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The phylogenetic structure of plant-pollinator networks increases with habitat size and isolation


Abstract and Figures

Similarity among species in traits related to ecological interactions is frequently associated with common ancestry. Thus, closely related species usually interact with ecologically similar partners, which can be reinforced by diverse co-evolutionary processes. The effect of habitat fragmentation on the phylogenetic signal in interspecific interactions and correspondence between plant and animal phylogenies is, however, unknown. Here, we address to what extent phylogenetic signal and co-phylogenetic congruence of plant-animal interactions depend on habitat size and isolation by analysing the phylogenetic structure of 12 pollination webs from isolated Pampean hills. Phylogenetic signal in interspecific interactions differed among webs, being stronger for flower-visiting insects than plants. Phylogenetic signal and overall co-phylogenetic congruence increased independently with hill size and isolation. We propose that habitat fragmentation would erode the phylogenetic structure of interaction webs. A decrease in phylogenetic signal and co-phylogenetic correspondence in plant-pollinator interactions could be associated with less reliable mutualism and erratic co-evolutionary change.
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LETTER The phylogenetic structure of plantpollinator networks
increases with habitat size and isolation
Marcelo A. Aizen,
* Gabriela
Malena Sabatino,
Luis J.
Jordi Bascompte
Miguel Verd
Similarity among species in traits related to ecological interactions is frequently associated with
common ancestry. Thus, closely related species usually interact with ecologically similar partners,
which can be reinforced by diverse co-evolutionary processes. The effect of habitat fragmentation
on the phylogenetic signal in interspecific interactions and correspondence between plant and ani-
mal phylogenies is, however, unknown. Here, we address to what extent phylogenetic signal and
co-phylogenetic congruence of plantanimal interactions depend on habitat size and isolation by
analysing the phylogenetic structure of 12 pollination webs from isolated Pampean hills. Phyloge-
netic signal in interspecific interactions differed among webs, being stronger for flower-visiting
insects than plants. Phylogenetic signal and overall co-phylogenetic congruence increased indepen-
dently with hill size and isolation. We propose that habitat fragmentation would erode the phylo-
genetic structure of interaction webs. A decrease in phylogenetic signal and co-phylogenetic
correspondence in plantpollinator interactions could be associated with less reliable mutualism
and erratic co-evolutionary change.
Area effect, co-phylogenetic correspondence, habitat islands, isolation, mutualistic networks,
Pampas, phylogenetic structure, pollination webs.
Ecology Letters (2016) 19: 29–36
Habitat fragmentation can drive the direct extinction not only
of species, but also of the interspecific interactions that shape
the web of life (Bascompte & Jordano 2007; Aizen et al.
2012). In turn, interaction loss causes the disruption of diverse
ecological processes, which can further affect both short-term
species survivorship (e.g. Pauw 2007) and long-term evolution-
ary change (e.g. Galetti et al. 2013). Although consideration
of evolutionary and co-evolutionary processes adds an impor-
tant dimension to the values of conservation (Crandall et al.
2000; Moritz 2002), their study in the context of meta-com-
munities persisting in fragmented habitats is still in its infancy
(Peralta et al. 2015). We propose that the assessment of
the phylogenetic structure of interaction webs like plant
pollinator networks, across habitat islands, can provide infor-
mation on what landscape factors and habitat characteristics
contribute to the preservation of long-term (co)evolutionary
Phenotypic traits shaping plantanimal interactions, particu-
larly plantanimal mutualisms, are often structured phyloge-
netically. As a consequence, plant or animal species sharing
common ancestry and thus similar traits tend to interact
with largely overlapping ecological assemblages of animal or
plant species, respectively, with matching traits (Rezende et al.
2007; G
omez et al. 2010). This type of phylogenetic structure
based on a total or partial phenotypic matching between
interacting partners can result from one-on-one and even mul-
ti-specific co-evolutionary processes (Marussich & Machado
2007; Segraves 2010; Guimar~
aes et al. 2011). Similarly, these
different modes of co-evolution, i.e. pair-wise and multi-
species, will strengthen the correspondence between plant and
animal phylogenies (e.g. Legendre et al. 2002). In addition,
trait matching between species that did not co-evolve, but co-
evolved elsewhere with close relatives of the species with
which they interact at present may also contribute to maintain
and reinforce the phylogenetic structure of plant and animal
interactions (e.g. Pearse et al. 2013). Therefore, we interpret
the presence of phylogenetic structure in mutualistic webs as
evidence of temporally persistent interactions between pairs or
(somewhat shifting) sets of partner species with co-adapted
traits, and its absence as evidence of less reliable mutualism
(i.e. mutualistic interactions not sustained over time) leading
to erratic selective pressures.
Both the phylogenetic signal in ecological interactions at
each trophic level, as well as the overall plantanimal phyloge-
netic congruence can be eroded under a scenario of habitat
fragmentation for at least two reasons. First, plant and animal
populations trapped in small habitat islands are more prone
to random extinction due to demographic and genetic
Laboratorio Ecotono-CRUB, Universidad Nacional del Comahue and INI-
BIOMA, Quintral 1250, 8400 San Carlos de Bariloche, R
ıo Negro, Argentina
EEA [Estaci
on Experimental Agropecuaria] Balcarce, INTA [Instituto Nacional
de Tecnolog
ıa Agropecuaria], CC 276, 7620 Balcarce, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Integrative Ecology Group, Estaci
on Biol
ogica de Do~
nana, CSIC, Calle
erico Vespucio s/n, 41092 Sevilla, Spain
Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies, University of
Zurich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, 8057 Zurich, Switzerland
Centro de Investigaciones sobre Desertificaci
on (CIDE CSIC-UV-GV), Apartado
Oficial, E-46113 Moncada, Valencia, Spain
*Correspondence: E-mail:
©2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd/CNRS
Ecology Letters, (2016) 19: 29–36 doi: 10.1111/ele.12539
bottlenecks (Young et al. 1996; Tscharntke et al. 2002).
Increasing random population extinction would, in turn,
decrease the strength of the phylogenetic signal in assemblage
composition, because this factor would reduce the determinis-
tic role of trait matching in shaping plantpollinator interac-
tions (Stang et al. 2006; Schleuning et al. 2015). Second,
meta-community dynamics characteristic of fragmented
habitats implies not only the random extinction of small
local populations, but also the colonisation of a focal habitat
island by random samples of non-resident and, probably,
transient species from nearby habitat islands (Leibold et al.
2004). These transient species are expected to establish rather
facultative interactions, particularly with generalist species
(Aizen et al. 2012), which would also weaken the phylogenetic
signal in ecological interactions and the degree of phylogenetic
match between plants and animals. Therefore, the overall phy-
logenetic and co-phylogenetic structure of pollination webs
should be better preserved in large and isolated habitat islands
than in small and central ones, which are subjected to higher
species and interaction turnover (Jamoneau et al. 2012).
Here, we explore the role of habitat size and isolation on
the phylogenetic signal and co-phylogenetic congruence of
plantpollinator interactions by analysing 12 pollination webs
from the ‘sierras’ of the central Argentine Pampas (Sabatino
et al. 2010; Aizen et al. 2012). These ancient hills, which range
from tens to thousands of hectares, can be considered as
‘habitat islands’ as they were connected by a matrix of natural
grassland prior to European colonisation, but are now sur-
rounded by a matrix devoted to intensive agriculture and iso-
lated from each other by distances ranging from a few
hundred metres to several kilometres (Fig. 1). Because of their
relatively recent isolation and because they remain mostly
untilled, these sierras still preserve many floristic elements that
were formerly common in the surrounding plains and else-
where in southern South America, including several species
from lineages of Gondwanan origin (Cabrera 1994) (see also
Supporting Materials and Methods, Landscape’s human
Previous studies in this system (Sabatino et al. 2010; Aizen
et al. 2012; Gilarranz et al. 2015) showed that trends in num-
ber of species and interactions, as well as in overall network
architecture (i.e. nestedness) could be predicted based on
meta-community principles (Leibold et al. 2004). Here, we
move one step forward and ask whether a meta-community
dynamics could also induce changes in the phylogenetic and
co-phylogenetic structure of these pollination webs. In partic-
ular, on the basis of the hypotheses stated above, we test the
predictions that both phylogenetic signal and co-phylogenetic
congruence in interactions between plants and their flower vis-
itors increase with habitat area and isolation. We found sup-
port for these expectations, which also suggests that the
process of habitat fragmentation has community-wide implica-
tions for both the dynamics of mutualisms and the integrity
of co-evolutionary processes.
