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Low-activity (2.0 GBq; 54 mCi) radioiodine post-surgical remnant ablation in thyroid cancer: Comparison between hormone withdrawal and use of rh TSH in low-risk patients



(a) To compare the efficacy of low-activity (2 GBq; 54 mCi) (131)I ablation using l-thyroxine withdrawal or rhTSH stimulation, and (b) to assess the influence of thyroid remnants volume on the ablation rate. Patients underwent neck ultrasound, (131)I neck scintigraphy and radioiodine uptake. Post-therapy whole body scan (WBS) was acquired after 4-6 days. Ablation was assessed after 6-12 months by WBS, Tg and TgAb following l-thyroxine withdrawal. Group A: preparation by L-T(4) withdrawal (37 days); 21 patients received (131)I (2.02+/-0.22 GBq; 54.6+/-5.9 mCi) and on the day of treatment, TSH, Tg, TgAb were measured; Group B: stimulation by rhTSH; 21 patients received (131)I (1.97+/-0.18 GBq; 53.2+/-4.9 mCi) 24 h after the second injection of rhTSH (0.9 mg) and TSH, Tg and TgAb were measured after 2 days. At follow-up, 90.0% of patients from group A and 85.0% of patients from group B had Tg levels <1 ng/ml; no uptake was observed in 95.2% and in 90.5% of patients from group A or B respectively, with no statistical differences for both ablation criteria. Before (131)I treatment, small thyroid remnants (<1 ml) were detected by US in <25% of all patients. The use of rhTSH for the preparation of low-risk patients to ablation therapy with low activities of (131)I (2 GBq; 54 mCi) is safe and effective and avoids hypothyroidism. The presence of thyroid remnants smaller than 1 ml at US evaluation had no effect on the ablation rate.
Low activity (2.0 GBq; 54 mCi) radioiodine postsurgical remnant ablation in
thyroid cancer: comparison between hormone withdrawal and use of rhTSH in
low risk patients
Chianelli M1,2, Todino V1, Graziano FM3, Panunzi C3, Pace D3, Guglielmi R3, Signore A2,4, Papini
1Dept of Diagnostics, Nuclear Medicine Unit, and 3Dept of Metabolic and Digestive Diseases,
Endocrinology Unit, Regina Apostolorum Hospital, Albano, Rome, Italy; 2Department of Nuclear
Medicine and Molecular Imaging, University of Groningen, UMCG, The Netherlands. 4Dept
Nuclear Medicine S. Andrea Hosp, “Sapienza” University, S. Andrea Hosp, Rome.
Corresponding author:
Marco Chianelli, MD, PhD
Nuclear Medicine Unit
Regina Apostolorum Hospital
Via San Francesco 50
00041 Albano, Roma
tel: +39.06.932 98 522
fax: +39.06.932 11 38
mobile: +39.347.8728 568
Page 1 of 15 Accepted Preprint first posted on 12 December 2008 as Manuscript EJE-08-0669
Copyright © 2008 European Society of Endocrinology.
Objective a) to compare the efficacy of low activity (2 GBq; 54 mCi) 131I ablation using levo-
thyroxine withdrawal or rhTSH stimulation; b) to assess the influence of thyroid remnants volume
on the ablation rate.
Design Patients underwent neck ultrasound, 131I neck scintigraphy and radioiodine uptake. Post-
therapy WBS was acquired after 4-6 days. Ablation was assessed after 6-12 months by WBS, Tg
and TgAb following levo-thyroxine withdrawal. Methods Group A: preparation by L-T4
withdrawal (37 days); 21 patients received 131I (2.02+/-0.22 GBq; 54.6+/-5.9 mCi); on the day of
treatment TSH, Tg, TgAb were measured; Group B: stimulation by rhTSH; 21 patients received
131I (1.97+/-0.18 GBq; 53.2+/-4.9 mCi) 24 hrs after the 2nd injection of rhTSH (0.9 mg). TSH, Tg
and TgAb were measured after two days.
Results At follow-up, 90.0% of patients from group A and 85.0 % of patients from group B had Tg
levels <1 ng/ml; no uptake was observed in 95.2% and in 90.5% of patients from group A or B
respectively, with no statistical differences for both ablation criteria. Before 131I treatment small
thyroid remnants (<1ml) were detected by ultrasound in <25% of all patients.
Conclusions The use of rhTSH for preparation of low risk patients to ablation therapy with low
activities of 131I (2 GBq; 54 mCi) is safe and effective and avoids hypothyroidism. The presence of
thyroid remnants smaller than 1 ml at ultrasound evaluation had no effect on the ablation rate.
Key words: thyroid cancer, iodine-131ablation, rhTSH, ultrasound
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Differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC), is a neoplasm with a relatively indolent course with high
longterm survival. However, tumour recurrence is common, affecting up to 20% of patients,
sometimes decades after the initial therapy [1, 2]. Despite some controversies, it is generally
accepted that postsurgical remnant ablation by 131I in patients with low risk (pT1 greater than 1 cm
and pT2 with no extrathyroid involvement) reduces the risk of mortality and tumour recurrence [3,
Thyroid ablation by 131I must be performed under high levels of TSH to maximize thyroid uptake
and efficacy of treatment. In low risk patients, however, different activitys of 131I have been used
(1.1 to 3.7 GBq; 30 to 100 mCi) with different regimens of TSH stimulation [3].
In 2004 the European Agency (EMEA) licensed rhTSH for use in thyroid remnant ablation with
high activitys of 131I (3.7 GBq; 100 mCi) [4, 5].
The use of rhTSH increases the levels of TSH without the need of inducing hypothyroidism; it
would also be advantageous to use low activities of radioiodine to reduce the radiation absorbed
dose by the patient. Previous studies on low activity thyroid remnant ablation using rhTSH have
produced discordant results [6, 7]. A recent study, however, compared the ablation rate in patients
treated with rhTSH with either 3.70 GBq or 1.85 GBq (100 or 50 mCi) and showed similar efficacy
[8]. Further studies are needed to assess which is the preferred method for ablation (thyroid
hormone withdrawal vs rhTSH stimulation) and which is the lowest activity of 131I that can be used
for successful ablation.
The aim of the present study was to verify, in a series of low risk patients: a) the efficacy of thyroid
ablation using low activities of 131I (2.0 GBq; 54 mCi) by thyroid hormone withdrawal or rhTSH
stimulation b) the influence of thyroid remnant volume, measured by ultrasound (US), and 131I
uptake on the ablation rate.
