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Oestrogen and progesterone receptor binding capacity and oestrogen receptor alpha expression (ERalpha mRNA) along the cervix of cycling ewes


Abstract and Figures

The aim of the present work was to study the oestrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) binding capacity and the oestrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha) mRNA concentration in cranial and caudal cervix during the ovine oestrous cycle. Cervical samples of synchronised Corriedale ewes were obtained on Day 1 (n=7), 6 (n=6) or 13 (n=7) after oestrus detection (Day 0). The ER and PR binding capacity by ligand-binding assay and the ERalpha mRNA concentration by solution hybridisation in both cranial and caudal zones of the cervix were determined. The ER and PR binding capacity were higher (P<0.005) on Day 1 than on Days 6 and 13 in both cranial and caudal zones. The ERalpha mRNA concentrations were higher (P<0.0001) on Day 1 than on Days 6 and 13 only in the caudal zone. The PR binding capacity and ERalpha mRNA concentration were higher (P<0.005) in the caudal than in the cranial zone on Day 1. The ER and PR expression in the ovine cervix varied during the oestrous cycle in agreement with the known upregulation exerted by oestrogen and downregulation exerted by progesterone. Differences in ER and PR expression along the longitudinal axis of the ovine cervix were found, reflecting histological and functional differences between the cranial and caudal zones.
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Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 2008, 20, 350–356
Oestrogen and progesterone receptor binding capacity
and oestrogen receptor alpha expression (ERαmRNA)
along the cervix of cycling ewes
M. Rodríguez-PiñónA,B,C. TasendeA,P. PuimeAand E. G. GarófaloA
ABiochemistry, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Faculty of Veterinary,
Montevideo, Uruguay.
BCorresponding author. Email:
Abstract. The aim of the present work was to study the oestrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) binding
capacity and the oestrogen receptor alpha (ERα) mRNA concentration in cranial and caudal cervix during the ovine
oestrous cycle. Cervical samples of synchronised Corriedale ewes were obtained on Day 1 (n=7),6(n=6) or 13 (n=7)
after oestrus detection (Day 0). The ER and PR binding capacity by ligand-binding assay and the ERαmRNA concentration
by solution hybridisation in both cranial and caudal zones of the cervix were determined.The ER and PR binding capacity
were higher (P<0.005) on Day 1 than on Days 6 and 13 in both cranial and caudal zones. The ERαmRNA concentrations
were higher (P<0.0001) on Day 1 than on Days 6 and 13 only in the caudal zone. The PR binding capacity and ERα
mRNA concentration were higher (P<0.005) in the caudal than in the cranial zone on Day 1. The ER and PR expression
in the ovine cervix varied during the oestrous cycle in agreement with the known upregulation exerted by oestrogen and
downregulation exerted by progesterone. Differences in ER and PR expression along the longitudinal axis of the ovine
cervix were found, reflecting histological and functional differences between the cranial and caudal zones.
Additional keyword: ewe cervical steroid receptors.
The ewe cervix acts as a barrier against the passage of the tran-
scervical instruments for artificial insemination (AI) (Lightfoot
and Salamon 1970; Halbert et al. 1990a, 1990b; Campbell et al.
1996) and for embryo transfer (ET) procedures (Armstrong and
Evans 1983; Kraemer 1989; Croy et al. 1999). Treatments with
oestrogen combined with relaxin (Nemec et al. 1988), oxytocin
(Khalifa et al. 1992; Flohr et al. 1999), or prostaglandin E2
(Barry et al. 1990; Mylne et al. 1992; McKelvey et al. 1997)
have been performed to increase cervical dilatation and to facil-
itate the passage through the ovine cervix into the uterine lumen.
Those studies suggest that cervical dilatation and penetrability
varies along the oestrous cycle and are under the influence of
the ovarian steroid hormones. In addition, the cervix of the ewe
supports the passage of normal motile sperm by modifications
of the physical and molecular composition of the cervical mucus
(Lee et al. 1986), associated with cyclic changes in morphology
and secretory capacity of the luminal epithelium (Moré 1984).
These events are modulated by ovarian steroid hormones.
The genomic actions of oestrogen (E) and progesterone (P)
depend on their circulating concentrations and on the target
tissue’s sensitivity in terms of their specific and high-affinity
nuclear receptor concentrations (ER and PR, respectively) (Clark
et al. 1992; Meikle et al. 2004). It is accepted that E upregulates
ER and PR expression, whilst P downregulates both recep-
tors (Ing et al. 1993; Couse et al. 2006). This regulation is
consistent with the higher uterine ER and PR protein and ERα
mRNA and PR mRNA concentrations at oestrus than in the luteal
phase found in ruminants (Miller et al. 1977; Rexroad 1981;
Vesanen et al. 1988; Ott et al. 1993; Meikle et al. 2001a;Tasende
et al. 2005b). However, data on cervical ER and PR expression
during the oestrous cycle are contradictory. Cyclic variations in
ER and PR (Stanchev et al. 1984) and in ERαmRNA and ERα
protein (Wang et al. 2000) concentrations were found in pig and
rat, respectively. On the contrary, no variations in cervical ER
concentrations were found in cow (Vesanen et al. 1991) and mare
(Re et al. 1995), species in which PR concentration varies.
In the ewe, information about the cervical ER and PR bind-
ing capacity is scarce. The presence of the cervical ER binding
protein in ovariectomised ewes (Tang and Adams 1981, 1986),
as well as the cervical ER, PR, ERαmRNA, and PR mRNA in
prepubertal lambs (Meikle et al. 2001b; Rodríguez-Piñón et al.
2005) have been previously demonstrated. On the other hand,
during the postpartum period in the breeding season, the cer-
vical ER and PR concentrations were low after parturition and
increased in late postpartum, associated with the presence of
the E-active large follicles in the ovarian surface (Rodríguez-
Piñón et al. 2000). This suggests that changes in the cervical
steroid receptors are related to the levels of ovarian steroid hor-
mones. We are unaware of any reports of the cervical ER and PR
binding capacity during the oestrous cycle in ewes. However, by
immunohistochemical technique, both ER and PR were detected
© CSIRO 2008 10.1071/RD07186 1031-3613/08/030350
Cervical steroid receptors in cycling ewe Reproduction, Fertility and Development 351
in the epithelium around the time of oestrus, but not in the luteal
phase (Zhao et al. 1999). In addition, in bovine cervix, the ER
and PR immunoreactivity increased from the cranial to the cau-
dal region (Breeveld-Dwarkasing et al. 2000, 2002), suggesting
that the distribution of these steroid receptors could be different
along the longitudinal axis of the ruminant cervix.