Study system and dataset
We surveyed pollination networks from 12 out of a total of
18 sierras located between Mar del Plata (37
580S, 57
and Balcarce (37
500S, 58
150W), Buenos Aires Province,
Argentina (data available from the Dryad Digital Repository: These sierras are part
of the Tandilian orographic system dating back to the lower
Paleozoic, a system which comprises about 24 isolated ortho-
quartzitic hills up to c. 500 m in altitude jutting out from the
loessic (Quarternary) Pampas’ plains, lying in the southeast of
the ‘Pampeano Austral’ biogeographic district (Cabrera 1994).
The 12 study sierras represent a wide range in size (from 13
to 2100 ha; Table S1) and isolation (between 0.8 and 9.1 km
from their nearest neighbour), which is typical of the entire
orographic system. The climate of the region is temperate with
warm summers (mean January temperature 20.8 °C) and mild
winters (mean July temperature 5.2 °C).
The sierras have rich vegetation characterised by a gentle
rocky basal slope dominated by shrubs, herbs and geophytes,
a barely vegetated steep scarp and a flat top with a mosaic of
exposed bedrock and loessic patches dominated by grasses.
The most abundant and diverse plant families are insect polli-
nated (i.e. Asteraceae, Apiaceae, Fabaceae and Scrophulari-
aceae). Despite intensive apiculture with European honey bees
(Apis mellifera) in the region, the sierras support a rich
flower-visitor community that comprises mainly insects (Hy-
menoptera, followed by Diptera, Coleoptera and Lepidoptera)
and one species of vertebrate, the hummingbird Chlorostilbon
aureoventris (Aizen et al. 2012). The matrix that nowadays
surrounds the sierras is an intensively managed agroecosystem
devoted principally to the cultivation of soybean (about 70%
of the agriculture area). However, other crops such as sun-
flower, wheat, corn, potato and canola are still cultivated in
the region. Cattle roamed freely and fires were set frequently
Figure 1 The study hilly landscape of the Argentine Pampas. The
photograph shows ‘sierras’ (a and c) and the surrounding agricultural
matrix (b). The conical sierra at the back (a) is ‘Amarante’, a hill of
190 ha and 361 m a.s.l, as seen from ‘La Chata’, a hill of 229 ha and
357 m a.s.l, which is 2.6 km away. The terrain in the foreground (c) at La
Chata is the type of habitat in which we surveyed plants and flower
©2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd/CNRS
30 M. A. Aizen et al. Letter
to promote vegetation re-growth in all the study sierras except
for Difuntito, a small-fenced hill (Table S1). Cattle had been
excluded and fire suppressed at Difuntito for at least the pre-
ceding 18 years (Sabatino et al. 2010).
Field work was conducted during the 20072008 Austral
flowering season (OctoberApril). On each sierra, we delim-
ited and sampled an area of 0.5 ha on the north-facing slope,
about 200 m from the edge of the nearest agricultural field.
This sun-exposed slope exhibits the highest plant diversity
among the sierra habitats. Also, while our protocol avoided
edges, proximity to the agricultural fields increased the chance
to sample plant and pollinator species that used to be com-
mon, or at least present, in the surrounding matrix before
agriculturalisation. Within each 0.5 ha area, we set two paral-
lel 100-m transects, 50 m apart and along each transect we
established five permanent 1-m radius plots c. 25 m apart (i.e.
10 plots per sierra). Within each plot, we identified all plants
in flower and recorded all flower visitors that contacted floral
sexual organs during a 15-min period. All plots from a given
sierra were sampled consecutively between 09:00 and 18:00 h
and each sierra was sampled an average of 10 times through-
out the flowering season, once every 2 weeks, recording a
total of 13 174 flower visitors during 318 h of observation dis-
tributed over 127 days. All flower visitors were morphotyped
and identified with the aid of a reference collection and spe-
cialist help at least to the family level. We could identify to
species or genus 52 or 80% of all flower visitors respectively.
Neither the total number of flower visitors recorded in each
sierra (a measure of sampling effort) nor the incidence of alien
species (c. 10% of all species) was influenced by sierra size or
isolation (Sabatino et al. 2010).
Sierra area and connectivity
The 18 sierras from our study area, including the 12 sierras
surveyed, were digitalised from a Google-Earth image. We
measured the area of each sierra to the nearest hectare. Then,
we constructed a spatial network connecting the sierras. Two
patches (in this case two sierras) were connected if the lineal
distance between them (i.e. edge to edge) was smaller than a
threshold distance. From this spatial network map, we esti-
mated the betweenness centrality of each patch as a direct
measure of connectivity or an inverse measure of isolation.
Patch betweenness centrality quantifies how well a given
habitat patch is connected to other patches by taking into
account the spatial configuration of the entire patch network.
For a focal habitat patch, patch betweenness centrality is
proportional to the number of all possible paths connecting
all pairs of habitat patches which pass through that patch
(Freeman 1977). This inverse measure of isolation, which is
based on graph theory, suits to studies concerned with meta-
population and meta-community dynamics (Urban & Keitt
2001; Gilarranz et al. 2015). We chose a threshold distance
of 12 km, a value that maximised the association (i.e. the
coefficient of determination) between phylogenetic structure
and centrality (see Supporting Materials and Methods,
Threshold distance), at least for the two of the three focal
phylogenetic correspondence variables for which centrality
had a significant effect (Table S2). This threshold distance
also maximised the association between nestedness an
important structural network property and centrality (Gi-
larranz et al. 2015). From a biological perspective, this
threshold is just above the maximum foraging distances
known for most bees (Greenleaf et al. 2007). We considered
the paths connecting all the 18 sierras in the landscape to
estimate the centrality (hereafter connectivity) of the 12 study
sierras. There was no evidence that the (log) area of a sierra
and its connectivity were significantly associated (r=0.167,
n=12, P=0.60), so both factors estimate independent
aspects of the study habitat islands.
Phylogenies and phylogenetic distances
Phylogenetic distances between all pairs of plant species and
flower-visiting insect species were calculated from recon-
structed phylogenies. Phylogenetic relations among all plant
species recorded in the 12 sierras (i.e. a total of 96 species)
were inferred using the Phylomatic online tool (Webb &
Donoghue 2005), selecting the R20120829 source tree as the
master phylogeny. We further resolved the phylogenetic rela-
tions for plant species in polytomic families using the most
updated intrafamily phylogenies when available (see Support-
ing Materials and Methods, Plant and animal phylogenies).
Phylogenetic relations among all flower-visiting animal spe-
cies (i.e. a total of 171 species) were reconstructed by assem-
bling the information contained in different published
sources. We excluded the one observed vertebrate species, the
hummingbird Chlorostilbon aureoventris, from the final ani-
mal phylogeny because of the long time of divergence
between vertebrates and insects (Blair 2009) and because this
bird was censused only once (Aizen et al. 2012). The phylo-
genetic relations among the main groups of insects were
extracted from Wiegmann et al. (2009). We then added
resolved topologies for each group at the tips of this tem-
plate phylogeny from different source phylogenies (see Sup-
porting Materials and Methods, Plant and animal
phylogenies). On the basis of the time of divergence of major
clades for plants and insects, we estimated branch lengths
using the bladj command in Phylocom (Webb et al. 2008).