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Patients and Methods
The rate of ablation was compared in a series of consecutively enrolled patients who expressed their
written consent and were randomised in two groups. The study was conducted in accordance to the
Helsinki declaration and was approved by the Ethics Committee of the hospital. All patients had
papillary cancer or minimally invasive follicular cancer, with a TNM stage pT1 larger than 1 cm or
less than 1 cm if in the presence of multiple foci and could be considered patients at low risk of
recurrence (stage I) (TNM staging according to AJCC 2002) [9]. No patient had positive cervical
lymph nodes at the time of treatment as evaluated by US. All patients underwent total
thyroidectomy or near-total thyroidectomy and, after surgery, began treatment with a TSH
suppressive-dose of l-T4. All patients adhered to a low-iodine diet for 2 weeks before receiving 131I.
Patients with positive Tg autoantibodies were excluded from the study.
Group A Twenty-one patients (age, 28–71 yr; 16 females and 5 males) were treated with 131I in the
hypothyroid state; l-T4 was stopped for 37 days; from the 3rd to the 22nd day after l-T4 withdrawal
patients were treated with T3. Patients received 131I (2.02±0.22 GBq; 54.6±5.9 mCi; mean±SD) 42
to 180 days after surgery. On the day of administration of 131I, TSH, Tg, and TgAb were measured;
l-T4 was then given again the day after administration of 131I.
Group B Twenty-one patients (age, 20–67 yr; 17 females and 4 males) were treated with 131I
following the administration of rhTSH (Thyrogen; Genzyme Corp, Cambridge, MA) as previously
described [4]: the therapeutic activity of 131I (1.97±0.18 GBq; 53.2±4.9 mCi; mean±SD) was
administered 24 h after the last injection of rhTSH (0.9 mg i.m. for 2 consecutive days); l-T4 was
never stopped during treatment. The time between thyroidectomy and 131I treatment was 42–180
days. Serum samples of TSH, FT4, FT3, Tg, and anti-Tg antibodies were taken the day before the
first administration of rhTSH. Serum samples for TSH, Tg and TgAb were also taken 3 days after
the last administration of rhTSH. Levels of Tg (functional sensitivity: 0,7 ng/ml) were determined
with a commercially available immunoradiometric assay (Thyroglobuline IRMA, CIS-BIO,
France). Serum levels of TSH (normal range 0.2–4.0, upper detection limit: 100 mIU/ml), free
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triiodothyronine (FT3, normal range 2.2–5.0 pg=mL), thyroxine (FT4, normal range 8.0–18.5
pg=mL), anti-thyroglobulin antibodies (TgAb, normal range 0.0–70.0 IU=mL), were determined
with commercially available radioimmunologic assay kits (Radim, Pomezia, Italy). Urinary iodine
excretion was measured to exclude contamination from stable iodine, using a colorimetric method
(Celltech, Torino, Italy). Table 1 summarizes pathological tumour node metastases (TNM staging,
AJCC 2002) [9] stage and histology of cancers in both groups of patients.
Pre-therapy neck scan, post-therapy WBS, US of the neck
Twenty-four hrs before ablation therapy, a diagnostic activity of 131I (18 MBq; 0.5 mCi) was
administered to patients; scintigraphy of the neck and radioiodine uptake was obtained after 24 hrs,
immediately before the therapeutic activity, to verify the extent of the residue and pre-treatment
staging. A post-therapy WBS was acquired after 4–6 days. Neck US (7.5 to 13 MHz, Tecnos, MPX,
Esaote, Genoa, Italy) was performed twice by two experienced radiologists to assess the presence
and volume of thyroid remnants and to verify the presence of pathological lymph nodes.
Serum levels of TSH, FT4, FT3, Tg, and anti-Tg antibodies were periodically assessed in all
patients to verify the degree of TSH suppression and the presence of possible disease relapse. All
patients had undetectable levels of Tg during TSH-suppressive treatment. Six to twelve months
after ablation therapy, the outcome of thyroid ablation was assessed in both groups by conventional
131I scan and serum Tg measurements. A neck US was also performed. Diagnostic 131I WBS was
performed after withdrawal of l-T4 therapy using the same protocol described for therapy. Images
were obtained 48 h after oral administration of 185 MBq (5 mCi). 131I with a double-head gamma
camera (Forte; Philips, The Netherlands) using a 3/8-inch-thick crystal and a high-energy, general
all-purpose collimator. WBS with anterior and posterior views were acquired after scanning for a
minimum of 30 min. Anterior neck/chest spot views were acquired after scanning a minimum of 15
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min or after obtaining 150,000 counts. Thyroid bed uptake was measured using a thyroid probe
(ACN, Scientific Laboratories, Milan, Italy).
Statistical analysis
Results are expressed as median SD for TSH levels and mean ± SD for the remaining laboratory
data and as percentage for the groups of subjects. Student’s t test was used to compare laboratory
data. Mann Whitney U test was used for comparing non parametrical data. The chi square and
Fisher exact test were used to detect differences in the proportion of cases.
The administration of 131I was not associated to the development of significant side effects; no neck
pain was observed, in few patients transient reduction of taste; the most common side effect was
Ablation therapy
Serum TSH levels in patients who underwent 131I treatment was 42.5-100 mU/liter (77.9±17.1) in
the hypothyroid patients and 72–100 mU/liter (91.0±9.8) in the rhTSH group the day after the
second injection of rhTSH. At time of treatment the stimulated Tg values were 3.3±3.69 ng/ml in
hypothyroid patients (range: 0.2-14.5) and 1.9±2.15 ng/ml in patients treated with rhTSH (range:
0.3-7.3; basal values: 0.2-1.3). Values of TSH, free thyroid hormones, before and after treatment are
reported in table 2. After surgery, all patients of the hypothyroid group showed residual thyroid
tissue in the thyroid bed at the pre-treatment neck scan (neck iodine uptake: 4.7±4.55%; range:0.8-
16.6%) and at post-treatment scan. Patients treated with rhTSH, all showed 131I up taking thyroid
remnants at the post-treatment scan but 6/21 patients did not show any uptake at the pre-treatment
scan and the average uptake in the neck (1.38±1.41%, range: 0-5.4%) was lower as compared to the
hypothyroid patients (table 2). The injection of rhTSH was well tolerated.
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Thyroid remnants were detected by US in 5/21 patients of group A and in 4/21 of group B (vol:
0,34±0,26 ml and 0,53±0,40 ml, Group A and group B respectively) Thyroid remnant volume was
never greater than 1ml. No correlation between the presence or the size of remnants detected by US,
131I uptake, stimulated Tg levels and the efficacy of ablation was observed. Results of urinary iodine
were within normal limits in all patients.
Follow up
At the follow-up, in the hypothyroid group WBS was negative (no visible uptake in the thyroid bed)
in 20/21 patients (95.2%). One patient showed clear visible uptake in the thyroid bed (0.9%) with
Tg of 2.4 ng/ml; in this patient the pre-treatment uptake was 1.0%. No patient with high pre-
treatment uptake showed any residual uptake at follow up, even patients with uptake as high as
16.6%. Another patient had Tg levels above 1 ng/ml (1.6 ng/ml) without any visible uptake in the
thyroid bed; in this patient the pre-treatment Tg was 6.5. One patient had undetectable Tg values at
the time of treatment (less than 0.2 ng/ml) and Tg could not be used as a marker of successful
ablation. In total, 18/20 patients (90.0%) had Tg levels below 1 ng/ml.