The aim of the present work was to study the ER and PR
binding capacity and the ERαmRNA concentration of the cranial
and caudal ovine cervix in relation to levels of circulating E and
P during the oestrous cycle, including the days whenAI and ET
would be performed (Days 1 and 6 after oestrus, respectively).
Materials and methods
Experimental design
The experiment was performed at the experimental field of Vet-
erinary Faculty, Canelones, Uruguay (35S), during the breeding
season of Corriedale ewes (February to March). Animal experi-
mentation was performed in compliance with regulations set by
the Veterinary Faculty, University of Uruguay.
Twenty adult Corriedale ewes (bodyweight, mean ±pooled
s.e.m., 39.1 ±0.85 kg) were synchronised with two doses,
6 days apart, of a prostaglandin F2αanalogue intra-muscularly
(i.m.) (150 µg, Glandinex, Laboratorio Universal, Montevideo,
Uruguay). From Day10 of the first oestrous cycle, ewes remained
with two vasectomised rams with marking crayons and were
checked twice a day (at 600 hours and 1800 hours) for service
marks indicative of oestrus (day of oestrus=Day 0). All ani-
mals were located under natural daylength, grazed on native
pastures and given water ad libitum. The ewes were killed on
Day1(n=7), 6 (n=6) or 13 (n=7) after oestrus detection.
The whole cervices were dissected into three equal length seg-
ments named cranial, middle and caudal zones and including
all the histological layers. The cranial (next to the uterus) and
caudal (next to the vagina) zones were selected for the present
study. The tissues were frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at
80C until receptor and transcript determinations were carried
out. The number of ruptured follicles and corpus luteum (CL)
present in the ovarian surface were recorded.
For circulating P determination, blood samples were collected
daily from Day 1 of expected oestrus until the killing time in
the second oestrous cycle. For oestradiol-17β(E2) determina-
tions, the samples were collected every 8 h during the 48 h period
before the killing time. The samples were centrifuged (900gfor
15 min at 4C) within the first hour after collection and serum
was stored at 20C until hormone assays were performed.
Hormone determinations by radioimmunoassay (RIA)
Progesterone concentrations were assayed by direct solid-phase
125I radioimmunoassay (RIA) method (Count-A-Count TKPG;
Diagnostic Products Corporation, Los Angeles, CA, USA),
according to the manufacturer’s instructions and as previously
described for sheep (Garófalo and Tasende 1996). All samples
were performed in duplicate in the same assay. The sensitivity of
the assay was 0.1nm, and the intra-assay coefficient of variation
was less than 10%.
For the E2assay, the serum samples were extracted with
diethyl ether and assayed in duplicate with 125I RIA (oestra-
diol double antibody, KE2D; Diagnostic Products Corporation)
as previously described for sheep (Meikle et al. 1998; Tasende
et al. 2002). All samples were determined in the same assay. The
detection limit of the assay was 4.0pmand the intra-assay coef-
ficients of variation for three control samples were 25% (7pm),
8% (44 pm), and 6% (122 pm).
Steroid receptors by binding assay
Ligand-binding assays for ER and PR were performed in soluble
fraction of cervix as described previously (Garófalo and Tasende
1996; Rodríguez-Piñón et al. 2000). The term ‘soluble fraction’
refers to the supernatant fractions of tissue homogenates after a
high-speed centrifugation, and does not imply cellular receptor
localisation. Unless otherwise stated, the reagents were obtained
from Sigma Chemicals (St Louis, MO, USA). The frozen cer-
vical samples (300 to 500 mg) were sliced and homogenised in
Tris buffer with a Polytron homogenizer (Polytron homogenizer
PT-10, Kinematica AG, Littau Luzern, Switzerland). The solu-
ble fractions were separated by a first centrifugation at 1000g
for 15 min and then at 40 000gfor 90min. This and subsequent
procedures were carried out at 0–4C. The soluble fractions, in
duplicate, were incubated with five to six increasing concentra-
tions of 3H-E2(86 Ci mmol1; 0.15–15 n m)or3H-ORG-2058
(40 Ci mmol1; 0.5–30 nm) (Amersham International, Buck-
hinghamshire, England), for determination of the total bound
3H-labelled ligands. Identical duplicate samples were incubated
with 200-fold molar excess of either unlabelled diethylstilbestrol
or unlabelled ORG-2058, for determination of non-specifically-
bound 3H-labelled ligands. After 18h incubation free hormones
were removed and radioactivity was measured by liquid scintilla-
tion counting. Specific binding data were obtained by subtracting
non-specific binding from total binding. A linear regression test
of inverse Scatchard model analysis (Braunsberg 1984) was used
to obtain the apparent dissociation constant (Kd,nm) and the
concentration of receptor sites expressed as fmol mg1proteins.
Protein concentrations were determined by the method of Lowry
et al. (1951). The protein concentration was positively correlated
with the amount of tissue used in the receptor assay, showing
that the protein extraction procedure was similar in the different
cervical samples.
ERαmRNA by solution hybridisation assay
The method used was previously validated for cervical ovine
tissue (Meikle et al. 2001b). The hybridisation probe used was
derived from plasmids containing 360 bp cDNAs from the ovine
ERα, generously supplied by Dr N. Ing, Texas A&M Univer-
sity, TX, USA (Ing et al. 1996). Total nucleic acids (TNA)
were obtained by digesting homogenised (Polytron homogenizer
PT-10, KinematicaAG) cervical tissues (200–250mg) with pro-
teinase K in a buffer containing sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)
followed by subsequent extraction with phenol-chloroform. The
TNA content in the samples was determined spectrophotomet-
rically at 260 nm and expressed as absorbance relative units
(ARU). The 35S-UTP-labelled cRNA was hybridised overnight
at 70C to TNA samples. The hybridisations were performed in
352 Reproduction, Fertility and Development M. Rodríguez-Piñón et al.
duplicates at two different concentrations in 40µL of hybridi-
sation formamide buffer under two drops of paraffin oil. After
hybridisation, samples were treated with 1mL of RNase buffer
containing 40 µg RNase A, 118 U RNase T1 (Boeringer-
Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany), and 100 µg calf thymus
DNA for 45min at 37C to digest unhybridised RNA. Labelled
hybrids protected from RNase digestion were precipitated with
trichloroacetic acid and collected on filters (Whatman GF/C,
Whatman Nederland B.V., Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands).
Radioactivity was determined in a liquid scintillation counter. All
samples from the experiment were determined in the same assay
and the intra-assay CV was 16%.The ERαmRNA concentrations
were expressed as amolARU1.
