Cominetti 2013). Nutrigenomics is an area of nutrition that corresponds to the use of physiology, biochemistry, genomics, metabolomics, proteomics, transcriptomics, nutrition, and epigenomics to explain the reciprocal interaction of nutrients and genes at the molecular level (Dauncey 2014;Cozzolino and Cominetti 2013). ...
... Kole andAG Abbott 2011 for ICPN at PAG 2011;Dauncey 2014;Cozzolino and Cominetti 2013). Nutrigenomics is an area of nutrition that corresponds to the use of physiology, biochemistry, genomics, metabolomics, proteomics, transcriptomics, nutrition, and epigenomics to explain the reciprocal interaction of nutrients and genes at the molecular level (Dauncey 2014;Cozzolino and Cominetti 2013). The study of nutrigenomics has progressed considerably in recent times, nutrigenomics aims at understanding the impact of nutritional factors in protecting the genome. ...
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Nutritional genomics is one of the emerging fields of food sciences for innovative trends in food sciences. Understanding of the genetics of the human health and diseases is very important to set the diet and nutrition plans. Functional genomics studies have paved the path to the cure of the disease with diet. With the advancement in the field of genetics and genomics especially next generation sequencing and molecular markers, nutrigenomics has been gaining much attention in the field of food sciences. The chapter will elaborate challenges and opportunities associated with the field of nutrigenomics and will propose strategies to address the issues.
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This book describes the development, growth and adaptation of livestock muscle tissue and contains 18 chapters divided into physiology, genetics and meat quality sections. The physiology section contains chapters on the mechanism of muscle fibre development in the fetus and the importance of high muscle fibre numbers for muscle mass and meat quality (1); muscle fibre type identification and characterization in livestock (2); manipulation of muscle fibre number during prenatal development (3); the effect of growth and exercise on muscle characteristics in relation to meat quality (4); implications of nutrition, hormone receptor expression and gene interactions for muscle development and disease (5); the impact of minerals and micronutrients on growth control (6); significance of exercise and thyroid hormones for development and performance (7); local and systemic regulation of muscle growth (8) and proteolytic systems and regulation of muscle remodelling and breakdown (9). The genetics section contains chapters on the muscle regulatory factors gene family in relation to meat production (10); the muscle transcriptome (11); genome analysis of quantitative trait loci for muscle tissue development and meat quality (12); functional genomics and proteomics in relation to muscle tissue (13); role of myostatin in muscle growth (14) and the genetics, physiology and meat quality aspects of the Callipyge mutation for sheep muscular hypertrophy (15). The meat quality section contains chapters on the genetic control of intramuscular fat accretion (16); postmortem muscle proteolysis and meat tenderness (17) and the water holding capacity of meat (18). Each chapter ends with a list of references and an index is located at the end of the book. This book will be of value for those interested in skeletal muscle biology and meat quality.
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Nutrition is one of many environmental and epigenetic regulators that have a major influence on health, welfare and production. Important variables include food intake, activity, temperature, living conditions and stress. Moreover, outcome is dependent on age, gender and life experience. Fundamentally, these actions are dependent on changes in gene expression. Especially important is the influence of energy status: energy intake, energy metabolism, physical activity and thermal environment have multiple interacting effects on growth and development of cells, organs, tissues and systems. Effects on neurological development and function, for example, affect multiple aspects of animal production, including growth, metabolism and welfare. Epigenetic mechanisms play a central role in these responses, in part via changes in expression of cell signalling molecules such as thyroid hormones (TH) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Recent advances show that optimal mammalian brain health results from a sophisticated network of interactions between numerous genetic and environmental factors, including nutrition. Similarly, avian neurology is affected by multiple environment-gene interactions. Impairment of brain development and function adversely affects many parameters including feeding behaviour, metabolism, growth and well-being. Further understanding of the complex interactions between nutrition, environment and gene expression should help to improve avian health, welfare and production.