In the group of patients treated with rhTSH, WBS was negative in 19/21 patients (90.5%). Patients
with visible uptake in the thyroid bed had uptake values of 0.53 and 0.9% and Tg levels of 0.2 and
0.6 ng/ml respectively; their pre-treatment uptake values were 1.6 and 1.8%. Three patients had Tg
levels higher than 1 ng/ml at follow-up (1.37, 1.08 and 1.12 ng/ml) with no visible uptake in the
thyroid bed. One patient had undetectable Tg values at the time of treatment (less than 0.2 ng/ml);
and Tg could not be used as a marker for successful. The total number of patients that could be
analysed for Tg values, therefore, was 20. In total, 17/20 patients (85.0%) had Tg levels below 1
ng/ml. Data of both groups are summarised in Table 2. Data about TSH and free thyroid hormones,
at follow up, were similar to those before treatment with 131I and are not reported.
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Ablation therapy by 131I in patients affected by differentiated thyroid carcinoma who underwent
thyroidectomy is used to reduce tumour recurrency and mortality. In low risk patients, however, its
role is still being discussed [10].
Administration of 131I, although is well tolerated in the vast majority of patients, may have side
effects [11]. It is, therefore, necessary to select patients who will benefit from treatment and to
identify the most effective protocol that delivers the lowest activity of radiation still compatible
with effective treatment and that provides the best quality of life.
Indication to treatment has recently been developed on the basis of risk stratification calculated
according to the TNM staging system and the results of imaging studies [10, 12-13]. It is now
accepted that patients with very low risk do not need ablation therapy whereas in high risk patients
it is always indicated and must be performed under hypothyroidism. The indication to treatment in
patients at low risk has not yet been completely elucidated: is ablation therapy really necessary?
Which is the activity of 131I to be used? Which is the best protocol for preparation to treatment:
rhTSH administration or hypothyroidism?
The use of rhTSH for preparation of patients who must undergo ablation therapy, has recently been
authorised for patients at low risk using 3.7 GBq (100 mCi). Using this procedure it is not necessary
to induce hypothyroidism and, although it delivers the same radiation dose to the thyroid remnants,
the total body dose is reduced by about 35% as a consequence of faster renal clearance of iodine
compared to patients treated in hypothyroidism [14]. The use of rhTSH for ablation therapy with
low activities of 131I is still a matter of debate. Low activity (1.11 GBq; 30 mCi) ablation therapy
using rhTSH for the preparation of patients has given conflicting results [6, 7]. In one study the use
of rhTSH for preparation of patients proved less effective compared to the preparation by
hypothyroidism [7]. In a different study, low activity ablation therapy using rhTSH was equally
effective compared to the preparation by hypothyroidism [6]. A possible explanation for the lower
efficacy described in certain studies could be ascribed to the low activity of 131I (1.11 GBq; 30 mCi)
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that, when using rhTSH as a preparation, could be insufficient. It is known that acute stimulation by
rhTSH, is associated with less efficient activation of NIS, compared to chronic stimulation induced
by hypothyroidism [6]. Also, a recent study on the use of rhTSH for preparation of patients for
ablation therapy showed that the efficacy of 1.85 GBq (50 mCi) of 131I was comparable to that of
3.7 GBq (100 mCi) [8]. The patient population of this study, however, was rather inhomogeneous
with respect to TNM staging, persistence of the disease and extent of residual thyroid tissue.
In the present study we compared the efficacy of low activity (2.0 GBq; 54 mCi) ablation therapy,
in a homogeneous group of patients at low risk prepared by hypothyroidism (group A) or rhTSH
(group B). Efficacy was determined by follow up WBS and Tg measurement in hypothyroidism.
The role of thyroid remnants volume and of 131I uptake was also assessed.
High rates of ablation were observed in both groups. If Tg (<1ng/ml) levels were used to assess
efficacy of treatment, in group A the rate of efficacy was 90.0 % and in group B 85.0 % (p=n.s.;
group A vs group B, Fisher exact test). Two patients out of 20 in group A had values of stimulated
Tg greater than 1 ng/ml, and 3 out of 20 in group B. In these patients from both groups stimulated
Tg levels were only slightly >1 ng/ml (1.08-2.4 ng/ml) and neck ultrasound was negative for
detection of persistent/recurrent disease. Although long term follow up data are not available, it is
unlikely that low levels of Tg, although >1 ng/ml, represent a significant risk for recurrence in low
risk patients [15]. All patients with Tg levels >1 ng/ml after ablation therapy had a low pre-therapy
uptake value (<2%) whereas all patients with higher uptake (>10%) showed effective treatment.
These data suggest that low pre-therapy uptake values, when using low activities of 131I, might be
associated with lower efficacy.
If no visible neck uptake of 131I was considered as successful ablation, the rate of ablation in both
groups was even higher: 95.2% in group A and 90.5% in group B, with no differences between the
two groups (p= n.s.; group A vs group B, Fisher exact test). Visible uptake was associated with very
low neck uptake values (0.3% and 0.9%) and Tg levels <1 ng/ml with the exception of 1 patient
with Tg levels of 2.4 ng/ml. Also in this case it is possible to speculate that the presence of visible
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(low) uptake in association with undetectable or low values of Tg is not associated with significant
risk of recurrence [15]. Nevertheless, patients with no complete ablation, particularly those with Tg
levels >1ng/ml, should be followed up in time.
In this study neck uptake and scintigraphy was evaluated by 18 MBq (0.5 mCi) of 131I administered
24 hours before the therapeutic activity. It is generally accepted that a low activity of 131I
administered 24 hrs before the therapy activity does not cause thyroid stunning [16]. As expected on
the basis of the incomplete (a single dose) rhTSH stimulation, in patients of group B, the pre-
therapy neck uptake was on average lower compared to that of group A: 1.38±1.41 vs 4.7±4.55
(p=0.004; gr B vs gr A; Mann Whitney U test); in six patients there was no visible uptake before
therapy that became visible at the post-therapy WBS. By contrast, all patients of group A showed
visible uptake at the pre-therapy neck scintigraphy. In patients of group B, the pre-therapy neck
scintigraphy was performed with a low activity of 131I (18 MBq; 0.5 mCi) 24 hrs after a single
injection of rhTSH whereas the post-therapy WBS was obtained with the therapy activity,
administered 24 hrs after the 2nd injection of rhTSH. The low visualization of thyroid remnants does
not seem to affect the therapeutic efficacy; it could, however, hamper the assessment of the extent
of thyroid remnants and the presence of areas of uptake externally to the thyroid bed in patients who
are prepared to ablation with rhTSH. The measurement of pre-therapy 131I uptake and neck
scintigraphy, therefore, is relevant although it does not correlate with the rate of successful ablation.