Statistical analysis
The ERαmRNA, ER and PR concentrations and Kdvalues were
analysed by analysis of variance using a mixed model (Statistical
Analysis Systems; SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA) that included
the fixed effects of day of oestrous cycle (Day 1, 6 or 13), cervical
zone (cranial or caudal), and their interaction. Progesterone and
E2serum concentrations were analysed by repeated-measures
(Mixed Proc), and the statistical model included the effects of
time of sampling, day of oestrous cycle, and their interaction.
The correlation procedure available in SAS was used to study
the relationship between ER, PR, ERαmRNA, and hormone
concentrations. For the correlations between receptor and hor-
mone concentrations, the mean of the E2or P concentrations
pooled samples of 24, 16, 8, and 0 h (for E2), and 24 and 0h (for
P) before the killing time, were considered. The results were
expressed as the least square mean ±pooled s.e.m. The level of
significance was P<0.05, except where otherwise specified.
Structures on the ovarian surface and hormone
All ewes killed on Day 1 had one ruptured follicle and those
killed on Days 6 and 13 had one corpus luteum on the ovarian
surface. There was a significant effect of time of sampling on
P serum concentrations (P<0.0001). Progesterone concentra-
tions were low from Day 1 to Day 1 after oestrus, and then
increased significantly starting from Day 3 to Day 13 (Fig. 1).
There was a significant effect of time of sampling on E2serum
concentrations (P<0.001). Maximum E2concentrations were
found between 24 and 8h before oestrus detection. After this
time E2concentrations decreased and remained at basal levels
(Fig. 1).
Steroid receptor binding capacity
A single, saturable and high-affinity binding site for E and P
were found in all samples. The Kdvalues were not affected by
day of cycle or cervical zone. The Kdmeans (±pooled s.e.m.,
n=40, nm) for ER and PR were 0.56 ±0.06 and 1.04 ±0.07,
There was a significant effect of day of oestrous cycle on ER
concentrations (P<0.005), but there was no effect of cervical
zone. The ER concentrations were higher on Day 1 than on Days
21012345678910 14131211
Day of oestrous cycle
Progesterone (nmol L1)
Oestradiol-17 (pmol L1)
Fig. 1. Serum concentrations (mean ±pooled s.e.m.) of P (nm) and E2
(pm) of ewes killed (arrows) on Days 1 (n=7), 6 (n=6) or 13 (n=7)
after oestrus (Day 0). Values marked with an asterisk differ significantly
6 and 13 in both cranial and caudal zones (Fig. 2a). There were
no differences in ER concentrations between cranial and cau-
dal zones on Days 1 and 6, while on Day 13 ER concentration
tended to be lower (P=0.054) in the cranial than in the caudal
zone (Fig. 2a). The ER concentrations were positively correlated
with E2concentrations only in the caudal zone (r=0.48, n=20,
P<0.05), and were negatively correlated with P concentrations
in both cranial (r=−0.43, n=20, P<0.05) and caudal zones
(r=−0.69, n=20, P<0.001).
There was a significant effect of day of oestrous cycle
(P<0.0001) and cervical zone (P<0.0004) on PR concen-
trations, but there was no interaction between them. The PR
concentrations were higher on Day 1 than on Days 6 and 13
in both cranial and caudal zones (Fig. 2b). The PR concentra-
tions were lower in the cranial than in the caudal zone on Day 1
(Fig. 2b). In both cervical zones, PR concentrations were posi-
tively correlated with E2concentrations (cranial zone, r=0.58,
n=20, P<0.01; caudal zone, r=0.44, n=20, P<0.05),
and negatively correlated with P concentrations (cranial zone,
r=−0.76, n=20, P<0.0001; caudal zone, r=−0.70, n=20,
Independently of the day of oestrous cycle, there was a pos-
itive correlation between ER and PR concentrations in both
cranial (r=0.52, n=20, P<0.01) and caudal zones (r=0.80,
n=20, P<0.00001), indicating a positive relationship between
the expression of these two receptors.
ERαmRNA concentrations
There was a significant effect of day of oestrous cycle
(P<0.0001), cervical zone (P<0.005), and interaction
between them (P<0.05) on ERαmRNA concentrations. In
the caudal zone, ERαmRNA concentrations were higher on
Day 1 than on Days 6 and 13 (Fig. 3). In contrast, no differ-
ences between days were found in the cranial zone (Fig. 3).
The ERαmRNA concentrations on Day 1 were lower in the
Cervical steroid receptors in cycling ewe Reproduction, Fertility and Development 353
Day of oestrous cycle
ER (fmol mg1 proteins)PR (fmol mg1 proteins)
Day of oestrous cycle
Fig. 2. Concentrations (fmol mg1proteins, mean ±pooled s.e.m.) of
oestrogen receptor (ER, panel a) and progesterone receptor (PR, panel b)
binding proteins in cranial and caudal cervical zones of ewes killed on Days
1(n=7),6(n=6) or 13 (n=7) after oestrus (Day 0). Bars marked with
different letters differ significantly within days and zones (P<0.005) and
bars marked with asterisks tended to be different (P=0.054).
Day of oestrous cycle
ERmRNA (amol ARU1)
Fig. 3. Oestrogen receptor αmessenger RNA (ERαmRNA) concentra-
tions (amolARU1, mean ±pooled s.e.m.) in cranial and caudal cervical
zones of ewes killed on Days 1 (n=7),6(n=6) or 13 (n=7) after oestrus
(Day 0). Bars with different letters are significantly different within days and
zones (P<0.05).
cranial than in the caudal zone (Fig. 3). The ERαmRNA con-
centrations in the caudal zone were correlated positively with E2
(r=0.59, n=20, P<0.01) and negativelywith P concentrations
(r=−0.74, n=20, P<0.0005). There were no correlations
between ERαmRNA and E2and P concentrations in the cra-
nial zone. There was a positive correlation between ERαmRNA
and ER concentrations only in the caudal zone (r=0.52, n=20,
In the present work we demonstrated that the expression of ER
and PR in the ovine cervix varied during the oestrous cycle as
well as along the longitudinal cervical axis.
High-affinity receptor binding proteins for oestrogen and
progesterone were found in all cervical samples studied.
The Kdvalues for ER and PR in all days of the oestrous cycle
and all cervical zones studied were similar, suggesting that vari-
ations in the sensitivity of the ovine cervix to E and P may
not depend on changes of affinity of the receptors, but rather
on their binding capacity (ER and PR cervical concentrations).
The cervical ER and PR Kdvalues were similar to those found
in adult (Rodríguez-Piñón et al. 2000) and prepubertal ewes
(Meikle et al. 2001b; Rodríguez-Piñón et al. 2005), as well as in
other E and P ovine target tissues (Garófalo and Tasende 1996;
Meikle et al. 2000; Tasende et al. 2005a, 2005b).
