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Climate change, environmental sustainability, and financial risks: are we close to an understanding?



Climate change and other threats to environmental sustainability will have an increasingly material impact on financial actors. However, transmission channels and possible spillover effects remain understudied. This review paper summarizes recent works published on these intersections and portraits venues for further research. In this respect, late advances on the control of the impact of climate change-related risks on financial risks have been relevant. New climate scenario analyses, stress testing techniques, and disclosure requirements have been recently introduced. Existing risk management frameworks are being updated to integrate climate change-related risks. Yet, as the development of new practices continues, the need for assessing their effectiveness and limitations, from a risk management as well as a financial stability perspective, remains. In this vein, sufficient attention needs also to be paid to emerging market failures linked to climate change. These include noninsurability of risks and credit rationing or mispricing, potentially hampering adaptation and mitigation investments in some areas. Last, while focus has been put thus far mainly on climate change, time has come to accelerate the debate on the financial implications of other threats to the environment. This is notably the case of loss of biodiversity, by also taking stock of the work of the Conference of the Parties (COP).
Available online at
Climate change, environmental sustainability, and
financial risks: are we close to an understanding?
Marco Migliorelli
Climate change and other threats to environmental
sustainability will have an increasingly material impact on
nancial actors. However, transmission channels and possible
spillover effects remain understudied. This review paper
summarizes recent works published on these intersections and
portraits venues for further research. In this respect, late
advances on the control of the impact of climate change-related
risks on nancial risks have been relevant. New climate
scenario analyses, stress testing techniques, and disclosure
requirements have been recently introduced. Existing risk
management frameworks are being updated to integrate
climate change-related risks. Yet, as the development of new
practices continues, the need for assessing their effectiveness
and limitations, from a risk management as well as a nancial
stability perspective, remains. In this vein, sufcient attention
needs also to be paid to emerging market failures linked to
climate change. These include noninsurability of risks and credit
rationing or mispricing, potentially hampering adaptation and
mitigation investments in some areas. Last, while focus has
been put thus far mainly on climate change, time has come to
accelerate the debate on the nancial implications of other
threats to the environment. This is notably the case of loss of
biodiversity, by also taking stock of the work of the Conference
of the Parties (COP).
European Commission, Rue de la Loi, Brussels, Belgium
IAE University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Sorbonne Business
School), 12 Rue Jean Antoine de Baïf, 75013 Paris, France
Corresponding author: Migliorelli, Marco
The contents included in this chapter do not necessarily reect the
ofcial opinion of the European Commission. Responsibility for the in-
formation and views expressed lies entirely with the author.
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2023, 65:101388
This review comes from a themed issue on Climate Finance, Risk
and Accounting
Edited by Rosella Carè, Othmar Lehner and Olaf Weber
For complete overview of the section, please refer to the article
collection, “Climate Finance, Risks and Accounting
Available online 2 December 2023
Received: 29 August 2023; Revised: 23 October 2023;
Accepted: 9 November 2023
1877–3435/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is
an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
The nexus between sustainability and nancial risks is
an emerging eld of research laying in the intersection
between natural sciences and social sciences. It has to
be encompassed in the general discourse on the re-
lationship linking nowadays sustainability and nance,
and for which an increasing volume of research is being
made available focussing on the investigation of the
role of nance in shaping a more sustainable society
(e.g. [40,51,67]). Frameworks such as sustainable -
nance, green nance, and impact investing, among
others, are at the heart of this effort (e.g. [44]). This
body of literature has been incentivized by an un-
precedented political commitment toward sustain-
ability, mainly built around the Paris Agreement and
the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the
consequent engagement of policymakers and regulators
to deliver on the transition objectives.