All patients underwent neck US at time of treatment. Although visible neck uptake of 131I was
detectable in the thyroid bed of all patients of both groups at the post-therapy WBS, the presence of
thyroid remnants as assessed by neck US, was detected in less than half of patients in both groups
with a maximum volume of <1ml, No correlation between remnant size measured at US, 131I uptake
and ablation efficacy was observed. This suggests that in cases of small thyroid remnants, it is not
possible to calculate the dose delivered. Dosimetry-based ablation therapy is, therefore, not always
feasible on the basis of US results and, in this group of patients at low risk, seems not be necessary.
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Our randomised prospective clinical trial showed that low activity ablation therapy with 2 GBq (54
mCi) induced high rates of effective ablation in low risk patients prepared by hypothyroidism and
that the same activity of 131I after rhTSH stimulation has a similar efficacy. The results obtained in a
homogeneous patient population confirm those obtained in a recent paper on the use of 1.85 GBq
(50 mCi) after rhTSH stimulation but in patients with a more heterogeneous staging [8]. The
measurement of pre-therapy 131I uptake and the of presence of thyroid remnants with volume
smaller than 1 ml at US examination did not affect the rate of ablation efficacy. The major role of
neck US is for detecting pathological lymph nodes. The use of rhTSH with low activities of 131I
(1.85 GBq; 50 mCi), compared to the procedure authorised in Europe for ablation therapy (rhTSH +
3.7 GBq; 100 mCi), has the advantage to reduce patient radiation exposure and to need a shorter
In low risk patients, therefore, this protocol might combine optimal efficacy and minimal
discomfort for the patient. A limitation of this study, however, is the rather small number of patients
studied; these results, therefore, need to be confirmed in a larger series of patients. Further studies
are also necessary to improve the protocol to give complete assessment of thyroid remnants also
after rhTSH stimulation and to find out what is the minimum effective activity that can be used with
rhTSH for ablation therapy in low risk patients.
There is no conflict of interest that could be perceived as prejudicing the impartiality of the research
reported. This research did not receive any specific grant from any funding agency in the public,
commercial or not-for-profit sector.
The technical assistance of Paolo Dello Russo and Cynthia Trojani is greatly acknowledged. The
experiments comply with the current Italian laws.
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hypothyroid rhTSH p
patients (n) 21 21 n.s.a
age (yrs) mean±SD 48±9.9 46.1±12.3 n.s.a
(range) 28-71 20-67
Sex (F/M) 18/6 17/4 n.s.b
papillar 12 11
papillar follicular variant 6 7 n.s. c
follicular 3 3
TNM staging
T1, N0 <45 years 10 11 n.s. b
T1, N0 >45 years 11 10
Table 1. Epidemiological and clinical data of patients from group A (hypothyroid) and group B (rhTSH). Data are
expressed as mean ± SD. No differences between the two groups are found. a Student t test; b Fisher exact test; cchi
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hypothyroid rhTSH p
TSH (the day of treatment) 77.9±17.1* 91.00±9.8* n.s. a
Tg after stimulus (at treatment) 3.3±3.7 1.9±2.15 n.s. a
Tg 6-12 months after treatment 0.38±0.55 0.42±0.38 n.s. a
(after withdrawal)
FT3 the day of treatment 1.27±0.2 2.77±0.43 <0.001 a
FT4 the day of treatment 4.7±3.1 13.12±2.2 <0.001 a
pre-treatment uptake 4.7±4.55 1.38±1.41 0.004 a
uptake 6 months after treatment 0.38±0.55 0.22±0.24 n.s. a
ablation (Tg < 1ng/ml) 90.0% (18/20) 85.0 (17/20) n.s. b
ablation (no visible uptake) 95.2% (20/21) 90.5 (19/21) n.s. b
Table 2. Summary of results of patients from group A (hypothyroid) and group B (rhTSH): no differences were noted
between the two groups with respect to Tg levels at time of treatment; as expected patients from group B were not
hypothyroid; the pre-treatment uptake in patients from group B was significantly lower as a result of incomplete rhTSH
stimulation (only one dose of rhTSH before the diagnostic dose of 131I); high rates of ablation were noted in patients
from both groups considering both ablation criteria (Tg levels or 131I uptake) with no statistical differences. a Mann
Whitney U test; b Fisher exact test; *median.
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... In all studies, comprising altogether 1255 patients, rhTSH as well as THW, was able to elevate TSH levels sufficiently. [16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26] In 1 study, the difference between serum TSH levels after rhTSH stimulation or after THW proved to be statistically significant. Menzel et al. 27 showed that patients with rhTSH had higher TSH values (P < .001). ...
... 29,30 Another study showed that free liothyronine (FT 3 ) and free levothyroxine (FT 4 ) levels were significantly different (P < .001) between THW and rhTSH stimulation in 58 prospectively studied patients who underwent thyroidectomy. 20 Thyroglobulin is an iodoglycoprotein in the thyroid gland, which is the protein scaffold on which thyroid hormones are synthesized. 31 Reactive (radio)iodine reacts with tyrosine residues on thyroglobulin to generate the precursors of thyroid hormone. ...
... 3 Successful remnant ablation can be defined by an undetectable stimulated serum thyroglobulin in the absence of interfering thyroglobulin antibodies, with or without confirmatory nuclear or other imaging studies. Ten prospective studies have evaluated the short-term results for efficacy of rhTSH versus THW as method of thyrotropin stimulation prior to RIT. 16,17,19,20,22,23,[64][65][66][67] The results are summarized in Table 3. For ablation with 30 mCi, the same rate of ablation of remnants was found in the rhTSH and THW groups. ...
For patients undergoing radioiodine therapy of differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC), TSH stimulation prior to radioiodine therapy (RIT) can be achieved using thyroid hormone withdrawal (THW) or administration of recombinant human TSH (rhTSH). As THW can lead to nausea, headaches, vomiting, fatigue and dizziness secondary to transient acute hypothyroidism, rhTSH could be a good alternative. rhTSH has been administered in patients in order to stimulate TSH for RIT since 2005. According to the Martinique criteria formulated by the leading professional societies involved in care of patients with DTC, rhTSH can be applied in three settings: for remnant ablation, adjuvant treatment and treatment of known disease. Numerous studies have investigated the effects of rhTSH as a method of TSH stimulation on the thyroid cell, the systemic effects, biokinetics and clinical outcomes, however no consensus has been reached about many aspects of its potential use. rhTSH is able to stimulate sufficient TSH-levels (>30 mIU/L) and is hypothesized to decrease risks of tumor cell proliferation. As rhTSH-use avoids the transiently-impaired renal function associated with THW, radioiodine excretion is faster with the former, leading to to a lower iodine-131(I-131) uptake and a difference in fractional remnant uptake, effective half-life, mean residence time, and dose to the blood. Differences between rhTSH and THW were observed in radioiodine genotoxic effects and endothelial-dependent vasodilation and inflammation. For thyroid remnant ablation, THW and rhTSH lead to similar remnant ablation rates. For adjuvant therapy and treatment of known disease, insufficient trials have been conducted and future prospective studies are recommended.