The cervical ER and PR concentrations were higher on Day 1
than on Days 6 and 13 of the oestrous cycle.This steroid receptor
pattern is consistent with the stimulatory effect of the high E2
levels found previous to oestrus and the inhibitory effect of the
high P levels found during the luteal phase.The present findings
in ovine cervix are in agreement with the E upregulation and
P downregulation of the ER and PR expression found in ovine
uterus during the oestrous cycle (Miller et al. 1977; Rexroad
1981; Ott et al. 1993; Tasende et al. 2005b). The existence of
this ovarian steroid hormone regulation on the expression of ER
and PR in ovine cervix during the oestrous cycle was confirmed
by the positive correlation found between E2levels and ER (at
least in caudal zone) and PR concentrations, and the negative
correlation between P levels and ER and PR concentrations.
Similar cyclic variations in cervical steroid receptor expres-
sion during the oestrous cycle were also reported for ER and PR
in the pig (Stanchev et al. 1984) and for ERαin the rat (Wang
et al. 2000). On the contrary, cyclicvariations in cervical ER con-
centration were not found in cows (Vesanen et al. 1991) or mares
(Re et al. 1995), although the cervical PR concentrations in the
same animals were higher in the non-luteal than in the luteal
phase. In ovine cervix, the epithelial ER and PR immunoreactiv-
ity were detected in the first three days of the oestrous cycle, but
were not detected during the luteal phase (Zhao et al. 1999). In a
preliminary study we immunolocalised the ERαin the cervical
epithelium of cycling ewes, and the percentage of ERαposi-
tive cells was higher around the oestrus than in the luteal phase
(M. Rodríguez-Piñón, P. Genovese, R. González, P. Puime and
A. Bielli, unpubl. data).
The pattern of variation of the cervical ER and PR bind-
ing capacity during the oestrous cycle was similar to that found
for the oxytocin receptor (OxR) binding capacity, with a maxi-
mum seen around the oestrus (Matthews and Ayad 1994). These
results suggest that one of the E and P target genes in the
cervix could be the OxR, since the sex ovarian hormones are
important regulators of the OxR gene (Gimpl and Fahrenholz
354 Reproduction, Fertility and Development M. Rodríguez-Piñón et al.
2001). The ovarian steroid hormones could modulate several
oxytocin effects on the cervix of cycling ewes by up or down-
regulation of the OxR. Since oxytocin stimulates the release
of prostaglandin E2 from the cervical mucosa of perioestrous
cows (Fuchs et al. 2002), some of the oxytocin effects on the
ruminant cervix could be mediated via paracrine release of
prostaglandin. Additionally, E could also directly modulate the
activity of prostaglandin E2, altering the ratio of content between
their different receptor subtypes, as was demonstrated in cervix
of ovariectomised ewes (Schmitz et al. 2006). The fact that the
post-mortem depth of cervical penetration was greater in non-
luteal than in luteal phase ewes (Kershaw et al. 2005) could
suggest that a degree of natural cervical relaxation at oestrus may
be a consequence of the previous high circulating E2levels act-
ing via its nuclear receptor.The return of the cervical ER and PR
binding capacity to the minimal values on Day 6 of the oestrous
cycle, as well as the decrease in the cervical oxytocin receptor
binding capacity early in the luteal phase (Matthews and Ayad
1994), suggests that the increment in cervical penetrability using
these hormones could be less successful at the ET than at the
AI time.
The caudal zone showed higher ERαmRNA concentration on
Day 1 of the oestrous cycle than during the luteal phase, while no
differences in the ERαmRNA concentration during the oestrous
cycle was found in the cranial zone. The ERαmRNA concen-
trations in the caudal zone were positively correlated with the
E2and negatively correlated with the P circulating levels, sug-
gesting that the E2upregulation and P downregulation of the
ERαare predominately at transcriptional level. The temporal
association between cervical ERαmRNA and ER protein con-
centrations are in agreement with the results found for the ovine
uterus (Ott et al. 1993), and support the hypothesis of a transcrip-
tional mechanism to control the ERαexpression in the caudal
zone. The lack of relationship found between the ERαmRNA
and ER protein concentrations in the cranial zone suggest that
the expression of ERαcould be regulated in a different manner,
depending on the cervical zone. Recently, no differences in the
ERαmRNA concentrations in the follicular and the luteal phases
were found, but the cervical zone studied was not indicated (van
Lier et al. 2006).
Interestingly, on Day 1 of the oestrous cycle, both ERαmRNA
and PR concentrations were higher in the caudal than in the
cranial zone, suggesting a differential level of ER and PR expres-
sion along the longitudinal axis of the cervix. This could reflect
histological (Moré 1984) and functional (Hawk et al. 1978) dif-
ferences between cranial and caudal regions of the ovine cervix.
For example, the cranial cervix of the ewe appears to be more
critical than the caudal cervix for sperm transport (Hawk et al.
1978). Similarly, the percentage of ER and PR immunoposi-
tive cells increases from the uterine to the vaginal ends of the
bovine cervix (Breeveld-Dwarkasing et al. 2002). This gradi-
ent of positive ER and PR cells along the cervix was associated
with regional differences in cell density (Breeveld-Dwarkasing
et al. 2000) and collagen content (Breeveld-Dwarkasing et al.
2003). These findings are relevant for the interpretation of results
obtained from in vivo sampling of the cervix, when only one
region of the cervix can be reached or when different sampling
regions are compared. The differential sensitivity to the ovarian
steroid hormones in cranial and caudal zones of the ovine cervix
could be relevant to the development of localised hormonal
treatments for the increase of cervical penetrability.
In conclusion, the expression of ER and PR in the ovine cervix
is higher at oestrus, decreases during the luteal phase, and is
higher in the caudal than in the cranial cervix, reflecting their
histological and functional differences.
We would like to thank P. Rubianes and I. Sar tore for technical assistance and
animal experimentation, F. Perdigón and L. Sosa for providing the animals,
and Dr N. Ing for providing the ovine ER cDNA. The present study received
financial support from the University of Uruguay-CSIC, PEDECIBA, Vet-
erinary Faculty-CIDEC, and Ministry of Education and Culture–DINACYT,
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Manuscript received 8 October 2007, accepted 13 December 2007
... The biochemical interactions between the structural components of the extracellular matrix (ECM) of the cervical connective tissue, such as fibrillar collagen and hyaluronanlike glycosaminoglycan (GAG), are critical to the cervical remodelling process that results in cervical dilation (Word et al. 2007;Myers et al. 2008). In the cycling ewe around the oestrus, the increase in gonadotrophins and 17-b oestradiol (E 2 ), and the capacity of the cervical tissue to respond to oestrogens, gonadotrophins, and/or oxytocin (Rodríguez-Piñón et al. 2008Kershaw-Young et al. 2009;Perry et al. 2010;Falchi and Scaramuzzi 2013), induce the cervical prostaglandin E 2 synthesis, which stimulates GAG synthesis. This causes collagen fibre disaggregation and resulting in cervical dilation (Kershaw et al. 2005;Kershaw-Young et al. 2009;Perry et al. 2010). ...