This review paper aims to provide a concise overview of
the recent works published on the relation between
environmental sustainability and nancial risks, with a
focus on the implications for banks and insurance com-
panies. In this respect, it acknowledges the prominent
role given thus far by researchers and public institutions
to the investigation of the impact of climate change on
nancial risks, vis-à-vis other possible threats to en-
vironmental sustainability. These latter include loss of
biodiversity, depletion of nonrenewable natural re-
sources, pollution (in its different forms), deforestation,
soil degradation, and overuse or misuse of waters, to
name some. The recognition of this imbalance in lit-
erature represents a rst useful outcome of this paper,
and calls for new venues of research.
Climate change as an emerging source of
financial risks
Evidence of global warming caused by human activities
and its impact on climate change is now consolidated
[35,36]. However, the understanding of how the effects
of climate change relate to the risks in the remit of -
nancial intermediaries, in particular banks and insurance
companies, is still at a relatively early stage of develop-
ment. Seminal, awareness-rising contributions have ei-
ther described the mismatch between the long-term
occurrence of climate change-related risks and the ty-
pical short-term risk-taking strategies of nancial
]]]]]] Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2023, 65:101388
intermediaries as the tragedy of the horizon[20], or as-
sessed the likely nonlinearity and fat-tailed distributions
featuring climate change-related risks, coupled with the
lack of data on their economic impacts and of adapted
risk management frameworks, as the ideal conditions for
a green swan [13]. In this respect, physical risk, transi-
tion risk, and liability risks have been identied as the
main drivers of the diffusion of climate change-related
risks to nancial intermediaries, primarily through the
client they serve, which may be directly concerned (e.g.
[4,9]). This is mainly the case of businesses but it also
refers to households and public administrations, not-
withstanding the at least theoretical possibility of direct
impacts of climate change-related events on nancial
intermediaries. Some relevant attempts have been re-
cently produced as concerns the identication of the
features and the functioning of the specic transmission
channels and of possible spillover effects [9,45]. Yet,
very limited empirical evidence still features the eld.
The increasing consideration of the materiality of cli-
mate change-related risks at rm as well as nancial in-
termediary level has eventually raised the question of
the possible implications in terms of nancial stability
(e.g. [6,10]). Similarly, it has paved the way to interna-
tional initiatives in support of climate-related nancial
disclosure [27,60,61] and the development of sustain-
ability accounting standards [37].
The climate change argument for nancial risks hence
mainly converges toward the need of assessing the im-
plications of climate change-related risks on the risks under
management by nancial intermediaries, in particular
credit risk, market risk, liquidity risk, liability risk, re-
putational risk, and even operational risk [9,43]. Figure 1
gives a general overview of the dynamics under discussion.
An increasingly warning evidence on the
impact of climate change on financial risks
Recent axes of development of literature
Academic researchers have lately contributed to this as-
sessment either indirectly by investigating the existence
and the magnitude of transition risk and physical risk for
specic economic sectors or geographical areas (e.g.
[25,32,56]), or more directly by trying to observe the sen-
sitiveness of various nancial risks or returns to climate
change-associated variables (in particular carbon emissions)
for large samples of banks or stocks (e.g. [12,63,64]). On
the other hand, regulators and nancial intermediaries,
having in mind respectively the need to preserve nancial
stability and integrate climate change-related risks in ex-
isting risk management frameworks, have prompted the
development of forward-looking computational modeling
(notably scenario analysis) and stress testing, taking as a
reference the asset and liability composition at a single -
nancial intermediary level (e.g. [3,49,8]).
Climate change-related risks and financial
Recent literature focussing on transition and physical
risks provides warning evidence. Results have been
produced supporting the thesis that climate change
should be already today considered a signicant source
of risk on the rm value [18,63]. To this extent, investors
are starting demanding compensation to businesses re-
sponsible for carbon emissions [11••,19], and to those
more exposed to temperature rise, as perceived sig-
nicantly riskier [64]. The introduction of carbon taxes
and other policies aiming at supporting the achievement
of the objectives of the Paris Agreement is recognized as
the main source of transition risk for rms, by triggering
stranded assets [17,23,42]. However, accurate quanti-
cation of both transition and physical risk still remains a
substantial challenge for the industry, as well as puzzles
policymakers [53]. In addition, these risks can also be
exacerbated for rms by a rising number of successful
climate litigations [55,57].