... Epidemiological and clinical features of these patients were assessed (e.g., age at diagnosis, gender, TNM stage, tumor size), and patients were matched regarding primary presentation (TNM stage, age, sex). TNM stage was classified according to the seventh edition of the American Joint Committee on Cancer [10]. All patients underwent total thyroidectomy with or without lymphadenectomy, followed by (adjuvant) initial RAI therapy. ...
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Background: The aim was to assess ablation success after initial radioiodine (RAI) therapy in early-stage PTC patients and compare outcomes of first diagnostic control after 6 and 9 months (6m/9m-DC) to examine whether time could possibly avoid unnecessary overtreatment. Methods: There were 353 patients who were matched regarding age, sex, and tumor stage and divided in two groups depending on time of first DC (6m- and 9m-DC). Therapy response was defined as thyroglobulin level <0.5 ng/mL, no pathological uptake in the diagnostic I-131 whole-body scintigraphy (WBS), and no further RAI therapy courses. The 6m-DC group was further divided into endogenously and exogenously stimulated TSH before RAI therapy and compared regarding outcome. Results: No significant differences were found between 6m-DC vs. 9m-DC regarding I-131 uptake in WBS (p = n.s.), Tg levels (p = n.s.), re-therapy rates (p = n.s.), and responder rates (p = n.s.). Significantly less relevant pathological I-131 uptake was found in WBS (p = 0.006) in endogenously compared to exogenously stimulated 6m-DC patients, resulting in lower re-therapy (p = 0.028) and higher responder rates (p = 0.001). Conclusion: DC at 6 months after RAI therapy and stimulation with recombinant human thyroid-stimulating hormone (rhTSH) represent the most balanced solution. Particularly regarding quality of life and mental relief of patients, early DC with rhTSH represents sufficient and convenient assessment of ablation success.
... Yine aynı kılavuz, rTSH'nin genellikle tercih edilen stimülasyon yöntemi olduğunu, ancak metastatik hastalık için LT4 kesilerek oluşturulan endojen stimülasyonun tercih edilen yöntem olmaya devam ettiğini yayınlamıştır. 2015 yılına gelindiğinde ATA kılavuzu, prospektif randomize klinik çalışma sonuçlarına dayanarak (34,37,38,39,40,41), düşük riskli DTK ile lenf nodu metastazı sınırlı (Nx/ N1a) orta riskli DTK hastalarında rTSH ile yapılacak remnant ablasyon veya adjuvant tedavinin kabul edilebilir bir seçenek olduğunu, düşük olmayan başarı oranları, kısa süreli üstün yaşam kalitesi, uzun dönem sonuçlarda anlamlı farklılık olmaması nedeniyle, güçlü öneri ile tavsiye etmiştir. Uzak metastaz olmaksızın, multiple klinik lenf nodu metastazı olan orta riskli DTK hastalarında rTSH eşliğinde RAİ tedavisi alternatif bir yöntem olarak düşük öneri ile tavsiye edilmiştir. ...
Differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) is an endocrine tumour with mostly good prognosis that requires life long followup. Primary treatments are total thyroidectomy (TT) and radioactive iodine (RAI) therapy. Complete removal of thyroid tissue with TT and RAI causes serum thyroglobuline (Tg) levels to fall to undetectable levels. Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels have an important role both in preparation for RAI and detection of disease status with stimulated Tg levels in the follow-up. Recently, recombinant human TSH (rhTSH) usage has been incorporated to our clinical practice in I-131 whole body scintigraphy and/or measurement of serum Tg levels and in preparation for RAI ablation. In this review, clinical applications of rhTSH in the therapy and follow-up of DTC will be focused on.
... 4 Due to the rarity of paediatric DTC, treatment options are often derived from experiences in the adult population. 5 In adults, exogenous stimulation with recombinant human TSH (rhTSH) 1 and 2 days prior to I-131 has been demonstrated to have equivalent oncologic efficacy and clinical safety, while lowering systemic radioactivity and improving quality of life (QOL) outcomes relative to THW. [6][7][8] Data supporting the safety and efficacy of rhTSH preparation in the paediatric DTC population are limited, and the optimal approach to I-131 ablation in this group remains unclear. A recent study demonstrated similar rates of biochemical recurrence, structural recurrence and I-131 retreatment after rhTSH preparation in children with DTC, although only patients without evidence of persistent disease during I-131 were selected limiting the generalizability to patients with more advanced disease. ...
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Objective Recombinant human TSH (rhTSH) is commonly used to prepare patients for postoperative radioiodine (I‐131) ablation after surgery for differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC). In adults, rhTSH is associated with equivalent oncologic efficacy in comparison to thyroid hormone withdrawal (THW), but its use has not been well‐studied in children. We aimed to measure time to disease progression after rhTSH stimulation vs. THW in pediatric patients under the age of 21 with DTC following total thyroidectomy. Design Retrospective cohort study (March 2001–July 2018). Patients Sixteen children and adolescents (75% female, median age, 17.4 years) who received rhTSH were compared to 29 historical controls (72% female, median age, 18.5 years) prepared with THW, followed for a median of 2.4 years (range, 0.5‐14). Measurements Stimulated serum TSH concentrations prior to I‐131 ablation and time to disease progression, as determined by a component outcome variable encompassing both structural and biochemical disease persistence/recurrence. Results No differences were observed in tumor characteristics and I‐131 dose (median 2.3 [1.8‐2.90] mCi/kg rhTSH) between groups. Patients who received rhTSH achieved a similar median stimulated TSH level (163 [127‐184] mU/L), compared to those who underwent THW (136 [94.5‐197] mU/L; p = 0.20). Both groups exhibited similar time to progression (p = 0.13) and disease persistence/recurrence rates (rhTSH 31% vs. THW 59%, p = 0.14). Conclusion In this cohort of children and adolescents with DTC, we observed similar time to disease progression among those who received rhTSH or underwent THW prior to postoperative I‐131 ablation.
... In patients categorized by the classification of the ATA with low risk and intermediate risk ATA of recurrence without extensive lymph node involvement (T1-T3, N0/NX/N1a, M0), in whom the ablation of the remnant with radioactive iodine is planned or adjuvant therapy, preparation with recombinant human TSH hormone stimulation (rhTSH) is an acceptable alternative to thyroid hormone withdrawal to achieve thyroid remnant ablation, based on clinical evidence of superior short-term quality of life, the non-inferiority of the efficacy of ablation to the remnant, and multiple observational studies that suggest a nonsignificant difference in long-term outcomes (ATA recommendation 54) [34] [216] [217] [219]. In patients with intermediate-risk thyroid cancer based on the classification of ATA who have extensive lymph node disease (multiple clinically involved nodes) in the absence of distant metastases, preparation with rhTSH stimulation can be considered as an alternative to abstinence from Thyroid hormone before adjuvant treatment with RAI (ATA recommendation 54) [34]. ...