Thus, the resulting trees were ultrametric with time-calibrated
branch lengths (Figs S1 and S2). We then obtained matrices
of pair-wise phylogenetic distances among all plant and ani-
mal species pairs using the phydist command in Phylocom
(Webb et al. 2008).
To account for the effect of the incomplete resolution of the
trees, we applied an alternative procedure of phylogenetic
reconstruction that simultaneously resolves polytomies and
adjusts branch lengths using an evolutionary constant rate
birthdeath model (see Supporting Materials and Methods,
Plant and animal phylogenies). Mantel correlations between
matrices of pair-wise phylogenetic distances constructed with
the bladj and this alternative procedures were extremely high,
r=0.995 (95% CI =0.9940.996) and r=0.996 (95%
CI =0.9950.997) for plants and insects respectively. This
almost perfect congruence implies that polytomies (which were
mostly present at terminal nodes) as well as uncertainty in the
time of divergence of some nodes had minimal influence on
overall phylogenetic structure.
©2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd/CNRS
Letter Mutualism phylogeny across habitat islands 31
Ecological distances
Following Rezende et al. (2007) and Elias et al. (2013), we
used 1-Sas an estimate of ecological distances, where Sis the
Jaccard index of similarity obtained from qualitative interac-
tion matrices (Legendre & Legendre 1998). Accordingly, the
ecological similarity between two species, iand j, is defined as
S(i, j)=a/(b+ca), where arepresents the number of interact-
ing species shared between species iand j, and band cthe
total number of species interacting with species iand jrespec-
tively. The ecological distance between two plant (animal) spe-
cies ranges from 0, when they interact with the same animal
(plant) species assemblage, to 1, when they interact with com-
pletely different species assemblages. Ecological distances for
all pairs of plants and animals were estimated from the syn-
thetic 96 9171 species interaction meta-web and from the
interaction matrix of each sierra separately.
Phylogenetic signal in species assemblages
We estimated the extent to which phylogenetic proximity is
associated with similarity in the composition of the interacting
species assemblage for the meta-web and the interaction
matrix of each sierra separately. To this aim, we compared
phylogenetic and ecological distance matrices (Rezende et al.
2007; Elias et al. 2013) using Mantel tests performed with the
package vegan v. 2.0-10 (Dixon 2003) for R (R Core Team
2014). Because differences in the number of interacting species
composing each species’ assemblage (i.e. species degree) affect
Jaccard similarity, we performed partial Mantel tests control-
ling for differences in species richness. Degree distance matri-
ces were calculated from the absolute difference in the
number of interacting animal (plant) species for all pairs of
plant (animal) species (Rezende et al. 2007). Therefore, this
test assesses whether phylogeny affects the identity of the
interaction partners independently of differences in the num-
ber of interacting species, which can be unduly influenced by
differences in sampling effort (V
azquez & Aizen 2003).
Plantanimal phylogenetic congruence
We used the ParaFit co-phylogenetic analysis (Legendre et al.
2002), as implemented in the package ape v. 3.1-2 (Paradis
et al. 2004) for R (R Core Team 2014), to assess the degree of
correspondence between plant and animal phylogenetic trees,
for both the meta-web and the interaction web of each sierra
(Fig. S3). This analysis is based on the transformation of plant
and animal phylogenetic trees into matrices of principal coordi-
nates. The ParaFit global estimate is the sum of squares of all
the values of d
i, j
in a matrix D, which is the result of D=P.I
A, where Pis the plant phylogenetic distance matrix (with prin-
cipal coordinates in rows), Arepresents the animal phylogenetic
distance matrix (with principal coordinates in columns) and I
is the transposed plantanimal binary interaction matrix.
Statistical analyses
For significance testing of both partial Mantel correlation
coefficients and ParaFit global estimates, we conducted
permutations of the plantpollinator interaction matrices. We
preferred this method rather than permuting either distance
matrices (Mantel correlations) or species phylogeny matrices
(ParaFit estimates). On the basis of null model 1 of V
& Aizen (2003), we used an algorithm, implemented in R (R
Core Team 2014), which shuffled the observed number of
interaction links among the cells of a given matrix with the
only restriction that each species had at least one interaction.
The advantages of this procedure is the preservation of matrix
size, while avoiding misestimated type I errors associated with
the permutation of distance matrices in Mantel correlation
tests (Harmon & Glor 2010). Each estimate was compared
with a distribution of expected values generated from 1000
randomisations of the synthetic plantpollinator interaction
matrix (i.e. the meta-web) and each sierra’s interaction matrix.
To assess and compare the strength of Mantel associations
and co-phylogenetic signals among binary matrices of differ-
ent shape and completeness, observed estimates were z-trans-
formed according to ðx
xÞ=SD, where
xand SD are the
mean and standard deviations across the 1000 randomisations
(Elias et al. 2013). Because ParaFit estimates tended to differ
by orders of magnitude and have a highly right-skewed distri-
bution, they were log-transformed before calculation of z-
scores. We evaluated differences in the strength of the plant
vs. animal phylogenetic signal (i.e. the z-transformed Mantel
correlations) across the 12 sierras by means of a paired t-test.
Finally, we analysed the effect of (log) sierra area and connec-
tivity on z-scores with a linear multiple regression model.
To discard any confounding effect associated with differ-
ences in web size or phylogenetic diversity among sierras, we
included, alternatively, the total (log) number of species (i.e.
plants and animals), the (log) number of interaction links of
the plantpollinator web sampled in each sierra and the (log)
Faith’s phylogenetic diversity (i.e. the sum of the lengths of
all phylogeny’s branches; Faith 1992) as predictive variables
in the above regression models. All analyses between each
response variable and sierra area and connectivity yielded the
same directional trends when absolute measurements, rather
than z-scores, were used (results not shown). Spatial autocor-
relation of residuals from the above models was addressed
using Moran’s Iestimates for increasing distance categories
(Fortin et al. 2002; see Supporting Materials and Methods,
Spatial autocorrelation).
Finally, we explored whether patterns of decreasing phylo-
genetic structure in plantpollinator interaction with decreas-
ing sierra area and increasing connectivity could be linked to
a loss of the phylogenetic signal in specialisation and/or loss
of phylogenetic diversity. To analyse the first possibility, we
considered the number of interaction links per plant or animal
species (i.e. species degree) from the meta-web, corrected by
total observation frequency, as a measure of specialisation/
generalisation. To estimate this parameter, we used the residu-
als of linear regressions between the (log) number of interac-
tion links and the (log) number of observations with
intercepts forced to zero (V
azquez & Aizen 2003), considering
plants and flower visitors separately. Then, we estimated, for
both the meta-phylogenies and each sierra’s phylogenies, the
amount of phylogenetic signal in the adjusted number of
interaction links by means of the Kstatistic (i.e. the amount
©2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd/CNRS
32 M. A. Aizen et al. Letter
of signal of the real data, expressed as a fraction of that
expected based on a Brownian model of trait evolution) as
detailed in Rezende et al. (2007). To analyse the second possi-
bility, following Eiserhardt et al. (2015), we compared the
observed lengths of the plant and animal phylogenies of each
sierra (i.e. Faith’s phylogenetic diversity) with the lengths of
1000 trees that were sub-sampled randomly from the plant
and animal meta-phylogenies, keeping the number of species
equal to those in the observed trees. For comparisons across
sierras, both the Kstatistic and phylogenetic diversity deficit
were transformed as z-scores.