These trends are generally conrmed by literature
leading the observation from the nancial intermediation
perspective, even though conclusions remain in this case
more nuanced. Studies show that banks’ exposure to
climate change-related risks, especially if acquired via the
lending channel, mostly lowers banks’ stability and in-
creases tail risks [10,25,66]. However, the impact on
banks may differ based on the type of climate change-
related risks, the banks’ size and business model, and
even their location [15,39]. In this line, recent evidence
suggests that incremental credit risk for banks stemming
from the introduction of an even heavy carbon tax may
result to be mild [1••]. This also highlights the relevance
of the risk management layer in shielding banks from the
transmission of climate change-related shocks. On the
other side, the transition to a low-carbon economy may
generate a signicant shift in the banks’ protability de-
pendence on specic sectors, with emerging clean sectors
taking an unprecedented prominent role [65]. This would
reinforce the need for banks to consider climate change as
a topic of strategic relevance and ensure its integration in
the governance processes, including at board level [16•].
As concerns more specically insurers, although less ex-
plored, late literature similarly advocates that the ex-
posure of insurance companies to natural disasters and
other climate change-related risks may decrease prot-
ability and risk-sharing capacity [66].
To investigate the level of preparedness of market actors
to manage climate change-related risks, nancial reg-
ulators have recently run a series of climate stress tests
[5,28]. The main aim was to assess the robustness of the
climate scenarios recently developed by nancial inter-
mediaries, as well as the level of integration in the ex-
isting risk management frameworks (e.g. [3,5]). In this
respect, climate scenarios considered both transition and
2Climate Finance, Risk and Accounting Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2023, 65:101388
physical risk: in the former case by typically taking into
account ‘orderlyand ‘disorderly’ transition pathways (e.g.
[7,28]), in the latter by anticipating different tempera-
ture rise and climate change patterns. As of today, cli-
mate scenario analysis can be considered still in its early
days, with notable data gaps making projections of cli-
mate change-related losses (in particular as concerns
credit and market portfolios) remaining uncertain [5].
Yet, some relevant developments in methodologies can
also be observed, including the adaptation of Value at
Risk techniques to integrate climate change-related risks
[24]. Looking forward, the principle that the design of
the measurement methodologies should be conducted
according to nature, size, and signicance of the con-
cerned nancial institutions would need to guide both
industry and regulatory efforts.
Climate change-related risks and financial stability
The issue of the implications of climate change in terms
of nancial stability is also increasingly discussed in lit-
erature. Recent evidence has conrmed that physical
risks and transition risks can exacerbate nancial sys-
temic risks, even though limited to the occurrence of the
most adverse climate scenarios [22,41•,54•]. At the same
time, except for the (relevant) efforts for the integration
of climate change-related risks into existing risk
management frameworks and for better disclosure, the
debate on how to mitigate systemic risk linked to cli-
mate change remains open. In this respect, the micro-
prudential framework and related banking regulation
have thus far not evolved signicantly. Capital buffers
and measures limiting exposure concentration have been
proposed only recently [34]. In this respect, in framing
the most effective regulatory approach, key elements
such as the size of the nancial institution and the in-
tensity of the climate change-related risks at a single-
institution level need to be taken into account. This
debate overlaps with the one on the potential role of
both prudential regulation and monetary policy in
speeding up the transition, with key trade-offs still to be
disentangled (e.g. [6,58,31]). This can be the case of a
supporting (punishing) factor consisting in lowering
(increasing) capital requirements for banks detaining
green (polluting) assets, that could contribute to in-
centivize new investments in clean industries but also
elicit uncertainties in terms of both its macroeconomic
and nancial stability feedback [26]. Similarly, the op-
portunity of taking into account any environmental
consideration or the economic impact of climate change
in the formulation of the monetary policy remains
questioned, as it could interfere with the main objective
of central banks of maintaining price stability [14,48].