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Thyroid tumors include those that originate from follicular cells and those that arise from parafollicular cells (C cells). Differentiated thyroid cancer, which originates from follicular cells, includes papillary carcinoma, follicular carcinoma, oncocytic cell carcinoma (Hürthle), poorly differentiated carcinoma, and anaplastic carcinoma. The incidence of thyroid cancer has been increasing significantly, with an estimated incidence in the United States of America of 53,990 cases by the year 2018. This neoplasm is listed as the most common endocrine tumor and represents approximately 3% of all malignant tumors in humans, with 75% of cases occurring in women, and two-thirds of cases occurring in people under 55 years. The increase in the prevalence/incidence of low-risk thyroid cancer over the last 10 to 20 years has required a re-appraisal of the standard one-size-fits-all approach to differentiated thyroid cancer. This adaptation to a more individualized management of the patient with thyroid cancer has led to a much more risk-adapted approach to the diagnosis, initial therapy, adjuvant therapy, and follow-up of patients with differentiated thyroid cancer. This paper with review the current understanding of the clinical presentation, diagnostic workup, and management of thyroid cancer centered on evidence-based and personalized medicine.
Radioactive iodine (RAI) has been used in the treatment of differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) since many decades. However, there is growing evidence to suggest that RAI may be avoided in low-risk group and is recommended in intermediate and high risk categories of DTC. This article incorporates literature review followed by a consensus of experts to conclude the role of RAI in DTC. The goals of RAI treatment, patient preparation, selection, and doses of RAI treatment in various risk categories are discussed. The follow-up after RAI treatment, side effects, and contraindications to RAI treatment are explained.
Differentiated thyroid cancer is the most frequent type of thyroid cancer with an increasing incidence in the last decades. The initial management is represented by surgical treatment followed by radioactive iodine therapy that includes remnant ablation, adjuvant treatment or treatment of metastatic disease. Radioactive iodine treatment is performed only in selected cases based on the risk of recurrence and mortality during follow up, according to American Joint Committee on Cancer Union for international Cancer Control Tumor, Node, Metastasis (AJCC/TNM) staging system and the 2015 American Thyroid Association (ATA) risk stratification system. This article will review the key factors to consider when planning radioactive iodine therapy in differentiated thyroid cancer patients after surgery and during follow up.
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Radioiodine treatment (RAI) represents the most widespread and effective therapy for differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC). RAI goals encompass ablative (destruction of thyroid remnants, to enhance thyroglobulin predictive value), adjuvant (destruction of microscopic disease to reduce recurrences), and therapeutic (in case of macroscopic iodine avid lesions) purposes, but its use has evolved over time. Randomized trial results have enabled the refinement of RAI indications, moving from a standardized practice to a tailored approach. In most cases, low-risk patients may safely avoid RAI, but where necessary, a simplified protocol, based on lower iodine activities and human recombinant TSH preparation, proved to be just as effective, reducing overtreatment or useless impairment of quality of life. In pediatric DTC, RAI treatments may allow tumor healing even at the advanced stages. Finally, new challenges have arisen with the advancement in redifferentiation protocols, through which RAI still represents a leading therapy, even in former iodine refractory cases. RAI therapy is usually well-tolerated at low activities rates, but some concerns exist concerning higher cumulative doses and long-term outcomes. Despite these achievements, several issues still need to be addressed in terms of RAI indications and protocols, heading toward the RAI strategy of the future.
Radioactive iodine is given after total thyroidectomy for remnant ablation or treatment of residual/metastatic disease. The decision and dose of radioactive iodine should be in a personalized and patient-specific approach, taking account the clinical-pathological features, risk stratification, patient’s preference, and facilities of the institutions. We review the principles and use of radioactive iodine in differentiated thyroid cancer.Key wordsRadioactive iodinePapillary thyroid carcinomaTreatmentAblationPrognosis
Thyroid cancers are the most frequent endocrine neoplasms whose incidence is globally increasing. Thyroid carcinomas basically derived from follicular (papillary, follicular, anaplastic and poorly differentiated) or parafollicular cells (medullary). The diagnostic evaluation of thyroid cancers is mainly based on neck ultrasonography along with fine needle aspiration. First initial risk evaluation should be carried out postoperatively, while a dynamic risk stratification should be continually assessed to personalize treatment. Whereas combination of surgery, adjuvant radioactive iodine (RAI) ablation, and hormone therapy enables high rates of cure in differentiated tumors (DTC), surgical resection may represent the only definitive therapy in medullary (MTC) and poorly differentiated cancers. International regulatory agencies have recently approved targeted therapy for iodine refractory-DTC (sorafenib and lenvatinib) and for progressive or metastatic MTC (cabozantinib and vandetanib).
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The main steps in the management of differentiated thyroid cancer are thyroidectomy, treatment with iodine-131 ((131)I), and follow-up with whole-body scanning (WBS) and serum thyroglobulin (Tg) determination. Both (131)I treatment and follow-up require maximum stimulation of normal or pathological thyroid remnants by TSH. The use of recombinant human TSH (rhTSH) has been shown to be useful for follow-up, whereas previous reports are not univocal regarding the use of (131)I postsurgical ablation of thyroid remnants, at least when low doses (30 mCi) of (131)I are administered. A possible explanation for the diminished effectiveness of (131)I treatment after rhTSH may be the interference of iodine content of L-thyroxine (L-T4) therapy during the protocol of administration of rhTSH. We have evaluated the effectiveness of stimulation by rhTSH for radioiodine ablation of postsurgical remnants, stopping L-T4 the day before the first injection of rhTSH and restarting L-T4 the day after (131)I. The study included two groups of patients: group 1 included 16 patients with differentiated thyroid cancer (15 papillary cancers and 1 follicular cancer, stages I and II), who were treated with 30 mCi (131)I with the aid of rhTSH, using the standard protocol but stopping L-T4 as stated previously; and group 2 included 24 patients with the same features (histology and stage) of disease treated with 30 mCi in the hypothyroid state after L-T4 withdrawal. In both groups, serum TSH reached a very good stimulation level [76-210 U/liter (mean, 112 +/- 11 SE) and 38-82 U/liter (mean, 51 +/- 3 SE), respectively]. At the first WBS (after (131)I treatment), all patients showed thyroid remnants. Furthermore, two patients of the first group and three patients of the second group showed lymph node metastases. After 1 yr, all patients were studied again and underwent WBS with a tracer dose of (131)I and serum Tg measurement using rhTSH with the same protocol in both groups. The percentage of ablation (undetectable Tg and a negative WBS) was higher, although not reaching statistical significance, in patients treated with rhTSH: 81.2% in patients treated by rhTSH withdrawal and 75.0% in patients treated by L-T4 withdrawal, respectively. No patient experienced symptoms of hypothyroidism during the 4 d of L-T4 interruption, and serum T4 remained in the normal range. Urinary iodine was analyzed in both groups and compared with a control group of patients who received, for diagnostic purposes, rhTSH without stopping L-T4. In the first group, urinary iodine was 47.2 +/- 4.0 microg/liter (mean +/- SE; P = 0.21 vs. the second group, P = 0.019 vs. control group). In the second group, urinary iodine was 38.6 +/- 4.0 microg/liter (mean +/- SE; P < 0.001 vs. control group); urinary iodine in the control group was 76.4 +/- 9.3 microg/liter (mean +/- SE). Our data show that rhTSH, as administered in the protocol stated previously, allows at least the same rate of ablation of thyroid remnants when low doses (30 mCi) of (131)I are used. The possible role of interference of iodine content in L-T4 is not surprising if we consider that the amount of iodine in 30 mCi is negligible (5 microg) compared with the amount of iodine content in a daily dose of T(4) ( approximately 50 microg). The cost of rhTSH seems modest compared with the high cost of complex therapeutic regimens in other areas of oncology and in consideration of the well-being of patients and of the high level of effectiveness of the treatment.