... Similarly, no differences in nuclear density and the total protein concentration around the ovulation and early luteal phase were reported in the cervix of cycling ewes (Rodríguez-Piñón et al. 2014respectively). This is probably due to insufficient exposure to P during the early luteal phase after induced ovulation in anoestrous ewes (Tasende et al. 13.7 ± 4.6b 16.9 ± 4.2b 2.7 ± 1.9 6.1 ± 2.8 0.40 ± 0.33 0.44 ± 0.26 Experiment 2 P+GnRH 1 (n = 6) 37.2 ± 8.1 12.5 ± 2.8a 0.28 ± 0.06a P+GnRH 5 (n = 5) 37.7 ± 7.1 2.5 ± 0.9b 0.08 ± 0.02b 2005a) or during natural oestrus in cycling ewes (Rodríguez-Piñón et al. 2008). Overall the data suggest that there is a tissue remodelling process around ovulation in the cervix of anoestrous ewes treated with P+GnRH, as well as during the natural oestrous cycle, that involves the formation of additional tissue such as nonprotein molecules and a reduction in the collagen content, probably induced by the preovulatory E 2 peak. ...
... This may indicate that, despite the L form of MMP-2 being constitutively expressed during seasonal anoestrus, proteolytic activation mechanisms (Am alinei et al. 2007) are not fully functional. It is of interest that the cervical E receptor and P receptor concentration in seasonally anoestrous ewes (Rodríguez-Piñón et al. 2011) was similar to that in oestrous cycling ewes (Rodríguez-Piñón et al. 2008), suggesting that the cervix of anoestrous ewes maintains a high capacity to respond to ovarian sex steroids even under basal levels of circulating hormones. This could be related to the relative high expression of L MMP-2 in the cervix of seasonal anoestrous ewes. ...
The aim was to obtain experimental evidence of cervical collagen degradation in anoestrous Corriedale adult ewes induced to ovulate with progesterone (P) and gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH), at the expected time of induced ovulation and early luteal phase. In Experiment 1, anoestrous ewes were treated with P for 10 days (P, n = 4), with nine micro-doses of GnRH followed by a GnRH bolus injection (GnRH, n = 4) or with P plus GnRH treatments (P+GnRH, n = 3), and cervices were obtained either without treatment (A, n = 4), when P was removed, or 24 h after the GnRH bolus injection. In Experiment 2, cervices were obtained 1 (group P+GnRH, n = 5) or 5 (P+GnRH 5, n = 6) days after the GnRH bolus injection with P pretreatment. MMP-2 activity was detected in all samples; however, MMP-9 activity was only detected in 15% of the samples. The activity of the latent (L) form of MMP-2 in the cranial zone of group A was higher than in the cranial zone of groups P, GnRH and P+GnRH, and was also higher than that in the caudal zone of the same group (P < 0.05). The collagen concentration was lower in group P+GnRH 1 than in group P+GnRH 5 (P < 0.04). The activity of the activated (A) form of MMP-2 and the A/L MMP-2 ratio were higher in group P+GnRH 1 than in group P+GnRH 5 (P < 0.05). Data suggest that the L form of MMP-2 was expressed mainly in a constitutive form in the cervix of anoestrous ewes and that an oestrogen-dependent activation mechanisms due to the GnRH treatment may be responsible for the lowest collagen content at the moment of the induced ovulation. This work provides evidence about cervical collagen remodelling in anoestrous ewes treated with P + GnRH.
... In the ewe, the proposed model for cervical dilatation at estrus involves a central role of periestrous endocrine changes that drive ECM remodeling processes and, consequently, cervical dilatation [4][5][6]. These periestrous endocrine changes include the preovulatory increase of estradiol and gonadotropins [4][5][6]12] and the activation of the prostaglandin E2/oxytocin (PGE2/Ox) system [13][14][15]. Cervical production of PGE2 stimulates smooth muscle relaxation and hyaluronan-like glycosaminoglycan (GAG) synthesis via an autocrine or paracrine mechanism, causing disaggregation of collagen fibers and cervical dilatation [16,17]. ...
... Seventeen ewes (bodyweight, mean AE pooled standard error of the mean, 39.0 AE 1.1 kg) showing spontaneous estrus were slaughtered on Days 1 (n ¼ 6), 6 (n ¼ 5), or 13 (n ¼ 6) after the estrus detection. The day of the estrous cycle for each animal was confirmed by concentrations of circulating estradiol-17b (E2) and progesterone [12]. ...
... Data suggest that the increase in cervical MMP-2 activity 1 day after estrus detection could reflect a previous stimulatory effect of preovulatory estrogens on MMP-2 expression, occurring before the onset of estrus, under maximal concentrations of circulating E2 [37]. This early preovulatory estrogenstimulatory effect on MMP-2 expression could be maintained during the estrus via high levels of cervical estrogen receptors [12,15]. In addition, the MMP-2 A/L ratio trends to be higher on Day 1 after estrus detection than during the luteal phase, indicating that the estrogen-induced increase in MMP-2 activity may be due to an increase in both protein expression and enzyme activation. ...
... Immunostaining for uterine ERα is mainly present in the luminal and glandular epithelia, the stroma and myometrium (Wathes and Hamon 1993). In the cervix of the ewe, the levels of ERα and its mRNA change during the oestrous cycle, being higher during oestrus compared to the luteal phase (Leung 1997, Zhao et al. 1999, Rodriguez-Pinon et al. 2008. Binding assays have shown that variation in the sensitivity of the cervix to steroid hormones is not due to altered affinity but to changes in the synthesis of ERα. ...
... Binding assays have shown that variation in the sensitivity of the cervix to steroid hormones is not due to altered affinity but to changes in the synthesis of ERα. In fact, ERα levels are higher on day 1 (oestrus) of the oestrous cycle than on days 6 and 13 (luteal phase; Rodriguez-Pinon et al. 2008). ...
... In the cervix of the sheep, the presence of PR has been demonstrated and its regulation appears to be the same as for the uterus. In immature ewes, the infusion of oestradiol increased the transcription of PR (Rodriguez-Pinon et al. 2005) and in the cervix of mature cyclic ewes PR was higher on day 1 of the oestrus cycle than on day 6 (Rodriguez-Pinon et al. 2008). ...