Figure 1
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability
A (very) simplied risk chain linking climate change-related risks and nancial risks. Note: A — In this gure, nancial intermediaries include banks and
insurance companies. B — Transition risk impacts mainly businesses. It may stem from policy and technology shifts linked to the combat to climate
change, which can inter alia trigger stranded assets. Transition risk could also follow market-driven more stringent nancing conditions for polluting
sectors and, more generally, a permanent change in market preferences toward more sustainable products or companies. C — Credit risk concerns
banks only.
Source: Author’s elaboration.
Are We Close to an Understanding? Migliorelli 3 Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2023, 65:101388
The need of considering other environmental
sustainability threats and further research
Biodiversity loss as an emerging cause of financial risks
When it comes to their impact on nancial risks, the
different environmental sustainability threats have been
thus far addressed by policymakers and researchers in a
substantially separated manner [38•], with signicant
advances referable to date only to climate change. In
particular, thanks to the encouraging output of COP15,
hazards to biodiversity and actions to reduce biodiversity
loss have recently received revamped attention [21]. In
this respect, recent literature has already hinted that
biodiversity loss can be at a larger extent considered
another cause of stranded assets [17], be potentially
material for banks [59,62], and that its materiality should
be better assessed focusing on the local level due to the
nature of biodiversity impacts and their dependencies
[46]. To widen knowledge on the entire spectrum of
environmental sustainability-related risks, while the
policy and research patterns developed to address the
nancial implications of climate change can be broadly
replicated, a standardized approach should not be used.
In this respect, neglecting possible interactions between
the different environmental sustainability-related risks
(e.g. between climate change and biodiversity loss) as
well as their idiosyncratic characteristics (e.g. the time
horizon of their expected materiality) may lead to in-
accurate conclusions. This could undermine both pro-
gress on climate policies and the emerging work on
biodiversity loss-related nancial risks [38•].
Further areas of research and new market failures
Yet, to reach a fair understanding on the relationship
featuring environmental sustainability and nancial
risks, at least two additional areas of research would need
to be further developed in the next years. The rst refers
to the effectiveness of the nancial and management
practices adopted by nancial intermediaries and busi-
nesses to mitigate the impact of climate change and
other environmental sustainability-related risks on their
nancial risks. This assessment should include the ob-
servation of the results of the progressive integration of
environmental sustainability-related risks in existing risk
management frameworks and in the overall governance
structure [8]. These aspects could integrate the wider
literature already addressing the link between ESG
(environmental, social, and governance) performances
and nancial performances of rms (e.g. [2,30,47,29]).
Outputs of such analyses could also inform the policy
and industry debate on the structuring or rening of the
sustainable nance frameworks currently present in the
market. In this vein, an analysis on whether the issuance
of securities such as green or sustainability-linked bonds
contributes to reduce the inherent risk for rms linked to
climate change and other environmental sustainability
threats is also pertinent.
Finally, a relevant area of further research concerns the
possibility of the emergence of new market failures di-
rectly caused by climate change or other environmental
sustainability threats. Non-negligible market failures
may stem from the increasing awareness by nancial
intermediaries of the materiality of these threats and the
likely increase over time of the frequency and magni-
tude of tail events [35]. An argument can be made ac-
cording to the idea that conditions for noninsurability of
risks (e.g. in areas increasingly subject to extreme
weather events) and credit limitations or mispricing (e.g.
for companies in polluting industries) can emerge in the
near future in specic geographies or economic sectors.
This may follow a progressive increase in the cost of
accessing nancial services for businesses and house-
holds subject to physical or transition risks, which lit-
erature has in turn started to point out [33,50••,52••].
The social implications of this possible outcome, in-
cluding in terms of nancing mitigation and adaptation
initiatives, should be further assessed and effective
policy and industry responses proposed.