Plantpollinator interactions in the study sierras were phylo-
genetically structured. Analysis of the synthetic interaction
meta-web revealed that closely related plants tended to inter-
act with more ecologically similar sets of animal species than
less related plant species (z=5.07, P<0.00l). Similarly,
closely related animals tended to interact with more similar
sets of plant species than less related animal species
(z=7.24, P<0.001). Analysis of these two phylogenetic
signals on species assemblages across the 12 sierras showed
not only significant co-variation between them (Fig. 2a), but
also that the animal phylogeny was more strongly associated
with the identity of interactive plant mutualists than vice
versa (paired t-test: t
=5.16, P<0.0005). Overall, there was
some co-phylogenetic congruence between the synthetic plant
and animal meta-phylogenies (z=5.84, P<0.001), which,
at the level of individual sierras, was associated with both
plant and animal phylogenetic effects on the similarity of
the interacting animal and plant assemblages respectively
(Fig. 2b and c).
The strength of all the above three estimates of phylogenetic
structure varied among sierras and was associated with either
sierra area or connectivity. First, the association between ani-
mal pair-wise phylogenetic distances and plant pair-wise eco-
logical distances departed from null expectations in 10 of the
12 individual pollination webs. The strength of this phyloge-
netic effect increased significantly with sierra area (Fig. 3,
Table S3). Second, the association between plant pair-wise
phylogenetic distances and animal pair-wise ecological dis-
tances departed from null expectations in four of the 12 polli-
nation webs. The strength of this phylogenetic effect
decreased with sierra connectivity (Fig. 3, Table S3). Third,
the congruence between the plant and animal phylogenies was
weak in general, exceeding null expectations in only three of
the 12 individual pollination webs (Fig. 4). However, this co-
phylogenetic congruence became stronger as both sierra area
and isolation increased (Fig. 4, Table S4). The relation
between co-phylogenetic congruence and area changed from
marginal to highly significant after excluding Difuntito, a
well-preserved small sierra with an unexpectedly high number
of species and interactions (Table S1). However, Difuntito did
not influence the direction and magnitude of any of the
reported trends to any large extent (Figs 3 and 4). Factors
associated with network size, phylogenetic diversity or any
other spatially autocorrelated factor did not confound the
effects of sierra area and connectivity on the strength of the
web phylogenetic structure (Tables S5S12). Also, despite an
overall significant phylogenetic signal in the degree of speciali-
sation (i.e. the adjusted number of links; K=0.301,
P=0.008 for the plant meta-phylogeny, and K=0.522,
P<0.001 for the animal meta-phylogeny), there was no evi-
dence of a significant decrease in either the phylogenetic signal
in specialisation or phylogenetic diversity with decreasing
sierra area or increasing connectivity (Figs S4 and S5, Tables
Overall, the most phylogenetically structured pollination webs
were found in large and relatively isolated sierras, supporting
expectations based on meta-community principles. Underlying
these results are the well-sustained assumptions that (1) some
degree of phenotypic matching between co-occurring plant
and pollinator species is needed for interaction establishment
and functional efficiency (Stang et al. 2006; Schleuning et al.
2015), and (2) phenotypic matching involves traits that are
phylogenetically conserved (Rezende et al. 2007; G
omez et al.
2010). Therefore, to the extent that phylogenetic structure of
mutualistic interactions reflects co-evolution, we predict that
Plant phylogenetic effect
Animal phylogenetic effect
r = 0.65, P < 0.05
Plant phylogenetic effect
Cophylogenetic congruence
r = 0.75, P < 0.005
Animal phylogenetic effect
Cophylogenetic congruence
r = 0.62, P < 0.05
(b) (c)(a)
Figure 2 Pearson’s correlations between the three estimates (z-scores) of phylogenetic structure of plantpollinator interactions across the 12 sierras.
(a) Plant vs. animal phylogenetic effect (i.e. Mantel correlations between phylogenetic relatedness and ecological similarity), (b) co-phylogenetic congruence
(i.e. ParaFit index) vs. plant phylogenetic effect and (c) co-phylogenetic congruence vs. animal phylogenetic effect. The open circle in each panel represents
Difuntito, a well-preserved small sierra with an unexpectedly high number of species and interactions (Table S1). The grey line of intercept =0 and
slope =1 is provided as reference.
©2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd/CNRS
Letter Mutualism phylogeny across habitat islands 33
the transformation of continuous habitats into a network of
remnant habitat patches will jeopardise co-adaptation.
According to our conceptual framework, species abundance,
which increases with habitat size, represents a key factor
underlying phylogenetic structure of interactions. Although
phenotypic matching indicates the potential for the establish-
ment of an effective interaction (Stang et al. 2006; Schleuning
et al. 2015), species abundance can explain interaction persis-
tence in time and space (Aizen et al. 2012; Carstensen et al.
2014) and, therefore, the potential for co-adaptation. As a
consequence, increasing random extinctions of small popula-
tions of well-matched partner species occurring in small frag-
ments would not only decrease resemblance in species
assemblages between closely related interacting partners
(Figs 3 and 4), but also by disassembling trait matching,
could decrease the fitness of the surviving interaction partners.
Species colonisation, which increases with habitat connectiv-
ity, is the second factor proposed to affect the amount of
underlying phylogenetic structure of interactions in frag-
mented habitats. Central habitat islands are by definition
‘stepping stones’ of a higher number of dispersal routes than
peripheral, isolated islands (Urban & Keitt 2001). Although
populations of resident species in well-connected habitat
patches could benefit from an enhanced rescue effect, popula-
tions of non-resident species are also more likely to colonise
these patches (Leibold et al. 2004). These newcomers could
establish ephemeral and probably loose phenotypically
matched interactions with generalists (Aizen et al. 2012),
increasing, as previously reported, the nested structure of a
pollination web (Gilarranz et al. 2015), but blurring, as found
here, its phylogenetic structure (Figs 3 and 4). As it is pre-
dicted for species losing rare but efficient mutualists in small
habitat islands, a fitness cost is also expected for these tran-
sient species from interacting with ill-matched partners.
Our framework clearly favours a view of random species
extinction and colonisation affecting not only network archi-
tecture, as reported in Gilarranz et al. (2015), but also phylo-
genetic structure (Figs 3 and 4). However, deterministic,
phylogenetic-related factors associated with habitat patch size
and connectivity could provide alternative explanations for
the phylogenetic patterns we found. This could occur if lin-
eages of either plant or pollinator specialists are differentially
pruned in small habitat patches, or if lineages of generalists
proliferate in more connected patches. Both processes would
predict a decrease in the phylogenetic signal in the number of
interaction links per species, and of phylogenetic diversity
compared with random expectations (e.g. Rezende et al.
2007). However, despite significant phylogenetic signals in
Area (ha)
Area (ha)
Plant phylogeny
P = 0.32
−2 2 4 6
P < 0.05
Animal phylogeny
P < 0.05
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30
P = 0.10
Correlation between phylogeny and ecological similarity
−2 2 4 60
2 2460
Figure 3 Correlation between phylogenetic relatedness and ecological
similarity of interacting species as a function of sierra area and
connectivity. Connectivity is measured as betweenness centrality, an
inverse measure of patch isolation. A partial Mantel correlation (z-score)
between phylogenetic and ecological distance matrices was estimated for
each pollination web after accounting for differences in the number of
interacting species composing each species’ assemblage (i.e. species degree)
and plotted against sierra area (upper panels) and connectivity (lower
panels). The grey zone is the region delimited by the 2.5 and 97.5
percentiles from the random distributions of z-scores. The open circle in
each panel represents the correlation estimated for a web sampled at
Difuntito, a well-preserved small sierra with an unexpectedly high number
of species and interactions (Table S1). The corresponding partial
regression linear equation is depicted in each graph (see Table S3).