Full-text available
In the sheep breeding industry the rate of genetic improvement is limited by the complex anatomy of the cervix of the ewe that, with its convoluted structure of mis-aligned folds that protrude into a narrow central lumen, prevents effective intra-uterine insemination. There is a degree of natural cervical relaxation during oestrus and we hypothesized that this is a PGE2-mediated mechanism controlled by ovarian and pituitary hormones (mainly oestradiol and FSH). In this model, the levels of these hormones during oestrus increase the expression of the oxytocin receptor (OTR) in the cervix leading to the activation of cytoplasmic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2). This enzyme acts on the phospholipid membranes freeing arachidonic acid (AA), the substrate for cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2). Cervical COX-2 then converts AA into prostaglandin H2 which in turn, is converted into PGE2 by a prostaglandin synthase. Moreover, we hypothesized the involvement in this mechanism, of nuclear receptors called PPARγ that might regulate the transcription of COX-2. Cervical PGE2, acting through its receptors induces changes in smooth muscle activity and dispersal of the extra cellular matrix causing the cervical canal to dilate. The objectives of this thesis were to: 1) investigate the physiology of the sheep cervix at oestrus focusing on changes in levels of key proteins such as: oestrogen receptor α (ERα), OTR, cPLA2, COX-2 and PPARγ at different stages of the oestrous cycle; 2) test the effects of oestradiol, FSH, oxytocin, AA and PPARγ agonists and antagonists in explant cultures of cervical tissue from ewes in the follicular phase; 3) investigate the pattern of natural cervical relaxation during oestrus in ewes from different breeds and the influence of the presence of a ram on it and 4) investigate the effect of the intra-cervical administration of several substances including FSH, Misoprostol (a PGE2 analogue) and oxytocin, on the depth of cervical penetration. The results show that the levels of ERα, OTR, cPLA2, COX-2 and PPARγ all increased in the peri-ovulatory period. This result was supported by the findings that both oestradiol and FSH were able to increase the levels of COX-2 in explant cultures, confirming a role for these two reproductive hormones on the mechanism of cervical relaxation during the follicular phase. Moreover, in all breeds examined, the deepest penetration was achieved at 54 hours after the removal of progestagen sponges, at a time when ovulation is imminent and the levels of plasma oestradiol, LH and FSH are all elevated. Furthermore we showed that the presence of the ram was able to increase the depth of cervical penetration at 54 hours after sponge removal and that none of the treatments administered into the cervix effectively enhanced cervical relaxation in the ewes. We can confirm that there was a degree of cervical relaxation during oestrus that reached its maximum at 54 hours after removal of a progestagen sponge. At this time of the oestrous cycle, oestradiol and FSH levels in the plasma are high suggesting a role for these hormones in the regulation of cervical dilation. We demonstrated that ERα, OTR, PLA2, PPARγ and COX-2 are highly expressed in the cervix of the ewe at this stage of the oestrous cycle. All these clues together suggest the existence of an oxytocin-mediated pathway of PGE2 production that involves AA, COX-2 and possibly also PPARγ.
... In sheep, the proposed model for cervical dilation involves periestrous endocrine changes which drive extracellular matrix remodeling processes and, consequently, cervical relaxation at estrus [3,4]. In support of this model, high levels of estrogen receptor (ER) protein and messenger RNA (mRNA) were found in the cervix after the preovulatory increase of estradiol in cycling ewes [5,6]. Thus, the periestrous increase in estradiol and LH reinforces their actions by upregulating the cervical expression of their own receptors [5][6][7][8]. ...
... In support of this model, high levels of estrogen receptor (ER) protein and messenger RNA (mRNA) were found in the cervix after the preovulatory increase of estradiol in cycling ewes [5,6]. Thus, the periestrous increase in estradiol and LH reinforces their actions by upregulating the cervical expression of their own receptors [5][6][7][8]. The preovulatory peak of estradiol increases the cervical sensitivity to oxytocin by upregulating oxytocin receptor (OxR) expression [9]. ...
... The histologic complexity of the cervix suggests that different cell types communicate in an autocrine or paracrine manner to modify the extracellular matrix composition [14]. Despite the cervical ER [5] and its ERa subtype [5,6] were determined, the methodologies such as binding assay, solution hybridization, and western blot, which were applied to the whole cervix, did not provide any clues on their histologic localizations. A binding assay revealed that the OxR concentration was higher in stroma than in the epithelium, whereas autoradiography determined that the OxR signal was only evident in the luminal epithelium [9]. ...
... Two subtypes of ER (ER␣ and ER␤) have been described in the cervix of rats and human, of which ER␣ is the predominant (Wang et al., 2000;Gorodeski and Pal, 2000;Stygar et al., 2001). In sheep, the immunoreactive ER␤ has been found in uterus, but not in cervix of lamb ewes (Morrison et al., 2003) Greater binding of ER and PR at oestrus than in the luteal phase was reported in cervix of ewes (Rodríguez-Piñón et al., 2008). In a previous study, conducted during the postpartum anoestrus in the breeding season, the cervical ER and PR binding capacity was less after parturition and increased in the late postpartum . ...
... The pattern of regulation described in the cervix of both cycling and postpartum ewes during the resumption of the cyclic ovarian activity is consistent with the accepted up regulation of uterine ER and PR expression by E, and down regulation of both receptors by P (Ing et al., 1993;Couse et al., 2006). In addition to the variation in the concentration of ER and PR during the oestrous cycle, a differential gene expression for both receptors along the longitudinal axis of the cervix was also found (Rodríguez-Piñón et al., 2008). This probably reflects the coexistence of systemic and local regulatory mechanisms on the expression of steroid receptors in the ovine cervix. ...
... The hybridisation probes were derived from plasmids containing 360 bp cDNAs from the ovine ER␣ (Ing et al., 1996) and previously used in sheep cervix (Rodríguez-Piñón et al., 2008). Total nucleic acids (TNA) were obtained by digesting homogenised (Polytron ® homogenizer PT-10 Kinematica AG, Littau Luzern, Switzerland) cervical tissues (200-250 mg) with proteinase K in a buffer containing sodium dodecyl sulfate and subsequent extraction with phenol-chloroform. ...