Data Availability
No data were used for the research described in the ar-
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing
nancial interests or personal relationships that could
have appeared to inuence the work reported in this
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•• of outstanding interest
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The authors studied the interrelation between the cost of mortgages and
sea level rise. They found that lenders already charge higher interest
rates for mortgages on properties exposed to a greater risk of sea level
rise. They observed that this premium is not present in short-term loans
and is not related to borrowers’ short-term realized default or cred-
itworthiness. The premium is smaller when the consequences of climate
change are less important and in areas with more ‘climate change de-
niers’ . In terms of methodology, the study focuses on coastal states in
the US and runs a series of regression specications. It uses the dif-
ference between the interest rate on mortgages in a specic year and zip
code and the 10-year US treasury bond as the response variable, and
the proportion of the property’s zip code that will be underwater if the
global sea level rises by 6 ft as an independent variable.
51. Rasoulinezhad E, Taghizadeh-Hesary F: Role of green finance in
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Reghezza A, Altunbas Y, Marques-Ibanez D, Rodriguez dAcri C,
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The authors analyzed the effect of the policies following the Paris
Agreement on the capital allocation of banks. They found that, after the
Agreement, European banks reallocated credit away from polluting rms
in relative terms. More specically, euro area banks’ loan share to more
polluting rms decreased by about 3% compared to less polluting
(or ‘green’ ) rms, and such a result is stronger for banks that are well
capitalized, have lower credit quality, and are less protable. The au-
thors used a difference-in-differences method matching loan-level data
to rm-level greenhouse gas emissions.
53. Rising J, Tedesco M, Piontek F, Stainforth DA: The missing risks
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and investment funds. J Financ Stab 2021, 54:100870.
The authors analysed the effects on nancial stability of the interaction
between climate transition risk and market conditions. They found that
in the event of a disorderly low-carbon transition, stronger market
conditions (in terms of recovery rate and asset price volatility) would
allow them to reach more ambitious climate policies at the same level of
nancial risk. In terms of methodology, they boosted a framework for a
climate stress-test of the nancial system by including an ex-ante net-
work valuation of nancial assets that takes into account asset price
volatility, and endogenous recovery rate on interbank assets, as well as
considers indirect contagion of banks and investment funds. They ran
analytical results and applied the model to a supervisory dataset in a
range of climate policy scenarios and market conditions.
55. Sato M, Gostlow G, Higham C, Setzer J, Venmans F. : Impacts of
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58. Smoleńska A, van ‘t Klooster J: A risky bet: climate change and
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6Climate Finance, Risk and Accounting Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2023, 65:101388
... In this sense, physical risk from climate change has the potential to transmit to credit, market, liquidity and operational risk (e.g. Migliorelli, 2023). ...
... The idea that the design of measurement methodologies to address climate-related risks should be conducted according to the nature, size and significance of the concerned financial institutions would need to guide both industry and regulatory efforts (Migliorelli, 2023). For local banks, this would mean to regularly assess the expected impact of climate change in the territory in which they operate, and identify the main specific risk factors, by applying a forward-looking approach. ...
... However, such a discussion has started only recently (Hiebert and Monnin, 2023). In framing the most effective regulatory approach, key elements such as the size of the financial institution and the intensity of the climate-related risks at a single-institution level should be taken into account (Migliorelli, 2023). In this respect, and in line with the application of the principle of proportionality that shapes the regulatory action 10 , the features and characteristics of local banks need to be explicitly considered when deciding on potential modifications to prudential regulation. ...