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The late health effects associated with radioiodine ((131)I) given as treatment for thyroid cancer are difficult to assess since the number of thyroid cancer patients treated at each centre is limited. The risk of second primary malignancies (SPMs) was evaluated in a European cohort of thyroid cancer patients. A common database was obtained by pooling the 2-year survivors of the three major Swedish, Italian, and French cohorts of papillary and follicular thyroid cancer patients. A time-dependent analysis using external comparison was performed. The study concerned 6841 thyroid cancer patients, diagnosed during the period 1934-1995, at a mean age of 44 years. In all, 17% were treated with external radiotherapy and 62% received (131)I. In total, 576 patients were diagnosed with a SPM. Compared to the general population of each of the three countries, an overall significantly increased risk of SPM of 27% (95% CI: 15-40) was seen in the European cohort. An increased risk of both solid tumours and leukaemias was found with increasing cumulative activity of (131)I administered, with an excess absolute risk of 14.4 solid cancers and of 0.8 leukaemias per GBq of (131)I and 10(5) person-years of follow-up. A relationship was found between (131)I administration and occurrence of bone and soft tissue, colorectal, and salivary gland cancers. These results strongly highlight the necessity to delineate the indications of (131)I treatment in thyroid cancer patients in order to restrict its use to patients in whom clinical benefits are expected.
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Persistent or recurrent disease is rare in low risk patients with papillary thyroid cancer, and follow-up of these patients is a matter of debate. Neck ultrasonography (US), serum thyroglobulin (Tg), and whole body scan (WBS) after T(4) withdrawal were performed in 456 patients, followed up to 5 yr. At the end of the first year, 335 patients were Tg negative, and 121 were Tg positive; 65 of 96 patients with Tg levels between 1 and 10 ng/ml became spontaneously Tg negative after 2 yr. During follow-up, WBS discovered node metastases in 13 subjects, and US discovered node metastases in 38 subjects (31 Tg positive and 7 Tg negative). WBS did not add any information, because all WBS-positive patients were also US and Tg positive. Fifty percent of metastases were less than 1 cm and not palpable. Finally, the negative predictive value of both negative Tg and US at first follow-up was 98.8%. We suggest a first follow-up based upon US assessment and stimulated (after T(4) withdrawal or recombinant human TSH) serum Tg determination; subsequently, 1) US should not be mandatory at each examination in initially Tg- and US-negative subjects, but is strongly suggested in all other cases; 2) Tg determination should be repeated 1 yr later, after exogenous or endogenous TSH stimulation only in initially Tg-positive patients without any other evidence of residual disease; and 3) Tg measurement during therapy should be sufficient in all other cases.
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To determine, based on published literature and expert clinical experience, current indications for the post-surgical administration of a large radioiodine activity in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer. A literature review was performed and was then analyzed and discussed by a panel of experts from 13 European countries. There is general agreement that patients with unifocal microcarcinomas = 1 cm in diameter and no node or distant metastases have a <2% recurrence rate after surgery alone, and that post-surgical radioiodine confers recurrence and cause-specific survival benefits in patients, strongly suspected of having persistent disease or known to have tumor in the neck or distant sites. In other patients, there is limited evidence that after complete thyroidectomy and adequate lymph node dissection performed by an expert surgeon, post-surgical radioiodine provides clear benefit. When there is any uncertainty about the completeness of surgery, evidence suggests that radioiodine can reduce recurrences and possibly mortality. This survey confirms that post-surgical radioiodine should be used selectively. The modality is definitely indicated in patients with distant metastases, incomplete tumor resection, or complete tumor resection but high risk of recurrence and mortality. Probable indications include patients with tumors >1 cm and with suboptimal surgery (less than total thyroidectomy or no lymph node dissection), with age <16 years, or with unfavorable histology.
We have analyzed the course of papillary thyroid carcinoma in 269 patients managed at the University of Chicago, with an average follow-up period of 12 yr from the time of diagnosis. Patients were categorized by clinical class; I, with intrathyroidal disease; II, with cervical nodal metastases; III, with extrathyroidal invasion; and IV, with distant metastases. Half of the patients had a history of thyroid enlargement known, on the average, for over 3 yr. In 15% of patients given thyroid hormone, the mass decreased in size. The peak incidence of cancer was when subjects were between 20-40 yr of age. Tumors averaged 2.4 cm in size; 21.6% had tumor capsule invasion, and 46% of patients had multifocal tumors. Sixty-six percent of the patients had near-total or total thyroidectomy. The overall incidence of postoperative hypoparathyroidism was 8.4%, but the incidence was zero in 83 near-total or total thyroidectomies carried out by 1 surgeon. Twenty-five percent of the patients had continuing or recurrent disease, and 8.2% died from cancer. Deaths occurred largely in patients with class III or IV disease. Cervical lymph nodes were associated with increased recurrences, but not increased deaths. Extrathyroidal invasion carried an increased risk of 5.8-fold for death, and distant metastases increased this risk 47-fold. Age over 45 yr at diagnosis increased the risk of death 32-fold. Tumor size over 3 cm increased the risk of death 5.8-fold. Surgical treatment combining lobectomy plus at least contralateral subtotal thyroidectomy was associated, by Cox proportional hazard analysis, with decreased risk of death in patients with tumors larger than 1 cm and decreased risk of recurrence among all patients, including patients in classes I and II, compared to patients who underwent unilateral thyroid surgery or bilateral subtotal resections. By chi 2 analysis, 131I ablation of residual thyroid tissue after operation was associated with decreased risk of recurrence in tumors larger than 1 cm and decreased risk of death in patients in classes I and II with tumors more than 1 cm in size. The data strongly support the use of more extensive initial surgery in class I and II patients with tumors more than 1 cm in size as well as postoperative radioactive 131I ablation of thyroid remnant tissue.