Area (ha)
P = 0.06
P < 0.005
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30
P < 0.05
P < 0.005
Plant−animal phylogenetic congruence
Figure 4 Congruence between the plant and animal phylogenies as a
function of sierra area and connectivity. Connectivity is measured as
betweenness centrality, an inverse measure of patch isolation. The degree
of congruence between the plant and animal phylogenies (here measured
with the z-transformed ParaFit index) was estimated for each pollination
web and plotted against sierra area (upper panel) and connectivity (lower
panel). The grey zone is the region delimited by the 2.5 and 97.5
percentiles from the random distributions of z-scores. The open circle in
each panel represents the phylogenetic correspondence estimated for the
web sampled at Difuntito, a well-preserved small sierra with an
unexpectedly high number of species and interactions (Table S1). Partial
regression linear equations are depicted in each graph including all
estimates (continuous line) and after excluding the estimate for Difuntito
(dashed line) (see Table S4).
©2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd/CNRS
34 M. A. Aizen et al. Letter
both plant and pollinator specialisation, none of these pat-
terns were supported by our data (Tables S13 and S14). This
result does not necessarily undermine the importance of
particular life-history species traits as determinants of
interaction disruption (Aizen et al. 2012), but it stresses the
role of a meta-community dynamics influencing phylogenetic
Although both the plant and animal phylogenetic effects on
the resemblance of their respective animal and plant species
assemblages showed similar trends (Fig. 3), the effect of animal
phylogeny increased significantly with sierra area, whereas the
effect of plant phylogeny increased significantly with sierra iso-
lation. Higher average mobility and shorter generation times of
insects than plants (Men
endez 2007) could be at the core of
these somewhat contrasting results. The animal phylogenetic
effect on plant assemblage composition might decrease in small
habitat islands if insect populations were more vulnerable to
local extinction than plant populations, whereas insects’ higher
vagility could decrease the plant phylogenetic effect on flower-
visitor assemblage composition in more central habitats.
Beyond speculation, our results also showed, as it has been pre-
viously reported (Rezende et al. 2007), that the animal phy-
logeny is more strongly associated with the identity of
interactive mutualists across pollination webs than vice versa.
This stronger animal than plant phylogenetic effect could relate,
among other factors, to (1) a longer evolutionary history of
insects than flowering plants (Hedges & Kumar 2009), (2) con-
vergent character evolution in unrelated plant lineages as a
response to the selection pressure from a suite of phylogeneti-
cally related pollinators (i.e. the floral syndrome hypothesis;
Fenster et al. 2004) and (3) the exploitation of different
resources (e.g. pollen vs. nectar) from a wide range of taxonom-
ically diverse plant species (Engel & Dingemans-Bakels 1980).
Whatever the ultimate cause or causes behind these differences,
both plant and animal phylogenetic effects on the identity of
interaction partners could be contributing to the co-phyloge-
netic structure of plantpollinator interactions (Fig 2b and c).
The phylogenetic congruence between plants and animals
reported here is basically determined by a correspondence at
internal rather than terminal nodes (see the comparison of poly-
tomic and fully resolved phylogenies in phylogenies and phylo-
genetic distances), which concurs with the view that plant
pollinator interactions are commonly shaped by co-evolution-
ary processes within species-rich assemblages of low specificity.
According to this perspective, phylogenetic structure of plant
animal interactions is mostly determined by a correspondence
at high taxonomical (i.e. suprageneric) levels, which means that
guilds (i.e. functional groups) of closely related and unrelated
species, rather than single species, exert symmetric or asymmet-
ric selection pressures on each other (Fenster et al. 2004; Lunau
2004; Strauss & Irwin 2004). Despite its multi-specific nature,
this co-evolutionary process is key in the preservation of evolu-
tionary history, increasing species adaptation (Galetti et al.
2013) and long-term biodiversity maintenance (Thompson
1999). Our results suggest that this co-evolutionary process,
and the co-phylogenetic pattern it generates, is eroded under
scenarios of habitat fragmentation that increase species
turnover (e.g. a network of small but connected habitat
patches), resulting in more erratic selection forces that could
lead to an evolutionary increase in generalisation (Fenster et al.
2004). Accordingly, co-evolutionary processes moulding well-
matched plantanimal mutualisms would be better preserved in
large but relatively isolated habitat islands, expanding to the
level of webs of interactive mutualists Mayr’s popularised pro-
posal that speciation principally occurs in allopatry (Mayr
1976). Of course, in conservation terms the benefits of patch
connectivity for biodiversity maintenance (Leibold et al. 2004;
Gilarranz et al. 2015) will have to be balanced against the
potential costs of co-adaptation loss.
Most natural and semi-natural habitats are now fragmented
to different degrees. Habitat fragmentation has been shown
to be one of the most important drivers of the disruption of
different types of interspecific interactions, principally of
plantpollinator interactions (Aguilar et al. 2006), which can
represent a proximate cause of species extinctions (Sabatino
et al. 2010). Here, we provide the first empirical demonstra-
tion that this general loss of biodiversity is accompanied by a
loss of phylogenetic structure in pollination mutualistic net-
works. Erosion of this phylogenetic structure can in turn indi-
cate degradation of co-evolutionary processes, which maintain
and boost biodiversity on Earth (Thompson 1999). Our
results suggest that these processes will benefit from setting
aside and preserving large expanses of habitat and isolating
them from much exterior influence.
The authors thank S. Nuismer, A. Pauw and three anony-
mous reviewers for useful comments and suggestions, A. S
and D. Porrini for field assistance, V. Izpizua and M. Nuciari
for help in plant identification and J. Farina and A. Roig-
Alsina for help in identifying insects. This study was funded
in part by the National Institute of Agricultural Technology
(INTA), Balcarce (PNECO1302), the Argentina National
Research Council for Research (CONICET) (PIP 01623), the
National Fund for Research (PICT 01300), the National
University of Comahue (B152/04) and the European Research
Council (through an Advanced Grant to JB). M.A.A., G.G.
and M.S. are career researchers of CONICET.
MAA conceived the study with input from all authors,
performed the analyses, and wrote the first draft of the
manuscript; MS collected data; GG and MV built the phylo-
genies and all authors contributed substantially to the final
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Editor, Jennifer Dunne
Manuscript received 15 July 2015
First decision made 30 September 2015
Manuscript accepted 2 October 2015
©2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd/CNRS
36 M. A. Aizen et al. Letter
... Increasing fragmentation and subdivision of habitats following habitat loss exacerbates ecosystem decay 6 . In particular, multiple components of fragmentation, such as increasing edge effects and decreasing connectivity of remnant habitats, dramatically alter the spatial distribution of pollinator resources 1,2,6,7 with far-reaching impacts on species interaction networks 4,[8][9][10][11] . The conventional narrative is that the combined effects of habitat fragmentation on plant-pollinator communities tend to exacerbate the negative effects of habitat loss alone 1,9,12,13 . ...
... The mismatch in observations is almost certainly because most studies on the effects of habitat fragmentation on plant-pollinator communities have focused on open-habitat systems such as grasslands or croplands where edge effects are probably negative or neutral [8][9][10]12,13 , rather than on closed-canopy forest systems in which forest edge effects might be positive. Historically, natural gap-phase dynamics in continuous old-growth forests would have provided space and resources for light-loving pollinator species, but these habitats are now rare in contemporary degraded and regenerating forests [18][19][20][21] . ...