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This note discusses the implications of physical risk from climate change for local banks. Our discussion suggests that inherent characteristics such as geographical concentration, limited size and significant support to the agricultural sector may expose local banks to physical risk at a greater extent than other bank types, mainly via the lending channel. In addition, we argue that physical risk may have a negative impact on the lending capacity of local banks when they have limited access to risk-sharing mechanisms, face obstacles in raising capital or fail to effectively integrate physical risk into existing risk management frameworks due to lack of data or expertise. These elements are expected to affect local banks unevenly, depending on the specific impact of climate change in the geographic areas where they operate and on their organisational structure (e.g. whether or not they are part of a group or network). In this context, we also discuss what role relationship banking and availability of soft information can play in the management and pricing of physical risk.
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This paper aims to investigate the association between firms’ financial performance and their sustainability performance, as measured by Tobin's Q, with a focus on the individual ESG pillars. Our study analyzes constituents of the Stoxx Europe 600 index. We employ different econometric approaches and perform a comprehensive analysis of the post-2015 agreement concerning climate change. Results suggest a statistically positive relationship between firms’ ESG and financial performance, although of greater magnitude for the social component. Overall, our findings highlight the superior relevance of social performance in yielding shareholder value for the largest European firms.
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This article reviews the literature on the financial sector impacts of natural disasters and physical climate change risks, covering banking, insurance, stock markets, bond markets, and international financial flows. Most studies have applied statistical approaches to historical data from developed countries to identify these impacts, while some have also used theoretical and computational modeling to assess future risks under climate change scenarios. The findings show that natural disasters and climate change risks generally lower insurer profitability and risk-sharing capacity, bank stability and credit supply, returns and stability of stock and bond markets, foreign direct investment inflows, and international lending. Factors such as income levels, rigorous financial regulations, capital abundance, market diversification, and adaptation strategies mitigate the negative effects. Natural disasters increase remittance inflows and financial assistance to low- and middle-income countries. We recommend future research on forward-looking computational modeling to assess the future financial sector impacts of climate change, while accounting for adaptation actions and their drivers. Future research should also consider hazard correlations and the interactions between financial industries and regions to more comprehensively assess the economic effects of natural disasters in general and for vulnerable countries in particular. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Resource Economics, Volume 15 is October 2023. Please see for revised estimates.
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Using daily stock index data for global and G20 banks over the period from January 2011 to November 2019, we find that climate change risks have a negative impact on banks’ stock performance.
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The risks of climate change are enormous, threatening the lives and livelihoods of millions to billions of people. The economic consequences of many of the complex risks associated with climate change cannot, however, currently be quantified. Here we argue that these unquantified, poorly understood and often deeply uncertain risks can and should be included in economic evaluations and decision-making processes. We present an overview of these unquantified risks and an ontology of them founded on the reasons behind their lack of robust evaluation. These consist of risks missing owing to delays in sharing knowledge and expertise across disciplines, spatial and temporal variations of climate impacts, feedbacks and interactions between risks, deep uncertainty in our knowledge, and currently unidentified risks. We highlight collaboration needs within and between the natural and social science communities to address these gaps. We also provide an approach for integrating assessments or speculations of these risks in a way that accounts for interdependencies, avoids double counting and makes assumptions clear. Multiple paths exist for engaging with these missing risks, with both model-based quantification and non-model-based qualitative assessments playing crucial roles. A wide range of climate impacts are understudied or challenging to quantify, and are missing from current evaluations of the climate risks to lives and livelihoods. Strong interdisciplinary collaboration and deeper engagement with uncertainty is needed to properly inform policymakers and the public about climate risks. The unquantified, poorly understood and uncertain risks of climate change in economic valuations are identified and classified, and an integrated approach is proposed to include these missing risks in future valuations and decision-making processes.