The aim was to determine the oestrogens receptor alpha (ERα) mRNA and the binding capacity of oestrogens (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) in the cervix of anoestrous ewes treated with gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) with or without progesterone (P) priming, at the expected time of induced ovulation and early luteal phase. In Experiment 1, ewes were treated with P for 10 days (n=4), with nine micro-doses of GnRH followed by a GnRH bolus injection (n=4), or with P plus GnRH treatments (n=3), and tissues were harvested either without treatment (n=4), when P was removed, or 24h after the GnRH bolus injection. In Experiment 2, ewes were treated with the same GnRH or P plus GnRH treatments and tissues were harvested on Day 1 (n=12) or Day 5 (n=10) after the GnRH bolus injection. In the cranial cervix, the P treatment decreased and the GnRH treatment (after P treatment) increased the ERα mRNA, ER and PR concentrations (P<0.002). The ERα mRNA and ER concentrations were greater on Day 1, than on Day 5 in P plus GnRH treated ewes (P<0.0005). In the caudal cervix, lesser ERα mRNA, ER and PR concentrations than cranial cervix were found (P<0.0001). In conclusion, the ERα transcriptional activity and ER and PR binding capacity were strongly influenced by P and/or GnRH treatments in the cranial cervix, while the steroid receptors binding capacity remained unchanged in the caudal cervix of anoestrous ewes at the expected time of induced ovulation and early luteal phase.
... Both estrogen (E2) and progesterone (P4) have significant effects on the female reproductive tract in preparation for fertilization and implantation (Gipson et al., 2001). In humans and ewes, the cervix is a known target of E2 (Rodriguez-Pinon et al., 2008;Falchi and Scaramuzzi, 2013;, with normal cervical tissue containing specific, high-affinity estrogen receptors, including both α and β subtypes (ESR1 and ESR2) (Cao et al., 1983). Additional cervical changes are regulated by the action of progesterone receptor (PGR), while others are moderated by inflammatory mediators, enzymes like cyclooxygenases or peptide hormones from stromal or inflammatory cells (Larsen and Hwang, 2011). ...
The cervix is a dynamic structure that undergoes dramatic changes during the estrous cycle, pregnancy and parturition. It is well established that hormonal changes, including estrogens, progestogens and prostaglandins, regulate the expression of key proteins involved in cervical function. The arachidonic acid cascade is important in the remodeling and relaxation of the cervix in the days preceding parturition. Despite the complexity of this mechanism, regulation of cervical function has received little study in the mare. Therefore, the objective of this study was to compare the expression of estrogen receptor α (ESR1) and β (ESR2), progesterone receptor (PGR), prostaglandin E2 type 2 (PTGER2) and type 4 (PTGER4) receptors as well as cyclooxygenase-1 (PTGS1) and -2 (PTGS2) in the equine cervical mucosa and stroma during estrus, diestrus and late pregnancy using qPCR. Immunohistochemistry was used to localize ESR1, ESR2, PGR, PTGER2 and PTGER4 receptors in these regions of the cervix. Relative mRNA expression of ESR1 and PGR was greater during estrus and diestrus than in late pregnancy in both the mucosa and stroma of the cervix. Expression of PTGER2 was highest in the cervical stroma during late pregnancy compared to either estrus or diestrus. Moreover, PTGS1 expression in mucosa and PTGS2 in stroma was greater during late pregnancy compared with estrus, but not diestrus. Immunostaining for ESR1, ESR2, PGR, PTGER2 and PTGER4 was consistently detected in the nucleus and cytoplasm of epithelium of the endocervix as well as the smooth muscle cytoplasm of the cervix in all stages evaluated. Immunolabeling in smooth muscle nuclei was detected for ESR1 and PGR in estrus, diestrus and late pregnancy, and for ESR2 in estrus and late pregnancy stages. The changes noted in late gestation likely reflect preparation of the equine cervix for subsequent parturition.
... Our previous studies have shown that there were increased levels of estradiol receptor a, OTR, cPLA 2 , and COX-2 in the ovine cervix during the periovulatory period of the estrous cycle [18]. These observations are consistent with those of other groups who have also reported high levels of these proteins during the periovulatory period in the cervix [14,[19][20][21] or uterus [22] and provide evidence to support our hypothesis that the reproductive hormones (17b-estradiol, FSH, and oxytocin) collectively regulate cervical relaxation by stimulating COX-2-mediated synthesis of cervical PGE 2 . ...
... Our previous studies have shown that there were increased levels of estradiol receptor a, OTR, cPLA 2 , and COX-2 in the ovine cervix during the periovulatory period of the estrous cycle [18]. These observations are consistent with those of other groups who have also reported high levels of these proteins during the periovulatory period in the cervix [14,[19][20][21] or uterus [22] and provide evidence to support our hypothesis that the reproductive hormones (17b-estradiol, FSH, and oxytocin) collectively regulate cervical relaxation by stimulating COX-2-mediated synthesis of cervical PGE 2 . ...
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The estrogen plays a critical role during pregnancy through their receptors. Although the rabbit is one of the most important lab animal estrogen receptor alpha (ERA) localization on basic cells, newly discovered cells including telocyte and neuroendocrine cells, vascular compartments and interstitium during pregnancy not been described. At 0 day pregnancy, the most prominent immunoreactivity was moderate to ERA and observed on the ciliated cells, secretory cells, blood plasma, and interstitium. The smooth muscles and the endothelial cells showed mild immunoreactivity to ERA. Lymphocytes only exhibited strong immunoreactivity to ERA. At 7 days pregnancy moderate immunoreactivity to ERA observed on ciliated cells, secretory cells, smooth muscles, interstitium, and lymphocytes. Strong immunoreactivity to ERA detected on endothelial cells and blood plasma. At 14 days of pregnancy, the most prominent immunoreactivity was strong and detected on ciliated cells, smooth muscles, lymphocytes, and interstitium. Moderate immunoreactivity detected on endothelial cells and blood plasma. Secretory cells only exhibited mild immunoreactivity to ERA. At 21 days of pregnancy, the immunoreactivity to ERA ranged between mild on ciliated cells, smooth muscles, blood plasma and interstitium and negative on secretory cells, endothelial cells and lymphocytes. Our results indicated that the frequency and intensity of ERA immunostaining in the rabbit cervix varied on different structural compartments of the cervix during different pregnancy stages.
The objectives were to localize estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) and progesterone receptor (PR), and enumerate leukocyte infiltration in cervical tissue of normal bitches during various stages of the estrous cycle (n = 35), as well as in those developing open (n = 22) or closed-cervix pyometra (n = 19). Each pyometra group was subdivided into anestrus and diestrus. Cervical tissues were collected after ovariohysterectomy. Receptor expressions were determined by immunohistochemistry and leukocyte infiltration was evaluated in histological sections stained with haematoxylin-eosin. The assessment was performed in two parts of cervical sections: the uterine part in four tissue layers (surface epithelium (SE), lamina propria (LP), glandular epithelium (GE), and tunica muscularis (M)), and the vaginal part in three layers (SE, LP and M). An immunohistochemical total score consisted of the addition of both the intensity and proportional scores. The ERα and PR scores differed between groups (P < 0.05) and between layers (P < 0.05), but were not significantly different between uterine and vaginal parts. The ERα score was lowest in the open-cervix pyometra bitches at anestrus and in closed-cervix pyometra bitches at diestrus. For all types of immune cells, there were no significant differences among stages of the estrous cycle in normal bitches, whereas neutrophils were lower in both sub-groups of closed-cervix versus open-cervix pyometra (P < 0.05). In conclusion, distributions of ERα and PR were similar along the longitudinal axis of the canine cervix. We inferred that cervical dilation in normal bitches and bitches with uterine pathology was likely controlled by different mechanisms. Receptor expressions were influenced by stage of the estrous cycle in normal bitches, whereas neutrophil infiltration in cervical tissue appeared to be involved in cervical dilation in bitches with pyometra, regardless of estrous stages.