... The SEM partitions the direct and cascading indirect effects of forest fragmentation on floral resource availability, plant and pollinator community structure and the architecture of species interaction networks, using ~20,000 flower visitation records from 68 flowering plant species on 41 islands and 16 mainland sites in the Thousand Island Lake (TIL; Fig. 1) region of eastern China. The TIL system offers a unique opportunity to overcome potential confounding influences of heterogeneous initial At the whole network scale, habitat loss has well-recognized negative effects on plant-pollinator interactions and network architecture [8][9][10][24][25][26] , based predominantly on studies in non-forest systems. Habitat loss causes non-random loss of interactions 8,[27][28][29] , which disrupts plant-pollinator interactions, leading to higher network modularity and lower nestedness 9,26 , which will intensify competition among species at the same trophic level 30,31 and destabilize networks in the face of disturbance 24,32 . ...
Full-text available
Edge effects often exacerbate the negative effects of habitat loss on biodiversity. In forested ecosystems, however, many pollinators actually prefer open sunny conditions created by edge disturbances. We tested the hypothesis that forest edges have a positive buffering effect on plant-pollinator interaction networks in the face of declining forest area. In a fragmented land-bridge island system, we recorded ~20,000 plant-pollinator interactions on 41 islands over 3 yr. We show that plant richness and floral resources decline with decreasing forest area at both interior and edge sites, but edges maintain 10-fold higher pollinator abundance and richness regardless of area loss. Edge networks contain highly specialized species, with higher nestedness and lower modularity than interior networks, maintaining high robustness to extinction following area loss while forest interior networks collapse. Anthropogenic forest edges benefit community diversity and network robustness to extinction in the absence of natural gap-phase dynamics in small degraded forest remnants.
... The asymmetry of phylogenetic conservatism of interactions are common and often differs between trophic levels in the same network (Bergamini et al., 2017;Maliet et al., 2020). For example, phylogenetic signals are ubiquitous in plantepollinator and planteherbivore networks (Rezende et al., 2007;Edger et al., 2015;Fontaine and Th ebault, 2015;Gilbert et al., 2015;Aizen et al., 2016;Ibanez et al., 2016;Hutchinson et al., 2017;Cirtwill et al., 2020), and previous studies have indicated that these networks often display asymmetric phylogenetic signals. For example, stronger phylogenetic signals have been found for pollinators than for plants, while herbivorous insects showed weaker signals than the plants they feed on (Fontaine and Th ebault, 2015;Aizen et al., 2016;Vit oria et al., 2018). ...
... For example, phylogenetic signals are ubiquitous in plantepollinator and planteherbivore networks (Rezende et al., 2007;Edger et al., 2015;Fontaine and Th ebault, 2015;Gilbert et al., 2015;Aizen et al., 2016;Ibanez et al., 2016;Hutchinson et al., 2017;Cirtwill et al., 2020), and previous studies have indicated that these networks often display asymmetric phylogenetic signals. For example, stronger phylogenetic signals have been found for pollinators than for plants, while herbivorous insects showed weaker signals than the plants they feed on (Fontaine and Th ebault, 2015;Aizen et al., 2016;Vit oria et al., 2018). Our study indicates that the phylogeny of mistletoe drives the evolution of the mistletoeehost network, implying that infection-related traits are more conservative than the defence traits of the host plant. ...
Full-text available
Mistletoes are ecologically important parasitic plants, with > 1600 species from five lineages worldwide. Mistletoe lineages exhibit distinct patterns of species diversification and host specificity, however, the mechanisms underlying these differences are poorly understood. In this study, we analysed a comprehensive parasite–host network, including 280 host species from 60 families and 22 mistletoe species from two lineages (Santalaceae and Loranthaceae) in Xishuangbanna, located in a biodiversity hotspot of tropical Asia. We identified the factors that predict the infection strength of mistletoes. We also detected host specificity and the phylogenetic signal of mistletoes and their hosts. We found that this interaction network could be largely explained by a model based on the relative abundance of species. Host infection was positively correlated with diameter at breast height and tree coverage, but negatively correlated with wood density. Overall, closely related mistletoe species tend to interact more often with similar hosts. However, the two lineages showed a significantly different network pattern. Rates of host generality were higher in Loranthaceae than in Santalaceae, although neither lineage showed phylogenetic signal for host generality. This study demonstrates that the neutral interaction hypothesis provides suitable predictions of the mistletoe–host interaction network, and mistletoe species show significant phylogenetic signals for their hosts. Our findings also indicate that high species diversification in Loranthaceae may be explained by high rates of host generality and the evolutionary history shared by Loranthaceae species with diverse host plants in the tropics.
... Due to the evolutionary conservatism of many functional traits, phylogenetically close species are expected to have similar niches, including ecological interactions (Aizen et al., 2016;Gilbert and Webb, 2007;Gómez et al., 2010). Particularly, phylogenetically related species often share herbivore assemblages, and when grown together this can increase the susceptibility of a focal plant to herbivory (Pearse and Hipp, 2009;Yguel et al., 2011). ...
Agroecosystem diversification is often implemented to diminish herbivory and reduce yield losses. However, increasing plant richness does not always reduce herbivory levels, so there is a need for better understanding which polyculture characteristics are effective in deterring herbivores. Here, we evaluated the hypothesis that functional and phylogenetic distances between intercropped species reduce herbivory pressure and enhance natural enemy response. Diminishing herbivory would be brought about by the complementarity and synergy of traits that deter herbivores and benefit herbivore natural enemies, and as a result of a decrease in the availability of host plants for specialized herbivores. Using a meta-analytical approach, we observed lower herbivore abundance and herbivory damage in focal plants when they grew in polycultures. In addition, polycultures showed increased levels of herbivore parasitism and greater abundance of predators and parasitoids, although the effect of the latter two was negligible. Interestingly, the functional distance between crops affected herbivore abundance and herbivory damage in opposite ways, but had no effect on herbivore natural enemy response. Contrary to our expectations, neither herbivory pressure nor natural enemy response appeared to be influenced by phylogenetic distance between intercropped species. Overall, our study provides valuable insights for agro-ecosystem design aimed at reducing yield loss by strategically intercropping functionally similar species.
... Furthermore, evolutionary processes are also revealed as important drivers of local network structure and dynamics (Guimarães et al., 2017;Segar et al., 2020). Similarity among species in traits related to ecological interactions is frequently associated with common ancestry (Aizen et al., 2016;Guimarães et al., 2017;Segar et al., 2020). Plants sharing common ancestry (similar traits) thus tend to interact with largely overlapping ecological assemblages of pollinators, and vice versa (Goḿez and Perfectti, 2010;Cirtwill et al., 2020). ...
Full-text available
Plant specialization and pollination network structure play important roles in community assembly. Floral traits can mediate plant–pollinator interactions and thus have important impacts on nestedness and modularity of pollination network. When such traits are phylogenetically conserved, therefore, phylogeny and traits should predict network structure to similar degrees. Moreover, conserved network structures were also found attributed to pollination syndrome or pollination system. However, we still know little about the relation between pollination syndrome and pollination network, especially under a phylogenetic framework. Herein, we established a phylogenetic framework including five floral traits (flower density, floral size, floral shape, floral symmetry, and floral color) and five species-level metrics (species strength, weighted closeness, specialization d’, nestedness contribution, and modularity contribution) to test how floral traits could directly or indirectly influence species’ specialization and network structure in central China. Phylogenetic signals were found in all floral traits except flower density. Structural equation model and phylogenetic structural equation model results showed that both floral size and floral density affected plant specialization and its contribution to network modularity indirectly. However, compared with phylogenetic independent flower density, phylogenetic conserved floral size had much more complexed influences, having a direct influence both on species’ specialization and on modularity contribution. In this nested and modular network, abundant species with larger flowers tend to be more central and had larger values of z. Floral shape, symmetry, and color could act as co-flowering filters in pollination sharing and help to shape network modularity. Our results emphasize that phylogenetically conserved traits partially represent pollination syndrome and are important drivers for modular structure of local pollination network. This study may improve the understanding how the evolutionary history and ecological process drive local network structure and dynamics.