To determine the long-term impact of medical and surgical treatment of well differentiated papillary and follicular thyroid cancer. Patients with papillary and follicular cancer (n = 1,355) treated either in U.S. Air Force or Ohio State University hospitals over the past 40 years were prospectively followed by questionnaire or personal examination to determine treatment outcomes. Outcomes were analyzed by Kaplan-Meier survival curves and Cox proportional-hazard regression model. Median follow-up was 15.7 years; 42% (568) of the patients were followed for 20 years and 14% (185) for 30 years. After 30 years, the survival rate was 76%, the recurrence rate was 30%, and the cancer death rate was 8%. Recurrences were most frequent at the extremes of age (< 20 and > 59 years). Cancer mortality rates were lowest in patients younger than 40 years and increased with each subsequent decade of life. Thirty-year cancer mortality rates were greatest in follicular cancer patients, who were more likely to have adverse prognostic factors: older age, larger tumors, more mediastinal node involvement, and distant metastases. When patients with distant metastases at diagnosis were excluded, follicular and papillary cancer mortality rates were similar (10% versus 6%, P not significant [NS]). In a Cox regression model that excluded patients who presented with distant metastases, the likelihood of cancer death was (1) increased by age > or = 40 years, tumor size > or = 1.5 cm, local tumor invasion, regional lymph-node metastases, and delay in therapy > or = 12 months; (2) reduced by female sex, surgery more extensive than lobectomy, and 131I plus thyroid hormone therapy; and (3) unaffected by tumor histologic type. Following 131I therapy given only to ablate normal thyroid gland remnants, the recurrence rate was less than one third the rate after thyroid hormone therapy alone (P < 0.001). No patient treated in this way with 131I has died of thyroid cancer. Low 131I doses (29 to 50 mCi) were as effective as high doses (51 to 200 mCi) in controlling tumor recurrence (7% versus 9%, P = NS). Following 131I therapy, whether given for thyroid remnant ablation or cancer therapy, recurrence and the likelihood of cancer death were reduced by at least half, despite the existence of more adverse prognostic factors in patients given 131I. At 30 years, the cumulative cancer mortality rate following 131I therapy, regardless of the reason for its use, was one third that in patients not so treated (P = 0.03). Over the long term, for tumors > or = 1.5 cm that are not initially metastatic to distant sites, near-total thyroidectomy followed by 131I plus thyroid hormone therapy confers a distinct outcome advantage. This therapy reduces tumor recurrence and mortality sufficiently to offset the augmented risks incurred by delayed therapy, age > or = 40 at the time of diagnosis, and tumors that are much larger than 1.5 cm, multicentric, locally invasive, or regionally metastatic.
The aim of the study was to assess whether stimulation by recombinant human TSH (rhTSH) may be used in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma for postsurgical ablation of thyroid remnants using a 30-mCi standard dose of 131I during thyroid hormone therapy. The rate of ablation was prospectively compared in three groups of patients consecutively assigned to one of three treatment arms: in the first arm, patients (n = 50) were treated while hypothyroid (HYPO); in the second arm, patients (n = 42) were treated while HYPO and stimulated in addition with rhTSH (HYPO + rhTSH); in the third arm, patients (n = 70) were treated while euthyroid (EU) on thyroid hormone therapy and stimulated with rhTSH (EU + rhTSH). The outcome of thyroid ablation was assessed by conventional HYPO 131I scan performed in HYPO state 6–10 months after ablation. Basal serum TSH was elevated in the HYPO and HYPO + rhTSH groups. In the EU + rhTSH group, basal serum TSH was 1.3 ± 2.5 μU/ml (range, <0.005–11.9 μU/ml). After rhTSH, serum TSH significantly increased in the HYPO + rhTSH group and the EU + rhTSH group. Basal 24-h radioiodine thyroid bed uptake was 5.8 ± 5.7% (range, 0.2–21%) and 5.4 ± 5.7% (range, 0.2–26%) in the HYPO and HYPO + rhTSH groups, respectively. In the HYPO + rhTSH group, mean 24-h thyroid bed uptake rose to 9.4 ± 9.5% (range, 0.2–46%) after rhTSH (P < 0.0001). The 24-h uptake after rhTSH in the EU + rhTSH group was 2.5 ± 4.3% (range, 0.1–32%), significantly lower (P < 0.0001) than that found in the HYPO and HYPO + rhTSH groups. The rate of successful ablation was similar in the HYPO and HYPO + rhTSH groups (84% and 78.5%, respectively). A significantly lower rate of ablation (54%) was achieved in the EU + rhTSH group. Mean initial dose rate (the radiation dose delivered during the first hour after treatment) was significantly lower in the EU + rhTSH group (10.7 ± 12.6 Gy/h) compared with the HYPO + rhTSH group (48.5 ± 43 Gy/h) and the HYPO group (27.1 ± 42.5 Gy/h). In conclusion, our study indicates that by using stimulation with rhTSH, a 30-mCi standard dose of radioiodine is not sufficient for a satisfactory thyroid ablation rate. Possible reasons for this failure may be the low 24-h radioiodine uptake, the low initial dose rate delivered to the residues, and the accelerated iodine clearance observed in EU patients. Possible alternatives for obtaining a satisfactory rate of thyroid ablation with rhTSH may consist of increasing the dose of radioiodine or using different protocols of rhTSH administration producing more prolonged thyroid cells stimulation.
Debates regarding thyroid stunning-a phenomenon whereby a diagnostic dose of radioiodine decreases uptake of a subsequent therapeutic dose by remnant thyroid tissue or by functioning metastases-have been fueled by inconsistent research findings. Quantitative studies evaluating radioiodine uptake and qualitative studies using visual observations both compare thyroid function on the diagnostic scan (DxSCAN) versus the posttreatment whole-body scan (RxWBS). The variability of findings may be the result of a lack of consensus in clinical nuclear medicine regarding many parameters of radioiodine usage including the need to obtain a pretreatment diagnostic scan, appropriate therapeutic dose, time between therapy dose administration and DxSCAN, and how successful ablation is measured. In the studies considered in this review, those that used (123)I rather than (131)I for DxSCAN, allowed less time to elapse between diagnostic and therapy dose, and more time between therapy dose and RxWBS (at least 1 week), did not observe stunning. However, groups that recognized stunning did not demonstrate any difference in outcomes (determined by successful first-time ablation). Whether stunning is a temporary phenomenon whereby stunned tissue eventually rejuvenates, or whether observed stunning actually constitutes "partial ablation," is yet to be delineated.