Cell responsiveness to steroid hormones is related to the number and affinity of its receptors, thus factors affecting steroid expression will influence tissue sensitivity and functionality. The present review discusses the role of oestrogen and progesterone receptors in sheep female reproductive physiology. The mechanism of steroid hormone action in the target cell is introduced first; the tissue distribution, physiological functions and regulation of oestrogen receptor subtypes and progesterone receptor isoforms in ruminants are reported. The role of steroid receptors in target tissues (with emphasis on the uterus and pituitary gland) during different physiological events is addressed in an attempt to clarify oestrogen and progesterone actions in different developmental and reproductive stages: prepubertal period, oestrous cycle, pregnancy, post-partum period and seasonal anoestrus. The present review shows how the distinct reproductive stages are accompanied by dramatic changes in uterine receptor expression. The role of oestrogen and progesterone receptors in the molecular mechanism responsible for premature luteolysis that results in subnormal luteal function is discussed. Finally, the effect of nutrition on sex steroid receptor expression and the involvement on reproductive performance is reported.
The use of transcervical artificial insemination (TC AI) of sheep has been under investigation since its development at Guelph, Canada in 1990. The TC AI method may provide an insemination technique which has a lower ethical cost than current laproscopic techniques which requires minor surgery. This trial evaluated the anatomical location of the insemination needle and the histological effect on the reproductive tract of ewes using TC AI. Two groups of ewes were inseminated using, firstly, an unmodified AI needle (UN; n = 20) and then a second group (n = 10) was inseminated using a modified needle (MN). All ewes were euthanased and histological examination was undertaken on the cervix. In the first group there was indication that the UN passed out of the reproductive tract through the cervical wall in 31.6% of inseminations. After modification of the needle this was reduced to 10%. A high degree of accuracy (79% and 92%; UN and MN needle respectively; P
The results of embryo transfers from 130 donor Angora goats and 60 sheep of 3 breeds are presented, and the data analyzed to determine some of the sources of variation in success rate. Of all adult donor goats programmed, 94.9% yielded embryos suitable for transfer and 93.4% yielded offspring from the transfers. Donor ewes yielded percentages of 76.8 and 46.7, respectively. Fertilization failure and/or degeneration of embryos in donors prior to flushing accounted for the lower recoveries of viable embryos from sheep, the incidence of both being greater in donors with higher ovulation rates. High ovulation rate of donors also decreased percentage survival of sheep but not goat embryos after transfer. Stage of embryo development, site of transfer (oviduct vs. uterus) or number of embryos transferred (1 vs. 2) per recipient did not affect survival of sheep embryos following transfer to appropriately synchronized recipients. In goats, survival was significantly better with two than with one embryo transferred per recipient. Super-ovulation failure and poor fertilization limited the yield of embryos obtained from donor goats and sheep less than 1 year of age. These could be overcome to some extent by use of progestagen sponge rather than prostaglandin in the superovulation treatment regimen.
Cytosol estrogen and progestin receptor (ERC and PRC) concentrations in bovine endometrium were investigated. Samples were taken by biopsy after parturition, when uterine involution was completed but before estrous cycles resumed (postpartum anestrus) and thereafter during the follicular phase and at diestrus. The concentration of cytosol estrogen receptor (ERC) was lower in diestrus (375 fmol/mg protein) than during follicular phase (557 fmol/mg protein, P < 0.01) and postpartum anestrus (544 fmol/mg protein, P < 0.05). During the follicular phase, ERC increased from values measured at proestrus (388 fmol/mg protein) to higher concentrations at estrus (550 fmol/mg protein) and metestrus (700 fmol/mg protein). At the beginning of diestrus, ERC levels were observed to decline (P < 0.05). Progesterone receptor concentrations during postpartum anestrus (1333 fmol/mg cytosol protein) and during the follicular phase (1405 fmol/mg protein) were significantly higher than in diestrus (794 fmol/mg protein). During the follicular phase, PRC concentrations increased from the level measured at proestrus (865 fmol/mg protein) to higher levels at estrus (1366 fmol/mg protein) and metestrus (1909 fmol/mg protein). The rises between proestrus and metestrus (P < 0.001), as well as between estrus and metestrus (P < 0.05), were statistically significant. After formation of the corpus luteum, PRC concentrations diminished in the endometrium. Decreasing concentrations of PRC were observed during diestrus until the onset of proestrus. Changes in the concentrations of PRC and ERC were usually parallel. As in several other species, these results are compatible with the thesis that estrogen induces ERC and PRC, whereas progesterone has an opposite effect. No significant differences in PRC or ERC levels were observed between Ayrshire and Friesian breeds, or different feeding groups.
The action of steroid hormones is primarily mediated via a process that involves hormone binding to specific receptors in target cells, which leads to transcriptional activation of steroid-responsive genes and, subsequently, to a modification of cellular responses. The aim of the present study was to obtain information about the dynamics of the two types of estrogen receptors (ERs), α and β, by comparing their concentration and distribution in the reproductive tract of the rat during the estrous cycle. Twenty-four 55- to 60-day-old female Sprague-Dawley rats were used. The stage of estrous cycle was determined by vaginal smear. ERα was the dominating subtype in uterus, oviduct, and cervix/vagina, with the distribution varying in stroma and epithelium during the estrous cycle. A low level of ERα mRNA was observed in ovarian stromal cells, with some scattered positive cells found among granulosa cells. ERβ expression was observed in the different compartments of uterus and cervix/vagina, but cyclic variation during the estrous cycle was less evident than that of ERα. Only a few scattered cells that contained ERβ mRNA were observed in oviduct. ERβ mRNA was highly expressed in granulosa cells of developing follicles, with a weaker hybridization signal in new corpora lutea. Immunohistochemistry showed that protein levels of ERα and ERβ have distinct specificity for tissues and cell types, similar to their respective levels of mRNA, as assessed by in situ hybridization. The precise physiological function and importance of ERβ is still unclear. The relative physiological and pathological function of each ER subtype in the female reproductive tract remains to be further evaluated.