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Introdução: A genômica nutricional é o estudo das interações entre nutrição e o genoma, e inclui tanto a nutrigenômica quanto a nutrigenética (Figura 1). A terminologia ainda está sendo desenvolvida (Elliott & Ong, 2002, Müller & Kersten, 2003; DeBusk et al, 2005) e a definição de algumas das palavras-chave usadas nesta revisão é apresentada na Tabela 1. Por combinar novas tecnologias aos estudos da nutrição clássica, esta abordagem integrada tem como objetivo compreender como a dieta interage com o genoma humano para influenciar a saúde e a doença (Mathers, 2004; Ordovas & Corella, 2004). Diversas pesquisas estão sendo realizadas no mundo todo, envolvendo uma extensa rede de pesquisadores (Kaput et al, 2005). A União Européia desempenha um papel central na genômica nutricional e a European Nutrigenomics Organisation (Organização Européia de Nutrigenômica) engloba 22 organizações de 10 países europeus. Organizações tais como a Nutrigenomics, dos Estados Unidos, e a Nutrigenomics da Nova Zelândia, também participam de amplas colaborações de pesquisas multidisciplinares (Tabela 2). Interações entre o genoma, o meioambiente e agentes patogênicos têm conseqüências imediatas e a longo prazo, na saúde e na doença (Dauncey, 2004; Dauncey & White, 2004). Com doenças poligênicas multifatoriais, tais como a obesidade, diabetes, doenças cardiovasculares e câncer, é provável que a genética, a nutrição e o estilo de vida possam ser usadas para identificar os riscos e as intervenções alvo. A compreensão molecular de como a nutrição afeta o corpo como um todo, por alterar a expressão e a função genética, deve permitir a avaliação de requerimentos nutricionais individuais, e promover a melhora da saúde e da qualidade de vida. Por diversos anos, o conhecimento detalhado de genes específicos favorece pesquisas sobre diversos aspectos das interações nutrição-gene. O seqüenciamento do genoma humano e o desenvolvimento de tecnologias de alta qualidade agora também permitem a realização de pesquisas sobre o impacto global da nutrição em células, tecidos, órgãos e sistemas fisiológicos específicos.
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A nutrição precoce (no período pré e pós-natal) pode comprometer o desenvolvimento imediato e a longo prazo, com profundas conseqüências nas doenças degenerativas de adultos. Além disso, o risco de uma doença tardia é maior quando a subnutrição intra-uterina e a restrição do crescimento são seguidas pela supernutrição e pelo crescimento compensatório. Há evidências crescentes de que a " programação " metabólica da doença do adulto é mediada por hormônios. Portanto, essa revisão se concentra na nossa pesquisa sobre o papel-chave dos hormônios na regulação nutricional do desenvolvimento. A nutrição precoce afeta inúmeros hormônios e seus receptores, que por sua vez regulam a expressão de uma vasta gama de genes envolvidos no crescimento, diferenciação e metabolismo. Nossos resultados recentes sobre a expressão do gene receptor de hormônios em músculos funcionalmente diferentes como o esquelético e o cardíaco enfatizam os mecanismos pelos quais a subnutrição pode comprometer o desenvolvimento e causar resistência à insulina, diabetes e doença cardiovascular (Dauncey et al., 2001). A melhor compreensão dos mecanismos subjacentes à regulação nutricional do desenvolvimento se faz urgente para que se determine estratégias ótimas para a prevenção de doenças, promoção da saúde, qualidade de vida e longevidade.
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Early malnutrition can impair both immediate and long-term development, with profound consequences for health and disease. Understanding of mechanisms underlying nutritional regulation of development therefore has critical implications for disease prevention, quality of life and longevity. There is increasing evidence that metabolic programming is hormonally mediated and this response probably involves multiple interactions at the cellular and molecular levels. Numerous signalling molecules are involved in the complex communication network that White 50 operates at cell-environment, cell-cell and intracellular levels to coordinate development. Adhesion molecules, hormones, growth factors, regulatory proteins and transcription factors play key roles in mediating the effects of nutrition on expression of a vast array of genes involved in differentiation, growth and metabolism. Early nutrition can profoundly alter the phenotypic expression of a given genotype and this review focuses on mechanisms by which nutrition controls developmental gene expression via its effects on cell communication. Attention is focused on the insulin signalling pathways because of their pivotal role in growth, metabolism, energy homeostasis and longevity. Insight into nutrition-signalling-gene interactions during successive phases of development will lead to improvements in strategies for optimizing health, and both reducing incidence and improving treatment of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer.
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Nutrition affects the brain throughout life, with profound implications for cognitive decline and dementia. These effects are mediated by changes in expression of multiple genes, and responses to nutrition are in turn affected by individual genetic variability. An important layer of regulation is provided by the epigenome: nutrition is one of the many epigenetic regulators that modify gene expression without changes in DNA sequence. Epigenetic mechanisms are central to brain development, structure and function, and include DNA methylation, histone modifications and non-protein-coding RNAs. They enable cell-specific and age-related gene expression. Although epigenetic events can be highly stable, they can also be reversible, highlighting a critical role for nutrition in prevention and treatment of disease. Moreover, they suggest key mechanisms by which nutrition is involved in the pathogenesis of age-related cognitive decline: many nutrients, foods and diets have both immediate and long-term effects on the epigenome, including energy status, that is, energy intake, physical activity, energy metabolism and related changes in body composition, and micronutrients involved in DNA methylation, for example, folate, vitamins B6 and B12, choline, methionine. Optimal brain function results from highly complex interactions between numerous genetic and environmental factors, including food intake, physical activity, age and stress. Future studies linking nutrition with advances in neuroscience, genomics and epigenomics should provide novel approaches to the prevention of cognitive decline, and treatment of dementia and Alzheimer's disease.European Journal of Clinical Nutrition advance online publication, 3 September 2014; doi:10.1038/ejcn.2014.173.