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Banking regulation and supervision have a key role to play in realizing the EU’s climate change objectives. In this article, we analyse the EU-level initiatives currently underway to decarbonize the banking system, in particular with regard to the microprudential rulebook. We document how regulators work hard to fit climate policy into the existing objectives of the microprudential framework. We also assess whether these efforts are likely to be successful by sketching two ways forward, which involve their own distinct hazards. The first is a ‘Deferential Transition’, which sees policymakers rely on banks and external rating providers to develop adequate internal risk management procedures while taking a largely agnostic approach as to what methodologies are appropriate. If this is the way forward, we see a number of risks: banks have a clear incentive to downplay risk, while large financial institutions gain a significant advantage and the division of responsibility between banks and supervisors becomes blurred. We also outline the scenario of a ‘Guided Transition’, in which regulators provide fine-grained guidance on the future that banks should anticipate. Although we broadly think this approach is the more effective route to greening EU banking, we also see challenges of an entirely different sort: regulators will unavoidably face political choices and EU lawmakers will need to consider issues of legality, legitimacy, and accountability. In this regard, we argue, the EU faces a risky bet.
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Financial risks related to climate change and biodiversity loss are currently being addressed in a largely siloed manner. Neglecting their interconnections, however, may lead to ‘blind spots’ and misestimations of systemic financial risk, potentially undermining progress on both climate finance policy and emerging policy on biodiversity-related financial risks (BRFR). In particular, the ‘risk measurement–based’ approach dominating climate finance policy, which is now being taken up to address BRFR, is poorly equipped to address the radical uncertainty that characterises both types of risks. Furthermore, many BRFR may materalise over a more immediate horizon than climate risks. In this paper, we examine how central banks and financial supervisors are approaching the topic of BRFR in relation to climate-related financial risk. We argue that policymakers should focus upon the broader concept of systemic environmental-financial risks to account for the interactions and trade-offs between both domains of biodiversity and climate change. Instead of seeking evidence of financial materiality before acting, focusing on how the financial system is actively facilitating direct drivers of environmental damage offers a way for financial policymakers to assess potential sources of such risks on the basis of information available today. In turn, policy interventions should aim to reduce harmful flows of finance that may lead to the crossing of dangerous ecological tipping points.
The energy transition away from fossil fuels exposes companies to carbon‐transition risk. Estimating the market‐based premium associated with carbon‐transition risk in a cross section of 14,400 firms in 77 countries, we find higher stock returns associated with higher levels and growth rates of carbon emissions in all sectors and most countries. Carbon premia related to emissions growth are greater for firms located in countries with lower economic development, larger energy sectors, and less inclusive political systems. Premia related to emission levels are higher in countries with stricter domestic climate policies. The latter have increased with investor awareness about climate change risk. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved
Climate change poses severe systemic risks to the financial sector through multiple transmission channels. In this paper, we estimate the potential impact of different carbon taxes (€50, €100, €200 and €800 per ton of CO2) on the Italian banks’ default rates at the sector level in the short term using a coun- terfactual analysis. We build on the micro-founded climate stress test approach proposed by Faiella et al. (2022), which estimates the energy demand of Italian firms using granular data and simulates the effects of the alternative taxes on the share of financially vulnerable agents (and their debt). Credit risks stemming from the introduction of a carbon tax - during periods of low default rates - are modest for banks: on average, over a one-year horizon, the default rates of firms increase but remain below their historical averages. The effect is heterogeneous across different sectors and rises with the tax value; however, even assuming a tax of €800 per ton of CO2, the default rates are below their historical peaks.
Sustainability in business and ESG (environmental, social, and governance) in finance have exploded in popularity among researchers and practitioners. We surveyed 1,141 primary peer-reviewed papers and 27 meta-reviews (based on ∼1,400 underlying studies) published between 2015 and 2020. Aggregate conclusions from a sample suggest that the financial performance of ESG investing has on average been indistinguishable from conventional investing (with one in three studies indicating superior performance) – in contrast with research in the wider management literature as well as industry reports. Until recently top finance journals did not publish climate change related studies, yet these studies capture the frontier of corporate risk and ESG investment strategies. We developed three propositions: first, ESG integration as a strategy seems to perform better than screening or divestment; second, ESG investing provides asymmetric benefits, especially during a social or economic crisis; and third, decarbonization strategies can potentially capture a climate risk premium.