... Our study also found that the pool habitat led to a phylogenetic clustering of the stonefly community according to the four indices used in this study (Blomberg's K, PIC, NRI, NTI). Long-term adaptation (Lososova et al. 2015), dispersal limitations (Saito et al. 2015a, b), colonisation history (Aizen et al. 2015), and low resource competition (Webb et al. 2002) are all associated with phylogenetic clustering, particularly in habitats linked with long-term stability. Pools are rarely affected by physical perturbations (Buffington et al. 2002), and they may persist despite high river flow (Calow and Petts 1996), discharge (Rolls et al. 2012) and drought (Lake 2003). ...
Full-text available
Stream ecosystems are spatially heterogeneous, with many different habitat patches distributed within a small area. The influence of this heterogeneity on the biodiversity of benthic insect communities is well documented; however, studies of the role of habitat heterogeneity in species coexistence and assembly remain limited. Here, we investigated how habitat heterogeneity influences spatial structure (beta biodiversity) and phylogenetic structure (evolutionary processes) of benthic stonefly (Plecoptera, Insecta) communities. We sampled 20 sites along two Alpine rivers, including seven habitats in four different reaches (headwaters, meandering, bar-braided floodplain, and lowland spring-fed). We identified 21 morphological species and delineated 52 DNA-species based on sequences from mitochondrial cox1 and nuclear ITS markers. Using DNA-species, we first analysed the patterns of variation in richness, diversity, and assemblage composition by quantifing the contribution of each reach and habitat to the overall DNA-species diversity using an additive partition analysis and distance-based redundancy analysis. Using gene-tree phylogenies, we assessed whether environmental filtering could lead to the co-occurrence of DNA-species using a two-step analysis to detect a phylogenetic signal. All four reaches significantly contributed to DNA-species richness, with the meandering reach having the highest contribution. Habitats had an effect on DNA-species diversity, where glide, riffle and, pool influenced the spatial structure of stonefly assemblage possibly due to the high habitat heterogeneity. Among the habitats, the pool showed significant phylogenetic clustering, suggesting high levels of evolutionary adaptation and strong habitat filtering. This assemblage structure may be caused by long-term stability of the habitat and the similar requirements for co-occurring species. Our study shows the importance of different habitats for the spatial and phylogenetic structure of stonefly assemblage and sheds light on the habitat-specific diversity that may help improve conservation practices.
... Weak phylogenetic signal of stem height of palms indicates that phylogeny fails to constrain plant height across palm species, reflecting the uniqueness of functional traits of palms across the world (Barrett et al., 2019;Ma et al, 2015;Sylvester & Avalos, 2013). There has been growing consensus that strong phylogenetic signal across species is due to the similar traits of phylogenetically closely related species (Aizen et al., 2015;Fuzessy et al., 2021). The strong phylogenetic signal observed in plant height, leaf size and seed mass essentially reflects the four dominant phylogenetic groups that differ in major functional traits (Collyer et al., 2021;Zheng et al., 2017). ...
The leaf-height-seed (LHS) plant ecology strategy scheme posits that functional traits such as leaf size, stem height and seed mass play a key role in life history of plants. Although many studies have explored the LHS scheme across plant species, to our knowledge, no study has so far linked functional trait patterns across different plant clades. Here, we first explored the LHS scheme of several plant clades, i.e., palms, other monocots, dicots and gymnosperms, to understand how potential forces drive variation of plant functional traits. We showed that phylogeny constrains plant functional traits and appears to be the most decisive factor that controls variation in seed mass irrespective of plant clades. Apart from phylogeny, a majority of variation in seed mass was explained by leaf size in palms clade, whereas by plant height in other monocots and dicots. Neither leaf size nor plant height well explained variation in seed mass of gymnosperms clade. Our study strongly suggests that different plant clades exhibit distinct LHS schemes, paving a new avenue for better understanding evolution and correlation between functional traits across sets of plant species.
... Connectivity, e.g. the degree to which a landscape facilitates or impedes species movement among different patches (Saura and Rubio, 2010), directly affect population viability (Burel and Baudry, 2005). For example, higher landscape connectivity facilitates the movement of individuals, dispersal of seeds and pollen, and maintains gene flow (Heller and Zavaleta 2009;Lander et al., 2010;Aizen et al., 2016), while lower landscape connectivity may lead to reduction in effective population size, genetic bottlenecks, inbreeding depression, and potential population extinctions (Hess, 1996;Fagan, 2002;Lecomte et al., 2004;Benson et al., 2016). Different patches usually play different roles in the persistence of overall connectivity due to their specific characteristics (for example, size, topology, edges and quality), and usually a limited number of patches have a significant contribution in maintaining overall connectivity. ...
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More in-depth knowledge is required regarding the identification of priority conservation sites (patches) to improve the efficiency of their protection in increasingly fragmented landscapes. Priority site-selection efforts typically focus on large and well-connected patches, while the role of small patches is often ignored and poorly understood. In this paper, we use the forest in Kalajun-Kuerdening, Xinjiang, China, as a case study, to assess the potential role of small patches in landscape connectivity, and to determine which of these sites should be prioritized for conservation/protection. We ranked the patches according to their importance in maintaining overall connectivity. Thirteen patches were classified as critical and fourteen as important patches for landscape connectivity, which we propose should be recognized as priority sites. Based on their contributions to maintain overall connectivity, seven small (<5 ha) patches and fifteen small patch clusters were identified as connectors between large patches, which could be used as stepping stones by some species. Some small patches provide critical habitat and protection for species with small home ranges and short dispersal distances, and thus should be prioritized for conservation and management of landscape connectivity. Our study offers an approach to identify priority sites for biodiversity conservation.
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Metacommunity processes have the potential to determine most features of the community structure. However, species diversity has been the dominant focus of studies. Nestedness, modularity and checkerboard distribution of species occurrences are main components of biodiversity organisation. Within communities, these patterns emerge from the interaction between functional diversity, spatial heterogeneity and resource availability. Additionally, the connectivity determines the pool of species for community assembly and, eventually, the pattern of species co‐occurrence within communities. Despite the recognised theoretical expectations, the change in occurrence patterns within communities along ecological gradients has seldom been considered. Here, we analyse the spatial occurrence of animal species along sampling units within 18 temporary ponds and its relationship with pond environments and geographic isolation. Isolated ponds presented a nested organisation of species with low spatial segregation—modularity and checkerboard—and the opposite was found for communities with high connectivity. A pattern putatively explained by high functional diversity in ponds with large connectivity and heterogeneity, which determines that species composition tracks changes in microhabitats. On the contrary, nestedness is promoted in dispersal‐limited communities with low functional diversity, where microhabitat filters mainly affect richness without spatial replacement between functional groups. Vegetation biomass promotes nestedness, probably due to the observed increase in spatial variance in biomass with the mean biomass. Similarly, the richness of vegetation reduced the spatial segregation of animals within communities. This result may be due to the high plant diversity of the pond that is observed similarly along all sampling units, which promotes the spatial co‐occurrence of species at this scale. In the study system, the spatial arrangement of species within communities is related to local drivers as heterogeneity and metacommunity processes by means of dispersal between communities. Patterns of species co‐occurrence are interrelated with community biodiversity and species interactions, and consequently with most functional and structural properties of communities. These results indicate that understanding the interplay between metacommunity processes and co‐occurrence patterns is probably more important than previously thought to understand biodiversity assembly and functioning.