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Little is known about epigenetic mechanisms in birds, except the phenomenon of dosage compensation of sex chromosomes, although such mechanisms could be involved in the phenotypic variability of birds, as in several livestock species. This paper reviews the literature on epigenetic mechanisms that could contribute significantly to trait variability in birds, and compares the results to the existing knowledge of epigenetic mechanisms in mammals. The main issues addressed in this paper are: (1) How does the embryo environment influence the adult phenotype in avian species? (2) Does the embryo environment have an impact on phenotypic variability across several successive generations? The potential for epigenetic studies to improve the performance of individual animals through the implementation of limited changes in breeding conditions or the addition of new parameters in selection models is still an open question. Introduction This review reproduces to a large extent the article by Frésard et al, 2013 (Frésard et al., (2013)). Several results obtained in the laboratory will also be presented. Most economically relevant traits in animal production exhibit continuous phenotypic variations due to polygenic and environmental factors. Whereas many quantitative trait loci (QTL) have been identified for agronomic traits, in most cases, the underlying genes remain largely unknown. Genome-wide association studies have shown that, except for rare monogenic traits, the variability of complex traits is only partially explained by genetic variation (Manolio et al., (2009)). Possible explanations include epistatic effects, structural variations, and insufficient detection power due to lack of individuals or markers (Manolio et al., (2009), Makowsky et al., (2011)). Both epidemiological studies in humans and genetic studies in animals have revealed that, in addition to the DNA sequence, epigenetic marks may be transmitted across generations and influence the phenotype of offspring (Jablonka and Raz, (2009)). There are many discussions in the literature on what the term "epigenetics" refers to and this leads to numerous definitions. While some definitions restrict epigenetics to modifications of the phenotype without changes of the DNA sequence that are transmitted to the next generations (Ho and Burggren, (2010)), other broader definitions include any form of information storage that maintains the DNA sequence intact, as described by Bird: "the structural adaptation of chromosomal regions so as to register, signal or perpetuate altered activity states" (Bird, (2007)). The former definitions link the term "epigenetic" to inheritance and the latter also refer to any phenomenon that leads to phenotypic plasticity. These two visions share a common feature i.e. the molecular mechanisms involved. The epigenetic machinery encompasses chromatin folding and its attachment to the nuclear matrix, packaging of DNA around nucleosomes, covalent modifications of histone tails, DNA methylation, and regulatory non coding RNA (such as miRNA, snoRNA, lncRNA). Epigenetic marks have been shown to actively contribute to the determination of patterns of gene silencing or active transcription and to participate in the lineage and tissue-specific expression of genes (Youngson and Whitelaw, (2008), Feil and Fraga, (2012), Mazzio and Soliman, (2012)). Epigenetic marks are heritable from cell to cell through lineage development, and when acquired in early life, they can have an impact on the adult phenotype. They can also have an impact on the phenotypes of subsequent generations through multigenerational effects that occur either via epigenetic changes acquired during embryonic development, or through the inheritance of epigenetic marks via the gametes (Jablonka and Raz, (2009), Daxinger and Whitelaw, (2012)). In this review, we retain the definition given by Feil and Fraga (Feil and Fraga, (2012)): "Epigenetics is the study of mitotically and/or meiotically heritable changes in gene function that cannot be explained by changes in DNA sequence". Understanding the epigenetic regulation of gene expression due to environmental factors should provide important new insights into animal breeding, since the same genetic information may be used differently by individuals grown in different environments. However, epigenetic regulation of gene expression is not always environment-dependent as for parental imprinting in which parent-of-origin-specific expression of a subset of genes is regulated by epigenetic mechanisms. Examples of such loci have been documented in livestock species i.e. the locus responsible for the callipyge phenotype in sheep (Cockett et al., (1996)) and the locus that controls IGF2 expression in pigs (Van Laere et al., (2003)).
We investigated the genome-wide distribution of CNVs in the Alzheimer's Disease (AD) Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) sample (146 with AD, 313 with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), and 181 controls). Comparison of single CNVs between cases (MCI and AD) and controls show overrepresentation of large heterozygous deletions in cases (p-value<0.0001). The analysis of CNV-Regions identifies 44 copy number variable loci of heterozygous deletions, with more CNV-Regions among affected than controls (p=0.005). Seven of the 44 CNV-Regions are nominally significant for association with cognitive impairment. We validated and confirmed our main findings with genome re-sequencing of selected patients and controls. The functional pathway analysis of the genes putatively affected by deletions of CNV-Regions reveals enrichment of genes implicated in axonal guidance, cell-cell adhesion, neuronal morphogenesis and differentiation. Our findings support the role of CNVs in AD, and suggest an association between large deletions and the development of cognitive impairment.