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The industrial backbone of the Belgian province of Hainaut is well known for its high level of anthropization. The objectives of this study were to conduct an inventory of wild bee species living in these artificial landscapes and to locate biodiversity hotspots among different types of environments such as parks, quarries, brownfields, meadows, and spoil heaps. Ultimately, these results should facilitate the development of conservation policies. Three years of sampling at 112 sites are summarised in this article. A total of 9410 specimens were captured and 180 bee species were found, about 45% of the national diversity. Among them, 24 species are threatened at the Belgian level and one species, Lasioglossum politum, was considered extinct in Belgium. Its resurgence could be linked to rising temperatures. Furthermore, our results emphasize the fact that thermophilic anthropogenic habitats such as spoil heaps and quarries are important for many endangered species that are confined to specific nesting substrates. On the other hand, while parks had a diverse assemblage of wild bees, few were nationally threatened. As a result, we call on public policies to refocus their strategy away from urban parks and to allocate more resources to spoil heaps and quarries conservation.
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Ecologists are familiar with two data structures commonly used to represent landscapes. Vector-based maps delineate land cover types as polygons, while raster lattices represent the landscape as a grid. Here we adopt a third lattice data structure, the graph. A graph represents a landscape as a set of nodes (e.g., habitat patches) connected to some degree by edges that join pairs of nodes functionally (e.g., via dispersal). Graph theory is well developed in other fields, including geography (transportation networks, routing applications, siting problems) and computer science (circuitry and network optimization). We present an overview of basic elements of graph theory as it might be applied to issues of connectivity in heterogeneous landscapes, focusing especially on applications of metapopulation theory in conservation biology. We develop a general set of analyses using a hypothetical landscape mosaic of habitat patches in a nonhabitat matrix. Our results suggest that a simple graph construct, the minimum spanning tree, can serve as a powerful guide to decisions about the relative importance of individual patches to overall landscape connectivity. We then apply this approach to an actual conservation scenario involving the threatened Mexican Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis lucida). Simulations with an incidence-function metapopulation model suggest that population persistence can be maintained despite substantial losses of habitat area, so long as the minimum spanning tree is protected. We believe that graph theory has considerable promise for applications concerned with connectivity and ecological flows in general. Because the theory is already well developed in other disciplines, it might be brought to bear immediately on pressing ecological applications in conservation biology and landscape ecology.
The insect clade Holometabola (850,000 species) includes 11 living orders that together comprise the vast majority of all insect diversity and therefore also represent a signiAcant fraction (>60%) of all terrestrial animals (1). Holometabola includes the four largest orders of insects: Coleoptera (beetles, Fig. 1), Hymenoptera (bees, ants, and wasps), Diptera (true Pies), and Lepidoptera (moths and butterPies), as well as the Neuroptera (lacewings), Megaloptera and Raphidioptera (dobsonPies and alderPies), Trichoptera (caddisPies), Mecoptera (scorpionPies), Siphonaptera (Peas), and Strepsiptera (twisted-wing insects). thename of the group rePects their deAning characteristic—they undergo complete metamorphosis. 7eir life history is divided into discrete developmental stages, including a distinct larval (feeding) and pupal (quiescent) stage. themajor developmental, morphological, and behavioral modiAcations that led to the holometabolous larva are thought to have arisen through extension of the prenymphal stage of hemimetabolous insects (2, 3). Metamorphosis from larval to adult morphology occurs in the pupal stage where the larval structures are broken down and adult features (legs, wings, antennae, genitalia) then develop from specialized internal regions of subcuticular epidermal cells called imaginal discs (4). thelarval cuticle is reduced or entirely lost and an adult cuticle is newly formed. theinternal development of the wings is denoted in the other common name of the group, the Endopterygota.
The evolution of large, heterotrophic metazoans (Fig. 1) has undoubtedly had a signiAcant impact on the history of life by increasing the complexity of trophic interactions both in marine and terrestrial ecosystems. Metazoans are most closely related to Fungi as part of Opisthokonta, a eukaryotic supergroup which also includes unicellular choanoPagellates, icthyosporeans, and nucleariids (1, 2). theclosest relatives of metazoans are the choanoPagellates; morphological similarities between the collar cells of sponges and the colonial habits of choanoPagellates were noted over 150 years ago (3). In addition, important molecular characteristics traditionally thought to be unique to metazoans, such as cell signaling and adhesion protein families, have also been found in choanoPagellates (4, 5). Here I review the relationships and divergence times among the metazoan phyla.
The evolutionary history of life includes two primary components: phylogeny and timescale. Phylogeny refers to the branching order (relationships) of species or other taxa within a group and is crucial for understanding the inheritance of traits and for erecting classifications. However, a timescale is equally important because it provides a way to compare phylogeny directly with the evolution of other organisms and with planetary history such as geology, climate, extraterrestrial impacts, and other features. The Timetree of Life is the first reference book to synthesize the wealth of information relating to the temporal component of phylogenetic trees. In the past, biologists have relied exclusively upon the fossil record to infer an evolutionary timescale. However, recent revolutionary advances in molecular biology have made it possible to not only estimate the relationships of many groups of organisms, but also to estimate their times of divergence with molecular clocks. The routine estimation and utilization of these so-called ‘time-trees’ could add exciting new dimensions to biology including enhanced opportunities to integrate large molecular data sets with fossil and biogeographic evidence (and thereby foster greater communication between molecular and traditional systematists). They could help estimate not only ancestral character states but also evolutionary rates in numerous categories of organismal phenotype; establish more reliable associations between causal historical processes and biological outcomes; develop a universally standardized scheme for biological classifications; and generally promote novel avenues of thought in many arenas of comparative evolutionary biology. This authoritative reference work brings together, for the first time, experts on all major groups of organisms to assemble a timetree of life. The result is a comprehensive resource on evolutionary history which will be an indispensable reference for scientists, educators, and students in the life sciences, earth sciences, and molecular biology. For each major group of organism, a representative is illustrated and a timetree of families and higher taxonomic groups is shown. Basic aspects of the evolutionary history of the group, the fossil record, and competing hypotheses of relationships are discussed. Details of the divergence times are presented for each node in the timetree, and primary literature references are included.
When taxa go extinct, unique evolutionary history is lost. If extinction is selective, and the intrinsic vulnerabilities of taxa show phylogenetic signal, more evolutionary history may be lost than expected under random extinction. Under what conditions this occurs is insufficiently known. We show that late Cenozoic climate change induced phylogenetically selective regional extinction of northern temperate trees because of phylogenetic signal in cold tolerance, leading to significantly and substantially larger than random losses of phylogenetic diversity (PD). The surviving floras in regions that experienced stronger extinction are phylogenetically more clustered, indicating that non-random losses of PD are of increasing concern with increasing extinction severity. Using simulations, we show that a simple threshold model of survival given a physiological trait with phylogenetic signal reproduces our findings. Our results send a strong warning that we may expect future assemblages to be phylogenetically and possibly functionally depauperate if anthropogenic climate change affects taxa similarly.
The chapter introduces the idea that the relationships between natural conditions and the outcome of an observation may be deterministic, random, strategic or chaotic, and that numerical ecology addresses the second type of data; it describes the role of numerical ecology among the various phases of an ecological research. The chapter includes discussion of the following topics: spatial structure, spatial dependence, and spatial correlation (independent observations, independent descriptors, linear independence, independent variable of a model, independent samples, origin of spatial structures, tests of significance in the presence of spatial correlation, and classical sampling and spatial structure), statistical testing by permutation (classical tests of significance, permutation tests, alternative types of permutation tests), computer programs and packages, ecological descriptors (i.e. variables: mathematical types of descriptors, and intensive, extensive, additive, and non-additive descriptors), descriptor coding (linear transformation, nonlinear transformations, combining descriptors, ranging and standardization, implicit transformation in association coefficients, normalization, dummy variable coding, and treatment of missing data (delete rows or columns, accommodate algorithms to missing data, estimate missing values). The chapter ends on a description of relevant software implemented in the R language.